Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 21, 1898, Image 3

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NOTE AU vlv-rtiv-r* inter.ciin* to make
i oantft-s .n ttrli notify -i of
itaetr inwotton t n-it liter thar. M-fl
ay nv rrjjtii.
Executor! notice estate of Isaac Rep
Financial Statement of Concord twp
Estrav notice
C. A: T'§ furniture.
Zimmerman s sale continued
Mark'-s handkerchief snap
Oen. Lee 3 Book
A'Jmir. -.trnr- rs aii<i F!x'--.-ut',r-> ">f —««e
can yfarc ib»*ir at th*- 1 I . I
/.EN f»i -- ai»«l peraoa* making i>u f >'ic»»' -
th';ir ii<rtc took*.
If I had but a thousand a year, (iafier
If I had but a thousand a year
Not a tinker'." vociferous cuss wonl'i
For the tax they have saddled on beer
The oil market has dropped to
Sft rent* but the mercury fj<>A
Lord, the mercury—it goes tip
—TLat was a very fad accident at
Waiters station Tuesday. Children
should be kept clear of moving inaehin
Geo-sre Schenck secured the con
tract for filling the approach" to the
Kittannm.? :>r.dge ft 1" cents a cubic
- The (ir«-en Hon-e has. changed
hands Mr Waldernever sold out to a
jlr Wilson, who also purchased the
real estate from Mr Taylor
—A Quaker <,nce bearing a person tell
how much he felt for one "rho nee-Jed
aasistanc- dryly observed Friend,
bast thon felt ia thy pocket for hitn'r
-The downpour of nun Taesday
afternoon, caused a >lam-dan: of innd
on >*. McKean St. and some people
brought out their "wearing machine
—Oollt the gardener, got to Bntler,
Tuesday morning with several dozen of
gri KZi corn, thus beating the fir ": -hip
ment from Pittsburg by abont three
—Dr Byrn Clark licensed Specialist
wiQ wait on nniuer&ns patients or
any other-, at Lowry House Butler. on
Wednciday, July *27 th Come early
and avoid th» throng
The feeling of the raw soldier was
fairly expressed by a Massachusetts re
cruit who, on being asked hiv he feit
th<- first time he met the enemy. Bald he
felt like taking a day off
FT. K Diimba-igb's honse near Coc
no<|uenes«ing boro. was totally destroy
ed bjr fire, with all it* contents a few
days ago. The If sh aggregate* oyer
f1.700, with hot 1450, insurance.
In Ohio, a few days ago, a iaan was
ridden on a rail by some of his neighbors
for paying attention:-, to a woman not
bis wife. The Bradford Star thinks if
su'-h treatment were to be extended
without partiality in similar caww in
Pennsylvania it would be hard on our
rail fence*
—During the double l»ombardment of
our town, Tue-vlay afternoon, the light
ning seemed to strike near the Court
House several times, but no property
in the vicinity was hit. The 'Wise fugs
that form on 'he ocean rise into spa'-*
and float over the land are called
clou'l*: but nobody knows how or why
they become charged with el -' tricity.
• There aT'i ?»>. W'» j»* rsons ir> the cm
ploy of the Pennsylvwii i railroad
Heretofore they have lu cn paid month
lv by rliK-kn Th<: pay thin month is
made in cash. not because the >•»unpany
is unwilling to pay the two cents re
quired for the stamp on each check, but
because the government can't snpjdy
the stamps. Tho next pay will likely
>i*; made by -heel;.
-It is pretty well settled that at least
two 10-ceat stamps are repaired on mar
riage licence certificates, and aome ofti
cials incline to the belief that three are
neceH'tary one on the certificate to t>e
returned to the Clerk by the mini*
ter, one on that furnished the couple
married and • third nt.tached to that
part of the license which in the minis
ter s certificate that the persons named
therein have been licensed to marry.
—The truth an to the bicycle and the
health of thorn: who ride it is that it is
good if projierly used In the vast ma
jority of cane* it will prove a substantial
aid in the development of strength and
vitality. There are thousands awl term
of thonsands of men and women who
are healthier and happifft-, more useful
in their families and in society than they
would have treen if the bicycle bad nfft
been invented. They have used and not
abused it On the other hand, there arc
men and women and i«oy» and girls
whose health has been serioasly and,
in some instance#, perhaps, irrejmrably
injured by excessive or injudicious
cycling Like all othei gr*.*] things,
the wheel may be pt-rverte.l from a
blessing to a curse.
—lt would be difficult nowadays to
find a man possessed of the iinalifira
tions enuni«-rHt<-d in the following ad
vertiSement. which appeared in an
early nnmbur of an Entdish provincial
jonrnal utill in existence: "Wanted,
for a wilier family, a man of lixht
weight, who fears the Lord and can
drive a pair of horses. He must oiw
casionally wait at able join the honse
hold prayer, look aft.<ir the horses and
rend a chapt»r in the Bible. Ho must,
God willing, arise at 7 in the morning
ami obey m utter and mlatrem in all
- lawfnll command*, if he can dteM hair,
■ing paalm* and play at cribbage. the
more agreeable. Wage* 1/1 guinea# a
—"Kjpurt *kiil," say* a dniggitrt, "in
always a »ource of wonder to the laity
The man who come* In here once a
week to collect thfi a'xwintu of the pilot
machine* which we carry for hi* firm in
wonderfully quick in detecting had
coins. When b»' emptier! the drawer
into which the pennien fail, he npread*
thorn oat on the counter and begin* to
pnt them into lii* bag. I!y the mere
/ nerim- of touch he detect < in an irmUnt
a counterfeit |H*nny, towing aaide the
defective coin im A rapidly run* over
the hundreds that he I* <ounting. 1
have often looked at them- rejected pen
nies wild it l* only on any clortrmt
•crutiny that 1 am able to notice
any defect* in weight or appearance
from a good on<', but hi* detection i*
inntanteneonn and sure every time "
4 gmxmm
r CIILEV and
Dr A M Neyman Jas. B Mates
jar 0. C Rcdic vrere appointed a m
| mission to enquire into rhf alleged lu
' nacy of Mr- A V Johnston
j The articles of a -ociati ooandcharte
j of the Butler County -
I ciety baj> o~en tied .n tea ProiL jnotfi
Iry 'a oiSce.
The Jareski Manufacturing Co ha.-
' issued »itminoa3 is 2£s~mpsi? vs .T H
FaubeS et al.
The will of Isaac Kepple of Fairricw
twp was probated and b-tt-rs granted
to Wra. L Kepple
Alex Borland was appointed Judge of
Electtor- for the 3?»t ward Botler.
Charles Collins, who it, with O > L at
Fort Washington.
Saturday. August i'-tb will be th«.
la.it day for filing acootmts with the
lUsnsfer .-md Recorder lor presentation
at Sept. Term
The tax books will i*- ready for the
oollectors at County
fice or Saturday July 30
Mr-*. Netti*- Christie ha-j tmingfit a
charge of dcantion agatr-r Forg L.
Christie: and Mr- M E. Walker a
charge of surety of the pence against
John H Waiker.
E H Stafford C of Mnskegor. .Mid),
ha« is.-ned rammons in ap-~nmpsit ys
John Dindingtr, et ai Trustees of the
Fir.-t U P. church of Zeiienople.
amount of ciai m $250.
VOL Evans has tee N returned to
Court on a sharge of a #: b and surety
of th<- jieaf-. preferred l>y Mrs Lidie
The finding of the late Grand Jury n
the case oi tne Commonwealth • - Dr.
Salm, for practicing medicine without •
a licfuvi- rot a »tt bill and proeec i
tor, James Skillman pay the cost*,
wad get to far as the paymentoor' r
costs v. a-i coricemed. The county wa
dire' ted to pay 'Le conts
luk petition of of Butler tw > j
adjoining th»- Eoro on the west, for an j
nexation to the borough was granted
Electors residing south of New Cast : <;
street to vote in tli'- third war-1 and!
those residing north of it TO vote in ttu
ffth ward Bn'.ler borough is to j aj
the township district tL«
schor l district and road dis
trict and the anditor $47.42
The County Commi*doners' annual
assesmnent re|<ort to th- S» iretarv of
Internal a flairs for l»!>s, gives the fol
lowing aggregates: Number of tax a
bles 19,'j'A, SI res cleared lanl
acres timber land value of all
real estate $14,169,513, valne of real e->
tate (iieraj t fro/n taxation val
ne cf real estate taxshle
numter of
cattle 1-2,181, vain* *171,.V77 vain- of
salari'-s etc »' >;.2- ■ ,-!gg:egate val' *
of ail property taxable for county pu -
T>ov.'S at tie rate of H mills on tie doi
lar, sl4,8 r ACM2, amount of money at in
terest *3,B.State tax a«s»*s*4
thereon sl-5,278.35.
PiiOl'KHTy Tkansfers.
W li Dodds, hberiff, to Rob t Kranse
50 acres in WinSeld for SIOO.
Sim'! U>l tori to <x A f'ymari T> >cr- s
in Connotj for l.Vc).
Michael llcGinley to < If McCanley
il ac; -s in Butler two for 41100.
M McGinley to C II MeCaulcyH «w;res
in But' -r twp for s49>i.
>1 E Leslie to Delia Ramsey lot in
Centreville for ?-'Ju.
Pet« r Bnrr, heir* to Geo If Bnrr M
acri s in Forward for s2'Kio
Win Oesterlirijf to C J Ryan, Jr lot
in Summit for |4*>o.
T 51 Marshall to G II Knaell lot in
Mars for sl*s.
>1 E Zeek to A B Ciatty lot in Butier
for |19«5
W B Dodds, Sheriff to John RaJston
117 acrefi in Clay lor <fi
M J Robertson ( o W M Fowler 1 tuw
in Concord for *1
D P Corwin, receiver to Chs- 1-' Htifel
proj»ertv in Jack.wn for sli2s.
Marring «• biceiiHeit.
Henry A - he Allegany (jity
Hophle SchrcilxT .Bntler
Harvey F Craw lord.. KL.rn.-i 'ity
Magdelin<- Custer.
Thomas P Shin North Hofsi
Crla E Brown .Ilarrisvillo
Frank Cornell... ... New < '.'istle
Isjn llartiii in
R'lViert. Buchanan. . .Ilarrisville
Laara Blakcly
W. J. Critchlow. .. Perm twp
Maggie Hutzly. Forward twp
ft. B Butler
Mary E. ltlhel Ilarrisvillo
At, New Cwstlo. S Youch
and Lnlie I Byers of Petrolia
—S'jme peciple t/>f>k a "hay ride" last
Friday evening
• Our grocers are paying 12 cents for
bntt'T and eggs, 7 for blackben ies at'.d
5 for raspberries
—Money is scarce in Butler at present.
Any man who (sends oat bills in losing
both his mind aud jKwtage stamps.
On Saturday last, John P. lhoinp
son, of Washington township, shot a
grey tiawk that measured 61 inches
from tip to tip it lit on a tree in tho
corn held. •
From Monday 2J>th inst the Post
office at Butler Fa . will close at i» -SO I'
M . until Sept. Ist; excepting Saturday
evenings when the office will close at
7UO as usual JOHN VV BKOWN
-Under the game law of IMH7 tho
for breukftiij up the nest of any
of the native song birds is for each
and every offense!, or imprisonment.
For shooting robbins or any som{ bird
10 for each bird or imprisonment.
The P. 11 C l»icnic uext Thursday,
2>ith. this will be Butler county day
at Conneant Lake, yon cannot atTord t/i
miss it Tram leave-. Butler at H O clo<-k
a. m Butler time, stops at. Euclid
Keistcraud Brancbt'iii, leaven Park at
H o'clock p. m tickets on train after
leaving Euclid Tickets K'xsi for two
There are queer signs, displayed in
every city, which find their way into
print, but the palm fa yielded to the fol
lowin". which has drifted in from the
far east Mrs. Marshall, an indigent
widow, went into the laundry business
on a small scale She had her
painted upon the shutters of her front
windows like Ibis:
No I
Mrs. Mar shall
La undress
All work punctually
Open at, 7 o'clock
See specimcna in this window
The next morning when she went out
to see what caused the crowd in wait
ing. there she found that the left hand
blind had is-en blown back by the wind
and the sign hardly read as she meant
it should although it accounted for
the presence of the crowd
Orignateti Banking by Mail
A fcauture in b,iiiking originated sud
and developed by tin Pittsburg liuuk lot
Ssving» No. 210 Fourth Ave., I'ltuburj;
Pa., to such an extent that it r dejjositors
remit from elmost every country on the
face ot the earth is that of banking by
mail. If you have money, not earning
4 j»er cent, write to this bank for infor
mation and you will 1- ,vc j.resent'd you
a method of bunking by mail that will
meet voui approval I-'our jy cent., in
terest is paid on all titn< dej>oa'ti
—Ar<- you overworked in need ol
re»t and quiet? Hotel Rider, Cambridge
Springs, is the p'ace for you. All the
comforts of home together with the
best medicinal water* known. A week s
sojourn will make you ten years young
er. Write for circular*.
Job work of ail kiail.i done Ht tile
( W. S. McVav is U Pittsburg viaitoi ,
I to-day.
' Wm. Kirkpatrick :? a week
, at the lakes
Mrs Liza MeCaniy of Six Point- i.-
i senously il.
J. H- Flick of Middlesex twp was in
j town Saturday.
i H. H. id cf Clinton tw; was
i in town j-esteTday
liudoii Barnruirt of Conaoqueneasing
j was in town, Taes-iay
' John f'oncors tu.l K-p;'e are;
| bn;!a:ng residen«-c- on Fairvi-- St
| Mi-- liiil<-:. <>rc»'ncasti. Pa. wa* J
j the gnest of Miss Jennie M»-chling
i Mr- C W Miller, whc ha? been m
i th» list i- ble to be abut again j
A little sol'lier f.rived a* the horu»- of j
fjieat John C. '. raham Monday ta ti. i
1 Ifiirf has r» ;urr;»"i |
frorc a visit witu friends at Saxon S'a j
Mi c s Map-rie Wi- of PirtsKurg i- the)
raeatoClfiaEDa Bridker of Sorreraj
Aii.ir Perry h.i-> r*tal i - .1 '• br 'in !
factory on l£srirnte Kill, jud •*. ho j
tc- -.-rill g ur. ,v vi : iry.
Mr-,. Martha ti. Marshall and j
irranddan«fhter Mi- -Ev > of Pi■
f>ect were in town Saturday.
>f (' <;r -- ti.. .ol y dr.v r for j
the Prospvct < r.amtrv i!o. was a caller
at t!ieC:TKr,s' fffic T> -sd••/■-
Mrs E<litr Hniiley ar.n children a.-e
spending the «":-iii:er with her p
rents Mr and Mrs Joseph P. Mechlins
Mr- Will L'ri' L».-r ar.-'. danght< i
Floret c have gae to Biair*-'i'il!e'.n a
-.--it v, "r -r parent- Mr and Mrs Wea
Wm Ort oi this pia<-t- left for Da
que* ne Allegheny Co Tn<->day v. he e
he has secured work on an eleetr c
era ne.
J. A. Horton and family intend mo
ing to New Castle, and they were in
that city 'i-t week liking at soi.e
Harry ComminKs of Harmsville w:.s
one of a party of young men in Alaska,
who lost their way in the Copper rivtr
district and wandered about 'int:l re.i
by Indians.
Jiru Hntchi~<n iias returned from «
visit with friends in W. Saiibi.ry
While galling in Jtoddyxroek he cangLt
some cat fish ' of them ft f■ >1 one-/
that had never been caoght baforo
J L. Moritz Kvj.or Middle -
is critically ill. He liven alone and one
of the neighbors going to his horn< on
an errand Monday morning found hi?a |'
lying nnconvious. He was found to s>e J
sufferin-.' from an stroke.
The probal/llitie.- are that h« had
struck Saturday night ,
New It. It. Votes.
Few men are aware of the giganti" '
railroad work which i- ij-.it.g done on J
the Buffalo. Koche«ter and Pittshrir:'
extension near Punx atawney and '
along the line. Gieat bridges froia 2'J !
to l : i feet in r,eight and several half a
laile in length are being built and - t
one place .i tunnel 2,£»<<i feet in length
is being bored through ;> hill The
v.-ortc all L. long the new ron«i is of n stu
r.atur'-, and the scenery is mag
nificent. It was a undertaking,
but th'-re to be plenty of cap
ital backing the enterprise, and before
long Pitt-'' ■ rg people can expect to »»•••
Buffalo, Roche*-ter and Pittsburg loco
motives within th> city limits, as th •
road will be extende-l ther«- The con
tractors who are doing the work are
pushing things rapidly, so as to get nil
the grading done beiore the wet weath
er of fall --eafcuii i-ets in. The bridges
and tunnel;; will be built by Septem
ber, and then the tra< k laying can be
completed Although passing through
a rough, hiily country, cut up by nu
meroDH deep ravine.!-., the new road will
not have very many heavy grad«*i, and
it will have t«,w severe curves, On the
J.l it. arid P. main Hue most of the
heavy grades were eliminated durinr
the past four years ami it now hn n
splendid line and : re hauling heavy
train loads The B ft. & i'. extension
will develop a new and important re
'/ion, where there in plenty of go<sl coal.
■ Pittsburg Post.
( HI Itril VOTKH
Tlio Butler County f'hri slum End»-av
or Convention will is- held in Bntler
next Thursday and Friday. The meet
ing of Thursday afternoon will b<- in
the South Side Reformed church, that
evening in Firs' Presbyterian; Fridiij
morning in Y, M. (/'. A. hall and Bap
tist church, and Friday afternoon and
evening in Presbyter an.
Nearly all tlio miiiinteri of the town,
and quite a number of other citizens are
on the programme.
Programmes can beprocur"d of How
ard Painter, President, of fie I nion.
Reception committee will meet train.-
after !J a. m., Thursday.
Delegates who arrive before *4 p m.
will go at once to Reformed chnrch on
South Side, when assignments will be
made by entertainment committee.
Delegates desiring entertainment
should send their names to Arthur
Flack, chairman of entertainment com
mittee, not later titan Tuesday July W.
There will lie a La'.vn Fete at Holy
oke church, Centie twp on Wednesday
evening the 27th. let; crenui and rasp
i»errie. I'rtic-eds for benefit of chnrch
Everybody i.ivited
The Is<~ Butler Fair
The fJutler county Agricnltural
Association has already completed im
proyenienta at their grounds, and n
paired ail damage done by the flo«>d
this spring They have put the track
iu the Ixjht condition it has ever lateu
in, built new stables, etc. etc., and
made the place "a thing of beauty and
a joy forever." To see the place in
worth a trip to it alone The dates of
the Fair this ye'ir are September •! it
Pr« miuni lists should be in every hou.M
hold and can be s«jcnred from the Secy
W P. Uoeaing, butler. Pa
A belter For You.
Unclaimed letters at the Post office at
Butler fa week ending Inly 1 s
Oliver S Anderson, Miss Etta Bright,
Mr a (Jlement Brown Mr- A .i Bagley,
321 Ist St., Miss Kdna Fox, I' A l ore
ml, HfH Kuril, DavidGnrhkoi, bn
ma Knour, Mrs Aim-Ida Black Kohl
lueyer, Charlie L«mh;y, Mrs Mary
Johnson Lewis, care John I. >vis o E
Mitchell, Myrta McVlahon M"K. i»
St., ICra Robert D Patterson J il
Philip- I' Ityan. Wm J Rod c rs, 1 <>J S
Main St.. W C Tebay, Jt W Wick.
In calling for these letters please say
advertised JOHN W. BKOWN, P. M.
Carpenters VV suit «-«l.
Experienced carpenters can secure
steady woik at highest wugc.-i Address
New Castle, Pa
Notice to Teachers.
The School Hoard of Oukland township
will on July 23, cugage teachers fjr
the ctuuiflg school year, al Milling el
ncli'«t>l house No. 1 in said township.
Term (7) seven months.
Also will receive bidi to supply sjiid
sch«»»l h(»us' with coal. The Directors
reaerve the to reject any or all bids.
By ' trdcr of Hoard
Orern City, I *■
1,. A Millinger, President.
Butler, I'a.
-- -Music scholars wanted, at iafi W.
Wavne St.
II J" delivered ol tlu
1 ■■ .. \..
ders at
14? Main St
Smulny IC\«-iirsions to Mli^gfieiiy.
C<<mmencing Surulay May "'rid mid
until further notice thi Pittsburg and
Western ii. it. will sell exi'Uision tick
';ts to Allcuheny ev.. r y Hnti'Viy for train
halving Butler 1 l-> A. city time'
/<»od to return <<n afternoon ra.-n.i iau?
ol tuilc Fair for round trip .■> cunt*
Harry H. Bower? was s allocated by
gaj on a tank in Franklin twp Alle
giienv v. . i i>t Friday
I.ittle Joe Black a 12-year old son "I
E < aivin Black of Mail.a St . met wrL
a terrible ccctiea? Tuesday aften: »■ a.
The Toy was visiting hi- father v»h" ha
il *eii on the Crawfoid fariu near Wat
ter- Station, and «.*.-ith o>jale ether boyi
was pla> ing a!«jnt the engine
when he fell into the fly-wheel and the
gas engine and had both amis toia off
He die-i a t:w h -rs after. H;s body
wa- brought to Butler Wednesday
h'ainie' Shira. .: At-'.l kr.--.vn ft::.:-:
of Washington twp. and tatner ot
C .rr.s .r.ii Madee Shira of Knfler niet
v ith a sudden death on Tnesslav of
this week He was -muling lumber at
the tic.- an-J fell forward between the
borw-a a-id which p:\.-.->>(l ovet
aim When d> -ovc-red he- was. uncon
scious and he died tli at night He was
abont 60 years or ag> Funeral this
Q «• met with a very pa i:
fnl accident yesterday evening He
b.i! i.ur<*hahe<l a hack from Humes the
torpedo man and he r.r.d Humes bid
j-otie -ot t" the old uiagaziire or -tati ir
ror it and had hit --d t ; "ui to it. a:;d
Qiilbij wmupoa vbsd fixing the
• • * v■• l i. ! .. I and b« tost
b'.!-. tad Ml H:.- right , Ibow
tr - k a tone an«i the '-oi & wercbrok
a ij* two (daces .ad the elbow didoa I
- 1 I) r» Bippa and Byers red.iceil ta.
I'rosiieit «::>1 Vcihity.
L* P. Shannon and wife have return
i 1 from a visit to their daugliler in
M< r'-er ''-p.. Hi.d Lffinanl „':-t a
I'ttle -pryer since he has bee >me graad
We art glad to hour that onr -"jldi -r
boys are well, and that <>= hfaaJtet can
outl-ox anything in his Co., while John
Koth can eat more !s?an.- and hardtack
than any other tnan in Co F
W K Bu -khaiii, of Washington Co.,
was h- rc- lat,t week, aeiling on-line
maps tn the din <■ tors of .M iddy • rctk.
Coiinoquenersiiig, ar.d Centre Twjs.
Ciood • ;aps urt- just as necessary is
l-'ncV-lx-srds : ,r id Howard Shannon
th'-'it- it fanny that the boys and gills
in Franklin T-vp. can't have tie- u. 1. >f
thein next winter too.
l-'r h Heater won't tell who tbe ac
■•oLimodating f /irl is bat Birch can no
longer IST be is 11 and hd never kid
an "oscu!at:;«g .
Yon Tirr-in't forget tha* tne 1 .-..ate on
the road tax expires with .July, eo hus
tle accordingly.
Kat< Barr says tbf-r.' ."re four
M-trtha? in their horse Martha Mar
shall, Martha Lu"Hnh, Martha Harr,
and Martin PmoingtOM, ', r '"afs so
The exercises at tbe Mil-: Run sr-hool
on the ]'< urth wer rather so :
•■iiir ;t-, v.'cli a- interesting, and reflect
credit on the district and on the rest tf
thf '• ••.vi as 'v»-H. Addrt - -.1 \/ore
made by Rev. I>. L. Roth, A. W. Mc-
Cnlloagb, n V Bowser, J as. McKee
and others. 'if the tethers who have
t.ught the Mi'e Run School, A- '-V
Mi-CtiliongL, H' nry Shafifer, I). L.
liotL O. F. Weigle, Mr- Ijepley, .Mr..
> McKee an*! -Mrs. Edr>iondcori were pies
en t.
I Alexa.* der Stewart h c bc-n
his -on William, of Whitcstown. to
| harvest, and no doubt Mr. Stewart can
|do a fair days work for a man of his
George Heyl retuwd from a visit to
Brighton relatives. Gtodrg® came
home at n .'ht, aud just f< r fan, got in
U> th* hons'-, and went to bed without
making bis presence known. The folks
weie surprissd to find George in bed
the next morning. Ai-a, you will
have to rearrange yonr burglar alarms.
Howanl ' rit' i.dow fell against a
tible and had a very black sore eye for
several day* bat iu able to go owirn
ming again
V. '' - nays he 'voull have had
a real picnic on the Focrlh if the other
band boys iiad not told the giris ho was
married Xfver mind, Silas play
ed th same trick on Perkins
Charlie Hunter is interesting him
self in hog industry, and has several
fine spe'-imeus of the l« st Ohio breeds
in bis ho.jgery north of town.
The following is a list of donors and
donations at the r»-«-«-r,I SIIVT v/ed<luig
of Mr and Wm Myers Jeff Fra
/ier and wife, castor .>lrs Margaret
six yards innslin, Margaret llecic
cel/*ry holder; Or«n Ht«-war' and v/ife,
battel dirt Mi Sohofleld pitcher;
Wif 1 Ma■.'<"■ and wife cak<- plate; S !f
ii y ers and wi fe tea spoons K S Hays
arid wife b a pot Albert Winter iu' :
wifo, celerv holder; A O. Myers and
wife, pitcher, J. Alford and wife, berry
spoon; .). Shaffer and wife, salt cellar
and pepper l*>x, .John Myers and wife,
toothpick holder Frank Myers and
v.it flower vase; John Akin and wife
napkin ring- T. J. Critchlow and wife,
water et, Thoinsm Winstein, pepper
box. and salt cellar; W. ft McJi-.c, wa
i»;r set, Wm. Young and wife, salt eel
lar A S. Marshall and wife, berryi
spoon; Mrs Wagoner, butter knife ft
S. Frazier and wife, tea spo<»ii, vVm.
M'irtiii and wife, castor; Thoma Myers
and wife, tea ipooris; Alfwrf. iSarkley
and wife, Brussels rug, .1. If Tebay and
wife, berry spoon, S. ('. Passavant and
wife, sugar i jioon Mrs Leslie, soup la
del, Philip ITinner and wife, knives and
forks. .1 W. Heyl and wife, bt rry
spoon, Mrs Shafler, bonbon ,-poon and
butter knife
Mr*. Jacob Heck and sons Ferd and
Charlie, of Hntler, arc the guests of
linden Joe and Jake Albert. Ferd has
a love for green apples while Charley
d'n- 'tit li lf.- country biscuit
Who is that yon tig man with an
emerald htio, which WHS so attractive
to the Evans City girls';
Leinti'-I Mi-Hill and of
Harrisvilh). were the guests of A II
Dnnii and family, not long since
It. wan fi very good joke on Ford For
rester, and, if his wife hadn't left the
spoon in tlx* atiple butler (Toek there
would have been no o.'<-nsion for thst
excitiiiK race Mr Ford
L'-wis Alb-rt and wife. J. C Mille
and wife, <> P. Weigh- I lam-I Sban.n
Charlies Ifueter Maggie and Kffi
Shanor, I.OH and fteridle L"nley, Lydn
and .' <>phia Lnnghei • attended tip re
cent Lutheran church dedication atJint.
Mr:' lioehm lately received a lett*-r
from her brother. Kev I C K<*l|y, a
,M n-ionary in China, Johnny's descrip
tion of Crtinesti Jif» and lu'inners is
unite Interen*ing
Th>-Mu lilycrv k Twji. tv.'iohera /ire:
A. i' I.ock<\ A \V. li»yi /, 11. Snyd'-r.
VV. Hnyder, Miss Ihitterficld, mid K. W
Mtamm Term 7mo at £t"<. \V<- con
grutulnte the director* for their pro
grf-anivo Ht< p.
Sum McCnllongli WHHH F lo<<t, and hi*
mother should not have worried ahont
him. Mammy known the road home.
W. I' Kerr, of Main, panned through
town, Saturday, ori hi* wiiy toHlippcry
I lock 'loinx to attend the normal
class during vacation, line >
Notice to Wool-Growers.
Messrs. Troutnnn's Sonb requiting all
tlie- room they have for their own busi
iii- ~ 1 have changed my location to
t'.raham 'lio' grocery stoic, just across
the street lioui my old location with
TroUttnan's, nli'T"- I will he glail to see
nil mv former wool friennft, assuring
tliem ol fair treutincnt, and the market
price in ca»:h for their wool. Troutmana
i wish to fcUte that they have gom out of
tii<- wool-buying businc..!. ..1 together
V,'M. I'. RUMni'KC.KK.
Any of our renders ill cling gas stove*
or gun ranges, fronts or any g;n Hav
ing appliance will find it a financial sav-
II y t'l call till -lore o( \fj H.
0 Brier. & Son on ij.. .t jelh i mn St.
.ml g« t pi: .. on tlje cxtenv.vc line they
I have'on exhibUiiii. Tliey -re also
[agent* for the celebrated Welsbach
! Light, of which more than 1200 were
old in hutlcr, last year.
i New Spring and Summer n<*ds ar
riving every 'lay ■ ,»rici . much ItKI.OW
| LAST YHAKS PKILIiS,) Jit The l'eo
piu» Stole.
l»ou't L.ike Cubans.
Lient W B. Wassell of East Eud.
Pittsbnrg who was shot through the
hand and face at El Caney and who is
n .iv a: hour on a fuilough is not enthu
•• - r liu r th-_ actives of thot part
•f Cnfaa Re qacted in the Ptttsbnrg
limes of Tuesday as follows:
' The average Cuban is entirely un
trustworthy. We encountered hun
dreds. of course, and found then, all the
same They are very low in the scale
of 1 uman intelligence, and seem to be
total strangers to truth The Cuban in
snrgent Brmy rendered in* absolutely
r. The. l ive litUe or no organ ; -
zaron. i>eiug m • t frequently met in iit
tie ta'-hments f"0 or I<M men They
aie hard to handle, for they either re
fr.s to c oey or c-ls»- fail to understand
what is told their. And most of theni
are abject cowards The insurgents are
m re fond of roving about than of work
lag for a living. When we went down
to Cuba and f--d them w took away one
r* th» principal causes for which they
fiirht and now. as they do not need t •
maraud thev do a- t are about fighting
and ar- leaving it all to their American
friends Tli""" seetr. *- lie the mc«r nn
trr- "'-fal people I ever saw, and take
everything as a matter of coarse. This
applies, of our-*', trie rank and file,
and no* to ' »nr< .■ or his fellow enicers.
T. ; - t*T W: --e!) -- • t'l.- R:- I <'r«-sS -<'•
cietv is. doing a good work in Cuba and
that the inr s and doctors :. r e very
'fiicii-nt. While he was there be saw
t'lnraliart - on her v.ay to th- field
h tal e.fter the battle of El Csiru y.
she wii.-: riding in a donkc y ..'aft. and tat
■a a -ae': f >at- Lieut Wassel 1 says
he '■■■ i- as well as can be expected with
the pi --ant prospect of an abscess form
ing n his jaw Tiie doctor told him j
this was certain to happen. So be will
stay at home until the abscess has come
and gone his broken teeth have been
fixed and he has regained tne iialance of
the p-oun<ls he lost. Then he will re j
turn t the Twenty -second regiment, |
and if necessary be shot at some more I
The Market —The Standard went up
to l>-"» cents the Producers'price a few
days ago. a,id thfp dropped back to '
and their shares are said to uavt; drop
ped S4O in the exchanges What's the j
matter? Can it possible that keep
itijr up Aiiii tli«- Producers" has forced
the threat Company into 'troubled
Tbir T :orning th- Standard i.- payii.g
it' »r. 1 the Producers 95
Logan Valley.
Mies Walt;:;., i yHting her sister,
M rs. Gregg
Miss Nellie Critcblow has gone to
Miss Blanche Burtner is home froin
Mollie ■ n-\ l>,b Patterson vwiu J
friends in Freport recently
'>race -mi Roy Martin arc vi.sitiu<
their aur.t, Mrs. I> F. Negley
Mrs. Cal. Logan visited Mrs. S. H.
Bowman A Cooperßtown.
,Mih.i Urrtha Oldridge and Minn Flora
Johnston, of Butler were the guests of
Mayme tmd Blanche Burtner,
Miss Hannah Arbuckln came home
from Chicora,
Zf-Un Logan is visiting her cousin,
Verua Iseman, of Bntler.
Mi * Mollie Oraliam of Batter, is the
gue-t of Philip Sny ier and wife.
Levi Logat. and wile visited their
son, I'ly-'- Logan, of Tarontum, this
Myrtle and l*.-ari Wyant are home
I from Allegheny.
Ruth Butlertield had her arm badly
scalded Than-..lay.
f>r»u 1 • man and (.'has. Smith of Bnt
lar are'/biting Cal Logan and family.
W < V'dwell and Miss Pitcaini, of
Pltt.burj;. were the guests of .1. IJ.
Caldwell recently.
Miss Sue Ogden called on friends
here Monday.
I'M'! Snyder and wife, of Rough Run,
visited .1. Wyant H family, last week.
Mr md Mr*. Say visited the lattcr"s
mother in Clarion county.
Mrs.<*lara Wagner of Mercer Co., is
the guest of fiwirije fisher and wife.
Mi-s Wilda fit el came home from
Vandi-r ;nf!
Estray Notice
Two tn»y:. left two bicycles at the
barber tliop of W. L, Cubbison at. N. E.
Cornet oi the Diamond, on Friday, the
Bth inst. The owners are requested to
come forward, prove property, pay
charge. ami take tliem away, otherwise
iliey will be disposed of according to
If von want a liicycle or yonr old ono
repair*-d go to White Waiter & Co,
l'trge-t slock in County. Bicycles for
Pennsylvania K.iilrouds
Popular l,.\csirMions to tin;
No other Kninmer outing ;i)*peals HO
strongly to the people of Western Penn
sylvania as the Pennsylvania Railroad
Com (tally's popular excursions to tim
Atlantic seacoast. I*'or years they have
been looked forward to as the holiday
i vent of ea«;h Summer. The secret of
their great popularity is the pheriom
enally low rat<* and the high character
of the service The limit of twelve
days just fits the time wet apart for the
averagt vacation, and the dates of the
excursions are most conveniently adjus
ted. There is also the widest Hold for
choice in the selection of a resort. At
lanUc City, Caj>< May. h» a Isle City,
Ocean City, N. J . Kehoboth. I>«•!.. and
Or, ,»n City, Md., are the choicest of the
Atlantic coast resorts, and any one of
them may be visited under these ar
The ilatos of the excursions are July
«l, and August ■! and IH, A spe
cial truiii of Pullman parlor cars and
day coaches will leave Pittsburg on
aliove mentioued dates at H.5T> A M .
arriving at Altoona li. I•"» I' M , where
stop for dinnei will be made, reaching
Philadelphia (i '£ jP. M uii't arriving
Atlantic ( ity, via the lilawure, itiver
Bridge route, at H 10 P. M , making the
run from Pittsburg t<> tl»u seashore via
the only all-rail rout*- in eleven hours
and forty five ininnte" Passengers
may also spend the nlicht in Phila
delphia, and proceed to the sh<ir<* by
any regular train Iron. Market Street
Wharf or I'road Street Station the fol
fowing day.
'I ickets will 1k» sold from the stations
at the rates named below
Itate Train loaves.
Pittsburg <lO 0(1 B.sf> A. M
Tared turn 10 00 7.1H "
Natrona 100© 7.»»
I Sutler 10 (Hi fl.sr, "
frwport 10 00 7.4W "
Altixina istopdinniiD * \'4 *f'i P. M
Philadelphia... .Arrive .... B.JSS "
Atlantic Oity... Arrive . M.40 "
Tickets will also lie good on regular
tram . leaving Pittsburg at4.:jo and h 10
P M., carrying sleeping cars through
to Philadelphia and Atlantic City.
l*'or detailed information in regard to
rates and time of trains apply to ti<-ket
agents, or Mr Thomas E Watt, lbs
trict Pa i-.'liger Agent, Pitt* burg
IVllllM'lViHllll < I|UII<UII<|IIU.
For the Pennsylvania ('hautuiiqua,
to Is* held at Mt (It etna. Pa July I to
August I, I WW, the Pennsylvania ICnil
road < 'ompany will sell tickets to the
general public <>u June to August A,
good to return until August 10, incln
sive. from tations on itH line in I'enn
sylvatiia, to Mt. tlretna and return, nt
reduced r-it'-s
Ask your physician it h*- dor i not
think ii 'wijoutu at Cambridge S,*ringr.
would do y *ll good. If you need rest
and nature's tonic, good mineral water,
lie will aiis'ver, "Ye*." li'*tel I< ider of
fcis accomodation* eipial to the l<est.
Send for circulars.
i * r bargains in valuablcj dcslr
able residences inquire of Walker & Mc
A few nights ago Martin Mwhan. a
fanner living at Calm Mercer county
was attacked by three masked robbers
Th«y pounded linn into insensibilitv
and then 1 ansacked the nouse. securing
pipers and other valuables. Meeban
recovered consciousness several hours
A school teacber over in Clearfield
ccuntv. who holds a j«eriiianent certifi
cate and stands high in his profession,
was recently arrested and lodged in
jail because he r»-fu=ed to pay $1.05
school tax
Tbt clergymen of Franklin bftve gone
iiit< tlie co-opera live system foreveni/ig
service during the summer months
Union services if held in - uit one of
the churches each Sunday evening, the
ministers n 1 1• rating. The idea pleases
the church goers and is a soft snap for
the preachers
On July Jth as the train on the Pitts
burg A: W©stern Railroad came down
from Kane to Butler, a latle distance
this side of Sheffield Junction, the en
gineer saw a lwar 011 the track ahead of
the locomotive He blew the whistle
out the bear kept right along ahead of
the train Tli.- passengers noticed that
something ont of the ordinary was
transpiring and noon the i«ar was wren
by th<-s- in the- train. Heads went oi.i
ot lh<* windows, one man in his excite
ment did not wait to raise the window
but stuck his head out through the
glass The bear kept ahead of the en
gine for almost a quarter of a mile
much to 'he excitement and amuse
meat of t iie passengers. Finally he left
tbe try'-- and entered the woods. This
o -ured it must b< rememl>ered on the
Fourth of July out the story is vouched
for by all the trainmen and the passen
gers a.« well, so we do not doubt the
truth of the mutter.
There .ire a large number of bears
around Sheffield Junction and from re
port- . f the number having been sein
in that neighborhood it would be a par
adise for hunters.
I Xrilf ion lo \| lant ir <tfity \ i:i i*
A V* . >ia I». «V O. lf.iilr<>;i(ls
On July 14th & 28th and Aug. nth
&25 The P. \V. will sell special Ex
cursion tickets to Atlantic city via B. &
O, Washington p. C. rule from Butler
tin dollars. Tickets good 12days;
—We have 20 large U. S. flags-—Are
yr>u going to jpni one 011 your building?
Send she and ask for price. Shuman &
Bros., 414 Wood St., Pittsburg, Pa.
Of Interest to You.
Parties wishing to engage in the livery
business, call on Walker « Mc T \l vain for
location and outfit
lixciirsuiii to Comieaut.
«>n Thursday Aug. 4 there will be an
excursion over the Bessemer Rail Road
to Conneaut Lake. The excursion will
start at Braddock.
Tbe snecial train will leave here at
"I MO. Tj.i; round trip will oe SI.OO.
This promises to be one of tbe largest
outings of the season. It is arranged in
the interests of the Butler Orphan Home
and inasmuch as the Home will receiie
Home financial benefit from the occasion
it is nil the more desireablc that as
many an possible will avail themselves
of tbe opportunity and go to the Lake.
A cordial invitation is extended organi
zations u.-> well a* individuals to join the
Handbills will lie issued next week.
I»«dightt'al Summer Tours.
For the convenience of those who
seek the most attractive way of spend
ing a Hummer vacation, the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company has arranged
two delightful tours to the North, un
der the personally-conducted tourist
system, July 28 and August HI. The
points included in the itinerary and the
county traversed abound in nature's
beauty, Watkins Glen, Niagara Falls,
Thousand Islands. Quebec. Montreal,
An Sable Chasm, Lakes ( bauiplain and
O.jorge Saratoga, and the highlands of
the Hudson are all rich in interest and
replete with natural attractions
Each tour will Ite in charge of one of
tho company's tourist amenta, assisted
by an < xp* rienced lady as chaperon, -
who.se especial charge will be unescort
ed ladies.
Th*- rate of :<!00 from New York,
I'.rookiyn, Newark, Trenton. Philadel
phia, Harrlsburg. Baltimore, and Wash
ington covers railway and boat fan* for
the entire ronnd trip, parlor-cars seats,
meals en route, hotel entertainment,
tmnsfor charges, carriage hire in fact,
every item of necessary exjiense.
Kor detailed itinerary, tickets or any
additional information, address Tourist
Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany, 11 !»»> Broadway, New York; 80<)
Fulton Street, Boooklyn; THO Rroad
Street, Newark, N. J.; Geo. W. Boyd,
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia.
11. <y B.
in the
store's history.
Reconstruction and Shelf
Kinptying Sale. Every article or
yard of a low price will
force the sale of is being oold, to
make way for new goods—being
done absolutely just like we were
selling out to quit business—sur
plus stocks of choice goods in
each (<f the 56 departments with
reduced prices on that will sur
prise you and that make this sale
more important than anything
that ever happened here.
Fine 35 tent Novelty Madras
15c cent Madras 12 l-2c.
15 cent choice lace striped
ginghams 7 l-2e.
Ltrge lot fine white goods
sacrifn cd 10c.
Neat,useful 10 cent wash goods
3 l-2c —and sc on—-prices that
mean business.
Not only wash goods to go,
but Silks, Dress (ioods, Wash
Suits and Skirts, Shirt Waists
all over the store price power is
being used such as it will pay you
to investigate like |nothing ever
did here before.
11 you intend building 11 house, barn
or anything elsn, this summer, send to
C (/ Campbell. Butler, Pa., contractor
and builder, for estimates on material
and lalsir.
Practical Horse Shoer
Formerly Horse Shoer at the
Wick house hiui opened biu»l
iku! ill a shop in the tear of
the Arlington Hotel, where
lie willJVlo Horse-Shoeing in
the'inost approved style.
Our Method
Doing Business
We hope will merit voi r
patronage. Ou-s is not Ur
on!}- store in Butler, but
we <to try to make it such
a place to buy your rtrugs
ana mediciuc as io wiu
your confidence and secure
your patronage. Do not
come to our store lor cheap
drugs We don't keep
them. Xothing but the
best finds a place in our
store and every article
bearing our name is guar
anteed to be just as repre
sented or you can get your
noney back. We buy the
best, sell the best, keep
the best and lccommend
the best It is this jneth
od that has brought to
our «tore ? 'arge and de
sirable patronage. If voi
have never deplt at our
k'ore v> e would be pleased
to have you call. We try
to keep everything that is
likely to be called for iu
our liac, but if we should
not have what you want we will frank lv
tell yon so and will be pleased to get it
■on you at the eariies possible moment.
We give yoa what you want, No substi
tutions permitted, let us fill your
prescriptions Respectfully,
Diamond Block, Butler, I'a
Letters testamentary on tbe estate of
Isaac Kepple, dee d, laie 01" Fairview
town..bip, Cutler county, Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
tiie same will present them for settle
ment to
WM. L. KEPPLK, Ex'r.,
Peachville, Pa.
C. WALKER, Att'y.
Whereas, letters oi administration have
l>een issued to n;e the undersigned in the
estate of William A. Anderson, late of
Middlrse*township, Butler county, Pa.,
dee'd., notice is hereby given to all
persons indebted to the said Credent to
cal! «nd .settle, and all j>er*ojis having
claims against the same will pitase pre
sent them duly authenticated tor pig
Administratrix of
Flick, Butler Co. Pa.
S. F. & A. L. BOWSF.R, Att'ys.,
Butler, Pa.
better* testamentary 011 the estate of
Margaret J. Mcßride, dee'd, late of Mid
dlesex towr hip, Butler county, I*a.,
having been *r; ited to the undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves indebted
ti> said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any hariug claim . again;,t
said estate will present them, duly pro
bated, for settlement to
Bakerstowr, Pa.
Ix-tters testamentary 011 the estate of
John S. Love, dee'd, late of Clinton twp.,
lb:tier county, I'a., having be n granted
to the undersigned, ail persons knowlui;
themselves indebted to saiil estate wiil
please make immediate payment, and
any having claims agalust said estate
will present tilL-m duly proba'ed for
settlement to W. 11. LOVH, Ivx'r.,
Kiddles X Roads, Pa.
W. L). BRANDON, Att'y.
Letter* of a<lmiuistration 011 tin; estate
of Harriet Thoui]>son, dee'd., lateof Clay
twp.. Butler Co., I'a., having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment,
and any having claims against said estate
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
R. C. THOMPSON, Adm'r.,
Elora, I*. O
W. C. PiNDUtv, Att'y.
Letters of administration C. I". A. 011
Uie estate of Nancy C. Stewart, dee'd.,
late of Ceil're twp., Butler Co., I'a., hav
ing been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves iudebU . to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement tu.
Admr. C. T. A.,
Mt Chestnut, Pa.
J. I). McJunkin, Att'y.
Letters testamentary oil the will of
Richard G. Nelson, late of Middlesex
township, Hutler county, Pennsylvania,
dee'd. , having been granted by the Ree
nter of sniii countv to the undersigned
Kxecntors thereof. Therefore all person*
knowing themselves indebted to the
estate of said deceased are requested to
make speedy payment, and those having
claims against said estate can present
tlieui properly authenticated for settle
ment to
11, M. PARKS,
T. A I'AKIvS, ttxLcutora
lv Mcjunkln Att'y. Glide Mills, I'a
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Sarah Jane Cranmer, dee'd., (widow of
Israel Cranmer, dee'd.,) laLe of Centre
twp., flutler Co., pa., having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to ssid e.'.lati
will please Hiakt tniniediule payment,
and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
J. L>. McJPNKIN, Ex'r.,
Uutler, Pa
J,cltcrH testamentary on the estate of
Robert Trimble, I'MJ., <lecM., late of
Middleue* twp., Duller Co., Pa., hiving
been granted to the undersign' 1, all
JHTVMI.S (mowing themselves indebted to
said estate will pi' make immediate
paymcitt and any having claims against
Maid I'i.ti.u will present them duly mi
thenticuled tor settlement to
S. C. TRIM HI «,
Flick P. 0..
W A. DKNNY, Hutlcr Co.,Pa
Mcjunkin & Galhrcatli, Att'ya.
Everything first-class.
Finest turn-outs; rubber tired
" U KK' CM - Trajw, I'hictonn,
fj'KM' Driving teamß and fam
ily horse* Bverythin>{ up to
date, Iloises foi bale. call
and nee us.
Open day and night.
Rear of Hotel Arlington.
'3' i SoutU'Muu) street-
Ovcr.Shaul :>torc£
4 SAV,
!Douthett & Graham?
YOUR OWN FAUI.T, We've been in the clothing
business, in Butler, for five years and it is to
Iyour interest to kno«v us as we are selling
the best clothing for the least money
of any firm in Butler. You don't
believe ir? Step in and see
$ our store when in town,
arvl we'll prove it to you.
t Douthett & Graham,
We Declare War
Against every Clothier in Butler County and vicinity, and
offer to Clothing Buyers of Butler County
... - a.
|2BO Men's and Boys' Suits
I in 14 Different Patterns
| at $5 A Suit. |
There's nothing in the market we safely say that can equal
these suits. Suppose you look into the matter.
When in town drop in and ask to be
shown these suits—no
trouble whatever.
Shau! BcNast y
137 South Main St..
Butler. Pa.
Lively Clearance Sale of FINE FOOTWEAR
is now going on. The mere mention that Huseiton's Clearance Sale
is i: full sway will bring buyers from far and near. This is a sale of
Hu;h (irade Shot.:; selected from our stock. This] sale is no fake,
neither have we bought, as some have, a job lot of chenp shoddy
jobbing house shoes to make believe a clearance sale.
Ladies' Fine Tan Sho> s, $3 grade now sf.oo
Ladies' Fine Dongola Shoes, $4, $3, 2, grade.. ..now sl, $1.50, $2
Ladies' Fine Dongola Hand-turn Shoes ."63 and $4 frrde,
-v uua $1.50 and
Ladies* Fine Kk! Shoe?; $1 grade ... .7. now 75c
Misses' Fine Tan Shoes, vesting top, $1.50 grade now 95c
Misses' Fine Tan Shoes, lace or button. $2 grade now $1
Misses' Fine Dongola Shoes, $1.25 grade now 6<c
Children's Fine Tan Shoes, $1 grade now 60c
Children's Fine Tan and* Black Sh -es now 45c
Boys' Fine Tan Shoes, $1.50 grade now 95c
Youths' Fine Tan Shoes, $1.25 grade now 85c
Men's Fine Chocolate Hals, $2,50 grade now SI.OO
Men's Fine Vici Kid 13als, $2 grade now $1.50
Men's Fine Bicycle Bals at
You'll find us just Opposite Hotel Lowry.
You will save dollars by attending this sale. No cheap jobbing
liou*c shoes in this sale. You can't aflord to miss the chance of
getting fine Shoes at less than half pi ice.
>Jut!or't» Lt ufllrix Hhoe House. Opposite Hotel Lowry.
—u. r ____——
A-] I
|| ( [ \ tj iy\ Men won't buy clothing for the purpose
j, 1 \\ \/\% V I—* Ajof spending tnoucv. They desire to get the
ij \\ 4 ' / i Uaai f l>est possible results for the money expend*
' l \ V J ,'L. l--jjjr*fficd. Not cheap goods hut goods as cheap as
I ' ' 1 — ~\r r *~ , *i iv, they can be sold and made up prope-ly. If
j . j j V ■/. y°u want thu correct thing at the correct
1 j j i ifjrrrr'J ® price call on us, we have reduced our spring
f 1 sI V \ /pSf ' A and summer jjfxxis down to make room for
( j. 11' our lieavy weight K <K >da,
ji J l/'ll wW I/ I
|// 'I fl I ■ | Fits Guaranteed.
GC7 I/- | . Merchant Tailor,
• ~ 142 N. Main St., Butler
Regular Value 12 1-2 and 15c. Sale Price 7c or 4 for 25c. J
j Clearance Sale Continued this Week. #
4 108 S. MAIN ST., Butler. #
I'M .Is Uin o|>|>nrlaiilty I>r » llfe-Um«\ Auuntu :im IUUIcIhk >SO to $1»0 n wi*k.
FITZHUGH LEE, Maj. Gen. U. S. V.
fin«J lull' < « II.HUI to f'ul»u. writ*** u l»ook on
<«> iii'iul I,« I- »OWII xtory <>f < übii mill the Spanish W;ir. will bo j>tixtucu<l lu a sub
stantial book of over fWO puiH ». 7aVtt inches II» al*« ami almost
'I Ms 1* tlii' unly authentli work p'ibll I on the otu subject •> iipylnv the ral'iiis
•t th« entire . I lllreil world.
W rtt« for full part leu Im-A to
Hill authorised distributor •. »n- l<s-atc«l In nil |.art-.,r the t'. !*.