Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 29, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL.' xxxv
Fall Footwear
The time of the year is coming when good substantial footwe. r
is very much needed.
1 £ I Hravy plain and Hoi Toe K, ots and Shoes —
Ladies' solid water-proof Calf
Lace and Button Shoes for every wear, and a very large stock of School Shoes
which we are offering special inducements in this line.
Rubber Boots and Shoes of all kinds Also large stock
of Felt Boots and Shoes of all kinds at rock bottom prices.
Owing 'o the large ordei which we placed with the manufacturers we are pre
pared to sell good water-proof footwear at away down prices.
Our premium Field Seed Corn to which we will give ($lO oo) ten
dollars worth of footwear free to the party bring the best selection.
The corn to tie brought in any time from now to October sth.
No corn will be received after October sth.
A selection of twelve ears will *>e sufficient to judg • from.
The corn will be j, dgcd by three uninterested farmcs October 19th. and
announcements will then be made in the county papers stating wto brought the
best selection of corn.
Bring in your corn and remember us when you
want winter footwear and we will save you money.
Fall Footwear.
It presents an opportunity for economical buying that nobody can afford to
miss. This store is crowded with the newest of new styles selected with experienc
ed care as to quality, good taste as to style, and generous prodiga'iJy as to variety
It is
The Right Place
To get the Right goods •
At the Right Prices.
With the liest of everything the new season brings and prices down to the low
est point ever named for honest goods, we expect a share of your patronage be
cause you cannot afford to pass us by.
See our Jamestown ( N. Y.) Shoes in We want all parents in Butler county V)
Boy's and Youths' high-cut, copper- see our Children's School Shoes. They
tipped two soles and tap cut from are not equalled in point of stvle, dur
cboice whole stock; best shoes in ability or price in Butler. Have tliein
Butler in kip, oil grain, kangaroo and crack-
Men's hi«h-cut box and plain toe Shoes proof calf, !on«ola and box calf; hand
aud Boots, cut from veal, kip, oil grain some styles, fashioned on the newc:ii
and kangaroo calf. models. They will please you.
Women's. Misses's and Children's Shoes, We are leaders in Rubber and Kelt
hand-pegged and standard in kid, un- Goods of all kinds. Our goods are it!:
lined oil grain, kangaroo anc: crack fresh, made to our order; 110 old job
proof calf with tips or plain toe; all lots to run off; prices same that otlieis
widths, Ato K, button or lace. No ask f, r job lots. See us before yo* 1
better goods made; they are warranted buy
whole block and water-proof.
Butler's Leading Shoe House. Opposite Hotel Low
i J
t J. S. YOUNG, $
J —— J
t The k'mmlh, style, lit and g«Hra] make
|| ii|> of his suits £
!| TELL their own
v% \ ,% v%
r V : ' |
I | j Men won't buy clothing for tl*e purpose
I t > ftof spending money. They desire to get the
\i XV i \>-- -/best possible results for the money expend
-1 J /I 1_ Not cheap goods but goods as cheap as
\ y>*S' / -{ | v ftthey can be sold and made up propetly If
JP---4 i;l t U /- xyon want the correct thing at the correct
f 1 | V I. V— >/ call on u«, we nave reduced our spring
I lli \\ Ao ftand summer goods down to make room for
\ ij | / ' ur * ieav^
y i it' i
I n [jj - 1 I Fits Guaranteed.
II + 'o
f 1 Ph* Merchant Tailor.
142 N. Main St., Butler
Pape sros,
We Will Save You Money On
Watches Clocks,
) Silverware, 184-7 Rodger Bros, c
SPlateware and Sterling
c Goods. \
Our Repair Department takes ill all kinds of Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry, etc
122 S. Main St.
Old gold and silver taken the same as cash.
bcnMd bf I rj • v r, wlm b prerw -d -• -
an i permits to l telwiiuit and
tae stomach. f lieu follow dizziness, hPJuhich's
msomina, nervousni ss. and, can
fl not r liev -!. ! ..lit n fi-ver •| 8 A
or bl I" i- ■ Hi d' 3MI £)>
1 '•
rouse i liver. ev ►mtlflw, <lll lliww, COL-
Mlpati'.ii .i'- > '•>; ;• '■
TU. ■)i .• Jim ' with llood : .Narsaparula
TlionBan«l» are Trylnc It.
In ordet to prove the great merit of
Ely's Cream Balm, the most effective cure
for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre
pared a generous trial size for 10 cents.
Get it of your druggist or send 10 cents to
ELY BliOS., 50 Warren St., X. Y. City.
I suffered from catarrh of the vror*t Kind
! ever since a boy. and I hoped for
! C ure, but Ely's Cream Balm seems mdo
even that. Many acquaintance > bav.
' it with excellent results. —< >*car Uatrum,
45 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111.
Elv's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
' cnr"*for catarrh and contains no cocaine,
[ mercury nor any injurious drupj. Iri e,
60 cent's At druggists or by mail.
"Move Up"
+*+ + *
Is a law
Evolution is
another name
for it. The street
car conductor says
"move up." Com
petition says "move
up." To move anything
requires "push." A good
pusher requires strength.
Our strength is in low
prices, reliable goods, and
attractive service. We
have quite a lot of
broken lots of sum
mer wear going
at 1-2 price.
Test our mu
tual bene
fit plan
on its
-J- + 4- + -J-
Ed. Coibert,
Successor to
Colbert & Dale.
Great Shoe Sale
_ \ |
At C. E. Miller's
Are you in the market for
good footwear cheap. This
is to be a great month at our
store. Summer shoes and
slippers must go and if you
are needing any call while
the selection is large.
Red Hot Prices.
Mon's Tan Shoos 51.19. Sl.4ft, SI.W
Men's "iufT Shoes 9ft, 1.111, 1.!54
Men's Working Shoes in, 1.19. 1.34
Men's Blnych- shoes.. ... l.lli. 1.24, 1.50
Ljidles' Fine Shoes 9ft, I 19, 1.4s
Ladles' Oxford Ties 4ft, 74. 9*
Ladles' Serpe SI I ppors Si (Jaiters £">. 4»<
Roys' Fine Buff Shrws ... ***, 1.34
Youth's Fine Buff Shoes... us
We Hold Nothing Back.
Sell shoes is our watch word.
All summer shoes must go.
This will be a mon'h long to
be remembered by those wno
attend this sale.
Repairing Done Promptly.
OIL MEAL <O« ? bol D H™, |mhp
Feed for Horses, Cows, Sheep, Hogs. Fowls
etc. Health, strength and productive power
to animals. Are you feeding it? Cheapest
feed in the market.
LIHOIIU UIL Makes paint last f« r
years on house, barn or fence. Mixed paints
are doubtful quality: some good and some
ve-v had. Write for our circular.
Foi pure Linseed oil or meal, and white
lead, ask for "Thompson's," or address
manufacturer. THOMPSON AO., 15 W
Diamond street Allegheny. Pa.
Pearson B. Nace's
Livery Feed and Sale Stable
Rear of
Wick House, Butler, PenrTa.
The host of horses and first class rigs al
ways on hand and fur hire.
liest accommodations in town for p« rma
nent Ikoarding and transient trade. Speci
al care guaranteed.
Stable Room For 65 Horses.
A koo'l f'liiss of borsns, Initli drivers and
draft liorsi-s alwayn on hand and fur sale
under a full guarantee; and horses U>u>rlit
upon proper uotifl- utlon by
Telephone, No. 219.
(An Old Fanner s Talk to His Roys.)
When 1 was young at farming.
I'd walch the turnip-tops.
And quickly go to v. i^hing
For good. big. rousing crops
I wished for mammoth pumpkins
All others to outweigh:
In short. I took to nothing
But wishing all the day.
A solace sweet and soothing
In every wish would lurk.
Till dreaming speculation
Seemed surer hard work.
I wished my cellar full of
Potatoes with a will;
I wished the granary groaning
With corn to go to mill.
While other farmers wished for
A good supply of rain,
I thoucht It as sound logic
To wish for fruit and grain.
And so 1 went on wishing.
Contented with my lot.
In autumn no potatoes '■*
Were boiling In my pot.
I tell you I discovered
That wishing only breeds
Keen disappointment; wishing
Won't pull up choking weeds;
It won't hoe corr. In summer.
Or husk It In the fall;
I tell you. boys, that wishing
Won't run a farm at aIL
That winter my potatoes
I had to go and buy
Right from my smiling neighbors.
Who had a good supply.
They'd slyly oudg- their elbows.
And taught me with a laugh.
That labor's wheat that's golden,
And speculation chaff
I learned this goodly lesson—
And in my heart it teems—
One day of honest labor
Is worth ten years of dreams.
And now In idly wishing,
My duty ne'er I shirk;
But just roll up my shirt-sleeves.
And like a beaver work.
—B. K. Munkittrick, in Golden Days.
| I
Jjjj How the Bronze-Faced Young Man Sh
jj Was Fooled by a Mite of a Girl. g
ES." said the young man with
the reconcentrado-bronzed
face and hands—he returned, a couple
of days ago, from a two week's cruise
down the river—"that girl surely did
put Jt on me pretty hard, and if she
didn't make me feel like 30 dark,
mauve, alloyed cents of the realm, I
never was made to feel that way.
"I met her at one of the family
beaches on brackish water, 'way down
the river. The morning I hauled my
sloop alongside the pier I met a Wash
ington chap I knew, and he took me
walking down the row of cottages.
The girl was sitting alone on the cot
tage pavilion belonging to her people's
summer shack, overlooking the river.
The Washington chap introduced me
to her. I didn't see 'em exchange any
winks, but I'm going to bruise him up
some, anyhow, the first time I meet
him, on general principles. The girl
was about 19, and just about as demure
a one as you ever saw. We worked oft
the usual line of talk, and then, as the
got her togs on.
tide was high, and it was about the
bathing hour, I suggested » swim.
" 'Can you swim?' I asKed her.
" 'Oh, a very, very little,' she replied,
" 'Oh, that's all right,' said I —and I
guess she must have thought I was
nothing but a half-grown, clumsy New
foundland, at that —'I'll teach you.
I'm pretty nearly the real thing when
it comes to swimming, if I do say so
myself, as I shouldn't. Come on in, and
I'll give you a lesson or so.'
"Well, she went into her people's cot
tage and got her bathing togs on, and I
got a suit and showed up at the private
pier by the time she was ready. A lot
of the other cottagers, including the
girl's parents and younger sisters,
were already in by this time. The girl
was gotten up pretty nattily, and her
bathing rig looked so natural on her
that I thought it was a pity she
couldn't swim. But she trippedover to
the edge of the water, stepped into
about three inches of it, and then sat
down just like the ordinary run of
women who are afraid'of getting their
hairwet, and who think they're booked
to drown if they get into the water up
to their knees.
"I plowed into the water with the
Idea of showing what a torrid tamalel
was when it came to the wave-disport
ing business, and I swam out a couple
o' blocks or »f>. Then I returned on my
" 'My!' said the girl, 'how beautifully
you do swim!'
" 'Oh. it's dead easy,' said I. 'when
you get thenackofit. Just requires n
little confidence, that's-all. You can't
possibly go down in the water, you
know. All you've got to do, for in
stance, to float, is to lie perfectly still
on the water's surface, and you can't
go to the bottom to save your soul.
Confidence —that's the whole thing.
Same as riding a bike. Anybody can
ride a bike that's pot the necessary
confidence Tn swimming, just like rid
ing a wheel, you've got to keep moving.
Just like this —'
"And I plunged in and struck out
with an overhand stroke, throwing a
whole lot o' grace into my movements,
and just letting the surface of the wa
ter with my open palms as they came
down, to show now perfectly at home
I was. Then I swam back to where the
girl was sitting.
" 'Why, how perfectly lovely!' said
she. 'And how easy it looks, tool'
" 'Easy as rolling off a log,' said I.
'Come on in and try it.'
"Well. say. when that tall, lithe girl
stood up. and gave her bathing togs a
few little hitches, and threw her long
hair back from her face, I might have
known what was coming from the
practised way she moved. But I didn't.
"'Come on,' said I, backing into the
water. 'See if vou can't swim out to
me. T won't lei j'our head get under
water. I'll see that you—'
"That was as far as I got. She sudr
denly raised her arms over her head
until her palms met, and then she dived
head' first toward where I stood. Say,
before I had time to muster any kind
of a line of th'r' - ! heard a chuckle
from all the , »her bathefs. and I
looked around That rrirl had just
come up about SO feet behind me, and
she was striking out. with her right
arm fully extended beneath the water,
and the left arm gracefully propelling
her about seven feet with every move
rhe made with it. She cut the water
like a dolphin. She looked back at me
with a merry—oh. a merry, merry
laugh—a merry ha ha. for a fact. All
the rest of the bathers echoed the hn.
ha. Talk about a jay feeling small!
That girl kept right on. She switched
to a double overhand stroke, and swam
that way for 100 yards or so, and then
she went aheai* dog-fashion, making
eteam-launch time right along. Did T
say 30c? Well, all I could do was
to stand there in waist-high wa
ter and look at her. After she had
gone about a <inarter of a mile, she
turned around, and. say. swimming on
her back, and just kicking the water
away from her. without using her
arms at all. I'M bet a watermelon that
she was back to the beach in less than
three minutes. She looked at me beam
ingly out of the tail of her eye.
" 'Why. isn't it nice!' she said. 'And
it seems so simple, too!'
"Then she ran to the end of the pier
and turned a double sommersault into
the water, cutting it as efean as a
" The little water witch is enjoying
herself this morning, isn't she?'l heard
some people on the pavilion say.
"Well, then. I came away, and I
sailed my sloop to a beach about 29
miles further down. I haven't volun
teered to teach any demure-looking
girls how to swim since, you hear
me!' " —Washington Star.
If-lt Were \ot for the Habit of Worry-
Ins: I.ift- and Ilapplne,* Woald
Be I.oniter.
Almost a!! persons die of disappoint
ment, personal, mental, or bodily toil
cr accident. The passions kill men
sometimes even suddenly. The com
mon expression "choked with rage"
has little exaggeration in it, for even
though not always suddenly fatal
strong passions shorten life, says the
Boston Herald.
Strong-bodied men often die young,
and weak men usually live longer than
the strong, for the strong use their
strength and the weak have hardly any
to use —the latter take care of them
selves, the former do not.
As it is with the body, so it is with
the mind and the temper —the strong
aie apt to break, or. like the candle,
run: the weak burn out.
' Man, of all animals, is one that sel
dom comes up to the average. He ought
to live 100 years, according to the
physiological law, but instead of that
be scarcely reaches an average of four
times the growing period. The rea
son is obvious—man is not only the
most irregular and most intemperate,
but the most laborious and hardwork
ing of all animals.
He is almost the most irritable, and
there is reason to believe, though we
■cannot tell what an animal secretly
feels, that more than any other ani
ir.al, man cherishes wrath to keep it
warm, and consumes himself with the
fire of his own reflections.
The Hu«> Guillotine.
In the classic argot of Paris the guil
lotine is called la veuve" (the widow),
end to be guillotined is "espou«er la
veuve" (to marry the widow). These
marriages of late have been very fre
quent and old M. Deib!er, betterknown
as M. de Paris, the public executioner
of France, has been kept very busy.
In the last three weeks of June he ex
ecuted three criminals, thus bringing
his record up to 522, which probably
no man this side of medieval times has
ever equaled. The first of the trio was
Oeorges Soulat, who in November last
assassinated an old man named
Rousseau. The execution took place in
Angotileme. A few clays later M. Deibler
guillotined Carrara in Paris, and then
started for Vesoul.where he executed
Justin Priolet. Priolet murdered an
old woman at Volay, in the Upper
Sraone, cut up the body, put part of it
in a bed. and set fire to the house. Sta
tistics show that these revolting mur
ders, most of which are premeditated,
are steadily increasing in France.
This month M. de Paris will per
form four executions, and If the
last half of the year shall prove as
fruitful as the first half, there will
have been performed more executions
than in any year since IS7I. Then,
however, most of the executions that
followed the fatl of the commune were
military, performed by a file of sol
diers. As far as the guillotine Itself is
concerned its harvest of death In 1898
bids fair to exceed that of any year
sini»« the French revolution. —-V. T.
A Reflection.
"There la one crop that never falls
In this world of ours," said Bumpus;
"From the seeds of discontent
We can always raise a rumpus."
—N. Y. Evening Journal.
Would He Inconvenient.
Baj-nor—Old fellow, I wish my mem
o. was as good as yours.
Shyne—lt wouldn't do at all, old man.
If it were as good as mine you would
remember distinctly that you borrowed
a dollar and a half from me six months
ago, and that you haven't paid it yet.—
Chicago Tribune.
Much \«aln»t Him.
"Everything seems to be against me,"
he said.
No doubt he exaggerated, but there
was certainly a good deal against him.
for the gir iho sat by his side and pil
lowed her iiead on his manly breast
weighed not le*9 than 250 pounds.—
Chicatro Post.
The Natural Inerraar.
Waggles—He expects business to
pick up as soon as th« war is over.
Jaggles—What business is he in?
Waggles Manufacturing bicycles
for one-legged men. —Judge.
Illltlily Accomplished.
"Does your husband speak more than
one language, Mrs. Parvenue?"
"O, yes, he talks war, horse, baseball
and bicycle, one just as well as the oth
er."— Detroit Free Press.
Clcnnr«l Out.
Joue6 —For awihle Jones was clean
out of his mind about that girl.
Smith —And now?
Jones—Oh, now, the girl is clean out
of his mind. —Up to Hate.
End of «» Romance.
"I wish I had never met her."
"I asked her to write to me, and
here's a letter of 40 pages."—Chicago
How lie Suffered.
Wanterno —Did you suffer much in
the war?
Knapsack—Yes. Principally with
shooting pains.—N. Y. Evening Jour
Ilia Poor Memory.
Absent Minded Professor (in the
bathtub) —Well, well, now I have for
gotten what I got in here for.—
Fliegende Blnetter.
Not nflep Encountered.
"What is an anomaly?"
"A bald-head',l man who thinks fly
paper iscruel." —Chicago llecord
| fiawaii's Annexation |
a _
" T AUBA, Hawaii i* annexed!" ex
_j claimed Tom Worthington. as
he walked briskly into Laura Glenn's
door yard.
It was a fair, brown-haired girl who 1
sat on the low bench under the old
tree. Tom had looked at her with a
thrill of exultation as he came
path. She had not heard him,
brown head was bent over a book. She
looked up with a smile as he sprang i
across the grass, and approached the (
"Hawaii?" she queried, do«btfully,
smiling because he was smiling.
'•Yes, don't you know that Cncle
John had a coffee plantation near Hon
"No," said Laura.
"Of course, I remember now that I |
diJ not tell you about it, because I had
very little idea that it would mean
anything to us. You see, mothers
brother, my Uncle John, went out to
Honolulu over 20 years ago. He did
not stay long, but while he was there
he befriended some rich native. We j
never did understand just how it was,
but when the man died he left a will by
which Uncle John was to inherit a cer
tain tract of land in the Unuanu valley
provided there were no direct heirs.
Of course, we did not think anything
of it, because Uncle John used to laugh
about his Hawaiian estate, and say
thll there was no danger but that
there would be plenty of heirs to keep
him out of it.
"However, the interesting part is
this, and that is why I am so happy,
dear. The land is ours now. Since the
United States have annexed the islands
the property increases in value and all
question about the validity of the title
will be settled satisfactorily.
"Do you know what that means,
little girl?" and Tom leaned tenderly
toward Laura, who sat looking at him
with wide-open, surprised eyes.
There was a quick gleam in her eyes
as she looked into his. Then her head
drooped, and a vivid blush mounted to
i her cheeks.
| "Yes, dear," exclaimed Tom, press-
I ing her hand. "It means that you and
I can marry very soon. We will not
, have to work and wait, as we thought,
j The path is plain before us. Won't you
i te'.l me that you are glad?" and he
drew her within the circle of his arm.
"Pf seems too good to be true,"
j sighed the happy gSk
Tom was too hap|(to remain silent.
He was e«cited and exultant. How
much this news from the capital meant
to him and to Laura could not be esti
mated at once.
"Tell me about it,'®Jii3pered Laura.
"You see, we months
that the last of the Hawaiian heirs
was gone. That-is, that he is as good
as dead, .lust think, Laura, he had
leprosy, and was sent to the lepei
colony. Y"ou see, the estate should have
been ours then, but t agents
out there kept the facts away from us.
The agitation about the annexation,
however, brought all these things to
light. The will of Uncle John's friend
was plain. If his heirs were riot able
to Inherit it it was to go to Uncle John
and his heirs. Mother and I are the
heirs, you know. So we come in for
a good income, they tell me."
"And we get this blessing because of
the curse of leprosy upon those poor
people out there?" said Laura, in a
tender voice.
"Yes, dear," said Tom, sobered sud
denly. He looked up into the staying
branches above him; he saw tWe July
flowers nodding in the breeze, and then
he looked at Laura, fair his '
hrart. His happiness had been pur
chased at a dear price, indeed. Hid
eous leprosy had robbed another man
of all that was dear to him —home and
wife and friends and the enjoyment of
the commonest things of life.
"It seems that the old native who
was Uncle John's friend had a horror '
of leprosy." said Tom, in explanation
of the singular will. "Tn fact, he had 1
It himself when Uncle John was there,
but he kept it a secret. There was a '
curse upon his family, he often said
He hoped much, however, of this
youngest son —the one who has just
been taken into the leper colony."
Tom was silent for a few moments
and then went on.
"The old fellow explained to Uncle
John that if the leprosy carried off his ■
entire family, the property would go
to some collateral relatives. It was to
prevent their obtaining possession
th-\t he made the will. He hated them.
Their grandmother had cursed his fa
ther. and his father's children. You
know how queer and superstitious
those people are. Leprosy has taken ,
the entire family of these cousins, too v i
so that there is no one but that one
leper to inherit the property. Now 1
that the United States government is t
taking hold, the title will be cleared
up; we will prove our claim, and the in- 1
come will be paid to us."
, "But the poor leper," exclaimed
Laura. "Surely he has a right to the
land. Just think how miserable he
must be." f
"Well, it is pretty hard," admitted
Tom. "You see, he is as good as dead (
now. In the eyes of the Hawaiian* t
themselves he is dead. No one who
goes to the leper colony ever comes
back. He will be fed and clothed and
that is all the poor wretch can want."
"How old Is he?" asked Laura sud- v
denly. 1
"Let me see," and Tom drew out T
som«* papers and turned them over.
"Puoa Hunan must be about 24 now." T
"Three years younger than you are," f
said the pitying Laura. Then, turning
to her lover she exclaimed: "Tom. he
ought to have some of that money. We
have no right to it. That is, of course,
you and yr.ur mother may do as you
think V,p*t pl>ont It but I enn't tnke
any it. What have I ever done that
I should enjoy the result of that poor (
fellow's misery?"
"What a conscientious little thing it
is," said Tom, caressing her brown
hair. "Bu' don't you see, Laura," he k
continued argumcntatively, "the prop
erty is ours. It does not belong to any- I
one else. The law gives it to us." £
"Yes," replied Laura, still doubtful,
"but you said that the annexation al
tered the state of affairs." 1,
"So it does. There will be no diffi
culty, now, about establishing our „
title, and when that is done —O, Laura, (
you and I can be happy together."
"No, Tom, not at the price of an
other's unhappiness," said Laura very
firmly. "We have no right to that '
property away out there in the, Tai '
cific; it belongs to thct islanders. Wo
would be usurpers. I cannot do it,
Tom. You mustn't ask me."
"Trust a woman to have all the
scruples in the world!" exclaimed Tom e
In disgust. "Can't you be reasonable i
for one minute, Laura? The propertj -
Is there. It must be used by some- 1
body. If it does not belong to us it will '
be confiscated by some one with no
right to it', while we have a right there.
Haven't I been explaining and explain-
ijjg thjit the ojd_u*Uve wanted Uacle
John to have it in case his own heirs
had leprosy? 1 can't make it plainer.
I wish you would be reasonable."
"I can't be reasonable enough to do
what I think is wrong." said Laura
with great firmness and dignity. "I
do riot say anything about your tuk
ing the property. Ido sa\. however,
that I will have nothing to do with it."
"Well, Laura, that mean* that you
will have nothing to do with me." said
Tom, in a voice as hard as her own. He
could be quite as dignified as she.
"That it what it means," assented
Laura, eoldly.
"Oh. very well!" said Tom. Kising,
he strode toward the gate. He turned
as he opened the gate, lifted his hat,
and said:
"Good morning. Miss Glenn."
The annexation of Hawaii had pre
cipitated a lover's quarrel! Tom
walked down the street, viciously bit
ing his mustache and swearing under
his breath. He anathematized wom
en's consciences, scruples end unrea
When he went home that evening he
told his mother that Laura thought
the poor leper ought to have the
money, ne would not tell her that
they had quarreled, but he allowed
himself to show his impatience with
his sweetheart's scruples.
is right." said his mother.
"A part of the money, at least, ought
to be spent in providing comforts for
that poor fellow. I am glad the wom
an who will be my son's wife has
shown the right spirit."
Tom was silent. He had not thought
much about Puoa Ilunau before. The
fact that his financial difficulties were
to be removed from his path was all
that had interested him. Now he saw
'he bitterness of the poor native's lot.
To face a slow death on the hateful
leper island was a hard fate indeed.
But what could he do?
Suddenly he sprang to his feet. See
Laura he must.
"Mother," he exclaimed, I am going
to ask Laura to marry me right away.
Then we can go out to Honolulu right
away, look after the plantation and
see what can be done for poor Puoa."
Catching up his hat, he almost ran
from the house in his eagerness. Fif
teen minutes later he was standing at
tha Glenn front door, asking breath
lessly for Laura.
"Laura is upstairs with a headache,"
said the small brother who had opened
the door.
Tom drew a caj'd from his pocket
and wrote: "Won't you see me for a
few minutes, dear? I want you to tell
ikc how to help Puoa."
When Laura came down, and she
made haste to obey her lover's sum
mons, she found Tom sitting on the
bench tinder the old tree which had
so often shaded them. It wa6 here that
they had quarreled that morning. As
Laura approached, her white dress
gleaming in the moonlight, Tom went
to meet her. Taking her into his arms
impulsively, he said:
"Laura, you are the best woman in
the world lam not half good enough
for you."
"Why, Tom!" said Laura, in surprise.
Tom's only reply was a kiss. Re
leasing her, and holding her awayfrom
fifm so that he could see her face, he
nsked, anxiously:
"Won't you go out to Honolulu jvith
me and help me to do what is right
for that poor leper? We will divide
with him."
Laura's face brightened, but she was
too astonished to^peak.
"We must go at once," said this im
perious lover. Then he spoke timidly.
"You will marry me next week, won't
you, Laura? We can saM from San
Francisco on the next boat."
He waited for the answer.
"Oh, Tom!" said Laura, at last, and
there was consent In her voice.—M. L.
P., In St. Louis Benublic.
Concrete Meanom.
Mr. Spinkum —Ah, this reminds me
of the pie my dear mother used to
Mr. Spinkum —Oh, Alfred, you don't
know how glad I am to hear you say
Mr. Spinkum—lt's so different, you
know, dear.—Chicago Daily News.
Wealth on It» Trnveli.
Miss Ollabrod There's a clever
sculptress down this way. You ought
to see what she can make out of but
Miss Rltchley-Greest—She's a good
one if she can make as much out of It
as my pa makes out of oleomargarine.
—Chicago Tribune.
At n. Veil tore.
Teacher —Can you tell me, Robert,
what it was Commodore Perry said
after he had defeated the British on
I ake Erie?
Kobert (errand boy at Lacy & Rib
bon's) —Yes, rn'rn; he said: "Is there
anything else to-day?"— Puck.
Social Itarrlera.
Caller—ls Mrs. Smith in?
Servant —I don't know.
Caller—Can you ascertain for me?
Servant —No; that is the house
maid's work, and she's out.—Detroit
In ( hli kamnaica.
Private Jones —I wish they wouldn't
give us quite so much pork.
Private Brown—Yes; I'm beginning
to hate the Yankee pigs as much as the
Spaniards do.—Puck.
Iloon—Easyton is very courteous to
his wife, isn't he? I
Mrs. 1100n —Oh, yes; he treats her I
almost as politely as if she were a
total stringer. —N. Y. World.
TrylnK the Impossible.
"You made a terrlbie noise last
night. What were you doing—shut
ting up your store?"
"No; trying to shut up my wife."—
Yonkers Statesman.
Her Itetort.
Ethel—Just look at that beautiful
engagement ring Tom gave me; but
it's a little small.
Maud—Very pretty, but it was too
large for tne. —N. Y. Herald.
"Oh I don > think'" so icno-vlng!r
Sou, , < a.ai.o „i.u then again
It s the straightforward truth.
—Washington Star.
Uu<kn tjotl« IVople In rroni>lttt^M
Who Haiti Their Dun -all
\\ ir Eilitcd.
A traveling man who visits many of
the out-of-the-way mountainous dis
tricts- of east Pennsylvania says:
"I was surprised to meet so many
people who are ai>solutely indifferent
übout the war. They know very little,
if anything, about the trouble with
Spain. Some doubt whether there is
really a war at all. I spoke to a farmer
who has a good estate under high
cultivation. He had just finished put
ting away about thirty tons of good
hay. Said he: "I stopped read
ing war news some time ago.
1 made up my mind there
was no war. I read one thing
one day which was contradicted th«
next,,so I stopped reading any paper
and have beeu making hay ever since.
No, 1 am not a bit interested. 1 know
of no one who has enlisted from our
section, and if the United States is
fighting Spain for Cuba 1 know nothing
Of it. I'll wait awhile and tee,'
"I told the old man all the latest
news from Santiago de Cuba, but he
simply replied: 'Well, the next feller
that gets along this way may tell me
something entirely different.*
"At another place I asked whether
anyone from their region had en
listed. The reply was: Tslessyou.no.
A few of the young fellows went to
town to enlist. Rut they had to wait
so long and almost beg to be taken
that they came home saying they'd be
hanged if they'd be 'listed like that.
So they didn't go. Maybe nobody
went. People take very little interest
In the war. They did at first, but not
now. It's too far away. We have to
wait too long nnd then we ain't sure.'
"At another crossroad, where sev
eral farmers were talking about a new
harvester, I asked whether they had
heard anything new from the seat of
war. They looked in doubt and an
swered they had not. One of them
asked, 'What war?' Finally the oldest
of the trio said: 'We can't talk much
about war with strangers. Them
names down in Cuba are stickers. The
other day I talked to an agent aFout
Commodore Shelly nnd he told me it
was Sly, not Shelly, nnd he showed me
the name was spelled Schley. We
can't remember them Cuban names at
all, and them Spanish ships that
Dewey sunk, and that Cervera has,
nnd that famara took to Suez; they
are botherations. No. no one 'listed
from this district.*
"At a carpet weaver's humble dwell
ing on the outskirts of a mountain
village, the housewife at the fence
hailed me. asking, 'Say, is it true that
there's war?' I said yes. 'Look,' she
answered. 'Henry Boyer's boy was
along here yesterday and he allowed
he had heard that the war had broke
out again.' I explained to the woman
what this war was.when she answered:
"We are getting a paper, but, indeed,
we have been so very busy the past
few mouths that we haven't had time
to take the wrappers off yet. Flour
has gone up some, but they say wheat
has gone down. Flour is always last
to fall when anything goes on. My
father sold his mules at a good price.
They said the war caused mules to go
"Another old mountainside farmer
said: 'I don't believe there's a war
and will not believe it until I see a uni
form. I remember when the war of
'Ol was first reported. I would not be
lieve it. At last I saw Jimmy Becker,
who used to go on sprees very much,
coming down the road in a blue uni
form. He was rolling drunk, and said
he had 'listed. Well, he went off, and
stayed off, and then I began to realize
there was a war. I have not seen any
uniforms for the Spanish war. Yes,
I read the papers, but I would like to
see for myself whether the army is
called out. None of our neighbor boyi.
have 'listed yet. There is no draft,
and no demand for soldiers about
"In the days of 'CI newspapers were
publicly read at the blacksmith shops,
shoemaker shops, country stores, etc.,
before a whole crowd, and people In
the back country districts were ex
cited. It is not the case now. It may
become more exciting as time passes,
but there is very little said about it
thus far among the back country
farmers. Not that they are not
shrewd and intelligent and of good
common sense. Only the first ripples
of the war wave had hardly awakened
them to the full realization that the
United States was really at -war with
Spain."—-N. Y. Sun.
Tbr Exploit of u "Ltdf."
A special request has been sent to
the ladies who reside in the naval
academy to forego visiting the lower
part of the academy grounds, where
the prisoners are located. In, spite of
this, several of the ladies walk In the
neighborhood of the Spanish quarters.
One, a little less timid than others,
engaged. In conversation with Eulate,
much to the discomfiture of the lat
ter, who appeared' restless and uneasy
at the lady's presence. She, not in
the least daunted, approached Eulat*
near enough to cut a button from hli
cont. Eulate became indignart, but
with (he taunt that "you got your de
serts" the lady walked on, triumph
antly bearing her souvenir button.-
Baltimore Ilerald.
Touchlnir Devotion.
"Well, what Is it to-day, Eph?" said
the proprietor to the 75-year-old pen
sioner about the place who has a con
soling idea that he is general superin
tendent and yet finds it impossible to
resist the attractions of any ctreetpa
rade that may be coming off. "Got to
attend a funeral?"
"No, 6ah," said Eph, who had been
excused to pay the last tribute to «ev
cral hundred imaginary relations,
"but my grandmammy was tookei
berry bad dis momin'."—Detroit Fre«
Ha Was Too Medieval.
•The more I think," observed tki>
studious grandee, "about our great na
tional hero, Don Quixote, the less <to
I regard him as a true type of Spanish
"Your words are almost heresy," re
plied another grandee. "But why do
you think thus?"
"Well, for instance, he was defeated
in his gallant attack on the windmill,
and yet, Though the windmill was un
able to write or give its own version of
the alTair, we have no record that the
immortal Quixote ever celebrated the
victory."—N. Y. World.
A Dlm'rt* iitinrj .
"Wot'e fame anyhow!" exclaimed
Plodding l'ete, contemptuously, as he
threw aside the paper. "Dls is de tenth
picture I've seen of dat man. An' no
two of 'cm looked alike."
"Well," replied Meandering Mike,
"we gottrr grin and bear it. We can't
help it."
"No. But I can't help raisin' me voice
in protest when dey don't take half de
troul '• uLo t a r • • V picture when he
gils. to 1 • u hero tit, dey do when he's
took fur de rogues' gallery."—Wash
lngton Stur,
No. 38
\«rron Eacapra of thr Crews of tk*
St. Lonla, the lUrrurd u4
the Yale.
The officers and enlisted men wh«-
compose the crews of the American
line ships converted into auxiliary
cruisers know the full value of the old
saw: "All's well that ends well." To
day they are duly commissioned offi
cers and enlisted men in the United-
States volunteer navy, covered with
glory nnd enriched with prize money,
but they think with shudders of the
fate which might have been theirs.
Without their knowledge they took
risks far greater than ordinary sea sol
diers when the ships of the American
line passed into the hands of the United-
States government; and if the stories
which have been told are true they
might have suffered the fate of pirates
1 had they been captured by any ship of
the late Spanish nary.
When the St. l'aul went into commis
sion Capt. Sigsbee was placed in com-,
mancl, and tlie crew of the ship, or as!
many of them as wished to enter the.
I United States service, were sworn in
and became- members of the volunteer]
navy. The process of enlistment and'
the formalities connected with the
transfer from the merchant to the reg
ular service was slow and took several
weeks to accomplish.
The need for ships became pressing,;
and when the St. Louis, the Paris and
the Xew York were placed in commis-,
sion formalities were dispensed with*,
The. crews were retained, and an officer
of the navy was placed in charge oft "
each vessel. Neither the officers nor!
the men seemed to think that there
was anything wrong or irreg-ular about
, the proceeding until one of the Ameri-j —■"
! can line vessels captured a prize, and
I then the question came up: "What
would have been the consequence if thq
Spaninrds had captured us?"
Then it occurred to some of the men
i that they were not regularly enlisted,
and that if they fell into the hands oi
the enemy, especially an enemy like
Spain, they might be treated as pirates.
The fear was not groundless, accord
ing to the opinion of officere who gave)
the matter uttention, and for that rea-i
son the refusal of some of the men ta
remain in the service under the con
ditions was not charged against them.
"There was an officer on board o|
each ship," said a naval officer, "whosq
position was similar to that of an
miral on board a flagship. The variortq
captains sailed the ships, but under the
directions of the naval officers, who!
were also empowered to act as the repi
resentatives of the government under"***
certain circumstances, and, like the
commanders of other United Stats#
vessels, had to be famUlar with inter
national law. Even these regularly
commissioned officers took extra risk
by commanding the irregular crew*
because in esse of capture they might
have been looked upon as the leaders
of pirate crews, despite the fact thai
they held commissions in the Uniteq
States navy. ,
"It is all over now; there is no Spani
ish navy to fear, and we may confess
that there was some irregularity in the
The pirate point was wiped out it^
June, when all the men on board the
St. Louis and the. Yale and the Harvard
—formerly the Paris and the New York
—were mustered into the service and
the officers were commissioned inregu«
lar form; ,v ut there seems to be mi
doubt that early in the war those ves
sels were dnngerously near the pirate
class, and their men would have fared
badly at the hands of Spanish captors
—if there had been a Spanish captor.— l
N. Y. Tribune.
A Suddenly- Arlalns Ilreese Made It
Ware Vt«oroii«ljr Gea.
Garcla'a Wlahea.
Rev. Dr. Joseph Krauskopf, rabbi of
Temple Kencseth Israel, who returned
to the city recently from his trip to
Cuba on relief commission work, said
that one reason for Shafter's disagree
ment with Garcia was that the latter
wanted the Cuban flag raised beside the
stars nnd stripes over Santiago.
Dr. Krauskopf, during his stay in
Cuba, came into personal contact with
Gens. Shatter and Wheeler, Col. Roose
velt and other prominent actors in the
war drama. From Gen. Shafter he
learned the true reasons of Garcia's at
titude after the fall of Santiago.
"Gen. Garcia," he says, "when invited
to be present at the entrance of the
victorious nrmy into Santiago, made
two conditions on which his acceptance
of the invitation depended. One was
that the Cuban flag be raised together
with the American, and the other that
the Spanish officials be superseded.
"Gen. Shafter replied that he had no
authority to recognize the symbol of
the Cuban republic in any way, and
that the supersedurc of the Spanish
officials would be contrary to the re
ceived practioe in the case of captured
towns. The matter gavo rise to a heat
ed controversy, which ended in Garcia
separating hlmsefl from the American
forces and withdrawing into the In
terior. The supposition at American
headquarters was that he meant to
wthdraw himself from the territory tra
der American control and try his own
luck at conquest."
Dr. "Krauskopf said that it was re
markable that on the day the Ameri
cans entered Santiago, although not a
'eaf had stirred or hardly a breath of
air was felt during the day, no sooner v
w as the American flag unfurled than a
strong breeze sprang up and the no
tional colors waved gloriously in the
wind, amid the frantic cheers of the
multitude.—Philadelphia Tress.
UorliiK the llattle.
Husband—l beg of you don't always
cnash your fnlse teeth!
Wife—And don't you everlastingly
tear your false hair!— Meggendorfer
Ethel—What did George say when he
proposed ?
Maud —lie said nothing, gasped,
turned deathly pale, and fainted away.
Of course I knew what that meant, so
when he came to, I told him he might
ask papa.
Ethel—And then?
Maud—Poor George fainted sway
again!—lllustrated American.
Lacked Original! tr-
He—And am I really nnd truly the
first man you ever ldsoed?
She —Why, of course, you are, stupid.
He—Stupid! Why do you call me
She —Because you are not original.
At least a dozen men have asked mcthfc
very same question.—Chicago Daily*
The Dlfflenltr,
"Of course," said Mr. Corrftosael, "a
politician is the servant of his coun
"Yes," replied his wife, "and that's
where he's got us. ne doesn't go
' nock in' around from oue concern to
not her so's you can stand 'im up an
make "im give a recommend from his
last Sjojr.
.» «