[,l r7. s: E. ZO3! EfIMAN. I •••• 'Me to. Our Store is Your Opportunity. Bargains in Choice Drees Goods, v- P Sjl- Bargains in. Ready-tO-Wear W»Et». A- Bargaiafe in Ready-to-Wca i Skirts. ) E vcry woman in Butler county can share In this June ReduytioH SSale of DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, HOSIERY and LNDLR , WEAR. Prices speak louder than words. Come and see. DRESS GOODS. ft.oo Black Silk FiguredtJrdfedine Ooad§. a-■■■■ • —"£■£"£%' si.so J • j 1.00 ? * - Wash fabrics. * /;1C and Me for Fine Organdies ' " value! X } 12c for Fine Lawns and .....real V ioc for Fine Dimity "'.-'."r?"*"jT?lfY- \£. ®FE ZIMMERMAN. J r~ <5 ; t f I i3i~=Sf K T' 1 HUSELTGN'S Ji :; . ( SUMMER FOOTWEAR! yUjf j 1 Is bound to I a^l'» Juairmth 1 *s *E 1 lr~J* *4 and sunshine suggests that it's at our ~n£> r- * - susffnier appafiSKttairt* will mf4si££\. 1 find nowhere a stock as satisfactoiy, d<- ■jrj ' A pendable or economical as ours. and I q®l, nji and Black, f {JtNTMiWNfS SyOES. .L an j t#BIES' R(l| SHOEB, ( OtaAfr hWe TO Tntei'eft t&f man whd TWENTY STALES FOR YOUR CHOOSWfI AT iWauts a good quality atari efyie »t-r«as®ip- pda\/ ; %M WJe prices—at .vX3.-?i »JV- J - "'il, l $1.50, $2, $2-50, $3 >sl, 81)25, St.Sq, $2.50. $3. Will enable you to choose in TAN OR j Tans 01 Biack. They ar« particularly "BLACK, with all kid or fancy vesting j . 1 gjupes. fifeg*T"i *R >#is, finW&l ttrfot ere oi< -fonasyou they -are"here, but you.caji V k~g#>rass eyelets. Russia acd W»Uow only realize the actual value jjwbeifc yoji , Va'.'fcd Kid,in Tans, Chocolate or WaA. have the shoes before you. ! theinefft.'ht fs cenfe,_^i."q, THERE IS NOT A STYLE TO MEN'S HEAVY SHOES V T. y K ,IL£. MUTTON, |1 Ll rfuiiti 4 LoultJlt ~ 9 £ 'ppf>sltf lloul Lowft^ «)tf&^»iSsoo^O»OfrOOOf Or. C. ELLSWORTH HEWITT, * : TbeEminent Expert on Insanity and Nervons Diseas|ii 404 Penn Ave, PITTSBURQ, PA, of Prdf. PaHcoast's Graduate of Jefferson M * • j§Hospital Staff. !" ical College. <" %' M Medico-Chiruroici College j >. uo. 1 - tu-i 1 1 and Philadelpbi* l Cdlleg* ►!. Lately from a 3 years'course of Pharmacy. ~ ¥a k ! 'ln the Hbspltals of Paris s Prsfctitioncjr j and Berlin. of Medicine 'and S'urger^ .aaha. laa fafioiliiili* JimLial'i 1? jwouni'w wo w I •? M Dr. Hewitt once said, while delivering a lecture io Ur.andri^^lut^cases?" " \ For men, special treatment with speedy results. %' ' with cancer, scrofula, catarrh, tumor, pile* or aJtyt \ °£;TIJa l t l>S n K. which. biV?t4i* alfll C^jt'S^Sr-'UmRy physician; oo not lose heart because he has failed, but consult Dr. Hewy, * . who is the only physician in America who has been fortunnte enough *taj ) to the hicreiie of hln practice )ie finds It necessary to dlncootinue hls%S || w« <»kly. to ltuU«*r. Dr. HeiwUt.wiVl -klv<; special hours for HuVh'r patletits atJ > - WiftePlUfe6arß./>mce« lie wfcll'arratigfc IrAwMutf uxpt'tft* -with BlitTe'r patients. % ' Jk Eye patients who wish to >H; treated for Jhe eye uieasi* call.at !SSSSSSiS^SZSZSS^Z^^S!SZ!#I f;il r- >iM;m it S.i • i.ilMnlnr'i/t <"fl f-\ I —— SAY, ' \ ' •• ■ ■ > -■■■■ '■ k 1 J'.rtf ■• !.!•/< , 1 * l' s I know. . ; '-.J 1.. »»«». : .ij'.r 1 ,i|;,.w.r ~i l.«". .••>. :.•••- int.— M- • i Douthett & Graham? j YOU DONT! ! 'WA . • YOUR OWN FAULT, We've been in the clothing L a j 1 ..I. . . ..business, in Butlct, tor live years *nd it ia to Jt WAj your intaieet to.know us as we ape seUing . H .el u ■ the best clothing for the least money WA of auy firm in Butler You don't . u . . believ«.ii> Step in, and see m J* our Meis when in town, ■ ,11 ).■ •• j ' . and we'll prove itto.you fI Douthett i Graham, ..... 11. v. . ... • • '•■ i - ..:. '' l ■'■ I . L.ia.liXy wo-t.-'i | : The New CTambii-itidei .nlfiVlJoftf! h T /tll.tfv J « R . Mfu.,l .S3 ' CFormcrly New Gambridge House.) ..11 A t n'.'J !/> lill c A M j Whicfh, after the disastrous r »re 01 a year ago, is now opened in larger and better shape for the hf.fuest» m peafcli of health and pleasure, presents 4self to iti former Butler patrons VI .M tye ?i»^;-lepjr*l>l 9 in wlfich to lobritfe'tolieti nt - C«flbriowling alley- Chambern \virn 1 bihtlfl awTtfrllefs alia to ,i|i»ke a , •, J; | hpjne-lilje aad resort ' ''nr rite* apply 16 HAGGERTY & WHITE, Proprietors, it Cambridge Springs. Pa. iusittuM - Mt! •_ fn"! A«. '■ i\ h . : ' '7 -S* V A'" Aan '• wea. f. »1-, } j /> iH WV rr*rvo :• ft-.tnl Vrf fc r.d i .. . :it. rhc aveaoua hu - ! 1 in;a?ines . Uipt -he ss o«i. of tcii.2>ci. An bu.- tar.d -ni frotablv simply • 9Ut . } ;rt •• . .r.- ties a - l and tr.hliuf rec- i"> r ■>. Her p»inmcked nerves a.-e ? cf ntinu.-.i t®rtu. pettiiant, and unhappy women Into happy healthv, hn'pfnJ, amiable and ti.utcats U 'arishrs lb* oiicumf j.'tf of the r.erHdl of proar.-rtive matern.ty and makes babj's advent e««y and almost yi-.n lecc G'-oa raedieine dea!»r'! -eILJt aw! Ati twaeft acafflisti'VwarK'fc - yon SO fnftrtof Tor a hftle ext.a p.ySt. a" 1 . 1 * If vou want n \or.*-r?f ho-n? j book, send 21 one-cent .stomps, to cov«n roniliiiu r.r.ly, for a paper-covered copy of Dr, • Etwee's Cnmsioa itfns;- »leidrc?i Ad viser Friifeh Wi '.intf' Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Huflaio, N. V Dr. Humphreys' SIKM-ifles act npon the iliseaso, without exciting discreet in otlijr parts of the system. They ( are the Sick. bo, errres. raters. 1-Feren, Coagestfotn, inflammations. .25 ii— Wormi, Worm Fe»er Worm OOlfc. .'■!s 3— Teething.CMle.'Cryfng.Wakefulness 5 1-Otorrhea, of Children or Adults !S I—CoiiKhi. Colds, Broofhltlfi . 25 B—>furslgU. Mi f VKllMln'in'iTWp • 25 10—Dv'tcnaia. I»dl(!C«tlou,Weak Stomach -iS 11 —f?ujpprr»»eJ or Paini'nl Hert»>4n .25 lii—White*. Too ProlßSe PeWods .. . .25 13 - t'roun, LartaizlU*. Hoar»ejias» . . .25 14-halt Rheum. Eryelpeiaa, fcrunioni. .45 15-UiieumatUm. Bbaaiuailir PaUu... .. .25 .16—Malaria. CblUa. i'fcTpr and Vtt-..■ ' • .25 19—Catorrh. Influenza,C»Jd to tt»Head .25 SO— \V hooplnc-t'oiigh ~ - .'25 27—Kid lie v Diaenaea ,u.i .■ .'25 M-XertwaSebllily . I.o# SO-Ccluary W eakm-ax. Wetting Bed. .25 Hay Forer. ..i .JJ Dr. ntimphroya' Manual ol all at your Qr KgiA.- K trr^cjrirfgists* rt t*rtt itrU c HlirPn'hreyb'Mod Co., Cor. William *': THE DANGER to which the Expectatit Mother.is exposed and the foreboding- and : dread with which .she looks for-- r ward to the hour of vypman's • severcst;triial is appreciated by but tew. .'AH-Alitort--sh'6uld be •tta smoot4i ; 'these pi iceg Trflway lar. Jk i, jiic she: prt"?^.k'Vi' liCt r " babd. - MOTHER'S FBQ alia\»* aT*d ?6-assists 'Nature - thafrttc; ch.thge- gpes for w'ard tnf-Sii . easy without protest in: the way. oif [. Nausoa, Haadaohei ; - yieW tb Cheerful and" 'Hopbfdl' anticipations—she itasset anc j witnout pain—is left pp o.ijg. ana vigorO 1 •ihtic.s • flaw devolved' upor to-'fife' tf rbafh- fi: ?^oi'dd'.by, th•-relieved quickly asd easily. All agree that their m /B |j , , ') ,;f 11 aI. nliol'l. )0 yiji* ..l S1 -OO PJSR BO rTLF) at*» Dr*»-Btar«n i , or sont-by expeeah anjcdctrtptot vrlo-. 800KS Corttaintag lriVa^hiaJiH.hnMion <.f irorc V»Purest, uj (UA wflipesx/wtttiW »"«"• } > rKtt acy a.ddluia ..M TMP9MAOKICVO RC6Ul.fT^.. CATARRH; LOCAL'DISEASE For your Protection KHaxfeveb <, M we pftf:uvtly auns uAt'titte'lltJ *tL' .tJm , admedjii does pot. NKaW^Hf!in ' mercury o t any o(htr.ivJ(i*"ifo wtmmmmi - is Vd he this cure .'c * . Nasai< ;«awh. Cold m Hrad-if" J Hr.y FtrVr n:l' nmlit*.' A|(>l'isnaa»i'l alcanna, 't»l fihfji i«.»ia«», •Jlaya pain and lnfl)Oiiiiiat,uu, btfcU U»-j; i i.r.fw ori. tecta tlie mcinbraiierrofci ■W,cv/ Vo.-k,, AS : WAR a HAS XKMVIE we aii wiil,iiavo to keep-; jp ihtir spitit«—bes>t way tt> do. this fs tioi to use; Lewin's spirits, byt'Lcwi'-i.!:-; . pure r>e whiskey: We uiH ship 1 td'ariy plttrf itl the 1 Slate's. Guaranteed Ipure 6 year old whiskey either Gueltenheimei , Finch, Gibson,OvaihoK, Lftrge, Mt. Vernon, Thompson IQITOM 3'fIOTLfO3X3 'u, ' per yuart. 01;. 6 ij.iunl/i Jiir. #5, Grandfather's - Choice Whinke v, - tn>ii atK'-cd -3 years o!il, f 1 |iorigtill<):,i Oil C-i' O-. 1). or 1:1 ml 'f/rier*. •of Mtn or! over, we -prepay all ilhtity " ROISURT LEWIN & CO., '• fm-jjortehj-frwl s .1 ( 411 Water St. Opposite B. licjibf TeJ t Wttaburg, Pa , JKBFES< n£i ii,. .n 'tr w vV*, n **4 l I* »500SQUAEEJE|To-,'! p®f. \w/f add to tllft IhfiatfKnabllUy ll V " l W Dwelling «r9us>- 1 ! / ness Building by'r torn lnftt> from Hmb,' aays :hf li.a. f.t .niea-".. ■Ujjj -n --turj >v,. 1 br .. i.t \:ifiit wliiiil) iiHfc lau>«*:ed v. - ie on«i tor of. v« n: i>at there U tjrt > r i! ; y" 'h.'.* » irrfa't r.ativ«- ne-< ■irto l-'Vjj'P Tfwi ceritrol 1h likely Ity ■<" ft iw now p I a..--* i< i, Ifi KOFO p- .ii imr.'is*. Tlie few IW.J Ua ivill-doi.'t"li.er.:, j ran; .j / to Cape nor. . "(loi./infit. uU.;iie other contl ... . thi lack iHdu of Afr.i'a, .va4l iif. :he b: •' "■ " and J« .l tTo •iJiVtr i;ui '. The greatest or tr»«. .Vs!..tic U Jn pryc««i of deoay, at/y P..! paftltiott ha» already be white icu ../per.- io, .vfxtbL two oonti nents, rjca ind A.. tr>. ou the i»6rijr:r i! teen' uii.j, o'wj,, to tai.). uJ.' ;h,«r lrom the Asiatic race, an-: lfct their stuadarda over it, and, finally, to take Africa from.the blacks a'nd subject if wholly to their -*-ni. 'V ." :■ = INDIAN CREMATIONIST6. Yome Redßklns That Know HoW %m of Tlielr Dead 1»>- Fire. C. S. iliTton. ha- just returned Ui Los Angelea : frdin Y-un:a, v. here he luns been In the ernpU>\ of tbe Southern Paciilc. During his stay !u Vumn there were four deaths anroifg tiiii Indians on the reservation, and following their uaual custom the bodies -vere biirnedi. Capt. lUlt'o.. fi,\ s tl.. t tl:e.n* Indluiie are "nat urai born,. v4U%&ti"uiste, and luive the dywu to such a scleace as to discount all expensive modern, creuut tories In poii.t of effectivenesp, sayt* the ArlßOi.r. tj'l nn. ■TheVr piin,-a Very -ftj:; ' ' •■'•t.Vf Ij'ii ' f"' thoroughly' ef fectiv... 'XL.-c. ui» Indian, dies the \v)ioU fftir ) , - i irti p<»w,-ivovv anJ detailfc l.iif; w.-'u . " r to-.Hcip up a regular.ai-d , ojiiiii./.jpi.to the ilhie. tbe body fc prefinr-ffd :UiX erenuWloii. - W hen rbia ;tin;i- -> a Ahallwv iuole iv „se.-ji,»«!<: OM ill l'l:r rstnd, which 1:» filled wl l ' -)V. .•}» « Y':- •*«:!•'! d *C< -r- : ft. on wllicb ♦i;,- i. M. A eoinl or o ( .! UH.-ij !i;<;">V''uJ'i*' tWx., piled oii top 'hu4.'.Jjo XWjv,. upydied ..ii/; ijt^.t* : .i.;-t-ri t>f- ,b#>•. jij iy>'tl|big.r/>s:effibHng a Ih'iirnan /rati «• 1 ft; (wly a conjparaUvej-. Ely pffliift of gray r ( svbielv ar< -.• *1 -, -..l i,v tjii- w'ind l *- -LIZARD? V/HI'TT ERECT. « lilfl> Sijt.'ijfttcil .U«n|ioi> of Thl* CaJ-itiii-i I.l'fle i'imtl) li«\e ! p ~ iiat.lt. -. .: f ( U'hep attentlofcaboßta yeor fagojJ" «W- movements of cer* UtA: All- 1 -inbai:.'r lii-McrcUi,' Notably the [ i-omical 1 111 • - chlunrydosarirns, or "frilled t'7..T rd,'' l.o**- pliotograph I*. now .♦p. |n jjifj JCWor th*A the 'Stex.icijii . .(W liwxfl. alMv -pwtiefse* ;tlju prr nt >|'i r^iaiuifiudJit*::hifcd -lefp-:. • Hritfr-iey thtv.hy 'kt t?frrt&nptmd*nc6 irn ,trtn.. 'J-:. l-'^rtVue - tk f of' thw creaftir'^aj ' e.spe»j4ally' ! efi4i , Mbiiitrffla^.le»^tS i t o.f (h« • hind llmb<-. ll' it letter fronj i gentlLirmn living' in the West Indies, . . . , . I ll i*. sM a-leo all the liaarclss fn>»< ia , rj;> ;: tst?er ignaiia, fiv© jfeet -loftp. do*vni fc> th<* tln1«»t 'ml{en w h iob' * natiipKr the t tonos, are to .xtftt, tb«lr "Mid, li-gi Tte eorrespondenJ adds the int«rM.t-. ing information that or* tbe_?ockaabout the v, iux; ol<^ irawtitxra..of lizardsjyiftntn&.e.rvei,. Mr. ; ffii'V J I | .oi)t. tbu.t ibi» pt euiiariVy, ivlneh a |*go>:aadciubt«id by many naturalists, but which ha« noty ahovvn ..to,.fefc. V.oniWOD. d»- 'ifpi-ti.. i.ojiiiUiig to bipedal Jg£qg}§!fcK,ift " i »if; r flno t-e an <-*f»toc. H . >•'?"ur>v.'• lirni.OjlWngoni. -. - W,.' eiopYoj^d ■to dig Afi, ; ; gi ;-pf)vot iiiMir pit won. Th/oues ard small bones of the arm in excellent pieservationi butcomplete ly And at a tfcoHS Were fo.nud m.-hieh, li.hp-; Jho .uliitfrs. » 'liito' rrttHrJ. by thti Irynesa of ■ ' , J ' ! ..':.. i rtrl-I'.? V'fi''ii" . ..Jul. llufibunJ. Tbe pxiu.ueTuf. tliiu ror«i bouse sf i und of InTacTa Ku'alia. .C ■ Off OfcaT-Oy \ LM rg:E rhi»e,U 4 Tti'l.'fr iS'A -•''V ■■' thi,'!iirg>-.Ht check oii '"he r.:u if .' pi'p'.Mi.T >f y.'hich tlje bank ABsir iv . d> ' Ji'.'Ul inenioftheiJaa inese Indei: tilt,v. If. wa a tnr £XI,OM,- iS7 lfts Otl i , >ujn itiiii ltV.l«i|iarteii ; Wine. "lfiirt Tiii t-niplvi-t iiiiillv ' that! iik.t; y.jji Aj \vji.v<'rt'n , ii fief fur flian any '".ft ?>"•* Yonr Clar i*i' biiUternp jire fine and ujrii 'T*' V.'"':' "'luli.-r' in ' my favorite ' ' i j It a regarS fior the time of - jjj, -h.9iti,/:, .their Uw» reniarkable I hijil uiy.sttri' removes at once the ! h immediately d'.s- Uppe.ir,. Tile lii■!<• -e ureatly ..enefits; 175 cent*. .-Wiltl/li'.iV. tl.'JkiaJic., aa..l J. P. | lnlph.,l> i_V-i.V.V I MW'dW.. . . -Vpr.*/. i The tft y.at"i'e i.i ;i certain I (jntMiity of ( v,".ri." i»' necvrtnary to pro Idaic a <-fr'fau'i .[uanity of good of any , kind whatevtff' If"ycM want knowji j «lg«- you r-nwf toil ic-»' it if fo.)»l, you ! iniihi toil fi.r it, aid il (deusure, yon ' must toil -titt ili 1!*•' I* *) t\h •. >u£ ¥» I .<"•:• ;r»T\ h I til .1 "1 IV ii • "• •■ 1 . '' n ir hnr- ! «. N • I .... .. . J.NGR I «»r • tho cut q| ti«" l.iUUart (Jarritfttf# i eii'V J (.'rojis of all kinds are now looking. : tine. The harvest will be abundant. Sftil luotHex Prubtom. "The} iuveuLad uii dec trio si 1 ■ sriid. pointedly. "An eieetj -_j " lie repeated, la a piizzled ton • "Vc>," she .ijiswered, "uti eU'ctrio Wevhofr. XV' »n a man comes home late at Mght "all H. b'as !.• do Is to touch a l.otton and n irht shfi. -s mtt, sho\«-iDg him evmerly where thf hnlp ig."* "I wiii adudt." he paid, fhoughtitilly, *that tbat«r>Ai«3 ouo problem, but how is (ho IUII.I v. •.i eafflSf*-hn>inc late at nigbt to- fled the! brrtton 'l' '-t-Chieago ( Tost,. . - ] J,. I R OIVCC 11^4. Mrs Jones trump)—Sn; I pave you a pieee of pie .inv before yesterday. ! Tha Tramp—Yes. mum; but I ! cotdn't get Knyfhlng for It. There's no ! demand r.t prer'.-nf, t -um, for petrified curiosities.—N. Y. Tribune. Mlrrarr ?t«ihid,. "Margaret .! :ys reads the end of a novel first " "Why ?" . "So she ijnn li«. awake all night won dering hov. ii begins."—-Chicago Heo ord. HIO. I>eaitlv \V«.«PN„. "Yoti had b- ? ter keep your tongue be tween your t" r 'Ti out \v.efft h-re," cau- J tloned the t'. eritie. "I done that oiiee," .-.aid the pugilist, : . "an' got arre.i >"i,}'vr carry in'concealed weapons."—Cincinhuti Enq«iirer. Hcftl "Miss Hopkins looks as if 6he carried In her life the of r. great sor row." I "Sb«does; Y-rr no°-<» i«.-i*t bnllt for eye • glasses ffTtd she hps to wear epso*.*— Chicago Iteord. Where tkr- Favkt Lies. "You can't keep a P't.-r-eT- to Save your life, rioreneev" "Yes, I can; but the wqmen to whom I confide ii ota't keep lt. M --ChWsugo Peittiiais HiWer*. I have been using yonr Peruvian Bitter- of fate fpf■ :u:.h'riH fever that 1 have not entirely rid of for the past two years until now. 1 mnst say vonr bitterbc«.t everything- I used it br.ly six weeks and began to iuiprove the first week 1 .yi now well and hearty and feeLynun# again, even now in this very h.ot weather A closedheuvea n.'preficnts the black est misery !b ti hnmtmity ?-■ capable of BQffering It? is the-vain endeavor to make -our selves what %ve ait-. not that has strewn history with aft.. ii:'ar.v "Oroken purposes and lives left in the rough. Beware «.f il ling over a propcti sity which easily . besets, you from not having'yonr time /'>liy employed. D instantly \\hit.. :M io be done and take thelionr of recreation after bnsi liens.- nev.?r befrirt ii. Warm vveathni v, i; k. 'js, but Hood s Wavsa-pariila stii-agtbens, regai'dless Ot rthe wiason Try it. .. i Flour is coixi Ml, dtAVM. MtittilX haitH«n- the tiling.. Yoongs't own The strawberry crop In an unusu'illy large one. :. .v.tt-i'ji i: WeddingH-ll'- lively this mohth V: -i i i,: RnniiayexrmKionp.■ ' ii XheJoiiii.nii •iai i f~ain made toe trees •beaittifnl nnd dume nature is - at iis best. ■ -'i Get ready for* the fourth •...,-Tiif. war.hai,iKooiu}»ti-il»l* thins It- helped to bettfjr the price of l-:r farmer- are now getting ready for .haying. 'The oM'm'Avms are befiiig re [»aii'PU,.nev>. {.I>VE-IM IV :H.I.SED, What if'e a'c. -'luurii nioro.to us than what; we d< ■- BcVwhi-v K - 1- ;:tTv.'ry't":iiiig whole laan at-t r...> in plftff. . ; 1; 1 have ulwaj - ' en';i man oj riiei . Ewpoiny ih i'aii ihv battfe of We, it iis not half «i hard: to earn money as to spend it well. . .ladigestiiMi ia often .taken for con sumption. The word • consumption means wasting away, and dyspeptics often waste atvay as badly. n« consump tives. , j The reason peoph'waste, away is b<4 cause either they dnn t i;et enough to eat,': or the?: dull t digest What they do eat. , , , ! • ; If the Jattet. i*. your 3rouble, take Khoiror . 1 KtfesiiTi'.■. \ aVf.iiai.. This w-iU boip ron your food..and stop your.loss of tierth . . ■ ■.<■■■ j Shaken Udcestive t'ordwi is made from.herbs, burks ;xnd the fmit bv the well known Sbykers at Mount Eiebauon It s)i.>nset;sesi :gt!eat tonic and /digestive, pow. is.' ... •• • ' . . .Shaker Ihgestivo ('ordial has cured many supposed ecuiriimptives (who were really dysijurptie'si, iiy simply helping thi.ir stomachs to digest ihex food, thus giviHg. tjbwii lainrishmeiit and lieW stveogth. ■ Sold ivy.; drndWMV.- Tinal bottle 10 itatta. A WW. r « < ' , ! ut, y sold a hog for ti", and with of th 4 itroney 1*Wgl:« U horse | . Kverv week of o;igH w shipped 'front Ht: Mary'« Kansas and it takes (ii;2o(VtO u'l'ake . p'-UMi iVload. An English advertising firm wants to'board in the liable. 6f't«« 'Hnoz canal un,i (Wc-orate t'iiv.m v/vth.'advertj«iiieutti. The souiid <<( it 'lfeli cim be heard MkUVH 4>et>diwaU>J «"i be heard through tie; Jfir .<;iijy-Itlo feet, The tiny little ad'ts Urtff they 1 clamber ip fp If paUt's. . As you gatlnr at (he picnic in the > i t". W' . . ilow they make yuu .um aud swear, pull y .«« v kisKevf. tear your hair; Ami vow to i">,<'uie ii evermore again. It Ki'.i: T cents. ' nhple mailed tree A. I'. lloxK UnflalH N. > An expert j».it ;■ t gfoyrcjl has learned ti.».lossoiv tbe !7i & of potato bugs by i-,eii "t the plants maker their ftjipearan, 'above the ground he scattered {Kitato parings plentifully )Ver the Jv.ttit.i Held, covered with an ample dressing I'ari • n,. .The first '<;' op of b-( '('l- , - thus ' ak«' ii.c Tie of and .the sumniej - >. half -Uf«**» . ' Speakijig oi hog*. remarked an Indiuaa Cu. -ma tlu-p is something wonderful about tl;• - instinct of a hog. i, kuew a man do\vn h.-i e in 1 ,l r } township, who ("line from ituhting'toii oounty way l>ael( ih.an early, day. and brought :i br'. id >vt with him She turned uy nil.- ' day ;ifid lie never kqew wbaj. became . oe.t foi several weekH,- when l e received a let ter from his friends "in Huntington county.- sayinv tluit was there. Now how do j hpp -t she found the way back. rfy I; .. M«'i> -Kv -RNO'.VWITLD. |Uw»Ari«7qii.iln , .r.r- imi-ri'M**!, *. t.ii»ny eutlutli.Klwn i,u>..-s .)f liny other lirunJ. No» •FFRCT.,I t,y ho.IL T E 1. KT TIL K HUM INK, r»B BALK JJV DEALEBf QVUWSAU.T- « IF YOU HAVE NOT J i | A CLEAR I COMPLEXION ji > it isonlyoneof many indications < | < that yonr liver is out of order. 1i > Use a * ;rttecly of < 1 | 50 YEARS ; ; 5 standing, that lias acquired a < | > jvmitaticrn for curing- Llvercom- I > improve youi complexion and < [ (J relieve you of those low spirits, ]> sleepless rights, sick headache, < [ II costivcness and biliousness. \ > > W. J. GiLMORE CO. i! PITTSBURG, PA J i 'I At all Prpggists, 2'x"'. J i RAILROAD TIME TABLES P.,' Hossoinor £L Iv. Trains depart: No. 14. at 0:40 A. M No. 2, at 5:30 P. M. Butler time. Trains arrive: No 1, 9:55 A. M; No. 11, 2:55 P M. Butler time. No. 18 runs through to Erie and eon ueets with W. N. Y. & P. at Hnston Junction for Frapklin and Oil City, and with N. Y. L. E & \V. at Shenan go for all points east. No. 2 run? through to Meadville and connects with W. N ,Y. ,P. fur Franklin and Oil City. W. R. TURNER. Ticket Agent. pITTSBURG & WESTERN *- Railway. Schedule of Pas senger Trains in effect May 15, J&9K. BUTLER TIME. Dc'iurt. Arrive. Allegheny Amn)Hlation t» £"» A.M. 9 17 A.m Allegheny "Flyer" .1 fls !9 32 " Xew Cartle Accommodation 1 s»"> P.M. IT * 4 Akron Mini... ...... 815 A.M 740 P.M Allegheny Accommodation....». 1»> C*T» 44 1- 1* 4 * Allegheny Expn***. » li p.* 4 .>» 4 ' Allegheny 44 Fly*»r". 3 05 14 t'hfcagv Exprene .... •> 3# 44 12 18 44 Allegheny Mail f. 4o 44 S 44 Allegheny. "Kl\er" » 7 IKI 44 Kllvroud Accommodation ■"» 40 44 7 itAw... . ..j 3 :U* P.MJ 4 50 J 4 , AcooiOßhKlittiiiU j u 7.08 44 Train arriving at 4 .50 ji.ni. I<*a\vs B. A O. depot. PitUhurp jit B-(*J p.in ;uid J*. A \V M Aiieght iiy at I »*• For tlwoatrh th k*«tj* t«» all puiut* in tl»e w. -it, nortii west or south went and iuf *i matiou regarding route*, time of trains, etc. apply to * W. K. TtKMili, Ti. ket Agent, It. 11. JltiYXoLlK*, Su]»'t, liutler, Pa. Fox burg, l'u. C. W. lIASSETT, (J. I*. A.. Alleghery, Pa PENNSYLVANIA WES TEN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. >Scukm'LK iX Em:(T Nov. Ji),'l{>97.• • .1 m. , WW PAS» J .A. M. A >1 I M p M. P, M ill'Ufclt Leave; (r ->5 S 05*11 I.V 2 35 3 «K> >*ax«»nl»urK . . .Arrive ft 54 830 11 3 i*»| . r » 'it ltutler Junction. 44 7 -7 ■< r »I'» \~ 02 J 2o 5 53 Butler Jmictioit,. Li-avc; 7 8 22 '•'> 25' $3 Natrona ..Arrive' 7 38 *J olil2 30 3 &V f> 'Tftrentuin. . 17 \Z 907 12 :t M' 07 T 6", 'J 10* 12 4.*>' 3 52, ilitrtDnini...... ". 1 02" t 06' 0 >7 Sl£*nibl>uif(.. .i. . ...^.... {Ji U7 W 31. 111 4 12. ti Allegheny.. 1 a »' U HH I a, 4 2.', i, (A. m.|A. M. l'. M.jp. M.jr. *. "6( VI»AV TKAI.VS. l.»*nve lltill'.'r f»r 1 All«i;l»*m I'ity an-l priuci|Ntl vtatiuue »t 7 :10 n. in., nli.t's:(*VfT. in. ' ' " . —WKEK liAYS .., (A. M iJLM. A M.IR.MiP. M .(I v (jt v ..h'avt, 7 ;» .mil s r >! 2 :mm ,< 1<» Miminbutf.... 7 11: « li u :S- i 4f.l (.'Urcmont ~ .>... ....:> I:# II 44j J .031 ~.. Siiriugdale . 1 '.... 0 au'll S« M 1(1 li 37 Turviituui 1 7 34! 07 :t il] « * Natrona 7 3#| !» 4.t|Ji Is] :i at I 6 SI l*tH.r-.»niicli':ii - ,kVrin. ! 7«, ft .HilllS 4. r .| / (>. Jilill.t Jniiciij 'ii . ; IH.it•*. 7 40' '> ilix 1 ".|lO 4*tf| 4 7 *^l itrtxeit" ' «rr>v»[ «' 4«po :wi i 17, or., 7 m ' [A M ).\. mjr Mlp *r.( p JI SI NI>AY TRAINS.—Liavi- AOefs'ieu.v <'ity fur Bui- J 1.-1 MiJ prlncijul inlhttMllatc' Mt t.m aivl ■Ji*> 81. WKSK. DA VS. FOR IDE K AST. WEB* DA VS. M.iA Jli ... P M iPM. I .<"> i, i'lhv llirriijt :irj I 1 !7 3 !i'.l 7 27 ar Iliiller Juiutlon Iv .... 12 4 I»if 7 4IM4V Kn»l«T ihni tlnn. • ...!:.nr K-aniPi Us 4;«>->j 7 40i u' f*ivu|x«ct. K 4 ouj 7 .V) Allc : sli»ii)'Jtimtiui. ." S 24;1- 01 I VII'S ivu •• b-Mlibiirg •' » 09I11' ■l' l 4 40 8 21 " Paiiltou (Ajwillu) " 75311 & t X ail Sajtul.urg, " 7SI till <*> 5 llb'frsvtlle " TiXi|lo4o f« U* • O'tluJ Blt>irsville rn!t'l*.vticn. L 5 56116 I » « I •• \ly.. Hi. " , S If. * «A> 1 i»Jt 'I lot.'* 4 :*»r li ■ A.M.|P. M.) • ' |A MP. II flu l'»uvlii,r Itull.'-r 7::'." n m., ..•.rtint-. li |yr .VltiKiun aii/1 Pliilodelpllia. Through tTikiiM A>r the. >'.y«t Atlanticdaily. 3;30 a.m LhnUe«l ~ . .v. 7:13 44 IfVj Hxprey*. 44 7:30. 41 Main Line k\i»rc*ft, 44 H:"" 14 PliiUl«4phia ' 4:3Q,PX K>irft«'rn KxptMw, ,4 7^^' Kast i-in'j. 4 ..v. Ml' "! l'iiilad'a M:dly For detailed in(i>rniaticiu. ud'h Thi«h. K Watt, Pana. VTc u.< J-■ ' in pla.ee of the ordina'V brush, hair washes, or hair •? • ' crS. If you do not frn-i, • II six moaths" trial, tii.tt DrvScoti - J •• • ELECTRIC Hair Brus 1 -will do all we elaini for it scr. ( back and your money j will be refunded. You £j£hpfc :i | can buy the number [ffiifyti!./ , dint size for • One ?f Dollar. | i R Ip~Guaranteed to Cm t Nervous Itcadaci ts In five mii"»l< . < ;jHi; ir« n , f t'pnc%jtntf tur'pofUtQi , J r1; pi..)!: "'rt'/' .'".r: "rri.-f .< IWmilii ( J . » tlli lit" Vt I g.< 'l - 1 ( Lirctrtc } Kih-lrtb tnioli*. b)ct*. FLiif.t* **. . ( 'J Gl-j) A ?fOTT, e 4 i Br ' <: AT i; HOME, 11 'J-& if you liave a grapho- '! - ptvonc or ptwnwkiaDti J i m ID it~-a 11114U Knule machine for little ( i C motiey—w*; s«Il them. % 10 plvtc Ilßt, Mriit (re«-6 Headquarters for Western i'enn'a. 1 | \ STIEREN H. &C. PHONOGRAPH CO. ; I t •TICMCN fIUILOINO*. | ' * 3°* »T pirrsßu,,CM . p *- ' ' |1 F,jfc V . Civil. ENGINKKK AND BURVBYOK, Office near Court House. SUMMER RESORTS. BEDFORD SPRINGS HOTEL Bedford, Pa. me < ATfLSBAP OI» AMFKICA. i from Jum- 27 to (AioN r 4, with in- . atinutloiis. magnificent liukV | arid one of tin- fhie*t bowline in UM* « t.utitrv. Tin watt i- of Urn* are the! most effective and »*elel»r:4ttd in the world I for UTm» ;:>ul iMKoivlui.s aiidr<*v» J. T A LSI I' - ip. r.M« | ARANDALE HOTt'L. Bedford Springs, Bedford, Pa. Will open Jane 1-t. :vt popular prices; fin.'- ly within :i mile «.f /rs. old, puiv Kye, s2.no gallon. Whiskey 4 yrs. old. pure Kye. 2.50 Whiskey - yrs. old. pure Kye. ii-"i 0 Whiskey 10 yrs old, pure live. 4.00 " Whiskey 1.1 yrs. old. pur<- Kye. 5.50 Wines, California Pry and Swvot. from 75c tosl..V. :.i,d 52.00 per gallon. Imported froui 52.00 to*4.iojralloii. Send for price list. A. ANDRIESSEN. iSS Federal Sf. Allegheny, Pa Telephone No.Slft, BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insuraice Company Office cor. Main and Cunninghau Sts. WH'K. Pr« UEQ. K tirKKtß, V|re Pres. L. 8. IrJI'NMII H»c'j ami Trrms. WEEI'TORS. Aifred Wlcli, Henderson Oliver. Or. W. Irvln, lames Stephenson. N. W. Klacimore N. Wettzel. K. Oowman 11. J. Ivlinirier. Geo. KeUerer. Chas. Uebliun. •Jeo. ltonno. lobn Koenltr. LOYAL M.CJUKKIN Afc&nt. TAHV/, « Sfocti®! --DENTAL ROOMS - ( f 4 39 - sth A«r©., P.ttsburg, P*. |f i We're PRACTICALLY doing tin- S ag i* CROWN *"'< BRiDae w®** ■< of NOT DO |# AZ#W¥¥|VO,ooo.uo I Surplus and Profits - $114,647.87 I Jos. Hartman, President; _J. V. Ritts, • Vice President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier; John G. McMarlin, Ass't Cashier. / general banking buslne transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Money loaned 011 approved security We invite you to open an account with this bank. DIRECT JRS—Hon. Joseph Hartman, Hon. W. S. Walii roll. T>r. A. Si. Hoover. H. M(S- Swoeney. -K. E. A brums, C. I*. Collins I. (J. Smith, Leslie I*. Hazlett. M. Fineß.in. W. Wv H. I.nrtcln, John flnniphroy. HrV W. C. McCauilless, Ren Ma»elli. Levi Jl. Wise .1. V. Rllt> ButleF Savings Bank Battler, Pa. Capital - —• . - 5|60,0rxj.00 Surplus and Profits - - $150,000 JOS. L PVBVJS) President J. HENRY TROITMAN Vice-President WM. CAMPBELL, Jr... Cat bier LOUIS B. STEIN Teller OIXBCTO lib—Joseph L. Purvis, J. Henry TW.traitti. W. I>. Brandon. W. A. Stein. J.: 3. Campbell. The Butler Savings Bank is the Oldest Kanklrtß rrtUltutionTii Butler County. Oeneral hanking business transacted. We solicit accounts of ..il prcducers, mer chants. farmers and others. All business entrusved to us will receive prompt attontTon. Interest ualu tlm** (J**/!* a specialized lire: 7«/- \vt> rinr Ftlu 'uft n I' TJCFF r x soy's."' 244 r Finb Av.t.u rtTTs/i'Ri;. i*4 B *' A R BARGAINS A I -$r N ' : -■ s Are Not All Gone We have a fot of Monarch shirts made of Garners percales former price $1.50 now going ut 75c. 33 l-3per cent Off on all winter underwear and lots of broken sizes going at one half pricfe. " ' .1 We Still Have a few of those $5, #4 and $3 hats in the liollar -sale*' We Have About five dozen line wool top shirts in Black and JSrown shades, worth#2, and 12 50, we are offering them at $1.23. Come in and tell us what you need and see if we cannot supply you. COLBERT & DALE, • a 4» S MAIN ST. BOTLKK. PA. For Sale (i) 2 one hundred bbl. Tanks, m '/■ 1 good boiler and engine. ? v 1575 feet of No. 1 tubing, j. § 1575 feet of No. 1 rods. _ W For Particulars inquire of W. J. STEELE. CoyleSville, Pa., or JONATHAN STEEL, Great Belt, Pa. Two Weeks Sale. For two weeks we are tfoing to sacrafice our wall pai>er, so that, whetlet you need it or not, you will buy for future use. if you will only come and see the designs and price. We have many of the best grades on the market which we will sell you at such a price that you will buy. We have all grades and our prices are selling out prices. I We want to sell out w thin two weeks | so measure every room in the house for you will need the knowledge when you | iiear the prices and see our Cue patterns, principly "special" grades, at DOUG ASS' 241 South Main St, Near P. O. M. C. WAGNER, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHEB, J 159 South Main street Over Shaul & Nam's Clothing Store i pPO<>OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO<^S Ererybodj isin\iteiiui insju-ct our grand of PAT I i-; -i'.V lla>.X MILLINERY. ' i ' Prices Always the Lowest- 3C MOURNING GOODS ALWAYS OK HAND X ( j|l22 S. Main St "|° j Pb.|JG Wain "St. j ASERMO N '* Cottld-readily be preaethd on the suVjcct of cl-.cnp ciotliing with wi-.i'cliab the market has been fnring the periods { «Jej tcssiou in :}.» tr.. we have our well knrnvn «,taudard cf M HIGH CLASS CLOTHING. This seasons product anything we Lave evei shown. W We desire tp call speqial atteutiun to our un-. sallv large variety wnlft utiequalleil better grades of 0^ Bc-ys and Childrens Garments £ for which vie hn\e earnetl the cojtnrienUatlon of the most critifUutl buyer T. H. BURTON. T. H. BURTON,a 1 • . • * i ' ~. J5.:. ..i. I • j .- V .-V" '* ' i: ' : ..I r.3*i;Yf WAR WAR WAR To The Finish, Competition routed long agtK —aad ot;r low prices for pure liquors will always be maintained. We pay express charges 011 all orders of sS.oo hnd, over aa Guckenheimer Rye 4 years .old, 75c .jxjf Ot , $3.00 par r.i!. Bear Creek ] / Guckenheimer | 6 years ok!, SI.OO per Ot., v<..00 per Gftl. Finch Gibson I 6 qts. assorted for sj.oo. Over holt ; i ' ' - :A ' The best and purest Ca'ifornia Winss in the county, s*>: l>er quart, per cftse of on dozen fuli quirts nitv assomnent Our Gins are t!»e IDirest atid. per qua't in the ccuntrv. Sead for price list; mailed free.. . ■ ' ' J ' We want your custom, ar.d we will have it it LOW prices for the B1?ST Jitjuors oau it. . . riAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors, 82 FEDERAL ST- ALLEGHEN Y PA. n - fm Si® t- Helinble War News IN THE GREAT NATIONAL X FAMILY V NEWSPAPER B'urnished by Special Correspondents at the front The {Jew York F eekly T^bone Will contain all important war news of ihe daily 'edition! Special dispatches up to the hour of publication. Careful attention AriH'be grvert to I-'arm and "Fattiily Topic.', 1-oreign Coirespondence, Mad;et Reports, and all general news of the World and Nation. RELIABLE WAR NEWS We furnish The N'ew V'ork Wetkly Tribune and your favente home paper, TH "CITIZEN." Butler, Pa.. Both One Year For $l 50. Send all Orders to the "CITIZEN." • BUTLER PA TT. §*rr*y W*r%— PrtM.9ll.oo W®4f>na. &yt4 fur fr»« IVe.tMßarrvr Fries, with cof-slee, lampy, ims- AJ |N4 U MIU fw |U of til our r./Ui «proC4ad»fldtr«,iOO. A»(oodM*eUa f»r|Mi SLRHART CABJUAOK xsa UlU a*»s iuru. Co. W. B. PUA.IT. aWy. Dca .— — rrrr —— i ■ 'n 11 ! UUfiniifiiiiiiiTiiiiViViiniiif'iii iniimHiiiVutVMrVtYrViiVnWiV'^M'iV^tnrnWiVi/rnmV^, WE SELL DIRECT TO FARMERS. Farmers be Wise, Deal with us and Save 40 per cent, on your Fertilisers. Sj % YOU SAVE SALESMAN'S EXPENSES AND AGENT'S PROFIT. «: Anahnls. Pbos. Acid, Ammonia, Actual I'otasb, f > per cent. per cent. per cent. S Pure Raw Bone Keal . J5t025 « to 5 ... faa.oo per ton. 5 f? Four Fold Fertilizer- 9tolo 2to 3 2 tol 1600 " £ < Smoky City * " Btolo 1M to t I A l*£to2 f< i S .oo " * Blir Bonama " fltrtlO 2}Jto3'4 4 to 6 So.oo g Potato Special " Uto 10 sjr U> t% 6 t"7 H3 00 " g Tobaceo Special " 11 to 12 3 to 4 4 toS ai.oo • ff Bone and Meat 15 to IB 4 to 6 . • 18.00 ' * ■"S For samples and pamphlet, wrlti- WALKER. STRATMAN & CO.. Herr s liland. «TTSBtJRG. PA. * if TjiC | pAINTING bccomit txptnslvf v-her. you usr cheap pa'r.l. Perhaps yoa IM C ' have already karatd this— othirj have. Tor excellent results in BEST every particular use THERE W. Johns' ji-SS'E'STOS* t-iquid Paints Arii3t ; ': ih.'d<» producin? ftfcU. C. !. ioi ; Jc-».rr*tlcft," tla.. »sil.d so r^MSt J. G. &W- Campbell Eutier. Pa . Practical Horse Shoer Wrtfni Wjjlfl j l ji WILL ROBINSON. iiUIU S« 1. IUIU. Formerly Horse Shoer at the Rtiopcne