THE CITIZEN »VILLIAM C. NECLEY - - Publisher THURSDAV, MAY 5, IS9S. REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR CONGRESS DK. J. B. BHOWALTEB, of Millerstown boro FOR ASSEMBLY. JAMES N. MOOSE of Butler. » JOHN DINDISOEB. of Zellenopl «. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. JACOB M. PAINTER, of Butler. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. FRANK E. McQUISTION, of Butler. The Congressional Delegates elected are:— Ist District, John Womer; 2nd. C. M. Brown 3rd. Geo. Maxwell; 4th. H. D Hockenberrv: sth. John Clark: Cth. A L Timblin; 7th, Matt Bippus: Bth. R. M Johnston: 9th T. H. Greer: loth. W. S. Dixon: 11th. C. F. L. McQuistion; l'2th, A. C. Zeigler; 18th, Sid. Weihl; 14th. Joseph Graham; 13th, Renben Shanor WASHINGTON. The general debate on the war-reve nue bill closed in the House at 8:30 P. M., Thursday On Friday the House adopted the war revenue bill, and on Saturday re jected the Senate's amendments to the naval bill, regarding inventions by line officers. The naval bill authorizes the increase of the navy by three seagoing battle ships, each of 11,000 tons displacement, carrying the heaviest armor and most powerful armament, to cost, exclusive of armor and armament. $-{,000,000 •ach: four coast-defence monitors, to cost $1,250,000 each: sixteen torpedo boat destroyers, and twelve torpedo boats, to cost $6,900,000, and one gun boat for the great lakes, to cost 000. Rep. Sbowalter introduced a bill to pension Jas. Graham of Butler SSO a month; also one to pay heirs of John M. Turner SIOO of back bounty. On Monday Simon Frankle was ap pointed P. M. for Chicora. Smith and Roosevelt. The appointment of Charles Emory Smith, editor of the Philadelphia Press, to the position of Postmaster General, is another evidence of the good judg ment of President McKinley. Mr. Smith is a man of commanding ability —editor, orator, statesman and diplo mat. Pennsyl vanians are proud of him. The President, knowing Mr. Smith to be a man of extraordinary mental qual ities, called him in consultation fre quently during the negotiations with Spain. The President could have found plenty of second class men to fill the office of Postmaster General, as the du ties are mechanical and routine, but he wanted Mr. Smith as an advisor. The eminent fitness of Charles Emory Smith for a place in McKinley's Cabi net was recognized by the Senate in a prompt and unanimous confirmation of the appointment. There is not a brain ier man in Mc-Kinley's Cabinet, nor one whose counsel would be more valuable during the present coolness between the United States and Spain. Theodore Roosevelt, Assistant Secre tary of the Navy, has declared his in tention of raising a regiment of cow boys and taking them to Cuba. Roose velt has been a cow boy himself. He is daring and audacious. At the head of a thousand dare-devil ranchmen,every one an athlete and a dead shot, he could create considerable consternation amongst the Spanish forcts in Cuba. They would display energy and courage never dreamed of by the languid sons of sun ny Spain. Theodore Roosevelt is a picturesque I character. He is a scholar, a man of afiairs. and an adventurer. He is ripe for brilliant enterprises and deeds of daring. He will be the Custer of the present war. Hurrah for RooseveltPunxsutaw ney Spirit. HARRISBURG On Monday B J. Haywood turned the State Treasury over to J. S. Bea com; but the formal transfer of the State funds has not yet I>een made. The deposits in two defunct Philadel phia banks will have to be made good before Beacom receipts for the money. f One is the Peoples Bank, which held $505,000 in State funds when its doors were closed. The other is the Chest nut Street National Bank, which owes Father Penn $215,(W0. Resolutions of Respect. Resolutions of respect passed bv the board of directors of the Butler County Mutual Fire Insurance Company on the death of their president I)r. William Irvine, of Evans City, Pa. WHKREAS, It has pleased an all wise Providence to remove from our midst, by death, Dr. William Irvine, therefore be it. Resolved, That in his death we have lost the energetic and devoted head of our organization; an able and faithful member, whose example is well worthy of imitation; that we will ever cherish his memory ns one whose sterling qual ities endeared him to all. Resolved, That in this our first meet ing, we take occasion to express our profound sorrow and heartfelt sympa thy to the family which has lost a lov ing husband and father, bowing in hum ble submission to the will of God, and directing the bereaved to our Heavenly Father, who has said "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Resolved, That these resolutions be spread on the minutes of the organiza tion, be published in the county papers and a copy furnished his family Committee- 11. J. Klingler, George Ketterer and George Renno. Fair view Facts. Peter Steighner of our town has made arrangements to go to Reynolds ville Jefferson county. We will miss him The Spanish war is all the talk of the town here, and nil claim loyality to the American Hag. The Social at the winding up of our town school was well patronized. The proceeds amounted to $25. Way McKeo came home from the Armstrong gas field on last Saturday to see his family. W P. Jamison is still confined to close quarters at home on account of reumatic pains which are very severe. County school Stipt. Cheeseman was in town la*t Thursday night issuing certificates to our town graduates, those who received them were J. B. Sherard. Bessie Campbell, and Maud Daubenffyeok. J. C. ' McKee and wife on Tuesday drove to Coylesville on a visit to his mother and brother, Will McKee. Wm, Elenberger and wife last Friday returned from a long visit with friends in Washington county. Ella Maxwell is visiting with her sis ter Mrs. Palmer at Carnegie. All Sabbath School workers are cor dially invited to attend the S S. Dis triet convention at Bruin next Tuesday the 10th inst. Edward Byers came on last week from < irov«- city school and remained over Sunday with his pareuts. DfciN'r. 1 * REMEMBERED THE MAINE. COMODORE DEWEY'S GREAT VICTORY AT THE PHILIPPINE CAPITAL. HOW DEWEY DID IT. X \ \ Commander Dewey, of the United States Asiatic squadron, engaged the Spanish fleet in Manila bay last Sun day and gained a decided victory, practically destroying all of Spain s ships. The American fleet arrived off Manila, capital of the Phillipine Islands Saturday night after dark, and, forced a passage early next morning, took up positions and opened up a strong fire on Fort Cavite and the arsenal. The forts from shore answered with their batteries, while outside the bay the Spanish fleet stole up on the attack ing force and opened fire. There was a terrific interchange of shots, but it soon became evident that the Spanish admiral, Montejo, was copeing with a superior enemy, and the Americans' well-directed shots soon be gan to tell upon his ships and men. The Spaniards seemed paralyzed with excitement and fear, their projec tiles fell wide of the mark, there was confusion on board, orders were mis understood and at every point there was half-hearted work. Against them was an enemy fight ing for their very lives. The neutral ity decree of Great Britain had driven Commander Dewey and his seven ves sels out of Hong Kong; he had sailed over 600 miles from that point to Man ila; Japan had in the meantime closed her porta to the fleet by a neutrality de cree; homeless and friendless, without a port or shelter to the right or left, with only the sky above and the water be neath. Commander Dewey had the al ternative of wasting his coal and sup plies, and drifting, drifting, perhaps to become a rrrey of the Spaniards, or of seizin g the enemy s stronghold and us ing it as a base of supplies and for fu ture operations. And over and above it all was the watchword, '"Remember the Maine." Dewey chose the latter alternative. His was the spirit to do or die. And this was the spirit of every man in his fleet. When the American vessels sighted Manila the command was given, "strip for action." No excitement, no con fusion. Cooly and carefully the final preparations were made, and though there was evident prospect of action, no demeiistration was made, no unneces sary word was spoken. There was in tense but subdued excitement. As the ports of Manila and Cavite hove into sight the guns of the two ad vance cruisers were trained on the bat tery of Manila and fired an eight-inch projectile each. The first two shots fell short of the mark. Not so, how ever, the next two. The American gunners' aim sent them with unerring accuracy against the works, and there was a crumbling of old stones and mor tor and a great cloud of dust. The short batteries returned fire, but their aim was inaccurate, and theii projectiles simply whizzed through the rigging. In the meantime the rear vessels of the squadron were made the target of the guns of the Spanish squadron which, hitherto if hiding, had sailed in to sight around the upper end of the bay. Commander Dewey, standing on the bridge of his flagship, the Olympia, di rected his first efforts to the Spanish flagship, the Reina Marie Christina, carrying the Spanish Admiral Montejo. He opened witherering fire upon her. His six-inch and-eight inch guns did most awful work. His rapid fire guns, describing a semi circle, crashed through the Christina's rigging and swept the Spaniards completely off their feet. Finally a great shell was burled against the ironclad which landed squarely on the deck, scatter ing death on every hand. The Span iards' fire grew weaker and weaker, and their shct became more and more scat tered. Suddenly a great tongue of flame burst out of the Christian's vitals: her commander, Captain Codaiso, al ready lay stretched upon the deck a corpse. Admiral Montejo, seeing all hope gone, and desiring to escape the captain's Tate, hurriedly give orders to quit the ship, and boarding his launch he transferred his flag to the Isle of Cu ba, while the Christia was left to her fate. The Spanish squadron now with drew, Commander Dewey, though not suffering damage to his ships, had a number of wounded men whom he de sired to land 011 the west side of t he bay. While he was trying to effect a landing the Spanish fleet which had apparently withdrawn, again moved up and opened fire. Catching Commander Dewey unawares, their first shots caused loss of life and some injury to the American. But Dewey s recovery was instant. A broadside was now poured into Mon te-jo's fleet, the rapid lire guns fairly sweeping everything within range. Another shell and the Don Juan de Austria's commander fell mortally wounded, while with a thunderous roar his vessel was blown into the air. Meantime the batteries at Cavite were not silent. They poured a steady storm of shot and shell into the attaek ing fleet. Some fell wide, some struck. The battle now became a desperate one. Commander Dewey had not only the Spanish squadron's fire to contend with, but that of the forts of Manila and Cavite. It was "fire, fire, lire. " And there was fire. The Spanish ves sels Mindanao and L'llote received a broadside, and were so badly damaged they withnrew. Flames burst out of the Spanish cruiser Castilla, and the other ships withdrew fiom the battle, but not 1111- till a number of the smaller ones were sunk rather than to fall into the en emy's hands. On Monday Commodore Dewey de manded the surrender of Manila. Gen eral Auguste refused to comply with the demand, so Dewey opened fire nimn Manila a and Cavite, razing the latter to the ground, and setting fire to the form er. Later, the Spanish government, it was stated, has cabled General Auguste to yield to the American demands for snrrc-nder. The details of the awful havoc wrought by the American fleet at Ma nila Monday art* trickling through slow ly owing to the interrupted cable ser vice The overwheling defeat of the Span ish could at first hardly be credited, owing to the influence of the hitherto contemptuous tone of everything eman - a ting from Madrid regarding the Unit ed States and her forces. The constant ridicule aimed at the American navy, the extravagantly belittling expressions of "brag and bluster'" when referring to Americans, and the hypocritical bold front assumed by Spanish officials when making reference to their own abilities, had begun to create a suspicion, perhaps a conviction that after all the big re public across the seas was much overra ted and was only a blubbering bully. When, therefore, the news was first cabled from Spanssh sources that an engagement had taken place, and that the results to the Spaniards were serious the conclusion was at once reached that not the half was told, and the general feeling now is that when the full extent of the damage is known it can be only expressed by the words "annihilation, extinction/' * The courage and almost reckless dar ing of Commodore Dewey calls forth unbounded admiration. The entrance to Manila bay is about live miles wide and is protected on either side by semi powerful shore batteries. The infonna tion had gon" out and must certainly have been known to Dewey that the bay was heavily mined with torpedoes and other submarine explosives. But little cared the undaunted Ameri can for either. Led bj the flagship, the Olympia, his fleet passed into the bay, ignoring Spanish shot ami shell, though they llew thick and fast, occasionally whizzing over the decks, but mostly splashing in the water. And once in side the bay it was there to stay. Two points seem to stand out in bold relief. First, that the United States vessels, though of comparatively small displacement, were in every way, both as givers and takers of punishment, the infinite superiors of the Spanish ships, and secondly, that the personnel of the Americans, as regards accuracy in fir ing and perfect discipline, was of the highest order. The first engagement bxik place at daybreak, and lasted two hours. The forts kept up an unceasing fire, supple mented later on oy the attack of the op posing fleet. At the end of the two hours the Spanish admiral Montejo was practically vanquished. His flagship was gone, her commander was a corpse, the cruiser Castilla, next in size and power to the flagship, was burned to the water's edge, and the powerful Don Juan de Austria was blown up. A most remarkable feature of this first engagement, and one that showed the marvelous coolness of the Ameri cans in face of danger, was the skillful maneuvering oi Commodore Dewey's fleet. Instead of remaining stationary as target-; for Spanish guns, Dewey kept bis vessels in motion constantly, thus puzzling and confusing the gunners 011 shore and ship, and making accurate marksmr.nspip for them an iinpossibili- The American Meet now withdrew to their transjiort for the purpose of coal ing and giving the crews an opportuni ty to recuperate and to attend to the wounded, of which there was a small number. Admiral Montejo, who after the loss of the Reina Christina had transferred his command to the Isle de Cuba, think ing this meant a withdrawal from the contest, opened fire again. Dewey an swered, and the fight was 011 once more. Desperate and furious was the inter change No breathing spells, no time to measure di-tance-' nor to take steady aim. It was load, lire, crash, diopping men, spattering blood, flames and sink ing ships. Swift and decisive. The Sp.ini sh cruiser Don Antonio de Ulloa, was damaged beyond repair, as was the gunboat Mindanao. Three other of the smaller Spanish craft were deliberately sunk, and Admiral Montejo ordered "Cease Fire." It was all over as far as the Spanish fleet was concerned. Commodore Dewey now communicat ed with the British consul, E. H. Ran son Walker, and through him conveyed a mesrage to General Auguste, governor general of the Philippines, demanding that he surrender at once the torpedoes, guns and all ammunition, together with the possession of the cable service, on penalty of a bombardment of the city. General August-) conferred with his tinder officials, in the mean time'prohih iting the dispatch of cable messages. A further conference was then had with the British consul and the agent of the telegraph corporation, and the governor general decided he would not comply with the demands for surrend er. The United States fleet then took up a position in front of Manila for the purpose of bombardment, news or which rapidly spread through the city. Tin- inhabitants ljerame terror strick en, and gathering up what valuables they coold -riz«• fled to the country. Even the operators engaged in the ca ble company's offices deserted their posts and hastened to places of safety. At Cavite the demoralization was simply indescribable when Commander Dewey's intentions regarding an attack upon Manila become generally known. The officials" attempted to becalm the frightened inhabitants, but their efforts were futile. Th'-re was one grand exodons to points lying outside tin range of the American guns. After formal notice to the consuls Commodore Dewey 's guns were trained on IK>th Cavite and Manila The former suffered most. Shot after shot was planted in the grief-stricken city. l-'ire was returned from the bat teries, but all to 110 ayail. The city was virtually razed to the ground. At Manila an exploding shell did aw ful damage, and a portion of the city was soon in flames. General Auguste -was in constant communication with Madrid all day, furnishing details of the disastrous at taeks, and asking for instructions. There was intense anxiety in Hong Kong to hear'direct from Commander Dewey. A dispatch boat from his fleet could hardly reach there before Wed neday, and unless he was able in the meantime to for his way into Manila and seize the cable office there could lie no direct woul from him till then, aud reliance must be placed upon what the consuls at Hong Kong can obtain from the Phillipines. Other Events of the Week. On Thursday the North Atlantic ' Squadron bombarded the Spanish forts at Matanzas, and soon silenced the bat teries. The marksmanship of our gunners is ssiid to have.been excellent. It was gen erally believed that the movement was perliininary to the seizure of the port as a base of operations. The government purchased several large steamers for transporting troops. The rainy season dots not begin for sev eral weeks yet. All the regiments of the regular army were being recuited to to their full strength. A Spanish steamer laden with provisions was cap tured and taken to Key West. Regular troops were being hurried from Chickamaugua to Tampa. On Friday the regular army was be. ing concentrated at Tampa, a port on the west coast of Florida. Admiral Dew ey s squadron was in the waters of the Phillipines; and the Spanish squadron was yet Cape Verde Islands. On Saturday Tampa was filled with troops, and provisions were arriving by the train load. Matanzas was still spoken of as the point of landing in Cuba. Admiral Dewey's squadron was seen oft the Phillipine islands. The New York fired at some Spanish calvary near Havana. The Spanish fleet at Cape Verde islands was reported to have sailed. The San Francisco left New York harbor to join the northern par trol squadron. The "Flying Squadron was yel at Hamptom Roads patiently awaiting orders. Word was received at Washington of the arrival of the Oregon at Rio Janerio. On Tuesday the President was wait ing for word from Dewey, who was re ported to have occupied Manila, but the Spaniards probably cut the cable before leaving the town. Our govern ment will probably send an army from San Francisco to occupy Manila. The people of Madrid were on the verge oI revolution; cries of "Down with the Bourbons," and "Long live the Re public'' were heard everywhere, and martial law was declared. On Wednesday Adaairals Sampson and Schley received orders to bombard Man tanzas and make ready there for the landing of the army. The Oregon sailed from Rio. The Spanish fleets were yet in the vicinity of the Cape Verde and Canary islands. There was rioting in the Provinces of Spain. OUF BOYS IN CAMP, C;>. 12, loth Itcgimeut, Camp Hastings. CHAUTAUQUA I\ 0., LEBANON Co., P.\. APRIL 28, 1898 Sixty-eight sad hearts were carried away from Butler when the train which bore Co. E and the rest of the Fif teeth Regiment palled out at Bp. m. of the •J7th inst. Sixty-eight would lie multi plied thousands of times to number all the heavy hearts and tearstained faces in Pfnnsyvania that evening. After the train was under way the boys of Co. E gradually revived their spirits by patriotic songs. There was very little sleep in our car that night, the time was put in singing, shouting and playing cards There were no mis haps, except that Clarence Graham lost a shoe. He don't know how he did it and no one s'.ems able to tell him. "Swipes' now goes with one shoe o(T and one shoe on. There were no drunks in Co. E, and before we left the cars a train employee said "you- are the de centest ciowd of soldiers I ever struck, your car is the cleanest.'' The citizens of towns between Batler and Blairsville cheered us and shot off fire works as we passed. We arrived in Harrisburg about ten o'clock Thursday morning. The Four teenth of Pittsburi' had jnst come in al so. The ovation we received was tre menilioUH, dense crowds, cheering, bunds, etc. Gov. Hastings marched down past our cars, greeting us. A chimes somewhere in the city struck up different National airs. Church bells playing tunes was something new to most of the Untler boys. Those chimes can't riritf too much. We arrived at Camp Hastings, Mount Gretna, on a branch road ten miles south of Lebanon at noon. It was sleeting at the time and the ground was white with snow. We didn't calculate on camping in the snow on first day out to free tropical Cuba. Mount Gretna- the Chautauqua of Pennsylvania is situated in the virgin forest among the Blue Ridge hills. If is a completely outfitted mountain re sort. There are three small lakes (like ly artificial ones); large springs of pure water, a great rollyeoaster, a pavillion that will seat at least one thousand people, dance halls, and two score, large comfortable summer cottages. We were marched into the pavillion, lunch ed, and then ordered out to the delight ful occupation of laying out a camp and pitching tents in the rain and mud. The rain was wonderfully cold and wet. And that mud' It was red as iron ore, and more itickey than the stickiest glue, and incessant tramping made it shoe deep. However there are some brighter features of ('amp Hastings. We are devoutly thankful for the shelter of the pavillion and halls. And the inclement weather procured for us the privilege of sleeping the first night in empty cot tages. Some regiments had to sleep on the ground. The woods here are full of all manner of spring flowers, anemone, violets, arbutus, etc., and juneberry trees in full bloom. Taking all together, if camping at Mount Gretna will free Cuba, we v.-ill consent to stay here till next winter. Auotlit r thing worth noting is that although we were turned out in the rain and mud. inseparable partners in making the shelterless, uncomfortable and downhearted, not a man among us was heard to complain or whimper, but everyone was as cheerful and pleasant as possible. We are Americans and we can rough it if we must. FHIDAY, Ai'Kil. i 9: Co. E's boys all had a good night's rest in the cottages. It did not rain, but the, day has been cold and cloudy. We had coffee and the remainder of our Butler lunches for breakfast, bread and coffee for supper. We can drink the latter by the quart here. We completed our company camp this morning. Some tents had to be torn down, because by orders of the engineers we had encroached on the Eighteenth regiment's ground. Camp Hastings extends more than n mile on a long rollintrridge facing west. The Third brigade forms the right and north of the camp, nest to the pleasure grounds; Second brigade in the middle, and the First on the left aud south. Division headquarters. Gen. Snowden's, are on a high knoll to the east and over look the whole camp. The Philadelphia regiments of the First brigade were the last to come in, and the whole Division was emcamped by noon today. The Second brigade is composed of the 15th. 10th. lsth, 14th. 16th and sth regiments. The 15th Regt. is composed of Cos. A aud C of Erie. B of Meadville, Kof Greenville. G of Sharon, F of Grove City, D of Clarion aud E of But ler. After our tents were all up, we went forageing for boards and straw to make beds of. Since we are soldiers, we all believe in the questionable maxim, "The Lord helps those who help them selves," so we all help ourselves as liberally as possible. Some walked three miles to a little village, ottr near est town, to get straw. Others went to the nearest farm house, nearly two miles away, and bought worthless mouldy clover hay at the rate of a cent a pound: coming back they saw Brig. Gen. Wiley, aided by some staff officers, pitching his tent like any sl3 a month man. One officer bore a great rent in the seat of his pants as gracefully as any private could. Some of the boys made beds of spruce boughs, and these are the best beds. Light drill this afternoon. This evening bands are playins', some boys are sing ing. some playing cards, some reading, some writing. In the next tent they are discussing religion. We rejoice at the successes of the American seamen. The general wish is to go to the front. All think of the "folks at home," some a great deal and perhaps some not so much. SATURDAY, APRIL 30th- Reveille at 5:30 a. m. everybody woke up cold and stiff, but the sun came up clear and warm, a dry breeze is blowing and we have onr first nice day in camp. Break f ast on bread, coffee, onions and sugar. Every body called out to police the camp and the streets and tents are now in first class order Sick call at 7:30. Dr. Martin's hospital tent is full, but there are no Co. E boys there yet. The first guardmount was held at 8 a. m. Del Hindman was selected for regimental color guard for the day. The best and neatest looking soldiers are selected for color gnard and orderly Co. E invariably captures these honors. Company drill at 0. A troop of cavalry was drilling off to the east. The long line of horsemen moving like machinery makes a very pretty sight. Four of the boys skipped off to Leb anon last night on a little lark. They will likely hear something drop before through with it. We have just received our first mail from Butlei. Letters, the CITIZEN* and other papers are being eagerly read. We are very thankful to our Bntler friends for remembering ns so prompt ly- Hurrah! we have a raise in our menu! Roast beef and bean soup for dinner. The company will be increased to eighty men when we enlist. Every man here wants to go to the front if he can pass-the Army examination. Some are likely to be rejected though and we will need probably thirty new men from Bntler county. We are afraid the U. S. authorities will reduce Capt. McJun kin and Lieuts Mechling and Scott, and give us regular army officers. We will kick against it, but all will go in no matter what happens. Glad to hear of the new company at home. Regimental drill at '2 p. m. There are some visitors this afternoon. Discipline is tightening down on us a good deal stricter than !t ever was at fomer camps. SUNDAY,MAY I—The regular routine of camp duties proceeds as at former encampments. However there will likely be a ehango before long. Last evening a fire started in woods on the ridge of us and after burning over two miles of brush, died out. It lit up our camp and everyone turned out on the hill to watch it. Later the "blister gang" broke loose in Cos E and <», pulled everybody out of bed and spanked them with leggins. Some of the boys are well branded and blistered this morning. One tent-moss resisted and their tent was pulled down over them. Then Captain called the "blister gaug" down and sent them to bed in disgrace. Two Y. M. C. A. tents were set up last night. They are well supplied with rlesks, chairs and reading material and organs. Services were conducted by Chaplin Hays, of Meadville, at eleven this morning. The whole regiment was lined np around his tent and received a healthfully simple and impressive sennon. The day has been warm and clear and the camp crowded with thousands of visitors from Philadelphia, Harrisbnrg and nearby towns. The Third brigade was reviewed this afternoon and our Second brigade at six this evening. Last night's fire drove many snakes out of the woods. A Tenth boy captured a large blacksnake and paraded about with the thing around his neck. Chailes Regelman. a young bov from Pittsburg, has been with Co. E since we came here and will probably go south witn ns. MONDAY, MAY *2 A cold o years. STEUBGEN May 'J, 1838, infant daughtei of W. J. Steubgenof Saxon burg, aged 8 months. OBITT'ARY NOTES. Samuel Wright, a well known citizen cf Connoquenessing twp, was found dead in the woods near his home last Monday morning. He left his house, Sunday afternoon, for a walk in the woods, and was not seen again until found dead. He was alwut 50 years of age, and was troubled with heart dis ease. More Wanamaker Revelations (From Our Own Correspondent.) Harrisburg. May 3.—Despite the noise of battle and the Spanish war, that other war, the battle for pure poli tics and freedom from boss rule that Is being waged by ex-Postmaster Gen eral John Wanamaker goes steadily on. Mr. Wanamaker's unflinching purpose to drive the rascals out of power in Pennsylvania is as firm as ever. And yet on the other hand, Mr. Wan amaker has not given up his project of organizing and equipping a regiment for the Spanish war. It is likely that this week will see the first step in that direction. The wonderful patriotism of this man is shown in more ways than one. Every campaign speech that ho makes has for its introduction a splen did ten minutes' talk on the Spanish war. And there is no let up in the vast crowds that go to hear Mr. Wana maker. He is received everywhere with the warmest approbation and every night he assails the Quay ma chine and the bosses from a new stand point. On Thursday night last he spoke to 1000 people in West Chester, despite the fact that there was a driv ing rain storm outside and that the public heart of West Chester was largely with its soldier boys who left that day for Mt. Gretna. In his speech that night Mr. Wanamaker said: The chief object my friends had In inviting me to speak to you this even ing was to discuss with you subjects more particularly connected with the state government of Pennsylvania. Within our own borders there are not a few waging another war—not for spoils. Pennsylvania has fallen from her old time greatness. The story is a long one—4o years long. It is the work of a triumvirate, father, son and pupil. The conspira tors entail their hard conditions upon the state, and these conditions grow heavier and threaten to overpower the people for the sake of politicians and corporations. Outright frauds in elections, open bribery of legislators, outrageous transactions with the taxpayers' money on pay rolls, overcharges by public servants and contractors are not only common scandal, but uncom mon loss to our badly-governed and over-taxed people. The recent revelations to the public of vast sums of the public money ex posed to kiss in the Chestnut Street bank after common warning and the tragedy that drew aside the curtains of the People's bank, supposed to con tain over half a million dollars of tax paid money, until the curtains were quickly drawn bark again by its presi dent, who pitifully pays for the silence held to lj" a part of the program of Pennsylvania politicians, are not new to you. In November, 18*1, when the war was hardly under wav and gross frauds were unearthed In the war department, Senator Grimes wrote to Senator Fes senden: "We are going to destruction as fast as Imbecility, corruption and the wheels of time can carry us. Charges were made against the Secre tary of War (then Senator Cameron) and he was relegated to Russia. Whether he profited personally by the stealings is unknown to me. Certainly Lincoln did not think so. but of this I know and speak deliberately, without malice or prejudice, that since 18G1 the wheels of Pennsylvania's government have rolled backward, and the Cam erons and the Quays have been re sponsible therefor. Whether done by them in person or through Andrews and other well-p »id servants, they are equally respons' ftie. How they have benefited person ally is no secret to not a few who know the workings of the state treas ury, through the uncovering of the People's bank methods and practices. It Is hard to determine where to begin and harder still to know where to stop in the long, pitiful story of the state's disgrace and losses through the boss system now engrafted almost perma nently upon our great slate. PATRIOTISM OF QL'A Y TYPR. Senator Quay's patriotism Is of the kind that does not reach above self. Everything in Pennsylvania Is sub ject to his political rule, and during the present crisis from llrst to last he has preyed like a vulture on the patriot ism of the people and of his party for his own political and private ends. In this hour when the young men of our state and land are marching for humanity and freedom it should be known over the length and breadth of this state that Senator Quay has not scrupled to play the traitor to patriot ism. I charge, on what is the best tes timony that can be obtainable, that S« nator Quav was e member of u senatorial combine to defeat the wishes of President M< Kinley. That the meet ings of this combine to assist the Democrats and Populists were for the most part held in Senator Quay's room in the Capitol; that all the time l*e was in league with this combination he was protesting to his friends, and those whom he wished to deceive, that he was not In sympathy with the move ment and wanted It beaten, but that the sentiment of Pennsylvania demand ed that he oppose the president. Moreover, as still further showing his deception and political trickery, he was at the satin- time, while making these protestations, sending telegrams to his ward heelers and political work els In Phlladi lphia urging them to telegraph their congressmen to sup port him—Quay—In Ills warfare against the president. Can you conceive of a more shame ful or perfidious piece of treachery to the president of the United States In this hour of peril? Hut there !s one other charge antedating tills fine . hlch amount! almost to treason. I I vo the facts as they were publicly •(-ported at the time of their occurrence. You all know with what speed and liaste th government wns compelled to purchase yuns and hurry along plans for strengthening our navy and coast defenses. I charge, jind my authority la a IradliiK and refutable newspaper, that .Henator Quay was prepared to, and did do, all that luy In his power to de lay the paaagr of the naval appropria tion bill; holding back legislative ac tion that wan designed to strengthen this country against the assaults of foreign foes. And for what purpose? That he might revenge himself on the senate and house ut reoresentatlVfl* for their failure to pay the price de manded for armor plate by IJVJUC OF the great OOPfWratlofiS of Ponr.avlvntilt and the head of one of which t day in a resident, ss he ts also a native born of a land beyond the s->a; fur the sake of a great corporation which it Is al leged is a liberal contributor to Sena tor Quay he was prepared to damage American interests for revenge FREEDOM THE RIGHT OF ALL. Emperors and despots read their doom in the advancement of intelli gence the world over. No man was born to be a slave. The dynasties of Europe, that have ensured for centur les. totter on their foundations, and the time is not distant when titled aristoc racy will cease to usurp the rights of honest people. Pennsylvania has oeen ruled for 40 years by political despots, avaricious, cruel and corrupt. The chains of Doitical servitude have been welded tighter and tighter until every llinb and muscle has felt the steeled imprisonment. Yet many political monarchs and monarchies, that for a time have flourished, have been overthrown when .met by their deadliest foes—education and enlight enment —and the time Is not far dis tant when no Quay nor Andrews will Uare to lift a murderous hand to strike down tha poitical liberties and material interest■ of the Republicans of Penn sylvania The swords of corporations, misused ®«tilic funds and political pat ronase are not to forever menace Pensylv;u»ia's greatnes. We will not be discouraged if we have maay Bull Runs. There is sure to bu a» Appomattox. The militia of April wi» become the regulars of No vember. The deeper 1 get into the se crets UM the more I learn of the methods «t this consolidated man hood destroying and character attack ing political crowd in Pennsylvania, the moiV I appreciate v.-hy men hesi tate to stand up straight and fight. It takes courage to face the Spanish bullet. Lut for s< me men it takes greater courage to face the reputation destroying. character smirching, good name assassinating bullets of the ma chine batteries. Today we see the ma chine doubling and redoublirg itsefforts and money to turn back the rising tide of condemnation, and when we see their citadels of strength being shaken we know that the day of emancipation is near at hand. History has shown that political bosses have appeared strongest when they were nearest their end. Ross Tweed was thought to be unconquer able six months before his power was broken, and while he was in the very shadow of the penitentiary, and Boss John Y. McKane never lost an election while he had his liberty. He defied the warnings of an outraged people and scoffed at threatened justice until a few days before he put on the prison st.ri o»s. I have shown that part No. 1 of the system is the state treasury, the great central storehouse from which Is dis seminated wholesale corruption. I have spoken of part No. 2 of the polit ical system as the place controlling and office promising branch, which commands a premium for the olace and compels official rottenness and slavery to satisfy the avarice and greed of the bosses. I have analyzed part No. 3 of that political system as a great combination to suppress legiti mate legislative news and distort ac tual facts relating to government. Part No. 4 is the combined inlluence of the great corporations always on the side of the bosses. Part No. 5 is the both lavish and almost rckless use of vast sums of corruption money. Part No. ti is the official legislation to protect favored politicians organized in speculations enabling them to com mit crimes without fear of punishment. INDEPENDENCE A CRIME. It is a fact, though a Pennsylvanlan should blush to say it, that any person who may try to protect the honor and guard the interests of his state, by op posing the Quay machine, takes his business interests, his reputation and almost his Ufa in hts own hands. No sooner does a man show independence und re-fuse to indorse the misdeeds of the political machine than he is taken in hand to be disciplined. If he is the employs of a corporation he is threatened with discharge; if he Is a merchant he is boycotted; if he is a clerk the head of the Arm Is notified that he must be suppressed; if he Is In terested in a corporation the company's interests are threatened; If he is a di rector or stockholder In a bank large customers are found to threaten the withdrawal uf their business; If he Is a physician good patrons object; If he is a lawyer Ills clients are given orders and threaten to leave him; If he Is a preacher members of his congregation protest; if a man daring to be inde pendent of political dictation is In debt he Is threatened by those who hold his obligations. This is not the result of accident, but of method. MEN THE MACHINE FEARS. It Is the result of a carefullv plan ned and manipulated system that ex tends into every county In the state and reaches all classes of business. It Is every day and every year working machinery; manned by a host of politi cal retainers who report to the central office the first symptoms of machine In subordination. and who are expected to advise ways and means of applying the silencing and crushing pressure. Hut there is a class of men beyond these Influences that the machine must reach. They aro men who have to their credit long years of honorable professional and business records; men who are leaders in their respective communities; men whose very names are synonyms for Integrity and char acter; men whom ordinary considera tion will not move. These men aro a constant menace to the existence of the machine, and methods must be found to keep them from taking an active Interest in politics. To Influence these men is to set In motion the character torpedo, the repu tation smirching and the good name destroying machine. It is worked by the hands of a gang of place holders and place seekers who risk nothing by trying to rob honest men of characters. It la a warning of what all who pro test must encounter. The blackmailer begins to operate That most con temptible of human beings—the anony mous letter writer starts his miser able work. The scandal peddler, a moral outcast. labors systematically to poison society with Innuendo, insinua tions and base lies. FALSE ACCUSATIONS MAOE Detective agencies, composed of low tools and thugs, are hired at great ex pense to clog the footsteps of those who dare wotk against the machine. They are paid to fabricate stories, invent false evidence against nny one whom Ilia machine may wish to destroy. Any mart who causes trouble Is sure to feel their vengeance. Those connected In any way with the persons of their special hatred are not safe. The youth or the aged are not spared. They do not care for the gray haired mother or Innnocent children, and this Is why men dare not light. Any man who enters the arena of Pennsylvania politics to day against the machine will not es cape It Thus do they arrogate to themselves the sols right to your offices and assault you if you venture toward your own door. It is one of the most powerful ad juncts to the great Itepublican political machine In Pennsylvania today. Men of Chester, are you satisfied? Are you willing to surrender, without a strug gle, your right to have ambltlors? Are you willing to give consent that your sons shall be debarred from public office or public life unless they sacrifice their integrity and theli honor upon the nllar of political slavery and corrup tion? Is It not time that you Join with us in driving away these flocks of ma chine paid vultures who peck and caw at the reputations of honest men to try and make the world believe thut they have found food filthy enough for their depraved palates? C* i ift> Is the basis of good health, " M«C steady nerves, mental, P I - » J physical and digestive DIUUU htrength. if you are ner vou-i, crri "h und purify your blood with Hood: "ar jarilia. If you are weak, have in' i; " lc and desire to be strong, hen I hj vigorous, tnke Hood's Sar- Bapuriila. v inch will tone your stomach, create un apatite M nd build you up. Hood S pariHa The I'.r « t«4 dtltdoti. mi POWDER Absolutely Pure RCVAI RAKINtt PO*Df R CO . YORK The Fate of The Maine. So one doubts now ljut that the Maine was blow up with a mine or torpedo, and it Is with Krt'at effort that our Leader is holding In chirk the American people when they think they are in the right it is almost impossible to stop them. It Looks Like War hut we must go on and do business all the same, our stock this spring is fully one half larger than ever before and there is going to be some great shoe selling this spring We are in shape to meet your wants at lower prices than ever before. Our Line of Tan Shoes Must tie seen to tie apprieated. Ladies' Tant?hoes from flfic to Men's Tan Shoes from fl.Sft to Boy's Tan Shoes from 9Hc to $2 50. Child's Tan Shoes from 48c to #I.OO. See all our lines before you buy. Big out in prices in every de partment. Repairing Done Promptly. C.E. MILLER. ii. (V it. here's the inducements This store offers to make it pay you to buy your shirt waists here: large assortments choice styles less prices Collection of Shirt Waists here, 40c to f.L75, as emphatic evidence of it—in cluding nil sorts of pretty materials— Madras, Percales, Piques, I.i.iens, Mulls and all the dressy summer fabrics. As sortments of coloring and designs sur passirg an y we know of. Shirt Waists one dollar that we think you'll say are world Wat ers for value, | Handsome Shirt Waists between One and Two dollars, Swell "St«r" Shirt Waists $1.50 to J3. All you need do is give us an idea of your preference we'll give you the ben efit ol our best judgment in selecting— and you'll save money. Most interesting collection Fine Ging hams, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35c— bun-1 dreds of styles -Other good Ginghams 6 I*4c up- New catalogue ready soon—have we your address so you'll get a copy? Boggs & Buhl ALLEGHENY, PA. Buy Direct from Manufacturers The KING GUARANTEED Single Tube Tire. Light and 1 ,- ast yet Strong and Durable. $5 00 Per Pair. The King Mfg. Co , Office KM Arch St., I'hilaUelpbla, I'a. M. C. WAGNER, ARTIST, PHOTOGRAPHER. 139 South Maiujstreet Over Shaul & Nngt'u Clothing Store Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next Door to Court House, Butler, I'a. F S S WOOL TO SELL WRITE TO W. F. RUMBERGER, Cui' A. Trout mail's Soi»». lU'TLER. I'A \VM WALKKH. < IIAH. A. McELVAIN Walker & McElvain, 4IKNKKAI. DEAI.KHfI IN REAL ESTATE, OIL PROPERTIES RENTS ETC. KETTERnt lU'll.lMNtl, Ol'P. I'OSTOrriCr. C!-* upecinllreil Tire nib winning F.du-tUi n. t Off Ct+Ct'l A** APVIV rc i\ in rr ,v so.vs. s-u imu aycw, IITTSUVSO. PA. | Everything for Your;[ I House. || I I sfifcy/ ) T ) Carpet Buying ) MADE EASY C If you buy them here. Little trouble J to make a selection from our stock. y Patterns the newest and prices the C lowest, if you consider quality. ) INGRAIN CARPETS f \ \m f \ or ' Room / ' r Sitting Room C The prices range ; to 90c S BRUSSELS CARPETS ( For your Parlor or Library. Prices ✓ from J> 50c to $1.25 S VELVET CARPETS r The most popular floor covering N we're showing this season for a high ( grade carpet. The price is ) SI.OO C LINOLEUMS / For your Kitchen, Piiitry or Bath \ Room. Price / 45c per yard \ OIL CLOTHS f In one yard, one yard and a half ( J and two yard widths. Price C 25c up 1 \ LACE CURTAINS C In White or Ecru—the newest, J things—are here. Plain centers C with lace borders. A nice Red < y P-oom Curtain costs ) 75c a pair | Come in and Look Around. J CAMPBELL & ( TEMPLETON, $ BUTLER. FA. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Q 11. PIERSOL, U. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office at No. 104 East Diamond St. IT H. GOUCHER. II • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Mi chell building. ALEX RUSSELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office- with Newton Black, Esq. South Diamond Street. * T. BLACK, A. ATTORNKY AT LAW. Rfx>m J. —Armory building. T M. PAINTER, F) • ATTORNEY AT I,AW. Office between Postofficc and Diamond VTEWTON BLACK, II ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on South Diamond Street. POULTER & BAKHK, V ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Room 8., Armory builditi 0 . TOHN \V. COULTER. <) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Special attention given to collections and business matters. Reference: Butler Savings Bank, or Butler County National Bank. T B. BREDIN, T) . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Main St. near Court House. A T. SCOTT, A. ATTORNEY A'l LAW. Office at No. 8 South Diamond St. DR. S. A. JOH NSTON. DENTIST. Gold Killings Painless Extraction of Teeth and Artificial Teeth without plates a specialty, Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air or Local nxsthetics used. Office over Millers grocery, east of Low ey house. DR. W. P. MCILROY, DENTIST. Formerly known as the "Peerless Painless Extractor of Teeth." Located j>erinanently at 111 East Jefferson St., Oppojite Hotel Lowry, Butler. Will do dential operations of all kinds by the latest devices and up-to-date methods DR. J. E. FAULK, DENTIST, Painless extraction—No Gas—Crowu and bridge work a specialty. Office—Room No. 1. new Bickel build iug. DR. N. M. HOOVER, 137 E. Wayne St., office hours. 10 to 12 a. 111. 1 and to 3 p. in. I J. DONALDSON, R), DENTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec ialty. Office over Miler's Shoe Store. R. CHAS. R. B. HUNT, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Eye, ear, nose and throat a specialty. 132 and 134 S. Main Street, Ralston building. \l r H. BROWN, IT . HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P. O. Residence 315 N. McKenn St. OAMI;ELM. BIPPI'S, 0 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 200 West Cunningham St. 1 BLACK, LI. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. New Troutinan Building, Butler Pa. F. L. McQUISTION, V. Civil. ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Office near Court House. n M. ZIMMERMAN '.I • PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEON Office No. 45, S. Main strict, over City Pharmacy.