Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 29, 1898, Image 2

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    g THE CITIZEN-"*
republican ticket.
WILLIAM A. STONE, of Allegheny.
J. I\ 8. GOBIN, of Lebanon.
JAMES W. LATTA. of Philadelphia.
WILLIAM W. PORTER, of Philadelphia
W. D. PORTER, of Allegheny Co.
GALUSHA A. GROW, of Susuuehauna Co
DR. J. B. SHOWALTER, of Millcrstown boro
JAMES N. MOORE, of Butler.
JOHN DINDWiGER. of ZelienoplJ.
JACOR M. PAINTER, of Butler.
Cervera and Augiistl.
Admiral Cervera arrived in Madrid
last Thursday. The marked coolness
of Admiral Cervera and his officers tow
ard the Minister of Marine, Senor
Aunon. was much commented npon.
Senor Annon and his staff, in uniform,
met Admiral Cervera and his party, at
the railroad depot The Admiral bait
ed before the Minister, saluted and
said, stiffly.
"I am at the order of your excel
lency. I shall present myself at the
Ministry to-day, as is my dnty."
The Admiral then started to leaye,
after embracing Captain Eulate, the
former commander of the \ iscaya, and
his other comrades. The Minister of
Marine offered the nse of his carriage
to Admiral Cervera, but the latter de
clined to accept it, and entered another
In an interview the Admiral said he
had a clear conscience regarding Santi
ago. Nations, he said, grew great by
' their victories and not by their defeats,
however glorions they liMght be.
Spain had lived in a dream, and she
now had to face reality. The Admiral
added that his warships were not de
stroyed in battle, but by fire.
General Toral, the Spanish command
er, who surrendered his forces at Santi
ago de Cuba, has also arrived there.
He did so without attracting any atten
tion. He is now sick in bed.
General Augusti, the former Captain
Genera] of the Phillippine Islands, who
just arrived at Victoria, Spain,
from Manila, in an interview is quoted
as discussing the Phillippine question
in an interesting manner. He is al
leged to have said:
"Before I left Spain I knew the situa
tion in the Phillippine Islands was
grave. Senor Moret, the Minister of
the Colonies in the last Cabinet of
Senor Sagas to. remarked to me that if
war with the United States broke out
there would be a terrible stateof things."
Continuing, General Augusti de
scribed' Admiral Montejo's fleet as some
"old wooden ships," and said they
"came to Manila practically pursued by
Dewey." He then said:
"Our batteries fired at the Ameri
cans, but our guns were mounted on
false plates, and after the first shots
they became useless. At daybreak we
were in the power of the Americans
and an hour afterwards the Spanish
fleet had ceased to exist.
"Dewey summoned me to surrender.
I refused and he threatened to raze the
town. I replied:
" 'Raze it, but so long as I live the
Spanish flag will float on the ruins of
"Then began the terrible time of the
siege and the anguish of the blockade.
Famine stared us in the face. In the
meantime, hostilities were conducted
' throughout the provinces, but, save in
isolated cases, humanely. Dewey re
peated his summons to surrender and I
again refused. Dewey then bombarded
the town and Manila surrendered. But
considering my presence no longer nec
essary, I asked the Government for per
mission to go home, as my position had
become by no means easy. I think I have
done my duty as a soldier and a Span
The Ministerial newspapers protest
against the supposition that the United
States will keep the Philippine Islands.
They mantain that Spain's rights to
these islands are incontestable and that
she is "resolved to defend her rights
with the greatest energy."
The re-convened Democratic Conven
tion of Allegheny county re-nominated
John S. Robb for Judge, and objections
have again been filed to the nomina
At the Republican State Conven tiou
at Saratoga, N. Y., Tuesday, "Teddy"
Rosevelt had 753 votes for Governor to
Gov. Black's 218. Teddy's home is at
Oyster Bay, and he led the charge at
THE first word that has come to
Washington from the American mem
bers of the peace commission since theii
departure, save a brief announcement
of arriyal in England, was received at
the Navy department, Monday, being a
cablegram requesting that Captain
Bradford, chief of the equipment
bureau, be sent at once to Paris to as
sist the commission.
The Game Laws.
The hunting or game season opens on
Saturday. Oct. 15th, this year, and the
woods in some parts of the county will
be full of hunters that day who will
leave their homes the day before. The
season is anxiously looked forward to by
a number of our "shots," one of whom
takes his gun out of its case every day,
to ran his eye over the sights.
The game laws now read as follows:
Quail and patridge. from Oct. 15 to
Dec. 15.
Pheasants, ruffled grouse and prairie
chicken, October 15 to December 15.
Wild turkey, October 15 to December
"VJoodcock. month of July and Octo
ber 15 to December 15.
Rail and reed bird. September 1 to
November 30.
Plover, July 15 to January 1.
Geese and ducks, September 1 to May
1 Elk and deer, November 1 to Novem
ber 30.
Squirrel, October 15 to December 1».
Hare and Rabbit, November 1 to De
cember 15.
Under the laws no more than 10
pheasants, ruffled grouse, two wild tur
keys , 10 woodcock or 15 quail may be
killed by one person in one day and no
more than two deer in any year. Mar
ket hunting, bnying, selling and ship
ment of game birds and animals are
prohibited. The killing of tho birds oth
er than game birds is prohibited. De
coys may be used in hunting ducks and
geese only. All game must be shot
with a gun. Dogs must not be used to
hunt deer or elk, or to capture or kill
them in the waters, streams, ponds or
lakes. The use of ferrets for hunting
game is prohibited. English and Mon
golian pheasants are protect _>d for five
years from Jnne 4, 1897. Killing or
wounding or catching with trap, net,
snare, birdline, poison or drugs is pro
hibited. However, English sparrow,
kingfisher, bawk, horned owl, barred
owl. green heron or night heron are
not protected. Fifteen days' time is al
lowed after the expiration of the season
to dispose of game.
The Parker Twp.. School Figlit.
r A large number of the people of Par
■ ker twp , assembled in the Court room
Tuesday morning to hear the case
» against the school l>oard of Parker twp.
on whom a rule had been granted to
show cause why they should not lie dis
missed from office for not furnishing
schools for the Bruin school district.
The war began with a dispute be
tween the attorneys regarding the old
and new school laws; and then about
fiftv witnesses were called and sworn
for the petitioners.
L. C. Miller took the stand and said
he had lived in Bruin for about 27 years,
his children were grown up, excepting
two, who were yet of school age, that
no schools were now open in Bruin and
no preparations were being made for
school there; he was one of a committee
to wait on the School Board and ask for
schools, but received no satisfaction
from them; the School Board had as
signed three of the township schools
Oak Hollow. Stevenson and Shakeley,
for the use of the town children: Bruin
was not a borough, the committee had
demanded the opening of the new
school house, no other rooms in the
town were fit to hold school in. toree
of the rooms in the new building were
1 equipped and would accommodate about
fifty scholars each; the building is of
. brick, cost about $5,500. and has fonr
rooms, the contractors have been paid;
the township bonded and bonds sold to
Mrs. Brown of Kittanning, etc."
Then the attorneys got to jangling as
to whether this proceeding was not for
the purpose of compelling the new
Board to accept the new building and
whether it was proper for the commit
tee of citizens to accompany the Board
in its search for school rooms etc. The
petitioners offered to occupy the new
building without prejudice to the Direc
Lawl Heydrick certified to the cor
rectness of a township map giving the
, distance from the bridge in the town to
certain school houses —ie. Oak Hollow
, 620 rods, Shakely 610, Campbell 640 and
Stevenson 460.—320 rods make a mile.
S. R. Walker one of the directors, and
Secretary of the Board, said the Board
had tried to rent Lincoln Hall and Kel
, ley's hall but had failed, did not try to
rent a club room that had been cou
deinned for church purposes, reported to
Board that he could not secure a room,
township schools opened Sept. 0, the
Board was advised by counsel not to
open new building; had keys for one
hour and took them back to Mr. Kelly.
Here Col. Thompson for Directors
, admitted the necessity for schools in
, the town; Messers Bowser and Brandon
for petitioners thought the new build
[ ing should be opened; and the Court
L said he would make an order directing
the School Board to supply teachers
and rent rooms, and have the schools in
operation by Monday Oct., 10; and if
1 they find themselves unable to do so
7 they are to be here on Saturday morn
; ing Oct., Bth and give their reasons.
! otherwise will be dismissed from office.
This seems to be a case of tow» ver
' sus township or vice versa. A year or
two ago the School Board of that time
bought a large lot in a field below the
town, and on it proposed erecting a
township high school. The project was
fought by the fanners at the time and
i a bill in equity was filed but not sus
tained. The Directors went ahead and
built the building, bonded the tuwn
, ship to pay for it, and levied a tax to
pay the bonds: but this tax levy has
I been declared illegal by the court here.
An issue was made in the township
. and the new Board of Directors is un
favorable to the whole proceeding.
1 They considered the old school building
(which the old Board sold and which is
now being used for a machine shop*
good enough and large enough for the
Bruin school district, that the new one
was a needless extravagance, and now
that the tax levy has been declared il
legal they think that the old Board
! should pay for the new building, as
best they can.
The present board will probably have
no trouble in securing a room and start
ing a school by the time fixed, and the
; tax levy question will probably go to
1 the Supreme Court; and if the Supreme
Court sustains the court here, and the
bonds are declared illegal and Mrs.
Brown loses her money, then —Who
will own the property?
There is no prettier spot in Western
Penn'a for an Academy than that one,
1 and if there is anything in the posses
sion of the key then Esq. Kelly is in
great luck.
The assessed valuation of Parker twp.
for this year is $289,000.
Judge Greer's decision on the Tax
Levy Case is as follows
"And now, September 21, 1898, this
case came on to be heard upon bill,
answer and testimony, and after being
fully argued by counsel on both sides,
it is hereby ordered, adjudged and de
creed that the school directors of Park
; er township school district, their succes
sors in office, their agents appointees
' and employes, and all persons acting
■ by, through or under said directors, be
1 and the same are hereby perpetually en
joined from the collection of the tax
of eight mills, described in the bill, or
any part thereof, which was alleged to
be assessed upon the taxable inhabitants
cf said township, and the said levy of
the said tax is hereby declared irregular
illegal, null and void, and it is further
adjudged and decreed that the schools
1 directors of Parker school district pay
' the costs of the proceeding."
Prospect Squibs.
r Edward Watson of Isle is conval
, escent from an attack of typhoid.
G. P. Weigle, wife and daughter of
Prospect took in the Pittsburg Exposi
tion last week. Coming home Pres.
took a good look at the "Bessie" bridge
> over the Allegheny, and thinks it the
wonder of the age.
W. R. Riddle is laying a new side
r walk of Ohio flag.
Caleb Edmundson put down a new
brick side walk and John Heyl isgrad
ing for his.
Wni Heyl of Whitestown has pur
chased the property of John Edmnnd
r son in Prospect and will help his father
in the blacksmith shop.
Some of the girls have new bikes.
Wm. Morrow is busy making cider.
> What visionary tints the year puts on.
When falling leaves falter through
motionless air,
> Or numbly cling and shiver to be gone!
' How shimmer the low flats and pas
tares bare,
■ As with hectar Hebe autumn fills
' The bowl between me and those distant
I And suiiles and shakes abroad her
inistry, tremulous hair!
> No more the landscape holds its wealth
I apart,
" Making me poorer in my poverty.
' But mingles with my senses and my
' I My own projected spirit seems to me
r 1 In her own reverie the world to steep
. I Lowell.
I I Obithaky WoTJ^i
Senator Thomas F. Bayard of I»eta
l j ware died tit the home of his daughter
114 Massachusetts, yesterday.
products of Decomposition lit Tain
ted Food Which Threaten Hu
man LJfe.
In these days, when preserved pro
visions are being so largely manufac
tured to meet tbe equally large de
mand for such articles of diet, and
when, by the aid of the refrigerator,
we are supplied with meat all the way
from the antipodes, we find that we
have a new danger to face. This is the
liability, owing to accident or neglect
during the preserving process or dur
ing transit, of the food changing for
the worse, or, as we say, "going bad.
Unfortunately, such tainted food is
not readily detected, and the uncon
scious consumer is, therefore, open to
the risk of being unawares seriously or
fatally poisoned.
Tainted food contains the products
of decomposition which arc technical
ly known as ptomaines. Beyond the
fact that some of these ptomaines are
highly poisonous, very little else is
known about them. They are still the
subject of investigation, and so far wo
are only able to gather that ptomaines
are alkaloidal in character, and are
the active principles of nnimal tissue
In the same way as such alkaloids as
quinine and other similar drugs are
the active principles of the cinchona
and other plants.
The symptoms of ptomaine poison
ing may be acute, or they may be
vague and undefined. When acute, the
svmptoms usually set in a few hours
after partaking of the tainted food.
The patient complains of nausea, or
feels faint. Headache usually accom
panies the nausea, which terminates
In a fit or fits of vomiting. This sick
ness is often very violent and uncon
trollable. The patient complains of
great pain in the abdomen, and noth
ing appears to relieve this distressing
symptom. Meantime the temperature
and' pulse rise, and all the symptoms
increase in intensity. Distressing
retching takes the place of sickness,
and not infrequently the patient's
aspect is that of one in great agony.
Put every one of these symptoms may
differ in quality and intensity in dif
ferent cases, so that it is only the ex
perienced eye that can. from a survey
of the whole symptoms, recognize the
case as one of evident ptomaine poi
Sometimes this poisoning is slow,
the symptoms are not violent; the pa
tient complains of lassitude and weak
ness. There is also loss of appetite,
and in consequence the patient gets
rapidly weaker. In a few days a rash
may break out over the body. Th,e
character of this rash varies, and is
usually a source cf much indecision as
to the real cause of the illness. Often
boils break out on the face and neck,
ar.d this in an adult ought to indicate
probable poisoning of some sort. Not
infrequently ptomaine poisoning from
the outset shows no other symptom
than that of loss of strength, followed
slowly by loss of consciousness, de
lirium and death. As a rule, the real
cause of such slower cases is not rec
ognized. They occur among the poor,
and especially among those given to
Intemperance and loafing Such indi
viduals are not overcareful what they
eat to satisfy the craving for hunger,
and therefore frequently fall victims
to this poison. Very little carc is taken
to discover, or, rather to trace, the
cause of illness in such people. Tt is
not unnaturally put down to the vic
tim's bad habits and intemperate liv
ing.—Household Words.
Anions tlie Many Tliiiijrw Eiirntlnl to
Good House
ivlveft Should Know.
That a clean apron worn while hang
ing the clothes keeps them clean.
That a pair of white gloves or mit
tens arc a comfort to hands taken from
hot suds to haiii* clothes in zero
weather; also a close-fitting jacket and
hood to keep one from patching cold.
That the line, as soon as its duty is
ended, should be reeled up and placed
in a bag until next time.
That clothes when brought in should
be separated and folded at once; if al
lowed to lie together many wrinkles ac
That clothes carefully folded and
sprinkled are half ironed.
That dish towels and common towels
can be ironed just as well in half the
time, if folded together once as if
ironed' singly.
That sheets folded across, bringing
the wide and narrow hems together,
then folded agair. then ironed across
both sides, are finished quickly and
look as well as if more time was spent
on them.
That pillow slips should be ironed
lengthwise instead of crosswise if one
wishes to iron wrinkles out instead of
in.—Leisure Hours.
i»i:A'i us.
MAHARG —At her home in Butler,
September 25,1898. • Miss Harriett E.
Maharg, aged -10 years.
SLATER—Sept. 24, 1898, infant daugh
ter of John Slater, of Butler, aged 14
COOVERT —At the home of Henry
Henshavv in Prospect, Sept. 27, ls'.is.
Mrs. Peggy Coovert, aged 84 years.
NOBLE —At the home of her brother.
Robert Johnston in Fairview, Sept.
26, 189H, Mrs. Joseph Noble, aged 55
McBRIDE At the home of bis sister,
Miss Nannie Mcßride, in Franklin
Twp., Sept. 19. 1898, Robert A. Mc
Briae, aged 50 years.
Mr. Mcßride was taken down with
typhoid while visiting his sister, but as
he was a strong and robust man his
death was unexpected.
He was buried in Harmony cemetery.
Grove City.
A widow and eight children, six boys
and two irirls. are left to mourn the
loss of a kind husband and father, one
who was always ready with wise conn
sel and whose loving care had made
their home a haven of love and affec
Mr. Mcßride was a man of more than
ordinary intelligence, a sincere Chris
tian. always gaining the confidence and
respect of neighbors and associates.
He will be greatly missed by his family,
relatives and acquaintances.
Robert Mcßride was born in County
Antrum, Ireland, Sept. 4. 1848, died
Sept. li), IS'JH. When !) months old his
parents came to America and settled in
Pine township. Mercer Co., where he
was reared and educated. He was one
of the early students of what is now
Grove City College. He was a faithful
student and always loyal to his teach
ers, and he was always loved by them
He afterwards taught school with great
success. He kept constantly iu mind
that he was training the soul of the
child, and how to develop the soul was
his constant study all through life
He united with the Harmony United
Presbyterian church when he was 19
years old. Dr. Kerr was the pastor they
were always devoted friends. Iu I.s? 1
he was married to the daughter of John
Mcßride, of Butler Co., which proved a
happy union. After marriage he moved
from Mercer Co., to Franklin twp.,
Butler Co. On certificate he joined the
Muddy Creek Presbyterian church, Rev.
Samuel Williams being pastor, who
proyed a life long friend. Shortly after
this time he was elected elder and was
loved by all. In 1897 he lifted his certi
ficate from Muddy Creek church and
placed it with the Cnionville congrega
tion because it seemed more convenient
to attend there. His wife and eight
children survive. Six sons, two daugh
ters. He also leaves an aged mother,
two sisters and four brothers to mourn
his loss, as he was a kind counsellor to
all. It was through a desire to educate
his family that he moyed to Grove City
last spring. Now we may all say:
Our circle is broken,
One chair is left vacant.
One bud from the tree,
it memorv is taken.
A Friend.
"The Ansnacment of u \ unnt Laif j er
Orer the Challrr of Two Ulrl
"When I learned the deaf-mute sign
language, a few years ago,** said a
young lawyer recently, "it was for a
definite purpose, and since then, inci
dentally, it has furnished a good deal
of amusement to me. There are not
many deaf mutes in his city, and when,
in coming down on an elevated train
this morning I discovered that the
cross seat opposite me was occupied
by two young women who were con
versing in sign lar.gnage, my interest
was at once excited. They were ncat
looking girls, and as I settled in my
seat I discovered that they were hav
ing an animated conversation on a cer
tain young man whose merits and de
merits they were frankly discussing,
never dreaming that anyone else in
the car eounld understand them. Sud
denly one of them noticed that I was
looking intently at them, and with her
fingers she said to the other girl:
" 'Don't look up just now; but in the
seat across from you is a young man
on whom you have made an impres
sion. He isn't bad looking.'
"I glanced idly out of the window to
give the girl a chance to inspect me,
nnd with difficulty i suppresseAa smile.
She looked me over critically, and then
with her fingers she said:
"'You saw him first. He is yours.
I don't 'ike blonds myself.'
" 'lt was you at whom he was look
ing.' came the reply.
"'No; he was looking at you. I don't
like his mustache. .Tust look at him
now, conceited thing! ne is curling
" 'I think his mustache is very nice.'
said the first girl. "Don't look in his
direction so frequently or he will sus
pect us.'
" 'lie looks too slow to suspect any
thing. Besides, I can see him by look
ing' in the mirror, and he doesn't know
it. I am going' to size him tip again
now.' and' as she turned toward the
mirror so did I, and I caught her
glance square in the eyes. The young
woman flushed a bit and then pretend
ed to be looking out of the window.
The girl who admitted that I was not
bad to look at nudged> her friend and
with her nimble fingers said:
" 'His clothes fit him xvell, don't
they? Wouldn't he be angry if he
knew that we were talking 1 about him.
I think that he is nice.'
"It was with difficulty that I could
prevent myself from acknowledging
this compliment in sign language, but
I didn't want to spoil the fun. The
second girl looked at me again by way
of the mirror and then said:
" 'He is staring at us too much. Let's
look at his shoes and embarrass him.
He will think that there is something
wrong with them.'
" 'All right.' said my friend, and- two
pairs of eyes were turned on my shoes,
which I knew were all right. Being
forewarned, I was not embarrassed,
and I thrust my feet a little forward 1
so that they might be in full view.
" 'lt's no go,' said the second girl,
'and in a long experience it is the first
time that I ever failed at this trick. He
does not even look down at his shoes.
I will bet that he is awfully conceited.'
"They kept up a very free discussion
of my appearance, and when we
reached City IIa!l station I arose to go
out and they followed right behind.
The car had been well filled and the
girls were in a hurry. I stepped to one
side and in sign language said to the
one right behind me:
" 'Excuse me, lam sorry to be in
your way.'
"That girl rend my hands in amaze
ment, and I would not have missed the
expression of her face as her «yes met
mine for anything. It was a blush to
remember. Without explaining to the
other girl, who was behind her, she
grabbed her arm ar.d hustled her
about face and' out of the other door.
As I reached the platform I saw the
girl wliom I addressed explaining it to
the other girl, whose face indicated
that she was struggling between mor
tification and mirth. Just as they
turned toward the bridge both of them
looked back at :ne. I smiled and raised
my hat. They laughed and on they
went. It was a pleasant little enter
tainment for a down-town trip."—X.
Y. Sun.
Man I font Duties.
The fault-fir ding disposition is at the
root of the fault-finding habit of
speech. Learing to look on life with
clear eyes and a gentle discernment
of the best, we grow indifferent to pet
ty vexations and our souls refuse to
be thrown from their balance; our
equanimity is not disturbed by small
annoyances. The person who keeps
out of her countenance and her con
versation every look and word ex
pressive of Irritability with existing
circumstances will by and by become
known among her intimate acquaint
ances as n most agreeable member of
the home and of society. To cultivate
amiability on the one hand and to re
press discontent on the other hand are
manifest duties of all conscientious
people. Over and beyond this shall we
not endeavor to be always thankful
to Ilim in whose favor is life, and who
gives us so much richly to enjoy? —
Detroit Free I'ress.
I'lrkled reacbri.
Allow four pounds of light brown
sugar one pint of best cider vinegar,
one tea-=poonful of ground cloves and
four teaspoon fuls of ground cinnamon
(the latter tied in small cheesecloth
bigs) to seven pounds of peeled
loaches. When the sirup comes to a
boil add the peaches and cook slowly
until tender. Use a porcelain kettle
for pickling when possible. Two-quart
glass jars are best for pickling
peaches, and the sirup should etitirely
cover the fruit. Some housekeepers
throw away the first sirup in which
they are cooked and male a i'resh one
to pour over,but thisisunnet-Vs*ary.--
Home Magazine.
Royal makes the food pure,
vbolcscme uaO delicious.
Absolutely Pure
Boarding ami Day School for (iirls. New
and Elegant liuildfng ready for Kail Term.
Uegular. College Preparatory, and Elective
Courses. Special advantages ill Music
Elocution and Art. l'or catalogue address
MISS. M. X. MCMILLAN. Principal.
< Jeweler and Optician, \
< 125 S. Main St., P
( Butler, Pa. )
Office on South Diamond Street.
Office in Mi chell building.
Ode.- with Newton Black. Esq. South
Diamond Street.
Roam 8., Armory buililtii 0 .
Special attention given to collections
and business matters.
Reference: Butler Savings Bank, or
Butler County National Bank.
Office on Main St. near Court House.
R<x>m J. —Armory building.
Office between Po=tofF.ce and Diamotnl
Office at No. 104 East Diamond St.
Office near Court House.
Eye, ear, nose and throat a specialty.
132 and 134 S. Main Street, Ralston
Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P. O.
Residence 315 N. McKean St.
200 West Cunningham St.
New Troutman Building, Butler Pa.
Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City
137 E. Wayne St., office hours. 10 to
12 a. m. 1 and to 3 p. m.
Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest
improved plan. Gold Eillings a spec
ialty. Office over Miler's Shoe Store.
Gold Eillings Painless Extraction of
Teeth and Artificial Teeth without plates
a specialty, Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air
or Local nsesthetics used.
Oliice over Millers grocery, east of Low
y house.
Formerly known as the "Peerless
Pa:nless Extractor of Teeth." Located
permanently at HI East Jefferson St.,
Opposite Hotel Low ry, Butler. Will do
dential operations of all kinds by the
latest devices and up-to-date methods
Painless extraction —No Gas—Crown
and bridge work a specialty.
Office—Room No. j. new Rickel buiid
139 street
Over Sliaul &>Nast's Clothing Store
No. 416 W. Jefferson St.,
Butler, Pa.
A lire of latest Foreign
and Domestic Suitings
always in stock.
Fit, Style and Work
manship guaranteed
to give satisfaction.
SI.OO per year if paid in advance, otherwise
s!.ao Vrfl I In? charged.
A DVKKTISTNG RATES— One inch, one time
SI; each subsequent insertion rents each
Auditors' and divorce not lees S4 each; exec
utes' and administrators' notiees each
est ray and dissolution notiees $2 eaeli. Head
ing notiees 10 rents a line for first and Seents
for each subsequent insertion. Notiees
among local ne*.vs items l.~> cents a line for
e ieh insertion. Obituaries, cards of thanks,
resolutions of respect, notices «>f festivals
and fairs, etc.. inserted at the rate of 5 cents
a line, money to accompany the order. *even
words of prose make a line.
Kates for standing cards and job work on
A ll advertising is due after first insertion,
and all transient advertising must be paid
fur in advance.
Ail communications Intended for publica
tion in this paper must be accompanied by
the real name of the writer, not. for publica
tion bu. a guarantee of gotnl fait h.and should
reach us not later than Tuesday evening.
Death notices must be accompanied by a
esoonsible name.
I have a Heave Cure that will cure auy
case of heaves in horses in forty days, if
used according to directions, and if it
does not do what I claim for it, I will
refund the amount paid and no charges
will be made ior the treatment. The
following testimonials are the strongests
proof of the medicines power to cure:
utl er, Pa., 1893.
j ilr. A. J. McCandless:
| On the 2nd day of April, 1892 I com
| menced to nse your new cure for one of
j my horses that had the heaves very bad,
j and continued to use the medicine for
! about forty days and the h >rse did not
show any signs of a return of theni. It is
now about a year since I quit giving the
medicine and the horse lias .'ever showed
any sign of heaves, and I feel satisfied
; that he is properly cured.
W. C. Criswell.
j utle r, Pa., Apriljo, 1893
j A, J. McCandless'
| I have used your Heave Cure and
find it will do the work if used accord
ing to directions. Youry truly,
I. H. McMil'.in,
Pasted on your paper, (or on the
wrapper in which it comes,) for
a brief but exact statement of
your subscription account. Ihe
date to which you have paid is
clearly given. If it is a past date
a remittance is in order, and is re
spect fully solicited. Remember
the subscription price, SI.OO a
year. Don't send money in an
ordinary letter it will be at your
own risk. Use money order or
registered letter. Remit to
Butler, Penna.
the date is not changed within
three weeks write and ask why.
Funeral Director.
3E7 S. Mam St., Butler, j
By virtue of an order and decree of the
Orphans' Court of Butler county, l*a.. made
at No. fl*. of Mareti term. of said r«.urt.
the undersigned administrator of the p>tatp ;
of James Criswell. late «»f Adams township,
county and >t;tt« % ;ifor«***aid. dee'd.. will
for sale at puSlic vendue on the premises on
at 1 o'clock r. m.. «»f - titidav. all that certain :
tract of ianu situated in Ailamstwu.. Butler
Co.. slate of Pennsylvania, l>ounued north 1
by lands of Ooorert nelrs and Btmnel I'.irk. |
« »«»t by land of Samuel i'atk and Pr. O ;
Merrett. »<>utli t»v iatul «»f John Barr and '
Wm. Purvis, and west by latds «»f T. W. j
Kennedy'it heirs, Newton Lerttng and Ooof
ert heirs, containing
1 .VI Vt KES. 104 I'ERCIIES;
with 2 frame dwelling houses, one nearly i
new: iro.*i bank barn and other outbuildings. !
!! orchards. Land situated l - mile from Mar* i
and » mile from l>owney ville on l*. & W. Ky.
« onvenlent to «*liurch»*> and selu»ols. Land
in g«>o«i condition and well watered, well
adapted to either stock-raising or general
farming purposes, supposed to be oil and gas
territory if developed. This land land will
lie sold either as a whole or in two pieces,
each with dwelling bouse and orchard there
on. one piece containing lot acres and W
perches and the other a3 acres and .» perches.
TERMS CF SALE One half of the pur
chase money to i>e paid on confirmation of
sale by the Court and the other half in one
vear thereafter, with Interest, to l*» securetl
by l>ond and mortgage on the premises, with
usual waivers and attorney's eommission.
ROBERT Kil>l>. Adm'r..
Mars. Pa.
Of Real Estate.
In re voluntary assignment of Eli A. An
derson, I. the undersigned assignee of Eli A.
Anderson, will offer for sale at public outcry
At 10o'clock A. M.. on the premises, all that I
certain lot of ground situate in the through
of Tarentum, Allegheny County and State of .
lVnsylvania. being lot No. *jn in plan of said
Injiough and fronting fifty (50) feet on Porter
Street on the Western side of s;iid street, in
the First ward of said borough, and extend
ing back in a Westerly direction (and pre
serving the same width of fifty feet) eighty
feet to School Alley, having erected thereon
one two-story frame dwelling with six rooms, j
and one-story frame storeroom and frame
On the same dayat 2 o'clock P. M . on the
premises, all that certain lot or tract of land
situate in the Township of Clinton. Butler
< ouuty. State of Pennsylvania, hounded and
described as follows: On the North by lands
of William Weamer: on the East by lands
belonging to the estate of George Ewing.
deceased; on the west by lands of R. J. An
derson, and on the south by lands of the es
tate of Daniel Norris. deceased, containing
sixty acres, more or less, and having erected
thereon one small four roomed frame house
and large frame bank barn.
Ten percent, of the bid when the property
is struck off to t lie purchaser, and the bal
ance upon delivery of deed for same.
422 Fifth Ave.. Pittsburg. Pa.
Prusuant to an order and decree of the
Orphans Court of Butler Co., Pa., made at
No. til, December Term, IsH of s lid Court, in
the partition of the real estate of Henry
Yeakel. dee'd the undersigned appointed
trustee for that purpose, will expose for sale
at public out-cry on the premises, on 0
at 2o'clock P. M. of said day. the following
described real estate of said Henry Yeakel,
deceased, situate in the borough of Saxon
burg, Butler County, Pa, bounded and de
scribed as follows, viz:
bounded north by purpart No. It. east by lot
of Charles Wetzel.soutn by Main St., and west
by purpart No. 2 being 50 feet front on said
Mam st„ and extending back the same width
150 feet to said purpart No. 3. and having
thereon erected a good two story frame
dwelling house, and out-house.
bounded north by purpart No, 3, east by pur
part No. 1. south by Main St., aud west by
public school property, being 4* feet front
on said Main St.. and extending back the
same, width 1"«0 feet to said purpart No. 3 and
having thereon erected one old dwelling
bumded north by purpart No. 4. east by But
ler St.. south by lot of Charles Wetzel and
purparts Nos. I & 2. and west by public school
property . lieing •"«<> feet front on said But
ler St.. and ex.ending back the same width
Ills feet to said public school property, and
having a fram•» stable erected thereon.
bounded north by purpart No •">, east by But
ler St.. south by purpart No. 3, and we»t by
public school property, being a 0 feet front on
said Butler St.. and extending back the same
width 198 feet to said public school property.
liounded north by lot of Mrs. Fredrick Sachs,
east by Butler St.. south by purpart No. 4.
ana west by public school property, lieing .*»o
feet front and extending back the same
width lil* feet to said public school property.
One t bird cash on confirmation of sale by
the Court, and the balance in two equal
annual payments with interest to be secured
by bond and mortgage on the premises with
5 per cent. attorney's commission in case of
collection by process of law.
Butler Pa.
Bv virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Butler county, Pa., at O. C. No. 1,
TVri'mlx<r Term, lufls. and to me directo-l, I
will 011
at ten o'clock a. m., expose to public sale on
the premises in Adams township, Butler Co.,
I'a.. the following described real estate, late
the property of John IHjujtherty. deceased,
to-wit: A certain messuage of land situate
in said township. County and State, Ixiunded
and described as follows: Beginning at a
pust at the northwest corner.thence liv lands
of l.oyd north ss and degrees east fifty-two
and 3-10 perches to a post, t hence by lands of
James Beers, south one and a 4 degrees east,
sixty-one and percees. thence by lands of
same north and 'i degrees east, twenty
six perches to line of Sniullen's heirs, thence
by lands of Smullen's heirs, south one end - 1 *
degrees east, ninety-five and ' 3 perches to
line of Kosebaugh. tneuco by lands of liose
baugh south s!> and degrees, west seventy
eight. and 9-10 perches to line of Thomas
Moore, thence by lands of said Moore, north
one and degrees west, one hundred iifty
seven and 2-in perches to the plaee of begin
ning; containing sixty-seven acres, more or
less.toget her with a private road appurtenant
to said .described land, with log dwelling
house, frame barn and outbuildings thereon
erected, mostly cleared and under fence.
TKK.MS OK SALE: One-third cash on ap
proval of sale by the Court, and the balance
in two equal annual payments, secured by
judgment lnind and mortage on t lie premises,
hearing interest with an attorney's commis
sion of five per cent, for collection, with
option to pay cash. Twenty percent, of the
bid may lie required when the property is
bid off.
Administrator, c. t. a..
Mars. i'a.
S. K. & A. L. BOWSER. Atty's.
By virtue of sundry writs of Yen. Ex., Fi
Fa.. Lev.. I'a. Ac. issued out of the Court of
common IMeos of Butler county. Pa., aud to
me directed, there will lie exposed to public
sale at the Court House, iu the borough of
Butler, on
Saturday, October 22, 1898,
at 1 o'clock P.M.. the following described
property, to-wit:
E. I>. No. VI, Dec. Term. ISSK J. l>. Marshall,
All the right, title, interest and claim of
John Richardson, of. in and t"> all that cer
tain piece or parcel of land, situate in Adams
township, Butler county, I'a.. bounded on
the north by lauds now or formerly of Wil
liam Kieharusou.'east |,y lauds now or for
merljr of — Staples ami CMfedollar, oa
the south by lands now or formerly of Seth
Staples, and on the west by lanus now or
formerly of Joseph West, containing Til acres,
more or''less. In iiig same land conveyed to
.1111111 Kichardson by Joseph Kichariisoii by
two <l«'vds. recorded 111 ltut ler county in Deed
Hooks Nos. ."pO.pagi- •?:!. and .M.page (Sttjhaviiig
thereon a frame house and barn and other
outou tidings. By virt u<- of an order of t Hurt
the land i> to be sold subject to three leases
made by John Kichardson, as follows: Lease
to W. J. Iturk. i"> acres, dated sth February.
recorded in Book I?-. page K7. l.ease to
same for :il acres, date l'th February, ls'.'s;
recorded iu Book 17s page VI. Lease to l>. A.
Richardson, for a> acres, date ">th February,
jsiis; recorded in Book Js, uage ss, so that the
..aid lease shall remain valid. Seized and
taken in execution as tin' property of John
Richardson at the suit of T. R. l'ett<K*k for
E. J>. No. OS and 69. Dec. Term. IH9B. Koliler,
All 1 lie riirht title interest and elaim of the
Aineriean Mirror works of iu ami t«» all t hat
(•♦•rtain lot of ground lmumietl as follows to
wit: Beginning at tin* north i ;ist cortuT of
1« >1 at corner Maplr and 11 rant Ave west
along Maple Ave 40 feet to line of lot No MB
tliein'e south alonjx iinr <»f Nai<l lot I£> feet to
an alley railed Leo* Way tljen«*e east alonK
said :tllt*y 40 feet to Grant A ve. t henee along
(.rant Ave I:i"> feet to Maple Ave to pla« e <»f
lots in Sprinjfdale. Seized and taken In execu
tion as tlie prop»»rty of t lie Xmeriean Mirror
Werks at the suit of the But ler County Na
tional Bank.
TERMS or SALE— The following must be
staidly complied with when property is
stricken down.
1. When the plaintiff or other hen creditor
becomes t lie purchaser, the costs on the writ
must be paid, and a list off the liens, Includ- 1
ing mortgage searches on the nroperty sold,
together with such Hen creditors receipt
forthe amount of the proceeds of the sale or .
such portion thereof as he may claim, must j
be furnished the Sheriff.
2. All bids must be paid in full.
All sales not settled Immediately will ,
1h- continued until 1 o'clock p. m. of the next
day at which time all property not settled J
for will again be put up and sold at the ex
pensu HlKT risk of the person to whom tin*l
•See Pnrdon's Digest. IMh edition, page •**«) j
and Smith's Forms page 384.
\\ ILI.IAM It. DUDDS, Sheriff. .
Sheriff's Office, Butler Pa.. Sept. 21, l*v*.
( Affords the Means )
SOf Enjoyment, /
/ do we, with our stock of (
v furniture in the latest styles J
/ and modes of 1X!IS; and at onr V
( figures does not require large f
/ means, either to make pur c
\ chases from onr vssortment of /
1 luxury's accessories. Couie 1
\ and see how easy it is to give J
i your house a tonch of elegance V
C at a coal readily within the /
J reach of moderate incomes £
| Fancy Rockers. |
f Sb many Rockers are here, and J
) so varied are the sorts, that this /
( biggest of Furniture stores can- y
} not find room to rightly show ■
C them A hundred Fancy Rock-
r ers are here today, of solid ma- C
f hoganv. plain, inlaid or carved. J
jin mahogany finish: antique, t
C Flemish. English or green oak: J
j some with polished, others up 1
C holstered; at prices ranging from )
? £2.50 up. \
j Bed Room Suits, -J
? 3 Pieces. c
N Of Antique finish, large size J
( mirror, case work perfect. S
) $16.00. /
c Chairs, y
C Antique Oak. well made, and \
. nicely finished. Suitable forC
V Dining Room or Sitting Room. f
i Price 75c up S
S Center
£ Tables,
X Solid Oak or Mahogany finish, C
/ toj) 24s'i4. P
; Price $1.50 up. S
< \
4* + t CONNEAUT LAKE, it**
+!~ Exposition Hotel
fi Hotel Mantor, t+
% F. M. LOCKWOOD, P">pT. J+
> Butler's nearest Summer Resort, °-H
Good bathing and fishing,
and all Summer Resort
v ,v
Bedford, Pa.
Open from June 27 to October 4, with in
creased attractions, magnificent golf links,
aud one of the finest Imwling alleys in the
country. The waters of Bedford are the
most effective and celebrated in the world.
For terms and booklets address
J. T. A LSI P. Superintendent.
Bedford Springs, Bedford, Pa.
Will open June Ist, at popular prices: fine
ly lucated within it mile of golf links. For
terms and booklets address
Bailer County National Bank,
13utler Penn,
Capital ptid in - - fixj.ooo.oo
Surplus and Profits - (114,647.87
Jos. Hartman, .President; J. V. Ritts,
Vice President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier;
John G. McMarlin, Ass't Cashier.
/ Keueral banking busino transacted.
Interest paid on time deposits.
Money loaned on approved security.
We invite you to open an account with this
DIKECT )RS—Hon. Joseph llartmari. Hon.
W. S. Waldron, Dr. A. M Hoover. H. Mc-
Sweeney, E. E. Abrams, C. I*. Collins I. t»-
Smith, "Leslie I'. lla/.lett, M. Fini kin, W.
W. H. Larkln, John Humphrey. I>r. W. C.
McCandless, Hon Massetu. Levi M. Wise
.1. V. Kin-
Butler Savings Bank
H Lit ler, Pa.
Capital - ;|60, 000.00
Surplus and Profits - - $150,000
JOS. L PURVIS President
J. 11EXRY TROUTMAN Vice-President
WM. CAMPBELL, Jr Cathier
I»IKKI.TORS -Joseph L. Purvis, .1. Ilenrv
Tro'-.tman. W. X>. ltrandon. W. A. Stein. J. 8.
The Butler Savings Itank is the Oldest
Banking Institution! n Butler County.
Ocncral banking lmsiness transacted.
We solicit accounts of %/il producers, iner
cliants. farmers and others.
All business entrusted to us will receive
prompt attention.
Interest eakl on tlni« deposits.
Butler 0.1
usiness t/OllGgG.
319-27 S MAIN ST.
Best Commercial School.
Complete and thorough courses in
Commercial Arithmetic, Etc.,
Typewriting and
English Branches.
Send for Circulars, Address
Butler Pa.
Fj/fd farm in Donegal twp., near ;
Millerstown is for sale. It coutains ,
about 150 acres, is well watered and in
good condition For terms inquire a
his office
Insurance and Real Estate
1 •
• + "■++• + ' Hr • + £
+ A
Our prices on Dress Goods. Millinery. Wraps. Tailor-made I
Suits. Underwear. Hosiery. Blankets. Flannels. ■
Yarns and Domestic Goods. I
Our rule is to fell only gotds of reliable quality at the lowest possible prices- J
We are practically without competition in this respect of giving high grade goods 1
at low prices A* visit of inspection will prove the wisdom of purchasing trom us. I
Below we give you a few prices:
Dress Goods. J« c ; >'»" «»'»•
12c, 1- xtra 10-4 Sheeting, value iSc. .V
25c, Novelty Goods, value 50c. good vard wide Bleached Muslin.
25c, All Wool Serge, black and colors, 5Ci Soft Finish Bleached Muslin,
value 39c. sc, full Standard Fancy Prints, sold .
25c, All Wool Cloths, black and colors, elsewhere at 7c. —J
value4oc. Including Mourning Calico, Ladies'
50c, Klegant Novelty Goods, value 75c. Fleeced Lined Wrapper Goods at S and 10 «
50c, Elegant Black Novelty Goods, cents per yard; l-'lanneletts and Domets
value 70c. 4c up to 10 and 12c. f
50c to $2 per yard. Fine Black Crepons
—don't fail to see this line ol goods. _ ..
— lollaretts.
New Fall Silks. J2.00, Ladies' Fur Collaretts, value *3.00
3.50. " " " " 5.00
1,000 yards of Fancy Silks, latest style, 5.00' " Light Fur Trimmed Collar
design and colorings, for 59c, sold every- e tts, value 57.50.
where at }too. 5.50, Ladies' Combination Collaretts,
90c, Sa in Duchess, all new shades, in- value >12.50.
eluding black, real value SI.OO. Don't fail to see these if interested in
50c. Biack Brocade Silk —l.as appear- Collaretts.
ance of SI.OO Silk—stylish for dressy _
Ladies' Jacket Suits.
Mill I lie ry • Jacket Suit, value $7.00.
tf.so. Blouse Jacket Suit, value $12.50.
Now displaying Fall and Winter Im- io.ee, Covert Jacket Suit, value $15.00.
r/ortations of Bonnets, Round Hats,
-1 «•<»' "««•
work-room, at exceptionally low prices. u * " '
Lace Curtains. Underwear and Hoisery.
39c per pair, real value 50c. 25c. La.lies' Heavy Ribbed Fleeced
50c per pair, real value 75c. Maco a . r . n > T^'K»f i va ' ne 3sC.
!fl.ooper pail, real value *1.50. La,l, . es , U<X>l Rlbbe<l Vests and
A nd UD to *lO t>er I>air Pants, re»l value 75c.
P " P y»T. ale, Men's Natural Wool Shirts, real
value 35c,
Fall and Winter Wraps.
75c, Men's Pure Natural Wool Shirts
$3 {JO, Stylish Winter Jacket, value #5 00 Drawers, value Ji .00.
4.95, Trimmed Boucle " " 6.75 Ladies' and Misses' Woolen Hosiery
6 50, Full-lined " " " 10.00 jj C to jqc per pair.
7.25, Plain and " " ** 11.00
5.5,.. Pine Kersey " "12.5 Dl I J.
10.00, l ine Kersey,satin lined through- DIcHIKGtS.
out real value $ 15.
*2 00, Braid Trimmed Cloth Capes. 4 - c Heavv Cotton, large size Cotton
value #3.50. Blanket.
$4-75. 30 inch Boucle Capes, value *7.50 f2 2S> A]l Wool re ,j a!lf j gr , lv i art;e s i ze
2.75, Ladies' Plush Capes, " 500 Blankets, value $',.00.
» " «-r
All the newest ideas in Braid and Jet '
sc, Lancaster Ginghams. Trimmings. New effects in Neckwear,
4c Heavy Umbleached Muslin. Crush Belts, Fancy Belt Buckles, etc.
We could fill this entire paper in trying to describe the e'egant. stylish assort
ment of up-to-date merchandise we have to show you ami then fail to convey an
idea ot their beauty, excellence and cheapness. A visit to our store and comparison
of quality anil prices will convince you. Goods clieerfullv shown.
A Great Chance
For You to Buy
Good Footwear
About Half Price.
We jnst closed a deal with n large jobber for over 4,000 pairs of
Shoes at aliout half price This is another instance where
and cash do great work The firm needed money and was will
ing to make a great sacrifice on goods in order to get it. We had
the cash. Their offer was so tempting we could not resist it. al
though onr store was already crowded with goods. We have
rented some additional rooms for surplus stock, and now com
mences one of the greatest Shoe Sales in the history of Butler
We want You to Come to Butler.
The sooner the better This sale can't last always, although we
are figuring on a deal now larger than the one just closed, and it
we make it, will be forced to open some branch stores. Now,
this sale comes just at a time when you need Shoes, ana we
have them cheaper than you ever heard of.
We will Pay Your Railroad Fare
One way when your purchase amounts to or your rail
road fare both ways if your purchase l>e S2O. That includes all k
points between here and Saxonburg, between here and Zelienople. \
between here and Parker Persons living north, south, east or .
west of these points will be given a cash discount of per cent. J
on any amount purchased. I
We Furnish Free Dinners 1
With a purchase of #.">.00 or over when railroad fare is not paid.
Persons driving from anv of the places mentioned are entitled to
the same l>enefits. I think with this very liberal offer we ought
to attract you to this sale, even if yon should live '-!■» miles away. ■
Our Inducements Are Strong.
Good footwear at about half price, yonr railroad fare paid one 1
way or l»oth. your dinner with a small purchase, and guarantee
on every pair of Shoes we sell, and our guarantee means some
thing, too.
Here is a Great Feast of Bargains at |
Butler's Progressive Shoe House,
and You Can't Come too Quick.
115 South Main Street. S
The New Cambridge, K
/Formerly New Cambridge House.)
Which, after the disastrous fire of a >ear ago. is now opened in
lareer and better shape for the accommodation of g u ,n \
of health and pleasure! presents itself to its former Butler patrons
as the most desirable hotel in which to locate when at Cambridge
Sorinifs Free bus to and from all trains and springs. 1 üblic
ol large s.,e and well lighted including office duung
room bat! rooms, billiard room a.id Ijowling alley Chambers
wUh private baths and toilets and everything that tends to make a
home-like and comfortable resort. T or rate- apply to
HA6GERTY & WHITE. Proprietors, J* Cambridge Springs, Pa.