Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 26, 1898, Image 2

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WIXXI AM C. SEG LET -- Pub.irf.Pij
- |
DR. J- B SHOWALTBB. of MBhotom bor*
JOHN I»IN DINGER. of Z iei' pi.-.
The Coogreasiooal Delegates elected
l«t Di a tnct. John Womer f M
Brown: *rd, Geo Maxwell 4tb. ho
Hrckenberry, ~>th John Clark nth A
L Timblin :th Matr Bippr.- »-.n. R
>1 Job■>ton; 9:h T H. Greer, .'tth, •
K. I/ixau l!th C F. L McQiNtion
1.-th A <. Zeigler. i:sth. Sid H. - i
14th. Joseph Graham 15th R-nrvn
Beware oftbe Graven linage.
WtiT STjNBr.-BY, MAY & l w y
Since the opening if this month
many county primaries for nomination
of rarity ofßrera and election of dele
gxt: *jo th' Republican State Conven
tion Jane 2nd next have occurred
It has been both interesting and dis
gn- in:,' to follow the r on< lof the r- *ile
of th- ancient machine, constructed and
maintained to thresh the manhood and
self-respect out of th- ought-to-be free
men of Pt-nn a. per force that thin 111a
chnie gang may sit on fraudulent Lex
ow committees and eat, drink smoke,
and ridt- in Pullman sleepers at the ex
pense- of the fcont-st freemen of the -State
for yearn to come Bnt the inventor
of this now rattled affair .should stop and
think 'it the necessity for -ionie new
wheels whose friction might be some
what reduced at least to the rural ear.
It i» an old saying that too much fa
milarity breeds contempt The clown
performances of so familiar a ring
fngelman aa W A Stone, the same
person who, at the bidding of his ring
master M S C/uay, violated his written
pledge on which he wa- elected nation
al delegate, deserted Wm. McKinley
and cast hi l ! vote for his master Qnay
for president, surely this cannot fool all
the people all the time as to whose he
would be if chosen Governor of the
This aforesaid ring-master is now en
gaged from his high responsible seat
in the IJ. S. Senate in the chsnr.g years
of this century in forging chains of
political corruption welded by his toob.
Andrews, Lyon, Reeder, Elkin. Store;
& Co.. to fetter those now living and
yet unborn of the 20th century This
son of a preacher, Ouay go"s to the ->•a
shnT* cn Sunday May 15th. 1800, liap
pens to meet his gang fisb'-s, but of
course discusses no politics, and forth
with one of tbtm declares W. A Stone
will be nominated for Govenor
Sbali the people be deceived and turn
the whole State Government over to
by (firing hiui th<- Govt rnor. We
all know the corruption of his seryants
in the legislature and that no man who
believes in self government can do his
bidding Let the people k-ep their. y ;
on our delegates, Messrs. Black, Mc-
Clymonda and Crawford, that they bow
not. to the graven image of Stone or
any other image set up by th< gang
The itepublican primaries of last Sat
nrday caused the politicians of the state
to do some figunni? At Washington
Major McDowell declared that W A.
Htone already had WH <>t the W£ dele
gate* and waa as nominated.
The result wax very mixed In Tioga
county where submitted hi*
name as a candidate for U.b. Senate an '1
had a local opponent named Charles
Tnbb* the latter won by
majority, but an Tiogtl in VV A Htonc's
native comity he took the delegate
to the state convention without opjsmi
When definite returns were completed
forecasting the big anti victory
E A VanValkenburg sent the following
"Hon. M. S. Washington D. C.
—Boodle was unable to uphold the
the black flag of Quayistn in Tioga
county yesterday Tioga is against leK
islative thieves and resents yonr attack
upon President McKinley
There will probably lie a big demon
strstion m theoounty t'i celebrate the
anti <T>rmy victory.
Wanamaker carried Huntington conn
ty. Quay carried Fayette; Schuylkill
was divided; Hasting* <-arriwl Centre;
Northhampton was for Reeder;
Potter was for W A Stone
and in Washington county th
anti Quay element nominat
ed Col. Hawkins of the 10th, P. V for
State Senate while the delegates are un
Carolina Montour, Prery and Clinton
counties are divided, and a fuss has
started in Laii'-asW which may divide
the delegates fro*i that county.
Rep Showalter and candidate Robin
son, of Mercer Co., haye agreed npon
Tuesday, June "th, as the date for the
Congressional conference. It will meet
in the Court House Mercer, at 1 P M
l.ogati Valley.
Miss Lena Bolden, of Phillip City,
called on friends here this week.
Zella I»gan is on the sick list
Mrs. D H Logan was a Pittsburg
Lewis HartenstAin is on the sick list.
Frank Byers and wife were the guests
of Cal. Logan recently.
1 P. Burtner and wife and son,
Claire, visited friends near Natrona.
Miller Deets, of Karns City is the
guest of Roy Burtner
Levi Logan and wife are visiting
friends in Oakland
Rev McKee. of Untler, will hold
services at Shiloh U P church the aittb,
at 3 p m.
Misses Ora, El via and Tillie Logan
Were the guests of Mi»s El via <'oe of
Butler, Wednesday
Milton IjOgnn got the quickest sha»e
he ever got lust Wednesday morning
Mr. gas did the work
The Hayseeds and College Isiy- play
e<l quite an exciting game ol ball near
Jefferson Centre on Haturday The
Hayseed* were the ls-st ls,ys tins time
Wednesday evening Phillips machine
shop* at Great H»>lt were Mtrnck by
lightning and destroyed Several dril
ling cables were stored in the wareroom
The shops were (itfisl Up with the latest
machinery The damage will anionnt
to alxiut 94000.
Quit- a musical, was held at the home
of Cal. Logan. Tuesday evening. The
baud met and rendered some very fine
music. The members ore «nt were
Mctwrs Milt Logan first violin and man
dolin. Will Gralf se<iond violin Richard
Lensner bass violin, Fred-Tinker guitar,
accompanied by the piano.
Harvey Holms a livery man of Free
port, made a flying trip through this
section in search of a horn* Some one
hired the horse giving the name
Wriyht Holms visited our friend S
M Wright for the purpose ot obtaining
information as to people of that name
s. M Wright i" the right man In tin
right place bnt was not the Wright
man in this
Quite a number of our citizens at
tended the funeral of Oscar Iteei of In
Haven lie is a grandchild of John
Logan formerly of thiM township
George MaurhofT. of Saxonburg call
ed on friends thin week.
Affit'T fifty ji»'r»ofiH wcf k.ll<«l liy n
tor(i ll< l'i which Hwcpt <>r<T (>!irfM of
lown, Illinois and Wiwonsln l/int
On tb- arrival of the Span
:-h See* at Mnr neo deCuba was report
n] »m i riday tne rejuirt wa« confirm
ed an- 1 our squadron- started for th -t 1
harl>:-r Tn- hartwr of rannago de
Cub;l i- 4 *i IUNOW OD • I
surrounded by high hills, and with an i
unusually narrow -ntran'e only alxr.t [
yardj wide. strungl> f »rtiiied T.e 1
Russian government was taking -n-_t
interest in the dispo- il of the Ph'lh-
On Saturday the Spanish fleet wa- re
ported to have left Santiago harbor a 1 1
that night a battle was reported to nave
taken place .u the "IYinward I .
the water oetween the cast end of ' ti ! a
and the island of Ha. t: The Mcnifr
Monterey was ordered to jT'>?°e<l from
Sar. Francisco to Manila
On .innoay our aeets were plotigaiu? j
..round Cub?*, hoping to f.nd ti:• .Span. -.
fleet, and the War Dept. wtr-
read.v to send men to Cuba.
On Monday continuous £nn< war«
ported off Port de Pair i:i the north
n e=r aimer of Haiti
r)n Tuesday our fleet- w-re supi»<>st-'l
to be off the southeastern coast of Cuoa.
There was n"-> new- though there
were many repoiti of a battle Dewey
wired that provisions were scar.. <n
Manila, and a riot was feared.
Yesterday th- Spanish squadron v -' «-
reported bottled up in the harlj"r
Santiago The President issued a eal.
for 75,<5.»i more met. The Oreg >n
arrived at Jupiter Inlet. Florida
Tin- Penn'a Volunteer*.
The Tenth Reg P V passed th:ou-ii
Pitts>iurg last Thnrsday in rning. on it
way to San Francisco wiiere it will '»xi
shipped b-. Manila. It is under C* m
mand of Col. Hawkins, and its m n
belong in Beaver Fayette.
and Westmoreland counties The O;ti
<-er' of the 15th a«ked to be ordtr.-d to
Manila, but their reqn-st wa- not
granted. At Washington the Regulars
to go to Manila and also the volunteers
including regiments from thirteen
states were decided upon, and ships
were beintc fitted up at S»ti Francisco to
take them across the Pacific
On Tuesday the 10th reg arrived in
San Francisco.
Co. K, l."tli Iteyinieiit, ( amp
M A V 1 »'•-
Ait-er all the wiid rumors aU>ut lx in
taken to Cuba, Manila and other place;-,
the loth, 18th, 14th and two troops <1
cavalry are still at Mt Gretna and th<-
machine-like routine of camp life cor.
tinues. Morning roll call is at nix
o clock now after it we are marched
out on the drill ground and put through
the setting-up exercises and then we
march a few hundred vards at double
<imek. which means that we run. ♦*
drill from one to two hours mornini?
and afternoon and have regimental die
parade at six in the evening, ( apt
Mc.lunkin reads to us from the Army
[ Regulations, afur dinner daily. I''
Livingston has lieen dointf the cof<lcint<
for the past two weeks. Wtdnewlav
last the 1 ith was visited by ax-State
Treasurer Haywo<xl. ex-.iti<li,'e Gunni
son of Erie and C. W Hay of Sharon,
who is connected with the Stat- And
tor s office. That day nies-ages woie
sent to Gen. Merritt, Ouigressman
Showalter a?.d Henalor and Pen
rose in order to have the 1 ">th assigned
to the Philippine e*pe<litiofi What
the result will oe remains to Is- s< • n
Friday James N Moore visit»sl n
and received a hearty welcome. S tll
day Professor E Ma-key and motbei
wife and son Higby latme over from
Reading, brought witti them 1
bunch of red and white peonies for
Capt Mc.lunkin
Sine* Tuesday of last week Corporal
Hepler. has been doing clerical work
in the quartermaster's department
th»- station under charge of Lieu
Hays of the Regular army. Thursdaj
Kred Shetter was, Col Kiepps ori-rly
and Saturday Allshou:-' and W? '■>
were color guards Dav- Enswing'-T
is color guard t^slay
f.a't week Sergeant O \>onnid vi
laid up by a bad cold, out is now at ted
to bin duties as usual .s<-r« Ale..
■t.iders burneo fo>t is healing i»lowef
than was 'xpeclwl He ■tu m •>■
aiKju' now aided by crotches it w
the right ?M»t that was burned, and not
the left as was formerly rejiorted.
Sunday morning service-i were h-!d
by Chaplain Hays in front of his tent.
The day was pleasant and many visi
tors were iri camp in the afteni'ion 1
very wicked tiling happen-d, a ball
game between n<>nie lotii and l*Stb Ivjy
and the liith won. Ar< view of all ti •
troops here was held in the evening by
Col. Kre[>ps
To«lay has been cloudy and rainy
Tiiere has tss-n no drill This morninw
we knocked a dfc J,, rl"d snll-rs slianty
In pieces and built a cook hon-e v.'ith
the lutnls-r. We bav- all built IxsN
from lumlier thrown aside by tie
nients which have left When we r-ad
of the circuijJHtanc, • of thf.se who w-i
--taken to Chicarnaugua we fi ■ 1 glad that
we were left l>ehind. Nearly everyone
is l/roke and all are patiently waiting
for Stab; pay day.
Jack Thompson of class 'if !W Butler
High School leave' this evening for
home on a four days furlough
• TIK.HIJAY tilth Warm pleasant
weather prevails h-r- now Company
drill was held this morning and battal
lion this afternrsm there will lie <li' --
parade at five o'clock This morning's
mail brought alxwt one hundred and
fifty letters to Co E, which shows tin
people at home do not forget us. \\ e
also received a large I MIX tilled with
current inaganines and ginger cookies
-tent from Reading by Prof Mackev
arid wife This afternoon W C
Thomjison and Gwirge Ogden, a former
Butlerite, are with us They cann up
from Harrisburtr with a visiting crowd
of Knights Templars.
Our hydrant water lias been con
detuned It is pumped from a dam in
the little stream below camp Into a
reservoir on t.h< knoll where G«-n
Wiley's headi|uarters Were situated
The drainage water from the -amp «oe-.
inte this stream. Home suspicions
characters w-re am ted whib prowl
ing alsiut the reservoir, and som
souliers were caught swimming 111 it
It was thought the prowlers might be
trying to pots on the wab r For th< -■•
reasons it. is no longer used. A detail
assigned daily carries all Co F.'s cook
ing and drinking water from a large
spring near the lake
Several members of the company are
stiff-ring from bad colds, etc , but none
of the ens'-" 11D' -erioni
• l;i< Uh\ tile.
Corn planting will now proceed v/itb
a rush w>rk on that line has I "en
mneh retarded by r<*cent riiins
Lightning struck the derrick on tin
tihield'! farm on Wedfn 'day night -t
ting lire to th-;oi Part, of the d'-r
rick was burned Hie fir<• was < tin
gnished by shutting off th' ' '1 b
txsjls are moved to the farm • I 1,
c Kelley where a new well will i»
drilled as 'm.II as po- ibl" Tie Sbn ' !
wll i ( a fair gn-ser
Mr David Studebaker : now afllicted
with Inflammatory rheumatism. His
many friends hotie for his qs dy recov
Mi Klingler of Butler purchaseil 1
car-load of wheat in this vicinity re
Mr. Frank Hilderbrand and sister
Jennie of Butler visited friends in
Jacksville one day lately
Mr and Mrs. S. N Carr of New < -is
tie are visiting friends in this neighbor
Come on Decoratbm Day tothegieat
ball gam-bet ween the Oak Point and
Rocky Run ball team It is free.
Robert Ja'-k i" putting a picket fence
around hi» lawn and garden
Checkers are tiecmuitig a very inter
• ting gain'- b-twe. n our mail carrier,
Mr Maunder- and Preston
Jonathan Flick will noon Isn-m the
erection it a liut- bain.
i lio of Manila 11a*.
Tne brillan t operations of the American
fleet in Manila Bay have served to em
phasize sevenl well established princi
■! ' Ti?f-3l warfare the truth of
which has been nswgriized through
i.; »ny centuries of lor the ma?
tery of the ?eae. We believe it was N.i
p.--!eon who said that Providence was on
the side f big battalions. That may
be -.rue on land, bat the history of sea
fight- without number ha a taught us
that Providence is on the -ide of fore
thought. go<xl jntlgeuien:, discipline.
•I.k-h. well -timed audacity and above all
f-traight -hooting All of thest- <ju:.li
♦Us w-r« conspicuously present in the
( compact little squadron of half a dozen
-bn.s which in the gray dawn of tt.«t 1
! ventfui morning ircled around th-
r >av before the astonished gaze of the
enemy and at .1 predetermined hourand
on a predetermined plat, began *0 blot
the Asiatic fleet of Spain on? of exi«t
two ■. -t important facts bro". <ht
tj th- Manila tight are the ability
ot tuixiem ship«. even of the nnarnior-d
rvpe«. ro engage iand fortifications, and
the incomparable value of accurate.'g"iu
nerj- as a means of deten-e a'airst the
shell-fire of the enemy The astonish
ingly small casualties to our ships and
their crews during several hour- of
fighting is not all to lie credited to jioor
!:i irkman-bip >n the part of the Span
;-.b .T.isnw It largely the result
of the rapidity and deadly accuracy of
the storm of shells thrown by our ves
sels which rendered the gun positions
untenable and probably disabled th
irrews faster then they could be placed
!at the {run- A crack marksman tie
bind a modern high-powered ri('• i -
worth whole inches of armor protection
f. th' «hip n n '.vhi'-b h- •■■••res and it
begins to l<>,k as though th- theorists
uii 'ht prove to be correct v.-ho ont< nd
that modern fights will be decided by
killing 0: the gun cre 'v rather than ay
penetrating belts and demolishing un
arrnored ends and upper works.
Not less remarkable is the fact tliat
hnlf a dozen anarmored cruisers should
have run past shore batteries of consid
siderable strerifth anp blown ont of ex
istam e a fleet that held a strong posi
tion under the tttins of a powerful bat
tery. The supreme confidence with
which this supposedly feat
was undertaken is only equaled by the
nlendid audacity and cool delil»eration
with which it was carried out If the
Spanish fleet was taken unawares it
was because its admiral judged -as by
all the canons of naval warfare he was
justified in doing—that the American
fleet of cruisers would never dar«* to un
dertake an attack for which only hea*
iv armored battleships ar- suppos<-d to
be available lh<- success wi'h which
the fort if cations in Manila Bay were
attacked is certain to enhance the vain
of the swift cruiser as against th'- mote
cumbersome battleship The danger
will lie that critics will lose sight of the
fact that the forts and probably the
gunn were not of the latent description,
and will push too far the lessonrt that
have been taught by th'* r-dn -tion of
Cavite ars'-nal.
The battle has shown again the atmo
lute ne'ies.sitv of removing from a war
-<hip every pi<-<•<• of woodwork that i-ari
jiOHiiibly be "pared. Our "hells loaded
with common brown powder nerved to
set fire to Spanish ships early in 'he
fi'.'ht and bad the shells been loaded
with high explosive a, the conflairration
would have star ted sooner and burnt
eve:: more fiercely l ires were started
111 two of our ships by exploding shells
and though they wen speedily extie
gnished, they emphasize the necessity
for rigidly excluding all unnece-1.11 v
combnstabie material from a warship
Th< fighi again demonstrated the fn
tility of torpedo is,at attack when car
ried out by daylight and in the open
'Mine separate attempt- wete made by
tins - little craft to run out from the
bi-.rls.r and djtsb wit.dn fi:itig mfl or
the American ships, but in each crr >
t.lie> were s]>eedily crippled by the <1
pounder'Ui't I poender rapid fire liatt'-r
-if i/ur cruisers The only powib'e
danprer from torpedo boats by *'ay
would be when thenttack v/iuimad" by :
larger fleet of boat- than :> ship's rapid
,'irei/nn-i could cover It. • tub a case the
- trvivor > would probably -ir-k one or
tv."'> of a fleet before they v. erf them
s!-ivi;B d<.-troyed At lacks by imitated
• such r v 11" teade by the Sjia-i
wre splendidly hetolc.
And thin the reflection that
mere coorate* irjfi herioim can nev-r
for the lack ol -kill and efficiency
lladthr Spaniel ejew be :Ti a il.il led
h they were < onrageon-!, oni nhip* ami
v. n wonl'l iifjvei have coiue MO K'-atb
IM out of the fight II in to the com
bination of both qualiti)* in our ajvj
bliivt .ve uiDwi look for ll n explanation o'
he amazing di. parity in the io- ■« -in
' tried on thi.* memorable day
We clow with mention of a ii»;<
epinode one thai i J highly character
intic of the man and in accordance
with the b« :-it traditions of the navy.
We ref< rto 11.< mc. age which, ncoi I
Ittg to an Aw'xiated Pre** di patch,
\va- 'til liy ( 'ommodore I»ewey to tin
admiral of Lh< lieaten fleet 'I b>u<
pleaMnrc in clasping yonr bond and of
fcriug my congratulation* on the -.oil
lant manner in which you fought.
True con rage in ever uiagnaiiiuionM; and
every acknowledgement of the 1111
donbted hrayery of the vanqninhed in
an indirect tribute to the courage ;ind
t.kill of the victor Scientific A'li'-ri.
ICeMoltit ion*.
At a regular meeting of Buttercup
Council N'o "Ml. Jr. <> I* A M b'-ld
May 7, 1H!»H the following preamble
and resolution* were nnanimonnly a<l
Wm.itAS Ii ban plea-'d the final
Architect of the I'niverne to remove
from our mid it our late brother I' '' ,
Ham I A W right, and Whereat*, it in but
jift that a fitting recognition of hi*
many virtue* whonld be had therefore
tic 11
Jie.Holved. I3y Buttercup Council N'o
MKi, Jr '» I A M., that while we bov.
with humble Mibmi**lon to the will ol
the Mont High wedo not the le*:* mourn
for our brother who ban been taken
from UK.
ItoHolved, that in tin- death of brother
Wright, thi* council lament* the loan of
a brother who wan ever ready to proffer
the hand ->f aid and the voice of ymp.'i
thy to the needv and dlatr~.*ed of tin
fraternity, an active member of thi*
council, a citizen wlm it upright and no
ble life wan a Ktnudard of emnlatiou to
In-: fellow brolhern.
He<vilve<l that tin heart felt.'<ynijiathy
or thin conncil be extended to bin family
In their aflliction that th» resolution
b« ipread ujton the uiinntc* of the
Council, a ci.py thereof lie transmitted
to tie family of our decetwied brother
and to the county paper*
<i M tilt AH AM
\j H H»:WtiY
< 'oill
J ill. '.-.'hole i ivili/.e I w <rld uioirn-d
la d w k for (}lad*toue
ifal'inoiiv iii"l '/<eli(>ini|il( .
.Iccoii li' ir Hi New Brighton, i* vi-ut
nig hi* parent on the 11. rr farm neur
,\ir II M lien lb. and children ol
Harmony drove to I'iltrfburK laxt week
~ii<l afi r veiling everal day* returm-l
in their bugg>
Jli • Ida .Sample, of Harmony, and
Mr". J W. Oil* rman and daughter
|;i of /a Ii i, a.l s del - 11*- vi-.il
. d lh<- W '' 'I 1 ' oiivent ion at Bruin
on Thursday and Friday of lant week.
Mr* frank K'-llai and M in. Culyiu
IT Knox if Harmony, made an enjoy
abb' vi it with friend* at Fvan* • ity
->rn- day In ' we.
The. po I office at l/idenau win robbed
|a*t Friday night at the nunc time
ir-no'" were *t«ib-n from Hnit/el n store
Walker, of New Cattle, wan in
Harmony on Tuesday
,Jere 1 Uiwrnan who now Ilv< * with hi*
daughter Mi Abraham .Se.bbr at
llynn* L ily WIIM calling on friend* in
Harmony on Monday
O A Morri*, the Harmony miller,
with hi* wifo left on Monday for Merfer
to attend tiie funeral of Mi Morri*
Lawn t> unit' i the latent game that
claim" the attention of the elite of our
two tOWJii.
Mrs. j. S. Sykes who has been visit
ing her friends here left for her home
at Oinaiia. Neb., on Monday evening.
J Gibson of Zrlienople who was;
elected to go to the state lodge |
I. O. O. F. a" \Yilke a ßarre attende.l the >
aunnal session of the sa.me la.st week |
h number of onr two towns at
tended the funeral of John Eicholtz, son
of Flt d Eicholtz of Laiiua-ti-r twp . last
Rev A J Otterman of Zelienople is
c n inctiiiiC a protracted meeting at
Concord Heaver Co. at present.
John II Ki»ot. of Haruionv bought
-r- n ral producing wells neir \ :ilencia
end will move his familj" on the lease
on June Ist.
Al Wise the popular ex-liveryman of j
Harmony will move family t > But- i
ler next week. He will embark in the j
liV'.ry bnsinp®!' Harmony if j
sorry to io>se niui and her best wisli-*s i
follow hixii in his new tield.
The Harmonv M E. church is being
repaired at pres -nt. A yellow pine ceil
was put in and the wall will be pa
pered. This congregation used the
Church of God or ->ervi--es the last two
\V. J. lilack i-nnir- nearly losing a
rood last Monday evening. W h u
driving in the creek washing horse a d
buggy the hur-'- l'ell and with great d '
ficulty he was . v--' om wing drow
i He was s;i 1 with a rope and a
| boat.
] Wednesday i\ ' iin_- «f last week there
was a pleasant iitbh- liome wedding it
i the cottage hoi .1 1> Hod el on t:ie
I Frank- r bot Qil ' < too® twp . Mr
Edward Krist- md Miss Kett.i
Hodel were married. The young coujde
will start housekeeping in Harmony
alxjut the first of June Wo wish for
them many happy years
e< nti<* I'rnvnsliip.
i>r. and Mrs. Was.-on of Baltimore,
Md are visiting Mr-. Wasson s parents,
T. R. Hoon and wife.
Alex Brewster Jr. has moved to
Just ask Dan Reiger to hand around
the cigars. It is a boy
Miss Bertha Carnahan is visiting rela
tives in Butler this week.
Miss Margaret Moore completed a
very successful term of school in
Tarentuin and is at home now.
Mis>: Blanche Hoon was at home over
Miss Estella McCullough is visiting
her sister Mrs Graham of Va.
Soinf of onr young people attended
the party at Mr Brewster's one evening
last week and all present report a very
enjoyable time.
Mr. Gould, of Butler, visited his
sister Mrs. Carnahan not long since.
Misrt Henrietta Moore attended the
Ladies Missionary Convention at Cleve
land, O.
Miss Mable Smith attended the Com
mencment of th<' Butler High .School
this week.
Everette McCandless and Miss Nan
nie Glenn, of Cnionville Presbyterian
H. S., and J. M. Blain and Miss Mable
Smith, of Holyoke U. P. S. S . are dele
t.< the Convention at West Sou
bnry, May 26, 2?
Harry Tliomp nis very happy over
tlx: arr:yal >i twiy at lii
houne I supjiose it will tw either be
Sampson or Dewey.
Some of our young ladies are think
it:({ »f iinrchßKirr/ sid' -wl'llesand learn
to rid. horseback We wish you
ciiich f'lccesa girls.
Rev. Bread en will preach at Holyoke
church Sunday evening. May 2!>.
We feel sorry for thos< young men,
who when they come t.> Centre twp
have w much trouble with t.h*ir horses
• r up Ix.yn try (juietnr hors.-s tin
::ext time
Miss Nellie McCnllotigri is visitirn,-
relatives at Oicil,
wbolerotoc and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
nov/M ttAnunm pownt* en Nrw v on*
B. <y B.
we're doing the
greatest wash
goods business
In the store'.* history—icsults
brought and to be still greatly in
creased by a way that counts
with choice goods for less prices
with actual evidence that it pays
to buy here.
Ke-asortments and lat< m w
thiii"'"' added -stocks now ext* tid
ed to a point urpassing .«ny yet
Choice American Dimities <> [
to 12 ic.
Finest Imported Dimities 20
and 25c.
Handsome American and
French Organdies hr.tutiful piint
ings; i 5, 20, 25c
I' incst I'"i< tn h Organdies
I-!aye .did ( arrtaux, 30, T,sr
handsomest styles produced in
these sheer dainty fabrics
I'iti' Madi r. mil Novelties, i?\
15, 20, 25, JO, 33< including lat -
importation:; of Anderson's
1 hoiccst < If .cts.
imported Linen lawns, 20 & 251.
Nobby ill Cheviottes t -'i 1
Splendid for shirt waists.
I/ir ;e assortments of Piques,
:>wi*scs and exquisite Novelties.
J'rice rati}.' of new wash goods
t" $1 ps.
Good, useful and pretty wash
goods (> } and Bc.
Send for samples of as many
as yoti war.t a ; many colorings
you can't exhaust, the assort
ments, let your prefer' 11c be what
it may and let the styles and
Hualitie . for tlx prices show where
tli most inten wash goods
business in the country is being
done - a business of concern to
your pockctbook.
Subscribe lor thu Cmztu.
KNAUSE—At hi* home in Snmniit
twp.. May 22 1896- Christian Knuus'p
aged Ni years.
MI-CLI'-LLAND At her hr>n;E in Bnt
ler. May 18. lcfe Mary Jane Hun
ter. wife ot Al. McClelland, a^red —
BERRINGER—At his home in Adams j
twp . May 19. John Berringer. j
aged abort 70 years
He WHS buried at Evan-< City.
GALBKEATH—At her home on VV. |
Cunninghaui St.. May 24. isyy. .Miss i
Btiit M. Galbreath. youngest sister of
M Galbreath, Esq
Faner .I-ervce- at the family resi-!
dence this evening at t :3'i
BELL-A; her . .unit in iintler. May |
26, Mr- David Bell, aged —j
t year-
R.T death was a sudden 'n.- and wv>.s ;
i GRAHAM —Elziuiina (ilayds litrle
'laughter of H. and France- -T.
Graham of "WestD St Butler I'. ..
May 19th, aged 'Jyears - days. Inter
men* was at White Oak Springs Mon
Miua tiati gone iiota her suffer ng
When least exp<:-etii, r.u angel came
And carried her spirit to realms of
Soon we each and all must pass the
So bad i ■: the bereft, the daj's .ire
Her chair .s va- ant, her voice is still:
Ijost to j. .rents, brothers and sisters
No one on earth her place can fill.
So v ti.ag t- ; -s through the valley
of death,
.•-onie bad- on earth are not to bloom.
We miss thi. Mina, your schoolmates
That you from earth were called so
Dear Lord speak peace to these ach
ing hearts.
That grieve tor the loss of this dear
She's gained sweet rest, don t gri« ve
loved ones
She passed to Him so peaceful and mild
Khe now rests from sickness, pain ;ind
She has passed beyond all doubt and
So pure and innocent, she met her
Where none can know of grief and
Lonis Paland, a format employee of
Find ley the photographer, and who
went west a year or so at'o, died of par
llysis at Denver, May ">th
The subject':f this nuti' v. on. of
tbeqoM tmpresnming, good woauaot
her generation. Until the dav amlhonr
and almost moment of her .loath, had
enjoyed reasonably good health and go
ing about her house. The last morning
of her pilgramage, she was working in
the kitchen and stepping to the cellar
way for some purpose, suddenly fell
down the cellarway and was taken up
dead. Whether it was a mis step or
whether it was a stroke is not definitely
known. But it is supposed she had a
stroke and lost control of herself
She died in her «7th year, at her home
in Mer. r-r twp., Butler Co., Pa
Sores Disappeared
Statement ot n Remarkable Curo.
" My little daugtiter has ha-1 ringworms
on licr alp, and elio broke out in sores
all over her bjdy. I circirU.t to try Hood'*
Harha|Minlla, and alter hLo had trvken it a
short tinifl the sorea disappearod." MRS.
C. J. GIVKV, 1903 Eliworth Street,
Philadelphia, Pa. Hemeinber
Is t)i" On - Tr.io UlooiJ I'urifi«r. ?!; for
Hood's fil!r. < <:.-ti|'.vlKir!. f.liti.
t HO! %
IV7 W : . I hi- matter with that \ r
A old biinny "f yours? It lookH
Jl all broken It will k<> down J,
' w mi" of thene ilayH, ami then
* your how run away, and J !
. I your friend* will be blaming .I .
¥ providence. Don't do that. |
i\ <lo to Martinconrt St ('<>" (let Ck
a now wet of whei la and Hhaftri , L
for it, or trade it for a new 1 j
biiKKy. llinfKifH arc too ( heap i >
now to riMk yonr neck riilinjj ,I .
in an old rickety tiling like | *
that one of yourn And there''h ( I
your hamt'HH, we hadn't no .I .
Heed them. Several place* |
In ttiem need repairini; Tak* { >
them alonK too and K''t tl.eiji ,I .
repaired or buy a nuw mI we |
can accommodate you in eith | >
er We make ami repair all .I ,
kinds of harneHH, no differ |
em e what yon want l<e)on« 4 I
inj< to a drj vinK or team out J.
tit, come here. Yours re |
Hpeetflllly, ►
S. B. Martincourt & Co. Ji[
12H i; .lefler-oTi . Hlltler, I'll 4 I
S I; Martincourt.
.1 M I.elj{hncr | '
I'., Ilcsscnicr tV I. I'.,
Train* depart No It, at I l ' A M
No .'. at 8 l' M Butler tinw
TraiiiH arrive No I 9:5T» A. M . No
11. •">•"> I' M. Butler lime.
No. I~ ruim through to Krie an<l con
uectH with W N V & I*. at lluxton
.1 million for Franklin and < >il ' itv,
and with N Y I. K A- W at Bhenan
i(o for all point* east No ' rutin
tiironl'li to M. advillo and connectn with
W. N V <V I' for Franklin and <>il
<'11Y W K TIMOIKK, Ticket A««»nt
Kail way. Sclu <lulc of I'.is
:•mo i Traiim in • fin t May 15.
1898. Hi RI.KK TIMK.
I . |,r » 11.11- 'll.ll 1, >. I. A* ■> IV A «
Ml .Im ~ lit,. hi." !I :t: "
I . 1 IA r M l» 17 •'
\k. ■.»• M..11 .1 I ■ < w t'fll "
Ml. , i.xo -1 Hi I" "• " H« l» "
All.; > K«, i l*< •' * ' »>
Ml . In 1,/ "Ffj. 1' "
. I <,. i. .. : ft I"
Ml ghxn) M 1,1 . ■ 01
AH .In iiv I lv.■ 7 1.1
1,1 \c .iiiiiiodiUi •• *1 |o " 1 7 111 "
I-1.1 ./ l imit' 1 , |.| " :i 17 < -
h.ll m>l I!, ill M l Mm' > 'I ' <1; . '. I- M
C| w * • -lull .11 , I . • I- * '» i«. * M
\ IIV «|.|. • Hr,A %» '» M M
\\ 1 • ..V \ . lu t ». I *1 I M
V *• ■ I •im • i ... lluin Ti M
' ' • • » 1• • ; . ,j. I /H.
All';'" 1 A" 1 7'M *'
TmHi -ill*it*;: .1 | I 1.. |..«.r«t II \ O. <l«f*»».
I'llfal.iir/ i I 11. ,1.1 | .W. Ml Hi .1 10
I* in »
• t, ||) ; M,l 1,1 l||. W«*f, 111 ' #li
•»r Hi MI fli **♦•«» Hi.il liil'iuiiilluit MK**r«l|iiK •'"•I'l,
t|ii*«* of linlnii, t*|t tu
W If. '| 1 VIV Kll. Tl« k. I Alt ♦•MI.
ft I! ltl.YNMi.im, fap't, Bhln », ra
K"il'Miy I'h I' W IIAMr<KTT,
li. IV A . AIIIHIM ,-y, Vrn
Eyes Examined Free of Charge
Jrwclcr and Graduate Optician
Next Door to Court Houic, Ilutlcr, I'u.
nutax , ltj« Tor tiio UlTlttW.
Sheriff's Sales.
By virtue of sundry writs of Veil. Fit.. Ki
Fa.. L. v . I :». At.-. l-»<ued out of the Court of
Coauaoa Pleas of Bitlereooatj, and t<>
me dlr.-ct•■<!. t!i» r«* wl!l tw ••xjs's.'d to public
kale at the Court lipase. In the of
Butler, on
Friday, June 3rd,
A. I> l-*»\ at 1 o'clock IV M., the following
devribed property, to-wit :
F.. No. Inrt. Juno Term, I*K A T Scott a:kd
A H C McFarlauJ, Att'y*
AH the risht. tltlo. interest and claim of ;
Willi tin H ri'trdt ner anil Maria .1 Gardoi.t-r
of. in rid to all that certain piece or mircei !
«»f iuud situated iu Knirvlew Itutier <Y». |
pa, bo u ■ - f ows, u>-wit Beginnli •
:ti the 1 southwoM rorner of said tract a«lj« I- - ,
. ;inu> of M I V « p and Mnyviile farm at
:i ; • T tUcr. • north v ost l.v the M iy»-
v:»U i f.trn. ind ihe Hock farm 160 i* r« i»»— lo
rhite (N •: • north IM dcf. Mfl >
I tnd" >t Tamos Collins 25 perches to a stone:
* hcii' e x>uth "V de*4. east »»y lands of Kli
j ltee.p Ini* |K'r<*ho> to a tl»» t: » M»uth Vt
dep i»y iands of Mary Keep perches
to the pi a of acres.
I rn«»*« or • ana h.ivlim th«*reon :t frame
i r'vo-st- ry hotH'v st i < md outbuildings. i
AI.Sv i'f. 'n and «.<• all that certain plect
-1 ..i p.irt'el of land situate I in Parker iwj
Butler l*a. 'Kiutded as follows, to-v ir.
1 }U-sii. ilr..' a* tin nortln ist mer of the
wiio'.r idol, thene* Uy lanvlsof Kolx?rt Storey.
. . asl M sperches to a p <>r n •
I y lot «.f marked on plot •*A" south do..
s2 ji»-rch«*s t<■ :t thence by lot
marker! "IV* m»rt l . 1 dec. east V» ]>er *h«*s T » a
pout; thet •• "y Uusdsof Sanderson north
*1) deg. ca>t - ' p»*r» ln > to t !m* place of l»e*.'iu
i.injr: containing twenty-eijrht /2 s ' acr« s and
t wentv-tiv*< perches, and marked "H ' on
the plan of ili« partition «.f the estate of
.laeo'h K« ••»>. dee'd; havintr theron erecle<i a
frame dweiiinK house, stable and other out
buildings. Seized and taken in execution a -
the property of William li (iardner and
Maria f Garuner at the suit of Pennsj ranis
Savings Fund and I.OMII
F. L). No. 11. 12. li. June Term A H 1 M-"Far
land Att'y.
All Llu right, title. Interest and elaim of
George c •>«»perof. in and to all that certain
j,i lot "f ground .situated In t'enterv iile
Bon» iiutler t'o Pa.» l>ounded as follows >o
vs it. at a i>o**t oil tlic south and
running north on the Turnpike roafl feet
\> :i po«*t; thence by lot of Johatlian M iy ber
ry l»f» feet to a po.s; thence east thirty feet
by an alley to a post: thence west by lot of
Samuel Coulter IM) feet to the place of U -
ginning: hating thereon erected a two story
frame dwelling house and outbuildings.
Seized and taki n in execution as the proper
ty of George \V. Cooner at the suit of «' W
Ilard for use of I> I- Wilson et al.
K. D. No. 107 June Term. IhOk. A T Sc >tt and
A If C McFarland Att'ys.
All the ri-'ht. title Interest, and claim of
F.n/.a lirynoii Adrn'x of 1 N Bryson deed, of in
and to all that certain pelce or lot of lanu.
situated in Slippery Hock twp.. Hutler Co.
I'a.. l>ouiidiHl as follows, to-wlt: Fr«»ntlngon
Franklin road from the west sid«j lieginulng
at high water mark near the Hickory bridge
and along Franklin road to the right of way
of the IMttsburg Shenango and lake Erie K.
K. bridge U) high watermark; thence along
the course of Slippery ro< k creek by high
water mark to the place of beginninu form
ing ?» triangle, eontalulng al»out ;u*re more
or less, ana having tliercun 1 store buldilng.
two stories high upper part used for a dwell
ing, stable and out building".. Seized and
taken In execution as the property «»f F.n/.a
P.ryson at the suit of Pennsylvania Saving-
Fund and Loan Asso.
1.. I>. N «». 277 and 271. March Term. Islin. WI)
Hrandoti and \V 11 Lusk. Att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of I!
C Aggers of. In and to all that certain piece
or parcel of land, situated in Forward twp,
Hutler Co. I'a. bounded as follows, to-wit
On tie- north and • tsi by lauds of A J Kvans
ct al. on !he south by lands of I)atnh:i'*h et
J. and on the w• »t by lauds of l»ambach;
contains! twenty acres, more or le-s,
the same property cotiveyud by said John A
lirandon t«• if C Aggers, by dt*ed June Hth.
having thereon aone-st«»rv brick dwel
ling house, barn and out buildings, also one
or more producing oil wells Seised and
taken in execution as the property of II C
Aggers at the suit of John A llranrfon et al.
E. I>. No. IM. June Ternt, !•<{*». Mates &
Voung, Att'ys.
All tin- right, title, interest and claim of
Christiana Utiinbaugh and Adam J Mum
baugli of, in and to all thai certain piece or
lot of ground, situated In Hutler I>oro. Hutler
Co. I'a. hounded as follows, to-wlt: Com
mencing .it a point on West stre* t fifty feet,
the net s<»uth alonu lino of lot of Charles
buffy lHs feet to Spring st r ;et; thence along
Spring street fifty feet; thence north along
line of lot of Charles Duffy one-hundred and
forty feet to West Street the place of begin
ning, lielng lot No. i KI iu Duffy's plan of West
Kii'l lots, said lot having been conveyed by
I. W /.uver . tux Ui Christian Ibimhaugh by
i|e«'d dateil Jan Itfth, IM*2. se<* deed ln«ok l'J«l.
page 411 Seized and taken in execution as
I lie proiHTty of Christiana Dumhaugh and
Adam J Dumbaugh at the suit of taeorge
HecU, George Shance et al
K. D. No. IH|». June Term. s F A L
Howser Att'ys.
All tin right, title. Interest and claim of
lii.hi pl Mcl'.liiaiiry-<!*•*Lll'l K117.111.et li Ale
riii.ini y :i!i(j .lolin Mi'FJhiiiioy oxY* of Kotil
M« f:ihiiii(?y. <l« 1 <l, of. In ntifl |<» al! tliut rcr
-1 ulii t»l« • ««r lot «»f hiiiil. si I anted hi ('h«Try
1 wp. liutli 1 *'<►. I'M. Ixiun«l«'il us follows, lo
wil On t In-11011 li t»y Sli|>piry f'iH*k fri'i*U
hi thi ' M .t by pr«i|;«-rty *»f I; > liryJiii. urn]
I < >ti ii I.rwlri, on ilwsouili l»y lon (is of Mrs It
MrFlliHiiry, urnl «»ri tin* w«-si l>y Hllpiii'ry
Ko«*k cri'i k ; coiituinifi# tift«l» O'TI-H. inuri
or liiivin.' « r« i« il a <»rir «-iory fran •
lioiist-. frarn*-stiihlo ami out IWIHK
mostly I'li'arod and urirlcr fi-nn-. S«'l/»-<l rm«l
1 al\ * it ill r \«M*UI lon as lIM |irop4iiiy of I Coin rt
'•lrKiliiim y. «!«•• <l, ami Kll/al>«.'l li >((*fClluiri(*y
■ml John MrKlliamy • \ r. of |{oht. >!«•-
1011»* 11«• v al Llir muU of JOIIII I Wi'is'Mi
si 1-in foi IIS«* of <' IhLsii 1. «!<•(* tl. \ t i ' Nort liln«-
» «cr. for iim' of IJ <' Norl him-
K. |). No l««i .Tour T«*rrn. IMw. .1. w llutf.hl
s<m Att'y.
Ml tlic IIKOI. till*. Interest, ami cluitn of
INBobborl . - N Rolib of In .* i«*l to nil
i »i.i i irrt all. p!.f« or |iar« • I of I ami. sit uatod
in <>;iUl:iml t'»V. iislilj), I? n 11 •■ I ' o. I *., l/oiin<|
«hI an follow to wit: lt< iu^':i 11 llir iindlvM
•'l Inti f. s! of | N *i' I »:ii«• • N Kohif iK'itm tin*
I II 1111« irsl of in ami to thai n rtaln trarl of
In ml I h roii'/i i whl«*h hot h t Ih* ilpprr ami low
\ : puhlir roa'ls I« a a<l 1 itVC frmn HuMi r ■»•*■»•••
( It v run iMiumlfd ami drsrrlln-d as follows
"II tin north hy IHIHIH of L'h|tll|l> hi-lrs. on
th« « a,l l»y lands of ,\i vniau li<*ll*s. on liu
.outh hy lands of llmiry ht-lrs. ami on (li«*
< .» hy land . of Josi-ph .IwU, i.'ontalninjc out*
hundred and lifty arrr*, morv or h •»*. having
thur«'on t«nfl«'d a two story frame house,
from*' harm and out hulhliny l . a ur«M»d orch
ard ami hrlnt' moOly i*h*jir«'«l and in a fair
st atr of mill I vat ion. t h«* safim prop
illy of wlilch William .I ICohh I atr of < >al; land
• wp.. ihwd. dl«-d .trl/.i'd In his d*-im'»m* a of
fi*i■ liu* Inh'n-sl ahovf ih-i' Tllwd Iwlni tin* lu
ti-ii t of 1 N or Isarm N ICohh as lull at law
of said diM'edmit. Sr|y.i'd and takiui in t*.\«*«*u
t lon as t.h«* pro|M-rty of I N or Isaac N ICohh
al f In* suit of O M. rhllllps.
Iv I». No. 2*H. .Tint*''l'l'iin. IH9N. V f aud* rllu A
Wilson, Atfy.
Ail tin* rli?ht. title. Interest ami claim of
Wll liel mina lle. ki l and Ueoric** W lleckel of.
In and to till I hat certain niece or pai' « i|>f
lam! ' Hunted In Jackson Iwp. Ilulh ni.
iHiuuded as follows, to wit at a
post on Hie northern sld« of < 'onmHjinness
iiiK **r« ek t hen crossing wnld cr**ek and run
nlnif 111 a southerly direction aloittf lauds of
now or formerly owned hy —— Knox JJOI.fI
perche » to a post ; t hence running In a north
• R ly dip** Hon along lands of JIOW or former
ly owned hy William Ko-.siuau to a posi ou
the north hank ni < onuo*|UeneM»l|»|f creek;
1 hence alonK sal'l • r*ad< to nhM'U of l»« , KlntllnK
and t'onl alnliitf V .n-res ami V» pep lu-s. more
or li ss. He|/ed and taken in execution as the
property of Wllin lmlna llech«'l and tii'oiK*'
\V lleckel at the suit of Henry W'alil et al.
K. I). No. 2fi2 Jiinn Term. I HON. H IV A A I*.
Bowser A tt'y.
AII t h*'right, title. Interest ami cialtn of
Noah H Waterman of, In and to all I hat cer
t a In pleri* or lot of uati**! In KVIIIIM
hurK lloro,, Itntler < *o, I'a t>outided as fol
lows, to wil : tm I lie north hy lot No Iff lift
and % ft. mi the ea-tt hy a l."t fl alley,
fifty two and om half ft on the south hy a
tw« nty foot al'-y. n|m.ty utile HII'I lline ,
foiitlh feet, and v\ •st l.y I(ii))roii*l Ht fifty
frit bcilllf l"t No in till »rtfe lilt's plan of
lots In said lloro of Mvanshurtf and lieta}'t lie
sain*' 1111 conveyed hy .hu'oh Ihiuihacti el ill
iml lulwar'l Hamiiach et. IM to said
N'oah S Waterman hy deed dated May
I llth I -Hi i. corded in |C<> onhw » o|||<i lulltif
•ir iln iKwil i•' i• 1 . ■ 72 A • •Im• •" •
ther*-on two lory frame house Ixiard stable
j >ml out. liulhllm. Sei/.etl ami takiui tu exe
'- lition as tln nroperty of Noah Waterman
| iA the suit of hrortfe K Hehm.
I. h No I-:' June Term. A T. IHack.
A tt'y
AII t In- r IKIII. Illl*-. Inter* .1 and claim of
< it-t W •' i nil son and I la vld .l:t rnes .1 a mlson
of in ami h» all ' Ital cert aitt ple#*«« or pan'el
of I .ml, ltiiat« d In Ven.inlf'i township, lint
li i eounty. I'a lioumlt«d as follow- lo wit
On tin* nort It hy lands of ICoh<-rl \',tmh rlin.
: i rid hell of Mi« Inn 1 < onway east hy land.
• f \ i i . 1111 1 K H V\ It »> • »t. ihi •"«' • h
i.v l.iml •>t .1 I and .1 A .Murfin and *»» i lU«-
• it hy lands of < .•or;' - V a tide rl III; eoutultl
in,: J aires, more ot less, having thereon
. mi t'd .i I<hoiiami tttfiei ouUuilhlln^t.
r I /.ij iiml I'll IM. In execution let tin propel
lyofth orpre W Jamison and Ihivld Jan • .
la nil .on •» 11. . *lll of |C K Wicl;
r it \ I 111, I u .ml Itl J tine T* I in. I w '.»>
llr .mlon and Fori|U*-r. Att'yn
All tin rlicht, title, Interest and claim "f
.I J * tii* . \h « ilT'ily.li of. in and to ill that
. i lain pi' • or parcel of land, situated In
riiiiton low nshlp. Hot i* ' eounty. I'a houml
i d . • follow*., lo Alt On the north hy lauds
of Otmrvt Miitasliuid. on tin eust l»y land* of
(ilh'.on hell <> •h* south hy lands of John
1... - . tnd on the WHHI hy lands of Ihlherl
111 • i li fton; containing 64 nxiffl nt •
11. IM.. pai 'til of land imld hy Ordoi
phan . • o«n I <-f hut hr • otinl y .i . lln
Im I "f Kohi rt Lo. c, dn'd . and pnrcli < « d hy
tii .aid tlefemlanl Hel/«-d ami taken In
. . •-ntlon »I tin properly of fame . M-'t af
ferty Ji tth ult of Jotip I . • I> i nt
Ihe will < f Ito ht . I l,o\. lit - {I ,I ! 11l
I l> No hf' .fun' I 'tin I W ( O « ill Ith
A* t'y
AIII In I Ij'ill lltle, Inleii I and claim "f
V. It Hard - f In :.ml to all Iha I • • it aln nl«
.. f p it- el of land, ii nateil in ilpp< ry lfo. I.
Iwp flutter f'O i' • Imutided « folio*
•it I'.eirlnniUK at .» po.t ii iln - cntet of
Ihe Hrowulntfton ami llarrlsvllle ICoad
'ln in e noil! It Milder e i .thy land of * Itovoid
at perchi slo a post I hem c *MIIh'I d< U easl
| I*l Ul* lo a hl.'H i< o.il , Ihem'i north ~ ' *h r
■ Ihy lands fot titer)y of |(ev \ l»a|e ami
'William Vc|<l on *l» perches to a po,t
tln in « I'ifth 'Jil'M *utsl I I percln M to i oosl
t In-net HOtit 11 Sti iletf east hy 1 Mll*ls of Wlflla >"
M- K | . ion .11.2 perches to a post,them « soiit li
deu west, hy land i of J II Adams 1* I
, f«r*hes to II no d . in I he • * liter of t lie * •* I uh
if ra ro•>d | t iieiici .out hr»" i d*v w*"*t aiony
nler of aid road 'JU.3 pt i- hen to a po*.l
lln in i soiit h Otl di'L' West alotitf sal'l roiul VI 0
per*'he »to a post 5I In tn'e HOU t It M !l 'lt K we I
alontf ild road and I unit of I*, II A*lam . m
percliis to a no'it In t he cent re of I he 1 1 town
Oi ft on ii m I If irrl .vllh road: t It*-n ct nor I h II •
di'K w* i alonu * •*lll •• i of said roa*l *•■ •
jiercln » to the place of l»ej( 1 11 111 iik . contain
[fig til acred and '-*'• perchi •1 1 1 nw iun
|| . . 01 perel.en M.hl hy W It Hard lo llanli I l»
llavls hy deed ilated No* xth. issfi, land
m arly all • leu red ami having I hereon « rei i
cd two story frann hom.« iml frame stahle.
linn kiln and crusher then on A. l/ed
and taken In e*i . ntlon as the proper! y of \\
It Hani at tin* suit of Mavld Wilson
I M No I'd. Jit im Term. Imhm, Williams A
Mitchell, Att yn
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
|,n vs .on I Iwin km y of, in and to nil t hat
certain piece or prircel ..f I unl. situated In
*'lay twp llutlert'o I'a , f-oninhd as fol
low to wli On the north hy land ,of
Neitmail I Hurl I*-V Olid Ah unh i ICalstoll.
~1.1 hy l.in*ls"f Mllt-»m I lion p...m TUoinns
Thoiap»*'i). and Mlllvi south hy iandfe ut
Samuel MoCall. John ui« ti and Mu -iy
creek, and on the we-> y .af i- «»f Johri II f
McJunkln; containing 117 « r» n <»r« or v
tea-*, hating ihercmi • r*« i* I li- v
1 11 JF IIOUM'. barn and ETHER outbuildings
and tnk« nln « w a* lis- i-r •!»• : - f
unf Luw»on E Ilrai*Ku« yat the -tut »f Mi* »
lleli i. Eim n*oa i • - W I run
now for use of J \V Ifuichisou and i I' |
Bra I *
E. T >- No. US. June Tt rm. 11. F < unit* r. 1
All the right, title, i"' l re»t • lain. -»f 1
tlie hetr*» at law of Dr »:• v.e> tJrHhf n». dee'd . i
and Hon. James Bredln of. •» and i«» all »hat I
•♦•rtain piece or lot of ground. -itui.ted In \
Hutler boro. Butler t'o.. 1* i (••!- j *
low*, to-wif Ou the north l»y »n alley on;
tlie east by Cliff street on t».« south by lot j '
J 11 Miller, and on the west by xmtli M - , •
K.an St.. and fronting • -:u«i M«*K«-ati M j J
W.r> feet and extending ' n*l t*-.e -an.* width J*
jv.> feet, more or Ims. t« said * -iit **t .a?*l j
having thereon erected a two->iory . »i: j "
dwelling house. Seized and taken In e\t»cu- i
t ion a» the property of the heirs it law ofl
1 >i. Jan.* ■- «•rauain. d- . «! . lion. Jam**
Hredin at the suit of Butler bore
i: l>. No. l*>. I«7. US*. HiP. \'-\ at»c 1 1 June ,
Term. I*-. William- .v Mitch* . \V A j .
F. J. Fonju r Att ys
I All the right, title, interest and claim in I
1 William McAnallen »f in and to all that
I ee rtain piece or nana ! « f land, situated iii
I Centre twp Butler Co . l*a.. bounded as (ol
lows. to-wit: Beginning al a putft at the
nortiiwc eortier of said tract of land.tbence
>outh *«• den l» mlu. e:i>i »-"> 41 per*'lit -% alone
lands of Ant hony Thompson to a po.-»t . i he nee
south ! deg. 4.1 ruin, west 72. kS perches along
i U of M n fa • Gallftghei • • a pool
thence sout h-D dejr. 4a min. v\. u* 41 pcrehes
along the lauds '»f T!» »:ita> W Brown t >
north l deg 1 1 min easl M
perches along line of lands of Lorenzl Rider
ID ; L [Mist tli* place of I* ginning and eontain
ing 3»'a«Te> more or les<. liehig purpart No
1 of t Uv estate of Margaret viallaher, late of
i'entretwp.. Butler < «».. I*a . dee'd. William
L KlcAnallen 11:«•.t• •'t '•< In : one < f tbe de*
visee> under the last viil and testament
said Margaret Gal jrher (k • I Bane being
..f r< eortl in the Kegister's ofllee. Butler
C«» . I*a in Will liook , K" page and tin 4
real estate of which th< s ini Margaret t» il
lagher died seized having Uvn duly parti-
Iby partition procetidlngs a 1 i> 1 No
77. Sept. Term. 1592, the al>ove r.H'nlloned and
des'TtlK'd purpart N>». I was duly allotted
and awarded unto John - >he*kley as guar
dian of said William >' \rial.en and who has
slneo arrived at full and lanfiu age. Seized
and taken In execution as the prop* rt\ c»f
William I. McAnal'.en «t the >ult of John
Forcht et al.
E. 1». No. W. !ll and 1" •. .him Term. W.
I). Brandon and Levi M. Wise. Att'ys.
All the rigid, title, int rest and claim of
Sarah Brel! now Sarah Alier mortgagor and
Margaret Held terre t« •» tnt of. in and to all
that certain piece or pare*of land, - ; t uate< 1
in Forward twp.. Butfer Co.. I* • . Nmnded as
follow, to-wit: On the north l»y lands of
William L Burr, and James Brandon, east by
public road leading from Brownsdaie to
iVtersvllle. on the soul h l»y lands *»f William
Fehl. and Nicholas Miller, and on the west
l»y lands of Ilenrv Buh! Sr;contalning s» \ v n
ty-elght acres. mor«- or lc-s. being tin* same
traet of land which was conveyed to the
alxive named Sarah Br# 11 bv deed of William
Fehl and wife, and i y deea of John Knanff
and wife. l»otli of which are rec«»rded in Ke<*-
order's ofHce, Butler. I'a having thereou
erected a frame house and barn and other
outbuildings. Selzeil ni.d taken In execution
as the property of Sarah Brel I now Sarah
Aber. Mortgagor, and Margaret Held terre
tenant at the suit of Margaret Held for use
of KAC Brandon et al.
R. I). No. r>. .Tune Term. l*i»s. Ralston &
Greer. Att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
James Simmers of. in and to all that certain
piece or parcel of lauil. situated In Winfield
twp., Bni ler Co., Pa led follows, U
wit: €>ni he nort hby lands of James U Slm-
DH ra»on t'<« oast by lauds of Henry Keonlgh.
on the south by lands of t'luiners heirs, and
August Yuiili. and on tlie west by lands of
Lewis Weldhos, and James R Simmers; con
taining fifty acres, more or lens, and lielng
the same land purchased from George
Dovithett by James Slnitners the defendant,
hit ving thereon log house, frame stable and
orchard. Seised and taken in execution as
the prop* rty of James Simmers at the suit
of K k A Ivrause for us« >f Robert Krause.
K. I). No. 90, June Term .T I>. Mc-
Junkins, Att y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of s
W Macuroy Adrnr. <>f Klisha ( Macunlv.
divr'd., of. In and to all thai certain piece or
piece of land, situated m Buffalo t\v p..Butler
<'o.. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: Begln
ulng at a corner |x»-.t thenct* by lot No. V»
north H7.."» deg. east 90 perches to a |x»st oil
the hank of tlie Big Buffalo creek; thence by
the ineauderiugs of the said creek north C.."»
ileg. east 2Ti perches; thence north 17 dcg.
en i ihlrteen ami t wo-tcnths perches: them e
north 7«» deg. west 11,8 perches to a sapling on
the haul; of said creek: thence by lands of
David Baker north 4."» diwest la perches to
a White t >ak; thence *»y the same north W
deg. west 2ST» perches to a White Oak; thence
by the same north W> deg. west. 74 perches to
a post; thence by lot No. i'J south 3H ilea
east lUH perche.s to the place of lH'g!nnln;. f ;
heing Ixiunded on the 1/>rth by lauds of It'
Watt, on the east by lands of Phillips, en
the south by Buffalo creek, and >»n tie* west
by lands of Andrew Shearer; contalhlug '&•*»
acres more or less, being the same which
< harle Met 'andlcss and ♦ at herlpe Ids wife,
by deed dated May Bnd I*7*. and recorded
in Deed iNiok Page »kt, conveyed loEllshn
< Macurdy. said lands having tnereou erect
ed a frame two-story bouse, log barn and
and ot her out buildings.
ALSO \li the right, title, luteicst and
claim of S W Ma airdy Admr. of Klisha t*
NI a curdy, dee'd.. of. In and to all that rei I aln
piece or parcel of land, dtuated In BufVah»
!v. p . Butler Co., Pa., hounded as follows to
wlt: Beginning at tne middle of the ITnlon
vllh road «• 11 ihe llu of Andrew Shearer
t hence « :»st 111.4 p« rein s to a -.tone by hinds
of thi said Andrew Shearer; thunci south '»
h•• • ■ «tst 71 •'» perches to a jn-st and stone pi'e
; . •In ... north
i'.*» d«*g west lU.a perclu sto t he middle »f
I'nlon vl.le road by lands of William t' Tuck
er ami Mlch.ud Blerly; t l»«Miee north by |J c
d» . east perches along iidddle of I'nlon
vine road; thence nori-n w deg east 18
perches aloi : the ct en»r of sniil road; then e
nortii !' <• det: •• • perche, along the
.enter of sahl i'nlon villi rosd: t IMMIC«* north
' Zi deg. east W jHTchen along the ndddle of
said road tot he plac< of contabi
Ing .. n res ind 11 pt*i die . moi« •»r U
iug a large t ra»*t cnih*«l "Junior" mid uuei
hered In FMers district «»f depre. tatlon
land; the same w hlc|» later and
Susan his wife by de- I dated July IWth, l < H
rci nnled In deeil IKH»k No »*! Page -la- eon
\ eye.| to Fl' Macurdy. Seized and taken in
e*« .ut lon us the property of \\ Macurdy
Admr of Klisha Macnrdv. de d .at tin suit
of Isaac M Pcniiock fi>t Use of John L
M acurdy.
. K. D. No. June Term M»s I W Hutc hi
son Att'y.
All the right title, interest and claim of
J M Met 'uHough of. In and to all t hat certain
, piece or lot of laud, situated In Butter Horn
Bui ler t'o. PH., IN »t|i|f|« d as follows to-wlt;
lb lug lot No.il In the Frank Morrison plan -f
lots recorded In the Recorder's ofWe« of said
county In deed Insik llil page .*>oo snld lot hav
ing a wldt h of forty-seven f. » i in front on t lie
north side of ('level aml si . and extending
back therefrom preserving li e san e width
n .i, .iance of iwo hundrcd feel more "■ h »t
to an alley, and being bounded on Ihe nort 111
by >i twenty f«»ot alley, on the east by lot No.
four In the same plan of lots now owned by
A manda Morrison, on the south by t'hve
land St.. ami on the We- i by lot No 3 of said
plan of lots IIOW owned by the Keystone
Mate 11. & L Association of Pittsburg Pa
being the same propei tv which John I Low
ry et ux by deeu dated I eh Ist. I*W7, grauteil
and conveyed to Jann-. Mart In Met 'ullough.
Having thereon erectinl a two story frame
dwelling house and out. buildings Sel/.ed
and taken In execution as the proper
ty of .lame , M u till M«-<'tillouich at the slllt
of Keystone State 11. & I- Asso of Plttshur;;
F. D. No. 12ft, .1 tine Term. I*'.»* Newton Black,
All the right, title, Intere t and claim «'f W
I Hi ally of. In md to all that certain piece
•»r par« e| of hind, situated In PaiKer twp .
But ler tin., pa., Iwiutided a follows, to-wll
Iteglnulug at t lie nort beast corner it a stone
t hence by lands of llelnei Bros, el al .onth I
deg west It! I |H*rch« s. to the public road;
thence along said road north tl» deg west
'> perches; tlicnec along the same north H
deg west 211 perches. I hence by same north 7«
deg west «i per. lie . t«» lands «>1 I let ehel .
lie nee by lanils of same north I deg east (Ml
pfMit thence I>v lands of J 0
i )i|enwelh r sout h 77 deg east' all.ll pen In - to
lands of II eln e r Bros, tin • phv «»f Megiiinltig;
e< * 111 al 111 li g !!t lie fes. n*oi« or less, mostly
. ,i• • i • ei/.-d and takei In execution
tie properly of W J Ilealty at the nult «»f
I' lioinas H Ileal t y
I D. No M. s|. im. U. and Mm.June Term.
1-lK Painter A Murrlu, Att'ys.
All the right, title. |nter» st and claim of P
A Mcltlwee and < 'al he | lie Ml Khvee of 111
and to all thai certain piece 01 parcel ».f
land situated 111 Oakland twp Butler ('•»
|» , lioutldl d • - folio* . to wll Jlmt be
no» i h by I inds of Jennie < ralg. on the east
by lands of J I P Met tin ley, on the onth by
hinds of F A «V John Stein, and on the west
by lands of McFlWee hell- ; containing M
acres, more or less, having thereon a frame
lions. log stable, and outbuildings, goo I
orchard and timber Seized and laken In
e \« .111 lon a.I In property of P A MeFlWie
nd </atliei m McJClwei at 1 »«• ull of John
Berg • *o et ul
I D No I Mi. I line Term. 1 a . J. D Mai sled I
A t t'y.
All the right, title Interest and claim of
Sal lie K u tries of In and lo all ihiit certain
, |oi ■i f ground t tinted I : I flu tint
lloro llutieit'o Pn bounded a sollow , t•»
wit On the north by lot of Henry stein, on
thi' east by lot of Kittle lor vtle on the
sot it h by \V st JefTersoii st . ami on the wi .t
11y lot .»r I I M< Bride frontlui on J« ffei ion
-i twenty fe« I uion le and i xI• tiding
I tie I inly fei t toHleln lot being No 112 oil
.aid Wist' Jefferson Hi . and having thereon «
erected i frami two story dwtdllng hottwt ,
, |/fid and » nken In « ux-ullon :i • I ••• pii ipt I
ty of Hal lie Is arm sal the suit of I houias M
%li.» ball.
I 11 No ',M;. lis June Term 1 lialston Jk
tnd Palntei Si M trrln Att v
All the right, title, llitere.l It 11 d claim of
mi mi..-, of, In ind I I hat •- - •
piece or pat ■ el of land, si tn a I ei| In < hiklai.d
p II i . » «... Pa IN tundi -i m • fol
low .. to w|l On the lioi Ib• -y luipl of on
uel (iordon on tin 1 aa I iiy lands of I* \
MiMvm t oil till. kOllth by land .ft «*ln and
\Valki r and on the w t by lauds of
M I 1 . utalnlng 54 i « >i
and having tle ieoii e|. I'd • frame burn
.mull orchard Helped and la! • *»• In «m . n
t lon as the property of M I M- l.lw» « at the
suit of l< J Whit ml re n a!
F D No. fill, June Term.l • W D Brandon
A tl'y
All the right, title, luti m i and • lalm of
Wlliiam N Purvis of. In and to ,ni a 11*« I .'i j
lain pleee or parcel of land. *|tnated in
Adams Iwp But ler t '•» .Pa IHHIHIII >l ;i fol
lows. t'Kffll: Beglnulii •! i P'MI IM it a
whllt oak; thence by lands of •dm Ban
••oath <1 deg east *»l W pel. let«» a po l
theme by lauds of Wlllhi in Purvis M north
Vli.fi ib'g we-,t |;».7H per- Im • ton IM»h! llnin •
north 11 tiilti. east .Ml Ip«»• In theies ; Olds
of ( rUwell nort It Ml deg e i i I-u; pi r# li« s to
i pi.i' i •-f 11. gl1 1nIH Ih lni thi ii •
tI ie t of hlinl dencrlhed In ih « d dated Mat h
ul. I .mi, from ol|\e Mutt le \ .guardian lo th*
said Willlaiii iN I'urvls, mh Mortgage i ;
Pagt Wfl Ii avlng thereo fi
and out buildings orchard, and In Ing »-it I y
cleared. heUed and la' • n in ■ '• 'HHOII .t .
Ihe prop* rt yof William NPur i I at tin *. 11
of i ill v» Matt hews
F D No 210. June Term l u,,t I • vl M Wise
AII the right, lit le, Inlet e.t oel lalinofll
A /.« Igler of In and to all that < ert aln pb •
or lot of ground, situated in Poi timvllle
lioro, Butb ii o Pa. lioliud' d • • f"lb A •• •
I wit: Beginning at Main »tpct thitn.a by lot
f V.irsufiJ r i4-;tone hundrtHi eighty
' • * • ihvncv I'jr lands of Henry Bloom stout h
wur«t flftjr-icven iheu<*«> by same west
w'-ru on»- hun<)rv<l eighty feet !<' Main St:
tlu'hi-tf t»y Main street northward sixty-neven
»nd ten Inches to the pla<*c of begin- '
• "j. (*ont&lnlDK forty-one and six-tenths
k l h| perches more or l«:ss. and lM*ing the
pr.»|M rty conveyed l»v I! Bloom to H A /.elg
.i by deed dated Nov 4th. Having ,
th*»fvon erected a frame dwelling house and :
stori -Hjorn combined and ontbaiidings.Seized
and taken In • as the property of II
A /oilier at the suit of Henry idoom.
Tr or sau Tlu following must be
m My complied with when property is
r i Won down.
• When the plalr.tiiT or other lien creditor
««»i:ies th« punrha-i. r. the costs on the writ
r.'Mst be paid, and :i lift of the liens, lnclud
i iir ?. ortgHgc !M*ar*'hcs on the property sold,
t tier with such lieu creditor's receipt*
i ill* amount of the pr«K*e«-d- of the sale or
-uoh portion thereof tut he may c ulm, uiu»t
i»« the StierifT.
VII n*u«.T Ih* paid iu fuii.
All sales n«<i settled frnmeidiately will
1* t'i tin tied :mt!l ! o'clock p m. of the next
i v i whifh time all property not settled
: wi'.l i«i!alu W put rr and sold at the ex
• aud risk •? no ix-rson to whom tlrst
mi d.
•>ee l'i;r<lonS Dig* •»:. Mu ediil«<u, page 44*
i.ud Smith's Form* >M.
w ILL] \ M B DODD6 BMff
Sherlt! v. Butler. I'a. May 16. l*W ]
By virtue of sundry writ* of Yen. Ex..
k • I a v Fa v'» • iMid »ut of
rt "ourt of Comui" . Pleas of Butler Coun
ty I'a . and to me dm ted. there will be ex
|M>N»*d to public sale at the Court House. In
t the borough of Butler I'a.. on
Friday, Juris 10, 1898,
at 1 o'clock P. M.. t ti«* following described
property, to-wlt:
F IV No. Sir. Jun. Term. to*. JJ HUi.-k. Any
Ail the tight, tith interest and claim of .1
M < 'amplx'l*. Indng the undivided one-third
interest, of. in and to all that certain piece
or parcel of land, situated in Marlon twp .
Butler 00. Pa. U>uiirie<l as follows, to-wlt:
On the north by lands of Robert At well, on
the east by lands of Atwell heirs, on
the .south by lands of Nell Gormerly and on
t h*'west by lands of James K Klmes and ii
Atw« 11; contain lug xi acres, more or less,
mostly cleared and In a good state of culti
vation. Seized and taken In execution as the
property of J M Campbell at the suit of J J
Cummins for use of Newton Black.
E. I> No.2lft, June Term. 1808. X Black, Atfy.
All the right, title, interest and claim of A
K Storey of. in and to all that certain piece
or parcel of land, situated In Falrvlew twp.
Butler Co, Pa. hounded as follows, to-wlt:
On ihe north by lands of Benjamin Rankin,
on ihe east by lands of Benjamin Kankln P K
lUirke et al. on the south by lands of William
Starr et al. and on the west by lands Thomas
llays «»t al; containing 1"*) acres, more or
less Having thereon a frame house, barn
ther outbuildings. Seiad and taken In
execution as the property of Adam E Storey
at the suit of Catherine McCandless.
E I>. No. 215, June Term. 1898. W 11 Lusk,
All the right, title, interest and claim of A
M Carnahn and Ellzaln th BtCarnalian of. In
and to all that certain piece or lot of land,
situated In Zelelnople boro, Butler Co. Pa.
iiottllded as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a
post on spring street thence north by lands
of Ur>t party two hundred atul twenty-seven
fei t. more or less, to an eighteen foot alley;
thence west by said alley sixty-live feet to a
post: thence south two hundred and twenty
seven feet, more or less, to a post on Spring
street: thence east sixty-five feet to a post
the place of beginning It being a part of
that piece or tract of land which Frederick
KlotTenstelu and Louisa K his wife by deed
dated June lutli, A. I».. lsys, granted aud con
veyed to K C Vales: and K < Yates and Ida J
Yates, his wife by deed dated May 10th. INOO.
granted and conveyed the same to Jacob
I'amlwch; and Jacob Dambach and Margaret
Dambach his wife by deed dated Sept. 2Mth.
I>w», granted and conveyed the same to AM
Oarnahan; having thereon atwo-story frame
house, stable anu outbuildings. Seized and
taken in execution as the properly of A M
Carnahun and KlUalieth B Cariiahau at the
suit of Matilda E Belghley.
1 INo. IKI, June Term, ISUB. K. P. Scott,
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
ticorge H Gibson of, in and to all that certain
piece or parcel of laud, situated In Venango
twp, Butler Co. Pa, hounded as follows, to
wlt: On the north by lands of Mrs. Wilds
aud a public road, on the east by lands of R
M (jlbsott, ou the south by lands of Virgil
tJihs.>ii. aud on the west by lands of John C
Scott; contalng twelve acres, more or less,
having thereon erected a frame house lOxtt
feel, frame stable, and outbuildings, gixxl
apple orchard ami other fruit thereon.
ALSO Of, In and to all that certain piece
< r lot of land, situated In Faruitiigton,
Venango twp, Butler Co, Pa. liounded as fol
lows. to-wlt: On thi* north l»y lot of Harlan
Book, on the east by Ulhson street, on the
south by a public road leading to Maiile
Furnace, and on the west by lands of Allen
Wilson; contaiug one and one-fourth acres,
more or le> having thereon a frame sl|Op
I4x2*»feet; also a peach orchard and small
ALSO Of. iii .tml to all that certain niece
■n lot of land, situated In Karmlngton, Ven
in.o I w|, Butler Co. P>. Im»u tided as follows,
to-wlt tin tin north by an alley, on the
t by lot No. .*>. on the south by Mercer and
L.twreucebut'M rond or Main *-tree». aud on
'weM l-y «n alley ml J.ucliida liosen
i s In ' *i,. No. lin plan Of said
\ 1 i a fronts iin is Id Malti
sti • iof f« et jtmi extending back Is ll feet
to an alley. Seized a-nd taVen in « xecutlon
i the property of George 11, Gibson at the
. it of Robert Si<»rey
* A
Are Not All Gone
VVc have a fot of Monarch nhirt#
itiailc of Giirncn jwrculeH former
price $1.50 now going at 750.
33 l-3pcr cent Off
on all winter timlerwcar ami lots
of broken s'zes going at one half
We Still Have
a few of those $5, Jt.| ntnl hatH
in the Dollar aale.
We Havo About
flvailnr.en fine wool top shirts in
lllack and Brown sliailc.s, worth sl,
an'l we nre offering them at
fi.25. Come in anil tell iim what
you neeil and see if we cannot
supply you.
and Real Estate
117 u. JKl'l- HRSON.
Buy Direct from Manufacturers
Single Tube Tire, l.ighl and Fust vet
Strong and Durable.
$5 00 Pair.
The King Mfg. Co-,
Onice KM Arch HI , I'hlliMlelphla, |*a,
/il I J k ■
111 LI r*j
' "™"™ CopvniQM ra Ac.
Aiiv»»no■#n'ti»iir aaketeh nml flunrrlirtlMi mnr
unU'kif «^rl«li» nii» opinion fri» wnrtlht «n
Hi v«»fit t'»n In pr'.l.nhlf I-Mi »>II« «*»■!<• rnromuilloi
11>>n« Mil ictlr oonfltlPnlUl. llmiiUlmmili on I'Atmitii
H(Mii fn*i> (lldcmt nunnrf fur HMWrllil WlUlitl.
I'Mimita lAkrti tliniUtfli Mttnn h IXi. wolr*
•)>rr<af wtU*, without lu tli«
Scientific American.
A hiiinl«"m»lr llln»!rsl»»<f worlrlf. Unrwl rlr
(niiiitl'.ii t it Mr ••'lolillXn InuriiHl I'nrtiia, f-l a
•nr rMiirtnonthii.il' Hold l>r »ll n«wi<Jn»l«r».
MUNN&Co." 18 New York
llraurli (MHok. (IJf> ► Hi., Wulilimloii, U. C.
I'riHted on your pajn-r, (or on the
wrapper in which it come*,) for
a brief hut exact statement of
yi>nr subscription account The
date to which you have paid is
clearly given If it Is a past date
a remittance in In order, and is re
spMctfnlly solicited, lt«»ineinl»er
the mbacriptlon price, fl.lN) a
year. Don't *«' nd money in an
ordinary letter it will !*■ at your
own risk. Use money order or
registered letter. Remit to
liutier, I'eiuiA. 11
Everything For
The House.
Business man up from Pittsburg |
Saturday. Looked through our
store from cellar to attic. Said:>
"It's a wonder, too good for r.ut
ler; your local people don't half (
'appreciate it." Oh, yes, they do.
He didn't se«r our sales book. He |
'wasn't here to see us sell'ng
Carpets and Furniture for the last,
• two months
If you will ccnic here next week
you can buy
Tapistry Brussels
Carpet, 50c a yard.
I A good Carpet, well made, and
. one you will find better in qual'-
I ty than you expected at the price
we ask. They are uot the new- 1
1 est patterns, but the quality is
the same you pay us 75 cents for
I in tht new dark colorings.
1 All-Wool Ingrain
Carpets, 65c.
) Here's, the best Extra Super in
all-wool goods—the newest pat
terns we can find, and the price
I will be 75 cents soon as present
stock is sold out. We bought
tlicm before the advance, that's
I why you can buy them at
the old price
Best Body Brussels
I Carpet at SI.OO.
There wns never a more servicc-
I able Carpet made than the best
Body Brussels. We offer you
| nice staple patterns of the l>est
quality for ft.oo per yard, a
1 bargain you will not be able to
find soon again.
Fine Quality Axminister
| Carpets at $1.15.
This is the Carpet so many wo-
I men prefer for Parlors. Colors
1 so soft and harmonious that you
| can't resist bu> iug tlieni, even if
they don't wear quite so long as
| the higher priced carpets.
1 The stock of
Furniture and
►We are now showing
fis the largest and best
►we have ever shown,
Come in and
Look Around.
Office at No. I**4 Hast Diamond St
Office in Mi chell building.
Officv with Newton lilack, Kaq. South
Diamond Street.
R<x>m J. —Armory buiMiiig.
Office between PoatofHce and Diamond
Office on South Diamond Street,
Room 8., Armory buildtn b .
SJK'CIRI attention given to co!l»»clfons
nntl business matters.
Reference: Butler Savings Rank, or
Butler County National Bank.
Office on Alain St. near Court Ifouwr.
• ArrOHNKY A'i I,AW.
Office at No. H South Diamond St.
Gold Fillings Painless Extraction of
Teeth and Artificial Teeth without plates
A siiecialty, Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air
or Local meathetica used,
I )ftice over Millers grocery, east of Low
ty house.
formerly known as tlic "Peerless
L'ainless Extractor of Teeth." Located
p.-ruiaucntly at in East Jefferson St.,.
Oppotite Hotel I<owry, Butler. Will do.
ilential operations of all kinds by the
latest devicca and MI to-dnle method*
hK. J. E. L'AULK,
l'ainless extraction —No Gas— Crown
arni bridge work a specialty.
Oflice Room No. i. new Biekel build
1 kH. N. M. IIOOVKR,
I* Iv/ E. Wayne St., office hour*. N» T<»
17 a. M. I un<l to Sp. in.
Aitificial Teeth inserted on the latest
improved plan. Gold Tilling* N »|H-C
--iallv. Ollicc over Miler'A Shoe Store.
fVR.CH \S K. B. Ht)NT,
Hye, ear, nose and throat a specialty.
ijj and 134 S. Main Street, Ralston
Office IJ6S. Main St., opp. I'. O.
Bcsidence JIJ N. Mckean St.
?(u Went Cunningham St.
New Troutman iiuildiug, Bt'.tlw P».
11 1". L. McyMSTION.
Oflice near Court House.
Office No. 45, S. Main it cct, over City