Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 18, 1898, Image 4
\ PURE BLOOD. | Pure W> oc'r.i r«.rtsl ; te health, € 5 vi»">r - no room !<>r J 5 v.iw>;,; th. vin.i .-re filled i 4 \vith ricii. r» d corjuiscles. r JLindsev's Improved| I Blood Searcher t m Makco pure L".-> cu.es s~ r r>f- f # ula. erysipelas, pimples, boil-:, * f sot* eyes scald blood ais- f ers -s cf all forms. Here'sprooi: r v I«. iJn.i'vT >i. .</i :* .rcWr h«f i P » .rke.! i.n- I l.«. ■ >'"» \ i tr-irls*! »v;th r ' ,<■■<..* 0 i >Hit i hid !"■. IJiid*e> • li.- 't > # ,„r *i.. ' r ."<l.l us* T i »r -iiort till) !•-, u-or-lerW. _ # # vi. j onr.-'T co. r ='TTS3t)f»5 f*. *■ # A * vv~. "i H I urrf rrg'i. S •' 3 u rTI TTh\ our nrw yl 1 kfcuJij "Uesia"2 g [ CfibHlar S Ji lv j Lanternvkichiße Si »? gT j ntKvqtfcrassome- B U _J thing exlraordi- ¥| Jj. ~.arj in the Lzniern tine. II the fa fy F jilrcad Lantern's rugged constiiu- \, K> turn lined to the tubu! ~r ■ .sietrt, ana rl |i the ~<;ull is a splendid tight-givinz df *¥ tus.ir and abuse resister. He will, Xt Ip if desired, mad our special Circular tt |1 of the " Vesta" LanUn:, or, upon & JX receipt of sioo, we will send you fa fe (freight prepaid i Ike very 6e.it Lan- t\ H trrn fjr general serznee you ever sew. Qt Why not ' see it" on those UnnsT \j j 2 Our l"rSrat«4 C* to T.lUti Frw. X, ji R. E. DIETZ CO., « fe 6o Laight St., New York. V )* EITULtUtg IB IMS. Vt |1 Or.lv fwd lAHterm art damped " DIETZ." ra RAILROAD TIME TABLES P., Be.sHemer &L I". Traiafl depart. Xo. 14, at 9:40 A. >1 No. 2, at .5:110 P. M. Butler timo ■Trains -trriv. . No 1, 9:"i5 A. M; No. 11, 2:55 P. M. Bntler timo No. 12 runs throngh to Erie and con nects with W. N. V. it. P. at Huston Junction for Franklin and Oil City, and with N. Y. L. E. & W. at Bhouan go for all points east. No. 2 runs throngh to Meadville and connectH with • W. N. Y & P. for Franklin and Oil City. W R. TTHNER, Ticket Aftent piTTSBURG & WESTERN *■ Railway. Schedule of Pas senger "I rains in tflect May 15, 1898. BUTLER TIME. 1 Depart. ! Arrirtt. .\IIUGLC y Aoc irun>'idatiorj ] 6 £"> A.TT FT 1* Aili'ffheiiy I 8 15 " , 9 .1' " K#w Uc.iu Accoianiodatiou ,' I Jo W.K >l7 " Akron Mall 8 V» A.M 7 (jQ p.* Allegh or AlUgliony KxprAM 3 15 p.si. 4 fiu u AUfgbiu.v u ¥\jer ft . > 05 •• ,* Chicago ilxfTCTtc '5 3» " 18 Aii-gb'TIJ Mail r » 4I» 44 * UIJ Al.'t-(rji«*riy "Fly?r".. : 7 tiCi « Eil-ohd Acc»>ainj Chicane Limited "• " , 3 17 j^% itnri Clai uiu A"-conimofJftti<.-n 5 35 p.* q :U] A m M NIiAY TRAINS. j Allegheny Kxpr-<m l. r » ».*' 9 33 « AH«|l'«-r'V Ac«« Utelie Ac* '»umud»tk>o | 8 15 an! T 03 44 Chicago KxpreM J 3 3K pjkj | yi M A]!' %uenj Accoßkiuo>iation ...... j 7 t/3 u Train arriving *t 4.50 p.m a. &. •>. d»|Kit. NI .i 'A) p.m and P. & st 3.10 p. ra. I'«ar through tickets to all in the wcat, n »rtL we-«i or cm thwart an«l inforsuUian rwgarling routes, time «jf train*, etc. apply to W U TCBVIVI, Ticket Agent, E. B. REYSOLI**, Hop't, Butler. IV Koxl.t P&, a W. BAS3ETT, - - (J. P. A.. Allegheny, Pa PENNSYLVANIA WFSFEN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. ftciUDt'LZ IS £m>7 SOT. 19,1U97. SOUTH. , WEr.K DAYS , A. M A M A.M .P. M P M Birrucr. c 25 x " • 1 11 2 «. SOS Haxuii'.-iiif Airive C .*4 -*. l il .H*. -i ■» 26 fritinr Juu^tlou.. " 7IT ».l 12 1 1 *:. i 5.J liuM.ir Juiitti-'n .-. L»a». 730 H ."'.l,iM 2*»: 'J il 511 Nat ma .Airl-re 7 38 ' 901 111 *J 3 C 02 arcr.luni 7 4i! 9 07 12 3 12 ti iff I Hfrituulale 7 50 9 1C 12 1M '3 52 ..... d»r.uw,nl (• ail' 1 Ir2' t 00, » f 7 gl*a tl.ttj„ I e »so I U i 19 r, 3» Ail.ijl.onv | * 20; » 4«; 1 Ssl 4 i» « 4: |A. M ;A VI i*. «.jf M.,r. M. SUSIIAY . TRAlV?.—L*ave Il"tl;i br Allfghmy <Ht) iii l priiidral latennudiate (UUofii at 7-7 Aa. m, azui J 00 p. m. HORH. VKKK IJATS IA. M.JA. M. A.M.IP. Sl.!r. M All-iiiiiny City. ..!<«▼» 1 00| 9 •» 11 ill 2 IK.- < lu Htmrijvhijr,; 7 11 3 12 11 t «J .... IWemont 9 19ill 44 2 Sl-rtnicKlo .... » "Will 66 S Hj « 37 Tiuotttua 7 34 'I 39 12 (rti 3 231 « «» Vatn».a 7 39 9 43|U 12 3 31 j « 5,». Builor Junctiou.. ju ri<e 7 4« 9 iy). i 2 2i' 3 4'» < t' > lkitlct Juuctlcja... .lcavo 7 46 9 %il2 Z", 4 111; 7 <lO Ifcwuuiitirg ' H lSl r i 15(12 49, 4 Jh l T 21 EITI.EB arrtre * 40 W 38 1 17 8 Qj| 7 50 [a H,A.m.|P. M |P M.;P. M SCSDAY TEAISH.—L«sve Alleghnuy City l.r But- U*i ..U'l priiicip.l luUrniM'Jiut.' >*atl"SA at 7-20 a in. an'l 9.-00 p. 18. Vtn Pin THK EAST. W; u* li.w P. JtlA M.l r M t M 2 35. ti 25 1* Brnxn arl ... 117 " 2>; 7 27 ar Butler Junction.... Ivl . . 12 '25 4 OOj 7 46 1* Buttar Junction ar ft 3<» T2 OH 1 05! 7 49 ai- rriH>J»lt h It 2* 12 Oli t ' % 7 S3 " AllsKlwny Junction . ' 8 24'12 01 « 211 »04 » Leocbburg " K on. 11 49 4 40; a 21 •' Paul tun (Ap..lia> " 1 7 toll 32 5 08! t» 61 " rtuluburg - j 7 anil 09 5 41( # 22 » BlaimlUa. " j ; W) Io 4^i 5 MH 9 30 " IH.ir.Tllk lutem-tlwn .." 1 3 Mi 10 10 # SO 11 " AH-Mia »! 3 1ft 1 8 00 1 on; 3 10 « llarrtol-irif - II 45 » 10 . ' 4 :«1 6 •£> " PbUadfelpfaU | 8 30.11 20 * X M.|p. M.I LA. M. r. m >n flanday, train leavlnit Builer 7:35 . ra., ounrcta for Harrlirfjurg, AlUioiia ami I'hUivl'-.l^ila Tbruufrb train, for the mu«l l«ve l'lltrf urg (Union BUucn .), mm follow. — AlUut!. Tltjirna. JkU? ..2-JiOaJi Pennnylvauti laioitM " 7:15 H Day tl»|ir.i*, " 7:30 " Main I,in« k<,inn, " *OO " Kapr*a, « ..... 4;.KJ ix KiprcM, " ...7-05 " Fan! Lliiv. • 8 in " FUlad'a Mall, Bt.n'iay» only C IO v.* Fur details! information, .vl'lr- ' Xli'w K. Watt, Paw.. Afrt. Wtri. ru District, (\irart Fifth A.euire ami Hiuilh llal.l Strwt, PiltaOurii, Pa J B. HUTCHISON, J. K WOOD, 'Janarai Mai Mail- Uen'l "w. Acent. MODEL Farm for Sale I want to sell my farm of 235 .Krea in Oakland twp., adjoining IkiyiLs town, six miles north 01 Butler. There is no better land for all kinds of crops in Butler county. Ivly wheat aud grass, this year, cannot be l>cat. Come und see them. Two good orchards, some young timber, and an abundance of the best of Spring water. The builbings consist of a good, ir room, frame house; 011 c large, new, modern barn, and a larg.- old one; also all the necessary outbuild ings, including a summer kitchen. I want to quit farming because lam ' alone, and will sell at a bargain on easy terms. A part of the farm is underlaid with three and fonr feet veins of coal, with one bank opened; and the new railroad is surveyed within 100 rods of the bouse. I'or terms address or call upon, Peter Whitmire, SONORA, P. 0. Eyes Examined Free of Charge R L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Optician Neil Door to Court House, Butler, Pa. 6ab*cribe.ior the G/XIZCM. '§ f f r;4 YouOwtittoHcr.' \ *' y°a 4re " hl T ' . ■»"> TTO* . rr of a v(. :n( *^7k l V «&*»" »"■! tt 'ho np <44%* PROBING I . *» time when yir! a Lood njersre' int< woman? - 'i d< ■'.•g l*a not heciute tt r -s_^ c CI' > """ " fp«st freely arc frankly with hei • bout the thfajr which no'. cU - ?'y < i cern her futura happiness. If »bc is sub ject tu as;- v. latsea ■ of ti dedicate, ,-pe c:il onjaaiMjj • f -xomiabood uiakc it vottr br.sict to #co that th.a !s propel ly coi reeled, sxd »he N:pcn woman hcod'* cuter wilt fall vomar'y Strang-fi •nd capacity. She will ble?s you for it all her liXe. is no nee '. of examination- " and "iocal applications." Sound professional advice may be obtained free of charge by writing to Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief coniuiting physician to the Hotel and Surg ical Institute, of Buff?'' N. Y . whose thirty ye*r«' oc~!pst \ f. ihim position nas msd:.- l.\v ■-t •■I ..c most em'nent of lv.;r frtc alists in the treat ment of women » <l> ease* ! Every t s-t submitted to hiru ty ciai! rc j eeires carefn'. consideration. Kfficient pnd inexpens v is prescribed i\ he:eby delicate, icTMininc complainu nay be prcmptly alleviated and cured. Dr. Pierca's Favorite Prescription is the only proprietary medicine in the world de«igned for this ppeciai purpose bjr a rejtuUr phyai cian —an cdncated. experienced expeiL Miss Cora L. R'JJM!, of Leeraoat. Actomac Co., Va., in a letter to Dr. Pierc- trom April, 1R96, until the followinjj Oct' '>*' J se verely fr«n pafoful meii"«-uati'?o. Kor abo-.t twelve hour* before the rxai\ he mec ses I would feel ctd'.y brie* i wn-e bea laehe. pain in my back. In fact \ lei: aa if every in my bod- bv«skinK fvr tl ini? din me «uy s-ood I wrote to Dr Piert- -aU he h j •Favorite Pres: Teptior. ' «ud Alter 'laica three bocUea of it I am glad to ay I am carefl." Dr. Kamphreys' iiics act directly upon the discaße, without exciting disorder in other parts of th« FTstein. I'liey Cure the Sick. SO, CrRKS. PRICES I—Fctcrn. Congest infljmmafioD!*. 'Z— \Vorm», Worin Fer , vT >nn Cc»lV\ . .25 5-Teftbiag, Colic, Cry lag, WjJrefuloe®* .25 4—r>iarrbra. vt Children or Adaiu .2-3 7— COMgh». Bronchitis .. 45 H—Xeura lfftn. Toothache. 6 llerndßchr, Sick Hea Jache, Vertigo . .25 JO—Dyspepsia. l-idigcetlon.WealrStoiap h.25 11 —<9*ippre»'M»a or Pdiuful P'*rfo4« - .23 12- White*. Too iViif Periods JJS 13-Croup, Urva«iiiji Rotnenew 25 14->alt Hheum, Err*lp*-laji. Eruptions . 1 5 iiheumatliim. Rfaeunjatic Pains . .25 IC—Malnria, Chills, Ff-vcr and Ague. . MS 1 A—4 amrrb. Tutluenia, Cold iu tue '-JO—Whooping-C'ougi* .25 27 ritduev Di*ex»r a 25 2tH!V«rvuis III:oiltt> .I.OU 30—I rlnnr v WeakneiM», V7ettlng tod. . .25 77—CJrip. Hay Fever. 2J T>r Tlomphrev** Man ial ah at rmir Dfi'«Mjt;r .Vtaf?#"' Ftfis. % fk>l ihy drv -fHir fujot o* r *«4pf o 0 .futnosirt^s D .;© t . . .ala..i Jc-ui >l>, W«w York. Baby § Every mother feels an inde scribable dread of the pain and danger attend ant upon th e most critical Beroining a mother should be a source of joy , suffering and danger of the ordeal make j its anticipation one of misery.; MOTHER'S 'FRIEND i? the remedy >vhich relieves women of tile greal pain and suf fering incident to maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman's severest tr»al is not only made painless, h, u t al' the danger is re moved y jy its use. Those who use this temedy are no longer de sPor.ideni. or gloomy; nervousness n 3'usea and other distressing con ditions are avci lc the system is made ready foi the coming event, and the acnous accidents so com mon to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's Friend. It is a blessing to loonum. »I.OOPEP.BOXTLE atall Drugstores, or aen<; by express on receipt or price. BOOKS Containing invaluable information of CDCC interest to all woman, will be sent ilttt to any address, upon application, hy Tfce BBIDFIEI.D REGULATOR CO., AUibU. 6* rj; CATARRFi B' W- ML Jr nm - er W3FI it for e scnerow IO CENT fcjCfSAM BALV. VJ TBIA*. i>3Zr. Ely's Crsaia Ss!m conUm* no cocaine, rlj .. ; y P%\ iajuriojadrut;. It ia qu.ckty Abaorbcl. I" * Given Ueiief at once. f j It opens and rl«aimt», ~• J*f» 'XrinrScn. Ci i.B'tiHEAD Hea'.tt and Protect* tt.e -f<;Ui'.iriai. Hen tor oh lbs feeo»ea of Tat-tu arid f ]:n .1. Full >izcs*Jc.; Trial Size l'jc.; at - or tiy rniii. fcVY BKOTJJEh . t<; Warren btr<<;£, Kew Y ntj KOTT'S PENNYROYAL PUIS Th'y o»(ir.JD« Trrcfv * llr » n rem*.: vigor 1 iHpggj® tton^ Th.y at "LlfD itHve-V* hvVrainc/lfs. j BfTOTT CD22 .IOAL { For Bale by D. H. \VT7LJ,EK WIDE -1 ABSCmTfXY Fißfc-PRQOE| TV/i -vld to the inflammability j rly of your Dwelling or Busi- ! "■ / cess Building by thn dse ! of combiiitible building paptrs ? Nonhrm an absolutely F:re-froof ; IiOHEmJ H sheathing and can be bad ' for about the same cost a* " burnable " ; papers. MnnKj irn ""-t' s ■' ls * barrier to flames, I norawm und wi!l not lhrow oH that stifling smoke which so endangers lifciu I case of fire. ASK YOON DKAUR rod NOHiUKM." H. W. JOHNS M'F'G CO.. 100 WILLIAM STRERT, HEW YORK. Cmioaoo. ItovroM. Phiubil»mi« ' mm rn m NEW FIRM GREGG & WISE LIVERY. Everything first-class. \ Finest turn-outs; robber-tired Buggies, 7pi, i, Pliaet ma, goo-i Ti ving U-.tti; and iatn ily w ■>. •-••• < thing t<» date l as. tk,i .sale, tall lid see us. Open day and night ; Rear of Hotel Arlington. TJU44i*uoNy_No. 1601 CITIZEN. CUBAN CAMPAIGNING. SPANISH-INSURGENT VVAHFARE D£- i . SCRIBED BY A CUBAN COLONEL, Tho Cuban PolOiers 3«ti>e» In the Fya (jt the Virth if They Are Poor Armed and | l"e 1 r>e.l V'eailnh'om'ier s --Have aj> I-and | and Fossefsiocs to .loin Ir«arcent Artny. Tho Cuban soldiers, pool 5" ajUKd and poorly fed a_ 1 veak if; ntunt rs. hare become her* 5 ; in the eyes of the kind North. True, wo hare h:ro:-3 anion? us, and we all try to fight brave ly for our country. W.i .■ up lands, professions id quiet to Join the torn rsnks of t 1 'iitle crmy; ar.d vre wia many wonderfu'. victories. These victories arc- due, to a great ex tent, to the flne qualities of our own mon—to their dash and skill —but pan'; ID hi inexperience of .he troopj sen' ..t. last us by iho Spanish govern ment. Boys of IT and undei are forcM to lake up arms agilasl a-eu for whom ibey have no real feelii of enmity They are rushed about through a coun try thc-y do not know; they are '.edit ed like dog, by mo tt of their officer v az i harassed by us f:-»m daylight "til dark. Few of iheir old troop • er« ■> ft to fight us. They were men of ®<W* ar.i knowledge o£ warfare, and :tea proved r co much for us, irtoit for man. But willingly, in a cause ihey dj not love, and if we have any pii/ t" spare from our own people it is for them. The Cuban in his early boyhood 1b trained in the use c i the (machete. iD time of peace usts it tu cut c.u-e and firewood,and as a iooliln carpentry work; but wbca he rid'sfio wur it be comes more deadly .hanuhe Amcr.can ariay or 'uiv; rupn Ev,.:;. coiintryiuan, whio vv *. o-r.s a uia.cL3tc, iO la thfs respect our CK.i are easily armed. Many of c-i cavalryaien £ue wiiaout carbines, hat the wild charge Is iheimo.st effective method of breast, thevenemy la our guerilla the with noth ing but his machete is notieutirely use less. When the Spanish. ci>mmandeis hear taat wo aie in the ti ciniij and march inio Jle r ni;is to 3ab c;u€ us. our iiujsemfcii uis»id»: j#.to oiiiuil SQUiids of icii or twelve atjd oui inra..- try lie in ambuah. Whc-:.^het Spaniards are near enough to fiijre targets we open Cie on them from tlhe brush. Sometimes they answer vcflley and taarge at the smoke, and -orUetin.es turn back aati make a dAih ior safety, in either cute our little 5 hand of horsemen, break »u upoa thoar f.oij every .-.ide .qU cui aad reueat. Tie Syai.iSu. ouiooi o may ti*y to form. th. . mt-u into squares, but very often attempts a;e unsuccessful, ao v.er cat ta«m dowii .*" ■- * y iu. ■ .^1 of coping with tb' stpfc'rlor niin- oi' regulars uent out to beat us back into sotvliiide. Som'.- times the victory is our.s, often it ia theirs —for OJJCO in the opea,'tbeir nuia bers tell- We would not Ix* ablft .0 carry our system of ambuf-i and dead* ly attack int . but' Jo:- our re lays of scouts, who keep boay of our army noufied o£ evet > move ment of the enemy. Most of the colored soldiers heating for the Cuban causa ait la thdl infan try, being too pofci to mcfents of theli >wn —and in oar army eveiT aian supplies his cwa tor f or else gdia.s on foot. We have beer, under arms for over three years, and duri» -7 all time have known no such thlc&as pay day. Ameiica.43 have too great a fear of catching yellow fever in C'ibj. Thar trytli of tbe natter i:; thai our paetoral dletric-U? and our hills are as tiealnjiy aa any country in the world, and th&f.tbe disease rages only In he vicinity of H&vtina, and there it ' partly duo to cui fclci-u"as of Spaniards tlffJir sanitary arra:-s'-'inents. \_ A ItcAiarkabU it la a remarkable fact that while the Christian churches of the United 1 State* are sending missionaries to the far East to convert the people of tho lurtu that v/as the of the Aryan racea, thatvame land l®se. ding to this country the philosophy that has thefo tcoiu. nursed and preserved for thou sands of years, and its teachings are i finding'adherents amoag the most en- UfthiO/C':-d of our who say lUttL U is nothing but iJoro light ihed upofi the Coachings of tho Qreat ..lat ter, whose principal aud oft-repeti'.ed maxim Is that only through tho love of hunuinfty and the exercise of clarity and self-sacrifice can the kingdom of heaven bo gained. Every kind act toward your suffer ing or ignorant brother caries with It Its own reward, because it makes you a better num. Surely there ia in the idea that a noble liven on forever even if not uttered, ajnt that thwbo noble thoughts and impulses come to hira who ilta himself for their reception through his own actions aud lile, and as the thought it, the begin ning of all ac-tion h - our lives are aa tiated by ncjble ttought, Indlau flakier* U Cabs. The Indian warfare on tho plains has developed as gallant soldiers as can be found iu any army in the world. Tfce campaigns against the murdaroUs Sioux, Utes, Apaches and other hostile:; lacked the flageantry and dazzle of aome wara, bOt they developed soldierly qualities and made veterans equal to the b<s«t in tiie world, Muny of t b<> ofheera the regular artny and a grrm part of the ruen oeea active ser vice agulnst the redslcine. They are ready for an ambushed, treacherous foe. Their dißclplip-;, keenness, re- Hovircefulncsaa and hardineaa splendidly qualify them fgr service In Cuba. Th<7 wfrft educated In ♦he be a ' frhnnl of ffjo soldtefs, the Indian campaigns iu thfc WeA Kirk stomacb means Hick mnn f-r womnn). Wliy cot be well'/ Sick stomach com'* from poor food, l*ror nourishment; means j»o<>r health, | poor comfort Hfc-.l<i r Digestive Conl -1 ia.l means h- ilth aud a well stomach. If we cuuKl examine our hiomacb we would undertlaod why it is that no 'it tl» will put it out of ordc. lint, unless we arc doctors, we never gee our Htomach. We only feel it We wo old feel it less if we look Shaker )>i- Cordial. Bhaker Digestive Cordial makes your stomach digest all the nourishing food yon eat, relieves all symptoms of iridi rrestion acts -is a tonic , id "oon makes you well and strong again The more you take, the le° you will | f<H:l of your stomach. At druggists. Trial bottle Id cents All the funerals in Paris are conduct ed by a single syndicate, which hat a li censed monopoly of the business. There is a regular tariif of rate., a first class funeral costing *" 000 and the cheap, or ninth class i HOOD'S ?ILLi CU'3 Liver Ills, 811- touanosa, Indirection, tic atijoho. Easy to take, easy to opecato. 20c. In China and Japan the owners of long iiH'/er - ails wear metal cases over them to protect them KiifeUMAiasu Cured in a Day. "Mystic Cure" fur Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in i to % days. Its action upon the syst>ra i» remarkable and mysterious. It re.puvea at oiicc the causes aud the disease immediate!;, dis appears. Tlie fir.d dose greatly ■'outfits; 7.5 cents. Sold by J. C. Redic, . i.d J. p. B'llph Druggists Cutler V>r V> Aberdeen sends $330,000 worth ot cotton to London weekly. THE FORESTS OF CUBA. An n A"- 1 »"*t Taluabl# "fin 1 Lo.r;f 5 . In " v •? I«2 r&. Cuba gtlll jjossess** 16,000,000 ftyies of virgin forest abounding in valuable timber, none of vhlc«* f -s useful a 4 coj . c construction lumber, fcear i> every foot wouki be*«ilao,A lp tbs Lcite.i Statr« ind bring high priee- Ccban mahogany ar>l cetiar par ticularly well known in the United Starts. The inaho racy s v- ry hard and shows a handsome (rrain. ana :a preferred by many to any other vari ety in common us<\ The. ni .mt-nt Spi'.a drops the reins of government in Cub;i *od trade relations are re-established with 'he States - i:ere will be a movtj rueiit. [«)tii inw&.d uju ouiwaid, of forest products which will have a bene ficial eSV jt upon the industry of both counn.ei. First to t'eel the torce of this mov mcrtt ioward - wi.l be '.lie lunr ering iu "rests of the South Atlantic ano Gulf coasts. t*riot to v«?ars ago tiic> looked upon Cuba at. au excellent outlet for tlio coaf?% end of the mill cuts, and since that marke; has been to t-erfim the prosecution of a most hideous and re- TOltißS war, ine oomv grades of y:!- lot pine produced at coast points have been marketed with difficulty atd seldom at proiit. It is unfortunately true that Cuba will be unable to real ize so promptly frcin a mov meat to re-< tabiish lie: mahogany and citl"r trade, for it is Ciuimeu uj proininejit operators tnat the industry has been so completely crippled t.y the rat ages war that a period of time 1 anni -.g from twelve to eighteen months wii. bo required befor ? l< = ; <au be UTtU. -d at ports in this couLiry. Ii is hoi- d tyat all this niu;- be r shc-duing ati ; IJ;::una. drop oL blood. Prior to tha vsl ;ae tSBUsI net S -11 ue cf Cuba was $80,000,000. tVitb peace restored it would hatlly be bet ter than $50,000,00-. But under c. con aervalive form o" government rhe would g-.i'- her closer with the United State-. —... s olu ,. Vpk *iiTemiiOß» Shoes can be de layed to better ad vantage by mea•• s of a pneum'tic 1 v-.t, w" ich if placed ir..-:' : e the c hoc* • fii-ed to expand it and fill cu :he «p --p?r. Metalh - folding beds are ma le with the horizontal bar hlSged ih several sectiyts to close up an", draw th® footboard'Ui. to the head "cvhen .lie bed is not. in usfc. In a receu 'y patented autonualf wagon brake the th.liS are on movable rods on the iron, axle, which sijtf.e backward aKd aj.ply the brakes ae scon as the hi rse ho!2e bat? To indicate when a new becii tampered . ith a metsJ hsdl is hung from iJ»e co;k by a thread, y.i.lch brekkr. as the corks is phlled, allqwiaj the ball to fill to the b&Uom cf the bet tie Incandescent electric light g!obeo cannot bo stolen from a new socket which hhs an Interior metallic projec tion locking into a catch on the base plfcte -when the globe Is screwed into positiQn. An improved strap tor street cars is suspended on a grooved Uock, which pests on a toothed horizcuiai bar at tached to the side of a car, the grooves preventing the strap from slipping un der a sudden strain. A Pennsylvania man has patented an automatic printing attachment for paper rolls, which ha.-> the type set in a roller suspended in a heavy casing, which presses it against the paper as it is unwound. A handy truck for moving barrels has a gripping plate becured to fue front of the truck, provided with a central concave portion, which has teeth akin.; its out «-r < uge to catch the barrel and prevent itu slipping. Bicycle* can be Identified by a new protective seal, which is composed oj a steel case, which covers tht. ends of a circular llrk to which it is attached to the tubing, the face of the ease con taining a name plate. In a. recently patented bottle filling apparatus two tubea are attach**! to a faucet placed in the barrel or tank, with a valve in the faucet which fceds one tube at a 'time, allowing the tubes to be alternately placed in a new bot tle while the other on© is in uae. "If 1 Hod « Million." Here are aome people who have that much a year Spain pays her boy king $1,400,000 per year, besides $600,000 for family expenses. In other words $2,- 000,000 a year, and yet her soldiers are away behind with their pay, are poorly clad and fed and Spain is really one of the poorer nations. Compare with that enormous income the income of the president oi the Uailed States— sso,ooo. France's president gats *240,- 000 a year ar.d all expenses, yet his na- Mpn is ;ki d to carry the heaviest na tional debt of any nation in the world. Italy's king receives $2,000,000, while the civil list of tho German cmporor i# $4,000,000. 'lhe Czar of Russia ofljoy# an Income of $12,060,000 annually. Teat I'lton. Tent pins are mostly made of wfiju oak; chcy must be of tough Wood fp stand the knocks to whicji they are subjected. They are uiado in of sixteen anu twej}t inches. Made of hard wood they a* - *) th*3y are yet liable to bo brokes, tbt»y are alio 16st. Even in p tfcfi consumption of tent pins is considera ble; a manufacturer of tej.te qjight carry in stuck 5.000 or 1(1,000 plus. In war times the demand 1«, of course, far greater. Like many other manu factured articles of wood, tept pins are made in the West, in factories in proj imlty to the forests whence the sup plies of wood are drawn. Delays are dangerous A little spent for floods SarHiparilli' now rnav pe vent serious illness. The I'nitod Stales sh< re lines of n 'eat arc KH follows. Ontario, 2:10 miles; Erie, 870 milw; Huron, 510 miles; Superior, too miles, Michigan, 1 ,:;i0 miles. The Statute <>i General Wolf has mysteriously <li appeared from ils ac customed place at (Quebec' 'lid no one seems to know what ha. become of it The work on the Swiss-" Jungfrau Railroad is proving le» expen-te than ban tieen estimated, and it is expected that J>i five years the summit <>t the mountain will be reached. Don• •14 #i *o*- F»» rtwurn »f a A t!ri« r:irn.i. i'tl >•!»»£<--. tlmjiloonuroof drl* inr- Inf. 'liuif !.■•> r* ca. or kar ri i~ din o«> ilr,U:iri< l.y »' nc) ,ii|r lor Mm Inrjn-.lrw ■' »»«• Blklihrt Carrla«« end Homes* Mfg. CJo.. Elkhart, iod. At Cjaincy, Michigan , a hen wa burritd that wan a 11 1 i.'.t 20 years old. German soldiers carry a four ounce reliiriouH i ok with the rest of their per/tonal equipment If Vol! Ilw a 15aby. Don't kill it with rnostrums for coi.',l cold* and croup. Use the onlv safe ar:<i certain cure, Hoxsie's (/' C. C. Among the foreign sailors in the Brit'.sh merchant marine, 'J 000 are Si •udina* ians 5.000 (ifrmann and *3,000 Russians. In India, elephants > ver I' 1 :• .-i up to 40 years of age are de<,rned Lhe best to purchase, and will generally work well till they are (50 years old. Am Color so M's lte<l. You btve all heard the story of th dnliate at a meeting of a volunteer lir- !-au> on the creation of , int'n-; th " machine. ' •* bow when th< matter at last left to the oldest tn»mber he »• ■■(j , ntte»l himself to th.' ' satisfactl- n of nil l»y anuouncing. iii t' lih- -•'•r ':d *•:•'* *bnra teristi • ot V. ltmteer freiueu 'Any color -o its • re»l. ' From time immemorial th<- ■ voluuf 'vr i'i lia- WW MOOtiM lr~ rartialit' for red For :ian\ gen erat>oiiß he r-i in hi- r.-.l -hirt and « on p'.ibii.- t i f:;sious he dc irc-d no other ur.ilorr: With his -ed shirt or mi; cap and h>s hat drainintr to the rear. ; he was picturesfj". ' aud striking, and | he knew it. Jew; , prond and puis sa.'it, and e\erybody ie--.'gni - hid right! to :.-el that way- Much fur has b*H?u poketl (rt him oi. account of his preference for red. bnt he scorned critisism in his consciousness o: the fact ti):«t he was right. Vll things , come to 1 m ..'io waits, and time ha ] vindicated th<. liifuian, tor it is prettv : u .;r!\ th ; vt ;, il'J recoguized uo'.. tha nsl is th« tl;u« that it is the awst brillinnt r.r '. i Sealant of co. . r s. the king bee oi.iv jiectrnm, the jnece d. resisr.-nce of the : uuhow, t'ue premier! among uie u'-. Tne very lares' the'rij" ot u .. (>i.»ii'i : t,"ited by tl.e great Tolistoi. is that a: . that which j es, moves f«T>d grati'iss the great ■alliiude, "n;i not that which tick.es i the faiK-y of the pampered few. Under thai theory red is amplv vindi j cated. It is in the tmest sense* artis | tic. for it plea-.;' and delights the eye I of t-yerybody, regardless of race, creeel | or previous condition of servitude, with j the exception * * oulis ard turkey gob i biers. The fireman rightly reasoned that ii j a little tou.h of red in a girl's cheek | was a gw>d a:.d a l>eautiful r. j ge»od deal more red in a shirt was bet ter and more Iteantiful: than if what was called "a wealth of color' was a matter to rave about in a sunset or a landscape painting by aa old master there was no reason in the world why it should not re -.-ive the enco miums when displayed in a shirt or oth r garment Pittsburg Timi i i _ There are I.IaW.OW) volumes ia the j library of the British Museum, and J more than miles ol shelving. Hazelton, Ind., disputants went to j law over 00 worth f ch.ckens ! and the litigation cost them £4O Sweden bis now 12.0" 246 acres of ' forest lands owned by the *tate an in crease in the State* holdings in 13 years , of 3,380,072 acres Of the boj; mosF sphagnum, there are ] '21.~» species, and alK>ut 900 varieties. i ' j Tier Cb/iocP. "My heart is on fire," he cried as he j dropped to his knecSbefore the bean- j 11 fxi 1 maidea. , "Well," fche coolly replied, "they keep splendid ice cream soda jnst around the corner.'" —Chicago Uaily ] News. ] CuDnlUcralile Tape in Ilia Hiislne*^ Hewitt —Is there much red tape In your business? Jewett —Oh, yea. Hewitt —V hat your business, any- ' way ? ] Jewett—X make tape. —N. Y. Jour nal. T rulb. Tr'ith crushed to earth will An net excoe ilng rash. For, yoon as rh » liu.i done that .<aiU9> Rhe gets another pmasH. —Cinclnnntl Enquirer. A StIMIUaiTT. v U mm jrijr Jones—-Why do you «uy fche reminds you jt brown sugar? Brown —Because she's sweet, but uis re fined.—Judy. She Saver "W*nld 3e Mint. Khu doesn't sway her household, Th.; rottuon it j [ lain, For when one vanors all turtle, Ot course one doesn't rutfen. —Petroit Journal. Uj*tnu' I'Bem A row wd. * Wifo —AVe've been livinir here a|x UiOUtlis now and not one oi the neigh bors has called. Mrsbaud—Don't worry. I'm going t% havo a telepiione put in the bouse neat •week. —Detroit Free Press. Ver, Snltiilili!. Gummcy—Snickers, the comedian, drives a horse of a most appropriate color. Ofauders—What color is it? Gummcy—Chestnutl —Up to D;»te. Mori- Important. "Mrs. Gladstone always listonefl when her husband talked." "Of course; but how did he b**ha v « j when sli? wa.ited to folk?" Chicago Ittcord. Dcytftlsg. J Mrs. A. —Isu't this war dr< ajlfulY Mrs. B.—Tsn't it! I'm going to talrt j away three trunk* lens than f did last year.—Brooklyn Life. VlcturlM. Dewey's fe it «h» will temtmbw— -8o die .Uls t, «p|ih ««riiPßf truth: For on that day It raine to pan Bul>y cut his llret wt-s tooth —V V. Tnit'i , js THE Tlffi£ TO HAVE Mliff Your ClotHir\£ CLEANED or D7ED 1 If you wjnit and reliable cleaning 01 dyeing done, there is just one place in town where you can gc*. it, and that is at IK KKiiffilMSi: 'i Center avenue. : J do fine worl: in out- j < 'door I'ixotographs. This is time of yea." *0 have a picture ol; , your house. Givt* 3 trial. Agent for tbo Jait.OHi.ow n •' ; Blind V-J. —Ne-v \ ■ rk. P. FISH EK & GOH, ; TTCTWICK, DKALKB IN Rough : t Worked Lumber Ol AT.I, KINDS. L>oors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, j Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. LIME. !Ultt \Ni) PLASTHR OHlcc opp«/iite W. Depot. BUTLjJB. PA, | S /s*\ » rA I t ■< vQs» "jsh i k s S S civt Wri"'" \ x i yf © V\ -fit, \ "!//->,•> § Everybody surrenders to Battle Ax. ' By There is no greater hardship th.-.n to be de- fti • fej prived of your w ! I MM l' « »1 Ll!f. ® !■ mm* Ci tjid any one who has cnce chewed Battle Ax 6m will give up nicst any thing to get it. 10c. ou y s B j Q a brger piece cf B;:ttl; Aa than of any other O , 0 kind of high grae'e qt-ality. * Remember the name | 1 when you buy again. | MUSELTON'S Lively Clearance Saie of FINE FOOTWEARj I is> now gning tin. The mere mcntior. that Huselton's Clearance Sale is i i full sway .vill bring buyer> from far and near. This is a saie of H'gh Grade Shoes selected fmin our stock. This sale is no fake, neither have ve bought, as some have, a job lot of cheap shoddy jobbing house shoes to makj believe cleaiauce sale. Ladies' Fine T«n Shoes, $2 grade now si.eo La- es' Fine Dotigola Shoes, $4, $3, 2, ie now £l, $1.50, $2 La ';es' Fine Dongola Hand-turn Shoes, $3 and $4 grade, Ladies' Fine Kid Shoes, $ t grade -. .. now 75c Mi--.es" Fine Tan Shoes, vesting lop, $1.50 grade now 95c Misses' Fine Tan Shoes, lace or button, $2 grade now $1 Misses' Fine Dongola Shoes, $1.25 now 63c Children's l ine Tan Shoes, 4>i grade now 60c Chvdren's Fine Tan and Black Shoes now 45c Hoys' Fine Tan '-hoes, $1.50 grade now 95c Youths' Fine Tan Slices, $1.25 grade now c 5c Men's Fine Chocolate Bals, $2,51) grade now si.6o Men's Fine Vici Kid Bals, $2 grade now $1.50 Men's Fine Bicycle Bals at on You'll find us jusi Opposite Hotei awry. Yuu will save t]r>ilars by attending this sale. No cheap jobbing house shoes in this sale. You can't aflord to miss the chance of jet • g t.ne Shoes at less than half j ice. B. C. HUSELTON, Uutler's shoo House Opposite Hotel Lowry. A'ss SELL D *ZCT TO FARMERS. 3 ianuetj lit Wis-, teal v/'th us nuil Save 40 P" cent, on your Fertilisers. 5? \U\j Sft Antilygis. Vtios. Acid, Ainim tiia, Actual K,taali. > Tj per c-eni. jjtrccut. percent. S "S Pure Raw Bone Meal ai!t«us 4 to 5 B®a.oo per ton. 5 J" Fonr Fctd Fertiliser &to 10 2 10 3 2 to.t 16.00 " « .5 S .-soky City ' " Bto 10 1V» toi>4 lJ<Jlo2>S 13.00 " ? > Else 8..1UU11 " ytoio to '!'< 4 ki.s 30.00 " £ j i..-;to Special •' OtolO 3y. U> 4>4 C fa. 7 03.00 X«,oacco Mveclat 14 11 tons tl to 4 4 fa's ai.uo " at > Jtu.je and JWcat ... 15 to 15 4 to 5 18.00 " - * J I" .i Kainpli : ai.'t p:»mpl.j!;t, writ.- /.'ALKE't. STt-SIWAN & 00.. Hirr'* Island, MTTSBURO. Hf*(," VA-rflV' * V.".'' *.'W "' '■ v^VAVAV/V. ; .T , AV.*VWW.VA , A' I JVWWW. , .*MWW mm . mmm - i ■ .AM# t •■! I H «l I Wl * I "A FAiR PACE MAY PFiOVE A FOUL 3aH- G.AIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL !F SHE USES HARVEST TIME. | IIV 1 I Kill!! t !;■ i iijlit -. ■umlaut yi.a '> 1.1 I. -.t >Utni!?!ie ii >i rt I *.\*i/rk of IIAUS 1"T TIM K; tills ai.nu Hpp! 11• • your help. ( Pure Liquorf ..re Healthful, - :»ls«u»: ic-jijrtlM-iiim-r Our l iquors and Wines ' IM-Inji 'iiarariteed p.tre ur<- just wlmt von \VV niiolc a few prli i ■ for IViri- l.'vt t Y.li|,l "V. Write f«#i' cifiupli-U: price li>t li'CKl.Surißfß. KINCK, OlilMlN, OVKKIIOI.T. UlldS, *T. VIIIXO* 1 THOMPSON An. of abon hiai.d.-, 'i j< '.r iiW J'tiro s Vi I.! 1 .«-y. fl.mi per full ji.urt- 11 (] units for j fIBAJIII-'ATIfKUIi ('HOICK, J • y fcuui tuteed t yi .iris old, *:;.ik> por J KUlloi Oiiu.lO.O. O. ci- i: .hit order* of rlil.OO or over. l«>x and -hip promptly; •■xprosa charK 1 prepaid. ROBERT L P.WIN 6c CO., 11l Wrter SI. Oppoille B. & 0. Pcpol Telephone. 2179. Pittsburg, Pa. FACTS! That you Uin s>u.' tb® purest tad be»t I w u> ; and li<|u .s from A. at j the lowest figure*. Prom the best known distillers an'l ( wine growers in or America A , few i'rices: WhUkey ■ jrr». old,>pare l<y' IfJJ 1 Whisk y • yi->. ol<l. purr l!.v> . 2.5*' vVhlskcy * yrs .old. lty> •'•■"j will. «.-y lHyri. old, uui-i- ity, 4<» Whlskov V. y 'ld pure Ity. J*' will 1-y -I I'M. '<y ■ '• 1 WlntM, California Drykijd Bjreut.fromJ* . to f\ '' uri 1 - 'i" (.> I ":l!Ion lt;'l»* i ,! 'd I ''in , j 111 . - I ■ I ' Llloil. : '-lid for •■•!. '. A. ,J iSB i'cUeial St. All<yb< y, l'a •j, Tolep! So. If '" x i & ■,.. : ■ I wo Weeks Sale. For two weeks we are going to sacrafi e our wall paper, so that, wbettei you need it or not, you will buy for future use, . you will only come and see the designs and price. We have many of the best grades on the market w iich we will sell v >u at sucb ■x price that you will buy. We have all grades and our prices arc selling out price*. Wr want to sell out wHhin two weeki so measure every rooru in 'be house for yuti will need the knowledge when you hear the prices and see «.ur fine putt';i us, principly "special" grades, «t DOUGLASS' ,2.41 Sotuh*Main St., Near P. O. (emPyhh HOTEL SI ' 81 CAFE. OP? COURT HOUSE. New House, New Furniture. Kales rp r day. meals 25 nt'. Meals scrv. d iti dining room at all houts. MRS NIXON. Proo'r. Formerly of Nixon House. Hotel M Heopencd anil lea ly for the accommoja ti lof tlii tr.ivelin, puolic. Everything riiat-ciass. MBS. MAT j W REIHIHG, Owner - J Z » TAF-. S KHILADI-TPHIA , "i --oer<rA'. rooms.-- / . i ; ' ov - f»th <•««.. PitUbw-o, P» M • % v - ■ • ; ' ■ l" . CRO'-VK .n.i'ljf » A '• 1 H ■■• ::o I DC. V * 3 fST^VO..Hb/ ' , Pf:n roo"»h "" " \ V ' * 3 tiubDcrtbe tor Oiti**n. ' \ ID „ „ Summer oMiilinery. -"• " • ' *"-• sMi!linery.< 1 sThe loading Millinery House of Butler Co.' ; 9 OVERSTOCKED. < ; \r W- . v,» . ait i %u» -r v " •:>. t,ni n i.>t ?»'l rid of thpiJ ' git -.« i . • * v«--> u. >* lu • !i •«., - Walk-ik ~ H i .'■ M I \ *>) iW II < ► y | Mourning Millinery lor Immediate use g 1 1 A 00 * ' S. aif» Si OX Jpci|3o a ' n s^oo-v x^?oo>l>,^COO, C % C<2^'^?^* , *<X>o<K Vs&X>%W%*+ £.-\ SERMOxN $ or.M readily ' c i■:». g,_. .! on lit" snl>i<\-» of cheap clothing with which Snl J\*iho market has been flooded. Puiiqgtl pcrio if lepression in the fl|wc have maintained our v eil kiv »vni <-ianuard cf « »HIGH CLASS CLOTHING. $ so t -v. -s product * We <1- :re t.'call special attention to our unnt&ll> large variety Sjkuneqnalled bettor grades of <tfßovs ar.d Giiildrens Garments tSltor which v.> ht«ve ear:.. <1 the comm. n.lation of the most crilitical buyer. ST. H. BURTON, ■■ !|||H||!n- T. H. BURTON,I f A GENTS jft/LHE "/ViONEy"." This Is I lio opiMi: • m.lty of it llfe-ti Aponts :irt< . aklni: SSO to 'l3O i w< k. 1-ITZHUGtt LEE, Maj. Gen. U.S.V. r« net 1 ate consul General to t üba, writes a book on CUBA AND THE SPANISH WAR. ! General Lee's own story of Cuba and t l i< Spanish Wat. will b<» produced in a sub stantial i»"ok «>f over.iOO pit pes. luehes in si:.' anil almost ONE HUNDRED ILLUSTRATIONS. PliS Is li 'luly authentic work ;>ul>ti»bed on Vlie one subjtvt. occupying the minds »f the «-utlr<-tivUued world OTITPITS RJ? A Y LI In rj commissions wi 11 ho paid ;uid uulruo uc,ftu 1 • cn-lii Riven. Lo.w no time, act at our. Write for full particular?, to THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY, 91-93 Fifth Ave., N. Y. PCBL 3HERS OF CESiRAL LIE'S BOOK. 1 Our autl oriyod listrlbtf.rs arc " rated lu nil par's of the 1. S. Kvery man should enjoy the fruit of Itis labor. No man should eat o. drink to excess, but a little Wine, Whiskey, liiandy Gin or most any kind of liquor will not only stimulate, but aid digestion, gives good circulation, builds muscle, helps you to think, and in general saves many a doctor bill E. cry well regulated family should have a good stimulant in the house, especially at this season of the year. Send your or.lcrs direct to Max Klein f.T anything in the liquor line. Whiskies, 2 00, 2,50. -3.00 and 4.00 per gallon Wines. Brandies and Gine, 2 00, 2.50 and 3 00 per gallon. Expiessage paid on all orders of $5.00 and over. Send for catalogue, mailed on applica tion.—The largest and best selected stock in Pennsylvania to select from. fIAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors, 82 FEDERAL ST-. ALLEGHENY PA. nFWif ■ spun , . Reliable War News tv iSjfe . IN THE GREAT {- NAT 10 NA L f V FAMILY v NEWSPAPER Furnished by Special Correspondents at the front THE NEW YORK W EEKLY TRIBUNE Will contain ail important war news of the dnily edition. Special dispatches up to the bout of jjublir.ition. Carelal attention will be given to Farm am! Family Topic*, Foreign Coiresp.ni kiioe, Market Reports, and all general news of the World and Nation. RELIABLE WAR NEWS We furnish The New \ork W'c kly Tribune and your favorite liouie paper, TH -CiTiZiZN," Builer, Pa., Both One Year For $1 50. Send all Orders to the "CITIZEN." BUTLER PA h'O.T? BWfy B>mw. fl'.OO. H«nc! fr.r frw Ntfflltmj IMm will «WUle», lamp# «w --*• c»®J •• •'Hf %rf of all ®ur Mfm. f!uk. *i r*u*ultrt. :«o Jf ■ A* ILK- ART vAKKiktc aMi :>a turu. cv. w. u. mn. »<.«■/. MJULAMT. u» I! -f M r JJA.'NTINO btCMttf rxptntlv* whrn you us« >h~«J r -3' r ''- Fcrhjpi y«v SHt ' have already learned this -oth«» h-.ve. lor «t«iUnt rciulta l>. BEST every particiUr in THERE H - W - Johns ' Liquid Paints !S Artistic • w sp» a . r : . r.', • V»jhlrt." tztirlif OaCfc-allon, «te.. «ali<i4 o» r e c :crt. | FAiMT"ij. 6- &W. Campbeil, sutler, n