THE; CITIZEN". WILLIAM C. NEGLF.Y -- Publisher THURSDAY. JULY 14, IS9B. at REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR GOVERNOR WILLIAM A. STONE, of Allegheny. FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR J. P. GOBTV of Lebanon. FCiR SECRETARY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS. MM.ES W. LAXTA. of Philadelphia. FOR SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE. WILLIAM W. PORTER, of Philadelphia FOR CONGRESSMEN-AT-LARGE. SAMUEL A. I.AVENI'ORT. of Eric GAL!.SUA A. GROW of 3uiq*ehaniia L<>. FOR CONGRESS. DR. J- B. -IIOWALTER, of Miller>tov.a boro FOR ASSEMBLY. . JAMES X. MOOKE. of Butler. JOHN IHNDINGF.R. of Zellonopli. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. JACOB M. PAINTER, of Butler. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. FRANK E. McQUIPTTON. of Butler. WAR RECORD During the two days fight around Santiago the Ist and 2d days of the month 280 men and officers were killed, and wounded, while 79 are miss ing. Our men were over zealous, and charged the Spanish intrenchments be fore the artillery could come up and clear the way, hence the large lose of life. On Sunday, the 3d inst, the Spanish fleet at temptedLtw-escape from the har bor of Santiago and were met by our fleet deMOyed. All the Span- were beached or burned. V Admiral Ceryera cried when made a prisoner Only one of our men wan killed dur ing the fight. It was as complete a vie tory as Dewy gained at Manila. An account of the battle written by some body on the Texas appears in another place. The report of the return of the Span ish fleet through the Suez canal, home m>mr ~ ward bound, was confirmed, and a fleet under command of Commodore Watson was being prepared to meet the Spanish fleet, either at the Canaries or off the coast of Spain. The return of Hobeon to the New York, (he having been exchanged 1 was made the occasion of a celebration by the crew of that vessel Upon the artival of reinforcements for Dewy at Manila, with land forces, several foreign war ships left the har bor. The captured Spanish officets at San tiago professed ignorance of tho de struction of their fleet at Manila. Some of the magazines of the Span ish vessels exploded and the effect was to blow up the decks, and not the keel, as was the case with the Maine. All the Spanish prisoners, were taken to Portsmouth, N. H.; excepting the of ficers, who were taken to Annapolis. On Monday, the entire Spanish Min istry resigned their offices, and the Queen appointed a new Cabinet. Gen Shatter was closing eyery ave nue of escape froSs Santiago, and oar artillery bombarded the Spanish lines. The Spanish spies were forced to leave Canada. On Tuesday Toral was yet hesitating about 'surrendering, and onr fleet threw shells over the hills into the town. The Beard of Surrey reported that the wrecks of the C'hristobal Colon and Maris Teresa might be saved, and that _ nil ilu- other v*jnseld were total wracks On Wednesday Gen Miles assumed command of the army at Santiago, and as fourteen cases of yellow fever have appeared he ordered an infected village to be burned. A general attack on the intrenchments about Santiago was ex pected today. In the Phillipines Dewey resented a slight interference by a German war ship, and took possession of Grande is land in Subic bay. HON. JOHN C. STURTEVANT, member of Congress from the Crawford county district, stopped over in Butler for a ll '** ■' last on his return home after adjournment of Congress. Mr. Sturtevant is widely known as the man who defeated the great Joseph C. Bib!ey for congress two years ago, in the Crawford-Erie district. His friends hoped to see him a candidate for re election but he declined to run again. He was a very useful and efficient member and always active in the in terests of his constituents. The late Congress looked well after the honor and interest of the Nation in its present conflict with Spain. WASHINGTON. Congress adjourned last Friday. There, was a patriotic demonstration just before the Speaker Reed announced adjournment, the members joining in singing "Jly Country 'tis of Thee". A thousand school teachers in the galleries, (in town to attend the Educational Con vention) also joined in the singing. In the Senate there was considerable opposition to adjourning at this time, Senator Morgan saying that: "The very moment, that the treaty of ~ ~ |"I 11 nt;il fav ' V p miiricnt ?4ie government of Spain, the military pow er of the President will cease and the legislative branch of the government mast provide a government for any territory we may acquire by the war. Tho power of congress comes immediately into effect and we ought to be here to exercise it". But Congress had voted President McKinley ample power and money to prosecute the war. and the majority favored adjournment. The salary of W. R. Eastman a clerk in the Butler P. O. was raised from S6OO to $700; and that of A. E. Oesterling from $44 to SBO per month. W. E. Stephenson of McCandless in creased from *6 to SB. Fifteen Philadelphiaus were on the ill'fatC'l steamer Bnrgoyne. which was struck and sunk by a sailing vessel, i near Sable island, during a fog. a few days ago. The steamer jarried 718 passengers and crew, and of these 553 were drowned. The short time that elapsed between the accident and the sinking of the ship makes one -wonder a* t-j the utility of bulkheads. The af fair was one of the most horrible in maratiuie history. Gov. HASTINGS appointed \V. D. Porter, Judge of Common Pleas No. 3, of Allegheny county, to fill the yacancy on the Superior Bench caused by the death of Judge Wickham; and the Bar of Allegheny conntv has recommended John S. Robb Sr. for Porter's place. The contest between Robb and J. S. Young was a hot and close opu, tht final vote standing Robb { Mb, Young HI. 1 The Sea Fight off Santia go. The following account of the naval bat tie off Santiago harbor WRS written on board the Texas, on the night of Sun day. the 3d inst "They are coming ont?" This was the crv that stnrtb-d our ships at 9:30 o'clock this iSnnday) miming. It was Lient Bristol who uttered the exclama tion. We were lying directly in front of Santiago harbor, and he had seen moving smoke floating over a point on the right of the harbor entrance. Hard ly had he shouted, when out from be hind the Estrellas batterv poked the nose of a cruiser, coming with a big bone in her teeth. "Clang''' founded the electric gongs. The. ship's company beat to quarters, the orders were shouted for full steam ahead, and in dashed the Texas to meet the foe. "It's the Viscaya," was the general comment. Certainly the ship belonged to the Viz caya class but before we had done won dering what she was trying to do, we saw the Cristobal Colon, easily distin guishable by the millitary mast between the two funnels. She was treading on the heels of the foremost ship, tearing through the water at tremendous speed_ the smoke rolling from her funnels, and hiding what was astern of her. In a few minntes, however, we made out twi more cruisers of the Viscaya type, and were then sure that Cervera was at last coming to give us battle in a desper. ate attempt to cut his way to freedom On we went, getting more speed at every kick of the screw. From the first the signal flags had been fluttering the message "The enemy is trying to es cape. " We could see that the cruiser Brook, lyn and the big battle-ships lowa and Oregon responded at once, and shaped their courses for the enemy, their dis tance from the shore being about two and a half miles at the time they first got our signal. But we had little time to look around. Hardly was the lead ing Spanish ship clear of the shadows of old Morro before boom" went one of her big guns—and the battle had begun. That first shell went wild. Then our old ship shook from her keel np. The big Texas' guns began to talk, and soon our other ships were mixing in the fray. The Spaniards turned to the westward, and we kept bearing in on them. They were firing incessantly, and kept their engines going under forc ed draft, evidently intending to outrun and escape us. The Brooklyn, just as cunning at the game as they were, turned her course nearly parallel with theirs, though drawing into a little closer quarters all the time. She was soon in good range, and her running tight mast have been a great one; but we had so much on our hands that there wab no time to stop and ad mire Commodore Schley's work with his guns. We were well in the lead of our ships, nearer the enemy than the others, and getting a large share of the enemy's attention. We hammered away at the Spaniards, and they hammered back, as they gradually drew to the westward, keeping in the shadow of the shore. Bnt we nailed the third ship in there line. This was either the Viscaya 01 the Maria Thereia We had her in fighting range before she could get by, and you should have seen the first battle ship commjjponed in the United States Navy when she got down tQ business in her first sea tight 1 UUy"flswt to fail tirt Texas the ' OUI lloodoo,'' but I guess the "Old Hero'' will be good enough for ns after this day. We were in close enough now, so wo turned west with our adversary. Our speed was not equal to hers, but what we lacked in speed we made up b. shells. We conld see that our shuts were getting homo, but the enemy re plied with much spirit and some accu racy. Cspt Philip was on the bridge up to this time, but it soon became the part of discretion to retire, so he ordered the bridge contingent to the conning tower passage, taking control of the ship from tho tower itself. Hardly had the Capt left the bridge when a shell from a fly ing Spaniard ripped through the pilot house. It certainly would have killed the man at the wheel and eyery officer on the bridge, had not the commander given his conning tower order just as he did. So the Captain, with Executive Offi cer Harber, Navigating Officer Miner and Cadet Reynolds who was operating the range finder, stood on the conning tower platform, issuing his orders through messengers, and keeping as cool as charity through all the heat of the fighting. For half an hour the enemy's shells whistled all about the Texas. One more got home. This bone bored a hole through the ash hoist amidships and ex ploded inside the smokestack, doing some merely incidental damage and in juring nobody. Our own guns, however, were enough to kill delicate men. Their din was so dreadful that orders had to be shouted right in to the ears of our messengers. Then the smoke would come up in such density that we conld not see each other. On two occasions the 12-inch turret guns were swung athwartship and turn ed loose. The concussion then shook the immense vessel as if she had been a toy boat. The sensation was rnnch as if we had been struck by a big project ile. Everything movable was splinter ed Ail the men near the guns were thrown on their faces. Seaman Schrain was knocked through a hatchway into the forward handling-room, breaking his leg. But the enemy must have suffer ed more than we did from the shots, for wo held a deadly range, and the guns were being served as guns were never k. .ved before. The Oregon had come whirling past and gone on to help Schley and the Brooklyn dispose of the leading Spanish shii»s. The lowa, too. had turned west ward and was continually thundering. We were all in tho mess uj> to our el bows. "She's on fire!' - That was the word we passed from ear to ear. shrieking il in our joy. For masses of smoke were pouring from our particular antagonist, and in a pause of the firing we heard our men cheer and shout their glee. Oui 'big shells had got throngh their armor and we felt that our part of that fight was nearly won. Soou we saw that our smoking and battered adversary was done for. She was making all speed for the beach, so we let her go and began firing at the cruiser steaming behind her—the fourth in the Spanish line. The Brooklyn and Oregon, after a few parting shots, also abandoned all effort to help us mash this particular cruiser, Aurt devoted their strain ana gnu- t.> the two foremost vc- sels. which we took t) be the Qquendo and the Csi-tokil Colon. .Tust then we sighted the two torpedo* boat the Furror and Pluton They had come ont behind the cruise and were sneaking off down the coast, going a* if had the right of way. "All small guns on the torpedo boats went the order." Soon we had the ocean splashing and foaming all about them. Ensign Hi-*-, with a six-pounder of the starlxiard bat ter}'. got in the first effective shot. It struck the leading destroyer fairly in the boiler. Above the roar of battle we could bear a crashing and rending, and we saw a great spout of black smoke roll up from that torpedo boat. Either the Fnnor or the Pluton went out of commission then and there. Up came the lowa with a rnsh and threw a few shots at the second destroy - er, but passed on for larger game. Then the gallant little Gloucester, which is nothing but Pierpont Morgan - converted yatch, the Corsair, sailed right into the Spanish terror of the sea, and had her finished in short urder But, gun for gun shot for shot, the four big American vessels and the four finest ships in Sprin's navy kept up the fight, and by 10:30 o'clock —one hour from the time Lieut Bristol saw that cloud of smoke —the two cruisers, which were last to leave the harbor were smok ing ruins, going on the beach to keep from sinking. Up went a white flag on the one near, est us, and "Cease firing" was Captaiu Phillips' immediate order. A moment later both Spanish cruisers were beach, ed, and bright flashes of flame coming through the smoke which enveloped them told of the destructive force of boiler or magazine explosions. We co ald see the ships boats crowded to their gunwales pulling for the shore. The lowa, which had received some pretty hard knocks in the fight, remain ed to see that these two ships were real ly done for, while the Brooklyn, Texas and Oregon pushed on to end or capture the other two, which were racing for life along the coast to the westward, well in shore. At i 0:50 o clock Admiral Cerveras flagship, the Oquendo, suddenly turned for the shore, the Oregon and Brooklyn pounding her abeam while we were blazing away astern On went the Brooklyn and Oregon af ter the Cristobal Colon, which really looked as if she were going to get away, as she was making great speed. We were left to give the Oquendo the coup de grace. 14 did not take us long The Spanish Admiral s ship was already bnry&g, and at 11:05 down came the and red flag at her stern, and we in abeam. Then, in a moment, the* was a mighty explosion on the Oqnendo. and our boys set up a cheer, "Don't cheer boys,!" shouted Captain Philip. "Those poor devils are dying. So we left her to her fate to go plug ging on after the Colon, which, in her desperation, was plowing through trie water at a pace that put tha Brooklyn to her best efforts. The Oregon was making wonderful speed for a battle ship. and we just settled down to make the effort of onr lives, Never since onr trial trip have we done so well We all feared that the Cristobal Colon would leave us all except the Brooklyn, aud Commodore Hchley's '-hip was not supposed to be a fair lighting match for the big Spanish cruise* We conld not afford to have it said that even one of the Spanish ships got away, so these moments of the chase were thrillinc MM. Straight into the west we headed, blazing and hanging as we went in the greatest marine race of modern times. The Brooklyn headed out toward a point, in the endeavor to cut off the Spaniard there, while the Oregon held middle course, not mu *h over a mile from the cruiser, and we hammered away in the Colon's wake. The desperate Don hugged the shore, firing now pnd again at ns, and giving the Brooklyn and Oregon her best fire We held up astonishingly well under our forced draught, and no one need ev er sneer at the speed of the old Texn.- again. But run as she might the Spaniard had no chance. The Brooklyn gradually forged ahead of her, and got between her and the place where she would have to make her swing to round that point. For over two hours she had led n.s a lively chas<\ but her time had come. The Oregon held her abeam and the Texas astern. There was no way of escape. At 1:15 in the afternoon the gallant Colon gave it up and turned her bow for the beach. At 1:20 down came her flag, though not one of our ships was within a mile of her, but we all closed in, Brooklyn, Oregon, and Texas togeth er, stopping our engines a few hundred yards away. Commodore Schley boarded the en emy and the surrender was to him. Just then the New York, with Adnii ral Sampson aboard,was seen coming up accompanied by the Vixen. "We have won a great victory. De tails will be communicated. ' Such was the signal Schley set for his Admiral, and the victory certainly was Schley's. Then in that little cove under the high hills of the Cuban coast, we Amer icans celebrated onr Fourth of July on the 3d of the month. The celebration may have been a little premature according to the almanac, but it was as hearty as any ever indulg ed in. Our ships cheered one another, the Captains exchanged loud compli ments through their megaphones, and the Oregon turned out her band to send the music of "The Star Spangled Ban ner" over the lines of Spaniards drawn up to be surrendered. A Spanish Oflicer's account of tli«; Figlit. This is a plain tale of Spanish d'-as ter, as rendered by Capt. Maocrohon second captain of the Maria Teresas His chief it will be remembered, was desperately wounded during the tight. "1 love my country," said the Span iard simply, "and my hart bleeds for her now. Our fleet, my country's pride has !>eeu destroyed. 1 "fear that 1 hen will be an uprising at home when its destruction is made known. Onr plai for escape was well arranged, but bet ter formulated than executed. We had arranged to force our way out 011 Satur day night, and the Maria Texas was to have led. But, contrary to onr exr>ee nations, the searchlights of your slvps did not illuminate the channel that night, as had been usual, and without that light we were unable to discern tho wreck of the Merrimac so we could not go out. You know how we came out the next morning—Sunday, that, was. Great crowds were expected to come down to the wharf to sec us de purt, hut the American troops wen, pushing the city two hard in front and there were none to see us off. Our orders were to s'eam at full speed to the westward, after clearing the har bor, and concentrate our attack on the Brooklyn, paying no attentiod to any of the other chips, unless they forced us to attack them. SNO. in th« Jiurnmg. the}* signaled t-. a» from the »—tt**rv tha r only the Texas and the Brooklyn wore l*» th»- westward, and wo pot way. the Maria Ter esa being "he flagship and taking the lead. We opened tire on the Brooklyn and th.' Texa- answered it but her shot fell short. Otherwise she won Id have struck us. for it was a straight line shot. The Brooklyn and lowa then fired, but neither shot hit. Again the Brooklyn and the Texas fired The Brooklyn s shells went into the admir al s cabin, and exploded, set fire to the after part of» the ship. The ahell from the Texas pierced our side armor and exploded in the engine room, burst ing the main steam pipe. We signaled to the engineer to start the pumps, hut got no reply, and then found that all below in that part of the ship had been killed At that lime it v.*as like hell on our bridge. Sht lis were bursting all around ns aud the ship's hull was being riddled below. The captain turned to me and said. Sir, do yon think it is best to contiuue the hopeless fight. or, for the sake of hu manity and to save life, should we not beach the ship? Many of our guns are dismounted and our engines are crip pled." Sir, I replied, 'we are unable to fightClonger. I jet us beach the ship Then as I said that, a shell struck our captain. His last words were haul down the colors. The American tire was so fierce and their shells were bursting around us so fast and making so much smoke that the Americans could not see that the ilag was down and continued firing. I sent "• low for a blanket and as soon as it was run up the firing ceased. "Meanwhile, the Vizcayahad run 1K?- tween ns and the Texas and was then engaging three ships --the Brooklyn Organ and T- xos. Sh>. iuade a desper ate but hopeless fight Now that we have learned that we lost ietween eight hundred and a thousand men and the Americans lost oniy one man. it amazes us. It is incredible. We cannot com prehend it." It does not seem possible and yet we must believe it. Have we not seen with our own eyes the utter wrecks of our ships and how yours were not hnrt. even the smallest injury, that we could "If you bad managed to escape, wher would you have gone? To Cienfuegos ; "By "no means, the officer replied. "Oar intention was to run to Havana, raise the blockade there and enter the harbor." "What will be the result of the battle r The Spanish commander was asked. "Ah. I do not know." was the mourn ful rep I }'. "I hear now that the Amer icans intend sending their fleet to my country —that is my anxiety, Mv po<>r Spain will be helpless against your at tack. I have seen what your ships can ilo and know our exposed cities will be destroyed." "You were, then, much impressed with the fire of the American ships? 'We were all astonished by its amaz ing rapidity ami deadliness, was the frank reply. "It will be an awful fight and Spain will sutler most. But if any one was bold enough to suggest that to my countrymen lie would l>e cut to pieces. If America carries the war in to Spain ami defeats us there, the dis grace would be too great to bear. You know the fall of a great nation is like the fall of a great family, 'and shall be the fall thereof, and I am afraid that is how it will be with Spain. O God, open the eyes of my country men at home, that They may nnder stand why we were, defeated h>-re "Do you think Santiago can hold out much longer?" the second captain of the Maria Teresa was asked. No," he replied. They are very shart of provisions there. Rice is the chief article of diet, little else in the way of f'»od being left. Beef is very scarce and very poor. The officer was curious to know as to whether the Americans had suffered much loss when their land forces made an attack on Santiago. He was told the number reported lost, and spenjed - urprised that it was no greater "Why. we lost that many ourselves," he said, "and yet our men were fighting behind entrenchments and your men were at tacking us." OIJP BOYS IN CAMP. C*. K, 11th Kejfiirient, Fort VV"«i>.liiiign»ii, .*l ar- ai> alive und in beait-h, at>ie to do onr dnty every day. We have experienced weather whose teuij ranged from several degrees below the fre-:zinz point up to one hundred degreus in the shade We have hud no greater physical eu to fight than flies mosquitoes, wood ticks and jiggers As moral antag onist 1 -' we have thre saloons within a half milt, of our present camp. Usually we have had enough soldier grab to satisfy us, rarely have we had more than we needed, and several times we have not had enough. On such oc casions we pull our belts a little tighter and kick and growl at whatever or whomever wo fancy to be the cause of the shortage. Judging from the present con (Tit ion of the 15th wo are not destined by the powers who are running this war to see service at the front. We are not equip ped to take the field. For all we have been out neatly three months, in Co. E, with one hundred and nix men, there are only about seventy muskets am! forty sidearms. So far we know the other companies of the Regiment are in about the same condition. It is report ed that yesterday the remainder of our arms aud equipments arrived at Fort Sheridan. Qn the last day of Jane six new cor porals wore appointed. They arc Will Rebhnn, Thos. McKee, Howard Haz lett, Oscar McClnng, Jos. Heinuian, and Chas. McElvain, ranking in the order named. Jnly Ist., onr distiiot congressman, Hon. J. B. Showalterand his wife were made welcome l«y Co. E. They preset 1- ed us with a lot of Wheeling tobies and a (Tate of lemons. If we are in the field at the time of the November elec tion, th' 1 congressional tick"t, a Nation al one, will be the only ticket we can vote unless some old law is resurrected, special State legislation would be re quired to enable us to Votr~t<»r state anil local tickets. As the Legislature is not in session there can be no such lavtf~-*iii_ acted Mr. Showaiter will get a large majority of Co., IS'fl vote. For several days past Clarence Gra ham has been cook with Harry MeC'ol lougli and Del. Hindman as assistants. Their cooking is first class. At the first of the week something went wrong at the Fort bakery and we had no bread. Cullen Armstrong baked us some biscuits on Sunday smd that night a detail was sent up to Alexandria where they hunt ed the town over to get n« enough !«re«d for the next day. Our Fourth of July was a quiet one, we had no nre oracken; All w« could do was hurrah forShaft-or, Schley, Snmp son fiii«l the brave Iwys at Santiago and wish we kveiv there, in the afternoon w<- bf-at our old friends. Co.. ' T in a Viall game, the score was 8 to 1. Since Tuesday ewiing we have hud ba tall ion drill for an hour every even ing beginning at half past nix. This makes four hours of drill daily, two each of infantry and artillery, Capt. McJunkin acts as major. The four companies with a hundred men each in line are as large as an olearauce, did a great business. However a large part of the money received is being sent home. JULY 10. Our routine camp life continues with undisturbed tranquility and monotony. The weather is not so unbearably hot as at the first of the month. Co. Es pay last Thnrsday amounted to ?: M 'o. nearly half of which is estimated to have been sent to our j Butler, Lawrence and Armstrong coun ! ty homes. Friday was a red letter day. we had | chicken soup for sapper. DelHindman i traded some o! 1 hominy and bacon for j the chickens. A C. Krug came down to see his • brother Harry, and distributed tobies j that evening. After making a trip to Philadelphia Mr. Krug expects to visit us again Wednesday. Saturday, Corporal Will Jackson re turned with a big i rr.nk of good things from Butler. Thirty new rifles and bayonets were distributed but no additional belts, etc. Every man now has a gun. Sunday James Lambie of Washing ton, and Prof. G. H. Hamui, of the Slippery rock Normal, and Will S. Mc- Dowell, of Wilkinsburg, Pa., who are attending the convention of the Nation al Teachers Association now being held in Washington, visited as. Some of the boys who were over at Mt. Vernon met City Supcrint endnnt J. A Gibson and wife there rgtani Collins passed around smokes presented by W. D. Ziegler, Dr Faulk and Will Morris. Charlie Allshonse, Albert Waters and Harry Sumney have passed through slight sick spells. We have a splendid ly epuipped hospital in a roomy old frame house; but for all there are near ly five hundred men here there is very little sickness and the hospital is usual ly deserted. Ye powers in Washington, Oh. send us to the front! Where the battle now is on. Oh, send us to the front! Where Santiago's Spaniard runs While Yankee men and ships aud guns Pour burning shot and shell Into their town hkt ll—l, You bet we'd like to smell The powder, feel its spell. Ob, send us to the front! Home guards we will not be, so send us to the front! We came to fight and free, so send us to the front! Where the curtain has gone up, So that we may get a sup Of any blood that flows Ana drive into our foes Some Pennsylvania blows To iignieu Cuba s woes. Oh, send us to the front' We ;isik for no soft snaps, just send us to the front! W- t • i-afc- -Hps, JO send us And we'll beat our Keystone seals Where the br.tti- hottest reels, If but Old Glory shed lis light above our n<-ail We'll light till siain or lied Each foe, or we are dead, Oh, send us to the front! E H NEGLKY. Harmony and Sfleliijnople. Harmony had an old time demon stration on July Ith. At 3 J), in. a pa rade was formed with 11. M. Wise and Wm. Dindinger as marshals, martial band, chariot of liberty, over 100 school children dressed in white, carrying flags, carriage with speakers, horse back riders and citizens marching, Messrs J H. Wilson of Harmony, Alex. Russell and J. M. Galbreath of Butler, were the orators of the day. Patriotic music was rendered and a handsome flag 15 by 25 feet was raised on a staff 110 feet high. Four feet above the staff a gas jet is burning. This quaint old town was overflowing with patriot ism. Mrs. J. M. Moore of Avalon recently made a short visit with her relatives at Harmony. F. G. Blown of Pittsburg was in Harmony on business last week. Jacob Si tier of Jackson twp. rejoices In a beautiful baby girl al>out two weeks old. Mrs. Joseph Stewart and Miss Ethel li Armor of North Ave. Allegheny aro stopping with Mrs. John Stamm in Beaver county for three weeks. Mrs. Stamm is very sick at present Prof. C. Nevin Ileller of (ireensburg with his bride is visiting his father I>r. A. J. Heller at Harmony at present. .Miss v'ina Mitchell of New Castle is visiting Miss Lawra Swain at Har mony. A. S. Latshaw and family of Parker visited relatives at Evans City and Har mony last week. Ed. Randolph and family of Sharon visited friends in Zelienople and Har mony last week. Win. StaulTer and two sons "f Eldron lowa arc visiting J. H. and Ed. StauiTor at Harmony this week. Charles Magnus and family of Par ker returned home on Saturday from a viait with friends at Harmony. Wm. Kavenaugh the Zelienople ma chinist was in the \V. Va. oil field on business last week. Mrs J". H. Knox and lier daughter Sweetie of Harmony visited for two weeks with Frank Xnox at Miles Ohio. Last Eriday morning at !» o'clock Henry Miller of Harmony was robbed for the thin! time This time he is mi nus *lO and two shirts. Austin Pearce and wife of East End Pittsburg visited relatives at Zelieno ple last week. Mis. Augusta Kingslev of (»reenville visited witn Mrs. II M Hentle at liar Ujony tor two weeks Miss Jane Passavant is building a large frame house on her farm north of Zelienople Mrs. Rev. J. W Otterman of Zelie n pie attended the Loyal Temperance League gathering at Lebanon I'a., last week. On her way home she stopped off at Mt. Gretna Mrs Benjamin Wise of New Lrigh ton visited her sisters Mrs. 11. A. llall stein and Mrs. Amzie Ziegler for two weeks at Harmony. The M. E. Church and Sunday school obeyed McKirley's proclamation last Sundnv in thanksgiving and prayer. The church was decorated with the national colors. Edwarrt Eihlej formerly of Middle Lancaster twp. ;md Howard and Ld ward Harper sons of county treasurer C a.- Harper Wert* among the 11- So: o' eterans enlists! as volunteers at N -.v Castle. that passed Hannony on si -ial train last Friday evenin, 1 y belong. Ito the Ifith R«-K ati ! It tor Ft Washington. Mr. Harp*. expected to me t bis sons at Harmon; but the train did not stop A large ci >wd gathered at the station and cb«.ered the loyal boys as they passed Prot J C Ibght was not elected r" the first meeting of directors at Ha n ny on account of r> a we the 4th of July. Z-'lienople raised a beautiful fla« a H ip m an July 4th Speeches wr n ide by Alexander Kissel and J. M of Butler and Prof. J. • Bight of Trail The occasion wa peasant and extremely |>atriotic. .lacksvillo Notes. Farmers are busy cutting and storing t leir wheat i-rops ami the whistle i' t le steam thresher is heard in the land Hon. J. N Moore aud wife are spend ii s a r-hort vacation with* Mr. Moor- - p irents on the banks of Historic Slip p -ryrock. A child of .T. C. Ilogue was buried Ou Saturday. The ratse of its death wv cuc'lera infantum The bereaved } • r* nt« have the sympathy of the comm D : ty. Work is progressing ou the new weU rv i.ich is being drilled for gas on t' - SKerman Humphry farm. Mr. and Mrs. Hindman of New CP t'e were guests of Mrs. Hindman's pa r :r.te Sabbath Mr I. G. Studabaker who has btea r.uuiug a bakery in New Castle b ■» s *'d out and will engage in other bu ; s in a few weeks Mrs. Nancy Stuart of Grove City v sited friends in this vicinity recent! Several of onrjieople attended Bulla -1 Bill's Wild West Show at New C< tie and report a good entertainment Mr. White of New Castle was a biisi r -ss caller in our town on Saturday. MORE ANON A Pleasant Wedding. THI BSDAY JUNE A<)TH At the home of Mr. George Kaufman oi C'allery Pa. Mi;:s E. Blanche, the a -complished and highly esteon"-d ..aaghter was united in marriage to Mr. F -atik Neely one of the progressive y mng men of the prosperous town > t Mars. The sister Miss Kate A. Kaufman si rved as bridesmaid; Mr. Harry A. Popler, as groomsman. About eleven <■ lock they came into the parlor wh .re tt e ceremony was jierfonned by tue pastor of the bride. Rev. H. E. Snydf - , Pfc D.. in the presence of the immediai ? fiends. After congratulations were offer* '. Til! surrounded a well spread tab!. (.. a number of presents were 1 ceived, both useful and ornamental f v v> Such th.'.nks were given in a few w v osen words. A short time was spent iu social er j..- ment. when the bridal couple tco'- t - train for an exiended wedding tr : x >. < -n their return they will be at home at Mars where Mr. Neeley is engaged in business. Mrs. Neeley has served faithfully as ortranist in the Crestview Pi sliyterian Church and has many friends in and about Gallery. She leayes with the best wishes from all. I Kuydl maktt the food pare, wholesome and delicious. 8 mi POWDER Ab«oTutot> Pure HOrAL BAKifcO K>WDfA CO-. YORK I DID YOU EVER X l*Heai This or its Equal?X € > Nice Top Buggies $35,005 \ Harness 4.50 i Duster and Whip.. .50^5, Total... S4O 00V Or do you want a Surrey?\r &A nice Surrey.... SSO 00 O OHarness 10.00vy < iDuster and Whip.. 0.00 A { i Total SOO 00* Quantity limited. Come soon. jT No one ever ofTered suck goods * at such prices. They won't last long. JT yS. B. Martincourt & Cn.,x X 128 E. Jefferson St., liutler, Pa. A O FFICIAL WAR BOOK by Congressman James Rankin Young All about War with Spain, the Navy, all defences, Battle ships, etc. Portraits and biographies of Dewey and all promimcnt oiiicers. Nearly Coo pages. Massive \'oi umc. Mnrvejously cheap. Best author ship. Only authentic, offlcia ! book. Experience not necessary. Any Ixxly C;MI sell it. Ladies as successful a,s gen tlem n. We are the largest subscription hook firm in America. Write us. Vif'v persons are employed in our correspond ence department alone, to serve yon Our lawk is just out. Get agency now and be the first iu the fielc. Ic Tire. Light and 1-ast vet Strong and Durable. $5 00 per Pair. The King Mfg. Co , UflU-oUO Arch St., Vlili'ad«-iphla J'a, DEATHS. GERLACH—At her home in Mt. I h«*t Tint. July 7 lsys, Mis* Gertrude Oer iach. RHIXELANDKR It her home in But l»r. July 11 lts Mrs Barbara Rh ; ne lander, widow of Wrn. Rhinelander »ged 7"i years H 'I'LF.R At his home in Onklnn l rwp., June 29. aged years. R' >FSSTNG —At the home of hn •laughter. Mrs. Staley. in Pittsburg July IS. Conrad Roessing, aged i? 4 years. CHATHAM -Iu Allegheny. July 12 !BSK Ralph D , son of Jas H. Vhai ham, formerly of Petrolia, aged 12 yea rs. OBITC\RY NOTES. Miss o«ra Blair of Fan Claire.» nurse at Oixmont Houpitnl died .>nSnnda>. th.-3dinst. She was buried in the M. F cemetery at Eau Claire, on the stl HELPS HER WONDERFULLY Af'licteJ With Humor fcr Y Now Cured. "I have been a sufferer with rheu- Eitismand have taken Hood's Sarsapa rilla v. hich has given me complete relief, aud made me feel better in every w»v. My daughter is now taking it for a scrof ulous condition of the blood, and it is helping: her wonderfully. 1 will not be persuaded to takr anv other medicine than Hood's Sarsaparilla when I need a blood purifier." MKS. ELIZABETH KCLP, Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania. HOOd'B PillS ejre ::'l liver 1 V'Your Necessity S S is my opportunity" S C This month the above ? f maxim holds good, S | Simple Arithmetic. ' / A hoy bought a !,ook and an his- J \tle for fi io; he paid Si more for V I the book than 'or the whistle, f C What did the whistle cost? You C I say, ' Ten cents." But that is / */ wrong. Now, when not more than / S one person in ten answers this cor-S f rectly, bow shall we expect them % Vto realize the following: TheV / Carpets and Book cases we are go- / 1 ing to offer this month cannot be* V made for the price we charge for V / them. They cannot be sold for / \ the figure you pay for them. Then \ \ how can we handle them? It is a J C question which will not long C /pu*lea store-keeper. He knows f V that there are excuses which do V / not concern the public—conditions / \ of over-stock, short money, incom- \ \ ing goods, slow demand and the % v lite—which make sacrifices in- C / evitable, even wise. / ? Brussels Carpets. S ) We are selling some choice Wil- \ f ton Velvet Carpets that were f J marked ft. so for SI.OO per yard. 1 / Combination / S Book Cases. £ 1 The kind that is marked $25.00/ >is now selling for $14.50 and the\ C kind marked #35.00 is now selling r J tor $20.00. ) S Cleanable and J \ Sweet Smelling S \ Refrigerators. A > Only have the best kind. Don't i / sell the cheap ones. V p If you want a fine Refrigerator, J f we have it. # \ We sell a medium-sized Refrig- } r erator for SIO,OO. I J Cool iu summet time. Strong and V V clean at all times, they look neat i /and stylish in your bed rooms. ( I Some prices go up to $75.00, and J f down as low as $3.50. S C Screen Dcors SI.OO, r / Window Screens 35c, / f We don'l sell the lower priced f } CAMPBELL & ) ? TEMPLETON^ Til K Butler County National Bank, Butler Penn, Capital paid in $i x>,000.00 Surplus and Profits - Ji 14,647.87 Jos. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts, Vice President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier; John G. McMarlin, Ass't Cashier. I general banklne buslnc transacted. Interest paid on time fl#-p*>sits. Money loaned on approved security. We Invite you toopeu an account with this DIBECTORS— Hon. Joseph Hartman. Hon. W. S. Waldron, I»r. •>. M. Hoover. H. M - Sweeney, E. E. Abrams, C. I'. t'olllns I. Siolth, lr. W. C. Mi-Candless, lieu Miwefch. I.ovt M. Wise J. V. Kltt« Butler Savings Bank Liutler, Pa. Capital - - - Surplus and Profits - - $150,01)0 JOS. L PHRVTS President J. HENRY TROUTMAN Viee-i'resident WM. CAMPBELL, Jr C«i hi.r LOUIS B. STEIN Toller I'IKECTOKS -Joseph L. Purvis, J. Henry Tro':imati, W. I>. HrauUou, W. A. Stein. J.;S. OuniDbell. The Bntler Saving-. Itank Is the Oldest 1 tanking 111 stit 111 lot. in Itutler County, lienerai banklnK business transaeled. We solicit accounts of oil producers, mer chants. farmers and others. All bjsincss entrusted to us will ro-'elvc proxiipt aitontioij. Interest uatd on tlm« deuositK. TH6 ISUTb6R OTIZ6N. fl.oo prr y» j ;ir if paid In advance, otlierwist fl.fiO will ho charged. A!>VE!iTißiN(i KATK< One Inch, on** tlm< ?!: «-a«*h sul»sequont ins«*rtlon •"•<» cents c*a#*h \ udltors* unci dl vor*«» not lc«»s each: - uton* and admlulsfaU»rs' notices f-'i eai'li nst ray and dissolution notli'eH S3 oai'h. ltrad inu not !«•••» 10 « »»i»t ix lino fur first and .1 «*♦•!»?« for each subsequent Insertion. Noticus aitionir !<»•••• 1 ne-.VH items 15 cents a line f«»r I-n l» insertion. Obituaries, cards of thanks, resolutions uf rrspei t, notlce> of festivals and fairs, etc., IsitrtM the rate of Scroti a line, money to accompany the order. .*even words of prose make aline. Katos for statid|iig cards and Job work on applicat lon All advertising |* due after flrst Insertion, and all tiaiuient :wlvortlbinp must be paid for In advance. All communications Intended for publica tion In tills paper must t»e accompanied by I l»e real name of the writer, not for publica tion bu. a guarantee of good faith.and should reach us not later than Tuesday eventnjr. u J>i-ath notices must be accotnpanlei»i»nsiblc name. WASHINGTO>4 SEMINARY WASHINGTON, PA. Boarding and I>ajr S -hool for tilrls. New ami I-leK«*nt Huildfnff ready for I'all Term., College i»reparatory. and Elective I'ourvs SiM-cial advantages in Music Kiocutiou and Art. For catalojrue addre.vs MKT*. M N MCMILLAN, RRINCIP^I. I Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERm^W 4 Days s sl'k'F 4 Days Commencing Promptly at 8 o'clock Wednesday /Vlornincj. We inaugurate this, our Eleventh Semi-Annual Salt 1 . TM- r-t tuns every Department in the House. We have had Sacrifice Sales, hut never b»fore~" have we offered R;*>l, reliable, up-to-date nerchan li*f at s- i h lidicul" . low prices as we offer you daring this .j da ,i sale. Price the Motive Power. CaCSR: We need money for present .use. We must have our shelves emptied for next fa'l good*, wl.ich begin to arrive soon alter August I. There is no such pover on earth to move merchandise as price. Prices Have ileen Cut as Nevei Before. Sale days. Wednesday, Thorsday, Friday, Saturday, July 13, 14, )5 ?nd 18 The above announcement being late in reaching our friends and patrens out of town, owing to the non issue of most of the county papers last weok, and as wo are anxious that they as well as patrons in town should have the advantage of attending this great money -saving sale, we have therefore decided to continue this sale through the month of July. Sacrifice prices remaining in all goods a. advertised whilst the >!<>oas last. Onr entire stock of new fresh 169s Merchandise offered at Sacrifice Price. MRS. J. E. ZIMMERMAN. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. VEWTON BLACK, 1* ATTORNEY AT LAW Office on South Diamond Street. HH. GOUCHER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Mi chell building. A LEX RUSSELL, A ATTORNKY'AT LAW. Office with Newton Black, Esq. South Diamond Street. COULTER & BAKER, V ATTORNRYS AT LAW. Room 8., Armory buildiu fc . TOHN W. COULTER. (' ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. Special attention given to collections and business matters. „ Reference: Butler. Savings Bank, or Butler County National Bank JB. BKEDIN, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Main St. near Court House. AT. BLACK, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room J. —Armory building. T M. PAINTER, *' • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office between I'ostoffice and Diamond SH PIERSOL, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office at No. 104 East Diamond St. p F. L. McOUISTION, Civil, ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Office near Court House. DR. CHAS. R. B. TIT"NT, PHYSICIAN ANI> SURGEON, Eye, ear, nose and throat a specialty. 132 and 134 S. Main Street, Ralston building \Y H. BROWN, IF • HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office 236 h. Main St., opp. P. O. Residence 315 N. McKean St. QAMUELM. BIPPUS, •3 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 200 West Cunningham St. T BLACK, Ij> PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. New Troutman Building, Butler Pa. p M. ZIMMERMAN vJ • PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City Pharmacy. DR. N. M. HOOVER, 137 E. Wayne St., office hours. 10 to 12 a. m. 1 and to 3 p. in. 1 J. DONALDSON, A• DENTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec ialty. Office oyer Miler's Shoe Store. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST. Gold Fillings Painless Extraction of Teeth and Artificial Teeth without plates a specialty, Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air or Local n aesthetics used. Office over Millers grocery, east of Low ty house. DR. W. P. MCILROV, DENTIST. Formerly known as the "Peerless Painless Extractor of Teeth." Located permanently at 111 East Jefferson St., Opposite Hotel Lowry, Butler. Will do dential operations of all kinds by the latest devices and up-to-date methods DR. J. E. FAULK, DENTIST, Painless extraction —No Gas—Crown aud bridge work a specialty. Office—Room No. 1, new Bickel build iug. 1831 18981 COUNIBY JHTIEWI THE EST OF THE AGRI ULTURAL WEEKLIES INDISPENSAL E TO ALL OUNTRY RESIDENTS WHO WISH TO KEEP UP WITH TIIE TIMES. TERM REDUCL-D FOR 1898. Single Subscription, $2, Four Subscriptions, $7, Six Subscriptions, SY. §nyS)*cial inducements (which will be stated by mail 011 application) to persons raising larger clubs. Hay Paper FREE all the rest of this year to New subscribers for 1898. B«3> 'And a premium for every reader. It will IK* seen that the difference be tween the cost of the COUNTRY GENTLE MAN and that of other agricultural week lies may readily by reduced, by making up a small Club, to LESS THAN A CENT A WEEK. SEND FOR SPECIMEN COPIES, Which will be mailed Free, and see whether this enormous difference 111 cost should prevent your having the I test. What account would you make of such a difference in buying medicine or food? Address LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Publishers, Albany, N. Y. M. C. WAGNER, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER, 139 South Main street Over Sbaal * N««'» Store WM. WALKKR. J. is. WKK Walker & Wick, —IiEXERAI. DEAI.I-nS IN REAL ESTATE, OIL PROPERTIES LIFE INSURANCE, ETC. KETTEHE.I BrifcDisu. OPP. Posroi KICK CONNEAUT LAKE.": + •H: :• + % Exposition Hotel ti ' t* 3 Hotel Man tor, j £* F. M. LOCKWOOD, Pwp'r. > •+ Butler's nearest Summer Resort. t 4- ®-r Goad bathing and fishing, ° + and all Summer R.-sort ;-f --+ 0 TV ' • Amusements. r; >.,•vvv+V+U? hham s m' hbavkoubg I have a Heave Cure that will cure any . r case of heaves in horses in forty il.'ys, if used according to dir.vti' s, and if it does not cio J. t 1 foi it, I will refund the moi nt p-.ic nil 10 will be UK 1 1c I r t t ■: 1 Q3. 1 Mr. A. j. McCaudkss: On the 2nd day of Aprii, 1592 I com menced to nse your new cue 1 011 cof my horses that had the heaves very bad, and continued to use the liiedL ;.o for about forty days aud the lurre did not show any signs of a reiuru of them. It is now about a year since I quit giving the > medicine and the horse has pever showed any sign of heaves, aud I feel satisfied - that he is piojx rly cured. W. C. Criswell. utler, Pa., Apri 130, A, J. McCnudle-ss" 1 have used your Ileave Cure and 1 find it u ili do the work, ii us ! Accord ing to directions. Vcni v ti u!\, I. B. McMiliin. ) Your Stationary. It is getting to !.«• tbi proper thing for fnrniets as well us merchants and " other business men to have printed sta tionary. And we can see no reason why they should noi. take their proper place among bnsi iota; nun by -wlopting - business methods in as n >ny w>ys as possible. There 1- a com: nation of business and sentiment in giving your 1 farm a name like "Valley View Place," "Maple Spring Fann' J!.K-i residence aud business, sueli as bit ed ing of thronghbred sbx'k, the manfac tnre of dairy prodm e. etc., might prove ■ of no slight advantage to you, as well as giving a certain degree of satisfac tion. And when yon conclude to have t some note heads and envelopes printed remember that the same can be had at the CITIZEN office as cheap and good as anywhere. LOOK AT THE LABEL 4 Pasted on your j.p.per, :or on the wrapper in which it comes.) for a brief but exact statement of your subscription account The date to which you have paid is ( clearly given. If it is a past date a remittance is in order, and is re spectfally solicited. Remember the subscription price, SI.OO a year. Don't send uioney in an ordinary letter— it will be at your own risk. Use money order or registered letter. Remit to W. C NEG LEY, Butler, J'enna is''lf the date is not changed within thre<' wwks write and ask wnv. M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. 337 S. Main St., Butler. MODEL « Farm for Sale I want to sell my farm of 235 acres in Oakland twp., adjoining Hoyds town, six miles north of Hiitler. There is no better land for all kinds of crops in IJutler county. My wlieat and grass, this year, cannot l>c Ireat. Come and see them. Two good orchards, some young timber, and an abundance of the best of Spring water. The builbings consist of a g'xxl, six room, frame house; one large, new, modern bar 11, and a large old one; also all the ceces .ary outbuild ings, including a summer kitchen. I want to quit farming because J am alone, and will sell at a bargain on M easy terms. fl A part of the farm is underlaid ■ with three aud four /cet veins of fl coal, with one bank opened; anil the I new railroad is surveyed within I 100 rods of the house. Por terms address or call ujion, Peter Whitmire, sonora. p. 0. IL/ , Give a 5/ . cio Tier*l Itrcn,? w iraing V f l> •. #o* circulars APt i y -r< P.L DUFF & tors, 244 Fiith Avenue, PITTSBURG. PA