HANDSOME FOOTWEAR. Have yon seen the new and np-todate styles in fine Tin DoneoLa and patent leather shoes with fancy \ esting tops at BICKEL'S They are beautns All sizes and all widths to fit and suit all TO EACH CUSTOMER WE WILL GIVE FREE A PACKAGE OF BICKLE7S PREMIUM SEED CORN One of the most productive corns in the market. Giiar an teed to ripen is strong and hardy, 75 bushels to the acre The FARMER who brings the best Selection of corn frovi this seed to my store before the FIRST OF OCTOBER. *>iU be given a premium on that day of s\o.oo worth of shots. Call And Get a PACKAGE. JOHN BICKEL. PmIIXINERY! 1 J \ A All this store seeks to obtain of you is your considera- f 4 tion, and let the goods—Variety, Quality and Style # 0 for the price—Prove whether it pays to buy here. We * 1 are prepared to do a bigger business than ever, and T are going to get it on merit. Come and see the hats J we are selling at $i 50, $2 50 and $3 50. J ▼ STYLE RIGHT IN LINE WITH THE t J DEMANDS OF FASHIONt £ # HEADQUARTERS FOR HOSIERY J AND UNDERWEAR. ? MARKS' I J 108 S. MAIN ST. PATTERSON BROS.; Wall Paper and Room Mouldings Painting, Paper Hanging and Decorating. ESTIMATES GIVEN. New Wick Building, 236 North Main Street Butler, Pa. House Cleaning Time is here and the War against Bugs, Moths etc., is on. We have prepared a Bu- Killer for the extermination of these pests, let us suggest that if this be mixed with the paste before pap-ring the result willlie very satisfactory. \ve are also headquarters for Moth Balis, Insect powder, Hellibore etc. REDICK & GROHMAN 109 NORTH MAIN ST. BUTLER. IiHMMMMMWHMMMHIiMiMNiMMMMMMIMMHM VMMMMM iVrVVn. WE SELL DIRECT TO FARMERS. Farmers be Wise, Deal with ua and Save 40 percent, on yotar Fertllixera. YOU SAVE SALESMAN'S EXPENSES AND AGENT'B PROFIT. > -E AnalynU. Pho«. Add, Ammonia, Actual I'otuh, * « per cent. pi-r cent per cent. $ Pnrt JLaw Bone Meat 22t0» 4 to 9 faa.oo per ton. £ I Four FoM Fertlllier oto 10 Bto 3 'J 0 ' 16 °° .. % £ nmukr City " * »<• •« >K«"4$ 15 00 » \ "'if Bonanza " '-""10 * {"J \ ■"l'jinto Bp»cl»l '* OlO 10 A/ t to \/ t C to 7 33.00 ju eg Tobacco Hprcial " „.. Ili-i' a 10 4 4 to 5 ai.oo • « 5 Bone *n<l Meat 1 '■' 4 to 5 18.00 j£ J p.,r .ampin and pamphlet, wrtt* W4LKE ■' .' &CO . H«'r« l«l»nd. PITTSBURG PA 3: l( T|lf QAINTINO hecomet expensive whrnyou uie cheap pilnt. Perlwpf yon -J! C ■ hive already learned this—others have. For excellent results is SEST every particular us* THERE H - w - Johns ' tfSWSIOS Liquid |C Artistic (hades producing pleasing effects. ( Color Card. Paapfclal," Extsrlor Dscoratlca," eta., mailed 00 raquaat PAINT" J. G- &W- Campbell > Butler, Pa. The New YORK WEEKLY Tribune THE GREAT . FOR National Family Farmers Newspaper \ $ and Villagers, AND YOUR FAVORITE HOME PAPER, THE ' CITIZEN," Butler, Pa„ Both One Year For $1 50. BSend all Orders to the "CiTIZEN." THE N. Y. TRIBUNE ALMANAC. apSSfcAa enne for Govermental and political information. Contains Constitution of the Unit" ed States- the Constitution of the State of New York, the Tariff Bill, with a comparison of old and new rates; President MeKinley's Cabinet and appointees, Ambassadori. Consuls, etc ; the personnel of Congress, names of principal officers of the different States, commanding officers of the Army and Navy, with their sal ■rie»; Tables of Public Statistic*, election Returns, Party Halfomis and Com mil tees, complete article* on the Currency, Gold and Sliver, and amount <>f oth«-i valuable information The standard American almanac, autlioritive an I complete conesponding in rank with Whittakcr's Almanac in Kuropc. Price 25c Postage Paid. Send all Orders to THE CITIZEN CZZZ BUTLER PA. TH K Batler Count; National Bank, Butler Penn, ( Capital paid in - fltxj.ooo.oo Surplus and I'roliU f"4.'>47- ,, 7 Jon. Hart man, I'rcM'lent; I. V. Kitti, ' Vice l'reniilent; C. A. Bailey. Cashier; John G. McMarlin. Afm't Cashier. / irniK-rul liitiikliiK liUKlrm t riuiMctod. Intcrwt paid on linn- (li poxit*. Mim«y loaned «<n appr<»v«*<l nwurlly. Wi invite you to open an account with tlil* ban k. IMItF.'T >HH- lion. .loHi pli llartrnaii, lion. W «. Waldron, Dr. * M. I|.»iv« r II M<- Hwwuiy, K. K. Aliranm. I" I. <J. Hill nil, 1,4-hIIi. I" lla/.Ult, M Klfi«R.tn. W. IV II l.arkln. John llumphny. I>r. W. Mii itiidUnw, lien Mu,»'th. M. W|H«, J. V. IfltU. Subscribe lor tbe C'XIZKN Butler Savings Bank Kutler, PH. Capital - - f6r> f rjrjo.or Surplus ami Profit! - siso,oo< J(JH. \J PUR VIM PRANIDML J. IIKNRY TIiOUTMAN ...Vice VrtguUi 1 WM. CAMPRKLL. .Ir Cwhin I/>UIH B.HTF.:N LUIIII DIHKiTOItH \.. furvlH, lf#*nn Tro»:tm%ft. W. I#. Itrari'lori. W. A Sti In, J.[ r CBNIOMI. The liuth r HuvinxM Hank In tin Old' H Itunk lnir I lint It tit lor/ n lint |ir < oiinfy »ii-r»il IriiriklnfC htiHlni'SH f ransiu-ti #!. VV«* H<»ll< It ;I/-r*onntH of ..1) pri.O III'ITM, m«T clianlH, furrni rH and oth#*r>». All >» mlii« wh rntrum*-fl to tm will prompt atu*ntlon. I ntcrcHt million t|nw ilcpimftH. tiubaciibe lor LIE CITIZEN Devout priests frequently f— mortify their flesh and vol- A unLiril j f,,r " " iheas M v f s to undergo crtal boouv 17 4 hire n. J. * r- 3 They are enabled to do this \r.d escape script: y injury to their hea'"! // ~x . 1\ \»>7/T- hv rea-on of the U p::rity of their live.. * \ j , «nd thv f .ct thai V \ tfcey der.y them x selves O-c pleas t k \Wi<l net : ; cadnrt I i\if VSI» VI?/ US' "he take I I t \]\ f! t ß he ,-med:- i I | \ 7/A I lure^av^ I f K !l 1 T-- ; •- ■ Jts : e p'.TS JIO i Afej -;S-" -a 1 ' a hojj of himself.' 1 r fc % < . j pui'-it ir. . • .h' i down with flabby fHt f In Dm r.rat l*t .r.-e he is a candidate for t y . 1 .■ i -.rrvous proslrtrioo. In the -cc ' r kidr-.v trouble or heart failure. Dr. price's Golden Medical Discovery en able.- he man to ur.derjfo a great dca'. f hards ■ r prival; :i and over xi-:ri -a <=rr.e of .le ;ue be lead* It causes I |t "e prt-perly assimilated. It build' firm healthy *?«h, but docs:: irake cori, . : people ir • fat. it cures dys per,-i.: 1.-1 oii, ■" ■ -:s, kidney .c* and (0 percent of all cases of consumption. It prevents weakness in any organ of the body. Ir 'i■ 1- .5, I was taken down its h-d with -> ru :i\; ~. r i i-t r■■ pains in toy stomach and und?r my shoulders,_ iu ciy J I.': . .-»" re like ci<n*.nrr t:in. N' 'ninjr t: <i |T.. • »*•' '■ -• • a:: : : *-■ f 1< - I lam :: liver and constipated bCKUIt are ' r . r:'r cured by Dr. Pierce's Plea-ant pellets. Th'.y never gripe. "^HUMPHREYS' 500 PAGE BOOK MAILED FEEE. CONTENTS : Part I.— Diseases of Horses. Par t ll.—Diseases of Cattle. Part 111. Diseases of Sheep. Part IV.—Diseases of Hogs. ! Pnrt V Diseases of Dogs. Part VI. —Diseases of Poultry. Same book in bott/ir binding SO eta. , llr srnfefcrS'lCD. OOU, t«r. Hllli:,'. i New lork NEIIVOL'S DEBILITY,! VITAL. WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphri;- Homeopathic Speoifli No. 23, in usq over 40 years, the only successful remedy. $1 per viai,or 5 vial® and lirgo vial Sold *7 DrviftoU, r.r mt peetp»l4l« » of prJ'** HL'niUHI \-i' *ILli. to., («. wuii ..ii k Sew lorfc MANYTHLNK! when the Creator said to woman, In sorrow shalt thou forth children," that a curse was pro nounced against the human race, but the joy felt by every Mother when she first presses to her heart her babe, prove; the contrary. Danger and suffering lurk in the pathway of the Expectant Mother, and should be avoided, th it he may reach the hour when the hope of her hea.t is to be real ized, in full vigor and strength. MOTHER'S FRIEND re ' axcs ,c JmM that the nec essary change takes place without N a u - JftV/liiiiim sea, Headache, \Jky'.* ■' /} i Nervous or yWm p ,o , orny SZt-i- boding 01 Uan «£ gcrf andthe trying hour is robbed of its pain an'i Milierirg, as so many h.-'ppy mothers 1 tve <: x pc r ic r. c. _• d . No'lii.r k "Mother's FricnV* doc? this. i; .1 t be deceived or pers> . ' i < use ttiytiiiny else. I,w, - , i" •! r- 'r-r* rf)Tr.r-']y<'V*T Utontw, t, • •>all ire itomi irr; .<• ;hJy.' -W 11. Kiaa & Co., WbltowriKht, Tex. Of rtr 1. ■- <nt l.y' ii rt .« r,n re ceipt'>/|,ri Wri >: for I.ook fonlwlnlr r *al >■ Uc lr.fo—»:lor. for *ll Motber.-t, u.alie'i froe 'lll'* Hf* tc»., (J*. LOCAL'DISEASE MIS andi«thereof!ofr-. ;.n4 ► W auilden cll r -.tic < •' V c Jriy For J'nir i'rol'-«'tl»n r^wr.n'^ we !>'•-. ~.y ►•..••• t.. " It',. &£4JSa, n,cr' nr7 or »i.i o.lltr .f- i ' -.a » tia Ely's Cream Bf-uaurika in v kr/m - .<1 to «• l; •; ; 't' . "U'M rurc V.r Naftftl C'ltArrh, ro #1 jr. !.« Icr 1 Hay Krvrr «.r nil rerrt«'«i.» n. r '•,< flQflffl M BUM • • ! I ' " • • : ftfCUl tM fMßltrr ■ Ci i • 1 of , , I f 1 •• < ' * MLX ittU/l HSU . . • ■ • , 'w ' tk. i PURE BLOOD. J # l'ui ■' blo'.dni'"i:. life health, V f vig \ \ win i f tin' \ :11 . ait: filli'd A i with rich, r d corpuscl«'.-. # sLindsey's improved# \ Blood Searcher 1 i M.-' ~ i pure blofrfl ru '-'t scrof 0 i ul.i - ryMj/t-la"., pimple*, boils, # soi" eyes, .ildli'U'l -bl<<o'l i'i . £'■ ' f all forms, lit-rcj':» proof: # m 0 T A : r • '1 '< r<-f "In fnr fhiri'/ t/'fir* A # r f W. J. OILKORR CO. \ PITTSBUnO, PA. 5 # At all V WE MAY HAVE WAR Vttb 9pftlfif ''Hi W< iif» 1«r« you wit! n«»l TFUJJL tmylijg tlx ci'ltftiratod Hp&nUli Port hihl Hli<riy V\ lm from A A unrh - .n, 11« . 111 t. T til-.- * '«•'*!f'• • i itnri diri-<i l» I *' -1 r qitturt; IXSO »n<l $T> W pi r gal km. GUARANTEED PURE <#ni. If.- IH.i! i" i! I!y. a .vi t :; IX •I l|,|.' •«...» liy. ">i "2 'i' oirl 1 in,ln. ■ i„,if '.!„|t , 2 V! Hfl(tir<'|Kirl I'lirt tiya I mi :t M ThomptMm'o <ilil I i" M Amlri" . i' Hhi 'i I JI R, v Will • f'.r cruplfi. prli '- list A. ANDRICSSEN. iSH Peflcral St. Allegheny, t'a . . t ■ -JL3L, -k HHILAOtIPHift ,1 y jJP" 'IA -r>f riTAL ROOMS -- ? | « W W'-S"' '. > tl iIcROWM " I DFiD.t • 1 I V •'' : WHY .<OT uc. r. w'-Jr CROWfi- . VWI7 W"" Hni r ' ; . r X V if pffi TOOTH A I'■. «... r r if W 8 W ."'••i' CN I r *-'? " m'ZmiZm « nmuni - " Cu PBIA, HEADACHE, CCWJTIPA f!QK and PIMPLES. THE CITIZEN. WHAT MARY WROTE. It WM a Nice Long letter, bat It Midi Grandma F«1 Anxlou*. "I'm really afraid that Mnry has yield ed to the very enticing sin of exaggera tion,' said a dear old grandmother as she wiped h. r glasses preparatory to reading the letter more carefully. "I know that she is ppirmd, pretty nnd full of life, but she's always lx«n truthful. I'll say noth ing to her about it till I have talked with semi- of thf other Endeavortrs who went VJ California. "Why, she say? here that the redwood trees are so tall that it requires two people . ;. — it : .--n't -••■ IK possible— bb H ; in apples. Wh '-r hoard of the like.- Here's some thing that I'll just refer to tho professor. Ho knows all about vegetables and agri culture .~!n Siiys that it pul!. :- to ge' the txjets out of the ground; : thai tb.-y roll the pumpkiDS together with : cant ai.d then load them on the wagons with derricks; that cucumbers gr«,w as long as fence mils; that the wheatflelds are as big as Ijike Michigan; that the thrashing machines look liko steamboats, and that the horseless plows ru'h along like motor cars. It Is certainly wonderful beyond belief." "But don't you see, grandma," broke In one of her listeners, "Mary is just chalTlng:- purjiosely makes storie-s so tig that no one wiß believe them. It's just a satire on the boastful claims made for thut country ont there. You know they k-11 climate ty the cubic yv<l" "No, Mary has either seen these things or heard them upon good authority. We must not misjudge her, but here Is the most remarkable thing yet—she says that a larg. waU rinelon burst just before they reached there and washed away quite a stretch of mi I road track. Dear, dear! I'll be glad to hav; her safe home with us again. I feel very certain that some one misled Mary in regard to the watermelon 6ho ki: .wrf o little of the world"—De troit Free Press. Vindicated. Some one having intimated that the Rev. Mr. Gilrea of Lumpkin county had sworn falsely, that gentleman sets him eelf right in the following letter to The Uahlonega Nugget: "Allow me Space in your valuable pa j>cr to reply to uu artiele recently puhlish ul, i have made a search or investigation to know w l.at Glv rlze to it and it Grue out of Thomis ITutsoiiss family and 1 say It Is a false report and if i bad a Stolden old man Abercrumbyes ljce« 1 wood a said a Minister swore a lye and If i had a fur nished iny sonlawniy Huney Knifo 1 wood a said a Mii. ster had a swore a lye and If 1 worn a Dress and was call a kentucky cow 1 wood <awl a preacher a lyr the peo plo or Good sitsonsof union and Lumpkin County " they seemed to )« very proud when i bought the Land that honest huney wood be En' th" program lias changed and they have taken the Lords day and 1? 1 wood seat a straddle of the jug 1 wood le all right and the Good people of the coun try s.i>'< s this M.at shoed up mighty well In tho foot washln at mount Eury last .Sunday w pray for the better times." The above explains matters to the satis faction of everybody, and business goes on ns usual.—Atlanta Constitution. Wliat .Johnny Saw. Tho bright I joy's mother Is cultivating his bump of observation. "Now, John ny," holding up a picture card, "shut your eyes and tell mo about what you saw on this card." "A cow, a barn, a horse," rattled off the bright l>oy glibly. "What elsef" "Nothln." "Oh, yes. Think, now. What did yon see behind tho cow?" referring to tho trees In the background A moment's reflection. "Her tail," shouti d Johnny ecstatically.—Chautau qua Assembly Herald. ISail For Willie. Wife—John, d m t you think you better give up trying to cbave yourself and go buck to tiie barber? Husband—\S hy, of courso not. .See how much I save ev< ry month. Wife—Yes, 1 know that, but then Willio is always around when you shave, and ho is learning :-.o many bad words.—Ohio nlate Journal. Tli«i Feminine Mrrak. "Every man has a streak of tho femi nine in hit; make up." "Ye*. I know a big, two fisted fellow Willi a void; liko a fog liorn"— "And lie Is ti uder to littlo childrenf" "I dur.no whether he is or not, but 1 was going to toll yon. Ills tusto in neck ties Is something horrible. " —lmiianapolis Journal Tim DllTrrei.c®. Mr. CU-iiK" —Fangle, what Is thodlfTor inro between a luetic llusli . .nl a bobtnil •lush? Mr. Fangh -A hectW; llu.b lured, while u Ixjbtuil flm'i iea\es .<ni>u one blue. — I>iuimille I <iiirier Journal A I,out Opportunity. Mr- Cral.nl.aw -A, eny riito I am not it hypocrit; 1 don't f-.uko h clou., of re ligion. Crabshaw —I wish you did, my dear This sprit:g It won hi ba\o saved i.<oi<u New York f-'unday World." 15c \ot Tiie experience of the Speer N .T. Wine Co. aft#;r :i continuous career of jnfire thati forty years in Grape Culture and Wint making has resnltetl in the production of Orajie Brandy that rivals Hcnrnssy arid Mnrtell of Cognn". A fine delicate, I.', year old (ir»p>- I 'randy is rare their climax vintage of IK~ ,; i -4 beeofiiinx celebrated among Huropeaim who appreciate a pure article. I>ru« eiHtH. Sime a Hons? of hyacinths Larkspur's not so bine; Never any tfalnnt rose tiathered from a garden close K< d(Jer blushes than you Honey cola red. white as sleep Sweet and cold, your state y>n keeji > From the careless crowd ; ) Crocus s that overglad I C|o-<- cropt lawn and open field. , Snowdrop in her shroud, > Yellow tulips, hobble clear, . Itndding thrift, may all IK- dear As they're fair to see. ' Yours be ia<<e and snowdrop still, * Violet arnl the <laffodil > Hyacinths for Jne! > London Sketch. | Scrofula is eradicated and all kindred <1 isea-e- in i iiied by Hood s Sarsapar | ilia * A few months ago a new pastor was * installed in a western church. In his | first -ermori lie denounced gambling of all kluds but dwelt upon the evils of stock gambling especially. At the close of the "rmon one of the elders | took him a ..■!<• and whispered that one > ol tin- i .i»,t liberal iiiemberH of the & ci,n"legation was a broker and he must I Is- careful not !•< -ay anything on that subject again The following Sunday the preacher exhorted against the wioked"< v of drinking. Another elder <i warned him at one of the members, 1 also liberal, looked upon the wine that r wn- red occasionally, and it would lie wise not to wound his feelings. On the next Suri'lay the minister attacked another evil with like result. In de spair be called a meeting of the elders !<, and deiiiandcd to know if their was any sin which he might touch upon with out fear of offending some one in the congregation. The elders thought for a time Finally one of them arose and said "111 tell you what to do. j preach against Morinoiiisui and give it it I totliein strong » j RH!*,I'MATISM CI'HUU IN A fMV. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in t to j days. P* Its action upon the system is remarkable and tnynti iiods. 11 remove* at otire t!>e | cans*- 1 ! and tin ilisease immediately d.s --j spfears. The first dose greatly iciiefits; 7S cents. Sold i-y J. C. keilic, ur.d J. I', g H-ilph I>rugifi*ts llu'.ler \\ir</> ■t Robin's statue 'if f>al/ac, over which B the -< ulptor and the Societe de tlensde S l.ottcr quarrelled, owing to the sculp tor's SIOWIH S, is finished at last It will In- . t up in the Place 'ln Calais >. j Royal. M«5. WASH. C;>J4 tho roof ur. juair..«r »!RhtA Almrj tfce hazy city lis'ats. We ait. swert tKira Dul ani I. Beneath the cool and friendly sky. And we listen to the Happing of ilrs. Cary'e wash. i Like the- shaking cf whito sails on summer seas. And wo draa.ri that wo arc sailing till we almost hear tfc- s.vash Of the water SJ the lines swing in the breeze. Love makes that rocf so dear to me That all the charms of woods and sea No lonffing in n. t.- irt - :in stir If, having them, I most leave her. bo we listen to th- flapping of Mrs. Cary'9 wa^h. Like the thak.-ig of white .sails on summer seas. And we Ureiuii that we are sailing till we almost hear the swash Of the water 113 the lines swing in the breeze. The neighbors gossip on the roof. But from the rest we i-it aloof And plan hew tome ilay, happily. Our roof shall bo beside tho sea. And wo listen to the flapping of Mrs. Cary's wash. Like the shaking of white sails on summer seas. And we dream that wo aro sailing till we : almost hear the swash Of the water as the lines swing In the | breeze. —May D. Hatch in New York Sun. | HIS NAME NOT ON THE LIST. 80, by Customs Law, This Steamship Fas- , senger Was Not a Fassenger. A passenger on one of the transatlantic ■teamers that arrived here recently stepped into the line of people who were making their declarations before the customs officer and told liis name. "Can't take your declaration," the officer said after examining the passen ger list. "I don't see your name there. " "But I got my ticket on Friday night," tho passenger responded, "and the time was too short to have allowed of my name being put cn the list." "That makes no difference," an swered th'j inspector. "Unless yoor name is on the list you are not a pas senger, and I cannot take your declara tion. Nobody not on the list can be re garded as a passenger." The New Yorker said a few things, thought a good many more and dropped out of the line. Then he went in search of the captain. The captain came up and wrote the passenger's name on the inspector's list and the declaration WHS dnly taken. After this formality had been finished the passenger asked the inspector his reason for refusing to take bis declaration in the first place. To this question lie adu-d tho remark that on a number cf trips to Europe be had left at such short notice that his name had not got on the passenger list, but he had never had any such experience with the English inspector. "I don't know anything about that," tho official replied, "but the rule in the United States is that unless a man's name is on the passenger list he is not officially regarded as a passenger and we cannot recognize him as such until ! his name appears there. You were all | right as socn as the captain wrote your name, but until then you had no stand ing as a passenger."—New York Sun. Worth Saving. The people "f B"1KIUUI evidently bo lieve in training tlitir children in hab its of economy. Possibly no better method of convincing the young folks of the wisdom of looking after small things could havo been found than that resorted to in the public schools of Brussels. The Outlook gives the result of the experiment: Some time ago the children were re ! quested by their teachers to gather up all the waste and apparently useless ar ticles that they could find on their way to and from school and to deliver them i to their respective teachers. For eight months the work of collec tion went on. Such objects as tin foil, tin cans, paint tulies, bottle capsules and refuse metal were especially looked after. The result was astonishing. Nineteen hundred and twenty-five pounds of tin foil rewarded the chil dren's efforts, together with 1,200 pounds 'if metal scraps, 4,400 pounds of bottle capsules and old paint tubes that in the aggregate weighed 230 pounds. But it was when the articles wero I disposed of and the money nntdiod to ; useful objects that the full force of this j economy was manifest. The proceeds , completely clothed GOO poor children j and sent 00 invalid children to re ; cuperation colonies, and there was a goodly balant H 1- ft to Ins distributed ' among tho si< k poor of the city Duty. It is. n dnly we owe to ourselves, as' well as those who tire- dependent upon j us, to preserve our health and itrengtb. . Aunt Itachael s Peruvian Malaria liit ters are found to be an unfailing and ! valuable assistant in iiiantainiiig the j vigor of the system, arid in keeping* it | intone. ICxcellent for those subject to ■ malarial fevers, fi males and weakly | persons t'i give an appetite. A bugle on which the charge was sounded that sent the Light Brigade to destruction at llalakava was sold at auction in London recently for %I{,!K!5 Standard Hill Farm, near Northnller ton, on which the I'attle of the stand ard between King Stephen and the Empre's Maud was fought in 115iH, is offered for sale. HOOD'S PtLLC euro Uv< r lll», Bil iousness, Indigestion, Heartache. Eocy to take, oa3y to operate. 23c. There have boon 71,(KM) deaths from plague in India so far, according to a recent, report for I ridiand to Parlia ment. ll'Yoii llavc u iiithy. Don't kill it with [nostrums for coughs, colds ati'l croup. Use the only safe and certain cure, Hoxsie's (' ('. 90 cents. Liverpool s < 'hamber of < 'oinmerce is considering the plan of bridging the rsey by a suspension bridge lftO feet above high water, with a central span J,(I00 feet long and two side spans each of 1,000 feet The estimate cost is sl'.!, •">OO,OOO. I have never had a days sickness in my life" said a middle aged man the ot her day. "What a comfort it would be," sighs some (ssir invalid, "to be in his place for a year or two." Yet half of the in vilads we see might lie just as healthy as he, if they would only take good and proper care of themselves, eat proper fooo and digest it It's so strange that such simple things are oyerl'Siked by those who want health It iiiak< * strength and strength wards oif sickness. The man who had never been sick was strong because he alway-i dig< led Ins food, arnl you could Uw-oine the same by helping your stom aeh to work as well as his Shaker l»i gestive Cordial will help yo.ir stomach and will make you strong and healthy by milking the food you eat make you fat Sir Henry Hawkins, the sporting Justice of the Queen's Bench, though he is HO years of age, does not intend to write his memoirs. He says "If you begin by saying what a splendid fellow you are they call you egotistical, and as for saying anything against myself, lill be hanged if I will. Would you'.' «• ..mi-• -r n i»> i , • pleu.iireof ilrlv • I- .! fturrii.ifii or linr n< i -1 ~ . 1.-, . n.hiitf for tho turg ir . il . ol iln- l.lltlmrFCurrlngw •ud llurir . M .. ( ... I Iklmrt, led. Wilhelmina of Holland is fond of art. but lias declared that she wholly dislikes music. English brook trout grown in New Zealand rivers is now exported Iwk to | England in coal storage ■" 1 " " " "* - B * A R BARGAINS A N S Are Not All Gone We have a fot of !»!• narch shirts made of Garners percales former price f r.50 now going at 75c. 33 l-3per cent Oft on all rtinter underwear and lots of broken s : zes going at one half price. We Still Have a few of those £5, £4 and hats in the Dollar sale. We Have About five dozen fine wool top shirts in Rlack and Brown shades, worth s 2, an 1 -?2.50, we are offering them at *1.25. Come in and tell us what \ou it and see if we larnot supply you. COLBERT & DALE, 242 S. MAIN ST. BUTLER. PI. JWALL TAPER] 7, 8, and 10c to 30 and 35c- C Some are new patterns J C and seme are old, but all S / recent patterns, and we \ P defy you to name the ( S new ones from the old, C P unless you have seen ? / them before. ✓ / Prices at other places j / are in the neighborhood S / of 75c and 80:. They C S are making a profit, but ( \ we are selling out, hence r \ ws must lose money. 7 L Many are buying paper j P that they do not expect S y to use until fall. The \ j prices bring them to C I DOUGLASS' 3 241 S. Main St. Butler. j Use It s Daily. } Our brush should be us«d daily ! |in place of the ordinary hair / brush, hair washes, or hair grow- ! ! ers. If you do not find, after ! II six months' trial, that !: Dr. Scott's [ ELECTRIC Hair Brush will do all we claim for it send it! \ back, and your money J&SI ! will be refunded. You jSgjSV, | can buy the number llfci one size for ElfcSCjll One W! Dollar. I j It Is Guaranteed to Cure; 1 Nervous Headache In five minutes! < I Bilious Headache in five minutes I '■ | Neuralgia in five minuter I Dandruff and diseases of tliescnlp! . Prevents falling hair and baldness I < i flakes the hair long nnd glossy I II fur sale nt Dry (ioodg stores and Driijtßistn ' !' or si-nt on approval,*p>oslpaid, on r< < eipt ■if price and ten ci.nts for poetag'-. i„i ri*m.k."TiiK no' Tnirn nTnitv - A" / rr full I" f'irm'it »n c.m.rrvifj !•' - > 11. 1, -I. lull. ®j. «». ami fiw l:ir. lrl.- < ■ . J Ml 9 VI. t" iin.l »l KUrlrlf FUnh llruml l', i K l;i..(rT.- Htfrty loiwrn, t" tu-lr. ri.nl't ■. f ICUrtrtc lftu(iles t 6U vts. JCl'Utls Tru»»e», $3. ) ] 1 OF.O. A. SCOTT, 842 Broadway, ?•' V. j L. 5. MCJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Estate Agent. /17 li. .IKI'PRRSONjST., BUTLER, - PA Hotel Willard. Reopened and rea ly for the accommoda tion of the traveling public. Everythin>j;Flfs»-claßß. MKS. MATTIK REIHING, Owner Practical Horse Shoer WILL ROBINSON, Formerly Horse Shoer at tiie W'iek l» »U!'e has opene«l husi nes« in a shop in the rear of the Arlington Hotel, where lie will do Horse-Shoeing in the most approved style. TRACK AND ROAD HORSES A SPECIALTY. THG IJUTBER (irneN. *1 mi IHT yi ur If pul'l 111 iwlviiiice, otlii rwlHi il ji will I.- . lnirK< 'I AIIVKHTISINII HATKS <»IH- Ini'ti. MM tlim i|, i-m-li *iiliHi i|iii nt liiHi-r t Inn "■<» ri-iil* null A 11(111 or mill illvurrti not !■•«?* X incli <-* i • i 11..!-,' ami iiilinliiUlriilnrs' in.ll. i-s M I IM-II; i-si my mill ill 'ilntl'i" mitli'i--. f- i-li'-li l Ei*ll*l 111 it niii li ■ I" • i'rill .1 line for 11 r»t 11ml "• ■•••ill* f.,|- l-lli-ll sill. < ijlli nt in >. II 1011. Noll. 1 . :111111111c loi-al in-.vk Iti-iiiH 1.. . i-nts 11 llni' for . icli lii-.il I 101 l < Hilt .liar-I" ■ • aril* of thank*. r< milutloiiK of ri*H|ii-RL. iiotl l of f. IIVIIN ami fair*. •t- In- mil it 'l'" rut.- of ', -111. 11 I In.-, money loin tlioorilir. 'i-vin wor'U of pro ~ ma!,, a 111.- lUli i ror •lainlliiK I'iiriN ami Jot. worl; on applli utlon All a-lv. rlUliiK I. ilm-art. 1 tli-l In*, rl lon. mill nil ti-Hiwli nl IUIVI HNIIIK riui»t IM> pal. l for In ailvmii-r All i-oiiiiniinlriilloti* Irili-iul- il foi piilillra llon In till* pup- r mimt 1..' ii.-ioinpmil. il liy 11,1 n-.1l I.utiii- of 111.- writ" 1. not f.-i |>iitil|.-n lion liu. •• irniiianli . of v ».l full li.ainl 11l r.-ucli 11* not lui. 1 I linn 'I n. ..lay i-M-nlnir Ih-atli noil.-" * iint t« irromiiaiil. iMiy 11 r(i*iHin»ltili* niiiii*-. GOOD FARM FOR SALE. I The I'ord farm in Donegal twp , nrnr Millerntown ia for all- II ■ olitnins • almut 150 seres, 11 well watered and in i uiKsl conditi' 11 Por terras inquire a I his oihee RAILROAD TIME TABLES I*., llesMMiicr «V 1/ K. Trains depart No 10. 'J.4U A. M. No 14, 5:0? P M. Butler time. Trains arrivi- N.v !' il Vi A M. No. 11, 2:.V) P M. Butler time. No. 12 runs through to Erie and con nects with W. N. S' A: T. at Huston j Junction for Franklin and Oil City, j and with N. Y. L. E. A- W. at Shr-nau- i «o for all points east. No. 14 runs i through to Alhion nnd connects with W. N. V. A: P. for Franklin and Oil City. A. B. CROUCH. Agent. pITTSBUKG & WESTERN Railway. Schedule of I'as fenger Trains in eficct Nov. 21, 1897. BUTLER TIME. P j«rt Arrive. .x. gtu X V V, umm -1 itti . • - LMI 917 A.* Allt-jrlieny "Flv. r" i* i:. " «• tj New tWlo A. «uu..Uti..ii 1 V. I V :> 17 - Akruu Mail >1"- A.K 7 «ti p.* Allegheny Accumm«j«lati--n 1«» (• » " 1J 1> | Allcphi'iiy Hxjir'-K"* 1 •"> r.* l I'T ** i Mi. glMf "K \« Kx|»ni»i •'» 4.» " 12 In* *" Allw|,h«ii| Mail S4O " IQU Allfjrliriiy 44 Fiver' T «c? 4 Aco.niiwiilath.il *» 4i» 44 T ict 4 - Limits). . *» 44 IT A.m Kmii** and Bradford >1ai1.... ... 0 " ,4 » A.* Jt» r.\i Clarion Act« miii «lation A ;i5 ps 4 » A. si >I'NI»AV TRAINS. Allegheny K*i»re-s * V* \.m 1» :12 4 * Aaomii Liti .!. .... ■' 4o i m * '7 PM New GMW AM - r \ T OS •• t 'lii.atr<» Y.x\<u H 45 r.M . r » t»7 44 Allegheny Ac mmodat.ii ..... 710 44 Train arriving at 7 JUII. hives 11 V* <». ile|n>t, l*itt»*linrg at 3.1"> jmu UMI I'. V W.. All. .l.eny at ZA) I». in. K tit k»'ti» t.. all joints in tin- w* »t, north* west or - *»itiiw• -t an l inl«*rmatioii regarding roatw, time «»f train*, etc. a|*l»ly t«» A B. <'ROVCII, Agent, i; B BETXOLUB - • BoOac, Ik \ \ C. W. BAI I.TT, A. ii. IV A.. Allegheny, Ta PENNSYLVANIA RA S O T D. WFSTEN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. ii£i*i i n IN LHF«T '29,1»97. SOUTH. , WKhK DATS % A M \ M A. M f\ M IV M IiCTLKJI L«*v.- f. *u-»ll 15 21) . p » (W» v ax«»ni»iiig Arrivt- ♦; "»4 ► y» 11 '.i cm '» Hatlei Juncti >i:. ' 7 JT U "i! .1 2-"» .*> Butler Junction...Lirive 7 I*2 -iI 3 ►"» •" Natruiia Arrive 7 «>1 I- if* '.i *V"» <» ""J Tareutuui 7 1* u7 I*2 3 4J 0 t»7 S|»ringilale 7 5o 'J Ili 12 ■!"» '.i 5"- • laietnont JJO 1 *K> 4 ti Shar|Mburg h "7 !♦ :»«'• 1 II 4 12 ti Allegheny... ' 8 20. i 1 2-» 4 2*» 411 jA. M A M. T. M ,!». M.jP M. >I'M»AY TK AlXS.—Leave Butler for Allegheny « ity au<l I'riin i|*»l inteiineUiale i>tatii»nH at 7:.'to a. in., ami s:ilU p. m. NORTH. WKKK DAYS A >1 A M. A.M. I' M V. M Allegheny Citv leave 7 !l 111 11 2n 2 G in >hai|»<hurg * 7 11 ,i \1 11 :i7 J 4o ... < i ir< iiiont | It' 11 44 2 •>{ .... S|>rlng«lale '• •" II 1<» 0 :»7 Tarentuni 7 .**4 '» ."lt» 12 07 .1 Z'>\ G 4' Natrona 7 4:1 12 12 .1 61 'Jut l«r Jnni tutu.. Arrive 7 4'- :• '*) lj li ; 4'» i «»»• Itutler Junttioii.. .l#u\« 7 4»> t ."»o 12 2-'» i 4 <»T 7 '»• >ax«'iil»urg . K I 'll") 1*» 12 4!» I i'- 724 Bl'TLKlt. arrive 8 4«4I0 | n 7 A. M.|A. M. I'. M |F. M.|r .M SI"N DAY TKAINS.—I t are Allegheny < Bi.:- ler aiul pi iu<-i{«il interuieiliate Htaii<<iiK at 7: J> a. m. at <1 0:00 |». 111. WEEK Davu. F(»U TIIK HAST. WRU DAYS V. M. A. M r. >l. 1' >1 S «• hr Smsa ar ... 111 | . -■< 7 _'7 ;ir lit tler Juu- lion. . Iv 1 fc 4 «<» 7 4«. Iv Dutler JuiMtion . .ar 8 12 Ofr I ««"» 7 far Fr«-i-.:1 Iv 8 12 ••• 4 »t» 7 .*.i' 44 All) -heii v Junction . 24 12 <»*. ft 21< 804 44 Leeclil nrg M jßoß 11 to 4 40 H 21, • I'a u I Inn \|ol»o) '• 7 Ci 11 ..2 H I • Saltal ii- •' 7 10} II «4* r » ii 0 " I'i ip- viUe '• I 7 «* i" i' :»o •• :ii •« Blaimville lntemeetlou.. . 44 ■> l*» 1« - .«» li •• Mfaim • ..i 18 1 oo ;i In * 4 llarrioliiuj: 44 11 4" -J 1<» 4 :m ', «. -2.1. •• I'hilaili-llihia * 11 2«» A. M-IP. M.| |A.M i*. M On Suri'lay, tram leiivlnK llutl#-r 7 V» a. m., c« :;ne< t»» lor Alt.*»iia and rhila«lel|<hla. Through tr.iirin fur the i-aat leave I'lttnlurg (Union Urtida) mtmmm — Atlantic Kxpieni, daily 3:3i> A M i'eniiNylvania Limitel 44 7.15 " l>ay KxpreHK, " 7 -tti " Main IJne Krpreaa, " . ... ... . riiilali-Iphia K.\|»re*H, ' .... I in P.* ijuileru KxpreM, 44 7 44 Fa»t Line, 1 8:10 44 I'uilad'a Mail, SUIMIUVM ..iiiy 8 4'* * m i • A tettad MIMH I I H, • • I - MWtern Dmtrict, Coniei fifth Avenue and Sluith ti-id S'reet, IMttHhurx, l*u. J I', HI Tt;in>o:;, J. R. \V»m»D General Manage UeuV Agei t The Fate of The Maine. No I>II«- (loulit.B now but that Hie Mulm* vus l»low ii|> with u tillo<* or torpedo, nnd It Is wit Ii grout olT«»rt that our Lfudfr N holding In I'hi'clv flu* AiiM'rli'uti people wlim thoy think tli«*y iir«* In tin* rlglit It In nlrnont IlliposNlhl • to stop tliwn. It Looks Like War lint vi' tiluat go on uml <lo huslnoss nil tin* Hitmi', our stock llils aprlog Is fully »mc half larger than «*v«*r Im*fori* uiol tlu ro |.< Koliik to Im« soino great hIIOC K«;lllng this spring Wr arc In shape to nn«a your w.nits at l«»wi r prh « s than i vrr Iniforc. Our Line of Tan Shoes Muftt »cen to 1M« apprlratrd. Ludh's* Tan Slua s from IH-* to £i.:»o , s Tan Shcu-s fr«»tu $1.30 t« i lloy'ft Tan from to *! *•<> t 'hild's Tan Shew* from 4*- to SI.OO. H»««' all our 11 iii's iM'fon* you buy. IllK «ot In prices in every de part in** ii t Repairing Done Promptly. C.E. MILLER. SR WOOL TO SHLL WRITE TO W. F. RUMBERGER, Cure A. Tmuttumi'* Himi. I" I I<EH. I'A m m tm f% Or Wlllliimi' lndlun I'llo ■ ■ I \i iiiiiiiii-iil will run- Mllml, 8 K S ! r I". ' 'lll' l ' n '"' IttrlilliK ■ ■I ■ ■ kl'll' lialniit 1 ■ til'- tilllMii warn ■ I i.i-,. Tim itriiini' i"». Ir ■ Ba.i i»' |H«ilt - ' rU.-i IIII.IWII i" I I 11. r. llr Will 111 111 Inillllll I'll! < >lllt 5 ™ mrnt I pr«piirnl for I'll.*-. uniMirli ■ ititc "I tin- IIITVUU pnri Bter) ™ iv:irrttiii."i lly .lriii i i j«. I'* i>i»ll C'lpt of price :»o cent* and #I.»H». WllUfmb MANlll ACTIJRING CO . I'rop- t I. vcland. nMo. For Snlc hy Iv H Wl MiLH BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insuraicc Compan, Office for. Main «i«l Cunninj{hiiii St». hmk. Pm." •IK«. KKTTKUKII. VI"- l'ri-«. I. S «I JDNKIW. H»R'R •«.! IHUKC TOItH. Alfr.-il Wi.-U, lli'iidiTKin Ollvi-r. I»r. W Irvln. liinii'* \ W. Illn. i iiiuri W.-On-I. I It. iwtiin II ■< •' l-k 11 '• ir l*-r. 1.. .., K. il. rnr. l lni". I!. I.liuii.- 'i.-.i. ICi l l■ IIIi. fi*liit ICiM-nlic. LOYAL h'ciUNKIN Agent. % 'i ' ti'ittsctl 're %%-irn/n/a tli< n .«,• « i r y • f j / itl't i' A - ,v. v ,s', ; il- l lith Aviiiuc, i irrsHUKii. !• i. ID. T. PAPE^ THE LEADING MILLINtRY HOUSE OF- BUTLER CO. M Wc Keep coustanly on hand (foi immediate use) a full® line of mourning goods, such as Chiffon-Silk, Nuns iug and Crape Bonnets and Hats Long and short Veils p.Mourning Rushing.Mourning Gloves and Handkerchiefs pp grand everything pertaining to Ladies Mourning furnish-B Goods GIVE PS A CALL p!22 S. Main St. 0. T- Pape. 122 S Main StJ| WfV- ' ■ • viff • ■ -- TOUR OR 18Q8 From Ocean to Ocean. The Glorious Past and a Brilliant Present TIE WAITER L mil GRANDEST AN!) L'F.ST SHOWS CONSOLIDATED. (ireater and Larger i han Ever Before. THE SHOW OF SHOWS WILL EXHIBIT AT : BUT LER, Thursday, "7WAY !sth. 7 j THE OLD On Comical Trick Donkeys—fun for the little folks. Woaderful New Features— Marvelous New Additions Ainai> ing New Attractions Astounding New Acts NO OLD TIME ACTS. 3 Rings -2 Stages—l Animal Arena 1 Hippodrome Track-- The Newest Exhibition of Trained Animal 3 on Farth —2 Performances Daily, Afternoon and Evening. Rain or Shine Under the Largest Water Proof Tents Ever Constructed. CHEAP EXCURSION Kates FROM EVERYWHERE THE LITTLE FOLKS MUST SEE THE MONKEY RIDE A BICYCLE They will surely go wild and be transported with delight if tne> do, and much depressed if they do not. ■ The very latest free show novelty on the circus grounds at 11 o'clock in the morning and 6:00 in the evening. A GRAND DISPLAY OF Daylight FIREWORKS THE BEAUTIFUL BATTLESHIP Maine Will Be Exploded in Mid Air TWO THOUSAND FEET HIGH. ' A Marvelous Sight Don't Miss It Worth Coming Miles To See GOKG6OUS 1 Big New Free Street Parade Every Morning at 10 o'clock. ) • 25 GENTLEMANLY USHERS. 25 Circus Parties Can Secure Reserve Seat Tickets In Advance At Reed s News Depot VAIN STREET. TAKE A NEEDED HOLIDAY HAVE A SPLENDID TIME TAKE THE CHILDREN ALONG. m A6EW^ | " "r* 4 '" >»"• k. awawm. ■»« M| '• • r f J.- IMAi fWN UIMTM/Im • »l>rva Mk4 wMiri, |MD. A* g"od a* IU iar . i ELKHART 1 AIUUAUK lUU. tV. W. U. l ull, »*»>, '"-niUT, LNU,
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