Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 28, 1898, Image 3

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THURSDAY. JULY ?8, 1898.
SOTE-AU advertisers Intending to make
ehanjres In thtir ads. should notify us ox
th**ir intention to do *), not later than Moa-
C -*y murnlnt!.
Administrators Notice. Estate of
Emma Shrader
Orphans Court Sale Estate of Jam.-s
Geo. Waiter & Sons Card to the Puu
Schaal & N'ast s Pi.jfloons.
C. & »'a Furniture.
Administrators and Executors of «st:it ;s
can -t . ure tbelr U»o»s at tlic 'IT
ZKN iiMm «nl|in«nw —MmyMif — im
their note t*x>ks.
On and after Saturday, August
6,1898, the banks of this piaca
will observe the Saturday ha f
holiday and will close at noon, 12
o'clock sharp.
John Berg & Co., Bankers,
Butler Savings Bank,
Butler Co. National Bank.
—Now for the oat-
» —Keep ae cool as you can.
—Camp mi ' tint; at Callerv
—Teachers' Institute August 20th.
—Bntler Fair, September <5, 7, 8, 0.
—Plenty of hot weather yet to come.
—Recent rains have been worth
—After this the banks will close
Saturday uuou.
Regular Army Recruiting Officers
here next Monday.
—Every time you Ijpk a revenue stamp
yon help lick Spain.
—The dog star now aids Old Sol in
keeping things warm.
—HayiDg is pretty well along toward
the end,and oats are beginning to claim
—Harlan Book put up a 4.»x50 ban.
lately. Isaac Jones, of Portersville..
was the contractor
—ln the United States there are no
less than Indifferent varirties of the
Presbyterian church family.
—Local newß is very scarce this week.
It's high time somebody was robbing
another store in Porte rsville.
—The Patriotic League will meet in
Y. M. C A. Hall on Monday evening,
August Ist. EveiyV>ody invited.
—This is excursion day. All the good
people are going some where to-day,and
the lawyers are coming back home.
—Dr. Clark was in town yesterday
and did a great business. The sls a
day licensedosn'tshutoutmeu like him.
—There will be no meeting of the R
T'B. of T. on Friday evening this week
on account of the Christain Endeavor
—Two children mot with terrible
deaths in this county during the past
few days. One by a twirling fly wheel
and the other by tly poison.
—A great deal of unnecessary whist
ling and steam letting is indulged in by
locomotives within the borough, to the
great discomfort of resi dents along th«
—Some of our farmers had their
wheat threshed last week; and r-ne of
them told us that he immediately scat
tered his wheat straw over a sod field
that he intends plowing down for wheat
in a few weeks.
—The "Bessie - ' Railroad provided 11
coaches for the Union Sunday School
pigpic from the Billiard valley and vi
cinity of yesterday, and yet some people
had to stand going up. Eleven hun
dred tickets were sold.
—The government has abolished the
practice of letting mail contracts to
contractors who snb-let them at starva
tion priced. Hereafter the contracts
will be made direct with responsible
persons in the sections whore the route
is located
—Our grocers are paying 12 for butter
and C)rga, 60 for potatoes, 40 for apple, o ,
3to 4 for berries. 1 { a pound for cab
bage, 90 a bushel for green beans Our
millers are selling wheat for 65 to 75, |
oats for 85 and rye for 40. Hay is sell
ing at $6 to *8 a ton
—lt is a strange fact that very few
people of the name of Bntler live in
v Butler county -and none, so lar as we
know, of the blood relations of Col.
Richard Bntler, after whom the conn
ty was named, though there are hnn
dreds of them over in Indiana Co.
The regular annual crusade
against the dogs is due. Because
these are "dog days" the edict goes
forth in some towns and cities where
they ought to know better that tha
dogs must be muzzled, for fear they go
mad Any dog that would not go mad
at beinjf muzzled in such weather as
this does not deserve to live.
- The Orphans Conrt sale of the
James Criswell estate in Adams twp.,
has been adjourned until Saturday Ang
20th. This is one of the most desirable
properties in the connty—good land,
good buildings), Rood orchards, good
water, and within a few minutes walk
of two towns and railroad stations. If
you are thinking of investing in a farm
you will find no better opportunity.
—Lesions in onlcr are never to be
slighted. Thin may not be amiss for
beginners. Children should 1* taug'ut
to put things back in their places as
soon as they are old enough to use them
and if each member of the family were
to observe this simple rule, the house
would never get much out of order,
and a large amoant of vexation and
useless labor would be avoided.
—On the face of the new revenue
stamps which are now being distribut
ed, is engraved a representation of the
ill-fated battleship Maine. There is no
inscription excepting, the denomination.
They are oblong in shape. The buttle
ship is pictured as going at full speed
through a heavy sea. From the two
smoke stacks is pouring volumes of
dense sruoko. The stamps, millions of
which will be usrtV are a silent through
appropriate reminder of the low of the
pride of the American navy and 2U 0
of her brave sailors through Spanish
"All things come to him who waits.
Don't you l>elieve it!
Yon mnst hustle while you wait,
Your trade isn't what it might to be,
Your competitors advertise and hustle
for business while yon wait
You mnst advertise too,
The CITIZEN is the medium.
Your statements are placed in 2,W0
homes within three daya.
You say the word au<] pay for the ad».
"TVe do the rest,"
The people don't read the mis in the
paper, yon say What are yon reading
this for the? beet
—Butler Fait, SaJ/u thbtJr 0, <■ b, ft.
The yield of when 1 in Butler coun
ty uever was" bettor. The oats cr< p
promises to be equally as good.
—When a miui goes Ashing he may
not catch a gooJ -tring. but he is ■ nre
to come home with a long yarn.
—There will be .. polr and flag rai ;r;
at Buttercup uu Friday August stl.
The audience will b© addressed by .Tan.
M. Galbrt.Uh, Lev McQuistiou and
—-L H. Arras, the well known lia"
ne«s maker, has opened a shop 011 the
alley in r of Pair's store where he
is prepared to make new harness anl
do all &iuli of repairing.
—Burry Crop. <fc fleyl of Prospect ate
making their annual round with their
Low Dow 1 Massalon thresher, and rsi
doing better work th an eyer. They re
port crops as being excellent
—The other day a good natnred Ital
ian who was peddiiiig poaches at three
for-ten-cents-a-dozee was pushed off
tb" sidewalk by a drunken man—and
he was real mad about it.
—Popular titles seem sometimes mis
nomers Tbfc Rough Riders have
done all their effective fiirhtmsr on foot,
and have proved themselves very
smooth shooters.
—On account of the hut weather the
U. V. L. will hold no more meetings
until the 29 of August; at which time
delegates wiil l>c electee to the Nation
al Encami>ment at Williamsport. Pa.
—A mixture of tar, oil and grease,
with a little carbolic acid will keep the
flies off cattle and ihus increase the
flow of milk Apply with a cloth t<
the hair, once a week.
—A party from Allegheny are build
ing a one story, frame house on tbe Jas
Kelly place in Slipperyrock twp.. and
expect to occupy it next month Tlie
building is 12"» feet long, and will ac
commodate several families
—There will be an Army Social, at
the residence of Matthew Shannon,
about a mile south of Ml. Chestnut,
this, Thursday, evening, for the benefit
of the Mt. Chestnut U. P. church All
are invited.
-Gottlieb Waiter baa a ball-cactus in
bloom, and he had it up town to be
photographed yesterday The flowers
are large and delicately tinted, and
some people thought theui the prettiest
things tiiey had ever been.
—S. P. Gormley of Coylesville is
building a large storeroom and dwell
ing combined, on the land of Agnes
Green, where the Millers town and
Great Belt road crosses the new railroad
in Clearfield twp.
—When the Salvation Army march
ed up street and stopped on the Dia
mond last- Saturday evening, a large
crowd surrounded it; then the Martial
Band put in an appearance and the
crowd went to it; which shows —well
what does it show
—C. Selegman & Son, thy tailors, will
have in a full line of latest tall woolens
abont August Ist, which they will be
glad to show you. Special bargains on
spring goods for the next month. It
will pay you to call. No. 41# W. Jef
f r son street.
—A damsel m one of the interior towm
bavini' often read how bibles had stop
pod bullets >n battle, gave one to her de
parting soldier lover. The editor of the
local paper must have been a jealous
rival, for he advised the recipient to
carry the book in his hip pocket.
Yes observed a clergyman, "wo
have just to-ruinated the greatest revi
val onr church lia- experienced for
many years."' "I rejoice to hear it,
said his friend, "how many did you
add to the fold?" "Oh we didn't add
any," replied the good man, "but we
got rid of three."
—Butler Fair, September 6. 7, 8. 9.
THE MARKET The Standard went
up to Monday; 94 Tuesday; 90 Wed
desday;and this morning 90.
DKLANO— Patterson & Co's well on
the Keck is doing about 50 bbls. trorn
the 4th sand, and is probably the best
well in the county.
and brothers will complete a well on
the John Sipe farm, this week
CLINTON —Phillips struck a new well
on the McGinais, Monday, that is do
ing 25 to 40 bbls.
i eaehers' Institute
State Superintendent of Public In
struction Nat han C. Schaefer has com
pleted the schedule for the holding of
county teachers' institutes during the
ensuing year throughout the state of
Pennsylvania. The schedule for this
section of the state is as follows:
Allegheny, at Pittsburg, August 22;
Armstrong, at Kittanning, November
21; Beaver, at Beaver, December 20;
Bradford, at Towanda. October 10; But
ler, at Butler, August 29; Clarion, at
Clarion. December 20; Clearfield, at
Clearfield, December If, Elk, at ltidg
wa>, November 28; Erie, at Erie, Octo
er 10; Fayette. at Uniontown, Decern
ber 10; Forest, at Tionesta, December
12; Greene, at Waynesburg. October
12; Indiana, at Indiana, December 20;
Jefferson, at Brookville, December 20;
Lawrence, at N<»w Castlo, October 81;
McKean. at Hmethport,October 17; Mer
cer, at Mercer, August 20; Venango, at
Franklin, December 10; Warron, at
Warren, December 12; Washington, at
Washington, December 12; Westmore
land, at G reensburg, Decetaber 20.
A Letter For \ Oil.
Unclaimed letters at the Postollice at
Butler Pa., week ending July 2,">
W B Bucklin, J F Butler, Plummer
Hutchison, Chas Hawkins, W E John
ston, Esq; H G Moser, Filow Morrow.
Medical Gum Co, Kato Itume, W Li
Smith, Esq; A E Humney, Mr? Augusta
Tharher, Mrs O C Thompson, Mins
Maud Wiles.
In calling for these letters please say
advertised. JOHN W. BBOWN. P. M.
Niagai i Falls ami Toronto, Au
gust 2nd.
One of the grandest trips ever offered
by the Pittsburg. Bessemer and Lake
1 *ie itail road will Ik> run under the au
spices of the Uniform Rank Knights of
Pvthias of Greenville, l'a. Special
j train tarting from Butler, making
stops at all stations where there are pas
sengers arriving at Erie, where passon
I Kers will be transferred by electric
stTeel car to the Cleveland and Buffalo
Transit Co V Line hew and magnificent
Hide wheel steamer "City of Erie" for a
fourhu r ride on Lake Erie. This i
steamer is one of the finest thrt sails on '
Lag* Erie. ' nig :«.*> f< nt long, with ac- j
commodation for J».<> t»<u-, *ngers and
state rooms for 800, arriving at Buffalo i
at 7 P. M.,enabling passengers either to '
stay in Buffalo over night or go to Ni i
agara Falls the HHIIU- evening.
: This will be the iirat excursion via |
i I this route. Tickets good for return via
j rail from Buffalo. This may be the (
j only opportunity this season.
Estray Notice
1 , Two boys left two tricycles at the
| barber tliop of IV. L. 1 'ibbisoii -t N. I',
i corner of tie Di:.mor.d, on Friday, the
1 Bth inst. The owners ;ii<c requested to
Come forward, prove property, pay •
1 charges and take them .ivyay, otherwise
' ! they will be disposed of according to j
i * aw " t
—Butler Fair, September fi. ?, *. S«.
Laura Pfaff ha- i--ned summons n
ys Wm M * >wan and clait is
damages in
Leiurs of administration were urart
ed to Owen Brady,Jr. onesta::- of Owen ■
Bracy of Donegal twp
Saturday, Aug (5. will be tne last di y ;
for filing n -counts with the Register fir
presentation at Sept Term.
Wm. Eicholtz has appealed from a |
judgment rendered bv J. t' Shannon, 1
J. P., \s Mrs. Cuaa. Horrobin and Cnas. j
Horrobin, Agt.
The will uf John Sipe of (.learfiell (
twp. har? iieen j ••! ..te 1 110 b tters; fibo
will of Gertrude Gerlach ol ContiOque
nessinfc twp. and letters granted to 0.
D. Albert.
Yoacg Taylor of Pitte'ourer, wh •
plead guilty in U. S. Court of breakin »
into the government warehouse at Zeii»
uople, was -ent t the penitentiary for
two year
The cases of Dairy and Food Commis
sion. (James Terry, agent; vs aco>
Boost i Butlerf.n l A. Crnm of *lar.
for selling adulterated vinegar wer
heard before Es>j. Andeisou. a fev> days
ago. and jndgme:' rendered for defend
Blanche and the General me* by
chance on Main St. ar.d applied opprc
br.nsep'T heb» t.> each other. Biatiche swip
ed the Gentiai w'tb her parasol and
rl- Genera! tuiots Blanche s fair cheek.
Then Blanche ami George marched to
the Justice'. office and several hundred
good and loya, peopio jt>;n-:d the proces
sion. Settled next day. fine and co»t->
-$*.35 Blanche left the Squire a '•ftiee
in a threatening humor—but may t.te
good Lord save us from another trag
edy in high life.
The State Snyreme Court has declar
ed the Alien Tax law to be nnconstitu
tional. The opinion, delivered by Chief
Justice Sterrett. in the cast- of th.) Juni
ata Limeetom Company, limited. vs
Millanl H. Fagley, was appealed from
the common p!~a t emi-t of Blair county,
which declarod the act unconstitutiou'il
becaus • "it otfer.ds "gi:iu?t tb' four
teenth amendment of the constitution
of the United States, and vcfi.vn 1 arti
lc- ti. of our own constitution," says the
law belongs to a vicious class of
tion. Justice Sterrett affirms tlie deci
sion of tlie lower court, quoting largely
from th< opinion o! Judge Acneson, <>"
th'- United Stales circuit court, who
had also declared the act unconstitu
Pkopertt Tkansfeks.
W A Fleming to Martha B Howe lot
in Petrolia for S3OO.
D Garrett to L 1 Lerch lot in Millers
town for $750.
R AC Brandon to A IT Rnauff 75?
acres in Forward f->r $2200.
Cath McCandiess to Newt Black 110
acres in Fairview for $:!500.
Sarah C McClure to C H McCanley
4 acres in Summit forst>BS.so.
D J O'Neil to A & W R l£ ' aces in
Clearfield 'or sf><)o.
L W Barnh'.rt to E3iz Barnhart 50
acres in Concord for ?1 750.
A D Barnhart to G 1? Heck 55 acres
acres in Concord for SB2O.
G B Heck to Emma • H Barnhart 55
acres in Concord for SB2O.
M Wahl to A P Wahl, quit claim, 58
acres in Jackson for SIOOO.
H Wahl to A Wahl, Q. C., 58 acres
in Jackson for $1075.
A Wahl to Geo Wahl, Q. C., 58 acres
in Jackson for S7OO.
C Besneektr to A Wahl,Q. C , -cveral
pieces in Jackson for 81900.
C Rieger to C H McCanley 2 acres in
Clearfield for $545.
Chas Duffy to Jos Will 12 acres in
Donegal for S3OO.
R M Downie to I' E Cooper lot in
Downieville for 8125.
S A Hai rigan to W A Knhna 20 acres
in Butler twp for $115").
Marriage Licenses.
W. O. Purvis Mars
Emma L. Davison Myoma
Phillip S Barry Harmony
Annie C. Leise Jackson twp
Geo .lokel Troy Hill, Allegheny
Rose M Bergbickler. Sun>mit twp
Frank W Bird Butler
Marj Lewis
Phillip S Ptabe Clinton twp
j Mary A Walker.
i At Pittsburg, Edward L. Crooks and
I Ida Barclay of Butler Co.
At Kittaunii I: M Blose of Bradys
B'-nd and Mollie Williams of Chicora.
Appeal tor ai<l lor Co. E's Hos
1 wish you would print the following
in the columns of your paper. It is si*»
api>eal to the good citizens of lintler to
•;ive the ho u pita! department at this
poiut some financial fiid. We have
here a government post hospital which
in the way of comfort can't be sur
passed, but we lack the proper food
stuff upon which to feed the sick. We
have at the present time ten men con
fined to bed with typhoid ami malaria
trouoles. It is simply out of the ques
tion to feed these luen on army rations.
They require the liquid diets and much
depends upon the prognosis of the i-tse
in the proper food supplied The ice,
milk and broths that are now being
supplied have l.ee.n purchased from
small hospital fund, which sum 't has
taken months to save, but the drain has
been so heavy that it is about exhaus
ted and we appeal to our friends at
home for aid. What the boys need is
money to purchase milk, ice, and the
different soups, i. e., beef a, ui tail,
etc These things can be purchased
here at reasonable prices. These are
the things we need and the only things,
i would suggest that a relief committee
be formed and subscriptions taken up
for this purpose and the money forward
ed by postortioe order to I)r. John M.
Martin, who is the surgeon at this
point, and under whose direction I
write this appeal.
Hospital Steward,
t ort Washington
County Fairs
Kittanning —August 28- 2(1.
Parker —August .J0 September- 2.
Tarentum —August 80 September 'i.
Butler September 0-9.
Greenville—September 7
Clarion —September 20-28.
Stonboro -September 20 23.
Meadville -September 27 30.
Mercer—-September 27 29.
Grt-enaburg—September 27-80.
Lawn Pete.
The Springdale Ilose Co. will hold a
Lawn Fete on Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings ot n<-xt week on
the McCutcheon, Beatty and Yeager
lots, at corner of Centre and Farview i
Avea. An abundance of ice cream,
fruit, cake etc. will be ou hands, and be
sold for the benefit of the Hose Co.
Every-body is invited and all should
IC(Mlitee<l (Cuti s to Saratoga via
I'cnuHylvaiiiu ItailroaU.
For the Young People's Christian
Union. United Presbyterian Church, to
be held at Saratov", Angus' 3 to H, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell excursion tickets from points on its
line to Saratoga at rate of single lar<-
for the round trip. Tickets will be sold
August 2 HI 1 3, good to return August
3 to 10, <>r by depositing ticket with
Joint Agent return limit may be exten
ded to August 31, IyOH.
The Bank for Wage Earners.
i The Pittsburg Hank for Savings, No.
510 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, I'a., with
i asserts of over $3,500,000. and a
! successful business career of over 36
J years, is the repre.-.entatve saving*: bank
; for working men »nd women. Its
' thousands ol depoM'tors art froi i
: tin-1 snkj of v a;/; t-arucrs. 1!■ policj
of pnyiu,, 4 per cent, interest annually 1 1
vr-ry '.at* factory to ;'l i patrons. If
, vou are attempting ..ave money and it
•is noL earning you 4 per tent, interest,
1 write or call on the bank and open an
| account.
j —Butler Fair, September fi, 7, 8, U.
Forest Huff is singing solos ia Oh o
' J. N. Moore and wife are at Chau
i' tauqua.
W. H Witte of Sarvers was in tewn,
j Frank Lytle of the sth ward is able to
I be about again.
W L. Kepple of Fairview twp. was
in tow a, Tuesday,
j Will Welshons the druggist, has r?-
j turned from Berlin.
j T' McCandless of Muddycreek twp..
was in town Friday.
1 Mrs. J. P» Mncbl ntr is visiting friends
| in th-~- eastern part of the state
Sheriff Dodds has retnrued from a trip
through southern Ohio and Kentucky.
Geo II Herdmnu of Oakland and H.
L. K.-lley of Worth were in town Satur
Peter Fennel and son, and T. P.
Gormley of Clearfield twp., were in
town lal-t Thursday.
Kirkpntiv.-k the jewele; and Kirkpat
rick the grocer, brothers, returned last
Friday from a trip to Niagara Falls and
Miss Magdalera McLaughlin wir'i
her little brother Leo has returned from
a visit of three months with their annt
Mrs. Thos. Kerwin of Dnke Centre.
Cal Christie and Port Lowry of But
ler. ana Br. Cowden of Middle Lancas
ter left Butler Mondav eveninsr for Mer
cer, where the;.'joined the Solid Com
fort Clnb ior their annual outing among
the lakes of Canada.
William D. Butler of St. Louis, Mo
i distant relative of (Jen. Richard But
ler, the hero of St. Clair's defeat, ami
after whom this county was named,
was in Butler this week looking up old
family histoiy. For 48 years he has
been connected with the public schools
of St. Louis.
Isaac Itobb, Esq., of Oakland town
ship was in town on last Saturday and
paid the CITIZEN* office another of the
friendly visits as he always does on
coming to town. Mr. Robb was born
April ".'3, 1«10. and therefore was w
years of age last April 2:'. He is yet
quite active sees well, hears well,
sleeps well and lives well. Forty years
ago and more he was one of our County
Wm. Henry, who says his home is in
Butler, writes to a Pittsburg paper,
saying that he was on the Ne.v Orleans
during the sea fight off Santiago, tell
ing of the battle, etc.. and nobody here
knows who Wm Henry is. C. W.
Henry, a son of James Henry, enlisted j
iu the regular army some months ago
and was last her.rd from by his folks
In re on the 20th of June last At that
time he was in Tampa, Fla.,and his reg
iment had orders to embark for Cuba.
Linn Caldwell was home visitiug his
paronto last Friday night. Linn now
has an odd job, secured for him by Dr.
Ketler of Grove City. Ho is hook keep
er for a Board, which consists of Major
Thompson of the regular army and a
VeuriiK-ry Surgeon, who art traveling
through the- eastern part of Ohio, buy
ing horses for the government and ship
ping them in car-loads to the camps.
They buy horses ranging from 1000 to
12011 pounds in weight, perfectly sound,
and pay from s»>s. to *125 for them.
Linn says travelling 1-. hard work, but
the job is worth £loil a month and ex
penses while it lasts.
Railrond Notes
E. S. Milligan of Clearfield twp was
in town, Tuesday, for a load of Italians
from Kittanning to work on the railroad
cms on hi u place. The laborers in his
vicinity are boiiaving themselves, but
iu some other places the contrary is re
ported. A gang oi Italians are taking
ont stone on Ihe Graff farm, and they
make good music evenings.
The new railroad is graded through
the farm of P. Fennel iu Clearfield twp
rnd the grading is progressing rapidly
on the farms ot widow McDevitt and
Agnes Green.
At the Summit, near the puuip sta
tion, at Carlton Centre a large force is
working in both directions with steam
shoyels etc.
"Work was commenced in earnest ou
Monday ou the foundations for the new
railroad bridge across the] Allegheny at
Mosgrove. There are4oonegroes work
ing on one side of the river and 400Ital
ians on the other side of the stream.
Demcks, steam shovels, pumps and all
kinds Of machinery for this work are on
the ground and it is a scene of the live
liest activity and the work v.t that place
is being pru ned along at high speed.
Unless a tight rein is keyt on these for
eign workman by the authorities of that
section it may prove a second Unity". —
East Brady Review.
The l'cii!i«.vlvania llailrojui'.i
Popular Excursions to the
August 1 is the date of the next Penn
sylvania Railroad low rate twelve-day
excursion to Atlantic City and the prin
filial South Jersey seashore resorts. A
special train of Pullman parlor cars and
day coaches wtll leave Pittsburif on
above-mentioned date at 8.55 A. M ,
arriving at Altoona 12.15 P. M., where
stop for dinner will be made, reaching
Philadelphia 6.25 P. M. and arriving
Atlantic City, via the Delaware River '
Bridge route, the only all rail line, at
8.40 P. M. Passengers may also spend
the night in Philadelphia, and proceed
to the shore by any regular train from
Market Street Wharf or Broad Street
Station on August 5.
Tickets will be sold irosn the stations
at the rates named below.
Rate. Train leaves.
Pittsburg $lO 00 8.55 A. M
Tarentum 10 00 7.84
Natrona 10 00 7.30
| Butler 10 00 6.25
Freeport 10 00 7.40 "
Altoona (stop dinner) 800 12 85 P.M.
Philadelphia.... Arrive .... 6.25
Atlantic Oity... Arrive 8.40 "
Tickets will also be good on regular
trains leaving Pittsburg at 4.30 and 8.10
P. M., carrying sleeping cars through
to Philadelphia and Atlantic City.
For d« tailed information in regard to
rate:; and time of trains apply to ticket
agents, or Mr. Thomas E. NVatt, Dis
trict Passenger Agent, Pittsburg.
For blank applications and instructions
how to apply for reduction of 8o per
cent, of taxes on timber lands send 25
cents to J. A. Hbydrick it Sons,
Civil Kngineers,
. Butler, Pa.
Notice to Wooi-Growers.
Messrs. Troutman's Sons requiring all
the room they have for their own busi
ness, 1 have changed my location to
Graham Bros.' grocery store, just across
' the street from my old location with
Troutinan's, where I will be glad to see
all ;ny former wool friends, assuring
tliem of fair treatment, and the market
price in cash for their wool. Troutinans
v. ish to state that they have gone out of
the wool-buying business altogether
WM. 1 . lil/MbIiKGKK
iViiUHylvatiia Cluuitniiqiiii.
For the Pennsylvania Chautauqua,
| to lie held at Mt. (in tna, PH.. July i to ■
August 1. 1 hum, the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company will sell tickets to the
general pnbl;<- on June 'JO to August 4,
good to return until August 10, inclu
sive from stations on it* line in Penn
sylvania, to Mt. (xretna ami return, ftt
reduced rites.
<iir.d:i\ lA< tir ioxs to AlW'glu-n.v.
('otnuieuci ; Sunday May 22nd and
' nntil further notice the Pittsburg and
\V. »t< r* It It. wtll sell excursion ti■ -k
--ets to Allegheny every Suuuay lor tram
leaving butler S;i.> A. M. city time,
1 good 10 return on afternoon trains date
of sale. Fair for round trip 70 cents.
A number of Butler people attended
' the Lawn Fete at Holyoke church last
' night, and among those intending to go
| were Miss Lulu Stainm. daughter of J
! Georg*? Stainm, and Miss Marion
Thompson, daughter of Pro. Thompson,
who started on their wheels. Going
dov. n the hill on the other side o r " Sha
nor s farm their wheels l>egan to get tne
l»est of them and Miss Thompson jump
ed off receiving but slight injuries.
Mi. - Stamm's wheel rin into Miss
Thompson - throvving her to the ground,
breaking her collar Iwne and inflicting
otiier severe injuries. She was render
e l nnconscious and Dr. Black was call
"I who did what he could for her Sh -
was taken to the stone house, occupied
by Sample Love, where she remained
al! night, and this morning was brought
into town and taken to the hospital.
Frank Pond of this county, was
struck by a train near Sistersville, yes
terday, and seriously injured.
John Webb's team was struck by the
southbound passenger train at Branch
ton last Thursday and killed; his wagon
was splintered and the escape of Webb
himself was almost miraculous.
Win. Snyder of Parker twp., had a
foot crushed on the P. W. a few days
Frank Moore of Institute llill hail an
arm caught in the machinery at the
Purvis mill, and badly bruised.
Thos. Joyce of Elm St.. fell from the
roof of the dry-house at Purvis mill.
Geo. Morrow of Clearfield twp. had a
foot crushed bj a largo stone on the
Dipner farm a few days ago.
Edwin Charles, a four-year-old sou of
Elmer A McCall, who lives on Fair
view Ave., met with a terrible death.
Tuesday After dinner, that day, some
liquid liy-pcision was left, upon the
table, it tastes sweet and the child
drank it. He vomited promptly, but
shortly after was seized with spasms
which continued until towards supper
time, when death released him from
furth - agony. He will be buried in
Muddycreek Cemetery today.
Harmony and Zelieuoplc.
Mr- Nancy Latsbaw, nee Musser.rel
ict ot Isaac Latshaw, died in Harmony
on July 22, IK9B. She was born July »>,
1522, arriving at the age 70 years and l(i
days. She was married in I>>42, and
blessed with 14 children. 5 of them be
ing dead. D» grandchildren are living
and two great grandchildren. She was
a member of th* Methodist church for
55 years, and in the earl}' days of Met h
odistisin sheltered many circuit riders.
She died from the effect of a third stroke
of paralysis. She had not walked for a
year and 10 months, and in this sore af
fliction did not murmer, but died in a
triumphant faith in God. On SnDday
ufteruoon, .Inly 24, many acquaintances,
friends and relatives paid their last trib
ute of respect by attending the funer
al services at her home. Rev. J. W.
Ottermau of Ztlieriopla. hex pastor, de
livered a comforting discourse, and af
ter singing "Tuere is a Land of Pure
Delight," tue remains were taken to the
Cemetery near Harmony and laid to
rest. May blessed memories ever be
mingled with the good works which
follow her.
Rev. D. V. Mayes of lioland, O. visit
ed his brother G. W. Maves on his farm
near Harmony several days last week.
Mrs John Irwin and daughters, Ida
and Margaret of Petrolia visited Mrs.
E. E. Grant, last week.
Minnie Singleloupe of Salem, O. is
visitiug hei grandpa Beighlea's at Har
mony, at present.
Mrs. M. 11. Sitler of Jackson tw p. has
Ix-en very sick for several weeks.
S. <; Lock wood and family of Zelie
n .plf vit.,eJ l'rienda ;i» Lufl'alo. N. V.,
hijt week.
Dauiel Ziegler of Mahoning county,
0.. visited friends at Harmony over
Sunday. Mr Ziegler formerly lived in
our county.
.Tosiah R. Titzel, professor of Greet
in Thiol College, (Sreenville is danger
ously ill with paralysis at the home of
Mrs. Pasaavant in Zelienople. The
Prof, arrived there for rest some time
Mrs. 11. M. Ziegler of Zelienople vis
ited her sons at DuQuesne for ten days.
Miss Emetine Harvey of Prospect is
visiting her sister, Mrs. tl. H. Beighlea
of Harmonv this week.
Ed Morlan, assistant claim agent for
the Consolidated Traction Co. of Pitts
burg is stopping at the Hotel Beam in
Harmony, for ten days for a much need
ed rest.
H. A Hal!stein of Harmony and Fred
Ziegh-r of Mars, with their wives, were
at Buffalo, N Y., last week at the Rail
way Agents' Convention of the United
States and Canada.
Mrs. H. J. Mitchell and daughters,
Agnes and Lillian of Pittsburg are vis
iting Mrs. 11. M. Confle ut Harmony,
this week.
Miss Bessie Wick of Butler and Miss
Sadie Cleeland of Grove City visited
Mrs. G. W. Mayes near Zelienople, over
W. G. Shaffer of Dußuque, lowa, vis
ited his father H. 11. Shaffwr of Frank
lin twp., and left for home last week,
boarding the train at Harmony.
Mis« Nettie Boyer, youngest daugh
ter oi ~ B. Boyer of Lancaster twp. ie
turned from a visit with friends in Me
dina Co., <»hio. accompanied with Miss
Stella Boyer of Blake, 0., who will visit
in Penu'a for some time.
It you want a Bicycle or your old one
repaired go to White Walter & Co.
largest stock in County. Bicycles for
-—Ask your phvsictan if he does not
think a sojourn at Cambridge Springs
would do you good. If you need rest
and nature's tonic, good mineral water,
he will answer, "Yes." Hotel Rider of
feis accomodations equal to the best.
Send for circulars.
—For bargains in valuable and desirj
able residences inquire of Walker & Mc-
Any of our readers needing gas stoves
or gas ranges, gas fronts o: any gas sav
ing appliance will find it a financial sav
ing to call at the store of W. H.
O'Brien &. Son. on East Jefferson St.
and gi • prices 011 the extensive line they
have on exhibition. They are also
agents for the celebrated Welsbach
Light, of which uiore than 1200 were
old in Butler, last year.
—New Spring and Summer goods ar
riving every day (prices much BELOW
ples Store.
—Are you overworked and ft need of
rest and rjuiet? Hotel Rider, Cambridge
Springs, is the p'ace for you. All the
comforts of home together with the
best medicinal waters knowu. A week's
sojourn will make you ten years young
er. Write for circulars.
Carpenters Wan ted.
F,xj < rienced carpenters can secure
steady work at highest "'ages. Address
T. F Mt iki.ijh.»u,
New Castle, Pa
Notice toTeachers.
The School Hoard of Oakland township
will on July 23, 189'S, engage teachers for
the ensuing sch<" at Killing er
school house No 7 in said township.
'lcrn. (7) seven months.
Wages J3.00 per month.
tW.Ji will receive bids Lo supplv said
school house with coal. The Directors
reserve th»* right to reject any or all bids.
By Order of Board.
Greece City, Pa.
L- A. Mil linger. President.
Butler, Ha.
! ' —Mil scholars wa.iled. at I2h W.
• ' Wayne ht.
,jJ 3 I" delivered to all part-. <f the
1; * w ILm town, every dey. Leave or
' dors ai
142 Main St.
X KIGIIU( »i<HO< >!» N< »TKS.
—Butler Fair, September 6. 7. o, 9.
I A thief rifled Judge Hairv Whites
desk ia the Court House in Indiana.
, Pi., and took hi? pocket book.
The police at Punxsutawney carry
: Winchester rides and wear rubber
■ shoes while keeping guard over the
• town at night yet it is only a town of
, C<*X) inhabitants
I The hot weather of last week caused
the death of 58 babies in Pittsburg.
Logan Valley.
! C'has. Buttertield went to Erie this
! week.
! S. M Bowman. of Coopers town, call
| ed on friends here Thursday.
j Win bndert is on the sick liet
Mi»s Bailey is visiting Mrs. Frank
George Cook end family are the
guests of D. H. Logan's.
Miss Blanche Burtner is visiting
friends near Cooperstown.
Mrs. Chas Parker is visiting h«-r
mother near Greece City.
Baxter Logan has purchased the Bow
man wells on the Levi Logan farm
S. M. Wright and family visited Ca!
L >gan's Tuesday.
A well is about to be drilled on the
Jas. Logan heirs farm near the Pump
Mrs Jacob Wise, of Penn township,
is critically ill
Cal. Logan and wife were visitors at
J. L. Patterson's last week.
Mirs Oir.a Ko.-her, of Middle Lan
caster, and Miss Cleo Rice, of Callery,
have returned to their homes after
spending a week pleasantly among
friends here in Jacksville.
Isaac Studebaker and family, of New
Castle, are visiting at 1). Studebaker"s
Henry Pillow, of Butler, is visiting
t in our midst, and is entertained by his
aunts, the Misses Elliott
Miss Clara Cornelius, of Butler, is
visiting her grandmother, Mrs. R. J.
Miss Ida Gardner is sojourning in
Harmony and Middle Lancaster.
Kiddles X Goads.
Mrs. James Marvin and son of Taren
turn are visiting her parents Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Norris tiiis week.
Miss Edna Loye of Aspinwall is visit
ing her many friends iu this vicinity.
Miss Marie Gibson of Millerstown
and Miss Emma Drano of Sarversville
were guef'« of Miss Sadie Cunningham
one day recently.
Mrs. Milt Love of Pittsburg is visit
ing her mother-in-law Mrs. John S.
.Miss Sara Cunningham, daughter of
J. B. Cunningham has gone on an Ex
tended visit to friends in Bellevue and
Mt. Washington.
Quite an excitement prevails in the
south west corner of our twp. all on
account of au oil well.
Mr. Alf Ekis and Mr. J. B. Cunning
ham Jr. who are drilling near KiUan
ing were home over Sunday.
Quite a number of our people expect
to take in the excursion over the Bessie
to Conneaut Aug. 4.
lilltlc School at Grove City, Pa.
August 4-15, I HUH.
Tli" Bible School at, Grove City which
win so largely attended and ho greatly
appreciated a year atro promises still
butler things for this sammcr. Ttie
s'-h' ') will i >peu Thursday evening. Aug.
4t» and continue for ten days or until
Monday, August 15th. A very large
and varied programme has been pro
Entertainment will be furnished to
all who come at an average of fifty
cents a day. Good accomodations can
be secured by addressing the president
of the college. All that anticipate com
ing to the Bih!e school should send
their applications for room and board
ing at once. Address all communi
cations to the President, -
Grove City, Pa
—We have 20 large U. S. flags—Are
you going to put one 011 your building?
S rnd size acd ask for price. Shumnn &
Bros., 414 Wood St., Pittsburg, Pa.
Of Interest fo You.
Parlies wishing to engage in the livery
bu .incss, tall on Walker it McElvain for
location and outfit
i:\ciirsion to Coimeaut.
On Thursday vug. 4 there will b*> ati
excursion over the Bessemer Rail Road
to Conneant Lake. The excursion will
start at Brad dock.
The special train will leave here at
7:30. The round trip will be SI.OO.
This promises to be one of the largest
outings of the season. It is arranged in
the interests of the Butler Orphan Homo
and inasmuch as the Home will receive
some financial benefit from the occasion
it is nil tho more ilesireable that as
many as possible will avail themselves
of the opportunity and go to the Lake.
A cordial invitation is extended organi
zations as well as individuals to join the
Handbills will be issued next week.
If you intend building a house, barn
or anything else, this summer, send to
C. O. Campbell, Butler, Pa., contractor
and builder, for estimates on material
and labor.
Practical Horse Shoer
Formerly Ilorse Shoer at the
Wick House l;as opened busi
ness in a shop in the rear of
the Arlington Hotel, where
he will£do Horse-Shoeing in
the'most approved style.
Ity taking the rli?htstimulai)t you will best
starxlthe narfl work of HARVEST TIME;
I li!?% also applies to your liclp.
Pure Liquors are Healthful,
also hI ronKihcuinu. Our Liquors and Wliii>a
being guaranteed put't: are Just what you
ii' .-d We quote aft w piieos for Pure Rye
Whiskey, Write for complete price list.
C.U'KK'irfFlMtfi. HICK
I CltlNlt*. 0 V EHIIOI.T,
Any of above brands « year old Pure
Whiskey, ft.no per full quarts n quarts for s.'>
\V'..xk«y aumaiitetxl :» years old, 12.00 per
On all <'. O. it. or mail orders of SIO.OO or
over, we box and ship promptly; expruss
charges prepaid.
i 411 Watc; St. Opposite B. & 0. Depot.
I i e -phone, 2179. PifUbtaig, Pa.
1 sv- s - • trv ,T
I Subscribe tor
Our Method
Doing Business
We hope will merit your
patronage. Ours is not the
only store in Butler, but
we no try to make it such
a place to buy your drugs
and medicine as to wtn
your confidence and secure
your patronage. Do not
come to our store for cheap
drugs. We don't Veep
them. Nothing hut the
!>est finds a place in our
store and every article
hearing our name is guar
-1 - meed to bt j jst as repre
-1 sen ted or you cati get your
uoncy back. We buy the
best, sell the best, keep
the best and recommend
the best It is this meth
od that has brought to
our store a large and de
sirable patronage. If you
have uevtr dealt at our
store we would be pleased
to have you call. We try
to keep everything that is
likely to be called for in
our hue, but it we should
not have what you want we will frankly
tell yon so and will he pleased fo get it
fou you at the --arlies possible moment.
We give you what you want, No substi
tutions permitted. Let us fill your
prescriptions Respectfully,
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
By virtue of HII order and decree of the
Orphans' Court of Butler county. Pa., mad<-
at No. 39, of March term. ISUS, of bald Court
the undersigned administrator of the estate
of James Crlawell. late of Adams township,
county and state aforesaid, dee d., will offer
for sale at public vendne on the premises on
:it 1 o'clock p. m.. of said day. all that certain
tract of land situated in Adams twp., liutlt-r
Co.. state of Pennsylvania, bouuued north
by lauds of Coovert heirs and Samuel Park,
cast by land of s-imuel Park and l)r. S. O.
Sterrett. south by land of John Barr and
Wm. Purvis, and west l>y lands of T. \V.
Kennedy's heir*. Newton Lertlnj; and Conv
ert heirs, containing 154 acres, more of less:
with " frame dwelling houses, one nearly
new; k<k*l l>:iuk lwirn and otln-r outbuildings.
2 orchards. Land situated V» mile frum Mars
and U mile frum Downey ville on P. & W. Ky.
Convenient to churches and gchools- Land
in >: t ..>d condition and w.-ll watered, well
adapted to either st<x-k-ralsln(t or general
farming purposes, supposed to be oil and RH.-
terrltory if doveloued.
TERMS CK SALE—One half of the pur
chase money to bo paid on confirmation if
sale by the Court and the other half in one
year thereafter, with interest, to be secured
by lx>nd and mortgage on the promises, with
usual waivers and attorney's commission.
Myoma, Pa.
McJunkin & Oalbroath, Atty's., Butler. Pa.
Letters of administration on the estate
of Emma Shrvder, dec'u., late of Butlei
borough, Butler Co., Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing thcmse.'ves indebted to said
estate will please make immediate pay
ment,and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly authenticat
ed for settlement to
W. 15. SRRADER, Adm'r.,
Butler, Pa.
W. D. UKAKCOK, Att'y.
L» tteru testamentary on the estate of
J'inc Kepple, deed, late of Fairv.e- :
L; •vu:h'-, r county, Pa., having
'••en granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
pa>neut, and any h vinu claims against
the same will pic.jut them fir settle
meat to ♦
Peachville, Pa.
C. \VALK;.R Att'y.
Wheieas, letters of udininistratioii have
been issued to me the undersigned in the
estate of William A. Anderson, late of
Middlesex township, Butler county, Pa.,
dee'd., notice is hereby given to all
persons indebted to the said decedent to
cali and settle, and all persons having
claims against the same will please pre
sent them duly authenticated tor pay
Administratrix of
Flick, Butler Co., Pa.
S. F. & A. L. BOWSER, Att'ys.,
Butler, Pa.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Margaret J. Mcßride, dee'd, late of Mid
dlesex township, Butler county, Pa.,
having been granted to the undersigned,
| all persons knowing themselves indebted ]
I to said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them, duly pro
bated, for settlement to
Bakersto.vn, Pa.
Letters testamentary on the eslate of
John S. Love, dee'd, late of Clinton twp.,
Butler county, Pa., having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate wiil
please make immediate payment, ami
any having claims against said estate
will present them duly probated for
settlement to W. 11. LOVE, Ex'r.,
Kiddles X Roads, Pa.
W, 1). BRANI.ON. Att'y.
Letters of administration on the estate
ot Harriet Thompson, rlec'd., lateof Clay
twp.. Butler Co., Pa., having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate
will please maku immediate payment,
and any having claims against said estate
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
R. C. THOMPSON, Adm'r.,
Elora, P. O.
W. C. FINDLEY, Att'y.
Letters of administration C. T. A. on
the estate of Nancy C. Stewart, dee'd.,
late of Centre twp., Butler Co., Pa., hav
ing been granted to tile undeisigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please mate immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement lu.
Admr. C. T. A.,
Mt Chestnut, Pa.
J. IJ. McJunkin, Att'y.
Letters testamentary ou the will of
Richard G. Nelsou, late of Middlesex
township, Butler couuty, Pennsylvania,
dee'd., having been granted by the Reg
ister of sai'l county to the undersiguec
Executors thereof. Therefore all persons
knowing themselves indebted to the
estate of said deceased are requested to
make speedy payment, and those having
claims against KiiJ estate cau present
them pioperly authenticated for settle
ment to
11. M. P \RKS,
T. A P.IRK.I, liteeutors.
K Mcjuukiii Att'y. o.a-ie Alio,, i'
Letters testamentary "U the estate ui
Sural" Jane Craumer, dee'd., (widow of
Israel Craniner, dee'd.,) late of Centre
twp., Butler Co., I'a. having been grant-
I ed to the under-iigned, all persons kuow
ing themselves indebted to sa estate
will please make itmneiliale jwyment,
and any having claims against said
estate will present iheni duly au
' th< .ticutcd for settlement ta
J. I VcJt'NK T y
Butler, I'.'.
»3y SouthJjMain street
Over Shaul & Nast's ClrtMag Store
jpiantaloons at 1-2 TheirValuiH
t We will wind up this months t
S busine* with colors flying While i
c in the clothing market lxrnght V
I the entire stock of pantaloons (Spring Q
V and Summer weight) of the well known Man- V
r ufactures, Cohen, Goldman &. Co.. 684 Broadway, X
1 New York, at 50c 011 the dollar of cost of uianufactur- *
V ing same. We had to buy all and the price was tempting \
f and we now liave 800 pair of pant* to oU-r you it a price unheard of. y
f A $2 00 pair of pants our price sl.lO j
J A 53.00 pair of pants our price Si.Co t
S A 53.50 pair of pants our price St go f
C A $4.00 pair of pants our price $2.10 \
J A §4.50 pair of pants our price $2.35 C
V A $5.00 pair of pants our pnee $2.75 #
f A $6 00 pair of pants our price 53.25 \
\ Ask to be shown t!;es-» pants whether \
/ you want a pair or not, no trouble whatever. (
jshaul &• Mast, <
f 137 South Main St., C
V Butler, Pa. C
[ Douthett & Graham?
rj YOUR OWN FAULT, We've been in theclothing
R 1 business, in Butler, for five years -and it is to
V A your interest to know us as wc are selling !k
the best clothing for the least money
WA of any firm in Butler. You don't k J
believe ir? Step in and see 11 A
our store when in town,
Sk Sj and we'll prove it to you. M
■a Douthett & Graham, a
\ f '°r one of the *tioV. sue~i o -fnl clearance aVs we have h.i' aid ;be ±nr.t satis W!
custom: \'u> arc *nore tu.«u ever ••.onvineci that when this .r jre says
f".e it n*eari3 it we fiud we st'll have too Large a stock for this
time cf year. This fact combined with tbe 'act of onr not be-
irig able to noti'y our out of tow" ♦ ;dc in timp to rpap
- ■■■* the benefit of thi.: clearance wle, has decided us to
coi:tinu> these pn«.vo, same as advertised
last week, in all departments
du.ing ><e month o* July.
Sacrifice Prices Still uuod on
Dres3 Goods Wash Goods Calico and Gingham
§hirt Waists Silk Waists Muslin and Sheeting
eparate Skirts Jackets and Wraps Tailor .nude Suits
Wrappers Muslin Underwear
Still Further Reduction in our
Tri«?imed Millinery than Offered Last Week.
Please remember that on and after August I all
goods restored to former price. Dou't to take
advantage of this monev-naviug opportunity.
| I
$ 50 Dozens Ladies Handerchiefs Soiled) #
J Regular Value 12 1-2 and 15c. Sale Price 7c or 4 for 25c. J
\ Clearance Sale this Week.
s 108 S. MAIN ST., Butler. }
Farm for Sale
I want to sell ray farra of 235 acres
in Oakland twp., adjoining Boyds
town, six miles north «-i Butler.
There is uo better land for all kinds
of < .ops in Butler couuty. My wheat
anrl grass, this year, cannot be beat.
Coins and see them.
Iwo j»o«h1 orchards, some young
timber, and an abundance o» the
lieu* jf Sprii-.v water.
The builbings 1 ousist of it good,
six-room, frame house; on: '.ai<e,
no«, model. 11, too J a large old
one; also all the netes>arv outbuild
ing inclndi. , '■■■ Huniiner
I wi iit to ijuit farmiaj.' bc<- .11s; I .tui
alone, and will sell at a bargain on
easy terms.
A part of tbe farm is underlaid
with three and four 'ect veins of
coal, with one bank opened; and the
nev riilroad is «urvt 'ed •riihin
Peter WhiiiTure,
SONuKA, P. 0.
Letters testamen.ary on the estate of
Robert Trimble, Esq., dec'tl., late of
Middlesex tvrp., Btttler Co., Pa.,
been granted to the utid rsipned, nil
>ersi- -, j k>» ••••««/» lb -wflvi u<> 1 »•
..." , ,-hv inni.. ni...etlta..
;>ny:. . ill anv hnvin* cl.;iu):
.<.iil ft ate will pieseui itiern duly uit-
Uie..iicaletl for m"' -men*, to
Flick P. 0.,
\V. A. DKNNY, Uutler Co.,Pa
Mcjuakm & Gal breath, Att'ys.
Butler County National Bank,
Butler Penn,
Capital p»l<1 in - - tioo noo.oo
Surplus and Profits - $114,647-87
Jos. Hartnian, President; J. V.
Vice President; C. Bailey. Cashier;
John G. McMarlio, A»s't C^-^ier.
I general Iwinklnir buslne ..ausactea.
]nterost paia on 11 mt>
Money loaned on upnroven security.
We 1 . vlte you to open an account With this
OIKEdTOKB—Hou. Joseph - .rtman, Hon.
SV. S. Waldron, l>r. it. *1 Hoover. If. si«v
Bwei uey, K. E Al»r irns. C. I'. "i'.iius I. G.
Smith, Leslie I'. Ila/.lott, M. Fiuejrii..
W II LarUu, John »f. Vr W C.
Me' ' l»eu Maiolh. 1.0 Vt 51. tVi-e
J. V. UllU
Biitigr Savings BaiiK
Huitler, Pa.
Capital - - Jffto.ono.iXJ
Surplus and I'm - - SiSO.OOO
JOS. L'PIIEVXsj —PwiicUnt
J. HFKP.Y TUOt'TUAN ... Vice-Pi.'' ! -nt
t. •». i KUPFt:iI. Jr t'iu hi«r
IX>I ' t wk;. 1 !' .... I#'< <r
1> M-,tt .it.-•••:•. i- "urvts, ,1. '!«• 7
: -I. ;i!.. \ i: W. \. Stetn. J- ».
• .cr -:m: H .■ s tlie Old St
Banklti* instttou. .1 u 15nti"r County,
(■uneral tmnkuu- liujiiu's- transacted.
Wi' solicit accounts ot oil producers, mer
chants, farmers and others.
All luslncs* i to us *lll receive
prompt attention.
Interest paid on time deposits.
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i.o.'truuirc ,o i>; - . .ir ■ . *
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h><« utlon u...i Art. Foi . ata../»jue atltlrr;
M Its. M. N. McM' LI.AN. I'riuclpal
—Job work of all kinds done at the