TWtE CITIZEN. THURSDAY, MAY ia, 1898. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE—AII advertisers Intending t<> make i-hanges in their ads. should notify Us of their intention to do so, not later than Mon day morning. Register's Notices. Road Reports and Widow's Appraismenta for June Term Jury Lists for June Term. Notice, estate of S. H. Walker & Co. Application for Charter Notice to Wool Growers. Notice to Teachers. C. & T.'s Furniture. Ruff's Shoes. Burton's Clothing. Schaul & Nast's Clothing. Administrators and Executors of estates cuwcsretbeirreceipt i«K>ks at tbe OITI ZKN office, and persons making public sales thglr note books. LOCAL AND GENERAL, —The Court House now closes at 5 p. m. —The frost of last Sunday night did some harm. —Now,as to that Manila cable: there's dots of it in use in our wells. —The winter grain looks splendid in nearly all parts of the county. —No woman is as handsome as she thinks some man thinks she is. —S. Q. Purvis & Co. are rip-rapping their property along the creek bank. —A tax is to be levied on chewing Hum for war purpose. Well. by gum! —Never put off today the flannel clothing yon ought to wear until to morrow. —May, June, July, August and Sep tember are Summer months in the Gas Co. 's calendar. —Showery Spring show-days shiver snffering souls, and sheckels out of show-treasuries. —"Drummer Boy of Shiloh" for benefit of Springdale Hose Co., at Park Theater. May 14, 16 and 17. The Spanish admiral is like the average girl when she's proposed to. "This is so sudden," said she. —Artist Findley furnished Thomas Marshall of Mars with a very fine portrait of his son Dean this week. —'"The Times" is a new weekly ven tnre in journalism at Evans City, by ,T. R. Young, and we wish him success. —I. J. McCandless has received au thority from the War Department to enlist men for the National Volunteer Rererves—aged 18 to 45. —The milky appearance of the water that came from the spigots a few nights ago was caused by minute air bubbles in the water. —Crawford & BarroD, who are sink ing the gold-shaft in Parker township, were down 209 feet last Saturday and took out their first gold-bearing rock. —The five long trains of double cars used for transporting Ringling Bro.' World's Greatest Shows from city to city have a floor space of over 130 ordi nary railway cars. lock in Butler, so far as weather was concerned, and yet they did a fair busi ness here. It is a good show, with some novelties. --Tobacconist Walker is getting gay. He put up a six-foot-square, plate-glass mirror in his store yesterday and now he's showing the boys how to cut a pigeon-wing before it. —Ringling Bros.' famous and popular circus represents a cash investment of $3,700,000. The cost of operating this stupendous enterprise will be over sl,- 200,000 this season. —lt begins to look as if the expression "armed to the teeth" really means something. If anyone has three or more teeth missing he cannot pass the the examination before entering the regular army. —The Butler Cyclers will give a 1 intern parade this evening, starting from club rooms in National Bank Building at 8:15 p. in. All bicycle riders are cordially invited to take part bath ladies and gentlemen. Decorate your wheel and join in. —Hon. Chas. C. Farmer, of Omaha, * Neb., sovereign manager, of the Wood men of the World, will be jn Butler, June the first, and address an open meeting, held under the auspices of Camp 8W.0.W. of Butler. An inter esting programme is being prepared, and an enjoyable evening is expected. All are cordially invited. —On Thursday last "May wheat" — that is wheat to be delivered this month—went up to $1.50 a bu.; and in the Oil .Exchange "Certificate oil" sold at 8-1 cents. You cannot get a certificate for your oil unless you have 1000 bbls, or over. Same day credit-balances ad vanced 4 cents or to 75 cents. On Fri day credit-balances went to 85 cents, and the speculative market to 90„ On Tuesday cash wheat went as high as $1 .85, but the speculative oil market was down to 85. Card of Thanks. BUTLER, PA. MAY 10TH 1898 I desire to express my sincere thanks for the prompt and business like man ner in whicn the Officers of the Su preme Hive and Butler Hive No 128, L. O. T. M. have attended to the payment of the policy held by my Wife Marga ret J. Hepler. Fraternally Yours ANDREW O. HEPLER A Letter For V 011. Unclaimed letters at the Postoffice at Batter Pa., week ending May 9, J, C. Beak, A. T. Brown, Joseph Crage in care James Duffy, Mrs. Lizzie Coyer, J. C. Hollman, Mrs. J. E. Hus ton, David R. Hayes, Lizzie Keenes Spring Hill St., John Moore, Miss Mary Stehl 813 West North St., Dr. B. E. Wright. In calling for these letters please say advertised. JOHN W. BROWN, P. M. MA It KETS. Our grocers are paying 10 for eggs, 15 for butter, 80 and 85 for potatoes, 1.50 a bu for btans, 30 a doz bunches for rhu barb, 20 a doz bunches for onions. Our millers are paying 1.10 for wheat, 45 for rye. Fourpercent Interest Paid Your surplus earnings aie safest if deposited with The Pittsburg Kink for Savings, No. 210 Fourth Ave., I'ittshurg, Pa. You can deposit by mail, as safely as in person. Write to the Bank for blanks and you will receiv** reply by mail. The Pittsburg Bank of Savings pays 4 per cent, iniererest on time deposits. Do not keep your money where you draw no interest. The Pittsburg Bank for Savings was founded in 1862 and lias assets of over $3 , 100,000. Its depositors are thus amply protected. —Are you overworked and in need of rest and quiet? Hotel Rider, Cambridge Springs, is the p'ace for you. All the comforts of home together with the best medicinal waters known. A week's sojourn will make you ten years young er. Write for circulars. iiBG.iL TRIAL LIST. 1 Eliza Craig et al vs tbe Butler Water ; Co.. appeal from award of viewer- May (i. jury returns a verdict and finds for the plaintiffs for $582 j Margaret Heid vs Jacob Heid tre j pass May 1, jury return- a verdict | and finds for the defendant | Sprout, Waldron & Co. vs E D Eu gle. assumpsit. Juiy returns a verdict for defendant NOTKS The will of Andrew Hamilton of Meicer twp. was probated, no letters. W. L. Shannon has applied for a di vorce from Sarah Shaunon, and charges desertion. W. C. Fleming. Casper Sherman. Elias Book, Adam Kamerer and Jas W. M. MeMarlin were appointed viewers to view damages to property of A. W. Root on W Penn street cause,! by changing grade when paving N Wash ington St. Mrs. Jennie Nixon has been gran f 1 the rights, privileges, etj. of the S.*per ate Earning Act. A motion court has been fixed for Saturday, June 4. The Commissioners finished their ap peals, Monday, and are now taking j rest. James Kraft has petitioned for nat- uralization papers. On petition of S. A. Kulp Wlll. | Brown. M. D., E. E. Young and Frank j Kingsbery were appointed a committee . to inquire into the lnnacv of Francis I Knlp. Butler B >ro has entered a meclianic lien vs T. M Shearer for $259.31 Butler Boro has filed a mueipipaJ lien vs Mrs. Nannie Rteinnetz for $113.40. Geo. A. Wick has been returned to court on a charge of A. & B. and surety of the peace, preferred by Jennie Wick. The commission to inquire into the propriety of dividing Buffalo twp, into two election distrii-ts reported that the "township should be divided into two precincts (north and south) by a line running east and west, as follows: Be ginning at the Armstrong county line where Buffalo creek crosses said line of said tdwnsliip, thence south along -aid creek to line between lands of John and Sarah McC'urdy and Wlll. Phillips, westward!}- between lands of John and Sarah M(-Curdy, J F. Shear er, C. Weitzel. ('. Pfeiffer, M Sauter, J G. Doerr, N. M. Greer. W. C. Saner. Joseph Hepler. John Hepler, A- R Ohl. George Ohl and R. E. Kison on tlie ( north, and Wm. Phillips, A. Morris. I). Hoover, Win. Phillips. Richey, Sarah MeGinnis, Wm. Scott, F. Hil liard, J.T.Atkinson, P. Redfox. Hen Sarver, W. H. Carson. T. W. Elliott. W. IT. Carson, Geo. Elliott and J. M. Elliott on the south." They recom mend Sarvers Station as a suitable vot ing place for the north and Monroeville for the south precinct. The report was confirmed nisi and will be confirmed absolutely at next term if no exceptions be filed. PROPKKTY T RANSFERS. Jas Riddle to J Schumacher 56 acres in Franklin for SI6OO. John B McLaughlin to Cath Mc- Laughlin 30 acres in Donegal for SSOO. T C Anderson to Nancy E Wringer lot in Mars fot $250 Adam Rettig to Sarah J Bracknev lot in Butler for «100. Elijah Thompson to Alfred Jenkins 5 acres in Middlesex twp lor SBOO. Robert McKinney to Ellen Orr lot in Connoq. boro for $565. J. S. Clark to Lillie B. Emery lot in Mars for $750. W. H. Trimble to S. C. Trimble two acres in Middlesex for S9OO. (.xellert Goehring to Andrew Kirs chler 70 acres in Cranberry for $5,250. A. C. Zeigler to Thomas. M. Mar shall lot in Mars for $7,545. Marriage Licenses. Henry F. Gelbach Zelienople Masy F. Reed " Albert D. Weigle Harmony Luella B. Schontz " John C. Riddle Ekastown Emma Stark.? James C. Ramsey Butl»-r Sallie B. Brock John E. Snowden Glade Run Isabell Carothers Glade Mills. ANIMAL COMEDIANS. Ringling Bros. Create a Sensa tion witli the I-KK'klmrt Ele phants. The announcement that Lockliart's famous eofuedy elephants have been secured by the noted Ringling Bros, for their World's Greatest Shows this season, has created a sensarion through out the United States. The Lockhart comedy elephants are universally acknowledged to be the most marvelou 4- ly traiued animal actors in the world. These elejjhant comedians distinctly de part from the old familiar order of ele phant performers. They are not simply "trained animals," they are veritable animal actors, displaying as much good sense and judgement, as great an ap preciation of the humor of their several roles and as sincere a desire to please and entertain the public as any per former in the great exhibition. Their work is distinctly unconventional. They present none of the stereotyped tricks that constant repetition has famil iarized with the public, but give a per formance that is at once new, startling and unique. Imagine a troupe of ele phants, each attired in a costume befit ing the character it portrays, present ing a complete comply. The statement seems beyond belief, and yet it is abso lutely true. Perh'ips the most amusing comedy presented by these elephant ac tors is ona portraying the arrest, trial, and conviction and incarceration of an elephant for i ntoxication. The spectacle of the clown elephant, rolling from side to side, apparently in the sportive stage of intoxication, is ludicrous in the ex treme. In the midst of his revelry, the policeman arrives, armed cap-a-pie with a huge official helmet and jauntily twirlinir a club in his trunk. The of fending elephant attempts to escape,but the policeman is too quick for him. The offender i< seized by the ear. march ed away to the magistrate's office, sol emnly tried and sentenced by an ele phant judge sitting in his judicial dig nity upon his judicial bench, and finally hurried away, a condemned prisoner, to suffer dnrance in the elephant jail. In addition to the several comedies present ed by the Lockhart elephant comedians, these wonderful animal entertainers dance, march, perforin the most diffi cult and intricate military maneuvers, play npon musical intruments, present complete pantomimes, and betray num berless other evidences of their marvel ously educated intelligence. Although they can give an entire performance, these wonderful elephant actors consti tute only one of the hundreds of superb features only to be seen with Ringling Bros, famous exhibition, Which comes in all its magnificent completeness to Bntler May 18. Notice to Wool-Growers. Messrs. Troutimn's Sons requiring all the room they have for their own busi ness, I have changed my location to Graham Bros.' grocery store, just across the street from my old location with Troutman's, where I will be glad to see all my former wool friends, assuring tliera of fair treatment, and the market price in cash for their wool. Troutmans wish to state that they have gone out of the wool-buying business altogether WM. F. RCMUERGEU. Notice to Teachers. The Butler Borough School Board will meet June io, liSgS, at 7:30 p. 111., fbr the purpose of electing Principals and Teach ers for the ensuing School-year. Appli cations will be received by the Secretary up to 7 p. m. of Tuesday evening, June 7 th, 1898. By order of the Board, A. C. KRUG, Sec'y. —Ask your physician if he does not think a sojourn at Cambridge Springs would do you good. If you need rest and nature's tonic, good mineral water, he will answer, "Yes." Hotel Rider of ! fets accomodations equal to the best. J Send for circulars. ■ —Job work of all kinds doue at the I CIIZHN OFFICE. f'KKSONAL. Dr. McAlpine left town, bound for ; Alaska. Monclay Washington Bovard of Slippery rock t twp is seriously ill. j Joseph tiraham Esq. of VV hues town j was in town last Saturday. R. R. Hezlep of Middlesex twp was in : town on bnsine-s, Friday. J. N. Moore and wife visited friends I in Worth twp this week. A. J. Black and Lewis Black of Cher ' ry twp were in town, Saturday. i Misses Minnie and Agnes Frederick, i of Chicora, were in town yesterday j Linn Caldwell finished his school at Homestead last week, and went to Grove City I Dr. Elder Crawford, of Cranberry 1 township, called upon his Butler I friends yesterday. j Adam Biehi will display his Rebel ! flag in front of the Court next Thurs ! day, right after dinner, and make a | speech. li. H. Brown of Brown's Mills in j Forward twp was in town on business ! last week. His dam was washed ; way ; by the late flood. ! Mr. and Mrs Samuel Plants of Win j field twd., B. F Wilson of Zeno. j \l. j Patton of Concord twp , and George I Sbepard of Middlesex twp. were n town last week. i Captain H. Alfred Ayres ha* been elected a member of the First Class of the "Honorable Loyal Legion of the j United States of America," h;- having I .served over three years as » Commis ' sioned ofßcer during the war between j the states. : W. S. Hopkins lately returned from •Jaiapa. Mexico, where he was employed by an American company which was putting up an electric plant for the city. Jaiapa is a town of about 28.1<00 people, located in the coffee growing country.abont 40 miles from Vera Cruz. It is built on high, rolling ground, and is a very healthy place. Mr. Hopkins ; brought some very good views of the country home with him. Eastern Mex ico is filling np with Americans, and de veloping rapidly. PARK THEATRE. MAY 14, 16 AND 17. The Drummer Boy of Shiloh, the greatest historical Military Drama on the American stage, will begiven for three nights for the benefit of the Si>ringdale Hose Company, on Satur day. Monday and Tuesady nights May 14,16 and 17. at the Park Theatre. This play has a national reputation: over 7000 performances have been given in all the principal cities and towns of the union. It is considered to be the strongest and best Military Drama be fore the American people, and is endors ed by the Clergy, Press and Public everywhere. There are over' fifty peo- < pie in the cast, and the tableux, seven in number, are grand and alone are : worth more than the price of admission asked. It is a strictly first class and guarnteed attraction, and any person or persons attending the entertainmeht 1 and not fully satisfied the price of ad- ; mission will be cheerfully refunded, i For description see small bills and s pictorial posters. The prices of admiss- 1 ion are 25, 35, and 50 cents. Tickets on 1 sale at Reed's book store, and by mem- ; hers of Springdnle llose Company The New York Clipper, in speaking of ' The Drummer Roy of Shiloh." says: " 'The Drummer Boy of Shiloh' was presented at the Academy of Music, Reading, P.i., February 24 to 27, and never before in the history of Reading amusements was there such a rush for seats." "The Drummer Boy of Shiloh" has held at the Opera Hon«e all week, and as an attraction for drawing big crowds it is out of sight, the play is strictly first-class, the tableaux were pronounc ed the grandest ever promiced before a Connellsville audience. The receipts of the five nights were $833.90. The play was for the benefit of Company D. 10 Regiment, N. G. P.—Courier, Connells ville, Pa., January 27, 1893. A Great Event in Pittsburg, The liarry Davis testimonial, las tin. 1 ; all week, will be a brilliant affair some of the details of the shows that will be given. What must be regarded as the most brilliant week in the history of the theater in Pittsburg, will begin at the Grand Opera Honse next Monday after noon. It is the occasion of the Harry Davis complimentary Testimonial, tendeied to the popular manager by the members of the stock company and the citizens of Pittsburg The stock company will aj»pear in two plays. Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, afternoon and evening, the brilliant comedy, "Caste," will be pre sented and Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the week, the fine roman tic play, "Friends," will be produced In addition to the members of the stock company who have been appearing all the season, Mr. James 12. Wilson, the popular leading man of last year's Avenue stock, will be seen at every performance. This fact will materially add interest to the performances. At every matinee a souvenir portrait of the members of the company will be givsn away. On Monday Miss Collier's picture will be presented; on Tuesday Mr. Wilson's: on Wednesday. Mr. Ward's; on Thursday Miss Almosnino and Mr. Whitecar's; on Friday Miss Izett's, and on Saturday Miss Butler and Mr. Wadsworth's. Special added attractions have been arranged to im mediately follow the performance by the stock company. On Monday after noon, six pupils of Brann's dancing academy will appear gayly dressed, in the Maypole dance. On Monday night right after the play, a beautiful patri otic allegory, called "Columbia," will be given That has been especially arranged for the occasion by Mr. Hugh J. Ward, of the stock company, assis ted by Miss Alice Carter of the cathe dral choir. There will be over one hundred voices in the chorus and a medley of national airs will lie sung, during the rendition of which the Press Cadets and their band will appear. At the conclusion of this there will be a beautiful transformation scene, the fi nal being a magnificent living picture representing the triumph of Columbia over Spain and the emancipation of the Cuban sufferers. It is calculated that this feature will take up over half an hour. This fine effect will be repeated Friday night. On the same evening. Mrs. Grace Miller-Ward, the soprano soloist of the Cathedral choir, will ren der the great sacred song called The Inflamatus, assisted by a chorus of one hundred voices. On Thursday evening after the play, the famous D. C. & A. C. will contribute an hours entertain ment. On Thursday evening, which will be called Patriotic night, the Trooping of the Colors will be given, during which Davis T. Moore, late of the Bostonian Opera Co., will sing the sola, "The Stars and Stripes Forever, by Sousa, with a chorus of a hundred and fifty mixed voices and the assist ant of a brass band and orchestra. The special feature of fhis character for the other nights of the week, have not been definitely arranged but they will all be on an imposing scale. (*«>r mail Baptists' (Ounkarels') Annual Meeting,Naperville, 111. For the benefit ol persona desiring to attend the Annual Meeting of the Ger liian Baptists (Dunkards) at Xapervjlle, 111.. May 29 to June 7, l'sOS, the Penn sylvania Railroad Company will sell ex cursion tickets from points on its line west of Baltimore, Lancaster. Reading, and south of Sunbury, all inclusive, at rate of single fare for the round trip to Chicago plus SI.N.-> to Naperville; these tickets t<»be sold May 28, ~M, .'7. jwid 28 and good to return until June JI. ex cept that on deposit of tickets with agent at Naperville on or before June 24, return limit may be extended to une 30. Any of our readers needing gas stoves or gas ranges, gas f routs or any gas sav ing appliance will fi nd it a financial sav ing to call at the store of W. H, O'Brien & Son. on iiast Jefferson St. and get prices on the extensive line they have on exhibition. They are also agents for the celebrated Welsbacli Liijht, of which tnore than 1200 were old in Butler, last year. —Fcr valuable and desirj able residences inquire of Walker Mc- Klvain. ' A((II»KNTS. r James A. Negley of Philadelphia ha j been a "traveling man for about fort) . : years, yet he met with his rir-t acciden k i a few days ago. while at Corry. 11> fell and dislocated a .-boulder and hi: l son Fred had to finish his route. A ton of Geo. Shepard of Middlesex i twp. was bitten on the hand by s strapge dog a few days ago, and Georg« brought him to lSutler for treatment but he is all right. B. J. Horner, a stonemason, whe boards at the Waverlv House, f.ll from the jail wall y. iy iii.jriiiiig.bat w . , not seriouslj- injured. The P & W. train that arrives in t Bntler at "i p ni. struck and killed a ) little Italian boy near the garbage furnace last Friday evening. Tht . child's parents live on the hillside, and . he had been in the habit of t;oin to th> dump. Cfittitliei'i') Townsliip. 1 Everybody was pleased to hear of Dewey's victory. I Blanche Duncan called on friends ou J i Saturday. John C. Dight has finished his si hool and is now training the physicial side of his nature by doing farm work. . Roy Hartley departed for Beaver Co , where he intends to canvass. Good luck to you Roy. The prayer meeting on nest Thursday • ever ing is to Le led by Mr. Elder Craw ford. Some of the voting people attended chlurch at Mars ou last Sabbath even ing. Mr. Seybert is still very much inter este 1 in the war. Miss Carrie Hendricbson is wishing that the rends stay nice, so she can ride to school ;>n her bicycle. She is unite patrioti •. she wears a Cuban badge. Miss Alice and Gertrude Garvin vis ited their sister Mrs. Roliert Rowl on Inst Monday Everyone was glad to see Mr. Crider and Rev. Howe at our prayer meeling. Come again. Your Stationary. It is getting to be the proper thing for farmeis as well as merchants and other business men to have printed sta tionary. And we can see no reason why they should not take their proper place among busirn .-,s men by" adopting business methods in as many ways as possible. There is a combination of business and sentiment in giving yonr farm a name like "Valley View Place," "Maple Spring Farm" "Hillside." or something of the kind, as it lend-s a cer tain dignity and individuality to the place, an increased sens? of pride in the proprietorship thereof, as well as addi tonal importance in the eyes of produce dealers or commission merchants wich whom you are dealing. A small invest ment in printed stationary giving your residence and business, such as breed ing of throtlghbred stock, the manfa>-- tniv of dairy produce, etc., might prove of no slight advantage to you. as well as giving a certain degree of satisfac tion. And when you conclude to have some note heads and envelopes printed remember that the same can be had at the CITIZEN office as cheap and good as anywhere. BARN BUILDING If yon intend building a house, barn or anything else, this summer, send to C. O. Campbell. Butler, Pa., contractor and builder. f"r estimates on material and labor. —Music scholars wanted, at 128 \V. Wayne St. It you want a Bicycle or your old 01.e repaired go to White Walter »t Saturday of June Court. lv»s, heingthe II day of said month, and if no exceptions aro filed they will IK? confirmed absolutely. U.1).N0. .Tune Sessions,lßS4:-ln re-petition of citizens of Allegheny township, for vaca tion of a road laid out'hut not yet opened, which leads from a point on the public road leading from Maple furnace to I'arkers Landing at or near Adams' Mill to the Mer cer and Kosburg Turnpike near Iloshurg's, Lb -;ii 1 township. !>•'«•. 12th, 1897, reviewers were appointed by the Court, and March 7th, IMJK. report of viewers filed stating said road laid out but not opened, should be va cate'!. agreeable to the desire of the peti tioners. Now, Martrh 12, WK approved; notice to lx» given according to rules of Court. BY TH E COURT. 11. I>. No. 1. March Sessions. 1898. In re petition of the citizens of Brady township for a county bridge over Hogue Kun. on the West Liberty and Moore's tiorners road in said township. Dec. Sth, 18y7. viewers were appointed l»y the Court, and March 4th, 189 S. report of viewers tiled stating that proposed bridge K neccessary; no damages. March 12th, le laid lie fore the grand jury at next term. BY THE COURT. R. I». No. 3, March Sessions, 1898. In re petitions of ltoad Supervisor of Allegheny township for vacation of a portion of a road leading from a point on Emlenton and Law rence :jurg road, near the farm of .1. P. Mil ford, where the road leading past Allegheny I Church to the turnpike road leaves the 1 same to a point where it reaches the farm of Elisha Robinson, known as the "Duchess" farm* all In said township. Dec, nth. 1807. viewers were appointed by the Court : March 7th. IS9B, report of viewers tiled in favor of vacation. Now March 12th. IsifcS, approved; notice to be given according to rules of Court. BY THE COURT. R. l>. No 4. March Sessions. IsOs. In re petition of citizens of Allegheny township tor vacation of a road beginning at Kensing ton Furnace and extending to Armstrong county line. Dec. lltli, IsUS, viewers were ap pointed by t lie Court, March 7th. IMK report of viewers filed in favor of vacation. March 12th. IW, approved; notice to l>e given ac cording to rutes of Court. BY THE COURT, Certified from the records this l*th day of May, l. w yS. ISAA< MEALS, v-'lerk i}. S.Court. Widows' Appraisements. The following widow's appraisements of personal property and real estate set apart for the benefit of the widows of decedents have been filed in the office of the Clerk of Orphans' Court of Butler Co.. viz: To widow of Samuel Conn, real property SS9QO 00 To widow of .lohn Buchler, personal. iiOo •*) To wjw of Jacob CJeible. personal .'{oo tn) To widow of Wm. P. Thompson, real and personal |)00 00 To widow of John P. Roll, real and personal :tnn no To widow of Lewis S. Mlllinger UW All persons interested in the above ai>- nrasien. 'ills will take notiee that they will be presented for confirmation to the Orphans < ourt of Butler county. Pa., on Saturday, t lie 11th day of June. A. I).. IS9S, and if no ex ceptions be filed they will l>e confirmed ab solutely. ISAAC MEALS, Clerk O. C. (6NTIV\k HOTEL!}! ill CAFE. OPP COURT HOUSE. New House, New Furniture. Rates $ i per day, meals 25 cents. Meals serv ed in dining room at all hours. I MRS. NIXON, Prop'r. Foruicriy ot Nixon House. Subscribe lur the C'IIZEN. M.K;llls«>kuo<.«) Nous. is ; ' >nc i>air of the giant gates of iron v that hung for half a century or more at it either approach of the old St. Clair St [e bridge, Pittsburg, were presented to is the Ursttline Academy, on Winebiddle ' ave. last Thursday where they will adorn the cntianee driveway of the x a ademy camjjus. The other pair will !l be presented to the Daughters of the American Revolution for the entrance • to the proposed Park snrroumtini' the ' old blockhouse on Fourth street. " I All misual operation was preformed 11 by the physicians at the Mercy Hospital. ;S j Pittsburg, last Thursday when three . large teaspoons were taken from the n stomach of Mrs Lena Liggett of Stenb a enville. 0., where they had been for j s'-vnal mouths The physicians say e the cast-is without precedent, and that j the wonder is that the woman was able e to live so long with such large pieces of j metal annoying her. She cannot ex plain the presence of the s:j>oons inside lof her'; she was nnder the impression ! >he had simply swallowed a thimble. f |lt is a mysttry that puzzles all who 1 have heard of it. jury List for June Term. List of names drawn from the jury ,j I wheel the S.'ith day of April, 1898. to e ] serve as grand jurors at the regnlar ! term of court commencing on the first i Monday of June, lS!»s, the same being • j the fith dr:y of said month ; Borland Alexander Butler boro Ist i w, shoemaker, r | Carpenter J L. Farview twp, producer. • j Christie John, Cherry twp, laborer. i D'inthert Alexander, Penn twp, farin , i i Dodds John A. Penn twp. farmer. " j Ellenbnrger Wesley. Farview tvrp. • farmer. I ELerhart J A, Feirview twp, farmer, i Eichenonr . T olin Lancaster twp, farmer. ! Falkner Louis, Winfield twp, black • ■ smith. 1 Fredrick < i H. Donegal twp, farmer. ? Gribben James. Middlesex twp, gent. Hockenbery Hamper, Worth twp. fanner. i Knox Joshua. Allegheny twp, fanner. Myers John B, Buffalo twp, black smith. Meenaii Daniel, Clearfield twp, farmer. Pryor Howard. Snnbury boro. farmer. Pfabe Emanuel. Clinton twp, farmer. Park Robert, Adams twp. merchant. Payne Horatis, Worth twp. farmer Raisley Samuei L, Butler twp, farmer. : Shields RC, Mercer twp. farmer. I Shrader Albert, Butler Ist w, farmei. Shafer Anthony, Bntler 4th w, barber, t Smith Craig, Winfield twp, farmer. List of names drawn from the proper : jury wheel this 25th day of April, is FVii Jii' I'iLlLtiiy ,';F\i w w.'.v. 1 Oil. NOTKS. The market—Thursday 7">. Fridr ' m». Saturday S5. today Si. FORWARD The Forest is drilling or t Martin near Waters Station. FORWARD Niehla.' CHRISTIE ld White church, Bntle: twp .at 7 »U 11.I 1 . M LEGAL ADVERTISMENTS. EXECUTORS' NOTICE Letters testamentary on the will of j Richard G Nelson, late of Middlesex ! township, Butler county, Pennsylvania I dec'd., having been granted by the Reg I is!er of said county to the unuersigD'-oroui, r li of Valencia, in the township of Adam*. County and State aforesaid, liouiid c. Sterrett InO feet, on the southeast bounded by iot of Miss Snn the southwest bounded by a street 151 feet, being: three lots lyini? in said lNiroujrh, located and marked by said Dr. S. o. Sterrett out of his larger tract of land, having a lrame dwelling house, out building*. and water well thereon. TKKMS OF' SALE Cash on confirmation thereof and delivering deed to purchaser. Title good. EDGAR COWAN. Adm'r of Mrs. A lmira Cowan, dec'd, Valencia. Pa. E. McJUNKIN. Att'y. Notice in Divorce. 1 In the Court of Margaret Ellen Garlacli | Common Pleas of vs. Hut ler Co.. Pa. A. Jacob Henry Garlach D. No. &"», Doc. term J 1807. To Jacob Henry Garlach: Two subpoenas having been returned N, E. I. Yon. tin* said Jacob Henry Garlach. above named defendant are hereby required to ap pear in said Court of Common Pleas of Hut ler Co., Pa., to be held at Hut ler. Pa., on Monday the ttth day of June ItiUK, being the first day of next term of Court to answer the said complaint and show cause, if any you have, why a Divorce Absolute from the bonds of Matrimony should not be granted to the said Margaret Ellen Garlach. You are also hereby notified that testi mony in above case will be taken before the said ('ourt on Tuesday, the 7th day of June, at which time and place you are notified to attend. WILLIAM H. DODDS. Sheriff. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters testamentary, C. T. A., on the estate of Newton Lurting, dec'd., late of Adams twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned all per sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against the same v. ill present them duly authen ticated for settlement to ELIZA E. LURTING Adm x„ Mars, Butler Co., Pa. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate of John M. Mcßride, dec'd, late of Middle sex twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to JOHN FERGUSON, Ex'r., Bakerstown, Pa, E. Mcjunkin & J. M. Galbreath, Att'ys. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of administiation 011 the estate of Harper Campbell, dec'd., late of Washington twp., Butler comity, Pa. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to Ei,r,A CAMPBHU,. C. A. MORKIS. Admin istrators. North Hope Pa. \V. A. and F. Forquer, attorneys. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Moses Thompson Esq. dec'd,late of Centre twp Butler Co. Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment aud any liaving claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for set tlement to WILLIAM ALLISON, Kx'r. Butler, Pa. Painter & Murrin att'ys. GOOD FARM FOR SALE The Fonl farm in Donegal twp., near Millerstown is for sale. It contains about 150 acres, is well watered ami in goo«l ForJ termsj[iuquire a ilia ' Our Method Doing Business We hope will men*, you; patronage. Ours is not the only store in Batler, but we Jo try to make it such a place to buy your nrugs and medicine as to win your confidence and secure your Do no", come to our store for cheap drugs. We don't keep Lheui.- Nothing but the l>est finds a place in our store and every article !;cari:;g our name is g'aar ! anted to be just as reprc i sented er you can get vour | money back. We buy the best, sell the best, ki*:p I the best and recommend the best It Is this metli od that has brought to our store a large and de sirable patronage. If you have never lealt at our store ve would be pleased to have you call. We tn to everything that is likely to be called for in our line, but if we should not have what you want we will frankly tell yen so and wi 1 he pleased to get ft f ut you at the jiossible moment. We give yoii v h t you want. No substi tutions permitted. Let us fill your prescriptions Respectfully, C. N. Boyd, oßiuoisT. i . Diamond Block, Butler, Pa. ORPHANS' COURT SALt. " l!y virtue of an alias order and decree of I Orphans' Court of Butler Co.. Pa., made at I No. a>. March term. ls>. of sai l C ourt, the I undersigned administrator of the estate of j .larnt's t'risffcll. lateof Adams twp.. county and state aforesaid, dec'd.. will offer foi s lie at public vendue on the premises on SATURDAY. MA V 2s. 1-.- at 1 o*clock n. HI.. «>f said dav. all that certain I tract of land situated in Adams twp., liutltr I en., -tat*- « f I*' nnsylvani; founded north t»v j lands of Ooovert la irs and Samuel Pane, I * i>t t y land of Samuel t'ai k and Dr. S. o. I Sterrett. south by land of John Barr and I Wm. Purvis, and west by 'rinds of T. W. Ken nedy's heirs: Newton Lertinsr :«ncl ('oovi rt heirs, coniaininc I*4 a« ifs more or K-sn: with I ~ frame house-.. <»ue nearly n< I irood bank barn and outbuildings. 2 oreha r»is. Land situated 4 mile from Mars and l i mile from D wneyville on I*. W. Ky. ois. Lane In ffo«»d condition and «•« ii watered, will adapted to I fit her stock-raising or peneral farming pur !>< 't»s. supposed to In- oil and uas territory if i SALrT One 1 ilf of tin- pur chase money ro he paid on continuation of i -ah» by the Court and the other half In one | ar tliert aft . »vith inti r ni, u» '.v secured j >y Uitid and mortirair on th • premises. with liMial Waivers aud attorney's commission. HUBERT 1\ 1D1), \«lin'r.. , Myoma. Pa. McJunkin & Galbreath. Atty's.. Butler. l\i. Notice of Inquest in Partition. In tlie matter of the petition of itebecca I Barr for partition. In the Ornhaus' t'ourt | I of Butler County. I'a.. No. 71, March Term. I I t^'N. ft i.rtiary 10. W.«>. petition of Rebecca Barr. j a daughter of William J. Robb, presented, set ting forth that said decedent died seized of a certain tract of land, containing 1.10 I acri more or less, situate i;i Oakland tov n- | ship. But ler Co.. Pa., which remained undi vided, and praying for an inquest of parti tion, &(\, and citation awarded by tin 4 Court. March 9. lsys, on motion of 11. 11. Ooucher attorney for petitioner, a writ of inouest for partition was granted. Now. you, tne lieirs of the said Wm. J. Kobh. rlec'a., viz: Abner c. I'obb, Mrs. Leah Bell. Jessie Bell. Coulter Kohb. Mrs. Mary Hovis, Covert lIovU, Isaac N. Kobb. Mrs. Bell Campbell. Jefferson Campbell. John IC. Robb. Jennie Hotiee, John 1 loupe, Lincoln M. Kobb. Elmer E Kobb. Mrs. Klla I'ainter. Howard Painter. Frank M. Kobb. Rebecca Barr. John 11. Barr. Mrs. llattie Kobb and Ann. Maggie, Mary. Lora and Walter Kobb, minor children of James G. Kobb. dec'd.. are hereby notified tliat an inquest in partition .vill be held on t lie premises described in the said writ, in Oakland township, Butler Co., Pa., on Fri day. the 13th day of May. at the hour of 10 oYI Mk. A >l., ah . and A'here you may ;r tend if v u see proper. WILLIAM ii. DOW>3. Sheriff. I NEIGHBOR! f SW What's the matter with that \f i old basgy of yours? It looks A l nil broken. It will s;o down X one of these days, and then jf £ i yonr horse rnn away, and A J . j-onr friends will V»e blaming X % ' providence Don't do that. \ * Go to Martincourt & Co' Get C > J . a new set of wheels and shafts M . j * for it, or trade it for a new \ ' { I bnggy. i>nggies are too cheap C ) Jt. now to risk your neck riding ] . \ ' in an old rickety thing like \ ' c > t hat one of yours. And there's c> 3 . your harness, we hadn't no- J . \' ticed them. Several places \ ' C ► in them need repairing. Take C > J . them along too and get them J , \ repaired or bny a new set. We j* A can accommodate yon in <*ith- A X or We make and repair all JC W kinds of harness, no differ \f A ence what you want belong J\ ing to a driving or team ont- X «lit, come here. Yours re- W spectfully, A S. B. Martineourt & Co. 128 E. Jefferson St.. Bntler, Pa. S. B Martiifconrt, J. M. Leighner. AS WAR HAS COME. we all will have to up our spirits—best way to do this is not to use Lewin's spirits, but Lewin's pure rye whiskey. We will ship to any place in the United States. Guaranteed pure 6-year old whiskey either Guckenheiraer, Finch, Gibson.Overholt, Large, Mt. Vernon, Thompson $i per full quart or 6 quarts for £5. Grandfather's Choice Whiskey, guar anteed 3 years old, $2 per gallon. On C. O. D. or mail orders of $lO or over, we prepay ail charges. ROBERT LEWIN & CO., Importers and Wholesalers, 411 Water St. Opposite B. &0. Depot. Telephone, 2179. Pittsburg, Pa Fr.i all Baiorsand N*F?voes (SBfjjjj fl SB D: ?'.SKS. They purify the 3 SJj Bk ■ and civc 1' v | j icuoo to the entire system, a B aHuBSBi Cure DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, CC..VSTBPATIOK and PIMPLES. BUTLER COUNTY rtutual Fire Insuraice Compan, Office cor. Main and Cunninghan Sts. WI( H, Pre*. 41EO. KKT7KIIKK. Vice t'rts. I*. S. SIc.SrNSiIN, (icr'j And Trfai DIRECTORS'. Alfred Wick, Henderson Oliver. Or. W. Irvln. .fumes Stephenson. ,V. \V. Itlaekmorc N. Weltzcl, I'. Itowman It. J. Klingler, Geo. Ket terer, Chus. Reljhun. Geo. lienno. John Koenic. LOYAL McJUNKIN Anent M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. 337 S. Main St., Butler. ? We Declare War > ) Against every Clothier in Butler County and vicinity, and ' £ offer to Cloth,ng Buyers of But ler County } > j in 14 Different Patterns || c ) ;|| at $5 A Suit. | < j \ There's nothing in the market we safely say that can c.;ual ? 1 these suits. Suppose you look into the matter. / ) When in town drop in and ask to be shown these suits—no { troub!e whatever. 1 Shaui &r Nast, * HEADING CLOTHIERS. ? ) 137 South Main St.. - r j Sutler. Pa. - . j — _ U SAY, t ! f . KNOW » $ Douthett & Graham? t r 7 t < f rJ txt nriiv/rrr [ 92 And secure bargains while bargains aic to be had. Shoes rfl never were cheaper, this in face of a rising leather market. > They must advance it the leather market is any indication. A W A A dollar saved is a dollar earned. Buy your shoes now. V f4B Come to us and get the best goods at the lowest prices. . > Ej A. RUFF & SON, ! [J LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. I *A SERMON j* * Could readily be preached on the subject of cheap clothing with which Safe market has been flooded. During the periods of depression in the mf \\ e have maintained our well known standard of fIP #HIGH CLASS CLOTHING. ff seasons product surpassess anything we have ever shown. 4K We desire to call special attention to our unusally large variety l>etter grades of Ub jpSßoys and Childrens Garments £ which we have earned the commendation of the most crititical buyers.^' ST. H. BURTON, ">l||||-||||H" T. H. BURTON,S (XXXM3KXXM 4 Jf 55 Improved U.S. Cream Separator.® Florida State Asylum. * V W TALLAHASSEE, FI.A , March 11, tBgB. jg ft 'lll I have been using a Ko. S Improved US. Sop -3 hi- i *.ill arator in the dairy at the State Asylum for the past B ' / L®' '1 six or eight months, and find itto be a perfect ma- Si ill chine. It runs liirht, skims to i.'j 11'!-. of milk 2* M ■ per hour without leaving a vestige of cream in the g A inilk. It has never been the least out of fix ;in fact, B j« it is all that can be expected of a cream separator, i JM and I would not do without it if it cost twice as M much. j \v. TRAM WELL, Superintendent. ' • ~ ■■ Investigate before purchasing elsewhere. •• Catalogues free. mj FAiiM MACHINE CO., - Bellows Falls, Vt. McOANDLESS* HEAVE CUBE I have a Heave Cure that will cure any case of heaves iu horses in forty days, if usea according to directions, and if it does not do what I claim for it, I will refund the amount paid and no charges will be made for the treatment. The following testimonials are the strongests proof of the medicines powtr to cure: A. J. MCCANDLESS, utler, Pa. , 1593. Mr.'A. J. McCandless: On the 2nd day of April, 1892 I com menced to nse your new cure for one of my horses that had the heaves very bad, and continued to use the medicine for about forty days and the did not show any signs of a return of them. It is now about a year since I quit giving the medicine and the horse has ijever showed any of heaves, and I feel satisfied that he is properly cured. W. C. Criswell. utler, Pa., April3o, 1893 A, J. McCandless' I have used your Heave Cure and find it will do the work if used accord ing to directions. Yourv truly, J. B. McMillin, For Sale. One of the best farms in the county located on the l'reeport Pike, one-half mile from Hannahstown, in Win field twp.- i>6 acres, good house, good barn, youn>; orchard, well watered, 6 acres of good timber; level rolling land. Inquire at this office. ; THE Butler County National Bank, Butler Penn, ' Capital paid in - ftx>, ooo.oo Surplus and Profits - $114,647.87 Jos. Ilartman, J. V. Ritts, Vice President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier; John G. McMarlin, Ass't Cashier. / general bunking buslnc transacted. Interest paid on time tl«-jx>.->i ts. Money loaned on approved security. \V< invite you loopen an account with this bank. I>l HECTORS— Hon. Joseph Hurtmiin. Hon. \V. S. Waidron, Dr. M. Hoover. 11. Mc- Sweeney, E. E. Abrams, C. I*. Collins I. G. Smli h, Leslie P. Harlott, M. Finep.m, W. W. H. Lark In. John Humphrey, l»r. W. ('. McCandless, Ben Muaseth. lajvi M. Wise J. V. Bitty Butler Savings Bank 13 LI tier, Pa. Capital - - - - ;|6o, 000.00 Surplus and Profits - - $150,000 JOS. L PPRVIS President J. HENRY TROUTMAN Vice-President tt'M. CAMPBELL, Jr „Cafhier I.OI*IS B. STEIN Teller DIKECTORS—Joseph I- Purvis. J. Henry Tro':traan, W. D. Brandon, W. A. Stetn. J.{a. Campbell. The Butler Savings Hunk is the Oldest Hanking Institution! n But ler County. < ■•-IK r:il banking business transacted. We solicit accounts of oil producers, mer ch&rits, farmers and others. All business entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. Interval paid ou Unit tK-poslts.