Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 20, 1898, Image 3
Ti-lE CITIZEN. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE—AII advertisers intending to make changes In their ad*, should notify us ot their Intention to do w>. not later Than Mon day morn inc. Auditor's notice, estate of Henry Sef ton. Jury List, for Nov. 15. Martinconrt & Co s Invoice. Boyd's bird instruction. Douglass' wall paper. Bntler Business College. Schanl & Nast's clothing. j. The Country Gentleman. , Care of the Feet. 1 Administrators and Executors of estates can secure their receipt books at the CITI ZEN office, and persons making public sales their note books. LOCAL AND GENERAL, j J —Hallo'een comes on the 81at. I , —lndian Summer is yet to come. ■ J —Stores filled with new fall goods. ' —Election two weeks from next Tuesday. 1 ] —Hunting accidents are now being ( recorded. I , —New corn meal and buckwheat ' flour are in market. —A heavy snow fell in Kansas. Net braska and Missouri, Monday. —Our first ' killing frost came a week ahead of its schedule time. A —"Oil $1.15 and none to sell. Holy ' Smoke! let's drill a well somewhere". r —The small boy is scouring the woods 1 in search of hickory nuts and chest nuts. —The frisky squirrel mast keep his j wits about him or he will drop into a stew kettle. —Yon can get a "Bird Book" free at i Boyd's drug store, Cor. Main and Dia mond, next Tuesday. f —lt's sad to suffer from dyspepsia, but it is even worse to make those j abont you suffer. I —Oil producers are returning from the West Virginia territory and seeking locations in Pennsglvania. —Open meeting of the Good Will ' Hose Co , in Park Theatre next Tuesday evening. Everybody welcome. —Three West Virginia boys were a spread-eagled at Camp Meade, Monday, for refusing to do police duty. • £ —Martincourt & Co. invoice on Nov. 15th and will have a Clearance Sale until f that date. See announcement. t —The foot-ball season in Butler, will be opened Saturday afternoon,by a game ' between the Locals and New Castle '[ team. —Anybody having A good four- - room house for rent, ;an hear of a ' c prospective tenant by calling at this a office . —Saturday last wound up the base ball season for this year—a very un- t satisfactory one, on account of the war —and inaugurated the hunting season. ' —Portersville is building a new a town and Odd Fellows hall combined. It is a two story frame with an and ience room 60x32 feet and a large 1 stage. —W. E. Redd and J. B. Snell have rented the second story of the Sherman • & Johnston inachine-shop building (old . Fullerton Woolen mill) for a mirror works. ] —A Minnesota widow sued a man re- £ cently for SI,OOO for hugging her. The jury gave her judgement for sl. The evidence showod she had edged up the j other f'J'.fJ worth. —White-sand territory is becoming scarce and orators are leaving the 1 spotted and expensive territory of West Virginia and the southwest, and are ' seeking locations in this state. I —The three County Commissioners and their Counsel went t® Clearfield, 1 Tuesday, to attend the convention of the County Commissioners of the State, being held there this week. j —There will be a Box Social at the school-house at Saxon Station to-mor row (Friday) evening, for the benefit of. the Bell fund. Fred Ekas and Miss ( Zetta Bartley are teachers of the schools 1 there. —Another Butler horse is winning , fame for himself, and money for his • owner. Masseth's "Boiiatella" driven by Chas Jamison, trotted a mile in 2: ' 18i at Lexington, Ky., and won three 1 straight heats. . —Workmen have began construction work on the B. R. & P. railroad, com mencing at the old salt works and working up Bonnybrook valley. Sun day they were building shanties for themselves. , —We. this week, insert the adv. of the "Country Gentleman," which is considered the best agricultural paper published in the country, and we will club it with the "CITIZEN," at $2.60 per year for both. f —A sale of the old John Graham - property at north end of Main street was effected, Tuesday, by Walker & Wick, price not yet made public- The same firm also made sale of the 1 Wm. Douthett, now A. Steelsmith, property on E. Clay St. For farms and town properties, real estate of all kinds call on Walker & Wick, opposite the P. O. —The disputed question as to whether malaria and typhoid fever gems can both exist in the same person has been settled by recent tests at the Universi ty of Pennsylvania, where it was found that soldiers returning home from Cuba had germs of both fevers in their sys tems. This probably accounts for the severity of most of the fever cases among the troops. —The local Y. M. C A. has secured, a course of eight entertainments for the winter, to present to the people of But ler. They are the Franz Wilcziek Con cert Co.; the Fadettes Woman's Or chestra of Boston: the John Thomas Concert Co.; John B. DeMotte, lecturer; Katharine E. Oliver, reading from Mc / Laran; Edward Maro. Magician; W. Hinton White, Lecturer: Ottumwas, male quartett and reciter. Course tickets cost sl, and the first number will appear some time in November. —The Sixteenth Penn'a. Vols, ai rived i at New York from Porto Rico in the : transport Minnewaska. Monday even- j ing and were met in the bay by Gov. | Hastings and party. The regiment! secured a6O day furlough, and Co. B, I /arrived at New Castle, last evening. But one Butler county boy, Howard Harper, a son of Treasurer Harper belongs to the regiment. He entered at New Castle with the Sons of-Veterans. The Peace Jubilee Com mittee wants them to march in the pa rade at Philadelphia, next Thursday, and oioy be ! LEGAL XfcWS. NOTES Letters of adut'n on the estate of Olive Armstrong late of Marion twp have been granted to Warren Arm strong; also on the- (state of Katie 8., Wilson late of Adams twp. to H. il Berringer The will of Margaret Dnnbnr late of Forward twp.. has been probated. Dan iel Dunbar being named executor. On petition of Thos. A. Donaldson, a rule was granted mi Lewis Gaul/ et al. to brimr suit in ejectment for propetty in Evans City within six months or show cause why it cannot lie brought and if they fail to do so judgement is to entered against them. The sessions of the Supreme Couri were resumed at Pittsbnrx Monday,and the Butler county cases will be heard this week. The court handed down n number of decisions Monday, and in that of the Miller-will case of Allegheny county called down Judge White f«>r constraining or coercing a jury int« rendering a verdict against the jmlg ment or conscience of part of its mem bers. Julian A. Smith, the hatter, charged with a&b by h ; s wife R<>-a. p'ead gnil ty on Monday and the court sentenced him to pay tne costs and enter his re cog. in S3OO to appear when wanted, which he did He is h» ld for court cu the charge of surety of the peace. Robert Downer and Catharine A. Da vis were held for court by Esq. Ander son on chaiges of agg a&b. preferred by Hanson A. Davis, who was abused by his wife and Downer. A certiorari has l>een issued to C. E. Anderson, J. P. in the case of Wlll McMnrray vs .fas Bredin. Chris Hinchlierger has issued execn tion and levied 011 goods of W E Spence and Jos Grenne 'lefts, and tin Tentonia Ins Co., garnishee. Mrs. Mike Scaniou went before Esq Keck, Wednesday evening, and made information charging Dr C. Atwell with rape. Bail was given to appear at court It is said Dr Atwell received letters from the complainant threaten ing to sue if be did not give her money. ; Sam'l A. Weigel has been appointed election inspector of Zelienople vice W G Basler. resisned. The voting place of the Ist ward. Butler, has been changed from Wnller hall to the W. C. Fleming -tore room. 216 Centre Ave. The voting plac - of north pre cinct of Perm twp. has been changed from the Opera House to the Maccabees Hall. Main St . Renfrew. The voting place of Cherry twp south piecinet lias been changed from the Gomersol school house to the "Pipe stem" school house, No. 2. The will of Margaretha Seipel late of Saxonbnrg has been probated irid letter granted to John Seipei. Saturday, Nov. 5, will be the last day for filing accounts for n»»xt term with the Register and Recorder. Edward Mcintosh, of Millerstown, has been held for court, charged with aggravated assault and batterv by M H. Kellv. On petition of Rev C. Peters, M. 15. Mcßride Esq . Dr J. D Thomas and Dr. Wm. DeWolf were appointed a committee to inquire into the mental state of John L. Peters, of Chicora. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Jas Stephenson to A. A: W. Ry. Co two lots in Summit for *985, and $315. A. P. Tannehill, adm'r to A. M. Christlev lot in Centreville for S2'JD. W. F. El kin to A. M. Kaltenbach, 155 acres in Connoquenes"ing twp.for S4OOO. Almira P. Kennedy to Eli May. lot in Butler for $70(1. Edgar Cowan, adm'r. to J. D. Magee lot in Valencia for $750. Scott Thompson to Ett-i M. Walters 107 acres in Middlesex for *1 Etta M. Walters to Scott Thompson 53 acres in Middlesex for si W. J. Link to Mary E. Link lot in Mars for SOOO. Jacob A. Heck to Chas. Duffy lot in Butler for *450. R. L McGary to ( has. Coulter To . • acres in Muddy creek for SIOOO. D. A. Renfrew to Utopia Tent K. O T. M lot in Renfrew for*H7s. Henry Green to A. & W R\ Co. lot in Summit for >O7. Frank Kohler to Harry L Richey lot in Bntler lor SISOO. W W Blackmore to Thos F Niggle lot in Butler for $1350. Sam'l G Roberts to Sarah M Cote 125 acres in Adams for $12,000. S F Booher. sheriff of Armstrong Co , to Geo H Chnrch 6000 in Butler Co et al for $12,000. D B Stevenson to W G Walker 13 acres in Parker for $325. Eli S Fleeger to Lizzie M Fleeger 12 acres in Centre for $!. H M Fleeger to Eli S Fleeger 12 acres in same for sl. Marriage Licenses. Chas. F. Schoentag Glade Mills Maria Heihuan Etna Pa. W. B. Critchlow Prospect. Emma Harvey J. M. Irvin West Sunbuty. Martha J. Sablin McFann. W. M Leasure Pitcaira, Pa Katie Baumgard Clearlield twp Francis Scharbach Toledo, ' > Anna L. Rumbaugh Millerstown Henry W. Jahns Allegheny City j Alvina Bachman. .Connoqnenessing twp 1 A D. Kepple Beuna Vista Beulah Fleeger Greece City Abner Thorn Evans City j Hattie Covert W. E. Richardson Callery Clara Smith Brownsdale Alfred N. Patterson Ilarrisville Margaret A Bell Mercer Co Paul Cronenwett Bntler Anabel Aggas West Sunbury At Pittsburg Albert <'. Park, of Mars, and Mamie Miller of Callery. At Indiana I'a —J. E. Lydick of Mars and Minta Dea rmine of White twp Indiana Co. —The "Music-cure" is the latest. All the ills of life, according to a Chicago genins, can be cured by music. —"Country-born eggs" have been scarce in Butler lately Keep your chick ens in a warm place, and feed them well. —An Iron furnace in a neighboring town lately lost thirty tons of metal by a "boil," and one of the workmen said. "There is nothing an old iron maker dis likes more than u lioil. When the iron begins to spurt and sputter around, and the men see that it is bound to be lost, they all rush out to avoid seeing the sad sight, they hate to see the iron going to waste. Thej go out and commune with the stars. In thi- way they often avoid a roast which is worse than a boil. I knew a man once who was in the way of a large chunk ol' moulten metal that shot out from a boil, and he never smiled again The Prize Winner. Of the seventy-five selections of 12 ears each of "Biekel - Seed Corn" left at Bickel's store in competition for the | 1 Ten Dollar prize, the Judges Robert I Stevenson, James Walker, and John j Schenck—yesterday decided that that lof John Collar of near ('hicora was the j best and awarded the prize to him. Congratulations— Farm For Rent. One of the best farms in Brady twp. containing about lo.> acres, with fruit of all kinds in plenty, good barn and I out buildings, good water and con'fort ; able house, located in Brady twp., ah- : joining the town of West Liberty, is for rent. None but first class farmer- need apply to W. C. HAWN J On the premises. I»KK>«»N AL. ■T. J O'Donrell has secured work at Orove City. Edgar Cowan of Middlesex twp. was in town. Monday Miss Carrie Craig, of Senora. visited friends in town. Monday. M;>- Clara Finlk of Titusville, is the guest of Mrs Jos. Colestock. Israel Shaffer, of Isle, drove into town Tnesdey morning on business John McLaughlin, the old time school tea>-her. was in to see us last Friday. K. II (iold and Thomas Hindman of Washington twp were in town. Friday. A. G. Freehling and wife of Winfield twp.. did some shopping in Butler. Fri day. •T. E Kingan and wife, of Clinton twp. did some shopping in Butler. Tuesday Corporal John Martin and Musician Johc Kelly, of Co. E. are home on short furlonirhs. John L. Shannon and his son. Q G.. of Conn .(juenessing twp . were in town yesterday. Private McFann, of Co. E. 15th reg.. has been discharged on account of the illness of his father. Thomas B Smith of Parker twp. and Samuel Smith of Washington twp. were in town Monday. Robert Dougherty of Co. F. 15th. stopped in Bntler. last Friday, on his way home on furlongh. Ezra Liken of Evans City was in town yesterday, and says his town will soon have a great water works. Burke Mechling of Co. E is home and ; s lying sick :>t ' e lesidence of his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs J. B. Mechling. Wm. Goehring and his son Jno. C. cf Forward twp.. were in town Monday. Wm. intends moving into Evans City. Sergt. Jos J. O'Donnel and private Sarnl S. Scott of Co. E. have been hon orably discharged, the former being a married man Charles Kalb, of Co. E. who has been in the Pottstown hospital with typhoid fever for sometime past, is reported convalescent. Frank McCrea, Dave Black and Charley Miller got fifty-seven pheasants in 1 hree days hunt in the northern part of the county Ed. Livingston, of Co. E, is home •n si' k furlough, Ed. had a relapse of the typhoid fever after returning to camp last month. Paul Cronenwett of the local mail force and Miss Anabel Aggas were narried Wednesday at the bride's home in Concord twp. Sam. Walker made three touchdowns in tb : 'niversity of Pennsylvania vs Le high football game Saturday, and Sam is said to be in rather poor condition at that Mr- .Tames M. Thompson, of Insti tute Hill is attending the White Ribbon Convention, at H irrisbnrg. as a dele gate. and while there, will visit her son Jack al < amp Meade. Mrs. Nelson Moore and daughter Helen of Marietta. O and Mrs. Newton Dunn and Mrs. Daisy Irwin and daugh ter of Evans City, were the guests of Ueg. and Rec W. J Adams, last week. W. E Richardson, of Callery, and Clara Smith, of Brownsdale, took out a license Wednesday morning and were married 111 Clerk of Court Meals' of fice by Rev. E. S. White of the M. E. church. Rex Williams, Jacob Rimer, R. Del Hindman, Gus Morrison, Dave Ens winger. and Ernest Faber have returned to Co. E at Camp Meade after spending 30 day furloughs at home. J. D. Wilson and W. J. Chesney, *of Saxon burg are pntting in a gas plant at Albany. Athens Co. Ohio. Albany has 1 population of about 1,000. Messrs Wilson and Chesney are drilling a weH in the town, and if they get gas they will be saved the trouble and expense of laying two and a-half miles of pipe to an outside well. OIL VOTES. THE MAI.'UKI Advanced two cents la t Friday. ;-l 12: three cents, Monday, i 15 and this morning opened at $1.15. \YI.VI IKLD Chris Steighner, of Her man, struck a paying 3d sand '.veil 011 the Mrs. John Graham farm, Monday. CLINTON TWP. Smith Lefever start ed this week to drill on one of the farms in the Krumpe neighborhood. Lefever brought in a gas well on the Philip Snyder farm last week, and Ekas and Oterheim brought one in on the Robt. Kennedy farm in Buffalo. BAKKRSTOVVN Several test wells are going down near the county line. Phil lips well on the Marshall is down to 40 a day or less. BUTLER TWI j Bert Young has put up a rig on the Jos. Addleman farm. ACt'II>ENTB. Anderson Ash of Forward twp., fell 1 from a ladder and was seriously injured on Tuesday of last week. John Bonner was burned by the ex ilosion of gas at an oil well, last Satur day. Ed. (iumpper was accidently shot in j the face by Joe Weisenstein. while out ■ minting last Saturday. One of the 1 -hots penetrated one of Ed's eyes, and | mav blind it. Care of The Feet. What Mrs. Jenness Miller has done for her suffering sisters. The wave of common-*"euse "dress re form" and especialy "shoe letorm ' is gathering force as it wends ils way from Ue Atlantic to the Pacific When asked what led to the manufacture of the cele brated "Jenness Miller" shoe this apostle of comfort and beauty replied, "A cry ing demand from women all over the couutiy. From every audience I have addressed and they have numbered thousands in every city of note on the con inent, has com-; the question in tones of distress. What shall we wear upon our feet to be comfortable and look well?" I have answered that question in the shoe which today bears 1113 name. It is my own idea of a strictly liygenic, an atomical shoe, and gives the greatest possible amount of comfort, st_\ le and durability ever secured from a shoe. I co not think that I shall ever know greater satisfaction in life than the thought that it has been my privilege to solve the problem of foot comfort for my sisters throughout the.length and breadth of the land. The Jenness Miller hygenie shoes are confined to B. C. HUSELTON, Opp. Hotel Lowry, Butler, Pa. lii'diiccd Kates to Philadelphia, Account Peace •Jubilee. For the grand Peace Jubilee at Philadelphia, October 20 and 27, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets from all ticket sta tions on its line, to Philadelphia, at rate of single fare for the round trip (mini mum rate 25 cents). Tickets will be sold and good, going, October 21 to 27, and returning leaving Philadelphia to October 31, inclusive. This jubilee will be one of the great c-t events in the history of Philadelphia j The rededieati"U of Independence Hall, recently restored: the unveiling of the Grant Equestrian Monument. Fair mount Park, a monster civic and indus trial parade, and a grand military and naval pageant, led by General Miles and other heroes of the late war, will be prominent features. The President ••slid h's Cabinet are also expected to be present. Ail) of our readers needing gas stoves or gas i.iiigcs, gas fronts or any gas sav itig appliance will find it a financial sav ing to call at the store c>f W. H. O'Brien & Son. on i.ast Jefferson St. j and get prices 011 the extensive line they i have 011 exhibition. They t.re also i agents lor the celebrated Welsbach Light, of which more than I2<XJ were old in Butler, last year. —iiusic scholars wanted, at 12a W Wayne St. < losing: ot'the Clormitn National. The Gertnan National Bank of Pitts j bnrg located at the comer of Wood st. and Sixth Ave. did not open its door* i yesterday morning and the following notice w-«s posted on the door • At a meeting of the Board of Dire.- tors held at the kink this day at t> P. M the following Resolution was adopted Resolved after a thorough examination of the Bank examiner. Clearing House Cotninittee and Directors of the Bank all being unanimous iu the opinion that the Bank is solvent, that owing to the fact that a portion of the assets are not immediately available, that under the advice of all it seems best to close the bank for the equal protection of all the depositors and go into voluntary liqui dation and the full assurance, that at an early date will be able to pay all its de positor.- in full, therefore the bank is closed and the Directors hereby recom mend as liquidation committee. E. II Myers, H. H. Niemann. A. Frauenheim. •'Pittsburg. October 18. 1*97." On last Friday Adolph (iroetzingf r. president of the German National bank, tendered bis resignation to the board of directors, and at a meeting of the board Saturday morning it wasaccepted. On the same afternoon judgement was con fessed by Adolph and William C. Grotz inger. members of fhe firm of A. Groetz inger & Sons, tanners, of Allegheny to Edward Gootezinger. the carpet dealer, for t-'4«,K6"J 71 This was made np of a note for fISO.OOO, under date of October I:{. I*!>H, attorneys' fees of and other obligations not itemized Aldoph William C. and Otto H. Groetzinger and A. Groetzinger & Sons also confess ed judgment to Edward (iroetzinger for $24'}.862,71, This consisted of a note for SIOO,OOO under date of Augnst 10 is!tf. attorneys' fees for and other obligations not mentioned An execution was issued by Edward Groetzinger against Adolph, Otto H. and William C. Groetzinger and A. Groetzinger & Sons for $243,802.71, and the court ordered the sheriff to act at once. Execution attachments were also made in Common Please court No. 2 against Adolph. William C. and Otto 11. Groetzinger by Edward Groetzinger. All the money, stock and other valu ables in the following corporations, summoned as garnishees, and ordered to be attached: Second National bank of Alleghenny, Germania Savings bank of Pittsburg, Pittsburg Plate Glass company. Philadelphia Gas company, Westinghonse Air Brake company and the German Fire Insurance company. All the stock, standing in the name of the Groetzingers in the Third National bank of Pittsburg, t! j Germania Sav ings bank of Pittsburg, and the Pitts burg Bank of Savings, and all the capi tal stock in the names of all or any of the defendants in the Equitable Title and Trust company, or anv other seen" rities. is ordered to be attached. Attor ney S B. St-hover represents the de fendants and A', torney S. Schoyer, the plaintiff, Edward Groetzinger PARK THEATRE. Enisox's Kl NETOSCOPE. On Friday evening, Saturday after noon and Saturday evening, Oct. 21st and 23d our people will have an oppor tunity to see the most wonderful realis tic exhibition on earth, Edison'sKineto scope, reproducing with vivid and startling effects the late war, showing the tiring of the guns, charging of the Hough Riders and every detail of the war: Sampson's Siege, landing of troops, pack mules, Cuba trails, coaling at Key W r est, etc. etc. EI. CAI'ITAN- THURSDAY, OCT. 27. The fashion event of the present sea son in this city will be the production of Sonsa and Klein's successful opera "El Capitati. It will be seen and heard in all its original splendor and magnificence, as the opera will be staged and mounted w,th all the origi onal paraphernalia, including its sn perb scenic investitnte, its gorgeous costumes, magnificent dress, elaborate draperies and other expensive equip ments. The music of the opera, which, in the language of Katisha. is worth going miles to hear, is from the facile pen of another popular idol among American theatre-goers, John Philip Sonsa, the famous band-master, and report says that its source contains the composers greatest and liveliest two step compositions, the stirring and in spiring Boone March, which is the pre vailing feature of the final, which so fittingly closes the second act. The cast contains such well-known artists as Wm. C. Mandeville, Edward Wal kes, Madeline Lack, Kate Michelena, Nera Rosa, Harry Carter, John Duns mure, Karl Formes. James Kiernan, Charles Hildesley, Phylis Jordan. George Hilton and a strong and well drilled chorus of fifty voices. NEXT WEEK IN PITTSBURG August in Daly's famous comedy "A Night off", will be the attraction next week at the Grand Opera Honse Pitts burg. This play it will be remembered, was the attraction for a year at Daly's Theatre New York, and is one of the most successful comedies ever written. It introduces this Comedy in its full strength and permits a splendid scenic environment and stage appurtenances. The character of "Marcus Brutus Snap , a Theatre Manager, is in the hands of Jas. E. Wilson, who will be remembered as having scored a great success in the same part two seasons ago; "Justinian Babbitt'' will be played by Hugh J. Ward,; Harrington Rey nolds is "Jack Mulberry" and Beau mont Smita is "Lord Mulberry," baye parts well adapted to their ability. Lizzie Hubson Collier, Jessie Izett, Gravce Scott, and Madge Carr Cook are all in the cast. The Avenue Theatre continues with each week to grow in popularity as the home of Vaudeville. During the pres ent week it has been crowded at every performance, aud offers a number of very strong attractions for the third week of its career. John T. Keegan, commedian and Lew Keegan singers, dancers and performers; The Misses Cook and Clinton, world famous sharp shooters; Fallon aud Clark, musical artises, vocalists and commedians; Carron and Hughes in their celebrrted musical clown performance, and a doz more of the best Vaudeville Artists of the profession will be the bill at the Avenue Tlie Fine Malt* Chorus. The musical features of the Story of the Reformation are very tine. A male chorus of nefirly 20 voices and a female chorus of 2!) vooies besides two large choruses of 100 voices—will be among the choral numbers. Mrs. Monroe's lecture is considered a gem of literary "oinposition. As a lecturer she ranks among the best in this country. Her stereopticon views are as tine as modern art afords. She has been abroad three times and is familiar with the places and scenes of this great period. Grace Lutheran church should be supported well in this effort and Park Theatre should be packed Oct. 28 and 2!» to see this historial production. Tickets are in demand. The chart opens at Reed's, Wednesday, (Jet. 26, at !> a. in. The Fall and Winter Term of the Pittsburg Dispatch Home Study Circle opens on Saturday, Oct. 15. It will in terest every family, and not a number should lie missed. There is no expense. All that is necessary is to have the Dis patch the best and cheapest paper published—lo cents a week. FOR RENT —A good, substantial stable near Court House; four large stalls, carriage room and mow. Inquire at CITIZEN office Highest cash price paid for Buck wheat and Wheat. GEO. WALTER <S; SONS. NEIGH l«ORHOOI> NOTES. Bertha who killed her mother in Alleghenv, and then shot herself fonr times was yet living yester day. Mrs. Beilstein s will was probat ed. Monday. Her estate is worth *30,000. The twentyfifth rennion of the 14oth. Penna. regiment. Col Roberts. was held at Bearer Tuesday. One hundred atul twenty-five members were present. The big tunnel on tht Buffalo. Ro chester & Pittsburg railroad. at Pnnx -1 sutawney, was officially opened and in , spected Tuesday after which the rail road people banqueted themselves to celebrate the occasion. Braddock policemen on Sunday morn ing captured four crooks who had ' broken into twenty two houses in that vicinity and carried off all they could j lay their hands on. Two two-horse- 1 wagon loads of goods »vere recovered. Grace, the 12-year-old daughter of \ Abner Carner. of Coal City. \ enango Co. who was punished in school for some slight misconduct, brooded over her , hurt feelings, and has since dissapeared. When last seen she was near a thick ; woods and crving. Albert Scott, of Feinianagb, Juni ata Co., while engaged in sawing lum l>er at a sawmill, had his coat caught . near the collar by the rapidly revolving saw and before assistance reached him he was drawn to the saw and com plettly cut in two. Peter Watorrski. of Tyler, Pa., wooed i Anela Hojnosbi and gave her *ls worth 1 of jewelry. Anela jilted Peter and be- ; came engaged to John Stankewicz. : Peter thereupon sued the girl for non- i preformance of cantract. The case was J tried before Justice Hoover and ended . by John giving Peter sl~> and paying half the costs. Peter paying the other half, and the girl keeping the jewelry, i Citizens. Don't forget the loan reception in the Methodist Episcopal church, this (Thursday) and tomorrow evenings 1 from 7 to 10 o'clock. Go, and take 1 your friends. There will be plenty to look at. a tine display of art work, curios, relics, etc. Something to eat, ( and a very worthv cause to patronize— , home missions. Everybody welcome. , Admission fifteen cents. \Vill Hold it Social. < A "Dime" social will be given by the ladies of the Bethany Reformed Church of Butler on Tuesday October 2S, 1 898 1 at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Elmer Cam- v pbell 133 New Castle street. Every body is invited to come and bring their 1 friends. c Public Sales. > i Wednesday Nov. 2nd. at farm of R. : fl. Gold in Washington twp., horses. ' cattle, pigs, farm machinery, grain, ' hay. household goods, etc.. sale begins at t) A. M. See b'lls posted. [ In the sale at the Clearview Stock t farm on October 27, 1898, at 10 o'clock. 1 there will be 14 registered cows, either I fresh or to be fresh soon; and all the t sheep and hogs are registered or can be. r J. S. CAMPBELL J. R. KEARXS, Auctioneer. t Gettysburg- Washington The Pennsylvania Railroad Company j has arranged for two five-day person- | ally conducted tonrs from Buffalo. Erie, Pittsburg, and principal interme diate points, to Gettysburg and Wash ington, on October 17 and November 7. Round-trip tickets, including trans portation, Pullman berth in each direc tion, hotel accommodations and car riage dri<*e over the battlefield at Get tysburg, and hotel accommodations at Washington in short, all necessary ex penses—will be sold at rate of $20.00 from Suspension Bridge. Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, and intermediate stations on the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad; $24 00 from - Elmira; $25.00 from Erie and Corry: . 121.50 from Williamsport; $23.00 from . Pittsburg and Altoona, and proportion ate rates from other points. Tickets will also be good to return on regular trains until October 27 and No vember 17, but without Pullman accommodations. Descriptive itineries and full infor ■nation can be obtained of Ticket I Agents; B. P. Eraser, Passenger Agent ' Buffalo, N. Y.; E. S. Harrar, Division Ticket Agent, Williamsport; Thos. E. 1 Watt, Passenger Agent Western Dis- . trict, Pittsburg; or Ceo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent. Philadelphia. Women Depositors are Appreci ated The savings bank is an institution in I •vliicU women have equal facilities with ' men. At the P ttsburg Bank for Savings No. 210 Fourth Ave., Pittsburg Pa., every attention is given to provide fo the comfort and con\ience of women de positors, and thev are courteously helped m their banking operations. Four per cent interest is paid an all time depsils. Write to the Bank aud more information will be sent you. Sunday Excursions to Allegheny. Commencing Sunday May 22nd and until further notice the Pittsburg and Western R. R. will sell excursion tick ets to Allegheny every Sunday for train leaving Butler 8:15 A. M. city time good to return on afternoon trains date of sale. Fair for round trip 75 cents. Notice to Wool-Growers. Messrs. Troutman's Sons requiting all the room they have for their own busi ness, I have changed my location to Graham Bros.' grocery store, just across the street from my old location with Troutman's, where I will be glad to see all my former wool friends, assuring them of fair treatment, and the market price in cash for their wool. Troutmans wish to state that they have gone out of i the wool-buying business altogether WM. F. RI mhkkgkr l,ost Reward. A Butler lady lost a dark, crochet e shawl on the road south of Bntler.abont ' a month ago. The tinder will be suit f ably rewarded upon leaving the same * at the grocery store of Henry Miller opposite the postoffice. 1 —For bargains in valuable and desir able residences inquire of Walker & Mc- Elvain. 11 you want a Bicycle or your old one repaired go to White Walter & Co. I largest stock in Count}*. Bicycles for I hire. " 1 TIMBER. For blank applica ions and instructions how to apply for reduction of So per cent, of taxes on timber lands send 25 cents to J. A. HKYIJKICK & 1 Civil Engineers, ' Butler, Pa. ipr PCRK SPRING WATER ICE H f |* delivered to all parts t the ■ ™ to u, every dey. Leave or ders at RICHE/'S BAKERY 14a Main St. Job Work. If you want Posters, If you want Circulars, If you want Sale Bills, If you want Envelopes, If you want Bill Heads, If you want Price Lists, If you want Statements, If yon want Note Heads, If yon want Letter Heads, If yon want Address Cards, If you want Business Cards, If you want Invitation < 'ards, If you want any kind of Printing j r one call at the CIIiZEN office. j 0 Clll'KCll NOTES The pastor R"v. Eli Miller, having returned from the meeting of the Synod the usual services will lie held in Grace Lutheran church next Sunday. Sub ject in the morninc Launching out upon the deep.' and in the evening Empty Pitchers. A to all M ini-trr- of Butler < 'oiinty. Realizing the great need of purer pol itic- and the abolition of all licensed evils now existing in our state and na tion. and believing that the Ix>rd .Tesns Christ, and his Church can and must effeci it. I most prayerfully ret jit est every minister in Butler county to preach a sermon on or before Nov (>th, ls<is. 011 the auty ot the Christian at the Polls, or any other subject he mav select on Christian Citizenship. WII.I.IAM M SFIJCMAN. Supt. of Christian Citizenship Work A Letter For \ oil. Unclaimed letters at the Postoffice at Butler Pa., week ending Oct. 17 Alfred Ashton. N Ball. W .1 Brak man. Ed Butler. Miss Katie ( oyle, Tom Couroy. Eddie Connors, F M Cole. Con solidated Gas Valve Co, Harry Gray, Samuel Jonlin, Miss Retta Johnson.Jno Lucas, Patrick Morgan. Miss Sarah McCall DC McCurdy, Charles D Oler. Maurice G Ruperd. Peter S Rice. Eso., Mrs T B Sttwait. Miss Bertie Shoaff. Miss Essie Simmons. Miss Mabel I mp stead. J Vanlte. Esq. in calling for these letters please say advertised. JOHN W. BROWN. P. M. Markets. Local dealers are paying 62c for wheat. 38c for rye. 85c for buckwheat. 35c for corn and 25c for oats. Flour is retailing at from soe to $1.25 a sack. Local grocers are paying 15c for eggs, 17c for butter, 30c to 40 a bu. for apples 35c for tomatoes, 50c for carrots, 00c for onions. 4<>c to 50c for potatoes, 25c for tnrnips. Ic a pound for cabbage, !0c for dressed chicken 13c for turkey, and 4»c a pair for live chickens. Highest cash price paid for Buck wheat and Wheat. GEO. WALTER & SONS Of Interest to You. Parties wishing to engage in the livery business, on Walker & McEHain for location and outfit FOR SALE A graduating tuition contract for Butler Business College, cost *•">»: either shorthand or commer cial course. Inquire at this office. Butler Business College. It is desirable that the people of But ler and Butler county and of the sur rounding country become acquainted with the fact that the Butler Business College is now owned by. and under the management of. Prof. A. F. Regal who for the last year and a half has been in charge of the Business department of the institution. Prof. Regal has found it advisable to add a Musical Depart ment to the institution, and for this purpose has secured the services of Prof. E. Otto Davis, of Butler, Pa., who has entire charge of that department Messrs. Regal and Davis propose to make things hum. . Two new courses have been added, viz: Reporter's Short band Course, and Expert Accountant's Book-keeping Course For further in formation concerning these courses, see our prospectus which will be out soon. School now in session day and night. Any one wishing to make arrangements to attend the institution will please call on or address A F. REGAL. Prin., 827 S. Main St., Butler, Pa PEOPLE'S PHONE 271. BELL PHONE 174. QUIT SALE" OF WALL PAPER. -\bout 75 patterns of Wall Paper in —lots of 6to 12 double bolts. Grades— —that we sold at from 50c to 80c per— —double bo't snd wicli we will now— —sell at 10c and 15c per double bolt —They are all choice patterns of— — fine stock and will not last long.— —We want more room for our — —Books, China and Stationery, at — Douglass' Book Store. People's Phone 162. MODEL Farm for Sale I want to sell my farm of 235 acres in Oakland twp., adjoining Jtoyds town, six miles north of Butler. There is no better land for all kinds of crops in Butler county. My wheat and grass, this year, cannot be beat. Come and see them. Two good orchards, some young timber, and an abundance of the best of Spring water. The builbings • onsist of a good, six room, frame house; one large, new, modern born, and a large old one; also all the necessary outbuild ings, including a summer kitchen. I want to quit fanning liecause I am alone, and will sell at a bargain 011 easy terms. A part of the farm is underlaid with three ami four f cet veins of coal, with one bank opened; and the new railroad is surveyed within 100 rods of the house. For terms address or call upon, Peter Whitmire, SONORA. P. 0. Farm For Sale. 120 acres situated in Cranberry twp., adjoining Beaver county line, known as John Keffer farm, 20 acres wood land, balance in good tillable con dition. modern buildings, good water, underliid with coal vein, 15 acres in prime orchard. No oil lease. This farm must be sold at once to settle tstate. Address C. F. HUNTER. 29th Sf. & Liberty Ave., PITISBURG, PA. Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next Door to Court House. Butler, I'a. The SUTbeR ( m/>ex. SI.OO per year if paid in advance, otherwise will Ik- charged. ADVERTISING KATES -Oni* inch, one tlnu $1: each siihse<|ui?iit insertion •"><> cents radi A uditorV and divorce not ices fl » ;ich; exec utor*'unci administrator.-*' notice-. each est ray and dissolution notler* each. Head- I imr notices 10 cents a line for first and 5« ents for each subsequent insertion. Notices anion# local ne.vs items I > cents a line for e ich insertion, obituaries, cards of thanks, resolutions of respect, notices of festivals and fairs, etc.. Inserted at tin- rate of 5 eeuts a line, money to accompany the order, -even words of prose make a line. Kates for standing cards anu Job work OIJ application. AII ad viTtisiuff is due after first insertion, ami all transient advertising must o«* paiil for in advance All t • •inmunicatious intended f«-r publica tion In tmK p.i, •. m i«l u romp ini< t lie real name of tin writer, not for puhlica tion hu. a guarantee of Hi fatti.mii should rtM.'U us u-it later lb ait evening. Ueatli notices UiUbt UJ accompanied by a usgouaiblc uuigc. Uuder Direction of the Philadelphia Bird Food Co,, C. N. BOYD has made arrangements to have MISS VIRGINIA POPE, The Bird Specialist give instructions re garding the care of cage birds and domestic pets, FREE —r '. AT Boyds Pharmacy, —OX— Tuesday. Oct. 25. Do not fail to call on Miss Pope; she a) 11 be please<l to give you any information re garding the care and treatment of cage birds. BIRD BOOK FREE ON APPLICATION. LEGAL ADVERTISMENTS. AUDITORS NOTICE. In the matter of the final account ot J- L. Purvis, et al, executors of Henry Sef:on, late of Clinton tA-p., Rutler Co , Pa., dee d , O. C. No. 41, Dec. T., IS9S. The undersigned having been appointed by the Orphan's Court of Butler county as an auditor to tnake distribution of the assets of the above estitc iu the bands of the executors thereof, as shown by their nnal accourt filed at the above term and number, hereby gives notice to all patties interested that be will attend to the duties of the said appointuieut at his of fice in the Armory building. Butler, Pa., it 10 a. m., of Frida*, the 4tL day of November, IS9S, when and where al! may attend if they see proper. W. 11. LI'SK, Auditor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration or the estate of Lizzie Baker, dee'd., late of Middle sex twp., Butler Co , Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, al! persons knowing themselves indebted to said t stale will please make iinmtd'ate pay ment, and auy having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to SAMLEI. A. Leslie, Adm'r.. Bakerstown, Pa. WIU.IAMS & MITCHI-.u., Att'ys. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Mrs Valeria S'dlivan, dee'd., late of Buffalo twp . Batkr Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persuns knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said tstate will present ilieui duly au iheut cated for settlement to JOH v Q. A. SUI.LIVAN, Adm'r., Sarversville, Pa. H H. GOUCHER, and JOHN C. GRAHAM, Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administra'.ion on the est\te of John M. Crooks, late of Middlesex township, Butler county, Pa., dee'd , having l>etn K ran ted to tlie undet signed, ail p rsons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and auy having claims against sa'd estate will present them duly authenticated for si-ttlemeut to WM. R. THOMPSON*, Adm'r., McFann P. O , Butler Co., Pa. J. D. MARSHALL, Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Isaac Hepler, late of Oakland township, deceased, 11 tice is lieieby given that letters of administration upon the estate of .said decedent have been granted to the undersigned All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay to I. B. HEPLKR, Administrator, Carbon Center, Pa. EXECUTOR S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of John Sipe, dee'd., 'ate of Clearfield twp., Kutler county, Pa., having been granted t<> the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them, properly autenticated for settlement to EMELINE SIPE. Adm'x., Coylesville, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. of administration on the estate of Emma Shrader, dee'd., late of Butler borough, Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment,and anv having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticat ed for settlement to VV. B. SHRADER, Adm'r., Butler, Pa. VV. D. BRANDON, Att'y. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Isaac Kepple, dee'd, late of Fairview township, Butler county, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make imm -diate payment, and any having claims again-t the same will present them for settle ment to WM. L. KEPPLE, Ex'r., Ptachville, Pa. C. WALKER, Att'y. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letters testamentary 011 the es'ate of Matthew Thrower, dee'd , late of Clin'.on *wp . Butler Co., Pa., having beeu grant ed to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having c'aims against said estate will present ti em, properly authenticat ed for settlement to THOMAS A. THROWER, JOHN E. THROWER, Ex'rs.. Saxonburg, Pa. RALSTON & GREEK. Att'ys. L. 5. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Estate Agent. 117 E. JEFFERSON. BUTLER. - PA. D. L. CLEELAND. Jeweler and Optician, \ ( 125 S. Main St., ✓ Butler, Pa. / uyvvnil SKV Kit Al. THISTtt OKTIH ITHso.s ••in this state to manage our bvatneiui In I lielr own ami nearby < untitles. II is mainly .It) •• u.irk conJu teil al home. M.ary • 1 raiictit a Vi-ar ami <l. Unit' M u.... IK. JO,-. 1,,, > >.oa . . Moulllly Kefer«'ii,-e< Ki»ch»>«- . lf-ail<li'„-.1 -I.iui|.eU envelope. Herl« i i I 11. ss. I're-t . ». |,t .11. I hi. -a*.., tiubeenbe .or ilc CiiitfcN. MEN'S 1 © 1 i rn I— ® fe 2. r '« =5 00 -S I i ®u- <c 00 ®* 3 , ac CO g^-j 0"3 «s q5 *>J f m < I c= w 2: QO § cHHz: z cd ■ _- >- b 'ZZ —— CO T T -S To — /• CC CL.020 ° ° 5 d s 3 f"s 0 si Ci 3 —J §j= =3 s rt* 1 c « " J _ = j?E CO 3 1 * O Cov2 I CO & I TT cd oT ® & «® §■ i * ® ss lu S3. —;SdV3 aNV S-LVH j u * ► i 91 Our Line of Fall and Winter V ki Clothing is now in our Shelves. P 1 B i r « To many of our patrons, this announcement j is sufficient, but for the benefit of those who V* TA do not know us yet we will say, come in to L see us. we want to get acquainted with you W pi and in addition to that show you the hand somest and best line of clothing, hats and W L men's furnishings in Butler, don't take our word foi it, come and see for yourselves, we m will show you up-to-date goods at moderate prices. p DOUTHETT & GRAHAM. | -Hi iflr -»r 1 CLEARANCE SALE, j #[ We always R pfc invoice Nov. jflK||| S I sth, and want to Si* reduce our stock as w K much as possible and V jjk will sell until that time Ufc or while they last. Top S Buggies as low as $30.00. B, Buggy Harness, our own make, 0 U with curv ed breast collar $9 00. Uk gallon. Horse Blankets as low as 50 ® ijp cenrs. Buggy Cushions 50 cents. Horse Brushes 15 cents. Axle Grease 6 U boxes for 25 cents. Plush robes $1.50, and W eveiything else in proportion. ® 2 If you want a sleigh come now and gef one at g S wholesale prices. 5 S Yours truly S | S. B. Martincourt & Co., 1 £ 128 E. Jefferson St., Butler, S. B. Martincourt. 3 J. M, Leighner. g « IFALL and §&< | WINTER I Footwear! Our Large Winter Stock is All In ■ ■ I ■ 4 | we have all the new and pretty styles in the In I OrllDC Nhnoc following well known makes such as the 111 LatllUO OIIUCO Sorosis, Maker & Bowman's, of Syracuse, N V. Cincinnati's best mak»s, ma<le up in 6. ie Dongola, Box Calf w welt «n turn oles. Cushionet ease-welt, cork filled ease-welt and the Hygie _ i if-e-welt. We carry these goods in pll sizes AA to Efc and prices away down. I »■ • o I we are showing all the new shapes in 111 'l/lan C Cordovans, Knamels. Win'er Tans, and Box II i IVIdl O VJMUGO Calf Shoes in either leather or Linen Lined. >• r the A. K Nettleton's water tight built shoes. Buy a pair you will need no rubbers and vour feet will always be dry. OUR STOCK OF SCHOOL SHOES IS VERY LARGE. Gokey's high-cut copper tipped shoes in all sizes for Boys and ls ~°" e will last till spring. Hand made box toe Boots and ishoea. . s '°c k of Rubber :;.k -Is at away down prices. Fell Boots and Shoe* ot all kinds. Mail orders receive prompt attention. JOHN BICKEL. BUTLER. PA. Subscribe for the CITIZEN.