Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 21, 1898, Image 4
2 SAY, [1 i KNOW fi Douthett & Graham? H YOU DON'T! M YOUR OWN FAULT. We've been in the clothing business, in Butler, for five years and il is to YA your interest to know us as we are selling the best clothing for the least money lof any firm in Butler You don t believe ir? Step in and see Vm our store when in town, 1 and we'll prove it to you. Douthett & Graham HOW IS THIS: \ A COMPLETE) SUIT, sizes 33 to 43, ? Your pick for $5.00. 1 Here is a chance of a lifetime ) <g) to buy a suit at a price unheard I of, taking into consideration the quality of the goods. Look \ 0 in our clothing window, the as- \ sortment is large. { Shaul 8c Nast, \ LEADING CLOTHIERS, \ 137 South Main St., / Butler, Pa. / A NEW DEPARTURE IN the CARPET BUSINESS SOnETHING NEW, SOMETHING ECONOfIICAL, SOMETHING SATISFACTORY. We are pleased to announce to our patrons and trade at large that we have added A NEW DEPARTMENT t0 ? ur store. A cut order Carpet Department. Also a new and im proved method over the OLD WAY °f doing a carpet busi ness. We will try and make this clear to you, and our reasons for making this statement, In the first place, we do not have to invest a large amount. Do not carry big rolls of out of style Designs and Colorings. A BIG FACTOR AV'e have no remnants to eat up profits. Do not require an extra salesman to handle carpets. Buy direct from first hands, thus saving to you and us the middlfcman's profit. If you want a new Carpet this Spring for your Parlor, Library, Dining or Bedroom. We can furnish it at a saving of 25 per cent. Before you buy come and see our Sample line of Carpets, consisting of Fine Velvets, Axminster, Body Brussels, Tapestery Brussels, extra Supers and Ingrains, Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN. HANDSOME FOOTWEAR, Have you seen the new and up-to-date styles in fine Tim, Dongola and patent leather shoes with fancy vesting tops at BICKEL'S They are beantns. All sizes and all widths to fit and suit all. TO EACH CUSTOMER WE WILL GIVE FREE A PACKAGE OF BICKLE7S PREMIUM SEED CORN One of the most productive corns in the market. Guai an teed to ripen, is strong and hardy, 75 bnshels to the acre. The FARMER who brings the best selection of corn from this send to my store before the FIRST OF \ Syß, will be given a premium on that day of SIO.OO worth of shoes. Call And Get a PACKAGE. JOHN BICKEL. | MILLINERY! | J All this store seeks to obtain of you is your considera- j « tion, and let the goods—Variety, Quality and Style # j 0 for the price—Prove whether it pays to buy here. We # » # are prepared to do a bigger business than ever, and r # are going to get it on merit. Come and see the hats we are selling at $1 50, $2 50 and $3 50. J STYLE RIGHT IN LINE WITH THE |[ DEMANDS OF FASHIONt # . HEADQUARTERS FOR HOSIERY £ # AND UNDERWEAR. ? MARKS' J 108 S. MAIN ST. $ Subscribe for the CIIZEN. "ASLEEP!" T) >•" . tiling <„ ap .-*v ! , ' , ma -to a tnoth /j£ fS-' -" J Tcr , heart as t! > l -:;rht of her ba? \ UM vV • • ;.i dmihlv true when whitc lips - \/ gf: the fc red bro'v. the hint- line? Y V beneath the ey - ' and the thin lit «• "3*\- tl hands tell the pathetic story , '•>, X that babv i> ill v To the child that «\ comes into the \ i\ world robust and \ / J healthy, the ordi -1 J nary ills of ch'ld fj ft hood are not a xUL serious menace; but to the weak, puny baby with the seeds of disease itn pl.iuted in its little body even before birth, they are a seriou- matter and frequently mean baby's death. Ihc woman who wants a stror.p, healthy baby n;u*t see to it that she does not ?:iffci froi.i v.i-akness and disease ■,!' the imp -rt ant and delicate organs concerned in moth erhoo ' Dr. I i -ce's Far .rite l'r. sciv . on acts '.sweetly on '.he e organs, allaying in fiamr.-tit 1, hea i-isr ulceration and soothing pain. It fi'.s a woman for wifehood and mother < od. It hanislies the (llWßWfcrtl of the period of anticipation and makes baby's ".'.try to the world easy and almost pain!: ss It insures the newcomer's health and an ampl; supply of nourishment. It rids mat n:i-y of it- perils, it has caused many chi lie < home to ri ;' v. ilh the happy la. gliter of liealthy children. Over qo.oon w.t ten hav t ;ti(ied to its marvelous merit: . It is th< discovery of an eminent and skillful specialist, Dr. K. V. Pierce, for thirty years chief consulting Physician to the pT' nt Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, a' liuST'lo, N. Y. All inedi itie deal r - eii it. Ailii.g won", n v.ho write to Dr. l»tc "0" *vii' receive free his best advice. Score , of women who have been cured of obstinate and dar.grerous diseases by Dr. Pierce's medicines have told th?ir exjx ri ences ir. I)r. Pierce's Common Sense V d ical Adviser. It contains 1008 pages, over yxi C!.?~pvi ';s and colored plp tes, an iis free. Send ?i one-c. Nt stamps, to cover cost of mailing only, for paper • covered copy; cloth binding v str.tnps Address Dr K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Humphreys' Specifies act directly upon the disease, without exciting disorder in other parts of the system. They Cnre the Sick. HO. CCRES. PRICES 1-reuT'i, Can «J« n Inflammations, .25 *i— Worms. Worm fever, Worm Colic... .25 3—TeefUitijj.Colic.Crylng.Wakefiilness .25 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults.. . .25 7-CouiJih, Colds, Bronchitis . .25 H—.Wuralgla. Toothache, Faceaehe. . .25 ?l—Headache, Rick Headache, Vertigo . .25 10 —D v*pe p*ia. Indi?es»tlo:., W«»ak Stomach. "2 11-Suppressed or Painful Periods .25 Uiten. Too Prof us** TerJo !s .* .'25 23—Croup. Lariu«ilix. Hoarsene«f.. .'25 14—Sols Klheum. Erysipelas, Eruptions .25 15—Rlieumailsm. Rheumatic Pains.. .25 16—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague .25 19—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Head .25 *2o—\\ iiooplng-l'ough .25 27 Kidney Disease* .25 2H—\ervous Debility 1.00 30-l rlnarv Weakness. Wetting Bed. .25 77—<*rlp. Hay Ferer . -2d Dr. Humphreys* Manual of all Diseases at your DruK'£!*ts or Mailed Free. Sold by druggist*, or went on receipt of price. Humphreys' Med. Co., Cor. William & John SLu Mew York when the Creator said to woman, "In sorrow shalt thou bring forth children," that a curse was pro nounced against the human race, but the joy felt by every Mother when she first presses to her heart her babe, proves the contrary. Danger and suffering lurk in the pathway of the Expectant Mother, and should be avoided, that si'.e may reach the hour when the hope of her heart ir; to be real ized, in full vigor and strength. so relaxes the ' -Tt. s ' sts Nature, ~ W> 1 h a t the nec cssary change csZ&fil takes place without N a u - Wamwi sea, Headache, 18/ Wm gi Crvou r ° r g c r, a n d th e trying hour is robbed of its pain and sutlering, as so many happy mothers have experienced. Nothing but ".Wether's Friend" does this. Don't be deceived or persuaded to use anything else. •'Mother'j Friend" is tho prreatost remedyever nut on th.-market, atjdn II oureustnmars praise it highly."—W. 11. KING & Co., Whitowright, Tex. Of ctruKßl>; ~ p • •! 00, or sent by express on re ceipt or price'. Write for book containing valua ble infot'rr" llt n for all Mothers, mailed free. The UrailllclJ Ueuaiator Co., Atlmta, (in. LOCAL* DISEASE and is the result otcr'ir r.rrj Wb(t a t/wtCCLDS tudden climatic char. :3. S^?>'VJfy Hfv S For VOHP Prote;-i i;>n & HapfEVTb v we positively « y.c < . .t f *s£ ?M remedy <I;M % n •' ( te"j mercury or any other - / ions drug. , 8S» Ely's 0 fEais'.' ii ackaovi o be euro Nat»al (.* I i ./ I .- ■ remedies, it chx n« and c .»■ :lic i i-al pAFS&trett, allays t»a:n arid ir.!ia<t<r • , ! • . •» tho M ?c.\ nr v tacts tn« membrane u »ui cf»klj«, rcftom the sent * of tast landnselL 1 tl by ma ELY k'j SStrvrt. New York. WE GUARANTEE TO GIVE Vou the purest and choices' Whiskey or Wine, sold at the price you pay else where for adulterated. Wc bottle direct from the Government stamped .barrel, also have in stock large supply of quarts bottled at Distillery under the govern ment supervision that bottled by us we guarantee to be ?s cure and as good MOTTO FAIR DEALINGS „,£rTO EVERY ONE- Guaranteed pine t year old Whiskey either GucLenheimer, Finch, Gibson, Overholt, Large, Alt. Vernon. }i per full <juart or 6 quarts for J5, Grandfather : s Choice Whiskey, guar anteed 3 yearn old, !k per gallon. On C. O. D. or mail orders of Sto or over, we prepay all charges. | ROBERT LEW IN & CO,, Importers and Wholesalers, 4U Water St. Opposite 15. & 0. Depct. Telephone. 2174 Pittiburg, i'a. TH K j Butler County National Bank, Ldntier Perm, Capital paid in - - f 100,000.00 Surplus and I'rcfits - #ll J. 6-17-87 Jos. llartmau, President;* J. V. Ritts, Vice President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier; 1 John G. McMarlin, Ass't Cashier. f general bankiiiK lmsluc tran&ucted. I Inter«>st |ialil '>ll tim*j deposits. , Money 1 aueil on approved s«- nrlty. We invite you to open an .1 'inint with tills ■ b,.nk. | I -H.ni. Jo* l ph tlarlman Hon. |\\ S \i. '' 1 SI. Itoover 11. Me- Hweeney K I Minims. V. I*. OoUlos I. O. , tl, ... i. I* !! It. M l« in. \V. I IV. 11. l.t'rl.ii, -MJIIII tluniplir. V. I'r. \\ ■ . I McCttmllesb. 1« n Mnusotn. Ixmi. M. Wise, I J. V. iiilt.- ' ■ 'jiH-i 1 » 1 1" a tMk CITIZEN. HUMOR OF THE HOUR. Employer (greffly)—Well, sir, if you can give me any good reason why I should raise your salary I'll do it. deck—l have worked here faithfully, giving vou the very best I've had in me, and. I think, doing a good <leal to build up the business. Employer (more gruffly)— Yes, I i'pose you have. At all events you think you have. But a young man in four position is always more or less in clintd to get an exaggerated idea of bis importance. There are a dozen other clerks in this establishment who have lal:on d just as zealously, and some of them longer than you have, but they have not asked for increased pay, al though none of them is getting a cent more than you are. Clerk—Then, too, your wife came in here yesterday and got to searching i around in your desk Employ, r < f xcitt dly)—Well, well, did she find anything? Did she discover j the pigeonhole in which I keep my private correspondence? Why in thun ; der did Igo out and leave my desk open? By (ieorge, I thought somebody had been monkeying around here —and the desk was shut when I got back. I remember now. She acted suspicious of ' me last night too. Well, well, well, what— Clerk —Pardon me, I was going to j explain. Just as had found the pig ! eonliole referred to I told her that there ! was a lady ont in front who wished to | see her. Of course there wasn't, but the place was full of women, and while she was inquiring around I pulled down thu top of the desk and sueaked out. Of course I don't know anything at all. I'm just an ordinary hand here, willing to do my best and never prying into other people's affairs. When he opened his envelope on Sat urday, he found that the raise had been granted.—Cleveland Leader. The Prize Melon. A negro stole a watch, went into 8 farmer's watermelon patch, "plugged" a fat melon and concealed the watch within it. The next morning the owner of the melons pulled a wagon load of them and sold them in the village. During the day ho was approached by a negro, who asked: "Ef you please, sub, is you got any mo' er dem prize melons?" "Prize melons?" "Yes, suh—like de one what Idrawed do watch out?" The innocent negro couldn't explain the matter to the farmer's satisfaction, but he gave up the watch and got away before they lynched him. Atlanta Constitution. Held Up the Admiral. One night when Admiral de Horsey, at Port Royal, was returning to his flagship alone, his way to the boat led across the barrack square. A black sentry of one of the West India regi ments halted him at the gate with "Who goes dar?" Great was the ad miral's annoyance to find ho had neg lected to get the password. "That's all right," he said carelessly, hoping to overcome the man's scruples by indiffer ence.- "Yon know who I am." "Dunno nobody, sar," replied the ne- pompously. "You can't go in dar. " "Why, I'm Admiral de Horsey." "Well, you can't go in," was the re ply. "I don't care if you's Admiral de Donkey, I don't."—New York Tribune. Eis Good Subscribers. This is the way a Georgia editor sends good subscribers to heaven: Ended—life's story (Fir life is but vapor). His soul is in glory. He paid for his paper. Subscribe now and avoid the obituary rush.—Atlanta Constitution. Foresight, "I hear that cur government is very anxious to get a good submarine boat. Now, what ou earth can they want of one?'' "They need it so as to be able to g to the bottom from time to time to ke6p track of our war vessels."—New York Journal. Apparent Evidence. Papa—Charley, please hand me that book ou the table there. Charley (aged 9) —There lie is, papa. Papa—No, my son, you should not say, "There he is," but "There it is." Charley—Wliv, papa, it's a hymn book, isn't it?— Cleveland Leader. He Stood Corrected. Bill—And what did the old man say when you asked for his daughter? Jill—Ordered mo to leave the house. "And what did you say?" "I asked him if he took me for a bouse mover."—Yonkers Statesman. Where Coliar lint tons Go, Pops—The kid must liavo swallowed a collar button. Mrs. Pops—Mercy! What makes you think so? Pops—He's trying to crawl under the bureau. —New York Journal. Too Ualchly. "Well, Whirley, did you find that the divine young creature returned your love?" "Yes, just as soon as I offered it to her."—Detroit Free Press. More Scattered. "And so the old man was gathered to his fathers?" '•We.ll, you could hardly call it gath ered—dynamite explosion, you know." —Detroit News. Weighing the Chances. He—Would you be mad if anybody should see me kiss you? She—ls anybody looking?—Up 14 Date. One Good Thing. Daisy—Well, there's one good thing about going to the seaside. Mazie—What's that? Daisy—A girl doesn't have to stay at home because she has nothing to wea —Town Topics. The Point of View. "I never met a shrewder man than Johns berg. I wisb I bad fciiu for a partner." "Yon do? Well, hfl is so bla:no shrewd that I am glad he is not my partner. " —Cincinnati Luquirer. Her Reason. Mabel—Why are jon putting on your lovely light blue stockings and v.h.• lace petticoat in such a muddy towa :.s this? Edith—Eecausj :t is a muddy town. —Columbia Crucial Questions. Well, Womcu i,ove tho Kiiitary. "What's Mrs. Breezcly in such a stew about?" "She asked the pleasure of Lieutenant Slick's company to tea, and bo appeared ou the scene with 40 of bis men.lH troit Free Press. If your liver and kidneys are inactive; if you feel as if everything is going wrong, take a dose or two of Dr. Bull's Pills. An exchange says that recently upon ' the death of a delinquent subscriber, the postmaster returned the paper to • the publisher marked: "Deceased. Use asbestos wrappers and change the address." !t Knocks Tlirni All Out lie.tie's t\ f\ 0. is the only remedy known that will cure a cold in one hour .">u cents. Sample mailed free. • A. P. Hoxie. Buffalo N. Y. Don t neglect the health precautions. Your Stationary. It is gettiDg to he tlje proper thing for faruiei s as well as merchants and other business men to have printed sta tiouary. And we can see no reason why they should not take their proper place among business men by adopting business methods in as many ways as possible. There is a combination of business and sentiment in giving your farm a name like "Valley View Place. "Maple Spring Farm" "Hillside, or something of the kind, as it lends a cer ! tain dignity and individuality to the i place, an increased sense of pride in the ; proprietorship thereof, as well as addi i final importance in tUe eyes of produce I dealers or commission merchants with | whom von are dealing. A small invest j nient in printed stationary giving your | residence and business, su.-h as breed- I ing of throughbred stock, the manfac j tnre of dairy produce, etc., might prove |of no slight advantage to yon. as well I as giving a certain degree of satisfac j tion. And when you conclude to have some note heads .and envelopes printed I remember that the same can be had at the CITIZEN office as cheap and good a* anywhere. For Singvrs, iin KiiW-tive Cure l'or Colds, Old Aunt Rachael, the well known nurse of Holland descent has gotten up for some New York physicians, accord ing to their prescribed formula, a com bination of Horehound, Elecampane, Grai>e Juice and Rock Candy, that is doing wonders in the cure of coughs, colds and sore throat. It is put up in 25 and 75 cent sizes. Public speakers should carry a bottle in their pocket. Sold by drugists. In time leap year will go out of ex istenco entirely, explained'an almanac computer to a star reporter, "but, as it will not occur for 800 years, we havn't much personal interest in the event. In the ordinary course of events 1900 would be leap it will get left in the calculation. In other words, while it does occur, it does not occur. simply because it is not in the agree ment that it shall occur. The story is a long one, bat it can be briefly told, so that the average person can understand it without much difficulty. In 1582, in the arrangement of the Julian calendar, ten days were dropped so as to get things running on the then new but the present basis ox calculating time. So as to keep things running right, it was determined that a year ending a century should not be hiss xtile, except every fourth century. Thus there was no leap year in ITO.T, IKHJ nor 1900. W. E. Chipchase, 224 S. Charles St., Bnlto.. Md., found Salvation Oil a sure cure for sprains and inclinations. —An Indiana comity girl wrote her name and address on an egg, sold the to a huckster, and u eventually fell l.ito the hands of a Turtle Creek grocery clerk, who wrote to the girl, who be cime his Turtle Creek dove, and they were married on Wednesday. It expected that autographs on eggs will be the fad in Indiana Co. hereafter. After taking Hood's Sarsap&rilia all symptoms of rheumatism soon dis appear. Get only Hood's The funny mau of Westmoreland county lives at West Newton. Tne other day his wife went away on a visit and when he thought it was time for her to come home, sent her a telegram saying that he had fallen under a train and had both legs cut off. She came in haste and found him walking about on the platform waiting for her. HOOD'S Pli-Lb cure Liv<_r Ills, Bil iousness, Indigestion, Headache. Eary to take, easy to operate. 25c. Every family should make its own. c lrfew law. To err is human, and to stick to it s still more so. ■. .-.in. ■ . : ii:is l. i i;.. . <>t <■ irriafres or liar ii< o i.i save dollar* l>v sending for tho larse, freo catalogue of the Elkhart Carriage auu Harness Mfg. Co., Elkhart, ind. Despite the arrangements for inter vention in Cuba on humanitarian grounds, there are millions who believe that our lost battleship should be the Maine question. Make a rough estimate figuring on Hind-paper. l'ort Orai>c Wine for the Kick. We can confidently recommend Speer's Port Grape Wine a superior ar ticle of Wine for the sick und debilitat ed. ,'The vineyards and cellars at e at Passaic, N. J." —Medical Review. The strength which conies to us from eating nourishing food is better than stimulation, because it is new strength. The health which belongs to ;i strong body, well nourished by proper food (projierly digested), is the only health that is lasting. The difference between Shaker Diges tive Cordial and other medicines is sim ply that it helps nature to make strength. It does not profess to cure sickness ,except as that sickness is a result of weakness caused by food not properly digested. Shaker Digestive Cordial will relieve the pangs of indigestion, and make thin sick, weak people as well as if their stomachs had neyer been ont of order. It is a gentle aid to the digestion of nature's strength-maker, food. At druggists. Trial bottle, 10 cents Most of the business of this country is done by check and the rest by cheek. "Even a woman with the rheuma tism," says the Philosopher, "will jump at conclusions." A Western lady ordered her husband to kill himself and he did so. The Bradford Era thinks this sort of mar tial obedienc3 almost presses the limit. The barber cunt help talking behind a -nan's back when he's cutting hair. It is worth more to the world for a man to live right than to die happy. Music may be considered classical when it commands praise from people whom it 1 Hires. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once tbc causes and the disease immediately d.s ;>.p; ears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Kedic, ar.d J. F. iialph Druggists liutler \pr 96 ] CURES~~I \ THE > COUGH. ) C A pleasant, never - failing \ t remedy for throat and lung f 5 diseases. c > Sellers' Imperial ! \ Cough Syrup ( / is absolutely free from spirituous S J or other harmful ingredients, r v A prompt, positive cure for / \ coughs, cold: hoarseness, influ- J < enza, whooping cough. / / Over R million bottle* told In Um N J last few ycaryiittostlttjopularliy. C ( W. J. GILMORE CO. I J PITTSBURG, PA. \ \ At all Druggists. f \ 25c and 50c. ) YOU CAK FIND^SS Ti'f.KliJGTOir EROS. r ' '.Till 'Xi 1' ia«. lor (kOTcrUAini/ »» ' B : A R BARGAINS A I N S Are Not All Gone We have a fot of Monarch shirts made of Garners percales former price *1.50 now going at 75c. 33 l-3per cent Off on all »vinter underwear and lots of broken s zes going at one half price. We Still Have a few of those $5. £4 and $3 hats in the Dollar sale. We Have About five dozen fine wool top shirts in Black and Brown shades, worth S2, and $2.50, we are offering them at <1.25. Come in and tell us what you 1 1 and see if we cannot supply you. COLBERT & DALE, 242 S MAIN Sr. BUTLER, P».. Use It ~j Daily, j ' Our brush should be used daily | Jin place of the ordinary hair j j brush, hair washes, or hair giow < \ ers. If you do not find, aftt. j £ six months' trial, that Dr. Scott's! !; ELECTRIC Hair Brush) ' will do all we claim for it send it; back and your money j will be refunded. You : 11 can buy the number < one size for E i One W : Dollar, f j It Is Guaranteed to Cure j Nervous Headache In five minutes! j Bilious Headache in five minutts 1 ' 11 Neuralgia in five minutes I Dandruff and diseases of the scalp! J | Prevents falling hair and baldness 1 > ' Hakes the hair long and glossy I l : orsale at Dry Goods stores and Druggist | or sent 011 approval,postpaid, on receipt j of price and ten cents for postage. Ourhnolr. •• THE noCTOITS STORY.- »< »//- / reaurmt. gi"*9 full informal'- "i C4*HC*rninq I'r ><*«// 1 i:trclr>v Mia. >:). U, and |lO. EUrtrlc < t*. < \ SI .35. »1.60, *>., .inJ IX Klectrir fir.a) i Ilriith.•«. ■ I Electrio Safrtu Unzttrtf, f Klrctrir llnstrr*. ( £'(«."fric Iniulca. 60 clt. Llaalic Truaarn, f5. ) !I GEO. A. SCOTT, B+2 Broadwie . N V. < L. 5. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Estate Agent. 117 E. JEFFERSON ST., BUTLER, - PA —Ti TAFT'S PHILADELPHIA ti ' V •rsSSe --DENTAL ROOMS." [(j] '■■'Qsg 30 - sth Ava., Pitlsßurg. Ta. jj( WI T, PRACTICA- "..YDULMWI! I « • M CROWN a! »l BF.iHat wwkjt " /'J< IW'i'J-WHY HOT DO V : <S> /LLVOURS? CROWNS L", " V# »J"" 1 BRIDGE ri'ilncp.l (< " Vl PTR TOOTH Al-. TV •' M I nil wmlr. ONLY »e V -xr? - # Bote! Willard. Reopened and rea ly for the accommoda tion of the traveling public. Everything; Fir;ai>class. MRS. MATTIK REIM KG, Ownfr Practical Horse Shoer WILL ROBINSON. Formerly Horse Shoer at the Wick House has opened busi ness in a shop in the rear of the Arlington Hotel, where lie will do Horse-Shoeing in the most approved style. TRACK AND ROAD HORSES A SPECIALTY. The SUTkeR CmzeN. SI.OO per year If paid in advance, otherwise $1.*."«0 will Im* charged. AI>VKKTISIN<; KATES— One Inch, OIH* time £1; each subsequent Insertion .'*> cents eacu. Auditors' aud divorce notices £4 each; exec utors'ami administrators' notices >1 each; est ray and ut l»#n not ices each. liiif notices 10 cents a line for lirst and '- cents f<u each subsequent Insertion. Notices among local news items la cents a line for «• ich insertion. Obituaries, cards of thanks, resolutions •>f respect, notices of festivals .md fairs, etc., inserted at t he rate of •> cents a line, money to accompany t he order. Jcven words of prose make a line. Kates for standing cards und job work on application. AII advertising i> due after tlrst insertion, and all transient advertising must i>e paid for in advance. AU communications Intended for pul»li< a -1 ion in this paper must lie acconipanleU by the real name of the writer, not for piilillca t ion bu. 'i guarantee of m»d faith.and shouid | reach us not later than I uesday evening. Death notices must »>c accompanied i»y a responsible name. Butler Savings Bank Butler, 1 3 a. Capital - #60,0u0.c0 Surplus and Profits - $150,000 JOS. L PURVIS President J. HENUV IROTTMAN Vice-President \VM. CAMPBKLL, Jr I * hnr LOUIS B. STEIN Teller DIKKCTOKS-Josoph 1.. Punls. J. rro'Uman, W. D. Brandon. W. A. St in. o. a. Cam obeli. The Butler Savings Hank is the Oldest Hanking Institution! n Butler t'ounty. General banking business transacted. We solicit accounts «.f ..II producers, mer chants, farmers and others. AUb.tsim *s cut rusted to us will receive prompt attcntlon. Interest paid on time deposits. For SALE I-artn for sale, near Butler, 120 acies, I new bank burn, I Inquire at rtlis olhce. RAILROAD TIME TABLES P., Refttrturr *V 1.. K. Trains depart No 12. 9:40 A. M No. \ 14. S:OT P M. Butler time. Trains arrive No 9. 9:55 A. M No. i 11. 2:55 P M. Butler time. No. 12 runs through to Eric anil con nects with W. N V &1' at Huston Junction tor Franklin and Oil City, j and with N Y L E A: W at Sbenan no for all points east. No. 14 runs i through to Albion and connects with : W. N Y & P. for Frankliu and Oil City. A. B. CROUCH, Agent, i pITTSBUKG & WESTERN | Railway. Schedule of Pas- ; f Trains in cflcct Nov. 21, | 1897. BUTLER TIME. T»« |«»rt. Arriv#- .illt'j;!n*njr Ac- ■ < > —'• am IT \ *t AH. 8 1 •• • - Nc* I'uMi. A . I. m.-UIH'II 1 • r v IT - Akron Mail s r. A.* 7 »• u A coDimtMlation.. . H) • • " 1- 1> Allegheny Kspivw 3 1 o P.* '• "T " J Allegheny "Flyer" :i «k*. * Chicago Kxj rt*s.H 4"» 4 * 12 1H " Allegheny Mail 5 4(» ** 8 tin " Allegheny "Fiver ' T »H " EllwtHut Atv..inn**l;»ti-«ii 5 4»» " 7 «tt 14 < hi«;u;< l.oiiix-i . 1 • IT a M KANE MIUI l»>A<lfi»nl Mail '• " \ U " J>* R M Clorktn Accotnmtxlalitm *• r.* "» :i» a M -I M»AY TUAISV Kxj»r« 8 1 • A * 0 32 44 All' .Ueny \«.«mn>*lati<»n. "» *•» rv. r . P.M New 4 uiitle Womnio«UtH'ii . . * 1"> A V T " Chicago llx|>reji!4 :i 45 P.M. . r » if! " Allegheny AocumflMxiatiou 7 tSi 44 I i Train arriving at *"T p.m. leav. - It. A O. depot, RttA i i ll' A W . A'. | . J 1 I». m. For th. igli tickets t«>nll |*t»i in the wmt, north w«rt or southwest m»l iuf>.iiiati>n rrjranl;i >ut» time of train®, etc. apply to A. B. CEOli li. Au.-nt. U. l\. UL\ NoLltt, Su|»% Butler, Pa. F..xl.tii». IV t W. I:\>M.TT. A. O. P. A Alletrb. •v. Pa PENNSYLVANIA R *k WI S TEN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. S< HF.tu t.r IN KUTCT NOV. _'i». 1897. S« ! Til , iVKKK DAYS , A M. A M \ M I* M V M lII'TLKK Leave C £> * u*> 11 15 2 35 o -.i\ nl.urg \rrive, G I 8 11 3* 5 > LJutler .lui « Uon.. " 7 27 V. 1- (KS J"' " Butlr Junction.. .Leave 7 s .*>. 112 rJ ;i .'k; Natrona.. Arii\' 7 '.t* '■> «»i 12 :i«» ;; 35 r» trz Tai• BtBB ,T iJ '• 1 > . •l_ • • 7 Sprinplalf j 750 I*. 12 4"> J52 ' lar.-iiK>nt ' i* iHi 1 02 1 (•»!. i; -_'7 * «»7 *.):;• 1 11 4 12 032 Allegheiiv. 8 21/ 'J 4> 1 2."- I 25 ♦. 4-i ■A. >1 ; \ M. i* >1 1 >1 r M. s 1"NI»AY TRAINS.—Leave Bntlt-r for 1 j tj: • ijcil (alMMtHrti '*.«tIBSI a' 7 Ha u>. ami 5:00 ]» in. north. WKKK PAYS A. >1 A. M \ M. r M !V >! \' < i!\ ...lam T 00 IflOll S g au ■ I I : 7 11' S) 12 11 37 2 45 ... « .i:.m ml • 1911 il 208 ... • . j igdale .. 9 3011 M '• Ml • -7 'i ,i. utum .. 7 .'.i :• 88 18 "7 •88 8 M s n 78M 9 43:18 121 381 • U i '..tlor Junt'tifii.. .ariive T 4<- .« '•«> lj j_ :{ 4> i «»• 1 hitler Jui.ct:< i. .have T :> 12 2-"' I «'T T«» >u\oiil?ur£ .. b I*»'l0 15 12 4'.» I T 24 DCTLkIi airiv« b 4ojlo -l> lIT "• T A M.'A. 81..P. M. IV M l'. M -t KfiAl I :: \ IN- U... 11l 11 qr«ltj 9m M In an«! |>rin«-t|«l intermediate jftationf at T:-0 :\. m. and Wit) J'. ui. WEEKDAYK. FUR THE LAST. V'IKK PAVK. V M A. M P. M P M. - 3'. t» 251 v Bt Ti i ar I IT T2T ;ir Butler Juiutton lv ... 12 25 4 ««> T 4»- |\ linth-r Junction sir "5l» 12 «'> p o»i 7 4i' ar Freeport lv. 8 28 12 •- |l 7 53 • Alle liel. V JlSlirtiali.. . , 44 ; * Jl 12 Ml }l -1 8 « i •• l.« . hi.nri: 44 II J 4 4o s 21 • Paulton i A|n.l!< ) 44 7 .*.3 11 • _ v* hsl '• sil 22 • BkirvviUt • 7•« lo *. 9 ;y» " ItlairKville Intersection... 44 « r ) I » 1 s *«• 11 :'w» " Altuona 4 * 5 1" 1 in :i l« l 44 - jll 45 3 in 4 |6 Zl Philadelphia 8 3*» 11 J A. Mi P.M. IA. M P.M On Sunday, train leaving Bntler 7:3" a. m., connect» tor II ini-'-ni g. Alttiona and Philadelphia. TUr- a-h tnttti fi BP ii • cur-t leave l i Station), as follow-: Atlantic Kxprewi, daily 3:30 A.* Pennsylvania Limitiwl 44 7:1"» " 1 hiy Kxj»n>-, 44 7:31' 44 Main I.ine Kxj»r« '* > 44 Phlla lclphia KxpreMi, ' 4:3<i P.M KaMtern Express, " 7:«»5 " Fast I.ine, • 8:10 44 I'hilad a Mail, Snnduys only 8:40 %.M For detailed inforinatioti, address Tims. K. Watt, Pass. Ant. WVsteni Ihstii. t, t'orn* r Fi f tli Aveuu- and Saiith tiel l Street, lMttsl'iirg, l*». J B. HI Ti IIISON, J. R WoOl> 'jeneral Mauace («eu'l "w. Agent. Jury List For April 25th. List of names drawn from the jury wheel this 23rd day of March, isiis. to serye as traverse juors at a special term of Court, commencing on the fourth Monday of April, 189S, the same being the 25th day of said month. Althouse C F, Fairview boro, minister. Alexander W 11, Conno«inenessing twp, merchant. Allen John W. Clay twp, farmer. Cupps David, Butler boro Ist w. minis ter. Crisswell .T A, Mars boro. undertaker. Campbell -1 .1. Fairview twp, farmer. Dunbar W E, Adams twp, farmer. Dondag Leo. Butler Iwro Ist w, glass worker. Donthett A J, Evans City biro, f armer. Elliott Addison. Centre twp. farmer. Filgns August. Oakland twp, farmer Fruth Henry, Jefferson twp, pumper. Graham .Tost ph Cor.noquencssing twp. farmer, Grossman J G, Brady twp, farmer. .Goehring Harvey, Forward twp, far mer Hockenberry Casper, Worth twp. far mer. HazTett James N. Winfield twp, farmer. Earns T C, Butler twp, farmer. Kinney Peter, Oakland twp. peddler. Kelley William, Muildycrcek twp, far mer. Lcighmaii John. Lancaster twp, far mer. Lang George, Saxonbnrg boro, farmer. Logan Patrick. Clearfield twp, i'armer. Lefever Henry, Middlesex twp, farmer. Moore Clark, Oakland twp, farmer. McCollough H C, Oakland twp, farmer. McCandless Isaiah J, Bntler boro 2nd w, producer. McCandless J T. Centre twp, farmer. McCandlcss Thompson, Franklin twp, farmer. McGowan James, Prospect lioro. far mer. McGrath James, Clay twp. farmer. Painter Joseph A, Butler twp, farmer. Patterson Robert L. Penn twp, farmer. Rice S B, Forward twp, farmer. Reiser John, Cranberry twp. farmer. Ramsey William, Centre twp, farmer. Sutton William, Butler boro 4th w. driller. Stewart Frank, Mnddyoreek twp, far mer. Seaton Abner, Mercer twp. farmer Sherman John H, Butler boro Ist w. carpenter. Stiner F. B. Harmony boro, gent. Schaffner Harry, Bntler boro 4th w, driller. Shannon Charles, Connoquenessing twp, farmer. Story T B. Karns City, druggist. Thompson Thomas, Clearfield twp, far mer. Voglev Theodore, Bntler boro 3rd w, agent. Wbitmire Henry, Butler boro Ith w, fanner. Walker William, Clinton twp. farmer. Zf WOOL TO SELL WRITE TO W. F. RUMBERGER, Care A. Trout man's Sons. IM TI.l-.1.'. l'A MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS tTh»»y overcome H>akn«M. irieiru larlty an.lomiMitnnJiK'n'tt • v '»- 1 And Imrii -li " I' vi lopitK r.t of orifmi" and body-' known r»*m<*dy f >r w '* a nr.- il ~..r t».x bv m:>tt. Milllt •>» <lrilltir!«S«. BfOTT CHEMICAL C 0.,-1 For Sale by D. H WULLER. WRIGHTS-IS For »!L BILIOCS and Ncuvocs M|9 I S fi Dis*-sms. Thry purify the Lfg ■ 2 SB HLOOD ar.D give HKALTIIV iction to the entire syf.ein. ■ ■ Curo DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, CCWBTIPATIOIS and PIMPUBi M. C. WAGNER, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER. tj9 South Main street Over Shaul & Nast's Clothing Store | D. T. RARE, ii| THE LEADING MILLINtRY HOUSE Of- BUTLER CO. *| *3 Keep constanly on hand (foi immediate use) a full Hline of mourning goods, such as Chiffon-Silk. Nuns Veil- |S and Crape Bonnets and Hats Long and short Veils Rushiug.Mourning Gloves and Handkerchiefs Js land everything pertaining to Ladies Mourning furnish- ling Goods GIVE US A CALL \] M J122 S. Main St Q. J. Pgpg 122 S. Main St.|j PATTERSON BROS.:" Wall Paper and Room Mouldings Painting. Paper Hanging and Decorating. ESTIMATES GIVEN. New Wick Building. 236 North Main Street Butler. Pa. JL House Cleaning Time is line ami the War against Bogs, Moths etc., is on. \V< h j»roj a~cd a B u - Killer for -lie extermination of thc.-e pes:s, let us suum • li-.it ; this l>e mixed with the paste before papering the result will I.*.- very <ui- .:..cL-.iry. We .ire a'so headquarters for Moth Bails, Insect powder, etc. RE DICK & G ROHM AN ; -i-; -fc + 109 NORTH MAIN ST. BUTLER. : Jinnuinui uu I 11 hi ii iii i n iiii -ri iriirnfni'iVr'iYnViVi'iTWTV^"ST----'rinW>^W>'li'rVlryi^f J WE SELL DIRECT TO FARMERS. § . ;5 Farmers be Wise, C' 1 with us ar.il Save 40 percent, on your Fertilizer*. S i YOU SAVE SALESMAN'S EXPENSES AND AGENT'S PROFIT. £ 5 Analysis, l'ho*. Add, Ammonia, Actual Potash, * 5 ? per rent. per rent. per cent. 5 > Pure Raw Bone Meal 2J t< Jo 4 to 5 $22.00 per ton. s 3 Four Fold Fertilizer 'J to 10 a to 3 2 to 3 1600 " ft i Smoky City " " Bto 10 I\. to .'Vtf IJ4 to 2% 15.00 " * > Big Bonanza 44 9to 10 '2'.. lo3'« 4 to 5 ao.oo " ft > Potato Special 44 9to 10 3V_, t< G t<> 7 23.00 " 5 jC Tobaceo Special 44 11 to 12 3 lo 4 4 tos 21.00 " S Jj. Bone and Meat to 4 to 5 18.00 •' $ 5 For samples and pamphlet, WALKER. A CO.. Herr's Island. PITTSBURG. PA. gE W^VWVWWWWfAr^WWA*W , M\YA*W»^AV.*.\W I VWW. £ ~ . WWWAVWWW^ ((TIIC I QAINTING becomes expensive when you use cheap pain*. Perhaps yoa 111 C ■ have already learned this—others have. For excellent results in BEST every particular use THERE W. Johns' Liquid Paints IP Artistic shades producing pleasing effects. Color Card. Pamphlet," Exterior Decoration,' etc., mail»d on requoaC IH PAINT" J. 6. &W- Campueii. r l!t!er . Pa K :• R' rr.r Ilara Mc tU.OO w »* Bond tor !«*•!. ftw jc 0 . (MBmn. Mcc, wUheart»tu,Uan. «*»• A. food a, Will for 5:5. CMalojM of ill our ttjlei. .fcaie, apron aaiHcniei...StjJ. Aa gwo la. *Lll- for|M ELKHART CAJUOJLtiE I.NIJ LAU-Vtaa JUG. CO. W. U. I'UATT. The Encouragement we Received From BUTLER and adjo : ning Counties from our last months off: r, ir duces us to again offer tliis decanter, filVd villi th< % best California wine Vith Every Order of yd&N $5.00 ® And Over. JJuL Your selection from the follow- ifc ik |j ing, or send in a $5.00 order | If J for any of our liquors. ' Silver Age Rye $1,50 per quart, $6 per gallou. Duquesne Rye $1.25 per quart, $5 per gallon IJI Hear Creek Rye ) UlnHntl Guckenheimer Rye $ t 6 j]M flKttV Finch' 1 . • <|ts. for >5.00. M|E Overliolt f , • >5. L I mw v k w y % We will continue to pay ex- ;> . -f | press charges on all orders of 31®':' $5.00 and Over. C. O. I). fffi f charges are expensive, and you : ' '- *. -'■/ can save by remitting us the ■■■*»* emount either by registered "SirSfr* j-''J J _ mail, certified check or draft— Send us your address and we will mail you out catalogue and price list free. fIAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors, 82 FEDERAL ST-. ALLEGHENY, PA. The NEW York W eekly T RffiUKE THE GREAT FOR o-fc '*'+• :'-o X •b° National Family if i' f Newspaper Villagers, AND YOUR FAVORITE HOME PAPER, THE ' CITIZEN." Butler. Pa.. Both One Ycir For SI 50. Send all Orders to the "CiTIZEN." iill' X. Y. TRIBUNE ALMAXAt. aSU;»:J*«r pt.r I I'resi.l.nl Mt Kiate]r'. CaHjrt , i -l i-tc the Dcrsonuel of Congress, natnes of principal otneirs Mlie (ltfTerent^Suftes' cOT.ilianrlmg officers t>f the Army al.fl Navy, with their ««1- i "AhSTof PuhHc Statistics, Klection Returns, Party Plulfcitus nud Com mittees complete article* on the Currency, Gold and Silver, and amount ot otlici al. bh ii't'orillation Th standard American tlmanac, autl...nltvc^an .1 comp ' corns,,»n.ling in rank with Whittakcr's Almanac in ' Price 2. JC j Postage Paid. Send all Orders to TH ECJTIZEN pA