Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 29, 1898, Image 3

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SOTE—AII advertisers Intending to make
chanet-s in their ads. should notify us ol
their intention 10 do not later »nan .Mon
day morning.
Orphan's Court sale, estate of James
Assignee's sale, estate of Eli A. An
Sheriff's sale for Oct. 22.
Trustee s sale, estate of Henry Yea
Orphan s Court sale, estate of John
Zimmerman a big bargains.
Miller's Great Footwear cliance
Grove City College
C. & T's furniture.
Administrator* and Executors of estates
can secure their receipt book* at the CITI
ZEN office, and persons making public sales
thsir note books.
During the next few weeks we will
send out quite a number of bills for
subscriptions due, and hope our friends
will respond promptly as we need the
—All Bntler turned out to hear the
Germania s music Monday evening.
—All the railroads will sell excursion
tickets to Pittsburg for the Conclavr
—There will be a Corner-stone laying
at St. Mary's Monastery, Herman, next
—A girl of 17 is quite cure that she
knows it all. A woman of 30 is quite
sure she doesn't.
—The greatest "bargain event in the
history of Butler is this week adver
tised by Mrs. Zimmerman.
—The property of Henry Yeakel in
Saxcnburg will be sold at Trustee's Sale
on Saturday the 22d of October,
—The real estate of the Mirror
Works near the Plate Glass Works, will
be sold by the Sheriff on Oct. 22nd.
—Often a woman gives away her
heart for another and then discovers
when too late that the latter is a misfit.
—One of our dealers paid a farmer
18 cents a pound for chestnuts.the other
day, which is at the rate of $6.50 a
—Some of our storekeepers are being
solicited to handle "trading-stamps.
We have but one word of advice, and
that is—Don't.
—J. Frank Peffer Esq., of Tarentnui.
assignee of Eli A. Anderson, advertises
a piece of property in Clinton twp., for
sale on Oct. 22nd, this week.
—A man isn't very much in love with
the girl who offers to mend his gloves
when he his the nerye to tell her she
had better uarn her father's socks.
—The new street-car line is to circle
around the town, and then strike down
the plank-road and connect with the
Consolidated Traction at De Haven
—When a man who does know lis
tens patiently to a fool who doesn t
know, it's a sure sign the latter has
much money or a very handsome sister.
—I. A. Petsinger, formerly of Buffalo
twp., this county, but lately a resident
of Natrona, shot his wife last Friday,
and then killed himself Mrs. Petsing
er will recover.
—Yon should read the Special
Announcement of Grove City College
in this paper. The entire expense of a
twelve weeks term at this popular col
lege is bat from &W to s4l.
—An important special meeting of
the L-idies' Hospital Association will be
held in the Y. M. C. A. Hall at $ p m.
on Monday afternoon next. All mem
bers are requested to be present.
—The P. & W. is said to be seeking a
new roote for it's road from the vicinity
of Glade Ran to the main line near
Evans City—one ♦hat will cat off the
high trestle and the tunnel—a very
good idea.
—The internal Reveuue department
has given a decision to the effect that
the holder of an unstamped check may
stamp it and cancel the stamp; that the
check need not be sent back to the ma
ker to be stamped.
—A well on the Marburger farm near
Evans.City is producing • "refined oil,"'
which probably could be bottled and
nold for hair restorer, as that Toledo
firm is doing with the oil from the well
near East Brady.
—Batler keeps up with the proces
> si on in the matter of burglars; two of
whom attempted to enter the Wells
Fargo office Monday night and shot at
young Benninger for not keeping still.
—A lock dealer has a lot of jimmies,
lock picks, and other barglar's tools on
exibition in the window of Cooper's
tailoring establishment and no doubt
the "fast" kids about town are close ob
sarvers of them to get ideas in house
—The James Criswell farm in Adams
. twp. is again advertised at O. C. sale,
for Saturday, Oct. 22, at 1 p in., on th'j
premises. This is one of the finest
farm* in the county, and can be divided
into two farms with a dwelling house
and orchard on each.
—An immense stack of boxes full of
shoes arrived at C. E. Miller's store, the
other day. and C*m. is going to give
free dinners and p:iy the railroad fares
of all good citizens who buy them at
half price. For particulars see his an
Memorial Servicrs for the death of
members of James Harvey Post 514 G,
A. R. will be held in their hall near
Riddle's Cross Roads on Saturday, Oct.,
15, 1898, to commence at one o'clock P.
M. This meeting is an open one, and
everybody is invited.
—The dailes of last Friday stated
that the new railroad—Allegheny and
Western or Buffalo Rochester and Pitts
burg or whatever its name in—would
come into Butler and go on into Pitts
burg over the tracks of the P. & W.
also that it would use the P. &W. track
f. to New Castle, and that a new line
t / might be built from Renfrew west to
f New Castle. Brice has been buying
' property for a station in Youngs town
—Beginning with next Monday the
) P. & W. will give us a fast train to Al
legheny-one that will make the run in a
little over one hour. It will leave the
Batler station at 1:15 P. M. and will ho
due in Allegheny at 2:20. The evening
train on that road will leave Allegheny
at 5:15 aud will be due in Batler at 0:45
—one and a half hours. The train that
leaves Allegheny city at 11:30 P. M.
will connect with a train at Gallery for
Batler on Tuesday, Thursday and Sat
urday evenings; and during Conclave
. week every night.
New Ideas in Walking Hats, School
Hata for misses and children
The will of David Studebaker of
Worth twp. has been pnd»ated, and let
ters granted to James W. and Isaac G.
F. B. Pitnev has registered as a law
student. r.nd is reading with Frank
Murphy. Esq.
J. J. Maxwell of Fairview has been
appointed inspector of petroleum in and
for the county of Butler, for a term of
three yeirs beginning on Oct 8.
The petition of Sheriff Dodds for an
order to strike off an acknowledgement
of a Sheriff's deed made to J. C. Rich
ardson was granted.
A Craword prisoner on his way to the
pen. tried to escape at Branchton. and
gave his Sheriff a chase.
The application of Geo. Stah! for a
wholesale liquor license was held over
until Oct. *tn.
Dr. H. R. Wilson for use of A. S.
Marshall has filed an execution attach
ment against Asa M. Patterson and Geo
Kennedy, garnishee, to-satisfv a judg
P. J. Mann for use of Peter Coast has
filed an execution attachment against \V
M. Cowan and G. V. Coast to sat.sly a
Kesselinan & Co. have commenced
suit in assumpsit vsSteelsmith & Lantz.
The bond of the A. & W. R. R. Co. to
pay Geo. Reiber just compensation for
entering upon his lands in Summit and
Butler twps. has been approved by the
Citizens of Clay twp. liave presented
a petition asking that the Smith-Tim
blin private road between the Muddy
creek and Sunbury road and the Beaver
Dam road be made public and I X
Meals, surveyor Howard Prvor and
Norman Glenn were appointed viewers
Letters of adm'n on the estate of E.
Wimer, late of Brady twp., have been
granted to Samuel Lawrence: also on
the estate of Clara Campbell, late of
West Sunbury, to George 13. Turner.
Citizens of Clearfield and Winfield
twps have petitioned tor a new road at
the McKee and Dugau farms, and \V.
H. Walker, C. E., John Halstead aad
Harvey Fleming were appointed
Citizens of Marion twp have peti
tioned for the vacation of a road in that
township and W. H. Walker. C. E.,
Harvey D. Thompson and Alexander
Blaine were appointed viewers.
John A. Irwin, G. D Swain. Al
phonse Krause, Jacob Dambach, T. P.
Mifflin, William Marks and Samuel M.
Seaton were api>oiiited viewers to assess
damages done the property of George
Reiber in Butler borough and
township by reason of the P. B. & L. E.
R. It. entering thereon.
A hearing was held before Esquires
Marshall ami Kelly, of Butler township,
Wednesday morning 011 the petition of
the Overseers of Butler borough for an
order of removal of Jeremiah Friend
and his wife Ellen from the local poor
district to the Centre twp. district. It
being shown that the Friends had been
married without Mr. Friend being di
vorced from a former wife, the Justices
granted an order of removal to Centre
twp is to Jerry Friend and decreed that
Ellen Friend remain 011 Butler borough
for the present.
Letters of adm'n on the estate of W.
V. Seaman late of Penn twp. have been
granted to Mary A. Seaman.
Tuesday the Court decreed that the
railroad pay the costs, alxmt sl<MH>. in
the case of G. Walter vs the P. B. & L.
E. railroad.
Jno Kehm to Henry Kehm acres in
Summit for sl.
Henry Kehm to Jno Kehmss acres in
Summit for 41.
Caroline Mateer to Margt Casserly
lot in Harmony for S3OO.
Edw Gathrie to J C Hoch lot in But
ler for S2IOO.
Jas Heinzer to A & W R R lot in
Summit for sl3#.
M B Kerr to Saiu'l Bolton lot in Ceil
treville for $420.
Jacob Weitzel to Sadie MeCandless
40 acres in Franklin for $1200.'
Tho. Dipner to A. Ac W. R R. 4 7-10
acres in Clearfield for S4BO.
E. S. Milligan to same 2 48-100 acres
for $47.">.
Kiziah J. Christie to G. F. McQuis
tion 42 acres in Slipperyrock for S.VJO.
John "I Shiever to G L Cabot 2 acres
in Summit for SI2OO.
Marriage Licenses.
P. A. McD-Ut Ell wood
L). M. Keller. :.... r
David B Gordon New England, Pa
Mary A Shearer Whites town
James H Smith Sarvers Station
Mrs. Emma Grant Tarentum
John L Sullivan Pittsburir
Mary Denny Butler
Harry Watterson Red Bank,Pa
Phebe lieges Hilliard
E L Ramsey Jamestown, N Y
Lulu Painter West Sunbury
John J Parker Shira
Mary M Christie "
L J. Fleeger Euclid
Blanche Elder Mercer Co
Perry Sedwick Six Points
Hattie Caiman Glenora
At Pittsburg, Wm. M. Nolan of Man
nington, W. Va. and Marion AI. Mon
roe of Chicora.
At Mercer, John W. Irwin (or Brown)
of Butler Co. and Sarah E. Wooten of
Jackson Centre
At Pittsburg Joshua A. Garvin of
Butler Co., and Martha Seybert of
Bradys Bend.
Millinery Opening.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
Sept. 20, 80 and Oct. 1. We will dis
play on these days the very newest
styles and effects in Hats, Bonnets,
Walking Hats, Sailors and Toques,
Feathers, Velvets, Quills, Wings. Or
naments, Ribbons and Novelties. You
are cordially invited to come.
Reduced Kates to Pittsburg via
Pennsylvania Railroad, Ac
count Kuiglits Templar
On account of the Knights Templar
Triennial Conclave, to be held at Pitts
burg. Pa . October 10 to 14, the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company will sell
excursion tickets from stations on its
line'to Pittsburg and return at rate of
single fare for the ronnd trip, with
minimum of 25 cents.
Tickets will be sold October Bto 13,
good to return until October 17 inclu
sive. The return limit of tickets from
Harrisburg and points east thereof can
be extended to October 31 upon dejiosit
ing same on October 13 to 17 with the
Joint Agent atjl'ittsburg and the pay
ment of fifty cents.
Millinery and Wraps.
Do you know we have the largest and
best lighted Millinery and Cloak room
in Butler that we carry the largest,
best selected stock of cloaks, suits and
millinery. Best values, lowest prices.
.lob Work.
If you want Posters,
If you want Circulars
If you want Sale Bills,
If you want Envelopes,
If you want Bill Heads,
If you want Price Lists,
If you want Statements,
If you want Note Heads,
If you want Letter Heads,
If you want Address Cards,
If you want Business Cards.
If you want Invitatiou Cards,
If yon want any kind of Printing
done call at the CITIZEN office.
If in need of a Fall and Winter Hat
come and see our display— correct
styles -latest ideas in trimmings. Our
usual good values, our usual low prices.
It you want-a Bicycle or your old one
repaired go to White Walter & Co.
largest slock in County. Bicycles J.'or
Ha ny Krug of Co. E is home ou fur
Adam Ekas of Ekastown was in town
E S. Millinger, of C'.ea rfield. was in
town Friday.
I). L. Cleeland went to Little Wash
ington. Tuesday.
H. C. McCollough. of Oakland twp ,
was in town. Friday.
George Arner of Washington twp.
was in town, yesterday.
C harley Wise, of Co. E. is home from
Camp Meade on a furlough.
Prof Lonk- and family, removed to
Barkeyville. Venango Co . Monday.
S. T. Marshall, Esq. of Washington
twp is visiting his sons in Butler.
Rev I C. Ketler. of Grove City Col
lege visited hl j friends in Butler, Mon
M. P. Black and Bert McCamey of
Bruin were in town Tuesday, attending
Dr. H. S. McClymonds of Wilkins
bnrg was a business visitor in town
Mrs. Boyd of Kansas :s visiting her
brother Cyrus Campbell in Butler, and
other relatives in Pittsburg.
Robt. Gibson, of Penn twp., was in
town. Monday. He has not 'oeen in
good health for some months.
Jno. Horner, of Clearfield, was in
town last Thursday. He expects to
attend the Mercer Fair this week.
Lyman Dexter of Sarver Station, the
blacksmith. disappeared al<out two
weeks ago and nol>ody knows where he
Ezra D. Hamilton, or Co. D. 15th
Regt is at home <>n sick furlough. He
is a son of Robt Hamilton of Oakland
Oliver Thompson has bought the Park
Hotel 1 ivery stable from Robert Ger
rard, and is now conducting the busi
John L. Herr of Harmony drove up
to Bntler yesterday to see his friehds
and collect his oil money. He's a jolly,
good fellow.
J. W. Studebaker, Marcus Reichert
and J. B. Pisor of Worth twp., fnd I.
G. Shudebaker of New Castle were in
town, last Friday.
Miss Ella White, daughter of Thomas
White"of the south side, has Ijeen home
011 a visit from New Castle where she is
employed as a stenographer.
Sergt. Major Dougherty and private
Ben Alexander of Co. K, loth Regmt.,
stopped oft at Butler Tuesday morning
on the way to their respective homes in
Grove City and Mercer to spend short
George Thompson of Co. E. who
has been home on a ten furlough visit
ing his father ex Sheriff Thompson of
Centre twp.. will leave for Cauip
Meade, Friday. He came home from
Camp Meade in time to attend the
reunion of last Saturday.
Ca«. Rockenstein of Allegheny is
vieiting his sister on S. Main St. Cas
has been in the employ of Bogus &
Buhl for about twenty years, and some
members of his family are also in the
store, but a few months ago he became
subject to rheumatism, and is yet afflict
ed. He lives on the hill near the Per
rysville road, where he owns property.
Since B. & B. built the addition to
their store they have over five acres of
floor space in it.
A Butler Co. attorney who was inter
ested in one of the numerous f. & b.
eases, settled at the late term of conrt
in Kittanning, gives an amusing-account
of his trip home He elected to come
West on the hack. Among the passen
gers were an Irishman, a "wedi and an
Italian. The Irishman was loaded, in
side and out. He had a bottle in each
hip pocket, one in each breast pocket
and a lot more in .1 paper sack, which
he deposited in the hack; the Swede
carried all his aniunition in a paper
sack, and the Italian had his wrapped
in red handkerchiefs. When they
reached the top of the hill they all
studied burnt or spilled powder, and
the Irishman reached back and announc
ed that the bottle in his right hip
pocket had t»een broken, and the goods
all spilled, "bat", said he, "I've plenty
left," he took out another bottle and
treated the crowd and kept on treating
till they reached Worthington when he
gathered up his paper sack, and bid the
crowd good day.
Then the Swede said he didn't want
people to think that Sweedes wen mean,
and he treated to < 'raigsville, where he
left, and the hack went on to another
|>oint where the Italian gathered up his
red handkerchiefs, and left without
saying treat once The three men
were section bosses on the new road,
and had been in town for supplies.
Rey. George N. Davis has resigned
his charge in Butler, in order to assume
the Principalship of Barkeyville Acad
emy. He will preach his farewell ser
mon next Sunday. His successor will
be appointed by the conference which
meets at West Newton October 5.
Communion services will be held in
the Grace Lutheran Church on next
Sunday, at 11 a. in.
Preparatory service on Friday even
ing at 7:350
Subject on Sunday evening, "Joseph,
a Type of Christ."
The Butler County Ministerial Asso
ciotion will meet in the Y. M C. A.
hall on next Monday. Oct. 3, at 2 p. m
Communion services will be held in
the South Side Reformed ciuirch next
Sunday. The pastor will be assisted
!>y Kev. D. H. Leader of Elk Lick,
Somerset Co. Pa. Preparatory ser
vice, baptism, and reception of new
members, Sunday afternoon at 2:30
Rev. Johnston of the M. E. church
here intends to retire at the end of this
pastoral year..
Communion services in St. John's
Lutheran church at Petersvilie 011 next
Sunday at. 4 p. 111.
Evening services at St. Mark's Luth
eran church will begin at 7. P. M. next
Sunday. No services in the morning
Rev. Cronenwett will preach at the
Old White church on next Sunday at
:t P. M.
Young Folks Bible Class meeting
at Keek's school house, Summit twp. at
2:30 P. M. next Sunday
At the conference of the Erie district
of the Methodist Church. held in
Franklin, Monday, the following minis
ters for near town congregations were
Chicora —C. Peters.
Clintonville 11 F. Miller.
Eau Claire—A. J. Itinker.
Emlenton- -3. M. Nickle.
Kama City H A Mclntyre.
North Hope C. H. (juick.
Parker D. C. Plannette.
Petrolia and Brain—J. A.-Cavely.
Slipperyrock J. A McCainey.
Harrisville J. C. Borland.
Local dealers are paying 02c a bn. for
wheat, :;'.c for corn, rye and buckwheat
and 25c for oats.
Local grocers are paying 18c for but
ter, 1 "h; for eggs, 50c for potatoes, 25c
for apples, 50 to 75 for peaches, 10c a
doz. for quinces, 83c for tomatoes, 40c
for onions, 10 to 15c each for squashes,
25c for turnips, and '•> to 5c a head for
Special values in trimmed hats, 98c
and up. Mies. J. E. Zimmkkman.
Stray llojjs.
i Come to the premises of the subscriber
lin Jefferson twp., near Frazier's Mill,
on or about August Bth, IM9B, one white
brood sow, and three large shouts—two
white and oue black, all sows.
The owner is requested to come for
ward prove property, pay charges and
1 take them away, otherwise thuy will !«•
disposed of according to law.
Haxonburg P. O. Pa"
Harry Nail, formerly of Butler was
st rack upon the bead by a falling board
and iustantly killed at Si*tersville, a
! few days ago
Katie Leighner, a daughter of John
Leighner of Bntler twp.. had her hands
caught and crashed in a eider-mill last
J Weluesday evening. Some of the fin
j gers of her right hand and the thnmbof
her left hand were crashed, bnt Dr.
Bippus hopes to save them all.
George Dicky, of West Jefferson St.,
fell off a fence Saturday and broke his
J. A. Smith of E. Diamond st. fell on
th'.- street, Monday evening and frac
tured a leg lione.
Oil. VOI'ES.
THE M VRKMT— Last Friday was a wet |
day and the market swelled two cents
$1.04. Tuesday was a very fine day
and the Standard added 2 cents—fl.Oti.
and is $1.05 this morning.
EVANS CITV —Daubenspeck & (Vs.
well on the Marbnrger is doing 40 bbls.
per day of a very pretty, amber colored
Mr. CHESTNLT— The W. J. Burks &
Co. on the Ed. Shuster farm near Mt
Chestnut is thirty feet in the sand and
showing good.
FO.XHCBG— A new 25 bbl. well is re
ported near Foxbnrg this week.
ALLEGHENY —A 250 bbl. well is r*
ported on the Milford farm in Alle
gheny twp.. this morning.
KtMluced rates to Harrisburj; via
IVniisv Ivaiiia Railroad, Ac
count Christian lin«lea\or
State Convention
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
announces that for the Christian En
deavor State Convention, to be held at
Harrisburg, October 4 to 6, it will sell
excursion tickets on October 3 to ti.
good to return until Octol>er 10. from
points on its line in the state of Penn
svlvanioto Harrisburg and return, at
rate of single fare for the round trip to
parties presenting card orders issued by
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
These card orders should be obtained of
the nearest transportation agent.
Knights Templar Coin-lave.
Pittsburg, I'a., October 10-1-Hh.
For this occasion. Ticket Agents.
Pittsbnrg & Western Rv., will sell
roune trip tickets to Pittsbnrg, at fare
one way, Oct. * to 13th. inclusive, good
for return until Oct. 17th. with privi
lege of extension to Oct. :{lst, on deposit
of ticket with Joint Agent and payment
of a fee of 50 cents.
Side trip excursion tickets from Pitts
bnrg will be on sale Oct. 13 to 17 to
Washington. Baltimore and Gettys
burg, at *s. good until Oct 21th, and to
points iu Central Passenger Association
territory within a radios of 3W utiles,
at fare one way for round trip, good nn
til October 30th.
John W. Voxel's Aire-American
Mastodon Minstrels combined with last
season's big hit. Darkest America, will
be seen at the Park Theatre, tomorrow
This monster alliance forms beyond a
doubt the largßst and most expensive
colored amusement enterprise in exist
Home life of the negro as it was in
slavery and is in freedom is depicted,
also the many novelty creations of min
strelsy. ludicrous farce comedy scenes
and fifty minutes of comic opera. The
costumes are all new, the specialty fea
t urea hive never before been seen here
and the scenery is both mammoth and
Henderson Smith's Band is a part of
this large institution an I all should
hear the grand free concerts at noon
and at 7:15 p 111. at the theatre.
The Grand Opera House, which has
a lield of its own in Pittsburg, contin
ues to crowd its doors. With a contin
uous performance from 1 to 11 daily,
people realize now that they can go
there anytime between those hours, and
see and hear something amusing and
instructive. The Stock Company,
which is the best this house has ever
had. and tar superior to anything Pitts
burg has ever seen in the way of a per
manent organization, has scored a
great success. Next week will ipagu
rate a Shakesperian Festival in the*pro
uuotion-»f "Twelfth Night", or "What
You Will", one of the greatest Comed
ies ever written by the master hand of
drauia. "Twelfth Night" will be given
with historical accuracy as to costume,
scenery and effect The Vaudeville in
eludes: The Kidman?. Sketch Artists;
Van Auken & Van Anken, Bar Per
formers: Layman. The man with 1,000
faces; W. Forester Huff, the eminent
young baritone singer; Frank J, Shtq,
King of the banjo, and others. The
Biograph will introduce new views,
among them the lHth Regiment Penn
sylvania Volunteers, marching in pa
rade at Camp Meade.
WANTED—Agents to sell Tea,
Coffee, Spices and Baking Powder to
families. Liberal commissions paid.
For terms address
1405 Fifth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
FOR SALE A graduating tuition
contract for Butler Business College,
cost SSO; either shorthand or commer
cial course. Inquire at this office.
SII mlsi) Kvciii'sions to All«'};h»*iiy
Commencing Sunday May and*
until further notice the Pittsburg and
Western R. It. will sell excursion tick
ets to Allegheny every Sunday for train
leaving Bailer 8:15 A. M. city time
good to return on afternoon trains date
of sale. Fair for round trip 75 cents.
For blank applications and instructions
how to apply for reduction of 80 per
cent, of taxes on timber lands send 25
cents to J. A. HEYDRICK &
Civil Engineers,
Butler, Pa.
For A Musical Education
The Pennsylvania College of Music
( formerly Meadville Conservatory of
Music), has been entirely recognized
and placed under the direction of Herr
Felix Ileink, for three years past musi
cal director of the Utica (N. Y.) Con
servatory of Music, a noted pianist,
singer and teacher of voice and piano.
He is assisted by a very able corps of
teachers, two of whom have had the
best American and European training,
file College offers a musical education
at very moderate rates of tuition, and
very cheap living, in one of the most
beautiful and cultivated college cities of
the country. Everyone interested in a
musical education should send for the
new catalogue just issued. Tern- begins
September 6th. Address Pennsylvania
College of Slusic. Meadville, Pa.,
mentioning this paper.
1 —Ask your physician if lit does not
think a sojourn at Cambridge Springs
would do you j»oqd [f ynu need rest
and nature's tonic, jjood mineral water,
he will answer, "Yes." Hotel Rider of
fers accomodations equal to the l>est.
j Send for circulars.
Itailroail Notes.
A commit tee of second mortgage bond
holders will shortly present a plan for
J the reorganization of the Pittsbnrg A:
! Western road. Someimportant chang
j es are planned, bnt as yet nothing is
1 known to the intentions of the own-
I ers of the property One thing appears
certain. and that is the Pittsbnrg &
! Western and the Baltimore < >hio are
to be kept apart for some time, or at
! least until the Baltimore & Ohio peo
ple can bring the Pittsbnrg A: Western
to some terms satisfactory to both com
The tio-foot rail on standard tracks
has passed the experimental stage, and
the roads which liegan using them
three years ago are now ordering more
of the same kind for renewals At
first when the Pennsylvania intro
duced the long rails, various objections
were raised by experienced trackmen
as well as by theorists, who declared
that the additional cost of handling
them, the lack of sufficient joint space
t J allow for contraction and expansion,
and the greater tendency to creep, were
defects in the 60-foot rail which would
be difficult, if not impossible, to over
come. In spite of these objections the
Pennsylvania and the Pennsylvania
lines proceeded to lay the long rails,
and now after carefully watching the
sections of track where they have been
in use under the heaviest traffic, the
officials have unhesitatingly recomend
t>d that jnore of them be ordered.
Agricultural Courtshi |»,
A potato went out on a mash,
And sought an onion bed;
that's not me!" observed the squash,
And all the beets turned red;
"Go away!" the onion, weepitjg
"Your love I can not be;
The pumpkin be your lawful bride;
You cantelope with me."
But onward still the tuber came.
And laid down at her feet;
"Yon caul flower by any name.
And it will smell as wheat;
And I. too, am an early rose;
And you I've come to set>.
So don't turn up your lovely nose,
But spinachat with me!"
- "I do not carrot all to wed.
So go, sir, if you please!"
The modest onion meekly said,
"And lettuce, pray, have peas!
Go, rhink that you have never saen
Myself, or smelled my sigh;
Too long a maiden I have been
For favors in your eye!"
"Ah, spare a cuss!" the tuber prayed;
"My cherryshed bride you'll be!
You are the only weeping maid
That s currant now with me!"
A ud as the wily tuber spoke.
He caught li«r by surprise.
And giving her an artichoke.
Devoured her with his eyes.
- Highest cash price paid for Buck
wheat and Wheat
Exposition Excursions,
Agents P. & W. Ry., West Clarion
to Bntler inclusive, will sell round trip
tickets to Pittsburg, every Wednesday,
Sept. 14th to October 19th inclusive,
good to return 2 days from date of sale,
at fare one way. with 25 cents added
for admission to the Exposition.
Fare from Bntler $1.50 including ad
mission to the Exposition.
Grand Voting Contest.
As the school year approaches, many
of our young readers will be deciding
what school to attend, and the follow
ing offer made by the Butler Business
College will prehaps help you to decide
the problem. Two free scholarships are
offered as per rules below, allowing
ample time to graduate, giving you
your choice of courses, all for a small
effort on the part of the contestants.
Yon cannot afford to ignore this offer,
opportunities like this are not offered
every day, this is your opportunity.
Any one who complies with the rules
may enter the contest. Business edu
cation has the sanction of such men as
Hon. Lyman Gage, himself a graduate
of a business college, and to which he
attributes his success. Hon. John Wan
amaker, Robert Burdette, Charles
lieade, Hon. Charles Foster, and many
others we could name of world wide
reputation. No matter whether you
live in the city or the country, you have
a splendid opportunity to succeed. Read
the rules carefully.
1. Each weekly paper published in
Butler will publish one coupon each
week, beginning August 25th, aiul con
tinning until Oct. 15th, and contestants
will collect these coupons and send
them in, in packages of 100. Each con
testant will also agree to get as many
paid-up yearly subscriptions as he or
she possibly can for any or each of the
Butler weekly papers, viz: The
CITIZEN, Eagle. Times, Record, and
Democratic Herald, and each subscrip
tion shall count as much as2oo coupons.
()nly new subscribers will b« allowed
to count in this contest. You are not
confined to any one paper; subscriptions
to any or all of the papers named will
count 200 votes each, to the ono turning
them in.
2. Write your name plainly on all
coupons yon send in. and forward all
subscriptions and coupons to William
I". Wilson, Principal Butler Business
College, Butler, Pa. Write all names
and postoftice addresses plainly, and in
dicate plainly the papers subscribed for.
!{. To the person receiving the largest
number of votes, a nine months scholar
ship in the Butler Business College will
be awarded, in either Commercial or
Shorthand ooufiiou, allowing auiple time
to graduate. To the person receiving
the next highest number of yotes a six
month's scholarship will be awarded.
4. Contestants should communicate
with Prof. Wilson immediately, and he
will forward further instructions and
information by mail. Remember that
each subscription turned .in for any of
the papers named will count you 900
votes, and securing subscribers will be
the quickest and surest way to succeed.
Get in the field early, secure the aid
of your friends, and earn one of these
scholarships, worth at least SSO.
0 O
: Please credit this coupon to
P. O. !
: Account of Butler Business College :
Scholarship Contest.
Women Depositors are Appreci
The savings bank is an institution in
whicl: women have equal facilities with
men. At the Pittsburg liank for Savings
No. 210 Fourth Ave., Pittsburg Pa,,
every attention is given to provide fo
the comfort and convience of women de
positors, and they are courteously helped
in their banking operations. Four per
cent interest is paid an all time depsits.
Write to the Bank aud more information
will be sent you.
Lots for Sale.
In a thriving town at R. R. station.
Size to suit purchaser. A good opening
for a painter, carpenter and stone mason.
Inquire at this office.
Notice to Wool-Grower*.
Messrs. Troutman's Sons requiring all
the room they have for their own busi
ness, I have changed my location to
Graham Bros.' grocery store, just across •
the street from my old location with I
Troutman's, where I will be glad to sec j
all my forager wool friends, assuring
them of fair treatment, and the market
price in cash for their wool. Trouttnans
wish to state th it they have gone out of
the wool-buying business altogether I
Company K.
The 15th Regiment i-* still doing pro
j vost duty and Co. E will "continue to
; hold down their sand hill", in the woods
bark of Middleton till the end of next
week Co.-E. has been guarding farm
premises lying along a road about two
miles north of Middleton. Their camp
is about a mile from (»en Graham s
headquarters and the best pla -e to get
off the trolly cars to reach it i> at the
camp bakery just below the headqiiar
ters. After the provost duty is com
pleted the companies will return to the
regimental camp, the most convenient
stopping place to reach which is Race
street in Highspire. Most of the But
ler boys are in good health and tit for
duty, bnt on Monday nearly a dozen
were lying about their quarters suffer
ing with chills and fever and unable to
do any work. Some of them were
much reduced in flesh and looked quite
sick, so sick that camp was not the prop
er place for them. A.? both Lieut's
Mechling and Scott are home, Capt.
McJunkin is without the aid of liis sub
ordinates in managing and caring for
the Company.
If the 15th is sent away for garrison
duty it is believed the married men iu
the ranks will be given honorable dis
charges and sent home. Some are still
firm in the belief that the 15th will be
mnstered out soon, and all suppose that
if the regiment is sent to Cuba this
winter it will be brought back next
Sergt, J. F, Moor# has returned tt
camp again.
Chas. Smith is stationed at the. tele,
graph office as orderly or messenger.
—Highest cash price paid for Buck
wheat and Wheat.
GEO. WALTER ft r=< >HB.
Special Excursion to tlie exposi
tion \ia the I*. & W. U. I{.
Oil Wednesdays September 11 21 -28
and < Motor s—u5 —u - lit the P W. will
sell special Excursion tickets to Alleg
heny good for retnrn in three days in
cluding date of sale, rate from Bntler
*1.50 which includes admission to the
Gettysburg'- Washington
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has arranged for two five-day person
ally conducted tours from Buffalo.
Erie. Pittsburg, and principal interme
diate points, to Gettysburg and Wash
ington, on October 17 and Nqveml)er 7-
Round-trip tickets. including trans
portation. Pullman berth in each direc
tion, hotel accommodations and car
riage drive over the battlefield at Get
tysburg, and hotel accommodations at
Washington —in short, all necessary ex
penses-will lie sold at rate of $25.00
from Suspension Bridge, Buffalo,
Rochester, Syracuse, and intermediate
stations on the New York Central and
Hudson River Railroad; $24 00 from
Elmira: $25.00 from Erie and Corry:
*2150 from Williamsport; $23.00 from
Pittsburg and Altoona, and proportion
ate rates from other points.
Tickets will also be good to retnrn on
regular trains until October 27 and No
vember 17, but without Pullman
Descriptive itineries and full infor
mation can l>e obtained of Ticket
Agents; B. P. Fraser, Passenger Agent
Buffalo, N. Y.; E. S. Harrar, Division
Ticket Agent, Williamsport; Thos. E.
Watt, Passenger Agent Western Dis
trict, Pittsburg; or Ceo. W. Boyd.
Assistant General Passenger Agent.
Of Interest to You.
Parties wishing to engage in the livery
business, call on Walker &. McElvain for
location and outfit
Any of our readers needing gas stoves
or gas ranges, gas fronts or any gas sav
ing appliance will find it a financial sav
ing to call at the store of W. H.
O'Brien & Son. on East Jefferson St.
and get prices on the extensive line they
have on exhibition. Tbey are also
agents for the celebrated Welsbach
Light, of which more than 1200 were
old in Butler, last year.
II delivered to all parts "f the
to. 11, every day. Leave or
ders a".
142 Main St.
—Music scholars wanted, at 12.S W
Wayne St.
For Sale,
A good chop mill and saw mill com
bined. Will be sold cheap. Inpuire of
Whitestown, Pa.
For bargains in valuable and desir
| able residences inquire of Walker .St Mc-
A man who calls himself an optician,
and who says his name is Brown, is
travelling over this county selling spec
tacles (as I am informed) on my reputa
1 will say that 1 don't know the man,
never met him that I know of and haye
had no dealings with him whatever.
B. <y B.
that win
—selling choice goods at prices, and
offering large assortments, is what's
making and is to keep on making this 5
acre store the busiest Dry Goods store in
New goods ready—most extensive col
lections we've ever shown.
Send for samples let goods aud prices
prove that when and every time you
come or send here, you'll saye money.
New all wool American Drefs Goods 32
inches wide—other stores ask 25c —our
[ price 20c yard
—fully 24 different neat color styled.
(i inch all wool cloth cheviottes,
4Gc yard
—see if you can match these, width,
quality and color range, under half a
dollar —variety of stylish plain colors.
50 inch all wool Black Cheviottes and
Diagonals, 50c yard —extra wide, yes
—but it's the extra choiccness you'll be
impressed with.
Large lines choice dressy UrciS Cioods
35, 5° 75c, Si. oo up to the finest.
Fine new Silks, 50c, 75c, to $2 00.
More interesting features at this year's
Pittsburg Exposition than ever before
if you'ie coming, include a visit to this
store in your trip—ample arrangements
for your comfort here.
Hoo'<rs& Hllll I
Department X.
Our Method
Doing Business
We hope will merit your
patronage. Ours is not the
inly store in Bailer, but
£ do trv to make it such
a place to buy your nrugs
ami medicine as to win
your confidence and secure
your patronage. Do not
come to our store lor cheap
drugs. We don't keep
them. Nothing but the
best finds a place in our
store and every article
bearing our name is guar
anteed to be just as repre
sented or you can get your
noney back. We buy the
best, sell the best, keep
the best and lecommemi
the best It is this meth
od that has brought to
our store a large and de
sirable patronage. Jf you
have never dealt at our
store we would be pleased
to have you call. We try
to k.»p everything that is
likely to be called for in
our line, but if we should
not have what you want we will frankly
tell yon so and will be pltased to get it
fou you at the earlies possible moment.
We give you what you want, No substi
tutions permitted. Let us fill your
prescriptions Respectfully,
C. N. Boyd ♦ DRUGGIST.
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
Letters of administration on the estate
of Lizzie Baker, dec'd., late of Middle
sex twp., Butler Co , Fa., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will please make immediate pav
ment, ind any having claims against
said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
Bakerstown, Pa.
Wiii.i AMS & MITCHELL, Att'ys.
Letters of administration on the estate
of Mrs. Valeria Sollivap, dec'd., late of
Buffalo twp.. Bntler Co., Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present tliem duly au
thenticated for settlement to
Sarversviile, PJ.
H. 11. Got»CHHR, and
Letters of administration on the esttte
of John M. Crooks, late of Middlesex
township, Butler county. Pa., dec'd.,
having been granted to the u adeisigned,
all persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please maLe immediate
payment, and any having claims against
sa'd estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
WM. R. THOMPSON, Adm'r.,
McFann P. 0., Butler Co , Pa.
J. D. MARSHALL. Att'y.
of Isaac rtepler, lateof Oakland
township, deceased, U'-tice is heieby
given that letters of administration upon
the t state of . : aid decedent have been
granted to the undersigned. All persons
indebted to the said estate are requested
to make payment, and those baviug
claims or demands against the same will
make them known without delay to
Carbon Center, Pa.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
John Sipe, dec'd., 'ate of Clearfield twp.,
Kutler county, Pa., having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment, and
any having claims against said estate
will present them, properly antenticated
for settlement to
Coylesville, Pa.
Letters of administration on the estate
of Emma Shrade« , dee'd., late of Butler
borougn, Butler Co., Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned, all ]>ersoiis
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will please make immediate pay
ment,and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly authenticat
ed for settlement to
W. B. htißAuuK, Adm'r.,
Butler, Pa.
W. D. BRANDON, Att'y.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Isaac Kepple, dee'd, late or Fairview
township, Qutler county, Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned, ail
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make imtn diate
payment, and any having claims agaimt
the same will present them for settle
ment to
WM. L. KEPPLE, Kx'r.,
Peachville, Pa.
C. WALKER, Att'y.
Whereas, letters of administration have
been issued to me the undersigned in the
estate of William A. Anderson, late of
Middlesex township, Butler county, Pa.,
dee'd., notice is hereby given to all
persons indebted to the said decedent to
call and settle, and all persons having
claims against the same will please pre
sent them duly authenticated tor pay
Administratrix of
Flick, Butler Co., Pa.
S. F. & A. L. BOWSER, Att'ys.,
Butler, Pa.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Margaret J. Mcßride, dee'd, late of Mid
dlesex township, Butler county, l'a.,
having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves indebted
to saul estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them, duly pro
bated, for settlement to
Bakerstown, Pa.
All persons interested will take notice
that the auditor appointed by the
Orphan's v.'ourt of Butler ccunty, l'a., to
make distribution of the funds of the
estate of James Jones, deceased, as shown
by the final account of 11. J. Hit, Execu
tor, filed and confirmed at O. C. No. 23,
December Term, 1898, has fixed Tuesday,
the nth day of October, tXija, at io
o'clock a. m at his office in Armory
Building, Butler, Pa., as the time and
place of meeting lo attend tu the duties
of said appointment. All parties in in
tcrcst are requested to attend.
letters testamen.ary on the estate of
Robert Trimble, Esq , dee'd., late of
Middlesex twp , Butler Co., Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly au- '
thenticaU'd for settlement to
Flick P. 0.,
W A DHNNY, liu Ur Co ,I'u
. junkiu & t,albr> a',l;, .a )■
m 'f 1 i. 1 ■ 1
riubßrcibo (or The Citizen,
y That is a settled fact. J
X Where shall yon buy N
r them is a question in- v
1 volved. It admits of bnt X
\ one answer. Buy where as- \
r sortmcnt is largest and yoor f
J faucy cau be licst suited. Bny \
> where quality is first considered X.
r with the firm. Buy where you are %
J confkitnl you C;in git honest goods at f
\ lowest prices. Look to us for the new \
r fall styles in Men's Suits and Overcoats. C
j You know our regulation as leaders. We've r
X never disappointed you in giving you the latest 1
f and best at the lowest prices, and we won't do it C
J now. Look around and see if the price we r
v offer these Suits and Overcoats at can be match- j
r ed even on qualities inferior to ours We think *
. not. Stop anywhere in our range of prices and your j
C selection will be a good one. I" very one is a prize winner. V
r 137 South Main St., C .
/ Butler. Pa. c
r Y A a a
M Our Line of Fall and Winter M
kl Clothing is now in our Shelves. W
P<B To many of our patrons, this announcement
» j is sufficient, but for the benefit of those who
VA do not know us yet we will say, come in to
see us, we want to get acquainted with you
7A and in addition to that show you the hand-
L* somest and best line of clothing, hats and .
WJ men's furnishings in Butler, don't take our *
word foi it, come and see for yourselves, we *
Wa will show you up-to-date goods at moderate <
prices. ►
r dtk A A A illi A A dfc A A 4
fVTGrove City g
Special . Annoucement. 3
g The college is already in session. Students can enter 3
at any time. The winter Term will begin Tuesday 55
tR Jan. 3, 1899; the Spring Term will begin Tuesday,
a April, 4, 1899.
yb Three General Departments of Educstlonal Work are Maataiaed: jpk
- S
flr tlon suited to the needs of College Preparatory and Normal students. flr
3. DEPARTMENTS OF MUSIC AND ART with unexcelled facilities and
■F high-grade Instruction. .
if 3- COMME CIAL DEPARTMENT, providing instruction In Commercial ]■
Kranches. Stenography. Typewriting and Telegraphy. JO
Students are received Into every department of the College at any time ■
in the College year and are guaranteed work suited to their needs.
At GOOD ÜBSTANTIAL BOA* DING will be furnished to all students at $1.60 Slk
a week and rooms at from fiO to mi cents a week. These rooms are completely JO
furnished and kept. Tliusg<x><l lioardlng. Including room. Is guaranteed at
from $25.00 to $27.00 for « term of twelve weeks. This dews not Include fuel and
light. The entire expense of I lilt lon. lioardlng and completely furnished room f\
MI for a term uf twelve weeks Is from to $ll.OO. These rates are guaranteed MP
hy tl\e Oollege to all students desiring a literary education. JU *
For catalogue and (all information address the President,
* ISAAC C. KETLER, Grove City, Pa. 8
Good Sweet Cider
In t he winter is a luxury but how few have such. Instead they let It get so strong that It be
comes an Intoxicant. If a package of >l' LI'LIITK OK LIME Ls added to a barrel at the
proper time It will keep it sweat and mellow.
Let us suggest that w hen you buy spices for your applebutter do not overlook the fact
that the essences can lie lietter depended upon and give a better flavor than the powdered
>|ti'-es themselves, this Is especially true with cinnamon, ours Is always of the same
strength and when once used will always be used.
Prescription Druggists.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
John S. Love, dec'il, late of Clinton twp.,
Butler county, Pa., having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment, and
any having claims against said es.ate
will present tliem duly probated for
settlement to W. H. LOVK. E*'r„
Riddles X Roads, Pa.
W. I). BRANDON, Att'y.
Letters of administration on the estate
ot Harriet Thompson, dec'd., lateof Clay
twp Hutler Co., Pa., having been grunt
ed to the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate
will please mnkc immediate payment,
and any having claims against said estate
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
R. C. THOMPSON, Adra'r.,
Elora, P. 0..
W. C. FINDLKY, Att'y.
Letters of administration C. T. A. on
the estate of Nancy C. Stewart, dec'd.,
late of Centre twp., Butler Co., Pa., hav
ing been granted to the undeisigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to.
Adrnr. C. T. A.,
Alt Chestnut, Pa.
J. 1). Mcjunkin, Att'y.
Letters testamentary on the will of
Richard G. Nelson, late of Middlesex
township, Butler county, Pennsylvania,
dec'd., having been granted by the Reg
ister of said county to the undersigned
I'xccutors thereof. Therefore all persons
knowing themselves indebted to the
estate oT said deceased are requested to
make sjjeedy payment, and those having
claims ..gainst said estate can present
them properly authenticated for settle
ment to
T. A. PARKS, Executors.
E. Mcjunkin Att'y. Glade Mill- l'a.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Matthew Thrower, dec'd., late of Clinton
twp.. liutler Co., Pa., having l>eeu grant
ed t<> the undersigned, all |>crsous know
ing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment,
and .my having c'aiuis against said estate
will present them, properly anther'!' «s
ed for settlement to
Jou.v K. i • 'k. l rs .
,->..xtnbu g. l'a.
K • . N & (.ihf.t*. \t . ys.
Subscribe lot L'lXlUtf. i
Letters testamentary on the estate of
' Sarah Jane Cranmer, dec'd., (widow of
Israel Cranmer, dec'd.,) late of Centre
twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment,
and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
J. D. McjnNKIN, Ex'r.,
Butler, Pa.
Always crowns our efforts to
secure the handsomest and
most correct thing in Men's
Dress at all season's of the
There's a fresh, bright
pparkle Jof style about our
spring patterns, the kind
that has snap and art in it.
We cater to the economical
man because our clothes
give a dollar of service for
every dollar "paid.
Let us show you the kind, of
a suit we make for
Rough t Worked Lumber
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
.. in Stock.
... i IK: . > 'i- t" « <
oiuii » * - - .