THE: CITIZEN. WILLIAM C. N EG LEY -- Publisher THURSDAY. JUNE 2, 1898. REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR CONGRESS DR. T. B. SHOWAI-TFR, of MUlerstOwn b«r« FOR ASSEMBLY. JAMES N MOORE, ot Butler. JOHN DINDINGER. of Zellenopli. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. JACOB M. PAINTER, of Bntler FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. FRANK F. McQUISTION". of Butlei The Congressional Delegates elected Ist District John Women 2nd C. M. Brown: 3rd Gee.-Maxwell: 4th, H D Hockenberxy; sth, John Clark: 6th, A L Timbiin; 7t'n, Matt Bippua; Bth. K M. Johnston, 9th, T. H. Greer; 10th \Y 8. Dixon: 11th. C. F. L. McQuistion: 12th, A. C. Zeigler: loth, Sal. Weilil: 14th Joseph Graham; 15th, Reuben Shanor The State Convention. This is convention day in Harrisburg and ever since Sunday there has been a "pulling and a hauling there. On Saturday last David Martin, of Phila delphia. announced himself for John Wanamaker, and the Quay men of that town announced for W. A. Stone. By Monday all the different candi dates for all the nominations had open ed headquarters at one or the other of the big hotels, and had friends there to talk for them. By Tuesday all the can didates for Governor were in the town, and were holding conferences with their friends. Two Butler men, Black and Moore, were in town, and were put in the C. W. Stone camp. Penrose was said to be slate*! for Temporary Chairman of the Conven tion, and Alex McDowell for Perma nent Chairman. W. A. Stone s friends were claiming "207 delegates David Martin said he expected long sessions in the State convention He proposed fighting the unseating of his delegates from the Third, Fourth and Twenty-fourth wards of Philadelphia, both in the State committee and on the floor of the convention. It was rumored that John Wanamaber would take a substitute as delegate from Philadelphia and go into the convention to help Martin in his fight. According to re port. the Quay people would put no in dorsement of Gov. Hastings in the plat form. The Wanamaker people charged that Senator Quay was insincere in his ad vocacy of Gen Gregg as a possible com promise candidate, inasmuch as he had told Gus High, who controls the seven Berks county delegates, that he must hold them away from Gregg, or he will not get the Reading postmas tershio, for which High is a candidate. They say that if High took his dele gation over to Greirg it would at once break the back of the W. A. Stone move ment, and end his fight. "To sum it all up, " said one of Wana maker's lien tenants. "Senator Quay has surrendered to Andrews, W. A. Stone is to be forced upon the people and Quay is simply trying to (jet under cover and make the voters believe he is not responsible for the result." The convention will consist of 369 del egates, making 185 votes necessary to nominate. Yesterday W. A. Stone s friends were claiming 157 votes on first and 200 on second ballot, the C. W. Stone and Wanamaker headquarters were crowd ed all day. Some of the Lancaster county ana two of the Beaver county delegates were wearing C. W. Stone badges; Quay was warned by a number of men of the danger of nominating W. A. Stone and talked about keeping his hands off, which meant nothing; Andrews was not in town and was said to have been told to stay away; twenty five delegates from Allegheny^county agreed to stand by Wanamaser; the State Com. unseated one Wanamaker delegate from Centre county. WAR RECORD Late Sunday night the Navy depart ment at Washington received word from Commodore Schley that the Span ish fleet was yet in the harbor of Santi ago, and that he wan keeping the place closely blockaded. The war department sent orders to Gen. Shafter to embark the greater part of the troops at Tampa upon the transports. On Monday the British steamer ' ttes tormel" arrived at Key West, in charge of a prize crew from the St. Paul, which had captured her. She had a cargo of coal from Cardiff,and was trying to evade the blockading squadron at Santiago. Troops were beiug embarked at Tam pa * At Manila the natives were getting ready to attack the Spaniards in the city. On Tuesday Admiral Sampson's ships bombarded the forts at the entrance to Santiago harbor. Yesterday our squadron was in front of Santiago harbor, the insurgents were gathering on the hills surrounding the harbor, and it looked as though some thing was going to happen. Cooperstown. MAY 00, 1898. The people of Cooperstown and vicin ity rasied an 80 foot flag pole in front of the parsonage on Saturday last. A fine specimen of Old Glory 12x20 feet now floats from its top. The pole also bears a streamer with the words "Remember the Maine." A large and entnsiastic crowd was present. Patriotic speeches were made by Alex. Russell, Lev Mc- Qnistion and Wm. Findley, of Butler. The Germania Band of Butler rendered patriotic airs and added greatly to the enjoyment of the occasion. Another raising will take place at Glade Mills sometime this week. Two of our young men will tackle the Odd Fellows goat at Saxonburg tonight. An old soldier by the name of Coxey, who lives at Thos, Lyon's near Glade Mills, was terribly gored by a vicious bull belonging to Mr. Lyon on Monday. He had three ribs broken and received two fracturs of the right arm, one of the broken ribs puuetured his right lung His recovery is extremely doubt ful Mr. Coxey is a member of aG. A. It Post of Butler. Geo. Shoup, of Glade Mills, is the ha:>py farther of a fine boy baby which arrived on Friday. Supervisor Truver is doing excellent work on the roads in thia township He is the right man for that business. Miss Millie Buxton in entertaining some of her young ladies friend* from the city. Hen Blakely ha* named his new baby Dewey Sampson He should grow up to be a hummer. Miss Nora List, of the East End, Pittsburg, is spending a vacation with her mother near Cooperstown Miss Mary Miller, of Allegheny City, is also a vistor at Mrs. List's Bora to Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis of the Cowan farm on Wednesday a l*>v. Mother and child doing well. W. J. Marks, of Butler, accompanied the But It r delegation to the flag raising on Saturday. The town isgaily decorated with tiags and bunting in honor of Decoration day. Dr. Elder Crawford, of Henderson ville. was in attendance at th«* pole rais ing on Saturday The doctor leaves for Harrisburg tonight to attend to his dutieu its delegate to the State Conven tion. Dr F. H Crawford, of Coopers town, will look after his fat her's practice nntil he returns. The s;»-akers partook of a sumptuous supper at the Snyder house after their exhausting eiiorU OUR BOYS IN CAMP. Co. E. 13th Regiment. Camp Hastings. CHAUTAUQUA P 0.. LEBANON CO., PA. SUNDAY MAY 20. 1898. This is the brighest Sunday WP hare hid sine? coining to Mt. Gretna, it ?eems more like Sunday than anv of it predecessors Everyone is taking a rest, no getting up exercises this morn ing and no drill, only general review this evening. Even ~he cooks are tak ing a rest, coffee being the only thing prepared today. We are eating the content* of the barrels and boxes which our kind friends in Bntler sent and vliioh arrived Saturday We are not going in on ' a feast or a famine" pro oeedure. but" intend to make the good things last as long as possible. Bntler connty butter and the many kinds of delicious homemade preserves are in deed welcome improvements to dry bread or hardtack. Among the contributors to our store or goodthings were Wnt Walker and wife. R. P. Scott W. C. Thompson.Miss Black Mrs W D. Brandon J. B Mechling, C N Boyd J. S. Wick Alf. Wick. N. B Jacob-!, .T N. Stewart, .1 N Hyle. Wm Colbert, Adam Kamerer. C. G. Christy W. Albert. C A Hite Wm Kirkpatrick L R. McJunkin, Andrew Brymer, Phil Heines. G. C Stewart. J. R. Lindsev K C McAboy S. D Miller Wm McClung, Thos Bester H. D Byerly J. N. Moore J. 0 Martin, G. Wilson Miller, Col Thompson. Rev. Limbnrg, and W. H. Goehting the old veteran. There were many other packages which were not marked with the names of the donors, bet all contributors known and nr.- j known to Co E.have the sincere thanks I of the whole company. By the time this is published resolutions formally expressing onr thanks to the givers and appreciation of the gifts will without doubt l>e unanimously adopted. Thursday last Cos E and G, or the greater portions of them, were on pro vost guard. Capt. McJunkin was pro vost officer for tbe day. At night the guards at the quartermaster's depart ment and storage cars and the Chau tauqua grounds were given loaded cartridges and those at the little budd ing known as Chautauqua Postoftice were armed with loaded revolvers also. However neither roaming beast nor marauding man required their nse On Friday Jack Thompson returned from Butler, with balls and bats, and many stories of his trip. He also had a l»ox of homemade candy which he dis tributed. He seemed a little confused about the candy, sometimes he would say it wa= from his girl and sometimes from the '9B girls of High School Are all the '9B girls his girls'; To our base ball armament we have added gloves, mask, and more bats. We have had two battles with Co. G and worsted the enemy badly in both. Gis not in our class when it comes to baseball. Poney Moore, McFtmn, McCandless, Graham. Smith, Buckhaiter, Mclntyre, Thomp son, Allshouse, Livingstone, Will Fab er, Armstrong, Sam Scott and yonr scribe compose E'steanr Roessing and Adams are our star umpires. A game will be played with the Cavalry, Dec oration Day. Of course we all feel dis sapointed that Memorial Day is at hand and none of Co. E can boast that his grave is to be decorated. Saturday Capt. McJunkin received a check from the State for $1346,88, Co. E's pay. We are glad to say that near ly two thirds of this amount goes by check direct to Butler, so if our friends at home do send us small mountains of good things, we can send them a little cold cash in return. One thing we thought hardly fair although Adjutant Gen. Stewart sent an explanatory letter, we signed the payroll for fifteen days and were paid for only thirteen. At guardmount this morning out of Co. E's detail of six men, Roessing and Ritter were selected as orderlies and McKee as color guard, which speaks yolumes for the soldierly appearance of our boys. There were about forty in the guard to select from. Gen Miles is now a member of Co. E. He is a Scotch terrier, full of and has whipped Dewey of G and Sampson ot jD. Little Will Sutton led him about 1 by a string Memorial Day. Several members of Co. E who are sons of veterans of the Rebellion are at Lebanon today taking part in Memorial services there. This morning three companies of tbe 15th, eakeasies which were alleged to be operating there. About three hours later they retnrned very tired and without any captives This afternoon we burned all the brush and rubbish that had accumulat ed between camp and the railroad This was necessary as a sanitary pre caution and add" greatly to the appear ance of the place Capt. McJunkin is regimental officer of the day and he sees that the camp is policed propeily. At guardmount this morning Fred Shetter was selected as orderly. Clem Hutchinson of liutler is with Co. II of the lHth, and Claude Ziegler of the South Side is with Co. C of the 1 wth. Hal. T. Plante who was with Co. E laHt year is now in G of the 14th. Will Herron, who has relatives in But ler, is in the loth Regmt., now on its way to the Philippines. Harry Morrison who went out with Co. E enlisted with Co. D of Clarion. Rev. Worrel of the Second Presby terian church is visiting us this after noon. At this writing the ballgame between E and the Cavalry is in progress, the score tied, 4 to 4 in the sixth inning. Jos Heineman s coaching is the feature. We are badly handicapped by the ab sence of McFann, Smith and Scott. TUESDAY —The ball game last eve ning was won by Co. E, 11 to 10. When the Troop boys went to bat in the ninth inning the score was 11 to 4 against them. By hard hitting they made six runs and had a man on second when the last man struck out. We continued our Memorial Day celebration of burning brush, etc., this morning and our camp is now a model of cleanliness. Rev. Worrel spoke in the Y. M. C. A. tent last evening and will make another address this evening to all in general and Co. E in particular. Last Sunday Chaplains Long of the 18th, Burnet of the 14th, and Hays held Memorial services in the big pavilion in the Chautauqua grounds. The boys are making good use of the hymn books, and literature presented by Prof. Mack ey. a very pretty little volume en tilled ''Daily Food'' was presented to each member of Co. E by the W. C. T U. an( i Protected Home Circle of But ler. The book contains two verses from the Bible and one from a hymn for each day in the year. Capt. H. H. Cummings, of Tideoute, Pa., came over from Harrisburg this morning to see his son Charles. He is attending the Republican State Con vention. We expect other Republican visitors during the next few days. Shortly after dinner, Newton Black, one of Butler county's State delegates, found his way into Co. EV street. Later in the afternoon Mrs. A. T Scott, the Lieutenant's wife, arrived. We have just come in from our monthly-pay muster-in, something new to us all, officers and men On the last day of each month each regiment will be paraded and inspected by its com manding officers, after which eacli man will sign the payroll. We may not be paid for a long time yet. This afternoon the boys are wonder ing whether we will receive twenty-five or more new recruits again under the new call and whether six men will oc cupy one tent then E. H. N HOLEY. Sarvers Station A large congregation greeted Rev. Coulter at the communion services in the Buffalo Church last Sunday. Mrs Coulter was with him. Mrs. McMeekin is in Allegheny visit ing her son, Charles James many presents. WASHINGTON. On Tuesday the Senate was yet dis cussing the War Revenue Bill. The ( House passed Showalter J bill to pay Jno. M. Turner SIOO of bounty due him. POLITICAL. REPUBLICAN Congressional Confer eiice at Mercer next Tuet*. ay. Somerset county ejected j delegates and nominated inti Quay ! members of th< legislature last Satur day: and Kooser defeated Hicks for con gress by a large majority Last year the Kooser crowd beat the , Sc.ull crowd, 1 t v,t-;-t themselves turn ed down by tae St t-.- Committee. The l*iirvis >lfll Flag. Last Saturday evening, amid cheers J and the booming of the cannon, the employees of S. G. Purvis & Co. raised a 14 x 20 foot fla;.:. The liag was purchased by the em ployees, and every mau and boy work ing in the mill wa3 represented in that flag, every one having contributed. The address of the occasion was made by Jas. M Gal breath Esq. The employees of this firm are repre sented in the volunteer army by three of their members, Ira Murphy, Elmer (.toon and Jas. Smith There was a large audience which applauded the speakers frequently. One remark of Mr. Galbreath's we wish to repeat. ' There has nothing happened since the rebellion which has so united th« north and south as this war with Spain, and that alone will be worth the entire cost of the war. There were no Spaniards about and it was a good thing for the Spaniard tnat he was somewhere else Spectator. .Jaeksville Notes. Memorial day was observed by some of our citizens in a fitting manner. Miss Jennie Brown is visiting friends in Jacksville. ' Found in the post office a sum of money, the owner can have it by calling on the P M. and proving property. Rumors are afloat that cupid has made another conquest and a wedding is expected in the near future in our neighborhood. John Book is seriously ill. M. C. Searing transacted business in Middle Lancaster recently. J. G. Moore, of Butler, visited his parents near here last week. G. W. Gibbons Jr.. of Martinsburg. visited relatives in this vicinity over Sunday E. G. Elliott and son Paul were visit at W. P. Elliott. Mr. Elliott is one of the prominent business men of Evans City. We are keeping our eyes 011 Sampson's Jaw Bone, and expect to hear of him making use of it on those Spanish ships one of these days. MOKE ANON. Ftiirvfew Facts. Decoration day here went off accord ing to the arranged program. The Sab bath school in Petrolia with the G. A. R. Post and two other orders met a cor responding procession from Fairview at the Bear creek graveyard wheretheie was public speaking bv Atty. Alex Rus •sel of Butler ;trid others which made it a very enjoyable day Rev. Althouse of the Reformed church preached the memorial sermon in the U. P. church Sabbath. There will be a reunion of the Sha nor family, and friends at the residence of Fredrick L Shanor in Clarion county on June loth ail tho e who expect to at tend by railroad will >'et of at Rich mond Station 'neat St Petersburg where there will be conveyances await inir. Wm. Daubenspeck and wife, who havt been visiting for several weeks, with their friends here went back to tbeii home in Marietta, ' »hio Tuesday. There will be a Strawberry festival at the Presbyterian church on next T'aurs day and Friday evening Stanley Moorebead who is almost de spaired of the result of blood poison set ting in the .wounds received sometinu ago was somewhat better on Monda> evening. Fred Hayes of Butler is visiting hb old home here. Orungo Blossoms. A quiet, but very pleasant wedding occured Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Wallace, on Main street, which united in the holy bonds of matrimony Mr. Waliace's eldest daughter, Miss Jennie. and Dr. William Hush Cowden, of Renfrew The contracting parties are well known, popular young people. Miss Wallace is a graceful girl of the blonde type and has been rec ognized as one of Zelienople's leading society ladies. She is a member of the Presbyterian church and an earnest worker in the C. E., a faithful Sunday school teacher and for years an ardent member of the church choir. Dr. Cowden is a young physician of a genial disposition, who needs no rec ounnendation, as he practiced here for over a year, and just recently located at Renfrew,having succeeded Dr. McCly monds, who went to the E. E.. Pitts burg The ceremony was performed by Rev. Paul J. Slonaker, the bride's pastor, and was witnessed by the family; Dr. John V. Cowden and Miss Nellie Cow den, of Middle Lancaster, brother and sister of the groom, Mrs. Slonaker, Miss Grace McKinney and Miss Blanche Zeigler. After partaking of a sumptu ous wedding dinner, the happy couple left on the 7 o'clock train for their fu ture home in Renfrew, which was duly furnished and prepared to receive them. The bride was the receipient of some very beautiful and valuable presents. The Wallace home will not alone miss Jennie, her absence will be felt in the C. E. church and Sabbath school, especially her largo class of little girls, and no less by a host of friends, all of whom join The News in wishing the happy couple a continuation of their present happiness through life News. Koyal make* the loud pure, wholesome anil deliciuuj. jam &AkiHo POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL OAKIN* POWDf* Cf.. NF H YORK I L. S. McJUNKIN, insurance and Real Estate Agent. 117 E. JEFFERSON. BUTLER, - PA. Buy Direct from Manufacturers The KING GUARANTEED Single Tube Tire. Light and Fast yet Strong and Durable. $5 00 Per Pair. The King Miy. Co , Office «30 Ar< li St.. Philadelphia Pa. 6abticribo tor tho Cirus*. Lugan Vi»ll«\v. Miss Clara Johnston visiteil home this week. Miss Nannie Bnrtner came home Sat unlay. Frank Bowser and wife have jrone to honsckeeping Mrs. J. N. Bnrtuer was a Bntler visi- j tor Monday. Mr?. None, of Allegheny City, vniieil > J. B Caldwell. Mr. and Mr- D B Losan and family ! arc the gue.-its < >f friends at Parker. .Ta.-v McCollongh and wife, of Karn- | City, are the gnosts of I P Bnrtner. ; G K Graham and wife visited J N. I r..tner Saturday. J. O Harbison and wife were the guests of friends near Sarv.'rsville Prof. Campbell visited Snubury thi.- ! week. Mrs. Sailie Ziegler,of Allegheny City, is visiting at her parents home. .T. B I Caldwell's J N. Burtner and wife were the guests of Servers this week. Mr and Mrs Graff and family, of Butler, accompanied by her sister I'mma Logan visited home Snnday. Johnston Bru~ held an entertainment Saturday evening at tho No. 4 school house. J. B. Caldwell and wife left n? Thurs- I df.y. They intend visiting their son Hllery who is a M. D. in West fjuiliekl Conn"., and will also visit Jersey aud New York cities Rev. Cooper is attending Gen Assem bly at 'Jiu:;Lui Neb. W. G. Patterson spent Snnday with Ms mother who is on the sick list at Phillip City. Lewis Hazlett. who has been visiting his daughter. Mrs Cal. Losran. has been < n the sick list but is recovering. Quite a number from this section at tended the Decoration excerci ses at Saxonbnrg. The ladies of Summit Pres. church held a meeting last Wednesday, the •.Tit • for tho purpose of making arrang meuts for necessary repairs, Mrs. R M. Johnston was elected chairman. ''•lrs. S. M Wright Pres.. Miss Lizzie Johnston vice-Pres. Mrs Cal Logan Sec., and Miss Barb Emrick assistant Sec, The committee was elected to select seats and paper. Next meeting Saturday immediately after service All the ladies of the congregation are invited to at tend. DEATHS. FISHER At her hume in Worth twp. May 30, I*9K, Miss Maude Fisher, daughter of Isaac Fisher, aged 15 years. GRAHAM—At Canton, O. May 29. 1898, Charles C., only son of Hugh C. Graham, of Oil City, aged 38 years. Mr. Graham was a traveling man ar.'l was taken ill of pneumonia at Canton, a few days before his death. He was a son-in-law of W. R. Colbert of Butler. HENDRICKSON—On May 17, 1893, Viola Marie, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Day id Hendrickson of Cran berry twp , aged 9 months and ' 4 days. Such a little break in the sod- So tiny to be a grave; Oh! how can 1 render so soon to God The beautiful gift he gave. Must I put you away my pet, My tender bud unblown; With the dew of the morning upon you yet, And your blossom all tinsnown. My heart is near to break For the voice 1 shall not hear • For the clinging arms around my neck. And the footsteps drawing near. Never mind the noisy household, Nor loud foot-falls on the stair, Twill not wake the peacefnl sleeper, There's no baby anywhere. In is casket white as snow flakes, Nestling all among the flowers, Is the pure and spotless lily That a little while was ours. L. G. FROM LOWELL, MASS. The Homo of Hood's Sarsaparilla A Wonderful Cure. " A swelling oa big as a largo marblo came under my tongue. Physicians Baid it was a semi-transparent tumor and must be oporated upon. I felt I could not«tand it, and BB spring carnc began to take my favorite spring tonic, Hood's Sarsaparilla. The bunch gradually decreased and finally disappeared. I have had no sign of its re turn. 1 am glad to praise Hood's Sarsapa rilla." Mrh. 11. M. COByRN, 8 Union St., Lowell, Mass. Get HOOD'S. Hood's Pills i.ure Si a new set of wheels and shafts . for it, or trade it for a new buggy. Buggies are too cheap < » now to risk your neck riding . . in an old rickety thing like | that one of yours. And there's < I your harness, we hadn't no- . . ticed them Several places in them need repairing. Take t > them along too and get them . repaired or buy a new set. We '|r can accommodate you in eith er. We make and repair all . £ kinds of harness, no differ f ence what, you want belong- I % ing to a driving or team out- , \ tit, come here. Yours re- f S. B. Martincourt & Go. \ l I'M E. Jefferson St , Butler IV , \ S. B. Martincourt, ( £ J. M. Leighner. f MrtJANIiLESS* UEAVKCITRK I have a Ileave Cure thai will cure any cade of heaves in horses ill forty days, if u.sfl according to directions, and if it does not do what I claim for it, X will refund the amount paid and no charges will be made ior the treatment. The following testimonials are the strongests proof of the medicines powtr to cure: A. J. MCCANDI.ESS, -.ltlcr, Pft., 1893. Mr. A. J. McCandlesS' On the 2ml day of April, 1592 I cora menced to nse your new cure for one of my horses that had the heaves very bad, and continued to use the medicine for about forty days and the h >rse did nut show any signs of a return of them. It is now about a year since I quit giving the medicine and the horse has I'cver showed any sign of heaves, and I feel satisfied that he is properly cured. W. C. Criswell. utlc-r, !'a., Apriljo, 1593 A, J. McCasdleas" I have used your Heave Cure and find it will do the work if used accord ing to directions. Youry truly, J. B. McMilliu. M. C. WAGNER, PHOTO Gil APHiiE, 139 Sonth'Maiu street Over Shaul & <\aat a Uothinj Store] Ext mot iroiii Wanaiuakor's La>t Spoi'oli. This may be my last political speech before the R- publican state convention, which will be held at HarrlsburK on June 2. The campaign, though filled with prdimus labors ha? grown m»r» Interesting and attractive to me every day. The explorations of the labyrinths of machine pet-rets ard iniquities have fascinated me I close the speechmak ing for th" present with but one regret, viz. • that the time has been too short to discuss one-half of the abuses I have discovered and the damaging facta I have (fathered. I promise you I have been saving the choicest morsels for Cessart. but theie have been so many courses that it cannot be reached be fore convention time. The meal may foe only temporarily interrupted, and perhaps we may be compelled to tlnish It later. It has been said that Warn maker Is a very poor politician, and I t'elieve the statement is entirely cor rect. I became a candidate against tho tdvice of my political friends at a time when I could net count upen the vote ct a single delegat- in the state. TRUTH TELLING RISKS. Y.'hcn I told the people, and told them honestly, that I did not want to be governor, my political friends said I had made an awful blunder. When I made speeches lr. counties that I knew would elect delegates against m# my political friends said my course was well nigh suicidal. When I criticized laws that unjustly discriminated against the weak and in favor of the powerful my political friends said it was poor policy. When I said that the great corpora tions of the state were usurping others' rights and robbing the people my po litical friends said that brewers would expend millions to defeat me. When I said that tho great news channels of the state were under the Quay censorship my political friends said the newspapers would no longer print my speeches. When I refused to entertain any sug gestion of compromise, and declared I would be bound by no dealt*, my polit ical friends predicted that I would find myself standing very much alone be fore the end of the canvass. When I struck at every ugly head that I found exposed, without fear or favor, my politUal friends said that politicians would become afraid to trust me, and would not dare to give me their support. When I showed that un der Republican Quay rule the people were paying over one-third too much taxes, and that an ordinary economical administration would save the taxpay ers $1,500,000 annually, my political friends said thgfc my enemies would m.ike the Repucffan voters believe I was trying to wreck the Republican party. My policy has been at almost constant variance with my political friends. According, therefore, to mod ern political science and methods, I must have made an awful mess of this campaign. TO FREE PENNSYLVANIA. But If I have made mistakes that will cost me the votes of delegates it Is all right. The election of delegates for me has been secondary to the real purpose of my campaign. I can truthfully say that 1 cannot tell within 25 of how many delegates will vote for me In con vention. I accepted the commission from the hands of the Bourse meeting, and that commission did not command me to advance the political fortunes of Wanamaker, but to try to free Pennsyl vania from a reign of political tyranny, and help to save the Republican party from threatened destruction. If I have not succeeded In gathering delegates that will stand for me in the state convention I certainly have pre sented startling and uncontroverted facts that will stand against Quaylam in the future. I was mustered in to serve until June 2. and if the battle ia not then won I promise you that I shall enlist again, not for a time, but until the war is ended. Jury List for June Term List ot' names drawn from the jury wheel the 25th day of April, to serve as grand jurors at the regular term of court commencing ou the first Monday of June, H9!S, the same being the 6th day of said mouth. Borland Alexander. Bntler boro Ist w. shoemaker. Carpenter J L, Farview twp, producer. (Christie John, Cherry twp, laboror. Donthett Alexander fVnn twp. farm er. Dodds John A, Peiin twp, farmer. Ellenburger Wesley, Farview twp, farmer. Eberhart J A. Ffirview twp, farmer Eichenour John Lancaster twp, farmer Falkner Louis, Winfield twp, black smith. Fredrick O 11, Donegal twp, farmer. Gribben James, Middlesex twp, gent. Hockenbery Hamper, Worth twp. farmer. Knox Joshua, Allegheny twp, farmer. Myers John B. Buffalo twp, black smith. Meenan Daniel, Clearfield twp, fanner. Pryor Howard, Sunbury boro, farmer. Pfabe Etnannel, Clinton twp, farmer. Park Robert, Adams twp. merchant. Payne Horatis, Worth twp, farmer Raisley Samuei L, Butler twp, farmer. Shields It C, Mercer twp, farmer. Shrader Albert, Butler Ist w, fariuei. Shafer Anthony, Bntler 4th w, barber. Smith Win field twp, farmer. List of names drawn from the proper jury wheel this 25th day of April, to serve as petit jurors at the regular term of court on the sec ond Monday of June, IH'JK, the s'une be ing the 18th day of said mouth. Albert Jacob, Franklin twp, farmer. Ayers John. Butler boro 4th w, printer. Boyer Sidney, Jefferson twp, farmer. Bailey C A, Butler boro ">th w, banker. Bracken Edward. Butler boro -ir Marion twp. farmer. Mcßride John, Venango twp, farmer. Pringell J M. Butler boro Ifrd w. pro ducer Peffer William 11. Lancaster twp, farmer. Roberts Win Sr, Mercer twp, farmer. Hitter William 11, But'er Imri) 3rd w, merchant. Ramsey Baxter, Cranberiy twp,farmer. Rice James W. Lancaster twp, farmer. Ktoner W J. (.'lay twp, fanner. Snodgrasu John, Cuniioijueneasing twp, farmer. riirower John E, Clinton twp, farmer Thompson William S, Middlesex twp, farmer. Thilman Harm,'us twp, farmer Young John Kr, Butler twp farmer Wheeler Thomas A, Harmony l>oro, producer. Wimer Horace, Worth twp. farmer. Willson Thomas, llutler boro 4th w, lalxirer. OIL MEAL ! UNSEED Oil ••• . :l /"..J J, „ , liouv ictr., . \l.v I: ' arc doubtful <|Uallty: and somt? j v n> ijad. VVlilefoj mi circular. • lor pure bin seed nil or incal. and Hliltp i |< ad. ask fof 'Th(»mysonS. ' { iy | manufacturer. Tl|(jMl*.-oN l.i .V luamond street Allegheny. Pa. Sheriff's Sales. By virtue of sundry writ* of Wn. Fa., Ft ; Fa., Lev.. Fa. See. Nsned out of tin t ourt of , Comnion ('!< rjs. f Hutler county, Pa., and t«» ' me riir* ct« d. tin r« \r|l! be t«» public j •ale at the Court Hcniw, in the bnoofh of I Butler, on Friday, June 3rd, A. i> IMM I ('dock i' M. Dm followingl d<»s«»rlt>ed prop* . ty. to-wii : I IV N > l'> lun< Tern A T .rt'i A B < Mc Far land Att'ys All th« right, title, interest and claim of William B OardeiK-r and Maria .1 Gardener! of. In ;»:;«i to all that certain piece or t»ar»*«-l of land, situated in l alrvi- w twp.. Butfert'o. I'a. U'umlod as follows. to-wit: ut the southwest corner < f said tra<*t adjoin- j ir lands -»f Mary Keep and Muyville farm at a post thence n i rt!i v -» ti» jr. v» >i by !i»« May \ ill farm and kbi llock farm 160 perches t- < a while oak: thencn north l l ; d«t:»-t l»y j lands of J iti;t s i «>li ins 2."* perches to a stone: , \ hence south dejr. east \ y lands of F.ti > K"ip jM-rchi'S t<> a nost; thence south Hi d*ai wv>i >»> i:»uds of Mary Keep ii.*» perches | to t lit* pi ace of 1h ginniii£;< ZS acre«». j n'.ore or less. auu having thereon a frame , t .vo-M«»i> house, si.thii*. .tiui outbuildings. J AlX>—Of. in and to all that certain i»i« «'e j •»r parcel of land situated in Parker twp.. i Hut ler l'o.. Pa., hounded as follows, to-wit • « Bt'tsinii'nv at tin northeast corner of the , vhole pl< t. thence by Inndsof Robert Storey, south *J dejj. east 5 perches to a post:thence by lot of marked on plot. "A" south *9 deir. west perches to ;i |>ost: thence by lot marked *V" north 1 desr east .v> to ;i post; thence by lands of Sanderson north deji. east perches, to the plac»* »>f l»ejrin- j r.lng; containing twenty-eight GSP.) acres and j 1 • • 2f torches, ana mark* d "it" on the tri of the partition of the estate of [ Jacob Keen, dee d; having thereon erected a frame dwelling houf Pennsylvania Savings Fund and Loan As so. F.. L>. No. 11. 1~. li. Jane Term A B C McFar iand Att'y. Ail the .itle. Interest and claim of George W Cooper of, in and to all that certain i lece • •! lot • ■' ground situated In < Jen ten LHe Bon Butler Co Pa bounded ss follows to wlt: beginning at post on the south and running north on the Turnpike road -JO feet i . b post; thence by lot of Johathan Mayber ry Itwi fee t t<» a post thence east thirty feet by an alley to a i*;st: thence west by lot of samuel Coulter lfiO feet to the mace of be ginning; having therefm erected a two story frame dwelling houst and Seiz« d and taken in execution as the proper ty «»f Gi-orge W. t'ooper .it the suit of t \V liartl for use ol' 1> L Wilson et ai. K. D. No. 107 June Term. A T Scott and A Be McFarland Att'ys. All the right, title interest, and claim of Fn/.a Brv>-»n Adm'x of I N Biyson deed, of in : r.d to all that certain pelce or lot of land, situated in Slippery IltK'k twp.. Butler Co. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: Fronting or* Fnnklin road from the west side beginning at high water mark near the Hickory bridge and along Franklin road to the right of way «>f the Pittsburg Shenanijo and lake Erie K. K. bridge to high water mark: thence along the course «»f Slippery rock creek by hlffi water mark to the place of tH'ginning form ing a triangle, containing about 'j acre more or less, and having thereon 1 store buldilng, two stories high upper part used for a dwell ings stable and ont buildings Seized and taken in execution as the propeitv of Fnza Hry.son at the suit of Pennsylvania Savings Fund any !;tnds of Diimbaeh; ••iinalng twenty a - re~. more or le>s. t>< ii:jr Hi< same property conveyed liy -ai. No. 193, June Term, ls'.is. Mutes & Young. Att'ys. All tlic right, title, interest and claim of Christiana Dumhauirh and Adam .1 Duro baiiifh of, in and to all that ecrtain piece or lot of '-'round, situated in Butler l»>ro, Butler Co. I'ii. bounded as follows, to-wii: Cotn mei.i-in j .it a point on West street tjfiy feet, thence south along Hue of lot of Charles I>'ilTy IS- feet to Sprlnfr street; thenee along Spring street fifty feet; thence north along line of lot of Charles Duffy one-hundred and forty feet to West street the phe-e of begin ning, lieitig lot No !ook 12»>. page 41!. Seized and taken In execution us the property of Christiana Dumhaugh and Adam.) Dumhaugh at the suit of George Beck. George Sham e et al. E. I>. No. IW, June Term, W*. S F A L Bowser, Att'ys. All the rinht, title, interost and claim of Robert MrElhaney, d»v'd, and Elizabeth Mc- Elhaney and John McElhaney ex'rs of Kobl MeEllianey. dee'd. of. in and to all that cer tain piece «»r lot of land, situated in Cherry twp. Butler Co, l\a. bounded as follows, to it: On the north by Slippery Rock creek on the east by property of II S Br>nn. and •Tolxn Ei'wiu, on the south by lands of Mrs K Mi'E'harev, aifd <>n the west I>y Slippery IC(M*U containing fifteen acres, more or less, huvinir t-rected a one-story framr !iou-«. frame stable and outbuildings, beinp mostly cleared and under fence. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Kobert Mc Elhaney. dec «i. and Elizabeth McKlhuney iiid John McElhaney ex'rs. of Kobi. .Mc .'.ihaney. dee'd, at the suit of John < WYisen stein for use of t* Hasier. dee'd, L O Northiue exr. for use of L C Northine. E. I). No. Ilia June Term. ISO*. ,T. W. Hutctil son All y. All the rlf?ht. title, Interest and claim of I N Hob!j i>r Isaac N KoMi of stud to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Oakland township, Buller Co. Pa., liound ed as follows to-wlt: Being all the undivid ed Interest of I N or Isaac N Itobb being the 1-14 interest of in and to that certain tract of land through which both tin* upper and low- er public roads leading from llutiei to Greece Citv run bounds d and described us follows on thi* north i>y lauds of Phillips heirs. 011 the east by lands of Nevman heirs, on the •>outh by lands of Henry heirs, and on the rt est by lands of Joseph .lack, containing one hundred and lifty acres, more or less, having i hereon erected a twO story frame house, frame barm and out buildings. a good orch ard and being mostly cleared and In a fair state of cultivation. Being the same prop erty of which William .1 Kobb late of x*i iik the in terest of i N or Isaac N Kobb a* heir at law of said decedent. Seized and taken In execu tion as the property of 1 N or Isaac N Kobb at the suit of OM. Phillips. E. D, No. 301, June Term, l»'.«s. Vanderlln & Wilson, Att'y. AII the right, title. Interest and claim of Will elniiria Heckel and (Jeorge \V lleckcl of. in and to all that certain piece or parrel JM land, situated in Jackson twp, Butler Co, Pa, bounded as follows. to-wit: Itcginning at a post on ttip northern side < >f ronno acres and ;V» perches, more or less. Seized and taken in execution as the property of WllheltnliiU llechcl and (i«torge \V lieckel at the suit of Henry Wahl et al. E. I). No. 21i2 June Term. IMK S. K. & A. L. Bowser Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Noah S Waterman of. In and to all that cer tain piece or lot of grounded* uated in Evans burg lloro,, Butler Co, Pa. as fol • lows, to-wit: On the north by lot No 21 U.*i and % fl •»:» I li< e.ust liy a 15 ft alley, fifty two and one half ft. on the south by a twenty foot alley, ninety-nine and three fourth feet, and wcnl by Railroad St. lifty feet being lot No 22, in George.* Ifft*s plan of lots in said Boro. of K vans burg and being the same lot conveyed by Jacob Darubach et ux and Kdward Oambach et ux to said Noah S Waterman l»y deed dated May 141 Is IMU"> recorded in Recorder's oltice in Btit - ler Pa. in Deed Ixjolv l">2 p*t£v i7'J X h-'ving '• thereon two story frame house board stable and out buildings. Seized and taken In exe cution as the property of Noah Waterman at the suit of George K Behru. K. I). No. 1M??, June Term, IS9N. A. T. Black. Att'y All the right, title, interest and claim of George W Jamison and David James Jamison of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated In Venango township. But - » ler county. Pa, bounded as follows, t » wit: On the north «>y lands « f Robert Vut.derllri. and heirs of Michael < onway, eaat by lands ,f A T .lamlson It K Wick, on Ihe south » by lands of J I'and J A Murrln. and on the wi st by lands of George Vanderlin; contain ing s4 acres, more or less, having thereon erected a lot; house and other outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution as the proper ty of George \V Jamison and David James Jamison at the suit «»f It lv \\ ick. K. D. No. Id. 1 and 13-f, June Term, 180K Brandon and Forquer, Att'ys. All the right, title, interest and claim of James McCatTcrty Jr. of, in and to a!l that certain piece or parcel «>f land, situated In ('Upton tow?.ship Hqtlaj county, Ha., bound «•(! as follows.'to wit" On the north by lands of (jeorge Mai/land, on the east by lands of (iliivin heirs, on the south by lands of John I,«i\e. .»nd on the west by lands of Keitiert and Sefton; containing til acres, more or less, being the same parcel of land sold by Order of Orphan's Court of Butler county as the laud of Robert Low*' de*d. and purchased by the. said defendant. S-jied and taken in executlon at the property of James Mct'af fert .v Jr. at the suit of John S Love. K\r., of the will of Robert Love, dee'd., et al. K. D. No. KSO, June Term. IM)H. < .G. i 'hrist ie. Att'y. All the right, title, Interest and claim of \V IS Bard of. in and to all that certain niece or p.-.reel of land, -filiated In Slippery Ko k twp But ler tPa.. iKiunded as follows, to wn: Beginning at a fiost at the center of the Brownlugloti and llarrisville Road I bence v ,out b siideg east by land of < Bovard perches to a post; t hence sout h 2 deg. east li»j; P to a black oak; thence north **.» df<»- ea iby laiids fotineriy »d fie v. A Dale and William MchisMiu perches to a post; i li. nee north 2 deg. east I perches to u j>o*t; t hence south deg. east by lands of William Mclvlssott H1,2 perches to a post ;theiice soutli 'Z deg. west, by lands of J II Adams is.l yerche.-* to a post ; lit the center «>f the Scrub gras> road; thence sout h (js.'ideg. west along center of said road 2».2 perches to a post; theuc« Miuth *lO deg. west along said road perches to a post; tbence south 83 deg. weal along said road and lands «»f K II Adams s;i.;; p. iciim, to i po-jl tU I hu centre 111 I he. Blow II lugt«)n and llarrlsvHie road;t hence north ll.j deg. west along center of said road •»«'.<> perches Mi the place of tieglniitng; contain ing 4*l acres and •*»<» perches strict measure m perches sold bv W It B:ird to l»;uilel D Davis bv deed dated Nov. Mb. Issij. land nearly all cleared and having theieoii erect - 1(1 2 t wo-stoiy frame house and fratu* stable, limekiln and iruslier thereon, Sel/ed ;oid tak« e In e\e<'ution ;•> • ril-op'-ity of It Bard at* tile suit «»f !»:iVld WPson 'I ./ Wl I- V '. ci ey on i ; to • ' " I p ilt to< . - * d ... i t lay i v.p., LutU i Co , l a., oouitded .»s f« i lov»s, to-wit: Oil the uortll by i.V'dh ««> >e iinuu I' B:«rt}e> I. »»v lands of Milton Ih« •mpson. Iluuua - j Thoinpsoii, and Miller, south by ;aun F. Brackney at the >jit of Sir-, ll* en F. I>ickens<»n f««r us. . f \\ F Turner now for use of J \V Hutchison T P Bracks ey F.. No. Un Jum Term. 11. E Coulter. Ally. Ail the title, 'nterest and claim of j the heirs at taw of I»r. lar m s Gruham. dee'd . i and Hon. James Bredin of. in and to all that f certain piece >r lot of -rround. situute!i the north by an alley. *>v the east by Cliff street, on the south by lot I of P 11 Mi fie . and on toe west by South Mo j M*;in ?t.. and fn»ntirn: on -aid M 'K-an >t •ii.'.-s feet and extending back the same width j US feet, more or less, to said ( liff aad ut • thereoi erected a >wo atoty dwelling house. Sei/ed md taken in execu tion as tii* property of the heirs at law o; Pr. J iu t > Graham, dee d., and Hon. James Bredin at the suit of Butler Ikw. F. I>. No. bv>. li; 7. liis. Term. l-Hs W I Hams .v Mit4-heil, W. A vX I . J i • : A u vs. AH the risrbt, title, interest and claim o f I William McAnallen «.f. in and to all that I certain piece or parcel of land, situated it; I Centre twp., Butler ( !'•.'• ind dss fol- I low-, to-wit: Beginning at a it the : northwest corner of said tract of land.thence ! south l> l> min. **ast 41 p* rcl es 1 mds of Anthony Thompson to a post:thenee ' south 1 deg. 45 mm. w*»st 7*i.s2 perches along lands of Mary Jane Gallagher to a thence south si» deg. 4omln. west per*'lies along the lands of Thomas W Brown to a post: thence north 1 deir. t" mln eiist 7H.9G IMTidu's along line of lands t>f Lorenzi Rider, t • a post the p'ace of beginning and contain* iig aerey. nv r »' oi less. Being purpart No. i ofthi estate of Margaret OalUner, lati <-f i entretwn.. Butler Co.. l a., dee'd.. William L McAna in th< deft, bei . r one of tbe de | \ isees under the iast will and testament of said Margaret Gallagher, dee'd.. same being of record in the Register's office. Butler Co.. Pa., in Will Book " K" {« age :iiu, and the real estate of which the said Margaret Gal lagher died seized having iH'en duly parti tioned bypartit ion proceedings at i>. C. No. 77, Sept. Telm, I>W2, the above mentioned and descriU-d purpart No. 1 was duly allotted and awarded unto John S Sheakley as guar dian of said William McAnallen and who has since arrived a f full and lawful age. Seized ant I taken in execution as the property «»f William 1. McAnallen at the suit of Johu Forcht et al. | F. I>. No. W. !ll and ri. June Term. ist*s. W. I>. Brandon and Levi M. Wise, Att'ys. All the right, title, interest and claim of Sarah Breli now Sarah Al>er mortgagor and Margaret Held terre tenant of. in ami to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Forward twp.. Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follow, to-wit: On the north by lands of William L Burr, and James Brandon, east by -public road leading from Brownsdale to iVo isvjlie, %»n the south by ands of William I'ehl. and Nicholas Miller, and on the west by lauds of llenrv Buhl Sr;containlng seven ty-eight su*res. more or less, being the same tract of land which was conveyed to the al»ove named Sarah Brell bv deed t.f William Felil and wife, and bv died of Johu Knauff and wife, lioth of which are recorded in Rec order's oftice, Butler. Pa., having thereon ejected a frame house and barn and other outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Sarah Brell now Sarah Aber. Mortgagor, and Margaret Held terre tenant at the suit of Margaret Held for use of K A C Brandon et al. E. 1). No. 12*. June Term. I*y.» Ralston & Uroer. Att'ys. All the right, title, Interest and claim of James Simmers of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in WinQcld twp.. Butler Co.. Pa.. liounded as follow, vo wit: On tIK north \>y iandsof Juines K £ im mersion the » by lipidsof 11 • i»ry KeoßlglL on the south by lands of Clumers heirs, and August Yuuh, and on the west by lands of Lewis Weidbos, and James B Simmers; con taining tlfiy acres, more or less, and being ihe Nam*' land purchased from George Douthett by James Simmers the defendant, having thereon log house, frame stable and orchard. Seized and taken in execution as the property of James Simmers at the suit cif ll \ A Krause for use of Hobert Krause. E. l> No. 90, June Term. Is9s. T. I). Mc- Junkins, Att'y. All the right. title, interest and claim of S W Macurdy Admr. of Ellsha C Macurdy, dee'd., of. In and to that certain piece or piece of land, situated in Buffalo tw p..Hutler Co., Pa., hounded as follows, to-wit: Begin ning at a corner post thence by lot No. .> north 57.5 deg. east i«o perches to a post on the bank of the Big Buffalo creek: thence h>* ihe meanderiugs of the said creek north 37.0 dog. east 81 perchesi ttiepco north IT dcg. east, thirteen and two-tenths perches; tlience north 70 deg. west 11.8 perches to a sapling on i lie bank or said creek: thence by lands of David Baker north 45 deg. west 4"> perches to a \Vhite Oak; thence by the same north 30 deg. west 2."> perches t'» a White Oak; thence by the same north 60 deg. west 74 perches to a post; thence by lot No. t& south 2V4 deg. east 12S perciies to the place of beginning; being bounded on the north by lands of .1 C Watt, on the east by lauds of Phillips, on the south by Buffalo creek, and on the west by lands of Andrew Shearer; containing acres, more or les w being the same which «'harhs Mc< " and Catherine his wife, by deed dated May 22nd, 1878. and recorded in Uped book "»3, l\me conveyed to Eltsha C Macurdy. said lands having thereon erect ed a frame two-story house, big barn and and other outbuildings. ALSO All the right, title. Interest and claim of S \V Macurdy Admr. of Ellsha C Macurdy, dee'd.. of, In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Buffalo iwp., Butler Co., Pa., Inmnded as follows, to .vit. at tht middle of the Cnion ville road ou the line of Andrew Shearer thence < ut lli4 perches to a stone bj lands of the said Andrew Shearer; thence south by other lands K C Maeunl> •. 1 1»« t •« m.rth su.TSdeg. west 141.r» perches to «hu middle of L'nlonvllle r<;i»il b> Ktnds of William C Tuck r and Michael Blerly: thence north by ll.r» dec. east 5.2 perches along middle of I nlon ville road; thence north 20 deg. east lil perches si long the center of said road; thence north 19.7"> dec. east .'ki perches along the . enter of said unionvillc road; thence north 27 deg. east perches along the middle of said road to the place of lieginning; cuu tabl ing .">7 acre* and li perches, wore or less, be iii 14 a large tract called '"Junior'" and num oered In Elders district of depredation land; being the same which l'eter Ciraff and Susan his wife by deed dated July 19th, ls7s, recorded In deed liook No. ,YJ, Pace 368, con veyed to E ('Macurdy. Seized and taken In execution as the property of s W Macurdy \dmr. of Ellsha Macurdy, dee'd., at the suit of Isaac M Pennock for use of John L Macurdy. E. 1). No. ltfi, June Term. I*9B. J W Hutchi son Att'y- All Ihe right tit Jo. Interest and el aim of J M McC'ullough of. 1M and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated in Butler Boro . Butler Co, l*a., bounded as follows to-wlt: Being lot No. 3 in the Frank Morrison plan of lots recorded In the Recorder's office of said county In deed book I£l page fiOO said lot hav ing a width of forty-seven feet In fronton tin north side of Cleveland St.. and extending back therefrom preserving the same width a distance of two hundred feet, more or less, toanallpy and being liounded on the north t#y a twenty foot alley, on the east by lot No. four in the same plan of lots now owned by Amanda Morrison on the south by Cleve land St,, and on the west by lot No. 2 of said plan of lots now owned by the Keystone State B.& L. Association of Pittsburg Pa. being the same property which John I". Low ry et ux by deed dated Feb. Ist. I*W7. granted aud eonveyed tJames Mart in McCullouph. Having thereon enacted a two sto;y frame dwelling house i,lld oui-btllldlngs. Seized .tud taken In execution as the proper ty of Jarne.s Martin McCullough at the suit of Keystone State B. «!t L. Asso. of Pittsburg E. P. No. 1-5, June Term, IHOs. Newton Black. Att'y. All the rlgbtf title, Interest and claim of W .1 Beatty of. In and to all that certain piece 1 or parcel of land, situated 111 Parker twp., But ler Co., Pa., liouiid« perches, to a iH»st: thence by lauds of J C Od«inweliei south #«' deg. east all.a per«'hes to lands of Ilelner Bros, the place of beginning; containing 24 acres, more or less, mostly cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the property of W J Beatty at the suit of Thomas S Beatty. E. D. No. 52, Vl. si. 1Ui.07.9H and 14s,June Term. lSiis. Painter & Murrin, Att'ys. All the right, title. Interest and claim of P A Mcßlwce and Catherine McElwee of, in and to all that certain piece or Parcel of land, situated in o.\klr north 7(i..»di g. west 1 i»l.7* perches, to a post ; thence, north H mln. east 4 perches: thence lands of CrlsWt II north s t» d« g. east IHi perchi s to the plac« of beginning. Being the sane tract of land described in deed dated March .id. I*!*;, from Olive Matthews guardian UJU said William N P' r- 's -.i yeoUagi M'. Pake ii« 7. 1 l.i Mint't fiepeon frame house, barn and outbuildings orchard and being mostly • , . • -«d mm; I ibi ex. . ..lion as tic ;-f •»)! 11 y of W iltiaiii N PunJsalthe sui, j I ' > v.i :i»). 1. r t. I »i M Wise I Atfy A Ih ' '. Ijllu, ill I' •-I .«'l ''l'lm "( It /..i|i!iin i|f it> mill WttlliliHt f.,ri tin <»!• lut f UI'IUII'I, iltuitcl tn l'orl. r I'", I'll. fmtiii»l''one of the U. S' Most Noted Physicians,; > r , I l ew ?. tt t '? es not treal P at «eute by mail, liecause it would He jruess* 1 J'work, and foolhardy, but if you live at a distance, an.l are a sufferer write** 4 Dr. Hewitt, and hr will answer. ' J C lie cau tje communicated with at his permanent location 40.1 4#Ave., Pittfburg, Pa. 'fa i /Remember date, at Lowry House, O r Friday, June 10, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m y of Marshall eastward one hundred eighty feet; thence by lands of Ilenry Bloom south ward fifty-seven feet; thence by same west ward one iiuudrod eighty feot to Maia St: thence by Main street northward sixty-seven feet and ten Inches to the place "t begin ning; containing forty-one and six-tenths (41.*>) perches, more or l« ss. and being the property conveyed by II Bloom to 11 A Zeis ler by deed dated Nov 4th, IM*». Having thereon erected a frame dwelling house and store-r< HIIU combined and outbulUllug.s.Selreci and taken »ri execution as the property of H A Zelgler at the titllt of Henry Bloom. Trnuri OK »S\UF—TI;e following must be stuntiy compiled with when property is stricken down. 1 VVlicn the plaintiff or other lien creditor omi's the purchaser, tlie n»st.s on the writ must Ik? paid, acid a list of the liens, lnclue furnished the Sheriff. ~. All bids must he paid in full. •'{. All sales not settled immediately will lie continued until 1 o'clock p. m. of the next day at which time all property not settled for will again be put up and sold at the ex pense and risk of the person to whom first solu. *Sce Pardon's Digest, 9th edition, page 4IU and Smith's Forms .'M. WIIJ,I/\M D |H">|>D.M Sheriff. Sheriff's Ofllce. Hutler. l*a.. May 16, lH9s. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of sundry writs of Ven. K\. Fl. Fa.. Lev., Fa. Aw*, issued out o the Court of <'omnion Pleas of Hutler Coun ty, Pa., and to me directed, there will IK? ex l>oscd to public sale, at the Court House, Ji the lx)rough of Butler Pa., on Friday, June 10, 1898, at I o'chick P. M„the following described property. t«i-wlt: E. h. No. 217, June Term, l s N lUack, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of .1 M Campbell, being the undivided one-third interest, of. In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Marion twp.. Hut ler Co. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of Koljert Atweil. on the east by l:n;ds . N0.21«. June Term. IKK. N Black. Att'y All the right, tit !e, lr»t* :v-i iiiy lands of Benjamin KanUin. on : IK' east hy lands of itenjamln Kankin I' K iiurke etal, on the soutii by lauds of William Starr et al. and on the west t>y lands Thomas Hays i't al; containing ISO acres, more or less. thereon a frame house, barn and other outbuildings. Sel/d and taken in execution as the pr< pcrtY of .\d:;tn K Storey at tl e sn'.t uf Catlieilue >li;Candh*ss. E. 1> No. 215, June Term. IN9K. W H Lusk, Att'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim of \ M Caruahn and Kll/abeth B'Caruahau of. In an'l o all that certain pieee or lot of laud, sit.iated 111 Xeleinople lx>ro, Butler Co J'a. bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning 'at a post on Spring street then< « north by lands of tirst party two hundred and twenty-seven feet, more or less, to an eighteen t'ooi alley; thee V'V said alley sixty-five feet to a post lltence south two hundred and t wenty s»• \«■ 11 feet, more or les*, to a po>t on Spring street: thence oast sixty-five feet to a uost the place of Ix gluniug. It being a part of t hat piece or t raet of land whleli Frederick Klotfensteiii and Louisa K his Wife by deed dated June IWh, A. I>., IHW, granted and con veyed to U t VutCh; and K C Vales and Ida J Vales. Ids wife by deed dated May filth, IMH). granted and conveyed the same to Jacob baini' u'li; and Jaeof> Itauiha<*h and .M T;.aret haiii'iacli his wife by deed Scpl". 2t)th, 1-SJKJ. granted and eonveyud the sam«- U» A M Oarnahau; h;i\U-- thereon a two-story frame h« ii*lahie and outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution as the properly of A M ( arnahitii and Lll/.abetb BCaruahan at the suit of Matilda E Belghley. E. !> No. I s !, June Term x Isii*. K. p. Scott, Attorney. All tl\e light, title. Interest and . laim of (LEOR.T- II »>llof. in and to all that < ertain pieee •if parcel of land, situated b» Venango twp, Butler Co, Pa, liouudcd as follows. to wlt: On the north by lands of Mrs. Wilds and a public road, on the « ast by lands of B M Otbsou, on tin south by lands of Virgil (>lbsi>n. and on tho west by lands of John C Scot t; contain# twelve acres, more or less, bavin,' thereon erected a frame house |ti\:i«. feet. frame »• table. and outbuildings, good apple orchard and other fruit thereon. AIX) Of, In and to all that certain piece or lot of land, situated in Farmliigton, Venango twp, Butler Co, Pa, iKUinded :•.*» fol low-.. to-wlt: On the north by lot cf Harlan Book, on tlie east by till's"'. \tivet, «»u tin south r.y | Mtdic k d leading to Maple I 'unlace, a>id oil the west by lands of Alien Wilson i cntitalug one and one-fourth acres, more or less, having thereon a frame shop 14x20 feet; also a peach orc hard and small fruits. ALSO of. in and to all that certain piece or lot of land, -ituated in Farmliigton, Ven ango twp, But ler Co, Pa. liounded ;»s follows, to-wlt: On the north by an alley, on the east by lot No. r>, on the south by Mercer and Lawre'nceburg road or Mali: stivei, and on the west hy alley ancf Kosen beri lot I.* lug No lin j• •»r» of said vll1