Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 27, 1898, Image 3
THE CITIZEN. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. \OTE-AU advertisers Intending to make hanKes in their ads. should notify us ot heir intention tod.- so. not later than Mon ay mornlne. Election Proclamation Boyd's Infant Foods. C. & T's Furniture. Notice in Divorce. Brackney vs Brack ney. Colbert's gent's furnishings Administrators anil Executors of .'states i'an secure their rweipt t**>Us at the CITI ZEN office, and persons making public sales th?lr note books. LOCAL AND GENERAL, —EI Capitan, —At Park The..tre, —Tonight. Thuraiay C —"Squaw winter —l2 oil, predicted —Hallowe en next Monday —First snow October 27 13SW —Special Thanksgiving today. - The Pittsburg Expo cleared *4O, 000 this year. —'"l am no hog I have had enough,' is the legend on a returned soldiers hat. —Ben Masseth's trotter, Bonatella took first money at Newark O. Tues day, best time 2:195. Monday evening the 31st is the date of the First Ward Hose Co s "punkin pie supper" in the armory —The best speech nude at the Peace Jubile« in Chicago last week is said to have been made by a colored man. —Two Centreville liveryman named Logan and Sayer now run daily ha'*ks between that town and New Castle. —Anybody wishing to purchise a good and new, four room, house can hear of a bargain by catling at this of fice. —Elward Groetzinger. the Pittsburg carpet man has gone into bankrnptecy. He indorsed big notes for his brother the tanner —Two men. working on a narrow platform seventy feet above the ground, at a steel mill in Pittsburg, last Satur day, got to quarreling with and slug ging each other. A great crowd gather ed to see the fight, expecting one or both of the combatants to fall to the ground, but neither did so. Different men have different ways of putting things. For instance, a crowd of men were standing around another who had an nnusnallv large stomach, the other day, and the Justice of the Peace gently reminded him that he ''looked like a poisoned pup," the editor suggested that he hurry home and go to bed, and the minister advised him to mend his ways, while the lawyer gracefully referred to his extended stomach as being a physical wonder indictiye of excessive feeding and exceeding good nature. —The volunteers who wtwt to war and put up with four month's cooking by a man who didn't know a stew pan when he met it on the road, will hereafter have some idea of the snfferingof a man who marries a girl who can't cook and doesn't learn Thoughts of having to put up with that kind of cooking until death steps in should make the return ing soldiers very cautious in selecting wives. The law doesn't promise a mustering out process for a man who has no other reason for complaint than that his wife's meals don't suit him. It is an enlistment for life Lutheran Entertainment. The of the Reformation which has been in the course of preparation and which has attracted such wide spread attention is almost ready to give the finest home talent entertainment ever given in Butler. With such a large number of participants success is assured, the sale of seats is very flatter ing and it is safe to say Park Theatre will be crowded both nights Mrs H E. Monroe the renowned Phila lecturer will attend the final rehearsal on Thursday evening in the Y. M. C. A. Hall. Butler should be proud of its tal ented yonng people. Great dramatic talent is displayed by the leading char acters while the singing is particularly fine Tne Monk and Choir men's scene is very pleasing,the Monk very well taken by A. B. C. McFarland and the vested choir being represented by 21 of the best male voices in Butler under the ef ficient leadership of Prof. Davis. This scene connot fail to please. It repre sents the Erfnrth Monk trjjj to intro duce church music in a pnage the common people could nn£p''tand. also introducing two pieces otflSsic. The "Boston Hearld' says "Some thing good had been promised, but the entertainment exceeded in beanty and interest every promise made for it. Was intensely thrilling, most impres sive. a splendid success and the best re ligious entertainment ever given in this city. Reserved seats tor Saturday night can be checked Friday at 9A. M. And for Friday are now on sale. OIL. VOTES. THE MARKET— On Mondaj the Pro ducer's advanced the price of Pennsyl vania oil to $1 25, the Standard was paying sl.lß, and those prices remain unchanged since. TKOUTMA.N —The South Penn'a No. 11 and 12 the J. I. Campbell were com pleted last week and are doing 7 to 8 blls. each; McGill & Co's. No 12 on Brown heirs was expected in Tuesday of this week: the south Penn is cleaning out a well in the Chas. Cochran: McGill & Co. are bnilding a rig for No. 13, and the South Penn Co. for Nos. 13 and 14. WASHINGTON TWP.— The Linesville Oil Co s. well drilled by John Clark and S. E. Painter, on the Horace Glenn, was Computed last S tu day week, and s doinij about 12 blls a day from the stray or Shira sand. This is old territorry. ZELIENOIM-K -Lamberton & Co. have a 50 barrel well on the Zeno Goehnng FAIKVIEVV —Jack Mayer. Elmer Keep and others are drilling on the Elmer Reep farm. CONCORD Campbell and others have a rig np on the Robt. S. Campbell. ACCIDENTS. Miss Tillle Logan, of Jefferson twp , fell last Sunday morning and broke her arm for the second time. Mrs. Knox, an aged lady of Winfield twp , was killed by a West Penn pas senger train at Lane station Tuesday. Charley Fisher was terribly injured Tuesday near Springboro Mercer (Jo. He was out with a party of chestnut hunttrs, and falling from a tree, be came wedged in a crutch between two limbs and was suspended for over an hour. He may die. State Senator Win Flinn was thrown from his horse in Pittsburg. Wednes day and sustained a broken arm and in ternal injuries, CHURCH NOTES The Fourth Sunday School district of the Methodist Episcopal church holds a convention at Bruin, Friday the 28th Thanksgiving services will be held in the IT P. church this evening at 7:30 in accordance with Gov. Hastings procla niation appointing today for a social thanksgiving for the return of peace Music scholars wauted. at 128 VV Wayne St. LOCAL NEWS. xoTys. H (' Perry of Fannington is in jail on a charge of false pretense A certified copy of the will_ of Lucy Hewings. late of Penn Yan N. Y has been filed. Letters of administration on the es tate of Jhih (> " Kelly late of City twp , have been granted to ,1 C. Scott. W. I). Brandon has issued an execu tion attachment vs Dan'l Iman. deft, and the Forest Oil Co.. garnishee. Letter- of a'lm'n wer- granted to Susannah Patridge on estate of Benony Patridge. late of Millerstown. The election pi a <• <«f Clay twp has been chanced from Centre school' to the house of C E Broadhead. P. C. and I E Martin have appealed from a judgment given against them for in aa assumpsit suit brought by E<l Turner before Esq. A F. Coch ran of Hooker Butler borough has filed a si fa Mir municipal lien for $440 -JO against the Butler Public Cemetery lor and the heiis and devisees ol Norbert Foltz and Samuel Cunningham The Superior Court has reversed the ; judgement of tha Court of this county tn the case of Fry vs Wolfe, and ordered a new trial .T M. Qalbreath is attor ney for Wolfe, the successful appel- I lant. W J Benson of Millerstowu.evidently crazy, was taken in charge by Sheriff Dodds, Wednesday. J W Coulter Esq. Dr J C At well and John Ci Christy were appointed to inquire into his mental state. At the hearing of the alleged case against Dr Atwell last Monday before Esq Keck the charge of rape was drop ped, but the Esq. surprised everybody by holding the voting doctor on a charge of fornication. C. H. Matter son of Foxburg has tiled a bill in equity vs VV. L. Kier. W C. Bovanl. J H. Chambers an«l S. M. Jackson, his assignee W. (J. Chambers Mary and A! He.k, Mary J. and Jauies Marshall. I- ittie and Wade Chambers and the S.tf« D«-p<-it and Title Gnnrnn ty Co. of Kittanning The bill sets forth that .Mr. Matterson and the rtefen dants are tenants in common of a farm of 153 a res, partly in Allegheny twp.. this county, and partly in Armstrong county. he owning seven eights and the defendants one-eighth among tnem He asks that a decree of partition be made and a Master appointed to divide the estate. The Guaranty Co i« guar dian of the Chambers children. The Unite I States Supreme court has decided the joint Traffic association railway case in favor of the United States and against the railroads. The case is considered one of the most iiu fiortant that has ever come before the Supreme court,not only to the railroads but to the general public, and because of the vast railway properties represent ed by the traffic association. The association was formed on No vember 19, 1895, by 31 railways, re presenting the great trunk lines and their network of branches The pur pose of the association as stated in the articles of agreement was to establish and maintain reasonable and just rates, fares, rules and regulations on state and interstate traffic " A similar associa tion on a smaller scale was established among southwestern roads, known as the Trans-Missouri association. These associations wore soon attacked in the courts on the ground that the\ were in violation fit the Sherman anti trust law and also of the interstate com merce law. The hearing in the case of Geo. Rei ber versus the P B L E. R R- com panv for land taken near the transfer station developed some remarkable dit ferances of opinion. The railroad use* about three acres of the old Reiber pla<v and the three Rei ber boys testified that they were dam ages from $35,000 to $37,000 and two witnesses for th-'-.a Messers Hartman and McKee put it at S3O.<X)O to $3.1,000. which would make the land taken be valued at SIO,OOO to $12,000 an acre. One of the witnemea for tbe R R Go thought that *2,O(H) would be very lib eral damages, another put it at $2,100 John C. Graham went into details and estimated that the 8 acres of the old placed inside the borough could l>e cut up into 100 lots which, in the course of time, would all sell at SSOO per lot or $20,000 in all that the Railroad used 12 of these lots or $2.100 worth; to which he added S4OO for moving tbe house s'2oo for a new wall. SSOO for sliding ground and SSOO more for a new road making $4,000 in all, and the viewers awarded $1,009 09 to his estimate and made it 5.009.69. The viewers in the case were S. M Seaton. G. D Swain Alphonwo Krause S. N. McCollough. Wm Marks, and J. D. Magee The case will be appealed Trial list for civil conrt banning Monday, Nov. 14. A \V Rw>t vs W J. Marks, issne awarded by the Court; A. II Burr vs W. H Cracty same: Mary E. Broman vs Ntl Supply Co same; ( May vs It Sieliert, same; Nancy UC Hill vs ( C Johnston for use same; D Wilson vs \V R Bard, same; Mrs E A Steele vs ,T A Ritchey, sauie: S B Vandermirk vs 11 (' Litzinger; 1' Dnncan vs 11 Fnlt/., assumpsit; Butler Water <"o fur use v • !•' ."i < 'lark, apppeal plea, non-assnmpatt. W H Weigle vs A. C Waters, assumpsit; G H Harley vs J F Yonnkers. assumpsit: It Hogg vs W 1 Bailee. tr'-sj. is- E.i « row et al exr». v- j A Wick, appeal; .1 Bushier vs J Ziejilei j trespass; C Lot/. vs V M Ziegler. trew j pass; U S Hindman iidin'r vs C S Stoner sci fa snr jud^euifut; W. A Goehrinj,' j for us*. vs A V Cunningham, assumpsit: j S J MeCall vs S W Glenn, ex. attach ment; Laura PfalT vs W. M. Cowan, trespass: S O Ramsey \ s S C Ramsey, sci- fa sur jndgt- A Cannon vs S R Walker, trespass; <i D Roach vs K Jones, appeal; E Sproul vs A M Gonld. summons iii ilii»'«r; M II Thompson vs G Miller. apiH'nl; A E Duel! vs M B Kerr, tre pass, J E McCutcheou vs A B McCandless, appeal, A L Weibe for nse vs Carner <fc Johnston assumpsit; C Kennedy vs Butler (Jo. issue awarded by Court: H Basnecker vs Same, same; J C McConnel vs Slipperyrock State Normal School, mechanics lien; J L Cooper vs Same, same; First Ntl. Bank of Greenville vs J A Turner, trespass; W II Neyiuan vs M Norns. trespass; J M Headland vs N B Dnncan, appeal. W C Jamison vsJ S McNamee.E Kirch ler vs Gantz. appeal; N Gormley vs vs.! M McKee ejectment; I) G Kelley vs G Kelley appeal; M M Bowers vs G (' Reabel trespass; X J Douthett vs II S Gibson: I) Burns vs E G Fredrick, assumpsit; C J IJ Strohecker vs E Ram sey. trespass; Thos Robinson vs Penna R R Co trespass; H A Stautfer vs Wells' Ftt|o Co, appeal; A Miller vs .1 Berg, assumpsit; W Eicholtz vs Mrs. C Horro i bin. appeal; Butler Water Co vs G Arn er. appeal: Rose B Cope.ley vs P & W R R, trespass; E McCaft'erty admr'x vs Penn R Co. trespass; A C McQuistion vs P Winter, assumpsit: .T M Wilson vs II Seat.m. appeal: .1 Bresleham vs J Mc- Laughlin, trespass; G Eoher vs W C Haw n trespass. Property Transfeus. O. L Snyder to Danl O'Conner, 48 acres in Centre twp . fur SIOOO. Thos Carlin to It E English lot in Pe trol i a for s<2s. C F Helmbold to Hedwig Helinbold 51 acres in Clinton for #l. i Mahoning V*llev Iron Co to M H : Thompson 32 acres in ' herry for .1 L Botsford to M H Thompson :!2 acres in Cherry for sl. i Home Nat Gas Co to F W McKee 4 acres in ('learfield for #Hlt. M H Hockenberry to C Hockenberry, -5 acres in Slipperyrock for $2,000. Murriagr lilceiiwti. Alfred M Patterson Harrisville Margaret A Bell Mercer Co. Verner M Ralston Anandale Nettie M Hutchison " Andrew J Haggerty Marietta, (» . Minnie Hammel.! Butler ; A C Croup Butler twp Mary P Kiefer " At Pittsburg Ross Glasglow and Mi nnie Harbison jf Bakerstown. The New Booklet Explains. the m stem of by mail wi'.ta the Pitishurg IJ nk of savings, No. 21c Fourth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Write for il and •am 4 per ecu-. interest 011 your I couijM.aj'.lvi evuiJ-smuuiflfy, PKIt&ON.VL. J V. Ritta. anil wife. 'took in the Omaha Expo. W J Campbell, of F.isrriew twp, was in town. Tueslav. John Cliirt. of Washington twp , was in town Saturday Ethan McMichael. of Clay twp., was in town Saturday. J II . Walley, of Parker twp , visited friends in Pittsburg thi- week. Mrs. Levi Logar. is visiting friends in tbt- city She is in poor health. J. II Pisor and J. H. Morrow of Wt rt'a twp. were in town, Monday. J awe, Raukin aril wife of Penn twp. did home popping in town, Monday. Deputy Sheriff James Dodds. down with tvphoi 1. is steadily improving ITa-ry aud James Flemings of Boffilo twp, wt-re in town Monday David Speuce. r>il Republican f Evans City attended Momday s conven tion C L. Wilhelm, has 111 .ved from oil City toxßvtler, and a living en Oorin Are. E. H. Morgan, of Bruin, has returned to Sistersville, W. \ a ait. r a ulea.-aiit visit home Mr. and Mr- L M W;->- were made happy by t ie arrival anotner bal>\ boy at their house, Monday. Corporal Webb Brandon, of Co. F, 15th, stopped in Butler over Sunday on his way back to Camp Meade. Hon. John Dindinger of Zelienople, Dr Crawford of Cranberry and Dr. Barr of Mars were here, Monday. Paul Smith and Alfred Black of Co. E t»oth sick with fever have been sent from Catnn Meade to city hospitals. Fred Roessing, of Co. E, was dis charged upon his own application, last Friday and arrived home next day. M Sullivan Esq. has returned to Bradford after a two weeks visit with his mother and his sister, Mrs Shaw. Miss Lon Mitchell entertained a num ber oi' her friends Tuesday evening at the home of her aunt Mr*. Yia Lyon. Prof A. A. Knoch It-ft for Jackson ville. Flu., Tuesday, h ving secured :v [H'sition viola and euphonium Soloist. Miss Liz/i«- D. W:Cson, is visiting friends in St. Louis Her nncle. Wm Marshall, formerly of Butler. lives there. .1 F Mephcrson of the First Ward won the voting c<> ite-u which entitUs him to a shorthand scholarship 111 But ler Business College and which closed on tne 15th. Thos. L>. « freer and Alphonse Wanliu cam* home Sunday on live-day fur loughs They had left camp Saturday belore the news of the muster-oat orders came. J. D. Wilson was in town on business yesterday. He has sold hi- gas plant and real estate in Saxonburg to O. O Hammer of Pitt-burg, formerly of But ler, and will move to Ohio. C'apt McJunkin of Co. E 15th Reg. came home last Thursday, and Lieut Col. Mechling of same regiment. Sun day. Both went back, Tuesday, to take part in the military parade at Philadel phia today. Howard Harper, of the 16th Reg., ar rived in Butler, last Thursday, and is looking well and felling well. He at tended tli" banquet in New Castle Tuesday - rid went 011 to Philadelphia next day with his company, to march in the Pea- e Parade today. He did not form a very favorable idea of Porto Rico, on account of its people being so many ages behind the times, but says the soil is very rich A Mauser rifle that he brought home is on exhibition in the show-window of the Campbell hardware. It is a heavy, substantia' weapon with a "mall liore. and is made in Berlin It sho«.is aloug,steel-capped bullet. 7.l'ich will kill a man a tnile or two off. Market*. Our grocers are paying 17 cents for eggs. 17 to .0 tor butter, 40 to 45 for potatoes. 25 tu 40 for apples. 50 for par snips and ckrrots, 40 for tn*ets, t>o for onions, 75 for pears, 40 for walnuts. $1 for hickory nuts, J"?, tor ehestnuts, Ic. a pound for cabbnge, 12 for dressed chicken, and 12 to 14 for dressed turkey Our dealers are paving 60 and 05 cents for wheat, 40 for rye, 35 for corn 25 for oats, and 35 for buckwheat. I'AICK THEATRE. TUESDAY, NOV Ist. RICK and BAR TON'S POODC.K and MCDOODLK, The following is what the Wilkea- Barre Tunes, of Sept. 14, has to say of this company,s appearance in the Grand theatre, that city: "Rice & Barton s Poodle <fc MeDoodle company entertained another large audience at the Grand last evening and the merry skit was received with even more en-j thusiasm than on the ojieuing night, Mr Mullen, inspired by the generous reception of thts night previous and en couraged by the applanse of those in front, was in Ins element and those present heard considerable "new stuff," which not only convulsed the audi- j encc, but upset his t\ How actors and [ actresses, but as everything goes in this amusing play, it w is more greatly en I joyed 111 couse<|ueuce of these uuexpect ; ed additions. That he is a prime favor ' ite among the show goer.- of the city goes without saving and he is alvvays j sure of a warm welcome here. Berry j 6c Hughes were also well received ami . were deservidly given a couple of en-J thusiastic recalls. Their musical turn is atniHt enjoyable fe iture of the bill. Hanson & Dr>-w also pierscd as did the rest of apable specialists Those who have not seen Poo-lle & MeDoodle [ should see this company I'llblic Sales. Wednesday Nov. 2nd. at farm of R. H. Gold in Washington twp., horses, cattle, pigs, farm machinery, grain, hay, household goods, etc.. sale liegins at 9A. M. See b lls posted. (icttj sburg-Washington The last of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company's five day personally condact led tours from Buffalo, Erie. Pittsburg. , and principal intermediate points, to j Gettysburg and Washington, will leave Noyetnber 7 Round trip tickets, including trans portation, Pnllman berth in each direc tion, hotel accommodations and car drive over the battlefield at Get tysburg, and hotel accommodations at I Washington in short, all necessary ex j pen-es will be sold at rate of $25.00 1 from Suspension Bridge, Buffalo, | Rochester, Syracuse, aid intermediate , stations on the New York Central and 1 Hudson River Hi Irond $24 00 from I Elmira; $25.00 from Eric uud Corry I $21.50 from Williainsport. $23 00 from Pittsburg and Altooun and proportion I ate rates from other points. | Tickets will also be good to return on 1 regular trains until October 27 and No vember 17, but without Pullman ! accommodation®. Descriptive itineraries and full infor mation can l>e obtained of Ticket j Ageh;-: B 1' Kr.is.-r. Agent Buffalo. N. Y.; E. S Harrar, Division j Ticket Agent, Williainsport; Thos. E. Watt Pi Monger Afnrt Western Dis- I trict, l'ittsburg; or Ceo. W. Boyd, j Assistant General Passenger Agent, , Philadelphia. Job Work. j If you want Posters, 1 If you want Circulars If you want Sale Bills, 1 If yon want Envelopes, If you want Bill Heads, If you want Price Lists, If you want Statements, If yon want Note Heads, ; I f yon want Letter Heads, | If you want Address Cards, If you want Business Cards, If you want Invitation Cards. If yo 1 want any kind of Printing 1 call at the CITIZEN office. "'-'KE'Si'iliNG WATER ICE | -jf* delivered to ail parts ->f the tovvn, every doy !,eave or ders al RiClliiv'S BAKERY 149 M&ru ftt. The Goo«l Will Hose Co. In October 1378. the Good Will Hose Company, volunteer, of Butler was organized- Tuesday evening twenty years had rolled by and the Company celebrated the occasion in a fitting minner The Company appeared in uniform at the Hose house oa Jefferson street and at eight o'clock, headed by the Germania band marched to the Park Theatre to hold an open meeting. A few hundred of the Company s friends were preeent. but not half of what should have been there. The fire boys must not take the number in attendance is indicative of the whole esteem in which they are held by the people of Bntler. The Town Council attended and occupied front seats. After an overture by the band the rnrfain rose and discovered a stage decorated by "Old Glory, the biMiner and colors of the Hose Co., and specially by the handsome, well nni formed fireman. President Walt. Ziegler brought the m>eting to order and Secretary C Cron env->-tt called the role to which eight retired and thirtv-six active members re-i}>onded. G. Wilson Miller then in troduced Judge Greer, who told of the iisefullnew and self and the .food done by the Butler Fire Depart nient. Lev Esq . under the subject of "Volunteer vs. Paid Depart ment" paid some high compliments to onr firemen. The moat interesting event at the Theatre was the reading of a history of the Good Wills by Secre tary Carl Cronenwett. He told how they were organized, how they respond ed to their first fire, that which destroy ed the "Union block'' in November. '7B, how hose had arrived but had not yet been issued by the Town Council, and how they broke into Campbell's hard ware store, secured the hose and put it in use. In twenty years the Co lias re sponded to 206 alarms and has often worked all day or all night at one fire Neirly all the Co s charter members are living and death has struck into their ranks but twice, John Orr dying during the first ten years, and Fred Reiberin 189fi Three are at present in th»* service of Uncle Sam. vis Col. W. T Mechling. Chan Bnrckhalter and Ernest F*!>er. The present officers are Pres., T Walter Ziegler: Vice Pres , Lewis Keck, Sec., C. Cronenwett; Asst. Sec., i: Faber: Treas . J. B. Mitchell, Fore man, .T. C Bnrckhalter and Asst. Fore ii:.-,n, -T<dm Lefevre. Alter thin program the (iood Wills and their tpiests. the speakers of the evening. Council, the Germania and i representatives repaired to the H tel Lmvry and partook of a banquet unexcelled "in variety, preparation and faultless in service. Messrs. McCrea & Mi Cafferty have reason to be proud of rLf'ir board. The followiag toasts were then re sponded to: Tnrn on the Water." A E Reiber; The Oood Wills," S F Bow ser: "The Council," W Z Marrin; "The Fire Policeman." Bnrgass. T S NcNair; "Shnt er Off." J C Burckhaiter, the foreman of the past ten yenrs. Then the banqueters hied themselves off to their little beds thinking better of and holding mere good will toward* the Good Wills than ever before. The charter member* of the organi zation were Lewis Keck. John Le fevre, W A Stein, George J Smith. James B Mitchell, G Miller, J M Moffit, George J Reiber, Val Aland, A 1 Ruff, J C Burkhalter. Adam Hoffner. J H Troutman. Leonard Nicklas, Q C McQuistion. Andrew Miller, John P Orr, John Sykes, John A Richey, Alex Baxter, H C Moser and A Smith, all of Bntler; Phillip Bauer and Benjamin Bauer,now of Bennett; B F Klee. Henry Shreiber and John Irwin, now of Pitts burg, and < asper Rockenstein, of Alle gheny. The Fall and Winter Term of the Pittsburi; Dispatch Home Stndy Circle opens on Saturday, Oct. 15. It will in terest every family, and not a number should be missed. There is no expense. All that is necessary is to have the Din p.toh the best and cheapest paper published—lo cents a week. F< >R RENT—A good, substantial stable near Court House; four large stills, carriage room and mow. Inquire at < ill ZEN office. Highest cash price paid for Back wheat, Wheat and Rye. GEO WALTER & SONS. Any of our readers needing gas stoves or gas ranges, gaa fronts or any gas sav ing appliance will find it a financial sav ing to call at the store of W. H. O'Brien &. Son. on Fast Jefferson St. and get prices on the extensive line they have on exhibition. Tbey are also jgents for the celebrated Welsbach Light, of which more than 1200 were old in Butler, last year. Sunday Kvcurshms to Allegheny. Commencing Sunday May 22nd and until further notice the Pittsburg and Western R R. will sell excursion tick ets to Allegheny every Sunday for train leaving Butler 8:15 A. M. city time good to return on afternoon trains date ' of sale. Fair for round trip 75 cents. Notice to Wool-Growers. Messrs. Troutniau's Sons requiring all the room they have for their own busi -11: ss, 1 have changed my location to ( ,r.tham Kros.' grocery store, just across th, street imm my old location with Troiituian's. where I will be glad to see all ray former wool friends, aAsuring t in of fair treatment, and the market 'oc in cash for their wool. Troutmans v. Uli to state tl.at they have gone out of tir. ivool-bnying business altogether WM. F. RTMBERCKB —For bargains in valuable and desir able residences inquire of Walker & Mc i Elvain. 11 you want a Bicycle or your old one repaired go to White Walter <fc Co. largest stock in County. Bicycles for hire TIMBER. For blank applies ions and instructions how to apply for reduction of 80 per cent, of taxes on timber lands send 25 Cents to J. A. HEYDRICK & SONS, Civil Engineers, Butler, Pa. —Highest cash price paid for Buck whtat, Wheat and Rye. GKO. WALTER A SONS Of Interest to You. Parties wishing to engage in the livery business, call on Walker K McKlvain for location and outfit FOR SALE A graduating tuition contract for Butler BnsineHs College, t cost SSO; either shorthand or commer ! rial course Inquire at this office j"" MODEL farm for Sale I want to sell my farm of 235 acres in Oakland twp., adjoining Royds town, six miles north ot Butler. There is no better land for all kinds of crops in Butler county. My wheat and grass, this year, cannot be beat. Come and see them. Two good orchards, some young timber, and an abundance of the best of Spring water The builbings 1 onsist of a good, six room, frame house; one large, new, modern tarn, and a large old one; also all the necessarv outbuild ings, including a summer kitchen. I want to quit fanning because 1 am alone, and will sell at a bargain on easy terms. A part of the farm is underlaid with three and fonr feet veins of coal, with one bank opened; and the new railroad is surveyed within J too rods of the bouse. For terms address or call upon, Peter Whitmire, SO NOR A. P. 0. The State 8. S. Convention. The iHth annual convention of the Pennsylvania State Sabbath-School Association held in the first M E. Church at Johnstown. Pa., Oct. 18-30 was a decided success from even- point of view In this brief article an at tempt to describe it would prove futile. Over two hundred delegates from over the State with a number who attended the World's S. S. Convention in Lon don last summer, and visitors from re mote parts ot the Union and the efficient field workers present at once proved snfficent material to generate enthusi asm in the cau.se sufficient not only for the convention but also for each visitor to carry home with him and thus be a powerful disseminator of fundimental church work The delegates were met by Commit te«s at the depots and escorted to the Sunday school room of the first M. E. church where they registered and after ward had places of entertainment assigned t-> which th»y were escorted by voung ladies and introduced to their hosts. The homes prepared for entertaining delegates were not all occupied. The address of welcome was deliver ed by Prof. J. M. Berkey, city superin tendent of schools and Supt. of the first Lutheran Sunday school of Johnstown. We give a few extracts from his ad dress . "We esteem your coming an honor to our people, your entertainment our privilege, and your mission our mutual benefit. "This valley, known to the world only in its fateful history, is to-day the scene of great industrial activity; the home of forty thousand busy and pros perous people. The smoke of many fur naces, and the hum and rattleof machin ery and the rush and worry of business all combined to monopolize our mental and physical energies. Bait we are never so busy. I trust, that we shall not be able to find time to entertain a State Sunday School Convention in the mid dle of the week.'' "Probably no class of representatives can embody higher interests in church work and more vi tal forces in Christian cultnre than an association of Sunday School workers Surely no class of people can have more sacred trusts, a higher mission, or grander possibilities than lie in the pathway of those who work in and for the Sunday school." ' It is a matter of history, read and known of all men. that only since the Sunday schools have been universally established has the church made rapid strides in Christian civilization. Only in the last centnry has the mis sionary of the Cross found permanent foothold upon heathen soil, and loni* ago has he learned that Christian teach ing and living must begin with the boys and girls. ' The Indians of the West character ized Phil Sheridan as "that ohtinky fellow who means business " This no ] donbt was the opinion of those who saw and heard Hon. John Wanarnaker when he delivered his annnal address as pres ident of the association. Kain was fall ing in torrents, yet 1200 people were packed in the auditorium of the M. E church and an overflow meeting was held in the chapel of the churoh. H. J Heinz of Pittsburg presided of the main meeting and ic fitting words introduced Mr Wanamaka*. The speaker reviewed the work of the year and the future work, through which he carried the figure of a railroad, which was suggested to him at the car win dow, He referred to the editor of the "Ladies Home Journal", and said he acknowledged the article was unjust which he published last winter in which he attacked the Snnday school He said we become less sentimental and more practical as we grow older. In touching on the late conflict he said: That was a sail night for Spain, when the battleship Maine shaped it self into a great coffin. The spirit of Valley Forge wasieyived;a new pat riotism was born. In the southern waters were those who left the plow in the furrow; ledgers were closed; idle men of culture and wealth with soft hands-no hardships too great; splenoid young fellows from Yale. Harvard, etc. Volunteers filled with enthusiasm to free Cuba. All honor to Dewey. Hobson and thousands of un kissed heroes and thanks to God for Manila. MoroCastle. Santiago and Ponce, 1 sound the bugle to this new patriotism and eall for volunteers in a war far more wider, far more serious—a war against bossism and corruption, for good citizenship, I call tor a show of patriotism --a chris tian patriotism." Mr. C. D. Meigs, the energetic State Sec'y. of Indiana, made addresses on 'Why am 1 in the Sunday School work?" and The Front Line Sunday school". Mr. Meigs is editor of "The Awaken er" a live monthly Sunday School jour nal published at Indianapolis, and has an international reputation as a speaker at conventions; wit and humor border ing on ridicule are his national weapons. He is the life of a convention. Mr. Is rael P. Black Sec'y of the International Union of Primary S. S. Teachers of Phila., Mrs M. G Kennedy, Pres State Primary Council of Phila , Miss Elszabeth Gulp, Instructor Pittsburg Kindergarden College, Miss Eleanor Baldwin Pres. Pittsburg Primary Un ion and the talented State Primary Superintendent. Mrs. J W Bamee who attended 345 conventions and traveled 25,000 miles the last year with ; many others offered their tributes and j said with Froeble. "Come let us live for the children". The convention while in session ex changed greetings with the following assemblies: Baptist Anniversary at Harrisburg, Maine State S. S, conven tion, Rhode Island State S S. conven tion and the Southern California S. S convention, all in session. The Snnday school parade was a new feature and proved a success; abont 4.5<t0 workers were in line children from four years to seventy five made a gieat impression on the immense crowd on the side walks. The Methodist. Presbyterian and Lutheran chnrches were filled with children after the parade, and addresses were made by prominent speakers. J. Wilbur Chapman D D. of Bethany church Phil a. gave several of his excel lent bible readings in which great Spiritual power was manifested; he also spoke on "Reeping in the Sunday ; School". The Gen. Sw Charles Roads D D. gave a superb address on "State Nor mal work". A class of nine from A 1 1 tocma were presented with diplomas there will be two handred graduates in [ the State this year. The work has in creased so rapidly that Rev. H. A Bomberger of Phila has been secured to assist Dr. Roads this year. The Home Department is revolution izing Sunday school work and in con nection with primary graded work is being pushed with great energy. $lO, (XX) will be used in state work this year. The two merchant princes of Penn'a H. J. Heinz in the west aud John Wan amaker in the east have l>een re-elected to the office which thev held last year and are live workers as well as distin guished aud powerful financiplly. This organization interdenomination al. aud international is moving the world. H W BAMF. [ Butler Business College. It is desirable that the people of But ler and Butler county and of the sur rounding country become acquainted with the fact that the Butler Business College is now owned by. and under the management of. Prof. A F Regal who for the last year and a half has been in charge of the Business department of the institution. Prof. Regal has found it advisable to add a Musical Depart ment to the institution, and for this purpose has secured the services of Prof. E. ()tto Davis, of Bntler. Pa., who has entire charge of that department. Messrs Regal and Davis propose to make things hum. Two new courses have been added, viz: Reporter's Short hand Course, and Expert Accountant's Book keeping Coarse Fcr further in formation concerning these courses, see our prospectus which will be ont soon School now in session day and night. Any one wishing to make arrangements to attend the institution will please call on or address A F REGAL. Prin , H27 S Main St., Bntler, PA PEOPLE'S PHONE 271. BELL PIIONE 174. ttutarrfbv for ttv umuir. UIRKS. The barn of Quinn Redick in Parker twp, with all the contents was destroy ed by fire last Saturday night The barn of John Walters in Buffalo twp. was destroyed by fire, with all its contents a few nights ago. Xc insur a nee. The Murtlaiul M. E. church, east of Millerstown was again destroyed by fire one night last week, and the second person at the fire discovered that two buckets of oil had been placed in the church. An effort will be made to dis i coyer the incendiary. At 10:15 last Thursday night fire was discovered in T H. Morrison's bake house, a two story frame in the rear of his store room on S Main St. The fire men responded promptly, confined the flames to the second story and roof and iin half an hour had the fire out. "Spontaneous combustion." is the cause ! assigned. There was a fine pressure j of water on. one stream was thrown on the roof of the three story Campbell building, next door north of the fire. The building was part of the Hotel I Arlington property owned by Capt Lie bold. The loss on it probably $250, is covered by insurance. Mr. Morrison's loss about S3OO. is partly covered by in > snrance. The bake oven was not in | jured and was ready for use the next day Adam Shimmel, the baker lost about £SO in personal effects. Early yesterday morning (between 4 and 5 o'clock) the U. P. church building in Fairview borough was discovered to be bnrning. The alarm was given and the whole town turned out, but by that time the whole interior and the roof were in flames and as the town has no water pressure nothing could be done. An hour or two more and nothing re mained but the brick walls The build ing was one of the largest and best church buildings in the county. It was built during Rev. McFarland's admin istration, in 1881!, and cost $16,000. It was heated by a heater in the basement, in which gas was burned, and it is sup posed that the regular got out of order and caused the heater to become over, heated. There was no insurance, and it is said that the Insurance Companies refused the risk on account of gas be ing allowed to burn in it continually. Rev. Sheirard is pastor at present. RAILROAD TIME TABLES P., Bessemer & L E. Trains depart: No. 14. at 9:40 A. M; No 2, at 5:40 P M. Butler time. Trains arrive :No. 1. 10:00 A. M; No. 11. .1:00 P. M. Butler time. No. 14 runs through to Erie and con nects with W. N. Y &P. at Huston Junction for Franklin and Oil City, and with N. Y. L. E. & W. at Shenan go for all points east. No. 2 runs through to Greenville and connects with W. N. Y. P. for Franklin and Oil City W. R. TURNER, Ticket Agent I>l TTSBUKG & WESTEKN Railway. Schedule of Pas fmger Trains in effect Oct. 2d, IBGB. BUTLER TIME. ; Depart. Arriv*. .T!ir((benj Accommodation *» i R » A.M 17 A.M EXPR***.. . BLO 44 9 '.i2 " New (untie A« < oiuuuxlation 'J 1" 14 AKRUN Mail V 1 i I M 7 6T P m Allegheny Accommodation 1<» ft"» 44 12 '* Allegheny CxproM 3 L."> I- M . R > " Allegheny "Flyer" 1 " Chicago Ex|ir«W II 25 " 12 18 " Allegheny Mail 542 " 74. " Allegheny "Flyer" 703 " Kllwoud Accommodation 5 42 7 " Chitag* LIMITED . R » 4- " 917 A.M Kane and I!iadfoid Mail 0 ."»•> A.M 5 20 r.M (Marion Accommodation 6 35 P.* '* -V» A M New ('untie Accomiu<MlatJon 1 10P. M SUNDAY TRAINS. Allegheny Exprw X 1"» A.M 9 32A.M \ilr*gh**ny Accommodation 42 P.M /» 27 R.M SEW ('turtle Accommodation. ... 8 15 A.M 7 44 Chicago Kxprem 4 15 r.M ft 27 44 Accomm<Nlatinn j 7 03 44 Train arriv ITS at 5.27 p.m. leaven B. ± O. depot* I'ittnlmrg at 3.50 p.M and P. £ W., Allegheny at 4.00 p. M. Additional train* leave Allegheny at 11:30 P. >l. for New CaMl»\ and connect n for Butler on Tneedayn, Thursdays and Saturdays. Pullman sleeping cam or» Chicago KxpreHtt between Pittnhurg and Chicago. For thruugh ticket* to all point* in the went, north went or noiithwent and information regarding routes, tune of trains, etc. apply to W K. TUKJTO, TFC ket AML K. H REYNOLDS, Bawr, Pa. Foxburg, Pa. C. W. BASSKTT, <». P. A.. Alleghery, Pa PENNSYLVANIA " A a '„V WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. TUMIMXE IN Krrrcrr Nov. 2JF, 1897. SOUTH. , WEEK DATS » A M A.M. A. M P M P. M BCTLKK Leave 6 2ft 8 OT» 11 lft 2 3ft ft Oft Haxofllmrg Arrive H M 8 Wll LIK 3 (*► ft 'M Butler Junction. . 44 7 27 3 R »3 12 02 3 25 ft 53 Butler Junction. . .Leave, 7 :V> 8 53 12 22 3 25 ft 53 Natrona Arrive 7 IW !# 01 12 IB' 3 35 (i \TI Tarentum. ... j 7 42 9 07 12 35 3 M G 07 .4priiig(lule 7 50 9 16 12 45 IJ ft 2 .... .Shai'imhurg H 07 9 36. 11l 4 12 6 32 Allegheny' 8 20 Y 4* 1 25 4 26 6 43 [A. M. A M P. M P. M P. M. BUNDAY TRAINS.— Leave Butler for Allegheny City and PRIORI}*! intermediate nUtionn at 7.36 a. *u., ■%N«I FT.oo p. m. NORTH. WEEK I»AYS A M. A.M. A M P. M P. M Allegheny City . ..leave 700 9 '«> 11 25 2 6 10 .Sharpaburg 7 II 9 12 11 37 2 45 ... «'..iremoßt | 9 19 II 44 2M 1 .... Spriugdale 9 30 11 66; 3 lo: 6 17 IxrvitiH 7 84 9 WU 0! 528 648 Natrona 7 39, 9 43 12 12| 3 31 J 6 ftl Butler Junction .. .arrive 7 46 96012 22 345 100 Butler Junctiou. .leave 746 95012 25 407 700 IUOKI RG B IFT 10 16 12 491 4 361 7 21 BCTLIR. arriv.. 8 4«. 10 38 I 17 fi 'K%' 7 A M. A. M. P. M P .D p. M SUNDAY TRAINS. — Leave Alleghany CITY for But ler MM I printijal intermediate stations at 7rft» a. RN. ami <H|O p NI. WRX DAYS. F(»R THE EAST. Wr.r.A Bavn. P M A M.J P. M P M 2 35 ft 26.1 v Btrri.r.R. SR I 17 H 2ft 7 27 ar Butler Junction LV 12 25 480 7 46111 ML« .I'll, tkm ÜBl9 18 4 >».'• I 4TF ar FLMFWL 8 28 42 61 4 *l9 7 MI " Allegheny Junction 8 24 12 OL 421 8 IT4, 44 Leech burg " 8 (>9 11 49 440 8 21 " Paulton (ApoHt) 44 7M IL U 6 08 8 51' " Saltnburg 7 3O 11 09 ft 41 9 221 " ltlalmville 41 70010 40 ft 50 9 44 Itiairnville Intersection. 44 5 6ft LO 10 88011 38 " Attn na " »16 BUO 1 00 3 10 " ilai - .I-burg 41 11 45 3 10 4 :V* 6 23! " Philadelphia 8 30 11 20 A.M. P. M.j A.M. P.M On Sunday, train leaving Butler 7 35 a. tn., connects tor ilarriftburg, Altooua and Philadelphia. Tlinuigh train* tor the «ant leave Pittnburg (Union Htatiou ), an follow*: Atlantic Lxprenn. daily 2:.'>o A.M Pen uny I van ia Li mi tod 44 7:15 Day Kxprean, - 7:30 " Main Line Express, 44 8 : oo 4 I'bila lelphia Kxpren, .. ,4;.' M» r.M Eanteni Express, 44 ... ,7(*5 FaMt Line, * 8:10 44 Fhilad'a Mail, Sundays on.y B:4R %.* For detailed information, address Thon. E. Watt, Pssn. Agt Western District. Corner Fifth Avenue and Smith field Stieet, Pittnburg, Pa. J It. HUTCHISON, J B WOOD General Manage. Gen* 1 ' , I^N R Agent. Farm For Sale. 120 acres situatt<l in C ran Kerry twp., a<ljnininj; Beaver county line, known as Jolin Keffer farm, 20 acres wood land, balance in good tillable con dition, modern buildings, good water, underliid with coal vein, 15 acres in prime orchard. No oil lease. This farm must be sold at once to settle tstate. Address C. F. HUNTER, 29th St. & Lil>erty Ave., PIT!SBtTRG, PA. -yes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KLFTKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Optician I Ddor W OJOft J*. For Baby's Sake You ought to guard against ailments that improper foods induce. Kvcrj thing depends on what baby eats. We keep 01 ly the reli able makes of Baby Food and warrant them Fresh. Pomelia, Eskay's Food. Malted Milk, Lactated Food, Mellin's Food. Ridge's Food. Just's Food. Condensed Milk. Bady's Mother Ought to take some Beet,lronand Wine, so nourishing to nursing mother?— ours contains Beef We sell it for 75 cents per pint. C. N. BOYD. Druggist, Diamond Block, Butle - , Pa. LEGAL ADVERTISMENTS. Notice in Divorce. | In the Common W. 11. Bractney, P'eas Court of vs. Butler Co., at A. Emma E. Brackney. j D., No. 10, June T., 1898. Book 19. Pi{. 215. To Emma E Bracknev:— Two subpeenas having been returned N. E. I. You, the said E-nma E. brack ney, above named defendant are hereby required to appear in said Couit of Com mon Plea; of Butler Co., Pa . to be held at Butler, on Monday, the sth day of December, 189S, b.ing the first day of next term of Court to answer the said complaint and show CMise, if any you have why a Divorce Absolute from the bonds of Mat itnony should not be grant ed to the said \V. H. Brackney. You are also hereby notified th«t testi mony 111 above case will be taken before the said Court on Tuesday, Dec. 6, 1898, at which time and place you are notified to attend. Wit,HAM B. DODDS, Sheriff, AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the matter of the final account ot J L. Purvis, et al, executors of Menry Sefton, late of Clinton tap., Butler Co , Pa., dee'd ,O. C. No. 41, D*c. T., IS9B The undersigned having l>een appointed by the Orphan's Court of Butler county as ;tn auditor to make distribution of the assets of the above estate in the hands of the executors thereof, as shown by their final account filed at the above term and number, hereby gives notice to all parties interested that he will attend to the duties of the said appointment at his of fice in the Armorv building. Butler, Pa., at to a. m., of Fridav, the 4tl day of November, IS9S, when and where al! may attend if they see proper. W. H. LUSK, Auditor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration or the estate ot Lizzie Baker, dee'd., late of Middle sex twp., Butler Co , Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immtd'ate pay ment, an<l any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated /or settlement to SAMUEI, A. Adm'r, Maker."town. Pa. WLLMAMS & MITCHELL, Att'ys. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. letters of administration on the estate of Mrs Valeria Sullivan, dee'd., late of Buffalo twp.. Bntler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au ihent'cated for settlement to JOHW Q. A. SUI.MVAN, Adm'r., Sarversville, Pa. H. H. GOUCHER, and JOHN C. GRAHAM, Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the est He of John M. Crooks, late of Middlesex township, Butler county. Pa., dee'd., having been .ranted to tiie undersigned, all persons knowing themsetves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against sa-d estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to WM. R. THOMPSON, Adm'r., McFann P. O , Butler Co., Pa. J D MARSHA M,. Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Kstate of Isaac Heeler, late of Oaklatiil township, deceased, 11 lice is heieby given that letters of administration upon the 1 state of .-aid decedent have been granted to the undersigned All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payuvnt, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without d- lay to I. B. HEPLER, Administrator, Carbon Center, PH. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary 011 the eUate of John Sipe, dee'd., 'ate of Clearfield twp., nutler county, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them, properly autenticated for settlement to EMEI.INE SIPE. Adm'x., Coylesville, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. betters of administration on the estate of Kmrtia Shrader, dee'd., late of Butler borough. Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons , knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment,and anv having claims against said estate will present tliem duly authenticat ed for settlement to W. B. SHRADER, Adm'r., Butler, Pa. W. D. BRANDON, Att'y. EXECUTOR S NOTICE^ Letters testamentary on the estate of Isaac Kepple, dee'd, late of Fairview township, Butler county, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make imm diatc payment, and any having claims against the same will present them for settle ment to WM. L. KEPPT.K, Ex'r., Peachville, Pa. j 0. WALKER, Att'y. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letters testamentary 011 the estate of Matthew Thrower, dee'd , late of Clinton twp.. Butler Co., Pa., having lieen grant ed to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate •vill please make immediate payment. «nd any having c aitns nguinst ««ai'l eMnte will present ti em, properly authenticat ed for settlement to THOMAS A TH»OWER. JOHN K. THROWER. Kx'rs . Sajtuuburw, p«. MEN S FURNISHINGS. I -S <; t- Jrt i , ® 0 £ ""0»5 1 I—.' 2. II S2 M 8 S Ll_ OQ CD 2 5 ~ O) I § 1(0 O .E » £ 90 = 3:* 2 -S , <» gS n-S^S -2 «^=^? s o " S r HJ 6 3 5 i-4- _ * C 3 - co I = C/ 5 £ O C/5v3 u f r\ r— ■ h-"< j! C/? eo p £2 S K. gS ee uj ,__ <5. —SdV3 aMV i ft A A dl #j Our Line of Fall and Winter 4 Clothing is now in our Shelves. J g To many of our patrons, this announcement is sufficient, but for the benefit of those who A do not know us yet we will say, come in to see us, we want to get acquainted with you A and in addition to that show you the hand- * somest and best line of clothing, hats and men's furnishings in Butler, don't take our % word foi it, come and see for yourselves, we 1 will show you up-to-date goods at moderate 4 4 prices. K DOUTHETT & GRAHAM. i! / Car Load of Bed Room / y Suits arrived last week. J That \ >Tattler-> "Time." ( Time is hard on poor furniture \ f mnl leaves its imprint early. A [ J bright idea is to get the thorough- S ly trustworthy kinds fiom reliable X } makers who guarantee every piece, f ( We unhesitatingly guarantee be- / r ca' se we buy the reliable kind. X f and krow the quality is perfect, f ) Especially true in regard to uarlor j C and upholstered lin- s. Buy where f ? you can depend on a perfect pur- 3 1 chase, because "Time will Tell." # (A FivcPicce Parlor Suitr •is Mahogany finished, carved I 1 frame; consists of Sofa, Divan, f C Arm, Rocker and Wall Chairs; S /covered in high grade Tapistry. f / Price *35.00. > \ A Complete Carpet Store. J | J We wou'il ii'•! tMiiiitenance any / other kind. And it would lack f J completion if quality and prices X / were not better than at other ' \ stores. Bv better prices we m- an C / lesser price« Each w> ek registers P \ a saving to buyers in Carpets. S / Kugs, Mattings, Linoleums and / J 0.l Clo h, and ses the markets / guessing how we do it. Best Body f \ Brussels at SI.OO per yard. \ i Do You Know \ C That we can furnish your chamber X J handsomely for little money? Come f / in and let's talk about it, and we X X will show you our splendid stock X J of bedroom furniture. The bed, f I the dresser and washstand are es- \ f sentials, when you have those your r f room is practicallv furnished. It j would perhaps l>e wise to choose I I your suite of a wood that lights np C 1 well—oak and bird's-eye maple 1 \ are most in favor for that reason - t C though we have magnificent snites J vin the darker wooos. Our hand- f / some 5-piece suites run from #l6 J Xio SSO, and on up as high as y>u X J please. We can give you a nice, * well-made suite in antique finish S f only, for $14.00. / < < < CAMPBELL TEMPLETON, > £ BUTLER, FA. X ) QUIT SALE' OF— WAtt PAPER. Aliout 75 patterns of Wall Paper in— —lots of 6to 12 double bolts. Grades— —that we sold at from 50c to 80c per- - —double bo't and wich we will n-iw— sell at toe and 15c per double l»lt. — —They are all choice patterns of— fine stock and will not laat long.— —We want more room for our— — Books, China and Stationery, at— Douglass' Book Store. P> >ple s Phone 167. Autwmtto lenr Cmuit. One Glass Too Many <||||ll» Is the glass into which the man looks who is dissatisfied with his attire. The dictates of dtess often mar or make the general effect. In Hats and Men's Furnishings we lead. Our goods are not only reliable but up to date, and the best quality that can be purchased for the money. We give you the best we can for your dollar Not the cheapest thing we can get your dollar for. Ed. Colbert, Successor to Colbert & Dale, 242 S. Main St.. Butler, Pa. Clearance Sale. We always invoice Nov. 15th, and want to reduce our stock as much as possible and will sell until that time or while they last. Top Buggies as low as $30.00. Buggy Harness, our own make, with curved breast collar $9 00. Good Harness Oil 50 cents per gallon. Horse Blankets as low as 50 cents. Buggy Cushions 50 cents Horse Brushes - 15 cents. Axle Grease 6 boxes for 25 cents. Plush robes $ 1.50, and eveiy thing else in proportion. If you want a sleigh come now and get one at wholesale prices. Yours truly MARTINCOURT & CO., No. 128 E. Jefterson St., S. B. MARTINCOURT, ) R J. M. LIEGHNER. J BUTLLR - L. 5 McJUiNKIN, Insui anct* and Real Estate Agent. 117 li JEFi'uRSON. BUTLER, - PA.