Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 07, 1898, Image 4

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    ' ' Removal ,(
* You know what that means. It is bargains for you! (
4 I Our increasing business requires more commodious #
I* quarters, and on the first of April we will move to O
the handsome room now occupieil by J. R. One.), A
next door to our present location. \\ e do not want r
to carry over any winter clothing, and have there- \ %
fore reduced prices on all our 4 \
Clothing. iv
The qual-'ty of the goods and the prices at which V
they are marked will clean them out quick- Of O
course that means zero profits to us, but that is A
cause of complaint to you. We want the goods to go V
before moving day comes around. Come 111 and gcL CI
your share of the bargains. They will not last long, 2
for everything goes at 1
Reduced \>
Prices! v
T. H. Burton, I
128 S Main St., Butler Pa. |
>o3oooooooooooo<ii>ooooo^'^ e *
The new style, are coming in every day.. There has been a P~ceßsion of
*n- nn to the-niinute in style coming into this store for more than a month, ana
£?1 ano tli be fore all sorfsare here, but there is a splendid choosing al-
L reaiiy.
Vici \
/ //Hill ;Kid Lace Shoes. S
/ 7/J%Sw \ Made with silk vesting tops, flexible S
\ ■'// 1 1 soles, round toes with ki<l tips. A sty I f
} i ish. shapely shoe, just new. Here in \
/ ! every sire and width at % 1.25. »l-"0 C
C W I * ®" ;>0 and 00 »
M ' SSeS and Childrcns B,ack \
f ti.'sß : In beautiful Mlk vesting tops lace awl
V 1 : button, width and size, at .flc. 51.00, i
5 1-PTH Boy's and Youth's Tan and/
/7! Blwk Shoes. }
) J'z\
> Ladies' Chrome Tanned Black j i, in<l 1 ' \
i Glaze Kid Shoes. Men's Fine Black Shoes, Tan r
t,ps -| and black. s
V Clumb ! In Tlton, Willow, Russia Calf, Vlcl Kl i. f
\ Infants Shoes. llnOoin, Eiigllsh and Bull-dog toe. All S
3 ! widths. Golf cut. with and without silk Q
VAt IS cents. IK cents, Z~> cents and 50! vesting tops, at lIJS, 11-50, $2-00, i— "■ 1
Men's Heavy Shoes In the greatest variety at 75c, JI.OO, |1.25 and $1.50.
Butler's Leading Shoe House. Opposite Hotel Lowry.
- Great Fire Sale -
C. 6. PEER'S.
During the recent'large fire in Pittsburg one or the largest wholesale shoe
houses in the city suffered considerable loss from water—not a dollar s wort.i
■hoes being destroyed by fire. I was one of the first buyers at that sale and we will
put on sale.
Men's Fine Shoes 89c, 98c, $1.24, $1.49
Boys' and Youth's Shoes 69c, 79c, 89c, 98c
Children's Good Tan Shoes, sizes 9 to 4< c
Children's Good Grain Shoes, sizes 8 to 12 4- c
Infants' Fine Tan Shoes 2 :C
Ladies' Cloth' Slippers 2 * c
Ladies' Tan Button Shoes
Ladies Fine Kid Shoes 9 c
Ladies' Misses' and Children's Rubber Boots
Men's and Boy's Rubber Boots -39
Men's Good Boots, tap sole + '- 2 5
Boys' Good Boots, tap sole 9> 1 .00
Men's Good 2-Buckle Plow Shoes 9 Xc
Sale Starts TO-MORROW.
Attend this great sale. If you don't need shoes now, you will later. Tins
sale will only last a few days, and a great sale it will be —one long to be rememlier
ed by those who attend it. Come early and avoid the rush.
C. E. /WlblsEß
HBB Ui CT Labor Saving and Money Earning
t Combination Hard to Beat.
Sheep Anxious for the Work.
X j^Ea
fat! " "
\ and he*took to the work very nicely,
\ \ \\X\ s \W Now when I let him loose lie will go
to the cream ro'itn af.-l net into the power of his own free will. U
VHk The actual test i:i my presence of the skiin-milk, by Uabcock Test, wasless ■■
H han 0.02 in the two-neck bottle. I consider the skim-milk quite valuable as a food,
s it jb always warm and of an even temperature.
9R J. L. I'AOL,
BBj Illustrated pamphlets free on tpplicatlon.
When You \
i| Lay Out Money
' be sure that yoii arc getting the real |
! No. 2 Ko«j Buggy value of the price you pay.
; Fredonia Buggies I
————— every penny they C
| Your dealer sells them. cost you. c
! THE FREDONIA MFO. GO., Youn6*town, Ohio. I
What love can
compare with the frjp^_Jr\
tender selfsacrificinc spirit t
of the weary, watch-worn
mother by the side of her
suffering little one? Such mothers take
little or no account of their own weariness
and weakness, but keep on ur.til they drop.
They "tzi realize how completely their
baby's health depends upon their own.
Every mother, and every woman who ex
pects t > b*- a mother, ought to obtain the
health - strength-creating assist
ance of I)r Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
It gives elastic endurance to tne organs
concerned in motherhood, and nourishing
vitality to the special nerve-centers.
Taken early during gestation, it makes
motherhood perfectly safe and almost pain
less. Its beneficial effect is transmitted to
the child in increased constitutional vigor.
It protects the mother against relapse and
improves the quantity and quality of nour
ishment during the nursing period.
It reinforces tired over-wrought women at
every critical stage, and heals the special
diseases to which they are subject, it was
designed for this exprc-ss purpose by an
educated physician and skilled specialist.
D-. Pierce has devoted thirty years to this
particular field of practice His thousand
page book. the " People's Mi rlical Adviser."
w ill be sent free, for 21 one-cent stamps to
pay t:;e Ci> ,7 of mailing only. Or, cloth
bound for 31 stamps. Address R. V. Pierce,
W. D., Buffalo, N. V.
Mrs. I It CI > Box 203 Li.-.tKn, Grafton Cs ,
New Kimpshire write- • I 2:' i the mother • I
a n!. baliv four anl a half month- old. He 1- ~
p -rfect child and v.-eifihs about eighteen pouu.'..
If von remember I wr te yr.u about a year
about my condition. I cannot rive too r.: ich
praise to your Favorite Prescription ' as it sav 1
me z jjrear deal f suffering. I got along rc
markably well, this being niv Erst baty."
Part I.—Diseases of Horses.
Part ll.—Diseases of Cattle.
Part lll.—Diseases of Sheep.
Part IV.—Diseases of Hogs.
Part V.—Diseases of Dogs.
Part Vl.—Diseases of Poultry.
Same book in better binding SO ets.
HIS PU SITS'BSD. CO., Cor. Wllnasi A John M. , New York
and Prostration from Over
work or other causes.
Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific
No. 28, in use over 4-0 years, the only
successful remedy.
$1 per vial,or 5 vials and larao vial powder,for $5
8-M l.y Dru;sl«tJ, or sent |'..t;.»1.l on rfrrlpt ol price.
BVWIMWYS' BU>. to.. Cor. William & John Sin., Sew Vork
BP* f There is no
and about which such tender and
holy recollections cluster as that
of " MOTHER" —she who watched
over our helpless infancy and guid
ed our fiist tottering step. Yet
the life of every Expectant Moth
er is beset with danger and all ef
fort should be made to avoid it.
_ _ . - , so assists nature
Mntnor V in the change tak
mUWGI U ing place that
R j the Expectant
IT §* "s WflMot hcr is ena-
E ! IHI2 IB blcti 10 look for "
R S vvard without
dread, suffering or gloomy fore
bodings, to the hour when she
experiences the joy of Motherhood.
Its use insures safety to the lives
of both Mother and Child, and she
is fou.id stronger after than before
confinement —in short, it "makes
Childbirth natural and easy," as
so many have said. Dont be
persuaded to use anything but
'«My wife suffered more in ten min
utes with either of iier other two chil
dren than sin did altogether with In r
last, having previously usej foiu bot
tles of 'Mother's Friend.' it is a
blessing to anyone expecting to be
come a MOTHER," says a customer.
IIEXDKBSON DALE, Carmi, Illinois.
Of I)rug#lats at 61X0, or sent by express on receipt
of price. Write f<»r l>« * c< ;italnln:: testimonials
and • :I)TIA!>1O Information for ail Mothers, free.
The Bradik-id liegulfttor Co., Atlanta, oa.
and is the result cf coM- r.nd c i/DfcColDg
sudden climatic changes. Kyjo ffl/y l ,r 3r» M
Fur your IVote* *»on BWfEVfc|f(ra2
we positively etaio l i..l t s
remedy does ii »t <:n fta -
mercury or any ilhei injur- 1
Ely's Cream Oa'aS^ai
is acknowledged to l.*i t , .--3t thon v%h core for
Nasal t'atarrh,Cold in ! f?:'l Hayiever of all
renu-di" H. It • , niasftlpai • ,
allays Pain and in: . !: ~M the p« re-, pro
tects tne memhraz • lr « >i<. :• utorvs tlie tenses
of last«; and smc-i. I . I'ri: mail.
ELY BKO'l UKUi, C o Warren Street, New York.
You llic purest ;m<l choicest Whiskey
or Wine, sold at the price you pay else
where for adulterated. VVc bottle direct
from the Government stamped barrel,
also have in stock large supply of ijuarts
bottled at Distillery unde r the i: >vern
nient supervision that bottled by ur, wc
guarant> e to be as cure and as good
(iuaranlccJ pine ft year oIJ Whiskey either
(Jeckenljcitrier, Finch, (jit son,
Ovtrholt, Mt. Veraon.
jier full quart or 6 quarts for 55,
Grandfathers Choice Whiskey, guar
anteeil j years old, per gallon.
On C. C). I), or mail orders of $lO or
over, we prepay all charges.
Importeis and Wholesalers,
111 Water St. Opposite 3. <S: 0. Depot
Telephone, 2179 Pa.
tliin' '.f "M ,ii, !i'.' i-uir llqiKit-i or '.vine frnui
~ I ,r« r, \ .1 r,ometliln« for linth
inv ;•! ucl '!■ 11,,-r. if yo Willi! struii-'ln
<l.: ||U .-y lii., iM-eu fill- tin- I.nst 3,.
vein-. In '_'lm yt 11 unuiliilteriitiu
KCMtfIH a! Inii Mini li iiesl price.-,- Hence our
We Mention a Few Prices
Write for complete price list-.
Qt. Gal.
Amlrii-. 'n's H« st. . -1 no M
tiii 1 I ''ire live ... 1 (*• :i >
Tlppi' :l ti' ■ liye HO -1
Tliouip- on's 11 vt ii|- nlil 1 im ! Vi
01,1 < :iliin. 11:111 Miiii , . :!
lte-IM»t ilied liye W 2 00
1 y.S Federal St. Allegheny, l'a.
THE citizkN. .
The Retort Courteous.
The noted French writer Piron waj »
wit whose repatation for brilliancy of J
speech was unrivaled. Ho was famous
for his flashing retorts, but even the
best of us sometimes have to bow to su
periority. though it be only temporarily.
A lady once thoughtlessly asked
Piron in company whether he eonld tell
her the difference between a woman
and a mirror.
"It is, madam," said Piron instant
ly, "that a mirror reflects without
speaking and a woman speaks without
reflecting. "
"Very well, Al. Piron," she replied,
a little nettled by the remark, "hat can
yon tell me the difference between a
mirror and a man?"
"No," answered the poet.
"Oh," was the reply, "it is this, M.
Piron. A miror is always polished, but
a man is not always so." —Youth's
Why She Knew.
I: * S
~'~7 7^
Willy—l bet we'a dcin what isn't
dood for UF.
Willy—'Tanso we likes it.—New
York Journal.
His Revenge.
"Why don't you buy a ticket instead
of paying iae the money every time?"
said a conductor on the Connecticut
Western to a daily passenger, who al
ways made it a point to pay in cash.
"Yon'd save money."
"Well," said the passenger, "I'll tell
yon. Some time last summer I got into
a little trouble with this company.
They used me mean, and I swore they
should never see a cent of my money
again. That's the reason I alw4»'s pay
the conductors."—New York Tribune.
Drawing: Up the Treaty.
"There is one thing that I want to
understand about this matter," said the
president, as he looked hard at the sec
retary of state. "I can grasp all the
minor details, but I'm not quite sure
as to one especially important section.
In framing these conditions do you or
do you not intend to embrace Queen
"I do not," said Mr. Sherman.—
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Absard All Round.
"Isn't it absurd what ideas people in
small towns hifte of large cities?"
"Yes; there's just one thing more
"What is that?"
"The ideas people in large cities have
of small towns."—Chicago Record.
An Indorsement.
"Do you regard that politician as a
reliable man?" inquired Senator Sor
ghum's friend.
"Reliable!" echoed the senator. "1
should say so. If that man were to give
me a tip on the market, I'd back it with
my last dollar."—Washington Star.
No Use For One.
Little Knut—Mamma, didn't td:
missionary say that the people in Tain
ba-Tambu don't wear any clothes?
Mother—Yes, that's what he said.
Knut—Then why did papa drop A
button in the plate?—Christiania Vl
Merit Rewarded.
Jaspar—l hear that Jones has married
his late wife's sister.
Jumpuppe—Yes. He was very good
to his wife, and her folks feel that they
can't afford to let a good husband pass
out of the family.—New York Truth.
V tiling to Negotiate.
"Then, proud beauty, you refuse my
love?" said ho.
"Well," said the summer girl
thoughtfully, "I don't know but that I
might be willing to take an option on
it."—Milwaukee Sentinel.
A Dissenting Opinion.
"Princo Constantino didn't show
much ability."
"Well, I don't know. When he had
to retreat, ha knew enough to start ear
ly and avoid the rush."—New York
One Case Where It lioes.
Optimus—l don't think that the
world is always willing to believe the 1
worst about a man.
Pessimus—Get a black eye and see.
New York Journal.
When a .Man's In love.
Life's n jolly j:ig of joy
When a man's in love.
He's ns happy and as coy
AH n turtledove.
All the world is fair amknice
And as sweet OH parudise.
Nothing else euts ally ice
When a man's in 'ovc.
Life's a bit; l)ouqu'.<A of blisa
Whin a man's in love.
Earth is yearning Just to kiss
With the stars above.
Then her smile is all there is
In the world, exct'ptln;? his.
Say! It's something great—gee whiz—
When n man's in love!
Life's a mellow mt.-s of mirth
When a man's it love.
Hoavn comes to ell with earth,
Walking hand ar.d glove.
Then nil creatures, low anil high
Putting other duties by.
Just lay off to watch the guy
When a man's in love.
■— Nl/.i.v. V.'a '-Titian 1; i. A *Y. Hulletln
For Sii»;v<'»'>. mi llfl'ectivc Cure
for C'olds 4
Old Annt liacbael, the well known
mnrse of Holland descent, has gotten np
for some New York physicians, accord
ing to their prescribed formula, a com
bination of Horehound, Elecampane,
Grape Juice and Rock Candy, that is
I doing wonders in the cure of coughs,
colds and sore throat. It is put tip in
1 2"> ami 75 cent sizes. Public speakers
should carry a bottle in their pocket,
r Sold by drugists.
A Pennsylvania woman has invented
a fly escape for attachment to window
screens, which is formed of a wire cone,
with it large end connected with a pass
age alon'jt the bottom of the screen, in
which the flies crawl and pass through
the small end of the cone, thus clearing
the house of the insects.
That peculiar distress and discomfort
resulting from indigestion is at once re
' j iieved by Dr. Bull's Pills, the great reg
j ulator.
j One of the ministers of a neighboring
'j t >wn, recently related the following
story from the pulpit "On one occas
■ i>n I prenched to a congregation where
there were 57 women and 4 men present.
This was a prayor meeting. On an
other occasion 1 preached to *-0 men
and :j women this was in the State
1 Hood's Sarsapnrilla its a remedy for
1 catarrh is vouched for by thousands of
| people
! It is said to be very likely that the
' next Legislature of Pennsylvania will
tie called upon to pass a law to prohibit
! the use of trading stamps in business.
SOIBO i:\nnipleti of NI« IncOßsloai
11 amor.
On his first visit to Aberdeen an Eng
lish commercial traveler, having re
ceived some marks of kindness from
one o£ its inhabitants, exclaimed, in
an offhand way, on his departure:
'•lf at any time you or any of your
people come up to London, don't put
up at a hotel, but come to us."
"Oh, thank ye!" replied the Scot, la--
conically, and away the southron went.
Six months passed, and the English- 1
man had long forgotten the incident,
when, to his surprise, he received one '
morning the following note:
"My Dear Friend: As myself, my wife !
and four children are coming up to Lon- |
don for a fortnight, we will be glad to j
avail ourselves of your kind invitation." !
Facing the situation with unquestion-1
able courage, the southerner put him
self to unutterable inconvenience to ac
commodate his guests. lie took them
everywhere, paid for everything, and,
at the end of the stipulated time, they
announced their departure. The host ]
accompanied them to the station, and in
the fullness of his gratitude at the ex
odus, invited the father to have a part
ing drink.
"Come along, old fellow! What is
it to be? Whisky and soda, as usual?
Two Scotches and soda, please, miss!"
"Na, na!" replied the Scot, solemnly,
"nane o' that! Ye've been vera guid to ■
me and mine durin' the last fortnicht
—hae ta'en us everywhere and paid for
everything! Na, na! We'll hae a toss
for the last!"
—The common pond frog's natural
lifetime is from. 12 to 15 years.
The Real Good..
"What is the real good?"
I asked a musing mood.
"Order," said the law court:
"Knowledge,'' said the school.
"Truth." said the wise men:
"Pleasure." said the fool:
"Love," said the maiden:
"Beauty," said the pace:
"Freedom," said the dreamer:
"Home," said the sage:
"Fame," said the soldier:
"Equity," the seer.
Speak my heart full sadly:—
"The answer is not here."
Then within my bosom
Softly this I heard: —
"Each heart holds the secret;
Kindness is the word. "
Port Grape Wine for ihe Sick.
We can confidently recommend
Speer's Port Grape Wine a superior ar
ticle of Wine for the sick and debilitat
,'Tbe vineyards and cellars are at
Paissaic, X. J." —Medical Review.
Little Tiling's Worth Knowin
That a bag of ho', sand sometim
lieves neuralgia.
That warm borax water will remove
Salt should be eatt n with nuts to aid
Milk which stands too long makes bit
ter butter.
A hot. strong lemonade taken at be 1-
time will often break up a bad cold
It rests you. in sewing, to change your
position frequently.
Rusty flatirons should be rubbed over
with beeswax and lard.
The innumerable testimonials in the
possession of its proprietors show the
good work Salvation Oil is doing 25
A husband who spent all his evenings
at a dub, declared to his wife that it
had "all the comforts of a home." One
night when he came home he was
startled to find his wile standing be
hind a bar that she had rigged up and
stocked with liquors, cigar; and a cold
lnnch. "George, dear," says she,
"what'll you take? There ain't any
thing too good for you I'm running a
home, dear, that has all the comforts of
a dub." George tumbled and joined
the stay-at-homes.
WOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ills, Bil
iousness, Indigestion, Headache.
Fasy to take, easy to operate. 25=
The Fish Commisison of Pennsylvania
has just announced that it is ready to
receive and fill applications for trout
fry. In consepuence of the last
legislature having failed to make any
appropriation for fish cultural work,
there will bs no appplicatioas re
ceived or filled for any species of fish
other than trout. It has only been able
to make distribution of these through
the generosity of public-spirited people.
The standard cure for cold and cough
Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup, should be kept
by every mother who loves her darling.
An old bachelor bought a pair of
socks and in the toe of one of them he
found a, note which said: "I am a
young lady of twenty and would like
to correspond with a bachelor with a
view of matrimony." Our friend wrote
to the address giyen and in a few days
received the reply: "I was married
three years ago last Christmas." The
merchant who sold the socks did not
I -. t • <>!' i« MMb
A • rri !o i !i omreof drlv
in iiT- :i«lin;7 li:iv rs of carriages or har
nes i - doUan bj isadug f<>r the
ii-« r- catalogue of tli" Elkhart Curruigo
ami Harness Mf if. < 0., Klkhart, Ind.
Five Erie druggists have been arrest
ed for employing clerks who have not
passed the State Pharmaceutical Board
examination, as required by law.
The strength which conies to us from
eating nourishing food is better than
stimulation, because it is new strength.
The health which belongs to a strong
body, well nourished by proper food
(properly digested), is the only health
that is lasting.
The difference between Shaker Diges
tive Cordial and other medicines is sim
ply that it helps nature to make
strength. It does not profess to cure
sickness .except as that sickness is a
result of weakness caused by food not
properly digested.
Shaker Digestive Cordial will relieve
the paugs of indigestion, and make thin
sick, weak people as well as if their
stomachs hao neyer been out of order.
It is a gentle aid to the digestion of
nature's strength-maker, food.
At druggists. Trial bottle, 10 cents.
Sausage and scrapple now take a rest 5
The festive buckwheat cake is grow
ing passe.
"Mystic Cure" lor Rheumatism and
Xeuralgia radically cures in I to 5 days.
Its action upon the system is remarkable
and mysterious. It removes at once the
causes and tlit diseast immediately d.s
ap, ears. The Srst dose greatly benefits;
75 cents. Sold by J. C. Redic, ar.d J. I'\
Balph Druggists Butler -\pr 96
Bailer County National Bank,
1 Sutler Pen 11,
Capital paid in - - fi00,000.00
Surplus and l'rotits - #"4,647.87
Jos. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts,
Vice President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier;
John O. McMailin, Ass't Cashier.
/ general bunking buslno transacted,
paid 011 time deposits.
Money loaned 011 approved security.
We invite you to open an account with this
DIKW'I >us -Hon. Joseph llartinan. Hon.
W ». Waldron, Dr. N. M Hoover. 11. Mc-
Sweeney, K. K. Vbrams, (J. I". Collins I.
smith. Leslie I' Huzlett. M. Fiii<?in. \\
■ ■, II l.iii-l in loll" Iluirphrey l>:' W
MeCulldle-.-. lieu JtUj.Vlth. i.flVI M. Me,
.1. V. Witt-
Subscribe tor tfco 1/iTIitSN.
B j
* A
A \'>
Are Not All Gone
We have a fot of M narcli shiits •'
made of Garners percales forun r
price £1.50 now going at 75c.
33 l-3per cent Off
on all winter underwear and lots 1
of broken sizes going at one half i
price. '
We Still Have
a few of those £5, £4 and $3 l:ats ;
in the Dollar sale.
We Have About
five dozen fine wool top shirts in 1
Black anil Brown shades, worths 2,
an 1 $2.50, we are offering them at
51.25. Come in and tell us what
you need and see if we cannot
supply you.
j Use It j
Daily. |
> Our brush should be used daily
'in place of the ordinary hair /
j brush, hair washes, or hair grow-
i' crs. If you do not find, after
six months' trial, that
Dr. Scott's j;
i Hair Brush I
v will do all wi claim for it send it !
< back and your money
) will be refunded. You
I' can buy the number
one size for jjlfejlfefc
One W'
; Dollar. | j
! It Is Guaranteed to Cure
! Nervous Headache in five minutes! (
\ Bilious Headache in five minutes 1 )
Neuralgia in five minutes I
Dandruff and diseases of the scalp!
]i Prevents falling hair and baldness! <
; Hakes the hair long and glossy 1 \
11 Par sa'.j at Dry Goods stores and Druggists J
!' or sent on approval, postpaid, on receipt j
i, of price and ten cents for postage. >
I. llnrhock, " TUB DOCTOR'S BTORY." trt-t f,■,<■€«■ ,
request. girts full information concerning Dr. ><•/ • }
, I Metric Kelts. s:<. £*>. and $lO. Electric Cor* U. 5 . \
81.25. sl.Mi, S-\ anil $3. Electric Flesh Brushr■*. - t
Electric Safety Razors, 9 ' Electric Plaster*, r
Electric Insoles. bO cts. Elastic Trusses, $3. - /
I 1 GEO. A. SCOTT, 843 Broadway, N. V. (
That John R. Gricb is selling out
to quit business.
!t is a fact and no fake.
All goods at cost and many
uniler cost.
Musical Goods.
and the store fixtures are for sale,
and the room for rent, with
possession on April Ist.
This is in time for
and I promise al! my old as well
as my new customers special
Come and see me at
118 5. Main St.
Insurance and Real Estate
wy.taßWP 39 - s*h Ave*., Pittsburg , Pa. SS
; ifr' ryl CROWN '""1 BF.ilje Wurk
• Tifi fl» "I i itt imra-WHY NOT DC V
#«youßS7 CROWNS
Jli iliS PER' TOOTH Al:..
I \. y fflMt (Mtofl-. y
Hotel illard.
Reopened and rea ly
for the accommoda
tion of the traveling
Everything Firai-class.
m. SATTIK KG, Csofr
Practical Horse Shoer
Foimerly Horse Shoer at the j
Wick house has opened busi
ness in a shop in tl'.e rear of j
the Arlington Hotel, where 1
lie will do Horse-Shoeinir it -
Ihe ui >st approved style.
I'., BesM'iiHT \ 1., I'.
Trains depart: No I*2. 0:40 A. M: No.
14. 5:07 P M. Bntler time.
Trains arrive No i». !' ■>.") A. M; No.
11. •■?:.->•■> P. M. Bntler time.
No. 12 runs thronjrh to Erie an<l con
nects with \V N V &I' at Hnston I
Junction for Franklin and Oil City,
and with N Y. L. E & W. at Shenan
no for all points east. No. 14 runs
through to Albion and connects with
\V. N. V. LV P. for Franklin and Oil j
City. A. B. CROUCH, Agent.
Railway. Schedule of Pas
finger Trains in eflect Nov. 21,
T»«>p:trt Arrive
.illfglionT A.vi.tiin,-lat» :». ... • A M •IT k M
Allegheny "Flv.-r" > »'» " " K
N. w « \, ..mn ,!.I»I ui. 1 »' M • !T "
Akron M;til * 15 \.M 7 Kl r.M
Allegheny Acxx mnuMiatioa. 1" " 1 - H
Allegheny Express 3 1*» i.m "» ~
Allegheny "Flyer" * 4
Chicago Express •» 4"» 12 18 "
Allegheny Mail • "
Allegheny "Flyer" 7"» "
EUW<NMI Aecomnxniati«>n 540 " 7 if\ "
< 'hicagi" Limitc l 4<» u 17 A.* i
Kane and Br.i«lf»»nl Mail •"■o A.M J" P.M
Clarion AcooninHxlation 3o r * 9 ">«• A.M
Allegheny Exprew .. 1"» A.m ft 'M "
Allegheny A. mni—lati n • 1" r."*i P.M
ICVOMUI ■aodtatfaa ... lift Aw
Cl.icapj Expre.-i* 1 4." p.v. SoT "
Allegheny Acc<>mniudiktion J 7 Oil "
Tniin arriving at 5.07 p.m. leave* 11. A O. depot,
Pittr-bnrg at :>.15 p.m and IV A W. t Allegheny at 3..T0
Ft»r through tickets to all joints in the wtst, north
w ~t or fli nit Invest an 1 inf mnation routes,
tjme of trains, ete. apj»ly to
A. B. CROUCH. Agent,
It 11. REYXOLI>S, Snp't, Hntler, Fa.
Fox burg, I "a. C. \V. BASSKTT.
A. P. A.. Allegheny, Pa
Sen EDI'LK IN Errccr Nov. 29,1897.
A. M. A.M. A. M P. M P. M.
BVTLR Levre 6 25 « 65 11 Ift S $5 5 06
Siixonl-urg . Arrive «'• 54 h•» 11 .'*B 3 •*» 28
Butler Junction.. " j7 27 H 12 ''.l 2*> "» "k!
Bntler Junction.. .Leave 7 Ho 8 i-'i 12 22 2"» . r »:i
Natrona. Arrive 7 > ol •; 02
Tarenturn 7 42 <>7 12 :i. r > :i 42 G <»7
springiUile. 760 1«'» 12 4.'» :.l 52j
ciarcniont : 9 :u» 1 02 4 IN;. «i 27
Allegheny 8 2U 9 1 25' I 25 6 4:t
A. M.j.VM. P. M.|P. M.
srN'HAY TRAINS.— ISutlor for All.uliiuy
('ity and principal inti-nnediate ctati >ns at 7:35 a.
and p. in.
A. 31. A.M. A. M. P. M P.M
AlkgbeayCity... tam 700 •.•'-•11 25 291 I i"
Shar|«burg... * 7 11 912 11 .".7 J 4". ...
( Liranonl 19 19 11 44 288 ....
Sprlngdale '♦ 11 "«'• -l 1" »• -7
Tarentum . i S i •891 _O5 B£B I M
Natrona 7 J 43 12 lii .t ill <1 "»1
Butler Junction. ..anriTe 7 '• 12 4"> !
Bntlei Junction lea\c 7 4ti. J "»<) 12 2-"» 4 07. 7
Savonburg 8 1 !l«» 15 12 In 4 lit 7 24
1U TLER arrive h 4o 10 1 171 5 051 7 "WJ
A. M.jA. 3I.jP. 3I.|P. M P. M
SUNDAY TRAlN'S.—Leave Allegheny ( ity for Bnt
ler and piinci]ml inter iiu ci t'e si;;tioi:s at 7:20 a.m. and
9:( i 0 p. in.
P.M.-A.31.1 P. M. P M.
2 35 0 25 Iv BfTLiiR.. ar ' 1 17
251 7 27 ;ir Butler Junctlcn lv .... 12 *JS
4 tiO 7 46 lv Butler Junction ar s 'Jo 12
4 U">j 7 4n'ar Fre« i<»rt lv 8 2f> 12 00
409 753 " Allegheny Junction.. .." 824 12
4 21 8 1)4 " Leechburg 44 *O9 11 49
440 821 " Paulton (Apnllo) 44 7 SIJ 11 32
5 851 " Salzburg " 7 11 09
• r i 411 !> 22 " BLiir»ville .... 4 ' 7 00 H» 40
5 5o! 9 'Mi 44 Blairsville Intersection..." r > 50 !•> 10
8 60 11 u Altoona .t 15 8 00
1 t*; 3 1< 44 llarri.-bnrg " 11 45 3 10
4 3H «23 44 Philadelphia ! H 30 11 20
A. 31.(P. 31. |A.3I. P. 31
On Sunday, train leaving Butler 7.3"» a. m., connects
tor Jlarrij'burg, Alt««ma and Plilladelphia.
Tlirougli trains for the east leave Pittsburg (Union
Station), as follows:
Atlantic Express, daily 3:30 A.M
Pennsylvania Limited 44 7:15 "
Day Expret«, 44 7:: m 41
31ain Line £xpren, ' l 8:<i0 41
PhilaJclphia ExprehS, 1 .... 4:' JO P.M
Eastern Express, " 7:05 44
Fast Line, 4 8:10 44
Philad'a Mail, Sundays only .. B:4t' \ M
For detailed information, ad«ln - Thos. E. Watt, l': 1 s.
Agt. Western District, Corner Fifth Avenue and Smith
fi' ld Street, Pittsburg, Pa.
J B. 11l Tt JUSON, J. R. WOOD
General Manage CJen"/ Agent.
Wheeler x Wilson
New ' o. i) r'amily
Sewing Machine.
koiary Plotioa 61 Bali Bearings
llasy Runrtiiiiiy Quiet, Rapid anj
Sewing, Machines
for Family .l!';d factory use, for all
grades of Cloth and Leather.
Speed and Durablity.
Factory anti Head Office,
Bridgeport, Connecticut, U. S.
Hardware, Stoves, Sewing
Machines, Needles for all
kinds ofj sewing machines,
Ross Washing Machines,
N. 15. —Second-hand Sewing
Machines from $5.00 up.
Sewing machines repaired.
Ki'rkp trie r. .13a id J
Next to Court House BuUer, Late
Oradnfte La Port Ilarological 'nstitnte
Oirt a Trooxmma*! Boos BUTLEK. PA
Bitter Savings Bank" |
I Capiial - - - - 1*60,000.00
Surplus and Profits - $130,000
JOS. L PURVIS President
W.\l. CAMPBELL, Jr <'*. hi< r
l)ll'El7iii.n -Joseph L. Curvls, .1. Il.'iiry
W. I). Hrandon. \V. A. Stoln, J. S.
Tlie Butler Savings ItunU U Ihr Oldetl
llanklnir Instltutloi.'. n ltiiiirrCounty
(■rticral l>ar.Ulr.(C business ttiiu>aoU d,
We solli'lt uri-ouuls <>f "il |>ri im'r
chmit', furuit-rs and 'Ulirr*.
All b.isim ss • ntrnxiid to ns will ro-'clvo I
|ironipl attfutlun,
uatn nil Utile OriiosttH.
Per all BILIOUS and Nmivous - Ar *' 2jg S |
Til*" I'"
Advcriicf in tbo Cinz*Nj
ID. T. RARE, |
We constanly on hand (foi immediate use) a fullß
line of mourning goods, such as Chiffon-Silk, Nuns Veil-H
ing and Crape Bonnets and Hats Long and short Veils I
Mourning Rushing, Mourning Gloves and Handkerchiefsß
and everything pertaining to Ladies Mourning furnish-H
ing Goods GIVE US A CALL 1
122 S. Main St. Q. J. Pftpg. 122 s - Main st |
When a house is painted it is safe to estimate that a value hit* been added to it, which
is iifviT less s»»iin'timi's nmre than double t!:»' awt of painting.
Your house may not IK- <loins this, l>ut it may ! e tlt cro i.injc in value for lack of paint.
This is just the same as losing money.
If you vill hand us the dimensions we will tell you what the paint will eost, and c:i..
supply you witii tin »e>i material, either white lead and «»il #»r Slierwin Williams mixed
punt. Call and '.ret a color card.
1 109 X. Main St. Butler. Pa.
! j Thursday. Friday and Saturday. I
j SVlarch 31. April 1 and 2. j
: j .MARKS' |
i I 108 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA. j
( ( Til P nAINTING becomes expensive when you u<?. r'nea r.rhjf yon
I lIC ' have already learned this —others have. For exce&i.C vsuits in
BEST every particular use
THERE H * Johns ' "j£Sfi©SßJß> Liquid Paints
IQ Artistic shades producing pleasing effects,
i Color Card. Pamphlet," Exterior Decoration," etc., mailed on request
PAINT" J. G& W- Campbell ***, Ha .
; HAVE jg &6ENTS
77. Snmr n *rn«M« rri-c.fiS arrr'frM So GOO Sumy. Prior, with cortaica. lampa, mtm-
At good a« sclli for $-J. of all our atyles. siadc, aproa uu fenders, |io. A a good as sella for fMh
ELKHART s-auuiaus a.\i> iiFS. to. \v. u. i'uatt. soe'y. eukuaht, im
The Encouragement we Received
and adjoining Counties from our last months offer, in
duces us to again oiler this decanter, filled with the
best California wine
Mth Every Order of
And Over.
Vour selection ironi the follow- \i, - - mt
ing, or send in a $5.00 order f 'f S
for any of our liquors. '—w
Silver Age Rye $1.50 per quart, *6 per gallon. T
Duquesnc Rye $1,25 per quart, $5 per gallon
Rear Creek Rye ] TnRHBMwT
Gucketilieituer Rye . , , I W IWlil
» J to,
wc wi " cont,nue ,j° ex : mmm
press charges 011 all orders of f1 oV lags %,»*, * IV»Ji
$5.00 and over. C. O. D.
charges are expensive, and you
can save by remitting us the .
emount either by registered *" ' ■»*
mail, certified check or draft— —.s&dSL...'- -nix
Send us your address and we w ;h ma ,i you cur
and price list frc
Wholesale Liquors,
The New York Weekly Tribune.
$ ... it
National Famiiy Farmers
\ x »
Newspaper \ s- and Villagers.
THE -CITIZEN." Butler, Pa„ Both One Year For SI 50.
Send all Orders to the "CiTIZEN."
THF \ V IRI HIVE VIM WH 1 *»o pages. AX,
(11 lj . • • 1 111 IL » Ij .1 L. 1.1 . .I ' , tional Book of refer
ence for Covertnental an-, political mfjrmatioii. '„on:ainsConstitntion of the Unit
e«l States, the Constitution of the S»atc of N.-u Vo.k, the Din,-ley Tariff Rill, with
::» comparison of 01.l an.l new rates; I>rcsid' cn | MeKinley's Cabinet an<l appointees,
I Consuls, etc , the perso'"tiU*l of Congress, names of ' rincit-a) officers
: of the different Stales, eon.tnand-.l* o.ticers <-f the Army an.l Navy, with their sal
aries; 1 ables of Public Stat.-itlcj, hUcttou Returi's, I'arty Platforms ami Com
mil tecs, coxnple* • on the Currency, Oohi atul Silver, and amount of other
i vahv , ! , '.j .nfotiiiation 1 lit* slaij luid Auuiican almanac, autlnritivo un'. complete
coriespotiding in rank \vUittaker's Almanac in Muroj* Price 25c
Postage Paid, Send all Orders to TH E CITIZEN
Subscribe for the CITIZEN.