Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 16, 1898, Image 3

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THURSDAY, JtTNE 16, 1898.
NOTE-All advertisers intending to make
changes in their ads. should notify us of
their intention to do »«>. not later than Moo
ay moraine.
Sheriff sale for July Ist.
School report of Clinton twp
Mark's Millinety
Zimmerman's Bargains.
C. & T's Furniture.
Notice to Teachers.
Administrators and Executors of states
can secure their receipt books at the CITI
Zi.N offloe. and persons making public sal •■>
thslr note books.
-Conneaut Lake July 2b
Have yon noticed Bnlfalo Bill's
new bills.
- Flag raising at Catholic school,
near W. P depot, this evening
- —A jrreat fire r;»ged in Grove City
this morning and onr departmenr was
wired for aid
—The roae-bags are not here this
ye«r. but the worms and lice have rid
dled the rose leaves.
—The electric lights are still on
some of the Light Committee must have
changed their minds.
—On Thursday last an effort was
made to arrest Old Sol for scorching,
and since that he has kept a little sha
—Five derricks were blown over by a
storm at Buena Vista last Saturday
evening; ana a bull-wheel (so t'is said,)
was blown n»» on a walking beam.
—About twenty younir men have ap
plied for membership of Co. E. now at
Fort Washington: and they will be
examined at Armory Hall, Saturday
—During the storius of last Sunday
evening the honse of H. C. Bricker on
Mercer St. and a tree in S. F. Bowser's
lot on Mr.in St. were struck by light
—There was a great flnrry in "wheat
circles" last Monday The market
"broke about 20 cents, and young Lei
ter of Chicago was "<*anght" for a
heavy loss.
—lt is daylight now shortly after 4
a. m and daylight continues till to
wards 9p. m. (fast time.) The next
two or three weeks will witness our
longest days.
—The Fifteenth reghnent left Mt.
Gretna list Saturday evening, passed
through Washington early next mom
ing, and had their tents up at Fort
Washington by noon.
—A little girl near Buttercup was
fatally injured by a target rifle last Fri
day Target rifles are the most danger
OUH things you can J»F.ve about the
house, and there are hundreds of them
in Butler.
—The lecoil of a gun that will throw
a thousand pounds of metal ten miles
must lie something tremendous. The
article entitled "Our New 18-inch
Guns, "on our 2d page, tells how it is
A very severe wind storm passed
over a smarll section of country west of
Mt Chestnut last Saturday evening,
blowing down fences, fruit and other
trees. The wind was accompanied
with heavy ruin and hail.
—A young man in a neighboring town
shot HO meadow-larks the othei day.
»u<\ tt>« local papor calls attention to
the law which imposes a penalty of $lO
each for killing such birds. Therefore. !
that young man is in debt S3OO, al- ,
though he may not be presecuted. I
Pittsb'irg's new Zoo in Highland
Park was transferred from the donors
to the city with appropriate ceremonies 1
and in the presence tjf ten thousand
people, Tuesday. The Zoo was estab
lished by C. L. Magee. Win. Flinn and
Joshua Rboads. and cost thetn $125,000 '
—The Finance Com. of the Patriotic {
League had a meeting last evening, at
which the following Soliciting Com.
was appointed: W. C. Thompson, W.
G. Donthett, W A. Stein and C. G.
Christie, who will call upon the citzens
for aid for those dei>endant upon
soldiers in the field Everybody should
give something
—A vein of gas, considered strong
enough to run four boilers, was struck
in a water well lIH feet deap on the lot
of Amos Steelsmith, on Bluff street.
The well was drilled over five years
ago and the gas in it Uways interfered
with the pumping of the water, and
this week Mr Steelsinith had new cas
ing and a packer putin and the gas from
the well lighted that part of town.
—Strawberries and cherries from the
surrounding country are now selling in
Bntler at reasonable prices, and being
fresher they are of a better flavor than
those shipped in from other points.
Some sections make bit? money in ber
ries-every year. For instance one day
(about two weeks ago) the value of the
strawberries, at wholesale, shipped
from Marietta, Ohio, aggregated $5,-
The 4tli.
Ths 4th of July will be glorified in
Bntler with fantastic and bicycle
paradei with lanterns, balloon ascen
sion, floats, races, etc.
The following Committees have been
appointed tc look hfter things.
Finance—Win. Ensminger, T. A.
Morrison, J. C. Graham, Chas. Doug
lty*s and Delnjer Reed.
Invitation—A. L. Reiber, J A. Mc-
Kee, F. X. Kohler, Geo. Burckhalter
and A. J. Wei«and.
Decorations --{ J. E. Cronenwett.Theo.
Keck, Geo. Burckhalter, Will Tron t
man and Chas. Koch.
Amusement—L. R. Schmertz, John
C. Graham, W J. Heineman. Andrew
Kemper, Herman Leibold, Al. Walter*,
Ernest C'ronenwett, Harry Staulfer, J.
E. Zicrick, Chas. Johnston and C. C.
Fantastic Parade Committee —G. Bob
Wick, George Biehl, O. B Vin roe, Ed.
McCoy, Cliff Wick, Ralph A. J.
Weigand, P. W. Ruff, Ernest Cronpn
wett and Paul C'ronenwett.
Music C. E. Croneuwett, Julius
KaufTinan W. A St»-iu. Martin Eisler
and Theo. Keck.
THKMARKKT- The Standard is pay
ing HT» cents today and the Producers
H7 cents.
The production is decreasing, also
the stocks, and oil ought to be worth
$1.50 a bbl.. but the Standard is still
buying all the production it can get at
S4OO p»*r bbl. for hnndred-foot, and sf><)o
for Bd and 4th sand.
Ji en;'; \ TWP. Frazie- & Co.
of Butler, are buildlnv a rig on the
K'H; uiMpli fc.;:;i near the Centre.
SLIPPKBYBOCK- A goisl i?as well
was lately struck on the John Ralston.
Griffith lati-ly got two good wells 011
the Curt. Christley.
LtiuAii VKWH.
J Balance of Grand Johv Findings.
I Commonwealth vs
| P. B. L. E. R. R Co. maintaining a
! nnisance. and entering lpou a pnbli'
! road and not constructing the ; ame
equally good .three ind; tmenls). co
tinned to Sept. Term
\ Wm. Allen, f&l). a trne bill.
Ph. Winter, seduction and fiScb, con
tinued to Sept Teini.
Patiick F. Harkin- iib. continued
to Sept Term.
A. H. Cohn, false preten.-e.a tine biiU
Ob Saturday the bill was by
the court.
Wilson Mc Stewart adaltery con
John Sowers, malicion- mischief a
true bill.
Wm. Cowar, wilful p r .iury cont.i -
ued to Sept. Term. Det'eAiant to re
new his recog in s!•> «>.
Martha Neelv, fornication etc a tine
S. P Christy, larceny <>f a female
Beedle hound dog not a true bill.
John McXulty. surety of the peace,
Grace McCafferty prosecutrix. Mc
Nnlty wa* sentenced to pay costs r>n 1
to enter into recog ;n the sum ot % I*''
to keep the peace H - revived .he
same sentence o:i a similar charge pre
ferred by Grace McNnlty
Addison Fnllerton, false pretense, i
trne bill
M. Salm, practicing medicine with
out a license not a trne bill and prose
cutor. Jas. Skillman. to ps*y eo-t;-
Daniel Bnrns. false pretense with In
tent to cheat, a true bill.
Catharine Miller, lunrder, a true bill
James Conn, open lewdness, a true
J P. Graham, adnltery, « true bill
Tkial LIST
Commonweal th vs
Curtis Christley, a&b fettled and
settlement approved by liie court.
Fred Connors, a&b anrt resisting an
officer, June 14. the jury returns a ver
dict of guilty and he WHS sentenced l«<
pay costs, a fine of |SO and undergo im
prisonment in the work fcon«-»* for '
Fre<l Connors, larceay, June 1-! jary
returns a verdict of gailty, md b> was
sentenced to pay costs, a fine of sv». re
tnrn the stolen property and undergo
imprisonment in the work bouse for •>
John Sowers, malicious mischief.
June 18. jury returns a vei lict of riot 1
guilty and Butler count} to pay costs
Addison Follerton, false pretense.
Clair Stoner. destroying a bird s nest i
June 14, jury returned a verdict <>f not
guilty, but to pay halt the costs and
prosecutor, Sue Clark to pay half
Daniel Burns, false pretense .lune YA
jnry returns a verdict of not guilty and
prosecutor. Leonard Oesterling to pay
the costs.
J. P. Graham, adultery. June 14, jury |
returns a verdtct of not tfuilty, bnt ti>
pay half the costs, and the prosecutor
Arthnr Pizor the other half.
Harry Stwartzlander, f&b. pleads
nolle coutcudre and received the usual
Geo. A. Wick aAb, plead guilty ami
was sentenced to enter his recog t<>
keep the i»eace.
Win. and W. 11. Hopkins,a&b June
17. jury returns a verdict of guilty.
This morning WIN Hopkins wa 3 en
tenced to pay cost, SSO fine and •titer
into recog. in the hum of £SOO, to keej>
the peace, and W. 11. Hopkins to pay
costs, a fine of Wl, and enter into r<"-t>:-'
in S3OO to keep the peace, ami the Pros
MR Foltz to enter into his own recog
in S3OO, to keep the p*u-e
On Friday the She:iff sold all the
right, title, interest and claim of
Hallie Kearns lot in Bntler to .1 D
Marshall for SSOO.
A E Storey 150 acres in Fairview twp
to X Black for »000.
J M Campbell undivided one-third in
tese-ft in acres in Marion to X Black
for SIOO.
A M and E B Carnahan lot in Z>*lie
nople to M E Beigley for t'i
Geo II Gibson 12 and li acres in Veil
ango to J P Graham for -f 10 and $5.
The other writs were returned.
Sarah Clark has petitioned for a di
vorce from her husband. Silas Clark.
The will of Jaa. Ii McDowell, of Buf
falo township was probated, no letters
Amos Young of Clay twp. has adopt
ed Ida M. Gold, minor child of Thomas
Annie G. McClvmonds has petitionee
for a divorce froiii her husband, Harry
Olive M. Matthews had summons in
trespass issued vs Levi Slator. and
claims damages in $5,000.
J. M. Wilson ys Harvey Heaton, ap
l>eal by defendant from judgment ren
dered by Henry Niece, .1. P.
The Grand Jnry reported favorably
for a county bridgein Brady twp.. and
disapproved of one in Jackson twp.
Letters of administration were i?rant
ed to Maggie D. Irwin 011 estate of John
W. Irwin, late of Slipperyrock twp
H. M. and T. A. Parks, executors of
Richard G. Nelnon.sold W acres in Mid
dlesex twp. to A. M. Xelson for s^ooo
John Rossman and Peter Burr vs Jno
Dindinger, apjs-al by defendant tram a
judgment rendered by Henry Niece, Ji-
Butler County vs Poor District of
Clinton Township, rule in case of Na
thaniel Sefton, was discharged at cost
of Bntler county.
A petition for a public road in Venan
go township was presented, and Levi
Porter, John J. McGarvey and W. Orr,
were appointed viewers.
The County Commissioners were di
rected to discharge Mabel Cleveland
under the insolvent laws, and accept
her note for the costs, fines, etc.
Uu motion of District Attorney Ciii .sit -
ley the murder case Vij Mrs. Miller was
certified from the Court of Quarter Ses-
I sions to the Court of ()yer and Terinin
In Pittsburg last Thursday the jury
rejected Wm. Ilillman's plea of imsan:
ty, and found him gnilty of murder in
the first degree for the killing of lVrtha
Speigel of near Thorn Hill.
The will of Milton Jones of Perm twp.
was probated and letters granted to
Kate Jones also will of Jane C Zim
merman of Valencia and letters to John
In the matter of the Commonwealth
vs James and T. M. Pierce, why their
recognizance should not be remitted tin
County Commissioners filed their an
swer and it was ordered for argument
at Sept. Term.
On petition of Mrs. Eva Curtis for
the appointment of viewers to assess
damages vs the P. B. L E. R. R ,
Nathaniel Grossman, Alonzo Mcf'and
less. Robert B Henry, Wm. Biddli
Jos Graham, Fredk Bander and James
C. McClymonds were appointt-d
Butler Township School Board et al
vs The Humes Torpedo Co , equity, lh«*
exceptions filed by defendant were dis
miss«*d at his cost and a bill of exoep
tions was sealed It was ordered that
the temporary injunction !><• made per
On petition of Theo Kearns,executor
of James Kearns for viewers to assess
damages against the Bntler Water Co.
for damages done to his farm in Bntler
twp.. S. W McCollongh. John L Mar
tin H M Heaton < leurtre W. Wilson
and H L T wer«* appointed
The Commonwealth of h'linsylvaii.a .
has liled exception- to H..- hi >unt il .
M. J. Sellers, adm'x of James Sellers, j
for the reason that she has not paid the j
Direct Inheritance Tax 8 per cent of j
the balance in the hands of the account j
ant, $14,462.20.
«V—r V* uJt*.
Dr. L. xl. P»- pp •:.t - tiie.l i bill it
eijtiitv vs Or. \\ '■ ■ M l '! ■ Mr
Stepp allege# thai .!i th 11th day of
Mi. Ta. :•• er.ar»--3 into a c ntr.ict
with Mc(Wle» for hi» practice m *
physician in and about Glade Mills;
iL.it under said contract McCandlos
mil •' pae MM it; aftid district: that
Mev audits.- ha.- violated that contract,
and now pray- that the defendant be
njoined boa thi pnettw at medicine
iu Glade Mills and vicinity, that a de
cree jussesstng damages bo made and
such other and f urtn«r relief as he i.-
. ntitled to
ii J ittt to Ella E Critchlow lot in
Evans City for f :?■>.
V D Gibson to -5 P Graham 10 acres
iu Venango for
r li Storey to .fas a Storey I<KJ acres
m i'nrkt-r for S4»K»
\V B Do lJb, Sheriff, to J P Graham
12 acres in Venango for *ls.
Adam Lu<z to P W Ry Co lot :n
J ai'kscn f'. r
Marriage Licenses.
Albert Martin Myoma
Susan M. Sarver
Joßoph Pierre Better
Ceiie Marckal
Win. .1 Raboitt • . Rattigan
Lucinda A. Double Chicora
T M. Kellev . .. Brancht- n
Lyda M Hilty Keisur
J M. Oiler. Kamerer. Pa
Valerie Huffman Bentleyville, Pa
Edw. Walker Penn twp
8 E Nora XeCtedlM
A r New Castle. Rush A McClung
of Butler and June A McCnrdy of New
At Pittsburg Tuesday. Win Pfaf*.
of Milleretown. and Margaret Geibe .
of Butler county.
Flag I>a >.
All Butler a<«emi>led on and about
the Diamond, Tuesday evening to show
the:r patriot:s;i. and seethe parade and
flag raising. The parade was a long
and a good one and was in the following
Chief Marshal! Ayres Mounted Staff,
John W. Coulter's Martial Baud, Post
I<>:. <i A R : Encaxipm* nt No. 45 C.
V L., Butler Branch, Xo. 56, C. M B.
A.; Bntls-r Tent. Xo. 70. K. O T. M.:
Butler Lodge, Xo. 170.8 P. O. E.; Xew
Military Company, Germania Band.
Tir Chief ami Assistant. First Ward
Hone Cempany, Good Will Hose Coin-
p<tn\. Spiiiigdaie Ilose Company, Camp j
l>ell Hose Company Rescue Hook and |
Ladder Company, citizens in carriages. |
ladies on hay-wagon, etc.
The most novel feature of the jiaradej
was Coulter's Martial Band. It was]
hastily organized bnt ii made gocd
music -so did the Germania. The parade j
marched 'iver the route designated and i
then circled around
band played "The Star Spangled Ban
ner the flag was slowly hoisted by two
young ladies in red, white and bine
dres,s 's;a great and continuous cheering
announced ito arrival at the pulley: the j
speakers took th"ir places and then j
the rain came. Tk" storm broke and i
.- ) did that crowd and the rest of that j
program was indefinitely postponed —j
but l utler can lioast of as pretty a pole,
and h mdsoine a flag as there is in the
'i'li«* Tiwliers.
At the meeting of the School Direc
tors of B itler last Friday night the fol
lowing corp of tern.'hers were chosen
for next year.
HICH SCHOOL Principal. V. K. Ir
vine. Adelaide K. Robin son, Ella Purvis.
Frances <4. Wick, W. H. Rebhun,
Louise i 'ampbell.
I'KIM IPALS Loyal Freeman Hall,
Emily M. Brit tain. Annie B. Cummings.
TEACHERS Alio- M. Dieffenbacher.
Ada C. GumpiM-r Maude Evans, Ella
Coulter. Minnie Thompson, Clara A. j
H .ck, Gertrude Siebert N'ettie Frazier. ]
Dsma Butd Harriet Bart ley, Florence i
Cornelius, Mary C. O'Brien, Emma L.
Cromin, May Kreaps,Margaret Graham.
Etta Johnston, Sara Black, L. Mae
Barton, Rose E McXees, assistant
principal; Mpdge Shira. Nellie Meals,
Libbie Smith Violet Bard Emma Mc
Elvaiu. Bertha Borland. Vina McCol
iough Anna 11. Brown, Clara Cornelius,
Cliariotte Morris, Bertha Donaldson,
Anna C'ronenwett. Minnie McCandless,'
Edna Bailey Rolla H. McQuistion. '
N k»V TEAi 'll hlis Grace Wick. Jean
May McKee. Bntler; Ray Redic, Butler;
Mabel C. Smith. Centre township;
Marie 1 Kelley, Butler; Katherine
Giering, Foxburg.
SUUSTITUTES Isabel Bole, Ida L
Schenck, Bcnlah Reynolds.
A special meeting of the directors will
be belli toni'irr >w evening when janitors
will be chos<-n and the salaries of teach
*-rs arranged. Secretary Krug desires
that all Ihe teachers elect who intend
I leaving town for the summer
\ inform him of their address so that con
tracts can !«■ promptly mailed tbem.
The millage for the ensuing year was
fixed at 18, diyided as follows 7 5
General, 4? Building and 1 for Sinking
u The Committees of the School Board
are as follows
BUILDINC Heineman, McCandlens.
Ira McJunkin.
HI<:H SCHOOL Headland, Schmertz.
SUPPLIES -Schmertz, Frazier, An
TEXT BOOKS—C. L. McQuistion
Dale. Baker.
RKPAIKS J. B. McJunkin, I. J. Mc
Candless. I'aker
DISCIPLINE Williams. Headland,
EXONEBTATIONS Frazier, Mechling
GROUNDS -Dale, Schmertz, J B
son, Km;?. C. F. L. McQnisition
The Pennsylvania ICiiilroiul's
Popular Incursions to till'
" No other Summer outing appeals HO
strongly to tlu- people of Western Penn
sylvania an the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company's popular excursions to the
Atlantic s>-acoast. For yearn th<-y have
been looked forward to as the holiday
event of each Summer. The secret of
their great popularity is the phenom
enally low rate and the high character
of tli" ervice Tlio limit of twelve
lay- just tits the time apart for the
average vacation, and the oaten of the
excursions are most conveniently adjus
ted. There is also the widest held for
choice in the selection of a resort. At
lantic City, Cape May. Sea Isle City,
Ocean City, N. J., Kelioljoth, Del., ami
Ocean City, Md., are the choicest of the
Atlantis coast resorts, and any one of
them inay IK.- visited under these ar
The ciat«s of the excursions are July
7 and til, nml August I and IH, A spe
cial train of Pullman parlor cars and
day coaches will leave l'ittsbnrg on
above mentioned dates at h.55 A. M.,
arriving at Altoona 18.15 P. M, where
stop for dinner will be made, reaching
Philadelphia (5.85 P M. and arriving
Atlantic City, via the Delaware River
Bridge route, at h.40 P. M . making the
run from Pittsburg to the seashore via
the only all-rail route in eleven honrs
awl forty-live minutes Passengers
may alno spend the night in Phila
delphia. and proceed to the shore by
any regular train Iron; Market Street
Wharf or Broad Street Station the f jl
fowing day
Tickets will h sold from the stations
at, the rates named below
Rate. Train leaves.
Pittsburg #lO 00 8.55 A. M
Tarentuui 10 00 7.:{| "
Natrona 10(H) 7.<59 " I
Butler 100® MS
Freeport 1000 7.41)
A 1 toonii (stop dinner) 800 18:15 P.M.
Philadelphia... .Arrive 6.25
Atlantic Oity .Arrive. "40
i ivcic will 'iib<> l>u god on regular
traiic i aviug )' t • 'ii r rt4.W and 8.1.0
. ivryin sle* ir. t : rongii
to t'hil idelptaa and Atlantic City.
Foi detailed information in regard to
raten nnd time of trains apply to ticket
agents, or Mr. Thomas IS. Watt, Dis
trict Passenger Agent, Pittsburg.
The Miller Murdc* Case.
i Yesterday afternoon the ease of the '
Commonwealth ys Mrs. Catharine Mil- j
ler for the murder of her husband.
John Miller, at their home in Centre
! twp.. on the morning of Wednesday, '
i March 30, 189 a went to trial.
This is the first marder case to t»e
I tried in tais county since the famous :
1 Mill's case.
Messers J. M Thompson and J. D.
Marshall appeared for the defendant !
; and District Attorney Christley was as- j
I sisted by W A. Forqnet
! At 2 o'clock the defendant was
i brought into court and defendant s
!coun?el made a motion declaring her in
sane and asking the Court to enpanel
j th- jury as to whether she is insane or cot
before she is asked to plead, and have
that tcied beh>r» , tl.e murder case which !
was opposed by the Com. attorneys 1
the Court permitted the order and Geo. j
Osterling sworn lives in Bntler. ins
mother in-law, saw her in Mercer :
1 s nee arrested, didn t recognize him r.t 1
first, talked, laughed, sang, walked the
flo >r, etc.. had not seen her till to-day
she recognized him to-day.
Cross examination, she could not
have feigned this insanity in the mind
of the witness; She is 67 years old, her
health has not been good for year-', mar
ried to Miller about fifteen years; first
noticed anything wrong with her mind
at Mercer
E. K repps of Grove City sworn, is a
brother of deft, visited her in Jail at
Mercer, did not recognize him, he
thought her insane, and his testimony
was similar to that of Mr. Osterling.
Geo. Schenck of Butler sworn saw
her in jail at Mercer in May did not rec
oirnize him. she is his step mother hav
ing been married to his father, tried to
interest her in things about the children
etc., but could not, considered her in
atie, was at houie but very little while
she lived with Mr. Schenck, never wa 9
very strong minded
Dr Bel! sworn, knew deft, about 0
years, has treated her, her intellect was
of low order, examined her this morn
ing, thinks she is irrational. Cross ex
amination, just an observation, could
lie shaming, her health is not good,
didn t think it was hysterics, it is either
insanity or feign, has symptoms of in
sanity. In answer to the question, do
yon think she comprehends what is go
ing on said he could not say.
Mrs. Miller called, did not know what
ste was charged with, or where she
was, in answer to Marshall: did not ans
wer to question of District attf r.iey,
walked to window aud back and sat
down again,didn't know if sick; "I don't
know' was her answer to almost every
question, when told to set down beside
Mr. Thompson she did 90, daacing all
the way.
Dr JJippns swoi J. knew Mrs. Miller
thought b<»j raental condition formerly
about nftruial, noticod change since she
was in jail, that she was worse this
morning think that under the circum
stances she is about what would be ex
pected. thought her acts to-day feigned.
Dr McCandless sworn, was reduced
in flesh: could have resulted from con
finement and worry; his opinion is that
her acts are not insanity but for effect,
he saw her the morning of the murder,
and thought she realized what she had
done, noticed material difference in her
actions since then.
Rev. Cronenwett sworn, knew Mrs.
Miller 21 years, was her minister, saw
her three times since the death of her
husband, evening of murder she was
rational: at jail she seemed not to rec
ogin/.j him she sang a ditty he
told her that there was no use for that
between them; that they then sat down
and talked seriously, and she was affect
ei by it; he was convinced that the was
rational; to-day he saw her, she was
nervous, but they had a rational conver
sation, she claimed inn'Kience and says
it is the work of enemies, thinks her
actions here feigned, she was affected
which would be natural, wanted her
to make her peace with God.
Dr. Hope, of Mercer, who had been
delayed 011 the R. R. was sworn, he is
jail pnysician; saw her about a dozen
times: thought her intellect rather dull;
did not talk any to him, but did what
he told her to do
Sheriff Riddle, of Mercer Co., sworn;
says: Her actions were hard to describe,
she acted strange; she had liberty of the
whole ladies department of the jail,
and she acted so strange that she was
placed in a cell by herself; and about
two weeks ago she was let out on con
dition of her staying in her own cell,
which she did.
Deputy Sheriff Riddle, of Mercer Co.
sworn; said that noon after a visit to her
by her brothers she began to act
strangely, and corroborated the testi
mony of the proceeding witness.
A W Krepps, sworn; is a brother of
deft did not suggest to her to act in
sane, considered her insane from her
acts of this morning.
Col. Thompson read authorities, and
he and Marshall argued why the motion
should be allowed and the District At
torney and Forquer why it should not.
The Court announced that it would
consider the matter tell next morning.
This morning the Court decided to
grant the issue of a special trial by jury
as to her insanitv, the jury to be select
ed from the present panel.
Col Thompson stated that they were
not ready to proceed to trial now on ac
count of the absence of material wit-
After a consultation of the attorneys
and others interested, Col. Thompson
made a motion for a continuance of the
trial and stated that if the motion was
not gran ted,lie wonld ask the Con rt to ab
solve him from further connection with
the <«se. This motion was opposed by
the Dist. Att'y. in an able manner.
Marshall made an affidavit stating
Dr Graham was sick and unable to at
tend and that he was a material wit
The motion was granjed and the case
continued to September Term.
The prisoner was ordered back to
Jail at Mercer
The District Attorney stated to the
| court that the friends of the murdered
man did not think that a plea of man
slaughter was enough and asked the
trial by Jury to go on.
>1 rs Miller occupied the Ladies
Waiting room in the Court House last
night Two of the tipstaves guarded
her and Bert Hockenberry took in her
Fourpercent Interest Paid
Your surplus earnings ate safest if
deposited with The Pittsburg Rank for
i Savings, No. 210 Fourth Ave., Pittsburg,
I Pa.
You can deposit by mail, as safely as
|in person. Write to the Bank for blanks
, : yHI will receive reply by mail.
The Pittsburg Hank of Savings pays 4
»er CL-at. 11 crcrest 011 time deposits.
>o not keep your money where jou
I ill aw 110 interest.
j '1 he Pittsburg Rank for Savings was
' founded iu 1H62 and lias assets of over
i $3,300,000. its depositors are thus amply
Bander, of Mndkycreek. was
ia town yesterday.
A. C. Irvine, of Mars, was in Bntler
on business, yesterday
John Lewis, the handsome tarber. s
now located at 43 Federal street
Miss Ella Bricker. of Buffalo town
ship. visited friends in Butltr. yester
Robert Ivell, of Marion, is serving on
the jury this week for the first time in
his life.
Ja a . Robertson and wife, of Oakland
township, drove to town through the
rain, Monday.
Mrs Geo. Rel>el and Mrs. Ella Wet
zel of Middlesex twp . visited Butler
last Saturday.
Thomas A. Hay, Secretary of the
Ciinton township School Board, was in
Butler yesterday.
,T D Mclunkin Esq attended the
funeral of Washington Bovard, near
Branchton la.-t Saturday.
Lewis Owens. Wilbert Sheilds aud
John Thompson of Forestyille have
joined the Grove City company
J. H. Wilson of Butler was elected
Medical Director of the Department at
the late G. A R. eucainpmeut at Oil
Dr. Leighner and wife have returned
from a visit to friends in Westmoreland
Co., and Miss Mazie is home froi.i
Chatnbersburg College.
Robert McAboy Esq., the artist
gardener, made us a present of a head of
asparagus, Tuesday, nearly big enough
for a meal It is over two inches in
R N. Burkhalter of Bntler and Louis
Fisher of Saxonburg returned from an
eastern trip. Tuesday, dnring which
they visited the boys then in camp at
Mt Gtetna.
E. Wolf, a machinist, .who has been
working for Bel. Masseth for four years
recentlv passed a neehanical examiua
tion at" Washington, left Sunday for
that city where he will work iu the
navy yards, building guns
A quiet home wedding will take place
at high noon to-day (Thurs.) at the resi
denceofW. H. McCandless of C entre
twp , when his daughter Miss Myrta
will be united in marriage to Mr. ti. C
Hindman, druggist of West Suubury.
The marriage cermeny will besoleuimz
ed by Rey. J. M OJiyer.
Excursion to Ellwood City.
On account of the Murphy meeting.-
to be held at Ellwood City, June -Ist.
181*8, the P. & W Ry. will sell excursou
tickets at rate of one fare for the round
trip tickets good for return on date of
sale only. Rate from Bntler if 1.10.
• Reward.
I will give a liberal reward for the
return of or information regarding a
female, Begle hound that was stolen or
strayed from my premises on the Kidd
farm in Adams township about four
months ago. Her color is dark rattan:
she is 16 to 17 inches high, and has scar
on inside of one ear.
Mars P. 0., Butler Co., Pa.
Convention National Educational
Association, Washington, I>. C.
For the National Educational Associ
ation Convention to be held at Wash
ington, D. G\, July 7 to 12, the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company will sell ex
ctirsion tickets from points on its line to
Washington and return at rate of single
fare for the round trip plus $2.00 mem
bership fee. These tickets wiil be sqld
on, and good going, July 4 to 7, and
good to return leaving Washington
Julys to 15. when stamped by Joint
Agent at Washington. By depositing
ticket with Joint Agent on or before
July 15 and 011 payment of 50 cents the
return limit may be extended to August
31. Tickets for side trips from Wash
ihgton to Gettysburg, Richmond, Old
Point Comfort, and Southern battle
fields will be 011 sale at the ticket offices
of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
in Washington during the continuance
of the Convention.
Hummer Outings,
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
announces the following Personally-
Conducted Tours for the Summer and
early Autumn of 1898:
To the North (including Watkins
Glen, Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands,
Montreal, (Quebec. Au Sable Chasm,
Lake Champlain and George. Saratoga,
and a daylight ride through the High
lands of the Hudson), July 20 and Au«
gust 10. Rate, SIOO for the round trip
from New York, Philadelphia, Balti
more, and Washington, covering all ex
penses of a two-weeks' trip. Propor
tionate rates from other points.
To Yellowstone Park and the Trans-
Mississippi Expositionoll a special train
of Pullman sleeping, compartment,
observation, and dining cars, allowing
eight days in "Wonderland" and two
days in Omaha, September 1. Rate.
$2: J >s from New York, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, and Washington; $2:50 from
Two ten-day tours to Gettysburg,
Luray Caverns, Natural Bridge, Virgin
ia Hot Springs, Richmond, and Wash
ington, September 28 and October 19.
Rate. s»;."> from New York, $63 from
Philadelphia. Proportionate rates
from other points.
For itineraries and further Informa
tion apply to ticket agents, or address
Geo W. Boyd, Assistant General Pas
senger Agent, Philadelphia.
Notice to Wool-Growers.
Messrs. Troutmau's Sons requiiing all
the room they have for their own busi
ness, I have changed my location to
Graham Bros.' grocery store, just across
the street from my old location with
Troutman's, where I will be glad to see
all my former wool friends, assuring
tliem of fair treatment, and the market
price in cash for their wool. Troutmans
wish to state that they have gone out of
the wool-buying business altogether
-—Ask your physician if he does not
think a sojourn at Cambridge Springs
would do you good. If you need rest
and nature's tonic, good mineral water,
he will answer, "Yes." Hotel Rider of
feis accomodations equal to the l>est.
Send for circulars.
—Job work of all kinds done at the
—Music scholars wanted, at 128 \V.
Wayne St.
If yon want a lJhryrlfi <,r your old one
repaired go to Whito Walter & Co.
largest stock in County. Bicycles for
II ■■ delivered to all parts of the
I V to ,n, every day. Leave or
ders al
id 2 Main St.
Suiiilii> Kvcursioiis to Allegheny.
Commencing Sunday May 2:Jnd and
until further notice, the Pittsburg and
Western R. R. will sell excursion tick
ets to Allegheny every Sunday for train
leaving Butler 8:1> r > A. M. city
good to retnrn on,afternoon trains date
of sale. Fair for round trip 75 cents.
For Sale.
One of the best farms iu the county
located on the Freeport 1 ike, one-half
mile from Hannahstown, in Winfield
twp.— s6 acres, good house, good barn,
young orchard, well watered, 6 acres of
good timber; level rolling land.
Inquire at this office.
—Are you overworked and in need of
rest and quiet? Hotel Rider, Cambridge
Springs, is the place for you. All the
comforts of home together with 'lie
beft medicinal waters known. A week's
sojourn will make you ten years young
er. Write for circular!.
—We have 20 large V. S. flags—Are
vou going to put one on your building?
1 Send and ask 'or price. SUuuum &
Bros., 414 Wood St., Pittsburg, Pa.
—For bargains in valuable and desir
able resiliences inquire of Walker & Mc-
\c< n>i.vrs.
While John Foster son of Win. Ft* '
ter of Bluif St . WHS oat in the woods
with some other boy* last Monday, i
Flobert rifle :u the hands of one of them
was discharged, and the ball enteral (
John's left arm and shattered the l<or.e j
and stack there If the wound heals. |
well and good, it not the arm will have
to bo cut open and the lead removed.
While Mr an<l Mrs J A. ShakeW of
Connoquenessing twp. were in town
last Friday they received word of a dis
astrous accident at their home The
three children they left at home went
to the woods after June berries taking
a SJ2 caliber target rille with them, and
when the two girls started home, their
brother asked them to take the rifle '
with them. Efiie the oldest put the ride j
over her shoulder, and the trigger must
have been nj> for ir was discharged, the
ball striking little Daisy, about I' 2 years
old, on the left comer of the mouth,
cjxniugout at the back of the aeck.
piercing the jugler vein and almost
erlng the tongue She remained con
scions up to the time of her death, al
though unable to speak. She died that
night. Her parents have the sincere
sympathy of all.
While Mrs. Silas Hevl was driving to
Fairview church last Sunday, her horse
ran away, and she was thrown from
her buggy and badly hurt. She was
taken into Mrs Pitt's house in Petrolia
anl remained there for sometime.
The two children remained in the bug
gy until it npset and were no* hurt.
Miss Ruby Feigtl, of Lookout Ave.
fell from her bicycle a few davs ago.
and broke an arm. Dr. Bricker reduced
the fracture
3i A Kivirrs.
Our gr-)cers are paying 10 cts for but
ter and eggs, 150 to 2.00 a crate foi
strawberries. 1.50 a bn. for cherries.
Our millers are paying *0 and 85 for
wheat, and 40 for rye.
Of Interest to You.
Parties wishing to engage in the livery
business, call on Walker & McElvain for
location and outfit,
If you intend building a house, barn
or anything else, this summer, send to
O. Campbell. Butler, Pa., contractor
and builder, for estimates on material
and labor.
Any of our readers needing gas stoves
or gas ranges, gas fronts or any gas sav
ing appliance w ill find it a financial sav
ing to call at the store of W. H.
O'Brien & Son. East Jefferson St.
and get prices on the extensive line they
have on exhibition. Tbey nre also
agents for the celebrated Welsbach
Light, of which more than 1200 were
old in Butler, last year.
—New Spring and Summer goods ar
ri\ ing every day ( prices much BELOW
ples Store.
1 will offer for sale my complete out
fit of butcher tools, Including ice-box,
blocks, scales, counter, racks and slaugh
ter house outfit. Also wagon etc.
-553 Mifflin St. Butler.
Notice to Teachers.
The School Board of Mars will receive
applications for the Principalship of the
schools of the borough of Mars up to
Saturday, June 25th, 1898.
A. C. IRVINE, Secy.
Notice to Teachers.
The School Board of Oakland township
will on July 23, 1898, engage teachers tor
the ensuing school year, at Millinger
school house No. 2 in said township.
Term (7) seven month::.
Wages $33.00 per month.
Also will receive bids to supply said
school house with coal. The directors
reserve the right to reject any or all bids.
By Order of Board.
Greece City, Pa.
L A. MILL'NGKR, President.
Butler, Pa.
Notice is hereby given that, on the
eleventh day of June, IS9B, the petition
of the Pioneer Natural Gas Conipauy for
dissolution, was presented to the Court
of Common Pleas No. 2, of Allegheny
countv, and that the Court hasfivc-<! July
ninth, at 9.30 y'clock a. m., for hearing
the same, at which time all persons in
terested therein, may by heard.
Solicitors for Petitioner.
2} k ' i
£>. ty I>.
fine shirt
When we say "fine" we mean
choice waists —finest ever sold for
a dollar—kind sold regularly
wholesale for more money than
we're retailing them at. Choice
Hitdras —pink, blues and great
variety of colorings—small broken
plaids, checks and stripes—full
blousy front, bias and bayadere—
self standing collar —the best
shirt waist for the money this
store ever offered. Send your
order, with size, anq 10c addition
al for postage —you'll get such
value as will convince you of it—
if you don't find it that way, send
the waists back and we'll return
your money.
Other shirt waists 25c to $4.75.
Dressy white shirt waists
piques, lawns, linens, cheviotte,
75c to $4.50.
featherweight skirt supporter
Rustless aluminum belt that
holds waist and shirt neatly and
comfortably together—simplest,
t»e;.t skirt supporter made—usual
price 25c. Weighs less than an
ounce but takes 4c postage to
send as it has to be packed in a
box 5c postage will carry 2 to
gether. Special oriccs by the
(jross to agents and canvassers.
Write us.
Buy Direct from Manufacturers
Single Tube Tire. Light and Fast vet
Strong and Durable.
$5 00 Per Pair -
The King Mfg. Co ,
OffliT <X> Ai-h M.. rhliiulpluhla l*»
'39 SouthJMain street
Over Sbaul & Nail's Clothloj Store
Our Method
Doing Business
—__. 1
We hope will merit your j
patronage. Ours it not the
only store in Butler, but J
we Uo try to make it such
a place to buy your :lrugs ;
and medicine as to win
your confidence and secure
your patronage. Do not
come to our store tor cheap
drugs. We don't keep
them. Nothing but the
best finds a place in cur
store and evtiy article
bearing our natsa ;s guar
anteed to be just as leprc
sented or you can get your
money back. We buy the
best, sell the best, keep
the best aud tecommend
the best It is this meth
od tLat has brough; to
our store a large aud ue>
sirable patronage. If ycu
have never dealt at our
store we would be pleased
to have you call. We try
to everything that is
likely to be called for in
our line, but if we should
not have what you want we will frankly
tell yoa so and will be pleased to get it
fou you at the earlies possible moment.
We give you what you want, No substi
tutions permitted. Let us fill your
prescriptions Respectfully
C. N. Boyd, DRUIiGIST.
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
Letters of administration C. T A. on
the estate Nancy C. Stewart, dee'd.,
late of Centre twp., Bntler Co., Pa., hav
ing l eeu granted to the undeisigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said tstate will p'.eese make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to.
Admr. C. T. A.,
Mt Chestnut, Pa.
J. D. Mcjunkin, Att'y.
Letters testamentary on the will of
Kichanl G. Nelson, late of Middlesex
township, Butler county, Pennsylvania,
dee'd., having been grauted by the Reg
ister of said county to the undersigned
Executors thereof. Therefore all persons
knowing themselves indebted to the
estate ot said deceased are requested to
make speedy payment, and those having
claims against said estate can present
them properly authenticated for settle
ment to
11. M. PARKS,
T. A. PARKS, Executors.
PI. Mcjunkiu Att'y. Glade Mills, Pa.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Sarah Jane Cranmer, dee'd., I widow of
Israel Cranmer, dee'd.,) late of Centre
twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment,
and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
J. D. McJUNKIN, Ex'r.,
Butler, Pa.
Letters testameH.ary on the estate of
Robeit Trimble, Esq , dee'd., late of
Middlesex twp., Butler Co., Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
nick P. 0.,
W A. DENNY, Butler Co.,Pa
Mcjunkin & Galbreath, Att'ys.
Letters of administration C. T. A., hav
ing been granted to the undersigned on
the estate of John P. Roll, dee'd., late of
Cranberry twp., Butler Co., Pa; all per
sons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present tliem duly au
thenticated for settlement to
Thorn Hill, Pa.
Letters testamentary, C. T. A., on the
estate of Newton Lurting, dee'd., late
of Adams twp., Butltr Co., I'a., having
been granted to the undersigned all per
sons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
the same will present them 'uly authen
ticated for settlement to
Mars, Butler Co., Pa.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
John M. Mcßride, dee'd, late of Middle
sex twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will please make immediate pay
ment, and any having claims against
said estate will present tliem duly au
thenticated for settlement to
Bakerstown, Pa,
E. Mcjunkin & J. AI. Galbreath, Att'ys.
Letters testamentary on the estßte of
Moses Thompson Esq. dee'd,lateof Centre
twp Butler Co. Pa., having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment and any
having claims against said estate will
present them duly authenticated for set
tlement to
Butler, Pa.
Painter & Murrin ntt'ys.
Letters of adininistiation 011 the estate
of Harper Campbell, dee'd., late of
Washington twp , Butler coi»nty, Pa.
having been granted to the undersigned,
all , •ersous knowing themselves indebted
to said estate «'ill mease make immedi
ate payment, ami any having claims
against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement to
North Hope Pa.
W. A. and F. Forquer, attorneys.
Two Weeks Sale.
For two weeks we are going to sacrafice
our wall paper, so that, whetkei you
need it or not, you will buy for future
use. if you will only come and see the
designs and price.
We hare many of the best grades 011
the market which we will sell you at such
a price that you will buy. Wc have all
grades and our prices arc selling out
Wc want to sell out within two weeks
so measure every roo*n iu the house for
you will need the knowledge when you
hear the prices and see our fine patterns,
principly "special" grades, at
2 4.1 S<'u!.ii Main St., Near I'. O.
Funeral Director.
337 S. Main St., Butler.
< We Declare War >
\ Against every Clothier in Butler County and vicinity, and *
J offer to Clothing Buyers of Butler County J
£ ||2Bo Men's and Boys' Suits! i
I in 14 Different Patterns ij I
< j[ at $5 A Suit. | ?
V There's nothing in the t. arket we safely say that can equal y
S these suits Suppose you look into the matter. /
5 When in town drop in and ask to be r
# shown these suits —no J
v trouble whatever. J
|Shaul 3c Nast, *
? 137 South Main St., C
) Butler. Pa. » c
June in Our Store is Your Opportunity.
Bargains n Every Department. &
Bargains in Choice Dress Goods.
Bargains in Ready-to-Wear Suits. $
£* Bargains in Keady-to-Wear Waists. A
& Bargains in Ready-to-Wear Skirts. &
JK Bargains in Ready-to-Wear Millinery C
Every woman in Butler county can share in this June Reduction
WL'AR I'fices speak louder than words. Come and see.
25 Colore! and Black Series, also Novelty Goods value, 50
§oe TUack, Plain and Figured Mohair Novelty Goods value, 75
$ i.< 1 Black Silk Figured Grenadine Goods value, $1.50
Ji.no Fancy Silk Net Grenadine Goods value, $1.50
12 and 15c for Fine Organdies real value, 25c
12c or Fine Lawns and Lappetts real value, 20c
ioc tor Fine Dimity real value, 15c
Fine Gingham for Oresses and Waists in all the new co.orings and stylish
i'.<: ;ns, ioc. I.aigcst and finest variety of Piques and Ducks bliown in Butler from
10c to 50c. Ladies' Vests and Muslin Underwear; backv. rd season, overstocked—
spe< a! prices in tbe departments—splendid values. Summer Corsets, 39c —v*lue,soc.
June Millinery at July Prices 7-inch Moiia Sash Ribbon, black, white and
colored. 50c.
f — AT — < I
\ Bargain Prices! |
Special sale of Ladies Hats at $2.00, the kind S
?you will pay $3.00 and $3.50 elsewhere. #
Have you seen those 79c Hats for Children? V
r \ou will agree with us they are worth twice
J the price. J
2 / 108 S. MAIN ST., Butler. £
I bribing you.
r $2 50 Dress Shoe $195.
m This purse saving value is given to bribe you <
M into this store for the first, more than anything *
6 else. It certainly will do it *
Weight' New' \
R Toe, Button ►
I —MI and Lace, !
f! Udy '' P ' iCC Silk Vesting t
$ 1 -95- or Kid Top. L
fa On mail orders 20 cents additional. W
kl Splinter new Spring Shoe, so'd at $2.50 from the time of their
r arrival from factory, April 1, 1898. W
ft j It's to win you to this store that we make 1k»1i1 bargins like this.
|A. RUFF & SON, \
by Congressman James Rankin Young
All :il>out War with Spain, the Navy, all
defences, Rattle ships, etc. Portraits and
biographies of Dewey and all promiment
officers. Nearly 600 pages. Massive vol
ume. Marvelously cheap. Best author
ship. Only authentic, official book.
Experience not necessary. Any body
can sell it. Ladies as successful as gen
tlem 11 We are the largest subscription
l>o<»k firm in America. Write us. Fifty
prisons are employed in our correspond
ence department alone, to serve you.
Our book is just out. Oet agency now
and be the first in the fiel<;. I,arge 50c.
War Map in colors free with liook or out
fit. Other valuable premiums. Tremen
dous seller, Biggest money maker ever
known. Most liberal teims guarranteed.
Agents making $7.00 to *38.00 per day.
Twenty days credit given. Freight paid.
Full book sent prepaid to agents, $1,45-
Splendid sample outfit and full instruct
ions free for nine 2-ce.iit stamps to pay
posiage. Mention this paper.
Monkoh Book Co., i>«*?« (. M. Chicago,
i . 5. McJUNKIN,
Insurance and Heal Estate
The SUT&6R OnseN.
<I.OO jM'r year If paid In advance, otherwise
$1.50 will be charged.
ADVKHTfIiiNd KATKO -One Inch. one tlmt
fi. « ftcb subsequent lmertioo 90 cent* —cb
Auditors' and divorce notices $4 each; exec
utors' and administrators' notices each
estruy and dissolution notices IS each. Head
ing notices 10 cents a lint* for first and 6 cents
for each subsequent Insertion. Notices
anions local news Items Ift cents a line for
each Insertion. Obituaries, cards of thanks,
resolutions of respect, notices of festivals
and fairs, etc . Inserted at tln rate <>f soents
a line, money to aivomnany the order, *'even
words of prose make a line.
Hates for standing cards and Job work on
apnllcat lon
All advertising Is due after first lnsortior.
and all transient advertising must be paid
for In advance.
All communications Intended for publica
tion in t his paper must l»e accompanied by
tin- real nam** of the writer, not for publica
tion bu . :t guarantee of cood f tilth,and should
reach us not later than Tuesday evening.
Death notlecs unist be accompanied by a
osQontftlblo name.
For Sale
(i) 2 one hundred bbl. Tanks,
v. 1 r.o jd boile- ;»nd engine. *
y; 1G75 feet of No. 1 tubing, j.
? 1575 feet Q.r No. I reds. 9
For Paiticuurs inquire of
Coylesville, Pa., or
Great Belt, Pa.