\ Tl4Ev ClTIZxE:>i. I WILLIAM C. NBGLEY - - PUBLISHER THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, IS9S. REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR GOVERNOR. WILLIAM A. STONE, of Allegheny. FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR J. P. S. GOBIN, of Lebanon. FOR SECRETARY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS JAMES W. LATTA. of Philadelphia. FOR SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE. WILLIAM W. PORTER, of Philadelphia W. I>. PORTER, of Allegheny <«>. FOR CONGRESSMEN-AT-LARGE. SAMUEL A. PAVENPOKT. of Fr.e GALI'SHA A. GKOW, of > usquoh.inn.l FOR CONGRESS DR. J. R SHOW ALTER. of Mlllerstown bort FOR ASSEMBLY. JAMES N. MOORE, of Butler. JOHN PINPINGER. of Zellenopl-'. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. JACOB M. PAINTER, of Butler. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. PRANK E. McQCISTION. of Butler Itally. % Col. W. A. Stone, candidate for Gov ernor; Gen. J. P. S. Gobin. for Lient Gov ; James W. Latta, Judge Porter Congressman Showalter and possibh Hon. Alex. McDowell, of Mercer, will arrive in Bntler Monday afternoon and that evening Col. Stone will address the voters of this vicinity in the Park Theatre at eight o'clock. Others of the visitors will.also speak. It will IK? a great evening and every voter in 01 near Butler shonld attend. Excursion tickets at the rate of ont fare for the ronnd trip, will be sold at Mars and Zeiienople and intermediate points, for Bntler that day, and the re turn special trains will not leave Butle: until after the meeting adjourns. Tuesday morning Col. Stone s part) will leave for Kittanning and go from there to Blairsville and Indiana, where Col. Stone expects to speak again. AT Paris the American and Spanish peace commission closed their first twe weeks of labor last Saturday, and tht progress made has been chiefly by negative action and the attitude of the Americans. The first section of the protocol pro vided that "Spain will relinquish all claim of sovereignty over and title tc Cuba." Naturally the first sessions were devoted to the Cuban article of the protocol. Naturally, too, th< Americans opened their case by tht assumption that little or no action was necessary regarding Cuba, on th* ground that its disposition was defi nately fixed by the terms of the proto col. Notwithstanding, at the meeting last Thursday, the Spaniards submitted suggestions and propositions amounting to holding that the United States should take over all or par* of the Cuban debt. After reading this pre sentment in English, on Tuesday,Senor Montero of the Spanish commission verbally repeated it at length and reiterated the same in summarized form, but the American Commission ere in a lengthy and formal answer re fused to have anything to do with the Cuban debt. WASHINGTON. The Government industrial commis sion held two sessions at the capitol Tuesday and decided to adjourn until November 15, when active woik will begin. The commission organized by electing Senator Kyle chairman, ex _ Representative Phillips, of Pennsyl vania, first vice chairman, and Repre sentative Gardner, chairman of the House committee on labor, second vice chairman. There was a strong fight on the secretaryship, and the election was deferred until November. It was de cided to establish headquarters at the minii hnildinir fflcincr the caDltol. DiiSo DUiiainß, iaciiig iue uopiwt. A dispatch from Washington dated Tuesday said that it has been finally decided that the Fifteenth Pennsyl yania, Colonel Kreps commanding, will be mustered out of the service. This comes largely of a determination of the War Department to reverse the recent order mustering out the Second Regi ment, it having been decided to retain the Second in the service. Opportunity was left for the dismissal of another regiment, and at the urgent entreaty of persons of influence from the Western part of the State the Fifteenth was made the lucky number. DURING President McKinley's trip through the West last week he made several speeches. At Chariton,la..his re marks were particularly significant. He said: "We have been very fortunate as a Nation in the last six months. We have made much progress in a very little while. L - "We have almost lost sight of the fact, in talking about war, that we have made some very substantial gains without resort of arms. We have the people of Hawaii, who came to us free and independent and asked to be annex ed to the United States. "And, my fellow-citizens, wherever oar flag floats, wherever we raise that standard of liberty, it is always for the sake of humanity and the advancement of civilization. Territory sometimes comes to us when we go to war in holy cause, and, whenever it does, the ban ner of liberty will float over it. and bring, I trust, blessings and benefits to to all of the people." Porto Kico U. S. A. On Tuesday the flag of our Union was raised over tho public buildings at San Juan, the capital of Porto Rico, and the United States is now formally in pos session of the Island as sovereign. The War Department received the follow ing: San Juan, Porto Rico, Oct. 18. Secretory of War, Washington D. C.; Flags have been raised 011 public buildings and forts in this city and sa luted with national salutes. The occu pation cf the island is now complete. BKOOKE. A copy of General Brooke's dispatch was sent to the President at Chicago immediately upon its receipt. ALL the Spanish troops were expect ed to be out of Porto Rico by Tuesday of this week, when the United States would take final posession. In Cuba the meeting of the Cuban assembly is fixed for October 20 at Santa Cruz but owing to lack of transportation facili ties, the members of the assembly will be unable to arrive at Santa Cruz on time, and the end of the month prob ably will have couie before the election of a president and cabinet takes jtlHce. POLITICAL. At Harrisburg last Thursday Judge Simonton decided that both certificates of John S. Robb's nomination for Judge of C. P. No. a, Allegheny Co. were il legal. The next legislature will prob ably make some radical changes in the Baker Ballot law. TITE CO WING ELECTION. We are now approaching another general election when the people will have to decide whether the Republican party will be upheld in its administra tion of onr affairs, or whether the Dem erratic party shall be given encourage ment for the future It is amusing to see the Democratic candidates again trying to hoodwink the people of the State by the spec ions cry of reform j continually thrown ont by their candi t date for governor and the little satellites . that follow in his orbit. The people ivill not forget that G rover Cleveland ind his crowd kept np the cry of "re :orm, reform, the country is going to he demnition bow wows and there nnst be reform.'" tosnrh an extent that i great many well meaning people lie ran to think'there must 1m something wrong, and we wiil "vote for a change. Grover Cleveland was elected and with lim a Democratic House and Senate, so that they had full control of the gov ernment. able to carry out their ideas :f economic questions, which consisted >f "free trade" —or turning our own jeople out of work and opening onr uarkets to the manufactures of the old world. After a long wrangle in the Bouse an.i Senate the Wilson bill was inally passed and sent to (trover Cleve and. who refused to sign it. because it lid not hit onr industries hard enough, but let it became a law without his denature, at the same time denouncing it as an act of "perfidy and dishonor ,n the part of his party friends. \\ e ill well remember the train of evils that followed the election of Cleveland and Sis partv to power, and the passing ot rhe Wilson bill. The industries of our wintry from one end to the other were paralyzed: our iron mills, woolen mills •otton mills, silk mills, glass works, and ill other manufacturing industries were >ither shut down altogether, or com jelled to reduce the wages of their employes and run shorter time. The -ailroads all oyer the country were without traffic, and ou the main lines of he loads of the country could be seen, is the traveler passed along, miles and niles of siding filled with empty, idle •ars; no ore, nor coal, nor freight to lanl. which in turn threw thousands ipon thousands of people ont of em doyment and sent them out into the world begging for work to do to get iread for themselves and families. Ihe ■esult was that in all our principal cities md manufacturing centers, "soup louses'' -a purely Democratic institu ion that had not been known 111 our •onntrv for over thirty years, or since he last Democratic administration vent ont of power—had to be opened 0 keep thousands of people from starv ng. In our own Pittsburg thousands >f men were glad of a chance to work vith pick and shovel in the parks at a lollar and a quarter per day, who in he mills and factories of the city had ieen getting their two and a half to our dollars per day. but unfortunately iad not laid up any for a "rainy day. The farmers of our country fared al uost equally as bad. The prices for his .roducts fell to a very low figure be ■ause so many wage earners were out >f employment and had no money with which to buy. Wheat went away lown, wool lower than it had been for 1 generation, sheep worth three dollars >er head would only bring from seven y five cents to a dollar, and everything 'lse in proportion. We could go on and ■numerate many more items by way of llustration but the bitter memory of he recent past is only too fresh in the nind of every one bo need more. But he Democratic leaders say "there are 10 National issues this year, nothing mt local and state issues" and in their isnal way, try to deceive the unthink ng and unwary into voting the Demo cratic ticket. The Democrats are very anxious to r e t into power. They make great iromises—very plausible in their way mt once they get the reins promises ind all else go to the winds. "W hen he devil was sick th," devil a saint would be, but when the devil got well ;he devil a saint was he" —an )ld and trite saying will apply ,-ery forcibly to the Demo cratic party. " When in control of he government they have always taken he coarse and followed the policy that was against the industries of our conn ;ry and why should Republicans be m luced to listen to their siren songs. Our candidates for the State offices are all staunch Republicans. Our nominee for Congress, Hon. J. B. Showalter, with lis past experience, will be better able jo serve the people, and avoid any short •oiuing that might be charged to inex perience. On all national questions he would vote right and support McKin ey's administration, white a Dpijjocrat would vote the other way. Our candi lates for the Legislature. Hon. James Si. Moore and Hon. .lohn Dindinger. lave b«en tried and found faithful to he interests of the people; no matter what evil disposed and designing men ried to induce them to do. Our candi late fot- District Attorney, J. M. Pain er, is an able law**, and onr candidate or County Surveyor, Mr. Mcen II Lloyd was elected Grand Master of the next encampment, and Louisville select ed as the place. Sar\cr Station. Communion services next Sunday in the Buffalo Presbyteian church. Set vices 11 a. m. and 7p. m. Preparatory services Friday and Saturday at 2 p. m. Rev. E. P. Harper of the M E. church will preach on Saturday. W. H. Witte,the hardware merchant, invites us to examine his new line of goods; newly purchased in the eastern market. Died Leonard Souder. aged 24 years. Wednesday. Pith inst. The family have our sincere sympathy. Louis Ehrman while setting things to right at the mill got a severely bruised 1 foot. \N ATi! It is calculated that the Peace Com mission will cost the I iiited Slates £>.-,0 mio That sum is now in a Paris bank and Judge Dav ha- unlimited authority to draw for more, if that be not sufficient. There are five commissioners at f 1 •» each jier day. a secretary at *;■"> a day. assistant secretary at *"><>. two other of ficers at each, nine stenographers and interpreters at £1" each, and mes sengers at $5 each Thi-i foots np.at least personal excuses for the ftO days the Commis sion is expected to sit. -it' days ha\e al ready passed. Senators Davis. Frve and Gray, who are already drawing pay from the U. S., will get no addition al salary. Commissioners Day and Whitlaw Reid will receive, it n «Ud each and Secretary Moore a fee of *20.000. Other salaries will amount t0 550,000. The transportation for the persons composing and connected with the Commission will be f' 1 11,1 and their Paris hotel bills s2o,»<>0,0!V). may lie $50,000 more, and all is to be paid by Uncle Sam. Bnt even at this seeming ly steep price, the terms are cheap it the Commission only settle- tho ques tions ot Philippine annexation. Cuban debt, etc., rightly and for all time. Our personal opinion is that the I nited states wiH be very much the gainer it she lets the thousand islands with their millions of heathen inhabitants entirely alone. Also that this country should not pay the debt that Spain contract* d with Cuba as security. While our Commissioners are enjoy ing the pleasures of the French c tpit and settling our disputes with Spain at the rate of two hours a day. while our War Department is settling the great question of "who won tho before Santiago." while our noble generals, colonels, etc . of volunteer troops are trviug to make their fat jobs last for life, the volunteer troops are *till laying out like Bedouins of the dasert Men as good as any general or any commission er are moping their lives away in camp at 52 cents a dav. When hostdities ceased at the first of August, why were thev not furloughed? Why are they not furlonghed yet. and sent home un til the Commission completes its labors? What use has Uncle Sam for them in camp'.' What good are they doitig there'i They could be called to gether again j ust as easily from their homes, and it would be treating them infinitely more like human being* to send them there. They are the best of our young men. They sacrificed home, and everything to volunteer last spring. If the war is over let ttie volunteers come home. If not over let them be at least fnrloughed and allowed to live with their families and friends until further need. E- If- N. Harmony siml /.clicnoitlt 1 Amos Ziegler a plasterer of New Cas tie visited his father Jonas Ziegler in Harmony several days last week. Jacob Dambach is building another house in his row in Zelienople. C. S. Passavant and wife of Zelieno pie and H. M Bentle and wife of Har mony returned from the < >maha Exposi tion last week. Mrs. Wm Latshaw ami daught'-r Grace have been staying at New Castle several weeks with relatives who are sick. Arthur Moftet of Lancaster twp., who has been drilling for Lockwood in v \ Va . for two months moved his faintly to \V. Va, this week. W. J. Black of Butler was in Hai uiony last Friday. Wm. Geiser left Saturday evening for De Fore*t Junction in Ohio, where he met his wife and 'hey both returne 1 to their home in Harmony on Sunday. Miss Ida Latshaw of Harmony left for' East End Pittsburg last Saturday where she will visit friends for several days. A large annex is l)eing built to one of the buildings on the Orphan s Home farm in Zelienople. I. Scott of Lancaster twp., left for Vandergrift last Saturday where he was called by his son who met with an acci dent Jacob Sitler of Jecksqij typ., find H. \V. Bame of Harmouy were delegates to the state Sunday school convention at Johnstown this week. The work on the double track on the P. AT W. railroad between Harmonj and Evans City is progressing rapidly a h<'avv piece of masoncry is being com pleted 'at F.idenav and the giade at Winter's hill and tlie n«w tvack on the Zeigler farm will soon be finished. The Junction at Eidenau seems to he a sure thing in the minds of the people there. Dr C. A. Coovert of Greensburg In 1 is in Harmony this week visiting broth ers and sisters. Henry Niece of Harmony lei't last Monday for \Vilk»sh;irre as delegate from Butler county to the state Bryan clnb. Jacob Ziegler and wife of near Elgin 111. visited relatives around Harmony the first of this week. They took in the Conclave in Pittsburg last week and his brother John V. Ziegler of Beaver coun ty accompanied him to Columbiana <) . 1,11 1,1. ■•1;.,. v. ;,. 'hey will visit rela tives. -Mr. Zieglei L-WPS U ia»gc farm in Illinois ami is very successful financial ly. West lYiiifieltl. The name of the P (» at Rough Run has been changed to "West Winfield" and Webster Keasv is postmaster. it has a daily mail from Saxon Sta tion. Mr. Newbevt <;Hi*iij.6 the mail an.t leaves the station each morning up on the arrival of the train from Alleghe ny about 10 o'clock. Kight new good houses have lately been built at West Winfield also five new improved lime kilns, making ten klins in all that are burning lime with a large daily output. Two mines are cpen. one of which is 40x20 feet, and a hundred men an; ctiij,loj.f.d. A. <■ , Morris is the lessee, and hf* i> furnishing the works at Natrona with their whin lime The store belongs to Webster Keasey, and Oliver Brieker is the manager. The Paddy Logue sale last Thursday amounted to £I,'MU.OO. Paddy is going to SlcJCee"s Ei>cks Middlctowu. Mrs. A. T. Cochran is suffering from a severe attack of neuralgia. Miss Sadie McCracken is getting somewhat better. Mrs. Edward Graham ot Vvest Stnn bury accompanied by her sou. Corporal E. Yernor Graham a*Missouri volunteer called on their many friends here last week. Mie3 Alice Adams formerly of this place but for some veans a resident of Kansas City Mo.', is here on a v bit to her parents*. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Adams. Mrs. Sadie Kirkpatrick another da ligh ter of Mr. AUUIUW. is visiting lriends and relatives in this vicinity, nhn i-i i: coinpanied by her husband and child r*n. Miss Molly Gilchrist of Moniteau and her cousin Miss Man.e Gilehrist of Cherry twp . were at Chas. Korn's the latter part of last week. Mrs. Stella Stewart, nee Godfrey and husband Chas. Stewart are the guests of }i- R- Stewart of Magic. They will return to their home in Cairo. W. \ a. Mrs. McGranhan wife cf Rev. Mc- Granahan of Allegheny city is witutti" mother Mrs. J. H. Marshall. Miss Julia Pisor is in New Castle this week. Hon, J. N- Moore. ex-Supt. N. C. Mc- Collough. and W. L'. Turner, all of Isut ler registered at the Clark Monday the 17th inst. Thi'«'i>ll way farm .iust south of town has Wn piirc. l i;.":"d by James Thompson for £I2OO. N P Bell of this twp , has three acres of corn which he says will yield ir»o bushels oi ('")"!> to the acre. Mr. Bell is one of the competitors in the Uickel corn contest. Kev. McTutyre of Karns City preached a soul-stirring patriotic sennouat rrout man last Sunday. Service* are held at thai place every two weeks at thr.ee ( o'clock P. M. SIL.EX. .Tacks* ill*' Notes. Cora husking is now in order. Farm er~ report the crop sjo< >d The saw mill on the \\ J. Mecom farm is running full time. From 12 to M hands will find employment working in the various departments. The well being drilled on the farm of Matthias Bennett will be completed in a few days. There is unite a showing of oil. Many of our citizens would like to see this territory tested for oil. and it is the belief of some that it can be found near here. Frank Whirling, of Bradford is the guest of friends in Jacksville. T. 11. Morrow attended the Conclave in Pittsburg last week. Cecil Kelly has the best ctop or buck wheat -1 far reported Fonr acres yielded IMI bushels. MORE ANON. DEATHS. PATRIDUE— At his home in Chieora. (),-t. IS. ls'js. Beony Patridge. age 1 53 years. S >DERS At his home in Bnff ilo nvp., Oct. 11. lsis Linehardt 23 years. JOHNSON— In Pittsburg. Oct. Hi. I*K Franklin B Johnson. aged abont »>'» years, formerly of this eon nty. VANDERLIN At her home in Marion twp. . Oct. V). Mrs. Samuel Van derlin. aged <54 years. Mrs. Vanderlin was a danghter of the late George At well. GORDON At her home in Slippery rock twp. Oct T. Isus.Mrs. Knth-irine Gordon. aged 07 years. GARBER At her resideuee in Alleghe ny Oct. 17. 1898. Mrs. Ida Garber. formerly of Butler, in her 30th year. BURRIS At his home in Connoque nesiing twp . Oct. 14. I*9B, William Burris. GRAHAM At her home in Jefferson twp. Oct. IS. Mrs. Rebecca Graham, aged ss years. The funeral was held Saturday, the loth. REISCH — At the Monastery, at Her . man, Oct. llthSylvira Reisch, aged 55 years. FREDERICK— On Sunday Oct. 10th at her home in Summit twp.. Mrs Anna Frederick, age 1 09 years. MECHLING- At his home in San An tonio.Texas. Col. Thompson Mech ling. son of the late Hon Jacob Mech ling Jr. of this place, aged 71 years When a boy in Butler Col. Mechling was known as "Thomps Mechling and will be remembered by some of our old er citizens. He received a military education at West Point and became a civil engineer and went south, liecom inir engaged as a railroad engineer in Mexico and Honduras, and also in Peru and other Sonth American States His only brother living here is onr pre sent Mr Joseph B Mechling. He was brother to the late Simon S. Mechling. father cf the present Col. \V.T\ Mechling, and also of Jefferson Mechling, living in California. The late Mrs. Archibald Blakeley of Pittsburg was a sister, as was the late Mrs. Lewis Lord of Mead ville. Pa. He was a Col. in the regular army until the rebellion broke out and made his home in Texas where he died. He was born April 10th. 18"»7. OBITUARY NOTES. Mrs Liivina Robinson, aged 42 years, departed this life on the morning of Sept. 20, lM'js. She was the wife of Robert Robinson of Connoqnenessing twp and leaves a family of six children and a husband to mourn her demise. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. D. Cnpps and she was buried at R. P. Church, known as White Church, on Sept. 22, 189S Ex .Judge John M. Kirkpatrick, one of the best-known citizens of this part of the State, was found dead in bed at his home in Allegheny, last Sunday morning. While viewing the recent Knights Templar conclave the Judge caught coid and he grew steadily worse, although his death was somewhat unex pected. Chas. E. Cornelitu, r prominent Pittsbnrx attorney, unwittingly step ped in front of a Pittsbnrg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago train at his home, Sewick bv, Saturday and was instantly killed. Old Jimmy Norris died at the Butler Hospital. Tuesday night. He wna about 80 years of age. I Royal makes the food pure, hole some and delicious. fim POWDER Absolutely Pure i U- RO*Al RAK.SU fOAU. I< tO Nt« I Jury List for November Term. List of names drawn this 10th (lay of October IH'.im from the Jury wheel to serve ss traverse Jurors at a special term of Court commencing on the s sc owl Monday <,» >»qyen}ber l£l»S thesan-e being the 15th day of said iiioriilt Blakely J D. Jefferson twp. farmer, Boggs D P, Harmony Bro, Gent. Bolten Lewis, Slipperyrock twp. farmer, Beck Joseph A, Summit twp. farmer. Bell William. Mercer twp, farmer, Banldanff John M. Butler Boro 4th wd farmer, Coehraq \yilliani. Harrisville Boro, ft-r --luev, Cumberland J C, Concord twp. farmer, ('roll Martin, Brady twp.. farmer, Campbell John, Adams twp, farmer, Campbell Milton. Concord twp, fprmer. Donaghv Thomas. Butler Boro "ith wd Gent. Daubenspeck Philip. Butler Boro Ist wd Dodds J O, Butler Boro 3rd Laborer. Gibson W C, Cl'nton twp, farmer, llenricks George J. Summit twp, far mer, Hamilton William, l-'orward twp. far iner, Billiard R H. Parker two. farmer. Hillaiii T B. Uiipp<.ryj.ot.k twp.. farmt, llazlett Thomas, Butler B< ro ."itb wd laborer, Reiser \V (' Butler Boro Ist wd. driller. Kittle George, Butler Boro 2nd wd clerk, Logan W 11. Middlesex twp, farmer, Lowry Williau, Butipr B'-ro ?pd wd clerk, Lvtle W F. Butler Boro sth wd carpen ter. Manney Eli, Butler Boro 4th wd Con stable. Monks William. Middlesex twp, fan. Mitchell Charles W. Butler Boro 2nd 'wd clerk. Myers William. Lancaster tsvp, farmer, Martin John T, Winfielit twp, farmer. Malhtvliajji) .lames. Butler Boro ;!rd wd laborer. Muckel Michul, Buffalo twp, Martin W B, Forward twp, farmer, McMahon James H, Parker twp, far mer. McGee J >l. Valencia Boro, farmer, Pearce C M. Cramberry twp, farmer. Riddle Lhy.'n. Karns ('itv Boro, farmer. Rankin Elmer. Penn twp, rigbuilde-i, | Uigger. Daniel, Centre twp. farmer, I Seaton Marshall, Worth twp, farmer, | Sloan William, Allegheny twp. farmer, I Sheaver George Butler Boro, sth wd editor, | Sherman J I-J, BnMcr Boro 3rd wd ma chinist, Showalter John .T. Millerstown Boro, producer. i Stratton H W. Clinton twp, farmer, I Thpmoson D M, Fairview twp, farmer. \\ ondV'i'iy William, Butler twp, farmer, Watson William, Franklin twp, farmer. U/antkk si:v»:iiai. tiu stwobthv rnisoNs lie* —i:itt- to munuKt oilr business In th.'-ir own nun counties. It is mainly office work conducted ai Salary straight jwo a year and expenses definite iion.itide, no mure, no le» sitlary. Monthly -v. liefcrcnce. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope, Hc-bert E. Hess, l'rest., , Itopt. M. Chicago. GEN. MILES has been in Minnesota! during the past week, looking after the Indian outbreak and thinks (Jen. Ba j con can subdne the hostiles without , ■ 1 <> aid. :t1 THE steamer Monegan went down in 1 tl a gale off the const of England last Fri day and one hundred and sixteen people were drowned. Thirty were rescued ; by life Itoats. , tl PKES'T. MCKIX LEY was received en thnsiasticallv everywhere in the Cen- | tral States during his trip to the Omaha Exposition. K K.\ISK.I» WILHKLM is making a trip to the Holy Land, and stopped at Alex n andria. Egypt, last week, where nine n Italian anarchists were arrested jnst 111 time to prevent them blowing him up. ! ( jr REMKMBER that Nov. 8. two weeks u from next Tuesday is election day. Republicans, line up for another vie tory, stand by our nominees. Demo- p. cratic promises of reform are fair but ~| they never do it. we can do onr reform ing within the part'' RUSSIA is massing an army on the Chinese frontier, and the French seem M inclined to hold on to Fashoda, so Eng land may have two wars on hands in the near future. A a Weak Tired. J*B 6I*VO Ls 3 Thousands are in x this condition. <> They are despondent and gloomy, cannot sleep, have no appetite, 110 energy, no ambition. Hood sSarsaparillasoon brings ~ help to such peop. . 1 givis them pure, ' rich blood, curt s1; rvousneas, creates an - appetite, toticj a. 1 strengthens the J 1 stomach ar.d imps . new life and in- „ creased vi-jor to all the organs of t he body. JLM SARSA " \i nOOO parilJa I* the One True Bk od Puriflcr. All druggists. sl. ~ Hood's Pills :;eaIIJ.. . r li'.s. i! 5 :ents ( VICTORy tl a i; Always crowns our efforts to :l secure the handsomest fnd i; most correct thing in Men's Dress at all season's of the year. C There's a fresh, bright ' sparkle of style about our * spring patterns, the kind a that has snap and art in it. We cater to the economical jj nian because our clothes 1, give a dollar of service for every dollar paid S I.< tus sho«v" you the kind of 1 t a suit we make for $25. ! i 1 \ ALAND, ! 1 MAKER OF " MKN'S LOTHKS , Grand Voting Contest. : As the school year approaches, many t of onr young readers will be deciding j what school to attend, and the follow- ; ing offer made by the Butler Business < College will preliaps help you to decide the problem. Two free scholarships are offered as per rules below, allowing* : ample time to graduate, giving 3-011 your choice of courses, all for a small effort on the part of the contestants. You cannot afford to ignore this offer, opportunities like this are not offered < every day, this is your opportunity. Any one who complies with the rules may enter the contest. Business edu cation has the sanction of such men as Hor Lyumn Gage, himself a graduate : of a business college, and to which he attributes his success. Hon. John Wan- ' amaker. Robert Bnrdette, Charles Reade, Hon. Charles Foster, and many 1: others we could name of world wide/ reputation. No matter whether you] ! live in the city or the country, you have , a splendid opportunity to succeed. Read tiie rules carefully. J. Ha.;. 11 weekly paper published in Butler will publish one coupon each ' week, beginning August 25th, and con tinuing until Oct. 15th, and contestants , ' will collect these coupons and send them in, in packages of too. Each con- ! testaut will also agree to net as many 1 paid-up yearly subscriptions as he or j she possibly can for any or each of the ; Butler weekly papers, vi;;: The . CjTfZEN, Eagle. Times. K ecu id and Democratic Herald, aurt each subscrip tion shall count as much as2oo "coupons. Only new subscribers will be allowed to count in this contest. You are not , confined to any one paper; subscriptions to any or all of the papers named will count 200 votes each, to the one turning them in. Writ', yctur namp plaiply on all coupons you send in. and forward all subscriptions and coupons to William 11. Wilson, Principal Butler Business College, Butler, Pa. Write all names and postoffice addresses plainly, and in dicate plainly the papers subscribed for. To the person receiving the largest 1 number of votes, a nine months scholar ship in 1 tie liittler business College will be awarded, in either Commercial or Shorthand courses, allowing ample time to graduate. To the person receiving the next highest number of yotes a six month's scholarship will be awarded. 4. Contestants should communicate | with Prof. Wilson immediately, and he I will I'mwiiid riiitiier msirnetions and ' information by mail. Remember that each subscription turned in for any of the papers named will count you 200 votes, and securing subscribers will lie the quickest and surest way to succeed. Get in the field early, secure the aid '-f yon,' fi icii'tj, >*ud cam one of ttie&e scholarshij >. worth at least 0 " o COUP* >X. i ! Piease credit this coupon to I : P. O. '. , A«,pi;v,nt qf Br;in:'ss College 1 Scholarship Contest. O o M. C. WAGNER, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER, 139 South Main street I (iver Shaii! & Nast's Clothing store OIL MEAL MP Food for Horses. < ows. Sheep. Hoars, Fowls etc. lloalth, strorifjth and produotiyo p«>wer to animals. Are you feeding itV Cheapest feed in the market. ; LINSEED OIL 1 ' u '.., ' years «>n houne, burn or fenee. j are doubtful quality: X.UIE «OO*I find S-UIUM < ve-v h:td. Write for our efrttilar. , Ftu pure Liuseed nil «»r meal, ana whit-e j .• lead, for "Thoiupaon's,"' or address manufacturer. THU.MI'tjUN HlanjijJld street AlleiihenV' Sabarcibe f>r Tbe Citizen. j LEGAL ADVERTISMENTS. ORPHANS" COURT SALE! By virtue of an order and decree «>f the >rphan*' Court «»f Butler county. I*a.. made .• \ In A ttn Ml f said i li h«- indersljnietl adndni>t rat«»r of the estate »f Janus Criswell. lat*' of Adams township. >ount> and ->tate afor« s «t<). dee'd.. will offer or saluat puVlk* v« i»duo on the prvmivs 011 SATriIPAV. CH'TOBKH 2?. ItQ*. it 1 oVl«M*k p. m.. of said day. all that certain r:u*t «>f land situated In Anams two.. Kullt-r stat* «»f i'ennsvlvania. hounded north .. f I eitW M Alld BftDMl l';irn. HMt ny i:irif John Barr andl kVm. I'urvis, and west l»y lands t>f T. \V. fCennedj -hi Irs Newton and I . - •rt heirs, containing 153 ACRE**. 101 PERCHES; vit li *J frame dwelling houses, one nearly | lew : i MM j bank l»arn and • »ther • »utbulldirof«». !or«*li tr«i-. l.uiul situated mile frtun M;ir» in«l i mile from I>owney villo on I*. \ VV. Ky. : 'onveniont tochun'he> and schools. I.and n good condition and well watered, well j idapted to either st«H*k-rni>lng or general 'arming purpose-*. supp«»eil t«» IN- oil and ga<» « rritory if «feveh»ped. This land land will H' sold either as a whole or in two pieces, •ach with dwelling house and orchard there- | »n. one piwe containing 101 acres and W ■ Marches and tbe other 58 acres and 5 i»« re has. J TERMS CF SALE half ««f the pur-, •hase money to be paid on confirmation of J »ale t>y the Court and the other half in one rear thereafter, with Interest, to t>e secured >y IMUHI and mortgag«* on the premis<»s. with . - . . wat vers and attorney's commission. Kiiin :l:T h inn. Adm'r.. Mars. Pa. VltJl'NKlN .V CjAI.IUIKATH. \ll V S.. But l«T. e.'l. ASSIGNEE S SALE Of Real Estate. In r»- voluntary assignment of Eli A. An iervHi. I. the undersigned assignee ot Kli A. Vnderson. will offer for sale at public outcry •n SATCRI>\Y. OCTOBER 22. \t 10 o'cloi'k A. M .on th« premises, all that •ertain lot of ground situate the Uirough »f Tarenturn. Allegh*-nv < ouuty and State of I'ensy I vania. In k iug lot No. *jn in* plan of said tiorough and fr«»nting fifty feet on Porter Hreeton tin Western side of said st reet. in the First ward of >aid lH»rough. and extend ing back in a Westerly direction (and pre serving the same width of fifty feet) eighty feet to School Alley, baring erected thereon me two-story frame dwelling with six rt*oms. ind one-stoiy frame storeroom and frame stable. VI.SO hi the same day at - o'clock P. M.. on the premises, all that certain lot or tract of land situate in the Township of Clinton, Butler ouuty. State of Pennsylvania, bounded and tc.scribed as follows: (">n the North by lands >f William Weanier: 011 the East by lands belonging to the estate of (Seorge Ewing. deceased; on the west hy lands of H. J. An ile rson, and on the south by lands of the es tate of Daniel Norris. di ceasod. containing iixty acres, more or le.ss. and having erected t hei eon one small four roomed frame house And large frame hank barn. TERMS OF SALE: Ten percent, of the hid when the property is struck off to the purchaser, and the bal ance upon delivery of deed f«»r same. .1. FRANK PEF\ ER. ATTY.. Assignee 122 Fifth Ave. Pittshuigi Pa TRUSTEE S SALEr Prusuant to an order and decree of the Orphans Court of Butler Co.. Pa., made at No. 61, December Term, lsjs of said Court, in the partition of the real estate of Henry Yoakel, doe'd the undersigned trustee for that purpose, will expose for sale d\ public out-cry on the premises, on SATFRDAY. OCTOBER 22nd. I**. at 2o'clock P. M. of said day. the following (IcscrilMHt real estate of saicl Henry Yeakel. deceased, sit uate in the borough of Saxon burg. Butler County. Pa, bounded and de scribed its foilows. viz: PCRPAKT NO. 1. l>oun(ied north by purpart No. 3. east hy lot of i harh - Wetzei.sout ii by Main St .. and west by purpart No. 2 being feet front on said Main -t.. and extending back the same width l.m feet to said purpart No. 3. and having thereon erected a good two story frame dwelling house, and out-house. PURPART NO. Z. bound* d north by purpart No. H, east by pur part No. 1, south by Main St.. and west by public school property, being foot front on said Main St.. and extending back the same, width 100 feet to said purpart No. ii and having thereon erected one old dwelling house. PURPART No. 3, bounded north by purpart No. 4, east by But ler St.. south bv lot of Charles Wetzel and purparts Nos. [ & 2. and west by public school property . being .*>o feet front on said But ler St.. .and extending back the same width feet to said public schot}' property ;ir(i having a liurue stahlt) ePectcd thereon. PURPART NO. 4. lK>unded north by purpart No 5, east by But lei St.. south by purpart No. 3. and west by public school property, being 50 feet front on said But ler St.. and extending back the same width IDS feet to said public school property. PURPART NO. 5. hounded north by lot of Mrs. Fredrick Sachs, east by Butler Si., south by purpart No, 4. and west by public school property being oO feet front" :»t'.d * *t*.M»mn back the s.-rme widtii feet to said pubrlc school property. TERMS OF SALE. One t bird cash on confirmation of sale by the Court, and the balance in two equal annual payments with interest to he secured by >MMid and mortgage on the premises with percent, attorney's commission in case of collection by process of law. \\ ILL I AM YEAKFL riMST Y)h % Hutler Pa. ViC.ll NKIN iV (• ALIIHEATH, Att VS. ORPHANS" COURT SALE. Bv virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Butler county, Pa., at O. t'. No. 1, IHu-emhor Term, lvi*. and to me directed. I will on Y ( H T< ■!<)- 11 '-"n li. I-IIS. at ten o'flofK n. in., e.\|iuse to publli' sale on t li.. premises in Adams township, Butler Co.. I'a., the following deserilx'd real estate, late the property of John Dougherty, dweased. to-wit: A certain messuage of land situate in townsliip. County and State, bounded and desrrilied us follows: Beginning at a post at the northwest comer.tlience hv lands of l.oyd north ss and 1 ■ degrees east lifty-twi :ind 2-10 perches to a post, thence by lands of James Beers, south one and degrees east, sixty-one and percees, thence by lands ->f Siit.ie north SS :md 1 • rr>--.-_ ; a>,_ twutil}"- p,-;'riit . i. 4 itf:. 1 i.i si.,il lit li's heir*., ll.en. c iiy Uindi. of SmiiUen's lu irs, south on«> i-nil degrees «-usi, ntnety-tive itnd 1 . perches to line of Kosebaugli. thence by lands of Kose baugh south s'.i and' s degrees, west seventy eight and (1-10 perches to line of Thomas Moore, thence by lands of said Moore, north one and U degrees west, one hundred tifty si vi'ii maid --li' perches to the plaee of beirln ning: eoitlaining si.\ty-s<-ven aeres. more or less.toget her wit h :i private road appurtenant tn saiil described land, with log liwt'Hinr iiouse. frame barn and cutb tlincon en i-yed most ly e|ertfed i»iid Undei- fence Ti'iois - pioval of salu by tl.e Court, and the balance 111 two equal annual payments, secured by judgment bond and mortage on the premises, bearing interest with an attorney's commis sion of live per cent, for collection, with option to pay cash. Twenty percent, of tin bid may be required when the property is hid off. PATRICK DOI'GHEHTV, Administrator, e. t. a. *1.,.1>. l«t» a. I- .v t ; . llmvsKU vtiys ~ SHERIFF S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Veil. Ex., Ki i'a.. Lev.. I'a. &c. issued out of the Court of i iiiumon I'leos of Butler county. I'a.. anil to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House. In the • ,rot t \ Battel; on -'*• ' ' Saturday, October 22, 1898, at I o'clock P. M.. the following descriljed property, to-wit: E. I>. No. I*l. Dec. Term. IS:K. J. D. Marshall. .Vitoruey. All the right, title, interest and claim <■' John Ulchardsor. of ir id to 11 thift r,--- la n piece, r Perei 1 ».l frt Adauis township Bifsfv lands now or for meiiv of - Staple- and Cashdollar. on I he-out h by lands now or formerly of Set h Staples, and on the west hy lands now or formerly of Joseph West, containing ?ti acres, more or less, being same land conveyed to John Kichardson hv .losenh I' l<> I ,e , ,t Hi Bai-ift-cwunty in Deed liMlts Sc>- St'.p.'Vge 573. and 51.page 43U;h:iving thereon a frame house and barn and other out nulldings. lty virtue of an order of Court t he land is to bo sold subject to three leases made In- John Richardson, as follows: Lease to W. .1" llurk. acres, dated -tli I'eoruary. I s'.i- ■ recorded in Book 17\ pageiir. Lease o - ; .; i fo- :i! :,c.-es* il„i i;(h iV-ruurjii ire -otded iri Ito' l. t;-. paiie lU. Lvnse to I). A. Kichardson. for SO acres, date sth l'ebruary. I- : recordeil in UiM»k 7". tinge -s, -o that the -aid lease shall remain valid. Seized and taken in execution as t lie property of John Kichardson at the suit of T. K. Pettock for I l> No. IV- and MI. Dec. Term. Kohler. \tfy lit thu I'lijllt title interest and claim of the American Mirror works of In and to all that certain lot of ground bounded as follows to wn ; Beginning at the north i ast corner of lot at corner Maple anil tirant Ave weal along Maple Ave 10 feet to line of lot No 111".I thence south along line of said lot feel to an alley called Leo"Way thence east along -a li alley 40 feet to tirant Ave. thence along li -t y;~, fi u, M:, Die \,«. u, imhc,. tf lietflnwii'is beimr j.H l-i- of * h. Boy. '-plitnof loia in Springdale. -ei/. d and taken In e\«-vu t i„n as the properly of the American Mirror Work-at the suit of the Butler County Na tional Bank. Ttinis or SAI.K The following must be staidly complied with when property is -t ricken down. I '/• U«t. v'" pi.lil.Vuf o. ull.ee lieu c,.-.ntof bCCii-ne- til" pUTcio.s'er, tl. cost -on the writ must be pahl. and n llstof the liens. Includ ing mortgage -earelic- on the property sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt* for the amount of the proceed- of t lie -ale or -ui'li portion thereof as he may claim, must be furnished the Sheriff. Ml bids must be paid in fan. ■i \.I -..,11 S not i . iliod l ll,l4, innately WIN be ■ Btlnried udul I 0 ck p! m. Of tin- next GOOD FARM FOR SALE. The Pord farm in Donegal twp., near Millerstown is for sale D contains about ijioncieQ, iu well watcved and. in good condition For tertns inquire a his office M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. 3E7 S. Main St.. Butler. Subscribe tor the Citizen J Down South when they call to a 1 y pei - John! John!'' J C and John doesn't he*r, the caller ( t doesn't shout any louder, does not f f ; itcli her call in a higher, ) key she just calls, "O, John"' the) C "O" as an explosive note. That C . does the business John hears, 1 J John iaataatl) cnti Backtrack / C »r i.i'.i . dnitWag call C J V 1! use Ft rniakiagi for J / autumn We cannot say you / y didn't hear and come, for manv of j * v.i'.i did come, and Imv. Hut many f t of you were too far on to hear our 3 % newspaper megaphone, so we C f make bold to call again No J J ! uder, no lusher pitch, only say- t \ ing, "O, Customer!" and tell you J J of a few of the many nice things f v we have to show you. r ) Oil Cloths and Linoleums l Almost everlasting and good look- v xing withal!. Put them where Q V thev'll get all the hard knocks and j /still there's long life. Linoleum i I per yard, 45 c up. ✓ C Beauty Spots on the Floor ) f It is impossible to have the wear J j equally distributed all over the X f carpet. You can have a beauty f \ spot on the floor just where the ) C heaviest wear falls if you will use \ J some of our rugs. They will f J lengthen the life of the carpet and \ j greatly improve its appearance. C ] ! The use of good rugs is the verv C best kind of economy. Moquette J ? Hearth Rugs $1.75. J ' Exclusive Patterns \ / are a specialty with us. C j Don't buy commonplace designs / fin Carpets 'iable to prov«- to your V X ai'noyatice, exact duplicates of/ I what your neighbors already have. \ / We offer you a choice from an i } extensive airay of private patterns C 1 —exclusively our own, aud to be / \ abtiined nowhere else and at no V / increase in price over ordinary / » styles. A good Brussels carpet at \ 1 / 75c P" van!. f | b Rocking Chairs. I While the fireside is the place 3 ) around which so many pleasant V \ memories cluster, there's not very \ f much comfort to be gained unlessC l you are sitting in a very cosy easy ) f chair. Prices commence at 75c, S / then up. v C The Purity of White Beds. f Nothing will go so far toward a \ ! clean, healthful bedroom as a J \ White Enamel Bedstead. This v f has brass top rails, spindles and X J rings, brass top mounts and orass | J vases. Height at foot, 38 inches. \ JAt head, 53 inches. Made in 4 ( J feet 6 inch and 3 feet 6 inch f widths. slo—that's the price. But / ? we have other patterns, as low as \ I $3.50 f ) { < CAMPBELL > \ TEMPLETON,^ £ BUTLER. VA. X i li. ou nothing to find out what large assottments are here and what choice styles for less prices. All you need do is write and ask us for either catalogue or samples -o» both. 48 inch all wool Cheviotte Mixtures 35c yd—unusual width and value. Ladies' Cloth, or Cloth Suitings —all wool, plains ar.d mixtures-™- variety of colors—line 01 merit. 32 inch 301 j 5c inch 35c 36 inch 25.30 c. ' 52 inch 40c, 50c 56 inch Mixtures only 50c yd. Fine Dress Goods--plain colors, Novelties and Blacks—soc, 65c, 75c, 85c, SI.OO, up. 50 inch all wool Black Cheviot tes and Diagonals 50c yd. Plain and fancy Silks, 50c yd. 1 landsome Broche Silks, 65c yd. Superb stripe, plaid and plain taffetas, and beautiful evening silks, 75c, $! 00 yd. Largest assortments of choice new goods we've yet shown —such as are surpassed at few places in America. 800 o-S & Buhl Department X. ALLEGHENY, PA. C. SELIGMAN & cSON ~TAILORS~ No. 416 W. Jefferson St, Butler, Pa. A line of latest Foreign and Domestic Suitings always in stock. . t t it. Style and Work manship guaranteed to give satisfaction. PRICES REASONABLE. WASHINGTON SEMINARY WASHINGTON, PA. Hoarding and Day School f«»r (Jlils. New and Klfgant Ituilding ready for Fall Term. Regular. College Preparatory* and Elective Courses. Special advantages in Klocution and Art. For «:'t.'io«uH' add?e** MUS, M \ Mt-MrLX.W Principal. Practical Horse Shoer WILL ROBINSON. Formerly Hors. Shoer at the Wick Haure lias opened busi ness in a shop in the rear of the Arlington Hotel, where he will do Horse-Shoe: og in the piost approved style. TRACK AND ROAD HORSES A SPECIALTY. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. P., Bessemer JfcL, E. Trains de[>art No. 14. at 9.40 A. M; No 2. at 5:40 P "M Hntler time. Trains arrive No. 1. 10:00 A. M. No. 11. 3:00 P. M Butler time. No. 14 runs through to Erie and con nect- with W. N. Y. & P. at Huston Junction for Franklin and Oil City, and with N Y. L E. A: W. at Shenan go for all points east. J to. 2 runs •hronghto Greenville and connects with \V. N. Y A" P for Frankliu and Oil City. \V. R. TURNER, Ticket Agent. pITTSHUKG & WESTERN *■ Railway. Schedule of Pas fnger Trains in eftcc*. Oct. 2d, 1808. BUTI.ER TIME. lH|tlatk»n.. ... 2 101*. M St NI>AY TRAINS. Allegheny Expiw *ls a.« 9 32A.M Allegheny Act« mni'*i*tion 5 42 P.M 5 27 P.M New (Mile Aux>miu ExpreM 4 15 r.M 5 27 44 Accommodation 7 03 44 Train arrivii;; at 5.27 p.m. leaves B. A O. depot, I'ituburg at 3.50 p.m aitd P. A W., Allegheny at 4.tfo Additional trains leave Allegheny at 11:30 P. M. for New * aMle, and connects for Butler on Tueedays, Thnrxlay* and Sntnrdayo. Pullman nleepinp ran* <»:. Ch it ago Kxpreet In-tween Pittt>l>urg and Chicago. For through tick» ulo all paints in the wt«t, north* w««t or ftiuthwent and information regarding route®, tfme of tntius, etc. apply to W li. TI RNER, Ticket Ageut, R. B REYNOLDS, Sup't, Butler, Pa Fo\turg, Pa. C. W. B.KSSETT, C,. P. A.. Allegl.ery, V.i PENNSYLVANIA RA a L. WKSTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. Scarovu IN Krrr.<-r NOT. 29,1897. SOUTH. / WEEK liAYS , A. M A. >1 A. >1 P. M. P. M. I Itt'TLER L.HVV C258U511 16 i 616 j Arrive *» 54 8 11 38 3 o0 A. 31. A.M. P. >IP. A. P. M SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Allegheny C ity for But ler and principal intermediate stations at 7:20 a. m. and iHio p m. Wtu DAYS. FOR TIIE EAST. WF.EK DAV>. P. M A M P M 2 3.% 025 lv BiTi.r.R «»• t » \l 3 U5 7 27 ar Butler Junction lv .... 12 4 00 7 4«i lv Butler Junction »• 8 -iOllz Cj* 4 05 7 49 ar Freeport l y li ! 4 <»9 7 5.5 * 4 Allegheny Junction.. ..* 4 8241- 0J 421 8 «4i ** Leecliburg * 4 80911 4» 4 4" 8 21 - Paul ton (Apollo) M "J 3 ]J $ - 5 08 8 51 •• Saltal urg *' 730 11 09 541 922 *• BlalTsvilie " 70010 40 5 s<» 9IW 44 Blairsville Intersection... 44 55010 10 8 50 11 :w> 44 Altotina 44 JSJ 5 !,*! 1 w 3 lo 44 llarrtsburg * 4 11 4;> -J 10 4 :JO 0 23; u Philadelphia 8 11 2o A M P M. AM P.M On Suuday, train leaviug Butler 7:35 a. m., connects lor Harriitburg, Altooiia and Phila.'.elphia. • Through traiiw for the eaat leave Pittsburg (\'iuO«% Station), as follows: Atlantic Express, daily ' Pennsylvania Limited 44 - : \f, u Day Express. 44 a \ M Miiin Line Express, " Pliila lelphia Express, ' t'? u" Eastern Express, * * ». u Fast Line, 4 l hil.v! a Mail, Sundays on.v S:4 For detailed information, address Thos. E. Watt, P»«. Agt. Weetern District, Corner Fifth Avenue and Smith* held Street, Pittsburg, Ps. J B. HUT«'HISoN, J.R.WOOD General Manaae. rse did not «how any signs of a return of theai. It is now about a year since I quit giving the medicine and the horse has Oever showed any sijjn of heaves, and 1 feel satisfied that he is properly cured. W. C. Crwwell. utler, P a., Apriljo, 1893 A, J. McCandless J have used your Heave Cure and liud it will do the work if used accord ing to directions. Youry truly, I. B. McMlUin,