Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 11, 1898, Image 4

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    f IF YOU HAVt NOT J|
» Itisor.*. oreofnar.yirdicatiotis «|
that your liver is out of order. Ji
J Use a remedy of
50 YEARS j:
•f clanding that has acquired a < [
> rputatioa for curing j,
* p' > : . nt s—such as .J
< They ere e.~sy ti will >
ir.ipr"ve j'our comple*ioa and •{
i rHieve you of those low spirits, *
% signless nijrhts. headache, ■{
«J costh'eaess IT. \ rilioisness. *
£ v, . J «r.' P CO. J
J ?*. J
C / i all T)a:gi.-» IJ. fcf.
fwc are net enthusiastic I
v mboJi tb? I
;; simply earnest. (
! [ Wo .1J not clilr-1 much. <ml» thet lt U tfce 9
; | Best Bicycle Lamp on Earth, f.
1 [ >*
srm aLIGHT D. - SPITE or Wl<b i->»u JAR V J
is HASDSOKE is appeakascb 5j
| Bnu tor rtrrular or. betur •*.»» which J)
( li tha MMUbb ncloe »t which wo aell oae. dett.- O
1 <=r»a anywhere.
\ 6o Laigh'. Street C
; as** rc «* OTTI
P., Bewemer & L fi.
Trains depart; No. 14, at 9:40 A. M'
No. 2, at 5:30 P. M. Eutkr t'me.
Trains arrive: No 1, 9:55 A. M; No.
11, 2:.>> P. M. Butler time.
No IT runf through to Erie and cor.
nects with W. N. Y. & P. at llustoa
Junction for Franklin and Oil City,
and with N. Y. L. E. & \V. at Shenar
no fcf nil noints east. No. 2 rins
to Meadville and connects witn
VV. N » & P. for Franklin and Oil
City. W. R. TtJRNEH, Ticket Agent.
*• Railway. Scbeuule of Pas
jenger Trains in efiect May 15,
1 IVpar.. j Ar-ir#
A.'ibf'i'nv A->v m:uod»ti a « 'C> A x f j T7 a.*
All**, V •*] ; Jt . r ' .si" •* jl) #2 "
Nrw Acrofjim<xl*Unn. ... 1 5/1 KM 917 *
Akron Mail H 15 AJ 7iflp«
All* 4ii<:njr Ac rom<>latk>a loir, " 12 18
All«*frberjr Cxprean ■ 8 li> P.M i AO "
Atl.-g;i»' i.v M lTljer M - 05 '
Cli.'f ->k'» Kxwm \ &H *' 12 18
Al^he.., M.iil j 040 44 8 fK) "
«riv«r 1 ' ' 1 7 (« "
XUw <*xl \ 5 44) '* 7 «iCJ *" I
CLi- ttuf Liimu*! S4O M Wl7a vf
K*n«: ttitd B/h-J: • : iVI a.m 520 P.M
CWi >n A'Vi»iy:Tn'»<lAti.in . ' 35 r.* 938 A.*f
AIW gb#toy E *!*■«•* ; 8 1"> A.M. 9 .12 **
AlJvheny Acccrrniodati'.n . ' 5 40 p.m 4 GO P.m
Ne* C*rtl» A» < ouim< Utl • *• V> A M 7 03 * 4
C'l.j Ksprtw . . !S BK p.« 460 4J
j> AccoiiiiDoilattou | 7(Q v
Trala ii*rj r .'lt»K at IJSO p.m lenvoa B. A 0. depot, !
Pituhurg at 2LOII p m aod r. Ar W., Ail*?h»iiy at 8.10 j
p. Oi.
fur turough t»«:k»'tu u» .ul p »lnt' iu the ncift, nortf
w«*i or *otit.iW«at ari'l iufonaa..oa r**i<arillwu ranter,
t|»ii of train*, «itc. apply i*>
W tt. TU3XZB, Tlket A rant,
B V HKYNOLD6, rtup't ftntfer, Pa.
VoxL»urg. Pa. C. W BAf«r»ETfT,
O.T A. , Allegtcry, Ta
ScHtDt'i-s i* Ermi X .. let, W9T
[A. 31.. A. M A M P M. i'. »
HPT MR.... Lee*. 1 1 »i H W.I I 15 2 35 6 •'">
StU' ihurK Am- -I SM| fi 11 .HI, 'A I>s 21
fni'-r Jaaciion . M | t !d»j «A3 12 ■» 6.
liult-'f Jenctlon...L«e*el 7 30 12 w* :i 0 5;
M»t ina ■' rHrt 7 3S • M'l2 :** » :W| fi 0!
h.m 7 «! 9 OT.IS »| 3 .« « <r;
Sl-rioi(.iiu« 7 60; 9 I.J li ». a 52 ....
Ckwwmt ... I» SO! 1 02 4 <Mt| fi 2*
WtMir whui,' M 1 3fi ill 4 12' 6w.
Allegheny H V 4H 1 i»! 4 25 # < :
M.|A M. P M.[P M.jl". M
f'lly an.) ;ma> i|*l iniwiwUatr Matloiu at 7 35 a. ni
a*n! p. rn
A. M.jA. M A. M.jl'. M.jP. M
All* iiheny Cltr. .
ftharpaburic 7 11 9 1211 37 2 46 ....
Cfarttfuortt ••! 9 19.11 44 263 ....
J 9 30 11 6Cj 3 10 6 .»7
TWfcutan 7 34 » 39,12 07! 3 U. f» 4<;
Natevn*.. 7 .» 9 43 i 2 12 3 31 *, 61
Uutlor Junction.. .arrtvr 7 4 4 » t# 60! 12 '/j: 346 I 0i)
Butler Junction.. .lc*r«> 7 40l 9 60; 12 26 4 ifl 7 0,1
g.»x nbi t% 8 15 10 16,12 49! I 3<i, 7 21
arriUM 8 40 10 38, I 17 5 ur», 7 ftO
|A.M.|A M P. M.rP. M.jP. M
HUNDAT THAlKß.—Leave AlUgbeny City for But
|<*r and principal intenu«Hliat« wtationa at 7:20 a. m. and
p. rn.
P M.jA.M jr M .P M
2 36} fj 26 'r BUTLKB **", —' 1
3 26- 7 27 ar ltnflur Jnactlon lvi M 26
4 ooi 716 IT BotUr Junction nr 8 80'12 08
4 ').>| 7 49 ar rr**rp«rt W 1 « 2Hjl2 08
4 09} 763 4 - Allegheny Jonctioß.. ." H 24118 01
4 2l> 8«H " I.t»e«hhuric " H OtfJl 49
4 4i» ? 821 4 Paul ton (Apollo) 44 7 6311 32
6 08' 8 61 14 Haiuilftirg 44 | 7 30 11 09
5 411 9 22 " UlalmvllTo " j 7 WMO 40
6 fio( it 30 44 BbUrovMlo luUmction..." : ft 68' 10 10
« 50hl 36 41 Altwrna " M 6 8 (K>
I 00 3 10 4 ilurrmbursf. 44 II 4*. 3 10
(4 Mm 6 M 44 Philadelphia I 8 V 11
On Sun lay, train hiving Butler 7*36 a. m., connects
for Altooua ari'l Philadelphia.
Through tmin* for the eaxt leare Pittrhurg (tuun
Station), aa followti. -
Atlantic Expre**, Uaily 2.60 A M
PoriiinyWania Limiteo 44 7:1«
Day RxfTKH. 14 .. 730 m
K&i.i Liu') Kxprmrt, 44 ....8:00 u
PhiUi«flplJn EspiuHß, • ..4:30 P.M
YMHU'I U Exprvw, 44 7:O r > 14
F«4it Lino, * ..... 8:10 44
Phihvt'a Mail, .Suri'layw only 8:40 A.rt
For dotfeiled information, atlilrem Th«*». E. Watt, Piaah
Agt. Wmteiii l>ii 4 > ''jt, Corner l'ifth Avenue an<i biuith* I
141 htriNtf, I'itte.:.nrg, Pa.
General Manage. Wen \ !'*vmr. Agout.
Farm for Sale
I wailt to sell my farm of 235 acres
in Oakland twp., adjoining Royds
town, si* iiiuc.H north of Cutler.
Titer, ia no better land for ul 1 kinds
of crt, . i'i Butler oosaty. lily wheat
and jji ass, th 1 year, cannot be beat.
Come and «cc theni.
Two good orchards, some young
timber, and an abundance of the
best of Sprint' water
The huilbmgs consist of n goo«l,
sis-room, frame house; one large,
new, modern harii, and a large old
ouc; ab-.i all the neceasary outbuild
ings. including a summer kitchen.
I want to quit tanning because 1 am
alone, ar.d will sell at a bargain 011
easy terms
A part of the farm is underlaid
with three and four feet veins of
coal, with one bank opened; ami the
r.ew railroad i-» surveyed within
100 rods of the house
I'or terms addresa or call upon,
Peter Whitmire,
sonora. p. 0.
Eyes Examined Free of Charge
Jeweler and Graduate Optician
Ncxl Door to Court House, Butler, Pa.
aaofacribe lor toe C'XiUM.
fUfftf 5
| a an*' ha.3 tw i**v | luck to but s »•.*>
J c«i* Df nay «*"l'iaf. A , .»>'■ aurt - p ""'* v4i
I b®-kJ»- ni t&ko koi-fc>l2--L Verrs j(
I (r« an Mrriu HU t««ir on' l p** l on
i".uCk u l »:• ■• o t ...eu<r
'oj be*' o U ijaly t--,» ■ t ' ':?£*
?r»3 V-"V to 8nl«b • *n*r 7=i'in';- . re
| it col, Ui.cs - 44t?MCi to aiesottferf
; r asrecm Mid »fca>Jr m*tt. n k'lioue. i.C>4
gc v y &*<. mto
icbitiulDMt A ninbtt lc«<
hat sleep at oifbt \ *etf ilt> Mf *■? It tit
yivto ap ths Ustt.4 v
l> - first d, ,m, jr&ji.j.;ct. !Sr. r.«*c- '1
Oclden Martial Dteeovenr i» the b»«t «"
all tioeiihm.*«r« y»«i hiflth Mfpiri I*
sakae .mre, rich aTisil. It rt.r»4s /»l M
impurttic" cod It dc<;» :»
teak* »ny dltfc.-eooe w!ut tne discw* miy
be ct'.led so iensr a» it iia» its itcej-u-' i in
improper jr :rttiߣ.icil courutsie*"; -»i is
irrtat medicine will jure It It nsay bt
called dyiMptU, kidney di*aaae, 'lira
cocxplaiiit, *\ia or blccu dis**ae«, or at: v
r;v pToetifi'* .u all *he* r have the stzae
fciiitiof point. Tfie " OoMen Medical Dis
covery" reatUe3 j.oici it will owre
ttwe dU.AS-e absolutely. None y litem
can retain their bold on tlie ■yaiefzi wb«c
Icy arte: i«» are oi1«d *.tk fie!., pure Vifcii.
I em u y--e( a ok), ' *rjt«« Mr P G. Sierltce
of H|"«7 S u ' " VJT n y«M» I
SyJfVW from liver. «unetipet!oe e&a i
rtiln* aftet-il ay ilor**i M*a
fnii <b nth* »y .'eiafc' by herd •«»»> t r»uU
kem or. unto i WWIIITAJW to fire up ■•'lf
tifltie <t>lMead; wuaid nick «e mini CM<t »♦
i/wi W»T'.ua« i<«; kx.lTw jm w»j
•»« hin*st 'lreacii I to<-J« *■ bo»tl»« ai !»
» Goldc.i r.i«ce»i»y it , «» j v<3
tb* >£i* l» mj h«« and sot—e«» e y •A.w.il'SefJ,
biaod «H> ay nervee. and t«-ia V I »tr. a well
CPae« or Hemorrhoids
I-'isaures At Fistula<s.
Bums & Scalds.
II Wounds ■ft Bruit>e->
Cuts & Sores.
__ Boils & Tumors.
Fozema & Eruptions.
SrtJt Rheum & Tetters.
E Chapped Hands.
Fever Bli^t^rs.
3or" Lip'; «% Nostriis.
Corm <St Bu/itons.
Stings & Bites of Insects.
Th.-io Siz<-i,
So!J bj <>r wl * c*lu receipt of prkM
!!• (IfVRKin JfcB.CO~ ill « tts
Every exfx*:tanL uiothsi l>aa
6 ir/uig ordoa) to fi.ee. II nhe dnoe nut
'I jT JL ife'/V Kfct ready for it,
1 l\ ' ; thfn "> ia no teliiaj
' what may happ^i.
Chi'd-lr Tt'i 's I'u.'J
of i 1* r:aiii.i'» it •
I.atuif! 18 not pWfTi proper a*«U)tauce.
Mother's Friend
is the beat hdj you can use at this tin.«.
It Lt a ami viien regularly aj -
plied aereral montlia Imfore baby coraef,
it makes -.he a>ivcnt easy ;'-nd nearly paic.
leeb. It relitv-s and prevents "
Bickness," relaxes the ofersira'r.ed n.U£.
cles, relieves the duiCended feeling, fckrrt
«na labor, nuihi? recovf ry rapid and cer
tain without any dangerous after-effect*.
Mother'* Jrii.nd ia good for only otn
purpose, viz.: to relieve motherhood of
aud fhiia.
One dollar jv>.- bo. - .: : u . all ilni# store#,« '
*ent by e*ur"« OG iccciul it
Tkkk l4or>'<n, rorit ilnliiK valuable Inform*
tfoi. for wonifii. will bo wut U> any addreee
upon appU<;utluD to
Atlanta. Oa.
Ask your f»TAg QTj
Druggict Ijiri I i?%•"? ft
for a (rcnetoa*
1 0 c E NT Ba3?S
TR,A^_ a,zE
Ely's Cream Bairn fo !WEVia ( S«
rontalna no cncH'rr. y
mercury nor any oUier JfrXwi
Inlnrlous dru,". Cj^Kfb
It ia quickly Abeorlieil. t
Gives Relief at one®.
It oiienn an.'. cl<,'u«e«" j™, _ IT
Ecals tinrt Prof •'■■ id tiiO Meuitimne. tho
HeuMCfl of Tae'.e and Smell. V .11 bize 60c. , 'J'r &i
•ir<« lor.; at Dmu.fiU or f»y rn «il.
mi UhUl'llEHa. 54 Worrcu htrtct, New Yorfci
luoy diftruofhn It teuu
jQa. larltv »o<l vU "i
and n»r.tnh " i IHP F m«n*tt im
I*' ffirli aiding
A<v»m« % pifttHitr**- HI t*,r
AiviSlfi •>•»*" yi»i«t i#v jt UK, i«I«
For Hale by D 11. WTJLLER.
W, " f ' f ' !0 the lutiaruiiiabitity )
Y/ £i,y of Dwelling or Duel
— ./ ncsß Bailciing t>y tk« ait
of comb'.utib'e build ; psptr '
Nl.vrtKl Irn in "bsolotcly Firr Proof i
I 'l* • " ihcathirie an<{ can l>e lud '
for about the s-nne cust a« " burnable " !
papers. '
Monkn-n •' v ' ,s ** a 'wier toflaoic;, |
II .. lIOU4II (t( j ~.j|i ~o t thro-.sr rff j
sttAiu}; s-noltc which so eii'laugeri life in .
case of fire.
ask yoj* nnur row i-iNaupN." j
. H. W. JOHNS *ST 0 CO..
| r ©«10««0 COITOS. f
Everything first-class.
l : incst turn-outs; rubber-tired
Buggies, Tia[>», I'hietons.
goo<l Driving tenuis and fnm
ily horses. Kverythiug up to
date. Horseii for sale. C:tll
and wee tis.
9pp-* day and niqht.
i Rear oi Hotel Arlington
Tai.KPHONH NO. 100,
A Thlnfc Wmch Volunteer*
Lurn now to Do a* tt>.
One thing tin ..K it-jr- ..d
! it hard to d"- n tiling which p»rl»pl
.. v '.! net :i - ,r anythlnpliLe ♦he
form in v-}. 1 ' :i. . iio do it —tf to
*aluto olficero l ake .1 voninleer »r.o
Is bron7f-d and .->ig :.'*c a rejr'ilar. #r 1
put idui iu a regular's cloths and =' id
him out 011 the strait, arid he wo*il«l
oert-ainly b< tray a* a volur.ti er
at his t'roi meeting' with an ©iEeer.
J The reg". ar. walking on th» et'eet.
! aalntei <■ evy oClci he meets oy rais
| ing th- hU.-gbtendd of idp
rig'it hand to the biim ~f "n> nat. jnet
, over tt.e ripht eye. a.ia keeping th« a.
| iJ-.erL until the oaicer fcd. .
, volunteer cannot be iitade 10 iioioiiis
j Land there In anj oucu way, sa<3 th-?
I liOfitr.n T: a.iforiiit.
XI be aaiutea a at range officer oi lv •-
i&uli a. all, 2:e «"lntea ;.i.r *v:th t;. -
] quick
j cer'a salute to the pri.ate. .? the r* p
uiar soldier it Betted .vben an oih' er
j approcehea in car.ip. 011 ih» f T ' *
: anywhere eisc, lie rises. i'u.et»B th oo f S-
I tcr. stands very or'ct, and this
i salute. Xo one ever sees a volunteer
I privato do tliis A rt-cu'ar oavalivmjn
trring to s?e» his horse aor t'lo
bridge while an oleo'.ri.i car waa cross
ing it from the other direction, lb
hoite waa plur ging ai.d leaping'--ildiy,
ftod th<» soldier hnd t work ha.-d to
control hirrj- At * - rr.om"ut a yooug
second lieutenant jl Ohio volunteer*
Ovijie along the footway In the midst
of hfs horse's fyrations the rnounted
reirnlar to salute the pedes
trian officer In proper fojin. The sm.'lo
of e.y' satisfaction on tin»t
yonntr officer's wna worth a
long way to eeo.
Oum Title Ye*r Are
Th* 1 low-cro nn#d, tu.rrow-briiiiiji6d
straw sailor of th* peaeon is jroing to
rob tho pufiinier firirl of ruuoh of her
befcuty, says thaJ York Commercial
Advertiser. Sclera 1 dozen women of
all degree# of good looks fitted eailyr
hnta cu at on» ©1 the Ug »hops and
guced dtsapp'
th«m.-ielveß. 'jTurs wr« all aorta of
bailor hatp OD the tabl?H and countars,
bw-orowned, pftnow-brlomicd one.i of
eoftrM Btr»w. crgWncd, brof.de?
briias:ed one a oi fin? atraw, and var
louf varaione of each variety. Tbo
k»)wwqman .4fc<ilp.re<3 the t they wcro
all this yaafa[model, 'ftto otiatomorß
fuurmurbd tha-A.only the low-trowne.il,
biQiwl-brimrriefl t wer9 nfv Then
they contlu'.ved op £vpd frotfri
in(?'at ntKl .imlilr.gderl«lv6-
iy ai each othc*.
"I never not* *U<S; n frigbt," ealdono j
▼oung wjfflan. %4 festitneTl her own 1
flowery bat fktn 1 ;' searching fo~
» becoming the low
ftrowned, fift'jWrs. 'I eiiall hur.t
up icy laat yearV hdf and wear that. |
It Is pretty ifnd makfea me look well,
ttnywty. ,,
''But these very styl
irli," said ihc jiltcirg- a
little br 4 r>n h«v?o-vrn head, •".•here it
looked atoUt the of a postage
•t.atnp. **rber are like boys*
J'utu, pud bats fijiocs trnd col-
Irtt-p are tfie models fV th* best style i
tlftl ttUßcm, you know.
Vte UoeA of as Indiou Slhil Uat
One. Hnulbeil end Mfty-
Tive liufl».t«
fo-med nnotheTT of hf»"
fiata, reports tMe Philaoelrflua Hecord
a yllcr.lll)ei rliie 1 y stood at 1 ■
4tßtanc(Aof Mtfi-.i from a t.hJc'U
ti*«d of f!«avy papiii\ about\tbree fee •
i'a-) «>utlWe» >4! tu> fiidlaijV h»ad. t
itjok uzadltly W2 nbota to do ll»e trtet.
It was f'* dr»winir, tHe lien"
was not Wrac*-d on the paper beaore 1
hand. TlVs medp the feat espApiallj', |
diffionU, a* nad to pl&i'O eve^ - |
shot irltb
cewoj/hadygone, and where ali th« fol
lowing thLts tveri to go. 1., o.jici
woijne, be liadVto liive every dotal! y;'
thl> "dia-ving" planned out ai:d con
spon'ly 111 his ftiind'seeyt- bo »»■
•hooting. Oneiebiji iir»*d a fraction oi
an inch (wild wonldlhavo spoiled the
whole pidture.
It ie i><Bt clear or n>i this
markHinanXia a ' cik! V of ltoonevelt's
regiment of. rough If ho isn't
he oujfht. ttp 6 .
oa u ltr«ve»loo«.
There is'.no/reeord that the bleyola
has hitherto flijured In uoulptured
work on Mt«>nen In grave
yards. and, aipoorJlrig 1,0 a Loudon
newspaper, a p'Oung *. k:ow <rf Rio de.
Jai tiro may bt> aecoiiiitetl M pioneer In
usliji; Its for tluit pur
poMc Hbe kvas introduced to her late
t'lUbqnd whftc out vliertlinff, an<l ..»r
doped a eeulptf or to depict the. ine«t
li'f, bicycles ell, on the marble
gru.veHt.one in jnlto relievo. Thneffeot
Ifl described nviri- novel than
tjfctlc, e»peciiil!y ae the lady is chis
eled as attirednn ratircml costume, fn
the ineei i t 'ti tii, which is in Spanish, is
u sentence wptich may be translated:
"My dear soiil hsd 'hen tire of his life
prematurely £p< 1 n 1 • turerf."
<."lil»!tii(»> Swe«p In lielf.
Three Italian scaooi-ttacbtia r«-
crntiy applioti fo»- w*>rk as public
chimney sweejia In a Hwjsa village J'.mt
' over the line. The placed hey no»ight
I paid only *IBO » year, buf tin t. was
more thun they got in Ttuly <th t* n> Ih-rs
of the rising generation. Mni people
•wonder that there are disOortyentcd
murniurlng:< and t, Ik »>f rPvoliitVoii In
tho Jui;d of tho Caesars!
1 A new lu jthod oi rutebing unco lias
iitsen di.ieovf red, iaya the Knno ttopuli
Vi' an. A (Jlemetigfr hnd a lot of atieky
■fly pnjK;r around tht< atore
I and during the a Tull grown
1 inon e v/aa uutkiug a tour of invesiiga
t:on. stepped on tho paper and atuck
there. It evidently tried to extract
it "self by rolling over, but no avail,
and whon Mr. (.lemeuger Arrived in
tho mousing ho found Mr. .Mouse ly
ing on bjs Imck dead
I Sic': stomach mentis Hick man (01
v.'. man). Wliy I<t bo well?
Sick atomacli c omes fro-in poor food,
poor nourishment: mean: l poor h".ilth.
poor comfort Hh.tkei' Dipestlv<» < 'nrd
ial means health and .-t well stomtM-h.
tf v.e could examine onr stomach we
would understand why ft is that so lit -
tb will put it out of ordoT
Hut, uiilesa we are doctors, we nev» r
see onr stom.xh We only feel it. We
wrioi' I fpfl it tens it took Hnakcr Di
gestive Cordis I.
Shaker Digestive • !ordial mukt>H your
stouinch digest nil th. uouriiitiing f«s> !
you eat, relieves all symptom* of iudi
gestioti, a* a tonic nnd s<«t>n make*)
jou well and strong »;;ain
The more yon take, Ui<- lesa you will
fetil (>f jiinr stoma<' h
At druggists Trial bottle 30 cents.
BnnfTinK 1 candle lncreusea the effi.-ct
and diminishes the cause.
"Mjstic Cure" /or kheuiiyrtimti and
Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to \ •! ivr.
ltd action np;»n tlie system is renurk.. # e
and uiyelct ioas It reniovett at once the
cause., and the disease immediately d.s
appears. The ftr.t dose gri.-atly benefits;
75 cent*. Sola by J. C. ktaiic, .t -.rl j. i ; .
1 Baiy 11 Oruggials ilulier. Apr yo
Shontd Sue Lone Coin, Porto «too »iJ
PHiUcploe' Si»« Weald Us Sr«-
ly Kliorn 01 Ttiem.
Tj. ae now jeew possible, Spain lcsei
Cuba, Puerto Tire ex.u the Phliip;':ac
i-.lur.ds as t- reec'.t of tie war with the
TTi» ! .t«d State*. b«?r cok>:d'«l a*
1 wili nearly ail disappear from the ;:'J.p
©£ the tvjrid. Within a century she 1a?
rr.T A with Argr.i' na, Bolivia, Chill,
Cclcmbla,rcaadv.r, Florida, .i.'ftnt'a,
j Ilaytl, Hont*' lT. T.ou;si*t.a, Mexi-o
1 ir-.CHragna, P-iTig-i.aj, ra*a& > It- P»ni.
tan. Doming-. >, Snn Palvndor, Tnnld&d.
Uruguay and Venezuela, beside* i.u- 1
merous lalauds, and the colonic c he has
! i .taineu biee g«ine.i 1 i 117-• in pcpa!r»-
: -U in or wealth.
While Spain, once tbe chief (vVior.iai
power of Europe, has been failingr in j
1 vLe rear, ihe other naticr..= bare iflfly
Leer. ciUuidiaff tn«rir inllaenee ar.d <lo-
Tile is shown rcry clearly by
** ce oi the colonial i
Sedans of the goy ernu.«'uti% ,s?-
Euod W/ years with one re<-en»ly
' ccir-j ircm t -rric t: i»'a
■ t*«t4Cs?
In "87, Great Britain's colonics-?ov- j
trcd ' k ln xouL- T JLtiers) T,W ,< CK. j
rtyiarc raile« and had a population of 1
uoout at- -he present
thoy f.ier IV r « ~"K» --j-.tare miles and j
i Ka*e S4o.foo r UOo people.
France then h=i<l «iion'ep. rxclusfee of
A.ivert. atrerelating' 4»">u,o<'o s'.|arTe !
;mi lea, with 8,600,000 population; now j
1 ihey cofcr 2,000,000 aquare nilW an 1 |
have a population of 21.000,000.
Tne colonies of the Netherlands in
1877 comprised 6«6,000 miles and
24, 000,000 people; to-day their ore a is
t ?60.0f0 tiiilea and their population £9,-
' (»00,000.
■ co'oriee in 1 ?77 coTarwd
' 713,000 iquare miles, and oontalned
j.eople; the} now rover
tiiitl bav*; C,4ov,U"*l peoniß.
D?nmark"i! colonies, Ckhienv lslnxidc'.,
then had a population of about rtO.oOOi
I' now t'ney oontaia il6,tX»>.
Oernwnv, n<».wly e«tabH»he<l or an eia
, ptr*, had r.o foreign colonies vp*rs
; ago| neither had Belgium. Now ther«
i »rc nearly 6.000.000 Gfnafi". and 9,0f10,-
| O-X) Belgian «"jbj»cta in Africa,
i The Russians have augmented th»i»
1 poisessiona until in Asia they hare a
j population in excess of a 0,000,000. Italy
ha« nppeared among European nationa
hating' colonies, her exterior possesions
wilt s,3oti,o<Xt people.
Most, if not a;l, of the other European
torits within the double decade, but
Spain ha* in ride no headway, there hav
ing be*n no increase in her pos:»easion«,
while Cuba and the Ph!lip|,i:!«e hav«
b**en devastated, their population re
duced, and their commerce greatly in
j :red bf insurrections. —Itoston Herald.
la w »ii<i!« There Wo* fiWurlU olEn
c*ii rave meat a»l an Apologt
lor a Scotchamii.
Mr. Orchaidsoil, the famous Englis.i
arttist, has lately given the public a-i
insight Into his experiences with golf
—that mysterious game, so fascinating
to tlia inituitcd, of whioh the charui is
so iucou-preh«»LLsible to outsider.
It is but recently th«t Mr,
ocn, ivho is past middle H#t», although in j
the t .rinie of hedlthful vigor, has trant ;
forrcd his affections from hunting nnd I
tennis, his former favorite sport®, to
national game of his country- -for he if
A tkotiihm«Oi. He played his first gamu
of gol! at St. Andrews.
'* remember," he aoys, "I hftd tUJ i
quo* feet, solemn looH t eaddiv
Imaginable I mnde a fearful me&» ol
it at first, and the llttls chap looked OH
without a word. At last, when I h«vl
(ir.iahed the rountl, ho looked up at in >
ia the fuivnistil way, and simply wdd:
'lt's nae use playin' <rolf unless yc luiri*
jt as a ludAis.'
"But I must tell you that the next day
i 1 had '.his .tame caddie, and I (jot on
j much better. 1 was almost annojvd
vr";. him foi not praising me, f»r ho
-,f*as tic silent as on the day before. Buf
wnon we flnlf.he'', na turned to me aji/1
said, as if re.iitm . % out last con versa •
tiox*: 'A weel, A'.. ;na ken.' "
Being a Scst hi nse.if. tbe aitist w«w
•bt-rcfore with what he doubt
leaf" rs a hstndaotna apology
■j-d hearty sncouragetcent. —Youth's
Gc<Hrrni>tir tP»» Years A«<».
Among the interesting old boolor. uiid
papei» Oelonglns? to the late liiiword W.
! Wells, of ibis city.was a raphy tlis*.
lets in some light on ths state of jfenernl
it formation in the world a century and
a halt ago. Aii 'Tiea is "the last quarter
of t/ie world," and the 'north purl of
the continent is very little known."
The tuitp of North America givct all
th« regiou northwest cf California as
"parts unknown." The grtnt lakes are
devn um Huperior, Illinois, Huron, Erie
and Frcrttenac. "N. England" la all
ona little patch reaching up to tho
fit. Luwrenoe. The "Oyo" river Is th«
nam* of the Ohio. Thu chief town of
2<ew Jersey is anld to l>e Elizabeth
Town. The cllmat« is thus explained!
"In the north arc vast unknown moun
tains, perpetually covered with mow,
froiu whsnee, the wind blowing the
greatest part of the year, these coun
tries haoorne rnucli colder than thoso
In Europe In the ssme latitudes." It
Is Interesting to note that this work,
that K more than a centurj- and a half
old, should advocate quite vigorously
the oonstruetlon of oanata across the
Panama and Buca Isthmuses.—Hartford
Con rant.
|tlrt*i« In KntrlaiKl.
The niß'e births exceeded the females
by nearly 17,1>00 In Ei.gland during
ISO 7, whioh looks, at lirst sight, us if
the nlieged of females In the
• population ware Iwlng corrected. Ilut
as the niaie death* exo eded the femaje
' by over 10,000, the old Inequality will (
Ftl'l [irerti!. ("hlcspo Inter Oeean.
HOOD'S PSLI.S cure Liver Ills, Bll
luj'inoss, lruiif(o3Uon, Mcarlacho.
£nsy to tnku, t»at»y to oporato. 2Sc
Isob Hunter, of Now Cattle, whoso
show wild an aniimil evontin this section
a few yearn baa gotten into serious
trouble in Now York, accord ins? to a
' dispat-'h sent out trout ltoche tor one
day recently It say* Hob Hunter,
manager and clown of Hunting Broth
eis' circus, shot Thomas F. Leddy, lead
1 er of the bund, during a dispute at
Canan.laigua that morning T, «> inn
siciann' claim their salaries are overdue i
and Hunting feared that Leddy, who
had considerable influence over the
musicians, would induce them to strike.
The dispute led to blows, and Hunting, !
who is considerably smaller tin . Led
, dy, drew a revolver and tired twice.
One bullet grazed Leddy's shoulder ami i
the second paHswl through his abdomen
and lodged in the fleshy part of his
righf leg Both men were committed
to j .ill to await the result ol' Leddy *
' tni'irieti.
' Uelays are dangerous, A little sj»ent
1 j '.>T Hood's Sarsapari 11a now may pre
j v«m "t-riously illness
j Calvin Ticc, cf V'-ishington Conaty.
• lias inst sohl 17CH, 1 bnsuels of hist years
wheat for cents a bushel He bad
been offered $1.40 a bushel for the same
wl jut when the market wns up, but re
! ftiM •! to <ll, holding it in the hope of
getting ♦l. r»<».
Even the hardencl locomotive ha 1 ' its
tender part
Th« tongue of liberty usually oolong
j to a maroed wojuan.
the Vir.raphouo in War.
The • megaphone." the ui-nler:. tpeak
trumpet hns played pa mport-u t
prefietlt war The navy ;Uia
beer. ns s .n'' th .i;eg :, p- " 1 only abont t
v,and already regarded
i» i unniiinij adjunct on av«ry ship
TLr .irda. size >■> adout .. Ift
long, and the lurze end : s about 1"> in.-b
es in diameter. It has a light ban l.r
•in. an -iain.no:.. m>. i'a-p:-x;e The
lMer eraft only c:i' v one. but 'Le
ltirg*r * h - ve a nuni'.>er TV.us.
tbe flagship " v *- York*" has one on tbe
bndge, on o_, s : L'nal bridg r.nd
ore jn iU c|.:u' t"r t*. V Ir, the <>ld
«f» . tb? c.9i. - f saw '..'c'- used he
spent- 'riunpot and tue" wore oitta
u, • iiiiit 4 «i-*' i jost i.ii " i y »*»inu
t •-i u.. n Or. railing vessels, in a
etoiiu, tLa oice will not carrv Jroiu
t;:c- q '«rt«.
no' • t Ix* heard to vim • . u Oi a
iarre s ut, sy taat •» ti impet
i -i':v- kept a* hund T?ip\ weie
s. .ji, '• •;'. c- r veuient t, lt are iaTtriir
the- it . (tern megaphone Every u
of the voice is r fied ">> *he
ui ioawor et.ui an!
sounds utay be he,..il it n dii
i-iii'. 1 ne oideri to tl. soe.- "h»j
liec" •! . jl. '..id' lury oft tile ' 'nbaa
. hiv - bt-ea u\l *h',»c_'b aiegti
p • rorpedo ooais andthecowrwrt
f I v >""' ? tad t I ' • ..neeial
• in r: receive a large j.rojsJi toa ci
their or Ur* trt i the Siphip by i.:"ga
phone and tut i,-J in then fii-j? b- •;! rc
•s.rts iu the same vny '■<■ entific
i.. .cari
Lauglt.r.g tisoie 3
Are t' e t.ho iak*j II >:;ji C C. C.
for coughs, colds and «. ou;i. ti'a opiui.l
to stupefy, 110 ipec.:c t > aauv 50
P'Oplc '.rho STt upon Toi m B ar( apt to
tand upon ceremonies
A talkative petsou k-1 lom fa : ls to
raike one pneutaatical'y tired
Mju a.e '.ike hi ikwu they always
want on tbe highest roost.
How little •! man know< of bio fellow
iu-u —unless he nves in v. village.
When some men bury a hatchet after
a quarrel they go right ont and dig up
an c.x
Scor.-hira U : 1 pnysics-iiy also
financially u the pol; uian catche
Tue ball-player who hits the most
'bails ' at night always hits the fewest
i■. u.ixt day s game
The i'.qtud voice of a woman would
probabl) b.; appreciated more if sb
would occasionally turn off the flow.
It is always a severe strain on the
angelic qualities of a woman when di
has v use her wing to dust tbe fnrni
The pen may bo ta>gtiter than tha
sword, but it isn't a marker to the blue
pencil in the hands of a war news cen
DouM«s Flfflrret.
Cf%eey—T rolled 0r.9 «v tMra Jcbn
tit -i t» ltar and be scy* to me, tayr, ho:
"Tc. quoque." Now, wlv ' might thai
Dooley—lt mentis "You a»e an
Catey--I'wnt! An' 1 let uin got
grs v widotit bitttn' ami Ab. that h
what a man gits for bavin' no eiiuca
tinul—Yaulty Fair.
M eil Reasoned.
Teacher—-What are lalcsobea?
Pupil They arti r.nimals that ont
i»ever sees.
T- aclier -Very Not* five me
ua example.
I'tipil—The elephant.
Teacher —What! the »!er>h»nt?
tf'jw's bat?
Pupil—l never snw oae.—Jc.dy.
Vacation Time.
>ji4 no'. c< mo bs-!f tl>< vacattoa daya.
wtifn to take a » xrt r«»t tu»n ia lltv(';
Ary! he jests ao hard In t.n di time
l'h*t 'or uc« who 1 .- ye:c tio's deaa floK
—f-W i4ttl; bib N'.rnh Amert-.-an.
I'i.Et t 1 Ctrl.
rX '' "J ' ,
tanper—Won'}) rvu tWfotaft
and \iaatle, nc.w you two lrdug'in the
cwu< i, py^
CMUy -t), uoi Ma hua brought tho
l»aby twins vvlta ual—J .dy.
A Troabled ,lbit<l«*.
H»'S pone to war, anl or» h*> «»fi*
\jf s«yo to luvk Mollifilre-
Ah, Now I*ll Juat »'(>t a Cutit
ThAV he'll Mu& back unacatlitd from
lie Had a BUI.
Hwell —Ilere cornea Lunnout,
the tulloi He looks nsif ho Intendctl
to ap*iuk to ua.
StOond Swull (nervously) Let's
♦U*'- 'pio this side street and hide In
• tJftA all(ijTiv»vy I don't Ilka to ru»-io
-OWc with pewoplw in trade. —W. V.
Bhe— -flnpiioav you going t»
propose. Ui a girl, what would you i>ayt
Jla OL, eouiethiiqr nlmpla and direct,
J!kc: "\Vb! yon b» my w!fa?"
iu y you w«io the girl, what would you*
atiJiwer b«?
nho—"Yea " —Hurloiu l-Uo
Oosllto't .luflwo.
"What kind of p*op!» are those who
trvve pioved into tho nest house t0y,,11,
lr)». lirown f"
'T don't know n thing about It. They
didn't get bore until dark und I hod no
chance to see rvbut th>jlr furniture wus
llko " Cliivago Post.
mot Often.
"I suppose your wife ml sues yon ia
pre/i t. deal," IIKJ dred tbe Boston woia
ttn nf the man from Chloago who was
waiting for her husband.
"Well, no, mum. Krr a woman who
hatt a remarksi»U- slrnlgb aim, mum,"
wns the reply —N. Y. Journal.
th' IMfft .nrt. of .1 Til *•*.
AVI ■ .■nrr , <!•»«■ 't'e pl»M>iirfl •»f Jrlv
• In- ' 1." ill' :: In) ■•■r* "f oar-liu. •or li»i-
*a*e dollnrs 1'" k'-'iuioir f.ir 'he
lui 111". ostal'>K'i n "t t* l " Ellihnrt ( urrtatfs
null lisrueKM ('.. . Killhsrt, Ind.
/ / «'A'I USU 'V» ~ *\
| Remarobes 3 |
2 if you axt dissatisiied with the size A
of piece or with the quality of the $
H chewing tobacco you are now 8
| using |
| I
# and you 11 get your money's worth* %
35 The It'cent picct of Battle Ax is x
S larger than the JO-cent piece of any | I
g other brand of the same high quality, * J
and is the largest piece of really good p j
chewing tobacco tli&t is sold for £ |
2 10 cents. § |
| Otnemfccr fio name I
| < v when you buy egcin. |
io»^9eoe«o»€K»Qe«o»»o— j
Lively Clearance Sale of FINE FOOTWEAR
is now going on. The mere mention that Husciton's Clearancc Sale
is in full sway will bring buyers from far and near. This is a sale of
High Grade Shoes selected from our stock. This* sale is no lake,
neither have ve bought, as some have, a job lot of cheap shoddy
jobbing house shoes to make believe a clearance sale.
Ladies' Fine Tan Shoes, $2 grade. now $ 1 .CO
Ladies' Fine Dot.goia Shoes, $4, $3, 2, yradc now sl, $1.50, $2
Ladies' Fine Dongola Hand-turn Shoes, $3 and $4 grade,
now $1.50 and $2
Ladies' Fine Kid Shoes, $r tirade now 75c
Misses' Fine Tan Skvs, vesting 'op, $1.50 grade now 95c
Misses' Fine Tan Shoes, lace or button. $2 gradi now $1
Misses' Fine Dongola Shoes, $1.25 grade now (>sc
Children's Fine Tan Shoes, $1 grade now 60c
Chi' 'rcn's Fine Tan and Mack Shoes now 15c
Do} Fine Tan Shoes, $1.50 grade now 95c
Youths' Fine Tan Shoes, $1.25 j;rade now ?5c
Men's Fine Chocolate IJals, $2,50 grade now $1.60
Men's Fine Vici Kid Hals, $2 grade now $1.50
Men s Fine Bicycle Bals at si.cx>
You !! find us just Opposite Hotei Lowry.
Vou will save dollars by attending this sale. No cheap jobbing
hour:* in this sale. You can't aflord to miss the chance of
getting fine Shoes at less than hait pi ice.
?U tier's Lending Shoe llou •• Opposlto Hotel Lowry.
fVarmera be Wine, Deal with ti» and inn 40 percent, on f our Ftrtillxcra.
rj» AtJilysii. Phiw. .veld, Ainmonla, Aetunl I'oUah, 3j
:■ pei runt. pei ceut. per rent.
-5 r-nre ftaw Bone Meat 2" to 25 4 to 5 Jaa.oo per ton
• ro'ir FoW Fertiliser 5 If. 10 2 103 2 to 3 10. 00 " «
•f Siuoky City " «t. 10 !Kto2« 1%t02K 1500 " *
JL.ii Bonanzn " #to 10 2J,to3V, 1 U>s ao.oo "
5 Potato Special " 910 10 3}-y to *% G to T 33.00 " 5
>T .h-. eo Special " 11 to 12 S to 4 4 loft ar.oo " jc
B ike anil Mcnt .... 15 to 16 4 to S 18.00 " S
■S for samples uii-l immphlct, write WILKEH STRATMAN AOO , Herr * Ijlind. PITTSBURG. PA. 5
in. Hl— 1 1 ■■■ AwJb—— >n '•
Ity t.»U inir tltr rlK>itHlhiiul itif vou w!H )>oMt
.Hliind (l>c nurd wtnk nf HARV l>T TIM 1.,
this a «i iippltt sto your hei|».
Pure Liquors are Healthful.
alsoHti-cngtlienlnK. Our Liquor* ami Wlii. s
IS'lmk 'e..r:intixM. pure are )i ;! v.-|i:r yo»
MM, iVeqeotoafew prleei f.- I'rte i(ye
Whiskey. Write for coni|ilelt nrldu list,
til ! tiKSiIHMVK Ft I Cu
I, A lit. K, .n r. TUtNON .
Any of iilwive liranUs ii year old I'm**
Whluey, si.an |H-r lull qoarta nqtutita (or
Wlilsk<y Kuar:iiiU»ed :« yeats old, f:.i» per
(>n nil (' O. I>. or in.ill orilors ut 110.00 or
ov<-r. vi- lin\ anil ship promptly: exjre,s
ehurfci prepshl
411 Waler St. Oppusilc H. 81 0. Depot.
Telephone, 2179. Pittsburg, Ta.
ilia', you can buy tbe purest and be I
wines a id liquor from A. Andtiessen .it
the lo scat figure"!
From the best known distillers and
wine gruwers in Knrope or Antciicii A
"cw pi ices.
V,'hl \ v - 17 , yrs. nlil.niiire Itye, fl.'j'.illon
\V|iiV:«.y I yiH old, pun> Kyi',
wiils'jev • yrs. old. pure Ity. "
' '.iWk v Id yrs. old. pure Itye. {.OO
V, iski Vl3 yrs. oid. pure Itv". t "
Wul U- .15 yrs. old pure Ity.' ■
t ifl :■•!(! <Ci.lio per li-i.lo" Imp' ■ «"'l !roui
Cl'lloHHialluti. Heitd lor price I -i
-<JB Federal St. Allegheny, Pa.
Telephone No. 51U.
X JcEr Ft PrllCAPtl-Pi; I A
- DENTAL nOOMS.-- f[l
s'> - 6th Avo., rilt«t;urß, Co.
S Wo-rcpRACTICA' y iohnrti r lit
1* fci. J# CROWN -' "I BRIU.E 11 tl
ti *tal Itttpilmrj; WHV NOT DO (If
" J»wi fJrv'ou-ts? -town* A
BRIDGE " ' ' i"."''., V
iiTj V: vVi5 pr: TOOTH, aiw. ti.. Jt
t 1
139 Soul.ll '.Mai ujtt r cet
Ove. Sbaui & Nasi s Cloibiag Store
Two Weeks sa!e.
l*'or two weeks wc arc going to sacafice
our wall j ipct, so tbi«t, whetlct '>u
u d it or not, you will buy for fut.l e
use, if you will only come and see (be
designs prire.
We b-.ve many of the liest grad :s on
the market which we will sell you at such
a pr.ee that you will buy. We have a 1
grad and onr prices are seil'ng out
pi ices.
We want to sell out within two wce'ts
s.< measure every roo-u in the bouse ior
you will need tbe knowledge when you
hear tbe prices and see our line patterns,
principly "special" grades, at
241 Soutli*Main St., Near I'. O.
HOTEL. 11l 11l CAFE.
New House, New Furniture. Rates
1 pei day, meals 25 cen ,,: Meals sei v
>i iu dining room at ail hours.
VR3. NiXON, Proo'r.
Ponnerly of Nixon llou*.
Hotel Willard.
Reopened and rca ly
for the accommoda
tion of the traveling
liverythinjf f-lfAi-class.
Sps. MATTiii KEIHING, Owner
Buy Direct from Manufacturers
Single Tube Tire. Light and Fast yet
Strong and Durable.
$5 00 er Pair._ -^r>
The King Mfg. Co ,
UlUcv Arch hi. I*hiiii<l' lphla Pu
bubarcibe (or The Citizen.
OSu: * -a Summer A
y Mil:' iery. *—*• 2• *. J*-* s?^ii!inery.^
xThe Leading fti.iiinery House oi builer Co.X
XI: -■ . Itfl'.ii ' ii.lt ir , . Utu-rv (•!••.«• -t r: t! .• •,*
. »• * • • ! i! Vit]k-/%
>T l« !. . ' r> 1. - llr-
S | Mourning Millinery far "re* yr
§ Iwt MMIIMBIII l| J |" ■ |J
$122 S. Main Si. Q J \22 S. fcaln St 5
? &XX&&& rava. &-*
JwCmiM ri ili" l>e on the sr.hject of cheap Nothing With wLi. '■ <«
SJthe market has '• -fn flooded. tiur.rj; the of «'tp t ion it. the tin.!
have maictr?ne*l or* w I! ktw n stan« 4 .*rti of fS
vj Wedc In seal .. - >ci • ■•■: ■ '■ '■.■
bctUi ->a<l« of Sph
and Chiidrens Garments*
q. for v.uicu *t " t caruc.i me coi uieu !aii' ;i ihc m«v»l c.uiticai baycr r £
£f. H. BURTON. ..it|jl-lSl!t'- T. H BURTON,B
U3 Savth Main St.. tSucier, Pa.
Tuts is tbeo])poriumi> «•( u lif«—time. Agen«.s art? m iklarf » „ .So a week.
FiTZHUGH LHE, Maj. Gen. U. S. V.
au«l lat<- Consul C.onernl to t'uhu. wtc .i li < U ou
General Leo's own story of Cuba and the Spanish War. will \ o produced in a sub
stantial hook of over 500 papes, 7x9*4 lnclios in size and almost
Tills i« tlieonlv authentic work >ul>U.ii.»*d >n tujouo subj»*ct o \-upyi;i:; tU< mint s
of thi> entire civilized world.
outfits ready, . .rit z
Write tor full particulars to
| ThL INTERNATIONAL SOCifcTY. 81*92 F;t 4 li Ave., N. Y.
I Our authorized distributors are loratod m all parts t»f the V . >
ra - ffi - M
Reliable War News
Fu.nif.hcd by Special ConcLponden'ts a, u\t fiont
Wi'.', cotii-tin aii inijwiiant war :i«-.vs 01 ibc !i ' / -l- <wij »>,■< >J' 'l • » > i '
the hour of publication. Careful attention \.i!i tc J i..i n 'o 1 .tti an-.' t .■mil)
Topic.*, Foreign Coiresp.ti'dctice, Market Ri_por;«. niid ai'. ;>ct.c :il 'ews ■>( ;•!«
WorM and Nation.
We furuisb The New S ork Weekly Tribune an«l yi>ur a v crite hoor.* paper,
TH "CiriZS.M." Suticr, Pa., Batt One Year For Si 50.
Send all ordcr3 to the Cii i^LN.
N. n r ,„P,J(,. PikitlUW *"T»' ad fai «•» 5» S«S»n»j. rtl.A «tl» (vUio-t«nt.. «•
51KHART « AUBiAtiK xra CO vr «. viiA.tr, utoi. nLKiiAnr. uia.
If <jpij ?• QAINTINO btcoii.e* expctalvc wKtn ycu use clu..; us'".' Ptukdps you
li ll £ » hive ; rewdy Itrrntd thlt—others have for excellent rcsulU in
P ever y P^ rt ' cui ' ir OJ '
•pjfj.z *I. W. Johns'
if , v :ist'c rf\. r 't; prodtu nS f.lcasia.(j ei'ccts.
• »ri;. »»! " • i'. .'tcr iV:t fStlen," clc. nt: ret *iL
■ I
J. G. &W- Campbell • Butler. Pa
air i*
fi Exposition Hotel
% -AN,- G
*4: Hotei Mr.nior, J*
t+ F. M LOCXWOOD, P. £•
Puller's ncairst Summer WCLJII
-if Oozwl bathing and ."isHnp, +
jfc at J all Summer Kesort f.? t
~ Ur
>+ : -r --i--1
Bedford, Pa.
Or ii frotu Juni> ZT to'Ortolir I. Htli [»
CR«>!I C«T .*;* F:' *IL I nt WLF I1M'«
mill IIIK Of 1 ll*' fllll"4l IXUVItIIK lllll'VH "I till-
CWI|!:V Till" ttillrl 1 * <>f Ulrtfl'H [IT ' •
mo.«t i'U'i •'live uti<l tvlnhrutfii til tlir world,
l or i. i nis IUKI NMikli'' * iwMr.xut
.1 T A I.:'l I*. l<iipcrliil«nil«st
BcJforrl Springs, Bedford, Pi.
Will upon .li lie Ist, wt popului prl< U.i>-
ly nil liln H mile of If"'f IIHUS. r"r
li Ml. ill lHX>k!ut» llrt«|r.'*H
For Sale
(n 2 one hundred bbl. tanks, •/.
'L 2 wood rigs,
j 1 good boiler and engine, -i
f. 1575 teet of No. 1 tubing. $
For Particulars inquire of
CoylcS\ ille. Pa., or
Orcat Bcil Pa.
L.C. WiCK,
Rough f Worked Lumber
Doors, o.isli. Blinds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
Always in Stock.
1.1 V,;;, M ViR AND I'USTEH
ilffn e op; o i.c P. Si W. Depot.
RUw Your Clo»hir\s
OiiEANtitt or DVED
It you want good am! reliable
cleaning or dyeing clone, there is
just one place in town where you
can get it, and that i.s at
ist nn iifi OKI nm
\Jlis <Jentt r avt nuo.
KiafjuWc do fine work in oiit
loor Photographs. This is tlie
time of year to have a picture ol
your house. Give us a trial.
Agnut for tbc
Bliud Cj.—Mow Ywrk.
Funeral Director.
357 Sv., j=»uucr.