MRS. J. E. ZIMMERMAN. Special Announcement MJY For the month of More Goods for Less Money than Ever before. All '.his niontli a gala month—a bargain opportunity unequaled in the history of this or any other store. Come with confidence, You'll go home satisfied. Cloaks, Suits, Separate Skirts and Waists. Most Amazing Values in , _ .. , oo —value $7 5° Ladies' Reefer Suit for « 7V _value 8 50 Ladies" Reefer Suit g so _ value IO ex. Ladies' Braided Jacket Suit for 00-value 75° Ladies' Lined Jacket f0r......g g 0 -value 12 00 Ladies' Satin Lined Jacket for 00—value 1 50 Ladies' Figured M°hair Skirts for 00-value 3 00 Ladies' Figured Mohair Skirts f0r....... , 08-value 7 50 Ladies'Figural Silk and Satin Skirts lor value 300 Ladies' black Silk Waist for 5 0-value 3 50 Ladies' Check Silk VV aist for everywhere for 50 as LSStt SS fc====jj&3f g „ HIS iSSSA SS 58*- - ' * Dress Goods. 2sc per yard Black and Colored Saun Berber- value... asc per yard All-Wool Black and Colored Serges - value « 50c per yard 4?-incli Figured Black Mohairs—value 50c and 60c Beautiful Novelty Suitings -value " 25 75c and 85c all the new shades in Bieges va1ue.......• Q i prices 46-inch and 50-inch Black and Colored Serges and Henriettas at old price For Commencement. Having just returned from the second trip made this > to L^^tua^Uve markets, we have secured for your selection a t a 13 n Organdies iu in Wash Goods for Summer and drewM beautnu D;mity in White and Colored effects, dainty Persian Lawns, Sw. • i? a fo r ics as Val gs asrfivs- ««. * -» Millinery Department. Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN. HAroSOMEIoOTWEAi Have von seen the new and up-to-date styles in fine Tan. DongoTand patent leather shoes with fancy vesting tops at BICKEL'S They are beautus. All sizes and all widths to fit and suit all. TO EACH CUSTOMER WE WILL GIVE FREE A PACKAGE OF BICKEL'S PREMIUM SEED CORN One of the most productive corns in the market. Gnar anteed to ripen, is strong and hardy, 75 bushels to the acre. The FARMER who brings the best selection of corn from this seed to my store before the FIRST OF OCTOBER, 1 898, will be given a pretui nut on that day of SIO.OO worth of shoes. Call And Get a PACKAGE. wbhm wirifPi j MILLINERY! 11 All this store seeks to obtain of you is your considera- • p for the price—Prove whether it pays to buy here. We • (I are prepared to do a bigger business than ever, and * (I are going to get it on merit. Come and see the hats ~ we are selling at $1 50, $2 50 and $3 50. ? STYLE RIGHT IN LINE WITH THE J \ DEMANDS OF FASHIONt A (| HEADQUARTERS FOR HOSIERY J J AND UNDERWEAR. ? MARKS' J| 108 S. MAIN ST. f ■' .77. Butt+t Harnett. Prte«, 116.00. Wagons. Send for Urge. free y 0 mSurrtj. Price. with curtalui, r ''HART CABJUAGS AM) UAEM6S UFU. CO. W- U. I'HATT. BM*|, FI.kHAUT, IX D. gg ~ ,v« . n< iViiiV/iVmiiVt £ 6 U> 7 33 00 5. " r-.j leo opecial " 11 to 12 3 to 4 4 to 5 ar.oo -. Z » -, f a - ; ,i Mer.t IS to 15 4 to 5 18.00 5; J. h and pamphlet, write WALKER. STRATM.iN & CO., Herr's Island. PITTSBURG. PA. 3. H r , f r ! DAINT!?-iC: become; expensive when you use cheap paint. Perhaps yon H(f F« I have ci.-caciy icarned this—others have, ror excellent results la REST every particular use T?5f3E Johns ' '&3-!£SfQ& Liquid Paints Artistic shades producing pleasing effects. ?slc- TaiJ. 1. n.jfclst," Hxljrlor Decoration," ets.. xallrd on request. J. G. &W- Campbell . Butler, Pa. War Has Been Declared with ■■pain. I)»f wc are sure you will not slop buying tl>o celebrated Spanish I'ort and Sherry Wines from A. Andrlessen. Ho sells them pure, his own selection and direct Im portation from Spain. Price 75c to $1.50 per quart; $8.50, SJ.SO and jB.OO per gallon. GUARANTEED PURE. Qt. Gal Re-Distil led Kye $ SO , . . *2 on Tippecanoe Kye 'SO ... 2 35 Old Cabinet half Malt 73 2 50 Bridgeport Tun! Kye 1 «") ... 350 Thompson's 0 year old 1"0 • ■■ 350 Andriesscn's llest 1 50 3 SO Write for complete price list A. ANDRIESSEN. iSS Federal St. Allegheny, I'a tiubac/ibe tor.the CITIZEN. THE Batler County National Bank, Butler Penn, Capital paid in $i x>,000.00 Surplus and Profits - ji 14,647.87 Jos. Ilartman, President; J. V. Ritts, Vice President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier; John G. McMarliu, Ass't Cashier. / general banking busine transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on approved security. We invite you to open an account with this bank. DIRECTORS—Hon. Joseph Ilartman. Hon. W. S. Waldron, Dr. rt. M. Hoover. 11. Mc- Sweeney, E. E. Abrams, C. P. Collins I. Smith, Leslie I*, liazlett, M. Kineg in, W. W. 11. I.urkin. John Humphrey, Dr. W. t'. McCandiess, Ben Masseth. I.evl M. Wise J. V. Ritt> Subscribe for The Citizen. account with is more important than a "prortt and loss " account, for its a "lite and death " account It is a mail's duty to himself and family U look up this account once every day ntic see that the balance is on the right side. It doesn't pay to let this account run on and have it debited with indigestion, am. then impure blood, and finally nervous ex haustion. or prostration, or deadly cor. sumption. When these diseases come it a debit balance with death brought down 111 the blood red ink of another life sacrificed on the altar of toolish overwork and neglect of health. Dr Pierce's Golden Mcdi 1! Discovery makes the appetite keen, the d:>jtsiion perfect, the liver active and the blood pure. It is the great blood maker, . ;h nllder and health-forger. It makes firm, heaithy flesh, but does not produce comnlen or raise the weight above ::.i --ture's normal. It cures 98 per cent, of all cases of consumption, bronchial, throat and eatairh i'. affections. Honest dealers don t urge subst.tutes. " My wife had suffered for seven years with dyspeo..-. sick headache and costireness." wii'is Mr Alonro D. Jameson, of Dunbarton. Merri mack Co.. X H. "We tried many doctors a;: J inauy kinds of medicine, but all were of no avail. Wt Mircl.a-ed si* botfes of Cr Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery, which together with the ■ Pleasant Pellets, has entirelv restored my wife s health. \V*e cair.ct say enough to yoa iu thanks fjr these valuable medicines." It mav save a life sonic day Send :i one cent t"t..uips to cover cost of mailing only. to the World's Dispensarv Medical Associa tion. Buffalo, N. Y.. for a paper-covered copv of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medi cal Adviser; cloth binding 10 cents extra. Contain- 1008 pass*, over 300 illustrations— a valuable medical library in one volume. Dr. Humphreys' Specifics act directly upon the disease, ■without exciting disorder in other parts t)f the system. They Cure the Sick. ICO. CURES. PRICES 1— Fever*. Congestions, Inflammations. .*25 2—H orm#, Worm Fever, Worm C011e... .45 3—Teeth in#. Coll**. Crying, Wakefulness .25 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25 7—Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis ... .25 H— Nenralgin. Toothache, Faceache .25 9-Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 10—Dvpcpwia, Indigestion, Weak Stomach.2s 11—fcuppreaaed or Painful Period* .. .25 12—Whiten. Too Profuse Periods 25 13—Croup. Lar\ngitifi. Hoarseness 25 14—Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25 1 s—Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains 25 16— Malaria. Chills, Fever and Ague 25 19—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head .25 20— Wliooplng-Cougli 25 27—Kidney DUeaaea 25 2S-Xerrou» Debility ...J,OO 30—I'rinnry Weakneaa, Wetting Bed... ,25 77—Grip, Hay Fever 25 Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your Druggists or Mailed Free. Sold by dru£ffistH. or sent on rece4pt of price. Humphreys' Med. 00,. Cor. William & John tits.. New York THE DANGER to which the Expectant Mother is exposed and the foreboding and dread with which she looks for ward to the hour of woman's severest trial is appreciated by but few. All effort should be made to smooth these rugged places in life's pathway for her, ere she presses to her bosom her babe. MOTHER'S FRIEND allays Nervousness, and so assists Nature that the change goes for ward in an easy manner, without such violent protest in the way of Nausea, Headache, Etc. Gloomy forebodings yield to cheerful and hopeful anticipations—she passes through the ordeal quickly and without pain—is left strong and —^s— —tin -cnTiCTcnTO juyoiy perform the high and holy duties now devolved upon her. Safety to life of both is assured by the use of " Mother's Friend," and the time of recovery shortened. "I know one lady, th« mother of three children, who suffered ' n the birth of each, who obtained a bottle of 'Mother's Friend' of me before her fourth conflnement, and was relieved quickly and easily. All agree that their labor was shorter and less painful." JOHA" G. POLUILI., Macon, Ga. 81.00 PER BOTTLE at all Drugstores, or sent by express on receipt of price. BOOKS Containing invaluable information of cdcc interest to all women, will b3 sent to rntt any address upon application, by THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. ATLANTA, GA CATARRH LOCAL ,S DISEASE and is the result of colds ana gmnjffi fe CtforrCOLuf •udden climatic changes. efflff fafiM For your Protection eW-FEVE&t r«.nta:u Hp ' mercury or anj other injur- Ely's Cream Balm^iSl is acknowledged to be the ;noet care for Nasal i atarrh. Cold in Head and ilay Fevtr of ail remedies. It opens and clean sen the nasal passages, allays i»ain and inflammat.on, henls the b* pro tects the membrane from colds, restores the senses of tas?e and smell. Price at 1 or by mail. SLY BKOTIiKItS* 6«S Warreu Street, New York. , PURE BLOOD I Pure bloodmeanslife health, # \ vigor—no room for disease 5 f where the veins yre filled S a with rich, n;d corpuscles. # SLiiidsey's Improved J i Blood Searcher S i Makes pure blocxl — Pcrof i ula, erysipelas, pimples, boils, r 4 sore eyes, scald head —blood dis- f eases of all forms. I lire's proof: # , J>r. Lindsi'y's Blo« cents and WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO.. Props., Cleveland, Ohio. For Hah* by p. H. WULLER. BUTLtR COUNTY Mutual Fire Insura ice Compari) Office cor. Main and Cunninghau Sts. WUK. PrPH. lif.TTKKKH, Vice Pre*. L. S. JIrJII>KIN, Sec'y *nd Trew DIRECTORS. A. If rod Wtck, Henderson Oliver, Or. W. Irvin. Jarnos Stephenson. ,V. W. Hlack more \. Wcitzel, 1 I;.iwmi q 11. J. Klfncler, Geo. Keitert r, ('has. It*-hluin. deo. Uenno. John Koenle. LOYAL McJUWKIN Agent. THE CITIZEN. TWELVE LOCKED UP. hutor Sorghum au'U were locked up because of such a trial only a short time since." "A dozen!" "Yes, sir. They were the members of the jury that couldn't agree. "—Wash ington Star. Not Cp to Date. Manager—No, I can't use your play. You'll either have to rewrite it or I'll try something else. Author—Why? What's wrong with it? Manager—Your villain is a crack bi cyclist, while neither the hero nor the heroine can ride. The public would never stand that, you know—never. — Cleveland .Leader. Luxury. "Ball tells me that although he has inherited a fortune, he sets his alarm clock for 6 in the morning, same as ever." "Habit, eh?" "No. He says he likes to wake up and enjoy the sensation of not getting up to go to work."—Cincinnati En quirer. Anywhere In Scotland. Tourist (who has been reading lan Maclaren) —Excuse maspeirin, maguid mon, but giu ye ken wkaur Jock Mac lachlan bides hereaboot I'll gie ye twa bawbees tae yersel'. Rustic—l am sorry, sir, but Ido not understand French.—Pick Me Up. Where He Won. "You told me this horse had won half a dozen matches against some of the best horses in the country. He can't trot a mile in six minutes to save him." "It was in plowing matches that he took the prises, sir." —Detroit Free Press. Happy Fellow I Cholly—l heali that Chappie commit ted suicide in Lunnon. Dudely—Yaas. The pwince spoke to him on the stweet and he nevah wished to be recognized by an inferioh pehson afterward.—Now York Truth. saved. ' 'I have taken a life to save my own. "• "What do you mean?" "If I hadn't taken that 'Life of Grant,' the woman book agent would have talked me to death.''—Cleveland Plain Dealer. More Absurd Questions. "How often do you kill a man?" asked a passenger of a New London motorman the other day. "Only once," was the laconic reply. —New York Tribune. Duty. It is a duty we owe to ourselves, as well as those who are dependent upon us, to preserve our health and strength. Aunt Rachael's Peruvian Malaria Bit ters are found to be an unfailing and valuable assistant in mantaining the vigor ot' the system, and in keeping it in tone. Excellent for those .subject to malarial fevers, females and weakly persons to give an appetite. The man who falters in the discharge of bis duty will never soar high in the realms of fame. It is generally the most promising young man who runs into debt and empties his father's purse. The weakness following a severe ill ness is wholly overcome by Hood' 3 Sar saparilla, A girl down town has rejected her lover because he wrote her a note on a postal card. She says she will never marry a man who does not care two cents for her. Some girls were born to love and be loved, and they will fight it out on that line until they force the fellow they are after to marry them. A Great Sensation. Is created by Hoxsie's C. C. C. in Diphtheria and croup, because it's cures are like magic. 50 cents. A. P. Hox sie, Buffalo, N. Y. Every wheelwoman thinks that all women, except herself, look like guys when they ride a bicycle. The work of the white wash artist can be observed. The air is filled with fragrance, caused by fruit trees blossoming. IlnuM,'N (lie l*l«»nMiir«* of n Ortve. A lino carriage doubles the pleasure of drlv- Inn- Intending buyers of carriages or har ness can save dollars by sending for the large, free catalogue of the Elkhart Carriage aad Harness Mfg. Co., Ellihart, lad. Our school teachers' labor is over for for another sea.ou. During the past eight months they have been diligent workers, and their mottoes seem to have been "Onward and Upward." They have been throwing out their nets, and it is hoped have caught lots of fishes—metaphorically speaking HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ills, Bil iousness , Indigestion, Headache. Easy to take, oasy to operate. 25c A girl is getting old when she puts her hair up in a knot and uses her pins to keep it from falling. RHEUMATISM C'.i-RED IN A DAY. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in I to .3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Redic, ar.d J. K. Ralph I)ru&;ists Butler. \pr 96 The average life of women who work for a living is 30 years. Shoes made of porpoise leather are absolutely impervious to water. 1 iniIARIUM is /W UA - aviary COMPLETE ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN OF RARE WILD BEASTS. **. |(S&WSj 2 MPM §£££ J|UV ~™>" WATER-BRED ANIMALS. GAY PLUMAGED BIRDS cEX Son I'l'"-' r y«i^ WM NEW SPECTACULAR STBFRT CAPNII KKCOCII 1 CI/ 111 Ov I KLII Ull|/W«J UIA.IIVIIW Lv\ NOTED OF WHICH AKK THE WORLD- ■& ®« Section 18-COrtPLETE AND SEPA. TWICE THE LARGEST CIRCUS EVER OR6AMIZED. REQUIRING 3 RINGS AMP 2. STAGES. * LED IN SIZE. .. . TWICE AS nANY W* L' S F"! fmry-L"'nd "PARADE IS !i L? 4 14. is ?I: S33ra*3 11JLLBJ fcSMlSitnSM TFNT< tv/ER CONSTRUCTED. ?^ r a; lU'lll llll'l MMmL K v of ro thb UllCpLJl I Cil Id ABSOLUTELY VATER-pROQp JEStf" "MtffMAM MlTaUl »r>„A dFrj-iFNT OF ~ ,-^~»a ft"- I '"j&y?' Cipital lß Daily Expenses, $7,400 £»»«** nc Adnoss r Many Cages. with Re- Complete Performanctt. Afternoon at 2, Night tt 8 Twke As Big* Circus, I fill 11111 dll n pr.^n f ß o n n d One SOc Ticket Admits to AII. Ch T7"& f,i And Ts c H E ow wa 11 T J 3f 1 Horse-B»ck. >- —— ______ ______ THROUC" Mrr Positiv ely Exhibit. Rain or Shine, a Q2228ZE03 50TbER, Wednesday, ,WA\) 18, Reserved Seat and Admission tickets on Sale at Reed's News Depot, next to Postoffiee, on day of Show, at the Same Price as at the Show Grounds. Be Not Deceived. The experience of the Speer N J. Wine Co. after a continuous career of more than forty years in Grape Culture and Wine making has resulted in the production of Grape Brandy that rivals Hennessv and Martell of Cogna:-. A fine delicate, 15 year old Grape Brandy is rare; their climax vintage of 18,6 is becoming celebrated among Europeans who appreciate a pure article. Drug gists. Safety and success are the ends of all wise counsel. The merry-hearted have a fortune that thieves cannot steal. Fashion rules the largest empire and collects his tax 111 gold and blood. An hour of careful thinking is worth more than ten of careless talk ing. "Society girls," as a rule are more pleased with a dude than a sensible young man. Honor dresses in homespun. Pride is a national pickpocket. Nothing is so pleasing or so horrid as the music of your own harp. A big heart and a big pocketbook sel dom travel far together. Temptation is not dangerous until you want to yield. Judgment and decision are man s great wheels of fortune. I have never had a days sickness in my life" said a middle aged man the ° th -What a comfort it would be," sighs some poor invalid, "to be in his place for a year or two. \et halt ot the in valids we see might be just as health j as he, if they would only take good and proper care of themselves, eat proper food—and digest it. . f , ■ t . u It's so strange that such simple things are overlooked by those who want makes strength—and strength wards off sickness. The man who had never been sick was strong because he always digested his food, and you could become the same by helping J'our stom ach to work as well as hit shaker I ' gestive Cordial will help your stomach and will make vou strong and healthy by making the food you eat make you fat. There are 250 glaciers in the Alps said to be over five miles in length. White horses are said to be more del icate than brown ones. Prussian blue paint is made from tue ashes of the burnt hoofs of horses. Greater New York has l.l churches within its limits and over 130,000 dwell ing houses. An acre devoted to the culture of ba nanas yields IS:! times as much money as an acre of wheat. Sugar which may be liought whple.- sale at three halfpence a pound in Lon don costs fivepence in Paris. At the Strozzi Palace, in Rome, there is a book made of marble, the leaves being of marvelous thinness. The British income tax was first im possed by Sir Robert Ptel in 1851, when it was fixed at 5d on the pound. The Bank of England will not take small sums It requires private deposi tors to maintain a balance of £6OO. It takes :!7 specially constructed and equipped steamers to keep the submar ine telegraph cables of the world in re pair. Butler Sayings Bank tiLitler, Capital - - - #6o,otx>.oc Surplus and Profits * - $150.000 JOS. President HENRY TROI'TMAN Vice-President WM. CAMPBELL, Jr < * LOI'IS B. STEIN DIKECTOKS -Joseph 1.. Purvis. J. H' "rj Tro'itroan, W. I). Brandon. \V, A. Stein. J., h. CaniDbcll. The Butler Savings Hank is the Oldest Hanking Institution', n Hutler County. General banking business transacted. We solicit accounts of ..11 producers, mer chants, farmers and others. All business entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. Interest uaid on time deposits- Subecribe lor the C'IUEM- j Use It ] 1 Daily. \ Our brush should be used daily jin place of the ordinary hair! j brush, hair washes, or hair grow crs. If you do not find, after \ I six months' trial, that Dr. Scott's: ELECTRIC | Hair Brush < will do all we claim for it send it 5 \ back and your money ![ will be refunded. You ; can buy the number pKmJ||n j one size for p||g%sjfe i! One W | Dollar. | ; ft Is Guaranteed to Cure j | Nervous Headache in five minutes! J Bilious Headache in five minutes I / II Neuralgia in five minutes I [ Dandruff and diseases of the scalp I J Prevents falling hair aud baldness! ; Hakes the hair long and glossy I j Porsale at Dry Goods stores and Druggists i 1 or sent on approval,postpaid, on receipt ( of price and ten cents for postage. > 1 , ,- Omp book, " TIIE DOCTOR'S STORY." fent/rrr on > rr ■ f*t. given full information nmcrrninj Pr! ■ 5 Mrctrto Belt*. »3. »!>. and #lO. - \ 1 JI.SS. ,1.50. ft, and Klrctric hlr,h Jlr-nsl,". i I - '.leclric Safety liazor»,%'!. Elcctri•' i'lastt rn, 'Lt r / j Electric In'soUs. 50 cts. Elastic Trusses, $'S. / i j 1 GEO. A. SCOTT, 84a Broadway, N. VJ ■ L. 5. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Estate Agent. 1 117 E. JEFFERSON ST., BUTLER, PA i Hotel Willard. Reopened and rea ly 11 for the accommoda tion of the traveling K public. y Everything Firseclass. * MRS. MATTIB RSI HI KG, Owner ( Practical Horse Shoer WILL ROBINSON. Formerly Horse Shoer at the j Wick House has opened busi- 1 ness in a shop in the rear of A the Arlington Hotel, where s, he will do Horse-Shoeing in si the most approved style. '/! JRACK AND ROAD HORSES >1 A SPECIALTY. TH6 3UTLGR CITIZGN. , *I.OO p«T y> ,-ir if i>:ii 52 each. Head ing notices 10 cents a line for tirst and cents for ea«*h subsequent insertion. Notices among local news items 13 cents a line for «• i.-ii insertion. Obituaries, cards of thanks, resolutions of respect, notices of festivals and fairs, etc.. inserted at t lie rate of .»cents ,i line, money to a coinnany the order, n-veii J words ot prose make a line. , t , 4 Hates for standing cards and Job work on application. All advertising is due afier lir>t insertion, and all transient adv< rtising must e pain 1 for in advance. , „ ~, ! 4 tion in this paper must be accompanied i»y J i tion bn. a guarai « falth,andshould reach us not later than Tuesday evening < Death notices must be accompanied by a responsible name. | RESALE j Farm for sale, near Butler, 1 20 acres, < new bank barn, s6,con. ■ Inquire at this office. I * RAILROAD TIME TABLES P., Bessemer &L E. Trains depart: No 13, 9:40 A. M; No. 14, 5:07 P. M. Butler time. Trains arrive: No. 9, 9:55 A. M; No. 11, 2:55 P. M. Butler time. No. 12 runs through to Erie and con nects with W. N. Y. & P. at Huston Junction for Franklin and Oil City, and with N. Y. L. E. & W. at Shenan go for all points east. No. 14 runs through to Albion and connects with W. N. Y. & P. for Franklin and Oil City. A. B. CROUCH. Agent. pITTSBURG & WESTERN *■ Railway. Schedule of I'as f-':nger Trains in effect Nov. 21, 1897. Butler Time. Dfjmrt. 1 Arrive. .\liegbeny Accommodation <*• '23 A.m 9 17 A m Allegheny "Flyer" ! 8 15 " | 9 3*2 " Xeu I'antic Aco»mniod;iti"n 1 1" " Akron Mail 8 15 A m 7 (Ki i».M Allegheny Accommodation 110 (15 44 |l2 18 44 Allegheny ExpreM «l 15 I*.*! 5 07 44 Allegheny "Fiver" ! 3 a', " Chicago Kxprert* j 45 4> 112 18 4 * Allegheny Mail I 5 4o 44 BOn 44 Allegheny "Flyer" .; 7 (Ki 44 Ell wood Acconiituxlutiofi t 5 40 44 [ 7 03 44 Chicag* Limited j5 40 44 917 A.M Kane aud llia«if»»r«l Mail i 9 -"hi A.x 5 20 P.M Clarion Accomm<»lation J 5 lis km 9 3«> A.M SUNDAY TRAINS. Allegheny KxpretH j 8 15 A.M 932 4 " Allegheny Acv mm lation • 4o p.M 5 57 i'.M New C'atfUe Accommodation ( 8 15 A.m 7 (O 4 * Chicago Express 3 45 p.M! 5 (17 " Allegheny Accommodation j , 703 44 Train arriving at 5.07 p.m. leaves B. Sc O. tlepot, Pittslmrg at 3.15 p.m and 1\ A W., Allegheny at 3.30 1». BL For through tickets to all jHijuts in the west, uorth uest t»r southwest and Information regarding routes, time of trains, etc. apply to A. 15. CROUCH, Agent, R. 11. REYNOLDS, Sup't, Butler, Pa. Foxburg, Pa. C. W. BASSETT, A. G. I*. A., Allegbery, Pa PENNSYLVANIA R i. WFSTEN PENNSYLVANIA DIVIsIUh. Scucdi'LX in ErrrcT Nov. 29, 1897. SOUTH. / WEEK DAYS n | A. M. A. M. A M. P. M. P. M BUTLER Leave ti 8 a r . 11 15 2 35 5 05 S;ixonl»urg Arrive «» . r »4 8 11 38 3n05 28 Hiitl«*r Junction.. 44 7 27 6 r »3 12 02 325 553 Butler Junction...Leave 7 3U s M 12 I'l 3 25 5 53 Natrona \rrive! 7 3s 9 <»1 '.Hi ll 35 (» irj Tarentnm 7 42 9 07 12 3 42 G 07 Springdale 75n 9 10,12 45 352 < 1 are mont i 9 :«> 1 <»2 4 06' 0 27 Sharjwtiurg,. . . ... -• ;.T 1 II 4 t» 32 Allegheny i U4a I jA. M. |A. M. V. 3I.jP. M.jP. 31. SUNDAY TRAINS. —Leave Butler for Allegheny City and princijml iutermeiliate stations at 7:35 a. m., and S:;iv Butler Junction ar 8 30 12 08 4 05j 7 49|ar Freeport Iv 8 28 12 06 409 7 5.ij 44 Allegheny Juneti< >ll . .* 4 82412 "1 421 8 <4i 44 Leechturg 44 809 11 49 4 40 8 211 44 Paultoo rA(N>!lo) 44 7 53 11 32 5 i*B 851 lt Saltbburg 44 73011 09 5 41! 9 221 44 BlajrsvirTe 44 fOOIO 40 550 vj|le Intenn'ctjoii. 44 5 st'» 10 lo 8 50 11 3ftj '• Altoona " j 3 16 8 00 1 on 3 lnj 44 Harrisburg 44 11 4."» 3 10 4 3«i t, - ; 44 Philadelphia 8 30 11 20 A. 3L|P. M.j |A.M. P. 31 On Sunday, train having Butler 7:35 a. m., connects [••r Harrisburg, Altooua and Pliila ,-*+ no- <, M j - plion* ph J1 -W it 111 ,-t.i'i •t; 1 hine |ff littlf ], 1 > in.inp) 've -.ell tht 111. 1 ' 1 1 I Uli ' J ; ' 1 1 arrivals dull) "end foi com i ( 1 j.. 5 ' ' 1 , a do* 11—orders of $& or over scut J | free at your r .k. i| A full tin • - h ■!ns,• •" J > ]> Headquarters for WesternPenn'a. !► STIEREN H. &C. PHONOGRAPH CO. (. aricMCM C*JILOI>C» I AOS SIXTH AVC PITTSBURGH, PA i[ II 544 SMiTHFICLD ST < * i i /"fx v*( 'S *?' 'f* »j( /fk J(S i | ;: [D.T.PAPE,! : : :The Leading Millinery House; \i Of Butler Co. j! (\ Everybody is invited to inspect uur granl display of PAT TBS. ?f llats,| i I , ISPRI.VG MILLINERY. i ( Prices Always the Lowest- > A MOURNING GOODS ALWAYS ON HAND < \ C 122 S. Main St. Q J. PcipG. 122 S. Main St.! WAR WAR WAR ■ To The Finish, ) Competition routed long qgo—gnd our low prices for > pure liquors will always be maintained. We pay express charges on all orders of #5 oo and over and deliver the liquors at your house —No extra charge whatever. Here aie a few of our prices: Anchor Rye 50c per Qt., s2.oq per gallon. Possum Rye 65c per Qt., $2.50 per gallon. Guckenheimer Rye 4 years old, 75c per Qt., $3.00 per gal. Bear Creek ] Guckenheimer | 6 years o'd, SI.OO per Qt., $4 00 per Gal. Finch Gibson | 6 qts. assorted for $5.00, Overholt The l>est and purest Ca'ifornia Wines in the county, 50c per quart, ss-°° P er case of one dozen full qu\rts— any assortment. Our Gins are the purest and best—*l.oo per quart— in the country. Send for price list; mailed free. We want your custom, and we will have it if LOW prices for the BEST liquors can get it. FLAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors, 82 FEDERAL ST- ALLEGHENY, PA. WAR - WIB - SPAIN. Reliable War News JN THE ORE AT 'PPLGK NATIONAL X FAMILY \ V NEWSPAPER Furnished by Special Correspondents at the front THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE Will contain all imporfaut war news of the daily edition. Special dispatches up to the hour of publication. Careful attention will be given to Farm and Family Topics, Foreign Coirespondence, Market Reports, and all general news of the World and Nation. RELIABLE WAR NEWS We furnish The New York Wctkly Tribune and your favorite home paper, THE "CITIZEN." Butler. Pa., Both One Year For $1 50. Send all Orders to the "CITIZEN." __ BUTLER PA.