Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 04, 1898, Image 4

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    m >II mi ill f»ii
mb r the m ne $
len you iy
0 again
t ••**>'* •" *^
*\, Be' , mcr £ !
Tr: "•- i N ■>. 14, f > i'l A, M;
V> „' ••.. , r i P. M. Butler time
" T- airs --tite: :Vx I, 9:55 A. M: No
II '. ", P. M. Bniler time
S K : i '-ts '.'-' T .".S-I i> I '.."it !Usl (• U
r--Mr. shW. I* Y. *:?. *■ "i? <r
Junction for Franldin an.l Oil City,
a. v. "'.V Y L K <i V? ■>.■ 8b r: >n
f r t enct. S ° r-.ti°
:.' .>avi to Mo-ulvillc aai "1 ' -*' l
WN v & P '>r Fn" v 'i" '.nd Oil
City. W. B TtthXER. Tic 1 : ft Agwnt.
*- Rill way Schedule r ■ I':,s
--f • - Traim In effect 5,
109 S. Butler Time.
I !»<• . i. I Arnv».
All* »h'V * \nOOBUBOChUiOII fi .. M 9 1.
All. y "Fly«r 1 J 1 *
y- V ' '..r*! AmOBOM) Ift -iiß. .. . 1 ' F
A?": K-J •« ; > .'.M 7<" ?Jl
. ACegfa«* n £xpn«< |3 * :*.a; 4 3»»
Allnjhi ' " •; «:• „
C 1:. I?T : ... .. ... 3"» „
Ai.'ifl ; 5 , u | P •>»
Alii.-h ur "Fljw" JJJ
EH food Aooor.
Ch:. r.H .1 I} r " :i; *-*
K i* *JVJ Br&aicH jO V.:;. • - • M
CUriva A:-m anodic r . ... > '*-• '•• ' A - M
T .rvY ZBAIV*.
AJWiiPiiT .1 815 aji & 32 44
AH*:iy Ac num.***! * * 30 f.W
y. -a * irc- c #n - • **
(.' . s.'Tit L . J 3 4 r»
r.y Acc>miaodadon 7 03 "
T tJo t, riring at 4 " ?!. & ( >. dn\ioi.
Pit r.ru 13.»*> pjn c ic 1 3.1
p in.
K u.i 4 »ck -f-s i ■ uli poJat* in t» " th
r «•)'.. tui rr.rtioti , ro»i* *,
trm;* or trtiaj, et». ajv .• >
W. «. TI'TJN'EB, TL- u-
R B. KKTNOLD6, Bup't, Bitlfr, i'a.
F'jxbur*. C IT.
1 uiiitOlu i iiltia so&D.
ix ''r.'U X '\. J , - ~.
soCIH. Vi.EK. I'.'.VS
A.M.;A.M. A.M. : Jl 1 M.
P'-Tfc3.3 ' •< 25] > '!1 ~ 2 <•"'
K„» •».,.* .... » : • • fti 8:. '!l ) U
Jucjtfcm. ' ! 7 27! r .- r,;;
1 it. • t ;J u. .Le» " SO; v ? ' 1
Nats-or.j . . .Anive. 7SB !• fl IS -■ «(«
ari*.;r-1. ............. i 7 'l* ' > • - L t/7
j?' v. v ... 7 6A* & 1*" ' i-'
CI- -m« n» # .'«•-'! 27
gJu -»1.1! i » (fft # 3f• ! 11 4 la :«
A'it. 1 : !-**!•. I b U<B ' I • 4.*'.
.>„jl|a ji. " -'.jr.a., «.
fCNDAIt TRAINS— ! I :. »y
Ci;. .. .| s-.i iJ .afcr.. jte r.ctl . ;V. jl,
*U' v. .. ".
'i M i. M. A M M I M
i, r wr . twn 7 ' ■> II ST. : :1"
. i 7 1. » U.i. 37. J ••*.! ...
, OmMt j .... » I:' 11 2 "-1. . -.
Hp.-.: ••.!•.. ; '
DrMU.. 1:w •• ' - ,r 3 vl| 4*t
. 'J . ..' U. ! jl
Batlar J :n-!iivj.. Jttri'C! 7 411 9 t) ; 1 .
». •■< I t rtfcm.. .!• v 7 4.., 9 '7 00
Au, rjM t* . . a li»H < tWi 4'.' i «-.j 7 -2-i
hi ri.i k' uriif. j «»!» an! lit s orj r
,-V.M.tA.iI. i'. ji .r. SI, M
VY TIA - '.SAV \L' ,!i»liv < '*> f-T l ut
ler atbf -\' Irt? m*. i»; * •» !> f ~I -'' a.M. «iul
V-.iV p. a.
W«!?* I»at§. Flip TUB EAST. '• ktk ©at*.
P. Jt t. M I f f p M.
2 .. BTTI. i. 17
>lb T «J*r Batlei .' .r-•• .. . I . . : 25
1 7 4.,' iv Hufl. oi i <>»
< ( 7 4 • »r »<-c..
4 - . >: A.!" ' Juuc«j-.u . '.i : *'l
4 r- <f; "
44- 135 •• FanlWu . Ajwllut " '
5 i*' ssl i " Hal:i.lin)K " 7 'MI . 09
S 11. a -
.» a ■ In'fJiw '-1 .' ' r ' ' 5'
8 w)*n C 5; •* Aii joi-i .' 4 )■".
I lju' ii irr>l-n:g ' -I 1 • •10
'4 • >| . •• eiiiM.ij.l .t i'
A M • •' v.M -I
Ou "iiitU., WaJu I .insr
Snt H . A:' vt ,> au ' HhiLv. Ij l
Tin" "jr." .r iJiii eM it*vc ;• i ; ; I L'uicn
* &Aluw«:—
J'Auii- E .;n -f w.f y . ~±». •. M
FMiii»y!v»aia Lmuit'jd " 7:1., "
lJ«vKirr, , " "
M. i ..iuj "
J'-ii: -Jt-lpkiii ja-aiis ' 4 i"'»
Eii-iraj Ex(.re-«, •* 7:0 ."
r. •f" • • . . i •'
P1..; a V .', Si.iidaTr o:uy ..... £.4**
For dotailqd nj-.rri ,', u, ~1.1 r— Th'.a. K. W.i't. i'a*..
Aj: l . 'Ao-iorn i,Ls.iici,, ~ Fiftb Av- uat, it; -
fir.'! Sir,'"t Pitt.V, irs, PH.
J H HT TCiILSiJf, K. Vi'
Qe&eral Qsu 1 A r .
6rcai Shoe S
- „
A A s■*
At S. E. Miller's.
Are you in the ■. f.
goui footwear cheap. This
'2? u to ~JC a mon:ii ai uui
itori. Sl :anier shoes ai.d
siippurs must go ar.d if you
c.c aesdiut; any call while
: j selection is large.
d, • y n j p.,:
t»t - tkvi t ■ iicjii
U :■'» Tan Show *!.««. Si.4-.
"hot ! !
VfaS V?<Rrkln|T SbuM... . - ), I .-I
A: en's I ioycle bl os I.tn. i.u*
I Serf':i 81i; rxjr» & tiaiteni;. "' r ' ! 8
Hw-d Hold IsUiikiiij 3a&.\*
f 'I S*t4#rs !4 oiu H vsord.
,\ll samnier shoes u.t go.
!!..;» . mor.tli
be xtmemb-.'i: 1 by those >yao
- -■■-rt tVi:
lvfc'?airiog Doac Piomptly.
Kxamiiod Fiee of Charge
Graduate Optici: n
Door to Cw irt a.
Sobwribe 10. the C'tizfm
L. 5. McJUNfvIN,
liSiianCK r/id Fr:r. ;..u£
. .7 >i. 3C>.".
s~j \j i - r»i,
. 1 '
f k. rX 1 , > JK. :w
// 1' • .% *> *' • .
rv j Y * N
*9o*~ \ i
i ««-(rt 1 ; •
f•n a ■ 7 ' '('* K f ■«
3 .icfc . i ■ r.
:3 eel ;ogd tt »r ,p, i \ t
f. ,x W .' |V
19 -hf-ir fT.vfe > 1 1
?hwn» 4l«-C -!5.?m «lr r
V- r-r. . ■ ;j* . <&.J - V"'
!.<O. rl ■ • : 5 ;:n* ' •
, :i . ".I .? ... fc" *' .'.it - t"J '
Of 4 -. :i lUtSf' ; Vf
f.jn ••• - f
■ • n*, T.i _ ' ,
Lrl» ««h-{4» t. .. ' •' t. ' .. -
r .-as .
"•.''■H • I;.—£r 5 -into -- Ijt • &•
-J ' r, *•_ ..Jl ,aci Ja t rrinly w
5 >ir )ui- -
oft.c »cj -V'"! tj , "• n ; '
I '."ling 1 &r V. jw-1 fa - nCfrt w -■■ •
tau of ,tt» v* i -- 1 ■
f'Tiinijic - ..f: :
„ tnS» f*» I'ink nt 'V l "K ' :- K ? "
h«4VM<lr.b:-* irrr'.j- - ' • -
tfJk;. AH CTtnitiia o: thl* * "" "
. rei tn .g; • tn'
s ift 'esaaioßtl-ii
ii , :u'. titzuj-.M'. t>>.
il • r.r.pi 1 'lit 11. J- •
. .. . • 5 I- ' L "
it-rXDS''- Ji 1 1 sa;!;j ! > r'jf 1
i condfttfed. is ill
; tr," 1, !♦ 5
a« t. tvtn »un ty> • *y ,vo * 1 "
.;t • . •»*'.* ?. : CC3..V- a ... ;"• Viv . '
'. "• ;? I>'r *- >.•' ■
I < ft.aufrhccfl n<i a tWalClca
: tR tfl« 01* MR.
, , "FtAat to >««v<y to foe p»«*t S«nei»i «
k ' fr-yi uMlig J4f HtTCf.tt 1- j'
Vrflej Tl. :»a=,' y ..x..* .. • '
' c«. v. »'jcc • ■." • . <
\i >-»• - » V ' ; . ? t:tn
ot unt.-.tn»r.i ' » ' • r
■ i ta< v.!. 'j-tiy •- •- ;
> • >.#» thn ' ?r&ic . '
' -zy * t * .". z ' * J-"'
• ►» krt l, » -•>» H C • */f'
It-.H .ti > * ' - t
• eoo ?A<« tiHi". FHU
CONT:- : rs:
| 2\~i't I. - ."jio.'-a • . ..-i • v. 1— 1
Fart 11. OLsfe ! ;e= . f Can |
«. Pv.rt Illi—T>i - j
: " Pa.'t IV.-- D: . u Hie. j
Vart V—DlMseg of Dogs.
°->rt VI. r?:r." •' P-' '*: • !
Sanw, ole i'. >.<-»» 1 S- f
HT«"OSiI-JBit *«• IV" T»"> • «.' • ' "k •
| i <j\t > y r> i'a I4t Lr '.. I 1 j
■*•*»'C.-tja »».'*"•
and P - »• •'». ■ »• "O- 1 Ov • |
wore ov othi'P r a'
Humphreys* Ho-,t»ipa!hi« 3p - {
No. 2es, in use over * > tti« ou - j
J ■ a-.,.-a : «. !
■ I n"-:' -" " . ~ :rr '> j
r [ • : M.. TV -it.:' J.,:..
II j
?K U«.' r'r IsV v-, -V: 1 ' !
. - I
I i ' Ci. j:
'» , . - I
• to -'T ich "h'J 1 '■'■
t. v ; :. j ••' • t ■>- • ; •: " " •. J .
t dread with which ah;
'.ward to ti.; *r r c r»• .*" *. "s; s
i • sveresc • i•■.: . . ,r! • -<f
few. A»t i- '..il biiouid I>c . u
• to smo.' th 1' .-. •ut ji". •
1 ■ in iift >'K.y )r h v i
Jiprcssei to her ■' :
' •. liayr
: ward in an easy tis:inr.et, v. i - .! l
•• such via' .t, j- . <. •. I-, i -vr
| r Nausea. .He -.'.laci J. fete. C--
' ' ' - • • ••'• -"t" •
:' i i-i fcfi'i . ipa .' 13 — .
| i through tae ordudl quick'y ..j
' u-ith' ' t pain -1> 1•. j-ror
»[ vigorous a i en :Ic-. to joyo7 ly
' • |-crtorT the h»gh and holy d : .cs
, j now d-volvc-. 5 vy cr. Suijiy *
ito lite oi both i. assured by i' :
■use oi ♦'A?stfeer'a r -ier..3,"
1 the time of recovery shorUr.. .i . 1
,1 "Iknowonslad" tbi H'theryftitr •.
j ehinlren, woo stiff re t in }
' fcirtb of i>a-:h. who obtained a hot. • •;? J
1 ' F' ier.d' n f me before b- i ■
;f fiiurtii coDftaemcnw, tii rfh
ir.ruokly and ei-.-fly. ap."
idbot Wfcs sb-iW .!!•«! i - r p:',:.,. j •
• i Joiin G. Poi.iiii.t. iiaooa, Ua. i
( !
ran BOTTLE Jl 11 ij3:.v 1,
cv S'.nt . • • ti, ■•••; of pi-t
rn Vi Coo .r..aSu? iov. luit.ln :ntor- r -to t :
j- s -> a'l . oniea, > ;!1 b» tu. o |
fSCt -f'7 • i.-an .yi'lt -tier., j, i
t«* saALftet c «. ••• ;
#SI your f'- s: !
vM l/lit : ■ r j
j .. _ JV*
tar »giXi-.-ru.. - - "... V. C. : '
JO CENT ■■ ' :£'■ :•» j (
Tfi?AJ- Silta. «• ' j
Ely's '' v ',;, ij
n.r.w na no c j- J / J i
i.-.i>rc,iTy r.nr to? Of i i *.
Ujtu-KIUH (i;.' J. ' . t, '? J
It i« qnlct'j /.bjoibod. C : r ' J
Itl.Cl UL-kiatG- • . fir j '
It s i ■'■ ■■» . ~ - --- ' ,
tilC l'i. . ..J-,' :■ j.» f-j 4 (
"" WVIiW '* * ' " J
B aL . yr>•••-.•« •. ... '•* :••• '3. 'i . • ■ (
P... .. a"'. ;■. >e--' S.. i t
. ■ i"i*r i
*l*l r;u.i .v; '•. ..x-c i-;:. ■■.'. i j
flfei T.-.ey -"ori 1 ■i. i j
, Wb ' 1
JfPP'! •:•
F r gale by D. H. WULLEB. J
•fXvl Iti'&'iJ V. "-T- ' ;4 ' 1|
fi* * t. f 8 - ■• :t M • • ■ '*:; ;
I '& !
, ' :v •
1 1;
'' r, ■/■ ■■ > * :
5 /, ••• : :
i W ll'/ ' ? . ol ' r Uzs: j I
J paper:..
j J ca .c J{ fire
J | *-'• • ■ '■ ' -- ••• f > ■■■ iiiim.. '
H H. i"-'. .'CIiHS JVF'G CO., 5:
a ;oe rn. « s*s«T. t.£v", v.-x. I!
' I &xtOAaa. 3-. cTv ••x * '
— l i - - i mi i—liTl
NEW r<':RM
. ! , . „
; -'U - ./ •* •
" | Vy! 8 3 *- r V- " ■ ??•.■■ :■■ "■ ,
3 }
] i
j EveryrS-ng i-.tz C..3S':. J
j Ficest tur a-. s:l»i- rtibber-iii I
I „ Buggies, Tap! r;. ■ •
j n >'i.i Oii, tc?-- ■- > j
ily hortet. Everything r r y <• j
1.1 date. T ;rsc:i 1 " .j.i. j
Cill'l s«-c US.
( r . ....
j t:pen day ?nc. n
! P,ar of Hotel .
—Jo ' V.• /i • .*JI C* l
AiziUi OmcA.
_ . . j1,..,. . i||,|i • " " ■»
- •-**■'> T
» „ *,»- » *.irk * l«i* c rrao*
C wllilj* 4 . . i •• ' it 1; ~
~C - . '.'.'i - .-- »j *-<s' **- •
U i < HIUH L- it' ' •* f ■=
Xoiaiftd asked Boase* wi •:
v. i.. oTii v Ufc 4 . . ChCi>iivj.*d r.
taoui r straps. an«i a string or pU
Ot ♦**• '1 PT-. - i'-. ! "'lf to
t I art '.r v.-*""i
"Y«va v.! i hsvo o ♦* *• •'» fine horse,
g-aiir •• i T ♦ • »• •
'•'i«en. iJut- 'i* ba>. c '>iacH .-« i-
to iiiin, and other jtr 1 1-
erais b.f*ve secured nae horses."
' 4, \TaV. ' replie<i Po- c er, u i have some
' fjto K r.Twtt on air fora: but from
ill I MQIitCT b1 ■ ffl lot b'■ t
TiiMPiv thinr i- : (. 'tbu: I tbia!« a
Vt'i Vw 'i2 i !'• ni" •••"■•tt---
to ri; 1 .-' a isnle."
craT vH'b tj*3 fb'Tt p.nti
i'li'.'i hi.-, hat. bestriding a mule, wi !
yjnx 1" trim to e' art p.n
F.raot'C"9 ioofcmjr t' -■'< or r**
• M' n lad' 's chambeT tot;i»jl«sciv
: .i . .lo •!••>•? r la'.' b=tt. ?-r iP. "c'.c
i -rvyn /ins , -ftOv for thf Evil's ov u work
i in firoto eneotm'' f i-ori-nen'i tip
the *i' *>i r i*xiiir*rle.* r
I ;ab -M lire 0<- Ju the I .'ZJ -
'fs *»f 's Pm
-5 At tti: kr> •er's ojq r«= • wish !b«roii- '
: at, n jH r of f - t •"• - 1 > k
•; '■ - ... , . .• tb- "ri- ■'
. etuJdrche, 5u Potsdam, the bcmso ol i
: ib'i halser*B own insogiuu . spi" l " 1
a r riT.r; coaverlnff lite imperial fa-mfly j
c A 'Sr -yr »'ts {alx; - TO In rtimber) |
■' M '}*\\ to J > i. ;• iTH l" r '- **n. >rf v * *»
ha"! h; rt: sua! !u ■!
inrit«dl r« a*« n i.ters to be present J
at tb" ooa&rixtstlon, tl« princes j
ft .r ■ I to h#4 been aßowed to bring j
. .•••"-} 9. ■* - t ei
erpot. Ybc
if:': ' -.COT - •
•: - - i -. C- ~, •- -:• !•-*■ ;
,*&s a obe. The jonrg priacoa j
w 9t* WQprf - . •*«.! o f 1 ' -/'
1 c- "*»' \"r i; f. " ; '
i ; ; •; ' .' •i. 4 ;»t . 1«: .—e f.t)£ -O, -n >i; 3 •
ii »- t> wv --aiv CQ2 iUXiiitiou .f •
i roy«.{ fwti'y, - h Ttf&a i»: ■* ot.-ar |
.soicj h <toaf ? s i!ic3 yf islth convpt-s -d j
* r i; in self. After i Ecrvieo a coa«
reoeptioa w«i at the
-Bt- .-3 i:; .'j.t'id.:, 't--'
. . !■ ue V.ith anuthtr Gexisatt eus
to • ' jiria'-is -ere. the r< Hp'e:
i:' n-jii. pr."> i uta in honor of their
COIL!" . Cit* tic Q, t. .->4 -r.i.-' bir 5) (i''» O-I'-
tioi V£re coafcrrtd or. tw erawm :
•U.\ Xf-:r ' { TS.*.ri• j.c?t r»«»t
>*Ovi. A lo «i.<> Kt'iVJ "'.i
<W tHrf Ti ►vm-
Xt 5* a reiuiot:3 fcr;, ;:.-ya vctaraa,
tjiar. so' .h rw.. ntvr ie. _ . ;■ to kf't) •
step perfeeTjy I'heie urc 8 r ino>x,
Ql't perhaps, wto fw'*. ''"'p
*,• i-*a atep v*bea they üb»-
ttrvl mui'. lie 1 1-. foot t"o\.-a ut the
nvti p cifbi.drtim- ho ■ ery jrrer/
n. ;• -Vy if Titer: on learn to keep
et t * tb. • a. e ut "i who k' <;
t-t, t.c llfcely let not, march with '
th'. ilrht rwt cov•«. ut , r.o lap. 1
their to .r neve •
hooted on to thm liea\y tup as it
ufaoult' j- ry old soldtcr will recol
lect >•.adi men—anybody e, r, .e such ,
m null .i ivdlitciy prradc, a...: this not ,
a» a r fuit confusion '• >• to two '
oi i '..*s!c abt-.: . and the .
Other u t th" ntir, bat 'ach of the exact
■time ;iitgiaht' * i.
'l i-e colt: .r-zditir ofUeeir of aw. - ;
1-.nr may l»j seen marehiiig with'-." !
clear =.c u_> .1 of Lis own music, with !. ._ |
r f <it*' ,vjt att'ue fc; 'i"~v tov. I. ;
*;. ••{.•••,; t•;•v 't b i .-igb'-.. i -ta. e '
fua a c.orr candor of a grand . tmy
ptw\ xuardblng iv. time v .th the j
h i, tvltb ifL'ht foot dov iat the!
beai-y tap jr.fi, as 11!.e! y »h not tn: wm *
a U 'Tt v h*> s«roc<i fiom cue ;'d of tbe I
war to the>other. ,
Tbr «1 .\..t fucf .1 •»;>(•:* - to b: fl. t j
tb^r: af j sop'ie rrven. as I -:: id, a'ho j
■never get their left fuct fully and un- j
faiiiiigly hooked on»to tap oi j
th.; drum. ]
l'r. <ui hectlflias
If ••OH Tl' .*- "i 1 '. tvii " 1 fi.'.'iOol I
story whl.th t:ii. ; '.ri;er. the !' -3ou :hnt i
nr.".i ■, :jy 1.-. (ft ii i • ■ • ii .C.»o
--■ icji,,;-. la . r:-hool iu B -tua i>ot i .: .
above the primary grswio. tht teacher '
cl'i, >e;,di.. . t.L" «:'» i
j -i I tt bfr.'si.ip- •
pb'a. f'. tit ••LuSiift -vitli soi •• re- i
ru J ■ \ J .
Wi*:.t>... ?4 i- ■ ';r)cr it'.< r ~ 1. j
aA thii.^a,Vbliilreu, i|ben yoaha vu 00-1
cuj<i. n to borrow, iifWet forget to »;
• urn t: »*. ••••rro -".d ? rflloie. Do net _, ".t !
the pe re Ou who tvaa e; -tigb o> •>. ■*- j
e *;i :-.od»itay *i to tlustr <>i •
lr. t or it * 'A t • #■.<?•••—
Jng - , a wtis bretti «' tb« door, j
j '"■ \ \
lb* t. ■' hvr n<«iter.<' • A pupil I
» r ■ 5 . d |
r.-nitlng. "Well, la it,
7 t. * »'»•?
'( t - r \ .. ■■'■
a C.cc icttd enctfih 1 •.» ;:■rv 1 a', 1 .j- !
"■ rr "• - t :>•• ' * aoof t•>
seta! back bor blotting padtwbich you i
| Pnrc ble .tl •- in ■*--.-try to <-ii.i. y p.T
--j v hy iii. yot evt,- in|
j " U . 3 ProPt ' " mt 7
i 11.. :'o vou tol.yald .••!: )• .>•• my!
I laatrt beatic-. I
Sick sUintaeh means :tiek man (oS
woman. l - .>t •• welltj '
poor comfort. Shaker
ial "" . hru.lt" :: oi:-.b. I
i r ■"» cottld t.-.tm:;: otif w '
woui 1 nn.Jerstaii:! t\ «v it:; that do lit-1
t:. will pvt it oat <•:' • vd-rji . «
But, tjnß-3"" wo are flo'-torr. we never I
Ce" •:• r .•'•i:l-f.'t. V Oulv t'. it. Woj
••"-i ii lew if w© took Sbaker t»i- j
S>ii..'.ier l)it?«:-rive t'-rt' 4 .-! v.. ':.• v< :r|
stomal 1 di. .taH ;. o ttooi . food J
i frevii;on, a»-t? as ;i tonic and soon j
i yon and air-tog niram
i r- - more y-m tako, th • le- jon v.-i'l *
i feel uf your stomaeb.
' At drug:;'.its. Triai bottle 10cents J
7. ; called .to !-ee, in-'.y if. <■ > d,
!do «•'•••!« wo r ? ror v.vi
Kind l.'jn'.. -\Vhat oun yott dot
; Tr ;.- I'm n ?ort of t- mnia.
j I want to .!•.*■ t.-~c: -<• I'll j»ut a set 6f I
j tt-etb into « goo- "-ifc for nothing
! !
" Ui'.iig':i ru.ri: .;■ vci e.s i:. 'o 3 davs. {
;;• - ..cl.;-:: V pon ti: J ci :.: r-i.-.ftriablt '
.... .... Vv ... v. Auic, •• . . y.
1 fr I ujLOS MZrTS > A#AMA£-H.
nvi ■ Mil ' Forr- !n i•» -.tct® to H" 1
D!- < t Viijlns* - senator Qra.v «r:.l
. i: vi J-Some of itip -
Vcloptert t»v iin m to i*r ifnt ta« tvtii
ef Pfrtnln-Und l'dpwr In Lu«
.ir ; • -»• *!.•« Vork "c '-n ."*■
'l i s .'• -■ 1 ul' i'x. JW*. * A lIAI. ti 1'"- "
(from Our <.>irr. fr^rr'sronflrnt.)
Hrtrr'shv.rg, July 26. Th<* revolt
Ei ■ r.. t Senator Quaj V coutml of 1
•->, j ■ . ; ; ir./ -.* 2' '.nsylv^n 1 > '*
c witip re idly T'.'sra county sf"rtecl
)> by l-fy* tc. havi» Qa*v
r.s )tr MrvlUlnt* for th' United f-" «
* ..t Ci.-nr*U I'i r unty f.-i oti Pd i v
i . . hi .. low*' at- • MT»-*r't»
t* Ice for ' <n«-l K. A. Irwin. Oh-st»r
r»yrt • 1- arr-unf • ~ for th" greatest
J: t.nd«Kt i .»smert that was ever
b'-ws the. J its sole cbje~t Wnf ti -
• rthroa ! the be>j who fca.-* so ion®
i -»1 i» 1 *h» '• H't>" and the tflcer
is ...» . •. t b .n dcilnlifcl? »»'.•
!'- . t: mu- i can be rc-H that 'n
».a iv < u».* • !n the etpf* l a light «!*'
'a . la'.c >train*? the return cf tot
:h- house aral .-. aate v ho are pleds
■ 1 i - .. to ! r -• -la; 'T Qua/ ; ">r arv
..Hit;- mu.i that l>e may r.ame. The
Q.iuy i..ti..s.' ,t. £.ox- r!;i£ to n*:-t
t'ilt. Thiti p an of action wi: oui
. -..d ij Representative Geoice S»err.
o' r , tLs4 t * 1 ' .
w ?v>n «'te' re~cntty what tu*
jt -p' " i- in the : cn.'-toi"a! flsrht
; at th.- Mxt g. sfion ot th* ItflsUtill
!? •> rr e'- J. P.'. rr ea'l 'hat V
r cuVJ nt-t i ipo ..»uis«lf t° votP tr.r
:*. Mtl j- Qu .V That he dM r,ot knn>v
Who Vi S pr. ...; -1 to Sonsior QUiV, and
until ail th" wore In the
l. ' t>e '• •u" t ■ >t «» what he wouid d>.
Nov this would h&Vv bt- n very
c! .1 a rmey iknwd wsy of erad-
Ir. • t!:«- issue l>ad It be r anybody but
Mr Slerr Mr Sterr btlonn to the
1 *.- : ;:n«\." ft crowd of ;:olltlcla»ir •->
' PI-' -d.-li-.l::-' whi- pi - lid tc bt- Tt*
; jrjoli- ns ftnei ;.et ■>» !io have bolted tli»
j RepvbKcaa :irket r a KepaMlcaa eon»
vv:. :• iv :y year for y -ars b:. - k. tn
t ur•-•••. rf ; as he did X: fiterr ga.ve
; the sii'. away Vc-ters al! -ver the
' ftnte -hoa!A take h --d of this scheme,
j VThercvr . candidate for the l-?eis
la:un refuse:- to r-isJr Wm° if to
j vets for Ser.ator Quay It 1? a wise
MS ig t . < \.ie hi? p!:dgf- to not vo.f
j for Mr. Quay.
Another dvd?e that the Quay ilcu
j tenant." are working is of the hl-rh ar.i
lofty kind. Koine of hU candldatcj,
I a;-- fir Cii iy thr "«! thick and thl -k,
; pre tr»k'ng fr.c t.'iat it would
i p ''.'inaf- th'.-m it the present tlrr>e tn
j say who they are for for T'nlted
. Feriator. That to give a p'.edgt not lo
| Tott loi Mi Quay would b a v' lari
I c? MJr '>b::.aation and that they *3
j-.it rr ... ntly t ke the o-th --.l of
i * IMb i« all bosh. It Is another ot
j the deviotis ways adopted by th--so po
! i n-al heelers who .strive tc serve the
' father cf lies in th- r'm -nf - «ng.-7a
' Of tZ x .*
Tt !s benmirr clearer every day that
| j'■ >if the morr.i f. - rc-.-s of ihc state a
| to be array- ' ... ainst Senator Quay,
j "i'j'FaraKUAndrewn a:.d the rest c?
!th•- Id 5- r.ft It -.vii interest *Ve r--> i
; e~ if these to kaow on Bat
• urday last Rev. Dr. Swallow, the Pro
htbltlon candidate for governor call cl
on John Wanamaker in Phi;al3•- , -
phifa Vv hatevci th-.- on nt;.th -r : .
> Swallow ir.Hj .... or h:oi l>er :i r ai-, ho
!-;>i a g'' is. iur- ... "-nJ J:a
Is therefore pledged to do that which
' will advance the cause of good arovtrn
i-rr? in 1 ■ r-ivanla. _.»r •'!-c.-
"ci'i 1 ci Jar Wanamaker to ijlscusa
• the i).oral issues of the present cam -
pav r A ooidliig his own adi ilsslon
! t '\erc w r as no conclusion reached be
tween X")r SvtJ ow and Mr. Wane -
maker as to the bos? mi ♦nods of wae
tn ■ ™ar 3.""\Snr.r loFslsm?' ' c.niptlo .
Tht= m c ?tine has fiven a rise to the
on t * pur., of many that there
- V ;U - ! v.Ti&pr*i . ;dii<s bt veer, all of
tt - anil-Ou:ty elements of the tlate,
v... j ..jli unite, if nut ur.dei one
ut le-Si under on - purpose, to
t.nti'.v ill! viu».v ohgarc.ry. .hia can !.j
tioiif iiy on clean men for the
legislature a>.d bj making a vigorous
and •ii'-. r can i in every ccunty
The Quay :eKlo:is -re not losing any
opportunity to liacomfli tlulr oppo
fr. ,i -. Ti - rr-' disreputable methods
mt being adei.ted to this end. An antl
; Quay ineeiin? was advert'hed to taac
• place la.-t week In Piymo h. I.uzerne
c-junty. The anti-Quay candidate for
i th; i'iri.i.utaiv was to be the prinetpi'
j Br.t al.er. He is one of the best kr.own
' Republicans in the distrl> t. Tht- opera
1 h;U e »t Plyrr' nth vv. ••■• 'u ' to hi ai
' htm. Shortly :.»fore tie icc»tlnK op-i.-
| i d everybody -
I .ial!y the irritation oo«.anrie so tn *
I th.it th-i pe'jp'o « ere •uinpei t. J to va
j i -:. i the per t hn -e and the meeting
' ■■■-» brck n u,' f in- Q'i'.y heAdquar
\ terr ii Pij'nioutU ar, In a tavern, it is
I Si. I j:»ul !l ii .hat some of the
.' ha' • • of th. ■ ii?ado'iarter.< scatter
-11 ed i cd pev.f tri through iht- opera house,
lr Yoik < -A'.nty in May last the R -
j.i Mican county convention elected
| anti <-uay dc. to the state con
" venticr The majority was so over
-• i .!! iii);,!y anti-Quay th.';- the sena
t a*. !*u!!ni :'•) no' show their hands
in the co- iiy convent!..n The convei.-
,on adioit: rv-: to meet on AUK. 11 to
i.aminat. ■ lidates for county officer
and for tic Deieated by
the wl'.S - f the p-ople. tha Quay 11 eu
tt.anta f>r the past two weeks have
b.-ii trying to spcure control of the
nest county convention on Aug. 11 by
jetting proxies c-f delegates. It H an
old trick, but it cannot work, as the
J MiUartelnh . Press exp.ised the scheme
J ii«t Week. This indicates only x few
| f the methods belnc adoptsd by Sen i
i l a Quay aud his frlanilfe to continue
i their held on the state. But never be-
I fore v ;; f.-nator Quay so near a per
l aonal defent ar. he is today. His Hna!
| overt hi w .VP! come at the Desk tas
| eion cf the legislature.
I Corsets ;T> l{i?sSij».
iV>goli»Tow, the newly apnoiritcd
j Rnssian ininist-_r of yabHc instruction,
i .o. i;-gr.n the d.irit'S of hi.: oiiico ;;j
| i .-.uinK a drastic order to the eilei t
t a 1 omnia r:itTJl* not be worn by yor.os
WOXBBB (ttendim high aofaoofa, aaiver
Bitie.- r. :nl iu u>,;.2 and art soi. >ols. thej
are to ijo encouraged to wear t!i<
natio .1 costtii.ie. The minister sayi
th tt i c has -i>• -.it ranch time in visitinp
girls' schools, and has made the disco?
f.y i:.. ccr- : !_» .' -n article of lire--)
is distinctly pre judical rto the health
~ ,ri l p,>! (ii'veioptnient of iV i • wear
KO "15".-s 3L »j cr ,t iv r ',s, tn;*
| E»sy tc easy to o.>orato. 2Sc
]l The estimate of the nurabei of ti*ani)>!
]in Ihc Uiiitud State.; is between 40,'- : '(
I and 00, iX); i
| Jn Japan ther «re apples {jrowinf
joufcrt- s only four inches high whict
| art? nIKJUt the si of current?
j iSi *J<*e the' making of si'k from th*
j Bpid> *n web, catching the repulsive in
j sect h.V tjeeoiue profitable.
■ i rineekii Tltein VII Out.
! Hox3ie's C. C. C. is the only reinodj
} known that will erre a co!,' in o»i<
| } .; .10 c.'iiiN. -iio.oie luaiied free
| zi.. I'. Hi'-vie, Is . Y.
| The population of the Russian Em
i plro i.* more tb.iu l-'t,o'H>,ooo.
j Norsk KviiaiestemuicretsforeDing 1
tis the- name of thf» woman's suffrage so
| ciely of Norway.
j In Jajtan' the coinK iire generally o
• ir ami iu >iam they are chiefly o
! r> r -"lain
»* ti ; *>' ii - of.
• .ur t .trt Io« i' •» J r• I \r*v
j j. 4 . : i:y t »t • \r' -r | u t
J . .1" y »y f- r rh(
i \ . . .« r 'i a. %
r -X * 1 • U 1 Af.d
j _ •...: • . ■ uiiivfiic an Ovlcon
>a/K/;ao»i 10 itH size a xiy walk» I
K \jaiu* tiiiiii u man.
K-*xj ->*■ -*► —■* *** i
j S& j
;! r !<t T-n.l, the n, ,cT i
ICy j
! \ 4|: ' O' buy ■
' n
• z? i
; w j
i & tit, " w ,
? .? -' ' ' - .
: r> " * f - v
r ! £ '
fau. IV * v
S+s !•+- Vt * « -V a<V f*>, «*
r 1
rI ,i - ' 1 *'• 5 - ;i; :e *
3 • *•; 1 . .Ti k 3 t-If S" 1" J •
|j V
|tl one la i"-.-. ?Mlip !I 6 d aim .f
- li
"* o( ■ _ . - i I 1 • 1. i ' 18
„ j ft'.- jieir sa*' tu*-- r t •.he* imed »
lot, *n. ir= prttiif *. *r '.■•. << >■* for t • ir
r|pr res*, the &=< )t|
iti Americans, North auO S . h
't ii' ••• • - ■- r
Jpi - •
r bt Spain i
V Qt. -1.1 V rite, t!: :,e b:ids vi--.
I pi
? \i\l bear oppression!; insolence ao j
i. mor~-
f The S;., ush empire vi wt . vdII tt j
j marriages, conqnest, and discov*rie« I
»i q i •~- r i\ h - •** to j
" th- **-.'*!e -t char; ril the Spa hi
. : .*" -' ■ - ' - d l
**. .a] i. . * polal ioj 1 j
e dv.. it.. ~ ( o j
e auu I huarro 11 Pern war Id il Sim -*h j
cortqne-roi t
3 the lr ter part of Fhii pi r.arn j
» | [IM died in £B9B] Sj tin loet all *■ r i
? 1> ail, "flier a«|V't(lei.ci<»s in in.; h |
Br.r.". *••.*.* -b.-- - ' ! v tnd a"i j
a lan T n l«0)txM Nea rl- ■.- elost;}
' in 1( 1 rirlacc.* Oev,: . J .v : .d |
5 j otl' *.* islacdla; IS4O, Portugal; in j mß r.ll J
i claim- were r« -v. < * to Holland,
9 |Brabei: aa t parte .. Eland t - . IS49]
B \ee 1. , i . f a. j
0 P.: hi, ... i-iv 1 . v I
j othe: 'ortreMM in the Low C'ountr'es,!
. in *.va :*•*. y-n tbi •*•» ■D t . '. ; v s-nr -n-j
t dorod • ...... iacj .... &e to i-1
e* .i i.'•; ■ •*k ' '•* !: • a*.l.11
9 - • r- ■ !
gn- , Hi _e i • • nice hi - *te |
P> , :i. s' • i:i.eri»rrv I ween rn. . .-o >
t CO I ;tieS:ii*. .!'*.*• r i. tlit I.'-' •* r • 1- }
p de •••• '" ec .- :n 1794, rl
.n. - iosl, in 175 i. the Nootka Soind •
- s . . i. . 1- ; .a n I
J | t'oiv, 1 isi ■■. : out Bid- : .vere .'« it !
•. I Pern, Boliv ( . Atg * ia. Bancia- j
sjOr z .ti. ... ,*n T'.-tt go ...
■ 1 TT f
" j li- uu. t,"it r<u». -• ;a.mi bun »>u *-;
|«..' ilu v a:i<i b,tn.»-ous -lam'.- r-|
v j t*> : - i •.' to it,. A 'iiT'" 1 cor• iv ■■■■'», !l j
aj t' poeeee i-'vs '*.* the Wert xn{Hei Is |
l\£ ~ •* :
_j C: which already apparent'yi
. j j;.- as g<K ; 1 - «o<ir. T!i{ future of j
- j S;>. . ish Moro seo and of tha Pi r. J
C • * .., ,K I *A O tary
ig • -.- b-. *e s -ti . y v.\. ia j
t (.
f „ !
! * j 1 'V- v;li ;•*• "' . 'C*'> t |
-i > -
si A • i.irtun HeflecMun.
J "It aV ye tc •-r i!tae si i:. , |
' •"hew ertoii leelim ' - ■ roirtpdata |
" themselves to convenience «vf tie |
Mln- 1 M i iV
. tU-* ■ r-fr v ent =• d. iii" 3o I
e i ~. I
e be.!' «s migg««rted 818 contra e. j
! »ia uo l eeiii^iaicmu-. It* 1 j
'jhe'y tttaklai how iJ kw* wjoyed [
II i 1... » xnti'l:- eiottu-a lie., iV" » tf-.r-r j
1 reauy to go to thr KlnS&a - Wa ' • j
' : tr xttin Rtft.\
* ! "T «up*H>se," said Mr. Me-'ktti *s. (
- w fe, *.v± i had b.'C'a getting so* nenj j
flel i .bes, "jovl are one of theae men}]
V.' '• fault, i .tJ • —•>> f. l -4 '
3 igo ■• • J
"Tv o," he Rubwereti. "When i le-ok-:
over some of the 'uter ones I w.h i
they'd change faster." —WashJagtein'.
i Star.
Jant On<» TlitßK "Hfire.
Wlilio—Aunt Dinali, -.rould ;.eu need }
a i anything to make j oar joy enmM* If j
- ' you had* a eirotis ticket and h* 'f oTva
-0 I terpjelon?
r ! Aunt JMnah—Well, Ah eh'uld tay dey, j
y I Would be fdir.cthlng else,
j Vvlide —WhHi?
1 ] Aim+ Dinah—Do oiixah half da* {
y iJjiolymn!—Up to Dtiic. |
! j il«(.ire Kiid Attet, , j
j am ir~>lug to be mariled,** Paid j
1 Miss Trotter to Mtse Kit tl-di. 1
"Yon? Yen r. rg* to fret married? 1 [
e ! thought j •' v -re an i»v..-teyytc xaan
- j huter, eao troaldiit ntnj t*.-.- 1 it
- m?in living."
'Yea, bur that was before otir of
" the horrid men had p-opo£~:-d tj me
Hnrdi to «m-u£lcvf,
Ti'ftr- vr*j a so it in r
\Vbo hud »'.< vis lr. tils!.-.vd,
t, ' Hq ta-kicd a nfc-' v—-iper 01130,
And cmw r>c;-r j I'-l'.r'a
J' ' It <va» •! yebcrw J.jcri and
t i 7t cfc- v.w- him ir. o. mlnuki
_ J Bu ■»■:» h" co "i-'l ir-r.lX^
«ae 1 but •> »i* In It
r- j -Chi. ifcv. Da ly >?t«i
y ' Jt MafcM « DlJtcrf-noo,
O; Shopper- When I bought thie piece j
-S ;ot . 00d.i you tuid the colors ivotilil ot j
i rue. 1
r i S* le*Tnsa —I'ut that *vas beiore the. j
■i war.
"What difference that make T |
aiefcinon- Ai the dii'ference in the
r world. J'i and yoliow rto the Sjji-a"
Ssh colors^—N. Y. Journal.
I« Ttie Wtble T»utlu
». Ouatomer —1 seo jou arc recoiu
r . ad >./ a ne'W bran** "i ooiiAea ,*d
oUJt. In It better tlan tbf other:?
'3 The Be;/ .vi+o i® to sever !Js v4»-
0 l I'flcii on Batnrday nigh*)—- Oj
ra üB, 1. .' v u :mi'id 1* cef.t »;>n
ai.-.re than we do on the other tiiias.
A Chance to Bt»e,
Young Man —I * e vqo adre: tl:.« c \
le v jiuincy ia vdur I
1 should lik«i ti- h.* *o 1 podtfou "\h. re
there would be a chance t - rise.
Merchant —W 1, I vnict a nia"
j o;<u up eud sweep ot t.. Yoa i*"Vl" rvs j
v! a chan<'e 1 lino every ir.oriilug'at v 4 j
.«! o'clock.-N. Y Weekly.
A >ftur-.I CuniUllaa.
"All iiueh i« d'wt" they e»y.
And that no do.iji la tvhy,
1 1 VThtiK-'er the tittle af .lay,
Boras to on arv always dry.
: pmattMJM
,f / \ \
/». /v UAU. *\
'• ».* v :*' • "' *• >- ■ . - ti
~ -Invert
»' 0:
HI JSR L (IP • 5
U it. v ' ' i" - 5 K r
I. c»y **i r 3 bnic i v I 100 * IiAR
. i < ■ . ■i> i *1 iti >r. tl»at i\» . - Clearance Sa^c
i i 11. v. 1. uiir. > r ir ;tntl near. -« a sale of
,li h Gr. he * "ecteu : 101 . *t r toe- This' «• !e is to fake,
it tft 1 " .ve L»e>'! ,:it. as soi have, a joo lot ot cheat* shoddy
■ i h>i'ise s\_Cs ":a in ke I .c c 1 tl-u.i te
j Ladies' Fine Tan Shoes, grad now SI.OO
i. 1* iri ■*. Si' ir*, y'-.. -, y, r lie .. . llOa '.v i • jei,
1.,u ic?.' F eDo a H;n 1 um Shc- .'s, $3 and $< grade,
•»' 4 1 50 and $2
Ladies' Fine K'J Shoes, ?i graJf .... now 75c
at..--* ,*s" F.a T Shoes, v. r ..*' , .j 5 *», ®>i ,;o t.ra.lt now 95c
I-iis>es Fc.t: Pan Mjo&s. luce o: bit. 1 93 grade.. . now Ji
M'*s**s Fine Dongola Sbce?, $ ! 5 grade now 65c
Children's Fine Tan Shoes, $1 now 60c
( hi'dren'p Fir.e Tan and H'ick S'u t*s .. now 45c
i'io, s 1 ,nc T„n Shjci, $1 -o gr;. J-r now. 95c
Youths Fine Tan Shi s ».-S : fade. .now 85c
/It n's Fine Chocolate s2.c; ide.. now $1.(0
. fen's Fine *'i:i '-vi.' Bals, $2 gnde now $1.50
Men's Fine Biqi „• at . J?r.or»
You'lS find us j•J .-t ili joite Motel Lowry.
You *.v,:l save dollar- by attcr.iii g ti*. r> 1 ;. \ T >cl eap jobbing
l'3u*-e' sh'ies it: 'J < sale V"'i c: a't . . rtl ;j 1 . th< t 1 .uee ol
i_ei.i .g i . Snoes ~t less ihan >ia i pnee.
3utl pr'«i Le:4tl!njf >Uoc Opposite Hotel Lowry.
t ;..:V .. . f.. lii. .'V>i,-. n; iii.it..
»a>: s-:ll oinzzT to farmers. v f. 1
j Fcrtr.'.re be V. ■ , Jcal oith cs tit J Save 4c per -en*. op vntir Tertiliacers. g
, 5 Analysis, fe . ,-c'd, Aunaoni Actn.il t. t/ifh, s
i ) >*. c» jt. per ce::t. per cent. 5
j~~ T»tp )l~vr "?7r>t .. 22 t2J 4 MS y<"».oo per ton. "C
a -? For.r f. trt Fert'liaei .. .. JU JO - lot 2 t 3 iC.oo " "h
S V "tr " *'- -J4 t'.t .'V, *' %
; Uig hir.ar.-.i " 3t. u V-.. ig '.'-4 * t>. \ Jn.ou " ig
-t Pct.'.t • ..p-i-'al *' 'J t. 10 3*-;. t- t>, fj • 7 33.00 *' £
• Spi .lal •' It f IV. t- 1 t- 5 21.00 " <
; tone ail'' ' 151 : 4 to 8 .... 18.00 "V jt
j ; Fot : ■ .1 . •:>;■ . .ti. .Vi>Ali,l3N J OC.. Herr » island. RiTTSBIJHu. PA 3*
I \'-J * «*. • r 'I
! 'ls Remember tht narn^Je
< til} SJ« •
w when you buy J ,
I 0 w
. E again £
! |n«ui £ a H
| g PLUG i
: <£ #
} -*v t V Vr*>
; ?' i'ure bioodn«anslife,health, F
vig'ir -no ro •;,! for disease f
> where t!.c v.:itis are tilled j
% villi rich, red corpuscles. '* ,
?Llnase"v*s improved*
J 8!«o-J Searcher £
[ & M-. .onn'" bi>>o«l—cu es scrof- 0
{ 4'- *ila, erysipelas, piu.j.les, boils, #
| 5? sore e*vs. scab! nead—t-lcoddis
| $ eases of all iorms. Ilert'sproof:
j j£ M»■■-•.■■'.'XTl.OlliO. f$ |
I I>i. j.!n' e; '. ,>d K*. roi.er lira > .
!W ww*e<l W-!i Lri I'mc. I iv'-eii « ;
> in-BtiV ' rlt.'. r.V Id I
i i i i tl m ■<- lindny'B Rood \ I
i r -oare vr will< :fo- .i i-Tiniwicat cure F :
[*■ la :i . ":t time i •■■ !!• srf I 9
I \ w j. riiL<; >?sn co , !
' '** FIT'TTSY*?-", F"A. \ |
I # At all Dragg He SI.OO. v
1 1 i
. / A/ *" /'i 4 :
s {] ti
i fc>JfsSrff ft!
1$ THE MET 23|
£ i* afc 1! an t.*tr perfection »•> 50y«*r. £ i
V of Lamp-Making ca » a'ta!.i tc M f. !
C burnt kanxi;"-";, and ves a powirul, »• j
7» ciear. white i;g!it and •/• ' neiii'd h-aw { ;
£ ncr Jar C il. Wh-n ■ut dri*. ■£ •*;••'
• it the dan.neM s?.siiy kctps about two r»
tf hur.dred : » r ah tad of y; ur yrr.jrt. st r
i, hcrse When y-.u war:t the very best t,
V D»ivhij» Lamp to be had »•« your '/
S dsaicr for the 'DieU." f'
U We Issue a soecir.l cf t us
v Lamp. ai-.i. ■: ! . v- ••! : - it ■
alter night 'a", !• -1 1 ! ir.reiti' rr-. " 1
i 'Tis mailed iree. t\ j
R. e. CO., i j
I 60 i;aight St., New York. J
f ; Earal i!s v rV. 5r iflto. L •
■■■"irta • » 3* c_*
, 5 J't S j L n u .jI is ; b«ii •
\ ... »• \ : < - r' :! f ;'nr. .';i you »v!'i . •-•--■■ |
• and the iiu i work f BAR\ EST r; IE J
this also applies to your twflp. J
r ire L 1 quors are heaithi•!,.}
• so ■ »ur Ll', «•!•' i n IV. ' *
... . ..... ; . ~. M W^JO
■ ke T Write 1 complet te< lUt.
1 ..1 J'KKh/if.lMKji H*CH.
1 A 111 M>X, OVKU:>OI.T.
! l-AKWK, Ml ViCBSOjr. !
I \iit of ■.'••> vi br ir.-'s I! y<; r old I'ur.'
WhUliJCy, SI-CO per full c]aarteSqv«rte for C ■ j
Oaall ' O. j>. or evil ordort )f il".i • or '
•>V. r. w- !» lUfl •»; <{• pr>; . tly; •. \;>r< ■* j
Oh: r«cs prepaid
j 111 Water St. Opposite B. UO. i
t relepboiie, 2179. 1 * • i
! That you C.hq bur U;- - .ur-,-1 and ht t
! -\iii *s and li<juors A An il! . t
I the lowest figures.
from the !>est KUOAII illers <M.:I
wine growers in Europe or Aiiie' toa A
I tew jirices:
I *V:. o!(!..pui-" Kyi , * ■••: .
t »hWUcy ; yi ~ oH. tiure Kye. -•?»'
. Whlskt-y - yr-. old Kye, • ■"
! V.hli': v l'>yra. •>' i. TiUro !{>••• J.W)
I V.|I'H..I !" yrs. old. port- i:ye. <..<•
j .\i-y 1• vr ..1(1. pur K-c.
1 t'r.'iroi iii.i i>ry and : «i:i :. I,on. ..-<:
J -1 • . iii. '•> --r it, n d .<••.!
! a?andriessßn!
SS 1-e.U-r,st. AUe k :.eny Pa
J' ' .
I .'" ■ !
:;. x i
v»\; :* .VCAI' LAHE, I
ExpOSluOO r.Otcl |
% -no- £\
~ . lie-el r.I ntor, '%
r* . :A. LOCiCV.'OOD, i-rop'r.
•,- E- • i'i> ;iuai<.st Summei Resort. . ,-i-:
hAthfog ind Pis)'.ng, j
j-i tnd ie! S
! w Airusemsnts. j
I '..:- ~,s . , + j
1+ f x -r Tt k< A-'
BEDr n f?D "spptfjrs HOTEL. ■
Geciford, Fa.
Tiinc' i-'L.iA. • r \ j
>pen fit.ni juctt 27 u, O .ob r , v ith !.t-j
ir« n«»"i ; 'ir.i ,:i "n •. »• i t links,
1u '. *• ■' I • '";j In I J»c*
couii •<. i it»- »• ii' . orci tire • iie |
i*.i -1 v« '.«•<! i-.i the world, i
V 1* t- l os :i(* o > • Mivss
.1. T. A* «I*. V.uporlntende»ii. j
BeCiiOid Spnnys, OedTord, Fa. t
\v:r. oouii .Tr •< h!, . l oi.ii'.n prices; fine
ly located wltliln , -nii» n" pn'f links. For
U-rms and Ixxikleta .riu.rss
Two Weeks Sale.
I y?r.r *' ) - ; -•. otng to sacrafxce
jour v...11 paptr, tlitt, v lietbei juu
! vi :• it or rot. yor wi'.l buy for future
Jose if ) - u will 0..?3 cotue anil seethe
i dr i _<ns price.
I V, i' j. • imni *' the ? ' -t grailes da
;ib -r-'V t I . I" ' you at sroh
j: pr-:1:,' yr-'; v ;•! buy. Y.V bave all
j grades aud our prices are sealing out
! prices.
We want to sell out within two
; so measure every room in the house for
, you will need the Vnowledge when you
: hear the j ..ccs and see our fine patterns,
| priueiply "special'' grades, at
1241 SOIJ;1I Main St., N ar P. O.
| (6NTHfifc !
' Xew- House, New Furniture Rt.tes
1 per ds; meals 25 cciiis. ATeals serv
d i:i t! i. .*./ roora at ell liours.
MRS. Nii/.Oi'i, Proo'p. |
Forme ly of N'ison House.
iHoie! viilaro.
; Reopen- 1 and res
j for the iceotnmot 1
! lion . t :i:e tra clin.
• j>u ■ 1 ic.
Hvetj f*i: si'ClaiS.
! Mils. HATTJIi RF.IHIFS, Owner
IWM '. I J. S. WICK,
f IA/ i I ! /*
V*a-:ker u. VVSJA,
j O:»KO!! ■ ■ AUEHS IN—
Kt a Hun. ■.so. On I' jsrorr JCS
' Buy i) : ect fro-n "lanufccturers
j Single Tube i ire. Light «rxi bast yet
I btruiig ai .1 Durable.
j $5 00 Per Pair.
The King Mfg. Co ,
Oilr.t'*io Ai hm. D'iladolpbia Pit.
( For ©ale
<5 - • 3l :£ 3" ! 'n
A 2 one bund.od boi. Tanks, •/.
2 wood rigs. 9
i 1 good fcoi' - r and engine. : )
(575 feet of K'o. 1 tubing,
0 1575 feet of No. 1 rods. /'
For Particulars inquire of
CoyleSville, Pa., or
Great Belt Pa.
1 - .Lr . . . ~
"• —o: : t r.'. jMS,.- Ij
. 39-6tr. p:tts=-rg, Pa. |v
! . .pr. J v» - rap , CA' *./Ocu.si I
C r.O K ' • : :•» 3F'.£ * ■ fl
• ■'' .« V vOT D. V
-i > Tfr/JfesveuHa? c^c
•< sr. see «»-r«. >■■ «
i - v.-
-MM i -■ n— <*■ i mum*
;*>CSOOO£ '
4>Jonmer *—\ np Oi *-vnv Summer o
AMiiiher;. <"*-*• ? * * sfciilin.ry.s
XThc Leading UiHinery House of Butler Co.J
*jr i.i\i rstiv .< d v ir": r " : '.in»ry ami must r? d of ihebi^sr
jfm • -: . » t - w«» *sl! soli a! : tl « v« ry lt f c«t C nneti, list*, Pallor*,
y-i zII i'n K ■ ■r> ir:sL«cr: rt . *.rd!«• %% of rrM e«»f.
O «»-?■ 1 ■■ ff'w■*>,'?lßW ■■* ■WWMBWWBBBWig O
Mourning !?.:!iinery ior Immediate use 1 v
* Always on Hand. I X
/. lr«r>n r>? A
A 522 S. Main St 0. T. Pape. 122 S. Main St.2
readily be: pr ic'-.eil >n the subject of cheap clothing with which&&
i'Vthe market lias been flooded. Dining the periods of drpieseion in the
jvwc have maintai ned our well known standard of (.<*
j^This seasors product surpassess aaytliicg we have ever shown. >j
We desire to call special attention t > our urusaily large variety
j#!'nctpalieti better grades of Sm
&suys and Chiiure.is Garments Jjj
which w«» h*\e earnf-l the commendation of the ino«t cri'itical buvfr. « /
*T. H. BURTON, -ii|||-jilH»- T- H- BURTON,|
This Is oppoitunity fit life-time. Aleuts arc making SSO to JIM a week.
FITZHUQH LEE, Maj. Qen. U. S. V.
ami late consul General to Cuba, writes a book on
(l« neral Let's own story of t'uha ana the Spanish War. will be produced in a sub
iiria •• ik «»f over :>X) p".p«*s. Txtni inches in size and almost
| ri:.s is tieoaiy asthenic work pubilsaeu on thr one subject occupying the mind*
of th«> ti.tire •ivii.z,- i world.
HTTTPITQ P¥7 A TIV Liberal >-omials,:ons will IK; pai l :aiu
* *-*
Writo for full particulars to
j I
j • Our authorized rtistrib !U,.- s are located In all parts of the C. 8.
I s Z"". J'.". - n
j To The Finish.
Competition routed long ago—and our low prices for
• pure liquors will always be maintained
!We pay express charges on ali orders of $5.00 and
'ov r Td i!c!".t- t'ti* liquor's a - vour hou c e—Ni rxtrr.
chuje whaie,'er Here arc a few of our prices:
Anchor Rve 50c per Qt., S?.OC per gallon.
I Oosuni Rye 65c per Qt., $2.50 per gallon
Guckenlieiuier H\c 4 yeais oid, 75 per Qt. $3.00 per gal
Bear Cieek
Guckeabeiraer j C years old, SI.OO per Qt., $4.00 per gal.
Illicit f
Gibson j 6 qts. assorted for $5.00.
Gverhoit J
The and purest California Wines in the country,
50c pT quart, S;.OC per case of one dozen full quaits
—any assortment.
Our Gins are the purest and best —$1.00 per quart —
in the country. Send for price list; mailed free.
We want your custom, and we will have it if LOW
prices for the UEST liquors can get it.
Wholesale Liquors,
t V Reliable War News
Furni shed by Special Correspondents at the front
The New York f eekly fmm
Will contain all important war sie-.vs r f the d iily edition. Special dispatches up to
th hour of publication. Careful attention will be given to Farm and l f a:nily
Topics, Foreign Coi respondence. Market Reports, and all general news of th«
World and Nation.
»Ve furnish Til;: New York Wctkly Tribune and your favorite home paper,
TH "CiIsZEN," Outior, Pa., Both O.ie Year For $1 53.
Send a!l Orders to the "CITIZEN."
F c». 7». hin»j Fr»<*•. fiß.O®. Bea4 for Urf». frte Ha IMw. vilk ewtains, Uap9>
An I*l *.n» for fit C*u: of *ll ou* at/lM tb*e* *pr«b ml fvaaera, fit At i«MmkUi
llilHAHf A.-.U ItMKft. CO W B. l iiITT, B«-j. KfcKHJUIT. IAD.
Hy i £ ! nA!Nt!NCi hetorau expensive when you uie che*p pslrt. Perhaps VOO
S rfL , » hav; slTsiy !i..rr*<i lias —cincrs hive. l : or excellent results in
' every particular use
THESE I V' Jc ins ' Liquid Paints
Artist;; sh-des producing pleasing effects.
C< :c rird. Pampfclat," Extificf decoration," etc.. mallitd on rtquuit.
; a::, r"lj.G. &W- Campbell, nut,or, pa