THE CITIZEN. THURSDAY, AUGUST i, 189 s - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE—AII advertiser* lntemiing u» ma! - 1„ .. ■ heir ads. shouU! notify u* <>t their intention to do so. not later than Mon day morning. Executor's notice, estate of John Sipe. Zimmermau't August Sale C. & T'» August Parlor Suit Sale Titley's Great Horse Sale. Administrators and of estate* can secure their* recent i**>Ws .it the Cil i ZEN Otflr tod pcrsoas niacin* public sales th'iir note oooks. LOCAL AND GENERAL NOTICE. On and after Saturday, August 6,1338, the banks of this place will observe the Saturday ha if holiday and will close at noon, 12 o'clock sharp. John Bsrg & Co., Bankers, Butler Savings Bank, Bulier Co. National Bank. —Camp-meeting season. -Oats harvest this week. —Cutler Fair, September «, T, 8. «. —•'Stamp, brothers, stamp with care." —Bargains, clea ring and remnant sales. —Some hue blackberries reach this market. —Not a very gr°at year for bnilding in Butler —Home-grown roasting ears are com ing into market. —Germania concert tomorrow even ing at Court House. —Thirty-three Niagara Falls visitors from Butler, Tuesday. —Dnring the Summer months tht* railroad travel is immense —The outlook is that the farmers prosperity will continne. —lt is the people who worry most abont the hot weather that feel it nio.^c. —The corner-stone or the new Capitol at Harrisburg will be laid next Tues day - At the meeting of Council. Tuesday evening. T. H. McNair was nominated for Burgess A man who keeps a good watering trough along the read is a public bene factor and gets $5 tit) a year. —Our grocers are paying 15 for butter 10 for eggs, 50 for apples, 00 for pota toes, 3 to 4 for berries, 35 for turnips. —A lot of Pittsburgers have leased 1500 acres in this county for a game preserve. How the mighty have fallen. Blacksmithes a re always on a strike, but theysreui to ha about the only of people wao make any money in that way. —Harry Moorehead is at Duukirk, N. Y., this week where he has Mary Rus sell, Navr Bean and View View enter ed in the races. —Don't forget the stamp on yonr check. The penalty for failure in this particular is a fine of from SSO to SSOO, or imprisonment. —George Krug bought 5 spring lambs from John J. Reiber, this week, that averaget' almost 100 pounds apiece. •They were fine ones. —The Butler Camp of the Woodman of the World have erected a fine monn ment over the grave of James T. Lane, at Middletown Washington. —The P. & W. and B. Jfe O. R. R. Co s have leased part of the old Robin son property at foot of Federal St., late* Jy burned over, and intend building a station upon it. —Geo. Walter & Sons now have one of the finest flouring mills in Pennsyl vania and are turning out an excellent flonr. They have built a wing past the Bessie R. R. track, so that horses can not see the trains pass by. —The recruiting officers of the 15th, here this week. Alfred H. Jennings, of Petrolia, was the only one ont of seven applicants that was accepted, he was assigned to Co. K, 4th Artillery. Wallace Rimer and J O. Mitchell wire taken on trial and were taken to Greeu ville for final examination. —An unnsnally large number of barns have lately been struck by lightning An exchange says that: "The gas ea generated by heating straw and grass and confined within i wooden structures, escaping through cracks or crevices in the building seem to attract the mysterious fluid which we call lightning." —Many people are preserving the newspapers with accounts of the war and pictures from the first engagement. These will make a valuable historical work when the war is over and will also amply repay them for the trouble spent in their collection A scrap book of clippings alosg the same line would also prove satisfactory. —An exchange says when the siijns of the zodiac are in the heart is the time to cut underbrush so that it will stay killed. This year cut willows, sassa frass, jama;:, elder or in fact, any other brush, on August 18, 19, September 14, 15, October 11, 12, 13. November 8, y, or December 5 and 6, and they will not bother you again. —By request we this week, print that part of the new Revenue Law re lating to stamping checks, etc, except ing the paragraphs relating to fire and life-insurance policies which are yery lengthy. The part we give is from Schedule A. and besides the taxes there enumerated there is a Schedule B relat ing to proprietory medicines, plasters, waters, etc: refining companies; distri bution of personal property e xceoding $10.0')0 iu value, etc. etc —Willis, son of Maj. Alexander Mc- Dowell, of Sharon, who is tin the battle ship Indiana, writes under the date of July 24. off Santiago, as followe; "The day after the last fight we went up to visit the wreck of the Infanta Maria Teresa, and what we saw took away all the glory of war. The ship had burnt 1 completely inside and all the dead had been left on deck, and were burned, so that it was hard to realize that they had been men. One man had been struck square in the face by an eight inch shell which carried away his entire head Another projectile had struck a gun shell which killed the entire gun crew; the sight was ghastly, and it male many stout-hearted marines weep." FI ICES. M. H. Byerley's large barn near Great Belt station was struck by lightning last Saturday afternoon, at. 1 dertroyod by fire His live stock and farming im plements wer-- saved, but his bay and grain burned. The building was in sured, but not the contents. LLii.VL NEWS. NOTKS. I —Bmler Fair September fi. >*. 0. i The Thx of Bullei took iu ! about ?1000. of ifr-l la-a Saturday i A cert i Scd copy of the will of Ben ' wioki R Fleming of Braver Fv.'lh fca j lieefl filed. j Ai Sing Sing N. V. Monday Mur-in i Thorn w»s elect rp<. nted tor the murder of Win. Gulden suppe a year ago The new jail "s b'iug ;> ; ntvil whit and yellow. It v. ill b_ rt:.Jy for use .11 about .; m> nth Charley Kerr -a cleaning up the rubbish on the Greets arul al -: of the county were in -own 1 ast Satu- - d».v, wenring their ni .-rs for this yea . , some were called fir Monday, and tL> bale'ice were sent - Ait 111 tat Equity proceedings 01 Mrs D. C. Ande in v.- Joseph Fleming and DeKiiii." Ekas, the couri, directed that the preliminary injunction i>e contir. ne«l against Fleming al«.»ne an i that the plaintiff iua';e a...l deliver to him a bond in the 111 of§lo>o. condi tioned t j the rule of Conrt. The case to beheard S- pt. 7th. On Friday E.jq. Anderson and a jnvy, under the iotivr ( bunty Act of HOT. extended to chis county in tried she case 01 .he 1 VfUimonwealth v*. \Vm. Critchlow. for disturbing a ri h_ ous meeting The jury returned a ver dn'v of guilty, and on Monday E.-q A' derson sentenced him to pay a due ot $25 and costs: amounting in all to near ly SIOO. The coroner s jury in rh" case of Siy m m tb< Arabian peddler shoi and killed by J M. Zimmerman, a farmer of Boggs township Armstrong Co , re turned thi? verdict: "We fir.d that the deceased came to his death from a gmshot wonld inflict ed by J. M Zimmerii. in in defenct of his wife' honor 'ind viitue. and in hi own defense, and that it i 3 a case of juitifia.'ie homicide. " P.tblic sentiment favors the verdict and Zimmerman will - ot be prosecuted unless th»- friends <>. the dead m ill should ma he information. Judge* S. A. McClung an.) W. D Porter. in Comm>n Pleas court No. 3. Allegheny Co.. have ruled that no mow charters will be granted to social clnb in Allegheny county by that court. This waa brought out by LV;appl. tic. for a license for the Tenth Ward Kepub lican Protective as'oc'otion, ol Alleghe ny organized by a few politicians. The applicants stated trat they diil not intend to sell liquor, bat the judges held that too Supreme conrt had declar ed n charter- gave social clubo a perpetual license, and as there were from 200 to 800 clubs now selling .'quor they did not think it just to the liquor dealers who yaid licenses. A few days ago Judge Cris.voli, of Franklin, in a habeas corpus proceed in*;, ruled that under th«* wituness act passed in tBSi the defendant in a crimi nal proceeding i entitled to be heard by himself and witnesses in the pre liminary hearing before a.l nstice. D. B Hazlett, of Sngarcreek township, was arrest 1 for illegal liquor soiling and on a hearing iu the case before a Justice was not permitted to testify, nor were witnesses ; '.lowed to testify tor him. The case will be tried at the Augn-t term of Uaarfei Sessions. Should ,) odge Criswell's decision hold good, it will work quite a revolution in healing before Justices of the Peace who it ore to fore have refused to'".How defendants to testify. Emma Grieb, widow ot" L. M. Grieb. and Leslie P. Ha-lett, guardian of Olive Mary and Charlotta Grieb, min or children of L. M. Grieo. dee'd, have tiled r. Bill in Equity vs 'j'he Catholic Mutual Benefit Association and Jennie Grieb. and allege that the Catholic Mu tual Benefit Association gave to L. M. Grieb a life insurance policy for S2OOO, payable to his wife ana children; that Jennie Grieb advanced th" money to pay the premiums and taking the poli cy as security; that she induced saia so ciety to issue another policy tc her in lieu of the first one and gave over to the Association ine first policy; that said policy was repudiated by L M. Grieb; that Jennie Grieb ha» been ten dered the full suwi site advanced. but re fuses to accept the same and give over the policy, and the court is a u ked to find and "decree that the second policy is illegal, fraudulent and void; that said Jennie Grieb, upon receipt of said indebtedness, shall reassign and -'urea der the same, that the first policy be adjudged and decreed valid, etc At the July meeting of the Superior Court in Philadelphia last Fn lay, quite a number of i ocisions were maile, and among them the following cases appeal ed from tliis county . Commonwealth vs John Roth, .judg ment affirmed. Kepple vs Penn'a Torpedo Co., affirm ed. .T.-d ;e Rice dissenting. Mann VL; owan and Coa~t. affirmed. Studebaker vs New Paschalville Gas Co.. affirmed. Wiies ys People s Gas Co., reversed, and venire facir.j de novo awarded. Sherman 6c Johnston vs Thompson, affirmed. The Court reversed the decree of common pleas court No. 1 of county in the case ot T L. White and others, trustees of St Peter's Roman Catholic church of McKeesport, against Wm. H. Smith, collector of delinquent taxes of McKeesport, and others, and decided that o convent and teachers' residence connected with a parochial school is subject to taxation. The pro ceeding in the lower c-, .in was by a bill in equity, which resulted in a per manent injunction restraining the de fendants from attempting to collect taxes on the building. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. i R B Flandrau to <1 A McCauley 4 acres in Butler twp for *;(>■">. Geo Forclit to A & W R li 7-10 of an acre in Summit for ?0')0. Char. Aderbold to W. H. Aierhold property in Jefferson for $!S00. Valentine Kieger to A & W R R 4 acres in Clearfield for #2500. V Rieger to A& W R R 2 acre in Clearfield for SSOO. F C Kennedy to J A Kennedy a lot in Mnn for *4OO. C Bergman to P B & L E R R lot in Jefferson for $75. P Shira ot al D W Shira 135 acres in Washington for sfl Marriage Li«:e»iscs. M. C. Sarver Prospect Jennie Roxberry " Rev. J. J. Ralston Portersvil'e Emma Z. Jamison Petrol'a B\ A. Grace Butler Gertrude Snyder " EII Bailey Jr Couaoquenessing twp Mabel M-jCandless Lojal F Hall Br.tier Linnie L Bonner. Andy Duster Butler Anna Wickenhagen " At Pittsburg, Adolph Abel of Pitts busg, Eleanor M. Baumgast, also Rob ert Bamneister of Natrona, and Eliz; beth Pfiefer of Sarversville. At Kittanuing, E. W. Hepier *f But- 1 lor county and M C. Fries of Kittan ning 7>ii7NOTKS7~ THE M ARKET- The Derrick's report for last month shows quite failin;-' oif in the production, thus far this year, with no nt w pools of any consequence in sight: and unless something bite is discovered soon w- must continue to draw heavily on stocks, winch-ought to mean a healthy ndvanc«. in the price of crude. The Standard is paying '.Hi this morning and the Producers 'JO. Excursion to Count ant. There wili lie a L'nited Presbyterian re-union held at Couneaut Thurs day, August IS, ls'js. Special trains will be run from B.addock, Sharpsburg. Butler Oil City and Erie, stopping at all intermediatt stations \ ety low rates of fare and splendid train nervine have been arranged Tor, affording United Piesl riuas and their friends an opportunity for a day s outing at the most beantiful place to be found for such an occacion. A geuoia. invitation is extended to all. wbetbei en'ted Pres byterians or not, to join a this outing. —Job work ot all kinds done a the CIIZEN OFFICR. pr.itso VAT - ' Butler Fair, September «. 7.„«. . • I. H Mntpbv ia at Cbaufa .''.a ; Capt. Hawk-, will '*e here n»ut week j R p. Scott and wire -ire at Attica r Y | ?.Irs. ,T Beighiey and danghte. ~re ai j On City. Miss Clara MoJtinkin is visiting in Mercer j Rev. Oiler and \v:fe ,;r,- at \\ ashing ton. Pa. Linn Borland and Fran 1 : Ke.'ne art in t an ula. «j« Bockenatein is visiting friend? in Franklin Rftb or t Adan-s. of Hooker was in town tiaturday. Mrs T. J. Lowmap and daughter aix ; at Meadville. I Mrs. J D Lowry and daughter «»« | visiting in New Castle C. iv Boyd and wife art -it EUers Ridge. Arms';ong Co W. C. Tiiompwn and wife have re turned from a iriji to Minnesota R, N Emery an 1 daughter, Mattii of Chicora were in town Friday. Mrs. Emcline Sip" and s< n it < . .••Hi' field twp , were in towi. Friday. Win. Reiland and wife hav-_ rf.:.ine 1 "rom a two wee!;s -.t with in Altoonn. John Myers of McFann was in town. Friday, attending the suit vs Wlll. Critchlow Sergeant .Mcx»:ader ano Private Duncan of Co. E came home yest- r«la> on sick-leave. R Fisher and wife are visiting friends at Chautauqua Mi>s Emiiy and Abel ha: e returned home. Mrs. Kiliier and son of Allegheny and Gw. Graham Ji". of East Brady are the srnests of -T. S. Voting. W P. Sipe arid his sister mv now lo cated at Florence, Col W. P. is now n practicing physician. Miss Ada Henry, of N. McKean St. left town yesterday for a \isit with friends in Alliance, O. Cnilen Armstroiis;. Harry Sumney. Oscar M<*( ling .md Paul F> Smith of Co E a:e home "ii si.-k leave. Prof Loyal Ha M:«s Lixnie Bon ner were married y-'Sterdav au.l started olf on a weddiug trip. Congratulations and best wishes. Mr- Jacob Rctber of E J St. find Mrs. J J. Eeiber of W. North St leave this nfiernoon for :i visit to friends in Philadelphia and New York. Tom Smith v,as in tov n yesterday. He ha? his punir'xini , rain<-d and his turnips hoed. and he was feeiiug happy. Nothing like being ahead with yonr wor K J. G. Orott. who ha- the barber-shop in th- Bo.vma:. Konae, Centre Ave. is taking a month'* vacation, on ik count ot .tl }»«-■. 1 th, and while he is away, R. A. Heury will have charge of his shop. The Dnffy, Shaffner and Leidecker fawrlies, George Bickel, and ('ins. Borland, fourteen persons in all return e«i from Cumuridire Spriiigs, last Satiir day Earnest and Anna Cronenwett are yet there. Simeon Nixon Jr. and wife returned to Butler '.ist Saturday. Sim and Mi Cora Ciark of Pit.«hurg weut to N. agara Falls on the excursion last week, ;iiiil were married at Toronto Si LH'S friends gave him a reception Monday evening. P H Caldwell and wife, W G Douthett and wife, Mrs. Cratty, Misses Graham and Shrader. and Henry Pil low left town on the P. W. Monday evening bound for the C. E. Convention at Saratoga Springs, and will sto t > at New York, Philadelphia and Washington. The B. and Oil City; August 19, union Sunday school, of M«rcer; August 'J ' Record manufacturing company, of Cf.tmeaut. 0.; August firemen and business men of Greenville K. O. T. M. at Maple Grove Thurs Aug. 18. Yellowstone Park ami Omaha Exposition. The Yellowstone National Park is un questionably one of the most interesting regions on the gloi -. for within it is displayed the .^reate*f collection of na ture's manifold wont'ers. Indeed, tlii monntaiD bound plat jau. high i p on the sumn it of the everlasting rookies, is a veritable play-ground for the world's giant forces. The personally-conducted tour of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, which leaves -New York ou September 1, affords the satisfactory' means of visitilig this wonderland r tn«l viewing its marvelous features A stop of two days will be u .de or t'ae return trip at Omaha an opportunity to vir>it the Trans-Mississippi [\x[>os:tion. v>ill travel by special train of Pullman smoking, Jiniug. sleeping, and observation ears in each direction Eight days will be si* nt in the Park. A stop will also be made returning at Chicago. The round-trip rate, {'235 from New York, Philadelphia, Balti more, and Washington. ->230 from Pitts burg, covers all necessary expenses. For details itineraries and full infor mation apply to ticket agent. Tourist Agent, lll»tl Broadway. New - ork, or address Geo W 3oyu. Assist .-nt Gener al Passenger Agent, Broad Street Sta tion, Philadelphia. I Any ot otir n--eiiin>; gas stove? i j or ga.-> ranges, gas fronts or any gas sa>- : inj» appliance* will find it a financial sav • | ing to call at the store ot \ty. H. ■ O'Brien :■ tin United j Well, 1 haye been to Cuba but 1 nevei | want io any iig.;in and g»»-, the !same reception as w-. g.. f ttne Ai ! soon as we landed we jest I:-.d time tc 1 i ,a!te a cap of coffee t..t some hard -1 *aek snd L-.tked beans, then we vveie I hnrried on We d:d not know where iwe were going. We \ ent back ovt r the hills on what tnev call here a roa.l. but was onj;.- a narrow trail V» e Ltit-tt there were st,me Spaniards in the country some place but did not knovv wli!ily the brush was so thic < we could not see t'lrce feet on either side of ns, we were marching in .••>• | umns r,Z twos •nd all were still, as we ' were not allowwl to speak, when, all at | once Ihe world had come to an end. ou ! ..u ■- r.s guns commenced tocrack. I fi .eLian alongside of me dropped an-! they were felling all around. We h: d ran into an ambush. Our Colonel WrnxlH. yelled. "To t.;e rear.' bnt some of the mu< hole uud drauu wat* left Then on we went 1 wanted him to give me the oaut-tn to keep, but he would not We got the niggera on the run. when there w,. another ariny of them caim in on us and if the Tenth Cavalry and some of Tweaty fourih in fantry had not co up we would ha. e been all cut to pieces. But they came up and '-rot us out. Then we commenc ed 1.-oking for ihe dead and wounded aud such a sight i never want to see again. We worked all night in the rain. At last 1 could not stand it ami dropped down. -There were dead men all around me. At daylight we were up and on the ro-ul again There was a detail left to help bnry the dead and care for the wounded. We run on them acr.iin si bout 2 o'clock then it counnen ed ag:i'n 1 don't know much aitout this, for in the first charge I was shot intlio ilesiiy part of the wrist, just slightly wounded, i gvl not mind it but went on. T had hardly gone t. n yards when 1 got it again, through the U This time 1 dropped and wis i hsre for five-hours. I crawled to a little stream and got some water and after H while taken back. I was not hurt baolv. but it was very painful. 1 was kept there with the rest; then they be gan sending them to this country, 'i ne worst wounded were sent north, soaie to New York and Atlanta, and those with flight wo*nds were brought here. I did not get into Santiago at all, but I saw enough. lam walkiugaronnd and expect to return to duty about the last of next we. k. lam going back again. i want to be in at the fall of Havana. Re-Unions. —Bnrler Fair, September 6 7. S 3 ». Masonic, at Cascade Park. New Castle, August J. 11th Reserves at Scottdale, October 13tb. The "Sixtewiera" of the Mercer Soldiers'Orphena School w ill reune in Mercer on the 17th and 18th insts The McCall family and connection will hold their annual re union at the home of S. >t. McCall, one mile Lorn Euclid Station in Clay township, on Thursday, August "25, IS9B. Everybody invited The McCandless reunion will be held in its customary grove, near Union - ville, Butiei county, on Thursday, Au gust is * All tn. se enjoying a good time are cordially invited io be present. By order of Secretary. M. R. McCandless. The 16th Annual Reunion of the 134 th Reg. Pa. Vols, will meet in Harmony ou Thursday, Aug. 11, 13!jn. All mem bers of the association are requested to Ih present. All old soldiers and ihe public geii'. x.;!!} are invited to be present to welcome fbe ' boys in bine. " Business meeting called at 1 o'clock p. m. in Har mony Opera House. County Fairs. Kittanning—August 28-26. Parker—August :Jo-Septcuiber-2. Tarentum —August 30-September 2. Butler -September 6 9. Green viHe—September 7-9. Clarion—September 30 23. Stuuboro —Septeiaber 20-23. Mead ville—September 27 30. Mercer September 27 29. Greensburg September 27 SO L. A. \V. Meet, Iltdtuiiupolis., For the Annuii! Meeting of the League of American Wheelman at In dianapolis, August \> to 13, the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company will sell ex cursion tickles, from all points on its line to Indiau,.polls at rate of sing... fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold 011 August 7 and 8, good to re turn until August 15 when properly executed before agent bf terminal line :it Indiunapolit Bicycle carried free. Special arri&ngeinents for clubs travel ing as it body. i><>liglitl'ul V acation Trip. Visiting Watkin* Glen, Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands Quebec, Mon treal, An Sable Chasm. Lake Cham plain and Lake George, Saratoga, and the Highland.-, of the Hn(l?on. Leave Philadelphia by special train Anernst 10 The tour will be in charge of one of the company's tourist agents. An experi enced chaperon will also accompany the party, haying especial charge of uuescor ; ' d ladies. The rate of SIOO from New York, Brooklyn. Newark. Trenton. Philadel phia, Harrisburg, Baltimore, and Wash ington covers railway and boat fare for the entire trip, parlor cars seat 0 meats en route hotel entertainment transfer charges, carriage hire—in faei. every it»tn of necessary expense. For detailed itinerary, tickets, or any additional information, address Tourist Agent. Pennsylvania Railroad Cam pan j-, 115)6 Br' adway. New York: BHO Fulton Street, Boooklyn; 789 Broad Sc-eet, Newark. N. J., Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Pasaengei Agent. Bro:. l Street Siatiou, Philadelphia The Bank for Wage Earners. The Pittsburg Bank for Savings, No. 510 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa., wi'.h asserts of over 500,000.00 and a successful business career of over 36 years, is the representatve savings bank for working teen aud vomen. Its thousands of depositors are largely from the unks of wage earners. Its policy of paying 4 per cent, interest actually is very satisfactory to all its patrons. If you are attempting to save money, ami it is not earning you 4 per cent, interest, wr eor calt ou the bank ami open an ac juut. Notice to Wool-Grower3, Messrs. Troutnim's Sons requiting all the room they have for their owu busi ness, I have changed my location to j Graham Tiro.-,.' grocery just across .j the street from my old 'ocation with i Trouim;<"'s, vvlierc I will be glad to sec ' all my frrmer >vool friends, assuring [ them f f..;r treatment, and the market j price ir cash for their fool Troutmans 1 wish to state that they h~ve gone out of I the wool-buying business altogether WM. F. RUMIiERGIJR CHI KCH NOTES -Butler Fair. September 6. 7. 8 9 The Lutheran Lea-n. of th annual convention ia St. Marks Luther an church on Aug. S)-il Kev ,T. H. On of Meadville was ;a l t->wn last Friday meeting with a cotn ! 'iiittee from three Lutheran churches. I Arrangements were perfected for the I third annual reunion of Lutherans from north western I'enna ro be held at Oon i nut I. Wedne-dny Aug J7tb. A ; recir.l trfe'i; will leave the P. W d.-p'it I '*t 7A. M Fare ?1 00 for adults chill r-1 50 cts The annual«: uventioa of the Burler | coi -:tv Christi rt Endeavor union be •;iu in Butler. Thursday with a song - -rvlce and delegate? prarer mei tin -ondacted by W M -1-r «ho-t addr'-s-.-s - welcome were bdiver'-d by Arthur Flack. Rev. E. It. Worrel and Andrew Krvmer, and re -ponded oby Ira M Oribam. of Evans City. The president's address was giv • n by Prof. H. I. Painter of Chicora. that evening an cpen-air meeting was ■u charge of N P. Bish of Prospect, and in the First Presbyterian church pastor al gr«.c ings were esteiub-d by theelergv of Butler. At the session of Friday, fifty societies in the county wer~ represented. The sunrise pray, r meeting was led by .T. G Rtmklf ofßntlerand w L Allen led 'be devotional rxercises at the fori ;oori -• - on. TLe b» -sion was tiken up with •••»>• ■ -< of department superintend *nts, iive minute talks by Ida A. McFann, S-die Robb and R. j McMeekiu, and i ireneral di3cassion on "The Ideal Chris tian. The missionary sermon was de livered by Rev. O. R. Edmnndson of Sl : ppery Rock. Duiing the afternoon ad-irtsses were mail' by Rev. J VV Romick of Chicora and Cordelia Jami .'sin. superintendent of junior work. A junior rally was led by Miss Alice Borland of Butler. Prof Bish led the street meetiir; in tae evening, and Rev. •L T. McCrory of Pittsburg addressed the meeting ia the Presbyterian church cn "The Christian Endeayor and the S-iloon." Th'. 1 following officers were elected President, Rev. ,1. W Komick of Chi Cora: vice-president. Ira Graham of Evans City, corresponding secretary, Lottie B. White of Butier: recording secretary. Ida McFann. Middlesex Rev. W L McClure of Bmin; superintendent of junior work. Vina McColloiigh of Chicora: mission ary work. Lydia Young of Butler: Evangelistic work, N. P Bish of Pros pe?t; good citizenship. W M. Seligman of Butler The next meeting will be at Pros pect. Closing Out Auction Sale Of all the 1, 2. 3, 4 and o-year olds on the Sherrett Stock Farm. Every animal sound and handsome and very promis ing livery oue bred right in the purple of Tennessee's beat bred pacing stock. rial Braden. Jr . brown horse foaled IS'J4. sire. Hal Braden, 2:07}. Dam. Private, the dam of Queen Pointer 2:20}. (sixth heat of a winning race): by High Private, sire of the dam oi Miss Jennings 4. 2:08 i, son of Volun teer 1. sire of St. Julian 2:11. Note This horse is sound in every respect and is very fast. Lelia Brooks, bay mare foaled 1593, sire, Kattler Brooks, 2:23. sire of Clara .1 2:11. Dam, Queen Private, dam of Queen Pointer, 2 20}. bv High Private, sire of tae dam of Miss Jennings, 2:os}, by Volunteer Note -Lelia Brooks is a very speedy- mare, having no mark. She has v, ent a mile this year in 2:25, eighth in 16J seconds. She is good for a mile in 2:15 or better this year. Hal Private, bay 'T.!T foaled 1897, sire, ?dasker. Dam, Queen Private, dam of Queen Pointer. 2:20}, by High Private. Hal T, bay colt foaled 1897, sire M- sker. Dam, Sally Hopkins2:3l, dam of Daisy Hopkins, 2:25. by Jim Fisk. Mi. s Masker, roan filly foaled l?tfc7. sire. Masker. Dam, Ida Hardee, by- Watsons Hardee. 2d dam by Brooks. Tin; Ilar'lee, bay gelding foaled IW)S, sire, Hal Braden, 2:07}. Dam, Ida Hardee, by Watson's Hardee. Lookout Hal, bay colt foaled 1896, sir?, Masker, aire of Patsy D, 3:15, Domino Pointer, 3:19, trial 2:10; and other- by Brown Hal 2:12*. First dam, Tommie Hunter by Bay Tom, 2:23. Second dam, Winni# Hunter by Prince Pulaski. Note—Lookout Hal is a nice, j big r.ugy colt. Will show a mile in 241 or better on day of sale. Sound in ] every way and if a fast, natural pacer Lady Hal, (two-yearold), brown filly ' foaled 18'J1, sire. Masker. Son of Brown H: 1. 2:125, sir# of Star Pointer, 1:59}, Hai Dillard, 2:04|, Hal Braden, 2:07}. ■Dam, Sally Hopkins, dam of Daisy Hopkins. 2:25, by Jim Fisk. Note— Lady Hal is a very promising filly. She will show miles in 2:40. Hal!if Collier, brown filly foaled 1 SlHi, sue, Masker, sire of Patsy D, 2:15, Domino Pointer, 2:19}. Dam, Mattie Collier, dam of King Hal. by Old Ben. Geo. Hal, brown colt foaled 1896, sire, Ma.-'.er. Dam, Queen Private, dan. of Queen Pointer, 2:20}, by High Private. Ed. Hal, brown colt foaled 1897, sire, Masker. Dam, Tommie Hunter, by Bay Tom. 2:23. Second dam. Minnie Hunter. . Sale to commence at one o'clock at Kit tanning, Pa. Saturday, August 20, 1898! Terms made known at sale. Catalogue upon application. W. E. Titley, Chicora. Pa. L. H. Bb.\.v, Auctioneer. TIMBER. For blank applica!ions and instructions bow to apply for reduction of do per cent, of taxes on limber lands send 25 cents to J. A. Hkydrick & Sons, Civil Engineers, Butler, i'a. Sunday Excursions to Allegheny. Commencing Sunday May 22nd and until further notice the Pittsburg and Western R. R. will sell excursion tick eta to Allegheny every Siprnday for train leaving Butler 8.15 A. M. city good to return on afternoon trains date of sale. Fair for round trip 75 cents. It you want a Bicycle or your old one repaired go to White Walter & Co. largest slock in County. Bicycles for hire. —Ask your physician if he does not think a sojourn at Cambridge Springs would do you good. If you need rest and nature's tonic, good mineral water, he will answer, "Yes." Hotel Rider of fers accomodations equal to the best. Send for circulars. —For bargains in valuable and able residences inquire cf Walker & Mc Klvain. —New Spring and Summer goods ar riving every day (prices much BELOW LA3T YEARS PSICBS,) Jat The Peo ples Store. —Are you overworked and in need of rest and quiet? Hotel Rider, Cambridge Springs, is the place for you. All the comforts of home together with »he be t medicinal waters known. A week's sojourn will make you ten years young er. Write for circulars. —Music scholars wanted, at 128 W. Wayne St. g PURE SPRING WATER ICE I8.|" delivered to all parts of the 5V* !to> town, every dcy. Leave or ders at RICHEV'S BAKERY 142 Main St. 2 H Remember the name © when YOU buy & 9 © j| again © I* PLtJ©^| SKK-HBOKiioOO NOTES. Butler Fair, September 6, 7. H, v I William Gibson, the venerable rwurt crier of Mercer county -died from stu • stroke in New Castle, Thursday, Oibson i went tu town with an excursion party, and was partially overcome by the he-it while walking about the streets. At j uoon he fell oil the Nes bannock bridge, and was removed to city ball where 'ie j was placed on a cot ank the school I'lroctors of Concord School District, for the School Year ending Monday. June, 1836. RECKI I*TS. I-'rom Stuto Appropriation for the yea: WldlngJane, IHBS $ SBB B9 from balance ou hand from last year 71 2U I'rotn Collector. Including taxes of all kinds I 420 86 Total Receipts S2 3SO W EXPENDITURES. Ity repairing and cleaning I JBD M By teachers' aim 1 8M 00 Ity fuel and contingencies 107 it By fees of Treasurer 44 53 ity salary of Secretary :t?> 00 Ity muking dup. and Court fees.. ... 2 0(1 Ity purchase of text books & supplies !!*< 'II Ity expense of institute 6«J SO By cash paid for auditing. 10 00 Total Expenditures s: 271 M Cash on hand 51"H 43 Amount due Treasurer 03 KESOLHCES. Cash on hand $lO9 45 Am't due from Bobt. Adams 2al 05 Resources in excess of liabilities.s4oo 4S Witness our hands this '! day of June. I^9*. J. M. WICK, ['resident, C. KHUN, Secretary. We hereby certify that we have examined the above and find It correct. Pearson fe. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House, Butler, Pcnn'a. Tlio b«'st of liorsca and first class rigs al ways on band and for i»i ri. Bo?*t a<'<*oiuniodati«ins in town for p« rnia nent boarding und transient trade. Speci al car© guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horse 3. A gd class of horses, I Kith drivers and draft horses always on hand and for sab' under a full guarantee; and horses bought upon proper notification by PEARSON B. NACE. Telephone, No. 219. i Coa. /vrfr a specialized l:rsAd winutas liiio rati APVLV T C P. ilt'FF «V SONS, Z44 Fifth A rtnuc, PtTTSUVRO. PA. Our Method OF Doinq Business j We hope will tixent TOOT . patronage. Ours is not the i onlv store in Butler, but j we est It is this meth od that has brought to our store a large and de sirable patronage. If you have never dealt at our store we would be pleased to have you call. We try tc everything that'is likely to be called for in our line, but it we should not have what you want we will frankly tell yon so and will be pleased to get it fou you at the earlies possible moment. We give you > hat you want. No substi tutions permitted. Let us fill your prescriptions Respectfully, C. N. Boyd, druugist. Diamond Block, Butler, Fa. LEGAL ADVERTiSMENTS. ORPHANS" COURT SALE! Hy virtu** of an order and uperee of the Orphans' Court of R-ifler county. P»., made at No. 3S>, of March term. lSlis of said Court, the undersigned adniinistra'or of the estate of James Crlswell. late of Adams township, county and state aforesaid. will offer for sale at pu'j.ic vendue on tiie preimsei cn SATURDAY. AtlOrsT 30. 1-!*. at 1 o'clock p. ra.. of suld day. all that certain tract of !aur. •>. O. fterrett. south hy land of John Burr and Wm. I'urvis, nua west i>y laids of T. W. Kennedy's heir», Newton Lertim; and Coov ert heirs, eontainlnc 154 acres, more of less: with 2 frame dwelllnz houses, one nearly new: bank burn and other outbuildings, 2 or'hards. Laud situated 'i mile from Mai and mile from IViwneyTiile on I'. &W. Ky Convenient to churches and schools. Land in pood condition and well watered, well adapted to eithei sto.-k«raisinp or general farniinir purposes, supposed to IK' oil and RUS ' frritoi v if developed. CK SALF—One half f tv. pur chase nine, v to be on .■ontirin.itlou of sale by ..- Court uuid estate will present them duly amhenticat- ed for settlement to j W. B. SHRAD/VB, Adm'r., Bntler, Pa. \f. D. BRANDON. Att'y. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE! j Letters testamentary on the estate of Isaac Keppie, dee'd, late of township, Butler county, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing tliem. elves indebted to said estate will please make immediate ] paymeiu, and any having claims against ■ the same will present them for settle- J ment to WM. L. KEPI'LE, Ex'r., Peachville, Pa. C. WALKBR, Att'y. ADM INI STRATC R'S Nl OTIC E~ Whereas, letters of administration have been issued to me the undersigned in the estate of William A. Anderson, late of Middlesex town-hip, Butler county, Pa., dee'd., notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the said decedent to call and settle, and all persons having claims against the same will please pre sent them duly authenticate tor pay ment to SARAH J. ANDERSON, Administratrix of WILLIAM A. ANDERSON, dee'd., Flick, Butler Co., Pa. S. F. & A. L. BOWSER, Att'ys., Butler; Pa. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters testamentary oil the estate of Margaret J. Mcßride, dee'd, l.tte of Mid dlesex township, Butler county, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present tliev. duly pro bated, for settlement to JOHN FERGUSON, Ex'r., Bakerstown, Pa. MCJUN'KIN & G vi,URHATn, Att'ys. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE" Letters testamentary on the estate of John S. Love, th»c'd, late of Clinton twp., Butler county, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly probated for settlement to W. H. LOVE, Ex'r., Riddles X Roads, Pa W. D. 15K. 4 .,'D0N, Att'y. AD.MIN ISTKATOK'S NOT II K. Letters of administration on the estate of Harriet Thompson, dee'd., late of Clay twp.. Butler Co., Pa., having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate will please make ir. mediate payment, and any having claims against said estate ; will present them duly authenticated for settlement to R. C. THOMPSON, Adm'r., Elora, P. O. | W. C. I INDUKY, Art'y. .ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTiCE. letters of admin.stration C. T". A. on [ the estate of Nancy C. Stewart, dee'd., 'ate of Centre twp., Butler Co., Pa., hav ing been granted to the nndex signed, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediat J jjajment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to. THOMAS T. STEWART, Admr. C. T. A., Mt Chestnut, Pa. J. I). Mcjunkin, Att'y. EXECUTORS - NOTICE7~ Letters testamentary on the will of Richard G. Nelsou, late of Middlesex township, Butler county, Pennsylvania, dee'd., having been granted by the Reg ister of said county to the undersigned Executors thereof. Therefore all persons knowing themselves indebted to the estate of said deceased are requested to make speedy payment, r.nd those having claims against said estate can present tlier;t properly authenticated for settle ment to H, M. PAT' KS, T. A. PAkKo. Executors. K. Mcjunkin Att'y. Glade Aiills, la. M. C. WAGNER, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER, 139 SouthJMaiu street. Over Shau fci Nut's Clotbio& Store • Pantaloons at 1-2 Their Value. S W» will wind up this months fj business with colors flying. While r eaft in the clotlilui; market bought , ' i tfc'? entire stock of pantaloons S *-d Summer weigh i -if the well kno.. n Mati r ufacturcs, Cohen, Goldman v\ Co., 6S, liroadway, ' • :«w Vc.rk, at sex- on the «lolV:r of cost c. munufactnr- * S '°K same \ve had to buy all anrl tfce j_ :c-r as tempting 1 f ••'•••• ** nom •»*« > ® p-'r of paat< •>. : T .r yHIU ft ptft* uuheard of. \ A jiioo pair of part;, cut puce ■ j 1 A Sj oo pair of pants our price $i 60 f \ A 53.50 pair o. pautj our j.r.ce Si 90 J A 54.00 pair of pan>s oui price §2.10 \ J A pair of pants our price Sj-35 C A 55.00 pair of pants our pnee $2.75 f •y A 55.00 pair 01 pants our price $3.25 S \ Ask to be shown these pants whether V you want apa ror not, uo trouble whatever. ill prc.ent them duly an thenticated for settlement to S. C. TRIMBLE, Flick P. 0., W. A. DENNY, Butler Co.,l>a Executors, Mcjuukia & Galbrcatb, Att'js. THE Butler Count} Nationsßank, Butler Penn, Capital paid in sxjo,ooo.oo Surplus and Profits - $114,647.87 Jos. .ilarttmn, '.i'iesidcut, J. V. Ritts, Vice President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier; John G. McMarlin, Ass't Cashier. I general bauklng buslne transacted. Interest paid ou tiuae deposits. Money loaned ou approved security. We inviu j ou to open au account with thh bank. DIREOTOKS—Hou. Joseph Hart mar., Hon W. S. Waldron, Dr. Ji. M. Hoover. 11. l/o Sweeney, E. E. Abrams, C. P. Collins, I. U Multli. Leslie I*. Hazlett, M. Flnegan, W W. H. l.arkin. John Humphrey, L)r. W. CJ McCandless, Ben Mas.-eth. Levi M.JWISe J. V. Kitt* I Entler Sayings Bank Buitler, Pa. Capital - J560,000.c Surplus and Profits - - SiSO,(X JOS. LJPURVIS ». Preaidei J. HENRY TROUTMAN Vice-Pre«idei WM. CAMPBELL, Jr Oat ;■ Iteiitlou. Interest paid on time deposits. H WASHINGTON I SEMINARY ■ WASHIMGI UN, PA. boarding ami Iliiy School for Ut»ls. New and Kit-cant building nyidy for ''all Terui. Regular, Colleg.- Preparatory, and Elective Courses S|»«rl»l nlvivut«-fea in Music, Elocution .d Art. •»r '. Principal. Subscribe tor the Cmui,