Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 05, 1898, Image 3

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NOTE—AII advertisers Intending to make
chances In their ads. should notify us of
their intention to do so, uot later than Mon
day morn in sr.
Orphans Court Sale, estate of James
Executor's notices, estates of Richard
G. Nelson. Robert Trimble and Sarah
Jane Cranmer.
C. & T's Carpets.
The King Single Tube Tire.
The Cenfal Hotel and Cafe.
Non-Burn Building Paj>er.
Administrators and Executor* of estates
ran secure their receipt hooks at tho t'll I
/EN ofllce. and persMiis making public sal. .
their note hooks.
—"I'll go to war!" They stood agape;
"What! yon? pray, what's your
The meek man answered: I'd eseap«-
Tfcis blamed house-cleaning season.
—Butler Co. owns a new flag—9xlß
feet and good bnnting.
—Sunday last was the first of May
May Day- and a beautiful day it was.
—The P. & W. li. R. Co intends re
moving its shops to Downeyville or
—The Pension Board examined six
applicants yesterday; ten the Wednes
day before.
—Part of the west wall of the jail is
being torn down on account of a defect
in it caused by the old windows.
—Friday and Satnrday of this week
have been set apart by the Board of
Health as cleaning*up days.
—On r Council hts fixed the tax rate
at 5 mills for general purposes, and 7
mills for bond purposes.
—About a hundred young men of the
town got together last week and agreed
to organize a new militia company.
The war is setting hard on the
wholesale men; the traveling men are
not making their expenses at present.
—A new counterfeit two-dollar Treas
ury note, series of 1891, that is in circu
lation, may be detected by the mispell
ing of the words "bearer ' and"bureau."
—A big crowd of boys were at the
station this morning, all anxious to
carry water for the elephant for a ticket
to the greatest show on earth.
—By calling the hatchet a machete
an Atchison woman has induced her
war like boys to take the greatest inter
est in keeping her wood box filled with
—lt has been definitely deccided not
to place a tax upon petroleum for war
purposes. To have done so v ould have
been very : much like kicking a corpse.
—A prize of no dollars is offered for
the first correct answer to the - question
—which show up the greatest number
in Butler; the "May stha" or the "May
—"Every girl who reads the news
paper accounts of the departure of the
State troops," says the Manayunk Phil
osopher, "expects to see her sweet
heart's name in bigger type than the
—The date of the departure of the
first company from Butler for the pres
ent war was Wednesday, April 27, 1k()H.
The first company for the Civil war left
Butler on the 20th of April 1861 —'■>"
years and one day before.
—Sunday morning in Manila comes
about ten hours before our Sunday
morning, and therefore the news of
Dewey's victory, or an item regarding
it. appeared in one of tho Pittsburg
papers of that morning.
—An amusing incident happened on
Jefferson St., during Co. E's day. A
little girl, determined to hang out a flag,
went to her father's trunk and got an
old Rebel flag, (used in a play) and
hang it ont the window; and it was
there for honrs before it was noticed
—The Bntler Brick and Tile Co. is
making a good article of building
brick, and also a large, hollow, building
brick or block, which they are selling
as fast as they can be made. They can
also make a paving brick and our coun
cil should test them on the next short
street paved.
—The "Central Hotel" on the Dia
mond, formerly Hotel Goss. reopened
Monday, and has been doing a large
business this week.
The lower floor has oeen remodeled,
and now the sole entrance to the dining
room is through the hall. The meals
are excellent and fully up to the stan
dard that Mr. Goss maintained.
—The companies from the western
part of the state, of the N. G. P. are the
true bine, very few refused to vol
unteer in the U. S. Army, (not one out
of Co. E) while in the First brigade,
which includes Philadelphia, over 400
refused. A Pittsburg Dispatch special
says that the Butler and Greens burg
companies are the best in the second
—The annual report of the "Penna.
Institution for the Deaf and Dumb" at
Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, shows 509 jm
_ pils, two of whom Bert Hindman and
Pearl Stnller are from this connty.
The institution is a very complete affair
costs altont $150,000 a year for mainten
ance, most of which comes from the
state; and teaches the boys and girls
a dozen different trades such as print
ing, tailoring, millinery and dressmak
—Any man who enlist* in the regu
lar army for the war in required to \x>-
sesh the following qualifications: He
mnst be between 18 and 45 years of age,
of proper character and good health; he
mnst not be less than five feet four
inches tall, and his weight, according
to his height, must be between 128 and
100 ponn<ls. A man u:ore than five
feet ten inches tall and weighing more
than 165 pounds, cannot be a cavalry
man but must join the infantry or ar
—Friday evening a young peddler
was coming down the West Perm, and
when a short distance p.boye the Junc
tion several men attacked him. One in
a bine snit struck him on the back with
a stone and knocked him down. They
rifled his pack, broke open his box. and
took everything of value he had. The
boy came to town and reported the
matter to Durgess f'lark, but as he
conld not fully describe his assailants
nothiner could be done. He was a
Syrian, and abont 1"> years of age.
Freeport Jonrnal.
—"The Dons are striving to be gay.
But they'll learn to their sorrow
We're simply putting off to day
What we can do to Morro."
hee the Clipper Chainless Bicycle at
Mardcr.' Bros. 148 N. Main Butler Pa.
Fu'l line of sundries and supplies al
ways on hand.
Bicvcks for sale from #IO.OO up.
Bicycles for hire. Keparing a special
Oil Well Sapply Co. vs A. M Lusk et
, al. assumpsit April 29. jury returns a
, verdict for defendants.
Patten Bell vs Norman Billiard et al.
ejectment. April 30, jury by direction
of Court return« a verdict for defen
W B Doddsvs H B Patterson, as
sump sit April 2S, jury returns a ver
dict for plaintiff for £532 so
The P. cV: W. R. R. Co. vs the P., B.
&L.E. R. R Co., ejectment. May .'.
by direction of Court the jury returns a,
verdict for plaintiff for land described
id the writ, with sis cents damage.
Matilda Spohn vs Fred _S. h waiger et
al. assumpsit Compulsory non suit as
to Fred Schwaiger, and verdict for
plaintiff against A. J. McNallen for
Penn'a Co. vs M I, Zahniser
et al, assumpsit. May jury returns
a verdict for plaintiff for *249.40.
Chas. McCaudless for use vs S. M.
Schmidt, a.sumpsit May 3, jury re
turns a verdict for plaintiff for Stso.
Sprout, Waldron & Co. vs E. D Ea
gle, assumpsit. On trial.
The cases of Walter H. Graham v?
Waiter L. Graham, sur mortgage. Gel
lert Goehring vs W H. Rossle et al. a
snnipsit: Robert Hogg vs Bailey <& Hoff
man. trespass; C. J. D. Strohecker vs
Edwin Ramsey, trespass, and John
Buehler vs .Tos. Zeigler were continued.
The cases of A. J. Foitz vs Henry
Shannon et al. transcript of appeal, and
Chas I'oltz vs same, were settled.
This week winds up the assessment
appeals. The Commissioners iuid quite
a siege of it this year.
Th • will cf George L Lutz of Ze!i< -
nople was probated, no letters.
Wm. Lewis who plead guilty to a vio
lation of the liquor law- was sentenced
to four in -nths in the Mercer jail.
Ida E. Dobson has applied for a di
vorce from Dory E. Dobson.
Thomas Robinson has brought suit in
trespass vs the P. R. R. Co.
Nancy J. Donthett has issued sum
mons in assumpsit vs 11. S. Gibson, and
claims S2OO.
First Nat. Bank of Greenville has is
sued summons in trespass vs John A.
The will of James Bailey of Marion
twp. was probated and letters granted
to Thomas N, Gilghrist; also will of
Sarah J. Cranmer of Centre twp. and
letters to J. D. McJunkin; also will of
Ebenezer Dodds of Connoqnenessing
twp. and letters to Sarah J. Dodds; also
will of Eliza J. Calvert of Penn twp. no
letters; also will of Nannie Barnhart of
Fairview twp. no letters; also will of
Valentine Feigel of Bntler and letters
to C. D. Aldinger; also will of L. M.
Grieb of Butler, no letters; also will of
Bernard O'Brien of Donegal twp., no
Commissionioners to D. J. Coyle 50
acres in Venango for $15.80.
Geo Renno to Jacob Dreher 20 acres
in Jefferson for $1,550.
X. E. Martin to Robert Allen 15 acres
in Brady for S4OO.
11. S. McClymonds to Eugene Meyer
lot in Butler tor 91000.
Alexander Pollock to C. W. Hoon lot
in Butler twp. for s»I.-•».
J. N. Ifft to Nancy 1). Ramsey lot in
Evans City for SI,BOO.
Al. Ruff to F. Kohler lot; in Butler
for SSOOO.
It. D. I'ettigrew to J. E. Young 15
acres in Washington for $225.
E. Long to J. Geisler 0 acres in Win
field for SIOO.
C. A. Morris to J. L Hilliard 2 acres
in Washington for $475.
R. S. Nichols to Agnes B - Cratty lot
in Butler for £0,5 00.
Annie Cheers to B. A Garvin lot in
Evans City for $1,200.
E. C. Morrow to Lorenzo Morrow 140
acres in Donegal for So,ooo.
P. Double, guardian to L. Morrow
140 acres in Donegal for $857.14.
Butler Savings Batik to W. P. Farren
15 acres in Marion Co. 8510.
Marriage Licenses,
James B. Miller Allegheny Co
Martha I*. Ilazlett Butler Co
N K. Grace Mercer Co
A. C. Neely Connoq. twp
August Latille Butler
Mary M. Ilomney "
George Kratel Bntler
Mary Randig "
Andrew Kratel Bntler
Bertha Randig "
Peter Glout Rough Run
Annie Shelitz "
Leonard Johnston Entity
Mollie Love - "
Wm. L. Alt man .. Win field twp
Mary K. Hill
At Pittsburir, Win. Higby and Mary
Kubns of Harmony, also John T. Fen
nell of Kellys Sta. and Flora Bocker of
Sarver Slat ion.
Mrs Frank Acre is almost well again
after a prolonged and serious illness.
The Watson boys have just removed
their sawmill from the Ehrman farm to
David Crookshank's to do an extensive
job of sawing.
Mr. James Galbreatli passed through
this town Tuesday on his way to Pitts
burg on business.
The stone quarries are being made to
yield their treasures.
The election of officers in the Bnffialo
church Sabbath school resulted as fol
lows; Snpt. James McC. Crookfllianks.
Assistant Supt. James Dill Tood. Treas
urer John Miller, Secretary Miss Viola
Rev. Ilazlett made a journey to Car
bon IMack Pa. Wednesday ftth inst. and
united in marriage Mr. .Tames B. Miller
Freeport and Miss Martha Hazlett
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Haz
lett, Carbon Black Pa.
The rendition of the thrilling drama,
"Faust," by the Hubert Labadie com
pany at the Spencer opera house last
evening was a very interesting affair,
and particularly so to those who admire
this peculksrlar kind of play. The
parts were all handled very careful! in
deed and with th" elaborate special
scenery and stage fixtures which the
company carries, the effect was partic
ularly attractive and pleasing. Mr.
Hubert Labadie assumed the part of
His Satanic Majesty, Mcphistopheles,
in an admirable manner and fully sus
tained the high reputation lie enjoys as
an actor of great merit. He possesses
peculiar and special qualifications for
the part, in fact he seemed entirely a
home f>r quite at east in tho character.
Mrs. Labadie, however, carried off the
honors of the piece in the part of Mar
gnerite. Her queenly presence, smooth
rich voice and accurate articulation,
together with her correct interpreta
tion or conception of the character did
much in establishing her in popular fa
She is a lady of much dramatic abil
ity. culture and refinement. The Com
pany entire is made up of educated and
refined people aad entitled to the confi
dence of theater going people. They
made many friends while here. Daily
News. Kendallville. fn«V
A Common Mistake
It is a common mistake people make
in supposing that the only object of the
Business College is to grind out book
keepers and stenographers. Business
College education is useful to everybody.
The man of wealth cannot tell if his book
keeper does his work properly unless he
himself understands the science of ac
counts. |ust as the best housekeeper
need not do the work herself but she
knows how, and hence knows when it is
properly done. The poor man needs
business education to be able to manage
his resources 10 the best advantage.
Tliemoial is plain, attend the Butler
Business College and School of Short
hand 319-327 South Main St., where the
best methods oi accounting and steno
graphy are u>light.
Phillip Sntton of Penn twp., was in
town last week.
John Ayres ha* been appointed a snb
ruail carrier.
Charles Leisie of < ranberry twp. was
a Bntler visitor. Monday.
; Dawson C. Wadsworth of Slippery
rock twp., was in town yesterday.
LE. Shira and wife spent Sunday
with friends in Washington Twp.
\V. S. Brandon has secure! the agen
cy for the G;- ensbtirg Awning Co.
Mi - Dales of New Castle is tj:e guest
otMrt Zimmerman of North Main St.
Jani- e N. Moore Esq. has handsomely
refurnished hi? offices in the Diamond
Perry Campbell, of Went Snubnrv,
spent Saturday and Sunday with his
son in Allegheny.
Janitor Johnston keeps the brass
work of the Court house shining as
j l»rig'nt us the Sun.
Win. R Shryock of Parker twp. was
in town yesterday. He was laid up all
winter with a broken leg.
! James Armstrong and W. A Rogers,
of Bntler. are applicants for the vacant
! !>ank-exauiinersbir>.
Phillip Christy, a son of Williamson
Christj\ dee'd. is visiting relatives and
friends in Butler Co.
i James B. Murphy carpenter of this
I place, has just completed two cottages
I r.t Conneant Lake; one for D. B. Camp
bell and one for John N. Muntz.
Privates Mitchell. Allison and Barr
of Co. E who did not pass tr.< phy let',
examination at Mt Gretna. though
willing to enlist, have returned home
Mr. McLean rented his house on
Brady St. near he Orphans Home prop
erty to Mr Young of Bradford, sind
moved to the house on N
Mrs. Peu-r Bielil ai rived home from
an eight months visit with friends in
San Jose. Cat., last night. She i- look
ing well and greatly enjoyed her visit.
She is now in her Tsth year, ahd yet
came through from San i rancisco to
Pittsburg without stopping.
John Kirkpatri' k rented his house at
the corner of E. Pearl and Oak Sts to
Mr. Pitney of Bradford and John has
taken possession of the Nixon House on
N. McKenn St. Mr. Pitney is build
ing the new stove factory on E. Cun
ningham near the West Penn depot.
J. I). Wilson Esq. of Saxonburg was
in Butler Friday, as bright and jolly as
a man could be, though he was 53 years
of age that day.
He was born in Canada near Toronto
came South as far as Oil Creek
during the excitement of the sixties,
and located in Saxonburg, (near where
he had some oil interests) about seven
years ago. lie bought the old Roeb
ling or Reidel place, and has been
occupying it since, and thinks he will
end his days in the good old town of
The social at Mrs. Robinson's was a
grand success.
Rev. Howe was able to preach for the
people of Dutihl last Sunday.
Rev. Howe has been sick for some
time, every one was glad to see him
back again. A very large crowd was
present on Snndav.
Prof. Wolford, principal of the
Evans City schools the past year and
who is now teaching a summer term at
the same place, was present at the social
r,n Friday evening.
Mrs. Dr. Crawford made a tiip to
Pittsburg on Friday 22 inst.
The well on the John Headland farm
lias been completed It is thought to
bo a good one.
Miss Hope Crawford gathered her
young friends to the game of croquet
which she appears to take great inter
est in. She is hard to beat on croquet
so the young folks say.
Irwin Robinson made a Hying trip to
Butler on Monday of this week
Dr. Beal of Mars feels bad that he
did not get to the social on Friday even
Miss Carrie Kichler of Ogle is visit
ing friends in Rochester.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hartley, Mrs. Sey
bert Geo. Bartley, John Ktlley and
Milton McGeary attended church at
Mars 011 Sabbath evening Dr. Knox
the Presiding Elder preached.
Kiiigliiig Bros.' Wonderful Dis
play of Birds and A initials.
The superiority of Ringling Brothers'
World's Greatest Shows over similar
organizations in the United States and
Europe is demonstrated in many ways
but in none more effectively than in its
zoological department. Many shows
carry menageries, but it has remained
for Ringling Brothers to organize a
complete zoological garden, in which
every beast of the jungle and every
fowl of the air is displayed with prop
er classification and in a manner to per
mit of careful study and comparison.
The arrangement of the mammoth men
agerie pavillion itself carries out the
idea of a huge traveling 'Zoo. In the
centre area are thf? led animals, includ
ing the most superb display of big and
little elephants ever seen in this or any
other country. This great triple herd
pachyderms embraces twenty-five mag
nificent specimens of the African and
Asiatic elephant, all of which have been
carefully trained to preform many mar
velous feats in which the accuracy and
memory of these animal performers are
put to a successful test. On one side of
the great ellipse is the aviary. This is
a notable departure in zoological dis
plays. It is not merely a conventional
display of the most familiar tropical
birds, but a complete exposition of or
nithology, in which almost every bird,
from the humming-bird and macaw to
the huge stork and ostrich, is shown in
its proper family group. Tho bright
plumage of the tropical birds elicits
endless expressions of admiration, while
the entire pavillion is filled with the
melody of these feathered songsters
probably no exhibition ever given in
America has ever proved a greater at
traction to the iadies and childern
among the patrons of this great show.
The aquarium, which is also a new and
novel feature, is notable for its remark
able collection of hippopotami, sea lions
seals, Polar bears and other water fre
quenting animals, and the huge tanks
in which they are displayed are arrarjg
ed in such a way, and with such cliar
! acteristic environments, that it is easy
to realize the conditions under which
| these strange animals exist in their na
five state. The children's menagerie
has been augmented this year by a huge
monkey den. fitted up as a play ground
with a carroussel in the center, upon
which the simians ride'and gambol with
delight to themselves and unlimited
amusement to those who witness the
almost human anticts. Interest in the
coming of this famous show to Butler
May IS is universal, and 110 small part
of this interest has been aroused l>y the
encomiums that have been fairly show
ered upon its unique zoological display.
(■criitan Baptists' (Dtinkartls')
Annual Meeting, Napcrx ill«s II!.
For the benefit ot persons desiring to
attend the Annual Meeting of the tier
man Baptists 1 Dunkards) at Naperville.
111,. May 29 to June 7, ls'js, the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company %v ill sell e*
cursion tickets from points on its line
west of Baltimore, Lancaster. Reading,
and south of Sunbury, all inclusive, at
rate of single fare for the round trip to
Chicago plus $1.85 to Naperville; these
tickets to be sold May 28, 24, 27, and 28
and good to return until June 24, ex
cept that, on deposit of tickets with
agent a? Naperville on or before June
21, return limit may extended to
une 30.
If you intend building a house, barn
or anvthing else, this summer, send to
C. O. Campbell, Bntlor, Pa . contractor
and builder, for estimates on material
and labor.
—Music scholars wanted, at 12S W.
Wayne St.
l Mrs. W. J. Mates ran a rusty nail
through her foot, while clearing oft her
- garden u few days ago. The wonnd
was very painful tor a day or two, and
3 blood poisoning was feared.
W .1 Campbell of Fairviewtwp. was
thrown by a horse, Tuesday, but uot
: seriously injured.
At Saner Station. Monday morning.
W hi. Ehrnian'b horse ran away, and
spilled his milk,
Preaching services iu the Summit
1 Presbyterian church, next Sabbath
: evening.
On Tuesday evening. May 10th. Cu
'! ban war views will be exhibited in Buf-
I falo Presbyterian church. Sarvers sta
. 1 tion.
Jefferson Township.
! Clins. Parker and Milton Logan made
a flying visit to Chicora this week.
j Mrs Vide Amy and her daughter a:e
! visiting friends here this week.
Prof. L. M. Caldwell is home on a
i vacation, lie his been Principal at the
Homestead school for the past vfvir.
' ; Wm. Montag is recovering slowly.
. i J. O. Harbison went to Bennett last
. week
Mis Blai, he Br. tner accompanied
! l»y Miss Hort> nof Butler is home on a
. ■ short visit.
("has. Baehman and Miss Emma Mon
! j tag wer< married Thursday April 28.
Miss Mattie Hazlett of Carbon Black
■ and James Miller of Freeport were
; married Wednesday eve April, "'7. she
is a sister of Mrs. Cal Logan.
Mr Carrie Stroup is visiting friends
at Mcßride.
Mr. and Mrs. John Foster entertained
a naiiil rof friends at a Euchre Party
one evening last week.
Miss Clara Johnston entertained a
number of her friends Friday evening.
Ad Byerly visited friends in this sec
tion last week.
X. Sionp fell and had one of his limbs
badly injured.
Mrs. Levi Logan is visiting friends in
Chas. A. Allshouse one of our bo}B
left with Co. E last week.
Mrs. List is recovering slowly. A. Li.-t
of Clinton twp. visited her this week.
Henry Baehman met with a serious
loss on Monday morning, one of his
horses fell through a Hoor and was kill
Mrs. Ren. Douthett is getting along
nicely but will not be home for 10 days
David Dodd', mother is quite sick at
Homer Negley was home from
Pittsburg on a visit, one day last week.
Will Martin's wife is able to be about
Mrs. Hutchison was able to call oil
her friends Saturday.
Our worthy blacksmith W. Phillips
is fixing up his lot, and doing a fine lot
of work in the shop.
If we had another weather prophet in
the signal corps we might look for a
snow storm.
So far the prospects for fruit are
Charley Graham's oldest child is im
0 yes war is awful but it can't always
be helped. There is honor in maintain
ing our flag.
The 10th anniversary 'if the wedding
of Mr and Mrs. Robert Philips was cel
ebrated at their home on the 2nd inst.
there were many nice and valuable
presents given. May they live to enjoy
many of those gatherings.
1 wonder what Spain thinks of the
toy ships of the Yankees now.
West Liberty.
The U. P. people of this place are re
modeling their church. They have
taken out the vestibule and tilled the
vacancy with seats, have built a plat
form for the choir, and expect to put
on a new roof. Owing to this work the
church was not ready for services on
last Sabbath, but through the kindness
of the M. E. people they were allowed
to hold services in their church both
morning and evening.
Rev. McCleaster announced preach
ing in this place on next Sabbath week
at three o'clock in the afternoon because
ne intends to hold communion at 'Old
Slippery Rock" church in the forenoon
of that day.
Mr. J. (if. Thompson, who has been
on the sick list for some time, is able to
be about again.
Mr Williams of Elliott Mills passed
through town on Monday. He is limit
ing a good driving horse.
Miss Hockenbury is the guest of Mrs.
Thompson this week.
Mr. McClymonds was home with hi
family over Sabbath.
Mr. Newman is working for Mr. Thos.
Mrs. Plunimer Badger of Prospect
was the guest of Mrs. George Staff this
Messers Lynss Lilly, Frank Castor
and Warren McDeavitt went fishing
on Monday and came home, Oh! so tired
with a big load of disappointment.
The farmers of this section have
about all their oats sowed, and a good
bit of their corn ground plowed.
Win. Weigle is putting in a piece of
corn for Miss Perry.
Tells All.
Br. Humphrey's Manual UK) pages, to
be found at all Drug Stores, tells all
about the treatment of diseases with
Dr. Humphreys' Specifics.
A cloth bound copy in white and gold
mailed free.
"77" cheeks the Grip and breaks up
Colds that hang on; 25c; all druggists.
Humphreys' Medicine < 'o.. Cor. William
& John Sts , New York.
K. (I. 10. I'arade Day. Seranton.
For the berefit of persons desiring to
witness the K. G. E parade at Scran
ton, Pa., on May 10. 1898, the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company will sell ex
cursion tickets from stations oil its line
i except Pittsburg and Erie and stations
east of Trenton, Bordentown, and Mt.
Holly), to Seranton and return at rate
of single fare for the round trip. These
tickets will be sold May !». and 10, good
to return until May 11.
—Are you overworked and in need of
rest and ouiet? Hotel Rider, Cambridge
Springs, is the p'aoe for you. Aii the
comforts of home together with 'he
best medicinal waters known. A week's
sojourn will make you ten years young
er. Write for circular.''.
Fourpsrcent Interest Paid
Your surplus earnings aie safest if
deposited with The Pittsburg Hank for
Savings, No. 210 Fourth Ave., I'ittsbur^,
1 You can deposit by mail, as safely as
1 in person. Write to the Bank for blanks
1 and you will receive reply by mail.
The Pittsburg Hank of Savings pays 4
percent, iniererest on time deposits.
• I)o not keep your money where >ou
1 draw no interest.
The Pittsburg Bank for Savings was
founded in iSb2 and has assets of over
$3,100,000. Its deoositors are thus amply
> It yon want a Bicycle or your old one
' repaired go to White Walter «c Co
I largest sloelc in County. Bicycles for
—For bargains in valuable and desirj
able residences inquire of Walker & Mc
1 Last week Judge Crisweil, of Yenan
r go Co.. decided that the bridge across
1 the Allegheny river at Euilenton should
1 be free. There were only three wit
nesses examined, when it was decided
s to leave the matter to a vote of the
- jarynieii. The vote showed that all but
two of tbcm were in favor of making
the bridge free, and the court so decid
ed. The grand jury of Yeuango Co.
1 1 has condemmed the pre ent jail, and
• recommended the erection of -a new
' structure.
The Clinton country commissioners
j j have appointed two men 10 serve as fire
j detectives. Their duties will be to fer
| ret out all persons who wilfully or mali
; ciously set fire to the woods in that
j county.
Mercer county has established a cr.s
--| torn in regard to its jail prisoners which
1 should be adopted by every county in
L " j the State. The commissioners have
I erected a large building in the court
j yard and each prisoner is compelled 'o
J break so much limestone each day and
1 those who refute to work receive no
6 r -
A day or two ago some gentlemen
j from the country called , t the confec
tionery and bakery of William C. Rob
j inson. in New Cattle, and displayed a
x mammoth egg which the man said had
bet n laid by one of his common bain
- yard hens. The egg was a very large
one. in fact, it weighed exactly as much
i as three ordinary chicken eggs. Mr.
L ' Robinson at once bought tue egg and
displayed it with a card giving the
„ weight, size, etc., of the alleged curios
ity. A great many people stopped to look
1 at it. and now the general verdict is
that the egg was laid by the wife of a
well known gander that resides and
does business in Shenango township.
At anj- rate a jury composed of 12 rep
utable poultry fanciers have "set" upon
that chicken egg and have brought
i forth a goose egg. —"Guardian. "
Joshua Caldwell, a farmer of near
' Clarks Mills. Mercer Co., was found
dead Thursday morning. He lived with
' his son, and the latter in opposition to
his father's wishes enlisted in the
1 National Guard and departed for Jit.
Gretna.. The father, who is 80 years of
age, was heart broken, and when found
lay with a photograph of the boy press
ed against his breast.
Butler County Pomona Grange*
- Rutler County Pomona Grange, No.
5 17 P. of H., will meet at Concord
Grange Hall, in Middletown. Thursday,
(■ June 2, 1898, at 10 o'clock A. M. All
fourth degree members are invited to
attend. There will be an evening ses
sion when the fifth degree will be con
ferred in full form.
By order of Committee.
H. Book, Master.
W H. Campbell, Sec y.
Jaeksv ille.
Corn planting is next in order.
There are great promises for a peach
crop in this vicinity.
A. Stickle is making repairs on his
new property 011 South Main st.
Mis:; Fanny Mcßride of New Castle is
visiting friends iu this vicinity.
W. 11. Pizor and Frank Wimer will
each erect a barn this summer.
Oar patrotic citizens were glad to
hear of the defeat of the Spanish vessels
we think this is a righteous war and
right will certainly prevail in the end.
I. L. Dight our new blacksmith is
having a good trade, give him a call.
Isaac Studebaker and wife and Mr.
and Mrs Hindman of New Castle vis
ited friends near here over Sabbath.
-—Ask your physician if he does not
think a sojourn at Cambridge Springs
would do you good. If you need rest
and nature's tonic, good mineral water,
he will answer, "Yes." Hotel Rider of
fers accomodations equal to the best.
Send for circulars.
—Job work of all kinds done at the
—lt costs over $7,400 a day to operate
I Ringling Bros.' enormous exhibition.
This is, in itself, a proof of the immens
ity of the institution.
Fix Up Your Garden
Give me a chance at your sodding and
, gardening.
John Gilchrist. North of West Pearl
—New Spring and Summer goods ar
riving every day ( prices much BELOW
ples Store.
—See Findley the Photographer be
fore buying a wheel, He will save you
some money on it.
Post Office Building.
ucjhing Babies
1 Are those who take Hoxsie's C. C. C.
for coughs, colds and croup. No opium
to stupefy, no ipecac to nauseate. 5
For Sale.
House and lot on Lincoln ave., near
Plate Works, at a sacrifice as owner in
tends moving away. Lot 4(1x125 three
roomed house, title good Inqnire at
' this office
Any of oar readers ne editig gas stoves
or gas ranges, gas fronts or any gas sav
ing appliance will find it a financial sav
, inj; to call at the store of \W. H.
O'Brien .& Son. 011 East Jefferson St".
! and get prices on the extensive line they
1 have on exhibition. They are also
i agents for the celebrated Welsbacli
Light, of which more than 121*1 were
, olil in Butler, last year.
Of Interest to You.
Parties wishing to engage in the livery
business, call 011 Walker & McElvain for
location and outfit,
HOTEL <li 111 CAFE.
New House, New Furniture Rates
I$ 1 per day, meals 25 cents. Meals serv
ed in dining room at all hours.
MRS. NIXON, Prop'r.
Forms rly of Nixon llou se.
War Has liseri Declared
irtfch 9pain, boI • • are tro yon will not -t• >p
buying tl»© SiMiiilah Purl and
:-li.Tiy Whirs from A. Aiiflrl* -«n. Ilr - lis
them pure, his own .selection and direct lm
port it lon from Bpaln. Prlci 75 ■ to |I.SO pej
II wart; £J.SO :i »ifl #>.oo per gallon.
Qi CM.
H.-IMstllUd Kye $ .H).. ..sjro
1 Tippi cimoe kyf mi 225
l Old Cahlni l half Malt . 2 ."><»
lirld?i'|x>rt rum Ky«- MHI -t
Thompson's 6 v«?ar old 100 .... il ■"<)
; Amlriessi-nS Best I V). SMI
Write for complete price list
; iSS Federal St. Allegheny, l'a
j Ciy ?£D AXLE
: I it Bu fea na lH Gfifci'lSE
' '-sun* <i, actually
■ out last inic two txixcs'if any otli-r f>r,'m<l. Not
" alTi cted liy : ;nt i.'MK.TTIII-' '.TMiINK,
~ I k"Uli J;¥ I'K-M.kJff Lii'.'ii if u.'.v.
. I Doth agencies ar» paying 71 cents f>>r
1 oil this morning. _
Bt'KFalo— The Butler Gas Co,
Pittsburg Plate tilnss Co and I. W.
Philips are all drilling for gas in Bnf
' falo twp. near Ekastown.
Washington- Twp Jack Walker
A: ( i.'s well on the T H. Heenan was
i completed, Tnesdav.
U.u;ic —Van>*e Ac Frantz finished a
' hi>le for McGill Oi Nichols 011 the Br wn
heirs last week that will make a fair
' well, also one on the Brers. Two
more wells are going down 011 the
Brown heirs, and Paul Trontman has a
1 new rig up on hi? farm.
Letters testamentary en the will of
' Richaid G. Nelsju, late of Middlesex
tow:.ship. Duller county, Pennsylvania
' dt e'd., having been granted by the Re.
' ister of said county to the un '.erstgaec
■ Executors thereof Therefore all person*
knowing themselves indebted to '.lie
i estate of ?aid deceased are requested to
make speedy payment, and those ha\ing
: claims against said estate can present
■ tbcm properly authenticated for aettH
! meut to
11. M. PARKS,
T. A. PARKS, Executors.
! E. Mcjunkin Att'y. Glade Mills, Pa.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
i Saral' Jane Crantner. dee'd., (widow of
i Israel Craumer, dee'd.,) late of Centre
j twp., Ilutler Co., Pa., having been grant
i ed to the undersigned, aii persons know
j ing themselves indebted to said estate
. will please make iraniediale payment,
j and any having claims against said
I estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
J. D. McJUNKIN, Ex'r.,
Ilutler, Pa.
Letters testamen i ary on the estate of
Robert Trimble, Esq., dee'd., late of
Middlesex twp., Butler Co.. Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
Flick P. 0.,
W A. DENNY, Butler Co ,Pa
Mcjunkin .'v Galbreath, Att'ys.
Letters of administration C. T. A., hav
ing been granted to the undersigned on
the estate of John P. Rol', dee'd., late of
Cranberry twp., Butler Co., Pa; all per
sons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and 3ny having clai-ns against
said estate will present them duly an
tlienticated for settlement to
Thorn Ilill, Pa.
Williams & Mitchki.l, Atty's.
By virtue of an order and decree of the
Orphans' Court in and for the County of
Butler and of Pennsylvania to us the
underpinned Kxecutorsof the last will and
testament of liichard G. Nelson, deceased,di
rected, we will offer for sal«- at public auction
on the premises at one o'clock 1\ M.. of
All that certain farm and tra *t of land situ
ate in Middlesex township, ( ounty and State
aforesaid,and bounded on the north by lands
of McCaslln's heirs, en the east bounded by
lands of T. A. and 11. M. I'arK's. on the soutn
bound« d I»y lands of Mr-. Minnie Lee and on
the west bounded by land* of Alford K. Nel
son, John Kittiey and Parks' heirs, contain
iiifr eighty-two acres ot land, more or les->. as
per draft :u»d surety of I*. F.. M<*t>uistion
Kstj., dated Feb.. :il»out sixty acres
thereof cleared, fenced aud cultivated, bal
ance woodland, threi small producing oil
we lls, small board dwelling house ar.d sever
al good springs of water thereon. This farm
is lot rated in a good neighborhood and is in
atl respcet* a valuable and desirable prop
erty. Title good.
TKK.MS Cash on confirmation of sale and
d< livery <>r deed t" pure baser.
If. M. Pauks. and
T A. Parks, Executors,
(ilade Mills, But ler Co., Pa.
E. Mcjunkin, Ait'y.
in pursuance of an order and decreet of the
(Orphans ('ourt in and for the ('ounty of But
ler, and State of Pennsylvania, to me the
undersigned directed, I will offer for sale at |
public vendue, on the premises at one o'clock 1
p. m., on
All that certain lot of ground situate in the !
borough of Valencia, in the township of I
Adams. County and State aforesaid, bound
ed on tin* n >rtnwest. by Almira street 102 and
2-10 feet, on the northeast t*>unded by land
of Dr. S. o. Sierrett l."»4l feet, on the soutln ast
bounded by lot of Miss Snow 112 and 5-10 feet,
and en the southwest hounded by a street
151 feet, being three lots lying together in
said l»orough, locat«*d and marked by said
Dr. S. O. Sterrett out of his larger tract of
land, having a frame dwelling house, out
buildings ami water well thereon.
TERMS OK SALE Cash on confirmation
thereof and delivering deed to purchaser.
Title good.
Mrs. A Imlra Cowan, dee d, Valencia, Pa.
E. McJCNKIN. Att'y.
Notice in Divorce.
In the Court of
Margaret Ellen Uarlach i Common Pleas of
vs. !• Butler Co., Pa. A.
Jacob Henry Carlach D. No. 35, Dec. term
J lsi»7.
To Jacob Henry Garlach:
Two sub|MM'uas having i»een returned N, E.
I. You. the. said Jacob Henry Garlach, above
named defendant are hereby required to ap
pear In said Court of Common Pleas of But ler
Co., Pa., to be held at But ler, Pa., on Monday
the fitli day of June |>«K being the first day
of next term of Court to answer the said
complaint and show cause, if any you have,
why a Divorce Absolute from the bonds of
Matrimony should not be granted to the said
Margaret Ellen Garlach.
You are also hereby notified that testi
mony in above case Will be taken before the
said Court on Tuesday, the 7th day of June,
at which time and place you are notified to
Letters testamentary, C. T. A., on the
estate of Newton Lurtiug, dee'd., late
of Adams twp., Butltr Co., l'a. having
been granted to the undersigned all per
sons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
the same will present them luly authen
ticated for settlement to
Euza K. Lurtinc Adtn x.,
Mars, Butler Co., Pa.
Litters testamentary on the estate of
John M. Mcßride, der.'d, late of Middle
sex twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will please make luunediat': pay
ment, and any having claims against
<aid estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
Bakerstown, l'a,
li. Mcjunkin & J. M. Galbreath, Att'ys.
Letters of administiation on the estate
of IlarpL-r Campbell, dee'd., late of
Washington twp., Butler coonty, Pa.
having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves indebted
to said e.-tato will jilease make immedi
ate payment, and any having claims
against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement to
E1, 1.a Camfuhi.i,.
C. A. Morris.
North Hope Pa.
W. A. and I-'. Eorquer, attorneys.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Moses Thompson Esq. dee'd,late of Centre
Uvp Butler Co. Pa., having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to -;ai«l estate will
please make immediate payment and any
having claims against said estate will
present them duly authenticated for set
tlement to
Whuam A i.IiSON, Ex'r.
Butler, Pa.
Painter & Murrin att'ys.
The I'ord farm in Donegal twp., near
Millerstown is for sale. It contains
about 150 acres, is well watered and in
good condition! For ternisjinquirc] a
his oiiice
Our Method
Doing Business
We hope will merit vour
patron: ge. Ours is not the
only store in Eatler, but
ac iio try to make it such
, 1 a place to bny your nrugs
. | an.l medicine as lu win
your confidence ami secure
your patronage. Do not
come to our store tor cheap
drugs. We don't keep
I them. Nothing but the
J l>est finds a place in our
store and every .iriicle
! bearing our name is guar
| anteed to be just as renre
' sented or you can i;et your
1 money back. \\ e buy tiie
l*>st, sell the best, keep
the best and recotnmen;
thi best It is this nieth
tx\ that has brought to
our store a large and de
sirable patronage. If you
have never dealt at our
store we would be pleased
to have you call. We try
| everything that is
likely to be ca'.led for in
our but if we should
! not have what you v . t v.: will frankly
tell \i.ii so and will be pleaacd to get it
fott you at the eailies put 1!,!. moment.
We give yea what you want, No substi
■ tiitions pcmiittc'l. Let us li!l your
prescriptions Respectfully,
Diamon<l Bh.ck, Bat'.er Pa.
By virtue of an ali;i> <>rder ni;d deer ♦ of
Orphaiii'Court of Butler Co.. P.:.. made at
No. 30, March l v, . )v . >f said Court, the
r.n«l» i>iuned adniini>trator of the estat
James Crisweil. late of Adams twp., county
ant! state aforesaid, de -'d.. will offer for ->.i!e
at public vendue on the premises on
SATUKDAY. >!A> lsns.
t 1 o'clock p. m.. of said day, all that, certain
tract of iand situate in Auams twp.. Butler
co., state of Penneyivania. liouuded north hy
lands *(.f Coover: heir-« ar.d Sanmel Park,
• by land of Samuel i'ark and Dr. >. < .
*. «-rrett, south l»y laud «»t John Ha it uml
Wm. Purvis, and wes»t I»v T. W. Ken
nedy's heirs: Nev t »n Tierting and Coc vert
heirs, containing l't acres, morenr less: wit i
I frame dwelling house->. one nearly new:
mxl L-.tnk barn and outbuildings, 2
Land situated *4 nnle from Mars and mile
from Powneyviile 011 P. & \Y. By. Conveni
ent to churches and schools. Land in trood
condition and »•'• 11 watered, well adapted t >
eit iser stoirk-raisitiir or .reneral farming [iiir
p;h>e>. supposed to be oil and gas territory if
TEKMS OF SALK One half of the pur
( cluise money to Ik? paid on continuation of
aie by the Court and the other half in one
year thereafter, with interest, to 1m« secun-1
oy bond and mortgage on the premises, with
ur-'vil waivers and »t lomcy's commission.
KOBKUT KiDI). \dm r..
Myoma. Pa.
McJunUin Galbreath Atty's . Butler . Pa.
Notice ot Inquest in Partition.
In the matter of the petition of Rebecca
Barr for partition. In the Orphans* Court
«>f Butler County. Pa., No. 71. March Term.
February 10. ls»*. petition of Bel»ecca Barr
a-a'. ghtei- of Willla i I Kobb. pre> nted.
setting forth that said decedent died seized
certain tract of land, containing 150
acres, mtire or less, situate iu Oakland town
ship. Butler Co.. Pa., which remained undi
vided. and praying foi an inquest of parti
tion. Sir., and citation awarded by t he « ourt.
March 1 s\*s. on motion of 11. 11, r
attorney for petltioin r, a v lit f luouest for
partition was granted. Mow. vou. tne heirs
of t lie said Wm. J. Robb, dec'u., \ l/: Abner
C Kot»b, Mrs. Leah Bell. J« ssie B -11, Coulter
BoiW). Mrs. Mary Hovls, < >»vert Hovis. Isaac
N. Robb. Mrs. it. U Campbell Jefferson
Campbeli, John I! Robb, Jennie llouge.
John llougv. Lincoln M. Robb, Rimer K
R »bb. Mrs. Ella Painter. Howard Painter.
Frank M. Robb, Rela'cca Barr. John 11. Barr.
Mrr.. Hat tie Robb and Ami. Maggie. Mary
Lor i and Walter Robb. minor children of
Jautes G. liobb. dee'd.. are hereby notified
that an Inquest in partition will be held on
the premises described lit the said writ, in
Oakland township. Butler Co.. Pa., on Fri
day. the Ctth day of May. lsiK at the hour of
10 o'clock. A. M., when and where you may
attend if you see proper.
HO! |
V What's the matter with that W
old buggy ot yours .' It looks
It all broken. It will go down J\
jf one of these days, and then V
A your liorsu run away, and A
your friends will be blaming , C
%r providence. Don't do that. r
A Go to Martinconrt & Co' Got { »
It a new set of wheels and shafts , I
V for it, or trade it for a new 1 j
A bnggv. Buggies are t<K> cheap i >
X now to risk your neck riding , I
V in an old rickety thing like 'jf
A that one of j-onrs. And there's | 1
8S your harness, we hadn't no- . L
ticed them. Several places " r
in them need repairing. Take < »
them along too and get them , t
repairetlor buy a new set We " w
A can acconmitKlate yon in eith < »
er. We make and repair all , ?
V kinds of harness, no differ- " r
ence what yon want belong i >
A ing to a driving or team out . t
jf fit, come here Yours re- ' r
A spectfully, {%
X S. B. Martincourt & Co. X
X lis E. Jefferson St , Duller, Pa. X
JL S. B. Martincourt,
V J. M. Leighner. V
\vc all will have to keep up our
spirits—best way to do this is not
to use Lewin's spirits, but Lewin's
pure rye whiskey. We will ship
to any place in the United States.
Guaranteed pure 6 year old
whiskey either Guckenheimer,
Finch, Gibson,Overholt, Large,
Mt. Vernon, Thompson
$i per full quart or u quarts for £5
Grandfather's Choice Whiskey, guar
anteed 3 years old, $2 per gallon.
On C. O. I). or mail orders of $lO or
over, we prepay all charges.
Importers and Wholesalers,
411 Waler St. Opposite U. ii 0. Depot,
Telephone, 2179. l'ittsburg, Pa
-to EACH ROLL -36 "WIDE -
TV7J add to the inflammability I
W lIV of your Dwellingor Busi- '
' i ness Building by the use
of combustible building papers ?
Nr.nKttrn isan : 'hsolut»ly Fire-Proof
nii.md. !i sheathing and can be had
for about the tame cost as "burnable" i
Mnnhuri acts as a barrier to flames, j j
and will not throw off that I
stilling smoke which so endangers life in
case of fire.
fi. W. JOHNS M'F'O CO., *
» Cmc*ao. Phiuoili*hi*.
Farm for sale, near P.utler, 120 acres,
new bank barn, j6,ooc>.
Inquire at tills
f- SAY, i
Douthett & Graham? P
YOUR OWN "AULT, We've been in the clothing
& \ business, in Butler, for five years and it is to f
your interest to know us as we are selling W
the best clothing for the least morey p,
7m of any firm in Butler, You don't
1 j believe ir? Step in and see W A
(/J our store when in town,
A j and we'll prove it to you. *d
tt Oouthett & Graham. H
i>*»i "-^ii
<* SUIT. sizes 33 to 43, #
Your pick for $5.00. \
) Here is a chance of a lifetime r
® to buy a suit at a price unheard c
/ of. taking into consideration \
? the quality of the goods. Look V
0 in our clothing window, the as-\
! ) sortment is large. /
jshaul Sr Nast, I
C 137 South Main St., J
\ üßjler. Pa. |
Special Announcement MAY
For the month of * *
More Goods for Less Money than Ever before.
All litis month a gala month—a bargain opportunity unequaled in the
history of this or any other store. Coine with
confidence, You'll go home satisfied.
Cloaks, Suits, Separate Skirts and Waists.
Most Amazing Values
Ladies' Reefer Suit for J5 oo—value if 7 50
Ladies' Reefer Suit for 6 75 —value 8 50
Ladies' Braided Jacket Suit for 8 50 —value 10 00
Ladies' Lined Jacket for 5 00 —value 7 50
Ladies' Satin Lined Jacket for 8 50 —value 12 00
Ladies' Figured Mohair Skirts for I 00 —value 1 50
Ladies' Figured Mohair Skirts for 2 00 —value 3 00
Ladies' Figured Silk and Satin Skirts lor 4 98— value ..7 50
Ladies' lllack Silk Waist for 2 25 —value 3 00
Ladies' Check Silk Waist for 2 50 —value 3 50
Ladies' Laundered for 39c—sold everywhere for 50
T,ailies' Laundered Waist for 50c—sold everyweere for 75
Ladies' Laundered Waist for 75c and 85c — sold everywhere for 100
Ladies' Laundered Waist for #l.O0 —sold everywhere for xSO
Dress Goods.
25c per yard Black and Colored Satin Berber—value 50
25c per yard All-Wool Black and Colored Serges—value 35
50c per yard 4?-inch Figured Black Mohairs—value 75
50c and 60c Beautiful Novelty Suitings—value 75
75c aod 85c all the new shades in Bieges— value 25
46-inch and 50-inch Black and Colored Serges ind Henriettas at old prices
For Commencement.
Having just returned from the second trip made this Spring to the Eastern
markets, we have secured for your selection all that is new, dainty and attractive
in Wash Goods for Summer and Commencement dresses—beautiful Organdies in
in White and Colored effects, dainty Persian Lawns, Swisses, India Linens, Dimity
.-mil Mull, and all the accessories needed to decorate these dainty Fabrics, as Val
and Torchon Ltces, fine Swiss Ktnbroidered Insertions, all overs and edges,Mousse
line Oe Soie, plain and figured White Silk Taffetas, Satin Duchess, White Kid and
Silk Gloves, Sash Ribbons, Jeweled Belts—Ribbon Bows made free of charge in our
Millinery Department.
n Marry in Haste-Repent at Leisure.
Those who Join Themselves to
aw ISkUsSH Have no Cause for Repentance.
I WE .The Improved D, S. Separator 1
Hi Separates the Cream from the Milk K
fit uot Hust;inJ fr° m fl
Jj? No Jawing from the Women.
; I EAST SIIOKEIIAM, V r., March ■>, 1898.
if All 7/m 1 like the No. s Improved U.S. Separator bought gKt
■/ 'Y Iff mi last year very much. It skims to a trace, and puts fKh
■; // JllT the product ot our dairy in such shape that we have JgK
RLiL W I iff inn realized s» per cent, more from our cows this winter
''isfi* m - r lis than ever before (this is a fact). It has been run for «
a'. / Y I months, and not cost a cent for repairs. The enclosed
m, ' It/ * gearing is, to me, a great thing. I would not have a
Lfifc ml iji'i -V separator that the bowl did not empty itself. The
fcSfe /•* / draft is the lightest of any machine that I ever turned.
fry /•'// and have had experience with two others, riic bowl
83** r/ ■/ i is s<> easy and simple to clean that it does not come
Si* 'i f! Hill'' -J' - * nt(> account. The calves are doing the best that J
Jfcgb: ' cJil HI have ever had them do. No jawing from the women.
■B» Mr, til . This separator makes them always pleasant, for it
WM saves them nine-tenths of the work of the dairy.
fEn I do not write this for your benefit, but for the good of
<BSS f 'jSs*''- '-2 some one who may be trying to decide whether and
HB /' hjs-' what to buy for a'separator. Your sales here show
BH K that some of us are of the same mind on
question. GEOROB THOMAS.
tB& Send for M'ustratcJ Catalogues.
jjjjjj VERMONT FARM MACHINE CO., Bellows Falls, Vt. fflj|
Butler County National Bank,
Hllll e r Pen n,
Capital paid in - - $i x>,000.00
Surplus ami Profits - (114,647.87
Jos. Harlman, President; J. V. Ritts,
Vice President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier;
John G. McMarlin, Ass't Cashier.
/ K<*n<'ral banking huslne transacted*
paid on tiiun <l»»|K>siis.
Money loaned on approved security.
\Y«* Invito you toopou >lll account with this
bank. 4
IHKFrTJKS- Joseph Ilartinan. Hon.
w - Walriron, I>r n M. Hoover. H. llc
! E. Al»ramm ( P Collins I. <».
Mnith. *1 ■ s i lt' 11.I 1 . Ila/lett, M. Piiu»x.ui. W.
11. It rk I is. John llumplmy, l>r. \\.
>!«•< .!mlßon Massi-th. Levi M. Wise
1. V. If lit-
Subscribe for Tbo Citizen.
Butler Savings Bank
13t.itler, Pa.
Capital - [560,000.00
Surplus and I'rofits - - $i 50,000
JOS. UPUItVIS President
J. HENRY TROUTMAN Viee-Preaident
WM. CAMPBELL, Jr ~('a/hier
LOt"IS B. STEIN Teller
MKKCTOKS—.losepii I- Purvis. J. Henry
Tro'-.nnan. W. D.Brandon. W. A. Stein. J.'.S.
Tlio Butler Savings lt;mk Is the Oldest
itnnklni; liistllutlmi! n Hutli-r County,
(ii'iicral hanking business transacted.
Wo «<>l ii-lt accounts of .41 producers, mer
chants, farmers and others.
All b;islnos enirusied to us will receive
prompt at ten Hon.
Interest uald on time deposits.
SubucriLe lor the C;xiz£N.