Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 16, 1898, Image 4

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W Rea! SL ' n;rr!3r Weather
1 1 Is bocKtl to Corne now . Today's warrr
. »'/ /pj' i" t- !»u.i sunshine suggests t''at it's .t
" '■ very doors wan, •woman »r
f'ti"'. J V W — n-j child with summer apparel want.- w .
'AJL-*r \ find nowhere a stock as satisfactoiy, -
jt BO i== pendalile „r economical 83 our;
• L See our Famous Styles a«»i j
• Quality ir, Tan and Biack
r he.x- to interest the man who TWENTY STALES FOR VOIR CHOOSIVi »!"•
- ,a ' . :r lit -r .1 stjle at reasor- j I
a ric - ,t - sl, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2 50, S-<
J .-.25, $1.50, $2, $2,50, $3. wtll cn I'-ie vc-i to choose in TAN i j
I , Black They are particularly HIJACK, with ail kidor fancy vt_ ij
. itiapcs Shown'here in. London tops, all sizes an., Corueaii
oin toes in English Hals or Goif them. Readin K the advertisement -
- finished with fast color eye or forms you they are here, bat }ou
f ,«>vMets P.nn* and Willow only realize the actua. value when >
C . r. l Kid",in Tans, Chocolate or Blac'.. have the shoes before you.
I n and Black, fashioned after the same models a? the men's, at 75 cents, -• 1
1 Children's Tan or Black Lace or Button Spring Heels, London r
C toes, !*h all ki<' or vesting tops, 5o cents to fi 50.
P hat you'll find here at lower prk .5 than others ask. Ours is a monev-sf. v 4
s '/UsiEess for you—at 75 cents, fi.oo, $1 .25. ac d $ 1.50.
•i itler's Leading Sboc House. • Opposite Hotel Lowry.
(% g
Oilie Emineni Expert on Insanity M Nervous Diseases-y
C 404 Penn Ave, PITTSBURG, PA, {>
Formerly of Prof. Pancoast s Graduate of Jefferson Med- y
Hospital Staff. ical College. 0
4, Medico-Chirurgici College
and Philadelphia College A
Lately from a 3 years'course of Pharmacy. X
... in the Hospitals of Paris Registered 33 a Practitioner %
and Berlin. of Medicine and Surgery. V
2# D' Hewitt ouce said, while delivering a lecture to trained nurses of
\/i i.ila leiphia "It grieves my heart to see a strong, healthy, vigorous nianjf
4 ->arried to a woman whose constituion is wrecked by nervousness,
7? ,y organic weakness, irregularities, lack of ambition, headache, failing W
C ? nainful mprstratior, or blood and skin di«ea«es in any stage,V*
4 rinary, kidney or bladder diseases or offensive discharges." Cj
-2 Dr. Hewitt makes quick and absolute cures in all sucli cases.
y For men, special treatment with speedy results. \r
| If you are suffering with cancer scrofula, catarrh, tumor, piles or any A
t • iar-ase of long standing, which has baffled the skill of your family
V hvsklai, do not lose heart Iwcause he Las failed, but consult Dr. Hewitt,y
, !io the only physician in America who lias been fortunate enough to^ 1
1 ave the experience and become a graduate of the above colleges, Jr*.
> • Dr Hiwi 4 t not treat pati -nts by mail, because it would be guess>»r
f vork. id loolnardy, but if you live at a distance, and are a sufferer, write^V
f o Dr. Hewitt, and he will answer. )r,
Owi.iif to the Increxnf of lii« prartlre he Bnds it in■;»Hi.ry to dlarootlnue
1 • kly . .sKs t*> Hutu r. Or. Hewitt will glvr. special hourn for Butler patients hi^,
if I'iii^'iurjrotßne. He will arrange trav<-lln(t expenses wltli Botler u;ttleiiis
i Eye putienls who wish to be tn-ated for the eye please call at -i o'elocl* F'. M mL
g Cif ICR HOEKn—9 A. M. t<»« I*. M;7V.M. to » I'. M. A M. to ♦ I'. MfS
] SA v: ];
« KNOW hi
| Douthett & Graham? Mj
. i YOU DON'T! ||
/ A YOUR OWN FAULT, We've been in the clothing joj
1 business, in Butler, for five years and it is to YX'
your interest to kno'v us as we are selling
the best clothing for the least money r «
T M of any firm in Butler. You don't j
a - j believe ii? Step in and see
•» our store when in town, 111
and we'll prove it to you. W
Douthett & Graham
'1 All this store seeks to obtain of you is voui considers- ft
t' tior, and let the goods—Variety, Quality and Style if
for the price—Prove whether it pays to buy here. We
arc prepared to do a bigger business than ever, and
are going to get it on merit. Come and see the hats F 1
we are selling at $1 50, $2 50 and $3 50. J
108 S. MAIN ST. %
r- .... I*l ■ -
r he New Cambridge,
cFormerly New Cambridge House.)
Vtlncn, after the disastrous fire of a year ago, is now opened in
larger and better shape for the accommodation of guests in search
of health and pleasure, presents itself to its former Butler patrons
■is the most desirable hotel in which to locate when at Cambridge
Springs. Free bus to and from all trains and springs. Public
rooms are of large size and well lighted, including office, dining
room, bath rooms, billiard room nnd tmwiing alley Chamber*
Wllb private baths and toilets and everything that tends to make a
home like and comfortable resort. *'or rate« apnly to
H "ERTY & WHITE, Proprietors, Cambridge Springs, f;.
summer resorts.: FACTS!
That yon can buy the purest and 1
_ wiiH's and liouors from A. Andriesacn
a-sdford. Pa. the 'owe t figures
Ir « UtLHiADOF AMEKH \ From the best known distillers 1
• m ' ?7 to October t. with tn- wine growers in Europe or America
ci 1. 1. His. ri. i'tnlii. onl it-.if iu.i - tew prices:
ki .1 » • lijic-.t bowling hi M»« W I Uki yV, yrn. olrl pun- Kyv.
en wvtrrs »f li*'ifor'l ir* MM WhlsUfy i yrs. ol'J. j»ure liyv.
m m'l I'fl'-br; !'»<| in t|»«- wnrNl Whiskey yr/» ol'l, ;»ur«* Hy«
K«». .unci .iddi-<-.i» UhlsUi y l«)yrn. old, purr Ky<*. 4.W»
J. T. AIiSIP, Hup4 , rinU , ndi , nt WhUkoy 12 yr*. old. puru liy«*. 4 "»o
Whlnkey l"» yrn. old, puru Ky»\
to .Vi and iki pi-r gallon. Jri.|x>r t«-d fr<»u*
L : iford Springs, Bedford, Pa. IHI l-'-deral St Allegheny,
~•11 Jii in Ist. at |io|,uliir prl. es. fiiii - N " ,l
|y ! within a mil*- of Rolf link'' 1"f
tet Mt iKi<>klet» >td(tru«M
ALtHIl* & SMITH. ]
L. McQUISTIOM, [ vf« Pbyhciam avd 80MWV
V/ . .t, J' jfGiNSKR a>;u SUKVJtvoa, : »o. 45, S. Main street, over C:'.y
O near Court Houae. j I'harmacy.
f = ~*T 2? ..t : . ..
<? I^■ X' - .
ail(i pro.j
i "v «i»-* ttian h- work- j
*■ y ti of ar.v xher tis
;.on lit t rr..T |
•• ro i - • hnt R
.".it y J . t- > ■
•Mkiw ofßaragtM • ;
t . «: i _-C : '. . . ■ _ ' '=- i
Golden Medical D sccv *. will prompjy j
cor?t.c> the •.* ("ii-iir^ei l *t r* th-. .it ,
bloo<^-na!ie r end ftisb b" ' j.r -o- 5 j
r ■ nai- higv* r * ;r« verivn -a] i
•le i : ;t uitlve II patiLtstbe j.oo eti.j '
teres lis nerveb. it n*t* </ ; ■ ~ast J
all casta Of cr.s-ippti r. •jforrhttl? "ftth- j
ata, spntmff .
of V- .»«• M« Hi tl ' I DHU j
c•>.»<♦'€» Thousand' have to:d '.be stor; vf 1
its voaiojU isciic it. MBtn to D* PI irt • :
It be b?d it r.av 4e f-f •,
"Ycir 'fjufilrii Pjamjwwj ...•" an I
->t t. Rim z->- c/ -i- t.i. J" |
77- V.. 3eli-k«s-a. of C&*= " '» , !
Coi - j
abo i-"i£ f s«y kit-j ii.c
It is i- casv i —at:f•> much
-au r/ ? of nil try o' =v Hr
Pleasaut folle!- 1 enre con They
are tiny, sugar-coated yranule> One lit
tle ' fv-ilct i". mi'l
c rtK C ilea In atdleb •- ell th —.
O I Li
p, 1(h» or Hemorrnoida
Fi3Bures & Fistuias
Burns & Scolds.
I I Wounds 5- Bruises.
Cuts -V Sores
Poils A Tumors.
Eoioma <i- S uptir-ui
Salt Rheum A Tetters.
E Chopped Hands
Fever Blister:;.
Sore Lips -& NostrUs.
Corns & Bunions
Stings & Bites of Insects
Three Si/e-, 25c " nc ' S , £ °
s-,ld lijdmjglstj, r.r-Tt rrlo-
HI MPHKKT3* MZD. (0., 111 * 111 WUIIMSI., »•» >«».
of the Mother shapes the course
of unborn generati 011 s— f;ocs
sotiiicliug tiirotigh ai! the
ages a».J enters the confines of
Eternity. With ..! :.t care, tiicre
fore, should the Kxpectant Moth
er be {ruardeu, and nuw prcat the J
eff -rt be 1> . rtfi off danger nr;ci
na»c hr life joyo .s aiid happy, j
iieves the!
i% [r. u I: ' '
■y , t . . • »
"/ i> 1 --
t y iH j
syjtexn tnat vblMtfirtii is nuJc ».
an l the time of lecovery h in
ert J niany say •' stronger alter
than before confinement." It i:i
--[ surcs safety to life of both moth
er and child. All »vho have used |
" Mother's Friend " say they will nev
er be without it again. No other !
remedy robs confinement of i'spain
:, A customer wboao wffo used »Mot.her # H Frier.d '
®a>h itoat 11 « Ik> had to l « Lite ord&iil
agalo, «n«l there were • l •«.» r pottle? i t.
*-bralnr.l, and th» <■<,*•, j»«;r h..MU« he
wouldfcavoMit:.. *' G taj.Lait* V -yton,Ouio
Stnt '»v e*r»rehH, on receipt of jrk" <l.> PF.ii
EKS jualled free upon appl'cAtloo, containing
valuable Information and voluntary tentlcuouiuU-
Tmc BAADriELD REGULATOR CO., Atua»«t>. da-
and i« the retuK ot coldi and "-'fyr, -y, , ;O!Da
kuilden climatio ch»n:|o9. 9
For your I'roti'Cti<m yH.-trviJj'f]
wo |» "'.Uvoljr ft-1- tL.t. S.' <5 Ak
rctmily Uc«d i. 'i c' ..ti HQT J BSI
mercery or iiny ulbcr lujui-
Sy's Cream Balm feil
i« acknnwlfflfec! to he t,,-) thorotM'lt f
Nn«al ( atarrti. Cold in Head n* d i!iy Fcvir (.f «il
remodiea. It and r'ean-«:, the nasal
allays imln ana heala tl.e pr v
trr.ta toe membrane fn»in co il •, i« -t*»r<*3 th«* t- i • s
of ta«t« and Arric il. IV. stir.. at Un. :t:»tnor t vn;;.: 1 .
KLY 15BC/l UiCK3 t Warr-u i-tr. t, Nuw V ,rk.
we all will have to keep up our
spirits—best way to do this is not
to use Lewi 11's spirits, but L .vin's
pure r>e whiskey. We will s 11ij>
to any place in the United States
Guaranteed pure 6-year old
whiskey either (iuckenheimcr,
Finch, Gibson,Overholt, Large,
Mt. Vernon, Thompson
per full qunrt or r qttnt!s for
Gr:»jt'Halh«-r Choi'" Wiiskty, y,n: r
anteed 3 yeat3 old, $2 per gailon.
On C. O. D. or mail orders r>f sio or
over, wt* prepay all charges.
luip'irters and Wholesalers,
<ll Wster St. Opposite H. s- 0. Depot
Telephone, 2179. I'ittsbuiK, I"a
t. W t ■ ,i< :.m: i\t • ui'il
j H V 5 in* n p ult|r.-, ;h; • I:, .to r-
I I Ir.ff 'IF th»! prlvnt« pirt < Kv» rv t'ox IK
wurißMe l. 11. <lr 1 ,• r . I'Y 1. Ir.
eelpt 'ti ft- ■ 60 C»'l:* • If.'' "I.IHL WlllliiWS
MAMtiIACTURttt(> CO.. I'rojw- (.leveluurt. Ohio.
For Sale by D. Ii WULLEB.
j \V/t, -dd to t'lC I , l.n. nubility
yif Jfi V ' V our Dwelling or Busi
\ / neas Building by the use
of combustible building papers ?
Ninn-ntrn I*an absolutely Fire-Proof •
i lIWIUWriI sheathing ai,d can be had !
for about the same co .t as " burnable " |
pn, r-.
Nonburn ; ', O
stillti.K smoke Hindi bo enua.igers idem
ca*e of fire
ash troun DC ALII fon MONaunw " j
i H. W. JOHNS M'P'G CO..
•00 WILLIAM STntET. NEW Y3Hit. 1
1 Cmcaao. Boihd. 1
i " "
THL iZb^N.
tlffGAi> ivrAli PZATEN.
Mm., ri >r llie r»a« ProT»« t f
f) 1 - " • /, .r - vx? 1
V,-. i't
" "* rrdah* v 2 C;.l>* a
, t T V _ . - V.A i
vr £■: •: TP." T ■ .*
mat tf.ife 1P53 u i-: baa '.V»; .
ia» it jej 1 v.- h'.a o: j l:
<tiaiice j-ii? to sa^e
Bel . ; ed la •£> J 'b- 1
1 uCtv ftlgti'- "? M.&Kt Sii tl-ii-i'Sv I I
.or a g-:*u?rs.'. « f-/ aod ii- -
dla'i *o- [/» .sioi.3. ti w •- &•
1 uU- "■ itt \ : .T? t'"- ! P Itvl-iii
! .El. . KJI- t.r. _ —. t-: dvposlt? j 4»i."
•1 it 12.." Alt ~'Lls -
I tcii anoli es at Its
' per'«:t;.ir obilitow to v ?ry e *- '" .
: (tat ta-. a o*.•».•<'•• mt.--zU>-*zKe£s ,
•K. iuv. t? Vtr* 4 . t' * .' 4 1 ." |
j .•«».« .= •* ling bl • Lvu. 1 m.... j 1
i .'.bo.lt >&xj .u€ i-lidiOrti C—i «
i roul f }&«. JKi'.c. -
| "Dulidl, * !i T j
1 % dOi]&' rc>, lai * v»
4ollar! I you only oharge<l
: 3C* cr*"* % . for 00? Tan ? thst
j s< w
j " v . I'p. 'tc " Mc-^nnoss.
I "hu' I ir/ ycir earrvp*-bar j
J it 0- upL? .1 se°t "
I "ow ti -> • ••>!<> ■ar ' r *roa»
I . • - r,v* «■??«'■"?: 3: *~\>o •
l 1;. 4; 1 f.t " ;andlc:'i Insisted, arj
tl.j f?oll»r v- re.uot' fitly »>ron«»?'
*cr*.h. j.-'*!'! ov ". ♦.t 6 r *er po=o-
Our vUMim d'-llberateiy rose. and.
0; t!.' "i*B '.arr-6'- 1 xg to tte friil r ~'-
tt ;t9 "idc 2k.i ,k addr^rit
ac })• •fs
y,, it sesme /ou are an 13-
divi-l:jal, a hnma;. intK.iflual
70u eit—at Itaet I're pa'd for your
z. ard ccw you m'JF* cat!"
T;p«,tk tLi.-> seized .-ve;/thing eata
that was .irrtable, within rz--ach—
nut9. ralßinr., applc3, and crusi
p'ea—c.n<i. arall the rcais; ol tli4 by
lfi. S. the 'j«.*i.ga' of ois bro»her
p.i» j an<2 the -hi 'infiturt •cf '-)®
landiofG, pf.. rlu> cn-ail} v cut aid
Ui <k hU peat in the cars He said Ee
. secured provisions < i.oucb T o
a:ni to Ntw York, at l ' r a countlfi.l
st-ppl aa<i f.cen strvevi out in tti caii.
There «a.- at .••ast <vor»j in tee
bas:. upo.. *nich the .ciadloid leailzed
nothing :n ;.e '-ay of
¥lrr, E#c«j>c T«c Handy.
A theatrical friend of mue rc-gutei
ed at a hotel in a -big Penney!vanla
tovtii onco earlier in the Beiieon.
Have you a ftoc-d roc rii' '.9 uiK d
ilie v U:k
1 ,a<-' -c.<—w. .^. ■* t.ae L.ora.
ti ■ • i. hooi
' Fourth.
"I:: a int* «.'.a»»o.' ttslied tho
a<.tOT, wio Is nervoue about fires,
yen," the elorjt
■■Well,' said the ortor, "<r)7e rue a
rfy.-ra rlgh ? nozt to the f.re .scape."
Tho clerk lo'>fcei ni hifh closely.
"Aotor, ajn't you? he aßke<l.
"I the ?Uyef, i»roud
The cierUe to"* took on a &agaclty
Il>orn of bitt'T esp«rleneo
"To t 00. t get no nta: - a Uje
: «.p<," taK'. he "Not <- your llf",
I' yon don't "
A iVtv. Cue fot t!to TelfpSoof
i During tbu tarly patt of a dinner re
( ceatly given .n WaHhlnpton, jruest
of honor a young martied wzircan who
la th<» proud mother of tr.-o very small
boy?, su<2i3ci!y paused "vjtu a startled
in the .nidet of m anima-pd eon
veruaion with h«r a«.v»t, and cried:
"There, U' 1 didn t forget thoao N.>ya
a*-iin? i?p.v« you a telephone 1n tne
hOUd'- eii! ma: 1 T u?e it?" Her host
conducted he; tr> the tol®phone, and
■ pt—eaMy f* lo returned. -, T o-j hope
you ■c.'lll par'iou me ' sl> sai<.. but
you see. f aiwaye have Goorgie and
Eddie aav '.Li'jJr prayeto to jo.'t I."fore
they t,o to sloop In the hurry of rret-
Uag 02, I forgot it to-nlg'bt, PO 1 heve
Jubt call :d up their nnr e. She brought
the children to fhe 'ptiono, and tbej
bavo Just ?jai(l their prayere over the
wire. <*?> my mind »» relieved."
JteileetlooH of a Dncf.elqf.
A girl nfcv»r really appreciates It tlli
»he hae once klatied h«>r comb out.
A baby is ail right tut |t never take*
*he plcwe of »i bull pup to a man
Jacob '.vrcatled all i.ight and broke
aia th!ei,boni. t/e'oio he would adra'
that women were an^eln
There are two to every wt -
{Ban's beait. One her husband knows
and the other ah<!> know hor
A girl re never really in love with
a man till she has thought that she
would like to sit and watch b!m wbllo
ftc was asleep.
When a woman geta * letter that t>o
gipy "Dear Rir" *he always feels 100
hroi.a for anything; when a man >»L3
ana that begin* Dear Madam" it
makes bim mad
Ifooftca IhftK'lu d with Wolf I'eltd
ku.nchni**n und jettlera along White
fllver in donth Dakota, are killing
coyotes by the dozen, tho (jriioiola U>-
Ujg very numerous ttilo winter Tbe
peit6 'if those killed are being uUlleed
for a curio«s purjioae, the o.italfle of
the .aettlers' Uo»se« being coverod *fl€h
them to keep out the wind and cold.
In the spring the hides will t>e well
dried and will be then taken down
and shipped to mtj-keV
111* Telltale Trace.
many a scientific woman'
"Why not?"
When 1 get Lome la'e my tvif<- eat
tell nest moining with .1 cniaroocope
Ahil a few .-.ncmlcain in Just »l«it j>vr
tion or the city | Spent the night."
"ilow the dlekftun doe plu- do Ouitf
"Uy the mud on my Khoeti
I'ernvtuii Hitters.
I Lave l>eeii itding youi Peruvian
Hitters of l.it« lor uiniavi;i fev ; that I
hav not been entirely rid of for the
pn"t. two yenrs until now I must say
your bittern beat evt rything I n.-f d it
only six w><'k- hih! to i*iiurov<-
tli'j iirst week I am now well atitl
hearty and fe.-i young ngain even now
m tin* very hot weather.
When <1 wom»n looks at a man he
nev - knows whether she is admiring
hiio or thinking h iw homely he i.
I ndigestion i- of ten I a hen fir connuup
tion. The word consumption m.iun
Wii-tiiig away and dyspeptics often
wnste away >n badly a. j tv.;t
1 The reason pro pit wast.tawny i < be
cause either I !t<y don't gt»t enough to
' eat. <ir they don 1 di.;' ' v. luit they do
If the latt»-r i-t your trouble, talo
Shaker Digestive < ordial. This will
help you to digest your food and ,-dop
your 10-s 0 * Henh
Shakers Digestive < 'ordial 1-. made
from herltf . bii i." and ile jui • -toi fiuit
by the well known Honkers at Mount
Lebanon ir p<» t- '.'rent to T :i<' utd
digestive powers
Shak'-r Digestive ' mdrtl ■ ir I
many suppoi • tl con-'amptivi ■ wlin w re
rjiilly dyspeptics) by s'mply helping
1 their stomal h-i t<» di}: t th< r food thug
j giving them nourishment and new
I Sold by druggists. Trial bottle 10
1 j cents.
"We did not realize what a hero Ad
' inifal Dewey ha ! i« irnc until tb<
, Women « Clul if ■: !•.!. »>ff« i hi-* j
pit tlire .li I pri e il; HI tin || i
progressive wnist, says tiie h.an.i,is
1 j City Journal. "When a man has at
; taitied glory enough to outrank a pink
| doily with >1 blue dog worked in the
j corner he is muee 1 eminent
A 'jt.il Break.
A prominent citizen of Jt.irlem re
tcjiteu hoCrO later thr.n. al a f—.\
; Ights . .uic*. to M-s seotvlir s" wife h» 1
"I'm sorry I'm »ate. m\ idear. out .
ltad •• business engagement with ov-
Twopereeat, -tr.ti I've just been aL> ti
get away from him '
"Oid Twopercen lis tin j<ti:'ir
.. alUrtg for you. Tie has been acre t
the luat two hours,' 1 she replied in ic\ ,
wixnts, Aith o. look that mi-de his bicot.
run -jol-; la Ua • I WOMB
Ahle to Itl»W It
*.\l s £t. t r*e- • ■j * 1 .».t< u .-- . * .i-i ■■. 1 *
had while journeying throutrh tic Ar
iit_nsa» bitc-kwooda, stopjv l at a caMr ■
:c c -ct hii d : :.ucr. "You not I;- ,
'.hat "hMd p'p.y with fhnt loaded r"- j
'-olvev, It If a terrible risk!"
-'Aw, I dimno " repHfsl the bost, nor.
chalactly. "I've ptt about !■ ■ 'teen nn- j
,-hildreu uroi.wl the ph.eebci.icvrhur:
-X. V Wor.-
2 a l>r«-tfH)' PtJkHte.
man l»£«s to keep fci> tyes»op€ii to !
bo a poli'ititiu icni«irke**
Oub €l-U 1..
PoSalbl v the * i:> 001 r t*c t i*s & gv Luirbii
principle-,** replied *.*ic ' 4 *Pti* f
you "had looked around *t your co
leagt>e« while yoti were making that
1,->a pptveh ofyonra you would bare .-nd .
your doubto."—Washington Star '
G«ve Htm Point*.
"My wife * .d I hav b«tn cteaning
home. Irfict n%ht we put '.imxacaf
"Both r.f TiVl?"
"No; I put ix dowri.*'
"What did your wife dor*
"She—er—she hatr.de.d ine the tacke." 1
■ —Judge.
ima!t to lnjory.
Weary Wiiggles— Dig Is a cold, cold
world, Dust^v.
Duaty—How so, Weary ?
Weary Wnprglee Why. becausel
What, d'ye think? I went inter dat
house an' asked for some old duds, an'
de ir.issKs offered nw a ha'h r.r suit
N Y. TV lt%
Superitir to I input .- (! \\ 'lie.
Dear Sir I can emphatically
thatlltkt yoarwir.es i.ii belter thai
any of the imported wint s. \ our t'lr.r
et.'Kherre and Santerne are very tint
and agreeable. Your litter is mj
fav rite.
Ilts RfineiiilK'inl.
He to depart as the clock sti
And. getting h: hut anil h'soiw
H-- wife wet.-tlj tuur.a;tr 1 N .7
don't .}• out late
Dear Charlie ' Remember th;
With that somewhat startling injunt. |
tion in view.
He was back bome r.t ten with hi
Fur should he stay later be very wei.
What a t lovrin" np he n # o«l' 4
1 f Va't llnve a Bahv.
Don't kill it with most mis foi
coughs, coldr, and croup Cse 'he only
safe and certain cure. Hossi«»'rf C C ('
50 cents
The co l .ruption which ba J weakent
and destroyed so many old and ou<-i
powerful nations has l>een at work in
Spain Her military and ri,-.I systems
are rotten to the core. Only a limited
jH<rt;..-n of the money raise<i lor the
army arrl navy r aclies the object 1
tended It sticks to tin filching lingers
>1 the intermediates, and dw ndlea tt'
paltry proistrtions in its passage An
instance of rhest- Spanish methods is
brought to light by a New York manu
facturer. Ho p-ays thai when tno v i/.
•■iya was in the bay th> re she needed
time r '.vriigj wbi -b be cort -ftod
fnnia-ih. His bill was ijibiO. When tin
4wds were deliveretl on board, tbe ' ap
tain said everything was O K exeep;
the bill, which should read \ 1 »'mo in
stead of if'lso. The awning niiikt- •
changed tbe figures to suit the Spanish
Captain, who made ff,200 011 tlit- trims
-act on
Rich red blood naturally results from
taking Iltsxl s Sarsaparilla. it tones
the whole system.
The newspaper is so vastly snpe. or
ttj all other nietliums for advertising
put poses tiiiit the shrewd business mail
seld adopt", any otliei n.etbud.
I shall leave my money to the por- r
and netslv.
Cod bless you. uncle I always said
you wouldn't leave me nut'
Why can t a man serve two masters.
He'd be arrested for bigamy
The Spaniards find that Mono
rhymes with sorrow
The girl, with her best young in>in.
always arranges her promenade route
on which the ice cream spgns are most
If one should drink a l>ott!e on each
reported battle, life would lie one long
deliruin tremendous
HOOD'S l-ILL-J cuttj Ltvor Ills, Bll
ousnuss, lntii«eatlon, Heartache,
ffaey to take, easy to operate. 2fic
A man wandering about a church
yard came upon a stone having the in
scription Sic transit gloria t ninth
"What tloes it niean'f" he a.-.kcl of the
sexton, who had lieen explaining the in
pciiptions to him Tie* sexton peered
to wm rd it. and, not wishing to show any
ignoranci replied "Well it means
that h> was sick transiently, and went
to glory Monday morning
"Old Ned. supposed to be the last
horse that saw service in the field titif
ing the war of the rel>ellion, died 111
North East Pa. a few day ago Hio
age was not known but it is sup|»osed
that he was M years old. He was cap
tured Ir<>n 1 Karly s raiders, near Wash
iui;l.tin. 111 I*o4 mid was ridden in the
Cnion army until the close of the war
by Orderly U F Crawford, Comp'y E,
Pennsylvania Cavalry During the
I 1, t 10 years he lias bad a place in the
<• A K. panides antl ercampmenth nad
was tbe cent re of attraction, wherever
flk Vl* .sftJ'r" i'f -J l>rlvr.
A t'Jn »*h4 » iuj; ■»»1«•« tli** pi* i» -, n •of driv-
Ir.C Inti'tidlnir i.in'T. i f earring" *>r lit.r
fi*>s eitti f.: tv« iliillnr« by lietiilln.' for th®
lure' It'-" ' . ' 11'it;ue • f'l r ItlUI. trt (TurriiVitt
mid Huruovs M'n. Co.. Llkburt, Ind,
"I say, waiter this salmon cutler
1 .n't half stt good as the one I had here
!ase week
'Can't set why. sir It - olf tbe same 1
We cart not tor the chaitile
To sbieltl OUT !• irs from toil,
llu* in these springtide days w d like
To havt th«' jtainle-' tsiil
1)f course the pen is mightier than
the sword bn* in these c.enßorsbip tl '.vs
the blue pencil is the real thing after
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism atv! j
;••• "algia radirall • curt > it. Ito % ' ■ |
i Its action upon the system i- i< m nkalde 1
j. 11 niy»t tio.i-. I •a.vt . .it ii '
j 1 .ti i v and litt . .< • " jcinn di ttclj '• •
».p, cars. Ine itiM .lo'»c greatly ".u iti-,
75 ccntr.. Sold by J. C. Ketlic, and J. I".
I' i'ph I Butler \^ry6
6ai>bcriJo lot tUo OilViK.v
p.- •« : 7 % * "-t #
;> '- juil ~ LOOU. 5
'»•. i 'le h *.t' .t J
r ' r m for disease S S
;i;i? j
SL. z; .se>; s.inprevetl |
> BlOoii Sc4rcli€f
& Makes pare blond —cu.es sct-m #:
nit erysipelas pi tuples boils
r eyes scald! 1100 Idis- j j
b> t-i'sea of -ii! i< tu.s '.leire spi f i
A t
\ th i «-:->> 1 ' i v-- • J-*' 2 ,
j -- i, « v 1 ¥
J -> ! >rr- '•' - • f j
4 t't • * 1 . LindSC:}'! i
f r• a* will i iTcct a l-.r:.: .« nt ▼
lr . : t ' i'.--ft?! 0 |
I V. J iHLSeR" CO I j
JPG, Hi- \ I
» At :■ 1 i ' - -t- t; 00. j
*•"» j
ia:: OAD Tinr.' 'Lrs !
iu. r «V !. I-a
Tr.'Pi!- 'l a i>-irt: No !•* -tt 9:4! iA. M
No 2, a " P M Br.tl. r t ; :ne
rrains arrive: No 1, 9:55 A. M; No. 1
11. 2:.">•• t*. M. Uutier time.
! No IS ram dmngh to Erie and COB
nects with W N. Y. A-P. at Huston
• lunction for Franklin and Oil Ci y.
and wtth N. Y. L. E & W. at Shen ir
go tor all p""''.-< oast No. 2 i irs
tbroi ;'a > • »dvi!l • "fd .■■•'inects with
' w N. V. &■ P bo Fi 'nklin i
!< ity W Tt-.iNEK Ticket Agen
i*- Railway. Schedule of Pas
j-.t-nger Trains in cilcct May 15.
f nn Arrive
A »n. - cm 1. \ m
■ • ny ' iv-:' . 8 » '
NYU 'HMII V» • .jirnotlat:-'! 1 : -i *'* '♦ K
ifti) s ! . N M " •: ■
Allejiln'itv A • :nr.« litU-n. . • " "
Alleghenv L\ nw 31- PJ«j »6U 4
n |« "
t'hi ;u-.. f . M r " 1-1? 4
ht Hall . 5 4'.» SOO
Ulegl ;
Ellv-md V coiiiiJH'Uti'i» .. *4O " 7 * 4
1., af I'. J . . • : > " 3r.> « !
K.tn, ii!' i »-ntlf->pi Mail .... * % * •> I X !
. .• \ • . 536 r.M, t3C A.M I
<r.\'l-AY ll'MNy
41 -:x . - 1
A 4'» pm, 4 :^pm
- » di • -1 • 815 AJH 708
i • i • • a S 88 fJH 4 89
AT ! «'v A • !.iiu«» ' il' .ii ?Ui "
't u : ; ... .'• B .v • I* ri.
I'm bur i 3JO -pM uvl i' v v • ••*.; ■«» ii*
i'-.r ihroush ti kt-tn to all |H.int» in tin- w» -i, uorlh- |
t|i«> i.f tr linn, eU ifH-iy t*»
\\ . "i uy. t'V . icKi i Ac nt.
II Ii R«.Y.*OL: liutl r I'ii
r r rj», ' ' V r\r -f TT f
- iiEoru is trrrer No* ; ISS7
sot "Til , Willi r">>
• M AMi \. M ' V I 51
nn i' r , ti • «06 ill t T '• v
■ ,i\. ,i!>u.^. vrrite. s. 1 » '."'II 3S ■ .
llutl. r .luiitlion " ? . * *H:i2 <« ; W
But! . ii. tii'ti. ui -tv.' 7 'i ti .V! 1J 11 .. itrfi; "i i."'
Nntt 'lm .. ..Ariivt- 7 a ."in ij t. n
Tie. tut.. , 7 !• ti" 12 :«■" I o "7
-t-ri K'litl . 7 i 0 9 Hi 1- 1-' - ... .
.Tit t> :»•' 1 '« •• ■"
sltHiimiiuri; I ' uTi 9 M 11! t 12. 0 .fa'
fi i , . i - It Ik I £• 4 i.
,A. .t.|A >!.;.■ M>. : (;•
' ' { Vl*. - lii.ti-r .»r U • .!:••! y
City mI |>i i# «ijxil i 111« rriHi it Mtntiou- a' 7 '»"» a. ni .
ttud .V«4» v n».
Allcßhi!- City ..1.-iv ; 7 .n '• II S-! •• '.«>
-»» trv. l»iii/ 7 11 ** IZ,P .?7 1
("» uviiit . . 1.
<»)» ii.pi;.!. . . ».. .j '•» nno i»»i r. .7
1 art uiv.ii 7 il ii. . j ■.. ».
Nftfr.i;t;i . W- '* 4'i U :; ! '»• 1
1.i.tl 1..: ;»<ni jtirivf 7 » &>' -J, .» ?"•
i. •i • 'i i . - ■ ■ i.: 'i. t■. rOO
Se. • tI- j • I ■! I ; -.1
liI'TLUB arrivol .1 l'i ID an I IT: ( Eft 7 K>
IA -•! j \ « |l- M II- U.' f. M
I'l.»A V 'it. 4 IV.** -Lt'ip' AlleßlM'nv i ity s u B'it-
I-1 nnii print i)4tl lutornu liHt<* Htati'l»h at 7 u. u» u* «!
U-.W p. ID
\V. nI)A. rr.U THE i:A.ST. WiUtD^t-
P. M.IA. M.i 1* M |l* M
, tl tt v 11. ■ ,i,. .1 117
I 7 J. ir ' : Juuuioii ... .»»' .... »-
J l Ml.' •' 4 1 . •» r ' ti. '. r *y» l-i ">*
i- !•»»•: I Iv H .'Hi 1* *«»
I 4 «.V| 7 ' :• I . • 1 'I
4_i i iiMn ' • *ii>
; - Bi\ Miiioj, (\ JK>I ii "' 7 Mill
-. m -it:...- : J»m n
Bl •: fA • J JOK 10
*• • • lil.tii't'/ille litlfrJH'ftlf'ji " • • 1"
•A 1 .IMI • , • • ' 1 "
i • • • :l ..riMl nrrf • .11 , . » If
1 ;'i • . • !•-. a li'"v. H *
1 A M.jT V • IA. M I' M
- »i, -.: . i | .• , i But! T I NHI Si
u iX:iri i.-:- . Alt > i.. i..'l IMiiia-.- •! in i
Through triiiM for the tail IMVC nttataiy (tflttat
1 \tl.iiiti' K'\pr< *m, daily. ... t:'M) A.m
P •l\ • i I Mil. i 1 W
DayKxprefr. " ... 7.:«) M
Mi h i..n- hixprcM, ' .. WW *
k*lj»hia uprM ' .. WO fJI
i i '• t-1 • - • ■ -- . . . 7 '
'* i . I i * . .
' . *i ;. Inn .».- osif . W0 km
, • ... :• !?••.--i :T!»«. T \\ f. I- •
\ i V '. "1 . I 11. IMlii
!i-M - •"■• • jr.*'
J B. Vf(JT*.'IIJ ■ • f. R. WOOi)
■ .t I fib . ' i •
j Use IT
Our brush should used dait" .;
in plaice of the ordinary hair \
brush, hair washes, or hair jrov/ J
ers. If you do not find, ail«*r ;
six months' trial, that
! Dr. Scott's
Hair Brush
j -will do all we claim for it send it '•
' back and your money jjMMfc. \
\ w!!l he refunded. You |
can buy the number j
| one size for '
: I One W
j Dollar, fj
) It. fs Guaranteed to Ct.re |
| Nervous Headache in five mlniittsl i
; Bilious llcauacbe in five minutes i >
J Neuralgia In five minutes I
( Oandruff and diseases ol 'the scalp. )
' Prevents falling lialr and Miln.mil j
J Hakea the hair long ar.d glossy ( >
( i-'ursalc ot i»o 'ioods stores nnJ brunKtsti- |
r sent ' ti approval,* * ■''paid, on t.
' >f price and ten cents for post tgc
' fttir h.. TIIK nooroirH RTOI:\ r— ■■ <
I ,f ... -il • for't 'tl ... I" " )
i/».•-..•• »•. t». ».«t».ij' )
Jr: -. st e f; .....7 *i. JfHrtrle li. ■>, WwffctJ r t
.. rwn /..ii.tn, »' t'.rtrt rt.i.Ur* -nt. (
I I t-trlc iKf.us. Mcf. BUulio lnu»". »'. /
j r.F-O. A. SCOTT. £<» I'.' »<!»«> . V j
m I;
HOME, !j
It ''i tiav- a is'ipho- '!
' iiißi f" ►
In i' n nifli Krade machine (or little a
i. sun i [
10,000 r conl* fr .in whtrti u> fc*l«ct
► t * *
S fv dr./. Tl -or 1 rs • r §r. or over sent
► free at your | i
Af i [
\ 14 ■ ■ j |
i > ilitP.tfc ... i, C. PHUIiilGnAr'H U j 1
j K BTICtI.N .UltDlftat. i '
! c «o8 .it" »»t piTrcDonc.M, e» <!
X ',44 ftMITMflf tO »T i"
6ub».ci'oe tor Thu C.UMQ.
(he ot ;he Maine J
. «• ;i. .*..•« imV7
;<j3% >% //
4' ■■■ 3% !
\.w : t;l .; s, i.I, ■■ 1 ' !l. • nine «
Mm a , .. m j .. torpe<K>, *nd it
v ;!, .tim* (Tort tlru*our Leader j
1 . * *in cH fc h A:i <r •» i
j -!>,»'• whe . in*;* htnk t.* > j
to r« *hr i; k1
imiwssiWt? to stop j
11 Looks Like War
hut we aiUs>t on an \ do:>u>iness
all ia«- same, our stoek tl»i- >j>rlufr
5 fully on»* half larger than ov^r
i before t:id th 're groin* to Vc
• »:ii * at *.»«» i -.i lhi c tills priii-
Ai" hh' lit >iup* u» meet yom
rant- at l<mei prices* than ever
Our Line of Tan Shoes
Mu-t lie s.«» i i«» hi- ~pr.» KM ted
i.• ..<1 les" T: ri Stun *» iron: * tos3. "•*J.
>!« n Ton Sb c« fi enG 25 tost SI.
l»oj's Taii &Irm .» '.W* to *iso,
. - T&o SI t » from t.» (Loti
>♦ e all our lines r»**fore you buy.
Hi' it ii. price- in every de
part men t.
Repairing tione Promptly.
flulual Fire Imiiiraice Cembali,
Office cor. Main and Cunninghau Sts.
WKX, I're*.
«EO. KKTTKKKR, Tice Ptrt.
I. S BrJOKI I, Ser'j »tt<» Tr»»*.
Alfred Wick. Henderson Oliver,
'i. W. Irviu. uiirs Stephenson.
•V. W. IMocUmorc N. \Vcltifl.
r Bowman 'I. J. Klinzlcr,
(it*). Ketlerer • has. Reblmn.
'«eo. Kci.uo. John Kocule.
4J ■ . AfT'S , j£LPH) A
r IWT'I i- - s*" *"« • H
i ctWI iV .r.PH A r TIC A • _V'el [X,
•Ai fl CROWN "><» BP. i Dvi E »"rk 11
llttM.itrp- W HY NOT DOy
'SIM V'" lli BWIOCiE work reduced t. P"«
*'vlVf p Eft TOOTH Also th..!«
■* t* i-«i «ei of'l -th ""'l»v Q N L X*B
Butler Oiiuuu national Bank,
1 iiilic-r Pen ii,
CapiUt. paui IN - - ft J0.0U0.00
Surplus ind Proßti - f.'i] '>47.57
Jos. l J r i J. V. Ritts,
Vice -'rciti -nt C A Uailey. Cashier;
John McMsrlin, Ass't Cashier.
I general banking mslne
Inter*?-! paU! «iii time deposits.
M»»p» v loaned on approved security.
\Vf 1 i • /ou Mtop 1 1 ti 011 nt with this
I)IKK< 1 vMtis lion Joseph Hart man. lion.
W R Wa!dn Di M ' 'I Hc
• a 1 • • i. I. 0
P . 1 • / ; M I 11|< _t »i V*
VV. *i lar in. .John Hum arey. Dr. W t l .
NleC'anjiess, Ben M •• ' I• \ I M. \N:
J. V. I t.
Biiiitii bdviiigs Biiiik
ti 1.1 tier,
Capital - f6o,.>x>.cx)
Surplus and l'rofits - f 150,000
JOS. I, PUBVIH Pre»i<lent
J. IIK.NKY '1 HOIITMAN Viw-l'reaident
WM. CAM PRKLL, J." Cat hi«r
I,oris B. ST KIN Teller
im:Ktn<»H« -.»Osi.t>li 1.. Pi:r»'!». I "enrj
Troe.tmaii V»'. I).Htiindnn, W, A. Sfln. J. }".
'!'! Iliitl. r tvtn«'s H-inl; t *■ 11•• • Oldest
I !' u >t J». ButN r »'ti'.;nt y
(«oner; ! t:t!- i is; '.u.-.ni& >■ •• '
We aolli II ncoounta utl product rs, nier
-1 liMnlt. fur mora and >ti hern.
Mi ImsIIM >s em.rustt'd to us will receive
pron.pt alt' taiou.
Interest ualtl on time dmvMltn.
! 'Lsyj..'(//</', #
G 't a spsdalf/ri ItrtH'l w ii-uinp Edt> -ufit n
•... . ■ < •
r Dl FF ,Kr SOyS. 2U Filth Avenue.
PTTTSs'trFG. I'*
* A
Arc Not All Gone
We have a fot <>f Al' n.ircli shitts
made of (jarnei • percales fortntt
price fi. so now K' j '"K at 75r
! 33 l-3per cent Off
on nil winter underwear and lots
nf broken sizes at one half
We Still Have
a(.w of tlto . v. s.l and f.! Imts
in the Dollar '•.
Wo Have About
fi •: dozen line wool top shirts in
a ltd Broivn shndes, vrotthl2,
anl $? s<i, wearc ffering them nt
Ji.25 Conic in ami tell iu what
jou need and see if we cannot
supply jou.
242 S MAIN ST. 151.T1.KK. l'\.
I (GNlßftb
HOTEL 111 8 CAFE.i
New House, New Furniture Rales
»1 per day, meals 25 cents Meats cerv
t d in dmiiiK room at nil hours.
WRS. NIyON, P op'r.
j 01 uicr' •of Nix ti I. '
• 'fir
I £& uikiidC
HKST IK Tl!l» WOn 1,11. 1
' «wtl»»i" tj i« ,i 'i-f.» <>r any ntlier l Nol
laffpcted Ir i : .-I. KT TnHtiKMJINJL.
irvii OALZ liV i
D. T . PAPE, >
. 5He i-oaumy IVlliiii»oi jf ilOUSu^
Of Butler Co. |
Every'xxly is :avitt<: to inspect our gr.iud display of PATTERN Hal.-.. \
Prices A'ways the Lowest
122 S. Main St U. T. rape, 122 S Wain Si
•. * -
JCould rjaHily be pre-cl'c<l on the v :bj ;t i f e:t«..ip < loihing will uI. *4
he moiLct lias been lie Du ii g the of depression in the ' a-'* *
have maintained our well known standard of dtf
.. Qis season-* product surpasv s anything we have ew r shown.
We desire t-» call p-.cial :it e>t on to iu- unnsally large variety ur .
nailed better grades of Ub
and Childrer.s Garments &
"or which wc have earned the cotrtnen Mi«»n of t.lie most critirical tainr '
F. H BURTON. -.i:|]i ||||if T. H. BURfOft i
• 118 South Mjin St., Butler, Pa.
To The Finish,
npetition routed long ago—and our low trices for
•juors will always be m? ntnined
. |;uv esptess eliarges on al! orders of $5.00 and
> .1 deliver the liquors at your hov.rc— No extra
••.ha lever. T leie aie a few of our prices:
Anchor Rye 50c per Qt., $2.00 per .
Possum Rye (>?<■ per Q . $2.50 per gallon.
Guckenheimrr Rye 4 > ~r- o!d, 75 per Or , $5.00 per ,
Bear Creek
Guckenheimer j 6 years oM, SI.OO pcrQt., S4OO per C
G. 1)8on ! > i t *s. assorted for s?.o
The best tad narcV O.t'iforr.i t Wiisr* in tlie county,
i>er <]uart, <5. .0 per ens* <-f o.it tlozeti full 4UV
any assort men .
Our Gitn are the purest anl best—sl.oo ;>;r <[U;r
in the country, for price !i ,t, mailed free
\\> M-fin* yo'i' <• -n w* will Inv<» if ,f Tl '
p:ices tor the litis 1' litjuors can git it.
Wholesale Liquors,
St Ulia • SH
Reliable War New •
.'uiiiitihoci by Social C Oi.ciponcients al the .Von
W, ontain all important war uews of the daily edition. Special dispatches Mr »
tl >ur of publication. Careful attention will be given to Farm an! 1>".*»•
'JY Foreign Coirespondence, .Market Reports, and all general news of •'
U i and Nation.
i furnish The New V »rk Weekly Tribune and y.iiir favorite hone.* ;>i;>c>
TH "CiTI ZEN." Butler. Pa., Boii One Year For s>l 00.
Send all Orders to the "CITIZEN."
6 N0
<*■ • -Hn«f I'rtr |i«t» w «r>n» Sasd fbr l«rro frt» «„ «w««rr»r ».l» r«f»«ln». l«nr«
\irw4 airtililoflli CaUl-,*«• of rJI oar tXy\** nbftdtf. •[•run au.l fsud«r», |OO AifooiiiMil? N?:*.
ART ' A■>!» IUk.< H.M sura. «O.Mr U. mil, »K'l. LUiUXMi, UiU.
rrtra txr WUr D>nl with us nti'l Save 40 percent, on yotit FcitlUiCra. T~
Anal>>!». rhos. Acid, Ammonia. Actual j'duuli,
< por cent. jicrcent percent.
»■ tlnw Done Meal ■■ UJ t< lia 4 toil 5J2.00 pel ton
't ir Foltl Kertlllaci . Uto 10 2 In 3 'i to 3 16 ou
» :>i City " H to 10 1% to 'AC I' 4 to:% 13.00
> Bonanza " #to 10 to 1 U. r, ao.oo
5 ,t-> Snecl.il '• ... 3to JO to *W 6 U'l aa-oo
> j ceo Hpeclol " 11 to 1" ;i to 4 4 to 5 ar.oo
or and Meat .. L.i to in 1 toS 18.00
r ..niplcs ami [Hiinphlet, writ.- WALKEII. SIB ATM'.N & CO.. Herr s Ulxnd. PIirSBURG. PA.
..»>»« ..•iMAVW. , 'VfW.V'. s .'.*. , V.W 4 . , V :VAWW.VW,W. I ,fWW<VA I MWMV.*.V.*.W. , W»,
I «#• h»rofits cxptn. lv* wHti you u'.e rhcap palnl. Ptrh»p» y«n»
» C ' luuv. alrt.niv 'earned thu - otters tuvc. Fo' txccllent roultl In
J J evtry particular ui«
'• uRE V' Johns ' •Mlf 'Sry&S l iquid Paints
Art.sllc sludes producing p!r»jiny vifcets.
j Ci.tl. Ct-ierailua,'' t!t.. mailed •» request
v "J.G & W• Campbell. •
l •SLS" Sl "" Hotel Ufillart.
Formerly Horse Slux-r at the _ , , ,
Keopened anil lea ly
Wick House has opemd busi- f or t' ie accoinmoda
ikv i;i r. shop in tie nxr of tu-n ; f the traveling
the .v.-iiiinlon Hotel, where 1 !
~ , ~ in bveiythiuj; ri»
the mo t a; proved style. * !'? hllMll't.
AND Kumu KuhotS Laughing Babies
a —'TfAl TY Are those who takeHoxstc's C. C.
" for coughs, cold* and croup. No op'.
w _«ecr.bo lor the CJlil**. conts.