Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 25, 1898, Image 2

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    jim—M— mmmmm ■_
WILLIAM C. XEOLEY Publishor | <j
WILLIAM A. STONE, of AUeehMiy. 1
J. P. 3. GOBIN. of Lebanon. ,
JAMES W. LATTA, of Philadelphia. <
WILLIAM W. PORTER, of Philadelphia
W. D. POSTER, of Allegheny Co.
OALCSIIA A. GROW, of Susquehanna <.o
DR. J. B. SHOW ALTER, of Mlllerstown boro
JAMES N. MOORE, of Butler.
JOHN DINDINGER, of /.ellenopl
JACOB M. PAINTER, of Butler.
Since the beginning of last week onr
troops have occupied every point in and
about Manila, formerly occupied by the
Spanish, six-thousand of whom are
prisoners. Gen. Merrit occupies the
Governor's palace. Admiral Dewey se
cured the end of the severed cable.
The terms of surrender include the
whole archipelago.
On Thursday of last week three more
regiments, including the 16th Pa. arrived
at Camp Meade, near Middleton in
Dauplin Co. On Friday several regi
ments stationed at southern camps
were ordered to return to their State
rendezvous, some large contracts for
war supplies were annulled; fifty
seven vessels owned by the government
were assembled in Chesapeak bay near
Fortress Monroe, while the battle ships
and cruisers composing Sampson's
squadron were ordered to assemble in
lower N. Y. Bay, neai Tompkinsville.
Another hospital ship from Porto Itico
bearing sick and wounded soldiers arriv
ed at New York that day. Nine dead
soldiers were burried at sea during the
yoyage. At Santiago the death rate
from yellow fever was seventy per day.
On Saturday morning the American
fleet of battle ships and cruisers consist
ingofthe New York, Brooklyn, Ore
gon, Indiana, lowa and Massachu
setts arrived in lower New York har
bor from Cuba. Here they were joined
by the Texas, and all proceeded in re
view up the Hudson as far as Grant's
tomb, where the national saloot was
fired; and then returned to their
anchorage off Tompkinsville. The
shores of the river, particularly at
Riverview Park were crowded with
spectators, and thousands of smaller
crafts followed the fleet up and down
the river. Our ships were all painted
black, and some of them yet showed the
marks of Spanish missiles. It was a
great day in New York.
On Monday the Spanish Government
appointed its peace commissioners.
General Miles and Staff started from
Porto Rico, and left General Brooke
there to finish the work; the War De
partment issued orders for the volun
teers to be sent to their state rendezvous,
there to be mustered out according to
the rules and regulations.
On Tuesday the President was in
constant communication with Adju
tant General Corbin as to the particular
regiments which should be mustered
that there is a conspiricy among the
officers of certain regiments that the
troops shall be retained- in service in
order that the 46 officers of each regi
ment be kept on the pay rolls. The
retention of a regiment in service
means the distribution of about $50,000
among the 40 officers. The" President
does not believe this, and is inclined to
muster out only such soldiers as ob
viously can de spared.
On Wednesday is was announced
that eight regiments from Pennsylra
nia would be mustered out, including
the 15th.
A Butler County Boy.
We learn from California papers that
J. C. Black of San Jose California has
received the nomination of the Repub
. liean party for Judge of the seVeral
courts of Santa Clara county in that
state. Mr. Black is a native of this
county, oldest son of James Black a
former resident of Marion township, a
brother of Newton, J. 8., and Dr.
L. Black of this place. He will be re
membered by many of the older resi
dents of the north end of this
county. J. C. Black went to Califor
nia in 1855 where he followed mining
for some years, then took up the legal
profession in which he has attained
nigh standing, and so recognized by the
Judiciary of the state. The San Jose
Mercury in speaking of the Republican
convention says,—"Fo- Superior Judge
no abler or conscientious man exists
than J. C. Black. For more than
thirty years he has been an honest resi
dent of this county, one of the promi
nent members of the bar. His repu
tation as a jurist extends through the
state and his private character is above
suspicion. Once before, several years
ago, he served the people as District
Attorney. The record that he made
in that office is one to be proud of, and
all of the oldest residents recalled with
eminent satisfaction the services which
he then rendered. As a Superior
Judge of thiß county he will serve the
people with fidelity and with ability
unsurpassed."—We are informed a
nomination in that county is abont
equivalent to an election, and wo hope
it may be so in Mr. Black's case, as we
are always pleased to learn of the suc
cess of Butler County boys whereever
their lot in life may be cast.
C'«. E, 15th Itegimeiit, Fort
Washington, Md.
August, 22 1898.
The melou season is in full blast here
and those who have any money left
from our last pay are prosj)ering on this
delicious southern product. Water
melons cost from ten to twenty cents
and musk melons tiye and ten. Farm
ers haul them in to us from miles
around and every boat that plies the
river seems to have a large consignment
of melons aboard
The number of sick is greatly dimin
ished, Core and Will Faber being the
only ones in the hospital at present. A
few days before taking sick Will took a
little vacation to Washington D. C. and
there married Miss Bessie Ross, daugh
ter of the captain of the steamboat,
Chas McAllester.
Last week Co. E received a box con
taining a large number of periodicals
and magazines, the much appreciated
gift of the Home Missionary Society
per Mrs. Hovis.
Thursday last Jas. McClymonds left
for his home in Slipperyrock on sick
leave. Jim was troubled with rhurna
tiam and not malaria as before stated.
Bankey who was home on sick leave'
and Black and Williams returned from
their furloughs that day and Saturday
Kalb came back, Will Hitter and Clyde
Green left to visit their homes at Butler
and Ford city respectively.
Saturday Will Troutman and wife of
Bntler spent a few hours with Co.. E
and saw how we live as soldiers.
Sunday morning a son of C'apt. Howe
of Battery A, who is a student in a
theological seminary, conducted church
serviced which were attended by the
BftHery and the four infantry compan- h
ies. Mr. Howe will continue the Sun Ili
day meetings as long as he is home at p
Ft" Washington. i<
Sunday evening Chas. Almshouse came , 1;
back from his absence on sick leav». v
This morning three men started on ,
visits home, George Shaffer to Kittan .
nine. Oscar Shaffer to Prospect and {
Tomi Watson to Sarversville. (
After the first drill to-day we were .
marched down to the Fort where we
were photographed by an entrprising j v
individual who proposes getting up a
combined roster and photograph of the
of the company
Tomorrow we expect to receive a lot
of new clothing on onr last requistion. 1
Some of us are pretty badly in need 01 <
dndsjust now. *
We have no idea vet whether we will , I
be mustered out and sent home soon or ; ]
whether we will be sent to Cuba or t
some other place, we do not know, out :
would guess that the day of our dis_ | 1
charge is fast approaching, and mo3t ot j
its will be happv when it comes. While
a few have found 11 :, itary life perfect -
lv satisfactory and are willing to cor.
tinne in the service under any condi
tions, fonr fifths of Co. E dread the
prospect of spending the remaining
twenty months of our enlistments post
ed as a garrison in some foreign island.
The general sentiment is now that the
war is over, home is where we are most
n< Last week it was rumored that some
officers were trying to have us assigned
for garrison dnty and at once petitions
sprung up in every company protesting
against this and asking for discharge.
Tnese petitions at once turned ever}
company a redhot debating society and a
great deal of intense feeling, if not ello
(ment speech, was indulged in.
Some were so lacking in judgement
as to applv personal epithets to those
who did not agree with them, but noth
ing serious resulted. Finally cleik
hun arranged a roll in which ".hose v. .10
wished to quit soldiering as soon as pos
sible put their names in one column
and those who would like to continue
in another. There were few names in
the latter column. It is proi>osed to
send this roll to Sec'v, of War Alger.
Before this week is over the immediate
future of the 15th, will likely be decid
ed upon.
A Horrible Camp.
, A correspondent of the Associated
Press writing from Santiago de Cuba
! under date of Aup. 9th, said.
' To-day the first Spanish prisoners
were put on board the transports to
take them home. Ten thousand 01
these men have been in camp for more
than three weeks, just outside of the
I city limits. To-day, as the Spaniards
> passed through the city on the way to
a the docks, we saw fights that brought
' tears to the eyes of men who are not
readily moved to tears. Down on the
1 docks, in a narrow strip of shade from
a warehouse, some 200 Spanish soldiers
waited orders to move on to the lighter
' -vhich wonld convey them to the hospi
' tal ship Alicante. The men were thin
- and of a sickly pallor, hollow-cheeked
1 and weak. "We are the well men who
have. brought the sick into town on
lighters," they explained.
3 Down on the wharf, being loade.l on
9 the steam lighter Bessie, were long lines
r of ttrechers, each with its pitifnl bur
den. Faces looked like death heads,
3 every line of the skull marked 011 the
t yellow skin, protruding teeth, over
1 which lips would not One man
trrasned in a claw that had crushed
grasiH/u in » -- :
them, three American hard tack
Others had food hidden under their
scant coverings. Their weight was as
nothing, yet four well men staggered
under the burden of one stretcl*-r.
Down the city streets came other pro
cessions of stretchers. \ anquished and
sick, weak, pitiful, moaning, stagger
ing, they drifted into town all day long.
When the city surrendered the prospec
tive return to Spain brought joy to
many hearts, but the fulfillment of the
promise was sad. Ten American am
bulances have been detailed to help
carrj in those unable to walk, and we
have erected tents on the dock where
the sick can wait until the lighter is
ready for them.
"It was not a camp out there,' said a
Spanish officer; "It was a graveyard.
Between 200 and 300 went into the hos
pital daily. HospitalY It was not a
hospital—there were no mgdUjintg- yi'.at
day. and the trenches are lull of the
dead. We have »avxd you many a *2O
passage money to Spain. That camp
has been nearer hell than anything in
the war. There are 9,000 out there yet,
only 1,000 came in to day, but they
won't last long. Camp dysentery,
worse than the plague, is carrying them
Jneksville Notes.
Work is progressing on the gas well
on the Brandon farm, also on the farm
of A. W. Vanhorn. Both by the New
Castle Co.
The annual reunion of the Mi-Nets
and Taylor families took place on Aug.
23 at the home of Mrs. Sjjsanna McNees
near Jac-ksyille. The representatives!
of these families are widely separated.
Mrs. M/.-Donald of Slipperyrock is
visiting her mother Mrs. Margaret
Mr. David Book called to see his cous
in Mr. David Studobaker recently, Mr.
Studobaker has had a long and weari
some illness and his many friends hope
to hear of his recovery.
Mr. George Taylor is erecting a new
house on his faun in this twp.
Miss Florence Martin of Plaingrove
was the guest of Mrs. M. Riclieit on
Harmony and Zelienople.
Last Sunday evening the Loyal Tem
perance Legion of Harmony and Zelie
nople had a temperance rally in the M.
E. church. Mrs. Presston State Super
intendant of the L. T. L of Penn'a was
present and addressed the meeting.
Songs suitable for the occasion, such as,
"The Saloon Must Go," were sung by
legioners. The church was decorated
with the national colors and the follow
ing mottoes were displayed beautifully :
"We Will Help Others as We Climb,''
and "The Future is Ours." A large
class of juniors graduated and received
diplomas. Mrs. Presston, the groat
state organizer of Chester county, also
organized a Sr. class of L. T. L.
workers Mrs. A. J. Otterman, of Zelie
nople, is the local Superintenilant, and
deserves great credit for dilligent and
untiring laliors with the young people.
Henry D. Ziegler, of Harmony, why
has been in very poor health for some
time is very low at present and cannot
survive very long.
Henry Buhl Sr., of Zelienople, aged
85 years, died last Monday morning and
was buried at Zelienople on Wednesday.
In early life he lived ou a farm near
Evans City. Henry Buhl Jr., of the
firm of BoggH & Buhl, Allegheny City,
is a son of the deceased.
Miss Yute Ziegler, of Kansas, visited
friends in Harmony last week.
Mrs. D. S. Cameron, of McKeesport.
visited Mrs. Calviu Knox, at Harmony,
last week.
Harry Ziegler, of Du Quesne, visited
his parents, H, M. Ziegler, at Harmony,
last week.
Some of onr people took in the 1. O.
O. F. picnic at Cascade Park last Satur
J. S. Half and wife, of New Brighton,
visited their parents, Fred Weigle and
wife, at Harmony, on Sunday.
Henry W. Fanker, of Jackson town
ship, near Harmony, is making prepar
ations to move to Braddock in Septem
ber. His palatial residence will he nn
occupied after he leaves.
Mrs. John Stamin, of near Fombell,
Beaver county, relapsed last Sunday.
Two physicians were called who pro
nounced her critically ill.
Frank Skelley and wife, of Jeanette,
took a bicycle trip to Harmony last
Saturday were they are the guest of
their friend. Miss Grace Latshaw.
The Middle Lancaster, Zelienople and
Harmony Sunday schools joined the
Evans City schools in a union picnic at
Maple Grove Park on Thursday of this
Dr. E. J. Fithian, of Harmony, is
moving to Grove City, this week. The
people of Harmony are sorry to loose
him, he was to them an enthusiastic, !
live citizen. temj>eranee and religion
permeate his character. He is mechan
ical engineer for a gas engine manu .
factoring company at Grove (ity in <
which he a'.-o is interested.
The grading and straightening of the
Pittsburg and Western railroad bed for s
the track lx'tween Harmony and Evans ,
Citv is progressing rapidly. A large ,
force of men are now at work at Eide
nan and opposite Maple Grove Park ;
with a steam shovel, heavy grading 1-
being done for double track, and w hen
completed will have liirht grades. ,
Last Sunday a force of 75 men with ; i
15 boats dredged the Connoquenessing 1
creek from Winter's dam at Eidenan t<> t
the mouth of Breakneck at Maple Grove j
Park for the body of Peter Gruver, o: ■
Evans City, who accidentally fell into
the swollen stream at Evans City last
Thursday evening on his return from j
the Maccabee s picnic at Maple Gtove j
Harmony 8 worthy citizen. Henry .
Niece, was nominated at Butler la-t
Saturday for Con-cress from _ •
county district. Should the -sth Dis ;
trict Democrats nominate him at tneir
convention in the near future, he would
run parallel for a simnlar office with his
son, S. E. Niece, of North Baltimore, j
I O . who is nominated for Congress in ;
the Ninth District of Ohio.
Late last Monday night Prof. G. li.
Titzel. who occupied the chair of Gree* j
at Thiel College, Greenville, died at the
Passavant residence in Zelienopie wnere
he has been sick for sometime. He is
widely known and loomed high in
educational and religions circles.
( ooporstown.
On Tuesdav, Aug. Kith. James Cow
an and Miss Lillie Myers both of Me
Fann, were united in marriage by Kev.
G. W. Davis at the residence of the lat
ter, on Institute Hill. Butler. After
the ceremony which occurred at 1
o'clock p.m., "they accepted Mr. Davis
invitation to take dinner, whicn w:i
scrved in elegant style in honor of the
newly wedded couple. Mr. and Mr _
Cowan then returned to the home ot
the bride's parents where a reception
was given to the many friends of the
young couple. A sumptous feast was
spread and from T until !• the good
things prepared by Mrs. Myers was in.
ly enjoyed. At a late hour the guests
departed leaving behind them manv
and beautiful presents. Among which
1 mav be noted an elegant set of glass
> ware by Miss Emma Snow, China toilet
' set by "Mrs. E. L. Myers, water set by Mr.
• and Mrs. .Jas Story,set of iruit dishes by
• Miss Blanch Shakelv. Manj other
1 presents were received, being too nn
> merous to mentioned in full. the
; bride was attired in rose pink, trimmed
t with white lace. She was highly ad
• mired by all and is one of the fairest
1 brides of the season. She and her
i husband will shortly sit up housekeep
■ ing for themselves.
John B. Mahan was suddenly taken
] ill at the dinner table on Saturday and
at this writing is in a very serious con
' dition. Heart trouble is said to bo the
1 Some evil minded wretch poisoned a
< valuable Sheperd dog belonging to V* ni.
Harbison, a day or two since.
The Saxonia Oil Cos well on tbe
i Burns farm failed to find the sand and
r adds one to the duster list. The Co.
| has made another location a little fur
-1 *Vw r t^cci
ther west.
Mcintosh & Co. of bakeratow 11 are .
drilling near Gray's mill. ,
Centre Township.
Misses' Margaret and Henrietta
Moore have returned home from Grove
City where they were attending Bibl •
Thomas Wiley of McKeesport called
ou friends in this vicinity not long since.
Miss Bertha Thompson of Euclid,
Miss Bell« Irwin of West Sunbnry an 1
Miss Ammie Lee of Elora visited Mi- ts
Mable and Jeannette Smith last week.
Mr ,; . Moore of Connelsville accompa
nled by her daughter Mrs. IJaker of
Pittsburg made a very pleasant visit at
J. C. Moore's, last week.
rnrrarmtm, who lias bee a an inva
lid for three years, is quite poorly at
1 present.
Miss Mary Jardin spent a few days of
last week in Pittsburg
Mrs. Josiah Thompson and son Sam
uel of Elora,visited Mrs.Thompson's pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Varnum, one
day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Albert hive
moved to North V«a-'hingt«n.
The well on the Greene farm has been
completed. A small quantity of gas
was found. There is talk of more wells
being drilled soon.
Lewis Albert, who is working in Bea
, ver Falls, spent Sunday with his pa
Rev. MuCiianah.i" of Pittsburg
preached a very interesting sermon at
Holyoko IT. P. church on Sunday.
Miss Estella McCollough has return
;_<• home after an extended visit with
her sister ir: Msrnington, Ya
Mr. Noah of Pittsburg was ih« gutsst
1 Pearl Ramsey last week.
Mr. Allen visited Everett McCandless
not long ago
Miss Jessie McWilliams of New i is
1 tie, who is visiting at Riddle Elliott's
has been quite ill, but is somewhat im
proved at this writing.
Dr. E. L. Wasson has located at Cal
lery, to which place he moved last
Bert Allen of Leaver county is vi- it
ing at Levi Albert's.
Chas. Bonner of Butler was "a caller
in this vicinity on Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. George Eisler of Bntler
visited at .1 D. Smith's on Sunday.
Samuel Louden or Stew Castle was
the guest of Dr. A. Holm,in. a few days
last week.
Miss Flora Glenn has returned t<» her 1
work at Dixraont, where sh • has a po
sition as attendant.
Miss Carrie I. win of W Smibury vi
ited her aunt, Mrs. Eli Eagle, Thursday ;
and Friday of last week.
Miss Minnie Sehweinsberg of Pitts
burg is visiting her mother.
Mrs. Jane Irwin has returned to her
home in W. Sunbury, after a visit with !
her relatives in this township. ,
Miss Mettie Roth of Greenville ac
companied by two of her cousins are
visiting at H. D. Thompson's.
Misses Mario and Nannie Kelly of '
lJutler were pleasantly entertained by !
Mrs. Dr. Wasson, a short time ago.
We are pleased to note the rapid re
covery of Miss Bertha Brown, who was <
injured by a passenger train at Jan: ison
ville, not long ago.
Mrs. Beatty ol' Pittsburg who has
been spending the summer with her sis- ,
ter, Mrs. Jardin has returned to her
home. 1
Mildred and Esther llolmau of Alle- \
gheny are visiting their uncles', Joseph
and Dr. A. Ilohnan.
Did you ask George Varuum for a <1
gar? It's a girl.
Now may be heard the whistle of the
steam thresher and the hum of the cider •
The ice cream festival at Unionville,
Thursday evening, Aug. IK, was quite
well attended, notwithstanding the ter
rible rain.
Sores Disappeared
Statement of a Rcmarkablo Cure.
" My little daughter has hail ringworms
on her scalp, and she broke out in sores
all over her body. I decided to try Hood's
Sarsajiarilla, and after ahe had taken it a
short time the sores disappeared." Mlts.
C. J. GIVEN, lUO3 Elßworth Street,
Philadelphia, Pa. Kemember
Hood's parilla
Is the One True Blood purifier. $1; six for *5.
Hood's Pills euro constipation. cents, j j
}|«Caiuil«'» ICvunioii.
One of the most occurences C
of tho season waa tho third annual Mc
( and less rennion which was held in the
"rove of I. -T. McCandless, near Union
ville, on Thursday. Angnst is. ls»8.
\'thon«h St. Switliin was on the "fir
ins line that day a goodly number of
friends and neighbors gathered for
mutual greetings and renewal of old "
When the noon hour arrived, families
and friends, as has been customary , •
grouped together on the grass in true ,
picnic style, and judging from the sat- .
isfied countenances of all the wants of j
the inner man were soon bountifully j 1
The organization was then called to •
order by I. .1- McCandless, Butler:
prayer was offered l>y Rev. Oliver, • j
pastor of Union ville church: address of
welcome was given by James T. Me
; Candless. in a pleasing and entertain- -
[ nig manner; Will T. McCandless. of
| M cCandless. gave an excellent response,
i impromptu, a very carefully compiled
j history of the McCandless Scotch-Irish
; ancestry, and their early settlement in
; America was given by Hon. Josiah M.
; Thompson historian; a very stirring and
| patriotic address was deliverd by Col. •
,T. M. Thompson, of Bntler; short talks
: by the Rev. Schumaker and Samuel VV
j Thompson were much enjoyed: a comic
i rendering of ' Barbara Frietchie by
i Bread Black, of Bntler produced much
| merriment; a song by "two wee maid
' ens." Misses Florence and Mildred 11< >l
- was very nicely sung.
Excellent music was furnished by the }
well trained Edmundson Brass Band of
Prospect, and by the Unionville Martial
Ban'l. , ,
Appro-hing rain prevented further
carrying out of programme. After
election of officers and benediction all
departed for their several homes unani
mously agreeing that it was indeed "a
good thing to have them." Mt C.
F. M. Michaels, of Baldwin, has been
granted n pension of *<UK> per month.
Up to Saturday night fifty millions
in bonds had been allotted to 100,000
The President yesterday appointed
John W. Finny, of Pennsylvania, to be
United States" Treasurer nt Philadel
At the meeting of the Democratic
County Committee in Butler, last Sat
urday, Henry Neice, of Harmony, was
substitued for L. M. Lockwofxl, resign
' ed, as the nominee for Congress in this
Sheridan's Point.
A special from Sheridans' Point
to the Pittsburg Times this morning,
says. "Private Negley, of Company E,
, Butler, created a furore in camp by
1 publishing a letter in the Washington
"Post," attacking the officers and st.u
! ing that four-fifths of the men wanted to
be discharged. The letter created such
' a sensation among the men that many
who were in favor of going home have
expressed their determination to serve
1 their two years if they are permitted to
. do so."
"Col. W. A. Krepps, commanding
.:-:r. .1. IViKh.
the Fifteenth regiment, went to wasn-
to-day and intexviewed Adjt.
Gen. Corbin, wno informed hiui that
he had heard only good reports of the
Fifteenth, and that while the Sixth
Pennsylvania would be mastered oat at
once, the matter of retaining the other
regiments in the service would be left
to Gov. Hastings."
Almost all the boys from Co. E.. wli»
have been home on furloughs state that
fuVly three-fourths of the company w;.-h
to be mustered out, now that the war is
over, and that they preferred civil life
to garrison daty.
■ [('solutions «>n t!u* Heath <>i .John
S. l.ov<-, of ( Tuitoii Township.
we, tne men tiers of James Harvey
Post No. 51 I. G. A. R., Department of
Pennsylvania, are again called upon to
place on record our tribute ot respect to
anotherof our comrades, the third with
in a year, who has been called to his
final rest. Comrade John S. Love, of
whose death we make note, departed
this life on June 24th, 1808, in his 58th
year. He belonged to Company D, U!7
regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, and
was a member of this post since its or
ganization, being a charter member.
As long Ho his health permitted he was
present at every meeting. He was for
many years our adjutant, and in the per
formance of the duties of that office, and
of others which he tilled, he was effici
ent, careful and attentive. Those of us
who were with him in the army can
bear testimony to his soldierly qualities.
He was always ready for duty, obedient
to orders, brave in danger, and there,
os in civil life, he had the respect and
confidence of all who knew him. As a
citizen he was honest, industrious, in
telligent and patriotic; as a husband
true and loving; as a father, affectionate
and indulgent. His whole life was a
grand example of Christianity, honesty
and integrity, such as gives a blessed
assurance of a Heavenly reward in the
To the bereaved wife and family we
extend our most sincere and heartfelt
sympathy in their great affliction. May
they be comforted with this thought
th at what i»; tluir is his gain.
On motion, a copy of this memorial
be handed to the widow, and that the
editors of the CiTIZKN and of the Eagle
be most respectfully requested to pub
lish the same.
Mich AKL K l\ 1,1, t ,
Wll. 1.1 AM TH OMPSON.
M. N. GUK Kit.
By virtue* of sundry writs of Ven. V.x ., li.
Fa . Lev., l a. &c. i*<l out of tin- Court of
< ommoii Pleos of Butler county. Pa., ;LIHI to
me directed, there will IK* EXPOSED to public
sale at the Court House, in tin- borough of
Butler, on
Friday, September 9, 1898,
at 1 o'clock P.M.. the foi lowing described
property. to-wjt,
E. D. No. I*l, September Term. I*s>*. Ralston
Greer, Att'ys.
Ail tie- right, t!11 • . Interest and claim of
llaunaii < Abernathy. formerly Hannah <
Winn r. of. in and to all that certain piece or
parcel of land, situated in Worth township,
Butler Co. Pa, Ifounded as follows, to-wit:
On tin- north by lands of <» W .M<( 'oifnt-l I.
« a-t by lands of Joseph Barron, south by
lands of Tayfo*- w«-st by lands of
Dewitt Maxwell ; containing tweuty-tiv*.
acres, more or less, known as trie llines farm.
Seized and taken in execution as tin- prop
erly of Hannah c Abernathy. formerly Han
nan <' Winter, at tin suit of J 11 Pisor guar
dian for Ihr
i;. I). No. 170. September Term, l*u-. J l>
Marshall, Att'y.
All the right, tPle. interest and claim of
Catherine Miller and John A Miller of. in
and to all that certain piece or parcel of
laud. hit-Uat* d in ( V-ntre twp, Butler Co. Pa.
bounded s follows. to-wit : On the »..u-i I. |.<
lands of John Neff. « :»-1 b> a public road,
south by lands of Mangold tnd Ramsey, and
on the west by lands of John NetT; contain
ing seventy-three acres, more or 1«--.being
tip - same conveyed to John A Miller bv
Adam lieydrlck by deed dated April 2nd.
lso». and i « corded in Deed book 7, page 'ki7,
having thereon a frame house, barn and out
buildings, mostly cleared aim under fence.
Seized ami taken in ' xecjjtlon as the .prop
erty of Cathiriue Miller and John A Milter
at the suit of Thomas M Marshall.
E. D. No. 02, September Term, l*!>s. J Ii
Marshall, Att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
John Kichardson of.in and to all that certain
piece or parcel of land, situated in Adams
twp, Until r Co, Pa bounded as follows, to
wit: On the north by laE|ds now oi forncily
of William Kichardson, east by lands now or
formerly of Staples and (ashdollar, south by •
lands now or formerly of Seth Staples, find
on the west by land-, now or formerly of
Joseph West; containing seventy-six aeres.
more or less, being the same land conveyed
by .loseph Richardson to John Kichardson by
twodeeds recorded In Deed book .">O. Page f»el
and 51 P. 420, having thereon erected a frame
house, frame barn and outbuilding.
Seized and taken i:i e\» -utlon as the prop
erty of John Kichardson at the suit of T K
Pillock tor use. ,
E. I). No. 177, September Term, I H 'J*. Ualston I
Sl Greer, Att'ys.
All the right, title, lnt« rent and claim of
William W Jlazlett of, in and to all that
certain niece or parcel of land, situated in i
Wlniield twp, Butler Co, Pa, bounded as fol- 1
lows, to-wit: On the north by lands of
Vogley et al, east by bands of the heirs of
William H Boyd, south by lands of Vlinkcn i t
al. and on the vc« >t I»y lands of John Relger
et al; containing tlfty acres, more or less, see .
Mortgage Book Mi, Page L
Seized and taken in execution as the nrop
erty of William W Hazlett at the suit or R K
Mali an.
sheriffs Office,
OK \ R I is.
CROOKS At his home in Middlesex
twp . Aug. 17. 1 s',t"v .lohn t rooks,
aged 7«> years.
WEISXER At hi- home in Wapa
koneata, O . Aug SO. 1 WW.Geo. Wew
ner. aged ~>7 ye irs. formerly of But
MECHLINO-At her home in Butler.
Aug 23, lw, Mrs Lewis R. Mech
ling, nee Cricks, aged years.
SWARTZLAXDER—At his home in
Fairview twp.. Aug. 1~. 181>iS, James
A. Swartzlander, aged about 70
BROWN —At her horn" in Pittsbnru
Aug. 21. 189s. Mrs Ida M.. wife of
James L. Brown, nee Potts) in the •
30th year of her age.
HUTZLER At h. r home in WinfieM
twp. Aug J> ! v< v \ Miss Mary Hutz
ler, aged 1 s years.
McCAMEY—At her home near Farm
ington, Aug. is, Is'.iS. Mrs. Samuel
McCamey, in her 59 th year.
She was faithful to her neighbors and 1
her God. Was a daughter of Robert
Black, dee'd of Bruin and leaves to
mourn her loss a husband, five daugh
ters and three sons. Iler pallbearers ;
were her three sons' and three brothers. I
MAIIAX—At his home in Middlesex
twp., Aug. 20, is'.is, John B. Mahan.
aged SI years.
Mr. Mah .n wa< one of the oldest and
most respected citizens of our county,
A farmer all his life he was industrious
and prosperous. As a citizen he was
I upon the moral and right side of all
questions that .concerned the good of
BUHL- At his home in Zelienopl.\
Aug. 22, ls'.is, Henry Buhl, Sr., aged
Henry Buhl's early life was spent in
Zeliencple and in Pittsburg. lie mar
ried Miss Speyer of Rochester. Pa. in
IS i:}, and settled on what is now the old
homestead in Forward twp., where he
raised his family of three sons and fonr
daughters, among whom are Henry
Buhl, .Tr. of the final of Boggs & Buhl,
and Marie C., wile of R. 11. Boggs of
same firm.
He was an elder in the Harmony and
Zelienople Presbyterian Church; and al
ways enjoyed good health until recent
years when he was enfeebled by age.
The funeral took place Tuesday, at
TITZEL—At the residence of his sister
in-law, Mrs C. S. Passavant, in Zelie
nople Aug. 23, 1898. Rev. Josiah R.
Titzel, aged <H> years.
Rev. Titzel for many years past was
connected with Thiel College. Green
ville, Pa. About two months ago he
made a visit to his old home at Zelieno
ple and shortly afterwards was stricken
with paralysis from which he did not
recover. Among his good works while
living in Zelienople was the founding
there of the Counoquenessiug Academy.
But his whole life was one of good
works—and if there are purely and
whollv good men Josiah R. r litz< 1 wa
such. He was the embodiment of mod
esty and humility. All who knew him
will honor his virtues. He was tht
father of Rev. George E. Titzel deceas
ed former pastor of the English Luth
, eran church of this place, and of Or
Walter Titzel formerly of this place
now of Chicago.
ALLEN—At his home in Frankli
township August IS, IS'JS, Willia n
• Allen, aged 20 yeais.
i Gone down to the grave in the prime of
, Gone in his youthful bloom.
Gone from the scene of earthly strife,
Down to the silent tomb.
We'll hear his earnest voice no more,
No more see his durk eyes beam;
His pilgrimage herein this world is o er.
He has crossed over Jordan's dark
A light from ihat household has faded,
That home of a loved one bereft;
By the fireside a seat is vacant,
A void in the circle is left.
Cut down in his youth with an aim so
sublime —
With a purpose so hoi}' in view;
But the dark, mysterious things of
Eternity perhaps will undo.
Beloved as a brother.
Beloved as si friend.
Noble, kind-hearted and true;
But our intercourse here on earth hath
an end,
To all he has bidden julien.
Round whom our affections cling
But we hope to meet in that home
Where death is an unknown thing.
Mrs. Rev. Schanl, of Hornellsville.
N. Y., died yesterday, aged 67, years.
She was the mother of Ph. Schanl and
Mrs. Ph. N'ast of this place. She was
born at Btik, Provience Posen, Ger
Kuyal makes the food pure,
v huleaome uuil delicious.
Absolutely Pure
Exposition Hotel
a -»■- t ;
Hotel Mantor,
F. M. LOCKWOOD, Prop'r. ,
'.j. Dutler's nearest Summer Resort ,-!
Good |,<.thinf; and fishing, ,H
--i and all Summer Kesort
tiedforj, Pa.
e»jK*n from .Inm* to OrtnlM-r 1. with in
ci'i iispd aftr■:irt ions. rnaiXiiifh'fnt -jolf links.
ami one of th<- li 11 ♦ *—> t bowlirnr :iil«*vs in tin
country. The waters of Bedford are the
inosl <*n«''iivi* ami ei*h-l>r:»lef| in 1 h«* worhi.
I 'or terms ami I »« m l«*t uddrchs
J. T. A I.HI'. Su •><%!i»trn<l«iit.
Bedford Springs, Bedford, Pa.
Will op«-u Jline ht, ;it jjopular priees; to*'"
ly loeat«*d within .1 mil* of *r<»lf links, lor
terms and l*ol el uldrest
Buy Direct from Manufacturers
Single Tube Tire. Light anil Past yet
Strong and Durable.
$5 00 PerPa ; f..
The King Mfg. Co , j
Office KiO Arch SI. rhlliiil. lplilii I'a. :
Dkaleb IN 1
Rough t Worked Lumber
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, 1'
Shingles and Lath ::
Always in Stock.
Office opposite I'. & ; W.'Depot.
Sheriff's Sales.
|sj rlrtui'<>f sundry writs of V. n. F.v.. li. I
I'.i . I.i-i . l a. Kmi.'-I out -f th<> Court "f I
t ;>min 'ii I'l.-i, ~f isutlor county. Pa., and tot
Hi' 1 iliris'tctl. then- will to public j
s.il< -at the Court IIOUM . in ill- bor<>u*th of J
Itul '.t r. o>> j
Friday, September 2nd,
A. li. K'-. at 1 o'clock P. M , tht- following
descrilied prop* i ty. to-wit :
F IK.No. >;i. r Tcrin. L I*. Marshall,
Yll tho right, 111 !♦-. In'.* r» st ami claim of A
E Harper ot. in an I !«• ill thai certain piece
«»r «»f land.-i:it d In Jac;„soi» town- I
ship, Butler county. Pa.. bounded as follow-, j
to-wit: On the north hy lands of Michael I
Zeigler east by lands of Martin /.inkhann. 1
south by lands «>f Henry Zinkhaiitt and!
lit'orirc Hartuug, and on the west by lands of J
Jacob End res; co taining fifty acres, m< ire
or less, ha \ ing 1 her* on erected a I rick dwel
i ling house, frame barn and outbuildings.
I ALSO Of. In and to all that certain pie v
or parcel of land, situated In Jackson twp,
Buth r Co. Pa. bounde«i :is follows, to-wit:
, On the m»rth by right of way of the P A; W U
K Co. < ast by lands oi Stephen Lockwood and
1 t hi- south by New « a>.tl«- str* . t. 1H inz
triangular in shape; contains two aen-s.
i iiuir*- or less, having thereon erected two
| hriek dwelling houses.
! ALisO—Of. in and to all that certain niece
..»■ lot land, situated in Harmony boro,
1 Butler Co, l*a. bounded as follows, to-wit:
On tin* north by P \V liailroatl, tast by lot
! of l* F Otto, on"the south by German street
I and on the west by V A R R; containing
! one-half acre, more or less.and having er« < t
ed thereon a frame barn, hay «»r wajjon
seah-s and coal house connected with the I'
\ W Railroad.
"-tlzed and taken in execution as the nrop
erty of A K llariH rat the suit of 11 t' Mllle
man and Jacob Milleman, partners as Mille
man Bros.
E. I>. No. M-ntember Term. l v '- is . Ralston
Greer, Att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim "f
j Hannah ( Abernathy. formerly llan
■ I naii <' Wimer, of. In and to all that
! certain piece or lot of land, situated in
< entrevifle Boro, Butler < o. Pa, bounded as
follows, to-wit: On Ibe north by an alley.
• •ast by an alley, outli by New t'astle stre« t.
and on t be west by ol Chrlstley,said j
lot beinir seventy-six feet front on New
Castle street ami extending back at said
width one hundred eighty feet to said alley: ;
and being the simm lot conveyed by Etta
1 McCoy and K A McCoy to Hannah Abemathy
I bv deed dated Septemlier llth. issji. lit'.' >rd
ecl in the propt-r otlice. llaviug thereon
' erected a frame house and stable and out
: buildings.
ALSO Of. in and to all that certain ph « v
or parcel of land, situated in Worth twp.
' Butler Co. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wit:
L Beginning at a comer in the West Liberty
road, thence by lands of 11 il Orossman noit i
I GT 'idesr. east 4ii.l perches to a corner, thence
by lands of same north 15.25 deg. 54 |>er••lies
to a corner, thence by same south deg.
I east 11- perches to a white oak tree, thence
by lands of J W Tacgart south 0.7") <leg. west
1^4.-I perches to a stone pile, thence by lands
I of W E Taylor "k5.75 deg. west <{.«« perches to
West Liberty road, thence by saiti road north
41.25 deg. west .V> porches to a post, lhence by
same road north 43 deg. west perches to
the nlace of beginning; containing one hun
dred thirty-six acres and twenty-one
perches, having thereon a two story frame
house, barn and outbuildings and orchard.
S ALSO of.in and to all that certain piece or
parcel of land, situated in Worth twp. But ler,
p Co.l'a, bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning
at the northwest corner thence by lands of
Bredin and Honaghy north W 5.2."» deg. east
il perches to corner, thence by lauds of
«. .John and ,larues Humphrey -outli 55.25 deg.
west 40.65 perches t-» a corner, thence by the
e other part of the Wimer farm 7.75 deg. w» »t
««• 7"» rods to the place of beginning: containing
r eighteen acres and one hundred twenty-four
; and one-half perches, and being known as
the Wimer farm,
d ALSO-Of, ill and to all that certain piece
or parcel of land situated in Worth twp.
Butler Co, Pa, liounded as follows, to-wit:
I Beginning at the northwest corner, thence
U by lands of Dan McConnell heirs north
0 < leg. east A perches to a corner, thence by
lands of George Taylor south 21.25 deg east
17.3 perches to a stone pile, thence by same
l- north deg. east 2? rods to a comer, t heuce
j*. by lands of A Keliey s«.uth U.SS dej4- east 4i».l
perches to public road, thence by said roa<l
north 77.25 (leg. west perches, thence by
said road north ffi.2s deg. west -H perches
thence by said road north 4i5.25 deg.
perches, thence north 2.25 deg. west 72.(
II perches to the place of beginning: contain
ing twenty-three acres s*»,s perches known
as the Wimer firm.
Sei/.ed and taken in execution as the prop
erty of llaunah Abemathy, formerly
llanuali C Wimer, at the suit of .1
II Pisor, guardian of Samuel Wimer, minoi
child of Abner Wimer. dee'd. now for use.
E. !>. Xo. V.) m ptt.n.ln r Term, l*9rt. W. I).
Brandon, Att'y.
All the rltfht, title, interest and claim of
Manrioe (or Morris) Norris of. in and to all
t hat eertain ph « «' or parcel of land, sit uated
in Oakland t wp, Butler Co, I'a. bounded as
follows, to-wit: On tin' north by lands of
( hrlstian My «•!•>. <-a.st bv lands of John Bip
pus. south t»y lands of »ohn and Jonah NVy
man. west by John Shoup et al; containing
fifty-six aertts. mor»'or h-ss, Iwinjx tlit' same
land <-onvey«'d to Mnurice Norris t>y Charles
DutTy ux, by <h*ed dated Mar«*h It It. l>7ts.
Recorded in I >*•« ci t>o Hi, pajre2."»4
S«'i/.( <1 and t:'l;« nii • \«-cntl<it; as 11i«• prop
erty of Maurice <or >forris) Norris at the suit
of Butler Savings Hank.
F.. IX So. 132 and I I. SfpteuilM'r Term, ls«is.
W. H. Lu.sk and W. I). Brandon, Att'ys.
All the right, tit le, interest and claim ofJH
C A-rgers of, in and to al' t hat certain pit-ct
or parcel of land, situated in Forward twp,
ButhrCo, I'a. bounded as follows, to-wit:
On the north by lands of A •' l\; ; t,> et
east by I i d-«if \ «i Kvans et al, south by
lands of hamhach et al. and on t lie west by
landt of I»:, nth:y• h * -t ; ii; '•<>ll lailli n--T wijiit y
l>y deed dated June ijth. l^ s . having thereon
erectfd a frame dwelling house, barn and
out buildings; also having thereon one or
more producing oil wells.
Seized and taken in execution as tin- prop
erty of II < Ag-e-s.-s' *he %uitof The CitUeUs
Batik et al.
E. I>. No. 121. September Term, H9B; W. A. &
F. J. Fonjuer, Att'ys.
All the right, title, interest ana claim of
John M Louden of, in and to all t hat certain
niece or parcel of land, situated in Cl:.y twp.
Hut!- r Co. I'a. bounded as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a post at t he northwest corner,
thence south by lands of James (j levin and k
II Voting I«perches to a sassafras, thence
by lands of Kev Jann-s Coulter heirs, and
li< \ W I* Breadln now .! c Breudiu to u post,
thevkce north by other lands of formerly capt
Samuel Louden, now owned by John M Lou
den, Mrs Christie et al UK!.. 1 * perches to a p<»t,
then<!eeast by land's of llenry Pisor, now
William Christie and Chrlstpher ttinker
heirs. Us.7sperches to a post the place of be
ginning; containing one hundred acres, more
or less, and being the same land conveyed to
John M Louden by Samuel Louden by deed
dated September r*t h. 1n73, recorded in deed
I>ook W», page !&>. Having thereon erected a
frame liouse. frann* barn and outbuildings.
seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of John M Louden at t he suit of William
Wilson for use of J Berg & Co.
E. I). No. 112, September Term, ls«t s . Mates &
Young, Att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of *
< : ira \! Campbell and Scott Campbell of. In
and to ait that certain piece or lot of land i
situated in W'esl Sunbury boro, Butler Co,
I'a. bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north
by lot of Meivln Shorts, formerly owned by
John < Dully, ea-.t by Main street, .south by
an alley and on the west by an alley; being
sixty fei-t front, more or less, by one hun
dred sixty feet in depth; being tin- same lot
of ground conveyed to Charles Bell by deed
dated September 5841 h.lsM. and which Charles
Bell conveyed to L J Barber by deed dated
the Isth day of August. A. h I*s? and ?-n
--eorded in cleed booi i::i page having
thereon erected a frame house, stable and
out buildings.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Clara M Campbell avid Scott Camp
bell at the suit of Mrs L J Barber.
E. I>. No. '.Ki. td rm September ' • »tn. W'. A.
I'orquer, Italston »V Greer, Williams &
Mitchell. All >s.
All tin? right, title, interest and claim of
Milo Leander >ankey and Martha l> Sankey
uf, in and u> all that certain piece or
ol land, situated In Cherry t\M». Butler Co,
I'a. bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north
bv lauds of formerly Jas Armstrong, now
unrion Thompson and Bobt A rmst ron j'. east <
by iatuls <f 1 .i - 1., « f i; J4 _l r»• ?:• t;' and
John Smith, now baniel o'Ntul, Breadln, and
Donaghy et al, south by lands of formerly of
John Smith, now Breadin. Oonaghy et al. «
wesl by lands of formerly Jamos Armstrong;
the said lands and premises being more par
ticularly described by reference to Mortgage
i.ook •<». page »'»I. or Deed book No. V&), page
Zl\ containing ii 7 acres and W) perches, strict
meaiure. Having thereon erected a one story *
frame coltaee house, frame stable n»»#t o»o '
Seized and taken in execution as the prop- 1
erty «»f Mllo Leander Sankey and Martha D
Sankey at t he suit of John l-orcht et al.
E. D. No. I'm. September Term, ls'.K A. T. >
Scott and A. B.C. McFarland, Att'ys.
All the right, title, interi'st and claim of ;
which I N Bryson (Mortgagor) died seized t
1 ai/.i Bry sou, \dvidnist rat rix of 1 N Bryson,
iiee'd. or. in and to all that certain piece or «
lot of land, situated in Siinneryrock twp
Butler v, I'a bounded as follows, to- «
wit: rroutinii on tin I'tanklin from the j
west si-ie. beginning at high water mark
near the Hickory bridge thence along said
I ranklivi road to the right of way of the I' S
A. LE L'aili id. thence along said right of
way westward to said railroad brldg* to high
water mark, thence along the course of said {'
Slippery rock creek ny high water mark t«»
the plac« «>l iM ginnlng; forming a triangle '
containing alHiut acre more or les- li:..* »nir
thereon < rvctid » friviue stoy* building, two .
tories big It. si I lil i and other out bui I dings.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop- "
erty of which I N Bryson tMortgagor) tiled
seized, l .nza Brvsou. dmil)isl ral rix of I N
Bryson, dee'd. at the suit of The I'ennsyl- V
vania sav ings Fund and Loan AssiwialUm.
I. D. NO. 144, Sept< ml>er Term, Im. Levi M
Wise, Att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of J
M PhllliDHof In Jud to n'A ti t ph •• •
oj i. v «if ir.iut, sitnaied in Butler Boro, ,iut- "
lerCo, Pa. bounded as follows, to-wlt: On H
the north by \\ < i tre« t ntnet v-four feet,
east l»y lot of Josejihlvie I'llillipS being No. II
in same plan, south by Bortmas Alley, west A
li) But ei Alley, one hundred twelve feet. i>
more or less; being the same laud conveyed 1;
by Jacob Beckert and wife to I \1 I'lilll'iis by n
tl ', e.i dated \prll I6tl IWJ .• oid dln But>* ii
!• I C, ... I, \ y :I( «ie. <i i.. lt , I pilgl W. in which -I
• le. <1 same 1 i ')• wrlbt*cl ;i . two lots numtn red
three avid four in plan of lots in said boro as ei
laid out by <. c Pillow In I*'.*), and same f«
front Ing nlnet y-foti r fe.t. iii*»re or les-,. on j.-
west street and extendin preserving
the saiije width one hundred twelve feet,
in-ire or less. .
Seized and taken in exe.-utlon as the prop
et tv of J M Pililllps at the suit of { urtis
I'liiuip#. «
E. D. Nos. 11 and 157. September Term, I*"Us ...
Fonjuer and Williams »v Mitchell, Att'y. I»
All tln-right. title. Interest and claim of >t
Nlchhts Weil/el of. In and to all that certain II
piece of land, situated In Brady twp, Butler In
< o. Pa, iKiUnded as to-wit: lieuin- fr
ning at a post thence by a public road south tli
01 '» deg. east a 0.2 nercher to a cherry stump,
i hence by lots of in West Liberty south tin. » er
I H perches to a post, thence south vs
<leg. east «i 1.7 p**rches to a post, thence by j
latuls <>f Jonathan Clutton south 07 deg. wt st.
jjerches to a post, thence south .» deg. west
it.s perches to a j>osi, t hence by lands of Jas
McDevitt huuth sit deg. west jx;relies to a U<
post, tliunce by c p church groundi* north na
10.5 deg. eat r.'.'J peaches loa post, thence by te
i grave yard north stKh'g. east a.7 t«-relies to or
i post, them e north I deg. west ltf.U perches an
to a post, theuve south 5V deg.west V.O perches fo
to a post, then** by lands of Ctuttoc north] N
deg. west 35.3 p#*rches to the place of In gin- ! G
nlng: containing six acr«s and << perch« k s !tl
strict measure. Having thereon a frame c<
ALSO of. in and to all that certain piece
• r lot of land, situated In West Llbeity, But- 41
U r Co, Pa, liounded as follows, to-wii Be- M
-inning at the north west ctirner of said lot *
\. i;. t h«-ft. < -y .tsNos ii. in. v. s | n said ''
v illage of West "Liberty north *>.75 deg. west
feet to a post, thence by lands formerly 1'
f N f. Wit'k north *1.25 deg. east 214 feet to a ■ "
post, thence by lands of John Couvert south , £
1 deg. « ast I'.s fret to a post, tlience by lands
of N \\U It - • m 29 dec msi lU feel U ;
the place of U'-'inning and containing j'
-I ft. of land. Having thereon a frame shop, j 1
\L-o of. in and to all those certain lots i
«»f land, situated in West Liberty. Butler Co, t
Pa. bounded as follows, to-wit : On the north p
by a street, east by lot of EGCluttou. south j \
i»v an alley, west by l»>t of W W Robinson; >
lieing 12»» ft. by iui» ri: having thereon frame i j
house, barn and outbuildings. i
A LSO-of. in and t«» all those certain lots f
of land, sitmated in West Liberty. Butler Co. >
Pa. bounded as follows, to-wit : Beginning at 8
a post tln-nce by lands of N Weitzel south 00 t
iieg. west 120 fee; toa]H»st. thence by lands
: s north 30 de| west 190 feet to a post) «
then -e north »>»deg. « .ist 120 fe- t to a public <
road, thence by said road south 30 deg. east '
120 feet to the place of beginning; containing I
14100 si\. ft.
ALSO Of. in and t" til those certain lots
of land, sit uated in the village of W. Liberty,
Butler Co. Pa. bounded as follows. to-»vit: 1
Beginning :it a post, thence by lot No. 11 :
north til .25 deg east feet to a post, thence ,
by lands of Nichlas Weit/el south 25.75 deg. ,
east 12i' feet to a post, thence by a street ,
south *51.25dt west 120 feet to a post, thence <
t!i 28.79 deg west 199 feel t«» j
t :"ie !»!:*••• of liegiuuing; being lots Nos. 12 and .
13 In said village. i
ALsO of. in and to all that certain jrteee •
• r pare* lof land, situated in Brady twp But- '
let Co.. Pa., liounded as follows, to-wit:
Bi - lining at a p«>st and running by lot N<•
in the village of West Liberty north 30 deg
west 120 feet to a post, thence by land of
John Covert north oo ileg., east »>■"> feet to a 1
post, t hence south 30 deg., east feet to a
post, thence by a public road, south 30 deg..
west uo feet the plac. of beginning: contain
ing 7900 feet more oi less. s<-» deed I k '■
ALSO Of. In and to all that certain piece
or lots of land, situated in West Liberty But
l-T Co., Pa., liounded as follows, to-wit:
Being -ts N 11. and part of No. sint he
plan of the village of West Liberty, Butler
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Nichias Weitzel at the suit of John
Forcbt et al.
E. I>. No. 150. September Term. R. P.
Scott. Att'y.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
George H Graham of. in and to all that »*er
taln piece or parcel of land, situated in l air
-1 view twp. But ler Co. Pa. bounded as follows,
to-wit: Beginning at a white oak at the
southeast cor ner of land of Joseph Hawk and
west line of Fairview l»oro,thencc west along
Minburv road 12 rods to a post, th«*nce by
! lands of .b»s Hawk nort ii by a straight line to
' a post on till' North Washington road to the
' north east corner of the orchard on lands of
1 said Joseph Haw k said post to be west by
lands now owned by Gil Graham along the
' road ten rods, thence east by North W'ash
• ington road to McEhries lot, thence south by
said lot I*o feet to the southwest corner,
thence east bv said lot of John Adams 120
feet to line of lands of G 11 Graham, thence
p south along said line to the place of begin
ning: containing 3 acres, more or less.
- ALSO Of. in and to all that certain pi ce
: of land, situated in Kalrview twp, Butler Co.
Pa. imiutided as follows, to-wit: Beginning
' ai the northeast corner at a post at the
Petrolia road, thence by part «>f MeCleary
1 farm «»f which this is a part south 52 perches
' to a post, thence by lands of Samuel Eykes
soutn Mil deg. west '»s..*i perch. *s to a post.
1 thence by lands of Philip T Templeton north
U'-rth 70 cieg. cast 42 perches to the place of
e bcgtnning;containing 10 acres and Vr* perches.
'• ALSO Of. in and to all that certain pie<*e
or parcel of land, situated in Fairview twp.
V Butler Co, Pa. liounded as follows, to-wit:
' On the north by Fairview and Sunburv road.
> east by the McCleary farm, south by the Mc
•' liatfertv farm neiw owned by Havicf Rankin.
' west by Fairview ,\nd Sijnbury road: con
*' taining si\ acres, more <ir less.
.i ALSO- Of. in and to all that certain piece
.. or parcel of land, situated in Fairview twp.
• Butler Co, Pa, liounded as follows, to-wit:
s /t Beginning at the soutwest corner at a white
oak, tlience ny lands of Joseph Hawk north
!_ 7 deg. east 50 perches to a post, tlience by
Washington road south 5.5 deg. east 11.s
perches to a post, thence by same south 57.5
deg. 12.s perelies to a post, thence by lot of
McElrle south 1H deg. wi st 7.2 peyclws tti a
>' post, thi nee by same south till deg. east 4.7
•' perches to post, thence by lands of J J
Maxwell south 10 deg. west 15.3 perches to a
post, tlience by lands of J M Bice south 3s
\ iimr tl 't ;i mist thenco bv
deg. west 11 > perches to a post, thence ny
same south lt>..» perches west 17.7 perches to a
post, thence by Middlefown road south Ki
deg. west V.4 perches to the place of begin
ning; containing five acres and W perches,
and being the same lands described in mort
gage of <i H Graham to Butler Savings Bank,
recorded in Mortgage !>ook 20, page 337.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Ceotge II Graham at the suit of But
ler Savings Bank for use of R P Scott.
E. D. 127 September Term. IslK \v. ti Lusk,
Alt the right title, interest and claim of
James E Thorn of, in and to all that certain
piece or lot of land, situated in Butler twp..
Butler Co.. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt:
Commencing at a point off West D. street,
adjoining lot of Eward P Thome i:m feet to
Cleveland street themv westwardly along
Cleveland street 1"» feet to Poplar street,
thence south ward a'on r P<»p',:,r >tD.ei is
feet, thence sruthvvu'd aloity iiiie of lot of
Charb s and Cecelia ihlffy 'Ji feet to -West
D" stteel thence east along west D. street 12
feel to lot of Edward P Thome the place of
beginning being the same property described
ing thereon erected a frame house 1 story
high, and outbuildings.
>eized and taken in execution a< the. prop
erty of James E Thorpe »,t the suit of Guar
antee uml 1 uvestment Asso.
E. i>. No., Z IS, Juvie and ItCJ Septevnber Term,
lsiK Marshall and Thompson Si Son. Att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Lvdla M Cravens and 11 11 Cravens of. in tusd
to all t hat certain piece or '(»♦ t.f land, situat
ed i.i Mars lioro . IJut«er('o., Pa., Ixiunded as
foi'.ows. to-wlt: Beginning at the southwest
corner thence in a northerly direction by
the right of way of the P tX W Ry Co. thirty
feet t<» a post, thence in an easterly direction
by a street ten rods more «»r ''**> u ' C-iay Ave.
thence along sahl Ave., ot a southerly direc
tion thirty feet to a post, thence in u wester
ly direction along lot of 7. Miles ten rods
more or less to the place of beginning with a
a one story frame dwelling house and a two
story frame restaurant building erected
t hereon,see mortgage book 58 page 2.1 for ref
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Lydla M < ravens and II II Cravens at
i he suit of Lizzie llorvietfer et al.
E. D. No. 160 Sept. T. 189K 14. P. Scott, i;U'y.
Ail the H«;h» 11 lit:, iiitti est and claim of
(ieoi ge 11 Graham, oof, in and to
all that certain elect or tract of
land, situated in Parker twp. But-,
ler Co, I'a, bounded as follows, tv-wit: Be-1
ginning at the northwest- corner at a stone,
i hence sout h sit deg. east ."is pen'hes by lands
of M S Adams to a stone, t hence nort b 1(1 deg.
' west i:C!.Uperches by limds < * Da iu Alwortli
to line of Thou,as \»wot'th Sr, thence south
i .."i (J,.*. east .v» 2 pen dies by lands «>f the said
I Thomas Alwortli Sr. to a stone at a public
toad known as the Fairvlew and Maple
I urnace road, then a- south 10 deg. east 1-11
perches along said road and by lauds of
David II Alwortli to the place of beginning;
, containing forty-six acres and twenty-six
perches, having thereon erected a frame
I burn, log house and outbuildings, and Hing
ihe same land described ir, tgage of Geo
I II brahan ;o G Ulb lim, recorded in Mort
| gaue book .'jn,pfige
>eized avid taken In execution as the pro
| perty <»f < ieorge 11. Graham at the suit of
Ueorge U. Behui tor use of li. P. Scott.
' E. D. No. 117, September Term, Ist«* WUUnVns
S- M'fhell, Alt'y,
All the right, title, Interest and claim of
John Larimore of. in and to all that certain
piece or parcel of land, situated in Oakland
i wp. But ler Co, Pa, bounded as follows, to
wit: On the north by lands Uobinson and
Moorhead, east by lands of GrifHn, and Craig,
south by lands of P A McElwee and on the
wi st by lands <»f Duffy and Gordon; con
taining s."> acres, more or less li.-'v't g there
on one iKJ.-it'd dwelling house, one log dwel
ling house, stable and other outbuildings;
also an orchard.
Seized and taken 111 execution as the prop
erty of John Larimore at the suit of B c
II use! ton.
E. I>. No. 17J September Term, W*- Newton
Black, Att'y.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of T
J Montgomrey and Margaret Met
nio» i j rs or It' and to all that certain
piece or lot of hind, situated In Butler boro,
Butler Co, Pa, liouudcd as follows, to-wit:
< m the north by West street, east by lot of
Thomas-Baker, south by an alley, and on the
west by lot of I Ly t le; fronting forty feet on
West street and extending back one hundred
and seventy-five feet, more or less, to an
alley, with a two story frame house erected
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of T J Montgomrey au'J Mont- ,
ro- rey at tie • U|t of \ B C Mel* arland, re
(•efver et ai.
F. D. No, lot), September Term. l s *>. Newton ,
Black, Att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of J J
M < ampheli. being the undivided one-third :
inter' : of. in and to all that cei tain piece or
parcel of laud, situated in Marlon twp, But- «
lerCo, Pa, iHHinded as follow
the north by l. • d> of IN.belt At Well, « ast by
ud : \tweK belrs, south by lands of Tfeftl
t« ! ii i y, west by tandti of James Klmes and
Atwt'll; containing s»; acres, more or U-ss.
mostly cleared and In a fair state of cultiva
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
of JM t ampbell at the suit of J J Cuvntnlngs '1
for use of Newton Black.
E. D. No. VS>. September Term. ls'A v . W.A. & -
I « , ;o-, l uer. \tCys.
Mi ther i . ht, title, int« rest and claim of J *
M Conway of, in and to all that certain pieci*
<r parcel of land, situated In Cherry twp.
Butler Co. I'a, tniunded as follows, to-wit: £
[>II the north by lands «»f Smith and 111 ml -
man, east by lands of John Berg and Henry A
A B« :, r and S Stoughton. south by lands of \
David Kussell, John Hartley and on w\-,t, by |
lands of Jaines Smith: coi luluiitg acres,
n ort « t ,« -.s liavlng theteon erected a frame -
fjou-i bat n and outbuildings; also an orch-
ird thereon. '
Seized and taken In execution ast lie prop- '[
•rty of I M Conway at tin* suit of J B Wol
ford for Use of .1 Berg ft Co.
K. D No. llio, septeiuber Term, lsi»s. Painter :i
Murrin, Att'ys. • w
All the rigid, title, int' tisi au<4 claim ««f M
McElwee of, in and to all that certain piece a
»r parcel of land, situated in Oakland twp,
tut ler Co, Pa. bounded as follows, to-wit: a
hi the north by lauds of J B Larimore heirs, «'
ast by lands of P A McElwee formerly now
Sutler Savings Bank, south by lands ot John G
•till! and Ed Walker, west by land- of M t l
I,lt. bison heirs, and Sam*l Gordon; contain- ti
ng »l acres, more or less, having thereon rt
rame barn, small « rcliard, al»oul one-half of
he same t>«'ing cleared. e
Seized and taken in execution as the nrop
rty of M F McElwee at the suit of Peter
V hit mire. _
.. D. No. 130, September Term, Williams &
Mitchell, Att'ys.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of J
ieuben llose. I p rot*man Sr, W M C .Tones, I
artners.dolng buslne-'s as tIH- Zelletiople Ex- I
fusion l o,of. In and to all that certain piece I
r parcel of land, situated In Xelienople Boro
ml Jackson twp, Butler Co, Pa. bounded as J
allow*, to-wit: Beginning at the northeast 1
*i»tner of the traO a stoiic-. thcitee by »
Ureeu Lane, "*mth f» d(*K- east •» perches, t«» «
[he* center of tin Beaver road, ihence in the
•enter of the isaid r*»ad s* »uil» 4CJ2.*» d«*g. west
«U~» perches. thence »>> the same smith 31.r>
rie*r wi st 4j•r In s. thence hy same south
163 cleg. west 1">.- p* rches. t hence hy samel
s4.uthu.dfj west W.,V> lurches. th«i»ce by)
s.ir!i« - ;Ut - V'« st ;stfi [,. h-ht's. thence
by orphan - !!■ ■ * r i<i north £i. » d»*ir. west '
wi-st •
perches. thenee by OonnoqueneNsing « r«rk ,
north 1U.:» deg. east t»c,;i perches, thence by
same north 5 dejr fast perches. the net*
by same north dee. east 'JLh'd perches, ;
tne»i'*f bv -;im«' i»* rt*» 17 east I'M l ,
pen'hes. tnenc" by sunn- north 11.75 deff. east
lf»>7 perches. theiue by same north <2. i."» <ieg.
east-4.2 perches to the enter of the New
t'astle pubiic r ad. th« n.v in the center of
the said road north *7 Z"» «leg. east 5"7.6
perches. thence by landsof A Seaton and A
M LusU south ♦'» <1« -T- east ">.l perches to a ;
st<the; e by s:tis.*- north M..*» dvjj. east j
perches to the pla • of Nirlnninir: containing '
one hundred and seventy-two acres and
forty-nine perch* •*. more or less, as per the i
survey of I: \ M'*Kill), except >uch portions
:i> have released or conveyed before J
the entering of this judgment.
Seized and taken in e.v cutioti i> the prop- «
f J K en Kose. I r. tzman -r. W M ,
* .tones, doing business as the »
'/.eiienople Extension Co, at the suit of The \
Pittsburg Tlme>.
E. I>. No. l?> Term. l«w. J. W.
Hutch's ift At! v.
All the rivriit. title. interest and claim of
W a iker Martin and Sarah F. Martin of. in
and to ail t hat certain piece or iot of land, j
situated in Htitlcr horo Butler Co. Pa. bound- i
ed as follows, to-wit: On the north by an J
utionen alley, east by an alley, south by lot]
of li \V I i*faham. west hv SlcKean St. Be- :
itii: forty fe« t front on s:;id M« Kc;tn St.. and
running back there from one huiuired ninety j
feet more or less to said alley: being the j
same property conveyed hy deeadated March
-4th. WC by il W 1" <»raham and Anna J lira- j
ham conveyed to Sarah K Martin see deed!
l>ook 172 page .'Os Having thereon a modern '
frame house, stable and out buildings.
Seized and tnk it in e\« cut ion as t lie | r »p
--i-rty of Walker Martin at I Sarah K Martin •
at the suit of Keystone State li & I, Ass.
K. It. No. 171 Septet < r Term K»v J. W.
Hutchison Att'y.
All the right. title, interest and claim of
Philip Sherman and Barbara E Sherman of.
in and to all that certain piece or lot of land,
situated in butler lioro Butler Co.. Pa..
Itouuded as folllows. t '-wit: Beginning at a
p«>st at the southeast corner tnence along
Euclid Ave lifty-six feet to a post. thence
aloi z north ward ang tln ine of lot No
one hundred forty two feet to a post on Mor
ton Ave thence cast u :rd 1.24 feet to a post,
t hence southward FHUfclfcct along line of lot
No :i to a post, the place of i»efrinaing being
tin* same lot conveyed hy Thomas Kobinson
ei ux to Barbara E Sherman see deed Ixxik
174 page 10. Having thereon erected a two
story frame house and out-buildings.
seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Philip Sherman and Barbara E Sher
lu.iti at the suit of Keystone State B & L
TEKMS OK SAI.K The following must be
staictly complied with when property is
st ricken down.
1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor
becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ
must be paid, and a list of the liens, includ
ing mortgage searches on the property sold,
together with such lien creditor's receipt*
for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or
such port ion t hereof as he may claim, must
be furnished the Sheriff.
2. All bids must be paid in full.
;j. All sales not settled immediately will
be continued until 1 o'clock p. m. of the next
day at which time all property not settled
for will again l»e put up and sold at the ex
pense and risk of the person to whom first
♦See Purdon's Digest, tith edition, page 44<>
and Smith's Forms pagt »M.
WILLI \M B. DODDS Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office. But ler. Pa.. August 10. I>US.
List of names drawn from the proper
jury wheel this '-M day of Aug., is<w to
serve as (irand Jurors at a regular term
of Court, commencing on the first Mon
day of September. the same being
the sth day of said month.
Bard, W E, Centreville, dentist.
Barnhart Oscar, Millerstown, farmer,
Hartley N" F. Clay twp, farmer,
Campbell Enos, Concord twp, farmer,
i Campbell C M. Concord twp, farmer,
: Campbell Wm F, Fairview twp.farmer,
Eppinger Iron, Lancaster twp, farmer,
Fulton Wm, Jackson twp. farmer,
Graham Jas H. Cranberry twp. farmer,
J Hiuchberger .Tos, Butler twp, farmer,
Hines W A. Brady twn. farmer.
niiitra >* a, uimi\ iw|», itr iut'l, >
Kaufman Geo, Adams twp, farmer.
Lensner Richard, Jefferson twp, far
Martin John. Adams twp, farmer.
Morris CA, Washington twp, farmer,
McGill (ieu E. Karns Citv, producer,
McCall Samuel Clay twp, farmer,
McGunt-gal John Slipperyrock twp.far- ]
Phillips Zack. Butler sth w. laborer, '
Raabe Christ. Saxonburg, foreman,
Shira Wellington, Washington twp.far
Stoops Albert C<J4Gov«l twp, farmer,
Snyder 1. < Brady twp, fanner.
Zehner Charles, Jackson twp, farmer.
List of names drawn from the proper
jury wheel this second day of Aug. ,1898,
to serve as Petit Jurors at the regular
term of Court commencing on tLe sec
Mot'-Ihv of JSeptcauber. is<>B, the
same being the i3th day of said month.
Beyer John, Lancaster twp. farmer,
Beatty E S. Ilarrisville, merchant. <
Banldauff Geo, Summit twp. farmer,
Barnhart Jacob Butler Ist w, laborer, '
Butler \ U, Parker twp, producer,
Byerley Harvey D. Butler 2d w, clwlt.
Christman John, liutler Ist \y, oajppgn- 1
ter. i
Campbell A Ponulta, farmer,
Coyle John, Clearfield twp, farmer, '
Doerr Geo, Buffalo twp, farmer, i
Deets John M, Fairview twp, farmer.
Davidson I) F, Slipperyrock twp, far- '
mer, i
Lrescher Edward, Saxonburg, wagon
maker, *
Elliott .Tas, Buffalo twp, farmer. t
Engl ; sh WL, Portersville, ger.t,
Flanigan .las. Bi'tU.r 'id w, glas.s worker,
Fleeger J M, Forward twp, farmer, I
Greenawalt Henry, Jackson twp, far
mer. '
Glenn Horace, Washington twp, far- <
I Gilkey Jos, Valencia, ,
Hinchlterjjer John Butler twp, farmer. i
Ilini.hbergtT <ie.«, Butler twp. farmer, ,
Hawk Isaac A, Butler Ist w, carpenter.
Herr Albert J, Butler sth w, printer, <
Hutchison Wm, Oakland twp, farmer, .
Kidd Ross, Mars, farmer. '
Kidd Sam'l, Butler v!d w. Gardner, <
Kelley Harry L, Worth t<yp, farmer,
Love H W, < 'lir.tnii twp. farmer, '
Lovv Wm. Butler twp, farmer, 4
Maloney Michael Donegal twp, prod ue .
McElvain Reuben, Butler <st w, clerk, 4
MeGncken Geo, Clcarfivld twp, farmer, ,
McClaff' rty John. Clearfield twp, far- "
mer, {
Pontious W C, Donegal twp, farmer, >
Russell W G, Sunbury, merchant, 1
RobVj F M, Oakland twp. farmer.
Smith Jas. Buffalo twp, farmer, A
Smith W F, Forward twn, farmer, *
Spronll E G, Majiau twp,' miller,
Seator. Ambrose, Washington twp, far- ,
mer, "
Sutton Sam'l. Butler Ist w. carpenter, {
Thompson Rob't, Butler 2d w. watch- A
man, ]
Timblin A L. Fairview, shoemaker,
Vandyke Clyde. Mercer twp, farmer,
Weifjle C E. Prnyncct, slater,
Wi'-k Tuujer, Concord twp, farmer,
j Wright SM, Jefferson twp, driller J
Pearson B. N ace's
Livery Feed and Saie Stable
Rear of
Wick House, Butler, Penn'a.
Tht' liest of horses ami tirst class rljjs Jll- F
witvs on hand and for hire.
ifest aeenmiiiotlations in town for
nent boarding ami transient, trade. Speci
al care guarantee*'
Stable Room For 65 Horses.
A Lr«M»! elass <»f horses. Ihitli drivers and
draft horses always on hand and for sale
under a full liuiirjiutcc; and horses Imuvrh*.
upon pro(M*r notification l»y
TclepMmw. No. slit. ft
TH6 3UTk6R OTIZ6N. t
SI.OO per year If paid In advance, otherwise -
51..V1 will lie I'liurKed. j"
ADVKIITIBINU i: t>»:e ineh. OUe tim« *>'
f1; eacit > insertion '•<» rents each f. (
Auditors* and divorce not-lees each: exee
utors' and administrators' notices <1 i .vli
est ray and dissolution not lets each. Kead- 8C
Injc notie. i 10 cents a line for first and "»'*eiits fji
for earh subsequent insertion. Notices .1
anion# loeat ne .% s items l."» cents 4 l\nc for *
e ich insertion. Obituaries, eavd» of thanks, pi
resolutions of rt sju «*t, notices of festival* ti
and fairs • Inserted at tin- rate of cents .1.
;i line, money to acconmany the order, -even
words of prose make a line. W
Kates for standing cards and job work on m
All advertising is due after first Insertion, ;
;ind all transient advertising u.u.st be paid Hi
for in advance. tti
All communications Intended for publica- r
I ioe, \u t his paper must IK* accompanied by
the real name of the writer, not for publica
lion bu a guarantee of bcmml faith,and should 2 ti<
reach us not later than Tuesday evening.
Death notices must be accompanied by a
Funeral Director. A
337 S. Main St., Butler.
Office on South Diamond Street.
Office in Mi chell building.
j Offic? with Newton Black, Esq. South
Diamond Street.
Room 8., Armory buildib n .
Special nttention given to collee.ions
and business matters.
Reference: Butler Savings Bank, or
Butler County National Bank.
Office on Main St. near Court House.
Room J. —Armory building.
Office between Postoff.ce and Diamond
Office at No. 104 East Diamond St.
Office near Court House.
Eye, ear, nose and throat a specialty.
132 and 134 S. Main Street, Ralston
Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P. O.
Residence 315 N. McKeau St.
200 West Cunningham St.
New Troutnian Building, Butler Pa.
• Office No. 45, S. Main st ect, over City
137 E. Wayne St., office hours. 10 to
12 a. m. 1 and to 3 p. tn.
Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest
improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec
ialty. Office over Miler's Shoe Store.
Golil Fillings Painless Extraction of
Teeth and Artificial Teeth without plates
a specialty, Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air
or Local na;sthetics used.
Office over Millers grocery, east of Low-
OUILC UVtl iUUICia vaai -
v house.
Formerly known as the "lVerles*
Painless Extractor r.f Teeth." Located
permanently at in Kast Jefferson St.,
Opposite Hotel Lowry, Butler. Will do
dential operations of all kinds by the.
latest devices and uo-to-date methods
1" l)KN*isr,
Painless extract.'.^*" —No Gas— Crown
and (iridic walk a sj>ecialt}'.
Office—Uooni No. I. new Ri<-kel build
| i•
XHear Tllis or its Equal?! I
o 'gMWggSM < ►
ANice Top Buggies >
lif Duster and Whip.. .50,
V Total... S4O 00V
Or do you want a Surrey?V
A nice Surrey ssO 00<, ►
Harness 10.00'
Duster and Whip . 0.00 lj >
Total... S6O 00, >
Quantity limited. Come soon. |
No one ever offered suet, goods '. *
at such prices. They wau't ,' >;
last long. I
S. B. Martincoart S Co.,J
K. Jefferson St., Cntler, Pa. « >
For Sale
(s) 2 one hundred bbl. Tanks, •/
A 2 wood rigs, r)
V- 1 good boiler and engine.
y. 1575 feet of No. 1 tubing,
Y) 1575 feet of No. 1 rods. /-
For Particulars inquire of
CoyloSville, l'a., or
Great Belt l'a.
Your Statioiiiiry.
It is getting to be tW |>rof>er thfntr
'or fanneis as weU as merchants and
>thcr business iu«>n to have printed sta
ionary. Aad we tan see no reason
vhy they sii.nild not take their proper
»l«"v among business men by adopting
lusincss methods in as many ways a«
M>ssihle. There is a combination of
rasinesa and sentiment in jiivinw your
arm a name like "Valley View Plaee,'*
'Maple Spring Farm" "Hillside." oi
lomethinif of the kind, as it lends a eer -
ain dignity and individuality to the
ilace. an increased sense of pride in th
iroprietorahip thereof, as well as addf
onal imi>ortaiice in the eyes of produce
lealers or commission merchants with
I'lioni you are dealing. A small invest
nent in printed stationary giving j'our
esidencc and business, snch as braed
ng of throughbred stock, the innnfac
nro of dairy produce, etc., might prove
f no slight advantage to yon, as well
s giving a certain degree ot satisfac
ion. And when yon conclude to haye
Dtoe note beads and envelopes printed
tuiembor that the same can i>e had at
lie < 'iTjy.K.x office as cheap and good as
139 South Mailt street
Over.Sbaal &.Nast's Cloiblnj Store