Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 21, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL- Jvxxv
The blacker your shoes the
J&\ 'V more the y show.!
(-f fcAA Tail fc k°2B save time, labor
w t j&zjv^\ S'ld money, aud still look!
C.V ii J r " ® ir cr.nnot he '
li cxc "H e d e-ther in price, quali-
It v / Sco the handsome styles in
V- f vesting fops.
~li T? tt '*! f We are ofiVing some jreac
nS 3 t black
Vt\ v A v?. 7iv "✓? "✓ i\ '/$
Men's fine black v<i KM shoes $i.0.~ Ladir.-,' £ne patent leather sandals. ...50c
Men's tine russett vici Ki<« shoes... j.05 Indies' line serge slippers 25c
Ladies'fine tu.ssett shoes ... 1.00 ChMdren's fine ;lippe:s 25c
Ladies' nut- I»oiig.il,- shoes 1.00 I><>y i' fine ores-; shoes 75c
and many other l-w-rss. l ull stock of sole ■ ather and cnakt r- supplies of a!!
kinds. H>j i' ton Stan*' wit'j four lasts each (. 4*o P ensiling promptly done
Mail orders ;etc;7e prompt attention
\ HE 15 A WISE HAN jj
= 1
I ? j
d The jftfods, .style, fit and g>n«-ml make i
S up of his suits
\ TELL their own 51 OI\Y. i
'* 'V. 'V •% i, *. '8 .'W*
Thre of a niad for Spring, two of a kind foi
yr? %F»lr minimer- what l>ettei i.md would a man Wiiiii
. .. . ' *.ill tin- tiin -.1
v —it \ / j i* »\ /• Vvjt in durability tl i- TiUti. lif>t. in price mi»
JV-t /I i* // i\ nwi'li r;il<\ wlicrc il-1 ran you wet HU'li corii
r pi I'J, v !V) // ft blnat li-ii- Voi. <li. u'.-l tli.-m of O. I'. KF.CK, t l ..
' /'/ irq f\ try (/} U tailor. '«'■'< lu.vi; larjtt: :usortm» nt of spiiiiK
. ' i/ r S r / \ j "I stylfs, t ':«• lat"Nt |<m " rn» :■ '! Drl'i.s to suit.
I v 'Tr ty A r < r.uit cail an<J examine our law
—« 1/l\H Try fiJJ tt-ck of h| rirp go-.<'«. Hin.imbi r (he jila^c,
1 }|> | V Q. F. KECK,
\ I | ji'll i MERCHANT TAILOR, 142 North
. v k St.. butler, Pa.
The New Cambridge,
fForrneriy New Cambridge House.)
Whirh, after the fin* of a ) ear ago, in nou openefl in
larger and hotter shape for the accomrnoda'ion of guests in search
of health and pleasure, presents itself to its former Butler patrons
as the most d'.-sirable hotel in which to locate when al Cambridge
Springs. Pre,- Inis fo and from all trains awl springs. Public
rooms *re of large sue aud well lighted, including office, dining
room, tiatl. rooms, billiard room a.id Dowiing alley CharuV>erv
witli private baths and toilets and everything tnat tends to make a
home-like aud comfortable resort. T 'r.r rates apply to
HAGGER7Y & WHITE, Proprietors, li Cambridge Springs. Pa-
Pope F>ros,
We Will Save You Money On
v Diamonds, Watches Clocks,
Plaieware and Sterling Silver^
{Goods. (
Our Repair- Dcpa/tineTit takes ill .tl! kinds of Watches, Clocks
an<l Jewelry, etc
122 S. Main St.
Old gold and silver taken the same as cash
House Cleaning
Time is ii«re and the War against Hugs, Moths etc., in on. We have prepared
" Dir Killer for the extermination of these pests, let lis suggest that if this be
mixed with the paste l>eforc paper ing t'.ie result will be very satisfactory. We are
also headquarters for Moth Balls, Insect powder, Ifelliborc etc.
I*. r,yf £ o, ,
Subscribe~for~t!ie CITIZEN.
in Little
la tru - of II P'lls. ! >r no medi
• cine cr» r Coiita. . d >•") ~ie&i ct.ra in
*o sirall «pace They tfe a modicli;'
! ehest, atways ready, al- trrr> E ] ■
wajs fttt-ient. always sat- i | j
tsfact. ry; 'nt z co'A | 591 V
or fever, cure all lfver ills,
lick headache. Jaundice, constipation, etc. 25c. 1
The -ill. i*Ui W vafcs with Hood's S«r,ai>anlla |
Thonsaniln ate Trying Tt.
In ordf"* to prove «'i» great merit of j
El 's Cream Brian, the u. -t »e'€cti"o enro ,
for C.aarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre- :
pared a g. :i3rous trip.' siz; for 10 cents. .
(its it of yr.rr drt:"fv-t or se;;d JO ents to
ELY BROS., 5<5 V irr;u ft., K. Y. City
I snCe'C'l from ca* —fc of me -.-orH e.isu 1
ev.r iiLco a lay, am' - r never u -p'''". for!
cur--, but El.-'-i Creaia Balm -e<-nis do j
eveu fL-t. ih ij tcijuain r.v s ha*e ' - 4
it with excellor.t ObiruAi". j
45 Warden Ave., Chicajro, 111.
Ely'" rri.am oal-.i ic tho acknowledged J
enr*- for cfitaivh •iti l contains no ctcainc, j
mere :rv nor any injurious drug. Pri . i
ti> cenrs At or by mu.L
Always crowns our efforts to j
-ecure l he handsomest and j
most correct tiling in Men's !
Dress at all season's of the
There's a fr*sb, bright
■-parkle 'if stv';' a'wilt our
spring patterns, the kind
that has snap and art in it
We cater to !thc economical
:nan because our, ciothis
give a dollar of service tor
every dollar paid.
I/Ct lis show yon the kind of
a we make for
Pearson Mace's
Livery Feed and Sale Stable
Rear of
Wick House, duties Fenn'a.
The b<!St of 1 « -«• I'd fl/st ClJlhr rlffH ;i|-
wav.s on hand and for hln*.
a"Cor»;DO i iMonn In t >wn f<»r |-.f.rzntf- I
n* nt »•»ir<lii -r i • *.» > r t triL. Hp "I
tfl guaranty*!.
Stabia IW»- C ~ , —~
" 'Z*u mi • ' a*, t >»t . I»".n dr. v r . nrid
draft hort -s always on hand and tor anl«
under a full and horses bought
upon proper n< Uilra ion fr»y
Telethon". No. 210.
£ Jeweler arid Optician, £
( 125 S. Main St.,
Butler, Pa. /
No. 416 W. Jefferson St.,
Butler, .Pa.
A line of latest Foreign
nr»(4 Horuestio Suitings
always In stock.
Fit, Stylo and Worlc
mansliip guaranteed
to give satlsfai*tif»n.
nU* Your Olotliii\y
If you want and reliable
cleaning or dyeing done, there is
just one place in town where you
can ge f . it, and that is at
Ml *> CJeiiter avenue,
do fine work in out
door Photographs. This is the
time of year to have a picture ol
your house. Give us a trial.
for tb<- Jau.fietown slidi'itr
Blind Co Nov; To-'k.
The Ford farm in Donegal iwp., uear
Millers'own is foi -ah I! contains
about fso acres, is well watered and in
good condition For terms inquire at
his office
Rough t Worked Lumber
OF at.i, Krvris.
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
Alvva/s in Stock.
Office opposite P. & W. Depot.
|»Y'"l f»p Horses, ('<>ws Vhee, , Fowls
el - . Health, strenmh aud nriKlin'tlve (Kiwcr
to an I in.ll.s. Are you
f»*» «l in t la* market.
LINSEED OIL • ; ; -ad
yrar-'in tl , ,p, liarn nr ft • Mewl paints
ii i. • •11it fi' • i u-•'! rv - '.'.'i,i ; anil .<llllll
rory tail. Wrltrfn'r fiur flri'iilnr.
Fur pill' lin II m rural, an'l white
leafl ask for "Tiirmipsn. or aililie-.^
ii.UMUf.i' turcr. TlloMl'SoS «VO , l.'» W
UlaiiioMit slrvet Allei(l,euy. I'a.
Ir. t. t «iu;ir;- July R atticr
Vv'h. n t!i* -st« rra uml
Git-;, m the hn.vtst flcl'if In beauty
Tp the I. i" i.i-81-r >.y.
And th* humrr,lr.si of the rotr< ra
i"*" with cus i' ali th« air.
WUiw '■■■■ far. ?ter* ara tolllr.j
In tht fl '.it so bilcht and ft!r.
jun }>t> -nil the riiientii wheut field
y.. the ir. r, ; ; :.rj tu.- .<J corn.
r'!i-h ere • ind glowlrrf brlf'rter
In the cool and shady morn.
p - »»i<. iJijs'v way Kid thickly,
Ooldt-nrod In splendor blooms,
Lur.ijtra. 100. some lone, sweet wild rose
E'c. 1. fati's . way o ;loou..
in ihe pasture by the wayside.
I'taceful cows contenltd lie,
t'liuerncc.u. the shade tree.
Or wander to the broolt near by.
Jn the neat and cozy farmhouse
Busy wives the meals picpere,
Ilumrriri?. minlllr.g ar.tl nov. p'.ariclr.g
O'er the harvest lleld so fair.
For tV- food they arc prr-parlr.^
Fit lor any klr.« would seem.
V'tLii i..e xolia of golueri LiUiter
A.'.ti u'otiniiu! t ricn R'.vtct frt'Uiii.
Now the golden sun Is s«ttl:.^.
And tie i uj> dr.> i» done,
Happy hari.eters are wtndlng
To their pcac-ful. quiet hOT/s.
—M. Catherine Welser. In the MlnneepOila
ilousek cptr.
| The hero of a Flood j
I ACiv waa a boy who had turned up
• I r'roiji nobody knew how l. r.d uo
i-uy .iiicu where. it was known
from thlugi- li** Lr;d dropped in
eonversatlon that oe had come with m
partj across the plains auti that in the
cour," of the loii„. weary journey his
jnot.'OT had uicd. it was * that
iiis lather ir.ue. have cast off and for
taken the boy us an undesirable bur
All the summer he had been hanging
about the <3illerer.t small ranches in
the reighborhood, living Hi best he
could by -Lut he received for cnores
and odd jobs, and sWpirg In sheds
or beside a »la< k of sweet alfalfa hay.
but in V lor.-ly ( n'tforriia climate
Jack, hjppy i:» the light-heartedncsH
of bo. liood, thought il no hardship.
Winter wa~- approaching, however,
with its heavy rains and chilly nights.
■ ft was a bad job," said Martin one
day, gazing -it the slight foundation
of hi'" house. "I liadt't-ought fo built
so near the canyon. But jjie land was
so good f thought I'd save all I could
of it for the fiult trees. Tlikt cornea
of beiri' too savin'."
"Sever rain.j," his wife, "we're
j,oin to build better next spring."
"Ves. Tt.'s beer, n good year, and I'm
no end thankful for It. But [ must
ea .' I wish we'd got through the rains
aii t.afi I guess me an' Jacl.'ll bank
up a good bit this week."
The first rain bad come—not a very
long or eohl one, as would be the case
in the winter. .Tack still ijlcpt, in a
shed and Mrs. Martin iyas troubled
about it, but the tiny house seemed
to afford no corner jipt already filled.
bu siie *as "obliged to content herself
with giving hlra such bedding as she
could spare., and with Jack's laughing
Qesuranoe: "it's good enongli for let
ter folks 'n me."
leisura WW
emment works going on some miles
distant above Mm—a reservoir being
built to hold thb overflow of water
with a view to storing it for irrigation
qf tho lowftr lying laiida. In addition
to the promise o* security to his house,
it gave opportunity for getting work,
of *v!iii'h many of the poorer ranchers
were to avail.
"I'd rather like you to st#y about
v hile I'm goue, Jack," be said, and ihe
hoy's heart swelled with pride as he
added; "I want you to look after
things I'm snre you'll do It good and
Another long rain set In. Every day
•lack banked up bis "good and faith
ful" bust, but. the canyon slowly
filb-d after the ftng summer drought,
was each mornlrg dismayed at the
inroads made by the water.
"Jack." said Mrs. Murtln one morn
ing, "I'm get tin' a little uneasy at the
way things looks."
"I'm feelin' that way myself," agreed
Jock, who had just rome In with dis
may In his heart from a look at things
"I've a great mind to go over to
Neighbor Davidson's to ask if they
won't let us with 'cm for n feTr
dayp, till the next time Martin comes
home. I has- to stay without him."
"Couldn't I go?" asked Jack
"Well, I'd rather ask It myself. Hut
T don't ipritc know what to do about
Kitty. It's too far to carry her —even.
If you went to help mo."
"Leave Kitty with me. ."he'll stay
all rlfht —won't you, Kitty?"
Kitty replied with a crow and a
spring Into his outstretched arms.
Thus encouraged, Mrs. Murtln soon
after brPakfa-st took her departure,
saying in anxious tones: "Watch
them banks well. Jack. And I know
you'll be real good and careful with
Kitty. I'll be back early this even
An hour lat?r Jack wished with all
hts heart that Kitty was with her
tt other, as he went out to resume the
constant work of "banking up." At
or.ee he saw that a ne\ f condition of
things had set In. The house near the
canyon stood on a kind of knoll, the
ground on the land side of it sinking
slightly. The water in the stream was
higher that; he had before 'een it, and
h- now noted with alarm that af a
short distance nbovc the house gome
of it had left the main channel, and,
turning into the low, shifting sand».
h.;d . lit between the house r.nd the
bred, leaving 11 on an Island.
Toward the close of the day lie saw
that the flood hud spread on both :-;fdes
<>f the canyon so as to entirely cover
the roads which followed the stream.
Kitty's mother would have to take a
roifndabout toad through the eorrntrv
oud could not possibly r'-uch home
t'.iut uight Later he saw a furmer
passing on the other side of the new
channel. The man caught sight ot
-k iiid hail d him:
"You'd better get out of that."
"Why?" shouted Jack.
"Works above giving way. Been
weakening for the lust 21 hours and
lett'ng out the water. When they go
the. 11 tarry everything before 'cm"
What sl.ould he do? How could he
best care for Kitty?
"IT get the barn door arul float her
over. The water ain't runnin' swift —
yet. Then 111 carry her wherever her
mother is. I can do It, if I stop to rest
by the way.
Jack worked as he had never worked
before. The barn was a rude struc
ture, but it required uiore than the
strength of u boy easily to get the
door of the hinges. He tugged and
hammered until quite out of breath,
but at length had the pleasure of see
ing his frail bark moored as close to
the door of the house as he could get it.
"I'll move her out onto the porch
while 1 fix things," h« decided. "Then,
if thiutrs should go sudden, I could
grab her."
It was bard work getting the bulky
ti 'r *hr n; th* narrow but i
J •: a entoplioacd it takir_*oorn r more
!, fT ♦inr.cfe i'. n'-e at the ulct little
wi per a* )h ricklytsned I* otKer
«tdng :
h.i did so there came a rush and i
a r«.ar, Tli- slight rnft tipped under .
his feet and he was thrown over, re- j
ceiving ; violent blow on the side of j
the. hcLd the edge of a board. :
lu mon:"nt lie was half -'unned. the !
_ne.\t a plung into tli*- water recalled \
his dizzy serines. With u desperate i
gr; he clung to the raft as he was :
lifted, whirled, bufTeted. swiftly car- i
r!'d on. Before he had time to think j
or utter n df>-;>airir.g cry ti»- was far I
from the eottage and th>; precious i
treasure he u-juld have guariled bo i
It was two weeks before Jack opened
his uves to a clear view of anything
Mrs. Mnrtin was fitting beside him
n:id he made a strong effort to
ptraifhten out in his cor>fused mind
th< vr.rion-: things suggested by the
sight of her face.
"Where's Kitty?" he at length
"Kitty's safe and well."
"llow was itV" asked Jack, eagerly.
"The house was carried avay."
"Must 'a' H -*n when the raft got I
away from me." commented Jack. "Or
with mc. T cruess I onto it."
"Yes. Tf you hadn't you wouldn't 'a'
been here now. And far down tha
• - 1
Htrearn the housv caught and stuck."
"She eil alone in thetn waters
—in tl»'.« nlglft—" said Jack, ready
tears of woahncss coming to his eyes
at the tiioU{,ht.
• Yes— the 1-al.y i They nays the (food
God' send;- his arrrets to guard 'cm.
Jack, aud I'll always believe it. Well
—just in the early niornin' —It had
cleared up and the <nn was Khinln'
bright and men along the banks tvan
watuhin' things* that oome down—she
lifted up her head and the sun lit. on
her curls —that you always said was
Just 111' sunshine. Jack!—and they
seen her and went out. It was a hard
puli. but they «lid it. The bouse was
wj i • chili' •f.on aK to piece- and O,
Jack! If yon hiidn't 'p.' act the cradle
oa*. onto the \«><' h no ore. ever would
'a' thought rt < ,ng rut there."
or'»l ot un-Tin it was
found plenty of room and comfort for
Jack.- —San Francisco Examiner.
A cottier filndnlnne Theory.
The tender affection of Mrs. Olad
fitone for the dead statesman was c'frfc--
acteri/ed by implicit faith and rev
erent devotion. An English bishop was
a guest at Hawarden castle and joined
In a conversation with Mrs. Gladstone
and others concerning the Armenian
atrocities. "TV-re is one above who
knows." piously concluded the bishop.
"Yes," replied Mrs. Gladstone, "he'll
be tiy> i-iin^Y'-
upstairs washing liis bands just now."
San Francisco Argonaut.
A !*«w Title.
A irreat popular preaciier of the late
eighteenth and early nineteenth cen
turies was William Huntington, S. 8.
He explained hia title thus: "As I can
not get D. D. for want of cash, Delther
can M. A. for warit of learning;
therefore I am compelled to fly for
refuge to S. 8., by which 1 mean. 'Sin
ner Saved.'" —Household Words.
Like l.lithtulni(.
A man waa praising his wife, as all
men ought to do on proper occasions.
"She's as womanly a woman as ever
was," he said, "but she can hammer
nails like lipiitning." "That's remark
able," said n listener. "Yes, sir," said
the first speaker. "You know light
ning never strikes twice In the same
place." —Youth's Companion.
An ACretsttra.
"I believe," said Willie Wishington,
"that you don't like classical music."
"I don't mind telling you," replied
Miss Cayenne, "that that is a polite fic
tion. I have to say that sometimes in
order to avoid hearing it murdered."—
Washington Star.
FoolUh Fellow.
Pie —Fiji going to turn down the gas
and then kiss you.
She—Oh, what made you tell me?
I'm afraid 1 may wake papa up In try
ing to get a\Vay from you.—Chicago
Daily News.
I'artlwlly llfttrnnl.
Aigy—You say she only partially r»»
turned your affection?
Cinrer.ne —Yes; and that's what I'm
kicking about. She returned all the
love Utters, but retained all the jewel
A Oar-Dldril ('orM»lii»*ile»e*.
Bhn wnt H mess**© with her eye«—
'Tieus truly sweet, but, lo!
To r<-a<t her glance ha was not wis*.
And so It failed to go.
—Chicago ilecortl.
"I s'pose you do wash yer 'anda som!f
times, don't yer, James?"
"Not me, mate. Wheu I want* to git
th' wuat on it orf I gen'rally goes round
to the public library and turns over a
few o" th' books!" —Ally Sloper.
Mow Times C"hHngo.
When w> were two, by thf lummpr sea.
I Just one umbrella, woulj do—ah. me!
Now we are one an<s when storms are rounh
Evtfn two umbrellas are not enough.
—Chicago Kecord.
Physically MamHeupprd.
"Why la it that people with snub
uoses never make much of a stir In th«
' world?"
I "It must be because they can't poke
theiu into other people's business."
-—Chicago Daily News.
! I *as born 'way dewo tn ' Dixie,"
R.arad beneath the southern skies,
Ani they didn't have to h mo
i Every Yankee to despise.
I was nothing but a country youngster,
When I donned « suit of grtiy.
When I shouldered my old musket,
Ar.d marched forth tho "Yanks" to slay.
Kour long years I fought and sufftrtt!:
"Dixie" was my battle cry:
"Dlxla" always and forever,
Down In "Dixie" let me dte.
And to-night 1 m down in "Dixie:'*
"Dixie" still so grand and 'rut;
1 But to-night lam appareled
| In a uniform of blue.
| And to-night the band Is playing;
' - Tls not "Dixie's" strains I hear,
i But the strains of "Yankee Domile"
Ring out strong and sweet and clear.
Lor.g I listen to the music;
By my side a comrade stands;
He's a "Yank" and I'm a "Rebel,"
But we grasp each other's hands
Here together we united
'Waw down south tn "DUUe' stand
And my comrade v. V -pcr.-^ftly:
"There's no land like 'Dixie's' land."
But my eyes atv filled with tear drops.
Tears that make my h-ar* fee! glad;
And I whisper to my comrade:
" Yankee Doodle' ain't yp bad."
—Lawrence Porcher Hcxt. lifT-'hieago Inter
T FELT like Cortez upon a memorable
I occasion when the jeweler's glass
door swung behind me, und, marching
I up to the counter, I asked far a ring.
I "A ring, 6lr?" said the attendant, a
■Cockney to his fingertips. "What sort
I of ring?"
| "An engagement ring," said I, valor
"What size, sir'?** demanded the man,
docketing me mentally.
"Five and a half," I replied, thinking
of the glove.
"That's rather an unusual size," he re
marJ ed, ruboing one eyebrow, "uuiess
it's o bangle the lady wants.''
"I'm not sure that she wants it nLall,"
I murmured, producing the little scu
dalwood-scer.ted bit of silk; "but that
Is the size, I think."
"O—lt's the size of the lady'e 'and,**
he observed wilh mild toleration, tin
rolling it. "Well, sir, ladies' fingers
vary In girth, »rtd It's tno»® usual to fit
them with a piece of cardl>o«rd; but
we'll do our best.''
"Cotild not tlje member l>e recon
stituted?" I-asked Impressively.
That Vnpcked the conceit out of ijm;
he stared nt me helplessly.
"Fill it with porwder or something,"
I e-xpfained.
It took Mm five minutes' eelf-d'tecip
litui to grasp the startling novelty, btf .
he did, ami* under my direction, fllledc
the third finger sbeafh plate pow
der, whif'h I rammed honoeiwlth ipy
pencil case. Then, producing a xiilnla
tnre catllper, he took measurement*,
and bigan to search his scintillating
dock, displaying u reverent familiarity
rnoet Impressive to behold. Clyopatra,
how they davrzledl Pearls, rubies, em
eralds, diamonds, oach challenging the
admiration, bnt cl«eHing the desire b»
ting forth the prioro. £4O, HSO, £ 100;
it was a chermed place, where money
lost it* every-day signifiednoe, for whaV
man of spirit would be content torvffer
tbe girl of his heart a thing costing a
miserable tenner when closa beside it
twinkled a rose diamond worth a wilder
ness of "monlseys?" I pau
perised, recollecting thart I hsd only *'7i
available from the Derby butrdrej.
"Now, sir, what do you think of this?" .
asked the shopman parronleinglv, as
he displayed an opart as the
ahtffing suni»jht on a mifly rea. "It's
ladyV sizo,
of course she won't want
wear It over 'er glove.'*
"Are not opals unlucky?" said 1, en
deavoring to decipher the price.
"0, we don't hold with super
stition,** replied the jpweWr, kiftily,
"but they do say one will keep you from
being poisoned.''
"Then I £hall leave It for the next rich
widow," I answered. "Bufc what is tbe
cost of thisr'
I alluded to an emerald set amid
pearls which I already saw glfttefing on
the loveliest band in tire world. He ex
tracted it with a silent respect he bor
rowed fronf my eagerness, and made a
mensurenient while I watcbe<f»him, my
heart beating madly. The si/£ was ex
actly the same; the price—but'that is a
detail. I decided upon it. The shop
man thawed me perfunctorily, and I
leaned against th« counter, feeling like
one who had received a KJ£ a t f.-rvo*.
But when I fumbled in for
tbe notes and heard their crisp crackle,
my confidence returned, and then as I
watched the splendid in
Its violet bed I believed I must after all
be a rich man, liufcnotwn to myself, so
great was the suggestion of unliiplted
we'lth thus conveyed.
"I should like a piece ot jjlasson the
inside of the ease lid," I observed, care
lessly. "I# It usual?"
"That's looking glass?" queried the
lapidary, g'anclng up from a aurreptl
tiou» examination of the notes.
1 nodded. I knew I mti't be getting
"Well," be remarked tolerantly; "ItV
not exactly usual, but it's a pretty idea
—'ightens the attraction of the gem,
makes the lady eee the present from two
points of view."
"Ilardly an advantage sometimes," I
observed; "but can you do it?"
"Well, yeff, I should think." lie replied
"Then get it done, and I ahall stand
the racket!" I answered, magnificently.
Tie horried away to effect the altera
tion, his place being taken by a bald
headed salesman who wore apcctacles,
and talked to me over them soothingly,
hs one would to a person of weak intel
lectt while T formulated piratical
schemes, and asked him puerile qnes-
Uons with a ffruvit.y equaling bjs own.
When I left the shop I headed straight,
for Bloomsbury square, but, reuiem-,
berlng that sht might be Just then 00-'.
supied by domestic duties, decided to
rail later in the day. Even the ring;
n my pocket guve me »o additional
:c>urage, and presently I began to think
-t was not quite royal enough. Edging;
ny way to Regent'a.park, I hunted out 1
I quiet spot and sat down to examine;
it at leisure. It was glorious still, but
lomehow not so gloriousaslcould have,
aished, und I was actually questioning;
Ihe wisdom of my choice when an ap
proaching footfall made me olose the
taae. It was light, though firm, and the:
Everlasting flint would have worn well!
fccneath It. Something, more of the,
Intellect than of the sense, made in»
*ook up, and I saw her.
The sensation of being shot through,
!he heart has not, I believe, received ad
-1 fquate literary expression, those who
Ixperiencejt being usually preoccupied
ft the exact moment with other mat
ters; but I think I know what it means.
' ihti stopped, uud we gazed at each oth
►r. She was In deep black, but the pal
lor had gone from her oval cheeks. Hho
made me a half-tentative bow*. I sprang
lo tuy feet.
"I'm so glajl to set J'OUj" I "be
•au»e —i want to r« store «.cmeihicgyou
forgot in the r»st-ursn! yeattr- a few
weeks agv "
"ll>w kir.d of iou: she said, coming
"Ob, not at all." 1 replied; "but I,
hop< you were not inconvenienced. I
= hould have sent it, but I 1 didn't."
I put my haud ii my b;ea*t po< ket
hurriedly and extract, J my handker
chief. which in tain brought to light a
Fheaf of letters and memoranda I shook
out at her feet like u skillful conjurer.
Then pi tried tM other pocket, bt:
vainly. "it's a glove," i *a'd, weakly,
gathering up my belongings; "one of
yours, don't you know."
"I recollect'—l mif-»ed It," 6he said,
"Hut the cab went so quickly," 1
pleaded; "ah, d<> sit down until I find
She did so. I wa.- in a gentle per
"Pray do not take so much • rouble,*'
sh« murmured, plaintively.
"Hurrah. 1 have itl" I cried, aud I
extracted the wi-p of s.i'k from my
watch pocltet, where I had thrust it or.
leavicg the shop.
"So kind of you,'" she observed, tak
ing it. Then the powder ran out over
her dress.
"Jlow stupid!" 1 gasped, completely
" : .A
demoralized now, and, retaking the
glove, 1 .shook it vigorously ui til 1 haC.
ertated a miniature dust storm. She
sneezed. I devoutly wished that the
flying machine was on accomplished
f ict,
"'lt's ruined," I muttered, woefully,
fjr It certainly pri-*#i tec! a pieba'd ap
ps-n ranee.
s>ht smiled. I m«.t down, say'cg, dea
j erat-ely:
"W'>uld you allow ir.e *o keep It—the
thing is of no u-e now?"
"Wby?" she answered, quietly; hut
the voice w;u- loij.
"To remind me cfthat happy lay," I
■replied, shyirtg.
"li^ieed t ? I am glad that you think
of It Trs a pieasaut one," she said, gra
ciously. "'Mr. Tumbuil v.a-s declaiming :
all the way back in the cab. lie seemed
prejudiced against you."
"lie may be dew ribed as a man who
mean* well," I observed, severely. "I
hope he wiid pomethi*i£» actionable."
"Oi» u-ii- ~ 7 :
changed his opinion lately." (That is !
the luiyjheon bill, thought I.) ' Your
name happened to come up in conversa
tion to-day. and "he •"
She paused; a stnJder flame leaped
id to her cheeks.
"What did he say?" I demanded, try
lag to look away.
"He saitj you were an honorable
man," she rep!fed, the point of her para
sol tracing a lop-sided flsoscelea triangle
in the dusit, "but—■"
"Ah. there is iruch virtue In that
'but,' '" I observed, bitterly.
"That you ought to settle down," ahe
continued, tu&sinc her head and rising.
"So I shafll" I cried; "but it depend?
rtpon my lady. *1 have tier portrait here
In this cose. She Ik the only girl I shall
ever care fcrr in that way," i added, be
cause a little qualification does tic harm
at even the niOot exnlteo momenta. "By
the way, she is an acquaintance of
'yours, too." And, pressing the spring.
I banded the casket to her aa the lid
flew back. She glanced at me. curiously,
very pale"now. I, weak about the knees,
watched a child trundle a hoop past os.
She uttered a little cry that sank
into a sobbing laugh. Then she 'sat
datyn beside me and put. one of the
hands I hope to hold when death beck
ons ine down the last- dim turning of
life's road into mine.
"1 trust she will make you a good
wife," she said, gravely. And— Well,
surely, man born of woman can guess
the rest. —Black and White.
Thr Ulfrewnrr,
Iti grand pa'a tlmo ho uklcl to drlvi* two
oxpik largo aiiJ ptrong,
And yet 'twas at n armii'a stow paeo thsy
carted him along:
But sines the fleets* cycle came with two
small o»lve» one may
Oo whirling througl tk« country lanoa a
hundred nillca •
—L. A. W. Bulletin.
WUr/ ' v ?
Muod—Ol Willie, don't yTHi Wish
you'd bod more <4 those custards?
Willie (between hia sobs) —I couldn't
—I wasn't blr enouifhl —Moonshine.
Xo llvMptlan at All.
Mother —I gave each ofj'ou boys an
apple. Charlie, you «aid you wouldn't
eat. yours until after dinner, and yon,
Jack, suid the same. Have you deceived
Charlie — So, mother; we didn't eat
our own appiea. 1 ate Jack's aud he ul«
mine.—Sheffield Telegraph.
Room for Uonbt.
Experienced Servant Otntlcinm
wanta to see you, air.
Mr. Ricbiuann —Who is lie V
Experienced Servant —1 c<*ildn't iind
out, sir; but, judgln' i>y his clothes, he's
either a beggar or a millionaire, sir.—
Harlem Life.
Wot Ktrkle nt All.
Evelyn—Jack is so very flcklel
Every one knows that three months ago
he was madly in love with Dol'y Day
dream, yet he has gone oIT now and
married Jeanne de C-u»he.
Tom—■ That isn't fickleness; It's pov
erty.—Strawy dVojits.
Hon a Valnaklr Hiiibt w t Ua> lor a
RlUlnm4 \\ •• .ttvurrd from
tha Apnt-Ues.
In le!*s the Gla Valley, Globe &. North
ern hail way eompaDV obtained from
i Washington tbe franchise for a ro.id
wirougb the reservation, subject to tha
approval of the Ti;is proposed
iiue is to run from Geroniino to Globe,
a distance of CO nilict, u:.d is to bo prac
tically an extension of the <>."> miles of
road that connect Ccrunimo with the
Pacific station at Bowie.
A largo area of mineral r.nd cool laud
Is to be opened up bv the new line.
Slree cong r es.= granted *he conditional
franchise agents have been at work
among the Indiars, but arbisrarv re- 1
fu c al was given until the general coun
cil wns called.at SanCsilos. F'tlly I,s'Xt
Apaches were present, and the enter
tainment of them was the first item of
cost in the railroad construction ac
count. V feast nnd council was pro
| posed. 3nd invitations were «ent br
means of runr.en- to all parts of the In
dian domain.
There were Indians who had burned,
slain and tortured just out of natural
depravity dancing about on the same
floor with capitalists from Chicago and
Pan Francisco, soldiers, ladies, frontier
men, miners and a couple of globe trot
ters Everyone had to dance. The eti
quette was explained to all. and It was
made evident that if they chose to be
present and take part they must ob
serve all the demands of the occasion,
for a refusal miirht Imperil the lives of
all. The dance was accordingly very
democratic. Whoever the Indians asked
to dance with them responded with a
similar absent.
On the following day a solemn confer
ence was held at which the valuable
right of way was obtained from the In
diana on favorable terms. T
"Twenty Minute* tot Breakfast" May
Yet Rank nltb other His
toric Word*.
Not one of all the tribe qf rallwny
porters who ever shouted "Twenty
minutes for breakfast!" into the rear
door of a Pullman sleeping car ever
expected iliot his cr„\ should be repeat
ed on the deck of a wurship in action.
But, says the Colorado Springs Gazette,
that is what stem* to have actually he.p
pei ed in the record-bee* king Rattle of
Manila. At the time when the fight
was tfco hottest, when the Hpnnish ships
were yet undestroyed ar.d tne batteries
or. shore were still alive, the American
ships cea«etl tiring M'd withdrew. The
first, reports had it that, it ass for the
purpose of retiring the ships, to hold
a council of war and to land the wound
ed from the American ships. The lat
ter report states the with Anglo-
Saxon frankness—lt wa» to give the
men a ch'tne- to get something to eat-
So a new war cry has been added to
American history, and alongside of
Lawrence's "Don't g ! ve up the ship!"
ar.d Perry's "'We huvo met the enemy
and they arc onrsl" will live Dewey's
"Twenty minutes for breakfast!" It
is u great commander, a jonmnmder of
bat" whose issue was still undecided,
could remember that lighting is hungTV
work and that men are strongest and
mout intelligent when fed".
Tory records th<s deeds of heroes who,
in the excltemer t of bottle, have forgot
ten fatigue and wounds nnd hunger
and nil other consideration*. But his
tory hi'S no record of such a bnttfe rt:;
that of Mantla, and no record cf a com
ni.'.nder who stopped in the middle of a
battle to get breakfast, jrhc two fftct-s
are not unconnected.
He WM SO Proad He Did Wot Want to
Accept n Mrhcl for Car Pare
Although lie Was Brflkf.
"Will yon tell me the best way to get
to Sixty-first street aud Michigan av
enue?" said a worn and tired-looking
' young woman of two fortunate-appear
ing youths at the city hall eorncr.
"Why, yes," responded one of the lat
ter. "Just go down* tin re aud take a
State stueet cable, or walk around to
Alftdifcon uud Fifth avenue nnd take th«>
; Alley 'L.' You won't have to walk
more than a couple of blocks either
• way."
' Oh, yes, I will," replied the other,
t wearily. "I'll walk all the way."
"What do you mean? Why all the
[ way?"
, "I a(fi broke and out of -a job, and
i I haven't any money for street oar
fa re."
' Well, I'll stake you to car fare," said
one of the .fortunate*.
' "Much obliged," replied the other,
- "but I guess I won't let you do tha/t.
I'm broke all right, and tired and hun
' gr>. too. but I'd walk from here to Shii
, Francisco beftrro I'd take a cent of
charity from auyl>ody. I'm going to
walk out to Sixty-first street for a job,
und if there's a Job there I'm going
to get it."
"Well, you can kick me," said one
of the fortunate two to the other, "if
that isn't, more uerve than I've seen
ir. a long while. I hope that fellow will
get thut job."
Tetephoae Utrln t» franoe.
The manager* o! the telephone com
pany op';rntin,f 'he system at Versailles,
France, hold that the expression
"Ilellol" used in response to a call is
impolite. The operators have been in
structed to ask the subscriber who
riugs tip the central office: "What do
you want*"
rirtng a linilet Thron«rh Uiaas.
A musket ball may bt llred through
a piuie of glass, making a bole the slxe
of the ball wltlinnt cranking the glass;
if the gltu-s be suspended by a thread
It will make no difference and 'the
thread will'not even vibrate.
IT a* Ueari If Before.
Be cxviveti how«> «ut fhr»« IU. aud
i told hia wife that be ha'l bean ait ting op
with a sick friend,
t "Do you expect me to (believe
site inquired.
"I>> you think I would tell you a
bar-faced lie?" he asked, with su in
i jtired air.
(, ®ot," said she, "That one
la ao old it has whiskers." —X. Y.
t f Sinnrt Beyond Mis Yearn.
1 A teacher asked a little boy to spell
t "nsponrlbllity," which he did.
i f "Now, Tommy," said the teacher,
"can you tell me tho meaning of that
| big word ?"
"Vis mum," answered Tommy. "IJ I
' hail only buttons on mfr trousers,
utul two cajne off, all the reapouhibiilty
. would hung on the other two."—Uv
-1 Bits.
» I
AH Snre of It.
"I've u great story to tell you boys,"
sn.ii! a nmn to « group at tin city hull.
I "1 don't think any of you ever henrd
me tell it before*"
u "IT it a really fr"<>d ine?" naked one
' of the party, doubtfully.
"It certainly Is."
! "Tlien you never told it before,"
echoed ihe crowd. —Philadelphia Call.
No. liS
Skr Drew a. I'air of Opera Qlaasea on|
the tonrl nnd Uot lata
A Detroit lady once bad an experience
out iu western Kansas that she will
never forget. Justur'ter her wedding
j trip her 1. u.-band was called to that sec-j
j tiou oii bu.-ine.ss, and they decided, lika
! sensible people, that both should go.
J Out oi spite, a typical real estate shark
of those cays had the husband arrested
bceuuse he declined to stand quietly by
and see himself swindled.
The prisoner was taken before a jua?
tlce of the peace who knew a good deal
more aboo f the reports of a six-shooter
' than those of the supreme court, am]
who coukl have drained the fountain
knowledge had he drank us copiously
there £« at some ether places. Tha
ancrry bride Insisted upon attendingthq
1 trial, and in the midst of it she so far;
i forgot herself as to level a pair of opera
glasses upon the court, whose big heafl
bore striking resemblance to a brush,
heap. It was a new one on the justice
nml too aruch for him. He swiftly
ducked under the table and
"Deputy, disarm that woman." After
j getting the drop on her the officer so;
; cured the glasses and'laid them ginger-'
i ly before the court, who promptly;
1 roared that the woman was fined SI,OOO
for contempts
But she did not lose her head. AsK
ing tho right to f peak for herself, she
went to the "bench," explained thtt
glasses, hail the justice look out over
the plains vsitl. them and then, after a
few pretty words of apology, gave them
to i.un. He hit the table a mighty blow
to reconvene court, opened the drawer
which contained his personal arsenal,
and fined the prosecuting witness $25
"fur Insnltin' a visitiu' lady and gent
in contrariety ter law and eterket."
That Wan AH Mr*. Cleveland Aafcad at
Her Hn«band Darin* His
White House Dart.
All during Mr. Cleveland's two terms
as president. Mrs. Cleveland's mostla 1 '
tirnate asoeiates were those whom she
knew before marriage, says a writer in
the June Ladies' Horns Journal. One
of them was the wife of a cleric in the
treasury department, who lived in one
of the most modest little homes in
Washington's most unfashionable dis
trict. This made no difference to Mrs. *
Cleveland. Often the white bouse car
riage colled to "pick up" the friend for
a d rive. Another of her intimate friends
in Washington was a young woman who
taught music to support herself. Mrs.
Cleveland obtained many pupils for
her. Another was the wife of a strug
gling lawyer, and eaah week a bouquet
of white house flower» came to cheer
the home of the friend of schoolgirl
days. A fourth was the teacher of S
small kindergarten, who, when the
Cleveland children reached a suitable
agi\ transferred her school to the white
house, and the children and grandchil
dren of the cabinet members, and of the
families of Mrs. Cleveland's friends;
and otf the friends of the president, ber
fiwnfl.Ar.. Pi'p% a y V t^iiwiE
appointment, to office of the husband of
her college roommate.
"Jteered Him Wron*.
"Heard a good one when I waa in SU
Louis," relate® Ihefat 4rummenwith a
penchni-t for story teiyiiig. "You know
that the St- Louis line failed
soir.e time ago and many of its assets
were, sold at auction J Among them was
the magnificent locfting water pitcher
that the people of Button Rouge had pre
sented for use on the boat named after
that city. The story i<>ld among a few
of his acquain' ance* by an old river
pilot was that 168 citizens of the town
contributed a silver dollar-each, that
these coins wore melted down and out
of the material the pitcher >wis made.
It bore approjr iate> ij scriptione apcl
had some audi: jnal value becauae of
its association^..
"Those who had been*posted by the
old pilot kept, quiet and at the sale werti
on the lookout for the pitcher. It was
run up to £49 and knocked down to a
friend of mine."
"Made a good thing of it, didn't be?"
"1 should say not. There wasn i a
grain of anything but. pewter in .he
pitcher and now my friend i» impa
tiently camping cm the trail of the
old pilot."
When Wellington Wn» Mad.
Czar Nicholas* visit to Wiudsor In
1R44 afforded Murray an opportunity,
to be present at one of the few ooc»t
sions when the Juke o» Wellington lost
coutioi of himself. He did it at a re*
view before the queen, her imperial
guest and the royal family, when, con
trary to his orders, issued for th»
qucen% convenience, the guns were
fired. The hero of a hundred fight®
stormed in "a nott violent matujw."
When the prince tried to pacify him by
saying it was doubtless a mistake he
replied: "It is very gaod of your roynl
highness to excuse it. but there should
be no mistakes; military orders should
be punctually obeyed, end so long as
I command the army they shall bo
obeyed!" The emperor waa astonished,
and tho suites looked ateach other with
blank faces, while the artillery wn» or
dered off the maneuvering ground.
Sacred I'lnnt.
The plant known as vervain, which ie
not distinguished for its beauty, and
which grows nowndays utterly dlsrei
gardsd, WHS so sacred to the Druids that
thej only gathered it for their divlna
tloAih when the great dog star arose, in
order that neither sun nor moon should
■ee the deed.
No lionK Sermons.
Court chaplains, when they pre*ch
before the German emperor, must con
dense the sermons so that they c»n be
deMvered in 15 minutes.
A I'lne l>lt of Mrehaalaas.
Silas —Wonderful the way they im
prove on engines!
Hainan thy—Wot now, 81? I
BIIhc —lierrf is a paper that tells how
even the government in New York Id
run by machine. —N. Y. Journal.
■ flu Sole C»«nplala«.
r "I hear that Dornick died suddenly
out in Arizona."
"That is true."
"What was hU complaint?"
•'Ho complained that the boys didn't
rive liiiu a fair trial."—Town Topics.
* i
U vi 'i Y nurif Drtna,
Young Man (gazing dreamily at tfc*
, candy case lu a fancy grocery store)--
| —l wish to get soiiiothing real nloo
for a —a young lady, but I hardly know
what to bclcct.
Grocer (briskly)— Very young? :
Young UMan —'IViut 17—still going to
I bosrd'.ng school.
Grocer —Yes, sir. John! show this
gentleman to the pickle counter.—
>, 1 1 to Impossible. ;
I>ough memory recalls alt thtjssa,
' our Krlefs ami pU-ajAires spent.
It nev«r can t>r-'wr b««k to ua
Tne money liavs teat. •