the: CITJ7 EX I WlT.*.' \ • • L REPI > ■ FCE .• -—tfißTi ia -"' T - * : 1: A til: '•'• * .« « fu« COKQREbi Jjj. J•• !.T».C Mi '.<-r-.w,w , ro FOP ASSEMBLY. • MKS N MiXilii o'i.u >r. f|j> of FOP OISTHICT ATTORNEY. Vt 'RM » .AINTEt! Nt fO& CJV 'T' SIJR^VOP. I'UA;;U E. i'<>. of Boticr "ic.'W r' tb- ' ri i u ' >ru-l --w! nr..l li-i) r'..-oir.' - oK, fo r wb: 'he voiniit-—*-* eidi9 f «--' t ■ liber**.:oi» .. Cnb-i fro?" "-;• .J ' v i-:l- pi -.jncally accr r„•',iaij d, the ,i r. -.r- slw.lZ •* a.-' * *hifr f PC?" of tb.;in are minors a'd ts« v-'.o si j'lid i" fccic at their'- >kt, an! i>~ them Ut '■<■ ' sp-t ed to Regular Am.y duty ia rore:„T ■ —* ports Tor'.d he an nnnecesaarr bard . hip an l r.xelinir. •♦ice TLJ vo"-inte»-; «l>oifld i*;j..fii'iu ; r option oi ao b>acr i'oif- <1: J' eul; iu nJat arn:.r POLITJCAL. P I', ricof- F-' atteii ted Bft ir" of the r ivil War Veteran ; A°sod a' uz. at the Hotel Walton m Pnila-j <l»'!p"ni-< .a»-t Thurtflay and Laa-ie nj speech. < t ,-JV ITa'/ings iLu'l —en. t-< b» able to hi." owa oonnty politically Hv» ho.i"* enemies pro* the best or bia« at the pTimarifo last week in Cmtre Co. The Democratic State (U met (•f fv 'ford yeater lay and formally no- the member- of their state ticket of their nominatioui. ( •<*>■ A Jruka, tneir nominee for tiovemur replied in a )'<ntj upeecb or .itaU- in-T • tnd empha tic-'ify denied tbat Qnty L i anything tod,, with ii is nomination. The Ma whlnney- P.lckcr W«-«!- UiiiK- It<>agh Run, Pa , Aug. 10, 189 M. At t>»e -evidence of the bride =- parent- M» and .dra. W ,r Bict the j.-ar r:.ia.- >i ilr. J. M. Mitwhmneyand M Malii'la DifJctrr ww officiated by Rev W J llizlett, pant r of the P.' Salo Pw«lj[teri.'m "inr-h •f f arver-villc a i o'clock P. M The wedding march na« i.laved by MT"* B. ' *;r daring « aicn »i •• bride and groom eaU-red ac c<»ir •' • i »jy the brides maid, Miwi Sa dio liick- Hitter of the bride and the Mr. John b'*ll. After the ceremony v. as performed oagrafcula tiom w < e exU ii'ied by th'- gne -ts pr.-i ml, as fci'ow- !' end M' H H. Packer M, and Mr-. An gut Freeling, Mr and Mrs. Lewi. litekvr. Mr. ar l Mr-. John F. Bicker . Mid f-uiily, Mr. and Mrs ' "-o. Uorr<> bit», "r. ant r , f'" J (-»e-< Piddle and faia ily, ' y.r at ' M"i A. Montarr and tami I Jy Mr and < - Wet '.el tud fam ily Mr I W Witt* Mr .-■ •I M (' i O'iij'ocir ul. family, Mr. and MIH. H | L. Kofnij'n. Mr and Mia. 11. New . ell Mr- Rev. Ifaxlett Mi Mn W H. Witte asut fjMil" iir. and Mr- Wm Fro.Vri-:k i'id Mr. nod Mrs Tkichbj»ri, ' • W. Preeling. rnmuTT'T;, .nr. -- rrjir, kii.j*r-~ mr Aid"..-' >rf, II -< b'a Dicl.'ei Sirs < : !' • ' M ■ M - A~'i Krr'-. Mr Wid, POJt, M Bertha Hl . y. 's < ';rol!jii- Krite, Mn Wm. A'tru'iri «ad fami'y and Mr and Mr.. Seil Many hrrtdsotac present* were 0,. !• hy th p ts and - ;j>a*aii>. t»iu* »*aa bwd »s o'olo' f when aneleiraiitsnp per w jcrtauer f ,r. after which the gi«i»t'. o tr> depart. Mr. and Mr-. "( wb'naey Intend :i;al; iny tWr fntor .'tonn: nei..r Ha Vc<;o comity. Pa The of -1 v>he- </r j tbeir man 7 friend , new, iany them t > | their fulnrc h>k«ie C«H>|H 'OHI (in T* ir aft rTKxm ; o evening or last wti Sir. and Aire W .. Par <. Eire a ntf-.'j.tiws in honor of tit/ arrive. irue of tSftir w- . UenUii »;nd wife wh<j w< r . r4jc«ntly inarnwl utthe brides hoia»> rvirKr.'<w*j. 111. ibose in tfiiuJUM'H lit till- afternoon w«»re principally married folks Thirty bve conpl'-» .iat do» n to ti»« feast of goon pro . : Jed rud >iff-ir a very pb--»iil wr-i arid '-n joy* t to t,he fnil the older folks retired to give the yonng pe»>ple h chance At»»jt 7tps,m tbey be/an to put in their appearance nntil fifty couple-* of to# friends'd Mr. Park had ar rn..i. To 'ay tluit th"y did full justice U> v. ;;-xjd thinK" placed them wo d l»e patting it mildly. After uno per, m.w: and social games were in order, and the fun w»« kept up nm ; : a very-»«r!y hour in the morning. The brid« wlv) n an'' accom plished lady was t attired in woit* organdie and "range blossoms Mr. aotl Mr«. Park «or ■ msde the ri.- ot many hsantifnl and nM;ful pie.-.' nts. Amoijg tho-ie pr< ent from a disti< am were Ror«rt and lb>»m and Ira Park, of Allegheny -f i-MI Mand Tre.-iwir and *Jora Lint, of P u < bnri/ ilnrvdd Dm.hsne, of Nnw f'mtl , Prof John Mahari and v, i?<■ i,i Mars; and M r liav It. II Park, of Valencia. It i. a the intention of the newly wedde-' Couple U> make tb'dr futer home in th!. :,'M!■> Itwl. Their many friends j'i:r if wifhiii'f theiu abundant in life. < in Weduesilay the crown sheet blew out of it boiler on th»- VV. H. Jack s fui.,l L oi'iunat«iy TIP one wa» ii'nr the lioiler at the time of th<- -iff Ideut. rd:- ir* out for the weodinj., of J. CoWun and Li Hi' Myer- «>tb «>!' McfcVmi The 'twinsi»b;H w,r dand i■< and their dancing waa out i>t nii;ht Sf' T itoJi & Co.. of Baker town are bniidlnr rig aViat mih e>«t, of GrayV, in fI They exp'-ct to reach the neve ith <«,«iid stk -itoly discoverirfl by M: In that lonitory. Pi"f H'.-a. V iorUi rly in:-,, m-tor at the b tier lie :ii- - toll";", m l well known in tl.iu vicinity, m the father of a pair of tvsu.'i both l*>v- Mills. Mr '. I. DonaMwn Is i>uildiiii{ a very n j horiS", llari;, .Smith in'i lou,:'it i:.- '..vlx'i "hop T. J llntebi sou barf I - 'm 'hi ne< house. Clias. Frclley 1 rai!t a n<-w l<arn. Our huluher, Mr. »*arw. k in doing a vm y govt bn«i'i"iS (1. t'. Ri-llih I fnilv iv« r»-'l frorn hi - 'erht! .vth Jom McMlHian « pit: Hilij SI.. ,■'■>:. /i. auo .!;>■} .Si. vart «r.« rival . .... t-t„ £!Jy we., tdliflg T »ii M<- * " T . t,y an 1 tl.c bnt'-r-i ,1«. t OIK* of )i' uiit i I'm .ui'l J.J i £>tt I -.1 and '' uru.i Bill •- ca„.v. to 'L< pl-i•*> where he :.'<■• ;./i «v«n tra<U: K'.d le-at th" "thci follow whe i Jlin ..." iitu' 'l.iii.i lomrer. ,ir,d to '< wn .'i l id o, •) „rit< ct„» near going Mvcr the Divide. Mr«. J • ' tiiij f.'i.' a Lmeri Fct' on 1 Tuesday i-vi-'ilnfj There w« re oi.e hnn i drml uonpl«»s pn-sent and they hiul a ver.v 11i* • t;:n»» I'rie Rti ' r»i*t i) HoH'-ty ve an l<-f cTt-m festival iii Ft, my i . ming »>hicn w««i a sucu't ■ foir j'wiaJ holler a in< ■ Hv/i—ny •ays ho w. j ftftVO to get nr.a: ri«l Uiforj Winder an mC u> ti/txi »ctvW hacn. M OF HIE" WAR. •2:— ! i \ Or Thursday night butt nirOovou | aitriil rec-ived word that tL 3 Spanish J .-ament cad a<.cepte«i th* Protocol J r prr-'iiinr «-r~ * —• >• of peace. and nes: •la.. 'F r »y iTench minister and I UltentaQ >ffMared at the White! •locsf, fully authorized Ly me, t r * r!T*i th* iiotv** i %ry p?i* pi?! 4 • ii: 'h we") examined daring H biindtng stoiin, and ;rigntd by M. ; for the Spanish (iovemment id Secretary Day for onr? in the prv-- -n tI : iident McKiniey, who irn ,„ , a,eJ. ar:*r cailed for hi* proclaim »n«rr ading hostilities and fcig it Li th* cr of M. Chiij'X>s The Ti .iaaiulioa ir-ad > a-: follows tJy t-iw I : -.a ifeiit ~. ti. Uaitwi r,:-tee •■»! ».erica- A Proclamation. V. nereas, ft' l a protoc .Ic-ipclndeaand : .( AtsgtMt 12, l<i!K l»y William R. 1..-, Secr'-Wrr of State of the United fj'-r .s nca His Excellency Jalea Cam hon. Ambassador Extraordinary and of tbe Republic of Fran.- at Washington, respectively re ,.rt~mY-' ' for this pnrpose tb» Govern ment f tb<- '*-it«-i State* ami the G. v eonraeT.t of Spain tb« United S: >s ami Spain ha. • lorne. ly .agreed up <n thet'miiyn which negotiation! ■ r the -.tthlishmect - f pea< - lietwee- t'- two oyrmmes shall be tiadertaicen: an* Whereaa, It :•> in sa.d protocol agreed that upon its conclusion and signature a Htilii en .tel.- t*r the two coiatries f>e i and thai notice to .hat effect sb»!I gi 'en at scon aft pos sible by each Government to th- com manders of its military and naval force.-.. Not**, therefore, i- W'liiam M'-Kinley, Z't* -ident of the Uaite»l Sta»":s. do, .c accordance with the stipulations of the protocol, dec! ire nd proclaim on tne j>art of the United States a suspension f hostilities, and do hereby command that orders be immediately given taroagh tne proper cbanacl.4 :o the com r.auder- of the ?jiilitary (.n«i h vai 'or'-c of trie S'at' to • -"ni i from all acts inconan"t*-nt v,-iti, this proc lamation. Iu v.*i*i:* whereof, I i*ave hereunto :« !. »ay b.ind aad (-an- 1 *- ! thf m&I of the United Htat<-a {> be aftixed rw. the city of Wf.thintrton, tbift ;2TH ilay ot AnjfUßt. ID tne yv--.t OI UAI Lord ! and of tx.*j of *.b-J United States ihe i2::d. 'VILUAM M'Kim.KV. Lsy the Pre- dent, WH.UAM H. DAY, Secretary of State. Orders were immediately caoled t" the Naval and military ( otnmandera ir th* Vv'eir Indies and Pbili;»ineii to cease hostilit e«, t /sc for Admiral Dewy ;mQ •j aeral Merrit went by waj of Hong X -ng .t.j steamer to Manila, and prob aMy riacned there by Moauay. Tbe six paragraphs of the protocol provide as follows: Plot.-icol. i'.nit -Thai - .»ain will all r I-.m of sovereignity over and title to Second That I'nerto Rlco and other Spanish inland* in the West Indie- and an inland m th- 'avironw to oe selected ,thi, Uaiteii States shaij w- ceded to tr latter. That ;.be United Htat»-s will • x >y and hold the city bay tn'l har icr A Manila pending the conclusion of a troe.iy of pe;. c, which shall deter line fourth That Cut«a,'Puerto Rico and otij«-' -pit: -h inlands in the west Indies t all l/> mn i'-oi j'eiy evacuated, and that f>.mmii" doner-i. to be app'intei witaiii ten day> hail within .s'l days from i.he sii'iiing of *,he j«rot'f; <1 ims;t at layana aiiu San JIM': resr H- f ivelv to .rrarge and execute iii» details or tbe ;M-n»tio:i. Fifth Th.»t t.h'j United Status anl - i>:»in will each app<iint not un-re than Conimi-snorieia to negotiate .ir' Ljiiclude a treaty of peace The (lorn loianionerft are t-j in- :■: t Par.s not later .Lar l ue lut of Ootoh-.r ffrth--On th( fci^riir 4of the rir< ! -ol bo tllities will ;<e arid notice to that e.iect will btj gi yea as soon aa f, oy ca> ii Government to tbe coiniiiander of i»< mi! ;rv a««' naval ff»rc- K ■ as signed i.t 1 'i>\ P M. of Friday 111 iay.- after hostilities began wnn handsom'-ly engraved in both English and French, and after it had been sign ed everybody and went, to tlieir respec tive places The order* U> the naval cemmand r» W'-ru to raiiie tbe bl'ska'ie j and take their ship to American ports, and to the military '-ominander- to cimis: li< tili ti';:-. and notify the Spanish Com 1 .od ors of the treaty of Per' " THE CAPTURE OF MA NILA. On t/10 7th of August, Admiral Dewey demandtsl the surreuler ol Manila This demand wii ' repeated on the Oth and finally on the 1 :jtb. During the in torvals fore; -nets resident either board •«1 the warships of their nation or tied from the city inland. The bombard ui'-nt l*>gan on tie morning of the i;;tb ni*/ failure to obtain a deliinto reply from General Judemos, commander of the Spanish iomm. Th® OI; tnpia opcnerl fire and the en t re fluet joined in the hotab irdment. Tbe enemy were driven from Malate, and pitrsti'-d by Men ill's troopn They Umu refill'* in Manila and ivion after, »'." i.ig the fuf'Hty of father fighting, ■ >erient! Janrter.ien hoisted a white aad sent word of his unconditional snr render. Tbe city itself was but little damag .'1 th" i,Ti- oi tie* sbijis isdn,' dlrei-ted against I 1" . rts rind the O'i'lyin ; en tTO.i'ihments of the troo\. j The bomhu'iment, which began at VHo o'clock in the forenoon, was con tmu'id for two hour , mid then tbe Americans storirifd th* trenche-e »weeping all imfore them T !, i Firnt ''t'ifornia yolunteera -tormotl tho outer tri uches-und drove tin Sjianlards irif.i toe se'-oud lire of defences Then the American troops wept on, dri- ng .ill t'lt Spaniard • Into the Innei fortltications, where the Spanish com ntandor, seeing that fnrtht.r resistance wa i. cles- hoisted the whilst tlag and surreri'lero'l, The loSrtca American or Spanish, are not j known The Spamar.l i in the t.-.-uc h prohnbly ntii iU rd .; 'HI ) men I ii- nineri m altaekin,; forces number . 1,0 HI ni'-ii, airl the Anierv o, were ;,.-ttei arm* I, lie'ter Vrsoiisi and In o> .• ti r condition. The foieiga fleets tcbed tbe Isirubarduient. wth acute 1 i-;r.-t 'l'htj American warships en gg« 1 were trie Olympi Petrel, flu leign . lc' ''illouch, IP,st>,a, Mont' rey, Cnarlest ;n and Baltiino .- The (trr mm* had a 'aniich waiting 101 Angnsti, whi»b carrieil him to trie Kaiserlu Aegour.-, Tho cruiser put to -"-u at » o'clot K tnd went to Hong Kong ai a-. '.-'-d of sevent»«eu knot- No one U. • .n,und" the Oerm.»n jssiition. At ia re 4 K>fUKi taat wwuy dispatooed •r j. ,er- t*- on Sf.tar'.ay tight to Iloilo | and Cebr either to accept the ?nrrea ler of th-_*s pi* or to bombard theui The R.t?eitrh w»« to -tart on Sunday to Labuar there to pi- : n\» thre#> Spanish steamers that nave be;-n running ween that port and iloilo. The Can .ord ard Boft.«n wer* di ?a* -u-l to Port Royr' to - five gen boat.- . that ii-i. * L«c-n in i. aig Afterward Sag at the capital -f e'- h ol the i*. : ■ ti- ft ;■! it 7'jll tase t.-2 wf'Tf.fcipe th:e* vn • k,-. t.j accoaipliat. ih* Hiirtf»ionc high tbe f'biii ppiuc* ional government head«vj a -) f H Kong Fiopiao- who called " v i r Ger-'a! Wildrran Monday ard contra- tlaic-.i L *J on the Amcri-t can vicijrie *n the Philippine- Tn • i reqar --ted M- Wildme.n t* wfre Pre-.- •; irr.t y Kfituey assurance r.f the r | allegiance and to prenent their r<.-<fi . i that th' Filipino* i>e repres».-nted on j il - i' ibppiae commission. Th iKi.ila -rrt -pond -n-of the !,a Dai.j telegrij-iuiig 4aid. N'otbini: could be more humane thai, ti, American capture of the town. General Merritt and Adinir,.l Dewey h plan wa j to sj.are every ob je-tbntthe defctises and the trenches Appa ti:*"- American :.ißs'-s w.-re tin n.- j small Tne spp.n: a h entrenchmen: - -arie<l ia p<.»nt of distance from two to four miles fr a he center of Old Manila "Defeofiiag this long liae of at l-.- ist tea miles were tot over, and probably .mder. O.OOJ Spanish tegular troop*, volunteers aad native- About half that nnmber wore in hospital. The attacking fori - e- numbered from 1' i, ''> to 20,000 natives and 10,000 Aiaericans, on shore and aboard th« fleet. In evtrj rc-spect the advancag \>:i- on 'he ni<le of the* atlack. The American tieid %r.;m Lhrew heavier metal and had long ei range than the Spanish, tne markH manship of the I aited .State* gunners was much auperior to tnat of the Spaniard':, and the men were stronger and in better condition. The Span arch> are a snsail race compar<-i with j meir «cai A'g't opponents, and worn out by a bnndred days siege and flis appointed by the failare to arrive o/ rh«- promised Spanish relief Mjuadron they hail lost heat it wan a hopele.-- strag^le. "Looking over the bay it wns curion-i to notira tne foreign fleets arrange •heamelvu according to their -iymii • Jhies The English and Japanese were ! near the American" end tbe German and French on the opposite sides of the bay north of the TTaei/ river The !lrit- - laiinorlite, and i«-.- kejit laiiiy near the American line The attacking squadron formed in line b< tv.'-<-n Malate and Old Manii ■ with ! tin 'Joncord watching the f rrt at the 'mouth of the Pasig 7h> American fleet lay outside th- breakwater, j Tha Olynipia fired the find shot at 1 0:40 and a fairly coatlnous but by no i means tnr'ouH cannonade TO kept nn j til 11.30. 8y that time the Malate fort | was silenced end the American tro * then *iie . reach men* Ibo ! Spanianls who wen. in the earthworks I r' II ne that the i|nick -firing guns of tho to the sh'>ru, were lar more terriMe . i their effects than \»rw tbe raking hre ' f t.te .ibipu. ' i' '* ;-f». '.- Hi' ."i n• r . t.. .11 (.»<• /.•as iinpor- -ole. The First CJoloic lo rogimctil wius the eftrli-it to charge the Soan-jrds, who retired V> the i.'-oon I bill, f -.•• outuniiiiHii d, th«y win forced into ,!d ei'j A part of M. !ote suffered] Rev from the bom brcrdmenf The vaunted intramnresde fence- w - n-.i ine.d The Spanish commander, convinced that tn-ther resistance was hopeless lOii. wl a white flag at 11 10 and the «.- d--r to ceas" ftrint' was immedo't'-iv issued in .be centre of ihe town, hi' 1 tin ontnkirts street fighting continued for sometime afterwards between the rebels and Spaniards "The only fear felt in the city is .11 regard to tbe condnct of insurgents. As I writ* this ii- f ie house of the Ger man con Hill, a brisk ' illade is goimr on Is'tv eri the con/. Unit arid musket ry hre i" rattling all "round." lieilin, Aug. 16 fieneral Angnfti, ae« rdin:- to a dispatch from ;iong Kong, dnlw! y«-'.erday, was dismw-d from li's posi an captain general of the I'hillipine" on August ">th. General .(andemes was ordered to take over the command at .Manila Madrid,Aug 16 The cabinet ha <de cided to order General Blanco and »l! o'her Spanbh generals n- the Antilles l'< remain at tiieir until the evac nation is completed Oeneral Wesley Merritt 11 Is reporto<l here, osik the greatest precautions to prevent the insurgents from uterferimj with the cajilt-lation of Manila or ap 1 roaehirig the «-ity. The Madrid press fears thit the vir rend«*r may efi'ee's Spain's pimiti n in the negotiations for the future govern meut of the Philippic .s. WAP RECORD On Monday of this w' k Consul Wild man of ll'jng Kong, cabled the Depart ment at Washington of the •••rrivg' at Hong Kong in a German warship, oi ben A.i 'isti, who snlil that Dewy had l»ombar<led Manila the previous Satur day and forced it to uirrend'-r nn< >ll ditional/y. August! was the .Spanish < omniatid' •- at Manila, and he esea]aid from tii' ci,.y in a boat and ; .1 Ii d tie German war ship which took him ti> ll*.. • The Germans are report ed 0/ h;ive secretly furnished the Spun ards with provisions during the 'eige ol Manila. New- ol th'- Protocol was sent to Dewey and Merritt from Hong Kong .n Saturday the day of A ig'inti s arrlyal The Spanish steamer Luzon saih 1 from Santia" . for Sp-.oi Monday with t-v,> Ihonmintl Spams', soldiers on ismrd 'J lie Tf .iitality in tho Spanish carnps th' i'- • ... very great, and the dead *o| d ers were being pJa< < I in piles of 10 and I : each, and then saturated with kaio - a 1 and burned ' "-t ii Blan- - ' lbled bi« resignation to Spain from Havana, and the news of Protocol there cati-e.l a riot. The Oov Gen I of Porto Rico ackuowl -dged Gen MM Hag of trutje, and all njetili ties oa thut island I'-i «1. On Tuestlay tin I'/eH.dent spjiolrited mil 'ary commissioner as full >ws For 1 nOi Gen Wiule, Admiral Samp ir and Gen. Bntler. I'.' Porto 111 O'-.i Hrooke Ail mirnl 1 o,v ,1, I Men « e.rdori. Orners were prep*reu Tuesday for [mistering otx: ot - and j t wr.3 expected at A ° biagt -n thfit j won M ont ont withi' .irty ; iv? S,nr-?o!s Allison and GOT ii:an refuscl places on the Peace Con; j CUP iCYS IN CAMP. « E. iiltll li«-;UJH-lll, Foil Was! am > . >ls!. Last Tacs<lay '"t '. >Oll Co., E wa -,nne<i in 1 : - <* a./! tniThP'i to ho? I ltd v : «r-. 0...' o&y Albert Wata ; t , ;t_.i tu.-. • iuDH -iv. fuueral wa rjaducteu by lai.uui. MoJnukin. The:, tl en r.ia'n? in - cartie t to th.- wbar; , rtnd started i>a th ii jonrney t-j Btitlei r-.-d-v 'ii.-en luen on Co. ES sick idl rbe) Lieut 8 it Hei. ■ :i. i» -inJ Ktihc. and ■it: 1 ?. R.'Ston. lincklialter Caxflvt-eIK . Cbristv Eckelbnrger Evan.» j Oreer Krng Mefcl '■ mondg, IcFar.H Rimer, ; ffer and Watson , u-.khaiter hnrt by lifting ni.- it it B'>or ronie time ,tnd .Shaffer has i poisontd haa-\. Tht; ri..-1 h.i v>. •., L l.t atla- K- of ruaia. -a All are ni,]' t;- n and dresst*! 1 t IT® i ,T . ho t<> b. toiiior- { tow. Den; iMlfa* i® the j r-T. i f'i J.M M ■• ' iful OHM f (, t j "cfaUk and tev< •.. .r ii no wond.-r j -r. many are sick. 3tt)geaat ODonael left fur j ;■ It., r in 'and Bl.-.r':, • Haselton and Kcib m fnrli>og!i, All- I I on «' '-"V- l IV ! Thoae vthr, ar- , det ified to ««pec i;.: 'nt>. .in-! vi-ituiir at home uiak» j bait -h..- conjany At but few] f enr drills arc there fifty men in li. j E -! Thompson r. w helping at ;h, Im kcry .* we w«Tf: visited i*y air. :j ;,. . v di a filter J M Leighner w.fc and ilau«hter Mazie, S ii Martincourt -vitc and daughter*. Vi- Nanni" P.lack Mary Pillow and Ejnir.a l Mm. ali oi Batie/ We a.a in Jfabted to t"u<? gentleman for h ronud of ainokes Thnrwlay Henry Pillo.v came down to V i*l Wa h nrtoi or. his way boni* fni.'-i thp Y. P < ' l" convention a* AI H y„ Hwj was the upreurt Hive of I'uCei'.-i yonng United Presbj '•.-nanH IhM Frida> Cam. Miller the shoei:iaa and J B ( airBUM iWM as The istta H oni .*• rai.iy rednetd in fle.-:h bv an attack of fever This ui mini; privates Graham and Strr.'ip .i-tnrn.d from judging from tl.e:r appi-arances they had very pleasant/ itdy» at home. C>nr soldier life continues about aw nn eventfui as life <'3n be i lnr war ex p. rience so f.-ir uu.- Ijeen dib.-iapointing and unsatisfactory to all of ns. Nov.* that the wai -. over we are all anxiooa to return home HA sj>eedily as possible Contrary to it if nn.lerstood that the regiment * comuiandei- is making <• rt'ong effort to have the regiment kej.c in the service as long a- possible, very likely for flnsnrisl mNM> W# are 'lire tlt is coarso cannot add to the com mandani s popnlai'ity with his men. There being no active service for us to •ake ]>art in, it is tbe earnest deair*> of tb<- great majority to ret.nrn one- more Ito peac-efnl pnrHiiitM. 'larrison duty is for regular, not volunteer soldiery und we hope the future holdn no snch work j in Btore for the l.'.th, P. V T . 1 E. 11. KKOLEY. ■_■««! ■■■■■« "1 S U'jyal the »o<><! pure, vh'.tCBUOJC HQO dMiclwu- Bpli spss POWDER #jjbv ««:/Pur© i It»Cf* I a/44*4 • > »4R# V»CK j —" mr tM-mmxammm.■ n'<4*. j HuAD A M D BRIO Gc REPORTS. N »tlC<! l« li* ••' : ''« v• *». t!i«»t following roj 1 nd ' ••* in* i oiitlrmtMj r> I>i S .< «'<,! ti t «l - '»♦ pi » nt. t' Oil tl.i M » ; , ur y <>f H«-\! I'ourl ' ' tin J'. 'I ,y ' f ill t:i' n h <1 If <p<ion* ar filial thmf will I ft loin* I atinolutHv • II '. i, 18HB, lii ' M.. ttt of ti. l < ' ' • i.llrld townnhip f'' r ai'ounty »»rl'lK« ov i.ittln lliifTalo crrrk j.l •.• »u .I; Wl ■ th< p ibile li./l'.v iy r« *.<■ mild '•! • < In Huxoit City. Mar«*h •», . K ' «, vi« /♦ ; »■ ..»!♦•« J hy t Imj < 'on r f l.'J Jllllf- >i. |"'>. vl( w. i fill-el *tttl - ;t|«;it I !««• prop » r«J in'iltf'- is im « *•- ny ;• ,»r| i <i.»t U' H.m, v" , iiulru in'»r»- o*i»' um'. .r Is , tutu Mil id Utpn l«"U d I - 'I iiJi' JuiMi I •*!♦*•. :t|)pr»)V»' [ '• • l<< i;iv< n »rto run** i f Court and t; • 1 Im ton h grand )ofj at fmXt t«*rr:i IJY THK('(jf jr'i I! f> No. 2, .Iym* tvrrn, IMin r«* i • ii r . ofcltlz >it of Ja'kfton to»u.hlp. r- i a p roi'l to # , orriiin »i'" it, or iif.n t / >i» ' lor. of i • ■ Ushllrfc Wl 11« Ml It. l! • o. i;»'l u>end »• iHMii* In ttm pub)l«* ro i I li udlTi/ ri '•» /.• !.« » >ull» 1»"t • Uk'li I** ft. »v I I i. |>'.lf! Oil 's ~f W !i Snii' j M.-irvli 7. I vl* wr . w ri ;i|>ix»iritmil | >1 iy ' . I • . r-it'tri " vi« wiTs lino nt.Ml.i. hr ilim sum i-M' »r> fop ii putiHc road No i'_. . .f'irn-11 f-'i . approvn'J, arj'J fix ft *1 hiti>v lat f pt. Not if-, to »x jjlvort nautrtfUift, to r»il< 4 of < /ourt, l»y tiik. Ooum . ». If. h .N< .i .1 iff ti rfn, t » In r«» p«!tl tlod of dtlzon 'i Vttlrylew (nwimhtp fov puli!ii* r«»;M| l/i 'ii'stln HI »to/i a i»nt>ll' rm I »liir*y umi . isisl #»f ti»«" liouac of \\ I* T.'iyi n.on tin Kaips <'\tv and Klttannln:: in s iti] town .hip, inn/ I'liflinK at. a poln. M.m a* Mt of tho brlil"-* ii' .ir i !»*• ho • of fi H M< ' on k| ;..,if| Brady'n H' li'J roa*l. Mari h vl« v.« r-. w ;• ippolnti'd, mi'l .lun« •». !*<'.«, r« port of viewers l» iI In favor of hil<l pthml. I>h ir in . •ii of il'nj assc o to f» -i .%!'•< oll'uitfli .In', il. I ' Jippr « -I. .iii'l ti < wlflth of roji'l fit £| furl Notl' i* to Im- klvi-ii '\a #*oiiJiny to rul' Hof < nut. Itv tiik Conn . i lc. I> M|.«. .fmin l« rr,i. iH> In rcpl'tl of i-iti/'MH of Adams townnlijp fijr a pil t»llr po'tfl to i»Mf| fi mi a point on Mm Miri ami Kv;ins ' ily roa/1 about ? vrenty rofli * njtfi of Mai thai I <t at ion MI tic I'lttfttmric ,V Win fnrn It It , to a point on lie- Union <'l»nrr)i roit'l noar tli < i I <jf .1 A. Kenm-fly'* iaic April 27,1 V* vJ. .■ <rs win n ppolntwi ami .Inly I report of vif v< rs fllc<fln favor of wiM ro?Ml. fi'ifi i' * . :i ... .•« J si » follow-* 'l'n Henry It.isin ».»'<) .1 A I'cmiMfly, fln.liO • vln K«Mir»cily, f. '«». .In- 11,1M#- apji •*!'! Ii • f fii'i •' :;f«' t. Nolle- i »>c »• '•'»rilI IIK t«> T > ic < of < i.uri lir Tiir C/<>i.' HT. ». It. I> No 7, .Inn* ♦♦ rrn In ropctl tfofl ot :• ! / I . , Butlfl Ml bio fol ''l oi • ' ■ • i known tho v I < 1 ■ from Ktttannlii# rruMS Ut till ri» 0. MMT Vt » w rk»w«r» vera Kpiiolfitocl, • Mil A';»y )<f f»*p» fl »#f viewer . ft I «*« I In f Vf;r of v.'*i •i« o No flaring*"* lnn«- 11. I^'i ; . app|*;v Notice iflvcr* wwh <I!IIK to ru ic* of i on ft 11 v Tut l 'ori»T. ft rtlflcJ fr■ *r r 'tic rfoj<| tlil>, u I K day of AUY.ISI |HII-< IH AA < M F.A l#rt. Deri ... WIDOWS APPRAISEMENTS. The WI'IOW'H apr.rjt! .« mi i t a ».f perH< eiil prop* 11 y m'l K.t) «>*Ja|e n»t npjirt r tl "• • 1 . .■. •, r •\, ii i ■ tr ve »,« "n f• << «l In fti« oMIc #»f tt « < li rk if Mrplci ii' ' our I •»f Hut Irr i «» vl/ Widow of Manl«:v It M fir«»hea<l. per vifinl « : 4tatc nn tie It '#rei«ti ff»nl ami per ftoufll f*Ht"t< WOO John I* U;lu>lt /., pfi-'onul •i. "-I j» A II ' foii' l, j». r f» il i ,1 »l« :¥N) fifi ;i» ii h . i i 100 00 fpil/i rl Trlml/le. pernoji il M 1 00 V'n Illusion florard, r ; est Hi e 2tK> on AH p« I .OIH lnl« rfMM f| In I lie uhovn ai» n; l '' 111 •!■'will tnKfJ lioi i-i ihut t-hcy will pre .• it« 'I f r •o»iHnn,ii lon t" I'M Orplmim '.'onrt »\ Jiutl- f » ount v. J'u . *n * it nr«t iy, t tie |oi f. #1 »V uf HuplA. Il l ,•;.»! If f... «»- c ptpMi.i lit fiicii tti y w|»l 1 Ht.- Hoiutf ly T y A I '' MI \ IM. I'i»:i»< i > i Practical Horse Shoer WILL ROBINSON, Forui?i ly Horse Sh'»er nt the Wick lioi ' ojwn* (I Intsi tican in a op in the rrar of tin- Arlington ifotel, whrrr lie lloriM* Shoeing in Oir?tno«t ajijirovcti tyh fHACK AND R' >r rt HORSES A SPECIALTY. Laughing Babies Arc those- v. li . Ink. Ho* -ie'n C C. C. j , f'tr r'>Mgh», col'ls ttnd l Sn opumi to .tupt-'ty, uo lijcciic to ti.ui.icaie. y> I ceuU.J liIATIIh. ROBB- At Strvemillc Aug 12. Mr-. Herman Tiobb agcl abont 85 years. LEASURE -At Aug 15, Wm. Leasare. MARTIN At th- reti.ieuce of his son. | Ales in West Etna. Allegheny Co., : '7. tat 'ivt'ia.m . Thomas; >L-i rin in hi* *)th year. I- unr-al aervie- at tiummit ciiurch on F: :dav th" 10th at ! am. Friends ol he fan:-!Iv res •■' l v invited to at lend. • 'w* Mirtiti in his usual health •., inrdu- t ,-a.W of la«t week. when h* bt-ifan hu -o'—"hing and gradu ally sank after 'I" WM a fine old gen- Ueuif*.i and ihe nffwi* of his death will be 1•' r d with re-ret by many Scrofula In it? Lhooßsnds wt tonus la lue ter- ! c. lo aiSictio!. cl the human race. Hall rheum, pores, cr .: jh-, bo:!*, ail humors, «, etc., c gi'ifttd in iU foul tnint, ; sud '.:e eur d by the treat End oul.- True Elood Purifier, Hood's The ! tl ..ry cf today that tuber- ; cc'. ">r eoE.£urDf>tlon, is cure Ha by 1 pr T .. 'tlon, and purifying tho ' h cir'-m'.' I ' - '!' !n the exprr:- caee '•/ .sen. ',vro ha". > been cured by . Hold's Sfirsspsrilla KOOd'S PiiiS. '.«(• I SCIIS W~ RECISTEH'S NOTICES. [' 1 Register hei •gh - ■ •• I hat tlm following T • X • utors, ad tlnia -11 and gu rdlant hai been 41 d In • » ■** v if- orf'injr . • ••". and •."ill lie prr < iri matlon *ad atlow : - •• . . ; • lot ' f Of» 1* . . 0 • vr.. of said d -.v i. KVouiat of C nrUliua and John E Krad • adi: m! . ra.- •. of Auau. Kradcl. dr • -f jam lit -" i-h g I ICCOUUtOi \ L ( • • ip r. •• U I - f l!:i ;v C r, r,o- t ..m- of Slippery rock townnidp Final account of John A T-.i-'bert. exec utor of Jacou LOI.IC, dects •d, late of ,fa'*k toi nahlp, > ; ii account of 11 L> admluN tfttor i i ■ Bhaffer Isu of* ; or townshlp. a I'iusi .r„a:,t of t eiblo ad mit : -.irat.-ix of Jaooo (ieible, de<*eased, iat© of tin i ler, Pa I <. Km t. account ot li .t Iff', executor of l ames Jono>. d(jce i-o.J late of Evannburyr # iin ;: ni i'/iuri' *• Jonn S bnf, exeout^n •»f Ko',ert Love, il»*ce;u»eo, late of Clinton lOWtlalllp. - rinal account of Henry d »V ise, admin btrator of lie 1 * NMtwi late o» : • • i township 0. Final account of Isaiah .1 McßrlUe. exec utor of James C McKee deceased, late of Butier Pa 10 fllst: ibut ;on iU'i'ount of Isaiah J Mc- Bride.'.*x»;outor James McKee, late of Bt • er, Pa. _ _ 11 Final a- -<• .n:, *>i liel>ekah h. Keeder. administratrix, f I Keeder deceased, late of Butler. Pa. , Uial aroo ml if a B Barnhai l est - if Siinoa Barnharl decessed IttA of Kalrview township. M. Final licconnt of \v W Hili. Kuardlan «»f Samuel A HterreM minor child of > O Ster* I. •; \i.- D (oi nihlp It Partial aceottnt 'a M Hammers and A >1 .\iclnds, ad mini dralors of Thomas liuan, deci si.-.ed, b-te <Toneor*l townshln. 1", i n tl w-i-ouiii of VVlillam r Benson, ad n.-r . i-aroi .»f >iary A Benson, deceased,!ate of lionejtal townsiilp. i»; Final a fount of John 11 Oormly, euar fllan of Blanch Mortland, minor child «»f -tepben Mortiand. d*-c<-ascd, late of Marion township. . „ , 17 I lnal acooun. of John K Gilchrist, guar'! m of * * I** Whltt", minor child of Jame v' Whin do -. «,l late of Venango o». i nip.: , til* iiy.ioiin MCLOM M, ad mill- st aUii-of .l-.IIH A K tiilchrl t. .... ]W ) , riJ aeeouut cf John K Gilchrist, irn;irdisn of Pr< .ton White, ndnor child of i i • r -• t late o # Venango tow i sb.p. as filed oy John McDowell, admlnis rat'«r of John Iv (. ilc.hrlst. fi. . .i n.fuo I aa K Cllchrlst.iniai dlan of GeorjC" * hristie, minor child of •Vm and >l' ts-'an t I < arlstie, of Butler Boro, , li! • : by Jv n. Men.#**: |J, adminUtrabjr of John i* oiiciirtst. 'iv Final account t J.ihti V (illebrlst, guar dian of San bJ < In i ti. minor ehlltl of Wm i- i Mao J " 'l f b. ... of A it!e. It #ro, as tiled by John McOowell, adminlstraUir of .lob. l K t..l hrist '2*. I "ctl a "i'ou II • of John K Gilchrist, (guar dian o! « - si i tie,min« « iiild oi W m ami Varjru 't .1 < 'bristle, of Butler Boro. a . ii led IV .sin M'liovvell, adml list rator of John li Ollclirist. Final oi I-.- of J .Im K tiil'-ln ist,t"i. r o'ian of TiitiC M • 'e, mlfior ehlld of Wm :»», : V:i, /ii t.: i .of Uu :er lloro, as ,i! n by John Me 11, admiulstraUir of John 1. Oil hii i : i 'eon • A.' in K Gib bnst, K'lHr d, in >1 Annual L« In istle, minor euod oi v\ m and M.irjf;sre* J <'br, »t • >t Butler Boro. ai lllr -! ' Job '»;• 'owei , administrator of Jf n K* t;»b'-hrlsl • . . i .< oouutof John K t i *brlst, Kiiar l . i'o , F ( r i :b •lb or ehlltl »f Win ' o , 111 IJ < III' to f Butler Boro, an i| -it by lobn >».-1» >vi i, adiiilnisirator of * z'l. . or lonn 1 (-it 'iriAt, > »,n • (bail ( "uu :• i ( » J r ". .. minor e,uld of Im ioukli, a • fib '1 ■> ■ oi b ilow- l" aiinbiii t • liiii of John K i.lJchri^t. . Final aeeoant ot .biiui l\ Gilchrist, ad mlnlst»*a f #»r of >i e i • Bii'dianan, dii(s a - e l iat - f M. tio» . Wm ib». ' tiled oy John Mcl»owo||, (l in,in. tr it »r of John K GilehrUt <'• c. ; .ved, I', I'lua. a< SIUI. I >t Job.i K Gilchrist, junrd'ari of V»'ni »•'. Liiehanan, minor child of.!;im**H w .1.1 M •' Li I : "1.111, deceauMl. • «t «rlon towns, in as llb*d_by ,10l n Mo la r.lnlst ran r of John K '»ib .irist. 1 • oiint or John.K Gflchrh ' vuar di» vans C» Biifdmpan, minor child of .1 m . id .u/ .i l.i ; s.sit d • a b ij.ii nf ~! ~: tv>wii ihlp. i,H'ed by John »lc f>. veil , 1 OPS' ii to? •)' I. -i • \'» leiirlst. U. Fbial iM'count of Jolin K Gilcni ist, guar di.'T (»f a 11 / i i IJ" Man ft • '»eii child of i \V and Mary J It* ;-• ti, decea>.««d m'» f Marlon township, ti J ; .v John M * lao ,i I, a( inlriist w. »i i. JOIIII • i .'lb-hrist ill) J |nal aceoM-if nf o'n b Gilchrbt, K'lardi I I o. 1 I i t Be* I .man' child of J ii' .\\ nd Vi II , t lJu •(•: . d( *ea a i, lai f Marlon township, as Mb <1 t.y John Me- a'lndnist ra - >r of Jonn K Gil-*hrist. ~1 IHI 11 account ■ ' John K Gilchrist, •a I 'ilan of Mai y > Ibi l- inan, mlru r child of la-s \V and 'aiy J Buehanan, dc'*» iseil bit" of Minion town iOlfi. as tiled by John Me llow i ;, id mill) ' i a 'oi of John Gllehri-.t .* 1 b il a 'count of John K Gilchrist, ituar diau of ''harles C Ibiehauat.. minor child of Jaci" V. and . buy J Bin hanaii, de-Ms 'I. lat« of 1 i. ion town nip. a, llle.l by Joan Mc- I >'i .v» l', iidiTslnlxf r.i or of John i\ Glb'hrist :c;. Final 'OUILT <f A 'lies Forre .ter, ad •io-o-ttrator of S Forresi >r, do ea « (I. bit* of Pr isia-ot lioroii/h. i s .■A ! .da ' 'iint iif ii li ho. uliorry, ad minl.;tiat'»r of w S Hunt '• • a d, lati of -tunhury Im>waii J( h. ... I inal a " ount of Itoliei t Trimble, 'uar di . o Am ■' lte|| I . mimu child of Wi: i,arn T rlmbllo, d"o:e.ed, bate of v.iddle ne* taiwu ,blp. a*.stat»*d by S <'■ Trliubb* and W A Denny. exe<- itoi . >' Bob* r* Trimtibs .Ui Final .ici'ouut of ban.ii'd A Leslie, ad mlnlst rator of Francis ,M Denny, den-ased, late of >ilddlese< town ililfi. •». I iual a count of Fn|(i Ib llier, guardian of Marv ■' Hp.mif, minor eldl ! of Joibin K -pa*i*.'deceased. lat of Bull* 'Kirough I | riu lat count of John • «eg lei guat dlan of May 4. (uo.v t'overt), minor ohild of II II iy *\egley, d a d. late of Phil adelphia, Pa. > Final io * o,ui t 'if l ord !bihi i. guardian of Kay in. on] I, IP • I. mil or child of W V. Reed ib ' i ■ ' bile of Butler Borough 4't i I mil ao'i <i r Loyal M Brack ney, ad minist rator of < • iI, Bracki|uy (Incensed, ia* e o Bn* fe? bo- ink a. 4' Final a • aim I I. Put and F.mlly M ,« ry, » e lor i of ll' nry Hefton, de ceased, lai' * of t'llutoii t-owfishlp. i". Final a ''mini o" i| li Ho'uenherry. e\ e< i ;cr of ( l.rlslopiu r Klnker, do. easeo, late of Che 11 y tw > .vnship 4.t I » ' .m i o ritofj W llutolifson. Ktiai di nof Ada * unptiell, minor "hild of -lias Can.pb-dl, dc'e-ned. late of Wash in/tou township. 11 '•••'Mini of |> ii KUlir iiti ■»f I.irrv It lt« 1 1 #-»l#| minor chllij of r«'U'i I;« iii-MO, <lec#«aM» <1 late <.f |* or ward \ I In.ll count- of 11 it I lout ti"11. «it an Han Klincr f' fC,« I » <hl. uiiuor child •»f I'dnr I'**i<t<>Jll, •. . « i I of I orwurfl township W. I. A l>A MH, SUMMER RESORTS Exposition Hold ANf>~ Hotel Mantor, , F. M LOCKWOOD, 1 Bi tlci'a neatest Summer Kenurt ( ».4 bathing and finhirif;, ; t , ' nil all Summer Kcsorl Arr-'i »tnent*. +•, + ' •» i . -t-, <• ♦ t;t . ' -•'■• ft -f-> • • h K*-I-" BEDFORD SPRINGS HOTEL Bedford, Pa. !!• < \ ItI.MIJA l» (il A M I.KK'A (> 1 <"|| r" TI liiih :!? li, (>' r4. Willi In- J I'M ...111 ft if ||'4 tripjl* iflwfit tfolf link* ttllfl Of I#* of f I»• - fUl'' •* tMIMli'U' 111 l» V•» I'• I t»" I ' onnt ry The of iJeftforu ur* ti•• * j mo t ' ii' ' !vc .. «•( |i'Or»i'« M l In th«» world J KIM left if.fl t»'#okl'» nrl'ln ** J. 'I A I,Mil*. Mtlperllitmiclent. ARANDALE HOTtL. Bedford Springs, Bedford, Pa. ! Will op« n .hiin* <«*♦, iii. popular prt' cn; rni« j ly I H *' ' within »• i »IP of tfolf links l'"of j term »'»l< ctn i»*liJre«««* A I-HI f* At HMD If Buy Direct frnm Manufacturers The KING GUARANTEED Siii/1" Ti.'.c Tire. I.itfh' ? ct Str-I HH'I Dunhte, *•5 00 Prt Pair. } The rung M'g. Co , UlllCf Arth H(. t'Miadviplil'. i'" • Sheriff s Sales. '<? »- ,:u fs.jn.lrv writs, of Von. Kv. Kl. Fv. L«-v.. l'u A ued 0.-: tho <'i.un nf < , I*l. . out. > 1.1.1 ti ll) ' ni-l»*il. i! • IV..i I. 1 tn pu'.iK- K&lr at the Court Bona* to th.- toroogk «r Friday. Septennbsr 2nd, A !• IBM.M 1 o'rtock P M. th Mi.>»tti> .1 I•> Wit : ; .. I V '.l >• I . . 1 i TTA. f I M. »SI»aU J A y. All tbe r. *ht t'tle. Intrros* and claim of A | > . :n ano to at! ; ::a; certain p!*-« « j or oar t : "f i tiii! ».i jalH ht Ja *<* sou ten- | •1. •• . Foitb-i <«un*v p.. b«iunii«f<l folio VS. I to-wit : On tin in»r. it bv lands c Michse' I Iflei • , • i•. Is o Martin Zinkhtnn j oq •*. and •• li i:y Zinkhuu uo j •,. of« Hartai the we byliodai • 1 • ttlning fifty -r ■ i i I.. _r hou-•*. ..arsebiiru nd j i ' >1 'la id, uu .. 11 son twp. : ' . e nor Li iy right of way of the .' A v» H • u i'o. ea* uv lan is -I >t men 1*» *U*»o si uud • . o; ciml ii■- i•• • ••• res, . iiiGM or less. bavin.' th r»-'»n « rected iw • bri« U dwelling houses. a:.*o~o*. ; r imitcai: certain r> ! v• , • Mt t,r ia 1. H. i:u »nv !>• »r« --*•l4. r Co, Pa. liottnded as f dlows. to-v t. . i>i ;be noi»*i by I* & W Railroad, oast I>y Ut { of I* !• Otu .o i 'he south by i»trt*i i , and on th»* west by I* £ W ft It: containing • >t o-li- ? a ?■«•. if-* or having < rwr« j ereon ft • I irn, bay or wa: i j . - ..t *»*tl he » connected v. ill- tfe P I v V* i-: llrot I i ed nu«l la' -u ' execution as tin* prop- | • . -f AFllt; p* i »t t.a suit >f H * Mi'b - ! ia . • Jan b 1 man, partner. MTI-- j ouh. I roa. I i>. \ iM..-. i.', 11' n.i Term ;--JV K.i'.stou A t rt-c-r. Atl'ys. AH • ii-i .' ;i>. luli.-r 7i<l i lalra nt i. '' A Uiiy. . iUM-rly lliin nah » ffloer, of. to - h"1 to all that . i • i- • of . Ituated n • • . Hi i' . indi tl - ' i iv. !«-wH O. t'u» ru.r t t.y ia ala y rati bf N«w Castle sti el ntl y lot JohnChrlstloy, -:t' I . lK«iiit: w»"tv-six frui;i 011 N#*w Oistle s«.» *'l KT •! 'lnjf nack .it s lid *rj.} »• i : f ' ndr ! H :.ity f« ot to said al.« >'- , tiu - •• iroyed by StM V i ;»v • i ' I A *l. t " ♦oHt'.mab Aln k ruatby ,y .fl dated r'• .t« 'i.'ht Utb, .!ii .ii ibe proper oIH-e Having thureon •• I a frame bouse and stabb and out d iga A !.?<# in and !«• :il that certain pb t •n i» tr • of f : aied ii> Worth twp H.ii ♦ ' Co, V . i»"Uin!t.'i J*- follows, W I• !-.• .'inn a«T in ih< West LllHiriv - nl. tbeir t* l>y lands ii H sman noit i • "»'! e:ts: i pvi. lies i«> a . oirer thence north lUB deg 54 ioi bes • a rornei. t ; ience by same south MJ.75 desr. 113 perchef • i a wblte OAk tt*M, thence >y I; uds « I 1 avgart sontn 0.75 dep. wt*»t i: ' ! »>♦ i to h stoii' pile, thence by lands u i- . . • • 33.9 bea to v\ •st Liliei- ro .d. thenre by saui road north lj 25 d< [. i chos to a post, t beno liy i • rn«* road north w»*st Ki.2 p»»rebes to • In* pla« < of k»euttinl a r *; rontainin* one bun dred thirty-•»!.* a-res and t w«»nt i>»- ."ite**. iia\in«rti M two story irauie notise. bam ana outbuildings and ore hard. AI >'> -Of..n md to all that r«»rt tin piece or W ' • But W'r. Co. I t U>ui.d< d »«■, f.dlows. to-,vit: .nt in- in.r' iW sti oi iit'r tin ne«* \-y lands of Bredin and itonaghy north deg. east •J' l -Ci jH-rehes to corner, then' •• •y lands of John and J.tnn > llumpbri y s«<utii "vH.ISi d«u. west 49.65 pt i :be9l t oorni • tbem eby tba otln-i part of the Winter farm 7.7") deje. west ... rods tot be plarv of nlntf «oniainim? Isliteen arr«*s and one hundred twenty-four and one-half perciie and lniu< known as tii tVirn«'r f.iriu. ALSO * >f. in and to all that, certain piece »r yi;-rrel » f land situated in W«»rth twp. It. Mer Co, j'a, bounded as follows, to-wit: Ibvlenifx at tin te -thwest corner thence by lands of D n McConn II belra nortb i. _ east KJ parches to » corner, then of tjci.j . Taylor soatb '£\.*£» de# . percl itoi tone pile 1b« o by same north K) di p. eas *!7 ro t> a c.sruer, tbeuce , by lai lis of A Kelley south -t 2-"> (b east 411.1 perches to public road thence by uM road b ??."»deft- *ve>i 39.5 perches, thein-.e by suid road north tW.2*> west .it perches tb<*nce i>y ;;ud road north •; tc. west pcrchea I ben en h " leg we I • o the | »of beginnlni. »nta • ng wen > thie actea Hi pei :Bei, Icnowi a., t be Win.erf irm. Sei/vd a'id taken in execution as the prop erty «»f ttannali Ai* rnatbv, rnn ri> • » nuah ( N N'i ner, |I Ibe 1 3 H ?Ms«»r. «.o» irdian of S: innel Wimer. minor •blld of Abnvr W'r-ier, dee'd now tor use. K I». No. "•••♦. Septftmber Term, IH9H. W. I». Brandon, Att'y. Aii the right, title, iniercrand claim of Ii OI •! Norrls of. la mi a i«i ;»I ■ 'hat certain n'n or pan el of land, situaied n < »ai. land t wp, batler Co. I'a, Uumded as follow-., to ,vit On the no, tb by lands o* ' liri t lan Myi is, c. iby ian'i" of .Tolin Klp pr . s.• n't by lands o* Jonn and Jonah Ney tnaii. we*.i by .loan Hhonp ei at. containlin 1. ty-slx aer«-s. more oi less. lu-lnj{ tbe same and conveyed to >xurri« • Norr|s by Charles Puffy t't u\ by deed dated March 4th, Isii., i; c<»rrb-d In !>»• <! txiok fil patceli'»4. r / I Mid i t • n 2vi e i . ution a> the prop erty o f Mauri"* (or Morris) Norrls at the suit oi Itutler Havltijjfs Hank. K. P, No. 1. an ' 1»1 Heptember Tenu, W H. \s U and V/. I». lirandon, Att'y a. Mltborltfbt title, iniere>t. and claim ofjli ( A !.R»T of, In IUI'I to all that certain piece orpareelol i «nd, -»itn ited In orward twp. HlllierCo. t' l. I • l il'e I ; f>l lows to-Wlt •In Mi# north bv land* of \ .1 Kvans nt »i!, • ast t»y land • »f A I K ns « t .•«, - otitis by <of l»?»n»b:»eh • «• I HII<I (»II the by lands of 1);. •!, «•: :•!: containing twenty SV'VV/T- frrtt' r:rt \iT\ rtvtY'- * . • • -1 • |• - '-• < ha i"" ihen ■in e.v'M-ii a fi-Jtme dw**lhns nonse, barn and • iin nlbonu . ulh-» iiav. / tlteteon otto or n. V pr«"tin bi.' < il well . t ;/.c . '(ml taU« n in e*. ull'ni is tbe prop erty of 11 <' AKKL'I.. at the suit of 'I he Citizen > I'aiiA et al, h P. No. 1"; • cptemlier T« rm, W A. .Sc K. I. I ortiuer Att'ys. All tie 'Vie, I'lterest and claim of f.«ui< >1 Louden I and t" all tnal certain p. eorpa»'*elo •< 1, sltua ( **d in Clay tw.». lltiHor Co, !*:•. nlcd a» follow, to-wit : Ii inluk .'t • no. « at 'be northwest corner, t . e soutli by iMiidn o* Jarn'M Olenn and It H V it*; t»er«'ln s*o a sassafras, thence :.v i«is of i<ev Jaine«-. ''oulter hHra, and l(ev V I' llr' fidln no v.l C Lre 'ln to a JMWI, • bem e north t»y o» ier laud*o' nerlv Capt 4 man-1 I ouden, now owm d by John M Lou i t ;.)i i« in , •• - i :ii Utt . • nto 'i post, then • east i»v *.»••« t oi Henry PI or, now VVlliiarn * .rl-ilc *.r»fl 4 !• i. .t.pber Itink* r ir , 9H.7»per in lo •pi : thi place of b•- r t in.nj;; oil■ a,nit " otie butpired a* r» s. mo ♦ ii and be in ir t'b« sarne land conveyeo o .1 .bn u Lo'ideii by Samuel Louden by deed dated Sep ember lilt h, 1*73, r#-coided In detsJ »«N»k W5, pa ire 43a ffavlmc thereon ere. led a frame house frame barn and outbuilding*. '"•i/.ed on! ' -U' i b • x« « titlon as the t.-iop frty of John '1 L. " a: t be suit of William v\ a ion for uie •».' .i Borg <v (io. K. I» NO. ll'* M 1,1 ••miM-r Term, Hi*H. Mates A Voting, Att'ys. All t e right, tub Interest and claim "f ' 'i ;i >i < 'an.piH II klld Scol t t 'npbcll »if. in thai pleci • lot of laud, ..HUM 'loi Wi .i -uiibnry l"»f«., Huflef ('o, J' i. t>*ni »i« ri • . follows, to wit «»n t lie Inn tb i»y |oi or Melviu shorls, formerly owned by finni C PulTy, « '4t by Main street, sontb by i alb v ano o»» ilu v." .t by an alley; twdng .iity 1•■ •• t i'ront, » . »r or by «ne bun 'lien sl'.ty • depth; lielng t*m same lot if grouno conveyerl t'» t barb Itejl by d* ed In • d S« p; ember ' 111,1**4, and which i but b-s H II conveyed to 1/ #1 Barlier by deed dated M e isi.b fifty August A. I, tsx?, and re corded in • d iMMik IM, page having thi r-oii ep -;ei| a fiame house, .stable and out liulidlllK* Hi l/,n«i and t ak nln execution as Ihe prop erty of Clara M Campbell UIMI Scott < amp lie II at the suit, of Mrs L.J Barbei. 7.. P No. 'K' ' IX Kentemlici Term. tV. A. I'ornuer. 1 a'ston «v (ireer WlilpiUis A U\U ... 11, All y All Ihe right. title. liilirent and claim of Mllo Leainb r Hankey and Martha P Sanla y of, In ar d to all that certain pb e of of bind, situated In ' berry twp, Itutler Co, i'H, bounded i|S follows, to wit Of| t lie nor! b bv binds of form- iv .las Armsirong, now 'n irlop TbomiMon ICobJ A t mst rong, east by lauds of fnrmnrly of Huub -proul, and John Srnlib. n »w P.uilel o'Nell, lli'snlln. and Pouaghy • t i . »uth by land* ol formerly " r b|hn now Itr'Mdln. bou igby et al. we * by lan" . of fonie-rlv .lames Armstrong; tb< sain lands and pr< iisea bolus more pai II nl o ly . aic<J l»v refert in,e to Mortgage I»• H >!( .A\, pro 11. i»l Peed book No. lI3D, page ".t.. Hi ing tlieri en t< d • oni irain- ' • ' •' fratiM itable tad oni • • nn s« 1/ 'I and i.ken 111 • .X ecu lion as the pi up •rty of Mllo L< ai»'!« r o key ami Martha P • .uikey at tin milt of lobn I <>rcht et u| L. P. Ni». I io. hoiitemiH i Term, 1 .»* A. T. .HcottandA. it 1 >|c Fur laud \tiys. All tl" right, title, Inlori t id i lalm of wldcb I N Itrysoii (Mori gagoi I died sn|/ed Kn/.a llryson, Adrplnl .11 .n 11»; of I N l!rys<» lb* 'd «»f ( in and t«» a|l t hat certain piece <*r I - i»f land r. 11 i .»I d In Jipp.-iyrock twp ltii»'i •itinlv. f* » l'"unded :i n llnws to . ! . Kl oil III' oil tin llltlkllu fl I| 111 vi a be, beginning .«t high watt mark 11 lcl »ry 1 »11' lu. • thence iloi | aid Iri uklln roiul u< tht rl| ti l < f way of the r H A LI Italli 'id, I nr* aloni' -.of«I right of v."iy *•»'• .i v. ii 'I Ui s:n I i *it »ao lirldge t«► high W :e| 111 irk, them e tin coin • • of .aid Slipperyroeg crwk oy high water mark to the place «.f I .'nniiif, forming a triangle n!ng about H aci . • r h having i, . . • ;ted a frami iton building, f v • vtorles high ' ibl and othei outti 11 Id in .i/ -I and taken in *\■ i i'"i . . |be pn ,> • rtyof whl' b • "» UrvHoii (Moridied s« i/ef J, I ii/ i l!i v .• »i i. Aopiinlo .a. ri • of I N \'r'i .on, dec\| ,it ti « suit of The l'i nnayl v • 1.1 ivltn.-« I uin I au'l Loan A .-MS*latbin. I. p. V l b pirmh'r T. rm. I Levi M f Att y All Ibe right, t Jib intM-e-it and elalm of I M fbllllps of, in and to all that certain piece >r lot of !uni| .Ituat lln Itutler llor»« *Sut , ler (ii. I'a I utided •». mi to all On • 111 • - vv •• i .•• i i i. im t > foui r• *i. i « ia bv lot of ,fo nhltic I lill(ip« l*eiug .No in'*- p) in south bv Hortrna* y, w« a by i, itb r Alley one fiundu ! f« et, n '-re -ir !• ~ being the HSp.«« I n.I onvi y« I | by Jacob i'> ! «rt »nd v |f»« to .1 Ml* 11 Hp l»y , d» • Ids -ilApi i I Hit h I re« .riled oi but | Ie? i . ni i y n deeO o page v». In wbl- b d -I in, te .■ rtbeil Mt wo jot 4nuin be i 1 (1 'I (.91 n't f __ _ lal«l oill by (. < I'll! n lm** u ,'t fn-ntlny Him t/*f< if "i Iran, on .♦ r« uni • ii'lhiK 1».»»• k |»r -* rvh»K lh«* H.ifiitt wl*lf !• im> lniu<lr«'l tvv< Ivo f»" I. jUi«>r* ">r los-4 hf'i/i >1 .11. it »• ii• •»• In * \>- i nil ;m tln- prop ♦•rty of .1 M PMHijn *it iPr mill uf < nril* Phillips I ?l, No*,, rli\ll «l 1... Hcptcrnher Term, ror'niuf Hn<i Wj 1 ll'lf/i 1- Mitchell Alt v All i »#« right til In Inter*'*!. hii(l la of NI "h l.i \V ti. /' lof rid |o ill Ihftl '«(■ I ill ii l#i of land .lu «i I'.rady lv.-ji Hiillur «'o Pa, l»oiind»* J i , to-w 11 lt«'ifl»i- ninjf ■' a p<> 'Mm i. I• v.» plllilii' rortd noulli .1 " • iKf t) "n* h» rto a < h»-rry nltirtip, I|I» v I'.» of in \\ i t »MMrf v Houih in . d« . |» r• • Il■ • h tneiico south , .» i ..I Vp<i• • II»*h to a |h.%» lhi , r.' , »» hy uiilm of .fi.rutl hit i **!u 11 * soul! • • 'rjf w«*kl p«-i«*h« . »o ,1 po*t, |lnn< »• '•out v wi'll li." (I( li'iic* 111 .i p«»'.t . th<*lK'<' hv •» of I i t M»*»h-»IIt oiitli • '•» v •'•( •it he* to i po*t, thrill i> t»v < I' • nin h i: i .mh i|orl h |0 » »|» .' i'j| i 111 icniM's lo ii |h •, I l»rn« • I y a grave yuri itorUi "•< (h'tr nui. tt p» r l '!!' % to a pot, , lip ii* « i;<)«iii I ovjj ./04i lo l la » to a post, tboucc Urg. w«il V O p4'rvii«.i» ic » post, lneri -c by of i'luttou north ' •% in * * •• of ?•*>*!!•- ULNAR; contain IG -.IT ACRE* and 7" perene* strict measure Having thereou a fr.irre bouse »arn and outbeiininga. ALSO Of. .u and to ail that certain pie j or U t of land, situated In West»erty. Hut- | ler Co. I'a 'H>unde.l ;i> follows, to-wit: It. • J i inaitii: it the not Hi w• -* cr>rner of said lo; J : . . * N b i'. ; . I te mm I viiia,s» of West Lilierty north >T deg we*t I f et u» i jh•»i th« rn ♦ t»y land-, form rl> • r N E Wick north KlJSSdec. wast -14 feet to a t • : ib.-ace .amis of John Couvert south : . deg. i-a>t *eet to a p*»st. thence by lands I • f N W-ii -1 v Oh I;i.»d« :. Wi*s! 11l fe-t to IM place beginning and ALL •BM • ft. of land. thevsym a frame shop, j ALSO -Of, In and to all * bose certain lots! of \: ia!. siiuateti in West Li s-rty. Rutier Co. j :*a. BOUNDED as ICPOTN. :«;-aii ■ "tin th* t rtl ! v a .-a .t. east by >t of E(i •Mutton, s iuth I by an i-»y. " st by I tof W W Koai:.« ! ' helu? 12) n b> !:.n ft. At v. l Of. m and U> all thos« certain lots! if land, i • ■ West b.i ertj Bailor ( ' . . !.i.:in.i -u . bow> to-wd. He-inning a: » p» 3» th-Mi y lauds o* N We;./ei SOUTU TFI j deg at 12 Nttoa poe tin • x • lands j • T a. no:; u d»Wlt •* t:: fe -t t-* a post.: ... .• • iortb . east . a public J .. . i ; .eu- eby «. « foui sou.b 'Jt» deg east i 'J . i-tMt e place of U-itinnins; containing } 14400 S*|. ft. ALSO Co in .mi to all tb .se certain ioU • Und. >ituatcsl in ibe of W. LiU*ny. 'attar 'V>, Ca. 'ound -a at f-.!!ows. to-*.it: ■ glni ic at i poet, tin ■ b m No. u lortb t'»l 2.3 dej .• 120 feet to . x « vt. tin nee * lands of Ntchlas Weitael ■ ' 9 25 dog. east IL*' f- *t • » • p>a. thence by a street *euth i'.l.'iades. v- ->t L-'e feet to a p >st thence .y .. street «it»-itj» 25.7."> de*r we-t 1-J f»»et to I'be p. t» - .- , ; f tH»giuniusr: >etng iot< Nos. 12 and . ai B lid Vtli (O. i yX I <>f. b to all that certain piece ■a p.? el '»f 1«.!4 *. situated in Brady twp ltut- i I or Co. I'a. bounded as follows, to-wit: | Beirl uilrgai a post and rjuiiing by lot N . i nth. v.llageof We. Liberty lioith | »;est 12J feet to a t .» »t. thence b> land of Tobn C .- r nor.h t'O de£., ea tto feet to a )<»s. thence south 30 t .ist feet to a tie-.. tb».!!'*e by a oublb* mad. south dej: . \trest »i«» f»»et the place of con tain 'ri„* fe ;i v • (»r* i • «>. >ee deed b»ok 3 • a«*e 31. ALSO Of. in and to ail that certain pic* e ir lots of lane' situated in West l iberty But ler Co. 1' bounded n- follows, to-w!t: Ileln? lots No>. •"». t». 11. and part of No. * in|t! o plan of the village of West Llt»erty, Butler C«».. Pa. SeiyeJ and taken In execution as tiie prop ••rtj .if Nb« Weitael at the suit of John fr'otelit et at. K P. No. i v.i. September Term, I*>> It IV Scott. Att'y- All tae light, tUL\ 1. tere-t and claim of •as • »».• H Orabam of. in an 1 t•• all tb ** *er t-ain pb e r p:M< el of 1 ..i i, situated In I ali view twp. Ilu 11. rCo, Pa. bounded a> follows. »o-wli: Kegainln;; at a white oak at the ;ou. i %t corner of la.iii of ,b»s-?ph llav. lv ind west line of 1 alrvlcw boro,then e west :.long Suiibur/roa 12 rods ? « a po.i. then » t»y iands o, Jo, lta vk north > y a straight line io a jjost on the North W road lo the north eat oraerof the or«£nard on lands of said , T v ob Ha vk aid po>t to »H- west by lan<L*non owned by C ii Graham along the road ten r0.:.-. th* n *e east oy North Wash- Itii on road to II Clrles Ist, tnenc aonth by said lot IsO feet tt» tbf* southwest orner thence east by aald lot ol John Adams IW feet t< I lands if 1 • H Ci rah am. thi nd south along said Hue to the pbu*e of begin- | nine ; conialnlug 3 acres, more or less. ALSO (if. lu and to all that certain piece of land, situated in twp. Butter Co, Pa. Imunded as follows, to-wit: Itegtanlng at the nortiieast corner at a p«»M at the Petrolla road, th«»nce by part of Met leary farm of which this is a part south '»!J pt»ri*hes to a post, thence by lands of Samuel Fykes south mi dep. west Its.r* porches to a thence t»y lands of Philip I I'empleton north Ui perches to a post, thence by Petrolla road north 70 u»-ir. east 4t5 jierches t<i the place of ALSO Of, In and to all tbat certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Fair view twp. Butler Co, Pa, bounded as follows, to-wit: Oil tin noii'.i bv Tali view and Sunburv road, cast oy ilc MeCleary farm, .south t>y tb- Mc flalT .-iy i t. .II now owned T>y Pavid H.tukin, west by r.iirvle.v and Minbury road; con raining six acres, more or less. ALSO of, in ami to all that cortaln pie-e or parcel of I an'l, situated in Kairvlew twp. Butler «'«>, Pa. bounded as follows, to-wlt: lb ginning it the soutwest corner at a whtte oal:. oy lands of Joseph Itswk north 7 «bv. , ,ist V» perches to a post, thence by Washington road south deg. east, ILs perchi sto a p'»st, thence by .amo south.*» 7.,* <ieg. percin sto a post, thence by lot of McKl i '.e south Is deg. west 7 2 pore has to a post thence by same south <K» dog. east 4., pen*in -» to a post, tbonco bv lands of J J ®la\well south lit deg. * est l"» -l perches to a post, then"e t>v lands of J M Bice sout h .k" cleg, west-11 r» perches to a post, thenc by aame i.outh IW..S percii s west 17.7 percin to a post, thence by Mlddlciown road South *•. dr;. we t •.» 1 pel . lies to tbe place of Tiaig; ••out lining Hve acres and i*i pen*lies, and oelng .no same lands described in mort - gage of t» ii Oraham to Itut ler Bank, recoi (led in Mortgage lanik is«i. pa>;e «>»l7. |zed and taken in execution as the prop erty o* George II tiraliaui at tlie suit of But . i Saving Bank for use of It P Scott. K. I) 12"*/ September Term, |Ma>. W. 11. Lusk Atty. All tlx- rUlil till'". Inti'rMit and claim O* Jium H K Thornof. In and to all thai certain ILL or lot <if IUIKI. •Iliiati'd in Itntlci iwu ■in I U<r IN . l'.i rtiuudcd tut follow:., to-wlt C'tiiiiiK'ni irtK Ml -i point off WtJHI I*, nlrrt'l, ailjoitilu* i«ii of Kward y* Thome I-Mi fet't to I lrvc,.m<l street ilii-nce »«stwardly alonu i I vi'uii I mri «'l l. r > fi l l to Poplar Htrit Hum ■ -.out n ward aloiiK I'oplar s>tr«)et l>< fi i't I iirncu wonthwarit alotiK lint' of lot of i n , Mini < < fi-llii Unify I 1! foot to "WTV ;i" hi reel tl ■ . »"isl nloiitf v.'i si p. street 4"! fuel to LOL ol I. R riiorni 111 plnec of lietfli IIIIK IT'lojC HI" .anie piop< II; ili- .■ rll I 'l ir. 'ii.i il 'i n''l AIIV. "'Hi. l!'-'i from Chutes lilgl . and >utbulidh g•> ?■« and tiikon In execution as the nrop i'My of Jii' "s F Thorrii'at ttm .suit «»f Ouar- Hfit* • Loan and Inv<»*ttucut AS.HU. K I# No£'s .Ju i< :•*><! ICf #«•[>♦ ©mix*r T'-rm, Marshall ;n d Thorn p»un Son, Att'ys. All th« right, IHlv, Inti-nml. and claim of Lvdia M Crit VOII.H ami 41 II Cr.ivntjof, In and \4> ail t it'll « i-rltiin plt«'o or lot of land, nit ual • ««l l.i Murs tioro , Hut lor To., Pa.. Umndud as follow*. to-wii ■ ut ilu* M>utliw«'ht ••r>rii«T HIMM'O lit a northerly dilution t»y l ite r! »ni of M.iY nf tiiu I* & Ky t flirty f«* to a p<>si t iu an <*ast**rly «ilr«M'tion !>y a4t • t«'*i r"iU morr o-los*. to < :.- fc y Av«\ tlmmi'*'' alotiu muid Aviv, i:i a southerly dilu tion thirty ftH't t<> » post, tht*ii'*'* in a tv«v»ti*r ly olivdion HI #IIK I • t* Miles t«»u n« s viiore or lons to tiiv iiS« «• of in Klnnltitf wit li a .1» if »ioi y franw cl w •iiiuK h<niHo and a two -.lory fraoio r» •i;niriiiM huildlnjf eriTlvd : hereon.*< «• O)origui(o iKKik SH page J3 for rcf ♦■ri /• i ind tal."'i 'n execution as th prop erty of l.' dla M i ravens and H li Cravens i I the suli of Lizzie HornefTi i ei al. b l» No. 160 Sept. T IMiw. It. P. Scott, att'y. All tin title. Interest and claim of (Joirjfi' II Graham. o<if, in and to all that certain plect "t tract of land, situated iu Parker twp. But* ler Co, I'a. hounded as follows to-wlt: lt(»-, tflniibiic ai the northwest corner at a stone, them •• nouth di K- east perches by lauds of M S Adams to a stone, thence north hi detf. w I I.EMi porches by binds of David Vlworlh 10 line of TiiumaH Alvroi th Sr, tl|euc« south V..a (|i*K- east 'l porobes by lands of the said Tlionias A (worth Sr. to a stone at a publle road known «»s the i'airvlew and Maple Furnace road, thence south l'i den east |:il o« iches alonir said road and by lands of liavid II Al worth lo the place of iMjilnulntc; •ontiiininn forty act s and iwniity-sl* lurches, Having erected a frnme bain, IOK house and outbuildings, und belui? : be same land des'rlbed in morlicaife of Geo 11 Graham to G It Itelim, reeordod lu Mort- IFATFE IH*O!. .ML.puse WI y»i l/ed anil taken In e*« cutloii as the pro perty of teMirye 11. Grabum .it the suit of George If itelim fwr use of It P. Ht'otl, F 11. No. 117, SeptemlHT Term, laws. William- A. iilltchell, Att'y. All the rlßbt, title. Interest and claim of John Larlmore of In and to all that certain piece oi parcel of land, situated In Oakland twp. Butler Co. Pa. lioiinfUtfl as follows, to wlt. on the north by lands ItoMnson and Moor head, east by lands of Grlflln, and Craig* south by lands of I'A MeLlwee and "it the we t f»y btmU of lbiiT> und tendon, cm .airiinir K' acr*»s. more or less, having there on one hoard dwelliug house, one log dwel ling house, stable and other outbuildings; also an orchard. h'el/.ed taken In execution as the nrop orty of John Larlmore at the suit of B c II line It* all. rz. 11. 4 \o, 17a, Hepteoilier Term, IMIH. N* wton Black, Att'y. All tfn r; |,t title. Interest ud claim f T I Montjromr' y and Marca r,, t Montg. •y. umrt-gaKors ».r. in and to all that oi rinln piece or lot of land, situated In Butler b ro, ilnt b r Co. Pa. boumb da. follows, to-wit 'bi the by Wi st stret ». east by lot of Thormet Baker, south lay »»'» alley, and on the v.* • •st l.y lot ..f I Lytic, fronting forty bet o», West Street and externum: back one hundred and seventy-five feet, t HOP or bss to .U alley wit b a two story frame house ert" ted thereon. HeUeo ami taken lu execution as the ptop • rty of T J Montgomrey and Margaret Mont j tfomrey at the suit of A It C Mel* arlait'L re | cnlvei el al. f Is D No. !•».», Hentenita'r Tel in, Newton Black, Att'y. Ml tb* right, title, lu' rest and claim of J IM i i .:»v,« n, be|iii< th undivided one itdrd lull r« .1 of. In ami to all that certain pb oi par. « | i f land <ltililted in Marion twp. But for ' o Pa boumlod as follows, to-wit On th 1101 t b by lauds of Bob* rt Atwell. east by land .of A t well In o . south by lands of Ncal faorue i I y. west by lands of Jain' i b lines and Atv.i 'l, < ontalulfia hii in mS. more ot less, most lye iea red anu lu a fair st ate of • nI tl via - t |on. /i -I and taken in execution a*> 'he prop Of J M( a 111 jibe 11 at tin suit of J J ( umtutug-> for use of IS*'wt*ui Black. I- ft No. J"" Hepteniber Term istw W. A A J Fof«|Unr, Att'y, All the right, til li* bite rent and claim of J M I'on way of. In find to ill thai ci rlabi piece or parcel of lam! situated In t berry twp. l utlef Co. Pa. boumb il as follow,, to w|t tin I lie laorl.h tiy lands of Hudtli and llind n in. i 'it by I a nds of John Berg and Henry A P. ri» and * w i multlou. south by lands of Ii \|d 'us .ell, bdin hartley onion west 0y is • ! Jam cuilth. containing ' ai'res j m» or b as. ii > IIIK I hi r. oil * iec|mi afr line I hotiM bam i iibulldlit t mi i In rt on I uifl till in In nxi-Ctfllou . t'v p;op . i r i : < v • tnit <»f .1 li Wiii i t i . of i rj. m; «v < o F l». No. Imi. Si'ufi'iiilHT T« rin I *jil»it **r Mttrrin, A try*. AII I in* v i)if tit In, Intmonl and claim of M I \|<-T'.i v«»• of, In mid !«• »iM i »i i » ruilii pli , « , #« or parrH of html. «ltuat«><t In <»nl<latid lw|i. Mutli-r < " I'll. tMiuii«l<<<| as f» l .» h. U» wil On ( In* north l»v land* of J It I trim' •r* l ' in*lrv ••ant hy hin<ln of PA M' Kl\v»«« foi • 11 v now liutli'i i > Jni'i llupW *oiii hhy Ihii'lh uf loh |i •-{• in in • hd VYalknr, mt« d hy land* of .1 M H ut'l' ulioHr* and ?*;i m I O'rd'-n ; r<n tabl ing -4 in r*'" or hi . iiijf !h< roon fiun ♦« barn, «.m '• ori'lmrd, mlm'ul one-half of llm •*:> n> MiliiK I'll'HTWl. i, I and ink l »• in »*\«»«*til.| »n k-» tlw prop •»i V • M I' M« Klwoi at tl»»* «uli of Ivt«'f WhltnUrr. »• l» No IW, «.«|h. r Ti rni, William* A Mlli In 11. All yn All »l «- rlahl. Iltlfi, lull m m| and < lali i of J IC"i|tM'i| |{(lM', I ProtXlllall Mr, \V ( JUIIKN. jmrliM .4 <l -i»ifc{ hti III' tH ,4 tin* /.* I|« 1,.. Pl I < ♦♦ n -ni'o.of in oid to all •• ••r I» »m < | ut land, niiuut<-d in /»« .'• nopio P.oro ai'O I•» kson I wp. Ilu.iirl'o. Pa, Ih-'omiO ii« follows, to-wil lit'KitinitiK ut tlir imrtlH'inl t'tTiu i >t ihe* *: » • t t> j«.v by i«*- « 1.. i v i;V t> * in -i« r i *«>.!<• the •• ot' rof tli'- H. av» - roail then- » In lho •vnt**' irf th« »ek! rt.«tU V'Utii 4.1 *i» r vr«-sl jh , . - ... i.. tj the imm ib !. *l*'.; icst ,U < r !»••«». t In- •*» ] v •»«»»,• *o"th :>■ <)• wt 15.2 J* rchM, .h- .. • IMM M)uth *est pcrt'ht'ii. thenee by same south * >.7> <1« ►: v.* ■»; —v»; . «• ihene* >y Orphan'* ilo'-.r » rth *•'.% d«v ,• . r i 1 .>• .• * r*. i J «'.»•£. vent HJI pt n-lnw. th. uce hy « "orno»| uc ! -»in* ortii j north IXS t'.cg. ea*i tf.'vi perches. by! tine north *d. ;♦«.* perch*~ thence] by same north 9.75 dear. east Jy.3 p« rt-lu**. , tnrn<*e by sani* north 17 deer east 15.1 jn-n'ht--*. tiioi.* «* by sain m» tii il.« •!!*•«.. east \*7 i-.-ixl ••» > *r_: >de* . :i>. i .s *«« •• »• -nte? »f :"e New Cas:t * public r*»ad f tin 1 l»i th ••»*»»« 1 of] the so:. road north <- • deg. *-<sf s?.tf 1 *M-r"'i« s. • h«- .ce t v lands 01 \ Seaion and A ■ M Lu-k v alh t - e • |K r-'hf■ to a< st •in-, th* r.*e by sa*. ivi th «SS,S dep. HYi* pen .I'*s lotk 1 p...»*e «»' In>»anng, coio lining one hur*dr»Hl r.ri s«verity-two r*r » anc U rty-ii!n° p«r *hes. r? .«r** rl •* .»* per the Mil •ey f!: A V vim •* p. -f is i;"iY'* been r« eased or ranreywi before 'he is:* r u z of this judgment tfei: I ana >1 n . ; «- v ?uti . :» •• he pn»p ei tv oi J Ucu) • - 1 : , man M #0 ••- ;• 11; «■[. . |. • >'pqy . , t I. « B « • • . 1 full ■ ' '!:«•• i*ittsbti rtf Time*. E. n. No. 172 Seuu Term. J. W. Hutchison Att'v. AT. liie tisr ... title. Inu rest and hum of Walker Martin : ret !» E ->»artu of. ixi and to ail that certain plwv or lot of lam 1 . sit!iat«<: in B\itn*r ; «->ru mui. rtu. i'.». Ihjuuil • '<i as f«*!!• *s. a. ti»i *.v.«ri.!i by ;t:i nnoprn alley, eat by an ..!• y. -ou.u oy l<". »f II W KGral:ani west i»v *icK*ai ; St, Hk - 1 i« 1 v f i t ir»»T«t ot. > »»» AU iv« an 1 running brick there from on ninety feet more or le«»- to s:*.i t a!lev; belnir the 1 tie » . »perty co'iveye i • yr« M iroii 4th. I\*T hy li W K viranam and Anna.) Gri .iaiulH eyed to *•: ' a • r. Mai tin see UeeJ 'took IT!2 if>. Having thereon a modern f r in hoiei-. •». .. 1 1 o 11;,ui «'l.i :s. Sel/.e<i aiio' iaken in ex.vution a.*> the 11 >i>- •rty of W;« iker .Vartin nnd Surali 1 Martin it ti. >ui* if K« ./s»t 'i< it . « r. i iv. E «». ;o. .71 .tpt< ;..e. Tii:a l.Nk. I. W. II tt -ills- •; Alt'. •Xll %!»♦» rly'hfc, !?: «•. In: t .aid c laim »>f I'hiiip Sherman ami Barbara E ?;:erman 01'. 'n ami ?• all thu. certain p> eor !o. ot laad. sitiu t« d in Hutler bom Butler co.. l»a.. f)ouri»l'!d as folllov ;.)-wit: iM jrtnniinr at a p<r»st it the sou theas i .-»rner \ leni .• along Kue!!d A%*e fifty-six feci to a post, thenee aloi z nort! ward n ; t*. % |im of lot .No o me hundred forty twi fe t to a i»n M(»r --:on Av«* 1 hence eastward •"»i.i* ;i t4» a post, theaee sonthwaid leet alia prliaeo; lot No > »o 1 ix si. tin p!:.-*e of iln: l*einic he same l«»t conveyed by ThomaK Kobinson ♦*t 11 x \t l Itarh ira K Sin rma'i see dei*d !xw»k 171 pnjr< 10 Having ;p. .1 ere ted a two >toiw frauie hous» aad MU« buildings. Sel/.i -1 TTK! la'vr in OMVtu ior» • »tb 'pr »p --eriy of r.illip Sherman and Barb ia 1 .-her rticin at the s'.iit of Keys:t*>ne S: u i« & L \5.... TtiuiA or sai t i'lu following unist be at Sicily couipll'rt with when projx'rty ts stricken <towii. I. When the or other Hon <*r«xllt »r i 111' pUil'tia T. :<• lln «.lt must Ih- fall', anil 1 '.lst o* the liens Inclufl injt ninri >r:nr«» » "iin-hi s mi t ni> pi .ijn-rty sulil. uim t.ii'r »:,h su.*t» l. *n cr*'i»..n*'> receipt* for tut* aoouiit of tbn pro vodsof tin sale or inch i»<rtlon theivof ti nv " c'ltlm. must IM- fu -nlshed tlie Shi" I;V 2. All iniis must, lie i,ii<l iu full. All >• U'a nil io.t <1 imiiit' ".itoly wll! be luintinued nn lllo'ctock p. iu. ><f the nexi ilujr nt whii'h timi- all prooertv not settled for will asahi t»e (nil up and wi'lil at the 1 \- pi ns.'anil risk cT t'ie pt rs.on to whom tlrsl sold •See l'urdon'n Digest. W h islltlon. page 14<i and Smith's Foruis pait«- .IM. WILi.IAM It. OoDUS Sheiitr. Sheriff's OtMi e. (tutler. l a.. August lii. I JURY LISTS FOR SEPT. T. I,lft of namt'H drawn from the proper jury wheel tbit- 2d day of Aug.. I*UK to serve as Grand Jntore at a n-jrnlar term of Conrt, commencing on the first Mon day of September. i kv** - , th- sum 1 bf'ng the sth day of said month. Bard. WE. Outreville, dentist. liariihart Oscar, Millerstown, farmer, Bartley N F. Clay twp. farmer. Campbell Enos, Concord twp, farmer, Campbell C M, Concord twp, farmer, Campbell VVm F. Fairview twp,farmer, Eppinger Iron. Lancaster twp, farmer, Fulton Win, Jackson wp. farmer, Graham Jas H. Cranberry twp. farmer, Hiucltberprer Jos, Bntlcr twp, farmer, Ilines W A. Brady twp, farmer Kaufman Geo Adams twp, farmer. Lensner Richard, Jelterson twp, far mer, Martin John, Adams twp farmer. Morris CA, Washington twp, farmer, McGill Geo E. Karn« City, jn.xli '.er. MoCall Samuel, (.'lay twp, (aimer, McGonegal John Slipperyrock twp,far mer, Phillips Zack, Butler r»th w. laborer, Haabe Christ, .Suxonhnrg. foreman, Shir.i Wellington Wok mer, ■Stoops Albert, Concord twp. farmer. Snyuer L C. Brady twp, farmer. Zehner Charles, Jackson twp, farmer. List of names drawn from tin propel jury wheel this second day of Aug. .1898 to serve as I'pfit Jnrorc at the regular term of ('onrt commencing on the see „v/ rv a «6 rj V&P Buyer .John, Lancaster twp, farmer, Beatty E S ll'irrinviile merchant, HauldaufT Oeo, Summit twp, farmer, Uurnhart Jacob, Butler Ist w. laborer, Bntlcr A K, Parker twp, producer, Bverley Harvey I>, Butler '.''l w, clerk Christuian John, Uulloi Ist w, carpen ter. Campbell A D, Petroliu, farmer. Coyle John Clearfield twp. farmer, Doerr Geo, Buffalo twp. farmer, IVets John M, Fairview two, tanner. Davidson I» F, Slipperyiock twp, fur mer, Lrescber Edward, Saxotibarg, wagon maker, Ellmtt lii's Buffalo twp. fanner Ku«i ! sh W L, i'ortersvi lb , gent, Flauigan j.ts, Butler (| w.glassworker. Flceger J M. Forward twp, fniuiei. Greenawalt Il»nry Jackson twp far u»"r. Glenn Horace, Washington twp. far mer, Gilkev Jos, Valencia, farmer John, Butler twp, farmer, Hinohlxruer Geo, Butler twp, farmer, llavvk I suae A, Butler tsr w, carpenter, Heri Albert J, Bnticr Btb w, printer, Hutchison Wm, Oakland twp, farmer, Kidd Ross. Marx, farmer. Kidd Sam'l, Butler 2d w. Gardner, Kelley Hurry L. Worth twp. tanner. Love II W, Clinton twp farmer Low Win. Butler twp farmer Maloney Michael Donegal twp. produc er. McElvain Reuben Butler Ist w. clerk, McOucken Geo, Clearfield twp. farmer, McClafferty John, Clearfield twp. far mer, I'out lone W C, l>oii«'gal twp, farmer, Russell W (J, Snnlmry, merchant, Rolib !•' M, Oakland twp, tanner. .Smith Jan. Buffalo twp, farmer, Smith W F. Forward twp. tanner. Hpronll E <4, Marlon twp. inillei Sea ton Ambrose, Washington twp. far Sutton Saut'l. Butler Ist w carpenter, Thompson ltob't. Butler 'Jd w. watch lean, Tiuiblin A L. Fairvtew. thoemaker. Vandyke Clyde, Mnreer t'.vp, funnel Weigh'C E. Prospect. slater. Wick Turner. Concord twp farmer, Wright H M. JelTerson twp, driller Pearson JJ. Nacc's l-tvery Peed and Salo Stable Rear of Wick House, Butler, Penn'o. The of hoffM's imd tin*t »lu- nl« vvuys oil hand «inl for IIIt• I lent iifcofitmiMlHtloim |ti town for •»« rinu m iii ImardliiK hud transient • i ■ Hpecl al euro miur.iut« , « , <l Stable Room For 65 Horses. A BtHnl ciati of liorws. hot h driven* and «I» :»f t hoi '> i ul wuy h It. HI I mid for Huh' uml< i i full K ui«runt* ••. incl bet'" * bought upon pr<»p«*r nut I (lent lon hy PEARSON B. NACE, Telephone*, No ?:ivt IJOTIvGK CITI/vCiN. *» tw iM«r vr If pithl In ,nlvmiee. oil I i wlm 41 rut will h«< I'liii i hi 11 AOV I'll I lw| NO 1.41 L* <»••! Ill* 11. OfM time #f ;• to*li mil| •nt lriH» i i lon >o iiut •» eiu'h Auditors' <4ll 'l ILLVORIH* IIOIICCH .U« LI, E*«"*«* tlt-ors* iiml u«lnil"l »ri.toi * iK'tVe* yl ''Ji«*l» "stray iii-l 'lis-»olul |on not >• »MI ii. Inst not In «. 10 . i«nt * :t 11 in fi i 1.1 .t timl ii ••••nt n fl»r • l 'l| s iliM'ijtl* .t Ml'UliiOll Notl- r, •imoiiu l< nl ii«*«it li4*ni)i Ift cetttn i 11u«• fur "4« 11 o 11 I'll < Milt u:ifir*.. «*»!»«!•• lif t hunl i» 'thiii II 1 i.f 1 s|n''t, notof r» 1 i\'n;. mid fttlm. I'ti' . Inn* rU'il 111 t lie rate of 6 ««-nts u 1111 • , money to ii'Toiiip iuy tln ordt i U von wordit uf prtMb m • ill ItutiM for Ntnu<l!"ff ffirti« :tit'l Joh work on Hpnllt'iit lon. AII fed vcrtNlnic Ii due nft«*r lint IIIHI>i UOII. and nil t rannlefi t 4<lv« rtMnK munt i>< pnM for In ii'lviwiff. AII (*<»trinii4iil<*i4tlotiß Intended for publlen- I|oti In tliin p'ip«'r IIIUKI '»«• iu*eoffipi4iiled hy I lie • ••;«| nnu t of tin wrlti'i not. fur puhll'Mi t lon liti • vunr nil' «' of k,'"«»«l full h.iii««l olmuld ri'iit'h IIH 11* it lut«»r thun Ttu .day «'v«-tilntf. I'• .r J. u 1 ny .t l.« ...iffipMilt -i l.y H UHli'iim 1til« nanio. M. A. BEKKIMEK. Funeral Director. 337 s>. Main bt., Butler. HHOFESSioNAL CAHUS. \ RWTON BLACK. A ATTORICKV AT I.A'.V '>flßcr on Sctilh Di imond Street. p H. OOUwHSR ' I • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office 11. Mi :hcll buil'ling \ LKX Rl'sSKLlj, A AmmnJiT 1. ■ ■ Oill.rc- with Newtou "I.:ok, &j"'h Dian.oml Street. • 'OI'LTER & BAKi.K, V_ ATTOHNEVS a3 ',A« Room 15., Armory buildui^. !• .H.N 1 ■.: TF A. IOUKV-AT-IAV. Special *ttentioa niven to collccli . .. [jiuiiness matters. Refeionce Butler Savings Bank, i.r sutler County National Bank. ] B. BKBDIN, R '. ATVOR:,-:I.Y AT I.AV. ou Ajair. i s., near Cour*. House » T. BLACK, _i. ARROITMHV A: ,\W. Room J. —Armory buiMing. ] M PAINTER, ■;» • ATTORNEY AT LAW. rtlP.ce between Posto££cc and Diamoo ! C 11. PI O. ATTORNKY AT LAW. utfice at No. i.».| Dianjo 'd Ft. , ' F. L. WCQUISTION " • ClVIt. E.NV.IKV.CK .• HD SnRVSYCf., Office near Court House. FjR. CI I AS. R. B. HUMT, i PHYStCtAN' AN!) SUKOEON, h/-:., n<>— ai'd '.!. W. a sp«o : alty M 2 nn<! 134 S. Main Street. Ralsl' n j'iildinK tT 7 11. BROWNi ' T . HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN A\J SURGEON. 236 S. Main St., opp. I'. O. Residence 315 N. MCKI-KII St. V ' > MUELM. BTPPUS, YJ PHYSICIAN AVD SI'KGBON 200 Wes: Cuaninguam St. I BLACK, J*. PHYSICIAN \NO SURGEON. New Trouttnau Building, Bntler PP. M.ZIMMERMAN T«• PHYSICIAN ANI> SURGUUN C ~!0e N-". F-. Maiv strc t, •vr Cl .* Pharmacy. | N. M. HOOVER, . ■ 137 K. Wavne office liou s. 10 10 12 a. m. 1 and to . p. m. I J. novALlteON, f» • DENTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted on the Lit< -t ir'iproved plan. Gold t-'illings a sp.-c --iuty. Oflicc ovei IWiicr's Sliwe Stoic ' il. S. A. lOIINSTON, i* DENT R sr .<>M Fillings rainless Extraction "1 1-ctl .in .A. i! i'.-u.i without pi. s •i specialty, Nilrcuj Oxide «.i Vitalised .. r or lxical nicsthetics used. Otlicc over Millers grocery, •-as' of Liav • y house. J \R. W. P. MCILROY, I ' DKNVtsr Formerly known as the "Peer! P:. nless Hxiractoi of feeui. ' permanently at iii Fast jci;\..v.'n is., Opposite Hotel Lowiy, Itutler. Will to dcntinl operations of all kinds by vi.e latest devices and up .'u-.:ate method: hk J. E. FAUi«K, Dh?: risv. Painless extraction—No Ga«—Cro< n nn<i bridge work a special! v. Office -Room No. t. new liu kcl bl';!'l iuji. ; DID YOU B'tß tHeai Tilisorits [quai? ► f ♦. i» *■ -K + [Nice Top Buggies $35.00, ■Harness 4.5 C, Ouster and Whip.. .00 ( > Total ...$40.00" ► < >or do you want a Surrey? ► < ►A nico Surrey SSO 00< Harness 10.00' ►Duster and Whip o.oo< ► 1 > T0ta1.... $60.00, Quantity limited. Come * No one ever offered auct gooda I lit such prices. Tliey won't t long. S. B. Martiitcourt S C 0.,1 '•JH F Jefferson St Bntlcr, Pa. A For Sale w . yri>-S.-V). (ft 2 one hundred bbl. Tanks, ■/. ( j, 2 wood rigs, V I good boiler and engine. , 1575 feet of No. 1 tubing, (< ' 1575 feet of No 1 rods. / ' " O ' ' -»• ' ''»•'. 'r>- ' > F r Particulars inquire of W. J. STEELE, Coylcaville, l'l., r JONATHAN STEEL, Great Belt IV Your Nt;il ioimry. It la getting to be the proper tiling F <>r laruicis IIH well as merchant* and ether business men to have printed si.i tioiiarv. Arid we can see no reason way tbey should not take their prop. ' place amon<; bnsiticßs men bv rtoptn ■{ linsineiw method* in as many ways us |H.«alble. There Is a coiubmatton of business and "Mltlnient in ,;1 vi!>;* yo • f.irili * tiftllie 111<« VllJley \ it'W I*l.l '*l M.ipic Hpiiiitf Farm" "llillnido.' or H )TIIFLL]IIIK <»T TII» K4FT«I. II it H-MLA a (tr tai i dignity and tinhvul . lity to t/.-+ pluro, tin 1 UCIIM. prido ia th • 1 »» 41 iiuj >rt turo in the eye* «»r produ Uf.tltTM or en ui»i i« » imroh. tilt' w: '• \vh in you me dealing A HIUIIU IIM 'it in printed ntNtioniuy your r< .< '|»«IHS <ind iiiK of throiiKhlited ntoek, th.» 'iiatifn« turo of dairv orodnce, etc., nnuht pro, >, of no slight gamut itge to you, an well ih giving h «ertaiu of r tioii Arrl \> h< it v«"i <• >nrlw!o to hav« tioiiii not« lihiulh aiul i tivolojifH urinf "\ Tfiit* inh* r thril the Ha nit* <wi?i IH» l. \ 1 " C'ITIKEN ofWc*«) HM r||OHf I «J<I food f;> anywhere. (JOtiD FA KM *t%.'L£. l it. Ford Urm in Itoncunl twp., ttcir M llcratown ia for wtlc. I? contain' *1 out ISO acres, ia well wntcrcil and ; cou>iil)ou For icrniH inquire * ilia bflice.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers