Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 11, 1898, Image 3

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THURSDAY, AtTGUST 11, i? 9*-
NOTE—AU advertiser Intending to max.;
rh;inK»;s In their ;»<!<» should notify of
their Intention to <J« so. not .utrr tlian Mo -
,iuy mornin*.
Registers Notice, R' ad ReporU. unJ
Widows' Appraisments for S*-pr. Term.
Jnry List* for Sent. Term.
Donthett & Graham § clothinK
Bickel a Sorosis. The new shoe
C. & T's Furniture
on»i Executors of estates
run secure their receipt ut the *. I I -
ZEN office. and persons making public astl a
lueir note uook.•».
—Butler Fair, September tt, 7. *. »
—Dog days will end next Thursdav
—Too rn-ich rain in some sections, ai d
the oats are growing in the shock
—"Claytonia" is the naiar of a new
postoflice in tbi- county and J W.
Hughes is P M
—Three of the Bntler fire companies
will participate in the races at McKees
Rocks, tomorrow
—All Bntler attended the splendid
concert given by the Geimania at the
Court House last Friday evening
—Quite a number of Butler people
are attending the Free Methodist Camp
Meeting on the hillmde opposite Free
—Quite a number of our citizens are
ttking advantage of the dnll season to
improve their sidewalks—a very good
—Three younK men from Chicago
passed throneh Bntler on their hikes,
Tnesday. They were going to New
—The Standard Oil Co. lately placed
an order for 40 miles of 8-inch pipe.
All the pipe mills of the country are
running night and day.
—A new enre for snake-bite has been
discovered by a Geiman Professor, but
it comes to late;.-there are no more ven
omous snakes in this neighborhood
—Onr grocers are paying 10 cents for
eggs. 10 for bntter, 40 to 50 for potatoes
40 for apples, 1 cent each for cncnin
bers, 10 a doz for corn, *1 a bushel for
tomatoes, peaches and pears.
—The great Star Pointer formerly
owned by J. W. Titley of Millerstown
equaled his record of 1 :59| for a mile
pacing at Colnmbns, O. last week
This is early in the season for a mile
this fast, and the chances are that he
will lower his record before snow flit*
—There is a 12,000 acre game preserve
down along the Ohio river and every
now and then the foxes that live in
it visit the neighboring country, in
cluding Adams and Cranberry twps..
this county, and help themselves to
spring chicken.
—The question of who can talk of his
salary" and who must call his pay
"wages" is settled by the congress of
the United States. In the bankruptcy
bill that has become a law is stipulated
that "wage earners" shall mean an in
dividual who works for wages, salary
or hire, at a rate of compensation not
exceeding $1,500 per year.
—An ore train of 01 cars drawn by
two engines passed through Bntler the
other day. The engines are said to
weigh 260,000 pounds each, the cars
20,000 to 80,000 each, and the loads 60,-
000 each. Figure it up and you have
that train weighing about 0,000,000
pounds, and yon envy that big bridge
over the Allegheny its holding up
—lf you read an advertisement to tho
effect that a certain firm in some dis
tant city will sell you an elegant tint ?d
engraving of the battleship Maine for
one dollar—said engraving approved by
the Unithed States government— don't
bite. They will send you a two-cent
revenue stamp, and you will have no
one but yourself to blame for your
—While Conrad Firch or Pfircht,
whose place lies between Jefferson Cen
tre and Saxonbnrg was out in the field
harvesting a few days ago somebody
entered his house and robbed him of
SIOOO, in gold. He did not know he
had been robbed nntil he fouud his purse
containing a chock for S4O. and S2O in
cash lying open behind bis barn. He is
a bachelor, and his sister keeps house
for him.
—Eighteen passenger cars crowded
full of excursionists for Conneaut Lake
left Braddock on the Bessie R tt. last
Saturday morning at 7:30. One of the
engines jumped the track and the two
trains did not reach Butler until about
1 P. M., when and where some of the
excursionists left them. Tlieir bad
luck was made unbearable by the con
duct of some drunk and disorderly
young men.
—The races at the Fair this year are
as follows:—Wednesday a 2-40 trot,
purse $150; 2:20 trot oi pace, purse $20O;
a special Bntler county race, and a run
ning race, purse $75; Thursday, free for
all trot or pace, purse $300; 2:30 trot,
purse S2OO. and 2:24 pace, purse S2OO,
Friday, 2:30 pace, purse $200; 2:40 trot,
purse $150; 2.25 trot, purse 9200, and a
running race, purse SIOO. Making a
total of $1775, in speed premiums, not
including the Butler county race.
—A minister in a neighboring town,
a few Sundays ago, surprised his audi
ence by reading the following announce
ment from the pulpit: "The regular
session of the donkey club will be held
as usual at the close of service. Mem
bers will line up just outside the church
door, make remarks and stare at the
ladies who pass, as is their custom.
Any member known to escort a lady to
church and sit with her like a gentle
man will l»e expelled from member
—lt is a long way from Cincinnati to
Toronto, and yet a Cincinnati man made
a wager some time ago that he couM
ride from that city to Torontoon his bike,
within a certain time, without money
andwith only such food and drink as
were gi ven to him. He followed the Ohio
to Beaver, and then cnt across to Butler
He was here last Friday evening, told
his story to some of the lx>ys, got a
square meal, and then started off. say
ing that he expected to reach Harrisville
that night. Quite a crowd watched him
going down Main St. and up the ceme
tary hill. He was to tie in Toronto by
the following Monday.
—A city duck who is spending a few
days at a farm house is enjoying him
self hugely. The other day he was
heard singing—
Now three times three for the bovine
And three for the female fowl,
At the farmers door which they feed
No wolf has a chance to howl.
No poet's dream ever hatched a theme.
More worthy a poet's j>en
Than the kindly queen of the prairie
And the busy, cackling hen.
As I lay deao ouh dav
With ail tiie !e r«>,inu.
' Poor lioy ' I heard one
Hell soon be un ler ground.
He owed me ten. hnt then
iHe softiy smo-jtntni h:s brow
' Twill no«- oocnr sgair?;
He cannot reach me now
"How tuUural ho look*
Another <s»id " Poor lad'
He wm so fond of books—
ne born>wed all i had
Another Poor. deara>'»il'
He loved my dinners so'
How sad' Yet th ■ whole.
Twos best that lie .-hould go.
Another An! so y-.ang'
So hard it is to think
His song was l< f t unsuni?—
They say he used to drink.
Another He w."a bright'
How pitiful to ding
>nch giftn away, lie might
Have done some -lever thing
Ana still anotnei groaned
As in his chair he sank:
"His loaf- will be bemoamd
They he was e. crank
As I lay dead one day
While waiting for the hearse
le< nldn't help bn f «ay:
"This mii,'ht haye been much worse'
—Dog day=< and cat uights
—Days are noticeably shorter
—There will he more hot weather
-Politics is scarcely hrard of here.
—Butler Fair. September 0. 7, ts,
J H. Steen of Connoijuenessirg has
taken Mr. Dumbanfch into partnership
in the mill and creamery, and after
Sept Ist the tirni name will be Steen &
Wanted—A good boy the
country for delivering. Good wages to
suitable lioy. Apply at
Geo. J Ki;ugs,
2o» S. .Main St.
—The picnic of the .Taller Conuty
Knights of tne Maccabees lu Iw icld at
Maple Grove on next Thursday, Aug
promises to be the largest of the
season Railroad fare from Bntler is
60 cents for the round trr Admission
to grounds free. The Germania band
and Zeigier's orchestra wiil furnish ura
sic for the occasion.
—A man on a bike passed through
Bntler la9t Saturday afternoon t-ving to
bead off and captnre a #ian whose iiome
is in Perry county this state, but who
hid stolen a horse and buggy, and a
woman in Bellevue, Ohio, and waa sup
posed to be travelling eastward, —possi-
bly in a light spring wagon for which
he had traded the ouggy. The thiet is
described as being a short, smooth-faced
mm. of light complexion and weighing
about 140 pounds. The pursuer was
very anxious to recapture the horse and
buggy. It was a sorrel horse 5 years
old, 16 hands high with white ttar on
forehead, and one hind foot white
—Butler Fair, September 0, 7, 8, 9.
The fifth annua! convention of the
Central Lutlieran League of the E. L
Joint Synod of Ohio met in the German
Lutheran Church of Butler Tuesday.
A Children's entertainment jyili be
given in the Mercer St. church, this
Thursday evening. Admission free.
All are invited to attend.
There will be a lawn fete given on the
church lawn it Union villo on the even
ing of August 1898 Icecream and
cake will lie served. Everylwdy wel
Five hundred delegates to the ( hris
tian L'nion convention from Pittsburg
and Western Pennsylvania took part in
the excursion from Saratoga to Lake
George Monthly and returned delighted
with the beauty of the trip. Almost
2,000 persons were on the four special
train- that wore rnn from Saratoga
Rev. E. Crouonwett will preach in
the Old White church 01 next Sunday
The annual convention of the Luther
league of the joint synod of Ohio open
ed a three days' session in Bntler Tues
day The address of welcome was made
by Rev K. Crouenwett, of Butler and
President J. IT Reiman, of Oil City, re
sponded. These officers were elected:
President. Rev. J H. Reiman, Oil City;
vice president, east. H .1. Schnh, Alle
gheny; west. ltev. L. N. Burry, Mas
sillion, O.; English secretary. Marie
Schuh. Allegheny; German secretary.
Miss <l. Hoge, Allegheny treasnrei, C.
E. Cronenwett, Butler.
THE MARKET- Ought to be better
but it ain t, production declining. The
Standard was paying 96 this morning.
Producers the same.
MICHIGAN— Bredin and Laufferof this
place who are doing considerable
ing in Michigan thin week sent a ew
to Wyandotte consisting of J C. MctCee
of Baldwin, F. W Tinker, of Butler;
W. A. Baine, of Harmony, and L. M.
Cook, of Kelly
BUTTEKCUP— Young & McClung
will case this week at their well 011 the
W. W Brandon, and they expect it to be
flowing from the IJO foot nest week
John Black & Co. are drilling on the
Steel: and Golden & Co. are drilling
their No. '£ on the Shutter.
A Letter For You.
Unclaimed letters at the Poatoffice at
Butler Pa., week ending Aug. 8.
G W Christy, Esq: II H Davis, Miss
Marie Hayden, II II Heasley, Harry
Hunt. T H Kelly. W L Lewis, F A
Mizener, Esq.; Miss Elsie Simmons,
Oscar Stiles, J G Vauhan, Esq.; Mrs H
In calling for these letters please say
advertised. JOHN W. BKOWN. P M
Excursion to Conneaut.
There willl»e a United Presbyterian
re-union held at Conneaut Lake, Thurs
day, August 18, 189 M. Special trains
will be run from Braddock, Sliarpsburg.
Butler, Oil City and Erie, stopping at
all intermediate stations. Very low
Kites of fare and splendid tr-iin service
have been arranged for, affording
United Presbyterians and their friends
an opportunity for a dpy's outing at the
most beautiful place to be found for
such an occacion. A gemnl invitation
is extended to all, whether United Pres
-1 byterians or not, to join 111 this outing.
Yellowstone Park ami Omaha
The Yellowstone National Park is un
questionably one of the most interesting
regions on the glybo, for vlthin it is
displayed the greatest collection of na
ture's manifold wonders Indeed, this
mountain-bound plateau, high up on
the summit of the everlasting rockies,
is a veritable play-groand for the
world's giant l'orces.
The personally-conducted tour of the
Pennsylvania Kailroad Company,
which leaves New York on September
1, affords the satisfactory means of
visitih« this wonderland and viewing
its marvelou features A stop of two
days will be made on the return trip at
Omaha affording an opportunity to
visit the Trans-MisnirtHippi Exposition
Tourist will travel by special train of
Pnllman smoking, dining. Bleeping, and
observation cars in each direction.
Eight days will be spent in the Park.
A stop will also be made returning »t
Chicago. The ronnd-trip rate, #285
from New York, Philadelphia, Balti
more, and Washington, s<2Bo from Pitts
bnrg, covers all necessary expenses.
For details itineraries and full Infor
mation apply to ticket agont. Tourist
[Agent, lltW Broadway, New York, or
' address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant Qener
!al Passenger Agent, Broad Street Sta
tion, Philadelphia.
—For bargains in valuable and desir
able residences inquire of Wallter ii Mc-
—Batler Fair. September-' ■. s
Wm M Ccwan bn« >k n returned to
: Court on a charge of a&b
The I. i • ri F.v v'::y ua* rl-i
! a municipal ii» i vs Mary A. lluKn
claims *
A C SlcQnistion has l>r>nt?ht ®ni*
in trespass vs Philip Winter rid
I -lsim? dama;?® ii. ?*OOO
Letters or .ulminL'tralim were ..rant
! <*l :o O. P. Graham on eatar,- of O. H
j P GtslMun, IV- Of t r .ii • Bj ;w;..
i VtH- Siug L-e .irt" '.t v>"ih a-tfciupted
j felony and oniglary w.-»? allvd to -»
ter into his owa ww|. ii; fin mob ->i
"i for hi? appearance fit W tpt«.-;L. • r
: term.
Bert Ci ilehlow has bten teUirned o
! Court on a charge of a reli
! gious iuee",.iig. Peter MHiidv on a
charge of larceny and a«cb. and ii »*
Crest on charges ol larceny !.« i-ai-'f
i and obtaining go<*is by fals • pretense.
Last Tuesday week. E. ; Uilgurist
had a hearing l»ef'>ie K-<i Anderson an
■j. charge of embezzlement. ; ic -rred by
Jos. SmitL, kuo '.leged > <« G- 1 .-.v. •
had collected coete »nd faii-d t-> tarn
tLein oyer, and w; * held for co'irt At
tV hearing the point was ra:sed 'hat
h -Ttini ce of tl>* P ace cor:.! •>'»• 1> sued
on that charge unless he had Im>pts l m>pts giv
er. 30 days uotice. lie appi ed for a
wr! of halrtsis corpus, and at i aear
ivc bdun con) I n—i ' y morning, bt
w>.- <li> • :irge.: and dir*ctei (» reiti a
the v.sts t tL Comity Co'. ssioner-.
The anio"i.» in dispute was- ft 00 and
E'i; .ay he w ': 1 I hnv«» p«;d
it on demand, after L»* receiv it.
Judge Bell of D.ai: >'.m-t> grante<l
an injunction to •! % Gardner, the
eldest son of Andrew G.-i of ij
ron ■ on Monday resiiain.ng toe latiier
froin marrying -Mro Sarai. L Oafliu.
of that plact. vhi oh hi was intent up
on doing. Th : i rother uuaonal method
of stopping a wedding wr.s the outcome
of the Gardner children' 2 displeasure at
their fath»-r's detenninai.on to uiarry a
woman whose repute iu the ccmmnr.-
itv is ,-uc'u that Mr. (iai luei would not
undertake a contract with iier *ere he
in his right mind. The conri was a->k
ed to appoint acoinniission in lunacy on
the old gentleman, but refnso<l to do ■< .
on fhe gronnd that such a petition
should be made in open court. Pend
ing such an action the couri granted
the injunction restraining all justices
or ministers of the gof-pel from ma'.Ty
ing the couple. Mr. Gardner is <iuit«
well off.
Property Tka.vsfew.s
G *\V Keistei to H Arblaster -id acred
in Sl.pperyrock for s">l.
Tobia; Mctder to G F Meedcr 48 acres
in Craiioerry for SI2OO.
Z P LaaiTer to Louisa Dunilach 100
acres in Connoq. for SO2OO.
Gertrude Burnett to Sarn'l Turk lot
in Hilliard for $175.
M J Gallagher to J S Sh ikeley 30
acres m Centre for SOOO.
W .1 riiliiard to J H Steen lot in Con
noq. boro. for iIOO.
.T TI Steen to O M Dambieh lot :l
Connoquenewiing boru for »'JdUO.
P Fenaeil to A cc W K R 4 acre.- in
Clearfield for S7OO.
P Fennel 1 to A 4 W R II lot- a Dear
view for sloo.
.1 W Filkntr to W L Falkner H acres
in Buffalo for ?!
Mitri iafrc License •
F. S. Nje.. Beaver Co
Delia Rodgcrs Lancaster twp
John M Mawhiney ... Vci. mgo twp
Emma M. Bicker Winfeld twp
Joseph Sing Butler
Minnie Maxwell Summit twq
At Mercer. Si. A. Keck ui uiove City
and Dessie McCainant ot Slipperyrock
Corporals and Sergeants.
At the meeting of the new Military
company last Friday night the follow
ing non-commissioned ofiicers were
appointed Firs* Sergeant—A G
Kelly, Second Sergeant—Rob 1 Mc-
Cotcheon, Third Sergeaut--J. O.
Mitchell, Fourth Sergeant—Clarence
Kelly, Fifth Sergeant W. P Parker
Corporals—J. G. Dunn A. G Cum
berland. W. R Eastman. H. H. Jack
sou. F. E. Kelly. Philip Coulter, Her
man Lie'oold, Jr., J. A McDowell
Company Clerk—A. J. Weigynti.
Those of the company present were
measured for uniform* and the balance
will be measured during the coming
week. The Adjutant General is any.
ions tc have the new guard equipped as
soon as possible. The uniforms will
be made at the state arsenal at. Harris
burg and the companies wilt lie fitted
out aa fast as the work can be done
Arms will also lie supplied in a few
The officers of the Butler company
hare received orders from Brigadier
General Miller to hold themselves it.
readiness to respond to telegraph orders
to report ;<t Franklin for the pnrjio.se of
elect ::g regimental officers.
Members of the new military com
pany who ba\e not yet had their meas
ure takeu are <lir':<'l< d to call :• t once a*
W. H. Young's in the Bickel building. I
The Season at l.ilj IJst'e.
Lily Dale, the chaiming resort on I
Lake Cassadaga. Mecca of the shining j
lights of spiritualism, attractive to all
who are curi-jns about methods of rub
her nee king into the myste-1
ries of the occult has a
larger attendance of visitors than
any season up to date. The program
offers many attractions. Among prom
inent people on the grounds are Moses
Hull, Mrs. C. P. Lillie, Dr W W.
Hicks, Mary Flizaboth Lease, Hon. A
Gaston. Dr. J. M. Peebles, of Battle
Creek, Mich., Ma lame De Ovies, wile
of a Spanish count, and many others of
more or less fame.
Mediums of all kinds are present in
force Among them is Campbell, the
man who paints beautiful oil paintings
of flowers and , birds between slates
while the "sitter holds them in his
hands. His rooms are furnished in ori
ental splendor. The Bangs sisters of
Chicago are also much in evidence.
Beside their exhibitions of independent
slate writing and paper writing, they
now furnish pictures of departed friends
to those who desire them sufficiently to
pay the fee. Pierre Keeler, one of the
most successful of mediums, is on hand
aud kept full of liusinfs"' Maggie
Wait is also there Pnndlt I.r.wlon, a
Hindoo Tbeosophist, in full native cos
turne and in chargo of an American
lady manager attracts much attention
- -Franklin Spectator.
Attend the State Normal School
At Slippery Rock, Butler county. Best
advantages in music, methods, form
study, drawing, etc. Expenses only $54
for 16 weeks. 1-all Term begins Septem
ber 5, 1.598.
The Pennsylvania Railroad's
Popular Excursions to the
August. 1M is tin. date of the List Penn
sylvania Railroad low rate twelve-day
excursion to Atlantic City and the prin
cipal South Jersey seashore resorts. A
special train of Pullman pari • • curs ai'l
day coaches wtll leave Pittsburg oi
above mentioned date at 6.55 A. M
arriving at Altoona 12 15 P M., where
stop for dinner will be made, reaching
Philadelphia 0.25 P. M. and arriving
Atlantic City, via the Delaware River
Bridge route, the only all rail line, at
8.40 I'. M Passengers may also spend
the night in Philadelphia, and proceed
to the shore !>y any regular train from
Market Street Wharf or Uroad Street
Station on August 19.
Tickets will be sold from the stations
at the rates named below.—
Rato. Train leaves
Pittsburg $lO 00 m.55 A. M
Tarentum 10 00 7.34
Natrona 10 00 7.8'.(
Butler 10 00 6.5»
Freeport 10 (X) 7.4»
Altoona (stop dinner) 800 12 85 P. M
Philadelphia... Arrive.... 8.85
Atlantic Oity ..Arrive 6 40
Tickets will also be good on regular
trains leaving Pittsburg at 4.80 and 8.10
P. M., carryiug sleeping cars through
to Philadelphia and Atlantic City.
For detailed information in regard to
rates and time of trains apply to ticket
agents, or Mr. Thomas K. Watt, Dis
trict Passenger Agent, Pittsburg.
I • Bntirr Fair. Sei>tember
I Phihp Scuert kof Minerva O is vi-
I iting ir Btitlw.
W. C Fiudley, ha* returned
j from hie ani.-g.
Win He-rinbormoi of Jefferson twp
i v.-as in town, Tuesday
I Yv" T McKinney r.ud son ot Concord
j twp. wt-e in tcwn. Tuesday.
| Murt liiiwa wta t •
! V» to look for a :ob yesterday
>fj- : i Ch&- Adaws, of St Lou > *8
I v*ri ■ iu hoi ilftUir.- L. H«rury
?.ir> Al Walter i- visit in .'- net i-aiei t -
Mr and i!r- Ed 3r,wn « Cairo .V
C. A. l>ail*y and family, r. II Mur
phy an<! V K PhillijM". ar»* at Cbantar;-
'l ua -
MisaAhce McFaria 1 »l Allegheny
i.- t.if s? 31 ?s t«. ra -.i. < - tler
<vr ■•■t.
Mr* E L. Wi-ods, of Ureal lieit .s
visiting Mr*. <i li. Kennedy of the ->th
Rev. Decker and v. n - of West sin!,
bnry retmnfd Thnivday from i
{-ir. p 3a t
prof 11L..11 ot Thai College is spei. : i
..he su.i.aur it Zclienci-ie He i.- :n
poor health.
.vlitis .'ertb* McCantile.ss of Frank.in
twp. i- visiting r'-iends u Clarington
1 i*. i; Coon ; v
A. T. Brown and wife of Cochrauton.
are the pr.fft.-- of Wt.. ?•? Johnston ol
Farview Ave.
Mias Phelie Keener of Lawrence
comity is visiting Mi-- Ella Brisker of
Sarvers Station
Ed Simmo* s. wife ard family were
the guests of J. W Millers of Mercer
street. last week
Miss Bernice Meals of the Clerks
ciftice, relntmd houie from a six weeks
stay at Chantauijoa.
Mi .- Wilkin j. cf Pittsburg, is th.-
gnest of her sister Mrs llarvey Boy.l
of th>* First Ward
A. B C. McFaria: d Em;, has return
ed trorn a month s \ it-it with re!ativ» -
in sonthern Ohio.
Alex Dtinba. of Clearfield county, a
brother of Dan and '-ol visited hu
folks here last week
T- " Alexander came la-k from W
Vir»inv«, yesterday, but don't fret
about it, he's going back soon
Andy Carnegie paid a million dollars
for the castle of Skiho aud 20,00i> acres
of lami on the north coast of Scotland
Yv. 8 Kiskaddon and wife of Kar
kak.-e, til. visiting hi? parent* here
They b; tli hold us in the hospi
tal there.
W. .T. Marks of Bntbr and Adam
Ekaa of Efcaustown have been drawn as
jurors for the U. S , court at Williams
pr-rt next month
L> F. Hiiiiard of Ea«t Erook. Law
rer.ee Co drove over to Butler yen.er
daj He' engaged in gardening ther>
for the New Castle market.
lean Kennedy oi Auanis twp. was in
town, Monday, trying to buy a houna
doir to Kill some foxes that have been
annoying biui. His P O. is Mrirs.
John Williams of Co E eunie home
Wednesday morning, in cuarge of the
body of Albert Waters. C. K Smith
and Howard Hi<zlett, who bad b<-»-n in
the hosmtf.l '••-itue on si.nie train.
Messrs Howard Painter, Fred EVas.
J M Dight, I N Dyke C. H. Wol
ford. E. E. Graham and S. L. Chees
man are mentioned a ; candidates for
Connty Superintendent.
Messrs Brown. Graham, Stronp and
Strawick of Co. E came home last Sat
nrday When they left eamp Messni
W;itf«"s, O'Donnell Haslett snd Smith
were in the hospital.
Charley Johston, the enterprising
merebant tailor of Piospect, iins recei/
eil ft large and tine stock of patterns for
the coming fail iind winter trade. A i
a merchant tailor Air Johnston is very
favorably spoken of by all of his custom
Horace G. Meals who is studying at
tte Dmtal College iu Cincinnati is
spending tfc« suuiuifi .tt home; and lii.
friend Lewis Black of Franklin is visit
ingliiiu. Mr. Black is a graduate of the
Boston Conservatory of music, and sang
in two of fnir churches last Sunday.
W. A. Fonjuer and Cal. Anderson are
on the committee to meet at Bedford
Springe next Wednesday for the i>tir
pose of formally notifying the Demo
cratic tioßiincc:) of their noi.iination.
It i.s a seeming incongruity to locat.
a Detii •eratic committee at r. Water iuj.-
Dr. J. C. Atv.-ell a recent graduate of
the Medico Chirnrgica! College, Phila
delpbia, and well-known in this place,
has decided to iocate in Butler. Tb
doctor is a young man of estimable
character and nas shown eu\ mble abili
t\. II has a large nnmhrir of friends
in this place who join the in
wishing him abundance of success
Slipperyrock Signal.
County Fairs.
Kittanning—August 28 26.
Parker August 80 September-2.
Tarentum August 80 September 2.
Butler—September f.-tt
Greenville—September 7-9.
Clarion September 20-28.
Stonboro —September 20-23.
Meadville—September 27 30
Mercer September 27-29.
Greensburg September 27 -30.
$1.50 Excursion to Kinzua
l»! i«lge.
Sunday Aug 14th IS9B via P. <.V W
On the above date the P. & W. wiil run
a special excursion train to Kinzua
Bridge and return, leaving Butler at ■i:-
80 central time arriving at bridge at
10:15. Returning train well leave the
Bridge at 3 1' M. arriving Butler at
9:i5, fare for the raund trip 81:50.
Reduced rates via Pennsylvania
Itailroad for Mount Gretna
Farmers* Exposition.
From August 15 to 19, inr-lusive, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell, for the above occasion, lound-trip
tickets to Mount Gretna and return at
rat* •if one far for the round trip, from
principal stations between East Liberty
and Bryn Mawr.
These tickets will be valid for return
passage until August 22, inclusive.
For information in regard to train
service and specific rates application
should be made to ticket agents.
Vacation Trip-
Visiting Watkins Glen. Niagara
Falls. Thousand Islands, Quebec, Mon
treal. Au Sable Chasm, Lake Cbam
plaiu and Lake George, Saratoga, and
tii: Highlands of the Hudson. Leave
Philadelphia by s. ecial traui August 1«»
The tour will be in charge of one of the
company's tourist agents. An exj»eii
enced chaperon will also accompany
the party, haying especial eliarge of
unescorted ladies.
The rate of SIOO from New York,
Brooklyn, Newark. Trenton. Philadel
phia, Harrisburg. Baltimore, and Wa V
ington covers railway and boat fare for
the entire round trip, parlor-cars seats
meals en route, hotel entertainment,
transfer charges, carriage hire in fact,
every item of necessary expense.
For detailed itinerary, tickets, or any
additional information, address Tourist
Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany, ll!)»; Broadway, New York; 800
Fulton Street. Boooklyn, 7-jii Broad
Street, Newark, N J.; Geo. W. Boyd,
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia.
Notice to Wool-Growers.
Messrs. Troutnnn's Sous requiring all
the room tlicy have for their own busi
i ness, I have changed my location to
Graham Bros.' grocery store, just across
the street from my old location with
' Troutman's, wdiere I will be gl id to see
(all my former wool friends, assuring
them of fair treatment, and the market
price in cash for theii w >ol. Troutmans
wish to state that they liu.ve gone out of
I the wool-buying business altogether
Wa, P. RuaiiuiKGiiK
Mrs. M ug.-.re Dutn nr. -f
Statin who Htm with hg ma Daniel.
1 fel! njx>n *he a week or two
an.i fra -tured her thigh G»ne.
I Henry S: .•• if \V.-»-hington twp
tell from -be iaow i" :be thn-a U
tioor of Rsy .- bam iaet Thtirsilay. and
'was =t-r ; . -is'y n 1 ins 1 . ills hea«'. W*H
j cut. ;nd be wi< it >i" Unconscious t y
1 the fait But he is reeovermg again
Miss Mollie Crsig fell from -ier
bicycle at C-.uueaut Lak- >,.iu> d.iys
ago. and siibi jiaed injurit • thu bavt
tn-ide her li lpless s> nee.
An Italian niilroa' 1 workman had ins
leg broken while yi work at l artx'U
v -:.tr" Tuestlay H-- was : r.jugr.t to
the new hospital, where l)r shnitis at
tended h s r.'.jrri ■•••
Jo a." (. aiT, was s track by a P iV S\
train in yesterday, but WHS
net seriously injured.
Ch&s X« tt. al-Harris»-ille was cut
oc the hand bv tui h:.e !N of a bn sin t
some time ago. and blaoil poisoning iias
set in.
iL» -Vnious.
Bntler Fair. September 6. V. s 9.
the Lutherans •. Western Penvsyl
yann. will hold their annual reunion
.ir lillewild Friday August l'2th.
The Sixth Annual reunion of the
Sloan fvtuily will be '.el; in the Mat
th< w B]< b (jrore near E'i Clair on
Thursday tis-' 20th iast.
Th" date tixe<l by 'he committee of
thellihßegt. 1' K. Y. C. associati-11
for their !'th bi-annual reunion has been
at request of the citizens of Scottdale
changed from Oct.. 1 ;r 1 "th to Sept
' s«'s and will be held on Friday t'ep'
at Scottdale
The third aur.nal reunion of the
Lutherans of rn IY»l v
vania will b held at Conneant Lake • 1
Wednesday Ann- 1 Tth ai premises to
be largely attended from this p!.-ue It
is probable that the f'hicorn Lutberans
will also be represented, as an effort is
being made for a spe- ial train from that
Special train leaves the P & W d<
pot it 7-yit A M. a>d by arrongiaent
ticn»'ts wii/ oe goml tor r \s.. itajr
Fare (Ml, children under 13—50 c.
C'osing Out Auction Saie
Of all tbe 1. 1 "nd -.-v aar olds on
the SheiTett Stock Farm Every animal
sound and i.aii i.-ome anfl v. -v promis
in; Every one bred right in the purpl<
ot Tennessee's best bred pacing stock.
Hal Braden .Ir . brown h >rse foaleil
ISOi, ,- re, lial Lr;wie>i, ti 07r Dam
Queen Private the dam of Qnnen
i'omter a titij, isixth heat of a winning
race by High Private, Hireoi tin dan,
of Miss Jennings 4 08}, son o? Volnn
teer 1. sire of St .Talian 2:11. Note
This horse is soiiiid every respect itnd
i.s very fast
Lei a Brooks, bay mare foaled isii j.
sire. Rattler Brook:-. 2:23, =ire of Clara
J 2:11. Dam Qneen Pnvjta, dam of
Queen Pointer, 2:".'O T [li_-h Private,
sire of the dam of Mhs Jennings. 2:OSJ.
by Yolunteer Vot Lelia Brooks is £
very speedy mare, having 110 mark
She has went 1 mil Ids year in , 23,
eighth iu ltll seconds. She is good for
a mile in 8:15 or better thi.: year.
Hal Prival- bay colt foeled 1697, sir?.
Masktr. r>am. Queen Private, dan ol
Quecu Pointer, 2--M. by High Private.
Hal T. bay colt foaled 1897, sin
Masker. D im, Sally Hopkins Sail, dam
of Daisy Hopkins, '55. by ,J'«n Fisk
Mi*t> Masker, roan filly foaled ItOT.
sire, Masker. Dam. Ida Hardee, by
Watson's Haidec. .ti <iat" by Brooks.
Hal Hardee, bay gelding foaled IH9.>,
sire, Hal Braden, 2 Dam, Ida
Hardee, by Watson'? Hardee.
Lookout Hal, bay colt foaled 1 stH>
sire. Masker, sire t»f Patsy D. 2:15.
Domino Pointer, 2:19, trial ~':10; and
others by Brown Hal, First dam
Tommie Hunter by Lay Tom. £:23
Second dam. Winnie Hunter by Prince
Pulaski. Note Lookout Hal is a nice
big rangy colt. Will show a mile in
2:40 or better on dav of sale. Sound in
every way, and is a fast, natural pacer
Lady Hal, 1 two-year oldt, brown filly
foaled 1 *9O, sire Masker. Son of Brown
Hal, 2:12t. sire of Star Pointer, t :*»'.»j
Hal Dillard 2:o4jr, Hal Braden 2 (>7-1
Dam, Sally Hopkins, dam of Daisy
Hopkins. 2:25, by Jim Fisk. Note—
Laay Hal is a very promising filly. She
will show lailes in 2.40
HaK'e Collier, brown filly foaleil I*9';.
sire, Masker, sire of Patsy D, 215
Domino Pointer, 2:19f. Dam, Mattie
Collier, dam of King Hal. by Old Ben
Geo. Hal, brown colt foaled 1890, sire
Masker. Dam. Queen Private, dam of
Queen Pointer, 2:20 i, by ffia'ii Private
Ed. Hal, brown colt foaled 1897, sire.
Masker. Dam, Tommie Hunter, by
Bay Tom. 2:23 Second dam Minnie
Sale to commence at one o'clock at
Kittanning, Pa. Saturday August 20,
1898! Terms made known at sale
Catalogue upon applies tion.
W. E. Title Y.
Cbicora. Pa
L. H. Bean, Auctioneer.
.Stray !fogs.
Come to the premises of the subscriber
in Jefferson twp., nef'- Frazier's Mill,
on or about August Bth. 1898, one white
brood sow, aud three large shoats—two
white and one black, all sows.
The owner is requested to come for
ward prove property, pay charges and
take them away, otherwise they will IKS
disposed of according to law
W\ Hegimn itii \M .
Saxonburg P. O. Pa'
Kcduccd Kates to Grangers' I'ic
uie at AVilUams' Clrove via
Pennsylvania Kailroail
For the accommodation of persons
desiring to attend this interesting pic-
Nic and exhibition the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will sell "xenrsion
tickets from August 2? to September 3,
good to return until September 5, inclu
sive, at rate of one faro for the round
trip, from principal citations between
East Liberty and Brvn Mawr.
For information in regard to train
service and special rates application
should be made to ticket agent.
l T ur blank applications and instructions
how to apply for reduction of So [>er
cent, of taxes on timber lands send 25
cents to J. A. HKYDRICK & SONS,
Civil Engineers,
Butler, Pa.
| Sunday to Allegheny.
Commencing Sunday May 22nd and
until further notice the Pittsburg and
Western R it will sell excursion tick
et:- to Allegheny every Sunday for traiu
leaving Butler *:!•*> A. M. city
good to return on afternoon trains date
of sale. Fair for round trip 73 cents.
It yon want a Bicycle or your old one
repaired go to White Walter iV Co.
largest stock in County. Bicycles for
—Ask your physician if lie does not
think a sojourn at Cambridge Springs
would do you good If you need rest
and nature's touic, good mineral water,
he will answer, "Yes." Ilr.tel Rider of
feis accomodations equal to the best.
Send for circulars.
—New Spring and Summer gocxls ar
riving every day (prices much BELOW
LAST YEARS PK1C1,3.) ;at The Peo
ples Store.
—Are you overworked and in need of
rest and ijuiet? Hotel Pider, Cambridge
Springs, 13 the place for you. All the
comforts of home together with 'lie
best medicinal waters known A week's
sojourn will make you ten years young
er. Write for circular".
—Music scholars wanted, at 128 W.
Waytie St.
|IH _i" delivered to all parts of the
" v town, evtiy day. Leave or
ders at
■42 Main St
Of Interest to You.
1 Parties wishing to engage in the livery
I business, callMcElvain for
i locationjUui^H
Xi:itiliUOliliool» NOTI-IS.
v.'-ert '. in 1, f Ilayfie'. 1«w ;
Crawford county while a-'-isting :n
threshing on th. Lane £:.rm fell fro-:, a
u.it into .lit ..i' U..ring his n f -r
i leg from his boo v and lujnritg hira .a
' ten n!lv !!t ii.-l tvo hours' Inter
While George Hertsog wa- mowing
;in Fayette conii.y, thi mow . ran over
ab:gsnal:e The horse.-, ran vS wiih
J ti;e lnachiDr', while a inocnter suaki* ran
I off rapidly towards ii.e -voods. It es
I raped. Th;- newer had < it »i 7 five feet
: and a half ot the tail of the r»- t >ti'R at d
i wli.ii was i- it appeared to be -U fe- '
long. This is sapposed to be the uio:i
<Vi' --li ,k.- ti'at h.iS :i tciroi to t<»;;t
|i uimni.: ty ijr ycf.r.. In lss;i he snaLe
; «u> M?en stieic'aed oui alonit' a log s
1 r.iiiL' ii-'f-n and wa.»
J wliioh rod 22 ffot Sin, e rheti t
• has been a evi i y -niiimt rin the -°aine
i vicinity
i Onite a number of robberies be'"
j -atelv occurred ir Grove Citv Barkev
■ rilleai d IBn m
, ..t <»a!loway. Venango ooanty, .Sat
j urday eveidng a 5-year-old child if
i Chari's K in■« diwpjwared tr*. i ':■
j home ani ..li efforts to fia<l it xailrd
I after an ait night search. Next mcri -
I in;: the body of the '-hi'.l was fotnl
jdrown».T in a ■ >arr j . of water at its
Iti rue. I: had let a llojtiug a toy bo*i
lon the water, and losing its balance,
fell into the bfirrel
j Ttie gla-4 plant at Dlair.-ville wiil
mxjti be Ji>d again. Souic months
| -since a partv came and propose !
jifasicil was raised for them
the;, would op»-ra ; e tbe plant The
money was sul -cribed r.nd the works
start<kl P-nt after a few months' opera
tions th; compsny he*- ma le the ~i;
: a .me menr that the ix»ncvrn i? not bi-r
I eroutrh for thi;.; the rai'road fa< ilitif j
too limited and they must pull out.
Th.. next town to give them a bonus is
not mated. We vt..ture the prediction
that the next COL ;- that tackles the
Bloirsvill* people for a bonas will get .
very cold reception.
About a year ;-gc at nearly the sauie
time, two families named
aud Shellimlim.-r. residing in Barrel I
township. Armstrong conntv. were
gagged, bound and robbed by unknown
men. L. st week two .ni- >. were I mdei
in jail nt Kittanin'ig caarged w h th>
crimes. They are Peruiiuns Ecker and
Labanna Eckor. brothers, who then
lived at Panllon V\ estm-jrelanucounty
acros.-' the river from Apollo. Permi
nns Eeker has ni de a co;if, sion. in
which he implied,ed two other men
one named Coffey, and tue other's
identity he tried to r onceal The ofii
curs. b-'i«tving his b.other Lal«ntu> wa.
implicated, arrested him and he was ta
ken to Kittann.ri:- Coffey's where
r.bouts are not kr ov. n.
Has tne Coniiience of Wage
Never a week day f;oes by but new de
positors place iheir surplus earnings for
safe keeping in the Pittsburg Bank for
Savings, No. 210 Fourth avenue, Pitts
burg, Pa. It has thousands of depositors,
and assets of over *3,500,000. For thirty
six years this brui has steadily increased
the volume of its business notwithstand
ing war, panics aud hard times, and has
;ained the confidence of wage earners
without uua oer. Four ;>er cent interest
is always p. id or '.ime denosi s. You
can lian'c by mail Write for informs
—We have jo large U. S. flags—Art
you going to put one cn your building'
Send si/e and ask for price Shnman &
Bros., 414 Wood St.. Pittsburg, Pa.
Any ot oar readers needing gas stover
■jr gas luugi'S, gas ; routs or any gas sav
ing will find it a financial sav
itij' to call at the store of W. H.
O'P "on & Son -on East Jefferson St.
and get prices on the extensive line they
have on exhibition. TI ey ure also
agents for the celebrated WelsbacL
Light, of which more than 1200 were
old in Butler, last year.
—Job,work ot al! idr-ds done at tbe
Cirz;.N C'KKICS.
Letters testamentary on the estate o 1 1
Sara' 1 Jane Cranmer, dee'd., (widow o. |
Israel Cranmer, dee'd.,) lite of Centre
twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been grant- 1
ed to the undersigned, all persons know !
ing themselves indebted to said estatt
will please make immediate payment,
and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
j. L>. McJTNKIN, Ex'r..
Butler, Pa.
Letters testamentary 011 the .state of
Robert Trimble, Esq., dee'd., late of
Middlesex twp., Butler Co., Pa., having
been granted to tkt undersigned, ail
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment and any having claims against
saiil estate will present tliexn duly au
thenticated for settlement to
Plick P. 0.,
W A. DENNV, Butler Co., I'a
Mcjunkin & Galbreath, Att'ys.
N .
Are Not All Gone
We have a fot of Monarch shirts
made of Garners percales former
price /1.50 now going at 75c.
33 l-3per cent Olf
on all wiuter underwear and lots
of broken sizes going at one half
We Still Hive
a few of those $5, Jj and fhats
in the Hollar sale
We Have About
five dozen fine wool top shirts in
( Black and Brown shades, worth $2,
aud *250, we are offering them at
J1.25. Come in and tell us what
you need and see if we canno
supply you.
Buiicr County National Bank,
LJullcr Penti,
Capital paid in - - fix), 000.00
Surplus and Profits - $114,647.87
Jos. Hartman, "President; J. V. Ritts,
Vice President; C. A. Bailey. Cfl hier;
John G. McMarlin, Ass't Cashier.
I Ren rat banktni? buslne transacted.
Intel' ..1 paid on tluu deposits.
V >ney loaned ori approved security
Wi invito you to open an neeouut with this
)' 111 L
DIKIX'TOttS-Hon. Joseph ilarln it, I! -n.
VV S. \Vn Ulrou, Dr. »v St Moovci 11. Mc-
Hn'ri'iiiv, K. E. A bruins. C. I'. <'o)|lu.s 1 H.
Smith. Leslie I'. Ilazlett. M. I'lneß in, W.
W. It. Larktn, ''dm Humphrey, l)r. W.
M. i'rn.l!. ss, lieu Mt s ..».-.h, J.e\t >l. Wise
J. V. Hilt--'
Subtsrcibe (or The Citizen.
Our Method
i)oii>£| business
Wo v:!! •■lent vour
pafrotttige. Our* is not the
or!v store in Butler but
»e <Jo *rr te make it srcH
a rl.tce t;> t.vy * '".ir imps
tnelictt»(' a" to vin
vnur con fide ucc ' d se?ur«-
your pa'.onjsje. I>o not
coec to our st;-re for cheap
drug.4. We d- —.'t
j them. Nothing but the
best lit.ds a place in our
! store and every article
i bearing <u;i rmuie's -*nar
j anteed to oe jus hs re:>re
| -ented 01 you can j;et vour
, noney oack. V» e buy the
I best, sill the besl, V»r-p
• the Lest and lecoinnlfciui
the lest It is t'ais meth
od that has brought to
our store a 'arge and de
have never dealt at our
.'.Ol c we wonid be pleased
to have you £a..i. We try
lok-tpev rythiugthat ij
likely to be called t-.r ;n
our line .»ut it \.e sliouid
not have nliat ou .-> ut v.* v.il! frankly
I tell you 'o and '<s \ \ std to get it
fou you at the possible moment.
We give vo i \ '•. t you *..= * x "<> su'ost
I'itious permitted. Let us f t ii you.
prescriptions, Respectfully,
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
By virtue of ax* oriler txui r»f th«
Orp' an«' i!rt cf P'r!- .•• n. ij. T» . tuad
:it No. Ta of Marcti term. \ •> of Court
t!u* undt rsijii d .nlmi llstiat »i of .)%%■■< st:it
of J n;es t'riswell. I:» -■ of *' wnv : p.
ooun j a.iri «if »j. -iiiiJ. dee'd., v.lJl offer
for -.lie :it pa* !ic vendue on the c
>ATUIi: AV. A. S'i Ci', lv .
ri! lo' p >f -• i(Wj •V. ;t! ' <'♦ ' T :j.■.
tr.ict cf i.iritJ v.ua>t''j ; n \ . i. liutle •
(.0.. >*t< •' IVaii^y« vanfn tjonnded n«»rih
by ! r.'l- Cik>. • ' 'n ir ."i 1 Park
• '"iv !»y . *ikll 'f >,truu* I PAlk r.i•-«» s (
Mcri'tt sntith by l«!nd of John IVirr . !
PurvU. iatf w* st i»y i.» kil* <>( l\
K* axicfiy's :i«»i»s, .1 Lv it :ik ,t:id o>»\-
ort tielr*, CC tain'.ntr If>' : !re- i n • ' !
with I! fram< dwvlhnir <ne n -tr *
cw: 1 b:w i..«t:: .. .. > . *iur ov t
Jc.r ! Laud sftuv; 1 Li /;■. .Mar-i
froil • - will di !" St W Rj .
Convenient to -Lur « and schools. Lami
in coiKiit. 'u -.it 3 wvil waiei-t d, wt'il
itdupie.t io ti .!• sUn -.Mi-iii/ general
fart>'.injr purooses. Cu be i! tmd l"' |s
lerrltorv i**« eveloit •« .
TKR.uS i I' SA I K • it ii ilf i tu • • ir
'hi. .m in ii» v n» »e j.i i-< t»u i-ontirmation u
sale hy the t »urt n ' the otWr half in «>u»*
v t :»' •» : ' • i;' • f,. t«"» Vr .♦ 'Ure<
•y bond :i»ui murtu.ico on \ii< premises, with
u>nal waivers and . 'oruey's Mission.
K'»Br ur Kii)i» Adm'r.,
Myoma. Pa
McJunkin & Oiilbi. iih \tty\. ." tier. Pa
betters testamentary on the estate of
John Sipe, dee'd., 'ate of Clearfield twp.,
Butler county, Pa., having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
please inakr imrtediatc payment, aud
i:iv having claims said estate
V ill ; t -eni .nm, \. r ?rlv putenticated
for settlement to
EMEUNB Slit. Arim'i..,
Coyiciville, Pa.
'.etters of administration on the
of Emtna Sbrader, dee'd., lnte of Cutlei
borough, But'er Co., Pa., baxing been
to the undert': :ied, all persou.--
knowing llienuclvos indebted to said
estate will please mate mrnjdiate pav
cieut.and any having c'a'.w- '.gainst sa'd
»! 'te will present theniduly authenticat
cd for settlement to
W. B SfiSAi cs, ldin'r.,
Butler, Pa.
W D. Brandon Att'v.
I,ettcro testamentary 0:1 the estate ol
I.M.ae Kepple, dee'd. iate ol Pair view
township, Butler county, *'a., having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make inifc»:diate
payment, and any having claims against
the same will presc 1 them fcr settle
ment to
WM. L. KEPi'tE, P.x'r.,
Peacnvilie, Pa.
C. Wat.kisß, Att'y.
Whereas, letters of s - .minis 1 ration have
been is.-,ueil t< tin- t'u- idei :gued in th'*
es.ate of William A. Anderson, late of
Middlesextownsh:; . Butler comity, T'a.,
dee'd., nonce is hereby givcu to all
persons indebted to the said decedent to
call and settle, and all persons lia\ ing
claims against the same w ill please pre
sent them duly authenticated for pay
ment to SaRaK ] AND3RSON,
Administratrix of
William A. Anderson, dee'd ,
Plick, Butler Co., Pa.
S F. (\: A. L. Bowser, Att'ys.,
Butler. Pa.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Margaret J. Mcßride, dee'd, late oi Mid
dlesex township, Butler county, Pa,,
having be-, granted to llic uudeisigueJ,
ail persons kuowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them, dul> fro
bated, for settlement to
JOHN Ex'r.,
hakerstowii, Pa
Letters testamentary on tk« estate of
John S. Love, dee'd, laic of Clinton twp..
Cutler county, fa., having been granted
to the undersigned, ail person? knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
please make imir.cdifc.te payment, and
any having c1r.i..... against said esiate
will present them duly probated for
settlement to W. H. LOVE, Ex'r.,
Riddles X Roads, Pa.
W. D BRANDON, Att'y.
Letters of administration on the estate
of Harriet Thompson, dee'd., iateof Claj
twp.. Butler 10., Pa., having been grout
ed to the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves ire ebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment,
and any having claims against said estate
will present them duly authenticated feu
settlement tu
R. C. THOMPSON, Adm'r.,
Elora, P. O.
\V. C. PIJfDX.£Y, Att'y.
Letters of administration C I. A. uu
the estate of Nancy C. Stewart, dee'd.,
late of Centre twp., Butter Co., Pa., hav
ing Wen -ranted to the umkisigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
:>aid estate will please make immediate
payment, aud any haviug claims against
said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement l >.
Adinr. C. T. A.,
Mt Chestnut, Pa.
J. P. Mcjunkin, Att'y.
Letters testamentary on the will of
t Richard G. ?*els'.j, late of Middlesex
township, Butler county, Pennsylvania,
j dec d., haviug been gar ted by the Reg
ister of said county lo the undersigned
Executors thereof Therefore all persons
kii'>wiiiK themselves indebted to the
estate of said deceased are requested to
make speedy payment, and those bavin*
claims against said estate can present
them properly authenticated for settle
ment to
11. M. i ARKS,
T. A. PARKS, Executors.
E. Mcjunkin Att'y. Glade Mills. Pa.
159 South,, .—i^street.
Over bbaut Nut's Chaoui* store 1
# A L<
g i
We wish to raiWc room for our -all and J
W 1 %) the month of August, will srll oui summer €r
'4| W K oo^3 whf.fc left .. unit;:, nnces. U %
<ft Look aruund, hunt up the "BARGAINS"
r fK offered in <• htt vc i , -r, ai . .id »k k
fv* A if w« Jo nc. i*:i you rixkl vvell rr.adc ciotfc- f
j / - ! y r.g lor less montv than you ever bought it jf >
I *1 v / fo' be'oic then don't buy. y W
b i> Yours For Clothing, U f
Pa %ooo6N»««=i»c. ccic J
| i
<Paniaioons at 1-2 Their Value, j
<Wc wi;l win<l up ibL months f
business with colors flyi ij* While f
east in the clothing market bought \
i the entire stock of pantaloons (fepring ' Q
S aai! Snninnr weight) of the well 1: P.TOJ Man- J
i;fru*t't:vs, Cohen. OoMnjan & Co . (>Sj Broadway, \
/ New York, at 50c 011 the dollar of cost of manufactur- '
V ing same. We hail to buy all and the price was tempting j
t and we row have Soo pair of pants to ofifsr you \t a price unheard of. C
C A 2)2.00 pair of pants our price 3i.to J
J A 53.00 pair of pants our pi ice Si.6o C
V A $3.50 pair of pants our price Si 90 £
{ A pair of pants ou- pnee 52.10 \
A 54.50 pair of pany; our price $235 £
*» A pair of pants cur price C 2.75 #
A f6 00 pair of pants our price $3.25 \
\ Ask to be show a these pants whether V
J you v-ant p pair or not. no trouble whatever, r
jShaul 3c Nast, <
5137 South Wain St.. i
Dutler. Pa. C
? ssssss« !|
# 50 Dozens Ladies Handerchiefs 'Slightly Soiled) (I
# Regular Value 12 1-2 and 15c. Sale Price 7c or 4 for 25c. ('
C w
f Clearance Sele Continued this Week. 4
J 106 S. MAIN ST., Butler. $
S *
Every man should emoy the fruit of his labor.
No man should eat or drink to excess, but a little
Wine, Whiskey, Brandy, Gin or most any kind
of liquor will not only stimulate, but aid digestion,
gives good circulation, builds muscle, helps you to
think, and in general saves many a doctor bill.
Every \v>ell regulated family should have a good
stimulant in the house, especially at this season
of the year.
Send your orders direct to Max Klein
for anything in the liquor line.
Whiskies, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00 and 4.00 per gallon.
Wines, Brandies and Gins, 2 00. 2.50 and 3 00 per gallon.
Expressage paid on all orders
of $5 oo and over. Send for
catalogue, mailed or applica
tion.—The largest and best
selected stock in Pennsylvania
to select from.
Wholesale Liquors,
Practical Horse Shoer
Formerly Horse Shoer at the
Wiclc lioupe has opened busi
ness in a shop in the rear of
the Arlington Hotel, where
he ivill*«lo Horse-Shoeing in
the'most approved style.
I earson B. Nace's
Livery ~eed and Sale Stable
Rear of
Wick House, Butler, Penn'a,
The bost of horses and first class rigs al
ways on hand and for hir« .
It« -t :> "omtDodations In town for JH lOlH
nent bo. t Inj: and transient trade.
al care * uaranteed.
Stable Room For 65 Horses.
A u< '< ><i class of horse !>«>th drivers and
draft tmrx'H always on tinnd and for s*Ut
under a full Kuurantfo; and horses l»>u»rht
upon proper notlttcat • i l»y
'elephoßc. No. 21H.
buobcrioe tor Uo Cix;ix*«
Hoardi « uul Day School tor Olrls. New
i- uk, Ilullrtfnß ready tor Fall Term,
f weßular. Odleße Preparatory, and Elective
tourse*. Sp«(el:il aUvaiilitatM lu Music,
(-locution mid Art For c.it;iloeue address
MRS. Si. S". McMlI.LAfi, Principal.
; Walker & Wick,
Insurance and Real Estate
Otrv a s/xcialked Hread- winning Edo:*&m-
P. DUFF & SONS, 244 Fifth Avenue,