Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 27, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL.* xxxv
It is important in every household in Butler
county to see that each member of the family
has good, warm substantial footwear.
The Boys and Girlsthat go to Schoo;
over the rough roads, through the mud and slush,
must be looked after. Cheap, Shoddy Shoes won't
fill the bill at this season of the year. You ask where
shall I go to get a good shoe; I don't know. I am not
in the shoe business, I must rely on the dealer. Now
you have hit the nail on the head. Ask your neighbors
ask anybody; nine out of ten will tell you to go to
What he recommends you are safe in buying. He won't tell
you that 65c, 88c and 98c shoes will keep out water going
to school.
Boys' and Youths' Shoes. in bu » on or tj p or plain, rv
' to $1.05.
Heavy t«p sole shoes, 7."> cto sl. See our Jenness Miller Shoes, of
Heavy oil grain.tap-sole«sl.2~»to $1 V). Dress Reform. We are sole
Heavv oil grain, tap sole. NO-RID agents for Butler county. ' hl
$l5O to 1.6.1 finest most perfect fitting shoe maae. |
High rut Beniral calf r>o to £l.7">. at s3.s<i Try a pair,
f-'atin calf, very fine, $1.25 to $1.50. _
Box calf, heavy soles, $1.50 to *2. For GirlS School Shoes.
Little gents' veal and box calf. 75c. \
** » r -d sl-25. j <jnr unlinwi kip and veal calf, button
See our Jamestown High-cut and lace, solid as a rock, at 75f to $1
copper tip shoes, two soles and tap. best* Kangaroo, crack-proof, and l>ox calf,
in Britler $1.75 and sv>. DOc. 75c. *1 and *1 ..'5
1 Kid shoes at 45c to *1 50.
Fnr U/nmpn ! Reliability stands ont from everv
muiiicii stit'-h made in voting ladies , girls' anil
, , .. , . , , children's spring-heel, lace or button.
An unusual combination of style, ele- 1 ° i
gance. comlort and economy. They are _
the best women's shoe "find" of the ! rOT Men.
year. They are selling faster than any
shoes we have ever offered. By all odds the greatest shoes for men
Kid shoes. McKay sewed, 85c to $1.25. we ever sold Ten styles. Something
Kid, heavy sole others ask $2.25 for every taste in winter tan liox calf
and $2.50; our price enamels and wax caW, at $2.50, s'!
Kid or box calf, kangaroo and oil and -:!..">o.
grain, $1 to $1.25. Veal and kip, box toe shoes at $1 50
One lot ladies fine hand tarns, $1.50: and
former price $8.75. , Patent leather shoes at to $5.
Warm lined shoes, 50c to $1.25. Heavy two-sole and taj» Creedmores
We are known all over Butler county at $1 to *1 50.
for our serviceable nnlined kip and veal Heavy boots. *1 50 to $2.50.
Our Stock Rubber Boots and Wool Boots
the best. All fresh, made to our order. We don't iecomrnend all cheap shoes:
we have them jf you want them, and better goods than any house in Butler can
produce. These are all fresh goods direct from the manufacturer, and no old
job lots that are set .iside to be sold for what they will bring in this stock. Come
in and see how we do business.
ilutler's Lending Shoe House. Opposite Hotel Lowry.
W vvv%%-v
d £
J -
i 5
$ J. S. YOUNG,
I *
* 0
d The good*, style, fit and make j
i ii|> of hi.s suits
? TELL their own
'?) Men won't buy clothing for tie purpose
ftof spending money. They desire to get the
"" ■ .9cd. Not cheap goods but goods as cheap as
! zrj' 'n'bey can be sold and made up propeily If
(i vo . u want the correct tiling al the correct
:= —2 {/price call on us, we nave teduced our spring
——- ftand summer g(*»!s down to make room for
Sour heavy weight goods,
| > <#H|V
f Fits Guaranteed.
GCh* Merchant Tailor,
• * • IVCUiVj 142 N. Main St.. Butler
Rape sros,
We Will Save You Money On
(Diamonds, Watches Clocks,\
$ Silverware, 1847 Rodger Bros. I
S Plateware and Sterling Silver
{Goods. (
Our Repair Department takes ill all kinds of Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry, etc
» 122 S. Main St.
Old gold and silver taken the tame as cash.
•OVi 'inviitrn •*.*>« uxvn.r -n \*.\ o-i -n.Tr: <■— -r:: rvv •. •. "'"J
# * Mtpo* iwjd. '.A, Vis JQO I: It l -v ;
'yr-v'""*"' Mil '.Jjtn JOji-tj s rrjiJ ■"u -• I
"" j y>
/ jit,
i -UOO v\ vaajip jnq T -'
' " Ji- V $ 4
/ •
IBS p ' /
Easy to Take
as?y to Operate
Are features f iculiar to Hood's Pills. Small in
size, tasteless efficient. thotouc'v As one mar.
said: " You n« rer know you
have taken a ) ill till it is all _ I I
over." 25c. C. Hoo«14:Co.,
Proprietors, i owell, Mass. ™
Tlv only pills otakev'.th Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Tliousand* ar,* Trylnc It.
Til ordet to prove the great merit of
Ely's Cream Balm, the eflectivo cure
for Cut.irrh and Cold in H,>a<l. we have pre
par. d a generous trial size for 10 cents
Get it of your druggist or send 10 cents to
ELY BUGS., r.c Warren St., N. Y. City.
I suffered from catarrh of the wor=t i::nd
ever since a bov. and 1 ne\t-r 1: '' ■■ f ,Jr
cure, but Ely's Cream Balm *e< • - *> dr
even that. Many acquaiiitano s i:u l
it with excellent results.—' near O&trum.
4.1 Warren Ave , Chicago, 111.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cur "for catarrh and contains no cocaine,
mercury nor n'iv injurious dr'ig. Pr! e.
|&0 cent At druggihts or l y mail.
v r -h -r *J*
Is a law
. Evolution is
I another name
j for it. The street
car conductor says
"move up." Com
petition says "move
up." To move anything
requires "push." A good
pusher requires strength
O-ir strength is in loat
prices, reliable goods, and
attractive service. We
have quite a lot of
broken lots of sum
mer wear going
at 1-2 price.
Test our mu
tual bene
fit plan
on its
Ed. Colbert.
Successor to
Colbert & Dale.
Butler Sayings Bank
Capi -al •- - - - f60,0u0.00
Surplus and Profits - - SIOO,OOO
JUS i, PI>KVIS President
i. HEN ItV IKOUTMAN Vice-Pn-sideoi
m M i \ M PKELL, Jr ( ar hit r
1.00 IS B ST KIN 1 ell. r
I>IBK< n»Kv -.10.t-ph |, urvls. .). Hi* l r.»
I wtnian W. I> v\. a Sn-iu. J. s.
11. Illicit
The Rut lor Savitc/s Hank is the Oldest
lt:inkiim I nst it ill lie.. n Mil tier County.
Ueneral ImnklnK 1111->IIICSS transai led.
Wt-solicit accounts of ~il pis duoers, mer-
I'hanis. farmers iiul other!,.
Allb.islntss eiitrusicd to us will receive
prompt attention.
Interest paWI on time dctxislts.
Batier County National Bank,
1 >uller I > ti ii n,
Capital p .i i in - - x>,000.00
Surplus and Profits - f 114,647.87
los. Hartman, President; J. V. RitLs,
v'icc President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier;
John G. .WcMarlin, Ass't Cashier.
/ vft iiiTHl i);tukif!>c husiiii* transacted.
paid on time deposits.
Moiu y loaned on approved security.
Wf liiviifyou to optii an ao-'ount with this
I>IKI.< i >!<> lion. .los«-ph flartman, lion.
NV S. Wulrfroit, i>r. n. M Hoover. 11. Me
>v\f»m v. ]■ I \hrarns. ('. I'. Collins I. (*.
Smith, Leslie |». rra/lett, M. I'lin «?ln. W.
\V. il. Lark in, John Humph rev, Dr. W. O.
Mc( 'audit-vs. Hfii >la,M;t li. J.evi M. Wi»«
•F. V. Kitt-
Pearson B. Nace's
Livery Feed and Sale Stable
Rear of
Wick House, Butler, Penn'a.
The Iw'st of horses and first class ritfs al
ways on hand and for hire.
llesi accommodations in town for perma
nent iKjardiiiK and transient trade, speci
al care guaranteed.
Stable Room For 65 Horses.
A good class of horses. l*>th drivers and
draft horses always on hand and for sale
under a full guarantee; and horses
upon proper notification by
Telephone. No. 219.
Dkalkh IN
Rough Worked Lumber
OF A 1.1, KINDS.
Doors, Sash, Hlinds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
Always in Stock.
Office opposite P. & W. Depot.
! flit IWFAi tOI KOU) PKOCF.S-j)
UII. IVICHL No« Tory chnnp
I Feed for Iforsrs. Cows, slirtip. Ilojrs, Fowls
etc. Ift-alth, Htmnxth and prodiirilvc pow<T
lo animals. Aii- you li.edini? It- t 'heapest
feed in t lie market.
UIIMOC._I/ UIL Mil,.s p lint l:i~t f»r
years on house, barn or fi'll'Mlxt;d paints
are dould ful <iuallty: some i;ootl and some
ve-v had Write for rrir rircuiar.
I <ii ; i iiif oil or mval. and vvlilt**
lead, ask fur ''TliompMin's," or a<ldrt'ss
manufa<tiu-,r. THOMPSON &(J., 1". V.
Dlamontl street Mlcicbeiiy. l'a
iW 4 s ' l " ' ! v ' ,! u - iiwi mm ii i rnwom
J ■■in lliis sijit to inanaii' <<ur business in
I tlii'iro.vn and nearby <tniiiite.s. Il is mainly
I nfflot' wt>rl. condui tctl at liotne. Salary
j stralclii -"00 a y,-ar anil I'xpeitNes ilclinllr
j iHinutidf, no !i ire. no |..« s .alary. Mont lily
Ueftn iii>-. Kminv,. -.."if-adiln -M-d
I -tat'ip. I I'll . I |"|.< . Hi ' : I rt I . lies,, l'rcst ..
i l»'-pt. M. <'liiea(?o.
» -
1 *
SCHOOL district No. 10. over in Mc-
Conib couii'.. . had the reputation
of being a ver\ rough place for a
! voung teacher, ar.tl no place at all for
t it n old one.
I i Fvery new teacher was perfection
the first month; simply human the sec
" ond, and if he or she remained through
7 ; the third month, the children were in
rebellion at the instigation of their
!* parents, and the brains of the gossips
.. were busy concocting slanders which
i their tongues did not hesitate to utter.
1 | Robert Cole had just graduated with
r. j conor from a well-known college, and
,j ' by way of recruiting his health, re
,r plenishing his pocketbook acd getting
0 started in his legal studies he deter
-1 mined, in the absence of anything bet
'• ter, to teach school for a year.
The superintendent of schools for
d McComb county was Robert Cole's
'• friend, and to him the young man ap
"There is only one district in this
= county that has not a teacher engaged
to open school at the end of the pres
' ent holidays; it pays the largest salary
in the county, and the money is sure,
for the district is rich—but then—"
"But what, Mr. Moore?" asked Rob
ert Cole, seeing that the superin
tendent hesitated.
"It is a hard district."
"How so?"
"Well, they slander the female
teachers, particularly if they are pret
ty; and the big boys have a fashion of
thrashing the male teachers."
"I should rather like to try a school
like that," said the young man, with a
"Oh! I am sure, Mr. Cole, you could
-manage the boys, but the parents and
older brothers interfere. Why, last
year a young man taught in No. 19;
he was a powerful fellow and a fine
teacher, and he maintained order. Of
course, he did some flogging, partic
ularly with the T)ooks, but a lot of the
men folk lay for him one night, and
after beating him they threw him into
the pond, and if- he hadn't been an ex
pert swimmer he'd have drowned. As
it was he escaped, and the very next
day he resigned," said Mr. Moore.
"Who are the Dooks?"
"It is a large family; they are re
lated in some way to nearly every one
in the district and I believe —yes, lam
sure—two of them are trustees at this
"Are there no good people in the dis
trict?" asked Robert Cole, feeling a
bit discouraged, yet anxious to under
take the school for its very difficulties.
"Oh, my! yes; indeed, a majority of
the people mean to do right and would
change matters if th-ey could; but they
are a quiet, law-abiding folk, who
need a leader and dread to act for
themselves. If you say so, I can get
you the school," said Mr. Moore.
"I shall be thankful if you do. I
have a theory of my own about manag
ing hard boys, and I should like to try
it," said Robert Cole.
The superintendent said: "Very
I well", and within a week Robert Cole
had met the trustees and was engaged
for the ensuing school year.
Robert Cole's plan was to do his
work conscientiously; to treat all
alike, and never to give an order which
he had not well considered, aud which
he was not prepared to enforce. lie
determined to keep his temper, and to
require prompt obedience from the
very start.
Ilefore getting to work Robert Cole
made a quiet little speech to the chil
dren, aud while he was talking he no
ticed a shock-haired lad of 17, with a
i hare-lip, who persisted in tickling the
car of a little boy in front of him with
a straw.
Robert stopped and pointing to the
culprit, he asked:
"What is your name, sir?"
The culprit looked about him with
a laugh, a&> if he expected some one
else to answer.
"Come up here, sir," said Robert,
The culprit again looked about him
and laughed.
He was still looking about him when
he felt a hand on his collar, and before
he knew what was> up, he was jerked
into the aisle and dragged up to the
platform, where the teacher picked
him up and set him against the wall.
"What is your name, sir?" Robert
asked, again.
The boy with the hare-lip stam
"My name's Bill lioolf."
"Bill Book, I have heard of you, but
I was not prepared to see you begin
with your devilment before 1 began
my school. Now, 1 should prefer to
get along well with you and with
every other boy and girl in school,
but 1 want you to know that you must
dc as I say from the very first, or else
I shall flog you and put you out of
"My father's a trustee," gasped Bill
"I don't care if he is fifty trustees.
You must promise to do as I say or I
shall fling you out of school now; you
"Y—yes," said Bill Dook.
"Say 'yes, sir.*"
"Yes, sir, I understand."
"flood; go back to your seat."
Robert Cole resumed his inaugural
address just as if nothing had hap
Robert examined his scholars,
praised the bright ones, encouraged
the backward and got them all classi
Up to this time the oldest inhabitant
of District 19 coukl not recall a teach
er who began operations after Mr.
Cole's rr.nnner.
Tfr lind not lioen there long enough
to have his qualifications as a teacher
called in question by the gossips; they
did not know him long enough to make
charges against his character, so even
the Dooks had to confess that, while
the young teacher had rather queer
notions to start with, he meant right.,
Bill Dook was on his guard and took,
care not to offend again, though hith
erto lie had been the terror of all the
teachers; from his dogged manner,
Robert Cole saw that ths fellow har
bored revenge and that sooner or later
he would try to gratify it.
As the winter came on Ned Dook, a
woung man of 20, who had left school
"for good" two years before, took it
into his head to attend again.
Ned Dook was a heavy, powerful fel
low, and had the reputation of being j
the best wrestler in the county.
One of Robert's friends hinted to '
him that Ned Hook's object in coming
to school v.as to make trouble for the
teacher rnther than to get instruction
from him, and liobert soon saw that
his friend \>as right.
The teacher, not a bit alarmed, de
termined to carry out his one rule for
all. He would not let the big boys
smoke or chew tobacco either in the
K'hoolhouse or on the grounds.
"I'dward Dook. are you chewing to-
bacco?" asked the teacher, the day
after the big brother had entered the
"Yes. I am." said Ned Dook. and to
prove it he spat on'.'he fltvnr.
"You cannot chew tobacco here;
apart from the example you set the
younger boy?. I cannot stand such filth
In the schoolroom."
"I've chawed for years," laughed
"I don't care what you have done,
you can't use tobacco in this school
house. Go to the door and throw that
stuff ip your mouth out."
Ned Dook laughed and threw the
quid on the floor.
"Pick that stuff up and throw it
out!" said the teacher, calmly and
"Throw it out yourself, Mr. Teacher,
but I won't," said Ned Dook.
"It is ten minutes to noon, but I shall
dismiss school now- and call it ten min
utes earlier. The school will all leave
but Edward Dook."
With alarm in their faces, the chil
dren went out. and some of the bigger
boys, among them Bill Dook. with a
look of satisfaction on his ugly face,
looked in the windows.
Edward Dook tried to smile when
the teacher locked the door and came
back to him. but his trembling lips
showed that his confidence in himseif
was somewhat shaken.
"Will you do as I told you. sir." ?aid
I the teacher, coming so close that he
' might have laid his hand on the other's
I arm.
Ned Dook's reply was a fierce oath
and a savage blow.
"You licked my brother, but you
can't lick me!"
Robert Cole saw his tack and knew
his man. ne threw off the blow with
his right hand and before Ned Dook.
who was as clumsy as he was powerful,
could recover, a blow planted belwesn
his eyes sent him in a heap to the
Quick as a flash Robert dragged his
rebellious pupil to the platform and
set him on his feet.
The young savage struck another
blow and again was knocked down.
Then Robert seized a short pointer
and he applied it to the fellow's amis
and shoulders till he roared with pain.
"Will you do as I say. Ned Dook?"
"Yes," howled the beaten cur.
"Then pick up that tobacco and
throw it out. Quick, or I shall take
off your coat and wear out another
pointer on you."
Ned Dook picked up the tobacco,
and when the teacher opened the door
for him to throw it out he ran bare
headed like a deer in the direction of
his home, followed by his frightened
During the rest of the day Robert
continued as if nothing had happened,
and his school was a model of order.
School had just been dismissed for
the day. when Ned Dock's father and
Ned Dook'is uncle, both trustees and
powerful men under 50. came to the
school and demanded an explanation.
Robert saw that these men meant
fight, but that they were made of the
same material as the younger bullies.
He explained, and said in conclusion:
"If either of you men came to my
school I should expect you to obey
"But if we didn't do so?" asked Ned".-
"Then I should make you."
"Do you think you could?"
"I don't know whether you intend
coming to my school or not, Mr.
Dook," taid Robert, "but I know pret
ty well why you and your brother are
here. Your family has been a curse
to this district, but they must not
stand in my way." Here he rose and,
locking the schoolhouse door, he put
the key in his pocket and said as he
came back: "If either of you, or both
of you together, imagine that I can
not flog you as quickly as if you were
boys. I'll undertake to undeceive you."
The Dooks exchanged glances. They
were flogged without striking a blow.
They offered their hands to Robert
and called him a brick, and told him
to do as he pleased from this time on
and they would stand by him.
Robert took them at their word and
district 19. from being the worst, be
came the very best school in the
Robert practiced law near by, and
the Dooks became his clients, not that
they had a high admiration for his
intellect ual acquirements, but because
they believed that the ability to resist
was a primary qualification for a law
yer, and Robert had that quality in
perfection. —N. Y. Ledger.
Tin- Tallest Clilinncj-.
Messrs. Tennant's chimney at Glas
gow is the tallest chimney in the
„„.1 c. o*.ft q hlo-h.
After Ihc Elopi-mfnt.
The (severely)—And
you decided to marry in spite of my op
position ?
The Son-in-Law (calmly)—Yes,sir.
The Father-in-Law (calmly)— Well,
I'd have had no respect for you if you
hadn't!— Puck.
"Really, every time I see you I'm
seized with a desire to sneeze."
"Meaning I have such a peppery dis
"Oh, dear, no, 1 was all'"''ng to the
lovely brightness of your s."—Cin
cinnati Enquirer.
Tli© Cornf«Ml I'lllloNoplier.
"While the cloihing oft proclaims
tlie man," said the Cornfed Philoso
pher, "it is often noticeable that the
man does not live up to the announce
ment, even as the circus." —Indianapo-
lis Journal.
linen- Wlint He Wonted.
Irate Parent —Tell that young Soft
leigh that he must cease his visitshere
I forbid him the house.
Daughter—But, papa, he doesn't
want the house; it's me that lie'i
after. —Chicago Daily News.
Woman SufTrn«te.
"Do you not believe," asked the long
thin passenger, "that all men art
"Some," said the sad passenger from
Wyoming, "are sisters."—Cineinnat
In tlie Minor.
Mr. Sealove (at liis sea-shore cot
tage)—My dear, please tell our daugh
ter to siijg something less doleful.
Mrs. Sealove—That is not our daugh :
ter, mv love. That is the foghorn.—N i
Y. Weekly.
It€»aMon for III* Mmlncßß.
"I know one man at least, who is e
confirmed woman-hater."
"Because he couldn't get one tc
marry him?"
i "No, because he did." —N. Y. Truth
The Sweet TlilngM.
Maud—When I get engaged I don'*
intend to have any mystery about it.
Marie —I don't see how you can helj
it. dear. Everyone will regard it as i
mystery. —Brooklyn Life.
I.ongcr Anxlona.
Rrggy—Did you ever, Miss Gerald
ine, think of marrying?
Oeraldine —Not any more. I'vt
joined the Don't Worry society.—Phil
adelphia CalL I
THIS is the story, never before told,
of the most agonizing moment of
the Spanish-American war —a moment
which controlled the fate of 500 Amer
ican jackies and officers, a pause but
for which the torpido boat Torter
would have blown the flagship New-
York to bits.
The story is told now by E. W. Mc-
Cready. correspondent of the New-
York llerald. who was on board the
, Rorter and who was pledged to se
crecy so long as active operations
against the Spanish continued. But
now that the war is over he has been
, released from his promise and tells
for the first time the &tory of an epi
sode which is still spoken of only in
whispers in naval circles.
The New York and the Porter met
r one night during the blockade of Ha
vana under strange circumstances
which would have justified either iu
destroying the other, and for a few
, seconds the lives of 500 men were in
„ the hands of one. The torpedo boat
g lay so close under the cruiser's side
f that one could have tossed a biscuit
against it.
i But, inviting death while he waited.
Lieut. John C. Fremont, of the Porter,
. hailed once more—a lion's voice ring
ing clear above the churning screws
j and humming blowers—and that final
hail averted the catastrophe,
i | It is memorable that duty scarcely
demanded this last warning.
,• 1 There are some things about it
i which have never been explained. It
appears that the New York was some
distance from her blockading station.
i For the rest the fleet was displaying
? j no lights except an occasional electric
! signal. The night was dark. Cer
s \ vera's fleet was not accounted for. and
1 his cruisers and destroyers were ex
pected at any moment. The Porter
p was on scout duty, and. more impor
tant yet, the usually infallible night
r rignal apparatus of the New York
; played Sampson false for once and
brought him and all who sailed with
him nearer to death than they had
been before or since.
I It was the Porter's business to pre
vent any Spanish vessel from creep
ing up on the blockading squadron un
awares. The American ships at all
hazards must be apprised of the ap
r proaeli of an enemy. The Ardois sys
tem of signal lights includes a signal
f which, flashed for a second in the dark-
I ness, means "enemy's vessel in sight."
That might be used if the scout were
t within signal distance of Sampson's
, ships when he discovered a hostile
craft. But as fog and darkness are
preeminently the conditions favorable
I for torpedo work, the Porter's busi-
I ness was to investigate the character
of every strange ship, and, if satisfied
that she was Spanish, to blow- her up.
On that dark blockade the Ameri
can ships recognized one another in
two ways—one being the position in
which a vessel appeared, which should
be her night blockading station, and
the other being an Ardois signal,
which was changed from night to
night. So if, for instance, the New
York, cruising slowly westward, sight
ed another ship running without
lights and not occupying one of the
I blockading stations she would flash,
let us say, two red lights above one
white one. If the stranger answered
properly and promptly, the New York
could go about her business. Other
wise the batteries would be manned,
a signal warning all vessels within sig
nal distance would be set, and the flag
. ship would close in and get the stran
ger's range.
"A light on the port bow," the look
out announced.
The lieutenant looked at it for a
moment and spoke to the man in the
conning tower. .We were going along
gently, making only five knots an
1 hour.
1 "How's your head?" he asked.
"Nor-west by west-half-west," was
the reply.
We cruised westward. I lay down on
deck near a one-pounder—too near.
Lieut. Fremont went below for a nap.
' Ensign Gillis—it was he who picked
up a Spanish torpedo afterward by
springing overboard and unscrewing
its "war nose" so it could be hauled
aboard safely—was in charge of the
Porter for the time. There was quiet
until 2:30 in the morning Then the
one-pounder beside me w. ' me as
thoroughly as if it had been ;i 1.1-inch
gun, and I raced to the conning tower
to see what had happened, and -aw
what seemed to be the very biggest
ship in the world looming up on our
port bow. indistinct in the gloom, but
' close enough to sink us without fail
a second after the order to fire.
Lieut. Fremont stood before the
conning tower. Gillis had made out
' the loom of the stranger when we
1 were a quarter of a mile away and
had awakened his commander. Silent
ly the Porter stole up on tlie dark
i warship. When we were but 200 yard
away or less, and so within easy sig
nal distance, the night fleet signal was
flashed by the torpedo boat two |
white lights and one red. It burned |
for a second or so and then it was :
turned off.
There was no reply The stranger i
dark and unheeding, moved slowly :
westward. That she had not seen'it
was inconceivable, for there were 2f
men looking out for signals on every j
American warship at this time and no
one could believe that they had over
looked that well-known signal flashed
clear -so close at hand.
The Porter hot close—so close that
every man on her felt that desperate
work was in hand and that now we
were in for it beyond recall. The New
York is perhaps the easiest of the
American ships to recognize, but so i
dark was it that she was strange to j
practiced eyes. Moreover, the diree
tlon frr:m which she aonroa-h«vl wns
such that we had her masts and smoke
pipes in a confusing line.
Our blowers were making a loud,
droning noise. The movement of both
vessels through the water added to the
difficulty of hearing Fremont's voice
I rose so that I thought it must have
I rung through the strange ship. But
the crew of the strange ship were
I rushing to theirguns.
"Stop those blowers!" Fremont said.
1 He was calm, even deliberate. Ills
I eyes swept forward and then aft.
"Are the gun 3 trained on her?" he
"Aye. aye. sir." came from both one
pounders. The torpedo, too, was
ready. It had been tested for pressure
but a few hours earlier. At each gun
a jackie stood like a statue, his shoul
der bent against the rest, his eye on *
the enemy In such moments the eye
notices queer details. I remember
wondering that the jackie at the bow
gun could stand there so quietly, ready
| to fight that great ship which towered
j above us with that absurd one- j
As jackie answered: "Aye. aye, sir,"
his commander's voice ran-.' out a;rain
This time he was hailing and th? inflec
tion rising:
' "What—ship—is—that?"
No answer.
"Fire across her bow!"
Pang! went our bow gun, and the
metal rattled as the mm shoved an
other shell home acd trained the piece
"Show the night fleet signal." Fre
mont said, and it flashed again—two
white lights above a red one. We
were under the stranger's quarter
now. close aboard. For one of us there
was r.o escape. At that range a tor
pedo must "destroy the big in
A second after our signal burned the
stranger's signal mast blazed and
there liur.g an answering signal, but
not the right one. Instead of two
( white lights and a red one there
burned lwo red ones and a white one.
! > For a moment it flashed through Fre
j mont's mind that an enemy might be
attempting to use the American sig
nals. There was no time to think
about it.
t. There was a flash from the stran
ger's forward fighting top and a shell
. whistled over us. Some man in the
L top had fired without orders. :t seems,
but of that we knew nothing. We saw
! only the flash of the gun acd believed
that rifles and machine guns would be
riddling us a second later. The big
guns could ::ot be deprt - sed enough to
i bear on us, soclose werr we.
Fremont had bfen hailing at the
moment and his face had been turned
away from that top from which the
[ gun was fired.
I "Did that shot come from her?" be
j shouted.
"Yes. sir." said a jackie and I in tlie
; same breath.
For a second perhaps Lieut. Fre
mont stood still and silent and his men
and those on the decks high above us
held their aim aud their breath, end
waited for a word which would turn
i loose a torpedo from the Porter and a
| hail of fire from the flagship.
In that long second Fremont, hold
ing the great cruiser at his mercy,
even more than the cruiser held us at
i hers, weighed the chances and gave
I them one more chance. It was to be
i their last. I read it in the sudden
straightening of his form and the
menacing hail which I hear yet:
"What —ship—is—that ?"
On the heels of that hail came an an
swer from the cruiser, and at the first
English word our men let go the
breath they had been holding in one
great sigh of relief, for the answer
rang clear and loud:
"This is the New York."
On the cruiser's deck there was a
sound as of men shifting their feet,
and a confused murmur as they fell
away from their guns.
The Porter's commander spoke
..gain and this time there was no
menace in his voice, but wonder ouly:
"Is that Capt. Chadwick?"
"Yes." answered the New York's
captain. "Is that the Porter?"
"Yes. sir."
"Why didn't you show the night fleet
signal ?"
"We did. sir, twice. There was no
answer the first time. The second
time—just now—the New York dis
played the wrong signal."
Capt. Chadwick thought that could
not be so. but everyone on the torpedo
boat knew it was. and after some more
explanation the Porter swung away
from the flagship and glided off into
the night.
As was customary, several captains
met the admiral's cabin on the flag
ship in the morning, and I was told
afterward that the night encounter
was tlie subject of considerable talk.
It appears that Admiral Sampson him
self had been awake, and I was in
formed that when some one said to
Lieut. Fremont that the Porter should
have been mere careful about the
night fleet signal the admiral said,
"I saw the Porter's signal displayed
and there was no answer from this
There was an end to that argument,
at least, but a torpedo man from the
Porter and an officer of the flagship
asked each other what would have
happened if the Porter's hail had not
been answered just when it was.
"Do you know what our next order
would have been?" asked the flagship
"No." said his friend from the Por
ter; ''what would it have been?"
"Full speed ahead and ram!" was
the reply.
The torpedo man laughed. "You'd
never have rammed us," he said, and
indeed he was right. But for the dis
covery which came like a reprieve at
the last second of endurance the New
York was doomed. The Porter might
have been sunk; the flagship must
have been
Cliunjti'd the Subject.
Fauntleroy Boy—Mamma, wouldn't
It have been grand to have lived in the
good old times, and had a big castle
on a hill, and robbed everybody who
came near it, just like the brave barons
1 read about in that big book? 1 wish
I could have been one!
Mamma —Hush! You shouldn't talk
Boy—Can't I just think about such
Mamma—No. you sha'n't. Change
the subject.
Boy—Mamma, when is papa coming
( back to the city?
Mamma—As soon as his summer ho
tel closes.—N. Y. Weekly.
A Practical View.
Some children are naturally inclined
to take a practical view of things. A
lil tie fellow, aged four, was repeating
a prayer after his mamma, ending with
; "God bless papa, mamma, grandma,
brother and sister and everybody."
"Mamma," said he, "if we had said
'everybody' at the .start it wouldn't
have taken up so much of (lod's time."
—Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. ,
(liilt'k jn l.cnrn.
"I do not love him," she said, "but,"
•he added when she heard about his
enormous income, "very likely i could
learn to love him. I have always been
an apt student."
"Especially good in mathematics,"'
suggested her dearest friend, but,
then, in affairs of the heart it is well
known that there is no friendship be
tween women.—Chicago Post.
Inflect Ive I) I p .
A certaiu benedict was in the habit
<f troubling his father-in-law with
complaints about his wife's behavior.
"Really, this is too bud," cried the-,
irascible old gentleman oue day. ou.
hearing of some of his daughter's de- ,
linquencies. "If I hear any more com- (
plaints I will disinherit her."
There were no more.—Tit-Bit».
Wig. t I»orl»«»<»<! >i'n>.
Butcher—You ve got six or eight
" new boartlers, >in't you, mum?
Mra. Slimdiet —Yes. They came yes
terday. How did you know?
Butcher— I noticed you was buying
half a pound more of everything.—N.
Y. Weekly.
\ Slultt Worth Seeing.
Johnny is staying at the seaside, j
Here is an extract from his letter to
Si tir Lucy: "Ti. i lit of a fat man,
trying to look prctM iu a bathing suit
i is what makes the little, baldheadtid
llslics stand on their tailu and jrriiu"—
England Will Build Four tlattlohlpa
and Twelve Torpedo Boat
The eagerly expected statement of
the first lord of the admiralty, George
). Goschen, on the supplementary
naval programme, was made the other
day iu the bi»i.-e of covinous. He re
viewed the original programme, which
was considered sullicient, when it was
framed, being based upon the two
power system, that the navy of Great
liritain inus.t be equal to the combined
fleets of any two powers.
But, in consequence of the action of
Kussia, on the same system, the gov
ernment was compelled to present a
supplementary programme, parallel
ing the Russian increase of six battle
ship-. which Russia proposed to begin
in ls'.iv Only t kvo battleships were taken
into account in the original flritish
programme, and the first lord of the
admiralty announced that he now
asked the house to grant four more
Continuing. Mr. Goscbcn said: "The
Russian programme provides for four
cruisers. We propose to build four and
also 12 destroyers. It is estimated that
the cost of the new programme will
be £3,000,000 ($40,000,000). making the
entire expenditure for the new ships
£ 15.000,000 (STS.COO.OCO). The battle
ships will be especially adapted for
I the passage of the Suez canal."
, Mr. Goschen pointed out that her
majesty's government desired Europe
to note that the proposal wns not
aggressive, but essential to main
taining a principle laid down." Nor
was Russia's action a menace to Great
Britain. She had the right to build
such a fleet as she thought her posi
tion required.
Special Government Aeent of lotted
State* See» Caranra'i Fleet
Diplomats and military and naval
men ure talking of little else now than
of the remarkable exploits of a United
States spy who was lionized in Madrid
and Cadiz, and even dined with Ad
miral C'amara before the now cele
brated "Suez canal squadron" sailed
from Cadiz.
This spy. or "confidential agent of
the United States government," was a
West Pointer, holding r. commission as
captain of the Second Texan rangers,
nis true name has not been disclosed.
In Madrid he was Fernandez Del
i Campo. lie nrrived in Madrid seven
| or eight weeks ago in the guise of a
wealthy Mexican gentleman. He hired
a suite of rooms on the first floor in
the fi: est hotel of the Spanish capital
and was soon a great favorite in so
ciety. and v.as known, by reputation at
least, in every Madrid drawing-room.
Fernandez Bel Campo spent a month
between Cadiz, the dock yards at Car
raca and the arsenal of San Fernando.
He stayed in Cadiz for a day or two
after the departure of Camara's
squadron. He witnessed this event on
board one of the admiralty's launches.
One morning three Spanish gentle
men were walking up and down in
front of the Hotel de Paris as if they
were waiting for somebody. They
were detectives sent to arrest him. A
week later he was in Tangier speaking
remarkably good English for a "Mexi
Revolutionary I'arty of Puerto it 100
Is Anxlona to Be Joined to
the I'nlted States.
Senor P. de Castro, one of the prom
inent members of the Puerto Rican
junta of New Yorlevity, when asked as
to the attitude of the junta, said:
"When the junta was organized we
were pledged to secure the indepen
dence of the island. That was more
than two years ago. Such a thing as
annexation was not discussed, because
Spain was not at war with America.
6ince this war, however, all our peo
ple are with America. At a meeting
on July 12, we decided to assist the
United States unconditionally. The
majority of us are in favor of annexa
tion. Any talk of the revolutionary
party of Puerto Rico resisting the in
\asion of Americans is nonsense. I
was at the meeting held July 12 in New
York city and never heard any such
"I have grave doubts of our ability to
make a republic of Puerto Rico, mean
ing, as it does, an internal strife, but
annexation would be successful. The
uajprity of Puerto Ricans in this
country are heartily in favor of it.
There are some few against annexa
tion. but none who would counsel re
sistance to it by force of arms."
Latest llrport Shorn That rrKOllcally
All tlie States Have Supplied
Their Qnota of Troops.
The war department feels that it
has reason to be gratified with the
results obtained under the first and
second calls for troops by the presi
dent. The statement just issued shows
that practically all the states have
supplied the quotas called for in these
I two calls. It is explained that tlie dis-
I crepancy between this statement and
' the one published a week ago, which
caused so much criticism and put sev
eral states, including Massachusetts,
Nebraska and North Carolina, in th© j
unenviable condition of having con- |
tributed only a small number of the |
troops called for. was caused by the
fact that owing to failures to make
prompt reports these states appeared
to be deficient.
Knrupe'H Incrrnnlna Population.
Fifty years ago the population of
Europe was about 250.000.000; it is
10-da > considerably over .1fi0.000,000.
Plain Speakln*.
A lle'3 a lie. although we say o" late
The person "will sometimes prevaricate,"
An' slander's plsen In life's every walk,
Although wo say the person "likes to
Midland Monthly.
She Hadn't Thouiclit of That.
(ieraldine —Now that we are engaged
you must give up your expensive hab
Gerald-—Then we'll have to break
the engagement.
Geraldine —Why so?
Gerald —You are my most expensive
habit. —Town Topics.
Cobwiggar—lt'll be a great thing for
Cuba when we Inaugurate new sys
tem.' and stamp out the yellow fever i
Mi rritt—l guess it won't make much
di IT« :. i i; ui the death rate, for we will
pi'i iiably introduce the bicycle and the
!ll» Limit.
"1 have noticed. Clara,' said the fond,
father, "that young Meanboy has spent
ny .oil deal of time with you lately."
His daughter sighed.
"You are dad," she answered,
"but that i 4 about ail he haa *
Jf. Y. Evealiur .luurnal.
No. 42
Kuciur ll*i It 'lb4< the Old FuklM
in llradsear la t* Be Rtt
vivrd by
Nightcap* are coming. There i 3 no
particular reason assigned for their
revival. It is a mere caprice of the
liekle Dame Fashion. The fashion now
adays seems to be to revive old fash
ions. and perhaps that is the reason,
for the newest freak.
Fair young women who have never
seen a nightcap are now wondering
how they will look. The nightcap was
familiar enough to the people of a
generation or two ago, but there are
few women who are willing to admit
that ther lrave ever seen one. The
ideas of the majority of the people of
to-day on the subject are formed by ;
the reference found in the novels ol
homely English life. Mr. Pickwick'
wore a nightcap, and so did the wom
an into whose room he got by mistake
one night. Mrs. Nickleby's nightcap
■was much in evidence. She thought
good deal of it and gave her son her
ideas on the subject.
"People may say what they like,"
observed Mrs. Nickleby on one vocca
sion, "but there is a good deal of com
fort in a nightcap, as I am sure you
would confess, Nicholas, my dear, if
you would only have the strings to,
yours and wear it like a Christian, in-,
stead of sticking it up on the very tog
of your head like a bluecoat boy. Yon
needn't think it unmanly or a quiz
zical thing to be particular about your
nightcap, for I have oYten heard yotir
' poor dead papa and the Reverend Mr.
Wlint's-his-name, who used to read
prayers in that old church with the
curious little steeple that the weather
cock was blown off the night week be
| fore you were born —I have often heard
them say that the young men at col
lege are uncommonly particular about
their nightcaps, and that the Oxford
nightcaps are quite celebrated for
their strength and goodness; so much
so. indeed, that the young men never
dream of going to bed without the<m,
and I believe that it is admitted on all
hands, that they know what is good
and don't coddle themselves."
Tlie kind of nightcap they used at
Oxford is still in vogue among men.
i Any woman who doesn't understand it
I can ask her husband. But the other
sort, like the good, simple Mrs. Nickle
by wore, have been entirely out of
fashion until just now, when they are
reported to be about to regain their
former rogue.
The chief thing women ere asking
übout nightcaps just now is whether
they are becoming. A group of girls
were discussing this question the
other day when one of them declared
her opposition to the new fad.
j "Of course they are becoming," it
was agreed, or else no woman would
think of wearing them. One of those
in the party told that she had heard
a report that some one had recom
mended them because "they say it im
proves the hair to sleep with covered
j head."
The interested looks of the other
girls were intense until one of them
declared vigorously:
"Whoever said that was either some
: old woman who leases trerhair on her
dressing table at night and wears caps
to conceal the Tact from her pillow, or
one of those novelty seekers who
doesn't know anything of hygiene, hair
culture, or the like. Why, yon all
ought to know, If you don't, that the
worst thing in the world is to smother
your hair in a covering at night. A
well-groomed head of hair one would
have if it were twisted together tight
ly all day and at night bundled up in
the close space of a linen or muslin
cap! You can pose it upon your top
knot with all the coquetry of a French
| 'Uinery poem, but the fact remain*
tffi is a superfluous and harmless
addition to your toilet."
And then and there every one in the
1 group resolved to do without night
caps whether it be fashionable or not
to wear them. But whether they will
keep their vows or not depends upon
whether the fashion becomes general.
—Chicago Times-Herald.
Wit of the Gamla.
Mr. llandstrong, an elderly ckizen
i and parent of several good-sized chll*
I dren, took his Camily to one ol the
parks tlie other day for a little outing.
1 "This makes me feel young again!**
he said. "When I was a youngster," he
continued, lighting a cigar and lean
ing comfortably against a tree to
smoke, "I remember it used to be oi*
of my specialties to stand on my head.
I believe I could do it now." Care
fully removing his watch, pocketibook
and other valuable articles of a port
able nature from his pockets and
handing them to one of the interested
spectators for safe keeping, Mr.
1 llandstrong put his head on the
ground, braced himself firmly with
I his hands, and after several spasmodio
and ineffectual kicks succeeded inget-
I ting his feet and legs in on upright
position. For 15 or 20 seconds he stood
i thus, with his head and hands on the
grass and his feet in the air, and to
show how easy it was he puffed vig
orously at his cigar, which he still
held in his mouth. "111, JimmyP'yelled
one of the bad boys of the neighbor
hood, who had been watching all these
proceedings from a little distance
with breathless interest. "Hi, Jim
my!" he repeated, beckoning to a dir
ty-faced comrade. "look at de old
guyl lie's on fire In dc basement!" —
Chicago Tribune.
Remarks on Adam aad Ere.
! . The following remark of a Highland
clergyman shows that the Celts in
Scotland can iay claim to the faculty
of bullmaking. In his sermon preached
J in a small church in Strathspey after
j inveighing against slothfulness, he
' said In closing: "Do you think Adam
and Eve went about the Garden of,
Eden with their hands in their poolc
j ets?"—London Spectator.
JB>I the Game for Htm.
"I'm surprised to hear that you're
so enthusiastic over golf, Sligher. Do
i you play?"
I "Not in a thousand years. Wouldn't
know a link from a balloon. But my
wife is so completely taken up with
the game that she has quit trying to
run me."—Detroit Free Press.
Wisely Ordered.
Mrs. Ilenpeck—l believe every detail
of life Is ordered by an All-Wise Provi
■ dence.
| Mr. Ilenpeck (thoughtfully)—l have
noticed that women can't throw
straight.—N. Y. Weekly.
Am (Tanal.
Mr. Staylate—Das your father any
objection to my paying you visits, Miss
Miss B. (glancing at clock) —1 think
he would prefer that you paid them in
installments^—Town Topics.
Ill* Preference.
Miss Frocks—Mr. Spokes, do you like
'*Song w Without Words?'
Mr. Spokes—Well, 1 very much pre
fer them to sougs without aenEC.* , ~-D®*
k troit Free