Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 21, 1898, Image 3
THE: CITIZEN. THURSDAY, APRIL 21, I*9B. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE—AII advertiser* Intending to make changes In their mix. should notify Us of their Intention to do noi later than Mon day morning. An Ordinance. Main's Circus for May sth. C, & T'< Can*-t and Knmitnre. Martincourt & Co » Buggies, etc. Barn Building Administrator's Notice, estate of Jno P. Roll. Administrators and F.xeeutors of estates can serure their receipt books at the CI 1 I ZEN office, and persons making public tales thslr note books. LOCAL AND GENERAL, When freedom from her mountain height Unfurled her standard to the air. She slew the eagle bird of fight And put the dove of concord there. She mingled with our liberty The red tape of diplomacy. And stripped our tuler of the right To pitch right in with all his might And say to any foreign power, ' We ll throttle you within an hour. " And once it therefore comes to pass That ere this nation goes to war. It has to talk and blow, alas! For something like six months before. Pnrxsnt iwney Spirit —"Joshua Simpkins.' —Last month for oysters —Tomorrow night, Joshua Simpkins —Where, where are those early gar dens? —Have jon got fixed up in y>ar new home? Mcrch nnti April mußt have swap Ir. '. s. ark Theatre. Friday, "Joshua us." ■Var-ren, Ohio," is the joke going t. . «,h the telephone wires. —Down in the valley the peach, cherry, rind jtear trees are in blossom. —All trees have trunks yet they never travel -but they will leave pretty soon. —Woman is illogical—she always takes the cork out of the bottle by posh ing it in. —Two stray horses pastured on the square in frpnt of the Court House, Su nday night —A. M. Sarver is remodeling his house on N. Main st. F. W. Ekas has the contract. —Somebody remarks that the chances are that "hell will smell of garlic for the next few years." —The new gas stove factory is to be 33x70 feet, and three stories high. It is going up. —Man wa3 made to mourn, but he afwayj thinks he can gat out of it by marr-ving again. —WoL"" en possess finer instincts than men, partii ~ r| ' ar 'y > n the matter of locat ing bargain co -Tiriters - —A declaration ** war is not a mat ter to be settled by p minting one's face with red ochre and utte" T ' n tf a whoop. —Those people who are keeping on their arms are liable to serioi ,rt >' impair their circulation, if they keep 1* a P- —No matter how much we iVisUfce people, we can never see why ihey .should not feel kindly disposed toward us. —Taking a bath went so hard with a stranger in Butler, Tuesday, that h* fainted while in the tab and came near 'drowning. —With some women, devotion to a mean hnsband is merely an obstinate determination not to admit having made a mistake. —Friday evening a freight train on the Bessmer w.is delayed two hours by a car becoming derailed at the southern edge of town. —There are some fat Butlerites who live without eating any breakfiist in order to keep their weight down, but .their is one Butler county lady who :at«> hut two meals a day for six months and gained thirty pounds during that Slime. —Tht'CITIZKN has lately entered into three busine-H or professional lvnses ' n Petrolia, viz:—Adam Heck ler's birb -r* shop in the Postoffice build ins; W. BYa dental parlors and the Central Hotel ke/ 4 by J S ' Bye ™ on Main at. - GOD. Shaffner has aL' od<l, bnt hynd * some, brick sidewalk fron. prop erty on Lookout Ave. The bri< . are made in Nelsonville, Ohio, the., " [' V ' a corrugated top, aie very hard, to. , the first premuim at the Worlds t. make a very pretty and very durable I Walk, and can be put in place at 15 cts. I a square foot. —A Boston girl who has been trying to find ont why bicycle often runs into objects she tries to avoid thinks she has solved the problem at last. She savs: "It is hypnotic influence of con centrated attention, rendering the movements inco-ordinate, so that the rider becomes the victim of perverted reflexes of purposeless effort and the object subject of an optical delusion. ' That's it, it just jumbles a green girl all up. - Disease wrought havoc with the United States troops in the only trop ical warfare in the experience of this •country that waged against the Sem inole Indians, in Florida, from 1835 to 1842. Of the 7,40<) soldiers engaged during the seyen years, 1,250 died of disease. From the present time of year until autumn tbe climate of CUIKI 19 more fatal to Northern puople than the Everglades of Florida. —lt is a Singular fact that many writers who have canght and reflected 'the very spirit and life of countries anil places were never themselves in those countries. Thomas Moore, whose "Lallah Rookh" and "Loves of the Angels breathe the very air and spirit of the Orient, was never in the East. Stephen C. Foster, author of "My Old Kentucky Home," "Snwanee River" and many other negro songs that were accepted as the expression of plantation life and melody, was never in the South, and knew nothing about negro life e cept what he had gleaned frem books and conversation. When he married he moved from Pittsburg to New York, and being lonely, wrote "Snwanee Ribber," tmlling the name from an atlas because of its musical sound How Is This? Two <ait.s-»:at on the back yar«l fence And never raised a bow): A coon passed by a hennery And didn't take a fowl; The little boy ate apples green And wasn't sick not he, The mother in-law was just as kind As any one couM b<-. And wifey bought Wall nice. "Six bits" for a whole room, At Patterson s the only place W here trade is on the Isjom. "The caper comes, I read it though And all the household t*ad it ti»> So bright it is if t«»sed <>uf d.»ir. The nun will oer its columns JKHIT. Which proves, of course, right m minute There's not a -single dry page in it —Walter Main and "Buffalo Bil are billing Butler to "beut the band. —• Truth is generally spoken of as 'naked,' " says the Philosopher. "Per haps that's why she so seldom appears in public life ' —Fifth Ave Pittsburg, could scarce ly have been more crowded with people than Main St.. Butler. wa* Saturday evening. Butler isn't dead yet —ln the early days of railroading ?n this country, a tallow candle stuck in the window of a station house meant "stop, " and its absence was a signal to "go ahead." —Broadguage ties have been distrib uted all along the P. & W. north of Butler and employees of the road say broadguage trains will be running by the Ist of June. —The Col'fit Heating Co. of Brooklyn has secured a location in But'er. on E. Cunningham St.. adjoining the Purvis lumber-yard, and is putting up a build ing for the manufacture of gas stoves. —The National League base ball sea son opened last Friday with but little notice from the great American people, just now they are looking for war. Pittsburg lost its first game to Louis ville by a score of 3 to 10. —The late flood wet the dynamos at the electric light plant and had to be rewound, and r.fter that the "fields" burned out but Humphrey worked hard and has them all right again. —Elmer Campl>ell has rented the old Rockenstein corner at Main and North streets, has opened with a complete lino of tin and granit? w ire. .lu*t at pres ent he is kept busy, night ai d day, making torpedo shells. —A young worn in of the Ist Ward apparently temporally deranged, was found on S. Main St. Monday nigL't lightly dressed. She was taken to her home but tried to jump from the Centre Ave. bridge on the way there. —A writer in the London Vegetarian declares that 90 per cent, of the world's fighting has been done on a vegetable diet If that be the case, we implore every lover of oeace to beware the goo turnip and the homicidal cabbage.— Franklin News. —At a meeting of Co. E. 15th Regi ment in the Armory. Tuesday evening, to find out how many would be ready to enter Uncle Sam's service in case of war every man expressed him self as ready .m l willing to go at once, with two exceptions who would be wholly excused under their circum stances. Jack Walker the tobacconist, says he is going to make the boys a preseut of a box of good tobacco when they start. —R. W. Breast, a North Washington young man, came to Butler last week, bought a $25 gold watch from a local dealer on his father's credit, hired a first class bicycle from another business man. rode away aud has not been seen since, though it is reported that he was seen in Pittsbnrg. Breast was forrner- Jy an immate of the Huntington Re formatory and was released on good behavior If captured he will likely be returned to that institution. The great domestic stand-by. Dr. Bnll's Cough Syrup, is now recognized to be a family necessity. Keep it han dy. ACCIDENTS. Edward Vensel. formerly of Millers town, was killed by the explosion of ni tro-glvcerine at a well near Manning ton, W. Va. a few days ago. Jno. L. Lane, an oil man, of Alle gheny Co.. was thrown under the cars near Mars. Monday, and had an ami badly "rushed MAUKKTH. Local grocers are paying Ifor but ter. 10 for eggs. TO Tor potatoes, .»<) tor parsnips, beets and carrots. ■>■> for tnr nips. Seed peas, corn and beans retail at 15c a qt, pumpkin seeds at 10 ami onion sets 10. Local dealers are paying 85c for wheat. 40 for rye. 35 for corn and 30 for oats. Clover seed retails at S3. -•> a bu. and timothy at $1.55 a bu. A Letter For You. Unclaimed letters at the Postoffice at Butler Pa., week ending April IS, lfc&'S. Mr A D Akhis, Miss Seheh Bredeny, Mr Rees David. Mrs Isiah Faret. Mr J M George, J A Johnston, Esq., Mr D Jack, Mrs Adamas Krebs. B M Kenne dy, Mrs Jam>-s Kennedy, John W Kyle, Esq., John Lacy, Esq., Mr Roy Priugle, Mr Elmer Pfabe, Smith & Gibson, Mrs I C Yonng. . > calling for these letters pleas* say i„ ised. JOHN W. BBOWN. P. M. ac. veri. APc 'PLLAIC CIRCUS. .. .. * . Main Greatest alter 1 < Consolidated ami Best Nliow, H ralb-led. Absolutely I ni»- , T M ain Grand Where ver the W alter L. t(< j }j as est and Best Sh.iws Consolida, rowd exhibited this year, it has drawn c ow ed tents, thus proving that the u t organization has secured the public h fullest approval '1 be new organiza- ] tion is composed of t.ie very best and most widely experience d *how Jiien of 1 both Europe and Aineric'f . and is under , the capable direction of .Mr. William H. Sells, a manager of e.\"t» - nsive exiH*- rience and pre-eminent abi lity. As per press notices of all cities w» *ere it ha.' exhibited, the show is one of the Itc-st that traveln. and has firmly < stablished its reputation to present om" «»f the very best and cleanest enterta! nments. The Circus is given simultaneously in three rings and 011 two celebrated sta ges. Tht) hippodrome track, which encircles the rings, is a quarter of a mile around and is used for the races , and olympian sports. The Menagerie department is *ery fine, embracing a large- and costly va riety of wild beasts. One of the I'iost interesting features is a flock of huge African ostriches, which the manage ment purchased and imported after a costly outlay. The Walter L. Main Grandest and Best Shows Consolidated is the only circus exhibiting such a feature. This show exhibits at Butler, Thursday, May ~>th PARK THEATRE. "JOSHUA SIMPKINS," FKIDAY, APKIL< 22nd. "Josna Simpkins," will be theattract ion at Park Theatre, Friday, April I 22nd. It is said to boa well written pastor al play, with an interesting plot, the 1 story boing a happy blending of »un shine and shadow. The situations' are said to be strikingly realistic, with an overflow of fun and airtnscinenf. There are seven comedy parts in addition t>"> that of Uncle Josh, which character if-. 1 really a whole show in itself. A sen sational novelty is introduced in the | third act in tin- shape of a realistic* saw ! mill scene, in which u monster circular I saw is used, and which is said to actu- [ ally saw through real tiinl»er. Of Interest to You Parties wishing to engage in th<; livery business, call 011 Walker McKWain for location and outfit. —Job work ot all kinds done, nt the CllZliN OFFICE. C.KCIAL NEWS. MOTES- Letters of administration on the es j tate of A B. Crouch, late of Butler.havc ! been granted to Emma B. Crouch Saturdav, May 7. is the last day for . filing accounts for the June term with: Reg. Adams. Felix II Negley has been appointed j assistant assessor of the south precinct of Penn twp. Harry B. Fox. of Marion twp., ad _ judged insane, was taken to the Polk j Pa. Institute for feeble minded The will of John P. Roli. late of j Cranberry twp.. has been probated and ; Robert M. Roll made administrator C. T. A James McTighe of Euclid was arres ted in Greenville Pa. Friday for at tempting to steal a horre and buggy on the street. Win. B. Graham, of Jefferson Iwp . has assigned to Jos H. Graham for benefit of creditors. S 11. Cooper and Robert H. Harbison were appointed ap praisers. J. E. Brown hn- filed an execution at tachment against N;col Allen," defend ant. and O. and C. 13. Harper, adminis trators of A. J. Harper, dee d.. garnish ees to satisfy a judgment. Ad. Desilverie waj taken to the Mer cer jail Saturday morning on a charge of obtaining money on false pretense, preferred by Sheriff Dodds, Desilvi-rie induced the sheriff to indorse a note for #>'iii. and then drew the money, the sheriff had to pay the note. Jacob Beck, the gardener, a former Pittsburg man, who shot and killed John Reichert, his employe, last Satur day, had a hearing on a vrit of habeas corpus before Judge Reyburn, of Arm strong county, in the Court House at Newcastle, and bail was allowed in the sum of $10.0(10. There seems from the testimony to be no chance of con victing Beck of a higher crime than man-slaughtei. The will of J. Dean Marshall late of M?rs has been probated and letters granted to F. M. Marshall C. T. A. The will reads: Commending my soul to (TO<l who gave it, I will and bequeath niv property as follows; to my mother Agnes M. Marshall. I will and bequeath ten-thousand dollars in trust for my children, born and unborn, for her use during her life, at her death to go to children share and share alike. The balance I leave to my wife and child ren share and share alike. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Geo. J. Krug to W. F. Rumberger. lot in Bntler l>oro. for S9IM>. Margt. J. Bruner to J. B. Gilmore. lot in Donegal for S9O. Melissa H Walker to Jas. Patrick, lot in Renfrew for SSO. J. H. Hampton to Jas. Patrick lot in Renfrew for ?1. Ssjiittel Crow to J. S. Clark lot in Mars for $125. Robert F. Ekin to J. B. Martin, 150 a. in Connoquenessing twp for $->.#so. Frank Stall to Jennie Cross lot in Marion for S3OO. John Weber to A G Morris Lime stone Co. 321 a. in Wintield for $15,000. Jas F McCaslin to John Fredley 5 acres in Middlesex for S4OO. W B Dodds. Sheriff, to Caroline Kearney lot in Harmony for $l9O. Caroline Kearney to A L Kline lot in Harmonv for $3425. Isaac H Wise to Oley Hanson 10 acres in Penn for SIOOO. Jenetta Carnahan to Hattie M Weller lot in Penn for S4OO. Win Strntt to H E Pinkerton lot in Zelienople for $450. H E Pinkerton to Mrs. Jane Strutt lot in Zelienople for 8800. A Bnrkhard to Petrolia M. E. church lot for 890. W B Dodds, sheriff, to P C Sutton lot in Mars for $.-> OS. P C Sutton to E T Norton lot in Mars for $1575. Sarah K Conn to Pa. Sgs. Fund and Loan Assn lot in Butler for $5. Adam Wahl to Henry Wahl 71 acres in Jackson for SSOOO. Chas Duffy to Louisa Wilson lot in Butler for S2OO. Marriage Licenses. William E. Martin Venango twp Etmira E. Soil wick Allegheny twp Silas H. Evans Shira Sadie L. McMahon Glenora V; ~V, r.l u a Rii,iri>r DeliltlO Nicholas Kieger ueiano r Anie Bartiley Sarversville c Stephen Vinroe Penn twp Emma Zimmerman ' A. R. Smith Mars Etta M. Frankenstein Zelienople John Kraft Butler ' Maggie McGreggor ' Robert McFarland Jacksville 1 Clarissa C. Cooper Slipperyrock I Charles L. Cress Connoquenessing ; Jessie O Morris Rev. H. B. Burns .. Clear View Pa Alice B. Kiskaddon Butler At New Castle, —Willianj Benhiju of Muddycreek twp , aud Lizzie M. Weh wau of Lawrence Co. Tlic Pi'oliibs. The delegates elected at the Prohil/i tion County Convention held in But'.er . last Saturday were instructed to sup ( port Dr. S. C. Swallow, of Harrisburg, , for Governor and to presont to the ( Stata Convention at Harrisburg, May ( 19, and 20, tlii- iiajpe of Amos Steel smith oil operator of Bullet ue % candi date for Lieutenant Governor. L. C. Wick was elected County Chairman, Rev. 1. G. Pollard Secretary, and John McMarlin Treasurer. William Braden -lid <) M Russell were nominated for the Legislature; Rev. J. S. McKee, L. C. Wick, and Amoj Stce'smith were ejected Congressional conferees; and Ravmoud Cornelius was nominated for District Attorney. The delegates elected to tuo State Convention are; Rev. J. S. McKee, Amos fsteelsmilh. William Braden, John H. Sutton. O. M. Russell, L. C. 1 Wick, Mrs. C. I). Greenlee, Rov. J. W. 1 v,'?. J McMarlin, G. M. Hobanglt. P S Ke''ey« Pollard. State ( K Jones, of Phila- SS'an'fK. v. C. ii ILv, „f NVw York, addressed the convention. K<tinc('<rJtotes to \V.-sJjing:toi, Am! Baltimore. The J:wt of low rate ten .lay excurs ( iol is from Western Pennsylvania to Washington v'ja tlw Pennsylvania Bail road wili leave Pittsburg May 12 trip tickets will i<- sold at rates <inoW below. good going cm so cial train indicated, of on train . u ■*. leaving Pittsburg at ».J0 I M.. and carrying through sleeping cars u.- Wash ington; returning, tickets will be g.;od on any regular train except tlie 1 eunsy lvania Limited. These tickets will also be good to stop off at Baltimore within Jtheir limit. Special train ut through parlor cais and coaches will be run t>ii the following schedule:- Train leaves. Rate. Pittsburg ».<» A M. Tarentum 7-34 " Vatrona i-3!> Butler «.J!o Freeport 7.48 " Washington.Ar. 7.15 P. M. f Passengers will use regular train through to Washington. Should the number of passengers not be sufficient to warrant the running of I j a special train, the company reserves ' the right to carry participants in this j excursion on regular train. Tickets on sale in Pittsburg, at Union Ticket Office, 360 Fifth Avenue, and Union Station, and at all other Stations mentioned al»oye For full informa tion apply to agents or Thomas E Watt Passenger Agent Western District. Fifth Avenue and Smithiield Street Pittsburg. Any of our readers needing gas stove* j or gas ranges, gas fronts or any gas sav- | inj. appliance will find it a financial sav- j ing to call at the store of W. H. I and get prices on the extensive line tlicy have en exhibition. They are also J : agents for the celebrated Welsbach ' ' of which :nore than 1200 were ' ol«I in Butler, last year. —Music scholars wanted, at 12S W. , Wayne St. PERSONAL. ! 9. 13 Cross ha.- waved back to Bntler. I l)r. Cowden of Renfrew was in town last week. I A L Brown of Concord twp. wa» in I town, Tuesdav. Thcnias Jamison ?.nd son of Fairview . twp. were in town, Tne-day. | T'neo. Deinilinir. of Jefferson twp., j ha* moved to Butler. Robert Hamilton of Concord twp. ; was in town. Saturday j Al. :s in poor healt.a and is now living in Allegheny. Howard Roval of Valencia spent Sut.- day with his folks in liutler Hardie Hepler was elected corporal . !in <'o. E . Wednesday evening. Andrew Graham is erecting a frame , dwelling on his lot on West street. Dr. McAlp.ne is goinsi a long ways off on the Ist of May Fair warning. JO3. M.wire of Grove City, mannfac- I turer of Maple Syrup, was in towr. Monday. Conrad Sell and wife of \\ .niiel 1 i twp. did some shopping in Butler, j Saturday. Miss Eftie Smith, the North Wash J ifton milliner, has a Spring uj>ening i this week, John Morris has the founda;:<>n faid : for a new frame dwelling on W. (.'an- j ningham St .las. Robertson of Oakland and W D. Renigk of Slipperock twp were in; town last Saturday J. M. Grier of California, formerly; of Evans City, visited his folk.- in Clay , twp.. last week. Mrs. Elvira Weigle. of Franklin twp. 1 is having a sale today, and intends moving to lowa. Robert McKinnis of Franklin twp. j was in town, Monday. He is now in ' his S-d year. Wm. Geariug of Foiward twp. and his daughter Sirs. A. H. Beam did sou;'- shopping in Builer yesterday. Last Fr?day evening a new :<-n pound girl came to stay with Jas. 11. Turner and wife of X. Bluff Street Esq W. B. Beilillion, C'ooperstown's shoemaker, has added his name to the CITIZEN'S subscription list. ,T. B. Mates and E. L. Vounic. Attor neys at-Law, now occupy Room U, on the second floor of the Armory build • ini T . James Wilson, aged cSO years, of Pros pect was in town, Monday, and he lift ed one of those' SW-pound cannon balls with one finger. Mrs. O. Dieter, who keeps a good re liable family grocery store, at Kanis City, lately became a subscriber of the CITIZEN. Miss Alice Collins, of S. Main St.. spent Sunday at Mount Aloysins Semi nary, at Cresson Springs, on the Penna H. R Mrs. A. Flanegan of Oakland twp. has moved to Butler and is living with her son, John, on Institute Hill, who is doing well at carpet weaving. Attorneys Lev McQnistion and J. C. Vanderlin and J. W. Wilson form a new firm of lawyers located in the old McQnistion office. Dr. Bricker has "enlarged and refitted his rooms at No. S Main St. He now has a large, donole, parlor-recep tion room; handsomely furnished; and an operating room, with good light. Win. Klu}?h, of Karns City, had a vendue of his household goods, horses, etc.. Tuesday afternoon. Dan Maloney. of Millers towr;, cried the sale and could be heard at Petrolia, two miles away. A H. Gold and Crawford Johnston, of Flick, were in town, yesterday, and Crawford was wearing a genuine farmer's badge a plough-point. Mr. Gold is in good health and looking well. Rev J. R Coulter D. D. has not miss ed a spring meeting of the Butler Presbytery for forty-two consecutive years. He is present at the sess ion now being held in our town. Rev. H. B. Burns of Clear View, Liwrence Co. and Miss Alice B. Kis kaddon. dai'ghter of Commissioner Clerk. Jas C. Kiskaddon. wore mar ried Wednt -l iv aftern inn :it th« hrl ric-ii weancsaay atternoon at the l>rj de's home. Rev. Worrel officiating. OIL VOTES. The Standard is paying 75e this morn ing. MA KS Fonr new wells have lately been drilled in on the Calvin Kennedy farm, at Mars, two liv Stewart & Co. and two by Perry Kerr & Co. Kerr's two wells together make forty barrels a day. Two other wells are drilling and promise to IK- good producers. Tlji- Coal Minors. The coal miners and operators of Bea ver, Butler. Lawrence and Mercer counties have reached a temporary agreement under which the miners will j return to work while a joint committer of miners and operators investigate the scale paid just across the State line. If conditions are found to be tha same the operators will pay the same wages. Actual Business College. Actual Business College and school of shorthand. No one ever got a business education or learned book-keeping, by copying and studying the old text book system. Don't be made to believe that all schools have Actual Business; let them show you tlieir system; don't let them trick you in. But require them to Jet you sec their books, ami be slire yon see the school at work. I-or circulars and paiticulars call or address ACTUAL BUSINESS COLLEGE 304 Main St. butler Pa. A Common Mistake. it is 3 po'ijmon mistake people make in supposing thai ti»<_ only object of the Business College is to grind out book keepers and stenographers. Business College education is useful to everybody. The sjjan of wealth cannot tell if his l>ook keeper dofci his work properly unless he hiinoelf understands ih.. science of ac counts. lust .is the best housekeeper need not do the work herself but she knows how, and hence knows when it is properly done. The poor man needs business education to be able to manage his resources to the best advantage. The t4*Qit 1 is plain, attend the Butler Business and School of Short hand 319-327 South Ma;u Ct where the best methods of iihd giaphy are .ought. Deposit Your Savings by Mail. Write on a postal card to The I'itts burg Bank for Sayings, No. 210 Fourth Ave. Pittsburg, for instructions how to deposit your savings by mail with that Bank. These instructions will explain tint y</U can safely send money by mail. I)o not keej; /our money where you get no interest, or less than .j per cent,, which this bank always pays 011 time .Jep its. It is one of the oldest and safest Sav ings banks in Pittsburg. You can de posit one dollar at a time. iM I'ark. Idlewild is the garden *p..i ..f West ern Pennsylvania. As an exeuratoW ground it stands unrivaled. In pursuance of its usual custom, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will arrange with chnreho* schools, lodges, and other organizations for special low rate excursions to Idlewild (luring the coming season. Committees desiring to j make arrangements should address j Thos. 10. Watt. I'assenger Agent, West Urn lhMri'-t. Fifth Avenue. Pit,to burg. Early application for dates ■ should be made. I —Are you overworked and in need qI j rest and (juiet? Hotel Rider, Cambridge ' Springs, is the p'ace for you. All the comforts of home together with the I best medicinal waters known. A week's ! sojourn will make you ten years young j er. Write for circulars. V Session of Council. For variety of subjects discus-*-! a -er-siuu of our Town Coanci. Pr diuMy finals that of any legislative body on < irth. They had an extra - -ion <r special meeting, on Tut--.lay evening, lasting from s to ln.ijn 1' M . t which through report.- »f comuiitW*. - or otii*. wise every corner of the town was talk el about, but the subject that came last the r»-iH>rt of the Finance Committee, held over from last meeting was prob ably of most interest to the public. In apportioning the prospective iv* t-nue- of the town for thi> year he Finance Committee gave the Light Committee £i<N»o, and the Street Com mittee sllo<'. with £"<(K) for bridges. The Street < ommittee has lately been . examining the condition of those streets I that were injured by the late Hood. and it will need about s♦■.;:«> to r. pair them; ' one member of the Street Committee proposed "ikinir *! tun» of the Light i Committee's money, bat as the Light j Co'iuuittec owes SUwO to the Electric Light Co. now, that proposition was 1 antagonized and a half hour's discus, t sioa resulted in the determination to j take a popular vote on a special tax fir i lighting pnriwses, next Fall, and in the i present -ituation being let rest until I next regular meeting. | Another matter of general interest is j the condition of the embankment of i ventre' Ave., oil the west side of the i bridge. Tht wall is giving away, and I Mr. McNaiiit e s house 1 is threatened 1 with destruction, which would mean a I damage suit, and the temporary closing i of the street, but Mr. McNamee pro ] poses selling his lot to the R. R. Co. | and buying one that the borough owns oi can acquire title to on S. McKean St., and the proposed dicker was re ferred to a committee A few spiles and logs would save that wall and the street, but the houses must tir»t be got t -a out of the way. Wm. Duster underbid Harry Rim me: - a lew dc liars on the E. Clay street sewer and will have the contract if he s cures bail in Peter Sclu nek un derbid Geo Shaffner about SI."VO uii the East Clay street paving and will secure the contract, amounting to £*.ooo, as soon aa the property owners release all cl lims for damages; several defective sidewalks were reported and noted. and a dozen other matters brought to the at tention of the Council. CHt'RCII NOTES The Bntler Presbyterian Presbytery met in First church Butler, Monday; Rev. I. D. Decker, of West Snnbury. preached the opening sermon. Rev. !'. D. Slonaker, or Zelienople. was elected moderator, and Rev. U. L. Montgom ery temporarj' secretary. Rev. B Taylor accepted a call, lo Harisville and New Hope and will lie ins ailed May Harlansbnrir church was permitted to unite with Rich Hill, Shenango presby tery. in a call to Rev. R. C. Stewart, who was ordained bv Shenango presby tery. The call of Clintonville for two thirds of the time of Rev N. K Crowe, in which Amity church, in the same charge, refused toacouiesce, was chang ed to a request for the ministers full time. Action was deferred, and pend ding a settlement the two congrega tions will be supplied. The principal commissioners to the general assembly are: Rev. W. L. MeClure and Elder \V. J. Welsh; alternates. Rev. 8. A. Stewart and Elder James S. Wilson. Examinations and trials for licensure were taken by Charles (). Anderson, H. <). McDowell. J. D. Humphrey. II M. Offut. G. I. Wilson and It. P. Dauben speck. Yesterday morning was taken up in hearing the reports of the different Boards; and G. W. Campbell of Con cord church was ordained as a minis ter These stated supplies were appointed: Clintonville, Rev. N. K. Crowe; Mars Lincentiate G. !. Wilson Pleasant Val ley. Rev. I D. Decker: Summit: Rev. H&zlett. Panning caused of dit cipline to come before the presbytery. Bessie Angew, a member of the church in Parker twp.. had been teaching danc ing school. When she was taken to task by the elders, she claimed she was doing nothing inconsistent with her church membership, but they thought otherwise and sumuiondedhor to appear before the church session for trial. This she failed to do. When the term of dancing school closed. Miss. Agnew told one of the members of the session that she would not teach the school again as long as she was a member of the church, but as the threat was made that if she was sessioned the matter would be taken to the General Assembly, the session decided to ask the advice of presbytery. That body sustained the action of the session. lit v. Rankin of Cambridge, a brother of D. L. Rankin, will preach in the First Presbyterian church next Sun day. An Installation Service will be held at the Baptist Church. Mifflin St. 011 Friday evening at V. P. M. when Bro. G. II Trapp late of Braddock will be publicly recognized as Pastor of the fiast Baptist Church Butler Many from adjoining towns will ha present. Last Sunday evening immense audi ances thronged the U. P. and M. E. churches, to attend the union services held in the interest of the Anti-Saloon League. Several local pastors address ed each meeting and the? attending peo pie gave evidence of their approval of the Anti-Saloon movement. The League is thoroughly organized and means light. The Lord's Supper will be observed in the Methodist Episcopal church the Coming Sunday, Apr. '24 th. Rev William A. Mehard, D I)., has resigned his pastorate of the East Brook Presbyterian Church in Law rence Co. He has been the continuous pastor of the church for forty-seven years, and ill-health alone is the cause 1 of his present action. j Dr. Mehard's life has been a busy one, for during a period of :il years, from j Is.Vs to 1SKI», he was.also a member of the faculty of Westminster College and at one time President of the institution. He w ill retiri- to private , life and make his home in New Castle. The Pastor of tin? < trace Lutheran Church will begin next Sunday evening a series of illustrated-oermons on Bun yan's Pilgrim's Progress. Large Scrip ture Paintings designed and arranged 1 speeiiijly f"r pulpit use will unfold the Wonderful story Of liit. pilgrim s journey from * l " > City of Destruction to the (iolden City. Come and bring your friends. —For bargains iu valuable and desir -1 ' able residences i:i<u;i'<a of Walker & Mc- Elvain. —New Spring and Summer goods ar riving every day ( prices much BKLOW > LAST YEARS PKICES,) at The Peo ples S". ire. A'.k your physician if he docs not think a «ojour!i at Cambridge Springs would do you good. If you need rest and nature's tonic, good mineral water, ! lie will answer, "Yes." Hotel Rider of- I feis accomodations equal to the best. ■ 1 Send fur circulars. Bicycles. ' ! —See Findley the Photographer be fore buying a wheel. He will save you 1 some money on it. Post Office Building. Laughing Babies I Are those who take Hoxsie's C. C. C. for coughs, colds and croup. No op'um *! to stujiefv, no ipecac to nauseate. 5 j cents. [! For Suit*. ■ House and lot on Liie oii* AVI.. , I.ea, : I Plate Works, at a -acriiica as owner it. s tends moving away. Lot 4<txl'4a three - ] roomed house, title good Impure at I this ofli'je. it Miirtler? La.-* Thursday »veninu' :<t the rail r •;!<! shanty near Mtlln.th- mill in C-utrr twp. .•.!«• .•!•'!••! gel. tb wi named Bundv shot and instantly killed a'i .ther called U hite Some thirty of the gentlemen lived in t it? shanty, a large tin bu.-set which hid I«*»'!» sitting on the top of the store was aci'id.'lllly kiiov-Ked over :;nd fell u; on the floor, a gentlemannanietl M: r taiu kicked it; Bauday who was for. man of the gang heard the noise and came from his noa ;:nd struck ..lar . tain then turned on White and strn -K him and shot him The ball enteml White - head just back of tin- left ear and he fell dead j just outside the 1 >r of the shanty. Then Bundv t xik W'oiti pistol dressed himself in his best, came to Butler and got hi-* wages from Broad 1 head and dippeared Some body came ' > But% r and told of the affair, some p' >ple went out and j found White lying dehd at the shanty do >r: ;lio i «ly was phi •. 1 in a box and j brought to Butler, then put in a cofiiu. j and was viewed next morning at Berki j mers rooms by hundreds. He was b'-.ried in the north cemetery j Saturday morning. Coroner Jones held ! an inqnest and found that Chas W hitt came to his death from a gun shot wound at hands of W 11 Bundy and the couuty will foot the bill. I>on*t Iv il! the Birds. The small boy and his air gun are de stroying hundreds of our song bird-. | Several citizens have witnessed the kill- j ing of r )bins, swallows and other birds, i and are indignant that boys, and even J men, will wantonly take the lives of j birds that are not only of value in kill- ! ing insects bat air-useful as songsters. • There is a law. not quite a year old, ; which bears directly on this matter and j in extract may point out to those in- ; terested wherein they art liable to a ! fine for each offense. An extract from the law of June 7.. ItUT, ."tor Jthe pro t-ction of song birds in this common wealth says: That no person in this common wealth shall kill, wound, trap or snare, pois >n or drug, any song bird, under a penalty of a fine of $lO for each anil every violation and in default of pay ment to undergo imprisonment in the county jail one day for each dollar of (i i:e imposed. Ex. If vou want a Bicycle or your old one repaired go to White Walter iV Co. largest stock in County. Bicycles for hire. rourpercent Interest Paid Your surplus earnings aie safest if deposited with The I'iltsburg l.ank for Suvirtgs, N->. 210 Fourth Ave., I'ittsburg, I'a. You can deposit by mail, as safely as iu person. Write to the Bank for blanks and you will receive reply by mail. The Pittsburg Bank of Savings pays 4 percent, iiuererest on time deposits. Do not keep your money where jou draw no interest. The Pittsburg Bank for Savings was founded iu 1562 and lias assets of over $3.100,000. Its deoositors are thus amply protected. A N Ordinance relating tothecon stuction of a pnbiic sewer in die Borough of Bntler.Pa., and determ ining the places of laying and con structing the same. Whereas, it is deemed necessary to the general health and the public wel fare of the inhabitants of Butler Bor ough. to sec Tire prop* r and safe disposal of sewerage from said Borough and to that end that additional sewer mains shall lie constructed. Section 1 The Burgess and Town Council of Bntler Borough do ordain that a public sewer to be paid for by general taxation, shall be laid, built or constructed as follows; Beginning at manhole 011 East side of main sewer on property of the Pittsburg, Bessemer •V Lake Erie Railway Company, thence running in a Southerly direction through the property of the Pittsburg. Bessemer & Lake Erie Railway Compa ny and property of Mrs. Mary li. Muntz two hundred and thirty (230) feet more or less to Main St., thence along South Main St., three hundred and twenty < :!-'•) feet to Butler Hospital sewer. The sewer pipe to be of the diameter of ten il l) inches, to be constructed and laid as shown by plans in the office of t'i" B ) rough Engineer. Section J In pursuance hereof the said Borough by its agents, employees, workmen and contractors will enter up on, condemn and take such land, prop erty or materials for the construction of said sewer-main and works as may be necessary therefor. < Irdained and < nacted in Council this l'Jth, day of April A. I). l si)H. .1. GKO. STAMM Attest: President of Town Council H. E. Cot'LTEK Secretary. Approved of by ine this 20th day of Apr, 1 sys. J.N'O. T. MYERS. Burgess. The Fate of The Maine. lljte| it % ' \oon» doubt* now hut 111:11 the Maine was Mow up with a mine or torpedo, and it is with great effort that our Leader is holding iu chuck the Aiiiorl'-an people when tliey think tin y are in the right it is almost impossible to stop them. It Looks Like War hut we must goon and dobusincss nil the same, our stock this .spring is fully one half larger than ever before and there is going to be some great shoe selling this spring \IY are in shape to meet your warn • 1 — • M 1 •• •) n. * 4 * ' liefore. Our Line of Tan Shoes Must IK- s*-en to lie apprieated. Ladles' Tan Sll.M Hf: 'III INe I«» r "|» II'S lan SIP s from ?!.£'» lo 4 .."H•. IVoy's Tan Hlioe.i from the to Child's Tan shoes from to fi.nn. See all our lines before you buy. liig cut in price* In every de part merit. Repairing Done Promptly. C.EJIiLLER. ;! BARN BUILDING If you intend building a house, barn ' |or anything else, this summer send to , (' < • Campbell, Butler, Pa . contractor j and buildi i f.q eitimatos on luatina| ! and laUii. ijabscfibe tor tlo CiTitKN < 1 Our IVlethod Doing Business We hope will merit vour 1 patronage. Ours is not the i on'.v store in liutler, hut I we uo try to make it such a place to buy your :irugs and medicine as to win your confidence and secure your patronage. Do not come to our store for cheap drugs. We don't keep the in. Nothing but the best finds a place in our ■ store and every article ' bearing our name is guar : cntei..l lo be jwst .is, repre sented or you can gel your money back. We huv the ! best, sell the l>est, keep the best and lecotunieno the l>est It is this nieth od that has brought to our store a and de sirable patronage. If you have never dealt at our store we would be pleased to have you call. We try tc everything that is likely to be called for in our li'ie*, but if we should j not have what you want we will frankly tell you so and will be pleased to get it fou you at the earl its possible moment. We give- vou what you want, No substi ; t tions permitted. Let us fill your j prescriptions Respectfully, C N. Boyd, DRUGGIST. I Diamond Block, Butler, Pa. LEGAL AOVERTISMENTS. ADMiNISTRATOR'S NOTJCE. bitters of administration C. T. A., hav ! ing been granted to ihe undersigned on i tile i -late of John I\ R< 1!, dee'd., late of 1 Craiitisrrj- tup , Butler Co., I'a; all per sons knowing themselves indebted to wid estate will pleaje make immediate payment, and any hiviug.claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to ROBERT M ROLL. Adm'r. Thorn Hill, I'a. WIU.IAMS <V MITCHELL, Atty's. ORPHANS' COURI SALE. In pursuance of an or*k'r and decree of the Orphans Court in and for the County of But ler, tod State <>f Pennsylvania, t.» me the undersigned dinvtrJ. I will oflVr for sale at public vendue, on the premises ;;t one o'clock p. m . on SATri;DAY MAY Mh. 1-vK All that certain lot of ground situate in the Imrouuli "f Valencia, in ihr town-.hip of \ • . Stat4 foresaid, bound ed on the nort Invest by \ Imira street 163 and 2-|e feri. on the northeast bounded by land of I)r "v O. Sterret t i"' feet, on the southeast tMHinded by lot of Miss Snow 112 and .VlO feet, and on the southwest bounded by street 151 f« t, being t Lying together in i tx>rough. located and maritea i»y Bald Pr.S.O Bten t it of his larger t t of land. 11:«viiisr i frame dwelling house, out- and u.it« r well thereon. TKKM> t»l >AI.K ( a>h on .'onformation thereof and delivering deed to purchaser. Title L'ood. EIKiAIiCOWAN. Adiu'i of Mrs. Alnilni Cowan, dee'd, Vale ncia. Pa. I". .Vr.l INK I.V Any Notice in Divorce. In the Court of Margaret Ellen Garlach i < inmon I'leas of \s. But ler Co.. Pa. A. H«*ob Henry c*ari:ich l>. No. :i' t Dec. term IW. To Jaeob Henry (iarlach: f '.\ sulijxH-nas having been returned N. E. I. Y< .t he said Jacob Henry Garlaeli. alM>ve in mi 1 defendant are hereby required to ap pear in said Court of Common I'leas of Butler C.i';i . to 1»«- held :it Butler. I'a.. on .Monday the 'ith dav June b«*inn the day of next term of Court to answer the said •omplaint and show cause, if any you have, why a Divorce Absolute from the Ivonds of M itrimony should not be granted i•» j lie safto Margart I EIU n Garlach. Vou are also hereby notitled that testi mony in above case will Im.* taken before the saidt Vuit on Tuesday, theTth day of June, •it which time and place you are notified to attend. WILLIAM B. DODDS. Sheriff. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. I n the matter of the In the Court of assignment «f John Common I'leas of ( Seott for tin beiii*- Butler Co. M'slK No. HT.NFRRMHTAN M V.-IN-LI T.»-IM 1 MIT tit of creditor-. 40 March Term, 1897. Now March 10. isjis. on motion in open Court., H. 11. Goucher. Fs»j.. is appointed auditor to make dist rihutiou »»f t lie funds in the hands of (/has. P. White, assignee, to and the creditors, accord i g »<• law, and make report thereof to Court. HY THE < "oriiT. Notice is hereby giv* 11 to creditors and all liersons interested that I will attend to the <Uni« sof my appointment, in the altove cuti tled matter, at my office. No. 11l N. I»la yi:*'ltd. in the liorouirii «»f Hutler. I'a., on Mondavthe day of April. Ist is. at the hour of Id o'clock A. M- when and where all persons having claims against said estate are re«|uired to 1 1** present and make proof of same. H. H. «•< •« ( HER. Auditor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, I.etters testamentary, C. T. A. on the estate of Newton I.urting, dee'd., late of Adams twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned all j>er sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against the same will present them Uily authen ticated for settlement to KLIZA K. LruriNG Adni'x., Mars, Butler Co., Pa. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate of Jiihn M. Mcßridc, dee'd, late of Middle sex twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate, pay ment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to • JOHN FKRGI SOX, Ks'r., Bakerstown, I'a, IC. -Mcjunkin & J. M. Galbreath, Att'ys. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administiation on the estate of Harper Campbell, dee'd., late of Washington twp , Butler comity, Pa. havingl>ecu granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to KU.A CAMPBELL. C. A. .MORRIS. Administrators. North Hope Pa. W. A. and 1 ; . h'orquer, attorneys. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Moses Thompson lisq. dee'd,late of Centre twp Butler Co. I'a., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated fo. set tlement to WILLIAM ALLISON, Kx'r. Butler, I'a. Painter & Murrin att'ys. NOTICE: TO TAXABLES. Appeal lor the different townships and boroughs will be held at the Commis sioners' office, Butler, Pa., on the follow ing dates: Jackson township, Zeli_-uople; llar- Hi'Hiy and KvatisCity Imroughs, April 22. I t inl>t rry and Adams townships, Morn ami Valencia boroughs, April 35. Buffalo, Clinton and Middlesex town ships, April 27. First ward, Butler borough, April 29. Seco". 1 ward, Butler borough. May. 2 Third ward, Butlei borough. May 4 Fourth ward, Butler borough. May 6. Fifth ward, Butler borough, May 9. Assessors are requested tu be present on the itay 1.1 appeal for their district. JOHN MITCHELL. HARMON SKATON. I>. 11. SI'TTON. J. C. KISKADDON. Clerk, Office IJutlcr, Pa., March b, 1H9.1. FRiiZER GRtksE 111 - -• 7>i '4 WiiUt.tr. (KfNlili • r Inimu nrnai ■■■'. a ImWi ri.t ui.t % t jyi ... 11 v•, .t I' Ukttiikckm ink. » JiV i f \ t.i 1: .. u M '.v. J IN % THE \ [< SprinG f [4 ml People fancy gentl f turns to thoughts of shoes, and if we . WA| can turn their thoughts to our sH v and i.iduce them to buy V V » plessantly toward r A fen inch a !art»e selection of pretty r £ * N orders for \ YM S la. Styles change rapidly. We nasi more > Spring than We will * jf" 11 • ■we sii vs. The prices we have put them w ill do L V the business. WA We want yonr trade. The inducements which attract new C im trade are here ► UYours For Business ; I A. RUR- & SON, j I Pleasure Drive S is not a pleasure drive u.dess the buggy 2 luxurious aid easy running. | \ No. 2 RoaJ Boegy. i| Fredonia Buggies f I are the kind for your pleasure drives. They have the strength • 5 to last. Your dealer sells them. Insist that he sell them to you. • Made by THE FREDONIA MFG. CO., Younsstown, Ohio J Notice of Inquest in Partition.' IN tin* mutter of the petition of HCIKHT.I : Barr for partition. 1 n the Orphans' < ourt ■f li 11U-r Count v. Pa.. No. 71, March Term. I* I .**. February 10. petition of Rebecca Barr, j a daughter of William J. Kohb, presented, setting forth that said decedent died seized I of :i certain tract of land, containing 130 1 ••-. more <>r les<. situate in < Oakland town- , ship. Butler Co.. l*a.. which remained undi- | \ ld« d. and praying for an Inquest of parti- ; tion. ifec.. and citation awarded by the Court. I M lsiis, on motion of H. li. Goucher, i lUorney for petitioner. a writ of inquest for partition u'raniod. Now. you. the heirs >f i■-:ild Wm. J Robb, dee'cl., viz: Abner j » R-.bb. Mrs. Leah Bell. Jessie Bell. Coulter R.» .. .Mr< Mary ll.vis. Covert llovis. Isaa" i V Robb. Mrs. Bell Camptiell Jefferson C:I>I !; .I.. li. John li. Robb. Jennie llougt. ? J« h»« I(ou£« . Lincoln M. Robb. Elmer E \ Robb. Mrs. Ella Painter. Howard Painter, i !>arsiv M. Ko !». Rel>ecc t Barr, John If. Barr. i Mr-* Haiti*' Robb and Ami, Manie. Mary. ! Lora and Walter Robb, minor children of j Jam's u. Robb. deo'd., are hereby notified ! that an Inquest in partition will be held on j the Jivemises descril>ed in the said writ, in ' < >akiand township, Butler Co., Pa., on Fri-] <l:iy. iti 13th day of May, 1 at the hour of , |0 o'clock, A. M., when and where you may a tend If you see proper. WILLIAM B. nonns Sheriff. | yOOOOOOOOOOOO* I HO! I I NEIGHBOR!! What's the matter with that Y told bnsrgy of yours? It looks C > all broken. It will down J. ' one of these days, and then j A yonr horse ran away, and i JC your friends will l>e blaming ,L V providence. Don't do that. ' * A Go to Martincourt & Co' Get | ► JC a new set of wheels and shafts ,I . for it. or trade it for a new 1 i ImpLry. Hnggies are too cheap { ► A now to risk your neck riding ,I . V in in old rickety thing like i * A that one of yonrs. And there's ( > your harness, we hadn't no- ,I . V ticcd them. Several places '| * A in them need repairing- Take { > X them along too and get thein .I . V repaired or bny a new set. We ' i A car. accommodate yon in eith- { | cr. We make and repair all ,I . jr kinds of harness. 110 differ- 'i ' A cnce what yon want belong- 4 ► X to a driving or team ont- .I. V fit. come here. Yours re- i ' A spectfully, ► x S. B. Martincourt & Co. ]i[ JC I,'* E Jefferson St., Btitler, Pa. 4' > X S. B Mariincourt, , . %r M. Leighner. * v 7, 8, and 10c to 30 and 35c- b v Some are new patterns s C and some are old, but all j ) recent patterns, and we \ p defy you to name the ( \ new ones from the old, C r unless you have seen 7 f them before. s I Prices at other places 7 P are in the neighborhood \ ) of 75c and 80c. They C p are making a profit, but ( S we are selling out, hence r \ we must lose money. 7 Many arc buying paper j S that they do not expect S ) to use until fall. The \ j prices bring them to C I DOUGLASS' I I'cachcrs Examinations. The annual examinations for the teachers of Butler Co. for ltj9y will be held as follows: Evans City, April 'Jlst huxonbnrg. April -2nd. Butler, April :Wrd. Slip|» ryro('k, April 35th. Harrisville, April 20th. Eau Claire, April 27th. North Washington. April 2Mth. Petri>lia. April 29th. Prospect, May ">th. Sunbiiry, May <>th I'ortersville. May 14th. 1 will hold 1111 examination, at Butler. <lll the last Saturday of May, .Tune and July. Kxaniinations will lie-in promptly at ii o'clock Xo second trials or private examinations except for satisfactory realms Ilirwtors and all friends of •wim-at ion are cordially requested to l»e I prj gent 'I in- < . i .ination f.>r permanent cer tiii' ites will lie held ill Jefferson St.. schoi>l building in Bntler on the fir*t I'ridaj au'l Saturday in May the 6th and ?th. S. L. CHKESEMAN. Snp't. Bntler Co. M. C, WAGNER, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER 139 South Main atreet Over Miaul & Nast's Clothing Store B. * B. about dry goods buying Some people—not many—only see the price si<lc of a purchase—the money j to he paid. Others—the great majority—demand | merit--style and quality—that first, and ! price afterward. Our method harmonizes the two ; features for universal satisfaction —choice I goods at less prices. | "Less prices" means less than you get equal style and quality for any place else—less because they're bought well — from first hands for cash—and sold for | small profit Another feature that commends this store to jour consideration is its large assortmtnts. Come and see, and take your own time about it—we like investigation —do everything we can to help it. Pays us to do so. o See, either at the counter, or by sample, what a royal collection of choice Dress Goods are here at intermediate prices. 75c. SI.OO, $1.25. $1.50. An enormous collection of new Dress Goods taking it all together—l2#c to $3.50. Made some important silk deals re cently—the choice new things are priced to interest you— 6o, 75, SSC, Jti.oo. New Wash Goods 4c to $ I.2s —more prettiness between 15c and $1.25 than we think any one store ever submitted. 800 os & Buhl ALLEGHENY, PA. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insuraice Company Office cor. Main and Cuuninghan Sts. WICK. Pro. «KO. KKTTKUKB. Vice Pre*.'l h. S. Mr J I'.N M.N, Kec'j »n 'l.Treas. DIREUTOBS. Alfred \Virk, Henderson Oliver. Dr. W. Irvln, .lames Stephenson. ,V. \V. Bluekmore. N. WeltaeL F. Bowman, H. J. Kllticler, Oeo. Ketterer. Cbas. Bebliun.- Oco. Ben no. Jolm Koenig. <, LOYAL MCJUWKIN Agent. WE MAY HAVE WAR witli Spain, hut we art? sure you will not stop buying the celebrated Spanish Port and Sh« rry Wines from A. Anuriessen. lie sel)» theni pure, his own selection and direct Im portation from Spain. Price 7.V to |l->0 per <lll art; and $5.00 per gallon. GUARANTEED PURE. Qt. Gal. Be-Distilled Bye 3 50 32 00 Tlppecauoe Byi- flo 2 2i> Old Cabinet half Malt 7:. 2 50 Bridgeport l'ur.< Bye 1 oo a no Thoiapsou's li veur old t 00 .. .. 3no AinwM'i But. t no r> no Write for complete price list. A. ANDRIESSEN. iSB Federal St. Allegheny, Pa Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next Door to Court House, Butler, Pa. 50 YEARS* r. XP E RIE N I r l J J i L J p /ill Ji I i ■ k ■ r* i DESIGNS r rrjy COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sen fit UK « nketrh and <loncrlptlon mar ar.lcklT mil opinion free wlirther an liivpntlon I. poihtblr patpnlnblo. I'nmmonlca tionantrictlrooalldontial. ll«ndb.K»kon Patent* aunt frr". oitleof asoncy for nfi-urlnK patent*. Patonta takon thr.iuuli Mann & Co. racelTe filial n without chanie. In the . Scientific Jlmcrican. A hani!»nmt>l)r Illustrated weekly. iJirireat elr ealatlon c.f any •rlenUUo Journal, rerms. H a Tear t..ur mouths, fl. Sold by all newsdealer* MUNN & Co. 36,8,0 • <Iw,, New York llraiirh ufllcv, C 2£» K Pt, WajblDKton, D. C. GOOD FARM FOR SALE. The I-'ord farm in Donegal twp., near Millerstown is for sale. It contains about 150 acres, is well watered and in Kood condition For terms inquire a his office