Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 14, 1898, Image 3

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NOTE—AII advertisers Intending u> m:«k •
change* in their ads. should notify us ei
llietr indention lo Ut» y), m»t Inter than jI«»h
--ilay mornlus:-
Zimmerman's 4 <lay Sacrifice Sale
Marks Semi-Annuai Clearance Sale
Hnselton s Lively Clearance Sale.
C iir T a Furniture arid Caepets
Martineourt & * V Rigs.
New Livery, (Jregg & Wise
AilmLnlstr*tors ami Executors of esiatei
ran »**curt.- their receipt books at toy till
i ZEN oAee. and persona mftklngp&mlcsai -
* tlnslr not* I
—Splendid harvest weather.
—Our grocery stores will close at 6 p
m after this week
—Lawn Me on the Balpk lot 01
Wayne street thin evening
—Oar baiidred and ninety-four days
of the year 130b have gone the way o.
all days.
—The East Clay ht paving is pro
pressing nicely. Mr Schenck is (loins,
a good job.
- Nice rain, the other night, kept the
corn from turning into tobacco with
no stamps on
—Now is tue time to pull plantains—
the old roots are dead and the new ones
are just sprout.-g
—Uar grocers are paying 12j cents for
butter and eggs, and 75 cents tor pota
toes and apples.
—Last week was a great harvest
week The hay and grain went up ir
great shape this year
Picnic at Maple Grove. Motiday
All invited. Fare 80 cents. Benefit of
Episcopal Sunday Scheiol
—Now that the grocers intend qnit
ting at Cp. m. yon must do all your
shopping before that hoar.
—The C aigsville woolen mills have
received , large contract from the tiov
ernmrnffor army blankets.
—Buffalo Bill had an immense audi
eiice in Bntler. but people are not very
enthusiastic regarding his show.
—Butler is to have a uieidel Martia.
Band, or Fife and Drum Corps, under
management of Samuel Hughs ane Mr
- Several hundred Butlerites went to
Cascade Park, New Castle, yesterdiv.
Butler ought to have a picnic gronnd,
and trolly to it.
—Tha 4th of July and Buffalo Bill
have gone, but the Butler county pic
nic, tX'udnctcl by the P H. C. will be
at Conneart Lake the 28th
—Dusting your potato viuea with
powdered sulphur will prevent or stop
the spread of the blight that has ap
peared upon the vinos in soiiii localities.
—The residences of Adam Biehl and
Jonas Hartzell, near Brownsdale, were
robbed again the other night.and Adnm
now has a ten-inch gun mounted on his
back i>orch.
—Dr. Byron ClaTk licensed Specialist
will wait on his numerous patients or
any others —at Lowry House Butler, on
Wednesday, July 27th. Come early
and avoid the throng.
—Our Fire Companies made short
vork of the fire of Monday evening, but
the row of frame bnileings hack of the
Koch and Biehl stores and Reiber resi
dence. need new roofs.
On Tuesday of this week a young
ciuple was refused a marriage license
because the young man w»« not of age.
his parents are t>oth dead, aud he has no
—"Does your husband worry aViut
the grocery bills '" asked ■» thin-faced
lady. "Why, no," said lady with
the silk skirt and patent shoes, "we let
the grocer do all that."
—When a young lady pins a bouquet
on the lapel e»f a young man's coat, she
usually turns her head to one side and
tilts up her chin to hx>k at it. Tho
young man who dosen't tumble is slow
enough to be rrn over by a hearse.
—There will be a necktie social at the
home of John C. Thorn, 511 New Castle
street, on Friday evening, the 15th inst.
for the benefit of the Baptist Church.
Refreshments of all kinds will be serves!
and all are invited.
—The pretty, little chair in the show
window of Cooper & Co., was made by-
Ward C'oovert, who is now serving a
term in the pen. If you look at the toy
closely you will see that it is chiefly
composed of tiny paper-tubes of differ
ent colors.
A correspondent of a neighboring
paper describes a local prencher as ''a
fluent, lucid and interesting speaker,
young in years, unassuming, divine and
sanctimonious in expression and excel
lently qualified for his sacred calling.
This is really complimentary although
it sounds a little qneer.
—The firm of Walker 6c McElvain has
been changed to Walker & Wick, J. S.
Wick having taken the place of Chas.
McElvain, who went to the army.
Parties wishing to purchase real estate'
residences, business locations, farms
and livery outfits shonld call upon
them. See card
The forepart of last week C. W. Per
rine, a farmer of Mercer county.discov
ered a mad dog chasing his live stock
He shot and killed the animal. On
Thursday liis son was attacked by a
yearling calf, which the dog had bitten.
The calf was killed, as was a valuable
blooded bull, which also showed signs
of hydrophobia.
—The old Coliseum-building, the old
Bradley Woolen mills, and several other
bnildings at the foot of Fe-deral St,
Allegheny were destroyed by fire Inst
Sunday evening. The fire started in
tho stables of the Delp & Bell furniture
establishment. The entire loss is esti
mated at $150,000. Some P. &W. cars
near the bridge were burned, and others
were rescued by the trainmen,
—The law of this State pnssKl in IHN7
protects the soldier and his family from
civil porcess during the term of his en
listment. It provides that no civil pro
cess shall issue or be enforced against
any person mustered into the military
service, during the term for which be
shall lie engaged in such service, nor
until 80 days after he shnll have been
discharged thereform
—Quite a number of teams hauling
scrapers and other stuff with
which to bnild the new rail
road, rissed through town Monday, on
their way from Pittsburg to Carton
Centre. There is to lv quite a cut at
that point, and a man named Ryan lias
a contract for thirteen miles of the new
road in that vicinity Work is in nro
gress, we understand, from Carbon Cen
tre to Pnnxsutawney.
_j Catharine Davis plead guilty t«.> sell
■ingitiT .A .« iug si.pi'-: unlawfnlly an«i
.ww sentenced to pay r. riue >'
.! #l<X> and undergo impri«otiuient in tl
f j conntc iVil f t >i three months
I A ri -j.-<• inl" -• for i,;>tions and pa
rtition* ba bten ftxed foi Friday S pt
I The. beaiin" in tho equity case c 1
1 Frank ilizener\> Win. McKay et al |
striking c-.il miners h - been eontinu
ied nntu Jrjiy „ : ft and ;h<- remporary 111
,; junction continues in effect
, j Letter- a i.ijiii : .-:: rat' n " •-r< grant
' to Wi;i. D. Ho:rmai. u estate of Hem y :
' Hoffmnr. >' wsnfiri'l 1
The will of W. I". Ramsey of Centro
ville . .. ,r< in ten n ' -is. -il&o \ril
of Elizabeth B.rtley of Millerstown aud '
j leiterv f ! : 1 Karnsre r
j Letteiw f auminis'.ration were grant
j ed to Owen Brady, Jr on estate of Mar-
I garet A. Brady of Don gal twp.
In the Allegheny County Criminal
Court. Youda W:n I'.lln .n v.*.. -.en
K fenced to be hang for the killing of j
Bertha Speigel.
The saie of the W C. Jamison store j
has been postr-nned unti: .Vug. t
>■ H.J Vandyke Las issued summons J
in .replevin v» Gtrj. Black for «. stt*vm ,
boiler, etc. to the valae of
But!"! >i'. o S<»-.»l Dist to Mary j
Metzcar lot in for <.'!'.o
Sarah J auipbell to Win Watson lot 1
in Franklin for $25
* W C McCmd'et t.PBcU E H B i
lot in Ciay foi .v,(i
A G WiHiuuts to H E Cooitei lot iii
Butler for .jl J2O
T A Loveli to S il Fowler lot in Alie
giieny for ?100.
H E Coulter to Harriet .Niiiier lot in
1 Butler for ?'0
J J McGarvey to Lydia A Dixon lot
in Failview vi i">
W V SeaiiMju to i'h A Gerner a< re?
in Butler twp i<>r M:ICC! r. f ._
A J J to A P Jack i ai re in Wash
ing tea for -f 1 .*>•
l> L Briwser to W 1" Kani'oerger lot in
Buiitr for
H Kummcr to John Ktnniner lot in
Butler for <
Martin Wahl to S W U azlett lot in .
Evans City for
John Hiues to F L TTines i->tiii Butier j
■ for 9i.
CKanr'nno iicir., , » Geo Kiinfnu. C" I
acres in Jacks >u for
W B Dodds. slienfl, to W A Clark lot
. in Bntlea tor
Chas Duffy to Allegheny <V- WRR I
acres in Clearfield for
L Oestarling to A & V, T R R 'l acre»
in stemm't for SI2OO.
J. E. Craig to Milton Staples lot in
Callery foi .V' 2,000.
T. J. Ar.ders*.' to J B. Marslull I t
in Adams for #t.
■J. E. Marshall to Grace E Anderson
lot in A<lai_is tor al.
Marriage Licvnso.s.
Rev J C. Cunningham . .Harrisvi I le
L'/zie Woftver Westrfacreland '.'o
Henry E. Linger Mnddycreek twp
Annie J. Nolder
Win. " Morrow Branch ton
Mary Mono w
Walter M. Galbraith Evans City
Mabel M B.: -rs
J. G.<- Fiamn Bntler
Maggie J Slater "
Wm. Mctinrvrj North Hope-
Lnretta Elma "Vv llson Lau Claire
Frank Wook-.ttt Hilliards
Est* Ua Mars
At I'ittsinrg, RO&3 Starr and Jennie
Dermody; als-< Bin Mason and Mollie
At Mercer, W. LI. Hogg of Bovard
and Orrie Donaldson of Harrisville; also
Wm. D.!.. t ami Cor;> Gnu e Gibson; of
At Kittanning, Joseph ilanu of But
ler and Annie Sh- iden of l'reepori; also
il. J. Wiuel of Leectiburg and Anna C.
Clawson of Butler Junction.
'•'in >i !'<:•."> < o.
M«jor IVj.'ij v.- - ■' Butler i. t i'>'i
d»y -ytuiii;.; and while here mustered
in the new mi : iterv Co., it being dis
tinctly understood tbnt their enli-t
1 ment in thi'St ;tt' sTvit 1: wonld r.ot in
terfere with enhstiug in ths U-.ifei Sta
The 'oil of th*' company is as follows,
—J. rf'-Kee. Ceot-in J. M. Max
well Ist Lientej-ant: J. C. Graham 2nd
Lieutenant Robert J. A Hen. Jos. M
.Atchison, P 1.. Belli< Wm. M. Brimer,
Edward lv. Black, Wm. Bathgate, Phil
Coulter. A. J C imliorlaiid. A. B.
Campbeli, H G. Christley. William
Dufiord M. L ' >pvis, W. J. Dunbar,
John G. Oiuin, VVni. I! E; j -tman,
, Alfred Fallcrton, Ttico. Fair. George
Fredley, William Hunter, Samtiel 1.
Irwin, fl. >l. -Jaksou S. I. Jackson,
lie bait K'.vlb, < i.'ri i <. iity. 1 E.
Kellev, Warren Kir!. Frank Killen
• Alfred Kftturer. A. G. Kelley. H Lie
. bold, Jr. W J Manny, J. () Mit.-hell,
Joseph M. Miller John C. Murtland
Harry T. Ford, E. R. Ma hood. It M
McC'ollongh, Jas. A McDowell, Itob't
1 McCntcheon, 1'..ul P. Oesienitig, Wil
liam Parker, P. J. Rabbit. W. O.
Riiner, C. O. htroup, George R. Slentz,
Will. B. Smith. C. G. Snodgrass. Miles
F. Weaver, A. .T. Weigand. Ira A
Wilson, Elmer E Wise, John W. Zeig
k ler.
Fifty four 111 all and ten more are
. wanted.
The Zelienople Home.
The regular annual Donation Day in
' the interest of the Z> lienople Farm and
■ Orphan's School came oil on Thnrcday
a week ago. June 30.
I The occasion was a very interesting
one this year. Some 1500 to persons
weie buppo>ed to be present, iucluding
1 many from Allegheny, Westmoreland,
Beaver and other neighboring counties.
The usual exercises were had and ad
m.-uU Some ?00<i <)0 were raised
for the benefit of the school.
Everybody seemed desirous of donat
ing something to aid in the support of
the 75 orphans there. Everything there
1 is clean and neat The groves and
1 shades 011 tin school grounds were filled
with booths and tables loaded with
. choice fruits nu l eatables.
Tht gr nnds theu<--lves ar>- u .- ir
pilled in beauty and make Zelienople
, attractive at all times A neat flag pole
was rah d and tli" Stars and Stripes ran
up. prayer wu- offered and patriotic
, speeches made, and all parsed off well.
I The Executive Coiu*iitt« of the But
ler oonnty W. C. T. i . will m >1 on
r July 15 at Ip. n: the home of
. Mrs. M. M. Suttou. North McKean St.
t Presidi nts of local unions and Co.
j Supts. of department? are members and
are requested to be present. The ob
-1 ject of the meeting is to arrange for
the annual convention to be held at
, Mars in September and for the trans
action of other business.
i-.\c!«r-'oii t<» < 'oiin -atit.
On Thui -'lay Aug. 4 th-re will be «,n
excursion over tlie Bt-isemt r Rail Road
toConnea.it '. u> The < xcur-i.on will
start at Braddock.
The special tr will leave here at
7:'lo The roumi trip will be si.oo.
This promises to In* one of the largest
outings of th- .- ason it 1- v ranged in
the intert-sts of tlie Butler OrjJian Home
and inasmuch as tho Home will receive
some tiraucial benefit from the occasion
it is all the more . desireable that as
many as |x>a9ible will avail themselves
r of tho opportunit.nul go to the Lake.
' A cordial invitat ion is extended orgam
1 zations as well as individuals to join the i
- excursion
1 Handbills will be is iied next week.
i will offer for sale my complete ou - I
. I tit of Butcher tools, Including Lce-b<ix,
blocks, Males, counter, racliS and Ja-agh
' I ter house 0u;..,. A.;, 0 w..gou etc.
-j ijAV «.Bl.Ext.
| 353 IViimin »t. Uutler.
j Chas. ■t A' ianta G» is visii
j Hon D McJurki" ha-s retnrut 1
Mrs IL.. . v Te U .ph ;. u ami m,i. an
1 vi ;uina t-:- u W. -I. ng -n Pa
! Jos. Manrr-v, of Bntler, bis b'et
I grani• a pa- nt f>r a v-lothes rack.
! M C Wagner at* -nl I tlu pbot g
' - Lh<-T - 1 onvva'i t M *.,:ne" -*.vtj. '
i Will Fcig. lof onth West -n. Odor*
; do is .-.gain vi.-iti:.- Butler frier I-
J Howard Harper, .: -> » of trea =" er
i Harper is with Foe v lh Reg at diaries
j L. S. McJnnkin y-1 ■ iug the boys a»
Ipantp'this week wild taking a dive ;r 1
| salt water
| friend- in lronton. Ob:o r.nd'ipect to i
jbe gon t
I Mr? R \ Super and grand aose
j JeSse and Fred, have gone to Chan tan- 1
! qua for the snmiaer
I Misses Milly Wise of Pitt- arg and
; A';" .-.xhs -r > ! Cleveland re the
, gde--t:;of Miss ;->t-da t ■;
John W. Conlter E and family n:e !
I tisiting their friend* in Venango Co ,
■ and will iic gone for a week or two
I T: 1J B'"b • vi. Wm. J'ug'n went I
i imck to Elk Fork. W. Va Monday I
j after spending a weei .v;th their friends j
j Andv F! r s ' wont tell aryVdy how be j
j got chat biack eye Put at the aame time !
jh- n: . ii >s' or am>th«- pine tree j
while it in l>.. ig pitiiuu over
James R. WhaJen one of Buffalo I
Bill s employees i- the arsi patient at I
the new h. spltal H- oad lii.-> 1<»ot j
croshed at rae I W station, while 1
unloading thf- show.
Hon. J B. Sli. waiter and family I
have r turned ro Chicorr The; had n !
pleasant residence on E Capitol St. I
Washington, and made the ;k>v- of Co. !
E. welcome .-. _e.» ihey c.uleii.
John Bickel and Charley Reiber spent J
last week at C.-mbridgf Sj~rlr,.:s, and i
were greatly 'x-nefitel oy the water j
They stopped at fhv "Ne*" Cambridge' |
, and were delighted with i. j
Corporal Frank D. Pierx - of Co. E
aome settling >. ,::-eo'.U -tor-ship 'if!
! Untlur twp. Re : -a. of David J
I Pierce. J He T .v 11 leave ; r camp Satur-{
dav morning, and got woi"! while here j
that f'apt. McJnnkin was j
orders to move
Prof J L. Snyder. ex-Co Sup'dt.,
,vs«i- in lii tie Taesday. on hi- way to
North \\ asitingtou He is now Pres 1
dent of the liigac Agricultural Col
lege a verv iiu ■ scti( >i and is 1 ottirning
•'remittee Xsi''ona. rj" 1 ati' r,.»l t on ye 11
1 -ion ii.t Wellington
| Mr- Pape, Mis. Aland and several
luembers 1 i.l: R. • tvir. s. J Niggle
•amilie~j w- at to Allegheny last Suuday
'to hear 1 iJu-t."- .-■•£•*: !- r. hi-, formerly
>f Butler sa. his first; Mas -in St. Mar s
I.ha; el. itvas.i ,rand itlaii. andaticr
'f \.a • >a i ;!i; r-l:Uiy<-> -" k dii.a; r
wit? Father Sttidr and - brother, who
will also enter the Priesthood.
Jas M. Maxwell, )«•>. Lieat of tl.o
'.v military eonip'.j'y. the J '.utler
correspondent of tit Pit t aaiag '! - .rie-.
end that paper gave. !um an e^Jiforal
notice the other da in which it - id
'The 't ; ir.es ha?:iT the pleasure or
knov.-ing l ;:pta ; .n ..I. K- •: cv ij,. ii"nan.
Graliam* but icknovr uieureuant James
M. Ma"W«ll, . * d can of him that if
he makes ■ g- "1 a "oldier as he is a
new-sparer an ami ther" is 110 doubt
thathev-'ii! his pien r.nd his town will
never have to biash for him.
' —Gi\ :.'g iv " Vise have ono of the fin
est liveries in the State located in
rear of tli- Hotel Ariiugton. St- carL
j Duri'.-g Bn/falo Bill day in New
Cast!. a jcvrelr/ firm thero was tobhad
01 >- pv> worth ot jew. ry and dia
The market Both agencies were up
to 9-1 cents. Saturday, and are there >.
At.ii v* it drilled into the anc-V.- il
- foot iieav Walters Station last week,
i tho "back -action canseii l>> g.':s
pumps on ■iei-iii'Ti!.:., w -IV was
great that-if at. old coat .v. • pat in the
hole, it required a m.m's entire Strength
i.aej 't on again, llo'.v vt-r, the wel
was complei-d a/ui a psi on
I it, ana it, is now doing baiTels
Eisk-r iV Co s wells 00 the Frederick
at Great Belt, are said to Is? good for 80
},bls. irom the 4th sand it- is an ex
' tension c.t tne 1 >ilke s held.
T W Phillip.; fifth sand well in
| West Dcei :ov. i.-hip. ' is ~'ienv c.oti!ity,
jis said 10 be doing 1 ■) Ll>l.-. day.
j Sidic A nf I itlle: lately struck
■1 loobb' wil «ti the O loaneil, ;..i
--joining the R.n-enb< rry, in I drker
At Diiks Dale <.V ' 'o. are drilling on
the Mersiiiii; Kelley <i>' Co. on same
Phillips on the Frederick, Finnigan &
Co. on the tame: Ueiber & Co on il'.e
Gallagher and O'Brien & Co. on the
Henry Frederick and Cypher farms and
McAboy & Co ot, the Setitz.
McAboy it Co s No 1. on the Henry
Frederick, is doimr from 20 to 80 Obis,
from the 4th Sand.
According to tho Derrick's report for
Jane the sKxiks of !'emir ■ lvania oil in
creased 1&>,(H0 bbls. for that month;
the Lima stocks decreased 550,!i07 01 a
net decrease for the two fields of 445,-
6«7 bbls. About 11,000,000 bbls. of
Pennsylvunlit oil Ire above gi-ouud.
and 10,000,000 of Lima oil.
An 5? citing iti(le>.
A steam shovel to be used at A lriun
in connection with excavating for the
new railroad came near meeting with a
terrible disaster while being hauled over
the bridge at this phi e i Friday last.
The immense machine weighs over !0
ons 'ind 10 horses were used to haul it.
R. Jennings had the contract for the
hauling and as he drove on th. bridge
it was noticed to bead considerably.and
when the middle vas reached «-veral
joists gave way ;;nd for a time it looked
as thongh one eulire -pan of the bridge
would droa into the river. The driven;
however, kept the horses moving and
finally landed safely on the otli* r side
The difficult) did not - nd here,however
as every township l iitlge* and coberf
over whir 11 they v i was. crush* d to
the gronud ami a ,vas made until
the bridges were strengthened, which
was fii..diy di ,e and tin. [.omU rous ma
chine is now tearing away the hillsides
for the railroad. Mr. Joneiugs says his
ride over the briilgi- was the most excit
ing he-ver had and he would not re
peat it for all the money in the world
—KitUuming Ivepuiil," .
A I. Iter 1 or lou.
Uuclaint-d ie.iers at tiuj Postoftice a!
Butler Pa., week ending July 11.
J A Dickey, 2':.! S. Main St.; Erasmus
Gates, care A St. Clair: Andro Oasick,
Miss Mamie Johnston, Mr- Bell Man
ny, Mr. James MrKjre, care Brunswick
, Hotel; Mr H D Pattnr.- a, h. rahSaylor,
Geo R otein, David Sch:!T, Mi ( ' P
Wallson, R J Wneoler.
in calling for these lelleis please saj
advertiseil JOHN ".V fUi.'VWN. P. M.
- - i
ii in" Taxes.
Notwithstanding the war t.» plac>-d
|by the government ou medicines, tlie
I price of Humphreys' Specifics. Humph
reys" Witch Ii i/a 1 Oil. Humphrey \ et
erinary Specifics and Hnmphrevs' Mar
vel of Healing will not be advanced, as
j the manfftcturfrs-tb" Humphreys MeOi
I cine Comphnv -have decided to pay this
i tR.< that il may not fail up a . the people
at large. This patriotic stand liould be
appreciated by the thousands of consuin
I eis of Dr. Hnmphrevs' Specifics
- Are you over-vorkc l and in need of
rest and quiet? Hotel Rider, Caoibiidg
! Springs, i- liie j 'act for yon. All the
1 comfort- ot h aue together with 'lie
best medicinal waters '•••»>* n. A week's
; sojourn wiil I: .A. v. uU a years young
er. Wr»;< .or
' . ...... „ j
—jooworii vi an kinus uone at the
F-»rt Wiis'Mngtoii.
Wlwi-tli? *>j- fCo F I-ft BntlCi
' rhey th tbcj >vere going direct t
i < aba. 1 .'iat is what they enlisted iti
the 17. S ervi -e •• r bit ar*. r month
. or »:vnm.n:. imp life, in al! kind.
. 1 weather they find themselves praeti
I '** 1!y where they i*-gan
I Their tents are now located in a roll
ing field, back of a blii.T on the Poto
j ir' ic ri l "' r 'i few mile- 1 below Washing
j t >n. There is at; old fort oa the blnff
. no .v ustles - exrreptimi for quarter-. two
jt• >v bat: ties l'» inch g-ias and
I another one briild ; ug. Tbe tent* are ir
; rows. with the mes- and cook
! . one end and the otfieeri tent :it t'ae
I 'he writer of this visited the camp
'or - day ->t we P k He arrived in camp
j shortly before noon and saw the men
get into lint with thoir tin nips in hand
i ■. nl . r.-h to one eud of the mess tent,
\ w'eere each man received his ration ol
I cfV- and food, and then went to bit
j pi act al tti;- long tables to eat ;t.
i'ae afternoon was clear ami some of
the in n pass* 1 the ti:..o reading. others
piling foot ball etc It is anything
to kill trt.;<> *nd they are very tired of
i They wart to go to the front, find
think that somebody . oßMcted with tLc
regiment is holding them back. Five
men on * >e >;■ ird floor of etch lit
Itl< Th. s»m . k- t.ieie are or, -n
--1 j»i. d ' . companies of the regular army.
The -at te.s of the P "toiiiac arebeauti
{ fut. hut tbe R-i.' is poor, Ine c.rnp is
I surrounded by wood-, but th ■ under
j brush consists mostly of vines, and
i these are infested with wood-ticks
J which burrow into tbe skin and snake
: life miserable.
| The ;x>ya were ah iu goud health, and
I most 01 taeiu a» brown as berries.
Thev get plenty of food but not of a
very engaging variety.
Washington city was bright, and
}ci ~«i .-tid lively The new Library
j building is completed and open to the
'1- irroni !i A to P. M Every
! bodj who goes there should see its in
-1 teri-.r which is a marvel of beauty.
} The bisr hotels at the west end, (tuat
{ r. -ir tbe Treasury and White House;
j are high pi.ced, tbj.se alou 0 iVun.svlva-
I uia avenneare more moderate but ex
cellent aocomruodatl .ns and good meals
jan be had <i boarding houses near the
apitoi and Liorat.> for a dollu> a via}.
A ooat for the cauip leaves the Ith
•tv: j t whai e\ ry morning at 9:80, and
bou's return from the pic::ic 4 onnds
adjoiningr the cai;;p every evening, or
on. -an be rowed across the river and
return by the trolly from ..It Vernon to
The boys lilc« to sec Butler people in
camp. so take advantage of the railroad
excursions, you who cau, and go down
aid ->e< them.
Ai ( iMMNTS.
M : Lvdia leaver, who is visiting
at P. B White's fell and broke a wrist
•v. ont bicycling
\ii.-vs Gertie Lntz. ot Butler town .hip,
sapped into a postbole and broke a
Is.;. Monday,
Victor Bayonet's horse ran away,
y«'s« rd*y, and Victor and a son of Mr.
Bjsj |;tn were thrown from the grocery
•syagon • seriously injnred.
Airs Sarah Datt of near Valencia was
s'rnck and killed while walking on the
r.tilroad near Glenshaw a few duvs ago.
.•sou 1 noj'3 at Saxonbnrg filled a piece
ot tas pipe Hill of powd' i ami exploded
it. The pipe Hew into Henry Muder's
fumit-iriv end destroj-ed some
iin nit ire.
,Tolin Domhoff, H W 11 known
-i* ol Middle Lancaster, while
>■•'■ l -in.: the ii,o!ing .)! b: o ;,-n.luni
fell from the r .'iera to the barn
100 •d' fanc-i e.f 'I feet snstaining
injuries wli ' h vv.scd his death Fridav
-2! th
Way *»jrKK>tli I'or :t Vohel.
Aftdison Fullerton, a young man who
spent the Si year of his life in Butler.
• •as in criminal court this morning,
idiariM'd wrrb the larceny of some dia
niond rings from W. H. Studer and A.
E Tii-idenliJieh Allegheny Jewelers.
1 ne merchants ap;>eareil against him
and told how the young man h;.d asked
to lor.k at olitaire rings, and while pre
tending to examine tbe goo;':, abstract
1 one i ing trom the trays of eachstoi"
The rings were afterwards recovered
i'rom te.wnbroki-rs where Fullerton
-ed theia ile told the court that
:■ ■ ne lieu liuiler a lew days ago,
nut ■■<• .feht employment unsuccessfully.
Attorney Walter, who appeared in the
prisoner's behalf, gave him a good repu
tation, explaining that he had beeu lt-d
; nto crime by evil associates. I
.1 ndffe Shafer senteueed Fullt>rton to
pay the costs of prosecution and under
go a workhhuse imprisonment of six
motit is -Pittsburg Leader
iilbL* School at (irove (.'itj, Pa.
The Bible Schciol m Grove fity which
wfis so largely attended and so greatly
appreciated a year ago promises still
better things for this summer. The
school will open Thursday evening, Aug.
4th and continue for ten days or until
Monday, August 15th. A very large
and laried programme has been pro
vided. «
Ei tertainmenr will be furnished to
all who come at an average of fifty
cents a dav. (rood accomodations can
be secured by addressing the president
of the college. All that anticipate com
ing to the Bible school should send
their applications for room and board
ing at once. Address ail communi
cations to tin- President,
Grove City, Pa.
Tinili«*r Law Made Eaxy.
A olank form of application for re
■lueiion of taxes 011 timber lands has
been copyrighted by J. A. Heydrick.
Engineer and Surveyor of Butler
Coming fro.n so high a source as the
antb r 01" Heydrick oil lease No. 4. it
doe? not require any further recom
mendation Vr Heydrick says that he
will mail blnnk with complete instruc
tions as to tilling out. for 25 cts.
The tirnoer law now in force is pure
ly a'jum,is act. as it authorises a re
i etion of si) jhj cent of taxes on all
timber la 1 nib up to titty acres 011 a larm
Liuge bodies of timber pay taxes on all
except u0 acres.
L:\TI.I cm-: av, R Bge 50 trees tothe.acre
tf inches in diameter.
Summer Tours.
For the convenience of those who
seek the most attractive way of spend
ing a hummer vacation, the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company has arranged
two delightful tonrs to the North, un
d>.T the personally-conducted tourist
system, July 20 and August lii. T!ie
joints included in the itinerary and the
county traversed abound in" natures
heauty W.iikins f'len, Niagara Falls,
; I bo: »..ill islands.
i.u Sai.le Chasm, Lakes Champlain anil
C-ieorge, Saratoga, and the Highlands ol'
the Hudson are all rich 111 interest and
repb te with natural attractions.
Each tour will be in charge of one of
the company's tourist agents, assisted
by an experienced lad} as ehaperon,
whoso t special charge will be unescort
ed ladies.
Tbe rate of SIOO from New York,
Brooklyn Newark. Trenton, Philadel
phia, ll«rris!>nrg. Baltimore, and Wash
ington covers railway and boat fare for
the entire round trip, parlor-cars seats,
uieaS en route hotel entertainment,
transft r charges, carriage hire- iu fact,
every item of necessary expense.
I'or detailed itinerary, tick« N. or any
j additional information, address Tourist
; Agent Pennsylvania Itailroad Com
| "'any. li;«l Broadway, New York: SfiO
. FuLon Street, Boooklyn; 7Hit Broad
i Street New.irk, N. J.. Geo. W. Boyd.
-rant (jreuer«,l P. Kseng. r Agent,
j Broaa street Station, Philadelphia.
An hleMl Summer lt»->ort.
' '.t sition Park Conn aut Lake, is
! simply an ideal summer resort, and is
[ tue nearest one to iiutler. This state
■ ruent cannot be t «"> greatly emphasized
J It is appreciateil thoroughly by all But
j lerit s who have ever been there, anc
• HUD are b-an T g>. somewhere dur
Ilr.ll the hot months of the summer. It
is a charming resort for residents of in
• land towns.
| Conneaur is from 10 to 20 degrees
j rooler ail tbe year round than any otbei
1 p'ace in Pennsylvania, and >n addition
i always has the blessing of a refreshing
hi i>oiu th take. It i"? this brwzf
t :t 'a-r:-' lit" sn ji'essnnt at this pap
al ir n -ort. and ••hi'ch distingaishes it
froa; all other near re*>rts.
Then, aside from the climate. Con
n.-.Tnt has a thousand and one attract
ious a- summer resort Bathiug, 1
boating, fishing, bicycling, driving,
danrinti. merry-go-round for the chil
dren nre only a few of them
Exposition Park, at the north end of
the like has two large, commodious
hotels—The Exposition (with over SO
ro«>:iisi and tbe Man tor, which is also
quite large. The rate-, at these hotels
are reasonable ana the accommodations
ire of the ver\ best. Mr. F. M. Lock
wood, the genial proprietor, gives the
gu">»:s his r>ersiiia! attention and their
o.infort j-. Lis chief care. Afternoons
a'id evenings a brass band discourses
fine music on tbe large lawn surround
ing the hotel. There is also a good bar
ber shop in connection
The place has all modern improve
ments; is well sewered, tbe driveways
and bicycle paths are sprinkled daily,
the gr t j - kept <hort, it is well iight
ed by electricity, a large, tall oak stud
ded to the top with various colored
electric light bulbs is a very pretty
sighti: it has a lurtre pavilion for dan
cing. news stand ice cream parlors, etc,
etc., and on the lake there is tow, sail
and steam boats. You can hire bath
ing suits, and a ride down the toboggan
into the lake i- very pleasant.
Tbe lake L. three miles long and a
mile and a half wide.
Cottages are b<coming more numer
oti-; every year. .Mr. James Murphy the
Mercer street carpenter, finished cot
tages for Mr. .lobn Muntz and Mr. Da
vid Campbell o c tlii.- place and they are
now occupying them.
1( you go to Coiineaut this season and
want to enjoy yourself stoj. at the Ex
ji-'itio'i Hotel cjsk Mr. Lockwood
where the best fishing is aad he will
iake pleasure in telling yon, not only
1 l"hat but anything else that will add to
your amusement and comfort.
We think the Bessie" should run a
Sunday train from Butler to that popu
lar resort.
The Hospital.
Too rnucn credit canuot be siiven to
all th >se of our citizens who have aided
in bringing our Hospital to the fiuished
state in which we find it today. It ia
now complete in ali its arrangements
and already has a patient. Ihe recent
Reception and Donation days were
marked wirh exercises as interesting as
any that ever took place in Butler. The
view from the institution is one com
ma! ding the greater pj.rt of the town
.is well as the hills and valleys around.
All admire it and visitors are now many
and frequent. This tine building is a
credit to the town and a visit to it is
vvorth the time of any citizen.
Women Depositors are Aopreci
rhe sav;a;»s batik is an institution it:
.1 ,ich -.vomer' liave equal facilities with
men. At the IMtsburg Bank for S ivings
N . 210 Fourth Ave., Tittsburg Pa.,
every attention is given to provide tor
the comfort unit convivnce ot women de
positors, lid thev are courteously hclpe<i
in their banking- operations. I-'our pe.
cent interest is paid an all time depsrts.
Write to the Bank and more information
will be sent you.
Notice toTeachers.
l'he School Board of Oik 'and township
will on ju!y 23, IS9B, engage teachers for
the ensuing school year, at Milling er
school house No 2 in said township.
Term (7) seven months.
Wages $33.00 per month.
A'so will receive bids to supply said
school house with coal. The Directors
reset ve the right to reject any or all bids.
By Order of Board.
Greece City, Pa.
L. A. Millinger, President.
Butler, }'a.
It you want a Bicycle or your old one
repaired go to White Walter <Sc Co.
largest slock in County. Bicycles for
The IVimsyhania Itailroad*
Popular Ilvcursions to the
No other Summer ouriug appeals so
stiongly to the people of Western Penn
sylvania as the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company's popular excursions to the
Atlantic seacoast. For years they have
been looked forward to as the holiday
event of each Summer. The secret of
their great popularity is the phenom
enally low rate a' 1 the high character
of the service. The limit of twelve
days just fits the time set apart for the
average vacation, and the dates of the
excursions are most conveniently adjus
ted. There is also the widest field for
choice iti the selection of a resort. At
lantic City, Cape May, Sea Isle City,
Ocean City, N. J , Kehoboth, Del., and
Ocean City, Md., are the choicest of tbe
Atlantic coast resorts, and any one of
them may be visited under these ar
The dates of the excursions are July
21, and August 4 and Iti. A spe
cial train of Pullman parlor cara and
day coaches will leave Pittsburg on
above mentioned dates at m.55 A. M.,
arriving at Altoona 12.15 P. M., where
stop for dinner will be made, reaching
Philadelphia fi.25 P. M. and arriving
Atlantic City, via the Delaware River
Bridge route, at K4O P M., making the
run from Pittsburg to the seashore via
rhe only all-rail route in eleven hours
and forty-five minutes. Passengers
may also spend the night in Phila
delphia, and proceed to the shore by
any regular train from Market Street
Wharf or Broad Street Station the fol
fowing day.
Tickets will be sold from the stations
at the rates named below:—
Rate. Train leaves.
Pittsburg §lO 00 8.55 A. M
Tarentum 10 00 7.34 " «
Natrona 10 00 7.89 "
Butler 10 00 6.25 "
Freeport 10 00 7.49 "
Altoona (stopdinner) sOO 13 :15 P. M.
Philadelphia Arrive 6.25 "
Atlantic Oity.. .Arrive .... H. 40 "
Tickets will also be good on regular
trains leaving Pittsburg at 4.30 and t\ 10
P. M., carrying sleeping cars through
to Philadelphia and Atlantic City.
For de aib-'l information in regard to
rates and time of trains apply to ticket
agents, or Mr. Thomas L Watt. Dis
trict Passenger Agent. Pittsburg.
Pennsylvania Chautauqua.
For the Pennsylvania Chautauqua, '
to be held at Mt. Gretna, Pa., July I to
August 4, left's, the Pennsylvania' Rail
road Company will sell tickets to the
general public on .1 nne 20 to August 4,
to return until August 10, inclu
sive. from stations on its line in Perm
sylvauia. to Mt. Gretna and return, at
reduced rates.
\sk your physician if he does no{
think a sojourn at Cambridge Springs
would do you good. It you need rest
and nature's tonic, good mineral water, 1
ha wai answer, "Yes." Ifotel Rider of- 1
;'eis accomodations equal to the best, :
Send tor circulars. ,
Donations. I'or th. Hospital.
The Ladle* Hospital Association lias
received the following donations for
furnishing the Hospital.
j The Bntl. r Public Schools # 68 S8
' School 1 12
Willing Workers 2
Little Hospital Helpers 100 i* l
Odd Fellows Lodge 100 00
'AO U W %0 i«
! First Presbyterian Church 32 4f'
it' M B. A M 0 i»
, Elks 100 <*'
Masons 100 00
St. Mark's (.Jenuan Lutheran
Church N •'
United Presbyterian Church.... -•! •
Methodist Church 50 0<
Grace Lutheran Church 5 0<
' Episcopal Church 6 .<
! Icecream and strawberry festival 12"> ?•'
j Contributions tii>eniug Evening. 0t
K O. T. M 100 tn
Band of Children 2 Ol
The entire kitchen furniture was do
nated In ,T <i <& W. Campbell and thi
steel range by the Warren Hardware
Co., of Warren, Ohio. Any friends, of
the Hospital who have not given their
donations any of the following articles
will be thankfully received Laundry
etove. clothes wriuger. wash boards,
clothes horse, ironing boards, clothes
line and pins, wash boiler, starch,
blueing and soap.
Stimnicr Outings,
The Pennsylvania Railroad Com pan v
announces the following Personally-
Conducted Tours for the Summer and
early Autumn of IS'.tv
To the North (iti hiding Wutkint
Gler; Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands,
Montreal. Quebec, An Sable Chasm.
Lake Champlain and George. Saratoga,
an 1 1 daylight ride through the High
lands of the Hudson), July 26 and Au
gust Hi. Rate. *I'H) for the round trip
from New York. Philadelphia, Balti
hi ore. and Washington, covering all ex
penses of a two-weeks' trip Propor
tionate rates from other points.
To Yellowstone Park and the Trans-
Mississippi Exposition on a special train
of Pullman sleeping, compartment,
observation, and dining cars, allowing
eight days in "Wonderland" and two
davr, in Omaha, September 1. Rate,
from New York, Philadelphia.
In more, and Washington; *2:io from
Two ten-day tonrs to Gettysburg,
Luray Caverns, Natural Bridge. Yirgin
ia Hot Springs. Richmond, and Wash
ington. September 28 and October 10.
Rate. *ls from New York. *•>:! from
Philadelphia. Proportionate rates
from other points.
For itin- raries and further Informa
tion r'ppiv to ticket agents, or address
Geo W Boj'd, Assistant General Pas-
Serger Agert. Philadelphia.
—Music scholars wanted, at isS W.
Way tie St.
II delivered to all parts of the
* town, every day. Leave or
ders at
U2 Malu St.
Suiiday r.vcuriiens to Allegheny.
Commencing Sunday ilaj- 22nd and
until further notice the Pittsburg and
W* stern R. R. will sell excursion tick
ets to Allegheny every Sunday for train
leaving Butler 8:15 A. M. city time
good to return 011 e/ternoon trains date
of sale. Fair for roar, J trip 75 cents.
—For bargains iu valuable and destr
ab!e residences inquire of Walker & Mc-
Kxcursion to Atlantic Cit> via P.
& W. via li. A O. Railroads.
On July r.}th .S: 28th and Aug. nth
& 25. The P. W. will sell special Ex
cursiou tickets to Atlantic city via B. &
O, Washington 11. C. rate from Butler
ten dollars. Tickets t»ood 12 days;
—We have 20 large U. S. flags—Are
you going to put one 011 your building?
Seud size and ask for price. Shuniau &.
Bros., 4r.j Wood St., Pittsburg, Pa.
Notice to Wool-Growers.
Messrs. Troutman's Sons requiting all
ihi.- room they have for their own busi
ness, I have changed my location to
Graham Tiros.' grocery store, just across
the street from my old location with
Troutmau's, where I will be glad to see
all my former wool friends, assuring
them of fair treatment, and the market
price m cash for their wool. Troutmans
wish to state that they have gone out of
;.he wool-buying business altogether
Of Interest to You.
Parties wishing to mgago in the livery
business, call on Walker ic McElvain for
location and outfit
Any of our readers needing gas stoves
or gas ranges, gas fronts or any gas sav
ing appliance will find it a financial sav
ing to call at the store of W. H.
O'Brien & Son. ou East Jefferson St.
and get prices ott the extensive line they
have on exhibition. They are also
agents for the celebrated Welsbach
Light, of which tnore than 1200 were
old in Butler, last year.
—New .Spring and Summer gords ar
riving every day (prices much BELOW
ples Store.
B. $ B.
in the
store's history.
Reconstruction and Shelf
Emptying Sale. Every article or
yard of goods a low price will
force the sale of is being sold, to
make way for new goods—being
done absolutely just like we were
selling out to quit business—sur
plus stocks of choice goods in
each of the 56 departments with
reduced prices on that will sur
prise you and that make this sale
more important than anything
that ever happened here.
Fine 35 cent Novelty Madras
15c— 25 cenr Madras 12 l-2c
I 15 cent choice lace striped
ginghams 7 l-2c
Large lot fine white goods
sacrificed 10c
Neat,useful 10 cent wash goods
3 l-2c —and so on—prices that
mean business.
Not only wash goods to go,
but Silks, Dress Goods, Wash
Suits and Skirts, Shirt Waists
all over the store price power is
being used such as it will pay you
to investigate like nothing ever
did iiere before.
800 o-S & Buhl
If you intend building a house, ham j
or anything else, this summer. Mend to 1
'' O. Campbul, Butler, Pa., contractor
and nnilder, for estimates 011 material j
and labor. j
Our Method
Doing Business
We hope »i 1 tiler.t voui
patronage. Oars is rot the
only store in Butler, but
r*e .to try to make it such
a place to buy your
"tid medicine «« t. win
your confidence a-.d sec.-re
your patronar,:. Do not
come '..1 our store tor cher.
drugs. We don't keep
them. Notbir.. hut the
' best finds a p!-.ce i: ■ar
store and every 11". ' le
hearing our name is gti'r
- inteed to be just es -epn
u seated or you can get vour
u.»ncy back. We buy ..e
best, sell the best, Veep
f the best and leeocrmead
r the best It L thi* me'Ji
od that has brought to
our store a large and de
sirsbie patronage. I' \on
liave uever dealt at our
i store we would be pleased
to have you call. We try
to keip eviirythiug that is
likely to be called for in
our line. Hut -,f we should
not have what yoc • -tut v, c -..-ill frankly
tell you so and will ne pita :-ed to get ii
fou you at the earlies pos ihle moment,
jWe give ymwh.it v , v.-.- • No -nbsti
-1 j trtions permitted, f d your
j prescriptions lit -pectfe! v,
C. N. Boyd, oKtuGisi.
j Diamond Block, Butler, Fa.
Whereas, iettersof ailiniinstrntiou have
betn issued to me t.ie u?.oe» signeti in the
) estate of William A. \nd-?rs,,n, late of
Middlesex township, Puller comity, Pa.,
dee'd., notice is hereby r;iveu to all
1 jK-rsons indebted to the said decedent to
call and settle and al' per-ui:- laving
claims against the sime >.\ !l vlei-e pre
sent them duly aulher' rated tor pay
ment to S >K >n J. A.VDJtRS'JN,
Administratrix of
1 WrLLiAM A. .\NT)Kr.;'ON, dee d.,
' Flick, Bntler Co , I'a.
S. F. & A. L. Bow Si. K, .vtk'ys.
Butler, Pa.
Letters ie.->tarr.enLaiy on the estate of
Margaret J. McEride, .e 'd, of itid
illesex township, dialler coi.ii y, 1'.;.,
having been granted to li s uridei -
; all persons knowing iherns?" ve- i rdebted
to said estate will phns' make immediate
payment, and any having cl. : ms against
said e?.tate will present theai, duly pro
bated, for settlerce-11 to
JOHN I'mr •,VS«.N, F.X'T.,
•lakers.own. Pp.
MCJUNKIN & Ga i,i,KKAI II Al 'ys.
I Letters'es'.jn.eut::! - i est >te of
John S. Love, dee'd, late Cllutorl twp.,
1 B itier coi.niy, Pa., Laving '>e.-n i r ..nted
to t:>e uudersiL.ied, .».! jicrscr,. kacwiug
* themselves indebted :<• sal. i-tate will
please make immediate payti'em, arid
any having clah.i- i • isi said esiate
will present tiiem <udy proba'ed for
settlement to W 11. LOVK, Ex'r.,
Kiddles X Roads, Pa.
, W. D. BRANDON, Att'y.
of admicislrntion 011 the estace
ot Harriet Thompson, dee'd., la'. ; of Clay
. twp.. Butler Co., Pa., !iav. :g been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate
, will please make immediate payment
, arid all} having claims gainst s.tid estate
will present tliem dnl.- authenticated f.;r
settlement to
R. C. l'li< .it'SON, Aiim'r.,
Elora, P. _U.
W. C. FINI »r. >:y, Vtt'y.
> Letters ol aUministration C. 1". A. on
, 'lie estate of Nancy C. Stev.-art. dee'd..
1 iate ot Centre twp.. Butlei Co., iv., liav
■ itig been granted to the undersigned, al.
; persons knowing themselves indebted tr
said estate will please m.'ke immediati
i payment, and auy having claims against
t said estate will present them dul>
authenticated for sett.ement to.
Admr. C. T. A.,
Ivlt Chestnut, Pa.
J. D. McJunkin, Att'y.
Letters tmtanieutiuy on ti:e will of
Richard G. .Nelson, .tic :\I ' dese:;
! township, Butler county, Pennsylvania,
- dee'd., having been granted by the Keg
- istcr of said county to tbe undersigned
Kxecutors thereof. Therefore all pe.sotis
knowing themselves indebted to the
r estate of saiil deceased are requested to
> make speedy payment, at:d those having
1 claims against said estate can present
tbeui properly authenticated for settle
ment to
11, M. PARKS,
T. A. PARKS, Executors,
li. McJunkin Att'y. Glade Milts, Pa.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Sarah Jane Cranmer, dee'd., (widow of
Israel Crartmer, dee'd., 1 late of Centre
twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all 5 ersoas know
ing themselves indebted 10 said estate
will please make immc-diaJe payment,
and any having claiuis against said
estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
J. D. McJI'NKIN, Ex'r.,
Butler, Pa.
Letters testamen.ary 011 the estate of
Robert Trimble, Es<j., dee'd., late of
Middlesex twp., Butler Co., Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
Flick P. 0.,
W A. DENNY, Butler Co.,Pa
McJunkin & Galbreatli, Att'ys.
Everything first-class.
finest turn-outs; rubber-tired
Buggies, Traps, Phajtons,
good Driving teams and fam
ily horses Everything up to
date. Horses for sale. Call
and see us.
Open day and night.
Rear of Hotel Arlingi-on^
TEUiiMONK No. 160
Mutual Fire Insura ico Comnan*
Office cor. Main and Cunitinghau Sts. i
WICK. Pre*.
WKO. KKTTKUEK, Vice Pre*. '
L. 8. Srjr.NKl*, Sot'j *ml Tr*a».
Alfred AVlek, rn'cr., i Oliver,
Tr- w - Irvln. .laui> 1 Stenhvn-011.
VV. Phu'kmore >' iVfttzel.
| v Bim ■■■ H. J. Klluirler
| Geo. Ivetterer, fieis !..
'Jeo. Beano. John KoonJtf.
! LOYAL W!cJU.%Kih Ar.a.nt
Laughing Bat
1 Are those who take Hoxsie's C. C. n«.
■ ior coughs, colds and croup. No opi nj
jto stupefy, no ijiecac to nauseate. i
I cents. 1
f4 SA V, i
i | Douthett & Graham? ;
YOU DON'T! • t
Pa YOUR OWN FAULT, We've been in the clothing ,
«u business, in Butler, for five years and it is to M
your interest to KNOW us JIS we are selling
f-. the best clothing for the least money
' , of any firm in Butler. You don't
*T- believe ir? Step in and see A
IA %
r a| our store when in town,
1 and we'll prove it to you.
14 Douthett & Graham J
| We Declare War |
• Aysir-.st every C'othier in Butler County and vicinity, and '
| P offer to Clothing Buyers of Butler County )
< |2BO Men's and Boys' Suitsjf " i
I in 14 Different Patterns |
< l|| at $5 A Suit. I Y
I here's nothing in the market we safely say that can equal )
! * these suits. Suppose you look into the matter. /
When in town drop in and ask to be r
? shown these suits—no /
J trouble whatever. J
Ishaul 3c Nast, *
\ 137 South Main St., C
Lively Clearance Sale of FINE FOOTWEAR
is "ow g«">ing on. The mere mention that Huselton's Clearance Sale
i- all sway will bring buyers from far and near. This is a sale of
Ifir-li Grade Shoes selected from our stock. This] sale is no fake,
neither have we bought, as some have, a job lot of cheap shoddy
jobbing house shoes to make believe a clearance sale.
Ladies' Fine Tan Shoes, $2 grade nowsf.oo
La lies' Fine Dongola Shoes, $4, $3, 2, grade now sl, $1.50, $2
La 'ies' Fine Dongola Hand-turn Shoes, $3 and $4 grade,
now $1.50 and $2
Ladies' Fine Kid Shoes, $r grade now 75c
M ■<■»' Fine Tan Shoes, vesting top, $1.50 grade now 95c
VI -s' Fine Tan Shoes, lace or button. $2 grade now $1
M: • Fine I?- i'._, a'n Iphues, $ now 65c
O ens Fine i*a:i Shoes, $1 grade now 60c
Cli dren's Fine Tan and Black Shoes now 45c
Bo; 3' Fine Tan Shoes, $1.50 grade now 95c
Youths' Fine Tan Shoes, $1.25 grade. now 85c
Min's Fine Chocolate Bals, $2,50 grade now $1.60
Men's Fine Vici Kid Bals, $2 grade now $1.50
Men's Fine Bicycle Bals at SI.OO
You'll find us just Opposite Hotel Lowry.
You will save dollars by attending this sale. No cheap jobbing
house shoes : this sale. You can't afford to miss the chance of
getting fine Shoes at less than half ptice.
;;utlor'o leading Shoe House. Opposite Hotel Lowry.
* JULY 12, Thursday Morning at 8 O'clock. !;
5 Positive Clearance in Butler's Greatest Millinery House, j)
w Wo can only <|UOti- a few prices In this limited space, come and see I'
a for yourself that we have twenty bargain on the shelves and |)
\ counters for every one udvertlsed.
£ rI t* for any iZ.'iO. 13.00 or W.OO liat. ®c f>'r any fl.oo, $1.50 or 12.00 hat. < t
\ for any #1.50 or hat. 19c for any SO or 75c hat. One table ".
w 7>c for any SI.OO or $1.25 hat. 46 #c former price 50c, 75c, and |I.OO. w
* 0
0 rsyds. Gauze® 10e per yd. 3>o hunches Flowers at the greatest bargain m
S prices ever quoted In this city. Jl
J 108 S. MAIN ST., Butler. J
To The Finish.
(competition routed long ago—and our low prices for ;
;JUIO liquors will always be maintained.
We pay express charges on all orders of $5.00 and
over and deliver the liquors at your house—No extra
charge whatever. Here are a few of our prices:
Anchor Rye 50c per Qt., $2.00 per gallon.
Possum Rye 65c per Qt., $2.50 per gallon.
Guckenheimer Rye 4 years old, 75 per Qt. $3.00 per gal.
Bear Creek
Guckenheimer | 6 years old, SI.OO per Qt., $4.00 per gal.
Finch !■■
Gibson I 6 qts. assorted for $5.00.
The best and purest California Wines in the country,
50c per quart, $5.00 per case of one uozen full quarts
-—any assortment.
Our Gins are the purest and best— sl.oo per quart—
in the country. Send for price list; mailed free.
We want v ur custom, and we will have it if LOW
prices for the JJEST liquors can get it.
Wholesale Liquors,