VOL.* xxxv HUSELTONS YOUR SPRING FOOTWEAR. Wil' play no small part in adding distinctive e!e>,'ai:cfc to your new gown, stylish costumes, the choicest of new spring, hats and al' e'se counts for naught in absenc: of correct and perfect futing footwear. There's much in our shoe store to enlist the interest cf every Woman, Man or Child who appreciate faultless slices. WE SET THE PACE IN STYLES. ir»— i Our hisses and Chiidren's Di j I« full of everything that's good ■..pi ? V j L'-V.s> 7} I heels, size-. II I .', to 2, i . >to S2.<«• • Chih'rt- Till ■ ■ !;. 1 S ; J'eel '•!. »• . < or 'lUV.on, •' a- to 1. , K\ v I O^ l, Late Spring Shoes For Woman. /V. M ' : " , v J are po~t;- !on the swagger "vi -.. Kv .ry " —shoe shows the master touch of well stndied, artistic individual sty'", ill I ) fashionaMe styles in !r>c_• and button, 1:1 • Nc.vu Tan Qhnec Fnr Rftvs Black. Tan or Chocol.v %:ci Kid, made New ian snoes ror ooyb. with al{ Kid , tops. Kid or patent leather tip?, all We are showing every new shape and Slzes an ,l widths, color that's good in Kojs at (1 50, and 5t2.r0. Voutlis at leS° price. ! —OUR LITTLK KKGEXT SHOES— reduced copy ens f^g W Spriilfl SilOfcS ill Tan of the kind his bigger brother wears, I s» same swell styles and shapes at 9oc, sl, fii'ld B'aCk. ■ind $1.25. Style and Price are The Strong ; Points of This Store. and Ruts; I Calf. Viei Kid with silk wstingor leather toi>s at |i.jo, A regular 50, fyoo and *4.00 quality *2.50 f.voo and *4 00. The dressy me-n in these shoes at Our line at 85c, |i.oo, fi.25 and $1.50 111 Black at |I.(JO, *1.25, #1.50, .2 , cannot be matched in Butler. *2.50 and -TVOO. Men's H;av» Shoes, Oil Grain, Ki|>, Flesh Split. Kangiroo, Calf, I.ace Hals, Breed more, Congress at 75c, SI.OO, 31.25 and T i .50. B. C. HUSFLTON, (Sutler's Shot! House. Opposite Hotel Lowry. \ HE IS A WISE HAN # =» f —^WHO SKCL'KES HIS CLOTH INO FROM - t i \ # * t j | J. 5. YOUNG, i f THE MERCHANT TAILOK, j 4 A Tlie style, 111 ami '.'eiicrit! iti tki- 0 1 # a j Uj> ol Ins suits \ j iTELL their own S J Spring STYLES Tiii« of •I.i' I•' ' 1 I •«'!"! r'/rViu iiiai ' r ' ! Mp Mi G. F. KECK, jj \ ;j I jjlll MERCHANT TAILOR, 142 North 1 Main St., Butler, Pa. 3285. MAIN ST- 328 S. MAIN ST j MILLINERY Most complete stpek, finest goods, 'newest styles and lowest prices in Millinery. Notions and perfutnes- THE H. H. CORSET A SPECIALTY. SEE OUR NEW SPRING HATS. Mary Rockenstein. Pape sros, J EWEUGRS We Will Save You Money On C Diamonds, Watches Clocks,! 3 Silverware, 1847 Rodger Bros. S Plateware and Sterling Silver^ (Goods. ( Our Repair Department takes i:i all kind, of Watch s. Clocks and Jewelry, etc 122 S. Main St. Old gold and silver taken tl.r . imc as t a ,li. I House Cleaning Time is h. re and the Wa I* against Bugs, Moths etc., i on We have pu pared ■ Bu' Kilter for of th ■■■ ts, let us suggest that if this tx mixetl with the past«-before paj '-ring the i . '.;dt v ill b' \ i - f ictory. \% «- an also headquarters for Moth Ralls, l:iscct powder, Ilellibore rt LIE DICK & (j! IU )l 11VI A.N mw-ium 109 NORTH MAIN ST. 151'TLHR. r I% § •| ! | i" O ( > I' a" | r |~p Bu „ub,w >•"■" J[ J_ JLly IJ i JL Ji— J 3L. )L "V V k 1 -1- ii—« Ea??y to Take auy to Operate Are features j. •••uliar tj Hood's r \ r j. Small tn ! size, tasteless vflicient, A* rr man Hood's : said: '• You nt rer know j i » « ■ > have taken a 1 ill til! It i - 1 _ S 1 ilia , . a ff sm w • TbeonlypiUJ ot.ikev '.tli Hood's Sar- >parilla. This Is Your Opportunity. On receipt cf ten cents, cash or stamps, a ■nnou i p w " mailedol the most popular C;.t .r.ii and Hay Fevtr Cure Ely's Cr. an: ]• »i«lit upon proper notiflralion l»y FEARSON B. NACE. Telephone. No. 2111. L. C. WICK, DKAI,KR IN Rough *' Worked Lumber OF AT,I. KINDS. Doors, Sash, Winds, Mouldings, j Shinyle.s and Lnfcli Always in Stock. Ilimh. hur AND PLASTER Office opposite I*. & W.* Depot. BUTLER, PA. j<~ D. L. CLEELANO. > £ Jeweler and Optician, > j Butler, Pa. y C. SELIGMAN & SON JAILORS. No. 416 W. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. A llih-of lat« >i. I*\»nlicii and Domestic Millings al ways in sl«>«*k. Fit. >lyi«; and Work manship if II a rant col to salisfaction. PRICES REASONABLE. iflU/ IS THE TIME TO HAVE I llUn Your Clotliir\*4 CLEANED or DYED If you want good and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place «n town where you can get it, and tliat is at THE Wl Dl! HiiS • -I*s (JeiiLOP avtiiiuo, M,.Wc do fine work in out loor Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture ol your house. Give us a trial. Agent for the .Jamestown slidi'iir Fiiirui Co. —New York. E. FISHER SON, -- I GIL MEAL "ruoun-Knn^ sow vi ry I'iictip. j ; • • [ioriM < »ws, Hiuwp, Hoffii. i'on 1 - | *'\<\ It It, st i I-IIX I h and j)r<'«iii'*tl\« to iintiiri N. An y< f« • :nj. Willi f V >.m li. ul.-u. ' 1 I'or puri- 1.11. ■• • I nil in in, , i ;i„,j W |,ll«- Iwd, f'.r •Thompson's," or addn DKUinfacturcr. THoMI'soJI ,Vo., is w t Diamond strort ny, |": t . . M. A. BBRKIMER, Funeral Director. f 307 S. Main St., LJutler. j L ; | ANncied og j . Joiin ifce Baptist r ~*. i e-y wara SHes | 3fr*d"iU Hi Hi i^T'^W 1 * lH"n|)fes# COPYRIGHTED BY THE C. f>. A. AL- rtIGHTE PtSERVSC. 0 ! I- j [con rIK I ED. ] XV r • I MISS ZENITH CONFESSES. . I The father and lover returned tc j I Mlnersvale in company and togethei " ! went to Captain Zenith'.- " hopeful that Miss Stella-had returned. 1 Although :heir hopes were not strong I their disappointment was deep when 3 I their f'ars wore confirmed. r Miu Lets face full of pain. - Tfc" grief and fatigues of the past few days left his features scarce recogniz -1 ble, even to his own family. As he sat there in silence with unmoving eyes. Mollle gazed on him with a now horror, for she thought that he was dead. Suddenly h« sprang up and seized her: "Mollie! Whore is your sister? Is r she living or is she dead?" Miss Zenith was frightened. She fal tered, almost fainted. and but for the grnsp of her father she would have fall en; but she recovered herself sufficient ly to say: "Oh. my God! I wish I knew! 1 wish I knew!" "Don't He to ipe, girl! You know! If she iB living, whers is she? If she is dead, where Is the body? Why is shs concealed If she is living? Is she held by force? Or is she —is —is she dis graced?" As he finished the question he released Miss Z-nlth and sat down with his face in hi 3 hands. "My God! Oh, my God! Pa! Why do you say this to roe?" "Because you know what has becoms i of your sister! You sec us all in dis tress, you witness our despair and con tinue to torture us as you may be tor turing that, poor child! But you shall tell me at once! Where Is Stella?" Again he sprang up and laid violent hold of Misß Zenith. "I do not know." "Girl! Do you tempt rue to use vio lence' Where is your sister?" "Captain Zenith, will you permit me to ask Miss Zenith a few questions? I Ml«h Zenith," the adjutant interposed, "will you kindly answer me a few im portant questions touching this terri ble matter?" "Willingly, gladly, truthfully; what ever I can answer at all." "Why did you tell me that Miss Stel i la had gone to New York?" "To mislead you and prevent you ' from meeting her If I could. I knew : that by some means Miss Letson would I detain her at least one day and I hoped ' to be able by some means to keep you apart after that " "Why did you induce your father to follow me to New York?" "I did not know that you had gone to New York. I supposed you to be at i Scrairton with your soldiers; when Pa ! left home it was only to go to Scran | ton; 1 did not know that he would go |to New York I induced him to go to ; Scranton because I believed Stella to jbe there with you. I knew that in try ' ing to walk home she was doing her i utmost to faith with you; I did ! not doubt that she had telegraphed to ! you her failure to get hoQpe by the train and her determination to walk; that after leaving here you received her message; I believed that having received her message you met her ar.4 induced her to go away with you and get married. That Is the whole truth! God knows that that is all. I wish thai,' I knew more." XVil. AN UNSOLVED MYSTERY. The entire population of Minersvale and the surrounding country and adja cent towns was aroused. Thousands of men tramped over the . hllli In every direction, for miles. Cordons of searchers were systemat- I Rally moved forward and baek, sweep ing like a living broom across every j hill, through every hollow, over every . plateau and valley. Not a cluster of busaes, not a hollow stump, not a stream or pool, w:
  • -.a reports. Many newspapers published unrecognizable pictures of Miss Stella | beside the picture* of the discovered' and sometimes there really was a re semblance, which wan usually found be due to the kill of tho engraver or the artist. Ail these rumors were Investigated for each really in plred a hope. Many people have b< "ino suddenly < raz< c j and It would not do to let any hope gc by ungrasped. Whin the volunte.-r searchers aban- I doned hope and retired from the search I the adjutant begged for a detachment i of cavalry with which to renew the j search and a detachment waa detailed | under his command for that purpose i and again, in a careful and systematic manner he 'aired the whole country, but with no new results. When, In the regular course of their i nuu h they . nil.- to the abode of John the Bap i >t, tli. y fcund hi:- BUTLER, P.A., THURSDAY, MAY 3, IHi).S door WITH a her of water jiiai • hroueht fr. .1 thr> adjacent spring, and the 1 '.nt said: "Have /ou sfH-n or beard anythlne of thr y ;i!g lady who is lost among the hills.' "Yo»i seek the virgin? The time is nt hand! 'Prepare ye the way of the Eorri: make his path straight;' 'I in deed. baptize you with water, but one ' cometh after me who is mightier than I, the lat' het of whose shoe I am not worthy to loose. He will baptize you with the Holy Ghost'" "L)o you soe all these people? They are looking for a young lady who is lost. Old man, pull your wits together and trv to if you have seen bor " "Yes, Yes; the virgin! Ye seek tht | virgin, but your time is yet! The I tiuie is ripe! Theie bo some standing i j here wliich .--hall not taste death til) ; they see the Sou of Man c ,ining 111 hi* glory; for he shall come in the clouds | ' of heaven and a!l his holy angel- with j him! Ye scribes aad pharisees, hypo- | | 1 rites! Oh ye generation of vipers! | ' Who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?" "It*ls useless! He would not remem- j ; her, if he had seen her an hour ago." : Tii-' thick walled hut with its stone | roof and mailed door was left to its insane proprietor and the sear'-hers 1 went onward over the luds, anxiously : 1 coutiauing _ hop°';t«s search. For a full week the adjutant and his j detu hnient went fruitlessly up and 1 down among the hills, scanning their j summits and scouring their bases. ! Then the troops were ordered back to j camp and the search for the lost Stella Zenith was ended and her disappear- j ance was added to the great catalogue of unsolvable mysteries. XVIII. I TOM COYNE AIAKES A TRADE Tom Coyne was a Free-born Ameri can lioy. His parents lived next door to the Zeniths and naturally enough Tom lived there aiso. Quite as natur ally the young ladies of the Zenith household entertained decided opinions concerning the aveiage Free born American Boy; and the concensus of opinion among the Misses Zenith was antagonistic to tiie Free-born American Boy and they sometimes ex pressed their respective opinion to Tom pel tonally in language as vigorous, emphatic and unmistakable as custom permits the Free-born American Mai den to make use of. Indeed, there is no doubt that they sometime atreti h> d the permission of custom to its utmost limits and ceased to stretch that per mission with some reluctance, feeling that justice had not heen done in the case; perhaps even feeling that jus tice is unfair and tyrranieal when she forbids young ladies to em ploy all of the resources of language concerning the Free-born American Boy! Some days after the search for Miss Stella was abandoned Tom Coyne en tered the parental parlor where his mother was chatting with a neighbor. His tneiu was that of a conquerer of nations who fully appreciated his own importance to histonans. "Now, that's what I call a bargain!" he said, displaying a flint-lock musket of the oldest pattern extant. The stock was clumsy, the barrel of amaz ing length, and the calibre gr«at enough to carry a peach. But It was a gun and that satisfied Tom. For its oddities, its deformities, he cured nothing; his boyish ambition bail been to own a gun; this was u gun; he owned this gun; therefore he was hap py. ' Tom! Where in the world did you get that?" h's mother asked in a dis couraging tone that was lost on Tom "It's mine." "Where did you get it?" "Traded for It." "What did you trade for it?" "Brownie." "Oh, Tom! You poor foolish hoy! That old gun is not worth fifty cents and the calf is worth five or six dol lars! Your father will make you undc that trade." •You tell him to not? I'd rathei have this gun 'n a whole drove ol calves! X il won't eal nuthin n it won't cost nuthin' 'n It will kill rab bith like gosh! We can eat rabbits 'n I'll see that it kills plenty of 'em. you bet! 'N I'll have more fun with this gun in a nour than I could ever iiavfl with Brownie! A feller can play with a gun an enjoy life but no feller with good sense can play with a calf 'n have fun!" "I'm sorry to disappoint you. my boy hut >t is a foolish trade." "Well, mayn't I koep It to-day?" "You may keep it till your faihei comer-i ht me ant! then be may do us h< pleases." " 'N yj~ inako him let me keep it Ma; anyway I'll go huntin' now; l'v< got powder n shot." He stuffed his pockets full of ede newspapers for wadding and proceeded to load the piece. The gun was so lohf that he had to thrust the butt severa fei-t to the rear befoi the muzzle wa. lowered wllhln hla reach so that he could pour into It the tremendous charge of (vowder thai he held In hie palm. Having deposited the powder in , the barrel be stood the piece erect and rattled the butt on the floor to settle the charge Into the chamber. Finding ( that he could not, owing to the altitude of the muzzle, keep the gun perpendic ular while he drove the wadding homo, he mounted an upholstered chair and started a roll of paper down the long bore. Then a new difficulty was en- j countered; the rammer could not be drawn without inclining the gun, the ] length of the gun added to the length or the rammer exceeding the height of the celling; and Tom had an idea that the powder must lie kept level In the chamber or something would happen! Therefore the gun tunil not bo inclined until the wadding WHD packed upon the powder. Climbing down from the chair he went to the porch and stood the gun on the ground, HO that there was only a cloud for the rammer to penetrate. Having rammed the wad home with a vigorous and willing arm Tom sent a handful of shot rattling down upon it and after the leaden pellets he sent another section of newspaper. Throw ing the gun across his left arm he pro ceeded to prime it by pouring powder Into the pan which he uncovered for thai purpose. Captain Zenith w'a* sit ting on his own porch reading tho Soranton Republican and Tom's prim ing movement brought him into range and he cried: "Tom! Don't point that thing thin way!" "Beg your pardon, Captain, 1 didn't notice any one!" and the gun was shifted with the muzzle toward the parlor window, brim-lug the sports man'K mother into range. "What are you going to shoot, Tom?' 'captain Zenith inquired "rebels, de serters or a provost marshal?" "Rabbits! 'n you bet I'll kill a drove of "''tn! 1 know where they're thicker 'n hens teeth!" 'if you kill for market you may bring me two brace." "How much 'll you give?" "Market price." "All tight, J don't know how much that is, but I'll find out 'f you don't know. 'N say, Captain Zenith, I've just traded Brownie for thlH gun 'n Ma says "t i'ap won't lemme keep It. Won't you tell Pnp 't he oughtta lemme keep lt? " , "Yes, ioui, I'll talk It over with him and help you if 1 can." "Thank you Captain. You're n brick if yor girls is sassy. I tell you them glrlti of yours Is terrors 'n 1 don't see how you get along llvin' In the sume hou°e with 'em. It's bad enough llvin' next door. Carrie isn't so bad, but 1 wish a bushel that Mollie was a boy for about a nour! I'd enj«y the occa sion by tilviu' her * mighty good ll<;k- in' to last her for life an' rcak, her re spect boys as long us she h>es. Now i Stell was different! She'd give a feller lits for tricks, stone hut Her terror was now 1 so great that instead of depriving her 1 of her consciousness as before, it 1 roused all her faculties to their high est. She made an effort to release herself but he was unconscious of her purpose and clung to her with tender care. She continued her struggles as she said: "You aro the good Prophet, John the Baptist, are you not?" "He hatli revealed it unto thee. Thou art the Inspired Mother; no man hath revealed it unto thee. I am that Prophet; but no man is good; God is gcot." "Please take me home?" "God hath prepared for thee a habi tation for the nativity of His Son; 'For as the lightning cometh out of the east *nd shineth even unto the west, so also shall the coming of the Son of Man be.' Once was He born In a manger as it is recorded in the sacred books of his chosen apostles; now shall he be born f in a cave as it is erroneously written that he was aforetime." "Oh, take me home; please take me home? lam hurt and lam lost." "Who can understand the deep mys teries of God, save them to whom He hath revealed them? He hath chosen j thee from among all thy sex aud now ' art thou revealed unto me whom He I hath preserved, commanding me to ! minister unto thee that His name may 1 be glorified." "I must treat him as a crazy man, ' she said mentally; then, aloud: "Since It Is God's will that you should minis ter to me, bring me to the water and then hasten to town aud bring some one skilled in surgery for 1 am badly hurt." "Blessed among women and forever to be revered among men art thou, since thou art the .second Mother of tho Son. Surely it is His will that I shall minister unto thue." She now felt asauied luat lie meant her no harm; that he regarded her as gacred and himself us her servant, but his answer raised a foar that be con ildererl hliswelf her only servant, and .hat he would allow no one but himself :o serve her. Therefore she romained lilent. revolving what was expedient *nd what was possible as he bore her tvltpln his hut. Ho carried her through two dark chambers, into a third where he laid her upon a bed of bay, spread upon rough boards that were supported by unhewn posts. This chamber was long, wide and very irregulur in form; so low that the Prophet could not quite stand erect In It. Thore were three stools —old chairs without backs, given to the Prophet by the people; a large pitcher, , a few cheap dishes of odd sets, a wash basin; two lamps, one of an old fash ion, being a triangular Iron pan filled j with melted fats in which floated a bit J of cotton cloth, one end hanging over ( the edge of the pan and burning. This lump stood upon a small broken stand which was arranged and draped us an j altar with curtains of old cotton prints • and an open liible was upon tho altar , beside tho burning lamp. By the dim light upon the altar Miss , Stella was able to see that the apart- , ment was only a chamber In the drift , of a coal mine and she concluded that j the hut had been built at the eutranc# j to an old mine that the drift might be . thus utilized for habitation. 1 Having deposited his burden upon , the bed the Prophet approached the til- j U.r where he knelt and prayed, fervent- j ly praising Jehovah for his goodness t and mercy anil long-suffering. Ho ear- ( nestly petitioned for the speedy re- j demptlon of the world from sin aud t death and the elect from suffering. ( While the Prophet prayed Mi.-;a Stel- j la reflected that die must depend upon , him for relief and release. She real- t izod that to control him she must liu- mor his hallucination with which she ( had been familiar since long before she was ablo to comprehend It. Although her suffering was excruciating her own overpowering individuality and the wonderful strength of will and umaz ing self command that sin possessed enobled hor to see the lighter side of e ber unfortunate position and she ut- v tercd her reflections to her own ear: ii "I certainly was not born for tho 1 stage; 1 know that; but before this a limited and partial audience I must v venture to assumu the role of the New Virgin and I may do so with reasona bly anticipation of success; but I shall " not demand ao encore." When the Prophet arose she said to him: * "In the hollow of His hand hath the ' father sheltered thee since the first ad j'' v. Nt of the Son that thou uhouldst her- ,l aid the second coining of that Son and prepare Ills way." "I am the voice of one crying in the | wilderness, saying: 'Prepare ye the ' way of tho I.orci; rnako Ills path , 11 straight." "For me thou hut>t inarched long and > " to-day, through grwat tribulation and j il suffering have 1 been guided to thoo j w that thy soul may rejoice and that thou ; shouldst minister unto me as thou wouldst minister unto the Son, and j that thy mission might at length be !" accomplishd." j " "No mortal hath revealed it unto V 1 thee. Men scoff ut the prophet of tho j H ' Hon who coni"th unto his own. In oth ■ " er times ho cam»> unt/i his own and Ills 1 own received him not. They itoned i his prophets of old and in tlnr.se latter days they have derided his messenger w whom We hath sent before his face a.- OI the voice of one crying In the wilder- . nesn, saying, 'Prepare ye the way of the ,a Lord; make His path straight.' " "1 suffer much. Bring water that I i " may lave my limb which uu accident 1,1 hath Injured. Oh, hasten, hasten, 1 suffer!" J "Behold, oh Mother of the Sou, I am . w thy servant slid only thine tili He be j 11 come, when I will be His servant flr.-,I Wl and In being ills -servant 1 shull be al. - bl thine, l.et m*- therefore hoar thy com mauds that 1 may obey; only, till lit * be come, I may not leave thee." ! ' "Bring water." The Prophet produced the great j• M pitcher which was full of water and at ' u her blddiug Blowly poured the cooling i a " element uyo'i her tortured limb. Her w! relief w.,? ureas am. wh i thr pitch'?! was en;;>t> she sent him to refill It. Cp- This 1 is wrei. . fron. it;; p.ace :.nd the i iu is . m re than I can bear. Do you tt. icrsian£ surgery?" Her pair, au.i her auxiety v. t re sc great that she torgi t to maintain her sacred forms of speech, but the Proph et did not notice the fact. "The Father will give me knowledge i as I require." "You mui-t carefully exert th> great ; strength He hju- eiv-»n you as 1 direct. Tak» hold upon this foot thus," and .-lie fixed his hands upon the heei and , over the instep. ' ur.d pull upon it with :i 11 your power, straight away, till it is replaced. Mind me net if I should cry out or faint: for I know not if I shall ; be abl" to endure it." Even f.s thou wilt, shall it be: for the Father hath --nt thr-e to me for j i are as thou shalt require." She placed her uninjured foot lirm'.y • , .gainst the foot-board of "he br-rt and , ; laid hold upon the head-rail with ; i both hands. Then, nerving herself for the agony, bade him pull. His ; j touch was torture to her, yet he was I i tender and reverent and pulled as she i | had instructed liim; steadily, firmly, : ! straight. When the strain was felt she screamed, but maintained her position. | Perspiration gashed from every pore ; and when the Joint snapped into place i she fainted. When she revived the Prophet was kneeling in prayer at the altar. She ; bade him bring water and with great j , difficulty she sat. up in her place and : ! bathed the swollen member Then she said: "Bring bandages that I may bind it ' , up." "There are none here. I will pray to j the Father and he will provide." I Again he knelt at the altar and i , prayed. This time as a confiding child ! asks a simple gift from an indulgent parent, he asked for linen wherewith to make bandagea as the Chosen Virgin might have need. While the Prophet prayed Miss Stel la tore from one oi her muslin skirts as much material as she required and made bandages with which shv tightly bound the injured limb. Having concluded his prajer the Pri ph Murmured: . " 'He restoreth my soul; He lead •tti mo inti the paths of righteousness n [or Mis name's sake. Yea, though I j walk through the valley of the shadow ( ] »f death I will 4««str no evil, for Thou ji irt with lie l'liy rodnudTliy htaff they fl with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they |, •omfort me Surely goodness and mor- j ( y hull follow me all the days of my f, lf< : and I will dwell in the house of JJ he Lord forever For In the time of ri rouble He shall hide me iu ills pa- w rilion; in the secret of Mis tabernacle v ihall He hide ui" ll>- shall set me upon , w i rock. Let no', your heurt be trou led;ye believe In God, believe also lu n ne." | ai There was soothing in his voice, his j,] cords, his touch; or perhaps It was o> ometiim s it was to her sisters; some- | lines to 801 l Morton; most of all, to he adjutant. j sl Afier a time the Prophet released her | v ' lands and repaired to the altar before ri vhich he o frequently prayed, and gain communed in his simple, reliant my with that Father whose will ruled ils soul, whose benilicence and love he el ratefully and devoutly acknowledged; i SI those favor and protection for the , I,J Mrgln he besought in fervent words. Surely the prayer was heard by the I iupreme Protector! When the suppli- i ant arose the water caught his sight | L " nd he remembered the purpose for 1 L'hlcli It was desired. He took tho K' ; . her and poured the fresh pur? co;ng contents upon the bound limb fth delirious sufferer until tho band .'ges v. ers thoroughly saturated; and from that hour he kept them so. day *nd r.icht t.iiiingly caring for her with u patient tenderness born of that love which is deeper and greater than the love of youth and maiden, because it a love of sacred duty and a rever ential deference to the will of Him in v hum v as axed the faith of the loving j servant. T'.iat .-ervice was the purest religion. v.as the willing. Joyful obedience of the trustful discipla who regarded the lufiarer us i'.ie On» Chosen, the one -i.ken out from among all His crea iu.es, to give to the sons of earth that I Son whose first com.ng had opened tc ill the gates of eternal life and whose ond coming was to purify the earth, | :"ree the world from sin and emanci [ pate men froui temptation, j The devout nurs* never forsook tht , jiresence of his charge, save in her set vice; to bring frush water, to get he- a drink: to minister to her; or to kneel at the altar whereon stood tho ever-burning lacip. and appeal to the i Father In her beha f. Day after day, night after night, her tev. r and her delirium continued and ■ neither the patient nor the nurse know vi.ght uf tho flight af time or the mul tiplication of Jays. One afternoon -ie awoke from a sleep and sr.w thf> Prophet kneeling at the altar. Remembering that he had gone after wa;-»r and how fright ened she had bGen toy his long absence, I she thought that s!ts had fallen asleep ; and that he had returned while she f slept. She asked: "Did you got the water?" The Prophet arctio and approached her, und she, wondering why her voice j , 9ounded so Strang:, continued: "Please let me **ave the water? I i 1 must bathe my limb." She made an effort to sit up but i could not rise. "What is the matter with me? I am i bo weak! I feel lirribly tired, yet 1 j have been asleep ought to feel i rested! How sti inge my voiue sounds." " I am the voice nf one crying in the wilderness, saying, 'Prepare ye the way of the Lord; make His path straight'" "Please help me tv> sit up?" He gently assisted her and she add ed: "Thank you! Won't you please take the pitcher and pour water on those naiidages till 1 tell jou to stop? 1 must keep them wet or this hurt may be come serious. But it does not pain me now; before I went to sleep the pain was fearful." She examined the injured limb and was utterly bowildored. The inflamma tion was gone and there was not even a trace of soreness. She sat in silence, her mind fixed upon her wonderful recovery. Motionless and silent, with the water pitcher extended toward her, stood the faithful Prophet, unnoticed, for she was endeavoring to collect the frag mentary recollectioua of many days of anguish, many nlgnts of norrors. many hours of fright and fear and pain and torture. And yet sise could not realize that she had slept beyond a few hours! Still, if she had sl«jit but a night and during that sleep lest had been bro ken by so many disturbing dreams, how was It that her limb had so sud denly healed? Why had she grown so weak? She saw her hands and in wonder held them to the light. They wnro wasted and thin and looked al most like the withered hands of an old woman! She was frightened and thought of Rip Van Winkle's sleep of twenty years and with terror at her heart cried: "What day is this? What month? What year? How long have I been here?" "Now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvution!" "How long have I been here? A day? How many years?" " 'One day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. He etteemeth every day alike.'" "No, no, not twenty years! I have not slept twenty years? Out you look older! I look older! I wonder If I am very old? I have been sick —oh, I won der how long! It must be a terribly long time since I came here!" She fell back and drew a coil of her long, iihining black hair before her face, half fearful that she was now an old woman whose had grown white through the bleaching of years. She felt was years, more years than she could guess, since she left Burton! Tears flowed from her closed eyes. Over her stood the Prophet still si lently extending the water toward her. , When her tears ceased and her heavy, regular respirations told him that she ( slept again he put aside the vessel and resumed his devotions before the altar. All through the night sho slept and ' when the morning broke upon the 1 world without, she awoke so much re- 1 freshed that she was able to rise to a sitting posture. Almost immediately the Prophet cauie In and offered her food which she ' ate without knowing what it wa* or from whence it came. I Having eaten, she begged the Prophet , to assist her to the door that she might ( once again see the bright light of day f und once more breathe the pure air of . the hills. Without answer he went out and she heard him remove the fasten ings of the ironclad door. Then he returned and gathered her In his artn3 . as tenderly as a young mother gathers her first born from its cradle, and bore ' her to the outside where he placed her 1 upon a stool, with her back resting ' against one of the great stones of the I wall. leaving her there he silent;y went t again into his but. t [TO UK OOIITINt'ED.I t A Honeymoon At A I'urinhoiiM. It is no longer fashionable for the r bridal couples to go'to large cities or . on a trip to Europe for their wedding " Journey. The sentimental period must be spent In some country place, a way side inn or in some quiet old town. A ' couple who desired to go to a country '' place near by advertised in a paper ) that is distributed well over the State f: for Just what they would like in the n way of an ideal resort for their honey- ,\ roeon Mot more than a week or ton inys after the advertisement appeared 4I hey receivod a dozen or more answers. Previous to tho wedding the husbaud fo-be visited several of those whose etters rend 'he m«**t invitingly and se eded the placo he llk«d tho best. The 'our weeks they spent there were more like a story book than a reality. Tin . rooms were large and airy, the table ,vas exquisite in lta cleanliness and the •' ,!ands that were sjirond before them " vein deliriously tempting. A horse ind carriage were at their disposal, In river not more than a mile away, , nid scenery and loitfltig ai>ots were so limit iful that a new one could be found nrerjr dajr. • Tho Aire »r Athletic*. "How our opinions change!" said he bright woman. "It used to be ion- JI Idered eminently proper to be the it i. tlm of consumption, but now w» uu from It a* if 11 were the plague." q Miock Intel? I'ror I Icitl. " Mir s Wigglcsworth thinks she'a liglble to the Order of the Crown. Is h' : sure she can trace her lineage ■icli to line of the English sovereigns." '1 'How far has she got?" 'She told me yesterday she had ;: uck a bur sinister." a • I guess that's right. 1 knew her roar grandfather tin a bartender." f c No. IS CLIMATt IS NOT CHANGING. Whj itf Oldest Inlinbliant'a Stories Arc :\<>t Alnu> a Correct. A corre-j omlev.t in Xortlifield, Mass., desires our opinion on the question: *'\\ ere tiie winters of 50 or 75 years ago much colder or were the snowfalls deeper than nt present?" The opinion is widely held that the winters were colder and the snowfalls deeper, but I can find nothing to warrant the belief CM* ;it that in the first part of the cen tury a much larger percentage of the population li\ed i;i the hill townslnthe Interior, which are much colder than the valley or the coast towns." On tiie general question as to appre ciable changes in climate the editor's opinion is that there has l>een no such change In any respect whatever so far as meteorology proper is concerned. If we divide our records of the weather recorded In Xorth America since the days of Columbus into two periods, M/.. before and after the year ISOO, we shall find that every peculiarity, such as remarkable storms, winds, rains, floods, frosts, etc., recorded in the cur rent century, can be matched by a cor responding remarkable event before the year 1 s uu. The popular impressions alluded to by our correspondent result almost entirely from the imperfection# of our records and especially of our , memories. There is a large class of per- 5 sons whose habits of thought are so I crude that when they experience any, very remarkable weather they jump to i the conclusion that the climate has changed, forgetting that they them selves have had such a limited person al experience that they are not fair ! judges of the weather over the whole i country or of the ciimate of a century, i Our correspondent seems to suggest I that a certain change In the habits of i the people, such as the removal from j the interior to the coast, or from forests j to prairies, or from country to city, or | vice versa, will partly account for wide spread errors in respect to the climate. The suggestion is excellent, but tho editor would be Inclined to interpret the phenomenon somewhat differently. Tiie general movement of the popula tion in the past century has been from the Atlantic states westward, and from the country to the city, or quite oppo site to the movements suggested by our correspondent. In fact, we find no real agreement in the so-called popular tra ditions with regard to the weather. We have met with quite ns many persons who think the winters are more severe as with those who think the winters are less severe than formerly. Every thing seems to depend upon how and where the "oldest inhabitant" lived when he was a boy, as compared with his present condition. The average cli mate of Xew England, so far as the weather is concerned, has not apprecia bly changed since the days when her oldest forest trees were young sap lings.—Monthly Weather Review. A MOTHER-BIRD'S LOVE. How a I'IKCOII t'nt Her Way to He* Imprisoned I'UUDK One. In the animal kingdom there are many strong examples of mother love, and the birds are particularly noted for displaying it. A remarkable instanco of this maternal instinct was recently, noticed near Elwood, Ind. A mother pigeon whose young one had mysteri ously disappeared searched unceasing ly fur weeks for the little one, and one day last December she was seen flying violently against the side of a frame building in the city. Each t : me she came In contact with the house she chipped off u small bit of wood with her bill. For nearly two days the old bird kept this practice up, often during that time falling ex hausted from the repeated shocks and the fatigue. In the ufternoon of the second day she had pecked u hole in the wall, the wood of which was old and soft from the weather. This hole wa» large enough to admit a man's head, and through this the mother bird went and came. Every time she entered she carried grain or steeds or grass. Some curious people investigated the hole while she was absent, and there they found the little lost pigeon, just below the hole, wedged in between the weatherboards. For two days more the bird continued to bring the little one food, and would stay fluttering near the hole, chirrup ing and trying to cheer the little pris oner up. Many times It entered and Beemed to be trying to extricate its v.iung one, but it could not succeed In doing so, try as it would. The prisoner had flown into the building, which was empty, and managed to get between the weather boarding, near the top of the inside. Falling a considerable dis tance, It lodged in tin- narrow space, which did not permit it to useit»wing« in rising again. Its plaints had reached the mother anil she, not being able to reach it from the inshle, had cut through from without. An admiring man thrust Ms hand through the hole and brought out the fluttering young tiling, to the great delight of the anx ious mamma bird. —Chicago Chronicle. I'nnnlu); lllejele* In France. One curious feature of cycling In France is the use made of the govern ment pawnshops by cyclists as store- during the off season. As soon as the season draws to an end there Is a regular rush to the pawnshop. As I lie wheels are carefully stored, if lhe precaution be taken of well oiling th:'ni before they are turned over to the state, 110 harm can possibly come to them. As regards the cost, the bi cyclist is a ')ig gainer, as for from 30 to 4<> cents he can store the bicycle for four months, without taking Into ac count the feeling of security. The itote is responsible for the safe keeping 5f the wheel. If any proofs were want ed that ft is not necessity that causes 'his rush at the end of the season, it pmld lie found in the statement that so ,':ir the Mont dc Piete lias only had one machine left on lis hands, and then It ,vos of such a hopelessly old-fashioned naUc that It did not bring In as much is had bet n loaned on it.—-Golden Days. Can dona. Bertha —Do you lielieve in love at first sight? Edith —I believe there are jwrsons one Is more likely to love before she lias had time to get acquainted with them lhan afterwards. — BosLcn Transcript. I>I«l n't Flnlah Her Work. Mrs. Bllkins The new girl broke four plates to-day. Mr. Ililkin* —Did she assign any rea i'ui for uot breaking the entire set?— Jhio State Journal. Tiie lllullt Man. "I know the man has started tie lm iresision that I'm an idiot, and I'm go ng to kill him," roared Chappie. "Don't. Suicide Is so vulgur," said ?yn!ous. Harlem Life. r«u»c and ICffcct. She Mrs. Boozeford says her heart s full to-night, lie- I suppose her husband Is, too, hen. Yonkcrs Statesman. A Petty Sla. Gerald -l>o you think that suicide is , sin? (ieraldine—Well, I think it would orglven iu your case.— > T . Y. Truth.