Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 18, 1898, Image 3
THE: CITIZEN. THURSDAY. AUGUST iS, I??*. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 10TE-AU a/ivettlw-r.> lnu-txi'-njr to makr thuii.e* tc tbtlr shwuld notify Uj of t kC'.r laWii*.l.jn -> < wx, noi ...or Moo day m 1 raisz. Executor - Korice. estate of Matthew Thrower Sheriff * Sale* for Sept 2 The Butler Fair. C. & T's Fnruit-re. The Peim'a College >f Mu-ie Butler Business Collezt Airnii*!** rite r» an-' El'.-oiV'rs *>f can b'icurt receipt ix*>ks *t ta< CITI ZLN <nf!U f- .ifr'l :.K-r making public »s!«;s lli sir note bw/ .-. LOCAL AND GENERAL. —The war is over —Great corn crop coining —Teachers' institute August i'jth. —Butler Fair. September 1 7, 8, t>. —Vacation days will soon be over —Bntier Fair. September « 7, tJ. i. —Everybody goee to the Butler Fair. —A perm*:* couldn't afford to mis;- tbe Bntier Fair. Both agencies are paying eta for oil this morning —And w<- ar<i ill going to the Butler Fair Sept. 6 t«. to. —The best way to keep a house cool on a hot day is to shut the sun out —The wheezing, flawing noise mail - by tbe locust is heard in the land —Premium list free for the Great Big Batler Fair W. P Roeaning, Sec y. —One hundred and twenty Bntleritei were at McKee's Rock-- last Thursday —Gradually we are bec«j t.ng versed in the various uses of the revenue stamps —Bring something to the Fair for ex hibition. See premium liar W. P. Roes sing Sec'y. —The -ith of <>ctooer has been hied • upon as Pennsylvania day at toe (Jiiiaha j exposition —Get your exhibits ready for the Fair. Send for premium list to W. P boessing Sec'y —A little 'Mortar and three big ball* ha ye been added to the military collec tion at the monument :JO'» Butleiitiea tock in the Lutheran Reaaion at "Jonnet 't Lake, yesterday and to-day. —Now that Bume cades of diphtheila have appeared in the neighborhood, it will be a good idea to uprinkie lime and •.lit over damp and filthy places. —J. 11. Gibuon &: Co. have soli their grocery to J. W. Allen late of New Cant'.e, and Mu:nb Gibson ana Moore wiil givy lueir whole attention to the implement iwainwH. —One of Chan. llcQnistion's boyp aged 8 years, died of diptheria last Sat nrday, and three iuore of the children are down witu th<- name diwsane The family live on the island near the gar bage furnace. —A move;n«mt is being made among m"mb»rn of Tent No. S4 K. O. T. M. to organize H Oram or reel band in conection with Tent No 31 If the move meat i« naccewfnl, afiecul indtr:emenU will be offered to eligible band men to oecome members of the order. —Another postal district or route ia to be ectabliab< ! in lintlcr and anoth r carrier ;idde<l to the force. Th>- new district will include the northern part of the town, from Bluff or ChiMtnnt on the we«t aide to Franklin or Elm on the eut. —The ladies of Bt. Paul a Church will give a lawn fete on their ground* on Monroe St. on Aug 2«, 24 and 25. Pro ceed* for the purpose of parcbaaing free text books for Ht. Panl* Parocial Schools, Butler. Beet of mnsic and a gctA time ajjsared all who attend. Every body welcome —Let your motto be, "Lie, Steal, Drink and Swear " When you lie, ie» It be down to pleasant dreams; when jroo Rte.il, let it be away from immoral when yoa drink, let it be nothing but pure cold water, when you •wear, swear that yon will patronize your home paper —The farm eft of Buffalo township and vicinity will bold their Sixth An nual Basket Picnic in Dain'N Grove, near Silverville, on Saturday, August 27, UsW. it will be held under the au spices of the Buffalo Township Vigi lence Committee. Everybody invited. —About three o'clock thin morning the Slater boarding house on Centre Avenue wan discovered to be on fire The alarm was given and the fireman were soon on deck and quickly extin guished the flames. The damage v.ill be considerable, mostly inside. —Six coach loads of Bntlerites took In the excursion to Kin/-ua bridge last Sunday and in addition to that there was another train of seven coaches from the upper end of tic- narrow guajfe, and a special from Punxsutawuey. The bridge is '-Vtl feet high, is bnilt on Her rick shaped piers, and is all st<s-l The scenery to Clarion Junction is great but from there the forest* of pine and hemlock become monotonous. - One day a donkey stepped into a store 'hnys the Danville Breeze) and asked for the proprietor, who was in deed surprised to i-ee a donkey in his store. "Why are you here?" he asked "I am here," said the donkey, ''because I saw yo tr advertisement on the fence that surround- my pasture 1 knew that yon too must lie a donkey, or yon would haye placed the advertisement in a live news paper where it would be read by people not donkeys Being a little lonesome to day, I thought I would be neighborly and call on jou —The Brady Keview of last week said—Mosgrove is vetting a bail reputation since the new railroad bridge was starte I there. The negro element employed on the bridge are the same as the famous Unity gang that terrorized that section The ue groes employed on the 10 miles of rail road out towards Dayton were brought from Virginia and are said t be peace able. Shooting ;rapes, fljrht- and dis tnriiances are of frequent occurrence, and the people of that section and the authorities at Kittanniag are at their wits' end to know how to deal with tbem A oegroe and a negresi have beed shot since the work began Ile-tJ nloiis. The anrvivors of the l«)tb r«giment, P. V., composed of companies from Ve mingo, Erie, Crawford. Butler, Clarion, Lawrence and Mercer counties, will hold their second annual reunion on Tuesday, August W>, M«H, ut Exposition Park, Connea.jt Lake. > A full attar.'t anc« of all survivor* with hisU>rv of comrades, earnestly reiiumterl CAPT. A. STKT;»LE, Pres. S F. SMi-rn, Sec,, Clark, Pa. Mercer, Pa — Bctler Fn ir, S' PTC. '>er 6, 7 ; J. I TH-!-: .rt ' .-A- OI ><r-. -i-i?- . - t.'; : 'lt-.' ' i O H. FtkaUil et nl have ; MOT® in as-'itr.; sit «H F Ei'-L I D P K-SIIY et AI have bn-nt'bt salt in I EJECTMENT v.- JC-HU T. Fi'.hian ;<»r I j tra .-: : land in Yartia- IRFE j Eaima J < ; 3kr.iden HAS BR';I~HT sn?t Jin vs MARJ-R W L Ella M | Martin fo- pr.l; er*Y in B&I'-R ! Letter 30l ad:iiinist ration wei' .'rant ed to H-:tii 11 fchlra • - T of -an: j uel Slura. late of Va«hiasrtoa twp j The will •: MC t'AER.- T: -v -r . I?I. FJA twp. »v. J LAIBIL TIER-grant ed to TFC;»s A an 1 J. hn E. TH wer Harry K. - WHO HSD B?» .1 on A ELIAIF.e < ' " *AJ "•:! , F - i in TH* LOCK-UP ">foke jal! W - -.CAP* :JE D IN 1 aow *■ ILL N I 1 U> _AS«RR to ;H< ao. ditional -bar. of i-ii! HR-WKII Gat REFT Teru Thon_as A F raziei Hl*: C ■•jatnencenl proceeiia - against D L Patrer»»n A partner in the oil BU*UIE«S. T> con.l/ aim TA renaer nn accounting o; A!I the transactions IR tlif erat: > A-- '' - 1 -of ;-O;«RTI»» in the MBNM Centre L"- i. and wa ?N'R JED to serve :&«• pa p-rs at Deni.lO, LATFIUAV. Four LIIERI R-'"< <- their nitn*-' a= Crawford j were arre-T Iby Sner ~ 1' KID.-: Dete -ive Alien AR.d '• !gb ■ «t in i ra vine flit of TOWN N»-2R ToLnstr-wn Liz - shanty iast Thursday. A number of BJITIER ->uop">s» : to h IVE bt«n take:l from tbe Wiliard Ilonse. and ir tieie- W»RE f.,.'jad in their FS — strion and under i.sz s bed. They bad a bearing, we: held for court and WERF- taken to Y. R>_ Friday, by Sheriff Drii- and Co! Kedic th'- MWVR jai' IN*- were SEARCHED ~ .faic .ind a lot of -liver thaabl"". silk thread R.mi other articies taken frotn RL <»ir persons. Th<- ren Reed n'-ir their camp ha? lately IS-e/i I .NED several t-.- PKOPCKL'Y T 1.V.-:; .- s IT Heller to L P Engieliart aeree LA Jetfers-M F cr ? "5* Pn Hilliard to E And -r on i') A -r - ID WASHINGTON tor IOOT: ! Butter for F3KI»> 1 ET > rton t M M ittern iot ir. .V. M | for TUKMI. 1 J 0 Watt to Ber*ha A Kepple lot in | BO tier for -?A ) S M Gilfiilan t'. R M <ii;nl>.NL'< acre.-; I in Oakland for£;7-1 Marriage IDCEN'FS. —Butler Fair SEPTEMBER 0. 7 x 'J. J. B. D LOLAP Magic Lucy I MAN ... Angus TIN Colhri . .. . Fai R view twp Katie Wilbert. . Floyd Atweil Veiianp Co Mar> M. Crawford F OAOTIRG James Cowan . .McFanu , Ijil!:«J Myers E. R. Katuerer . Armstrong Co Jennie Sevbcrt Peter E Dambangh.. . .Zelienople j Clara J. Eieholtz.. . . Beaver < Harry A Wertb Batler | Edith A J Frank Bur/ual .Spring Jr.U P. M T V'autrjrd . Pntier twj. At W. Va., Ed. Mont gomery and LSU.LI 'lrawford. Millei » Big Shoe. The i«.te of tbe L>>o» ai sttoe Recorder F/-/NT-IIA» A ilbistra lion of the Foarth A July exhiliitio" of C. E M:'.!er wb'EH it will BE reca D, WAA a float with A large shoe ir wnieh were plaet d hal* a DR /.en Httle i?tl* flaiked wi> T a ouartet of young ISIYSJ The record tr: ve- the display ;I iengtby complimentary noti.T«- an''. tb'- ar ti'-le appeared iri TH 4 - paper tbe hrtn HA re<-eivtd a nnnti>-r of inonrieß from (liferent parts of the oonntry ASKING for particular". On-- INIP- : -V cones from Kentucky while a New Cantie firm wants to pnrehaso the display. Toe ouux#nu>o. -nter,.'?- • » lofral firm wj- :: f.tt'ug >nc and reflects ciedit AWJA the originality which con ceived it Til- It IIM- ' rs. The officer ' of oar new U litary Co. accompanied by Alexander lionand, AND Alexander Kelly W nt to Franblin last Monday IRI'I TO'TS p.irt in the tion of officers E. V. L). Sei-lon OI <HL City, was elec t«fl F' Jonel; J J Siegfr ; e<i of Warren, Li Col., W J liau-» of Meadville antt I> W. Ka.ii, cf i idiana, Majors. The regiment consists of 1:J coi;I;>&U ies enusttsl ii. connties ranging fi"'>m Erie to Indiana, and is number '.'l Tin- Con 'CI'S OIIA »f C, lJc ' < and Lients Maxwell an:i Graham <irr:T ed in town yesterday. Tliirty-stwiiiU Nittional I'ix-aiiip ment oitl. A. It. utC'lu ciliiuttti f). For the thir'v second National En campujent Oi <>. A It., to I*- held at Cincinnati, O September "i to 10, J' - , the Pennsylvania itailroad Company will nell excursion tickets at rate of single fare for the round trip. '1 heeo tickets wnl i<e. hold vu Sep'"iu her 3, t. and a and *.viil good to "ave Cincinnati retcrning not earlier than September not later thi-u Sep tember I-J, except by depositing ticket with Joint A;jent <t f'»n--ii • inti in September .*>, fl, i, W, or arid on pay ment of twenty five cents r»torn limit may be extended so that pawner, -rn may reus in at Cincinnati until <, u. ber 2. Kiiriimiinieiit in Tim Knight *Of Pythias nt I ii<iiuiiii|t'tliH, Ind. For the encampment of the Knights of Pythias Uniform H.aik and thel'ien niel Convention Sn[reme oi aame (Jrdei to tie held it IndiauapoiiH. Ind A"*gn <♦ i'J LO Septoinber !•». 1 the Peiiusyl'/ania l:,:ilroj.d Como ny will tell •-*e-:.- h i,, r , ticket,' at a nin,'! f*re for the round trip The tickets will Is- sold August >, 20 and 21, and will t<« go<>d for ret rn passage leaving Judi.inapolis August to !!0 I 'jrfxi oi iie tickets <,■ the .lout At" nt at ind:una|>olis prior to Angttst 2't ar,d payment of twenty five cents additional extension of limit may be obtained until September 10, in-lu sive. For detailed information apply to Tlckrt Agent. For A M US! CO 1 r.'j'jCwliiG* l i lie Pcuusylvain's College oi Music (formerly Mcadville Coi,.,'i rvalory of Mtuic ), ha', lieeu entirely iecg'ii/.ed aad placer) under the di:cclion >( ileir 1-rlix He-ink, for tlir. - em pMI caf direct;ir of the Ctica Y.) Con servatory of Music. =t noted p-.aaiKt, singer and teacher oi voice ,id pia.io He is ai.hitij ! by ;• very able- corps of teachers, tv.o of whom have ha<l t-ie l/cst Atmriraß iiiil Ivirorwiv train ig The College offer', a niu«i'. a i education at very moderate ratei ,f ttii on, and very cheap living, in o:;. the most beautiful und cultivated coil .itievi of the country. I'.vei>oi. - interested in -a musical jilucation should se: ! for the new catalogue juut Issued. Tern* be«ini September Cth. Address Pc.jtisyl ,uiia College jf Music. .Veauiville, pa., mentioning this paper. Has the of Wage • Earners. Never a week «!-<>• i by but -i.-.y de poaitors jil.ice thi.-. r , , r.'-c • :■ .>/.• f.,r safe keeping ' . -be lu .u ~ Buik l'>r Savings, N . *c f ; ouiih avec. I'JUS bttrg, Fa. It has tllou . ilidu of d» iters, and as.icu of over f'or thirty, six years thi* bank has s; idily the volume of it* businc . uotwitVii,t:ni<!- ing war, panirs and hnrd times, and ha-, gained the o ofidenct of wsge earners without number, f'tiur pei cent interest is J j»aiil on lin.c deposits. Vou ca . >.« ii - by ma;!. Write for informa tion. 111.1 BER. For blank applications awl ia ,T-n -.1011:1 iiow to apply for reduction of '*> per cent, of taxeH 00 titniier hin<W wiiil ccnia to J. A. iii4Vij.<.CK it So..s, C»v.i buucr, Pfc.ifcsO.NAJL. ... - "7" K. I - * U —Batler - air, September • . - V —"1 wiliaii-et t -•? -it the Bout Fair ComniMOoer Sutton is t ;, e si •< Dr Fredrick cf Oil Citv j- thr go* ' • : Dr. M > >;e H K Sherman is vi-itine bus v. ' rents in Bati^e iJ-tier F».r .1 Ta V;. »r ill. - vVli- •:!*» tl • TUtr.-ts j of Jno Shaffer : --*-V It-' ! I traveler is in Butler. I W. 8 BUMS of Mwoer twp wa is j - wn !a?r Frl-ia; | :*I.N Siong was in *WE t. . •lay. wearing a v lite sh - >. j ' ;hr. and >!«':g«e Grrinam took e ♦•dp j to Canada thS S Markwell tbe Greece City stoi j Keeper. wa« in • wn. Monday WSJ. -AndeisO® <f •'. Uno t r. a-. -- ng TNP •:U T.'-VS .M- J. LA* lots Ahmtar leaves tor *n« Ulk i and valleys "f West Virginia today. | M-s. James Marion or M ; < ' i f '.vnship, is down with tvj I_._ , T ~ F S Dfc\ry-r and Ja ?! iK.itbeU ; -f i ean tvrp., -svtre :n town, Friday Mrs. Similey ?.j<i children lvive r*" , t-iraefl '.o IL .r in Fran. ' .. Co. W M. Taylor .. E.JU lair ha niov •■A to Butler ari l - living at 123 Third . St. johu St and family Lav< inove i !to the Eyth on V." C iu r ■ St | J. Negiey and -Lihlitrj '' . .-.rt j 2nd, Pitwburg, visiting I t folks i here. i Joan Brown of Co. E.. who ir j his h;.ine in Centre twj. . has taken sick | with fever S. F. Johnson and C U Fnrman ■ f | Flick, were in town on be - is In.-t * Thursday J lir Le;ghi.rr, S. B rt a:;-', j II Schuei'*. man and ffi .jjilifc.: L.: ~ r s »e --| t uraed iiuui Aiiuiitic Ci.v A!. Ay res is now half a dozen of i grand pap;- Mrs. Mary K' atL> gave j birth to P daajhter, T^*.da;- i Matthew S Bippus of Oakland tw; j w ; is one of tlie Atlantic < ity exc.irsi 'i I -rs, tbis morning. ' Mrs Cora Klin;, Dearth anil her j - Mjm Pearl Zimojeruu-n RT- ',i j:t --| t.i relatives a! Ilenfrew this * -Butler Fair Sept era: ' 7 •, -i Miss riorti;ce and Maste- Pn^oo;t uo John and VVaynt of Pitts ; OUIL Jare-s, .nding th'- WK with Sutler I friends Chas. Tinker, ol Jefferson Centre went to Ravenna. Ohio, Mondiv wher he joined bi' family who ar» itiuiiai-r 1 icg th< - A f'.ntler woman who drive; ■< on c-usiderabiy pate on -i> runch agon, that net horse ociv.eionalr/look?- arountl uud at iiei Anson D U-.-dic, vho Las it iqg f*iend« and relatives in tar the ;iflfce two weeks rttii/ned to Pitta BARY J. FR:'..^ Kev. J. R Titzel, Pr< " of m Thiel College, is lying . !y ill <r tbe liome ■; '.is .-i-ti.r-indaw, Mrs. i P;!r,,Hvant,of Z<-li- n .pie Pa. Mr-. .i i. Ziiniaerman .ital het j tiaof-iiier Mamie. jji^s Brown were ?ur'ontr t - excui lionmts to ■ Atlantic (,ity, thin moinjig I). E. Dale i - row a with Ch«i A.br'.i:« i.i tht iaeitranc- i-.i-i tie us, and in!.•■jds sel'iug hi j i.'iteiest ir. the f .i t; >( ,;g -.tore i •11 i Colbert. John Bnrrfs 'of Whitest<iwn was in town, jeaterday, n<- I-I arfli te<l with rheamat iintn. and his wif< ~i be n in health for some time F. !• dd» 'f U. t.lr.h-. lowa i"b gnest of . u j.(-riff Do his. He w; - i r u ily u -1 tr: iker in Pt >■ tin 1 - went W.-st n 1- /4 Mrs. S. J. Fulmer of ' ouneaut i). nas been tbe guesl f her sisu-i Mrs. Davi-l Fisher. i.n<i her couflin Mrs A. L. rSiaok, oolL ,1 thi.j j.-iaei- during tbe I«ant week. 'lhaii'm Il6.vi;is, fo m'rly of this coanty, now l .e- iu Nebraska .nd , t px rtjierous and vtell in tl.- ♦'•'n.L year >1 age. He - p-aiis o. K«e <ai»ka as a good country, with good -oil and gxid crops thi- y<-ar. G. P. Weigleof Prosjject wac ',n t. Monday Me « alio in with bis brother W. f> is in the nujploy A the Der.r.jr Bros of Ligonier at the:: r.'ock farm there. Vlil. I' llfe/i.ii' tb pope I jit« pr>ior o'tlie "IlfiTallin «• thin place and Mm M<y Simpson, of Mt. Pleasant A r<: married .T ivsm t'-uny The Cm/.!' join- in congintul'itions and best winii' - Fred E. Sbctter of Co. E, but who has been doing clerical duty afc Mt (»>■• n* .-,in««> the company left for Kor* -i» in "ton was home It it week, ami return- Mi Monday to th»- company a'. Fort Washington <llvde Ki'*hards who has b<-en in :l «nplo«'of Bel Prodi <'■ , :i" recently w;lb the firm of J n Gio- & Co., lelr <»u Monday rnorr "'r for Omaha Nebraska, where he e_Tr •> secure Ilitutioo. Mr. Bidwd* tru a meuil>er ol the G'-rrnanm Band, nnd ha.i always proved himself wot.:.y of the confidence of hi:-" employer#. Mr Gilbert L« rii-r accompanied bun. Delightful \ u« atiuii I rip, VinitiriK Watkins Glen, Niagara F ills, T' 'HI • xi»i Jhlaiids CJ i':!s c, Mon treal 4 n Sa'jl« Chasm, (.'ham ilaiij and Lake '•• orge * .-inrato/ , -u 1 the Hlghlirids of the Hmbfon. l/eave Philadelphia l»y special train Ar;- -i 1•> The tour v.-il! h- ;n charge -i mm ,I " tie '«<iiijmny'» touri-f. •n-m- An <■ peri enced chape:on will n'.v a.- ouipa:v t> e ptrty, having especial charge of unescorted ladies. The i 'it * - of HfMM) from N Vor'., Brooklyn, Newark, Trent',;i, Ph l;tdel phia, Han;: nrg Baititrie: . and \V.tah- ■ ington cover raih ay and boat fa « for tl . entire nmrid trip, parlor i-m seat n eui.i e«i route, hotel ent-.rta -iment. : transfer clutrgts, carriage hire in liy' every item of neces«.ary cxju-aiu;. For detailed itinerary, tickets or uiiy addition, 1 information, addre To-irr't Aifent, Pennsylvania Kailrtiad nw, 1 i'j'i Broadway, New Y< r., 660 rnlton Street <io<sjklyn, Broad Stri'.*t, Ktivaik, N J., O' > W. Boyd, Aariiaant Ge ;ral Pansontcer Ag«-at, Brorid Street h ition PL'i.ui' Ij>hiu Htray Hog-. Count to th« plef:,, ',l !i'( 'V , ■ in Jtffersw't twp., near i razie; on or aljonl A <gust i' ::, ISi)H, one whiti brood sow, and thr e k iyc 'boats two wbo.e and one black. n!l sows. Tu« owner is .*-<• •«• ■'< d lo '■ tu for ward prove proper, /. pay charges and take them away otii •> .•• 'hey will lnt di-'isis'sl of according U> law W.N. IB '/INK/hi SM, Saxon burg P o Pa lteiliiccd Kal' H (<» (I/an; r-' I'.i - ME at WB'', MIIS' via 1 Vim -.yl v;ii. a !. ii'ou'l ! .i the a 1 ■'•oi'inio'i.tHoi <>t dfMiring to ationil thin interesting n," nil and exhibition the P'-r. -y'-ai ■ ItailriKid Co'fip oiy .vili -"I! ISIU'MC ticketsfro.n A, ivoi •• 'H to -'epteiober '' to return until pu uibei ■">, in do -Ivc, at rate of one fare for the round trip, from principal Hta'.ions betweeu i Il,int L.il><-rty and 'ryn Mawr, For information in re;'nrd to train |s»-rvie» Hi.d special rates application >bould bo in lo f i ticket a/r< lit , jSu.iiiiiy Iv.cui-iloiii .<» A':. - '!• Commencing Sund,., :;„nd and , nr. li' 'urther notice the l'dtiiburg and VVes".crn it It. will n- I emu. •»n tick 'i t , to Al!' Kii-iij i v , \ Sunday for train •:. iving .-r f:i:> *A :1 at> timet 1; x>4 to return on I u-rao ,u trt.n;; <iai« of t»ale. t'air for rouu<l trip ',■> coaU. *< < IDEVLS J Newt Srewiirt. of was ic.thy ' j ar IT: 1 * i. y Da?*cs :»h: _ ccvamainted in ni< s*« . j;id %v. unc t t. ,u nun::. •: . '•»<; was Mova oa: of tbe l>uiiJ;ng. .\tr i itis ittu -rai badiy yarned tU&r ■ - £v -aid :,ot rfecoj,-iz6 bim when t>k j J. D. Badger, of North Washingtoi '' A Br'ncbt .nV"*fAw J d<»v« '?'• A»xait«ir-r Erown. .tyoung mail .<.11% i | home is !*» Callerv Jonauoc. Bet 11 ■ istj. wis .1 the city resterday. h •' Ki • ■' '•!. from T; i fiien: »t* Ttihouta. "Vhile .... 'V ja • - sak hi .... ««d :,d hi* feet 1 .-.rata Cf f 'da:- li''W." r • t > ! c«. -mi I - 1 * -rht '• which ran aw.sy I down • Mill and tb» wh - ! strinkii. j j am..-.er water b ear ?a;prxd a*: I 1 i '.Vo.» thrown off at.t.biia-; oa his baa s j aL.I aide of his faee. His ie'i ana was : broken st the wr!s:. IK- r.',-ut wrist • " idly -pramed and tne iaraer i>oslion j the f- 1■ oa omside oi a— face ! HTSjioi o3t- i I'V Wii Vin roe - team took a . . ..mt-r '•r.-ui ? .vn Monday. -t sta p u i ir.-iii Bi' :; store r-*.. l. ■>, a * curbed 1 lit" Wt uud r<. • j vrtiolc :.n'4 - l. t> W i'ea.l >"•: ~a Pc;;.. i . it . "DU -Ji*-gs « 5 M I n:ng his bw nt-.- : i Andy McCk>llougb 8 j !a>\ ■ -nd Main to corner of F-ni j ' wher" one hors« fell \r.d *"hf other o: I > f bi.u -i"i:i:t"fce<i pud I' d u: . v ! - : j jSt Se'o-idy i.ur; Batier quiet. ! John Sr. wl<zra?s. a sor. of th' w'dow : ! Sr. <tvia - - if W. North St ie'l from a • winjoo.j ,i." Pnryis p 1 [oid Ri> sin: ■ woods] Lint Mxmday afternoon and was [ sorionnly iiijare'l internally. He was 1 car tied home and is improving A BfeiV ?n 71-»i; ..rj n-u :t*d Van: *lr. iu I've- !< r?h tovr ard mn' r. milti i wagon was ksode3 over !>y 1 Ueydiai 1 !Wt.nriay ••vi ' in-.;, on Mam si and •r --gei i /tisiy injnte<j. I Whii . T . Net:, a FulU aof Middlesex I ! tv:i a.-, hclph:!? to onload bay in hi» j j oarr: a few di >» ago he was struck Lack ! lof 'if e-.i by a .n I s,. .-rk .u.d , [ badly cut and made nwcMntciooa ii - j j it;' the ■ !Te.-U> or the a-.cit, nt for s»-ver- { al dayi but is recovering. J I'ro.tiMifl Aunex. ) Be Eiad o. ;ad to Lr. w mat Onr gjl. think that R .v.ard Engl.-b. ■ of Mil- It n. is inst the fiev-rest your i> How in tins conn try Howard co:-ie j *•'. to'ii, i*nd uiv;v ri•'" as Dinny r. ■: FO'UI J. " H* w 1 Fiii Moore r T . Muddy Creek J v.'p j j -rtm '-aiVr rc:.' ' took hi j j]l r 1 5/:?. dd-'i- ,-r VelJie Forreste 1 j home along on a visit The West Th.d "in.-icr! r-a=* 1 l>rl- ' i li'iat nffalr and nearly ;tli the artists 1 j I town vere ther»- Mra. Warren ha-" ; j Ihe pr r > tern mm" tastefully arranged for j ! .ier :.Kui v ®',toT*-ari Irie.id -1 l.'.r Wii'. of Girr:v' Ohio is ! I ri"-iing brother-in law R<. "-:t and i | J bn Ke iiedy. oi West Franklin two' I | Cat! Todd and Se w t were nnrpri - d (1 ie-. P« rkiip i.i fn -t of th< a, J hi 'h"t 1 v , v -r.v h:m • :ae i* at • ' the -Joor, p< m T. : ami ' 1 | O W. fsto imiijn 4<jr ol tht { I 'irfcarrtery made ■rr&n'." nients to ha.i ; 1 a pii-nr- taken •> .aL his patron <. Oi i jit •r 1 rtiii at o'clock th« : artist Tormel them in the proper ."haps, ! [a..' i-r :, ght then;. Forty to hear our i ; j :i!' '■<;< :' V:s 4:»— T'• Pic tun I pita®'.* j J .iia Mitchell, ot li» tvt-r I'M. . j 11a- ret' rned brni" 'rota a very pleasant f visit tj u'-r friend and acrjuaintanoi, j C"ir.» I > i>.t-v .". j s Fisher, oi Butli . was the guest of h'-r ri-d"r ,vlrs Cri ehlow Saturday! '-'tii Sllllds " Ibe i-oi l J f:r UDiOh Out at j the nom vi M.s i'-oA-ers, one day last! v.- 1 t. a id 51d i- vrs. ; »vd other work j for the Idier .> ?. T" ';I • -f t-1 '••tid ' 'he fire j owrenti • .• ■ a •'• -ka namrt a i"-'".: ' -irr moth lien/j-.dy was a;. Zehenoj/le la->t ,veek, h.-ipiiig to di>.' 1 water well. It !!• kit • Stewart Wilson when he • hir.j; ot Jones cow chasing Philip i"oi. fi mi the berry |»atcb. i'Uil '.iio'i'o'! -h" was a grizz!> Ijeai by her noi fc e. i'he Fraakdn township school ooar' iii"'l S-it'i"l!ty Aug f '"1 eieet' d the I'lovini; teachei-. Frank liarkley, .0 1. Li)a Cratty, No. '»'• Flora Forres ter Mo i\ ira Wilson; No i and Everett Mi-Bride, No. '1 1 mo. wa^> p'i 100, W< are sorry to know »' t F inklin town.-' /•'. wi-g« a tr« piob ai . .he ! iwe/t iri tiie 'Unty. Co;lector Newman has received the school sfid county duplicate- an<l you •;ati i.'i'O.' five jier cent by paying yon.- tan is-fore Oct. 1. ii try Dutter, (trac»-, Delia, arid iJ- r thi lieyl, md Maggie MefJl'tre drove iov.-ri to Wbitcstowri, !a 1 we"k and ijs-nt a d;.y with ii-i-ry Bi ifhloy and wife. M r s YOHTIK i'as returned to her home it Ji'oni"-»lead aft' r ; i vc it to her faltiei Roifi.-jt K< r»-dy, aad winters Mrs N. S 1 V ssu-ian and jdrv K i'yle. M;-» Li'la Kelly n learning to ride he. 1 wi'eel in fi -*t olasi -tyie and »h»- just eoirn-s up the Pitisbtiri.: road af giacefully as anyone could XtiiK is v queer world. Th >*< that wet - i riendi- last ■ eek me .*!*•;•*!»« th" we {. ai; l hose f..nr were < ncmies last we. .f ar- friends th; j we.). Perm a nam • and stability are gems of rare occurrence Mi*" .Mable Heck of Butler, is at pre u ent visiting her relatives here aljoutn Maui'; lu—grown so the print year, we , hardly knew ii>-- U.- 1/ t. p. )th Knd family, 01 Put 1 let 'er. in town, Haturduy John V»'i r!< .id .Tack M'-Millcn <.l verted th<- old picture ry into a utraw lie ' la-r ... (ioriwin would bar - y kn»<v/ bis shop now. Mary Sle irer, .f Bennet has been Me gr»e«t «»f Hattie Bow -i for u couple of weeks Mary lived here >< few ye-'rs ;i 1 iay S.trvei of id< and Jennie Hot bji. ' w>-r<-m; 11 i>.<! Thur-ida-, .Inly T b- yonng foli:", wh'i will soon i{o to h'e'. i 1.-'-epi .: ai Elwrssl, have our !>■ st wi,i.i • for liteir fntnre success ami happiness, V/. It Rjddl- close to business, 1 but likes to f.-tk< atrip for re'naition one in a while He lately returned from a tri; to I'itUonjit, Beaver Falls, New f it-,. i<-. and oihi i towns iu the Beaver Valley, Mi Ridni' win surprised to s'sj i ho number of ttore p. ;m' ioi Jet in Pittfciturg Rev. iiakin and Ira Wilson were de! epM - i" tie Iml <'hrefian 1 oioo convention ■' Saratoga Springs Ira cuue homi via C.-rap W • •. and Kt Sheridan and foond 001 aoldler Iwy healtuy tnd well *i'iw tiuit the m-diiuiH show has gone wl tt will the lx>y; do for amuse men 11 | If we knew who those ten pretty |g. 1•• -re, that got their pictures t.il: u ! wc would a-It tii-m i n a picture j j Come gir! take a hint. Mi-;. Heater has ner.iiy recovered j ' from it 1 v re. attack of malaria fever. W;. i lOj'-ioiie *.ltd id! ■ v.-..1k ov r '• , John '• ilfers, and 'al • a look it Join's but lot of - el< bred > i;<( And the . thos« ; *«! sweet : ppb - v.b b GeOl.> win give you. Hill Wil:-'»n mad' three experiments in fiow ng oat.» last .'.nd will >,oon know the reaolt. May be that llillie'.f 0.-.jx rl'-ne.e will benefit not only himself ' tt others • Mis-Ijoia Lepley, one of the promi- j •in..' V'VUn,; lade of fte .'est hie , has ■ '.men 1 vhat is. ' 1 lor never -1 1 ria bn« • now abh 1 ride ' 0 wiieel and le-lph'-i iiirimma do the h >n»s' work Jf'K Cos fry II yon want a liievcle or \ ~ur old one r..,i,t:'«: l g., to White Walter & Co. -, sioca in County. i>ic/cien for . FATK. Ever •.- there - on >pportu.;ity iriven bv to Antler Conrty Vgric. .fn. a! Soften : 1 <»ar c'ti'uns to m» at T .. I- i'r t»r<' " !* -Mil every year ,- ! grow ~ .nd '• re interested ui - til now ht " • ingle icdirl§a] who in- .1 - i-.r- • vt g iutert-s: ng fc : ; and also to intet bis old fr: r>.j t renew <ld ae. , rrtatices and form n ~v ones. Ii: ft«.-t it, h-ti become a common ' "i will merrt you at th' Fair."' i The members of the society hare w -rKfs'. . r '. y ■ .1 -sr to st -u A fo-canieits ■• • .-st of e"ery product : u! . sf' s, tha ; i.. M jo sov. J t. . -;r» the rvr might b«- -- • .MI ItK-afcoual ins it•.- . th That their judgment wa* rigbt ; .i' .1 I i ";i '.g in Rotler i eo-i.t waitii Ufecond to oon« ;u 1 •• • yesr ha- c -.-c '.h«- uianageu eLt ,i large amount of money to lmjiove •in - i'• -I - ■ 'ing so a- to is-adv for F.UI -.t pec ted u» 1*«'I. E\-.. rhiiig no a points tc b TTiosr ruccesi-lul eshibition ever hel tn er • r and we are glad of it for , wl 11 :• iOa spend all the 1 at - j «.y t .lev i . t < > i -..out d<-.'laiing t :v --■ie Is .■ r ..!• i c -Ives- to improve he ground" fer onr '-'nv"ai' t;?» , they 1. - se;-e enc-.-ur e k ~1 we er- 1 v> il!- ' •< .. ait to -a d V-ng «ariv s< Att C.a . * : ..rt a!, day -c .V^wil-Growers. M-.-r . n. ri' Sous all !t:•: r J-. they - err iieir owu tosi nebs, I bav changed my location ta Gra'e-m Isr>= ' grocery i>tore, just ac:oss • Ibe . . t ir...j my o:u location with j'"ro-uai -:'s, where f will be glad to =.<. c ■ - i my hanicr * ol Iri nds, assuring j t L: o'ftiirtrc- :i.:nf, a-d the maritt , J ric A CA 1 ")! ior their WCKJI. Troutmans i ' 1 at - Tie- . eve gone out of it e v.i d-buyini' b'tsiiic • altogether i Wst. F. Rumbekcer j —1". • ■ rgt ir i;. val'i-.: '.s and de .ir I ao!e residences n :e:re of Walker & Mc- I Elvaiti ! P Vtna the State Normal Schoo I vt Sli r i.,ery Pock, Butler county, f'est |advart..:ges in mi ic, methods, J.-.m 1.-'.u.iv irawing, etc Kxj ten.s-_»s only >54 I ft>r .vee'-iS. i a.ll b^ B in.-v Sept jm- I ;er 5. I^9B. AUBHKT E MAI.TBY, Principa'. County rairx. j Parker —Angn-.t ao-Septenioer-3. . i'areotain- h«-, tomber i Butter -ei.o -i <> i Oreenvili ,t>f r 7-3 ■ Clario : i-iju.-mber ,'0 l",. S.onh.. .SenteliiWr ~<i -tt. Mead u - t a nl 137 8 Vlerce. s. i.tembvi ! <Jree..- : *uig September ti. ijft ! i —We have ?o S. ilags— Are j i ou gcing to pot one <■< ycur buildi'x? ] ' .ml s' »rd »«.k *o r t.;..* Sbumau it ) I .OH . 4/1 Wood St Tvtt<:btm;, Pa. —Job' -vork t : i.ind;. done at tae j iii ij I'FICB. , Ask ye ir pl.y ::ciau if iie loes i; it [think a aoj rni at Cambr !ge Springs vould do you 'xl Ii ye t need i- »t i nd nature's tonic good mineral wat< r, I 'ic will answer, " I*l.- Ho»»I Rider ef ! 'cr:. ■"•.imcKiaeoi! ci,ual to the best, i if.i ! for cirorNr ". I Sp. ;ng an bumuiei g<xvls : . vi :i}> vry«'a. or : .a.s mu»-h BBUdV I h \RS p, .C's,; [at The P.o --| ;'!eE Si ae. j —Are you ov J: tv "• I and in need of | -t and ijuieii' Hotel Rider, Cambti.t ;e '.prings, is the J.'MC- for you. All 'he !. omh s 'if hmi to- h-.r with t'.e ! f.vt medictnal v .te. -t It tiown. A wee t's I . j'>ttrn will m ike u tea y airs yourg- I• r. Write tor circular!". I Of int«re«it to You. j Pa.ite v,i to < tiga-e* in the iivi ,i • cait : a vV ,'tfr; v Meivlvain .r and optfit —Mani' bcholais .vunte'l at 123 'A'. JiV/r.z St. > M "II- \ < mm, / Every home has a spot/ / which no hi 11% b'ji 3 chair ) wiiifiii, Ii is tlie f iiing >t:>o<-spots v/hicit makes/ \ the pcrfcciSy furnished > \ home, 07c <srz not oi i!y< I MiHers. Ste cur i!ne of : fane/ chairs uiid « / r=rl /Rocking Chairs, v. | I SWWM\ ( f fhi'WM s • Mmw9 i * xiW*- .-j ,■ " v f N **->>■ \ « Her.- )r< A nice p'j.'.'th hmdi ( hair N i hi an' (jue or moiiogany. v.o<sl or £ 3 leather aeat 1 , am > / aoe.di for you: parlor. Price r J 53.50. > ( Rock'ng Chairs, \ V f g 'J iie bi;st tah •• we kno.v ol; suit- t V al-h- f'>r tb - porch and nice enough J f I i tt yant 1 11 :i; room this f a winter !'rso ach. V t. { i Baby Ca/r»agcs» < / -*Y' "X-. r ( \ > 'W' ? 1 / A man wiih ptwh . -TI have a f | t \ ch'ici to eife v 1, ni "II at I | \ • ti!,- .; ic.- au't a'*!.!'; >:ainc/ j r It lie coiltr !, 1' to-'. '.: 1 m-e-ifig his f | jbiby will and happy. Price/ ) / SIO.OO up. \ ) < I ! / ' CAMPBELL I ? > TEMPLETOM.S I X > : ! t«t»t!« r i ottnty \\ ins. A* McKee s R r- last Tbnrsdsy the Evuas City tiro company gaye au exh' bition drill and s*.< awarded the tmt prt.te • *7" an -■ -ured the prir • | :*cr fiac.-t naifc.ir. >d company fio. i X- ' h.y, F: day. the First Ward | Hosel > ot lituler won the great priz - ;of the tournament she hose reel rru-«\ • tim*. •>?:• p. Rescue Hook and Li ui .T'" JI Uit.er Co. second. ?im«* jB9 second: »• >. ' Butler, service race. #*: "HI The Re«- j cues were ais> nd in the Hook and i Ladder race, 37 second*. and the ! First Wards won i have won the Ser • yioe Reel liiivt>. bar the ram c»tt«e ;•: a u i-i tot rout - ..■.lore tue race w;. | riaished. and th • irse of $22.'. was di ! v .ied between th - -ix contesting com r inie-. Th" ; lat-e UM- infested with thieve* and --verc• >c our uit»n iosr money and clothinir. An/of on. leade. < nee 'in? gas stoves i or gas lu.igca, gas /runts oi any gas. i ing appliance wili find it a financial sav- I ing to ca'.l at tl e >tore oi VV. H. , O L.itn £, Sen Jefli-rson S.. I and f?t pr'ce' on !l:e extensive bne thiy I have on exhibition. They are a!-x ' ageuis for the celebiated Welsbach i higut. oi which •no'-e tnan nuu were ; old '.l B-itSer, lait year. I .'a f i Rfc SfKIN.; WATKR ICK ; .t 1 dcaie.ed lo all parts of the j■ w .Wi town, every day. Leave or ! ders at RiCHE. 'S BAKERY U2 Mam St. EXtCUTOSS' NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Mattnew Thrower, dee'd., late of Clinton twp., j>uiicr Co., Pa., having been grant ed t,i the nndersig^c 1 ., all persons know - i? C." nselv . i debte.l to said Aid p ease make immediate payment, l an-: havlug c'd-ms against said mats will pfesent them, pioperly authenticat j i-d 'or settlement to IIKIIT.IS A. THRO\ JOH:. 1 THROWEB, Saxonburg, Pa. R VLSTON A GREKR. Att'ys. EXECUTOR S NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate of Parab Jane Crann.er, dee d., (widow of i jrael dee'd.,) late of Centre t.vp., V.' ic Co., Pu having been graui ed to uie umiersigned, all persons know 'ni! themselves indebted to said estate wiP pkase make immediale payment, ?i-d any hfvi.ig cl-iims against said i"late will rr-'.'-iil them duly au then .--.-iH fot aettlanent to J. D. McJiW'KIN, lii'r., Butler, Pa. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. T.ettei:' testauieijiary on the e.state of Robert Tr'mble, Ksq , dee'd., late of jjiddleser twp., Builer Co., I'a., having ' een g oiled to t;ie ur..-lersi?ned, all person ■ knowing Hi :'.' elvea indebted to ! aid estate will niease make immediate payment and a:;y having claims against r..ud c i'a. will p ■ lit tl ni duly an iii«T''ie I' d f "i settlement to S. C. TRIMBLE, Flick P. 0., W A. DPN'N'Y, Butler Co.,Pa Executors. B A R BARGAINS A N S Are Not AU Gone We have a fot of M' ni.rch whir'S made -if Cari-*r. peicalea fonner price $i .50 now at 75c. 33 i-3per cent Off on all winter underwear and lots of broken sizes going at one half price. We S';:ll Havo t ti» oi those $5, f.l and fj liaU in the Dollar sale We Hitve About five dozen fine wool top shirts in lilack and Brown shades, worth $2, and $2. 50, we are offering them at f 1.25. Cotiie in and tell us what you need and see if we can no supply you. COLBERT # DALE, 242 S M\IN ST. Butlkk. PK B, <y B. it can't last long -such sacrificing ol choice Dry Goods as in this Shelf Emptying Su'e. It would bankrupt us to k'-'p it up Per pit; arc taking advantage of it so liberally, both by coming and sending, that sio ks vill soon b< down to where we want them, an 1 that will be the end of it. We want you to get the benefit < f these unusual price reductions almost throw-away prices in all oi the s'> departments nothing like it ever done before. Hut it behooves you to be prompt no delay will answer the demand . of your selfijiturcst. Anything wanted in Dry Goods, ivrit • ui' about, and find out what's being done in that line. Staple goods not reduced. Everything else i. —Suits, Shirt Waists, Shirts. Parasols and like goods wanted i»ow. Get • amples 25c Linen Lawns - and othrr in >ii.e wash good reduced ranging 5 to 20c yard ind you won't L long about buy ling. Price:, in this sale that I mean sell i k)o-o-,s & linh I ALLEGHENY, PA. L. 5. McJUiNKIN, Insurance, arid Roal Estate Agent. (17 JR. JKI'FiiRSON. , bUTLEK, - PA. Our JVsethod OF Buiny Business patronage Or.rs is not tin only stc-r- in H itlor, hut vie -to try to make it sack .1 place to '>uy your drugs ..U't tueoi me HS to win ycir confidenceand secure yrmr r-tronasre. IX> not cowe to our sV»re far cheap •'ruga We don't kifT> th-.m. Nothing but the best timio u. t ; :-c .a our .store and evtry article bearing onr r a tr.e '; guar anteed to be just as repre sent? 1 or ycu cast ;,et your noney back. We buy the best, tell the best, keep the best and leccuimend the best It is this meth od that has brought to oUi store a iaige ana dc sirab'e patronage, if ycu have never dealt at our store we would be pleased to have ycu call. We try U -: -*ep ever*-'hinj that is likely to A iied for in oa: .. .c, aui it we should not have v.-L :t v w.-:r.t we v.ill frankly till yoi so art! will 'e - " i -cd 10 get t foil yn: at ibt earlies *o--iMc moment. We give yoa whrt >ou want, No tubst - t;lions permitted. us 511 ycur prescriptions Respectfully, C. N. Bovd, DRUGGIST. Diamond Block. Butler, Pa. LEGAL A9Y£RT!3KENTS. ORPHANS" COURT SALE! By virtue of <tn order and decree of the Orphan* court of Butler comity, *'a., ruade at £w. oi), of jlaroli Uri'ia, 1 •**. of said Court. Uiv untit resign \-M aamiiii.sira'.oi oI the estate of James Crlswell, latv of Adams lottashlp. eeanty ind state afor :iid, dtK.-'d„ will oiter '•»r -ale a: public veti Jneon the premises OJ SATURDAY. AC Gl ST 3J, !«!•>. ;t' 1 o'clock p. m.. of *-:i!rt d-iy. ,1!! that certain 1 r:- •o. iii'.iii iiut'oU 111 Adams I*j, . liutler t x! -to or Pen;, ij-ltatua, tKitinderl tiotth t.y . f (Vi*-1 i.. irs a'ci •ainctil l'ark, ■ 1.,; uy land >it ftaniuc. Tail, and Dr. S. O. : te'n"i. - tii to' tr;t-J of Joh- tta.T and iV'in. Purvis, .nd wst b; in .ds of T V,. liennerly'i* hulrs. Newton J.ertlnit nnil C'"iv eet li.-'.rs, r.jnia..iing IM acres, r.,on< at n-is; wiHi 1 f; dwjtli.in holers, ni* ne-iriy new: -(KMI iiitnk liiini and crtlier onthiilld'nzt-. ; orchards, t .nd s,iu;itwl it n.iit from .Mars ;nd J* -r.i! Tr ,;n ! Wlirvvliie o■P..v W. Ky. oiiverilent I chnrcties and schools band 11 ROOII '-oDtiolou and well watered, well .iante.! u, el; her sto' k-ralsinK 01 treneral ! r:. . purooaes. tunposed lo Ix-01l j tul territory If developed TERMS CK HAl.r.—tin 1 Italf 'if .h- tiur .■haso money to tie paid oxl continuation of halo tiy the Court and the other half in one vear I i eafiei vrlth Jcter<>st. to im secured iiy tiond and Mo.-ttf ige «11 th- premises, with ii-. !t! v.aivers and attorney's cotumlnslun. KonrnT Kirin, A'i u'r . Myoma, Pa. .1. .tiiiAiii .t Gulbriuth. 'Utv's.. Hutler. Pa. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. betters tejit-mieetary on the eitat» of John Hijie, dee'd. late < i Clearfield twp., Butler county, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves inuebteo to sairi estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present then:, properly artenticated ior aettlem'-iit to STT'F. Adni'n., Coylesrville, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE of administration on the estate of Emma Sh'ader, dee'd., late of butler borough, Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing ihernse'ven indebted to said estate \>ill ple.i.-e make munediate pay meut.and any having "biims againtt said estate will p'esenf them duly authenticat ed for sett'i ineitt to "v< . i SiIKADiCR, Adm'r., butler, Pa. W. 1). bKANIiON, Att'y. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. lyettera testamentary or. the estate of Isaac Kepe'e, dee'd, 'ale of Fab-view township, Butler county, Pa., havine been granted to the undersigned, al, persons knowinj; themselves indebted to :-.aid • Hate will please make imut-.illate payment, and any having claims against the same will present them for settle ment to Wm. L. Kai'i'LK, Ex'r., Peachville, Pa. 0. WAT.KKB, Att'y. ADM IN t STRATO \VZ NOTICE^ Whereas, letters ■! admit'ihtration have bet-.i issued to me the undersigned in the estate 01 William A. Anderson, late of Middlesex township, butler county, Pa., dee'd., notice is bei by given to all persons indebted to the said decedent to call and settle, and all persons having claims against the same will please pre sent them duly authenticated for pay ment to SAUAH J ANDHRSON, Administratrix of Wn.LiAM A tNOSRaon, dee'd., "•"lick, Hutler Co.. Pa. S. P. & A. Iu bOWSKR, Att'ys.. P-itler, Pa. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. belters testamentary on the estate oi Margaret J. Mcßride, dee'd, late of Slid dlescx township, Butler county. Pa., having b;eu granted to the undersigned, all persona knowing them elves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them, duly jirt,. bated, for settlement to JOHN PICRUUSON, Ex'r.. Pakcrstown, PA McJt-'NKIN & GAU REATH, Att'ys. EXECUTOR S NOTICE Lette*. tchlaincutary on .lie entate of John S. 1/ivr, dee'd, late of Clinton twp., liutlci county, Pa., having been granted! to tbi undersigned, all persons knowing tbcmaelvaf; ind-bted to sai l estate will please make immediate fiayment, and any having tiaims against said estate will present them duly probated ior ,• ttlement to W If. bovg, Et'r., Riddles X Koa W. L» BRANDON, Att'y. Al>>3! NIMTItATOK'S NOTICH. letters of idminintration on the estate ot Harriet Thompson, dee'd., late of Clay twp . .'Hitler Co., J'a., having been jjruut ed to the underpinned, all person.") know ing themselves indebted to :aid estate will please make lmniciJiate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them dnly tiuthcuticated for settlement to K. C. THOMPSON, Adin'r., Elora, I*. O. VV. C. Kiwdi.UV, Att'y. ADM I N IfTRATOR'S N6^CET Letter* of {administration C T. A. on the catate ol Nancv C. Stewart, dee'd., late of Centre twi , liutler Co., I'a.. hav ing been granted 1 > the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will plenau make immediate payment, and any having claims gainst said evtate will prew nt them duly authenticated for settlement to. Thomas I Htkwart, Admr. C. T A., ..It Ci'.estnul, I'a. J. I). Mcjunlin, Att'y. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. I.ettera testamentary nu the will of Kichaid <">. Nelson, Jjit«- of Mii!dl »ex towufhip, liatlcr county, I'eutMylv.iui*. dee'd., uavuig Imtcii , ranted by the Reg ister of : aid county to the undersigned F tecutors thereof Therefore all persons , knowing themselves indebted to the • slate of said defeased are requested to | ;n. v - sjH.edy payment, and thoac having I claims against said estate run present Itb in properly authenticated for settle -1 ment to 11, M I'AKKS, r. A PARKS, Knecutors. I', Mcjunkin Att'y. (Made \lilU, I'a. M. C. WAGNER, ARTLST PHpOCitAPHER, 13^" # Sou l li'Mai ii'it reet. &■ Nasi smoothing Store H ■A VA L\ jpooooc^o^ooooo^c pj| J\ We wish to ma ce room for our iall and if i Tj winter r.r.d in order to do so, durirtr 7/ if A X *he moiith of August, will sell our summer yf ; .3 w 1 good* vhich a:e left at sacrifice prices. Cj> A Look arjund, hunt up the ••BARGAINS" WJL offered ia other stores, *;ier. co n? to us snd 4\ J\ if we (*o not scl! you good weii made clotn- 2K b/ / iag for less money thar. you e .-er bought :t for before then don't buy. Y I S# 4 Yours For Clothing, \j) [<* 90UTHETT « GRAhriM. V /jL § U < Pantaloons at 1-2 Their Value. 3 \Ve will wind up this months \ business with colors flying. While \ east in the clothing market bought ) the entire stock of pantaloons (Spring X and Summer weight", of the well known i: m \ ufactures, Cohen, Goldman & Co., 634 Broadway, New York, at 50c on the<lollar oI cosi. of manufactur \ al 'd we now have 800 pair of pants to offer you at a price ut.heard of. < € A $2.00 pair of pants out price 3. .10 > A $3.00 paii of pants our price vi.Go S A 53.50 pair of pants our price vt.so C A 54.00 paii of pants our price Si. 10 / A $4.50 pair of pants our price $.2.35 } A $5.00 pair of pants our price €2.75 { A $6 00 pair of pants our pri>-e $3.25 \ Ask to be shown these pants whether / yon want a pair or not, no trouble whatever. >3haul Bc Nast, ? LEADING CLOTHIERS, r 137 South Main St., Butler, Pa. — ; ■ . A HANDKERCHIEF SNAP I SSXSXSS # 50 Dozens Ladies Handerchiefs (Slightly Soiled) r Regular Value 12 1-2 and 15c. Sale Price 7c or 4 for 25c. | COME QUICK FOR THESE. (J Clearance Sale Continued this Week. I MARKS' J 108 S. MAIN ST., Butler. CILDNQIQ THE NEW SHOE OUNUOIO FOR WOMEN. TRAPS MARE, 823IE1FFJ8P. <iH^^ Hsa-SOROSIS---- AW I 1 implies au aggifcgation or combi nation mJS HF jPy °J *?" l ' iat hence its appli- jK j( *\ ; O SOROSIS, the new shoe for women, Mfa M It 'Jr ' s t ' s 'g net l along this line. The M B <®| Sorosis proves that sliocj can I* fj lOe W *j nJIf JW nclentificaliy constructed so as to com-Bl'fctag ■ 8} r; bine comfort with style and elegance. Ml >] N-j shoe hat ever been designed tliat Ml vk tea ba>3 met with such universal favor, in BP J. c both Europe and Ameilca as the y X- Sort, is Two yea:? of time and noir- B2m 1 kV { ly thousand dollars have been I A £, , V-;vT\ spent iii preparation and perfecting IV , fV* "• 80 *ke Sorosis Shoe of today is 1 • fft the most advanced women's shoe iu K ra existence. The wearer of Sorotfs (K B • V t *A \ Shoes will find that slic has secured \9t j 5,ic11 u combination of the Kxtrcm<* of v&i.-. Style, the Acme of 1-asbiou and the 9 "'Jtw,' ■''' Perfection of Comfott never before jl | thought possible in nhoeuiaking. jfl \ They have all the gooil <|uuliti iof a custom made shoe costing £6.00. Wh.i i. mnra ....... "8OR08IS" Witt m«ks .« morr fttt.ftct TC vouih ■« «A than * h»r<J»om» toott whit slzJ joo wear. Prie« of SOROSIS d*Q CA Very Swell are Sorostt. everywhere is Daaity Sfcjd are those wbo vw ttw. WE S6kb THE/Vl. JOHN BICKEL. BUTLER, PA. Business College. 319-27 S MAIN ST. Beet Comuio/cial School. Complete ami thorough courHca 111 Bookkeeping, Pciunaiihhip, Commercial Arithmetic, Etc., Shorthand, Typewriting and Eugliuh Hianches. Send for Circular*, AJJrcss WM. E. WILSON, Principal, Butler, Pa. SEMINARY WASHINGTON, PA. li. n'lli'k" mid l>*y .■'••liool for i.lrl* New and ' •NI UulliliiiK r>«<ly tor I ill Term. IteKiilai 1 olii'Ke I'repuialory, and Elective (|,UI»"I h pedal advantages In Music, Klocut li -li unil A ri. l-'or rut ulogue udilre«n» MUM. M. N McMII.I.AN, Principal. WM WALKEB. J. H. WK'K Walker & Wick, lifNMJil. JJKAI.r.M* IW— REAL ESTATE, OIL PROPERTIES LIFE INSURANCE, ETC. KI ITUIOI IK II.OINO. ilw. I'iWTiirrn 1 6uoocrit)«|ior the CITIZEN. THE Butler Counij National^Badk, liutler Penn, Capital paid in - Ji00,000.00 Surplus mid Profit# - JIII4, Jo» Ututman, {President; J. V. Ritta, Vice Prcaiileut; C. A. Bailey. Cashier, John (;. McMarlln, Awi't Caahier. * Kinernl i<unking tniKliio Iruusucted. Interest paid on tine tl<'|(o*iu. Money loaued on approved security. We luvile you toopen un mvount with thin bank lit UK<.'TUUtl—lion. Joseph Hurl man, Hon V\. H. V. uldron, J)r. N. M. Hoover, li. Mc gweeney, K E. A I.rum*. 0. P. Collins, 1. Hmltli, W. 11. l.urkln. John Humphrey, llr. W C. MC< undies*, Itcn MUAKUIII. Levi M.' Wise J. V. IllU> Butier Savings Bank Boiler, Pa. C«pi nl - ff60,000.00 Surplus and Profit* - - $i60,000 JOS. lil'lJßV I I'reaident J. lIKNIiV TftOIJTM kS Vlos-Prealdent WM. CAMPIIKI.I,, Jr Csfhier LOtTIH D.BTKIN Teller HlHß<ri<)KM> Joseph L. Purvla. J. Ileory Tro -tmaii. W. I) Iraudon, W. A. Bteln. J. 8. Ouiidim'U. m ' •• .I < « rttijt* Hunk U the Ol'lei **•»■» '* * 1 In.inn. li Uutler t>«»utilj • *i< •'! .*i Ih4U*i..k tiU*lne*4 I : unnacte. W. .licit account ill oli producer*. mer chant*. fur mi 11 u>.ii otln 1- All h.> lnrmi i iitru»u<l to UN #lll recelvo pi unpi 1 'u 1 lun. lulMiik PS Id on tl' - - I*. MOOD'w w v .iMir Ills, Bll iouineu, Indigsation, Meadache. Kaay to take, aaay to oparaU. 200.