Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 02, 1898, Image 4

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Special Announcement .MAY
for the month ot
More Goods for Less SSoaey ilian Ever before.
All ;h:s month a nionth—a bar/aiii opportunity uuequalcd in the
history of this or any other store. Come with
confidence. You'll go boric satisfied.
Cloaks, Suits, Separate Skirts and Waists.
Most Amazing Values in
Ladies' Reefer Suit for iS * 7 5>
Ladies' Reefer Suit for £ -value 95<
Ladies Braided Jacket Suit for , S ®
Ladies' Lined Jacket for 5 00-vatae 7 £
Ladies' Satin Lined Jacket for 8 so-%a ue 12 oo
Ludies' Figured Mohair Skirts for 1 n , «>
Ladies' FiT'.ired Mohair Skirts for 2 - c ,
Ladies' Figure.. Silk and Satin Skirts lor 4
Ladies' Black Silk Waist for „ * ™
Ladies' Check Silk Waist tor ••••••• 2 1,
Lad es' laundered Waist for 39 c—sold everywhere 1 >r 50
La. lu< Laundered Waist tor S"C soid everyweere for , ,
Ladies' Thundered Waist for 75c and 85c—sold everywhere for r 0..
Ladies Laundered '.Vain for |i.uo-aold everjrvhwre .>r 150
Dress Goods.
25c per v ani Biack and colored Satin Berber -valut.... 5
Ac oer Van! All-Wool Slack and Colored Serges—value S*
50c pe~ rard Figured Blacx MoL&irs value
50c and 60c Beautiful Novelty Suitings—'value
7<c and v: .c -1- -he utw shades sn Bicges va1ue....... .. ••• ni<i nricrs
46-incb and 50-iuch Black and Coloreo Serges rnd Heunettas at old prices
For Commencement.
Havin/ just returned from th soccud trip uiad< this Spriu^
markets we have secured tor your selection all that is new, daim\ and attracti\ -
in Wash' Goods for Summer and Commencement dresses—beautiful Organdies 1.
in White and Colored eCecte, dainty Persian Lawns, bwisses, ludia Linens, Dimit>
and Mull, and all the accessories nee.led to decorate these da'rty Fabrics, as \al
and Torchon Laces, fine Swiss Embroidered Insertions, all overj au Mousse
line T>» Soi- plain and figured White Silk Taffetas. Satin Duchess, A lute Kk am
Silk Gloves" .lash Ribbons, Jeweled Beib.-Ribbon Bows made iree of charge 111 our
Millinery Department.
, | All this store seeks to obtain of you is your
, A u, jn , a.ii let the goods—Variety, Quality and Style #
I for the price—Prove whether it pays to buy here. We '
(> are prepared to do a bigger business than ever, and *
, are going' to get it on merit. Come and see the hats J
we are selling at 5: 50, S2 50 and $3 50. K
J 108 S. MAIN ST.
The New Cambridge,
(Formerly New Cambridge House.)
Which, after the disastrous fire of a ago, is uevs opened ill
larger and belter shape for the accommodation of guests in searcti
of health and pleasure, presents itself to its former Butler patrons
as »tae most desirable hotel in which to locate wLon at Cambridge
Serines. Free bus to and from all trains and springs. FnD.ic
rooms'are of large size and well lighted, including offace, dining
room, bath rooms, billiard room and bowling alley Chambers
with private baths and toilets and everything that tends to uipkc a
home-like and comfortable resort. r or rate? apply to
HAGGERTY & WHITE. Proprietors. &*• Cambridge Springs. Pa
• 77 Pvfef SICOO w «« on ' Send foi !*»**. free Ko.«o6Pon*y. Prloe. with enrtatns. UK».
AS good M Mlla for Its OMklogt!«0(allou«tylN sbalo, A« goo-J mb fcr fM.
rt ..mum A.-Mi lLitt.Ms.en Mi'U. CO. W. B. r&ATT, ««•>. ELKHABT, IMB.
% Farmers be Wise, Deal with us and Save *o per cent, on your Fertilizer*, gj
Z Analysis. I'hos. Acid, Ammonia, Actual Potash, J
'< percent, percent. per ce-t. 5
r = Pure Haw Bona Meal 4 to 5 ....... •• 1
• Fert . 1 . lll!er ::::::::::: 3£ 2 ivfih M* 1
Bie Bonanza " Bto 10 2? ;to3« 4to 5 20.00 £
5 Potato Soecial " " 3to 10 3j" to 4>| 6to 7 23.00 £
I Tobaceo Special » 11 to 13 3to 4 4to 5 ac.oo « |
Bone and Meat 15 to 15 4 to 5 10.00
I Tor araples and pamphlet, write WALKER, STRATMAN A CO.. Herr s Island. PITTSBURG. PA.
There Is In Paint."
I H. W. Johns' Liquid Pain * '
H etNO ron OAMPi.cs. SUGGESTIONS. etc
*J.G &W- Campbell , Sutler, Pa. I
War Has Been Declared
with Spain, but we are sur.' jou wiil not stop i
buy ill)? tin-, celebrated Spanish Port and 1
Sherry Wines from A. Audi-lessen. lie sills
theiu pure, his own selection and direct im
portation from Spain. Price ?5c to $1.50 i>cr
quart 48..T0, <i.V) and J5.00 per gallon.
yt. Gal. |
Re-Distilled Kye i ">0 ?2 00 i
Tippecanoe Kye... .. 80 "! 2R 1
Old Cabinet-half Malt 7a . 2 .V) ;
Bridgeport Pure Rye 1 0(> a 50 !
Thompson's 8 year old 100 3 «0
Andriessen's Best 1 50 s '>o j
Write for complete price list
iB.S Federal St. Allegheny, Pa i
Mutual Fire Insurance Compan,
Office cor. Main and Cunninghau Sts. ;
WICK. Pr*«.
MKO. KtTTEBKU. Tire Prrs.
Alfred Wick, Henderson Oliver, j
*>r. W. Ii vln, James Stephenson,
tf. W. Bl i kraore X. Weitzel.
F. Bowman 11. J. KHnaler. <
Geo. IveUerer. Clias Helmut!
Geo. Renno. John Koenig.
t-' 89 • sth Ave., Pittsburg, P». U
111 We're pRACTtCA V»Y<l«"-.i{thr Ur
riaak Jra» f Pittsburg— WHY NOT oof;
MBWW 1 "' 1 BRIDGE work reduced TOR'
fc v.W y best let of Teeth m:M.. C N_L Y.?-£Jf
m UAi</lNL\^
fes ■ S7Jtn?CT::: buol
m'— v»iii -»,.h nwi >vr tdmuouu At —*•*!» '
Bailer County National Bank,
Oil tier Perm,
Capital paid in - - Ju0.000.00
Surplus and Profits - j114.647.57
: Jos. Hnrtwan, j V. Ritts,
j Vice President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier;
John C. MoMarlin, Ass't Cashier.
t general banking buslne transacted,
j Interest paid on thn.i deposits.
I Money loaned on approved security.
| Wo invite you to open an account with this
I bank.
DIRECTORS Hon. Joseph Hartnsan, lion.
1 W. S. Waldron, Dr X. M. Hoover. 11. Mc-
Sweeney, K. K. Abrams, C. P. Collins I. G.
Smith, "Leslie I'. Hazlett. M. Flncgan, W.
W. 11. Larkin. John Humphrey, Dr. W. C.
SlcCandiess, Ben liasseth. Levi M. Wise
J. V. Kitf
! Butler Savings Bank
Htitler, Pa.
I Capital - Jfco.ono.oo
| Surplus and Profits - - f i 50,000
i JOS. L PURVIS President
J. HENP.V TROUTMAN Vice-President
WM. CAMPBELL, Jr Cm hier
1 DIRECTORS—Joseph L. Purvis. J. Henry
1 Troutman, \V. D. Brandon, W. A. stein. J. S.
| Campbell.
• The Butler Savincs llank is the Oldest
! lSankiiii; lnstitutior.l n Butler County.
General banking business 1 r:in>:t<*ted.
We solii-jt accounts of ~l! producers, mer
chants. farmers and others.
I All b.islness entrusted to us will receive
1 prompt attention.
! Interest paid on time deposits.
i Qt~* e a specialized Brenti- winning K<3w:aticn.
; P. Dl'l'F it SOXS, I'l t huh Avenue,
.T BMSCif M « "♦ i " *" "
% A- -L«f: if*
! ■>■**<» so.-
1 mar when»young ~0-)
) win answers "ye-."
\"JJ to the ii-pttuv jswoo
ry.4j\ A& in * ! ' u, - ,r " i!e
i VV ar,d ambitious young
t -m) 'v?-, man, it depends large
{> .Vfl' VH upon her he-ith
Jtf-.]\ I -r -Ti -31 ill be a
I VA£?/ '• " n Fpy " T au unhappy
! ft, nifi;. A ycunic wife
j ,v,, r * : 'ox weak".: > ditei.-e of
1 the e and important orspns are
• -: r •y f. 3-ir.ir eis care to tail 01 happy
Dr Hcict'i Fa mm He hqtnp.
i D health, strong: - virility Ii 1
d ii .-:o the womanly orjjaiiisra it iits
lai 1. wiiil. .uil ai..i it* mother
] h.': : d It >Uiys in£; mtuation h.-al^
| tijn, soothes paiu and invigorates and
j ift '"I ■_ It banis!. 4 the ad con-
I plaint of the expectant period and 1
! U-e little one's arrival easy ar>(! a:.-, ost
j painleM i; las urea baby's Ileal th .ivj a
'I saTla Of homes that for yt:,ts oolj
> seeded th'; added tie of a to make
i of happy. ißilth} childhood . .• inltof
the u- this reiuio.. O .• «• t-:o wo-
I men b««i» te«tiSed t? it» jnir-elo 1 : -i«-'ts
j 1!. .U
'it i-, A rf".'. tne J inr i 'Ho l" ve-v
I iji j . mineat a*:d skillful specialist, . 1
1 H V for thirty y<d:> rhitf conrult
i inz phj'sician to the trreit Invalids' K >'. l
Institute, -t ■-. c V. V. T 'j"
writing to I>r. Pierce iillug women ,tn
stcur- tl'u fee advice of n sr.cciai ; s£ v.iio
1.. i» treated Hloie worn n i:isn any o!at:r
phymciaa ii the world mj avo.d the dis
:"uS:ing •; laminations arid lecal tieattnent
fu.-.ltted ipc-3 by obsctir; Tae
) Fav~,rit'. Tiescnption '.. scld by ill gOt>d
i deal^rn
All about tho home-treatment of ordi
nary dFe'a-ws. stamps, t'
cov-.r cost of mailing only, f >r 3
' >r- <; 1. ,v of Dr. Pierce's Common Sen t
' Medical Vb Is'.'r. Clota binding 3: lamps.
Dr. K V Fierce. Buff'.lo, N V.
J Dv.Humpiirejs'
I j Sj>eoiflCft art directly upon the disease,
j without exciting tlistJrJor in other purls
1 j of the system They Cur« Mir Sir'-.
j 90. CURE«. PRICEb
-I—Fever a. Congofitlons,
I J - Worm#, Worm Fevc:, vV rm Colic. • >
j 3—TceibiD«,Collf,CryiD. v-.akefalue6B .'25
j 4—Diarrut'a, of children ur AduiU> 25
■Jf—Couahs, Colds, Bronchitis. . .25
rj In—.\eurslsio. Toothache, Fnceache. .'25
€" It<'.ida.'hr, Rick Headache, V; rtlgo .'25
I 10—n>>pep»l<). Indigestion. Weak Stomach. J5
1 l~Bupprcdied or Painful Periods .'25
II '2—Whltm. Too Profuse Periods .'25
13—Croup. Larvnxitlu, Hoarseness . . .'25
14—hali Vb*nm. :>y lptlca.- '25
j 15 —Bheuriiaiiiiin, Kheuu;atlc Puins.. . .25
j 16 —Malaria. Chills, Fever an«! Ague . .*25
I JL 9—Catarrh. lu3uenza. Cold ia the Head .25
| '2o—Wlioopina-Cough . .25
! 27-Kidney DNenic*. • -'25
| t2H—.\ervoa» Debility .1.00
30—Urinary "%>aknes*. Wetting Tied. .25
1 T7—Grip. Hay Fever '25
i Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your
! Drupelets or Mailed Free.
j *>«>;. l by ofUkKlats, or .-»ent ou receipt of price,
i Humphreys' Met!. Co.. Cor. William & John ats.,
i No* York.
and about which such tender and
holy recollections cluster as that
of ' MOTHER " —she vho watched
over our helpless infancy and guid
ed out first tottoring step. Vet
the iiu of every Expectant Moth
er is beset wi'-'i danger and all ef
fort should be made to avoid it.
- m . 2 ; so assists nature
Mothers i»ts£
„ a a the Expectant
I L rs tff Moth er is ena
■llia fS 11 to '• ool< for "
I £ * M3l W ward without
dicao, suffering or glocmy fore
bodings, to the hour when she
experiences the jo> of Motherhood.
It-I.isurc~ nfety to the lives
of b) 1 [oth. ia i J.nlu, :indshe
is u ... ; icro 't;:.; airci than before
co: ancment —in short, it 'makes
Chudbirth ii itural ant' '-asy,' as
30 T:n >y have saii. Don't be
-i i.'f'i! to use anything but
BOTHER; S; F!tl£llD
' sifa Buffered more in ten min
utes with either of her other two chil
dren than she aid altogether v»ilii her
last, having previously usei four bot
tle? oi 'Mo tiler's Fiiend.' Ifc is a
blessing to any one expecting to be
come a MOTHER says a customer.
HENDERSON DALS, Carmi, Illinois.
Of Dragglsts h* eI.CO, or pent by express on rec itt
of price. Write Tor book containing? testimonials
anu valuable Information for all Mothers, free.
The Hradflcld Co., AtUaU. Oft.
and is the result of colds ana CyorrCOLDi
sudden climatic changes. Py Hr-'r c
For your Protection KgOTEVEfIfoS Jj
we positively state that !':•:» Bfc
remedy does not contain fib , v
mercury or any other iiij ar- s 4L&A
Eiy'sCraani Baiiaip^l
is acknowledged !o bo tie mo?t tiioroneh cure for
Naeal I'atarrh, Cold in ltcad ar.d llay ie\bt of all
remedies. It owns and clcanfea the nneal panares,
allays tain and inflammation, he-. !j the aoics, pro
tects tlio membrane from co!<p, restores the f> ell - < i
of taste and sineli. Priee ftoc. Nt Dratsjists or by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, 51 Street, New York.
we all will have to keep up our
spirits—best way to do this is not
to use Lewin's spirits, but Lewin's
pure rye whiskey. We will ship
to any place in the United States.
Guaranteed pure 6-year old
whiskey either Guekenheimer,
Finch.GibsonOverholt, Large.
Mt. Vernon, Thompson.
Si per full quart or 6 quarts for $5.
Grandfather's Choice Whiskey, guar
anteed 3 years old, $2 j>er gallon
On C. O. D. or mail orders of sio or
over, we prepay ail charges.
Importers and Wholesalers,
4il Water St. Opposite 3. & 0. Depot.
Telephone. 2179. Pittsburg, Pa
■ V'jT
For Sale by D. H. WULLER.
Wf ndd to the inflammability
of your Dwellingor Busi- '
/ nes3 Building by the use 1
j of combustible building papers ?
is an absolutely Fire-Proof ;
ilUltmril sheathing and can be had j
for about the same cost as"buruable" j
KlnnHi irn acts as a barrier to flames, |
J I »*»imurll an j w ;i] no t throw off that j
stifling smoke which so endangers life ia j
! case of fire.
Cqanl to Leap Vear.
"E>o you Miss Willing - ," said
young \Voo<lt>o, the ether evening, "that
yvjur face reminds me of aVerfect mlr- |
ror ?"
"Does it?" she asked; "and why so,
pray ?" *
"Bocausa," he replifd, "U reflects
Eothir.g bnt the truth."
"Oh;"' she exclaimed, in a tone of dis
appointment, "I thought it was for a
better reason than that."
"What did yon expect me to say?"
he a.nk<*].
"1 tho ght," continued the blushing i
jaai 1, "tfci.t it was because every time
jets looke*! in my face jou saw your
The engagement has been announced.
—Chungo Dally Newt.
wiij- sho Trfinblfd.
Nellie —Wiiat iL..ike» you so nervous, |
Jenuif ?
Jennie —I am all la a tremble. Mr. (
Jiondciippei- Is g>ing lo ask for .
my hun'l this aft.moor..
\ip >—Are you afraid that your pa |
Will refuse?
Jennie —No; I am afraid Mr. Bond- j
clipper will not ■ how up.—N. \. World.
Hl» Views.
PU-st Burglar—lf I had some more
money, I t'iak I'd go inter politics.
Second Burglar—Dere's more money
In polities dan dere is in our line.
First Burglar-—Not only dat, but I
r.otl''C when a man is in politics it's
easier fer him to keep out of jail.
Brooklyxf Life.
Comparatively Iloncit.
MltiS Sharp—Before I guve you that
pie y u>i bit id my Eidcwalk needed shov
Hungry Iloby—Yes, lady; I reiterate
my statement —it duz need shuvelin'.
An' ef I wnz you I'd keep me eye peeled
fer some laborer an' giv him de job.
Morning', lady.—Judfje.
lift Gtnruan Sinter.
"Where did you get that cake, An
"Mother gave it to me."
"She's always u-giving you more'n
she does me."
"Never mind, Harry; she's going to
put mustard plasters on us to-night,
and I'll ask her to let you have the big
gest"—Pittsburgh Bulletin.
W unman Vanity.
Maud —Why has Lillian given up
wearing rational costume . Did George
object ?
Ethel —Oh, no; he said he approved
of it, because it would prevent her at
tracting any other man's admiration
—Boston iVaveJer.
Isolated Case.
"I don't say all women are alike," re
marked Mr. Meekton, with n sigh, "but
Elizabeth hasn't changed much. Be
fore we wt-re married she was what
they called a 'willowy' tort of girl. She
is now a pronounced I-will-owy sort of
a woman." —Chicago Tribune.
nenllxlnat on ni« Inventme-nt.
"Well, Uncle lleuben, your daughter
Keturah h*s flulshed her education at
last, has sh£?"
"Yes, 1 reckon so. She says ithcr and
nyther. Cost n.e $1,900, but I guess
it's aIT right." —Chicago Tribune.
A Hot Time.
Ho raved about the "fire of love"
With which her charms Inspired him,
Bat 'en-aa simply a frost to tho holocaust
He felt when her father "lired" him.
—L. A. W. Bulletin.
<&ru) <=»
Maude —Mrs. Judson is very much
annoyed at the report of an interview
which appeared In one of the papers
Marian —I suppose she didn't say half
the things attributed to her?
Maude—Half? She told the reporter
enoup-h to fill three columns, and he
promised that every word of it would
be published.—TlarTem Life.
Tin- Returned KiondiUcr.
"What! Back already?
Weren't the diggin's good?"
"Don't know. Pug fur home
As quick as I could."
—Chicago Tribune.
At a Political Meollng.
Huzler —Too much noise at the other
end of the hall, gentlemen! I cannot
hear myself speaking.
Aderer (in the chair) —Huzler hasn't
a grain of gratitude in his whole com
position. —N. V. Truth.
Better Lost.
Rejected One—Yes; she refused me;
gafe me the. regular cold shoulder,
i His Friend—That's nothing, old man.
Why, if she'd accepted you, she might
have given you —er—homemade bread!
—Ally Sloper.
Young Lady —How old would you
take me to be, baron?
The Baron (bowing)—Ah, mademoi
selle, how can I say—fqr your accom
plishments tell me what your looks
deny.—X. V. Truth.
A Pertinent Question.
Mills —Your sister has the brightest
eyes of any girl I ever knew.
Tommy—ls that the reason why you
always turn the gas out \jhen you sit
alone with her in the back parlor? —
K. Y. Evening Journal.
Hot Times Oi-eantoiwUly.
Singk-man—-In Iver girlhood days
your wife was possessed of a very sun
ny disposition. Has she any of it yet?
Longwcd- Well-er —enough to make
it warm for me occasionally. l'p-t-o
Wo Hope, It She I houtftt.
"Ya-ns," he said, "I awsked Miss
Sliarpe to be my wife, y' kitaw, and 1
gave her a week to think it over."
"That settles your case."—-Chicago
He Was Only u Chump.
lie (apologetically )—I suppose you
think I'm a regular bear?
She (bravely)—"No, I don't. Bears are
said to hug—at least, sometimes."—
Yonkers Statesman.
Moilna Opcroinll.
"I met your friend, Spongely, this
"How did 1;." strike you?"
"Said he had left his change at home
in his other trousers." —N. Y. World.
A Celestial CJiestnnt.
Auntie —Come here, Freddy.and look
at the new moon.
Freddy—Oh! I've seen lots of moons
like \hat before. —Puck.
It Certainly Isn't.
"Ilalf tlie world doesn't know how
the other half lives."
"Well. I dois'i I.n«r>T r." it auy at
'.heir business." —Town Topics.
The Climax Brandy of 187 C» V in
Has proven to be a superior distilla
tion, and with years of ripening is now
put upon the market by the Speer N. J.
Wine Co. It is a superior mellow bran
dy, posessing all the medicinal proper
ties for which brandies from grape are
|so eminently useful. Sold by drug
i gists. t
As to the length of the life of lish it
iis saiil that the ordinary carp, if not
J interfered with, would liye about 500
] years.
| AT: artist went to sea to se«-.
What he at sea tnia'nt see to draw.
I He only saw what all uiay see,
| The sea was all the artist saw,
And when he saw he d seen the sea.
Proceeded he the scene to draw
| And since his scene I often *ee
i I've seen the sea the artist saw.
SpcerN Ciiferiiii'iitetl < irape .Juiee
in Europe.
Has a wide reputation from its effica
cy in the sick room. The juice is rich,
tastes like eating the ripe grape fresh
from the vine; used by churches
Just SO years ago Henry Clay spoke
for two hours in behalf of Cuban liberty,
and in that speach he said: "If an
! abused and oppressed people will have j
their freedom: if tbey seek to establish'
it, if in truth they have established it j
we have a right as a sovereign po ver to
notice the fact, and to act as circuin
| stances, and our interests require,
j From that day to this, there has been
i neither change or let up in the tyranny
!of Spain. She's the one country on
earth that for centuries has never swerv
! Ed from her love of cruelty and plund
j er. She's the same Spain to-day tha:
; has always enjoyed bull-tights, the tor
turing and burning of "heretics, ' and
the butchery of those within he
bloody and devilish grasp.
Scrofula is eradicted and all kindred
diseases are cured bv Hood's Sarsapar
A large head is as much evidence of
brain as a paper collar is of a shirt.
The great stimulant to original
thought is debt
The worst thing about a bad habit is
that it costs more to get rid of than to
When some men do get in on the
ground floor of a good thing they kick
because there is no lift.
HOOD 3 FILLS cure Liver ills, Bil
iousness, Indigestion, Headache.
Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c.
Some people are born tired and some
seem to have been born for the purpose
of making others tired.
Life is a battle-field; but through the
thickest of the fight we all manage to
work in a few picnics.
The most disagreeable thing a!>out a
rolling stone is that it is always telling
stories of its travels.
If the commencement orators could
only run the universe, what an interest
ng ti me we would have.
r.c-j'.j,.* 1.... of a 12rive.
A lino carriage tloiildcs tl.o p ieasti roof driv
ing. Intending buyers of carriages «r har
ness can savo dollars by soiiding- for the
large, frco catalogue of the Elkhart Carriole
and Harness Mfg. (Jo., Elkhart, lud.
It is sometimes pretty hard for a girl
to decide whether she is blessed or curs
ed with brothers.
The more eye-openers a man
imbibes the less plainly he sees.
A horse will live 25 days without
food, merely drinkig water.
Hamburg recently sent 7.0<i0,000 egys
to London in one shipment.
In South America there is a race of
cats which does not know how to mew.
About 180,000,000 bunches of banan
as are consumed annually in the Unit
ted States.
If a small bottle of Shaker Digestive
Cordial does you no good, don't buy a
large one.
"Prove all things; hold fast that
which is good " It's not good for every
body, only for the thin, pale, sick, weak
and weary. For those who cannot get
fat or stong, because their stomaches do
not work as they ought to. These are
the people, millions of them, whom
Shaker Digestive Cordial will cure.
Food makes strength, muscle, brain,
blood, energy—after it is digested. If
not digested, it will do yon no good at
Shaker Digestive Cordial helps your
stomach to digest your food and cures
indigestion permanently. When you've
tried a small bottle you can tell.
Sold by druggists. Trial bottle 10
i cents
i Lunatics are the only persons who
never do or say things they are not
• ashamed of.
A woman's ideas of a personal devil
is a neighboring woman who talks
about her.
A German papermaker has invented
a paper bottle, very light, for use on
board ships.
The less a man is satisfied with the
world the more he is dissatisfied with
, himself.
The tomb of Mohammed is covered
' with diamonds, sapphires and rubies,
valued at $12,500,000.
At Ephesus, near Smyrna, a large
theater of the Roman period has been
unearthed by German excavators.
In the east the rose of Jerico is said
to blossom at Christmas, close for Good
Friday, and open again on Easter
The Cymric the largest freight steam
er afloat, can carry about 20,000 tons of
dead weight; this is about what (520
freight cars can carry.
A Great Sensation.
Is created by Hoxsie's C. C. C. in
: Diphtheria and croup, because it's cures
are like magic. 50 cents. A. P. Hox
! sie, Buffalo, N. Y.
At Fompoi a mosaic life-size portrait
of a woman, the first antique portrait
in mosaic ever discovered, has been
found near the house of the Vettii.
The largest mass of pure rock salt in
i the world lies nnder the province of
, Galicia, Hungaria It is known to.be
■ 550 miles long, 20 broad and 250 feet in
! "Mystic Cure' 1 - for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in I to ,} days.
Its action upon the system is- remarkable
1 and mysterious. It removes at once the
causes and the disease immediately d.s
rvppears. The first dose greatly benefits;
75 cents. Sold by J. C. Redic, and J. F.
1 Ralph Drujiiiists Cutler -Vpr 96
Valuable Little Book of Interest
s to All Women Sent Free.
Every woman looks forward with feel"
, inga of itulescrib:;! I '' joy to the one mo
mcutou*event of h ; i.fe.eomparedwith
which nil oili-.- ■■:il.» into insignifi
cance. How j atid happy she will
l>e when her j :-v.;iotis bit! o nestles on
her breast —" -wet 1 the name of
"Motlier!" A .id ,>et her happy antici-
J put ion of this ewiit is clouded with
misgivings of the j .iin and danger of
the ordeal, so that i! is impossible to
avoid the feeling of o tnnt dread
' which creeps ovet l.ei The danger
and sulTerint; .i!Hi d:tiit ;.jM.n being a
' mother can t . entirely prevented, so
that the coi.iit of the little stranger
need not be looked forward to with
- fear and trembling, as is so often the
case. Every woman who reads this
paper can ol.tain ahs* -ii.tely free a val
j uable and attractive little book enti
tled "Before f'.aby is Horn," by sending
. her name an ! address to the Hradfield
_ Regulator Co. Atlanta, (in. This book
j contains priceless information to all
I women, and 110 one should fail to aeaS
to* it.
1) Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City
V \ ' .-.r no r< om lor ciipiMt 1 J
j v.*i:!• rich, r-->l corpuscles. j* :
:Lindr.ey's Improved ii
J Blood Searcher $
i Mali scrof- # I
0 ula, erysipelas, pimples, boils, # I
s■> r< eyes 1h a dis- • I
cases of all foi ins. Here's proof: # j
11». B .*i Senrcl.er hj* J
vconderstvith me. I have be en W
with Scrofula/ r tkir:> ft furs A
in a short t 4
J </. W. LIN&COTT. \
\ W. J. GIL.noRE CO. J |
f At all Dnigjjists. SI.OO. * J
"*S. %
I*., Bcsst'iiior cV' I. E.
Trains depart: No. 14, at 9:40 A. M:
No. *2, at :30 P. M Butler time
Trains arrive: No. 1, 9:55 A. M; No.
11, 2:55 P. M. Butler time.
No 12 runs through to Erie and con
neets with W. N. Y. &P. at Huston
Junction for Franklin and Oil City,
and with N. Y. L. E. & W. at Shenan
tco for all points east. No. 2 runs
through to Meadville ami connects with
W. X. Y. & P. for Franklin and Oil
City. W. li. TURNER, Ticket Agent
Railwaj". Schedule of Pas
finger Trains in effect May 15,
Depart. | Arriv*.
.-%li« Accommodation '» 25 a m 9 17 A m
Ali<'|(heuy "Flyer"' Nla " 9
N'eu AwmimotUHou. ... 1 • r *- r > P.M 917 ''
Akron Mail 8 15 A.m 7 t« P.M
Allegheuy A com inflation I< l " l* 18
Allegheny Exprea* 1 3 15 P.m 4 30 "
Allegheny "Flyer" 3 05 M
AlW'ghenv Mail 5 4<l " B<m "
Allegheny "Fiver"' 7 <« " ,
Kllutxid Acconiiik Mint ion -44» " 703 44
Chicagc Limited '* 4«» 44 'J 17 A.M
Kane and llradford Mail 9 30 A.M S 20 P.M
1 larion Accommodation 535 P.M 9 .'kJ A.M
Allegheny Expres* 8 15 A.M J 9 32 4 *
AlleghejiV A ccom lutxktion "• 4o p.* 1 .10 P.M
New l'aji»le Accommodation 8 15 A.M 7 0:1 44
< 1II.M«T«» Kxpreiw 3 38 P.M 4 50 "
Allegheny Accommodation ; 7 03 44
1 I
Train arriving at ;!.."»<> p.m. leave* U. A O. de|»ot,
Pittsbnrg at 3.00 p.m itud I*. & W., Allegheny at 3.10
For through tick •*« t.« all |*>irit;< in tl.e *t, north
west or sonthweat and information regarding routes,
time of train*, etc. apj»lv to
W. K. THINE!*. Tieket Agent,
K. l>. REYNOLDS, Sup't, Butler, Pa.
(i. V. A.. Allegbefy, Pa
SiKEDt i.r IN Erraci NOV 29,1897.
IA. M. A. 31. A. M I'. M. V. M.
ItUTLI U T.eav.* 0 25 8 05 11 15 1 '1 3.". 5 a"»
Saxouburg Arrive• tj 54 8 14«». ii o* 3 00 5 28
Butler Junction * 4 1 7 27 8 r »3 12 02 325 553
Butler Junction. ..Leave; 7 li«» 603 12 22 *25 653
Natrona Arrive 7 9 ol 12 '.*> 35 € oj
T.ueiiiiiin ! 7 42 i' 07 12 3.- 3 4- C 07
Spriugdale 750 91012 4 II 52j
Cluremont 1 9 30 1 4 o<'» 0 -7
Shari*»l urjj. . "7 9 36 1 11 4 U' 1
Allegheny... j 8 20 9 48 1 4 25 6 43
jA. M.J A. M. I*. M.jP. M.jr. M.
SI NDAY TRAINS.—Leave Butler for Allegheny
«'ity and principal intermediate stations at 7:35 a. in.,
uud 5:00 p. ui.
,A V*. AM. A.M.{P. M P. M
Allegheny City. .leave! 7 I*) 9 »*) 11 *JS 2 :'»<»! GlO
Shai|t»hurg 7 11 j 9 12 11 37 J 45 ...
t*";.iivntc.it ! 9 19 11 14; 2 53j ....
Suriiigdale .... 9 30 11 56} 3 1<»! « 37
Tarenturn . .. 7 34j 93912 07 323 f. 4i".
Natrona 7 39 y 4:i 12 12 i3l f» 51
Itutl' i* Juuction...arrive 7 40, 950 12 22 3 45 / 00
llntler Junction... .leave. 7 40 9 50 12 25 ' 4 07 7 W
SaXtoiburg 8 15:10 1"# 12 40 4 ',16 7 -4
IJI TLEK. arrive * 4<» 10 38; 1 171 5 Of, 7 50
V M.j A. M. P. M.J P. 31. : P. M
SI NDAY TRAINS.—Leave Allegheny City for But
ler and principal intermediate stations at 7:20 a. m. ami
p. m.
P. M.iA. M.j P- M. P M.
2 35' t; 25!1v lit TLKK art ....! 117
3 25" 7 27lnr Butler Juiutlon lv ... 12 25
4 oo 7 40; lv Butler Junction ar H 3<» 12 t»8
4 <V 7 i iur Frceport lv 8 28; 12 06
409753 44 Allegheny Junction.. .. 44 82412 01
421 8 14- • h'-urg. " 809 11 49
4 4<» 8 21 •' Paul ton (Apollo) 44 7 53 11 32
5 0- s 851 44 Saltstluirg 44 • 7 30'11 09
541 922 " Blair.sville 44 7 00:10 40
5 st» 9 :»n '• 81-iirsville Intersection.. . 44 5 srt 10 10
85" 11 :C Alt*K>na ." 315 800
1 «)•» 3 10, " Hairisburg * 4 11 45 3 10
4 30! 0 23j 4 Philadelphia 1 8 :J0 ll 20
A.M.;P. M.j lA.M..P. 31
On Sunday, train leaving Butler 7:35 a. m., connects
lor ll:irri»l»urg, Altoona and Philadelphia.
Through trains for the east loave Pittsburg (Union
Station), .n follows:
j Atlantic Expresn, daily A.m
Pt Limited 44 7:15 44
I Day Express, u 7:30 "
1 Main Line Express, '• ....8:00"
Philadelphia Express, . .. .4:3<» P.M
Eastern Express, 44 7*)5
Fast Line, 4 H:lO 44
l hilad'a Mail, Suinlays on*y 8:40 \.m
For detailed information, address ThtM. E. Watt, Pass.
Western District, Corner Fifth Aveuue and Smith
field Stnvt, Pittsburg, Pa.
.1 B. 11l T* HISON, J. R. WOOD
Oein-ral Manage. Q®n" n Assr. Agent.
i \
*: t *
j KJ oC .
\ Ottr brush should be oied £"■
lin place of the ordinary h~.
| brush, hair washes, or hair g?.r
< ers. If you do not find, ar
j she months' trial, that
< Dr. Scott :
j Hair Brush
( will do all we claim for it send i; !
< back and your money '
i will be refunded. You j
? can buy the number ;
One W
Dollar. I |
v ; It Is Guaranteed to Cure ]
) Nervous Headache in five minuter i j
t Hilious Headache in five minutes 1 ;
; Neuralgia 111 five minutes ! (
• Dandruff and diseases of the scalp !
Prevents falling hair and baldness! 5
( flake 3 the hair long 3ml glossy ! i
( fars-ib at Dr\ Goods stores and Drug's!!-" '
) )
! . s.-nt on approval, postpaid, on n ccpt \
1 price and ten cents fer postage. /
'• !. !~.A\ •• Tirr DOCTOR'S STORY." f fI(
1 .*. v.. j r. U iwformatiom M» m/w or.)
! ... • f. f". and sl9. ■ tun l». f . )
' II '•■». •"!•/ $X Klectrir V'.'sh *. I *
' Kltcltic ImcUs.U)cU. tLtulic . ruxtri. J.<. .
) OKO. A. SCOTT, 842 Er..aJ»:e . : j
2 t
Contains a full S
t and complete list (
\ of all the Cameras and Photographic |
« materials we handle—new things I,
J coming In daily—we guarantee prices j>
C the lowest—this store is photo
c graphic headquarters hereabouts. i|
/ Dark room free to our customers. /
C 406 SIXTH *VE. 1
~Ofiice near Court House.
Register's Notices.
The Register hereby gives notice that tin |
following accounts «»f executors, adminis
;• i\ r» and guardian* bav< bra ti • d Kn
this olfiit* according to law. and will l>e i»re
«.«nted to Court for <*<>ll fir mat lon and allow
an<*e on Saturdiiy, the 11th day of Juiu-. Is us.
at *.♦ a. m.:
1. Final account of >. If. Moort*. guard an
of Martha E Hovd. now Mrs. Martha E.
JODM. minor rhlla of JoMI)h T. lloyd. de
ceased. late of Worth town.-ddn.
2. Final account of .1 K. McJunkin and
At ia M ' lunkln. administrators of John W.
>! Jnnkin. deceased, late of flay township.
i. l lnal account f James K. Kearns. ad
ministrator of William Crawford, deceased,
late of Cherry township.
4. Final .'count f Anna M. McCullough,
e vvutri.x of J. C. McCollough. deeeasWl, late
of Fairview township.
•*». Flnai a 'count of W. » Storey, surviving
executor of Mexander li. Siorey, deceased.
' it• of Falrrii a in m nsMp
ts. Final account of Eli J. Moore, adminl
strator of Rachel Moore, deceaised. late of
Mucld v rceU township.
7 Final account »>f .Tolin Wlgle, adminis
trator <»f I«evina Mcl'lelland. deceased, late
of ('onnotiuenessinK townshln.
* Fiu.i\ account of M. J. N-llvrs, adminis
tratrix of James Sellers, deceased, lato «»f
Butle In trough.
i». Final !ic*ount *<f Win. N Stalker, admin
istrate r of Samuel Stalker, deceased, late of
\ enanco township.
10. Final account of Henry llauder. guar
dian of Ala F. I'yle. now Ada F. Kennedy,
uditor clillu of Amos Pyle. deceased, late of
Muddycrcelc township.
11. Unal accouut of James t\ McKet\ de
ceased, guardian of George Markel Mcßride,
now M -Kee. minor, child of (ieo. A. Mclirivle.
deceased, late of Butler Utrough. a> stated
oy Isaiah J. Mcßride. :uimlnistrator of J. t"
Me Kee.
12. Final account of James l\ McUee. de
cease<l. guardian of Harvey Miller Mcßride.
04 m HcKee, minor child .»r Geo. Mcßri !«•.
deceased, late of Butler U>rough. as stated
oy Isaiah M Bride, administrator of J. ('.
13. Final account of James C. McKee. de
ceased. guardian of Thomas McKee Mcllride.
now McKee. minor child of George A. Mc-
Bride. deceased, late of Butler t>orough. as
stated by Isaiah J. Mcßride.administrator of
J. ( . McKee.
14. Final accouut of Peter A. Barn hart,
abmlnistrator and trustee for the sale of the
real estate of Michael Barnhart, decreased,
late of Butler borough.
n. Final account of Norman Patterson, de
ceased. guardian of Salina C. Cooper, minor
child of Milton Cooper, deceased, late of
Slippery Rock townMda as itated bar Wil
liam J. Patterson. administrator of Norman
lrt. Final account of Eliza McCafferty,
guardian of Marv McCafferty, minor child of
Patrick Mct'afferty. deceased, late of Penn
IT. Final accouut of t'-isner KnaulT. ex
ecutorof Nicholas KuautT. deceased, late of
Jai-kson towship.
is. First partial acc«>unt of Alex Mitchell,
administrator of Agnes V. Otto, deceased,
late of Butler.
1». Final accouut of Thomas Galloway, ad
ministrator of Isaac Galloway, deceased,
late of ConiMNjut nessing towfiship.
Final account of i»e«irge F. Vogal. ex
ecutor of Philip Vogal, deceased, late of But
ler township.
21. Final account of Thomas Jamison,
guardian of Edith B.Crawford, minor child
of George Crawford, deceased.. late of Fair
view township.
22. Final accouutof F.. McJuukln. executor
of Sarah A. Sweeney, deceased, late of Jef
ferson townshin.
23. Final ana distribution account of
George E. Hay. administrator of John M.
Martin, deceased, late of Forward township.
24. Final account of ii. 1). Swain, adminis
trator of F. K. Covett. deceased, late of
Harmony borough.
2T». Final account of ti. I). Swain, executor
of A. A. Swain, deceased, late of Harmony
2t>. i iiial accouut of Joseph Zieghler, ex
ecutor of Joseph Stover, deceased, late of
Lancaster township.
27. Final account of Minna Schroth. admin
istratrix of Christian Schroth. deceased, late
of Jefferson township.
Final account or Thomas Graham, ad
ministrator of Jane Shannon, deceased, late
of Connouuenessing township.
2*>. Final account of Martha H. Brown,
administratrix of C. N. Brown, deceased, late
of Butler township.
W. Final account, of Daniel Markel and
John Weber, executors of Zeno Markel. de
ceased. late of Evans City.
«fl. Final account of Stephen V. Hutchison,
deceased, guardian of Sarah CJ. Black, minor
child of John K. Black, deceased, late of
Cherry township, as stated by Eliza E.
Hutchison and John O. Hutchison, adminis
trators of Stephen V. Hutchison
•t2. Distribution account of Daniel Markel
and John Weber, executors of Zeno Markel.
deceased, late of Evans City.
33. Final account of Fred. Chi. executor, of
Christopher Fill, deceased, late of Lancaster
:a. Final account of Nicholas Bauder.
guardian of Herman G. Baudtr, minor child
of Gottlieb Bauder. deceased, late of Lan
caster township.
35. Final and distribution account of John
K. Holland, administrator of Wm. Holland,
deceased, lata of Washington township.
;w. Final account of John Falkner. ex
ecutor of Eva Falkner. deceased, late of
Buffalo township.
37. Final account of Johu Falkner. surviv
ing executor of John Falkner, deceased, late
of Buffalo township.
3K. Final account of J. 1). Marshall, ad
ministrator d. b. ii., c. t. a. of Nicholas
Kauffman, deceased, late of Worth township.
:c». Final account of Adam Diehl. admini
strator of Salome Schaney (or Schoene), de
ceased. late of Zelienople borougli.
40. Final account of Henry It. Blair, guar
dian of Harry L. Wilson, minor child of Mary
J. Wilson, deceased. late of Washington
W J ADAMS Register.
Road and Bridge Reports.
Notice is hereby given tlutt the following
road and bridges have been confirmed nisi
by the Court and will be presented on the
first Saturday of June Court, l!>«s, being the
11 day of said month, and if no exceptions
urL» Bled they Will be confirmed absolutely.
K.D.N'o. 2,June Sessions. 1 vsi:-1 n re-petition
of citizens of Allegheny township, for vaca
tion of a road laid out but not yet opened,
which leads from a uolnt on the public road
leading from Maple furnace to i'arkers
Landing at or near Adams' Mill to the Mer
cer and IJosburg Turnpike near Kosburg's,
in said township. Dec. 11th. IMC, reviewers
were appointed by the Court, and Munch 7th.
IM#>. report of viewers filed stating th it said
road laid out but not opened, should be va
cated. agreeable to tlie desire of the peti
tioners. Now. March 12, 1 Ml*, approved;
notice to be given according to rules of
Court. 1!V THE COUKT.
IS. D. No. 1. March Sessions. IS9S. In re
petition of the citizens of Brady township
for a county bridge over liogue Hun. on the
West Liberty and Moore's Corners road In
said township. Dec. sth. 1897, viewers were
appointed by the Court, and March -itli, ls»s
rcijort of viewers filed stating that proposed
bridge is neccessary; no damages. March
12th, lMi»; approved; notice to be given ac
cording to rules of Court and to be laid be
fore the grand jury at next term.
lIY THE CounT.
R. D. No. 3. March Sessions, IS9S. In re
petitions of lioad Supervisor of Allegheny
township for vacation of a portion of a road
leading from a point on Emlenton and Law
rencemirg road, near the farm of J. I'. Mil
ford, where the road leading past Allegheny
Church to the turnpike road leaves the
same to a point where it reaches the farm
of Klislia Robinson, known as the "Duchess"
farm, all in said township. Dec. lltli, IS!>7.
viewers wore appointed by the Court; March
7th, ISDH, report of viewers tiled in favor of
vacation. Now March 12th, lsys. approved;
notice to be given according to rules of
Court. By the Coubt.
U. I). No. 4, March Sessions, IS9K. In re
petition of citizens of Allegheny township
for vacation of it road lieginnin;; at Kensing
ton I'urnace and extending to Armstrong
county line. Dec. litli. l! 48, viewers were ap
pointed by the Court, Tth. ISDN, report
of viewers tiled in favor of Vacation. March
12th, 1898, approved; notice to l>e given ac
cording to rutes of Court. Hv the Coukt.
Certified from the records this atii day of
May, 1898. ISAAC MEALS.
Clerk Q. S. Court.
Widows' Appraisements.
The following widow's appraisements of
personal property and real estate Set apart
for the benefit of the widows of decedents
have been filed in the otH«*e of the Clerk
of Orphans' Court of Butler Co., viz:
To widow of Samuel Conn, real
property 00
To widow of John Buehlcr, personal.. 300 UU
To widow of Jacob Ueible. personal... 300 00
To widow of Wm. I*. Thompson, real
and personal 300 00
To widow of John I'. Roll, real and
personal 300 00
To widow of Lewis S. Millinger 1W) 00
Ail persons interested In the al>ove ao
orasiemants will take notiee that they will
be presented for confirmation to the Orphans
Court <«f Butler county, Pa., on Saturday 1 ne
11th day of June, A. I>.. IK*. and if no ex
ceptions be tiled they will be confirmed ab-
Notice of Application for Charter.
Notice is hereby given that an appli
cation will be made to Hon. John M.
Greer, President Judge of the Common
Pleas Court of Butler county, Pa., on
Saturday, May 28, IS9S, at 9 o'clock, a.
111., uuiler the Corporation Act of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approv
ed April 29, 1874, and the supplements
thereto, for the Charter of a Corporation,
to be called the Butler County Agricul*
tural Society.
The character and objects of which are
to encourage Agricultural and Horticul
tural pursuits, the improvement of all
kinds and classes of domestic animals,
to establish and maintain a track or
course for the improvement of the speed
of horses, and togi\e aid and encourage
ments to agricultural and horticultural
pursuits in all their branches.
To have, possess and enjoy all the
rights, benefits and privileges ot said Act
of Assembly its supplements.
Assemuij J L Purvis,
iohn S. Campbell,
\v H. H. P-iddle,
D. H. Si TXu.N,
Jacob Kec*.
Thos. Hays, et al.
R. P. Scorr, Solicitor.
May 10, 1898.
, riv.-ti that B. H. Walker.
N,.t„ e,s hereby -U< » ~ WjtiUer & t 0..
I. June I .. I" 1 " for continuation and
pr. m nt.d to ,a!Ui r urt u mh
allowance on . rrothouotai y
Prothonotary'# office. May M. M*
-• .• rv-'-f - i—' i ■ i■m,i mm nil -^
M^j/i i %>« ii
A > h>- ■ %-* , ■ +r*J(r *■* <t :<■ fr :< -ji % % *HM**-* %%X'Xt%% ,I .
;[ D. T\ RARE, f ;:
:|;The Leading Millinery House:;
\l Of Butler Co. |!|
< l Everybody Is invited to inspect our grand display of PATTERN
< V Prices Always the Lowest i .
A 122 S. Main St. I). T. Pape. 122 S. Main St.*
tCouM readily he preached on the subject of cheap clothing with \*hichSpk
■the market has beta fln dc d. Pti: isg the periods of dfpßttba in the
l«e have maintained our well known standard of
kThis kmcm prod net nrpuacn anything no have ever shown
. We desire to call special attention to our unusaliy iarge variety
kunequalicd t>cttcr grades of M
>Boys and Childrens Garments J
?for which we have earned the coii'tiien !ati<-n of the most crititical buye k
;T. H. BURTON, •Ml|||M|||l«- T. H. BURTONS
118 South Main St., Butler. Pa.
To The Finish,
Competition routed long ago—and our low prices for
pure liquors will always be maintained.
We pav express charges on all orders of $5 ■» and
over and deliver the liquors at your house—No extra
charge whatever. Here aie a few of ovr prices:
Anchor Rye joc per Qt., $2.00 per gallon.
Possum Rye 65c per Qt., $2.50 per gallon.
Guekenheimer Rye 4 years old, 73c per Ot, $3.00 per gal.
Bear Creek )
Guekenheimer ] 0 years o'<!, $!.oo per Ot., $4 00 per Gal.
Finch }-
Gibson I 6 qts. assorted for $5.00.
The best and purest California Wine; in the county, 5 >c
per quart, $5.00 per case of one dozen full quirts —
any assortment.
Our Gins are the purest and heat—sl.oo p'.-r quart—
country. for price list; mailed free
We want your custom, azd we will have it if LOW
prices for the BEST liquors can get it.
Wholesale Liquors,
li# • WITH - MS.
Ueliable War News
Vtfpfe. NATIONAL .
Furnished by Special Correspondents at the front
Will contain all important war news of the daily edition. Special dispatches up to
the hour of publication. Careful attention will be given to Farm an'l rannly
Topic.-, Foreign Coircspomlence, Market Reports, and all general news of the
World and Nation.
We furnish The New Vork Weekly Tribune and your favorite home paper,
TH "CITI ZEN." Butler. Pa.. Both One Year For $1 50.
Send all Orders to the "CITIZEN."^ £R pA
The Fate of The Maine.
No one doubts now but that the Maine wh»
blow up with a mine or torpedo, and it
is with great effort that our Leader
i> holding in chock the American
ii<-ople when they think they
are in the right it is ainiost
impossible to stop
It Looks Like War
but we must go on mid do business
all the sumo, our stock this spring
Is fully one half larger than ever
before and there is going to be
some great shoe selling this spring
We are In shape to meet your
wants at lower prices than ever
Our Line of Tan Shoes
Must l'O seen to t>e appricatcd
Ladies' Tan Shoes from i>»e tosi.sl|.
Men's Tan Shoes from $1.25 loft-SO.
Boy's Tan Mioes from !**c to
Child's Tan Shoes from 4SctosJ.W.
See all our lines before y(>u buy.
ltig cut in prices In every de
Repairing Done Promptly.
Hotel Willard.
; Reopened and rea ly
j for the accomtnoda
| tion of the traveling
i public.
Everything Firseciass.
Practical Horse Shoer
Foimerly liorse Shoer at the
Wick House has opened busi
ness in a shop in the rear of
the Arlington Hotel, where
he will do Horse-Shoeing in
the most approyert style.
SI.OO per year if paid in advance, otherwise
' 1 ADvektMis';'ltatks —One inch, one timf
CI: each subsequent insertion M cents
•Vuditor.V and aivorce notices » e;icli; t*"--
ut.T>' and administrators' iiOtices ?3 eadi
e>t riiy and rtlvoiuilon notices *2 each. Head
in - not ices 10 cents a line for tirnt and 5 cents
for each subsequent Insertion. Notiiesj
anions local news items 15 cents of thanks
«I. li insertion. Obituaries, cards of thanks,
resolutions of respect, notices of festlvUls
and fair., etc.. ins, rted at the rate of .. cents
a line, money to accompany the order, uin
words of nrose make a line.
Kates for standing cards and job work on
All advertising Is due after first insertion,
and all transient advertising must oe paid
for in advance. , , , „
All communications intended for publica
tion in this paper must in* accompanied by
the real name of the writer, not for pt.blb .1-
tlon bu :» guarantee of good faRMuS should
reaeh us not later than Tuesday e\eninj-.
Death notices must be accompanied ty
resoonsible name.
New House, New Furniture Rates
•n p» r dav, inr-als 25 cents. Meals sc.\ •
td in dining room at all hours.
MRS. NIXON, Prop'r.
Formerly of Nixon House.