Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 28, 1898, Image 4

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P., Bessemer <S L 1!.
Trains depart: Nn 14, nt ft-4't A. M
No. 3, at s:bO P. M. Butler time.
Trains arrive: No. 1. 9 ■>■'> A. M; >o
11. 2:55 P M. Butler time
No. 12 rutin through to and cou
nocts with W- N Y &I' at Huston
Junction for Franklin ami Citj
and with N. Y. L E. <k W at Shenac
e<> for all points eas* No. 2 rnn
throngh to Meadville and connects with
W N. Y & P. for Franklin and Oil
City. SY. R. TURNER, Ticket Agent.
*• Railway. Schedule ot i as
senger Trains in effect May 15
1 I>< l*iTt. Arrive.
Alipghrajr Accommodation c 25 *>t 9 I<i a
Allegheny "Fly... f „
New Cafilt* Ac.ommortfctwi... » r *• . ,
Akron Mail * ',5 A * .3 V- *
AR< At m.aotlai.on. . 1 •
All,Lxir*## • 1 • • l - } "
Al.. .-:t nv "Fiver"
Chira. •• Exiff-.- ' • 1- 18 #
A!l**c! M.ii' • • **» t 4
Allegheny "flyer"
Kllwood A :comtoudatiji! .. " V
Chicane UmitMl 5 40 9 li a
h u»e Brndf *nl Mail '» * a 5 » r..r
Clut II Aflooaunolatkm. .... •" •<*-• ! 9 A.j;
Exprww ft !."• A.m 9 32
Allegheny Ac<->mmodatioii •*» 40 m 4 50 p.M
K.- y Girtl* Accommodation 8 I.* A.M 7 03
ChScag • Kxi-ro* .. 'A - p * *SO
ny Accommodatiu: 703 "
Train arriving at 1.5u p.m. leaves I* .t O. depot
PittalrJrg at i.OU p.m and P J. W., Allegheny at 1
For throng!* tickets* *■- .11 points In thr weat, north
or smith vest an 1 information rfc-'iiMng route*,
time of trains, L-tc. apply t •
W. R. TCHKEB, Ti-' .
li. B. REYNOLDS, Sju't, Fa.
Pa. 0. VT. lI.V-I.TT,
G- I' A A üb.-ry. P
Sciirot Ll IN EnscT >"ov. 29,
|A. M. A. M V M. I' M. P r.
BCTLEB Leo SS * <#;« »*» ® {•'
■Somutlmig Arrti. <1 h JJ ;} JO ;**
Pullt: J'iDetiun.. " " " r ! •;
Sutler Joncuou
K.tnms .ArriTt T tf 01 12 ■>'' ■■ A. • o_
25&.,.. i T« KOJJ2 35 3 to Sf"
SMipi<d«U • .......... I ' •' 1« 4' •' ...
crL™. . ... ■!» *• 1«« ' <*■ >■> •'
Bi nn-Nnrg. I H"V| »»• I 11 •« «' « 3 -
aSSm? . ' K i» » 4h 1 « • 25 « 4.-.
8 • A BLjA M l Mr.M P >1
SUSPAT TKAIJiti -I«<Tf Bui!-r f r All -: env
City ami priu'ipfcl ia'.arni«Ji!«» .t«U.U» a ni
wit JI. M.
A.M.IA.M. A.M. P. M. P. M
Alleghpny City. ..!»»« T 00 «t Wit 2S] 2 30' « 1"
81i»n»Jioi g... 1 7 11 9 12 It 371 24u ...
Ci.irumont 1 .. . i 3 19 It 1-t. 2"-* •••;
brinxdale 9 30 11 V. H 10; « .y
THi»nti-m 7 841 9 89 12 ,r - 3 Zl\ 6 *
Natrona.. 1 " 39 'J 48 12 U; .i 31 « SI
liutlw Janction.. JUTiTP 7 4C 9 SO 12 2J: :i 4>, I on
Butler Junction lear* 7 46j »SO U' 25| 4 oij 7 0
Saxnnl'i.rc; '* ' > l' l !■' *-' i 4 .$«, 7 2
BUTLEB . .arrirt-' 4<.|10 :s>. 117 5 W>l 7«•
;.* M 'A M ,P. M I'. M. P. SJ
BCKDAY TRAINS -L<-.ive Alleghi> v_ ; •>' ®>r Bat
ler ami ; I inciinl internieilljite station? at 7:20 I- 111- 811'
fcOO p. m.
P. \LtA.M.| jr.ii.-P M.
2 3 «i r. Jijitr Drrutß > r 11
32u 7 '/T ar Butkr Icnctloii 1 .... 12 r .
4 **'• 7 40jIr liatler Junction or, 8 30.12 W
4 0r"»| 7 4!*<ar
4 09' 7 6.1! M Aileglony Junction.. H 24:12 01
4 21! ft <>4 " Leocnburn " s 0911 4'J
4 -l" H 2l! " I'aulton (Apollo) ' 75311 32
5 8 511 " SaltHbur»c " 1 7 3») U 09
5 11; 92£ " Blainrrillc " 70010 4*
I. .V>' 0 3»>| Biairm'illc Intersection. .5 56 10 H"
J; 50111 m .Vlfe«na " 2 15 8 (X 1
1 »X>t 3 10! 44 IlarruburK " 11 4-3 3 H;
♦ 3(» 6 .-Si * Philadelphia H
A.M.!P.M.) A.M. P. Vi
On Sunday, train leaving Butler 7:3-"» a. m , cr>nnet.ij
for Rvri»f ur- Altoonn Philwlelp' la.
Tltrougl r.tii * ft* the c%jt k*v - Tittri a»c (Union
Station), as follow*. —
Atlantic Exprem, 1? ! !y.... 2:5»1 A.*
P©an*y tar a n»a Limited " 7:15 44
Vbikiu L in
Philadelphia Kxprrt?, ' ; |0 P.v
Fasi ' 4 810 44
F/iiUd'a Mail, Sunday® only . 8:40 A.*
For etaf'"i ir. forma ti *ii Mr TS . V tit
Agt. Vw*t>r« I f tri- t, Crun Kif~h A- *nae and Smith•
field Street, Pituhurg, Pa.
Oieneral ZJanas:* - Gen' 1 .T*iSf'*. Agent.
Two Weeks 3z\lt.
For two weeks we are going to sicrafice
oar wall pa|>ei, so that, wliettei you
nenl it or not, you wiU bu-' fr- future
if you will only t f'Uie and sea the
designs ~! priot.
W have many of the best gr-nles on
th : market which we will sci. y. »u at such
a price that you will buy. We J.asre all
grad<. and uur prices are se ling out
We waut U> sell out w"thin two weeks
•o measure every roo~o in the house for
yoa will need the knowledge when you
hear the prices and see our ti:ie patterns,
principly "special" grades, at
241 South Main St., Near P. O.
Great Shoe Sale
At C. E. Miller s.
Are you in the market for
good footwear cheap. This
is to be a great month at our
store. Summer shoes and
slippers must ;;o and if you
arc needing any call while
the selection is large.
Red Hot Prices.
Men's Tan Shoes 51.19, £1.1«. $1.98
Men's Kuir Stow »•. l is', 1.34
Men's Working Slioos ob, 1.10, 1.24
Men's Hlcycle Shoes I.U), 1.21, 1.50
Ladles' Fine SlKM's 9H, i.jj, 1.4S
Ladl' Oxford Ties 4-. 74. 'w
Lsdifs' riertfe Slippers & Gaiter* 55.*. 4H
Boys' Fine BulT Suoes 1.24
Youth's Fine Buff Shoes... HB. WK
We Hold Nothing Back.
Sell shoes is our watch word.
All summer shoes must go.
This will be a month long to
be remembered by those wno
attend this sale.
Repairing Done Promptly.
Eyes Examined Free of Charge
Jeweler and Graduate Optician
Next Door to Court House, Butler, Pa.
Subscribe for the CITIZEN.
Insurance and Real Estate
"Wb,t SFCIA 4
run n;*t r i
Jb ,v f*i \ h >»c to <t
ft- . ~ JJr \ bj>> ,i{
. m )t \*r* \ pcnOfl iti
• , If*T A-VUial/ V/V\ , 'w:-'»i "-.ii
! M\ \ J'• ' y° u - iVJ ' n ' *
i • J [•« A'
11 i '.M\. j TOUT life'< " Tt
'■ , I'* like '-'A
\vother tekrin
mJi question abiu:
ft soul Jv,
fv ;
>.*T uothiotr of
W.V hi.' ' ia'li' «anfc!r fa'.ue
nffWyVy' can be weiK'ateu
fli_in»t hi? sou'
to » *i
A- ers one frie- .3
to h«« hiai
! ft too precious
■ to t;a oartarefi
- for an
bition. o- n-.crer. of
Pi:t tscc arc s«tr to belitve that ov"
«*-.etltccs kills; n man hates to ad
Aft tint his ber th evsr ne»dfc any particu
lar earn He r.i:traH ! f and out ot
sJrt?, ' bat tries to "bltiff it off" until he
feet? fir.t on hi* bark ucaM* to a ST-V;
o r h'crh. IT
cad ef ip ney fc. doc'ort "ad tvrti ft t • t
can harni :.■<•<* kis Hfs.
Ho>- mtich more sensible, ind in the end
hovf fcuch cheaper «t the first uijjos of pty
iic i 1 weak reap t-1 ***nte to Or R. V. Pterre.
chfcf conitltinf physician rf the Irva:id«'
Hotel »cd su:tri" x .l Institute, of Buffalo,
ft v., md r"Lr- It . frc of charge, the ad
o; a skfUed and fcluciatiJ physit.an
\t-ho has a wider .-eputaiiin for the suecess
• fol Wfatwutit <3i chrg-.ic diis«a."jj lay
ofh r physiclsn in thi. countrr.
to «*!«»<• »o Z>r. r«.v\ Mr J 17. Brn-in of
"• cflntfe, WSriK Co.. ni* . (P. O. «o* «70 «rltas
" Fpi ever n y?zr 1 rvnt t. ouMcd V. iti. Uver com
plaint. H-.d :-o appctHe, ecaM kecy nc!>inj
oo my stomach. ..nii ria l »e.£re paini ;a my
Stomach lr.j bovrck. » doctored wit}! r.:
duclor? but did oat obtain rtlisf 3 fr;oad
gfl-: :f tr. taltir I>r Piarce'a Golden Medical
T)i»cnvery. I bctraa tatme It at ooce and after
taking four bottlVs I think mysalf cjretl as I
I, can eat anytWnr I «n« ray food cci.
htm; n»i
pv. t'crce' Pleasant Pellets eura c-.Ofc
pation. At all medicine stores.
Dr Humphreys'
tet direciiy upon tx.'o j
': without eiciting disorder in oilier parts
; of the systom. They Cure the Slek.
; WC. CC112 3 PUXCXS
- .*25
2'U'urniM. Worm Fever. Worm Colic... -93
3—Toethlnif, Colic, Cry tag. Wakefulness .<l3
4—Olarrh**n. of Children or Adults.. 25
l T—C out lit. Cold*. Bronchitis .29
s—Xeuralgia. Toothache, raceach'*. .. .95
9—Head a eh<*. Sick Headache. Vertigo .25
10—iJv'iK-pala, Indigestion,W»ia*Stomach.2s
1 l-*Sr.piire3#ed oi-Painfu. i'erioil«.. . .23
[ 12— White* Too Profnse Perityis 2-5
'• 13**Croup a LarmeitlH, Hoar§eno*9 25
14—Salt Hhoaini, Kryaipola , Eruptions . .25
7 1 s—Rheuau tlari.. Rheumatic Pains 23
16— >laiarla. Chills, F ver and Aguo 25
19—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in tho Head 25
20—\Vhoopli«fir-€oc«h .25
2T—Kinney DUemea .25
I 2H—lVerrooß Debility.. I.Oi)
30—L'rinftry Weakness. Wettiugßed... .25
I 77—Grip. Hay Fever . .25
Dr. Knznpbreys » i i»al of uli Discaft*" aty »ur
Drutfelst»or Uaii<Hl ttec.
Sold by drnreista. or nont on receipt of pr?
nu.aol.reyo* Me-1. Co.. Cor. Vv'iiiiam a Jubn
7 MW York.
fi 1 There is no
'' *ia 1 irai*! 1 * * word so full
IwSU a m °f meaning
and about which such tender and
hoh' recollection 3 cliister as that
of " MOTHER " —she v. ho watched
over our helpless infancy and guid
ed our first tottering step,
the life of every Expectant Moth
er is beset with danger and all ci
fcrt should be made to avoid it.
-1, i .so assists natjre
'Q in the change tal -
lflVt!»5! W p' ace thi.t
R a u the Expectant
'lftli i- Mother i- cn -
5 »ri bled to look lu.-
s* n - was , a rc j without
dread, suffering or gloomy fore
bodings, to tnc; hour when she
cxpti'i'.-ncci* • of MethcehoojL
Its' .ise tns- • xs'safety o the lives
o: ooth Moii.erand Cliild, and she
is found stronger after than before
confinement —-in short, it "makes
Childbirth natural and easy," as
so many have said. Dori't be
persuaded to use anything but
'My wife Buffered more in ten min
utes with either of her other two chil
dren than uhe di ' altogether with her
last, Laving previously usei four but
tles of 'Mother's Friend.' It is a
blessing to any ono expect,insr to be
eiyDie a MOTHER," says a customer.
UENDEKSON DALK, Carmi, Illinois.
Of Tirngt'lfiia at !lfl), or sei.t by oxpross on receipt
of price. Write lot bo;ik centalntng testimonial,
ax raluablo Inforuu'.lon for all Mothers, [tlx
The liradlleld Boi;alator C«., AtJUcta. t.a.
and it thi) result ofeoM, am) e« c .tOISW
•udden climatic char.jes.
For your Protection
we positively a Lite that this KK "Vi: JJ
reineay doea i.Jt contain F, .yrf/BEi
merairy or any other injur- |L > v
ioua drug. feSg 1, y'Jt
Ely's Cream Salßi^'^-M§
is acknowletlged to be the tmrrmph cure f<-r
Ni.®al Catarrh, Cold la liead and Hay Fever of all
rcuiixLc. It open? and clea;i,en the uw>ai
aliaye pain and ln!lammnt:on, heals the Ritri », ],r >-
tecU the niernhrane from cuida. re»t«rcH the urii-na
of taste and i-mell. l*ricetn)e. at PriiTOlslaorbv n,>4l.
£LY BKOTUJiiCS, 66 Warren Street, New Yor..
B 9 |° ©Dr. Williams* Indian Pile
H l ® f! 3 IL AOlntmentwill euro Blind,
fri J®i jf" - S § Bleei' nt; and Itching
V S ■•l'lles. It absorbs the tumors,
X%r H S_allays the itcblug at once, acts
H 9 ■■as a lxiultice, (fives instant re-
F; I lief. Dr. Williams 'lndian Pile Oirt
■ ment is prepared for Piles and lttb-
Bl 'DR of the private parts. Every Ix t '
warranted. liv by mail on r :
oelpt of price. M> cent, and JUil I
MMUFACTURIH6 CO.. Prop... Cleveland. (ilTo.
El-For Sale by D. H. WULLER.
r to l "0 inflammability i
W iiy yuur dwelling or Bnsi- j
f ness Building by the use |
I of combustible building papers?
is an absolutely Fire-Proof
! nU,ll * lrn sheathinj; and can be had 1
1 for about the s-jne cost as "burnable" i
I papers.
i Mrm!-\iirr» acls 113 a barrier to flames,
| ' W!U,UJ 11 a id will not throw <,(T that
j s.if.;:ig smoke which so endangers life in i
I case ot fire.
AbK voun LttttH rca ' fioNßuaN." j
100 Wli.LlAf< srat£l, hr'n YORK. I
Everything first-class.
finest turnouts; rubber-tiredl
Buggies, Traps, Phartotia,
1 >;oO'' Drk-ing teams »nd f-jm
ily horses. Everything up to
date. lforses for sale, call
and see us.
Open day and night.
e Rear of Hotel Arlington.
Telephone NO. 160.
. | tiaoacribe tor OnUf.
"i i i K Ci TiZh^N.
It la Arranged rtinl I'ondnctr i t> -
Heem Jilrui ®"rt Orderly
| The arrangeui-nt or furniture i?
i much rtcre fon.ial than in the I tUt. d
Stntr-e. It is a very common sight to
; see a splendidly-furnished pa'lor with
la row "of struight-baeked choir* all
! alike with their basks agaiast the wall
i and as close together as they cr.n bo
placed eleor around the room, says
the Modern Mexican.
Heavy single doors, sueh as are used
iu the United State?, arc praetieally
unknown ia Mexican houses either nt
entrances or bctv _et Interior fvjißS.
All doors open in *bo r:\id<lle and are
fastened with toiu at top and K-t
--torn Exterior dotrs are aiv.ays fitted
with glf.ss panels, for they also ser.e
as wind: vs. .Ml ruoh U<". ,r- opening oA
the street or open e-'urts rre fitted
with solid shutters t'uat aro folded ut
the sides out oi sight wnon -ot in
A good Mexican cook re'.jf-ves the
mistress of the house ol worry and re
sponsibility in it. raanner that is ae
most unknown in the United -
The cook Is given te> much a day, and
| with this amount .-"ac purenase
each morning all the provisions for
the day, including oven the staples
that arc usually bought in larcre quan
tities in other countries. On a collar
j a day a cook will provide a very good
table for a family of three or four/ '
and get enough beans and tortilias and
chiic to set the servants' taHe beside?.
They can really <;o i/ttter than tE dr
mistresses, beco\.se they can usually
drive sharper bargains with tl:~ nu'--
ketmen of their own elahs, ar.d tEry
have more putiencc to haggl r
last penny.
Frosi Portland to Orlc«.Jj) Ou»
Harfceirs Arc Fol* of Viking
Spirited 3len.
Mr. Herbert D. Ward contributes t<r
the Century a paper devoted to "He
roes of the I»cep," in which ue sayt:
"It is always with a vague regret
! that we read the sagas and arc
bv the vikings' e:cploitß. It seems ;-s if
tne deeds of daring had gone by for
ever, and as if the heroes of the ueep
were a myth of the past. Absorbt d
in tic Xorse romance, we forget tfcut
the vikings were only pirates, una that
they dared for slaughter and for
booty. If the Gloucester of to-day had
only existed then, what heroic saga
wotlld it not have inspired! For to
riik life for glory, or riches, or rescue,
or love is in the heart of every man
to do; but to risk life for a l>-»ve ex
istence, for other people's profit and
for an anonymous end partnki i of that
commonplace sublimity which does
not form the faTurifc plot of poetSj al
though onee in awhile it ie tfee subject
'of a daily paragraph.
"For the vikings are not. deed. From >
(Portland to »w Orleans our harbors
are full of tliem. The}' lounge upon f
our wharves and we do not reeognizo j
them. They loiter on our streets and j
We know thcrn not. Cut if there Is a ■
more modest, unconscious or braver i
fellotv than Jack the Fislietir aE_um!
eyes have yet to rest upon his face, j
He Is the hardiest and luost daring,
the best sailor in the world to-day.
yVnv continental kingdom would give
Its wealth to posaes* him for its de
fense. He is the envy of evory mari-
Tlmo nation. Has he no value for UP,
beyond the halibut and the Coi3, thi
.haddock and the cusk?"
The Nuntber Is Very I.nrge nud There
I» No Effort to IVe
dtieo tt.
Tho large proportion of oliud people
In Spain has attracted attention since
the beginning of the present century.
'The subject is again brought up by an
article by Privy Councilor Ilirsehberg
in the German Medical Weekly giving
the rc4ttltH of his recent observation
in Spain, where he attended the hy
gienic congress. He says the streets
of Madrid svi;:rin with blind ut-ggars;
;the further south ho went tho more
blind ho met. The proportion in Spain
!as given in the census of l&oO is 11 to
;10,000, against eight to nino in Ger
lnany, France and England; but tiiat
llguro is eonwtiered undoubtedly false
by eontiLCTitril authorities. More re
cent figures gfve 14.5. Theeiii- i i-uuses
!of blindness in Spain are inflamma
tion of the eyes of infante, granula
tion and smallpox. The widespread
fatalistic nttitude of the sick, the lack
'of governmental oversight and the
6mall attention paid to disease of tho
eye operate to increase the number
of the blind in Spain. There is not a
single public eye hospital in Spuin, ac
cording to F-r. Hlrschborg; only wards
in general hospitals and private Insti
tutions. Instruction in diseases of the
eye is neglected In the medical fehools,
though there is hope that the new mod
leal faculty in Barcelona, which has
been organized within two ypars, may
work an improvement In ophthalmol
ogy in Spain.
Mr». Cleveland and Uci Little iilrlo.
f A closo friend of Mrs. Cleveland's
tells this story of her In an anecdotal
biography ef tho former mlstxess of
the whiltc house in the Ladies' Homo
,Journal; "Mr 3. Cleveland used to be
somewhat sensitive over the gemeral
regret so freely ecspressed before tho
birth of the last child that there was
no boy in tho family. It seemed to her
to iinp'v a lack of appreciation of hc'T
three little girls. A friend, who is mar
ried and had a hon, visited the whits
house one day. land when the children
were brought in:ehe exclaimed: '.What
a pity they are all girls!' Quick as a
flash Mrs. Cleroland knelt, put her
ams nbont the children and retorted!
'That shows th*it you do not know ho-w
nice little girls are.*"
Delays are dangerous A littl. spent
for llood's Kareaparilla now may pre
Vf nt serious ilbiess.
It is said that the agricHlturai socie
ties in several Ohio contities have deeid
ed to hold no lairs this fall, owing to
the fu-t that it is felt that the race track
feature is fast superseding th > pure
agricultural part of tho annual exhibi
What the Siirilct rs of Mount Lebanon
know more about than anybody i?
the use of herbs and how to be healthy
They have studied the power of food
They nearly ali live to a ripe old age.
The Shaker Digestive Cordiai ;. pre
pared by the Shakers from herbs and
plants with a spvcial lonic power ver
the stomach.
It helps the stomach digest it? foo.S, i
and digested food is a Strength-netl-' r. J
Strong muscles, strong )»xly, strony |
brain, all come from properly digested
food. ~ .
A sick stomach can be cured and di
gestion made easy by Shake; Digesln
It cores the nausea, loss of appetite
pain in the stomach, headache, giddi
ness weakr >sn and all the Other symp
toms of indigestion, certainly and per
Sold by druggists. Trial bottle 10
I A British army Captain who was near
the rough Kiders in the fight didn't!
mind the hells at all One came right :
over his head. Everybody eh drop
ped. Caluilj- looking upward after ad
t justing his monocle, ho exclaimed:
"Beau t.itnl! Beautiful!"—i nt erwiew
in New York Sun
uitaciltlm Whtrh Wcr. Inroivcd m
Srsiiise the Troops «o
It was on the first day of May that
| Admiral Dewey destroyed the Spanish
1 ships and defenses in Manila bay.
Twenty-four days later The de
tachment of troops sent to reenforee
, him sailed from San Francisco
, There were some expressions cf im
patience because r f tnis delay, an-1
also because more troops were not
! sent. Br.' those who criticise the srov
ernraent on this account, Eavs the
| Vouth's Companion, can have little idea
of the difficulties Involved in sending
a large military expedition such a
j distance.
' From San to Manila Is
• about 7,000 miles. The voyage, under
! favorable condition?, takes about four
I weeks. Shins had to he charter d end
made ready in haste, to coiitcy not
f the troops only, but their weapons,
! field artillery as well as rifles, horses
| and their subsistence, tents, bedding,
hvrpital stor-'s and miscellaneous
, eq'iipriier.ts, together with rations for
■ the whole fore sinT-cient for the voy
' fig'' and for some tine after,
i xt. was r.- eassary also to earrv out
-1 qunnrit • of ammunition and
i supplies for A lrairal Dewey's ?qiiad-[
| ron. *or ships carrying or. operations
j 7,000 miles fro-n their base of supplies
| nee;! many things.
' To Poe-:rc the «hir." r.r.d prepare them
! for such a voyage., nnd to accumulate'
and get on of "hem the need
j ed supplies in .• little more than three
j weeks, was really a remarkable-
I achievement.
Aa Argar#icnt TJ:at .lio.
Jaiso That the Prolcawr
Win Gulltr.
"What's this?" exclaimed the Jus
tice of the peace in Arenac county;,
"do I understan', professor, that you
was hissed an' bombarded with egga
an" veg'tables while you was a-playir.'
the 'Str.r-Spangled Banner?'"
"That's what I say. jedge. Spnin'arda
couldn't have abused me no worso. I
was about the worst-lookin' objeck
vou ever see when I reached the brush
and crawled inter r» holler log.
"What have you fellers to say 'bout
this high mason?" shouted the court,
as he fingered a Dewey button and
looked daggers, says the Detroit Free
"I represent these gentlemen." said
a bright voting lawyer. "All we ask
is that this 'professor' play one of his
selections for your honor. We offer
it in evidence."
Not. n dozen squeaking-, screaming,
teeth-filling notes had been tortured
from the violin before the court yelled:
'•Bait! Do you call that Infernal rack-'
et fiddlln*? Is that the way you masta
rrfithe g'or'its anthem in this hero
"!ft'.''us nation? I fine von three dol
lars an' costs fur contcmp* of court,
disturbin' the peace, maintainln' a
nuisance and irsultin' the flag. Now
i you kiver groun' lively till you git
j outen this jurrvdiction." Then some
| good-hearted citizen pointed th' 1 ncar-
I list way to the railroad.
* - l*eople Who I.lve Thitre It la
<" V'!Vl' IT City- In tlio
United State*."
U.t re are a few rct.iarks by a mer
chant who camoto Jfc.» \ ork from the
southwest ten year; ago: "'When I
was a boy. and long after I had quit
acting lik:- one, I nc t-.iiy always heard
ZCf ~ York cai'ed 'Gotham.' A New
Ycrkmciuwa! •. '«joi h - 'dt ' W' read
i o:r liobic ; .-per o' •Jlnjiprnlnp-s in
> itham.' WI'.TJ a »v>n wer.t frora our
country to this city he said he had
gone to 'Got har,'..' I remember an in- j
cident in my school. The teacher had
t. hin l ot asking questions ibnt. were
n't in t.v lusolc, and one (lay he fining
thi:i: 'Which is the largest city in the
j United States?" The boy at whoa, thii
was tired replied 'Gotham.' The old
teacher looked over his spectacle® and
" 'Yes, you are another one. I wish
the father.-: of tome of you boys would
tell you when they read Washington
Irving that he was r.o friend of the
school teacher, it takes half lay time
to undo what Irtiug did in the histor
ical line. The largest city in the Unitod
States Is New York, and if any of you
boys ever go there you will and it out.'
"Tlio dear old pedagogue was (1 na
tive of the Empire itate. I meet many,
people in the course of a year and 1-
rarely hear the word 'Gotham.' lam
inclined to think New Yorkers never
thanked Irving for applying it to their
China I«i Crowded.
The crowding of China by other na
tions continues. A recent attack by
a Chinese mob upon the Japanese con
sulate at Shushi has given Japan a pre
text for securing concessions on the
Feiho, together with a guarantee that
no part of the province of Fukien,
which lies on the mainland opposite
Formosa, shall ever be ceded to a for
eign power. France has demanded
from China a money indemnity and
certain railway cencessions in the
province of Kwangsi, as ••ompensation
for the murder of a French priest; and
Russia, without waiting for any special
prete..t, is reported to be insisting on
a lease of Kin-Chau. the city near Fort
Arthur which the Russian commander
not long ago attempted to occupy,
claimingitaß a part of the Port Arthur
concession. Great Britain has secured
an important extension c>? the boun
daries of Hong-Kong.
Pretty Old :iuu Klill Hot.
Lord Kelvin puts the age of th" et:n
at 100,000,000 years. At its present,
rate of combustion the tun will last
from 7,000.000 to 15.000,000 of years be
fore burning out.
HOCO'B PIK.S cure Liver ills, BH
!oti3ness, Headnche.
F.fsy to tak», to operate. 25s
Well Kept Prisoiiiei*.
A Washington Dispatch to the New
York San says:
"Many of the Spanish naval officers
who are quartered at Annapolis as pris.
oneis of war occupy bouses formerly
lived in as cadets by men who manned
the -nips liiat sank Gervela's fleet. No
naval prisoners of war were probably
ever better treated than these Spaniards-
The Paymaster has provided comfort
auie beds and furniture lor the rooms
mess arrangnients have be -u made in
the same bitildin.: where Mi'- batcDelor a
were messed Inst winter, and a fine
steward employed t< provide their
meals. Two cfiicers are assigned to
each room, in which there are two beds
The higher ranking officers, like Eulate
and '-Mine of tue 1 xeuutives and naviga
tors, nave separate quarters and may be
me-sed alone. The grounds at Annap
olis are beautiful at this season, and if
the restrictions arc not severe the pris
oners will be alowed to roam them at will
but always under the eye of the marine
guard. Forty are detailed lor this duty
"Mystic Cure'' for Rheumatism and
Ne- ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days.
Its action upon the syc-ieui is remarkable
and mysterious. Xtremovesator.ee the
causes and the disease immediately d;s
appears. The first dose greatly bsnehts;
75 ceuts. Sold t>y J. C. Kedic, ana J. p.
i lialph Druggists butler Apr 06
it.c >0 ~i ~ Ovivr.
/. U:.«-c irri.icc' >ui 1 ineplainteof drl»-
itiß. ii:tendi:itf huyrr. . ! parna;-, or l,.ir
ocfc, can save doi.ar>. !..v f,,r the
tarac.fr* ■ii »^n<- llm- i'.lk:iart Curriaco
aud iiaraesH Mit,-. Co., Elkhart, lud.
Alrridr Drilled.
ilrs. Prque—There seems to be a
, : pre'ercnee for unmarried men for the
himr. I don't ;;eo why that should be
j the case.
Henry Pe uo-—-Neither do I. M&r
--! ried men might not amount to much
for aggressive fighting on their own
part, but they would be just the fel
• lows to st&na without complaining
any number of sieges or constant
harassing from the enemy.—N. Y.
A Coriraon Ca»o.
"Has Mr. Quacious git en anything
to help tht, T'p.itfd States alcng la
its war with
i "*ln some respects he hue been
| among the most liberal of our mon
, eyed men."
"What has he given?"
I "Advice."—Fetroit Tree Press.
A Jury.
First citizen—lf you had any doubt
f/i the guilt ol' Mrs. Borgia, the alleged
p '.soncr. why did yor. vote to hang her?
Second Ciii.- n (who wr.son the Jury)
—Vv'ell, you see, the trial mad« her so
notorious that we knew if we didnt
hang her she'd scon be appearing on
the stage. —N. V. Weekly.
in;;e of PI :r vror*.
Efiie—Uncle John, r.re you an au
thority upon the language of flow err.?
UneJe John—What do you mean
the language employ - d by the woman
who receives them 01 by the poor devil
who has to pay the bid? Eoston
A Nutnral 't^spnoe.
Grocer (who has kept impatient cus
tomer standing while he wrote up his
day-book)—Oh, wait, wait, I was only
mnkir.g a charge.
Impatient Customer (knocking over
a sugar barrel on his way out) —And I,
sir, am oniy making a retreat.. —N. Y.
rTlln.sfclly Ijcßorunt.
Keeper (at Sing Sing)— That con
vict is a "trusty." We can trust him at
any kind of outside work and he won't
try to run awr.y
Visitor—Dear me! isn't that funny?
Keeper—Oh, no. His wife has got
' a divorce, but he doesn't know it. —
Too Particular.
Opie Deblock—Why don't you marry
the Widow McHayet and sett'lo down in
her new 10-room house on the boule
vard? It has all the modern improve
Artie Choak—Yes, but I'd have to take
the widow with It, and she's not a mod
ern improvement.—Chicago Tribune.
Front I'oniflvc.
Husband—l've just been figuring it
up. dear, that luring the last year I've
given you £»,000 in pin money.
Wife—You don't mean to say that
you have put it down in a book?
"Why, certainly."
"That shows how mean you are." —
Brooklyn Life.
Too Willing-
Young Wife (reprovingly)—My dear
love, you know my dear mother can't
bear cigars, and she won't remain with
us a week if you smoke them in the
ho use.
Young Husband—All right, my dear.
I'll smoke a pipe.—X. Y. Weekly.
An Cternol IJ-filcnltj-.
A man should he lndwtr'ous,
But It beats de mischief bow
Much easier 'tis ter foliar
A puluesslon danap'.o'W
—Washington Star.
The War Ciirl.
j She wore dress of m,vy blue
The collar .vh?te and bine and red:
j A striped belt and stockings, too;
A i'loi v.'fts on her head,
i Red, white mid life her Chatelain;
I one n<;d a iiatc beneath her chain.
; She wore a badge "U S. S.Maine," j
A tiny cannon for a pin.
j She wore a nheii comb in her hair,
With array buttons all embossed: j
j Soiih swords were iii« sticking there, j
And at her belt small rifles crossed,]
I Her prtcket book w,is knapsack shape, j
Her smelling bottle a wee canteen
Containing • --once of "• 'rushed Grape '
The neatest thing I'd ever seen
Her face was patriotic, too.
And full of everlasting charms;
Her cheeks were red. teeth white, eyes
She also had repeating arms.
In fact,, she was in fight:ug trim."
So an "'engagement" 1 did seek:
Aud though my chance to win WHS
I cruised around about her cheek.
PuiT! Suddenly she fired at me
A perfect fusilade of sullies".
It shook my iu .trt "windward'' to
Re-echoing l'or miles and miles!
My rapid-firing lips I turned
Upon her then (for they were loaded).
But when the fast-sent kisses burned.
The powder on her face exploded!
Two years ago Lewis Nick tint, pro
prietor of Nickum House, New Castle
was fishing at Pulaski whet, his watch,
worth frJOO, fell out his pocket to the
bottom of the Shenango. Friday even
ing a young man named Riley of
onntrstown, while fishing at the same
place, got his liook entangled and pulled
out Nickum's watch. After beging
oiled it ran and kept good time.
A woman who claims to know, says
the most satisfactory way to keep a
ehirt waist down in the back is to stitch
a little band at the waist line in the
back on the outside of the garment
with two buttonholes in the dress shirt.
Of course, it is a great deal of trouble
to put these buttons on every skirt, and
the buttonholes on every waist, but it
is worth it in the end, for then it is im
possible for the shirt waist to part com
pany with the skirt band.
"I say, old chap, let me read you
some funny \eises lye just written;
you'll die with laughter.
"Is that so? H'mll'd rather yon read
them to my wife's mother."—Ally Slo
He (indignantly) I hope I know my
, own mind!
She (sweetly)— Yes! You surely ought
j to know as much as that! - Tit-Bits.
11' You Have a Baby.
Don't kill it with mostrums for
• coughs, colds and croup. Use the only
> safe and certain cure, Hoxsie's O. C. C.
. 10 cents.
"Women have so little originality.'
"I presume you are talking about
i some one woman.'
"yep. 1 have proposed to her four
, times and each time she told me it waa
j so sudden."- Indianapolis Journal.
' "1 wenliln t dare tell you I hadn't a
' cent in the world
"Why not'/"
'You are so kind hearted that I'm
afraid yon would offer to lend me $lO. '
Detroit Free Press
The Countersign.
"Let me in dearie.' he said, rather
' unsteadily at 8:80 a. m.
"Repeat the sentence, 'Schley
simply swiped Cervera off the sea,'
first, she replied from the upper wiu*
1 dow. —Philadelphia North American
o tiz:' a specialized L're:io-wir.vin/; Klin -.'fc a \
Ctf>2ot A#S APPLY T
P. JJl'l F tVr SOXS, 24!- Filth A vtr.uc.
tiubsreibe (or The Citizen.
Lively Clearance Sale of FiiNE FOOTWEAR
is now n. Tlic mere mention that Ifuselton's Clearance Sa'c
is in full swa} will brinjf buyers from far and near. This is a *ale of
High Grade Shoes selected from our stock. This- sale is no fake,
neither hive we bought, as some have, a job lot of cheap shoddy
jobbing house shoes to make believe a clearance sale.
Lad'< s' Fine Tai Siioes, $2 grade. now st.co
Ladies' Fine Dongola Shoes, $3. 2, grade.. ..now sl, $1.50. $2
Ladies' Fine Dongola Hand-turn Shoes, $3 and $4 grade,
now $1.50 and $2 i
Ladies' Fine Kid Shoes, $1 grade now 75c
Misses' Fine Tan Shoes, vesting top. $1.50 grade now 95c
Misses' Fine Tan Shoes, iace o r button, $2 grade now $t
Mioses' Fine l">ongola Shoes, s'.2-; grade now 65c
Children's Fine Tan Shoos $1 grade now 60c
Chi'dren's Fine Tan and Black Slices now 45c
i oys' Fine Tan Shoes. $1.50 gr ide now 95c
Youths Fine Tan Shoes. $1.25 grade now 85c
Men's Fine Chocolate K Is, $2.50 grade now si.6o
Vlen's Fine Yici Kid Bals, $2 grade now $1.50
Men's Fine Bicycle Bals at £I.OO
You'S! find us just Opposite Hotel Lowry.
Y'ou wiii save dollars by attending this sale. No cheap jobbing
house shoes in this sale. You can't afford to miss the chance of
•ctting fine Shoes at less than hall" ptice.
Butler * Loaning Shoe House. Opposite Hotel Lowry.
in' f rYv'v v«i •WvYvrftfafvti -»fi Ii urif «■ Iff liri
5 Farjers be Wise, Deal with us and Save 40 percent, or, your Fertitiicra. Il
-t Analysis. Plir*. Acid, Ammonia, Actual Fouwh, S
•5 percent. percent. percent. S
*2 fi.iw Meat.. 22 to 25 4 to 5 sia.oo p-irton. £
> Four Fold FertilijEei'.„ 9to 10 2 to 3 2 to] 16.00 " 5
> Smoky City " oto 10 l}£to2Js
Biff Bonanza " oto 13 2V. to 3W 4 to 5 80.00 " ,ft
5 Potato Special " tol » 3 v "to4V£ e to 7 83-00 " "ft
Special " 11 to 12 3'to 4 4 to 6 ai.oo " £
§ Bone and Meat 15tol"> 4 tos 18.00 "-J ft
;= For -amplos nn-1 pamphlet, write WALKER. STRATMAN U 00.. Here's IsUnd. PITTSBURG. FA. ft
7V"" ""**A'*V*'*****.\V*.V/."*.*.*.**.**.**.*j*'".**.*.'.*.*.*.'.*.*.".V.*.*.V.,*.V.V.".".* .'AVJ.'.'M'.W.V.'Jff
> it is oa!y one of many indications < |
r that your liver is out of order.
| > Use a remedy of <'
{ 50 YEARS j:
standing, that has acquired a <'
1 /■ 1 p'ltHtionfi ren ring Liver com- «[
'■l plaints—such as 5
5 The • r.re .*> y 4 > t.kv, will >
> improve j*c;ir orjpl" xinn a .d i
« ' 'ii-voy :-" • f t';-->se lev spirits, S
sleepless nights, si.k 1> idaclie, <
C costivi cess ami bilious; ess. *
> w. j. onjtioaii co. 5
C r-TT~Gt'?!a, PA 5
I At ait Druggists, £"«. 5
' . <.(VV*. 'MWA 1
— l 9 • « a» « n»
•a. . 5
J-.r-'D Fo£ *
2HS& 4 C-VTALOC. c
5 *' r 3 FREE! >
/ an>' complete list V
\ of all the '^anier.i•. ;• .i\t : toi;raphic ?
I materials we hat ne* things f
C coming in Jaily—wi rjaranlet prices %
( the lowest—this store :s photo- >
e graphic heada.u n .-rs hereabouts, t
/ Dark room free to our customers. /
C rniarN bjiio»MCS, V
That you can buy the purest and best
wines and liquors from A. Andriessen at
the lowest figures.
From the best known distillers and
' wine growers in Europe or America. A
few prices:
•\ iskey S'.i yrs. old, pure Itye. SUiO gallon.
Whiskey + yrs. old, purv llye, 2.. r *>
Whiskey yrs. old, pure liyc, 3.50
Whiskey !" yrs. old. purv ftye, 4.n0
Whiskey 1~ yrs. old. pure Kye, 4.30
Whiskey l.~> yrs. old, pure Kye. SJM "
Vines. l'»iii >11.: Dry mid sweet, from 75c
I .-1 ;it» audi 2.00 per gallon. Imported from
5..110 to si.;"i4) trail on. Send for price li;*t.
188 Federal St. Allegheny, Pa.
Telephone No. 510.
O-f N
% Exposition Hotel %
f* - AND - %
Hotel Mantor, T*
°-r Cutler's nearest Summer Resort
.j-r Good bathing and -ftfah.ng, N j-r j
jjf- and ail Summer Resort
Open from Juxjo 27 to October I, with hi
rre:isi?d attractions, iiotmiific«iit jxolf lluk«.
and one of I Ik? flncst bowling at!« ys in t •
iDuntrv. The waters of H«-«lforn an* the
t> . st vffi-ctivi* anil I'olebrritofi In the world.
V r terms and ln>okl«*tK address
J. T. ALSfP. Stijx rlnteiiilent.
; Bedford Springs.. Bedford, Pa. '
Will open .Iniif Ist. it ; opular priees; Dm
My !:i<;ati'd within mill of golf links. l'\)r I
ti-fn.s and tHX>kiots nddress
A i.one hundred bbl. Tanks,
fa 2. rigs,
1 good boiler and engine. S)
1575 feet of No. 1 tubing, jj i
ty 1575 feet of No. 1 rods. /■ |
For Particulars inquire of
CoyleSville, Pa., or
Great Beit Pa.
I 39.South.Maiu street
Ovsr Shaul & >«gt'b_Clotblßg itore_; l'
Are Not All Gone
We have a tot of Monarch shirts
made of Garners percales former
price £1.50 now going at 75c.
33 l-3per cent Off
on all winter underwear and lots
of broken s ; zes going at one half
We Still Have
a few of those $5, £4 and $3 bats
in the Dollar sale
We Have About
five dozen fine wool top shirts in
Black and Brown shades, worth $2,
and #2.50, we are offering them at
fi.25. Come in and tell us what
you need and see if we canno
supply you.
24? S Main ST Butlkr, P*.
aiv ... ftnc"n«a«kot 'htuid loscrlptitm m»j
onloklv ascertain oat'opinion "66 whether an
inventton is prt.bnMy patoj.table. Coramuulca- j
tlons strictly roiitldentiaL Handbook on FatenU
sent free. Oldrst naoney for securlDs patents.
I'atm.w takon throucli Munn A co. recolvo
rpecUil notice, without chaege, in the
Scientific Jlmcrican.
A handsomely IlJuHtrateci weekly. Larmt cir
eolation of any scientific Journal, rerxoa, $3 a
ye»tr: four months, 41. eoid by all nowidealera
MUNN & Co. 36 ' 6 ' New York
Branch Office. 025 F St., Waatiiinjtou, D. C.
< —dental rooms.— ml
I> ' aKfßn'rf 39 -sth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. |<
' WJ*B WVro PRACTICA' '.ya-tnsthc (tf
Iti&K ?5 CROWN -al 3K; j;;e workH
"JifFi i^ of WHsl'ur^— WHY rtOT DO V
l<* S i!/J wMtii.i BniOGE work reoiue.) to R?
ll* "Eft TOOTH Aino tlie L"
I-1 * a f? !••• • » • ill iru.ti*. ON LY *b v
HOTEL 111 •>, l!i CAFE.
New House, New Furniture Rates
i per day, meals 2,s cents. Meals serv
d in dining room at all hours.
MRS. NIXON. Prop'r.
Formerly i?f Nixon House.
Hotel Willard.
; Reopened and rea ly
j for the accommoda
| tion of the traveling
j public.
Everything F-irsi-class.
| K}T. I'Allit KEIHIKG. ite'i
i WM W.M.KF.K. J. g. WtOK.
Walker & Wick.
Kktteucu Uuiu>ino. Oim'. I'tisTorrict
Buy Direct from Manufacturers
Single Tube Tir . Light and Fast yet
Strong and Durable.
$5 00 Per Pair.
The King Mfg. Co ,
otli. e Arch St. Pliiladi'lphlu. I'a.
—Job woik of all kinds done at the
< >Sumrrer -p I"?, Summer A
<! ►Millinery.*—"• * • I *Millinery.<»
Ji[The Leading fViiilinery House of Butler Co.<£
| V • 1,1 ov « >T "' wis *•• stm : .or millinery £o«#U< «i-d i rid of thorn" w
M k.i'.J . • to do so we »ill *>oll •II th< voty latest Bonnets. Iluts, bailors, Walk-i V
HLits. -?v Kiiibnnii, A*?.. • z •.»■<tl« t f;;st cost.
V J ,nl ™ M
X S Aivvays on Hand. I X
X * wmMmm&mmmmmmmmaammmßaaamMKsmmmm A
A 122 S. Main St D. T. Pape. 122 S. Main St.^
JKpCould readily be on the subject of cheap clothine with which
market has been flooded. During the periods ot depression in the
aFwe have maintained our well known standard of
)rh' ] hi- seasons product surpasses* anything we have ever s v
We le-ire to call special attention v our unusally ' variety ,\na"
l>etter grades of UfcV _
&Boys and Childrens Garments
whie' we have car:ie>'. i'.ecor.:nit:i ol" t' nost criiit cal buyer. v
%1. H. BURTOii "'i|jrl||ii" T. H. BURTON,|
This is '.lie opportunity of ;i life-time. Agents aro making JSP to «ISO a work.
FIT7HUGH LEE, Mai. Gen. U. S. V.
aud iaie consul <ien"ral to Cuba, wrltt-s a hook < :i
General Leo's own story of Cu*»a tho Spanish Was. will ho produced in .t sub
stantial i*»ok. of over 500 papos, 7x'J\i inches in size and almost
This is tiieontr authei :ic w. rir published 011 tho one subjevt occupying the uiinas
of tin' entire civilised world
HTTTPTT? DU A P»V Liberal commissions will IK? paid and
uu Iri i O I . ere lit siven lose no time, act at ouc.'.
Write for full particulars TO
Our authorized distributors are located in al' parts of the I*. -
To The Finish.
Competition routed long ago—and our low prices for
j pure liquors \. ill always be maintained.
We pay express charges on all orders of $5.00 and
over and deliver the liquors at your houre—No extra
charge whatever. Here are a lew of oui prices:
Anchor Rye 50c"pet O;., s2.c\> per gallon
Possum p.ye 65c per Qt.. iz.yO per ,;.:'!cn
Gnckenheimer Rye \ years cid, , uer Ot ■-..- •r 7l
Bear Creek |
Guekcnhcimer j 6 y.:ars old, si.co per Ot , $4.00 per gnl. J
Finch 1
Gibson | 6 qts. assorted for $5 00.
The best and purest California Wines in the country,
30c per quart, $5.00 per case of one dozen ftrl quarts
—any assortment.
Our Gins arc the purest and best—sl.oo per quart
in the country. Send for price list: mailed free.
We want your custom, and we will have it if LOW
prices for the 15LST liquors can get it.
Wholesale Liquors,
WAR - WITH - mil
m Reliable War News
\ \ M| FAMILY ,
Furnished by Special Correspondents at the front
Will contain all important war news of the daily edition. Special dispatches up to
the hour of publication. Careful attention will be given 10 Farm and Family
Topic.;, Foreign Coirespondence, Market Reports, and all general news of the
World and Nation.
We furnish The New Vork Weekly Tribune and your favorite home piper,
TH CITIZEN." Butlsr. Pa., Bath One Year For SI 50.
Send all Orders to the "CITIZEN."
NO '
> .n snmrHtrvM «£* *r-1 nf>Bia m» nn«- wi
A. i 4WKLifat|B laUJ -pw tf «I 1«v Mfln. .bid-. ~.r.p 1 f." At gcwla* ftr
TUf QAJNTIK'G becomes cxpt-slve when you us? cht ip i'rrhuirt yoc
s.I J. * have already teamed thb—othen havt. ror rxceifent rgjults la
BEST even- p.;rli' ul.-r uit
THERE ! /i'SEE'S'FSS" Liquid Paints
! O i.• •• • . .....
| I siuutl pro.tu»ii;< oie_i:ng sheets.
<» tolo.- " jrJ, r"anii)hliii," k jt4r;i< Jjwuf4..jn, etc.. mailed c.i raquatt,
IN i
G. 4 w. Campbell,