Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 28, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL xxxv
* Will no small pait in adding distinctive elegance to your new gown,
stylish costumes, the choicest of new spring hat* and al' else counts for ,
naught in absenr of correct and perfect filtinj< footwear. There's much
in our shoe store to enlist the interest cf every Woman, Man or Child who
appreciate faultless slices.
r I Our Misses' and Children's De-
I that's good in
I wear for the little folks, large sal -s daily
j' Our Late Spring Shoes For
( V•) The ctaoi-c of fasiidi >us dressers who
| fashionable styles iu iace and button, in
_ C 1 rZI D„,, c i Black. Tan or Chocolate vici Kid, made
N6W Tan Shoes ror Boys. w ith all Kid or fancy figured vesting
' tops, Ki<l or pater.t leather tip.?, all
M'e aie showing every new shape and : sizes and w'dths.
Color that's geed in Beys at SI.OO. fi.25. j
)l 50, and |2.rx>. Youtus at less price.
FOR LITTLE BOYS-A REDUCED COPY M ens New Spring Shoes in lan
of the kind his bigger brother wears,
same swell styles ana shapes at 90c, *l, j &nd BIaCK,
and $1.25-
Style and Price are The Strong
j'rwlurvs. Tan in Titon. Willo*
Points of This Store. i
, » i;*, I s 2SO svoo and CXJ. ihe dre>.s\ nicn
A regular #2.50, #3.00 and .4 00 qual.tj ; these an- the finest stiles 111 Butler
in 'Jiese shoes at f 2 00, ?2.50 and J3.00. Black at ft oc>, *1 25, 11. 50, i2<n,
Our liik at 85c. fl.oo, |r. 25 and *1.50 i 2 an< |
cannot l>e luatcbcd in Butler.
Me r* Heavv Shaas, Oil Grain, Kip, FUali Split. Kangaroo, Calf, Lace
tfals. Rreedmore, Congress at 75c, SI.OO, 25 and fi 50
PntllVl luviioft Hlhjo lloiui!. OppOsit. II.It! I
$ #
I J. S. YOUNG, {
t I
£ Tin- jfiMMI.H, ntyl<\ fit ami ifeneral niakc f
\ up of hi.-; suits
5 TELL their own {
r,f a klnrl for Sprhiff, twoof a kind foi
n?V /ji MirnriM r what h«*tf< r harni would a man nt
Lgi - all of a kind IN fc TY l/F
EX* 1 *- \ j the* lat< -1 in <ut and workmanship tin* tin«-*i
r* I I /l I* \ ' I"' N,Sll,,, 'h | t. in pril" TI; •>S
\ P / 1 hlnatloi" Vn;i r|o j* ttlmri <f << ! I\ K< K. thr
| r?J J k Jjjly lUk Iwllj'r Wi-liavi a -i <> rtr• nt of spilritf
\il wfc Wn 0 F - KECK '
]j j J j I! If J MERCHANT TAiLOR. 142 North
Main St., Butler. Pa.
328 5. MAIN ST 328 S. MAIN ST
Most complete stork, finest newest styles ami lowcs*
prices in Millinery, Notioni J»ml perfimes-
Mary Rockenstein.
Pape sros,
We Will Save You Money On
Pitches Clocks,")
7 Rodger Bros, c
Sterling Silver^
OUT Repair Department takes ill all kinds of Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry, etc
122 S. Main St.
Old gold and silver tak»-ri the same as cash.
- ———
A Pleasure Drive
) is not a pi-asure drive unless the
luxurious a r id easy n.nniiiK.
No. 2 K««d Bugify.
\ Fredonia Buggies
• are the kind for your pleasure drives. I hey have the strength 9
# to last. Your dealer sells them. Insist that h<- sell them to you. •
J Wade by THE FREDONIA MFG. CO., Younfstown, Ohio f
Liver ills
Ulce biliousness dyspasia. h*-ada.-h.\ cvcrti
t ation. sour si. it-icb. intllge-'Uun nre pronpi-5
cured oy llooU's I'ilU. Tbey do :ie ir -vork
a I f «k
111 s
■■■ ■ w
Prepared yC. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass
•b" i' k Pill to Like wiUi l!ocd'« :i*«s..iar lia.
Tlii» 14 Your Opportunity.
On r<*ceipt of ten cents. hor stamps,
a generous E.'.rn]' w.ll !>'• mailed of tha
mofit popular Cat .-rh and Hay luver Cure
(Ely's Cream Bah snfficisnt to dimon
6ir»te the great rn"r;?R of the remedy.
50 Warren St , Kcw York City.
Ber. John Reid, Jr.. of Great Falls, Mont.,
recommended Ely's < ream Balm to me. I
can emphasize his statement, '"lt is a posi
tive euro for catarrh if used as directed."—
Bev. Francis %V. Poole, Pastor Central Pres.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is th> arknowledgfd
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious 'lnijj Price, 50 cents.
Always crowns our .fljrts to
secure the handsomest ;nd
most correct tiling ' :l Men's
Dress at all season's of the
There's a fresh, bright
ypaikle of style ahout our
spring patterns, the kind
that has snap and art in it.
We catir to the economical
man l>ecause our clot In s
give a fiol';ir of sen ice for
every dotla/ paid.
Let lis show you the kind "f
a suit we make for
$25. '
Pearson B. Nace's
Livery Feed and Sale Stable
Rear of
Wick House, Butler, Penn'a.
Thr of (i<irs<'s ami fir>t class rigs al
ways on hand ami f »r >iS r**
I feat JM'cornrr. 'lat ions in town for perma
nent Itoariinsf ami trade. **i><*ci
al ran guarant* wl.
Stable Room For 65 Horses.
A ffoorl class of hor->"s, t*>th drivers and
draft horses always >i» hand and for -ale
under a full guarantee; mid hordes hou^M
upon proper notification by
Telephone. No. 211#.
Rough Worked Lumber
OF AIX KrNiis.
I> irs, Sash, Winds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
Al a y s in Slotk.
Office <-p; ..site P. & W. Depot.
<; Jeweler and Optician, £
5 125 S. Main St., S
\ Butler, Pa. S
No. 416 W. Jefferson St.,
Butler, Pa.
A lino of lutr«t l"«»n*ltrii
:uir| lV>m<*itlr Hutting
always In hUh-U.
Tit, Sty In and Work
manship Kiiarant<-«'d
nUV9 Vol I r C-' 1 <»111 i1 1
If you want goou and reliable
cleaning or dyeing done, there is
just on<j place in town where you
can get it, and that is at
'-£1 l/entr-r a venue,
B«> r , We do fine work in out
door Photographs. This is the
time of yj.'tr to have a picture ol
your house. Give us a trial.
Agent for the .lainentow n Slidi- n
blind Co. —New York.
I'Vwl for Morses. Ci»wn, Mht|i, Hoirs. Fowls
«-tc. Health. strciiKf >i an#l i< ti v • jiow« t
to animals. An- you f»
fi'fil in till* Uihf knt.
1 INSFFn nil ANbWHIT! 1.1 Ml
LIHIOLLU UIL m| , I( lfif ~i st for
yearn on house, ham or f»nc Ml «♦•<! paints
arc (lonhtful quality: some ami som»*
very I Mid. Wrlti for out circular.
I or pure I.lns« »*i| oil or meal, ami white
lead, ask for "Thompson's." or
manufacturer. TIIo.MI'SON A*o , i » W
I)|anioii<J street Allmtbcny, I'a.
Funeral Director.
337 S. Main St., Butler
&d by |
John ffic Baptfsl
I ? 1
I By Ward Wes |
Miss Zenith sat at the piano playing
"All Quiet Along the Potomac To
night," a new war ballad, and her sis
teri- were clustered about her. learning
to sing it. Captain Zf-nith reclined on
a sofa, listening and occasionally crit
icising one of the vocalists or the play
er, for which he was invariably criti
cised **by Mrs. Zenith. There was a
sharp ring at the door bell and a mo
ment later the "und';mert!fated enemy
from Ballycrag" entered the room with
a telegram and approached Mrs. Ze
"Please ma'am, here's a 'spatch an'
the boy says if there is any answer,
"Who can be telegraphing to us?"
said Miss Zenith.
"Something has happened at Aunt
Sue's." said Miss Lettie.
"I'm frightened to death! a telegram
always scares me half out of my wits,"
said little Miss May. She was so far
from being frightened to death that she
did not even pale, and instead of los
ing her wits in any measure she evinc
ed the keenest curiosity as to the pur
port of the unexpected message and
"Why don't you open it ma, and not
keep us in such a fright?"
"What can it mean?" said Mrs. Ze
nith, holding the missive between her
eyes and the window, as if trying to
read it unopened.
"If I wanted to know what a letter
contained, and held the letter in my
hand, I would open and read it; if my
education qualified me to read it," the
Captnin suggested.
Mrs. Zenith Ignored the sarcasm and
sent Miss May for a pair of scissors
and when they were brought she care
fully cut the flimsy envelope and read
the message:
"Has Stella arrived?"
"Why, It Is from Miss Letson! What
in th*: world can she mean?" said Mrs.
"She means that Stell has quarreled
with her and left, and she does not
know where she went," Miss Zenith
"That may be the case, but probably
It is not; I am going right over to Mor
ton's to see if Stell Is there or If Bell
knows anything about It. There is
something wrong or Miss would
not telegraph! I suspect that it all
oomes from you persecuting the poor
child!" Miss Carrie rejoined, and with
out waiting for the recrimination or
discussion likely to follow if she tar
ried, she procured her hat and wraps
and went out.
The family waited for her return
without great anxiety, having little
doubt that, whatever had been amiss at
Barton, Miss Stella had returned to
Minersvale and had proceeded to the
Mortons and was with her friend.
Miss Carrie returned alone and
looked so anxious and depressed that
Captain Zenith's inquiry was but a
hopeless form:
"Did you find her?"
" I ney have not heard from her. They
did not even know that she was out
of town. The adjutant waited there
for hours this afternoon, expecting
Stell, as he said that he had an engage
ment to meet her there."
"What is to be done? What can be
done? Where can she be?" said Mrs.
"I have telegraphed to Miss Letson
In your name," Miss Carrie answered,
"and I have told her that we have not
heard from Stella since she left, home
and that we do not understand her tel
An hour of expectation, anxiety,
hope, fear, passed before the response
came from Miss Letson:
"Stella left for home on foot after
three o'clock. We could not Induce her
to remain here after she missed the
train. We start at once to look for
"Pa, get a good pair of horses and a
strong buggy and go after her, quick!
I will go with you," said Miss Carrie.
"I will go with Pa," said Miss Ze
"Neither of you will go: I will go
myself," said Mrs. Zenith; but the
Captain interposed:
"Ma, the trip would bo too fatiguing
for you. Carrie can go; her head Is al
ways clear and her wits are quicker
than all of yours together; a clear
headed woman may be needed. Mollie
has no right to go; for I'll be bound
that she is at the bottom of the child's
trouble, if there is any trouble, which
we will try to hope there is not."
Mrs. Zenith took up the defense of
her eldest child:
"Now, Pa! Don't make such ugly
charges, at a time like this when we
don't know what may have happened to
Stella. Mollie Is not to blame for any
thing and does not deserve to be scold
ed. The child went to Letson's of her
own accord and Mollie told mo In her
presence not to allow her to go. Of
course it was of her own will that, she
started to walk home at such an hour.
Very likely she stopped at some house
on the way when It began to get dark;
but hurry off and get your team for It
would be Just like her to stick to her
resolution when she once started, and
try to walk all the way. day or night!
It is terrible; I hope that nothing will
happen to her!"
"I do not think that there Is a house
on the way; the rotd Is altogether
unused; I do not know how far we can
manage to get with a team; but we
will drive as far as possible and i
will then walk on unices we meet her
sooner." the Captain answered.
While Captain Zenith procured a
team Miss Carrie put up wine and oth
er refreshments and preparod herself
for the trip. She was ready when her
father drove to the gate and they set
out at once.
They found the o d road little better
than an abandoned by-way. It wan
furrowed, Beamed and gashed by the
floods of many years; rough with
stones And rocks that lay bare upon
the track; obstructed here and there
by trees that had been wrenched from
their strong roots by the violent a»-
«tulta of ruging winds. Travel there
in the day would have been difficult;
at night It was dangerous and progress
wa« uncertain and slow.
As they slowly ascended a hill the
wheels of one side of the buggy
dropped into a d'«p washout and the
vehicle was upset. Both the occupants
were pitched out, but neither w;n
harmed. The Captain righted the bug
gy which was uninjured and with little
delay they resumed thoir slow and toil
some advance, until they reached the
crest, of the hill. It was then past mid
night and they were uncertain what
distance they had covered. At the top
of the hill the road was found worse
than usual and the Captain took out
a lantern and walked ahead, selecting
a practicable routo, while M'IHS Carrie
carefully drove aftor him as he directed
her from time lo time. Having pro
ceeded in this manner for a hundred
yards or more, the Captain returned to
his t-e*i when It appeared that tha
worst had been prised.
At the instant thn he started the
horses there came a sound that caused
him to Stop On suddenly. It waa a
woman singing. There was in the
voice a weird plUntiveness that the
startled listeners attributed to the
weirdness of their own surround n s -
the darkness, the bleak desolate hills,
the wild locality, the hour and their
own anxieties.
"A mansion in keavan we see,
"And a light in the window for thee;
"A mansion in heaven we see,
"And a light in the window for thee.
"Then on. per.-everingly on, brother,
"Till from conflict and suffering free;
"Bright angels now beckon you over
the stream,
"There's a light iu the window for
"A mansion in heaven we s;e,
"And a light in the window for thee;
"A mansion in heaven we see,
"And a light in the window for thee."
"Pocr creature! She sings as thoueh
i:hc was Ic.ne'.y and sad," said M.ss
"It is only because cf our own cir
cumttances and ot'.r own feelings that
it so strikes us."
"I feel hs if It were some one In dis
tress &;paaiing to us for help; only
one <'cern't cry out for he!p by sing
ing hymns."
It is doubtless some lonely squatter
who sings to kill time. It is a la'e
hour for country people to be up and
that shows that Providence has in
spired her to sing that song as a mes
sage to us! On. perseveringly on!' We
should not vaste time for our dear
child is anxious! 'Bright ang.'ls now
be ken you over the stream!' Bright
angels; our dear Stella the chief among
them! We are sure to find her ;n the
first house beyond the next stream!
She is sure to wait for us theie. Just
over the stream, with a light in the
window to signal to us! Carrie, my
child, take heart! That Is a message
from Providence. Be sure that we
shall find our pet lamb safely harbored
in the sheltering fold of some good Sa
maritan of the hills!"
They made all the speed they could,
yet their progress w-as slow and the
Captain became so nervous in his anx
iety for haste that he was almost wild
and Miss Carrie experienced the great
est difficulty In soothing him. being
frightened lest he become frantic.
They had advanced about a mile and
a half in an hour, when they crossed a
small stream over which was no bridge
and almost immediately there met
their sight, only a few rod 3 distant,
the g.. miner of a l'fcht shining through
a window.
"Sin- is there! She is there! ' the
Captain cried as he hurried the hom
es; "'On, perseveringly on!' 'Bright
angels beckon!' There's a light in the
He stood erect and lashed the horses
to a gallop shouting at the top of his
"Stella! Stella! My child! My child!
We are here! We are here! Stella!
Stella! Stella!"
Miss Carrie succeeded in taking the
reins from him and getting him to give
her the whip and she was able to stop
the horses near the hut from which
the light came.
A pair of horses and a buggy stood at
the door and as Miss Carrie stopped
her horses the door opened and Miss
Letson came out, accompanied by a
"Where is Stella? Stella? My
child! Come to your father! Here is
Carrie!" the Captain cried, running to
the door when he saw that she did not
come out of the house.
"Have you not met her? How could
you have missed her?" said Miss Let
"Why diil you let her go?" Miss Car
rie asked.
"Oh, Carrie, don't blame me! I
cannot bear It; I tried all I could to
keep her; I can never forgive myself
for this, for I Induced her to go out
there, and to please Mrs. Zenith and
Mollie I stopped her watch and took
her purse so that she could not go
home on the train. When she deter
mined to walk I did everything that I
could to prevent her from doing
so! I did not give her her purse lie
cause I was ashamed and thought that
I would afterward pretend to find it
and wculd send It to her. Oh, Carrie,
Mr. Zenith! I cannot forgive myself!
And yet I only wanted to do what
would please Mrs. Zenith and Mollie;
for I thought tbey ought to know what
was best."
"And anion* you you have killed her
l»y your treachery; for If she Is lost in
thin wild region this night she will die
of fright if she !H not killed by othtr
means; and you are her murderers!"
the Captain said.
"Oh, Captain Zenith! Forgive me
my wickedness and treachery! I had no
bad wish or wicked Intent! God knows
that I had not and tliat I love the dear
girl who is always so bright that ev
erybody must love her. Do not break
jny heart and drive me crazy with your
censure! My grief IB already almost
more than I can bear!"
Miss Letsori had thrown herself on
her knees at Captain Zenith's feet. Her
escort and Miss Carrie raised the re
gretful girl and placed her, sob
bing, in the buggy and While
Miss Carrie soothed her as well <is her
own grief would allow, the gentleman
returned to Captain Zenith and they
discussed their further course. He in
formed the Captain of all that he had
learned. The occupants of the hut
hail seen Miss Stella late In the evening
walking in the direction of Mlnersvale.
There was no doubt of her identity,
the description being exact. She had
been closely scrutinized because It wag
an extraordinary event in the dull life
of the dwellers along that unfrequent
ed road to see a traveller and the sight
of a lad traveling on foot there was
unprecedented. It was not at all prob
able that she had turned back when so
far on her way; but to take as few
chances as possible It was decided that
eai h party should retrace Its way and
at. short Intervals call loudly the name
of the missing girl.
The gentleman rejoined Miss
the Captain called Miss Carrie and they
all set out on their return, over the
toads by which they had respectively
Miss Carrie, with closed eyes, leaned
back in the buggy and remained silent;
tens oozed slowly through her lashes
and trickled over her face.
Very slowly, now, they moved over
the rough road, the father peering
into the night, upon his. right and
upon his left, and at short distances
he would stop and call in u loud
voice for his child:
"Stella! Htel-la! Stel-ia-a-a!"
Only echoes answered and the ech
oes' answers seemed to mock and Jeer.
The wakeful birds welcomed the
morning with their songs before the
searchers reached Minersvale; but the
town was yet silent and the streets
empty when they halted at their own
door. Miss Carrie alighted and the
Captain drove to the stables with the
As Miss Carrie went down the yard
Mr Zenith came out the door and the
anxious mother and the worn daughter
each Inquired of the other:
"Have you heard anything?"
The mutual question was a mutual
answer and silently they went together
into the silent house.
Miss Zenith and MIMM I-ettle had re
tired, leaving Mrs. Zenith to her soli
tary vigil. When at dawn they heard
Captain Zenith and Miss Carrie return
they hastily arose and joined them.
Having heard the little there was to be
related. Miss Zenith said:
"She has eioped wish the adjutant!"
"Nonsense" ;he Capiain <xclaimed.
"Now. Mollk*!" Miss Carrie said,
"Don't talk like that about the darling
child' She may be dead: and then you
would regret that Blander while you
"I believe it! She is in love with
him, and. in her own wilfull manner
she is determined to marry him. She
told him fo in Ma's presence and de
clared that she did not care what Ma
and the rest of us had to say against it.
When he left here It was with a prom
ise to meet her at Morton's yesterday
afternoon. He went there and waited
for her till he could wait no longer;
then he came here and I told him that
she had gone out of town. We now
know for certain that she got more
than half way home before
dark. You will find that she
hns either gone to him or sent for
him as soon as she reached town, tak
ing care to not let any of her friends
know anything about It, unless it was
Hell Morton and she wouldn't tell if
you would ask her w!th the lips of
iiot pinchers. Vou will find that while
you were bunting her on the hills she
was with the adjutant!"
"it certainly is possible," Mrs. Ze
nith assented.
"I do not think It even remotely
probable," the Captain commented.
"Of course it Is not the case! It is
wicked of you to suggest It! It is wrong
and shameful and God will punieh
you for it!" said Miss Carrie.
"You may cling to your own opinion;
I will adhere to mine: I am quite sat
isfied that It will prove to be correct.
I shall have the pleasure of reminding
you that I told you so."
The discussion was continued until
Miss Zenith so far impressed Captain
Zenith of the possibility of her theory
being sound that he proceeded to in
The cavalry was *ncamped at Camp
Cook, about two miles from Scranton.
Captain Zenith went to Scranton by
the first available train and went to
Camp Cook in a hack directly from
i the station.
At the camp he met Lieutenant
| Doyle whom he personally knew and
I of him inquired:
"Is Lieutenant Jaquese in camp?"
"He is In New York."
"When did he go?"
"Yesterday." "
"Alone or accompanied?"
"He was unaccompanied, so far aa I
know. He was called away suddenly
by some private affair and left us at
Minersvale; I did not see him before
he set out. Our marching orders were
unexpected and I was not in camp. So
far as my information goes he Is not
aware of our departure."
"Then you do not know where he is
to be found? Where his headquarters
will be in New York?"
"I must find him!"
"Is it important'.' Is the matter one
of haste?"
"He has carried off my daughter."
"He has carried o!f your daughter?
I do not understand."
"My daughter Stella, to whom he
has been attentive, went to the coun
try to visit friends; prior to her depart
ure she made an oppointment to meet
him at a mutual friend's; the appoint
ment was made in the presence and in
defiance of her mother; the hour was
yesterday afternoon. He went to the
rendezvous; she had not returned; he
called at my house and saw her eldest
sister who informed him that she was
out of town. He went away and that
was the last we heard of him until you
now inform me that he went hurried
ly to New York. Of course he went by
(ast night's train? She expected to ar
rive home at noon but missed the train
and started to walk home. At least
she told her friends that she was going
to walk home. Just before dark she
was seen on the road, at a point less
than four miles from a station which
she could easily have reached in am
ple time to join him on the train by
which be must have gone. She was
not seen by anyone, so far discovered,
after the occasion I mention. Now, it
is evident that she has notified him of
her failure to catch that noon train;
the Information reached him after he
called at my house and the details of
their plans were arranged after that.
Or, as she could have reached Miners
vale before the train left, she may have
come on to town and the elopement
may then have been decided upon."
"I fear, Mr. Zenith, that It is worse
than that. He is not the man to elopo
In that way. He might marry clandes
tinely but be would avow the act as
soon as it was Irrevocably accom
plished. I am afraid that you are
mistaken and losing valuable time; 1
fear that some accident of which he 's
as ignorant as we are has befallen
your daughter. He would not have gone
away when he knew that sh« was in
distress. We can Inquire of Captain
Welter who commanded the detach
ment and learn if he possesses any in
formation In the case."
They proceeded to Captain Welter's
quarters and found that officer, Cap
tain Von Smith and Chaplain Kephart
mounted and just leaving camp for a
visit to Scranton. Captain Welter
"Ail that I know Is that the lieuten
ant wanted quick leave on account of
some love affair in which a Miss Ze
nith was concerned; In what manner
I do not know."
When Captain Welter said this he
rode away and rejoined his compan
ions on their way to town. Captain
Zenith said to lieutenant Doyle:
I was confident of it! Ills sudden de
parture and her simultaneous disap
pearance convince me that they have
gone to New York to get married and
to keep out of my way until the family
beeomes reconciled. <>f course, the ev
idence. after all. is only circumstantial;
but it is nevertheless convincing. I
shall follow them to New York by the
next train. If you hear from him in
the meantime I shall be glad to have
you wire me at the Oilsey house. I
would appreciate the kindness all the
more If you also telegraph your infor
mation to my wife."
"Certainly It looks very much as if
you are correct; yet I doubt, for I know
Jaqnese so well that I cannot help
doubting, and I fear that there Is some
thing wr>rse. I e rn<*stly hope that you
will find her In New York with him; If
you do she will be bis wife before y u
Ret there and she might do much
worse; she would lie a happy woman
and would have a worthy husband.
However, If I learn anything I shall
take pleasure In doing as you wish."
Captain Zenith bade the lieutenant
good-bye and drove to the telegraph
office where he dispatched two mes
The first message was to the f'hief
■it the detctlve bureau of the New York
police department:
"lieutenant Jaquese of Pennsylvania
Cavalry left Minersvale for New York
suddenly, lust night. Stella Zenith
disappeared same time. Probably
marry on arrival. If not too late pre
vent. I come by next train. Report
at Oilsey house."
The serond message was to Mrs. Ze
nith :
"Adjutant did not accompany troops
here. Left Minersvale la«t night for
New York. Gave love affair with a
Mlms Zenith as reason Heyond doubt
she Is with him. I follow by next
train. Addrees Oilsey house."
The train was not due to leave until
long after noon and Captain Zenith
waited impatiently through the hours
that to him seemed so very long. They
tarried and lagged and the minutes
idled and crawled as though they, like
men, were loth to Join the past; as if
they were sensible of the aUvuutag<j» of
delays to runaway lovt-ra; as if tliey
took delight in foiling pursuing pa.r-
The loafing, indolent bauds upon the
dial at last reluctantly loitered up to
the ilgur«-3 indicating the hour of de
parture and Captain Zenith took his
place in the coach, lie had secured a
berth, not because he hoped to sleep.
notwiLhstiUKlir.f. lie had not rested at
all. the night previous, but that he
oiifcht be undisturbed, aa he desired to
conceai his growing nervousness from
his follow pa=s*tigers.
He was almost hopeless of prevent
ing the mari&ge and tried to hope that
ibe future happiness of bis child might
not be altogether ruined if he failed;
but he could not divest himself of his
fear that the young stranger that had
turned his daughter's heart from her
Dwn family would prove to be unwor
th> to possess the pearl he had stolen.
True, ne knew but little about the ad
jutant. and that little, aside from the
elopement, was wholly to the young
man's credit. Undoubtedly the adju
tant was well thought of by his com
rades, who ought to know his worth or
worthlessness; and he had marie a
pleasant impression upon his pursuer;
he appeared to be a man of probity
and to occupy a 3atiai'a<.tory station in
While all these things ran through
Captain Zenith's mind his sounder
judgment s'eadily and persistently as
serted that a young man who, having
but a month's acquaintance with achild
of sixteen years, would induce her to
flee with him. «ven to lawful marriage,
without asking the assent of her fath
er to her marriage, must be destitute
of honor, and would not scruple to
abandon a wife if he grew tired of her.
This one act uprooted all of Captain
Zenith's growing respect for the adju
tant and the Captain fretted at the de
lays he encountered. The more he
pondered the more anxious he grew,
till his impatience became a scorching
flame in his heart.
How slowly the train moved! How
often it stopped! How uselessly it oft
en stopped, too! Have railway man
agers no regard for the haste of
through passengers? No, or they would
let these ly-way people wait for slow
trains! Slow trains? Goodness knows
this train is slow enough! Surely it
must be losing time! No; not if his
waKli was reliable and the time card
true! He half suspected his watch of
Irregularity—the witch by which he
had for years sought to regulate all
At last sleep relieved him and when
be awoke day was dawning. Tho train
was not moving. He ought to be in
New York; evidently he was not! He
inquired what station they were at and
the answer was: "This Is not a station.
There has been a wreck ahead and it
will yet be some hours before wo can
move on. It is very provoking!"
Captain Zenith sank back In his
berth with a groan and closed his eyes,
feeling that Providence was against
him and that therefore it was his duty
to be resigned and to trust to Provi
dence for tha best. There was really
some comfort in the thought und that
comfort was strengthened when he
considered his instructions to the New-
York police. Hope was reawakened
and his mind grew somewhat restful
and he gained a small measure of re
After several hours the debris of the
wreck was removed from the roadbed;
the track was replaced, the long delay
was ended and the train again crawled
jlowly onward. It was noon when the
train reached New York and Captain
Zenith was driven to the Gilsey house
is were several other passengers.
While at the counter awaiting his
turn to register. Captain Zenith saw
Lieutenant Jaquese walking from the
•levator toward the Bo' dway ex t. and
dashing aside thoße who stood in his
way, he rushed across >he office shout
"Stop! Stop, sir! Stop!"
Confusion was instantaneous. The
adjutant, who had no idea of the prox
imity of Captain Zenith and no Idea
that he was the object of the cries,
turned around to see what the cause
of the commotion was. As he turned
Captain Zeniij. seized him, saying:
"Stop, sir, stop! \» here Is my
Captain Zenith! Are you crazy? Let
As he spoke he. wrenched himself
from the Captain's grasp.
"Where is my daughter, sir! Where
is my daughter?"
"Do you mean to tell me that you do
not know where she is?"
"Where is my daughter, sir? You
need not try to conceal her. Where Is
"It Is to learn where your daughter
is that lam in New York. I now ask
you; where is she? I have been search
ing here for her for two days."
"You need not try to mislead me!
You have carried off my daughter and
you must not hope to conceal her for
I am her# to rescue her!"
A gentleman stepped from the stir
rounding crowd and addressed Captain
"You are Mr. Zenith of Minersvale?"
"I am. sir! Where is my daughter?
Do you know where this young man
has concealed my daughter? Where
is she?"
"Captain Zenith! You Insult and
slander your daughter and you dis
grace yourself!" the adjutant said.
The stranger Interposed:
"Gentlemen! You are in public! If
you will accompany me to a private
apartment I will probably be able to
set you both right so that you may
work together and have some chance
for success instead of wasting your
selves In this manner. I am a detec
tive detailed to work upon this case in
pursuance of your telegram!"
"Come to my rooms; 1 am entirely
unable to comprehend Captain Ze
nith," said the adjutant, und the invi
tation was accepted.
When the three were seated the offi
cer Inquired:
"Captain Zenith, what reasons have
you for believing that your daughter
Is in this city with this gentleman?"
"She disappeared at the same time
that he did. He left hastily, assigning
as a reason a love affair lu which she
Is concernod."
"Is that the extent of your Informa
tion? Are you acting entirely upon
"I am acting upon a conviction,
tho soundness of which I do not ques
tion. This young man has carried off
my daughter and 1 am here to rescue
"Lieutenant, upon what information
are you acting?"
"The very best. Hit eldest sister.
Miss Zenith, told me that Miss Stella
came to New York with a cousin."
"Who told you that?" Captain Ze
nith asked Hharply.
"Miss Zenith."
"That Is false' Mollie told you notli
iriK >f tii<• kind!"
"Captain Zenith! Be careful! Do
not expect me to be aide to restrain
myself without limit! I may not al
ways l>e able to rememl»er your age!"
"Gently, gentlemen! We all want
the facts and we want all the facts;
stick to facts and keep your temper!
I<ot us keep cool and try to get to tho
bottom! When did i'tiss Zenith tell
you that?"
"The day liefore yesterday."
"Be Kind enough 10 detail the rlr
cumHtarirpH? What n-il up to the
statement ?"
"Mim Stella and I had appointed a
meeting at the house of one of her
friends; she failed lo attend; 1 went
to Captain Zenith's where I saw MI-.H
Zenith, who :oM me that Miss Stella
had -uddenly l«fi for New York tie
?vening before, with a cousin who re
sides here."
'"Who Is the cousin?"
"Miss Zenith evaded that lnforma
' Has your daughter a cousin Efte,
"No. She has an uncle, but no cou
jtn. I do not believe this statement;
t Is a subterfuge employed to deter
ms. Mollie could not have 'told htm
mythin# of the kind for the reason
that she knew better. She not only
knows that -.he has no cousin hers,
but she knew that at that moment
her sister was visiting a friend in tho
■ountry; a Miss l.etson, who lives at
Barton, twenty miles from Miners
vale. What we have since learned is
that Stella missed the train and told
the Letsons that 3he would walk
home. They could not dissuade her.
though they made every effort, and t-he
started. She has been traced some
thing more than half way; to a point
where the road divider, one branch
leading to Minersvale, the other to s
railway station not four mllss distant.
She disappeared at that point. She
could have reached that station ami
have telegraphed to him why she fail
ed to meet him. rfhe doubtless did so
and under his Instructions waited
there for him and then accompanied
him to this city. She is infatuated
with him and I have no doubt that he
has induced her to run away to marry
"Good God, man! Can you be so
crazy? Have you conjured up such a
ridiculous idea and acted upon it with
out searching the country along that
road? Officer, how soon will a train
start for ScrantonV" said the adjutant
in great excitement.
"Did you employ no detective? Did
you your theory by any effort to
learn if she had telegraphed to this
gentleman or he to her?"
"Who was with her?"
"She was alone."
"Had she any admirer who, know
ing her preference for this gentleman,
may have become revengeful?"
"Why did you not search the coun
try ?"
"1 did. Accompanied by my daught
er Carrie, I drove all night searching
along that road for her. If she had
teen on or near that road we could
not have missed her."
"What, then, led you to conclude
that she has eloped?"
"Mollie suggested it and It a' once
struck me as the only explanation."
"Yet Mollie could not possibly have
believed it, for she had seen I'm the
day before and positively knew that
he supposed her to have come to Now
York. What is hsr nature? Do not
you think it at least possible that she
knows what has become of her sis
"Ever since you telegraphed ua ]
have been watching fliis gentleman.
I know positively that he not only i r
rived alone but that he traveled with
out a companion all the way from
Scranton. I nm confident that hf ; tslls
the truth and that Miss Zenith did as
sure him tiiat her sister had come to
New York. You w!!l see here that he
believed and acted upon what Miss
Zenith told him; for he has been ad
vertising for Miss Stella." and the de
tective handed to Captain Zenith a
paper containing the adjutant's ad
vertisement and continued:
"Now, having started the lieutenant
on a wild goose chase Mollie started
you after him. knowing that her sistor
had not romo to New York as she told
him s>he had, and that she had not
eloped with him as she suggested to
you. If she had no object In doing
these things she would not have done
"Well, what Is your Idea?"
"You must pardon my questions if
they seem harsh; we must consider
every possible explanation or we are
likely to work in the dark and more
than likely, almost certain, to go
wrong. Had Miss Stella, possibly,
any reason to desire concealment?
Is it possible that tihe may have had
any shame to hide?"
"Good heavens, man! No!"
"Great God! No! No!"
"Let tlint be concluded. It Is, then,
my suspicion that Mollie knows what
has become of her sister and has rea
sons of her own for wishing to divert
attention from the right quarter. You
will pardon me, Captain, for saying
this to her father; I take for granted
that you wish to get on the right
"1 am now convinced that I have
been wrong. I beg your pardon. Lieu
tenant Jacquese. for my suspicions and
for my language. However, sir, 1
cannot think that Mollle knows where
Stella is."
"Do not think of me! Let us think
of Miss Stella! My God! What has
become of her?" sold the adjutant.
"She may be living: she may lie
doad. I think that Miss Zenith knows
what has become of hor In either
case," said the detective.
• Man! Man! Do you Intimate that
Mollle Is a soroslclde?"
"In my opinion she knows where her
Bister IB and is an*ious to mislead
others in that respect.lf the young
lady Is living she is either in hiding
of her own will or she Is concealed
against her will. Why, Is yet to he
learned; but in either case, Mollle
"What Is to lie done?"
"Trace Miss Stella on that road as
far as you can; suspect especially the
hurt person known to have seen her
and after that those who possibly may
have or who probably did see her; all
whom she might reasonably have been
expected to encounter on her way
home from the point at which your
clues fall."
"Let us hasten back. We will fol
low this gentleman's suggestions,"
Bald the adjutant, " and If we do not
sßcceed at once we will telegraph for
him and secure his services on the
"I am completely baffled and ready
to adopt any course you advise," Cap
tain Zenith answered.
[to BK o»*TIWUII).]
Clever Feminine C«rpenter».
A talent for carpentering is not en
tirely masculine. Many women have
done very clever things at it. as well
as In the way of wood carving A
clever girl, whose Summer homo is an
old house down on I/>ng Island, has
done much toward making It attractive
by Iter gift In handling loolb. Hows of
shelves In the dining room, holding
the pretty china which decorates the
walls, she has put In place herself, and
they are hb strong and, to all appear
as well |iut up us if a regular
carpenter had done the work. A New
Hrigland woman luui done some really
beautiful work In Inlaying. She makes
exquisite boxes, Inlaying them with
different varieties of wood In many
I liferent designs of fine patterns.
I'atrloMe Uillm.
Mrs. S. J. Field, wife of the Justice
nf the Supreme Court, and Mrs. George
Hearst, of Washington, have done ex
cellent work In raising money for a
lire 17.e statue of Washington, which
is to be presented to Franco in 1900.
I'p > the present time about $22,000
|U b«eD collected. The total cost Is
tn In $35,000. The statue will be of
bronze It will be modeled by Mr.
Will Ihr Earth QropT
Statistician* claim that llie earth will
not support more than 5.981,000,000
people. The present population Is es
timated at 1,187,000,000, the increase
being X per rent, each decade. At that
rate the utmost limit will be reached
iu the year +Ol2.
ISo. 17
Itoanil Ulack Hoc!? >ll Irs Anay;
\\ r.utctl It} an Astronomer.
American astronomers are requested
to Ueep their eyes open for a stray;
nioou, which Dr. Waltematb, of Ham
burg-, is anxious to Cud again. llis ob
ject, says the .New York Sun, is to ac
count for and eoutfol certain irregular
ities in coming to time on the part of
the old moon that we are accustomed to
see. lie knows exactly what sort of a
moon lie wants and where it ought to
be. Its apparent diameter is 140 sec
onds, but its real diameter is 420 miles,
its surface about one-twenty-fifth and
its bulk one-eightieth that of the visi
ble moon, and it is 015,000 miles distant
from the earth, and two and two-thirds
times as far as our moon.
This little moon has been seen a num
ber of times In the last 300 years. Dur
ing the seventeenth century it ap
peared as n fiery red ball with a whit®
streak across it, Later observers de
scribe it as of the dark pray color of the
fpots on the moon, and as a round,
black body, so that it had probably
cooled oil in the interval. Casaini, the
father, saw it at Moutpelier November
7, 170J, and seven other appearances are
noted In that century. Dr. Hitter, s
Hanover school-teacher, saw it with the
naked eye in broad daylight in the
neighborhood of Naples June 11, 1555.
It crossed the sun from right to ieft.
Mr. Gowey saw it at North Lewisburg,
0., September 4, 1379. None of the ob
servers had any idea of its true nature,
however, till Dr. Waltemath made his
February 3 of this year the little
moon passed over the sun, and it will
do it again July 30. Its mean synodio
course Is 177 days, and its daily mo
tion a little over three degrees. Any
one noticing its wanderings will please
inform Dr. George Waltemath at Uam
Iteccptlon Given by Mayor Colvin, df
I'lilrato, to KIIIK Kalnkaaa.
Three men were discussing the pro
priety of the call made by President Mc-
Kinley upon President Dole. The dis
cussion brought out this story:
"I think old Harvey D. Colvin knew
how to do things when it came to enter
taining folks from abroad, especially
haiul-me-down-kings," said one of the
two. "He was mayor of Chicago when
Kalnkaua passed over the country in
search of a loan. Colvin was rough und
ready, und wore a shirt with a ruffle
front ami a diamond in the middle,
which always made me think of a bar
keeper on his day off. When the king
nnd his suite arrived in Chicago, Colvin
und his staff were at the station, and the
mayor took tho king by the hand as
warmly as if tho king had been a ward
(>o!itlc!un. The curriages moved quick
ly to the Grand Pacific hotel. Clark
street was jammed with people clamor
ing for the king to come out. The
hour was early In the day. At tho re
quest of Mayor Colvin, Kalakaua
stepped out on the veranda and bowed.
The populace, unused to sights of kings
in flesh, yelled. Mayor Colvin waved his
hand nnd shouted:
" "Ilis majesty, the king of the Sand
wich islnnds.'
"Tho populace yelled, laughed, and
hooted. Then the mayor, remembering
the early hour, turned to his royal guest
nnd said:
" 'Well, king-, you must be tired. Bet
tor go nnd wash up nnd then we'll have
breakfast.' "
The Kmcllnh Are Oppoaril to the
TeneliJ■■ tg of Servants.
An American visitor to England who
spends some little time in the country,
Bays J. N. Larnew, lu tho Atlantic, can
hardly fail to become conscious of three
serious facts: (1) Tliut there is a
et rongolass-feelinguguinst much educa
tion for those who are looked on as un
derliugo nnd servants —a feeling more
I revah ntaud more pronounced thuu tho
shamefaced sentiment of like mean
tiess that is whispered In some suobbish
American circlet*. (2) Tliut tlie "school
rate" seems to be the moat begrudged
of Kuglish taxes, the most sharply criti
cised, the most grumbled at; and this
to n degree for which there seems noth
ing comparable In America. (3) That
the opposition to secular schools, fos
tered by the church and ostensibly
actuated by a desire for religious in
struction in the schools, is largely sup
ported in leality by the two sentiments
Indicated above. • • • Looking, there
fore, to the Increasingly democratic
conditions that arc Inevitable in Eng
land, the reluctance and factiousness of
disposition tliut appear among its citi
zens touching the vital matter of popu
lar education ura ominous of evil to the
i.ation, and gravely lessen Its chances
of holding, under the reign of democ
racy, the high place to which it rose
tinder the aristocratic regime.
Iloaratr In the Empire lily.
The proprietor of one of Manhattan's
most fashionable hostelries ordered
$5,000 worth of table silverware tho
other day. When the goods were de
livered lie refused to take them at any
price, as the name of tho hotel had
been stamped upon them. He explained
his st range action by saying that pcoplo
often dine at the house only to take
away knives, forks and spoons as
souvenirs. "If the name of the hotel Is
not on them," he said, "they leave them
alone, for their only reason In dining
hero Is to steal these stamped goods
and show them to tlielr friends to prove
that they arc In the habltof patroniilng
fashionable hostelries."
Comea fin Antoinntlo Doctor.
One of the most reinurknble develop
ments of the automatic machine Is a
"Dr. Cur call" in Holland. It is a wood
en flguro with compartments all over
it labeled with the names of various ail
ments. If you have n pain, find Its cor
responding location on the figure,
drop a coin Into the slot, and the proper
pill nr powder will c imo out.
Tin* Microbe W»r.
"We are going to give up having
Johnny get an education."
"For what reason?"
"Well we can't get him sterilized
every morning in time to go to school."
HuHKcroH*- Topic.
"Htebblns, 1 never hear you say a
word about .the weather."
",\o; I promised my dying mother
that I never would swear." —Chicago
Snrrl Connotation.
lie Hut why do you keep on crying,
She Because jou said you would
kiss my tears away. Yonkera States
(irently to Dc I)r«lrfd.
Doctor I think you had better feed
the baby on condensed milk.
Brooklyn Father (hopefully)— Will
that make him emit condensed yells?—
N. V. Journal.
■letter Mill.
Outt- Have you secu those noiseless
baby carriages yet?
Inn No! What I want Is a noiseless