Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 15, 1898, Image 3

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NOTE -All advertiser* Intending to mate
changes in their ads. should notify us ot
their intention to do M>. not later than Mon
ajr morning.
—An Ordinance assessing the cost of
sewer 011 Zeigler Ave
—Schanl & Nast's Clothing.
For sale, a graduating tniton at the
Butler Business college.
C & T's Lonnges.
Agents Wanted
Administrators arid Executors of estates
an secure their receipt books at the c'lTI
ZEN office, and persons making public s:tl-s
their note books.
During the next few weeks we will
send out quite a number of bills for
subscriptions due. and hope our friends
will respond promptly as we need the
"Longings for luxury."
— 4 All of us have to wear clothes. "
—The man who truly loves a woman
will sometimes give up tobacco for
three weeks after they are married.
—Marti ncourt 4: Co, now have their
weiring and measuring machhine in
their store on E. Jefferson St. and yon
can get a ticket there.
—Hastings Hospital train went down
to Washington last week and took some
sick mernl>ers of the 15th Reg . among
them Earl Thompson of Butler and E.
D. Hamilton of Sonora to a Pbila hos
—The color of the paint on battle
ships has suggested a new tint to the
silk mmufa-turers, and for the fall
trade we will have dre?s goods, ribbons
and other stuffs in a shade that will be
called battle-drag, is a lead color.
—Tlie boys are always thankful for
any information that will enable them
to get ahead of a slot machine A
youngster recently discovered that by
putting mucilage on a cent and drop
ping it into the slot of a music box,
the machine would run until it run
down, and when wound up would con- ]
tinue to run until the machine was -
opened and the cent remoyed. The .
idea isn't patented.
—They were discussing the future,
he gaszed into her liqnid eyes of pale
blue and asked her if she would always
loye him. "Certainly," said the palpi
tating young maiden, "can you not
trust me?" He was a rising young {
grocer and from force of habit he de- i
rnumd. "No," he said, "my terms
are strictly cash and I cannot trust
you." Tne absent-minded answer
spoiled the whole business.
—Our Town Council will hold an ad- '
journed meeting at their usual place,
the office of J. D. McJnnkin Esq in the ,
Reiber building next Tuesday evening <
the 20th. when and where all persons I
who take an interest in the proposed 1
granting of street car franchises to any
comj»any may attend if they see proper,
and help to disenss the matter. A
Warren Pa., company is asking for the
whole town without reserve and with
out compensation
—The Base Ball season in Butler end- !
ed last week with a halo of glory oyer
the Bntler dub. After the manager (
added our own and only Rube to the a
aggregation of foreign dukes and •
princes from Punxsutawney and else
where that composed the club, it be
come invulnerable and their last enemy
fled the town in disma3*. The clnb dis
banded. They were the best set of fel
lows that have ever played under the
name r/t Bntler, we hope to see them
again next year.
—*'lve had an awful time," said his
wife as soon as he got home. "The
clothes-line broke, the toby choked on
a tack until he was bine, the cat got
her head fast in the cream pitcher and
we had to break it off the pitcher I
mean The grocery boy sassed Mary
Jane till she cried and tried to scald
him, and missed him and took all the
hair off the dog, and I burned my
thniub to crisp, and nearly every wo
man I know on earth took this daj of
all others to cull." "Anything else to
day?" asked the dry goods clerk absent
--The 15th Keg. was taken from
Waatington to Camp Meade near Har
risbarg, last Friday night.
They left Washington that evening
and were first taken to Philadelphia,
then to Reading, and then to Middle
town, then marched six iniles in the
dust, to somewhere near their location
in a clover and weed field, where
they pat up their tents, bnt moved
thetn three time-> before the location
was nettled. The long ride, the dust and
the frost caused a number of the regi
ment to become ill, and among them
oar corresp indent, E H. Negley, who
is in the hospital, a victim of chills and
w fever.
—During the crnsh at the P. & W.,
station, Thursday, to get on the train
for th> Fair Grounds, a big fat wo
man who surged with the crowd until
near the steps of the cars, suddenly
changed her mind, turned around, said
she would not l>e crowded that wav and
pushed ont of the crowd. She pushed
past (Japt. Boggs of Evans City,and a mo
ment later he noticed that his pocket book
was gone. J. J. Maxwell felt a hand in
his pocket, and spotted his man. Co.,
Detective Bell spotted another and the
two were taken in charge, but they did
not have the stolen books, and Boggs
thinks they were slipped to the obstrep
ero ns fat woman. The men were
taken to Mercer, but the fat woman and
another woman who assaulted detective
Bell slipped off.
—All Pittsburg it looked like all Crea-
tion were out last Sunday evening to
welcome home their soldier boys of the
18th., Reg Liberty avenue from Union
station down to Sixth street and Fifth
Ave., to Grant, were dense masses of
/ people. Ropes had been stretched
along Liberty St., and it was the inten
tion to run the trains down the street
and have the regiment disembark clear of
the crowd , Van after the bands and or
ganieations passed up toward the sta
tion the people broke over, and the
whole street was crowded. Near the sta-
tion the crowd became so dense that
street cir travel was abandoned, the
boys climbed on top of the cars and it
was almost impossible to move from
one point to another. The trains were
expected in at <1 P. M , but owing to a
wreck on the main line they did not
arrive till!) P. M , when the regiment
disembarked on Liberty,with the crowd
surging around and marched up Fifth
Ave., and to the Armory on Diamond.
It was a royal welcome to their home
coming The regiment came home on
.« a furlough and will be mustered out in
thirty days. Olande Ziegler of the
Ist Ward is a member of it.
Job Work.
If yon want Posters,
If yon want Circulars
If you want Sale Bills.
If you want EnvelojH-,
If you want Bill Head*.
If yon want Price Lists,
If you want Statements,
If yon want Vote Heads.
If you want Letter Hi-ads,
If yon want Address Cards,
If you want Business Cards.
If you want Invitation ("arils.
If you want any kind of Printing
done call at the CITIZEN office.
■ —The robins have nearly all gone.
—A new boarding house and restau
rant has been built near the tile works
—Navy Bean and Stamboul Maid. two
Butler horses, are on the track at Oil
City this week.
Our Prospect correspondent quotes
some "School Law.' this week, that
everybody should read.
—A cruel Western paper said that
when the Washington typewriters were
kissing Admiral Schley, "Sampson was
seven miles away."
—Don't be in a hurry to shoot squir
rels. It is not lawful to kill black, grey
or fox squirrels except between October
15 and December 15. • i
—A wonderfully perfect counterfeit
government silver certificate has b n en
discovered in Philadelphia. It is a •'f I 1
denomination note.
—Thursday of last week was a model
day for a Pair, and the attendance that
day was large: but the entire number
of tickets sold this year was several
thousand less than last year.
—The five wards of Butler average
about 500 voters each the first and
second having a few more and the other
three a few less. The assessors returns
do not include the districts anne::ed to
the -id and sth wards.
-—Our grocers are paying 16 cents for
butter. 11 for eggs. 4<» for potatoes. 25
for turnips and apples 50 to ft for
peaches, 75 tofl for pears, Si.:{o for
plums. $1 for quinces and 40 to 50 a doz
for egg plant.
—Mary Russell, Billy Chimes, Stum
boul Maid. Navy Bean and Storm Bird,
Butler county horses, took part of the
money at the Fair last week, and John
W Titley's great mare. Mayview, won
a heat in her race when a wheel of her
sulkey broke, throwing her down and
severelj injuring her.
—On account of Holiday our store
will be closed Saturday, September 17th.
WANTED—Agents to sell Tea,
Coffee, Spices and Baking Powder to
families. Liberal commissions paid.
For terms address
1405 Fifth Ave., Pittsburg. Pa.
FOR SALE—A graduating tuition
contract for Butler Business College,
cos! SSO; either shorthand or commer
cial course. Inquire at this office.
ESTRAY Black cow. four years old.
left Hay farm near Prospect about
September 3rd, any one having any in- :
formation concerning said cow please ;
notify R. S. Bryan, Prospect, Pa., or
A. Ruff & Son.Shoe Dealers, Bntler,Pa. .
It's still dollar oil. t
WASHINGTON TU I J . 'I heSpringboro
Oil Co.. struck a good well on tke B. F. .
Hilliard farm. The contractors. Pain
ter and Black, estimate it at from 25 to
SO barrels.
COYLKSVIIXK McKee's well on the ;
Blatt was 20 feet In the sanit yesiviilay,
and filled up 500 feet with oil This is 1
a southern extension of the old eastern
MTCHKSTNUT —McC'lnng & Co s well
on the Brandon is 20 feet in a stray (
sand similar to the Sunbury sand and is
filled with salt-water. They expect a
good well
well in the Kornumph is doing about 1H (
blls. It will be shot Saturday.
"In Clinton twp. Batler county. I«>r
dering on Allegheny county. T. W.
Phillips has drilled in his test well on '
the S Hemphill farm and has a good |
producer It was drilled into the sand |
Thursday evening and produced 70 bbls.
the first nine hours The location is
500 feet northwest of the well romplet
ed on the Mc(iinnis farm about six
weeks ago. Mr. Phillips is also drilling
a test well on the P. Hemphill farm
that is due to get the sand early in the
The Jacoby well, west of Harmers
ville, Allegheny county, has been put
to pumping and made 35 bbls. the first
24 riours. The test well on the Carson
lot, near the Mullet farm producer, is
not exjiectt'l to get the sand before next
Monday or Tuesday.
At Gibsoniaia, the Devonian Gil com
pany is starting a test well on the Boyle
farm. The Ann Oil company's well on
the Silas Semple farm is drilling on top
of the sand.
At Economy, Eachels & Ritchey ex
pect to get the pay at their No. 13 to
morrow; the location is inside of defin
ed limits.
Near Coopers town, Butler county, the
Forest Oil company has completed its
No. 1 on the Parks farm and has a small
producer, not good for more than 3 bbls
a day.
There is ijnite a little flurry in ad
vance of the North Washington devel
opment, in the same county. Cutler &
Co., have completed a test well on the
Flemming farm that is reported good
for 3D bbls. a day. The same company
is drilling a second well on the same
farm, and Randolph & Co. have started
to drill on the Thompson heirs' farm.
In the Rosenberry pool, west of Park
er M. S. Adams is drilling a third well
on his farm. Derrick.
The only local territory as to which
there if the least simulation is that in
the north en<l of Allegheny county ami
just over the Butler county line, in a
general way designated as the little Deer
< development, A scoop of terri
tory in that locality, some five or six
miles long, but narrow, is in doubt as
to what it may do in the way of furnish
1 ing production. Near Dorseyville the
test on the lieifsnider farm was drilled
■ through all sands including the fifth
and proved a duster. The Jacoby farm
test west of Harmarsville was put to
pumping daring the past week and
started at :J0 bids, a day.
Near the McGinnis well in Clinton
township, Butler Co . close to the bound
ary line betwe* n that and Alleghany
county T. W, Phillips drilled in a
well on the S. Hemphill farm that start
ed at ~i<) bbls. The location is 500 feet
northwest of the Mcfiinnis well, com
pleted but month and now making l">
iibw. a day.
On a line between the Mcfiinnis farm
well and the Mullet well west of Harm
arsville. Mr. Phillips also finished
| drilling down an old well to the fifth
saml and hail a close call to getting a
duster. It is accepted as a pointer that
the two developments do not connect up
on a line with this test. • The Carson lot
test is located south and west of the
Mullet and should be due in the sand
to-morrow. Derrick of Monday.
The immense attendance at tic- Urand
Opera House last week, despite the
opisisition of the weather, and the
opening of the Exposition demon
strati* quite clearly the great popular
ity of this House as a family resort.
From Monday afternoon to Saturday
night its capacity was taxed to acorn
odate the people, a large proportion of
whom were women and children. The
new Stock Company has scored a great
success, and is easily the strongestorga
oization of the kind that has as yet been
seen at this Theatre. Next week
"Christi p'lei Jr", a comedy that ran
for an entire year in New York, will be
presented. It will embrace the full
strength of the cast, and in accordance
with the policy of the House this sea
son, will lie a complete production in
I scenery and all affects.
The Grand Jury finished up its work
its final presentment and was dis
charged Friday. They pas-ed upon •>•
bills of indictment, finding 4" true bills
, and ignoring 10. Their presentment
: recommends the paying, by the county,
t'ne expense of placing the cannon, etc.
on the Diamond soi.ie £><«•: also that
, the County Commissioners ere.-t a
building on the proposed poor farm
4 suitable for keeping prisoners
• sentenced to pay <-osts. etc they assert
that the south end of Main street is in
j a dangerous condition, caused by b< ing
' crossed the P., B. & L L. and P. & W
K Rs., and recommend that steps be
taken to protect the public
Since our last i-sue they found
the folio wing
Commonwealth vs:
John Claik and Win. Roach, a&band
assault with intent to rob: Harry Ford,
larceny; Wm. Martin house breaking
and being a tramp; George Clark. Wm.
Qninton and Richard Crawford, larce
ny and being tramps; John Donley, a&
b: Harry Ross larceny and breaking
jail- Levi Slator. maintaining a publi
nuisance: R. W. Brest, larceny as
bailee; Frank Davis, larceny: Harry
Hunt. Larceny: Harry Brackney. larce
ny: Matilda Keister. assault and a&b
Harry Miller and Wm. Meek, mrtliciou
John N. Gold, furnishing liquor to I
minors and attempt to rape, and conntv I
to pay costs: Geo. Masterden, furnish |
ing whiskey to an intoxicated man. am: j
prosecutor. Ed. Riding to pay costs: R I
W. Brest, false pretense, and pro-ecu- j
tor, D. L. CleeJaiid, to pay costs: Henry
Drebert, larceny.
The September Quarter Sessions met,
Monday, and the first* case taken up
was that of the Commonwealth versus
I)r. La.sher of Saxon burg, who was
charged with rape on oath of Mrs. Rosa
A 1 wine.
Mrs. Alwine's story was a simple one.
She alleges that the doctor took advan
tage of her weak condition and helpless
l>ositioi: while making an examination
at bis office, but she acknowledged that
her physical condition occasionally
caused her to have flighty spells, during
which she did not know what happen
The doctor denied her story, and as
his neighbors gaye him a good name, he
was acquitted,and the county has a bill
of costs to pa} - .
No class of professional men have
more opportunities for meanness than
physicians, and on the other hand no
class is more liable to blackmail. Doc
tors who do not keep themselves above
suspicion should l>e shunned as vipers,
and severely punished if caught.
This seems to have been a mistaken
idea, caused by physical weakness, but
the case should lie a warning to all phy
sicians of their constant danger.
There was but one amusing feature
in the trial, and that was the attitude
of mother Alwine. a heavy weight, who
seemed inclined to si ■ down nponohe of
the counsel for the defense.
Commonwealth vs:
Nelson Watters, assault and a&b
Sept. 12, defendant pleads guilty, and
sentence was held over until December
Geo. Clark, house-breaking and being
:• tramp. Sept. 10, defendant pleads
W in. Martin, house-breaking and be
ing a tramp. Sept. 10, defendant pleads
Samuel Scott, surety of the peace
Samuel Reddick, surety of the peace
Ed. Seaton, feloneous a&b, settled
John 11. Walker, surety of the peace
Sept. H, case heard and defendant or
dcred to euti i Into reeog. in *2OO l<
keep the peace for one year.
Jacob Fowler, assault. Sept. 12, casi
Phillip Winter, f&b. pleads nolle con
&ndre and was sentenced to pay costs
i fine of *2O and doctor fees not to ex
reed #25.
Dr. W. D. MeCurie, illegal practice of
nedicine. Sept. 13, jury finds the de
fendant guilty, same day motion for a
lew trial, to be argued at Nov. term.
Dr. R. J. McMichael, illegal practice
of medicine. Sept. 13. jury returns a
verdict of guity, same day motion for a
new trial made, to be argued at Nov.
Matilda Keister, a&b and surety of
the peace, continued to nest term.
Harry Miller, f&b. Sept. 13, pleads
nolle contendre and was sentenced to
pay the costs, a tine of #25, pay the
prosesntrix #lO, and pay the mother #5
per mont h until the child is 5 years
F. A. Masselli, a&b. Sept. 14, jury
returns a verdict of not guilty, but to
pay costs.
F. A. Masselli, larceny from the per
son. Sept. 14. jury returns a verdict of
not guilty.
Elishua Gorman, malicious mischief.
Sept. 1 1, jury returns a verdict of not
guilty, and prosecutor, W. C. Allen to
pay costs.
Hugh Elliott, agg. a&b. Sept. 14,
jury returns a verdict of not guilty, but
to pay costs.
Harry Campbell, surety of the peace
Wm. Roach, assault with intent to
rob, September 14 defendant called and
his recog. forfeited.
Eight cases vs Henry Foltz, John
Bitrtol and Winfield, Win. K. and Hob
ert Hopkins, a&b, were taken up yester
day afternoon and are still on trial.
Last Friday the Sheriff sold all the
right, title, interest and of
Win. W. Hazlett to E. L. Ralston 50
acres in Winfield for SSO.
Hannah C. Abernathv to Kalston &
Greer -5 acres in Worth for if 10.
Catharine and John A. Miller to Win
E. and Henry Miller <3 acres in (Jentre
for *'J5.
John Richardson to .1. C Richardson
70 acres in Adams for S4OOO.
Walker and Sarah E. Martin to Key
stone State IJ. it L. Ahso. lot in Butler
for s'2oo.
The petition of Alfred Miller, com
mittee of Martin Lowry Webb, a iuria
tic, for approval of settlement and leave
to execute a deed to the I*, it W. R. !i
was granted.
Mrs. liattie Williams, against whom
the Grand Jury at September Term,
1H95, found true bills for keeping a
bawdy house and a disorderly house,
and plend guilty to the latter, was sen
tenced, Friday, to pay costs, a fine <>f
$lO and undergo imprisonment in the
work honse for three months.
Harvey Byerley and John McClaffer
ty were excused from jury service.
The will of Henry D. Zeigler of Ze
li< nople was probated and letters grant
••d to Louisa Zeigler; also will of J. W.
Starr of Bntler, no letters.
Letters of administration were grant
ed to Mary .1, Nixon on estate of Win.
K. Nixon, late of Buffalo twp ; also to
Christianna Frederick on estate of Hen
ry S. Frederick, late of Donegal twp.
Maud Bernerd, by her next friend
Calvin Dean, has brought suit in as
sumpsit vs Ph. Bernerd. t
The Allegheny and Western It. It.
Co has filed indemnity bonds in favor
■>t heirs of Jacob Johnston. G. W.
Bartloy et al and .\iargt. J. Itonev.
Llmer E. 'S oung was appointeil audi-
I tor in the mat'.er of the final account of
; Adam Diehl, administrator of Salome
j Shaney, late of Zelienople.
W ills Lewis was discharged under
j the insolvent laws, he was serying a
sentence for violation >{ the liouor
i laws.
Last week A. J White filed a bill in
equity asking that executions against
| him be stayed until one of the creditors
! tiles an account of the oil that has been |
ran to his credit. The executions were
stayed until Sept. 20.
The will of Jacob Knauff of Middle
sex twp was probated and letters grant
ed to Henry F Knauff: also will of John
G. Lensner of Jefferson twp, and letters
to Elizabeth Lensner.
Letters of administration wcr -grant
ed to Alex Martin on estate of Thomas
; Martin, la'.e of Jefferson twp.
Sheriff Dodds brought thirteen pr ; -
oci rs from Mercer jail. Tuesday, and
lodtred and fed them in the new jail.
N. C McC Hough was appointed gu ar
• dian of Julia Kauimerer: and .). J. Gil! j
: man of Anna and Margt Thouias.
<>n petition of Winfield Gould <»f Oak j
land twp , John \Y. Powell. J. M |
1 Cruikshanks. Dan'l Markel. Ed. Duni- !
baugh. A. L Campbell and K O. Shiri
were appointed viewers to assess dam
ages vs the A & VV. R. R.
A rule was granted on the school Di
rectors of Parker twp.. to show cause .
why they should not be removed from
office, returnable Sept., 20.
J. B. Snell to American Mirror Co. 1
lot in Butler for S.IOOO.
Vogeley heirs to Krause & Freeling ,
lot in Wintield for SIOO.
G C Purdnm to Win M Pnrdum lor
in Harmony for *18">.
Lncinda Walley to Mary E. Steck- 1
man lot in Brain f<«r *foo
John Keck to H J Keck 30 acres in s
Cranberry fcr S7OO.
H F Foster to Lawrence Denny lot in J
Wintield for #IBOO. >
Jon Wilson to A C Ramsey 80 acres j
in Jackson for $3900.
J H Kepple to W G Raabe lot in But
ler for $1450. I
W B Dodds. sheriff, to Keystone B & :l
L Asso lot in Butler for s">n. v
E E Abrams to James Donaghv 183
acres in Brady for t ,
John-A Eichert to II Gresnwalt 70 (l
acres in Jackson for $3200. j
A Kerchler to F Mohr. ex'r 8 acres in ,
Crar.beirv for *2<j':o.
Sam'l Staples to Gospel Prohibition
Church lot in C'allery fur *1
Henry McElroy to Jas McElroy ll'>
acres in Clearfield for#l
Chas Rielly to A & \V Ii R 1 acre in
Clearfield for s? 140.
.Marriajr<' License*.
Chas. D. Parker Bntler
Abba J. Allslip Bakerstown
Edgar .1 Altman New Castle
Ada B. Zimmerman Butler
Win. L. l'iinblin Connoq
A. Pearl Whitmire Bonora
Charley McDonald Bntler
Jeannetta Jackson
M. A. Mickley Evans City
Flora A. Bogga
J G. English Prospect
Emma Campbell Isle
Butler Public Library.
The ladies of the Bntler Public Li
brary Association held a meeting Sep
tember 12. when a financial report of
the institution was read and considered
They found the running expenses of
the library to be greater than the ladies
can any longer assume without outside
aid. and consulted upon means of in
creasing the funds to the amount req
uisite to mtet these expenses.
The library was opened with the hope
that the books would lte always free to
the public, and they have been thus
furnished for five years. But the asso
ciation now find that they will have to
charge a sum of 50 cents for each an
nual card taken out on or after Octo
ber 1, 18!) H.
The public have very kindly and gen
erously pat ionized the suppers and
other entertainments given by the Li
brary Association, and by this means
the ladies have received a considerable
amount of aid, as well as from the gen
erous contributions of some of the gen
tlemen. But as the expenses of the li
brary, irrespective of the purchase of
new books, repairs and catalogues, are
large and continuous, embracing rent,
light, heat, insurance and librarian's
salary, aggregating #3O per month, it is
found nrrr 1 -i-y *'> tnnlto itomo
The Woman's Exchange was opened
in the hope that it would contribute to
wards library expenses, but it has not
been a success in that way. So. much
against their will, the ladies are obliged
to resort to the small fee above named
as a means of keeping the library open.
But they feel that the reading public
will be glad to assist them in the good
The membership of the Library Asso
ciation at present consists of 34 ladies.
Each member pays annual dues of #3,
and contributes a book once a year.
Any lady interested in the library, who
would like to become a member will be
welcomed bv the association.
To make the library in greater degree
a credit to the town, and to increase its
usefulness, contributions, large or
small, handed in by any of our public
spirited citizens, will l>e thankfully re
ceived by the librarian any afternoon.
All are invited to come to the library
and look over the books; especially are
editors, ministers, teaehers and mem
bers of the school board invited to note
the quality and character of the library.
It will be found that, although numer
ous works of fiction are taken out and
read, the shelves contain also a large
proportion of high-class books in the
departments of history, poetry anil
general literature. Our ruotto is, "The
noblest motive is the public good.',
Last Sunday, while on the road to
church, John Scott of Lancaster twp.
was kicked in the face by a horse and
dangerously hurt.
Mars Lecture Course.
Under the management of Dr. J. C.
Barr the people of Mars and vicinity
will have a most excellent lecture
course for ths coming winter.
The course includes Dr. Willits, for
October 10 , Mozart Symphony Club, for
November!); Lovetts Concert Co., for
December #; Prof. A. M Hammer, for
January 3; John Tetnpel Graves, for
February and Col. Copeland, for
March 20.
Siiii(lii> I'Aciirsions to Allegheny.
Oiß'nencing Sunday May 22nd and*
until further notice the Pittsburg and
Western It. K. will sell excursion tick
ets to Allegheny every Sunday for train
leariagßutler 8:19 A. M. city time
good to return on afternoon trains date
of sale. Fair for round trip 73 cents.
It you want a Bicycle or your old one
repaired go to White Walter & Co.
largest slock in County. Bicycles for
For blank applica'ions and instructions
how to apply for reduction of So per
cent, of taxes on limber lands send 25
cents to J, A. Huydkick Sons,
Civil Engineers,
Butler, I'a.
St raj lloj^s.
Coma to the premises of the subscriber
111 Jefferson twp., near Frazier's Mill,
on or about August s th. 1818, one white
brood sow. an>l three larife shoats— two
white and one black, all sows.
The owner is requested to come for
ward prove property, pay charges and
take them away, otherwise they will be
disposed of according to law.
For A Musical Education.
The Pennsylvania College of Music
(formerly Meadville Conservatory of
Music), has twen entirely recognized
an«l placed under the direction of Herr
l'clix Iltink, for three years past musi
cal director of the Utica <X. Y.) Con
servatory of Music, a noted pianist,
singer and teacher of voice anil piano.
He is assisted by a very able corns of
teachers, two of whom have had the
best American and Ivuropean training.
J'lie College offers a musical education
at very moderate rates of tuition, and
very cheap living, in one of the most
beautiful and cultivated college cities of
the country. Kvcryune interested in a
musical education should send for the
new catalogue just issued. Trrir begins
Scott-tuber 6th. Address IVjnsylvauia
College of Music. Meadville, l'a.,
mentioning this paper.
' S. O. Wright: of Zelienople enjoye
' the big day at the fair.
Miss Roach, of Baltimore, is visitinj
her sister in the convent here.
J W Groom and brother, of Mar
were in town on business to-day.
Fred Dike and family have movei
from the Nesbit farm to Great Belt.
Sam'l Petsinger and John Sarver o
Buffalo twp.. are down with typhoid.
Miss Rhoads. of Somerset, is thegues
' of Mr.-. Mary Rhoads at Capt. Aver.-.
John S. Davis «>f Allegheny, is th«
guest of O. \Y. Stoughtoa of Prospe -r
Rev. W. Hamel of Missouri is vis
iting his father, James Hamel of Peni
S. C. Trimble and W. A. Denny ol
Middlesex, were in to-vn on business
Henry Kirn, has received his commis
sion as Lt Col. on the staff of the Nat
ional Veteran Legion.
John Neely. the oldest resident of
Lancaster twp. is dangerously sick at
the home of his son, Frank
Daniel Cable, of Whitestown. was in
town yesterday. He is upwards of 80
years, but is yet active and vigorous.
J. L. Turner and SOH. of Ferris,
were in town last Saturday. The north
branch of the Siipperyrock was frozen
solid that morning.
Robert M -Bride, of Grove City, is iv
ing sick at the home of his sister Miss
Nannie Mcßride in Franklin twp. He
took sick while visiting.
A. H. Jennings, of Battery K ; 4th
Heavy Artillery secured his discharge
and arrived in Bntler, Monday fie
went to his home in Petrolia, next day.
Ed. Livingstone, of Co. E, was well
en.mgh to be abont Monday, and w<nt
• nit to the country to visit relatives.
He found the Bntler Hospital a very
comfortable place.
Rev. Worrell of the 2nd Presbyterian
Church, who has been spending hi-} va
cation with friends in the west, will re
turn this week and preach in Y. M. C.
A. Hall on next Sunday as usual.
Joseph Scranton. of Scranton Pa., and
his wife, whose maiden name was Mev
lert and who was horn and raised in
what is now the Orphans Home, visited
friends in Butler last week.
Perry Harkless came home from
Camp Wikoff Friday. He belongs to
the Penn'a Vol. Signal corps. Camp
Wilkoff is located on Montauk Point
one of the eastern points of Long Island
and there's lots of salt-water around ic
John D. Mcßride, of Franklin twp ,
took in the big-day at the Fair. .John
taught in Cranberry twp.. last winter
and will teach in Forward next. His
name was not on the list of candidates
for County Snperintendant, published
some time ago, but it should have been
Dan McCarthy and Nora Callahan of
Pittsburg, were married at the North
Oakland church on Tuesday of last
week. Quite a large party of their
friends came np to see the wedding,
after which ti.ey drove to Butler, took
supper at the Williard. and started off
on the 5:40 train.
James McGeary, of St Paul, Minn.,
and Jesse M. McGeary of Allegheny Pa.
visited their cousin Win. McGeary of
Butler, last week. James is a Butler
boy, who went west about twenty years
ago and is now engineer of some of the
city and county buildings, while Jessie
is the Republican cannidate for coroner
of Allegheny Co., an office worth a sal
ary of $H,500.
Elijah Silliman, of Karns City wen?
down to Bakerstown Sunday, to see his
son, George who was lying at his
brother's home there, seriously ill of ty
phoid. George was a menber of the
20th Regulars, was through the Santi
ago campaign, and took sick there and
was sent to the hospital. He became
convalescent and was sent home on one
of the hospital ships, stopped to see his
brother at Bakerstown, and had a re
LcMont Keistcr of Battery F, Second
Artillery, came nome troiii Santiago
about three weeks ago. He is a son of
Norman Keister of Glade Rnn. He
was in all the fighting about Santiago,
escaped the bullets, but took down with
fever afterwards, He enlisted in the
regular army about three years ago. and
was stationed at Fort Kiley, Kansas for
a year and a half. He likes regular
army life W. W. Wagner of same bat
tery and regiment, whose home was in
Grove City, but who now lives on Elm
St., Butler came home at same time.
Grand Voting Contest.
As the school year approaches, many
of our young readers will be deciding
what school to attend, and the follow
ing offer made by the Butler Business
College will prehaps help yon to decide
the problem. Two free scholarships are
offered as per rules below, allowing
ample time to graduate, giving you
your choice of courses, all for a small
effort on the part of the contestants.
You cannot afford to ignore this offer,
opportunities like this are not offered
every day, this is your opportunity
Any one who complies with the rules
may enter the contest. Business edu
cation has the sanction of such men as
Hon. Lyman Gage, himself a graduate
of a business college, and to which he
attributes his success, Hon. John Wan
amaker, Robert Burdette, Charles
Read*', Hon. Charles Foster, and many
others we could name of world wide
reputation. No matter whether yon
live hi the city or the country, you have
a splendid opportunity to succeed. Head
the rules carefully.
1. Each weekly paper published in
Butler will publish one coupon each
week, beginning August 23th, and con
tinning until Oct. I.lth, and contestants
will collect these coupons and send
thein in, in packages of 100. Each con
testant will also agree to get as many
paid-up yearly subscriptions as he or
she possibly can for any or each of the
Butler weekly papers. viz. The
Citizen, Eagle, Tinus, Record, and
Democratic Ilerald, and each subscrip
tion shall count as much as 200 coupons
Only new subscribers will bfl allowed
to count in this contest. You are not
confined to any one paper; subscriptions
to any or all of the papers named will
count 200 votes each, to the one turning
them in.
■!. Write your name plainly on all
coupons you send in, and forward all
subscriptions and coupons to William
I",. Wilson, Principal llutler Business
College, liutl'-r. Pa. Write all names
and postoflice addresses plainly, and in
dicate plainly the papers subscribed for.
To the person receiving the largest
number of votes, a nine months scholar
ship in the Hutler Business College will
be awarded, in either Commercial or
Shorthand courses, allowing ample time
to graduate. To the person receiving
the next highest number of yotes a six
month's scholarship will be awarded.
I Contestants should communicate
with Prof. Wilson immediately, and he
will forward further instruction* and
information by mail. Keuieuilier that
each subscription turned in for any of
the papers named will count you 'KM)
votes, and securing subscribers will be
the qnickest and surest way to succeed.
<«et in the field early, secure the aid
of your friends, and earn one. of these
scholarships, worth at least sjiGU.
o O
Piease credit this coupon to
P. O. 1
; Account, of Butler Business t'ullejje ;
Scholarship Contest.
o o
A man who calls himself an optician,
aud who says his name is Brown, is
travelling over this oonnty selling spec
tacle* ias lam informed)on my reputa
1 will "ay that I don't know the man,
never met him that I know of and haye
had no dealings with him whatever.
ltespect fully
• Win field twp. ut the Fair.
Winfield twp.. Bntler Co. won a lot
of premiums and cash at the Fair last
J. N Hazlett won *33.30 in premiums
and sold worth of fowls He took
First on Trios, fonr kinds of Wyandotts
tonr kinds of Leghorns, ten on water
' fowl and thirty three on pairs of fowls
and chi ks. Ist. 2nd on pairs, and three
1 se.-on.ls on fowls and chick-
He went from here to Oil City and
! will be at Stoneboro-next week
! August Freehling aud son won $ i's on
j shee;» and sl.(Won grain Hesiysthe
j Butler people treat him well. He will
j probably take his sheep to Stoneboro.
David Hns-elgesser took one red and
two blues on horses.
Geo. Milliron & Bros took - jme pre
miums on pi„s.
The survivors of the lOfst and 103 d
regiments will revine at Zelienople on
22nd. Thomas Hays, of Bntler. is the
senior V. P. of the organization.
The 1 oStli reuned at Mars, yesterday.
A large crowd attended. Mars is a nice
little town.
During the regular program Rev.
Digtat of Trail presented ('ol. Collier
with a cap from \V. J. Allen, in rem-i
emberance of an incident that occured j
daring a long and tiresome march. .
A Letter For \oit.
Unclaimed letters at the Postoffice at j
Butler Pa., week ending Sept. pith. j
Miss Bell Black, Will Donahue. 38 S. i
Main St: John Henderson. J and I. Mc '
Elhaney: Mi<sL J McCaifflless.Pasnuall \
Sant i and James Truby.
In calling for these letters please say i
a Ivertised JOHN W. BROWN. P. M. j
Special Fxctii-siou to tlie Imposi
tion via the I*. \ S\. If. If.
<>n Wednesdays September 11 2! -2 s )
and October 3 —12 -19 the P. W. will j
sell special Excursion tickets to Alleg j
henv good for return in three days in-1
eluding date of sale, rate from Bntler'
*1.50 which includes admission to the I
< ictt) slmrg- Washington
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company :
has arranged for two five-day person j
ally conducted tonrs from Buffalo !
Erie, Pittsburg, and principal interim !
diate points, to Gettysburg and Wash j
injjton. on October IT and November 7 i
■ Round-trip tickets, including trail"
portation, Pullman berth in each direc
tion, hotel accommodations and car
riage drive over the battlefield at Get
tysburg, and hotel accommodations at
Washington in short, all necessary ex
penses will he sold at rate of $2">.00
from Suspension Bridge, Buffalo,
Rochester, Syracuse, and intermediate
stations on the New York Central and
Hudson River Railroad; $24 'M» from
Elmira; $25.00 from Erie and Corry;
$21.50 from Williamsport; $23.00 from
Pittsburg and Altoona. and proportion
ate rates from other points.
Tickets will also be good to return on
regular trains until October 27 and No
vember IT. but without Pullman
Descriptive itineries and full infor
mation can he obtained of Ticket
Agents; B. P. Eraser, Passenger Agent
Buffalo, N. Y.: E. S. Harrar, Division
Ticket Agent, Williamsport; Thos. E.
Watt, Passenger Agent Western Dis
trict. Pittsburg; or Ceo. W. Boyd,
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Of Interest to You
Parties wishing to engage in the livery
business, call on Walker &. Mcßlvain for
location and outfit
Any of our readers needing gas stoves |
or gas ranges, gr.s fronts or any gus sav- J
iug appliance will find it a financial sav- |
ing to call at the store of W. H.
O'Brien <Su Gon **"«'* sii I
and get prices on the extensive line they
have on exhibition. They sire also j
agents for the celebrated Welsbach j
Light, of which more than 1200 were
olil in Butler, last year.
|i_l" delivered to all parts of the
R ™ to A 11, every day. Leave or
ders a'.
142 Main St.
—We have 20 large U. S. flags—Are
you going to put one on your building?
Send size and ask for price. Shuman &
Bros., 414 Wood St., Pittsburg, Pa.
—Music scholars wanted, at 128 WJ
Wayne St.
- -Ask your physician if he does not
think a sojourn at Cambridge Springs
would do you good. If you need rest
and nature's tonic, good mineral water,
he will answer, "Yes." Hotel Rider of
frts accomodations equal to the best.
Send for circulars.
The Fall term of Grove City College
will begin Tuesday, September 13th.
l ; or catalogue address the President,
For Sale.
A good chop mill and saw mill com
bined. Will be sold cheap. Inpuire of
Whitestown, Pa.
Interest Begins at Once.
No matter the day you begin deposit
lug your savings in the Pittsburg Bank
tor Savings, No. 210 Fourth Ave. Pitts
burg Pa., it practically begins to draw 4
per cent interest itnmedately, as the
sum- is liegun the first succeeding fifteen
or the first of the month, This is an ad
vantage rarely offered by any other bank
Banking thioitgh the mails is about as
safe as banking in person. Write for
bank for information.
Lots for Sale.
In a thriving town at R. R. station.
Size to suit purchaser. A good opening
for a painter, carpenter and stone mason.
Inquire ai this office.
Notice to Wool-Growers
Messrs. Troutni-i'i's Sons requiting all
the room they have for their own busi
ness, J have changed my location to
Graham :!ros.' grocery store, just across
the street from my old location with
Troutman's, where 1 will be glad to see
all mv former wool friends, assuring
them of fair treatment, and the market
price 111 cash for their wool. Trouttnans
wish to state ll.at they have gone out of
the wool-buying business altogether
WM. P. Rumukrghh
—For bargains in valuable and desir
able residences inquire of Walker & Mc-
—New Spring and Summer goods ar
riving every day 1 pricis much BELOW
ples Store.
Letters testamei'.ary 011 the estate of
Robert Trimble, Esq., 't«-c'd., late of
Middlesex twp., Butler Co.. I'a., having
been granted to the undersigned, all
person* knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment and any having claims against
said estate will present tlicm duly au
thenticated for settlement to
Flick I*. 0.,
W. A. DENNY, Butler Co.,Pa
Mcjuiikin &. Galbreath, Att'ys.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Sarah Jane Cranmer, dee d., (widow of
(srael Cranmer, dec'd.,) late of Centre
twp., llutler Co., I'a.. having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment,
and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
J. D. MeJI'NKIN, Ex'r.,
Butler, Pa.
Subscribe lor the Ciiizen.
Our Method
Doing Business
We hope will merit youi
patronage. Ours is not the
only store in Butler, but
we uo try to make it such
a place to buy your nrugs
and medicine as to win
your confidence and secure
your patrouage. Do not
U come to our store tor cheap
drugs. We don't keep
them. Nothing but the
best fiuds a place in our
store ami every article
bearing our name is guar
. anteed to be just as repre
! senteil or you can get your
noney back. We buy the
best, sell the best, keep
the best and lecommend
the best It is this meth
od that lias brought to
our store a large and de
sirable patronage. If ycu
have never dealt at our
store we would be pleased
to have you call. We try
to k_"ep everything that is
likely to be called for in
our line, but if we should
not have what you want we will frankly
I tell yon so and will be pltased to get it
; fou you at the earlies possible moment.
;We give you what you want, No substi*
Utions permitted. Let us fill your
. prescriptions Respectfully,
C. N. Boyd , DRUGGIST.
| Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
Estate of Isaac Hepler, late of Oakland
■ township, deceased, n-lice is lieieby
glvt n that letters of administration upon
| the i state of .=aid decedent have been
; granted to the undersigned. All persons
indebted to the said estate are requested
to make payment, and those having
claims or demands against the same will
in ike them known without delay to
I. B. HF.I'I.HR,
Carbon Center, I'a.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
John Sipe, dec'd., 'ate of Clearfield twp.,
Butler county, Pa., having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment, and
any having claims against said estate
will present them, properly autenticated
for settlement to
Coylesv.lle, Pa.
betters of administration on the estate
of Emma Shrader, dec'd., late of Butler
borough, Butler Co., Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will please make immediate pay
ment,and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly authenticat
ed for settlement to
W. B. SHRADER, Adm'r.,
Butler, Pa.
W. D. BRANDON, Att'y.
Letters testamentary on the estate cf
Isaac Kepple, dec'd, late of Fairview
township, Butler county, Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
the same will present them for settle
ment to
WM. L. KEPI'LE, Ex'r.,
P-nnli.tilU, i>~.
C. WALKER, Att'y.
Whereas, letters of administration have
been issued to me the undersigned in the
estate of William A. Anderson, late of
Middlesex township, Butler county, Pa.,
dec'd., notice is hereby given to all
persons indebted to the said decedent to
call and settle, and all persons having
claims against the same will please pre
sent them duly authenticated for piy
Administratrix of
Flick, Butler Co., Pa.
S. F. & A. L. BOWSER, Att'ys.,
Butler, Pa.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Margaret J. Mcßride, dec'd, late of Mid
dlesex township, Butler county, Fa.,
having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them, duly pro
bated, for settlement to
Bakerstown, Pa
Letters testamentary on the estate of
John S. Love, dec'd, late of Clinton twp.,
Hutler county, I'a., having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment, and
any having claims against said estate
will present them duly probated for
settlement to W. 11. LOVE, Ex'r.,
Riddles X Roads, Pa.
W. D. BRANDON, Att'y.
Letters of administration on the estate
ol Harriet Thompson, dec'd., late of Clay
twp Butler Co., I'a., having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all person* know
ing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment,
and any liavirg claims against said estate
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
R. C. THOMPSON, Adm'r.,
Elora, I'. O.
W. C. Fijjdi.RV, Att'y.
Letters of administration C. T. A. 011
the estate of Nancy C. Stewart, dec'd.,
late of Centre twp., Butler Co., I'a., hav
ing been granted to the undeisigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
saiil estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
saiil estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to.
Admr. C. T. A.,
Mt Chestnut, Pa.
J. I). Mcjunkin, Att'y.
Letters U&tameutary 011 tile will of
Kicbatd G. Nelson, late of Middlesex
township, Butler county, Pennsylvania,
dec'd., having been granted by the Reg
ister of said county to the undersigned
Executors thereof. Therefore all persons
knowing themselves indebted to the
estate of said deceased are requested to
make speedy payment, and those having
claims against said estate can present
them properly authenticated for settle
ment to
11. M. PARKS, /
T. A. I'ARKS, Executors,
li. Mcjunkin Att'y. Glade Mills, Pa.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Matthew Thrower, dec'd., late of Clinton
'.wp.. Butler Co., Pa., having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment,
and any having c'aims against said estate
will present them, properly authenticat
ed for settlement to
Thomas A. Throw kr,
John E. Thrower, J-;x'rs.,
Saxonburg, I'a.
R ai.ston A: Gki-i.k. Att'ys.
Insurance and Real Estate
117 lv. JEFFERSON.
That is a settled fact. )
\ Where shall yon buy \
r them is a question in- t
# vo'ved. It admits of but t
\ one answer. Buy where as- \
r sortment is largest and your f
j fancy can be best suited. Bny \
V where quality is first considered f
r . «ilh the firm. Buy where yon are X
1 confident you can get honest goods at /
X lowest prices. Look to us for the new S
r fall styles in Men's Suits and Overcoats. C
I J Vou Know our regulation as leaders. We've f
N never disappointed you in giving you the latest S
r and best at the lowest prices, and we won't do it \
J now. Look around and see if the price we r
N offer these Suits and Overcoats at can be match- S
/ ed even on quabties infe/ior to ours We think i
J not. Stop anywhere in our range of orices and your J
V selec'ion wi'l be a good one. Everyone is a prize winner. C
£Shaul &• Nast, >
St.. c
- ~~ M
M Our Line of Fall and Winter
ml Clothing is now in our Shelves. n
To many of our patrons, this announcement
k 1 is sufficient, but for the benefit of those who YA
do not know us yet we will say, come in to
see us, we want to get acquainted with you 7A
VA and in addition to that show you the hand- kj
somest and best line of clothing, hats and W2
VA men's furnishings in Butler, don't take our kf
L™ word foi it, come and see for yourselves, we
WA will show you up-to-date goods at moderate
Lw prices. ft
and 1599. We are better prepared thai: ever before to satisfy your wants in
every line of goods we carry. Every department is full to overflowing with
Fall tailor-made Jacket Suit? r _ .
U() YOU Fall up-to-date Collarette? _ YVft
Fall up-to-date Rothschild Jacket? j
VV/ o |l4- Fall up-to-date Plush or Velvet Cape? I I-I n \ r(±
Fall up-to-date Boucle and Cloth Cape? ( HclVv
r| ' I ' a " ' atest st y' es at or Bonnet? j
Is worth your special attention, as we are showing the grandest assortment of fine
Dress Goods ever displayed in Butler. Stock consists ol fine Black Ore pons—don't
fail to ask to see our Crepons; they are exclusive in quality and design and by far
the handsomest and largest assortment ever shown; a full line of Broad Cloths,
Venetian Cloths, Covert Cloths. Vigereaux, Henriettas and Serges; also, the most
beautiful assortment of Novelty Dress Goods and Individual Dress Patterns we have
ever shown you
We must not forget to mention our complete stock of Calico, Fleeced
Wrapper Goods, Doaiets and Outing Flannels, Muslin and Ginghams, Blankets,
Flannels, Yarns, and Cheviots. As usual, you will find our prices less and quality
better in all staple lines than other houses. Don't forget, we have Lace Curtains,
a cut order Carpet Department—the only one in Butler, and a fine Art Department.
Sole Agent for Standard Patterns and Designer.
Fall Footwear.
J t presents an opportunity for economical buying that nobody can afford to
miss. This store is crowded with the newest of new styles selected with experienc
ed cap- as to quality, good taste as to style, and generous prodigality as to variety
It is
The Right Place
To get the Right goods
At the Right Prices.
With the best of everytliine the new season brings and prices down to the low
est jjoint ever named for honest goods, we expect a share of your patronage be
cause you cannot afford to pass us by.
See our Jamestown (N. V.) Shoes in We want all parents in Butler county to
Boy's and Youths' high-cut, copper- see our Children's School Shoes. They
tipped two soles and tap cut from are not equalled in point of style, dur
cuoice whole stock; best shoes in ability or price in Butler. Have them
Butler in kip, oil grain, kangaroo and crack-
Men's high-cut box and plain toe Shoes proof calf, liongola and box-calf; hand
and Hoots, cut from veal, kip, oil grain some styles, fashioned ou the newoot
and kangaroo calf. models. They will please you.
Women's, Misses's and Children's Shoes, We are leaders in P.nbber and Felt
hand-pegged and standard in kid, un- Goods of all kinds. Our goods are ill!
lined oil grain, kangaroo anc crack- I fresh, made to our order; no old job
proof calf will) tips or plain toe; all lots to run off; prices same that otheis
widths, Ato K, button or lace. No «sk for job lots. See us before yon
better goods made; they are warranted buy.
whole stock and water-proof.
iiutler's Leading MUM* IIOUSM. 1 . opposite Hotel Low
i FA1919 OP6NING! t
<) #
<3ept. 29, 30, Oct. Ist J
# You are Cordially Invited to Attend. m
ija S. <dAIN ST., Butler. *