Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 02, 1898, Image 3

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NOTE—AII .tdvt itix rs li.N -tiding in ma*'
rli tnges in their ads. should us o
tlndrlntention to t\' -n, n< t later than Moti
<:ay morning.
Dr. ('. E. Hewitt
Hnoelton's Snnmcr Footwear
C. &• T's Refrigerators.
Shnman & Bro 8 Flags.
The Pittsburg Dispatch.
Samantha at Saratoga.
Administrators and Executors of estates
ran secure their rwelpt at the t'lT!
ZEN offli-f. and persons making public salp
th3lr note book-.
A little farm well tilled,
A little barn well filled.
A little wife, a boy, a girl
The happiest trio in the world,
We've plenty to eat and plenty to wear.
And a little money to go to the fair.
We have no mortgage we have no debt
Over which to wriggle, foam and sweat.
We have a plenty and some to spare.
We give to the needy whoever they are,
I am contented, l iu nobody's slave,
For more than this I do not crave;
lam contented—a boon to save,
Fvc all there ia- this side the grave.
—Democratic primaries n<-xt Satur
—Today and tomorrow are "cleaning
up'' days.
—C M. B. A picnic at Maple Grove
on the 16th
—The P. H. C. picnic will be at Con
neaut Lake, July 2Hth.
—A West End ball club defeated the
Prospect team, Monday, score 9 and 8.
—Dr. Ellsworth Hewitt will again
visit Butler on Friday the 10th. See
—The National Transit Co. has fur
nished the pipe for a 75-foot pole to be
erected on the Diamond.
- All Mercantile Taxes were iloe
yesterday and the County Treasurer
wishes thein paid immediately.
—A 79-foot pipe-pole will l>e erected
by the Forest Oil Co. at Watters Sta
tion nest Saturday afternoon
—Linn Moore delivered a car load of
Deering mowers and binders to his
patrons in Bntler county last week.
- Ten-foot sewer drain is new being
dng in Butler at 3-j cents a foot. A few
years ago the borough paid about fc! H
foot for that kind of work.
—The new school house at Bruin was
dedicated, Tuesday. A large number
of people were present. The dedication
oration was made by S. F. Bowser, Esq.
—Jim Davidson of Clinton twp.
bought two hiirh priced thorough bred
shoats a few days ago, and put them in
his pen. But they were gone next
morning. They climbed over the pen.
Flag pole raisings have been in
evidence all over the county of lat", and
the most novel "poles" erected are those
made of gas-pipe. At Callery a pipe
pole S3 feet long, beginning at the bate
with (3-inch pipe and ending with 2-inch,
was erected
—A Spanish newspaper, tbeElDiaro
printed in Madrid, unconsciously perpe.
trated a very funny joke when it said:
"It will no doubt surpriue onr readers
to learn that the Yankee President. Mc
Kin Lee, is a naturalized Chinaman,
having been born in Canton.
—A company has been recruited in
Allegheny, Yenango and other town
ships, consisting of 70 men who have
electi-d John E. Womer, Captain. J W
Hilliard, Ist Lieut, and J. H. Milford,
2d Lieut., and have tendered their ser
vices to the U. S. government, through
Gov. Hastings.
—At an adjourned meeting of the
PatrioticLeagne of Bntler the ward com
mittees reported eight families of But
ler soldiers as proper objects of aid;
an address was prepared and is printed
in another column and the meeting ad
journed to meet in Y. M. C. A, hall
June 7at 7::-t0 p. m.
—We have 20 large U. S. flags—Are
you going to put one 011 your building?
Send size ard ask for price. Sliuman &
Bros., 414 Wood St., Pittsburg, Pa.
The Sunday School Conveii tion.
The 21st annual convention of the S.
S. Association of Butler, Co. was held
at West Sunbury on May 26 and 27th.
The best convention that has ever been
held in the couuty although the conven
tion last year competed very closely.
The convention was largely attended
both from West Sunbury and vicinity
and the county at large There were
about 200 delegates present. The pro
gram all through was well rendered.
The choirs of the different churches fur
nished excellent music. The delegates
were royally entertained by the people
of West Sunbury and vicinity and their
kindness will always be remembered.
They showed the trneChnstaiu spirit.
"It is more blessed to giye than re
ceive." May the blessing of God pros
per this people.
Success of the Home Studj Circle
The Pittsburg- Dispatch.
The summer term of the Home Study
Circle conducted by the Pittsburg Dis
patch will oj>en Wednesday June 1.
This feature of the Dispatch has already
scored a marked success, adding to the
popularity of the greatest newpaper be
tween New York and Chicago. The
course will lie entirely new one compris
ing architecture for general readers pop:
ular astronomy, biography studies of the
worlds scientists, health and hygiene,
with an intenesly interesting course in
literature. Examinations will be con
ducted as a basisof granting certificates.
Tbe expense of the Houie Study f'ircle,
conducted as it is. by the leading edu
cators of the country, is very heavy, but
it is all borne by the"Dispatch. All that
students need to follow the course is a
copy of the paper each and every day.
Be sure that The Dispatch is delivered
to you regularly beginning not later
than .Tune 1
Samantha at Saratoga, in a New
One of tbe funniest of all the funny
books is certainly "Samantha at Sara
toga." Will C'arleton pronounces it
' delicious humor" and Bishop Newman
says it is "bitterest satire, coated with
the sweetest of cxhilirating fun." For
merly published by subscription at the
price of #2..T0, and sold, it is said, by
the hundred thousand, it has recently
been issued in an exquisite little cloth
binad volume in the "Cambridge
Classics" series by the celebrated cheap
book publishers, flarst & Co., of New
York, as a means of widely advertising
that series, and is sold at tb fabulously
low price of 23 cents. It would seem
strange if they should not sell a million
of them. They are sold by booksellers,
or the publisher direct.
Heading Sesqm-Centennial.
For the Reading. Pa. Sesqui-Centen
nial Jubilee, June "> to 12, the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company will sell ex
cursion tickets from stations on its lines
in the State of Pennavlvania to Read
ing and retnm at reduced rates. For
specific rate- and conditions apply to
Ticket Agents.
This cel.'iiration promise- :■> 1.. one of
the gr .«.ter,i e.vnts in tin- .'.l; s history.
Monday, W-dn -1«> i d Thtir*d/ .
June l'-, * and v be up. Hal day's
The celebration will close with a grand
masked carnivial on Saturday night,
June 11.
The charters of the Btitler County
Agricultural Association and the Bruin
Manufacturing Co have been recorded.
The will of Christian K n:. its has been
probated and loiters granted to George
Trimbour and Jacob Reiger. also will
of Adam Kamerer and letters to Julia
A. Kaiaerer.
Jos. Warren et al vs O. F Keister A
Co. defendants appeal from decision of
Elliott Robb. J. P
Lewis Gerwick has brought suit .1
assumpsit vs S. A. Carroll et al and
claims SSOO.
Clinton D B le has charged his wife
Minerva with desertion,
A. H. Cohan ha.- beer, returned to
Court on a charge of false pretense.
James Leroy and John Riley have
been returned on a charge of house
Letters of administration have been
granted to J. X. Kirker on estate of
•John A. Eicholtz of Lancaster twp.
G W. Corbett vs C. Jordan and A.
Patterson, defendants appealed from a
judgment rendered by W. A. Fleming,
J. P.
Wei. C. Howard vs Dallenbach &
Miller, defendants appealed from a
judgment rendered by i. N. Graham, J.
James R. and John J. Kearns have
issued summons in trespass vs the But
ler Water Co and claim SIOOO.
The will of James Kearns of Butler
twp. has been probated, no letters.
Monday was the last day for filing
applications for liquor licenses and the
following were filed. Tavern -Jos. P.
Shirley. McCafferty & McCrea. Her
iuan Lieboid, Jennie Nixon. A. Flick
M. W. Mays and Mrs. Mattie Reihing,
Butler: Joseph Kornfelder and Henry
Doerr, Saxonbnrg; John S. l'yers and
H. W. Pfalf. Petrolia: W. K. Thorn
l>erg and Charles H. Miller. Evans C ity.
Samuel Beam and Louis N. Zeigler.
Harmony; Henry W. Stokev and Chas.
Stokey. Zelienople: A. A Hoeb, Benj.
J. Forqner and John Dolan, Millers
town. Distillers —The Stahl Distilling
Co.. Zelienople. Wholesale—George
Stahl. Zelienople.
E M Jenkins to T H Evans lot it. Mil
lerstown for *IOO
A S Marshall to John Kaufman 12"
acres in Jackson for
Parker twp. School Board to Bruin
Mf'g Co. lot in Bruin for £250.
T A Bartley to A McKibben 1 acre in
Clinton for $l3O
John M Miller to M H Thomas lot in
Butler for 1000.
.las Bredin to W S Bredin ISJ acres in
Widfield for *2500.
Guarantee L & 1 Co to E .T Wickline
lot in Butler for SSOO.
Thomas Robinson to M A Boyer lot
in Butler for ssoo.
J L Lusk to Chas Stokey lot in Zelie
nople for S3OOO.
R C Steele to John M Ramsey lot in
Parker for $325.
John Wei land to Geo <' Ball lit acres
in Oakland for $250.
B F Sturkey to r'h Koch 05 acres 111
Lancaster for *2tfcio.
A G Stewart to •< F Stuckey *0 acres
in Connoq. for $2950.
S H Fleming to H B Fleming 72 acres
in Buffalo for S3OOO.
Marriage Licenses.
Wm. P. Nease Tarentuni
•Tosie A Sherman Summit twp
Jedd McEltianey Armstrong Co
Lottie P. Hays. Clearfield twp
Harry W. Campbell Butler
Olive Hutchison
John Kemper Butler
Agnes Schauffner Butler twp
A. J. Gerner Bruin
Adda Hepler Glenont
H. Frank Eakin Mechanicsvillc
C. Mabel McKee Harrisville
Frank Burke Karns City
Queen Kean
H. B. Lattghlin Lawrence Co
Martha S. McOlymonds Worth twp
W. Y. Marsh Brovrasdaie
Melissa Blair
Wm. G. Ilartung Evans City
Martha F. Reinhart lackson twp
G. S. Moser... Concord twp
Gertrude Jackson Oakland twp
Hardee 11. Hepler Bntler
Catharine L. Renno
Phillip Fennell Coylesville
Sarah E. Rieger Carbon Centre
Woodmen of the World.
Keystone Camp No. 8' of the
"Woodmen of the World" had a crowd
ed Opera House last night for their en
tertainment, and speech on the merits
of the order by Hon. C. C. Fanner.
The entertainment consisted of a med
ley chorus, piano solos by J. T. Bester
and Prof.Davis, violin solo by Will Groh
inann, recitations by T. Marion Craw
ford and Miss Daisy Dale, vocal solos by
Miss Diffenbacher. Mrs McDowell, and
Mrs. Davis,duett by Prof and Mrs. Day
is, and a sons by the Apoilo club, all of
which weie well received. The order
received sixteen applications for mem
bership that evening, as was stated by
the chairman, W. S. Brandon.
A Letter For lou
Unclaimed let ters at the Postoffice at
Butler Pa., week ending May 30.
Mrs. F H Davis, Chas Gilmer, David
Hayes, Lizzie Kenis, 117 Spring Hill
ave, Alfred Lloyd, .(no Lacy, Esq., -1.
M. Malouey, Bert McJunkin. 108 Jef
fevson, Peter S Rice. M'lyk So myak.
Miss Lizzie Yiholt, Mrs. Minte Wilson,
4111 Lookout ave; 4th class matter—Miss
Percilla Emerick.
In calling for these letters please sax
advertised. JOHN W. BROWN. P. M.
Deposit Your Savings by Mail.
Write 011 a postal card to The Pitts
burg bank for Savings, No. 210 Fourth
Ave. Pittsburg, for instructions how to
deposit your savings by mail with that
Thest instructions will explain that
you can safely send money by mail. Do
not keep your money where you get no
interest, or less than 4 per cent,, whicli
this bank always pays on time deposits.
It is one of the oldest and safest Sa
ings banks in I'ittsburg. You can d
jxasit one dollar at a time.
Notice to Teachers.
The Butler Borough School Hoard will
meet June 10, 189S, at 7:30 p. m., for the
purpose of electing Principals and Teach
crs for the ensuing School-year Appli
cations will be received by the Secretary
up to 7 p. 111. of Tuesday evening, June
7 th, 1898.
By order of the Board.
A. C. KRUG, Sec'y.
—Ask your physician if he does not
think a sojourn at Cambridge Springs
would do you good. If yon need rest
and nature's tonic, good mineral water,
he will answer, "Yes." Hotel Rider of
fers accomodations equal to the best,.
Send for circulars.
—Job work of all kinds done at the
(•erniaii liaptiMts' (D'inkarilV)
Vinitial Meeting,Naperville. 111.
For the benefit ot persons desiring to
attend the Annual Meeting of the (ier
man Baptists (Dunkards) at Naperville,
111., May 29 to June 7, 18U8, the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company will sell ex
cursion tickets from points 011 its line
west of Baltimore, Lancaster. Reading,
and south of Snnbnry. all inclusive, at
rate of single fare for the round trip to
Chicago plus to Naperville; these
tickets to be sold May 2:). 24, 27, and 28
and good to return until June 24, ex
cept thi-r 011 deposit of t-'-k'-ts with
agent *'.t Naperville on or be: ;re Jrn>.
j - ,1. return limit may be extend*! t)
tine " '
Wayne St.
I li yi.it want u! . y< 1. ,r your 1 one
' repaired go to White Walter & Co.
, largest stock in County. Bicycles for
j hire.
John Burns of Franklin ?wp was in
town last week.
X. Reott is building a residence on
Franklin street.
Rt-v. J. R Coulter was the guest of
Butler friends last week
W. C. and Homer Negley of Pitts
burg were home for Decoration day.
p. >rn, Wednesday night, to Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer E. Kelly, a daughter.
Esq. J. A. Kennedy baa been
seriously ill for some days with stomach
Jus A McDowell the cement man,
has moved to his residence at cor Ist
ar.d cast Pearl Sts.
J. 11. Snyder ha rented his house in
the West End, and moved to the Koh
ler farm north of town.
Bert Rodgers. the oil man. came
home from Parkersburg last .Sunday
evening He reports the business dull
J. H. -Negley Esq., Prothonotary
Thompson ami Reg. and Rec. Adaros
visited the boys in camp at Ml. Gretna,
this week.
Harry Gregg and wif* visited with
Harry's br« ther in Pulaski last Sunday
Mr. Gregg has the hotel at the Springs
there and is doing a large business.
John Caldwell and wife of Jefferson
twp., left last Thursday on a visit to
their son Dr. W. E. Caldwell. West
Snitield. Conn. They will be gone for
several weeks.
Helwig Grine of Prospect recently
found a remarkable round and hollow
stone in his garden, the centre of which
contained some small yellow stones.
An expert here thinks that it i- a petri
fied egg.
Andrew Armstrong and wife, of
Shaipsburg. visit<d friends in this
county this week. Andy is carrying his
right hand in a sling, having had it
crushed between cog wheels at a factory
on Preble Ave., Allegheny, some four
weeks ago
Hardee H. Hepler, a member of Co.
E arrived in Butler on a three days fur
lough, Sunday evening He reported
all the boys well and anxious io be sent
to the front. Hardee is or was an em
ploye of the bottle works, boarded with
Mrs. Kr.hn of .1* Elm St. and is not
related to the Heplers of this county.
An elderly woman occupying a sec
tion in one of the sleeping cars at Union
station last night was pointed out as
Mrs Hettie Green. the noted New York
financier and Wall street stock opera
tor. The rumor soon reached the re
porters and they commenced an investi
gation in th<- hope of securing an inter
view The supposed Mrs. Green was
pointed out. The porter of the car was
asked if he knew the famous Mrs.
Green, to which be replied be knew her
by reputation, but had never seen her.
He was asked if the old woman in his
car was Mrs . Hettie (ireen. He said:
"Her name may be Green, but she is
not Mrs. Hettie Green, the wealthy wo
man of New York, because she gave me
a dollar." That settled the investiga
tion. —Pittsburg Times.
To tlic Patriotic Citizens of tint -
ler and V icinlty.
An organization of the citizens of our
town and vicinity has been effected un
der the name of the "Patriotic League
of Butler. Pa,' having for its object
♦he relief of our soldier boys in camp or I
hospital, and the earing and providing
for the families and dependents of those
who Lave responded to their country's
call. A finance committee has been
appointed by the League, who will call
upon our citizens for their contribu
tions: in view of which at a meeting of
the League held in Y. M. C. A. Hall 011
Tuesday evening. May 31, the officers of
the League were instructed to issue an
address to the public through the
county papers explaining the objects of
the League and the work contemplated.
The League in both its membership
and its work is strictly non-sectarian
and non partisan, and all contributors
to the fund are members of the League.
We need the aid and de-ire the assist
ance and membership of every patriotic
man and woman of tnc town and vieiu
ity, and especially desire the coopera
tion of the ladies.
While al! contributors, cither of mon
ey, provisions or clothing, will be ac
ceptable, yet in order that the work of
the League may be carried on practi
call}- aud systematically the finance
committee desire so far as possible to
secure a list of subscribers who will
agree to pay some certain sum or
amount monthly during the continu
ance of the war.
The work of the Leagne while in a
sense charitable, yet is no charity. We
do not ask your assistance and your
gifts »h charity, but as a patriotic, lov
ing duty to yonr country, and the cause
of liberty and humanity. The imme
diate necessities of the League consists
in raising one hundred and fifty dol
lars or upwards to defray expenses in
curred in furnishing necessary equip
ments and supplies to the members of
Co., E 15th Reg't. when they departed
to enter the service of their country,
and also to care and provide in greater
or less degree for the families and de
pendents of some seven or eight soldiers
who have already enlisted. In addition
to this, any considerable prolongation of
the war and future enlistments of our
citizens to fill additional calls for troops
will no doubt furnish many other
worthy and deserving cases where aid
and assistance should and must be pro
vided. Nor does even this measure the
scope of the duty and responsibility of
the Leagne. If the war continues, tbe
inevitable fact that our sick and wound
ed soldiers in hospital and on tented
Held will require and should receive the
very best of the aid and assistance of
every patriotic, country-loving Ameri
can citizen, confronts us.
An adjourned meeting of the League
will be held in Y. M. C. A. Hall on
Tuesday evening next, June 7, at 7 ;:{< >.
Every citizen of the town is invited to
attend this meeting. The League re
spectfully requests the several minis
ters of the town to announce this meet
ing from their several pulpits on the
coming Sunday, and to urge upon their
congregations to attend this meeting
and to lend their aid and encourage
ment to the good cause.
W. C. FLV DLL v. President.
A. I*. Encampment, Oil City.
For the Annual Encampment of the
Grand Army of the Republic, Depart
ment of Pennsylvania, to be held at
Oil City, Pa., June Hand 9, the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company will sell
excursion tickets from stations in Penn
sylvania on June 4 to S, to Oil City and
return, at rate of single fare for the
round trip, good to return until June
11, inclusive.
—For bargains in valuable and destr
able residences inquire of Walker & Mc-
If you intend building a house, barn
or anything else, this summer, send to
C. (). Campbell, Butler, Pa., contractor
and builder, for estimates on material
and labor.
Any of our readers needing gas stoves
or gas ranges, gas fronts or any gas sav
ing appliance will find it a financial sav
ing to call at the store of W. H,
O'Brien .& Son. on East Jefferson St.
and get prices on the extensive line they
have on exhibition. Tbey are also
agents for the celebrated Welsbacli
Light, of which more than 1200 were
old in Butler, last year.
—New Spring and Summer goods ar
riving every day (prices much BELOW
ples Store.
Bic w cles.
! —See I-'indiey the Photographer be-
I fore buying a wheel, lie will save you
1 Post Officv Bcilui.'ig.
Laughing Babies
Are those tthu tak.e lloxMe's C. C. C.
I for coughs, colds and croup. No opium
jto stupefy, no ipecac to nauseate. 5
I cents.
Communion and confirmation services
will ' held in the new English Lnthei
an church n- xt Sunday but the dedica
tion services have not yet been arrang
ed for and will not probably take place
until Sunday the 19th
TLu regular meeting of the Butler
County Mins,trial Association will
tneet next Mondsr Jane 0 at S P. M.
in the Y.M.C A. Hall. Subject for dis
cussion ""The Pros and Cons of Mod
em Evangelism."
Monday evening the members of
Bethany" Reformed iiurch tendered
their pastor Rev. J. A. Levzinger a fare
well reception at the home of Mr. Hen
ry Biehl.
Mi-. Lenzinger has just closed a very
.-lUccessfnl year and is now jioiug on a
visit to his home lu Los Angles 1.a1.,
which he has not seen since he left it
five years ago to enter the Theological
Seminary. A pleasant evening was
sjient. all present wishing him a pleas
ant journey Rev. Kline will conduct
services during his absence.
Preaching services in the Jefferson
Centre Pres. church next Sabbath even
ing by the Kev Mr. Espach, from an
eastern Theological Seminary, at S
Communion ill the Summit church
next Sabbath. Preparatory services
Friday 8 P. M. Saturday 2 P. M.
The United Presbyterian General As
sembly at its meeting in Omaha last
Thursday, elected Rev. Dr. R. G. Fer
guson, president of Westminster col
lege, at New Wilmington. Pa . as mod
erator, by 122 votes out of 211 cast.
The report of the board of church ex
tension showed a balance on April 30 of
$19,280, with disbursements or' S»W,tKS2
during the year. The payment ito con
gregations were and HHt was
invested. The available cash balance is
!<1,589. A comparison with the returns
of last year ind:c ited a healthy but not
rapid growth of the church.
For the fonrth General Conference dis
trict Epwortb League Convention at
Wheeling June 25-29 the railroads have
announced a half fare rate, with
tickeis gocxl for eight days, and it is un
derstood that the teachers are endeav
oring to have the tickets extended so
th at they may attend the League con
ver.tiou and remain for the W. Ya.
Teachers' Association which convenas
ihe day the convention adjourns. In
vitations are being extended to all the
leagues in this section to plan for a
visit to Wheeling June 25-29.
Judge .Tames A. Beaver of Pennsyl
vania fainted last Thursday afternoon
during the delivery of his address on
The Presbyterian Church and the Peo
ple.'' at the Westminster celebration in
the Auditorium at Winona Lake, lud.
it was noticed that the general was lab
oring hard from the start. He had al
most reached the conclusion of his ad
dress when his yoice faltered ahd he
showed signs of collapse. Stated Clerk
Rev. Dr. W. H. Roberts sprang to his
side and supported him With wonderful
pluck the speaker finished the sentence
on his lips, aud then fell to the floor.
The audience was almost stampeded,
bnt the choir leader stcuck up Ameri
ca'' and the majority resumed their
seats. Physicians who were present
took charge of Gen. Beaver, but not
until he had recovered sufficiently to be
removed from the hall could the excite
ment be allayed. Some were present
who had witnessed the death of Judge
Breckenbridge on the platform of the
assembly at Delroit in 1892, and natur
ally visions of that scene came to their
minds. The general was resting com
fortably that night and no serious re
sults were apprehended.
Nearlv 5,000 persons were on the
grounds" that day, attracted by the cele
bration. and Winona wore a picnic air.
The auditorium was packed at ever}'
session, and the heavy artillery of the
Presbyterian church thundered all day.
Such an event happens only once in two
and a half centuries. The opening was
ii.tpressive. At the first call the moder
ator's new historical gavel, flew into
fragments, one of the largest of which
decended on the head of a Philadelphia
newspaperman It is alleged he was to
slow tn remove his head from its path.
After this incident everything worked
smoothly under an ordiuary everyday
\imuiil Meeting of tlie Women's
Missionary Association of
Butler l'resbytery.
JUNE 7. 7:80 P. M —Devotional ex
ercises. roll call, minutes of last con
vention, minutes of meeting of Ex.
Com., report of Committee on Constitu
tion. repoit from the W. G. M. S..
prayer, thank offering service, Mrs.
Leslie, social hour.
JUNE 8, 9. p. M. —Devotional ex
ercises, Freeport, report of secretary,
report of treasurer, report of Presbyter
ial manager, report of literature secre
tary, report of Junior secretary, prayer,
greetings from Auxiliary societies, open
parliament on best methods for work
in our Auxiliary societies, including
best methods of conducting devotional
exercises; interesting the uninterested,
increasing the membership, obtaining
new subscribers to Woman's Magazine,
for raising money, increasing missionary
intelligence, my personal obligations as
an individual member of a missionary
1:30 P. M. —Devotional exercises,
Springfield; election of officers, greet
ings from sister societies in Grove City,
prayer, discussion —personal consecra
tion, opened by Mrs. W. J. Grinnes
question box, Mrs. J. T. Smith; miscel
laneous business, reports of committee,
minutes of convention.
7:80 p. M. —Praise service, lecture by
the Rev Jos. Kyle. D. D.,subject, "The
Spirit of Missions and the Support of
Missions"; adjournment.
MKS. A. B. DICKIE, Pres.
A Valuable Publication.
On June 1 the Passenger Department
of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will issue the 18iiy edition of its Sum
mer Excursion Route Book. This work
is designed to provide the public with
short descriptive notes of the principal
Summer resorts of Eastern America,
with the routes for reaching them, and
the rates of fare. There are over four
hundred resorts in the Inxik to which
rates are quoted, and over fifteen hun
dred different routes or combinations of
routes. It is compiled with the ut
most care, and altogether is the most
complete and comprehensive handbook
of Summer travel ever offered to the
It is bound in a handsome and strik
ing cover, in colors; and contains sever
al maps, presenting the exact routes
over which tickets are sold. It is also
profusely illustrated with line half-tone
cuts of scenery at the various resorts
and along the lines of the Pennsylvania
On and after June 1 it may be pro
cured at any Pennsylvania Railroad
ticket office at the nominal price of ten
cents, or, upon application to the gener
ar office, Broad street Station, by mail
for twenty cents.
Your Savings Will Last Longer.
If you deposit your savings with the
Pittsburg Jiank for savings No. 210
Fourth Ave., Pittsburg, I'a., which you.
can do by mail; you will keep your sav
ings longer than if you deposited in your
home Hank, where the temptation to
"draw out" is ever present.
This Bank, with assets of over $3,100,-
o<x), pays .) per cent, interest always, and
your money is as safe as it would be in
vested in government bonds.
Notice to Wool-Growers.
Messrs. Troutman's Sons requiting all
the room they have for their own busi
ness, I have changed my location to
Graham Bros.' grocery store, just across
the street from my old location with
Troutman's, where I will be glad to see
all mv former wool friends, assuring
them of fair treatment, and the market
price in cash for their wool. Trouttnans
wish to state tl.at they have gone out of
the vo 1-br.yintj business altogether
I 1 ,!l offer for aale my complete out*
I fit of i-.utchei tools, lacfoding ke4m,
, Olocks, scales, counter, racks and blaugh-
I ter house outfit. Also wagon etc.
i 553 MifEin St. Butler.
Mountliig ti»p Guns.
The mounting of the cannon attract
ed a large crowd to the Diamond last
Saturday aril great interest was taken
in the work. The stone foundations for
the earriges had lteen completed, and
the earriges put in place the day before
and Saturday morning a derrick con
sisting of three stout timbers was erect
ed over one of the carriages, to which
was attached a large iron block, from
Sherman & Johnston's machine shop.
The chain was attached to the gun, the
carriage protected by timbers, and the
gut: drained and lifted into position.
A great shont went up when the trun
nions of the first gun. settled into their
places. The Rnns weigh about
each; the earriges about 1400 lbs. each.
The carriages were cast by W.
Emery it Son of Franklin from some
old moulds in their posession, with tha
lettering changed.
The mounted guns make quite an ad
dition to the attractions of the Diamond:
and to Col. R. P. Scott, who secured the
guns and carriages, and arranged for
their mounting, the credit is due.
>I«-iiioriul Day.
The day passed off quietly in Butler.
The graves were decorated in the morn
ing and that afternoon the G. A. R.
marched from their hall to the Opera
House followed by a large crowd who
listened to a very able and interesting
address by Judge Collier of Allegheny-
Jas. M. Galbreath Esq. spoke at Mid
dletown. S. F. Bowser Esq. at Pros
pect, Jos. Criswell and treasurer Har
per at Zelienople, J. M. Painter at
Unionville, Braid Black and Alex Rus
sel at Fair view. Howard Painter of
Chicora and A G. Williams at Riddles-
X Roads, A. M. Christlev at Emlenton
and John Coulter and Lev McQniston
at Saxon burg.
All the meetings were enthusiastic
and well attended.
The memorial sermon by Rev. Wor
rel in the Opera House, last Sunday
levenmg, was a very excellent one.
At Mount Union church in Worth
twp. Rev. Geyer of Butler delivered a
sermon Sunday evening which was
spoken of by some of the old soldiers
there as the best they ever heard.
>1 AliK ETS.
Our grocers are paying but 10 cents
for butt er and eggs HO cents for pota
toes, 20 cents a doz. bunches for green
onions and 2o fur rhubarb.
Green peas from the South are selling
at 40 cents a peck, new potatoes at .*>o
a peck and strawberries at 10 a quart.
Our millers are paying 9." to SI.OO for
wheat, and 45 for rye.
Dealers here are paying 18 to 25 for
QBoth agencies are paying 86c. for oil
this morning.
Coniiueiieemeiit at the Collegiate
Sermon by Rev. M. S. Hemenway
Sunday, .Tune 12. at the Episcopal
Grand concert Tuesday. June 14, 8 p.
m. in Institute Hall.
Commencement exercises, Thursday,
June 10, p. m. in Institute Hall. Ad
dress by Rev. John S. McKee.
11 _■■ delivered to all parts of the
' town, every day. Leave or
ders at
142 Main St.
Decoration Day.
The P B. & L. E. R. R. Co. will sell
excursion tickets between all stations
at one fare for the round trip, on
account of Decoration Day, good going
May 28th and 30th, returning to and in
cluding May ;lt)st.
Sunday Excursions to Allegheny.
Commencing Sunday May 22nd and
until further notice the Pittsburg and
Western R. R. will sell excursion tick
ets to Allegheny every Sunday for train
leaving Butler 8:15 A. M. city
good to return on afternoon trains date
of sale. Fair for round trip 75 cents.
For Sale.
One of the best farms in the county
located on the Freeport Pike, one-half
mile from Ilannahstown, in Winfield
twp. —56 acres, good house, good barn,
young orchard, well watered, 6 acres of
good timber; level rolling land.
Inquire at this office.
Of Interest to You.
Parties wishing to engage in the livery
business, call on Walker & McElvain for
location aud outfit,
—Are you overworked and in need of
rest and quiet? Hotel Rider, Cambridge
Springs, is the place for you. All the
comforts of home together with »he
best medicinal waters known. A week's
sojourn will make you ten years young
er. Write for circular?.
B. <5- B.
study it out.
There's nothing hard to under
stand about this Dry Goods Store
—it's single purpose,
making it pay you
to buy here
is clear as crystal—it started that
way —has stuck to it through 29
years of growing business—and is
going to keep at it more diligent
ly than ever—with goods and
We start this June, first month
of summer, with the largest stock
of choice warm weather goods yet
shown—late new styles priced to
show you pocketbook advantage
and bring the biggest business
in the store's history.
Summer Silks and Dress
Goods, Wash Goods, Suits,
Shirt Waists, Jackets, Curtains
and Decorations, and Kindred
[ Lines. Detailed investigation,
either by sample, by catalogue,
or by coming in person will show
we mean business.
Finest collection of
you'll find—Bc to 30c —pretty
printings, 10, 12A, 15,20c —styles
and coloring at 25 Knd 30c like
real art work.
Other wash goods 4c to $1.25.
Bono's & Buhl
i £i2 i'v, AXLE
Jif .-1,. <1 .«.■:! : m »i. Actually
1 > :-v «i .-.is- . *.uj < n,er branj. Not
I Subscribe tor tbe CmziN.
Ninth Grade Commencement.
The largest class that ever graduated
from the Grammar or Ninth Grade of
the Butler Public Schools. Home 01 in
all, received their diplomas last Friday
The exercises consisted of choru»ett by
the class, a bnuioronarecitation by Miss
Yallie Heenan, declamation by Chas
Holliday.p- em by M ;■#» Grace Allen,reci
tation bv .Tno. Anderson, class history
»v Edith Heck, debate on control of
railroads by Bert Campbell, Wells Mc-
Jnnkin. Clyde Patterson and Charles
Smith, flower presentation by Miss
Sarah Mitchell; pathetic recitation by
Miss Jean Henry, and class will and
testament by Miss Edith Mclntyre Then
S. F. Bowser Es<p President of the
School Board, presented the diplomas
after a few well chosen remarks, and a
Patriotic song ended the exercises.
Some fifty of the ninety who appeared
on the stage will enter the High School
nest fall for the three years coarse.
Letters of administration C. T. A. on
the estate of Xancy C. Stewart, dec'd.,
late of Centre twp., Butler Co., Pa., hav
ing been granted to the undeisigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
pajmeut, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement 10.
Admr. C. T. A.,
Mt Chestnut, Pa.
J. D. Mcjunkin, Att'y.
Letters testamentary on the will of
Richard G. Nelson, late of Middlesex
township. Butler county, Pennsylvania,
dec'd., having been granted by the Reg
ister of said county to the undersigned
Executors thereof. Therefore all persons
knowing themselves indebted to the
estate of said deceased are requested to
make speedy payment, and those having
claims against said estate can present
them properly authenticated for settle
ment to
T. A. PARKS, Executors.
E. Mcjunkin Att'y. Glade Mills, Pa.
Tetters testamentary on the estate of
Sarah Jane Cranmer, dec'd., (widow of
Israel Cranmer, dec'd.,) late of Centre
twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make inimediale payment,
and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
j. D. MCJUNKIN, Ex'r.,
Butler, Pa.
Letters testamen.arv on the estate of
Robert Trimble, Esq., dec'd., late of
Middlesex twp., Butler Co., Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
Flick P. 0.,
W A. DENNY, Butler Co.,Pa
Mcjunkin & Galbreat'n, Att'ys.
Letters of administration C. T. A., hav
ing been granted to the undersigned on
the estate of John P. Roll, dec'd., late of
Cranberry twp., Butler Co., Pa; all per
sons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
Thorn Hill, Pa.
Wll.t. I/.AIS & MITCHKU,, Atty's.
Uy virtue of an order and decree of the
Orphans' Court in and for the County of
Itr.tler and State of Pennsylvania to us the
undersigned Executors of the last will and
testament of Richard G. Nelson, deceased,di
rected,we will offer for sale at public auction
on the premises at one o'clock P. M., of
All that certain farm and tract of laud situ
ate in Middlesex township. County and State
aforesaid.and hounded on the north l>v lands
of MeCaslin's heirs, 011 the east bounded hy
lands of T. A. and H. M. I'arks, on the south
bounded by lands of Mrs. Minnie Lee and on
the west bounded by lands of Alford K. Nel
son. John Rlifley and Parks' heirs, contain
ing eighty-two acres of land, more or less, as
per draft and survey of K. E. MeQuistion
Esq., dated Feb.. 1898; about sixty acres
thereof cleared, fenced and cultivated, bal
ance woodland, three small producing oil
wells, small board dwelling house and sever
al good springs of water thereon. This farm
is located lu a good neighliorhood and Is in
all respects a valuable and desirable prop
erly. Title good.
'I EHMS—('ash on confirmation of sale aud
delivery of deed to purchaser.
11. M. PARKS, aud
T. A. PAHKS, Kxecutors,
Glade Mills, Butler Co., Pa
E. McJunklti. Att'v.
In pursuance of an order aud decree of the
Orphans Court In and for the County of But
ler, and State of Pennsylvania, to me the
undersigned directed, I will offer for sale at
public vendue, on the premises at one o'clock
p. m. t 011
All that certain lot of grouud situate in the
borough of Valencia, In the township of
Adums, Couuty and State aforesaid, bound
ed on the northwest by Almira street ItCJ and
3-10 feet, on the northeast bounded by land
of Dr. S. (>. Sterrctt 1"»0 feet, on the southeast
bounded by lot of Miss Snow ltli and 5-10 feet,
and on the southwest bounded by a street
151 feet, being three lots lying together in
said N»rt»utrh, located and marked by said
Dr. 8. O. Sterrettout of his larger tract <»f
land, having a frame dwelling house, out
buildings and water well thereon.
TERMS OF SALE—Cash on confirmation
thereof and delivering deed to purchaser.
Title s<K»d.
Mrs, Almira Cowan, dec'd, Valencia. Pa.
E. McJONKIN, Att'y.
Notice in Divorce.
i In the Court of
Margaret Ellen Uarlacii i Common Pleas of
vs. > Butler Co.. Pa. A.
Jacob Henry Gariach f I). No. 35, Dei.-, term
J 1897.
To Jacob Henry Garlacli: —
Two subpoenas having been returned N, E.
1. You. th«» said Jacob Henry Gariach, above
named defi ndant are hereby required to ap
pear in said Court of Common Pleas of Hutler
Co., Pa., to be held at Butler. I'a.. on Monday
the nth dav of June ISOS, being the lirst day
of next term of Court to answer the said
complaint and show cause. If any you have,
why a Divorce Absolut® from the ixinds of
Matrimony should not lie granted to the said
Margaret Ellen Gariach.
You arc also hereby notified that testi
mony in above''4i.se will l>rt taken before the
said Court on Tuesday, the 7th day of June,
at which time and place you are notiGud to
Letters testamentary, C. T. A., on the
estate of Newton Lurling, dec'd., late
of Adams twp., Butltr Co., Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned all per
sons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
the same will present them -luly authen
ticated for settlement to
Mars, Butler Co., Pa.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
John M. Mcßride, dec'd, late of Middle
sex twp., Butler Co., Pa., hiving been
granted to the undersigued, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will please make immediate pay
ment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
Bakerstown, Pa,
E. Mcjunkin & J. M. Galbreath, Att'ys.
Letters testamentary 011 the estate of
Mixes Thompson K q. dec'd,late of Centre
*\\p Butler Co. Pa., having been granted
!;j the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
please makt immediate payment and any
having claims against said estate will
present tiitrn dul> authenticated for set
tlement to
Butler, Pa.
Painter & Murrin att'ys.
Our Method
Doing Business
We hope will merit your
patronage. Ours is not
only store in Butler, but
we do try to make it such
a place to buy your ctrugs
and medicine as to win
your confidence secure
your patronage. I)o not
come to our store for cheap
drugs. We don't keep
them. Nothing but the
best linds a place in our
store ami ei*rr article
bearing our name is guar
etiteed to be just as repre
sented or you can get your
money back. We buy the
best, sell the best, keep
the liest and recommend
the best It is this meth
od that has brought to
our store 3 large and de
sirable patronage. If you
have never dealt at our
store we would be pleased
to have you call. We try
to "K2ep everything that is
likely to be called for in
our line, but if we should
not have what you want we will frankly
tell yon so and will be pleased to get it
fou you at the earlies possible moment.
We give you what you want, No substi
tutions permitted. Let us fill your
prescriptions Respectfully,
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
By virtue of an alias order and decree of
Orphans' Court of Butler Co., Pa,., made at
No. t?.». M irch term, of said Court, the
undersigned administrator of the estate of
James Criswell. late of Adams twp., county
and Hate aforesaid, dec'd., will offer for s.ile
at public vendue on the premises on
at 1 o'clock n. in., of said day, all that certain
tract of land situated in Adams twp., Butler
io.. state of Pennsylvania, bounded north by
lands f Coo vert heirs and Samuel Park,
east by iand of Samuel Park and i#r. S. o.
Sterrett. ».juth by land «»f John Harr and
Wm. PurvU, and west bv lands of T. \V. Ken
nedy's heirs; Newton Lerting and Coovert
heirs, containing l;V| acres, more or less : with
2 frame dwelling houses, one nearly new;
ciH)d bank barn and outbuildings, 3 orchards.
Land situated l i mile from Mars and mile
from Itowney vtlle on P. & W. Ry. Conveni
ent to churches and schools. Land in good
condition i4 nd «« 11 watered, well adapted to
either stock-raising or general farming pur
poses. supposed to be oil and gas territory if
TERMS OF SAL£—One half of the pur
chase money to lie paid on confirmation of
Bftk by the Court and the other half tn one
year thereafter, with litUrest, to be secured
by liond and mortgage on the premises, with
usual waivers aud attorney's com mission.
Myoma, Pa.
McJunkin Ac Galbreath. Atty's.. Butler. Pa.
| J.etters of administiation on the estate
of Harper Campbell, dte'd., late of
Washington twp., Butler county, Pa.
having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make immedi
ate payment, and any having claims
against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement to
North Hope Pa.
W. A. and F. Forquer, attorneys.
cNeed Furniture I
\lt is well to bear in mind that a i
t saving on one article will help /
( buy another. Had yon thought 1
lof that? We can Have enough for r
\ yon on one article so that yon can /
f afford to buy another. It's what V
S you save in buying that assists (
j you in laying up money. We )
S can heli> you do that. v
\ Refrigerators, <
/ Fourteen different sizes of Ice J
S Boxes and Refrigerators. WeS
I don't sell the cheap kind, bnt we I
v have the kind you want; well V
V made and the kind that saves J
\ your ice. Come in and see them \
I while the assortment is complete. I
CCleanablc and Strong, \
) All the different sizes to show /
j you next week, but later on the y
J assortment will not be so large. !
C ft* Ifl fill F° r a Hardwood j
J inches deep and 42 inches high, j
C charcoal filled, inner walls re- C
P movable and made of galvanized /
j iron. Kept cool with ice this \
f iron offers a condensing surface f
f to the ascending warm air. £
< Ct 4 1 O en Buys a Refriuer /
l I f I a tor 27 inches j
V >4/ i \J\J i oni?i 18 inches I
\ deep and 42 inches high; has)
J porcelain-lined water cooler and \
N removable walls, and a system of \
/ refrigeration that purifies the air /
soon as it passes over the ice. Yon l
Swill find the drinking water free %
Cof i»dor from any article of food \
/you may have in the refrigerator. /
t Fifty different patterns to show (
J you. There is no nicer, cooler J
V floor covering for summer time. X
/ Some of them made to look t
f like carpets, and for warm weath- C
/er you will find them better than f
( cheap carpets. V
\ Chinese and Japanese, \
C Both kinds. Come and see them v
/ and be the judge as to the style /
i and quality. J
; BUTLER, PA. A: d
Walker S McElvain,
KETTERER HRll.Disfj. Opp. PosTorncE
bubocribe for The Citizen.
c We Declare War
J Against every Clothier in Butler County and vicinity, and
offer to Clothing Buyers of Butler County
\ 280 Men's and Boys' Suits!
£ »! in 14 Different Patterns I
<> ___ | at $5 A Suit. I
\ There's nothing in the market we safely say that can equal
\ these suits. Suppose you look into the matter.
S When in town drop in and ask to be
S shown these suits—no
j trouble whatever.
r 137 South Main St.,
/ Butler, Pa.
KJ Douthett & Graham?
TA YOUR OWN FAULT, We've been in the clothing
£ * business, in Butler, for five years and it is to
J A your interest to know us as we are selling
B the best clothing for the least money
of any firm in Butler. You don't
tk. i believe lr? Step in and see
W A our store when in town,
and we'll prove it to you.
H Douthett & Graham
im IIT 4 r P otir tastes don't all agree; think
I 11A 1 what an unhappy world it would be
W A if all the young men thought there was
L'W "only one girl in the world." It would leave a
i lot of wall-flowers on the bargain counter wouldn't
WA it?* Think how we'd lock if we all dressed alike!
L We're having a great Shoe exposition in our store
j these days. We're somewhat in the position of
W A the commercial tourist who was in the store vester-
L ® day. He said he saw so many healthy looking
1 women on the street that he wished he had more
W A eyes. We've got so many good looking Summer
L ® Shoes that we wish we had more show windows.
Come in and see it you won't say you never saw
y A so many good looking Shoes at once. Two dollars
L V buys a good pair of shoes. Three dollars buys
j bojs a pair of beauties.
[j A. RFLFF & SON.
IHL The Improved 0, S. Cream Separator
IfcyX is noted for its
Close Skimming, Easy Running, and DaraLuity.
_ , LISBUKJf, PA., April-li, |3<|S.
urSKpl The Improved U. S. Separator runs fine alter almost
3I three years' work, and seems to run easier than when new.
ne'Rhbor tf'»t a new machine of another make, which left
Cr f 1 just twice the amount ot butter fat in the skim milk. I i
if B the first month th-y broke one of the '.-carinas oil inside,
M 'li ami ha Ito be factory, .. .1 >nc rer cmk
one cent for repairs, except a f- w rubber rinrs
Illustrated Catalogues, v/tth hundreds of testimonials, fr^e.
* A
I *
Are Not All Gone
We have a fot of Monarch shirts
made of Garners percales former
price fi.so now going at 75c.
33 l-3per cent Off
on all winter underwear and lots
of broken sizes going at one half
We Still Have
a few of those $5, f4 and $3 hats
in the Dollar sale.
We Have About
five dozen fine wool top shirts in
I'.lack and Brown shades, worth $2,
and $2.50, we are offering them at
51.25. Come in and tell ns what
you need and see if we cannot
upply you.
Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City
Two Weeks Sale.
For two weeks we are going to sacrafice
our wall paper, so that, whetbei you
need it or not, you will buy for future
use. if you will only come and see the
designs and price.
We have uiany of the best grades on
the market which we will sell you at such
a price th»t you will buy. We have all
grades and our prices are selling out
We want to sell out w Hhin two weeks
so measure every room in the house for
you will need the knowledge when you
hear the prices and see our fine patterns,
principly "special" grades, at
241 South Main St., Near P. O.
by Congressman James Rankin Young
All about War with Spain, the Navy, all
defences, Battle ships, etc. Portraits and
biographies of Dewey and all promiment
officers. Nearly 600 pages. Massive vol
ume. Marvelously cheap. Best author
ship. Only authentic, official book.
Experience not necessary. Any body
can sell it. Ladies as successful as gen
tleman. We are the largest subscription
book firm in America. Write us. Fifty
persons are employed in our correspond
ence department alone, to serve you.
Onr book is just out. Get agency now
and be the first in the field. Large 50c.
War Map in colors free with book or out
fit. Other valuable premiums. Tremen
dous seller. Biggest money maker ever
known. Most liberal leinis guarranteed.
Agents making $7.00 to $28.00 per day.
Twenty <1 >ys credit :■ iven Freight ] id
1 i'l book .v 'il pr p '.l l to agents, fj, i-.
- indid . n fit and full insti t
; 11s free for iiin*. •* cent stamps t<: cv
1 osiage. Mention this paper.
MoNKiu. BOOK Co., Ji-p iM. Chic:
Office near Court House.