TkE CiTiZfcN. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER «, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE—AII advertisers lntendinir to make ehan?es in their art*, should notify us ol their intention to do so. not later than Mon fiay morninit. Pape's Fall Millinery Administrators' Notice. Estate of Isaac Hepler. Notice, D. L. Cleeland Zimmerman s Early Fill Bargains Douthett & Graham's Fall and Win ter clothing Central Hotel. Administrators and Executors of estates ran >«y-ure their rectipt buoks at the CITI ZK.N offiee. and persons making public sales th sir note books. LOCAL AND GENERAL, NOTICE. During the next few weeks we will send ont quite a number of bills for subscriptions due, and hope oar friends will respond promptly as we need the money. —Fall Millinery. - Early Fall Buying —No Place lilce Home. —Fall and Winter Clothing. - No frost "on the pnnkin" these mornings. —Races at the Fair ground this afternoon —Yon can make a pun on every month ex-September. —lt is possible to b? right and at the axwr. time disagreeable. —Two-thonsand kids attend school in Butler—and then there's some. —Somebody ought to get up an "Elderberry Excursion" to Branchton. —A Warren man named his infant daughter Manila Phillippie. The child died. —The graded school at Bruin, (ac cording to report; was not opened Monday. —There is this to nay in their favor— that the people who talk too much do not have rnach to say. —lt's high time that a certain pas senger car on th e Bessie aud P. & W. be given its "annual bath.'' —Tbe skating record has been surpas' sei by the bicycle, the latter now being the fastest manpower means of travel - in?. —Gool markmanshp at the ballot box is jost as essential to national safety at gx»d markrnanship in the army and navy. —The world will never become so wise bat men will stick their fingers in the fire and hope they may somehow escape being burned. —A cooking authority says that a few grains of salt sprinkled on coffee be fore the water is added will bring out and improve the flavor. There's a new play on the road call ed "A Hired Girl;" and a friend informs us that about fifty, good, hiied-girls are needed in Butler immediately. —There is a plant, it is said, that is never touched by insects, and that is tansy. If you rub a horse over with a handful of it before taking him on the road, it is claimed that flies will not tnoch him. Try it. —To avoid the danger of lockjaw in cua of wottn 1 from a ru-tty nail orsimi larhirts. aa g i ir.iate<M a remely, always at h»nl aa 1 never fail ing. It is simply to smoke the woan d with wxrien. Twenty minutes of smoking will take the piin out of the wjrU CAsa of inflauim ition arising from tie wounds. - A little neighbor of Admiral Samp. toa in Glen N, Y., is naturally conversant with naval affairs. The other day in studying her Sunday School lesson something was sai r j abont Sampson being the strouges man She looked up wonderingly. "Why" she said. "I did not know Simpson was the strongest now; I thought it was Dewey." —Down in the barber shop, the other day, a man was telling of his experience at the "Kittanning Fair." The place was full of games of chance. He noticed one faker who had a ricketty pin-wheel on an old table, and showed a few dimes and pennies, a few hours after he had piles of dollars, halves and quarters on the table, and by evening the table hardly held the money piled upon it . That night, at the hotel, when he went npstairs he found poker games with an abundant supply of lienor?, going on all around him. and he went downstairs again and slept in a chair in a quiet corner, —Under a decision of the Treasury Department promulgated lately it is required that a ten cent stamp be pla ced on marriage certificates IJy this is meant the certificate given the con tracting parties. The certificate re turned to the Clerk of the Conrt by the clergyman or the Justice of the Peace is exempt, but the clergyman must note on the return he mnkes to the office the fa -t that the ten cent stamp was prop erl> affixed to the original certificate. The reverses a former decision made by Commissioner Hcott. Persons who have been married since July 1 would do well to secure a documentary stamp and place it npon their marriage certiti cites. —lt is related of a certain clergymarj Jn Kdinburg that V was so easeful of his quotations and so fearful of the charge of plagiarism that once in ad dressing the Diety he surprised the congregation by saying "And thou knowest, dear Lord, tljat, to (mote a writer in a late number of the ly Review," etc. This is in the same class with the story told of a certain professor of moral philovipy at Har vard, who, when called npon to officiate at morning chapel in place of the col lege preacher, being somewhat rattled, pulled himself together and began dis creetly: 'Paradoxical, thont(h it may ap pear, O Ix<rd, it is nevertheless true,'' ft/ tine ot the boys, who recently left Chickamaui<a for the new camp at Lex ington, Ky., says that the following was one of thp songs irj < "Backward, {lll7l kwafd. oh time, iu your Right, feea me op gfup again jnst f(>T a ni»?ht; I am so weary of sole leath «cfsteak, petrified hardtack a sledg? •sjiilil not liMak, tomatoes and ixians in a watery liath, salt pork as strong as Goliath of Oath , weary of starving on what 1 can't eat, chewing up rnblier and calling it meat Backward, turn ba-kwarfl, for weary I am, give me a whack at my grandmother's jam; let me drink milk that has never iw**n skimmed, let me eat bntter whose hair l-as been trimmed let me have once tiiore an old fashioned pie, then I'll l.e fiAy U> (to 'Sopth and die. " \Tork. If you want Posters, If yon want Circulars If you want Sale Bills. If yon want Envelopes. If yon want Bill Heads. If yon want Price List- If yon want Statements. If yon want Note Heads. If yon want Letter Heads. If yon want Address Cards, If yon want Business Cards. If yon want Invitation Cards. I' yon want any kind of Printing done call at the CITIZEN office. —Maryland farmers in institute as sera hied have decided npon "Black Eved-Susan as the State flower. —The Cameron Clemens Co. is play iag to good houses this week. Don't forget the Saturday afternoon matinee. —Up at Elora last Friday there was a race between a man on a bike and a horse, and the horse would have won (as he was gaining at the end of the first mile* but the man on the bike was rauuii enough to desert it and run into the woods. He was not afraid of the horse but he was very anxions to get away from the constable in the buggy behind the horse Tbe man lives near Mil lerstown. but on acconnt of various misdoings has been hiding in the woods near the stone-house for a month or two J and he got into the habit of taking an evening ride on his bike past Elora. Constable Glenn of West Snnbnry set a trap for him at the store there, but it miscarried on account of his assistant not being on the lookout, and then he jumped into his buggy and pursued his man, with the result as stated, and the e>nstable now has a good bike on his hands which the owner can have by cilling for it in person. —Last Monday the b»ys and girls started to school again after a va • ition of four months, during which time most of thetn were running wild, ac cumulating health and vigor to help them with their studies. They have had a long rest, an l the little boys will be delighted to resume their places in school. They have no doubt looked forward to it with eager expectation. Boys are naturally very fond of school. Realizing, as they all do. that their ability to serve the race—to be useful to their country and a credit to Ihem- selves —i" entirely a matter of intellect ual culture and development, boys of all ages and conditions almost fall over themselves to get t > school. A b >y's happiness and position in life depends absolutely upon his brain power If he is ignorant and uncouth.'and competent to perform only the coarser kinds of lal«or, he will be slighted, neglected and humiliated at every turn in life. That is perhaps the reason why almost all boys are so anxious to go to school, and so economical of time when they are there. Kcmioii. The Annual Reunion of the Bth Pa., Heavy Artillery will l>e held inG. A. R Hall, New Ca.<t'e Pa., Wednesday Sept 2i, vm. All comrades and friends are cordi ally invited to be present. Sj>ecial rates on all railroads, leading to New Castle (all that week) on account of the State Convention of the Junior Order of Me chanics. The Regiment will go to Cascade Park in a txxiy in the afternoon. W. C. M'CAN NI-FSs. President. IWICK Til i: \TKK. GOKMAN BKOS., Tt'CHIJAY KVKNING The patrons of the Park Th'-atre have a treat in store for them on Tuesday evening next when the faniors Bros. Gorman, John, James and George will present their cxernci atinglv funny farce comedy Mr. lie me from Bos on, Since lai-t cten here. Mr. James Gorman has re written the pi»-<e bringing it up to-date. and has also fur nished all new specialties to be intro duced daring the performance. The company engaged is said to be one of tbe best ever seen in farce comedy, and numbers among its members, several specialty artists who have heretofore been seen as headliners in oar big city theatres. Mr. Archie Gillies the clever reconteur, has an entirely new budget of stories and wmgs which have re ceived the highest approbation from the press arid public of the different cities visited by the company while en tonr this season; Mr. Frank Onslow, the famous lyric tenor will introduce a number of the latest jiopnlar hits of the day, Harry Of borne will introduce a specialty entirely original with him, and new to the public at large; Miss. Dorthy Decker, the famous English chansonette. will render several of th<* latest London Music hall bits, Miss Lnella Miller the marvelous soprano, will be heard in a number of operatic selections, and the world famous liar row Sisters, New York's enterprising managers Kost«-r & Rial's latest Euro pean importation, who were engaged for the entire season at the magnifi cent music hull on -'lth St., New York, and engaged for Mr Beane from Bos ton at not only an enormous salary, but for whose released, Mr. James dor man is said to have paid a big bonus, will be seen in their famous Nooyah dance. This dance has been said, has created a sensation wherever it has been presenter! Next Week in Pittsburg Next week th>* Orand Opera House will present DuMaurier's great play of "Trilby". or rather, the book is by I)U- Manrier, and the play by Paul Potter. Notwithstanding the heat, the Grand Opera Houte is Uxing its capacity— simply for the reason that the finest en tertainment is given there and the prices are minimum. "Trilby" will iie the production arid it will require the full strength of the Opera Company. It is to be given with complete scenery and all accessories Miss Collier, will play the title role, and Mr. Jan Wilson, "Svengeli, Mr Beanmont Smith, will appear as the Laird . and Mr Rey nolds, <is "Taffy". Mr. Arthur Gar rels, will play, ' Little Bille The Vaudeville artists ate Rombollo th< Weftv|-r, in Hand who for (> months was the wonder of the Metropolis. A D, Robbiris, trick bicych rider, Bryant and Haville, comedians and musical artists Daniille & Dawson, in their celebrrted dancing creation; May Moo ney the banjo expert Mr Wallace, the hutnan bird. New waf yif-ws will be presented by the Uiograph Mr. Beau mont Smith officiating as the lecturer. A Letter For Iron. Unclaimed letters at the Postofflce at Butler Pa., week ending Sept. sth. Trinulje Allress, Robt J. Black. Miss Minnie Burlier, Josephine Campbell, Miss Birdie ('hantler incare of It. Kmally, Mr. Finch, Jim Gordon incare of Mrs. Mary Shewmakur. Mi Jennie Johnson, Miss Jrntiie Johnson. Yee King Lite. Tomoso MarchiOnola, Mr.*. Si A Martin. Constantino Parento, Mart Peters F E Puff Esq, Bobbie Whitehill, Mrs. Mary Walters. In calling for these letters pleasp say advertised. John W. BkowN. P M \olnnic on Domestic Animals. Avo 1 npie of •">< mi page's, jiving the j treatment, cup ari() carf of domestic ! animals, Horses, Cattle. tvieep, fioi»», I Hogs and Poultry by I)r Fredrick j Humphreys an acknowledged authority > on the subject, the discovery of Humph reys' Veterinary Specifics with which i more animals are treated, cured and I saved, than by any other known system ' of medicine, I This book is sent free on request, by I addressing the Humphreys' Homeopath i<-Medicine Company, Cor William John Sts., New York. —Music scholars wanted, at 128 VV. W*Y Ue 8L LEGAL N K W.N. The SepietiiVr Term ..f Qnarter S« - sions convened Monday. Tfct Consta bl.-s made their returns,a note of which will be found below; the Grand .Tnry was calltd. instructed as to their dnty. Fowler Campbell was appointed fore- On Tnesday morning tbe Grand .Tnry made their fir-t returns and a.- there was au error, they were referred back, corrected and presented as follows: TRITE BILLS. Commonwealth vs John Bart ), fe loneous assault Robt Hopkins, a&b- Wm R..-- larceny: Dr. W. W Lc-her rape: Wmtield Hopkins. a&b: \\ in K Hopkins, a&b; Win M. Cowan. a&b: Harry .Miller, f&b; F. A. Mas-selli, larceny: Yee Sing Lee. enteru.g a store by Chas. and Geo. Riley, a&b; Hugh Elliott, assault an 1 a&b Robert A. Cannon and Ja£ Stevenson, a>-anlt and a&b. Nelson WatM- - .If and a&b: R. J. McMichael. illegal practice of medii*ine W D. MeCnr.e illegal practice of medicine: Henry Foltz. as sault and a&b: and Ph. Winter, f&b. NOT TRUE BILLS. John and Katie Casey, a&b, and county to pay costs: Cha.- Cypaer, a&b, and prosecutor. Saleiu Mattit to pay costs: Chas. Cypher, larceny: Pettr Mc- Gredy, a&b. and county to pay c-jsts. F. >l." Fritz, illegal lirjuor selling, and Butler county to pay costs. NOTES. Dwight E Roger-i was appointed Tax Collector for Karns City. L M. Cochran was appointed guar dian of E. P. Patterson. The Grand Jury approved of a conn- J ty bridge in Winfield twp. Thomas McNair was appointed Bur gess of Butler, vice John T. Myers, de ceased. The cases of the Commonwealth vs Chas, Cypher, f&b, and George Lonitz, a&b, were settled. W. L. Coulter has petitioned for a divorce from his wife, Bertha Coulter, and charges desertion Mrs. Wilhelmina Myers bought the old Christian Otto property in Butler at <J. C. Sale for $2580. A C. Robband.J. H. Robb. adminis trators of Wm. J. Robb. were dire ted to make sale of real estate. Wm. D. Shira was appointed Oyer seer of the Poor of Washington twp. vice Samuel Shira, dee d. J. D. Stroup was appointed Tax Col lector of Valencia, vice Wni. Hofman, removed from the district. I. N. Meals, Howard Pryor and Nor man Glenn were appointed viewers to yiew a road petitioned for in Clay twp. The case of the Com. vs. Hershell Tebay, f<fcb and attempt to procure a miscarriage, was continued to Dec. T. The case of Com. vs Ed. Seaton feloneous a&b, was nettled,and tbe ca-< vs Forg L. Christie desertion was con tinned. Enos Campbell, Geo. E. McGill and Wellington Shira _did not answer to their names when the Grand Jury was called. The of the Commonwealth \s Wilson Stewart for f&b and adultery was settled and settlement approved by the (Jourt. The School District of Washington twp. has petitioned for authority to bor row money for school building pur pose. The new jail is due to be completed next Saturday, the 10th. The contract for the iron and stone work is and the heating, painting, etc. will cost about $.1,000 more. Letters of administration were grant ed to Louise Mangel on estate of Beni. A. Lavery, late of Penn twp : also to I. B Hepler on estate of Isaac Hepler.late of • Oakland twp. The will of Henry Bnbl, Sr. of Zelie nople w*s probated and letters granted to Henry Buhl, Jr. and F. C. Buhl; al-o will of Manas-en Dugan of Clearfield twp. and letters to Stephen Dngan. also will of John B. Maban of Middlesex twp. and letters to R K. Maban. In th>' cases of the Commonwealth vs Edward Russell, illegal practice of med icine, defendant plead guilty and was sentenced to pay a fine of $1 and costs; and K L. Allison, Maine offense, was di rected to pay costs and enter into recog. in the mini of s.;iiO to appear at Decem ber Term. Losing her school and worrying over a mortgage on her property so affected the mind of Mini Mary Kmrick that a commission consisting of Esq. Ander-ton Dr. Pillow. arid Jas. M. Hutchison Ksq. adjudged her insane Monday, and she was taken to the West Perm Hospital that evening. The following fanes have been entered appeals from jndgments rendered l>v Jnstices of the Peace: The Butler Water Co. vs Geo. Arner, Jacob K«*ek, Justice; S. C Ramsey vh Daniel I.arkiri, Adison Itamsey. Justice; S. .1 Allen vs I. M Latchaw, Henry Neice, Jnstice; E. Kirsheer vs Lewis Gantz et al. J F. Shannon. Justice Elizabeth Collins vs George Humphrey et. al. W. A. Flem inn, Justice. A N. Craurner vs Ame'ia Tebay and Milton Tebay, A. It Thump son. Justice. H A. Stauffi-r vs \V»-11.-, Fargo Co., It. B. Gilghrist, Justice. The constable of Jefferson township reports road left in bad shape by K. R at or near Frazier's mill, and a rule was issued, the constable of Venango town ship report some roads as badly wash* <1 the constable of West Snnbury reports the streets and side walks as not being in a good condition: the constable of Clinton township reports some and roads in barf shape; the constable of Allegheny township reported two bas tard children; the constable Bsttt? borough, sth ward, reports one bastard child; the constables of Perm, ''lay, Harrisville bore, Franklin, Lancaster, Evans City, Slipperyrock, Jackson, Cranberry, Forward, Connoqneriessing l>oro, Butler biro, 4th ward. Winfield, Concord an<l Marion townships repor. side walks, roads and bridges as need ing repairs. The foresterv act of IHiiT provides that owners of timber land that shows 50 trees to the acre measuring H inches in diameter at a distance of ti feet from the ground shall be entitled to a rebate of HO per cent on the valuation of the land The <x>mmissioners did riot make any provisions to uieyt th»' iVquhvments of the act and some of the land owners are demanding the rebate 011 their taxes and threaten to make trouble if they don't get, it The commissioners propose a method of procedure that will prove a surprise to the land owners. For many years tl|c assessors' rjjtnrii"; of farm lieen short and there are thousands of acres in the comity from which not one cent of taxes is received. In one town ship alone the shortage amounts to more than 3,000 acres. The commissioners propose t'i have each owner of timber land making a claim for the benefits of the forestry act make a survey of his land and file a draft of the same, with the number and locution of the trees marked ori it, and these surveys v,ill he compared v.illi assessors returns It is expected that the county will gain enoUgh to more than pay the rebate HHKKII'K'H SANK. On Friday and Saturday the SherilJ sold all the rij»Lt, iitle, interest and claim of. ph Sherman and Barbara E. Slier man to Keystone B. A L Asso. lot in Butler for SIOO John Larrimore to Alex Mitchell M 5 acres in Onklnndfpr $lO pyda M find II II * raven . to Lizzie Iluiiirfffr lot in Mars foi *'ss James K Thorn to W. H. Lusk lot in ! Butler for $lO. Niehlas Weitzel to VV E. Weigle # acres in Beady for MIO; two lots of same in West Lilierty to Kalston tic (ireer f<»r slsl and SSO lot of same in | W Lilierty to Alex Mitchell for S4O lot jof same in w Lilierty to W. <' llawn j for two lots of same in W. Lilier , t;y to Itnlston ,v Oreer for if 17 and s.'<l j John M Louden to John' Berg \ Co, M Nor fin t«» \\ \i lirautlon • IMTI'M in < >akland for |ls. liauanh C. Abcruathy to Kulaton <fc Greer 4 pieces in ( entrevuie and \\«-rt«• twp for s!;!<>. $lO2. >lo and s."l Milo L. and Martha D Sank- \ I ' B. Heuninger property in <'horf-v tor fUT", A. E. Harper to XV. 11. Ltisk three pieces in Jackson twp. and Harmony for s3l and sl3. I N. Bryson et al to Penn'a. S. F. & I. As«o, ? re in Slippery rock for sso On Monday the following .-siles were made: T. J. and Margt. Montgomery to Chas. Duffy lot in Bntler for #4oo 11. C. Aggers to Citizens Bank 20 acres in Forward for ?stM>. All other writs were returned or ad journed. PROPERTY .TRANSFERS. L B Sny der to < > L Sn\ der 4* sen - in Centre for ?siiO. M Wahl S A Graham lot in Evans City for S3OO. N K'.rcher to J:*s Baker <>«.» acres in Brad v for SISOO. E J .Sanderson to P D Russell lot in Karns City lor ~ 1 < n». j John C Brown to Jos. E. Franklin lot in Bntler for^isoo. Marriage Licenses. W. W. Seidel Allegheny Anna Whittaker Evans City Victor K. Phillijs Butler Mary M Lusk " Chas Roettig Jefferson twp Lena E. Wilson Saxoubarg 1 Martin Scanlon Butler I Caroline Huff : Frank Kilev Clestifield twp Maggie Bergbigler Summit twp | Daniel C. McCarthy Pittsburg i Annie C Norns North Oakland Wm. A. Elder Donegal twp Carrie I. Bruner J. M. Elliott Centre twp Nannie Mcßride Franklin twp L. A. Hite Batler Eni t Stoner Euclid Ed. Kemper Butler Teresa Geibel Chas. J Conner Pittsburg Jossie M Black Butler Abraham White Greensburg Emm;> Tucker Butler M irtin L Sarreu 1 Harrisville M'iry A. Vandyke " John Fehl Forward Twp Cora Root Bntlen At Kittanning. E. S Barn hart and Florence Stover of Butler to. also fas. A C hristy and Stella Garner of Butler Co. ACCI DENTS. Th.-y had a target-shooting stand at the Parker Fair, last week, and one of thi- stray balls hit Miss cAnna Kelly, daughter of James Kelly of Parker, ,inr-t back of her right tar, killing her in stantly. Miss Kellv was a lout 15 years of ajje. 1. 11. Sloan, the rig Imild. r met with an odd accident last week- lie was carrying some tools over his shoulder, and among them a sharp, double-bitted ax, when the ax slipped down his back and cut a deep and long gash in the calf of his right leg. Wm. Otto of Bntler fell from the cars at Beltane, Ohio, while going West to yisit friends, and was badly hurt, hut his injuries were not serious and in a few hours he resumed his journey. One of the men working on the new railroad was run over by the construe lion train, Tuesday, and had an arm crushed, scalp cut. and two ribs broken Dr. J. J. Schultis fixed him up, and took him to the new Hospital, and thinks he will recover. Ol I, SOU'S. It's Mill dollar oil. JKFFKRSON CKN'TRE Frazier & Co'U well on the Kornxiuiphf began pumping Snnday and is estimated at fifty I ar rels RKN I'ltK.u Coe & Humphrey's new well on the Humphrey is doing •'>" bbjs. K V. Kigney. of Kurns, has a well on the Humphrey due this week DKEI! CKKKK T W Phillips struck another go <d, sth wander, in the Deer Creek field last week. Gel 1 > >lmrg- Washington The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has arranged for two five day person ally conducted tours from Buffalo, Kr:e, Pittsburg, and principal interuif - diate ]«iints. to Gettysburg and uash inuton. on October IT and N'ovemher 7. Round trip tickets, including trans portatiou, Pullman berth in each direc tiun, hotel accommodations and car riage drive over the battlefield at Get tysburg, and hotel accommodations at Washington in short, all necessary ex penses will be sold at rate of $25 <'o from Suspension Bridge. Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, and intermediate stations on the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad; $24 00 from Elmira; 4)25.00 from Eric? and Corry; £2I "(I from Williarnsport; Pittsburg and Altoona, and proportion ate rates from other points. Ticket* will also be good to return on regular trains until October 27 and No vernber 17, but without Pullman accommodation l ". Descriptive itineries and full infor (nation can be obtained of Ticket Agents; B. P Fraser. PasKt-riger Agent Buffalo, N' Y.; E. S. Harrar, Division Ticket Ag< nt, Williamsport, Thos. E. Watt, Passenger Agent Western I'is lri> t, Pittsburg or <'eo. W. Boyd, A -istant General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia Sunday llvi'iir.HioiiK In Allrglicin Commencing Sunday May 22nd and; until further notice the Pittsburg and Western It. R will sell excursion tick ets to Allegheny every Sunday for train leaving Butler 8:15 A. M. city time good to return on afternoon trains date of sale. Fair for round trip 7~> cents. if you want a Bicycle or your old one repaired go to White Walter & Co. largest slock in County. Ilieyclen for hire. Saxings Should Earn I'oiir Per < cut. Some people save money by hiding it, but it earns them nothing. Don't save moncv unless it earns you 4 jier c nt. Keeping money out of circulation tiy hoarding it injures business. Save in stead in the Pittsburg Hank for Savings, No. 201 Fourth avenue l'itt .hur.;, l-il, where each dojljir will tarn you ,J per cent, interest; compounded semi-annu ally. Write for now to bank by mail TIMBER. For blank applica'ions and instructions how to apply for reduction of iper cent, of taxe , op limber fnnds semi 25 cents to |A. lil'.vi|KHK & S»NH, Civil Engineers, Butler, Pa. Stray llogs. < '.IIIIIH to the premises of t lie subscriber in JelTerson twp.. near Fra/.ier's Mill on or aliont August Nth, IMW" white br<> I «ow, ."rid iliiei. large shouts two and or» l black, all sows The owner is requested to f or . ward prove property, pay charges and take them away, otherwise they will lie disposed of according to law WK. llh'.tNl" \ >i. oaxonbhrg P I>. Pa' For A Musical Education. The Pennsylvania College or Music formerly Mcadville Conservatory of Music , has been entirely recognized and placed under the direction of Ilerr Felix Ileiuk, for three years past musi cal director of the l/tica (N. Y.) Con servatory of Music, a noted pianist, singer and teacher of voice and piano. Me is assisted hy a very able corps of teachers, two of whom have had the best American and European training. Hie College offers a musical education at very moderate rates of tuition, and vi ry cheap living, in one of the most beautiful and cultivated college cities of the country. Everyone .nlcre .ten in a musical tid 11 atlon should send for th" new catalogue jus'. ! A.ii'-d. Trnr begin September 6th. Address Pennsylvania , College of Music. Meadvllie, Pa., I mentioning this paj>er. li ' rui: faiii. D Summer ends for the tils when r school begins, and for grown-up people, and the rest of mankind with the an e r nual Fair. After that the wind begins blowing - over th»- oats the fr< -t comt> 'onth - pan kin and the girl- begin 1 sinking "when the ro-es come again." Down nt the Fair Grounds, the quilts and pictures are again hanging in Floral II;. 11; the ; -,:mpkius and plants are in lite in Vegetable Hall; the roosters are i crowing in the little coops: thr- pigs are granting in their pen- the cattle and sheep stand and lie in meek siibmi-siun to the inevitable; the organs of th s merry g.i rounds are grinding out their t uses the pr -prietors of th.- eating and ' drinking places art sianding-by in eager , expectancy; the hoises are running ' around the track, and everybody and j ' everything is waiting for the crowd : , which the rain of today 1 Wednesday 1 ' may keep away. ! Best of all the flags are Hying in every ■ lam-- and they are to be left flying till j "Johnny comes inarching home." The 15th is to be k I —ed and dismissed on | the Midway. ' ~~L 1 'j Wt were down there Tuesday eve ning, when Bill Ensminger and a lot cf i 1 smart ladies were hanging up things in , I Floral Hall, and occasionally stopping • to be weighed and measured on Martin I court & Co. s machine Jim McMarlin and Tom White were arranging the husked pumpkins and striped potatoes in agreeable sets; Hazlett was patching j up a quarrel between his ducks and Leghorns; Freebling was petting his handsome sheep; the big pigs were sleeping and the little pigs were suck ing: Doc was patting a han 1* cue horse, the kids were munching and rid ing; the old folk-* were gabbling; and 1 the black birds were warbling It was the same old Fair. Let us hope that the rain will pass off 1 , and that all Bntler county will be here ] 't<«lay to see it and each other. NOTES. J. N. Hazlett, of Carbon Black, has 1-15 varieties of land and water fowl on j exhibition. A. Fre< hling <S: Son. of Carbon Black have a splendid display of Cheviot ' •keep , Clll IM II NOTES The W. C T U. of Springdale held a combined Business meetiog and basket . picnic at the home of Mr. C. B. Conway j on the Berg farm, on the afternoon and , evening of August 2ttth, which wsawell , attended. Devotional exereises were he-Id, followed-Ly reports of superintend- , ants of departments and appointing | delegates to County convention at Mars, refreshments were served. At Concord church in Concord town ship last Friday evening, a farewell meeting was held in honor of Rev. W M. Campbell and wife who started next day for Hsiuan. China, where they are to act as missionaries. The church was crowded and addresses were made hy several. Wanted. A home for a l>ov, eight years of age. Inquire of Mr, < (*. Christie Secv of Children* Aid Society, .YW North Main Ht. Butler, Pa. Grand Voting Contest. As the school year approaches, many of onr young readers will be deciding what school to attend, and the follow ing offer made by the Butler Business College will prehaps help you t«i decide the jirohlem. Two free scholarships are offered as per rules below, allowing ample time to graduate, giving you your choice of courses, all for a small effort on the part of the contestants. You cannot afford to ignore this offer. opportunities like this are not offered every day, this is your opportunity. Any one who complies with the rules may enter the contest. Business edu cation has the sanction of such men as Hon. Lyman Gage, himself a graduate of n business college, and to which he a'tributes his success, Hon. John Wan amiiker, Robert Bnrdette, Charles Reade, Hon. Charles Foster, and many others we could name of world wide reputation. No matter whether you live in the city or the country, you have a splendid opportunity to succeed Read the rules carefully. 1. Each weekly paper published in Butlef publish one coupon each week, beginning August Usth. and < >n tinning until Oct. 15th, and contestants will collect these coupons and send them in, in packages of 100 Each con testant will also agree to get as many paid-np yearly subscriptions as he or she possibly can for any or each of the Bntler weekly papers, viz. The Crn/.KN, Eagle, Times, Record, and Democratic Herald, and each subscrip tion shall count as ti'iiclt a* ooupons Only new subscribers will bu allowed to count in this contest. Yon are not confined to any one paper; subscriptions to any or all of the papers named will count 200 votes each, to the one turning them in. 2 Write your name plainly on all coupons yon send in. and forward all subscriptions apd coupons to William I", Wilson, Principal Butler Business College, Bntler, Pa Write all names and postoHice addresses plainly, and ir: dicate plainly the papers suhsc.ritied for :< To the person receiving the largest number of votes, a nine months scholar ship in the Butler BnsinesH College will be awarded, in either Commercial or Shorthand courses, allowing ample time to graduate. To the person receiving the neit highest number of yoten a six month's scholarship will lie awarded 4 Contes'ants should communicate with Prof. Wilson immediately, and he will forward further instructions and information by mail. Remember that each subscript ion turned in for any 01 the papers named will count you 200 votes, and securing subscribers will he the <|iiicke t and -ure-,t v;i, cm d (Jet m the field e.uiy. secure the aid of * u { friend' and tarn one < ( f these schelarjhipe worth at least ssii COUPON. Please credit this coupon to P. O Aecount of Butler Business College Scholarship Contest. 0 O -Arc you niid in need of rest ami uuietf Hotel Ki<ler, Can.ln idge Springs, is the p'ace for you. All the comforts of home together with the best medicinal waters known. A week's sojourn will make you ten years er. Write for circular* Of Interest to You. Parties wishing to engage in the livery business, 1 all on Walker .V McElvniil foi location and outfit /\uyo.four readers needing jras stoves or gas ranges, gas fronts or arty gas sav lug appliance will find it a financial sav ing to call at the "tore of y/. |—| O'Brien & Son "" l ast jei;. r .on m and gel prices 6h the » ttensive line they have 011 exhibition. They fare also J gents for the celebrated VV'elsbach Light, of which more than 1200 were old in Butler, last year. |f*\ir HUE SI'RINC, WAT ICR ICE 11 delivered to all part ot th< 1 \J ders a. RICHK.CS KAKRRY 142 Main St. We have 21 large S. flags -Are V«u going to put one on > a;r Striding? Send hi /e and ask for price bhuniuu .t tSrou., 414 Wood St., I'ittsburg, Pa. PEILSON VI . Foi. "t Mnt >- home from i>hi< W.J Bla< k has imrrtHl from Har mony to Bntler. Joseph Fleming of (Hinton twp was in town. Monday W E. Cooper, of Worth twp was in town yesterday. Fred Roe—ing and Will Sutton of Co. E are home on furlough. Miss Boyd of Tarentnm is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C N Loyd. ; J. N Mnntz and family have retnrn . e-.t from Conneaut Lake E. A. Watson, of Isle, is dangerously ill with typhoid malaria Ed Livingstone and liobt. Adams of Co. E. are home on furloughs Will Podds and wife have moved from New Castle to Prospect. Milton Muder, of Saxonbnrsr, went to Stippcrvrock Normal. Monday. ; Thomas B McNair is now Lord Mavor of Bntler. and he IT cars a No. S hat. Theo. A Niggle and Fred. Zimmer man went to Slipperyro.-k Normal. Monday. | II C. Welsh of Browns-lale. and J. L Sea ton of Euclid were in town, last Thursday. El-worth Murphy, of the Building Inspector's office. Allegheny, and wife are the gr.ests of J. 11. Reiber. 11l 1:. Thomas W Phillips has been appointed a member of the Industrial Commission by President McKinley Will T. McNair. of Pittsburg, one of the survivors of the disaster to the battleship Maine, is visiting friends in Butler. Hon. John Dindinger. of Zelienople, was in town on business Monday. Clarence and his family left for Omaha next day. 11. ('. Montgomery of Clinton twp , attended the Institute, last week. He is executor of his father Jno. Montgom ery. deed. John Webb, of Branchton, was in town, Tuesday. He has nearly recover ed from his accident. The K. R. Co. settled promply for the team, wagon, and his own injuries. Frank Killen, of Battery K. 4tli Pa Artillery, returned home Sunday. He was discharged on account of ill health, Frank is from Washington, Pa , but has been employed about the Central. < 'urtis Phillips, of Mars, was in town Monday. He has never yet found that Beagle hound that ran away from the Kidd farm, and will still pay a reward for his return. Not ice. A man who calls himself an optician, aurl who says his name is Brown, is travelling over this county selling spec tacles (as lam informed)on my reputa tion. I will say that I don't know the man, never met him that 1 know of and have had no dealings with him whatever. Respectfully D. L. CLEELAND. Optician. County Fairs. Butler September*! Greenville—September 7 !♦. Clarion —September 20 23. Stonlxiro Septei.liter 20-23. Mead ville - September 27 -30. Mercer September 27-29. Greensburg September 27 30. Ask your physician if he does not think a sojourn at Cambridge Springs would do you good. If you need rest and nature's tonic, good mineral water, he will answer, "Yes." Hotel Rider of fers accomodations etjua' to the best. Send for circulars. The Fall term of Grove City College will begin Tuesday, September 13th. l-'or catalogue address the President, ISAAC C. KBTI.HR. For Sale, A good chop mill and .s*w mill com bined. Will be sold cheap. Inpuire of GREER MCCANDI.ESS, Whitestown, Fa. Lota for Sale. In a thriving town at R. R. station. Size to suit purchaser. A good opening for a painter, carpenter and stone mason. Inquire at this office. Notice to Wool-Growers. Messrs. TroutniHU's Sons requiting all the room they have for their own busi ness, I have changed my location to Graham Bros.' grocery store, just across the street from my old location with Troutman's, where I will l>e glad to see all mv former wool friends, assuring them of fair treatment, and the market price in cash for their wool. Troutmans wish to state they have gon«* out of the wool-buying business altogether WM. F. RUMIIERC.ER For bargains in valuable ami dealt able residences inquire of Walker & lie. HI vain. -New Spring and Summer (goods ar riving every day (prices much BELOW I,AST YEARS PRICKS,) .at The Peo ples Store. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Lclle»s testamentary on the eatate of Robert Trimble, Esq., dee'd., late of Middlesex twp., butler Co., I'a., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to S. C. TRIMBLIi, Flick p. 0., W A,. DENNY, Hutler Co.,Fa Executors, Mcjunkin & Galbreath, Att'ys. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. I.etters testamentary on the estate uf Sarah Jane Craniner, dec d., 1 widow of Israel Craniner, dee'd., t late of Centre twp., Hutler Co., F;\. having been grant ed io the undersigned, all pcuous know ing themselves indebted to said estati will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to J. I) V. JI'NKIN, Bt't. Put let. pa. SUMMER RESORTS f, ' CONNEAUT LAKE. : Exposition Hotel n Hotel Mantor, F. M. LOCKWOOD, I 4. Butler's nearc -.1 Summci Resort -f -l- 4- > Good bathing and fish;nfc. 1 -1- arv' Summer Resort - Amusements. I' 1 I-" if* i': ' : ' i-' '' ! ♦ 1 BEDFORD SPRINGS HOTEL. Bedford, Pa. THE < A Itl.SllA l» Ol AMKUIt \. Opi-u fr«»tn Jll nc 'St t'» Octolivr I. vvMli In crrjisi-fl uttrsiftiotiH, n. k^nifl'< Ki yolf link**. ;in«l OIM* <if tfinest ItowUntf 'ill* v • l»i MM countrj Tiu WAtorN "f Bedford nra Ihe , 1 . •f. .ij v« And '■i• ••» 11 •*1 In iii« if or Id I'm* Irnih iififl iHNiUh't .hI«Im hs J. T. A I/Mr. Siifn riiiH-mli'iil. ARANDALE HOTtL. Bedford Springs, Bedford, Pa Will njM'ii .111 ii« lit, Jtl j opulit' j»»i' * ■». Hi** ly IIN'IIIIMI within H n-l'c »»f U'>!f link-* I «»i t«*rriis »»»f| »•« «.>< i< H ftiltlrfs A I.HI' \ SMITH M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. 3L7 S. Main St., Butler. J Our Method OF Doing Business We hope will went youi patronage. Ours is not vhe or.!y store in Butler, but ue <lO try to make it such a place to buy your nmgs and medicine as to win your confidence and secure your patruiiage. Do not come to our store tor cheap drugs. We don't keep them. Nothing but the t>est finds a place in our store anil every article I bearing our name is guar ! an teed 10 be as repre ! tented or you can get your noney back. We buy the best, sell the best, keep the best and lecommend the best It is this meth od that has brought to our store a large and de sirable patronage. If you have never dealt at our store we would be pleased to have you call. We try tc k j"p everything that is likely to l>e called for in our li-ie, but if we should not have what you want we will frankly tell you so and will lie pltased to get it foil you at the earlics possible moment. *VVe give you what you want, No suhsti t tions permitted. Let us fill your prescriptions Respectfully, C. N. Boyd, DRUGGIST. j Diamond Block, Butler, Pa. LEGAL ADVERTISMENTS. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Isaac 11-;>!er, late of Oakland township, deceased, n tice is heteby given that letters of administration upon the estate of .-aid decedent have been printed to the undersigned All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay to I. B. ILEI'LKR, Administrator, Carbon Center, IV. EXECUTOR S NOTICE ! etters testamentary 011 the estate of John Sipe, dee'd., 'at • of Clearfield twp , Kutler county. Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them, properly autenticated for settlement to EMKMNK SII'K. Adm'x., Coylesville, I'a. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE '.etters of administration on the estate of Ktnma Slirader, dee'd., late of Butler borough, Butler Co., I'a., having been granted 10 the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment,and any having claims against said estate w ill present them duly authenticat ed for settlement to W. B. SHKADKK, Adm'r., Butler, I'a. W. D. BRANDON, Att'y. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE I.etters testamentary 0:1 the estate cf Isaac Kepple, dee'd, late of Fairview township, (Sutler county, Pa., having been granted to tin undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make imm diate pa . merit, and any having claims the same will present them for settle ment to WM. 1,. KEPPLH, Ex'r., I'tachville, I'a. C. WALKHR, Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE^ Whereas, letters of administration have tieen issued to me the under ,igned"in the estate of William A. Anderson, late of Middlesex township, Butler county, I'a., dee'd., notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the said decedent to call and settle, and all persons having claims against the same wtll please pre sent them duly authenticated lor pay ment to SARAH J. ANDERSON, Administratrix of WILLIAM A. ANDERSON, dee'd., Flick, Butler Co., I'a. S. F. & A. 1,. UOWSKR, Att'ys., Hutler, Pa. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary 011 the estate of Mhigaret J. Meßride, dee'd, late of Mid dlesex township, Butler county, I'a., having been granted to the undersigned, all persors knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them, duly pro bated, for settlement to JOHN FERGUSON, Ex'r., Bakerstown, I'a. MCJUNKIN & GALBREATII, Att'ys. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. I.etters testamentary on the estate of John S- Love, dee'd, late ol Clinton twp., Butler county, I'a., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowim; themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said eavate will present them duly probated for settlement to \V 11. LOVB. Ex'r., Kiddles X Roads, I'a. W, 1» BRANDON, Att'y. ADMIMBTB VTOlcs NOTICE. Letters of administration oil the estate ol Harriet Thompson, dee'd., lateof Clay twp Butler Co., I'a., having liecn grant ed to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to R. C. THOMPSON, Adtn'r., Flora, I' <). W. C. I'INDLKV, Att'y. ADM INI ST RAT 0 R'S NOTIC E. Letters of administration C. T. A. 011 the estate of Nancy C. Stewart, dee'd., late of Centre twp., Butler Co., Pa., hav ing been granted to the undcisigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to. THOMAS T. STEWART, Admr. C. T. A., Mt Chestnut, I'a. J. I». Mcjunkin, Att'y. EXECUTORS' NOTICE L' tiers testamentary on the will of Richard C>. Nelson, late of Middlesex township, Butler county, Pennsylvania, dee'd , haviuij la-en granted by the Reg ister (J -aid county to the undersign''d I xeentors thereof Therefore all persons knowing themsc Ives indebte<l to the estate ot said deceased are requested to make speedy payment, ami those having claims against Aid estate can present them projieily authenticated foi settle ment to 11. M I'A R KS, T. A PARKS, Executors. E. Mcjunkin Att'y. Glade Mills, I'a. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the < state of Matthew Thrower, dee'd., late ol Clin'.on *.wp.. Butler Co., Pa., hnving 1 H-C n >{taiit ed to the undersigned, alt persons know* ing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, j mnl any having c'aiuis against said eft ate I I will present them, properly authenticat ed for settlement to THOMAS A. THROWER, JOIIN LC THROWER, Ex'rs.. Saxon burg, I'a. RAJ.STON & GREEK. Att'ys. L. S. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Estate Agent. 117 1-:. | EI ; PERSON. j BUTLER, - PA., NOur Line of F;.'! and Winter U 7{ 1o many of our patrons, this announcement is sufficient. hut for the benefit of those who rJ do not knovy us yet we will say, come in to see us. we want to acquainted with you WA fA and in add: .on to that show you the hand iu>s somest and "est line of clothing, hats and Wj f/J men's furnishings in Butler, don't take our k% k® word foi it, come and see for yourselves, we WA will show you up-to-date goods at moderate prices, pj | DOUTHETT & GRAHAM. N at 1-2 Their Value. \ ( ) i We v-i ' wind up this months f busint ritli colors flying While ) ( east iti t 1 • market 'ought x i the entire of pantaloons (Spring \ and Summer iglil'i <jf tiv- well known Man- J f ufaclures, Con . Goldman & Co.. CSj Broadway, \ ) New York, at 50 • the (I'illar of ens; of manufactur- V ing same We hat 'uy and the price was tempting \ r and we now have 800 pa . pint.-, to uilir you it a price unheard of. C C A $2.00 rof pants our price sl.lO j 1 A $3.00 , .ir of pants our price Si.6o £ S A $3.50 r f par.fc? our price $1.90 X C A $4.00 .ir o* pants our prive $2.10 \ J A $4.50 ot pants our pries $2.35 C S A 55.00 of pants our price $2.75 f C A $0 00 • i'il „i pantu our prici $3.25 \ \ Ask to he these pants whether V J v.iu . .<:it a |our or not, no trouble whatever. / £Shaul &• Nast, < LEADING CLOTHIERS, ? r 137 South Main St., C / Butler. Pa. / IN I rs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN. TADS V rAI I TVc arc ready for early buy- L. iA HL Y S" AL L 'I 3 S ■ 1 ers ° ur stock is cora P lete "■ ■* ■ I ■*■■" ■■ -»JI11 «V 4 f.jr Fall and Winter of 1898 and 1899. We art- bettei ;>i*rcd than ever before to satisfy your wants in every line of goods we carr Tvvery department is full to overflowing with N H AND ELLGANT DESIGNS. _ . Fall tailo naJe Jacket Suit? __ _ I Y All Fall up-t • 'at- Collarette? Fall up-to late Rothschild Jacket? W/gM »"1 f" Fall up-to late Plush or Velvet Cape? I-I n \/fx * * "• Fall up-t.. -ae BjuclC ard Cloth Cape? ' Id V w _ Fall latest - yles Hat or Bonnet? li.l CI 1 N CW Fall lates 1 styles Dress Pattern? ILI OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Is worth your special attention, as *0 irj showing th - g-atid ><t aswrtm ;nt of fine Dress G aids ever displayed in But r Stoilc cinsists oi iinj Black Crepons—don't fail to ask to s-e our Crepons; tlu ic.' ix*luiii'.» in qm itv and deiign and by far the handsomest anil largest assort-n .1" .nvr hlijvi: a full line of Broad Cloths, Venetian Cloths, Covert Cloths. V ; rei'it. Henriettas and Serges; also, the most beautiful assortment of Novelty D -s> Goods nd Indiridnal Dress Patterns we have ever shown you DWESTiCS. We must not forget to menti •' >ur co uplet." new stock of Calico, I'leeced Wrapper Goods. Do.nets and Outi •F. n 1-Is \t nlin and Gingham). Blankets, Flannels, Yarns, and Cheviots A - u-ual, you wilt fin I our prices less and quality better in all staple lines than othet ...»n<- • D> i't forget, we have L ice Curtains, a cut order Carpet Department—t ■ only one in Butler, and a fine Art Department. MRS J E ZtffiMENUN. Sole Agent for Si r.dord Pattcrno &nd Designer. UIIQHITn Q FI»ST GREAT nUOLLIU 3 DISPLAY IN Fall Footwear. It presents an opportunity for economical buying that nolmdy can afford to miss. This store is crowded witl* llir tifwift of new styles selected with experienc »<1 carr as to quality, good taste hs ti; stvle. and generous prodigality as to variety It is The Right Place To get the Right goods At the Right Prices. With the best of everything On- new season brings and prices down to the low est point ever named for honest >< ds, we expect u of your patronage be cmisc you cannot a/Ton! to puss n* •>>*. See our Jamcntown (N. V.) in We wj»nt nil in Butler county to HoyS and Youths' high-cut, e«»p,v r see our Children's School Shoes They tipped two soles and tap cm fr"tn are not equalled in point of style, dur ehoiee whole stock; best s" s 111 anility or price in Butler. Have them Butler in kip, oil K rai,l > kangaroo and crack- Men's high-cut Im>x and plain to* H». s p:ool calf, 'on«ola and liox-calf; haml aud Boots, cut from veal, kip, "il »;iai'i some dyl fashioned on the newest ami kangaroo calf. models. I 'icy will pi ease you. Women's, Misses's and Children ■» • "■ le«»d'*rs in Rubber and I-clt hand pegged and standard 111 d . d«ot;.l kinds. Oui goods are all lined oil gri iii, kangaroo am >1 f'< • >u«i to our order; no old 100 proof eall will tips or plain . lot•. to ruu off; prices same that others widths, Ato K, button or loe< N > Ir jo lots. See us before you better goods made; they are w ml; ,1 oJ), whole slock and water-proof. 1 B. C. HUSRLTON, Huller s bea<lli>K Slmk- House. Opposite Hotel L*>wry. A>OOOOOOOO<N>5K?5>COOO<>OOOOPOC |2 ,D. T.Pape,a,„| Sf The Leading Millinery House of Butler County. X A JIJST RECEIVED J O > 'Hue of WslUlML' »'I«I Milt ■ Hal. li-ath.-r- Ktower* Ulldxms. *e . forourw JKfi,lHi.,.|. M lilK li IMPI'TnV I'Kl' l> (iiv. as a eaIUM-for«> purchasing. A y I Our stock of Mom v Y I Immediati! use Always Complete I X X MOHnBHam X S. Main St |] ] _ Rape. BUTLER ' PA J x>oooooooo< Subscribe ioi iuc CITIZEM.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers