>OOOOOOOOPOOOOO<»OOOOOOOOy< 1 Removal Y Sale! j; Vou know what that means- It is bargains tor you J Our increasing business requires more commodious W quarters, and on the first of April wc will move to A the han-Isomc room now occupied by J R. Grieb, next «loor to our present location. We u. We waiK the goo sto fc'' If 0 hefose nioring day comef around. Come in ami get \ 1 j your share of the bargains. They will net !a i long, \ S > for everything goes at r Reduced y, Prices! y 1 T.H. Burton,! J I RELIABLE CLOTHIER, || ! I 128 S Main St., Butler Pa. i\ SPRING SHOES are HERE! The new styles are coming in every day. There has been a procession of new up-to-the-minute in style 'coming into his s tore for more than a month, and it will be another mnth before all =orts are here, but there is a splendid choosing already. v Ladies' Tan or Black Vici \ # y/iitli ; Kid Lace Shoes. S * y-T Ma/1.- With silk v-stins tops. «*•<«♦•'* ) % ' I T*7m ■ -JII.-S. r< .ur d to«-s with kl \ / : .v«-ry sl/.<-;md width at r1.2.>. ?1.-iO ' *!■ Misses and Chi,drens Black f If' I i luteautiful .ilk v. ,tin? t«.,, U.'• _.u«l / / Boy's and Youth's Tan and/ i ZIl Black Shoes. / \ Ladies' Chrome Tanned Black ; ,,r,anl S Glaze Kid Shoes.' Men s Fine Black Shoes, Tan / K mid button, ind kid anfl HlaC- . \ >Mlln toe. atist. JI.OO, iJ.r> and «.30. ; a,,U ? \ !«<««»»' Ckn«« 'ln Tlton, Willow. Bussl.i ralf. \ i«'i ! f \ infants Shoes. smcoln. Ennllsh and Itull-doir toe. A i \ fM : widths. Golf cut. with and without - ■ \A ; 1*" i*« cento, 25 rents and "«0 | v**stlriK tops, at -J'• " j f ninth. 00 and Men's Heavy in tii«- greatest variety :it T.v, ?i.w», an«l iKD- B. C. HUSELTON, fiutler's U'lUilnK Shoe Ilous.-. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! GREAT FIRE SALE AT C. e. iVLIbfeER'S. During the recent large fire at Pittsburg one ofthelargest uh >:'.- salc shoe houses in the city suffered considerable loss from water not a dollar's worth of shoes being hurt by fire. I was one of the first buyers at that sale and we will put on sale 2,000 PAIR SHOES AT 1-3 FORMER PRICE! Men's Fine Shoes 89c, 98c, $1.24, sl-49 Boys' and Youth's Shoes C » 79 c > 'J^ c Children's Good Tan ShoA, sizes 9 to 4- !t Children's Good Grain Shoes, sizes 8 to 4^ c Infants' Fine Tan Shoes -4 C Ladies' Cloth' Slippers 2 5 c Ladies' Tan Button Shoes Ladies Fine Kid Shoes Ladies' Misses' and Children's Rubber Boots 9& c Men's and Boy's Rubber Boots s'-39 Men's Good Boots, tap sole $' 25 Boys' Good Boots, tap sole SI.OO Men's Good 2-Buckle Plow Shoes 9^ c Sale Starts TO-MORROW. Attend this great sale. If you don't need shoes now, you will later. This sale will only last a few days, and a great sale it will be —one long to be remembered by those who attend it. Come eaily and avoid the rush. C. E. /WlblsEß 215 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BUTLEE. PA. CsWEEPS^KE^jJ^f B AWAKDKD mODUCT THE m Improved United States SeparatorWL H At the Dairymen's Association, Manitowoc, Feb. 9- it, I-H<#H. It kadi everywhere wlpere Introduced. I have received the s*y ft - prerShum «»n btitt'-r that **-ored the* nit(hc-Ht the Mani- ]■ |H t«#w#c Convention of th': Wisconsin State I>airy JHj men's Association. lirotth' sweepstakei nnd thre«r H other First Ifr /• j .unonntln;' in vitln#- altogether ? ml toft,-/,, an'l'dlt- No t Improved V m -r4Wr.i - - jji Mg& i Hi v ' - i g/[ ' VERMONT FARM MACHINE CO., Bellows Falls, Vt. When You \ Out Money ' be sure that you are ((eftini; the real 1» ! So. 2 Ku.j Bugey. value of the price you pay. ; I : Fredonia Buggies SnningSwonf, i; ! .■ ■ every penny they j. \ Your dealer m-lln them. cost you. j! ! THE FREDONIA MFG. CO.. Younft*tow.i, Olilo. ]» .. / / g '* particf Thtv call it / the " las of war. ' M ny a fsarrfTjrk np man and woman in each day'? tr.il, is palling a ' tupr of war" with dcA:'- for antagonist. Tr.fy : woman and the result is consumption ri'j'aria, rheumatism, or some blood or skin disease. I>'. Pierce's Cora moc Ser Medici! Adviser tell-- all about the*<- diseii s. j'i is free to all. Dr. Pierce's Goldtn Medic il Ltiscovery cures all tr;• naltidies mtnM It cures the cause. It r-.ak- - trie appetite hearty, th.- digestion ; «.r;tct, tit .-'.v. «• tive ar.rf the blood ;>_re It is the great b.ood-tuak r, flesh-builder ind nerve tonic. Don't let a druggist im pose- on you with a mere profitable substi tute. " I hsd a very severe pain in the (.mail of my tack, where my t-.p& jam on to ray body. and n "V.urt so that! thougnt I was goirgto come apart ' wntes Wm. I powers, Esq., of Erin Siwiea. Her-nco Co.. Va My doctor came an t pro nounced it rfceuamtiKii. He give ise a pro na tion but Z not no letter, but worse I MRiiM i bottle of Dr I-i.-rce's Golden Medical Discovery trom rav drugsist and commenced to use it. I rru to inlprove at once and got Weil. Now I am in perfect health,—no pain no rheumatism " Nearly every disease known to doctors ind tUi treatment is described in Doctor Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. One thru ind and eipht patrss and ovir three hundred illustrations. Frek. Send twer.ty one or.c - cent stamps, to cover mai'ing only to the Worlds Dispensary Medical Association, No. 66} Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y . for paper - covered copy :"rc-nc',i cloth binding ten c«nts extra. Till-. Dock is a veritable tncdical library la one voli-.me. Dr, Humphreys' Specific* directly npon the disease, without exciting disorder ia other parts of the system. They Cnre the Sick. B'J. CURBS. PEICE3- f -Peters, Congestions, Inflammation*. .ZH 'i-Worroi. Worm Ferer , Worm Colic... 3—Teething,Colic.Crying,Wakefulness .25 4 -Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25 7—Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 25 H— Neuralgia, Toothache, Face ache. .25 »—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo . .25 10—Dyspepsia, Indigestion.'W*akStomach.2s 1 1 —Huppressed or Painful Periods . .25 12—'Whites. Too Profuse Periods .25 13—Croup. Laryngitis. Hoarseness 25 14~fcalt Rheum. Erysipelas. Eruptions.. .25 1 j Kheuir.ati«m. Rheumatic Pain* 25 1 G—>fitiarin. Chills, rever and Ague . .25 lf>—<*af arrh, Influenza, Cold in the Head .25 20-*%V'hoopinc«('ougli • .25 27-KMne\ Disease* • •^•5 2*-\er%ou» Debility 1.00 30- I rlnnry Weakness. Wetting Bed. .25 77— ii rip. Hay Fever .25 T;r. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your L>ru.gijlHt» or Mailed Sola by drugglfU, or sent on receipt of price. Humphreys'Med. Co., Cor. William '•. at I>r»iirtror by mi l. ELY UliO'l Warren Street, New York, WE GUARANTEE TO GIVE You the purest and choices* Whiskey or Wine, sold at the price you j>ay else where for idulternted. Wc lx>tts«- direct from tin Government "stamped harrel, also have in stoi U large supply of rpiarts bottled nt I)i.till rv uridc th. g>\ern ni. 1.1 guarant «. !< ..... uurv and - «•'•Kj\ LINGS iuiMr 1 11 IA ERV OM> Guaranteed f/«ic t> year old Whiskey cither (iackenheinier. Ilnch, (ilbson, Overboil, larijr, Mt. Vernon. fl per full 'I• ■■■ rt 6 <|ti;irts for ft, O'attdf.t'.hci Clinics Whiskey, guar anteed years old, $» ;x r K a "'jii. On I o O. r mail orders of |lo or over, wi prepuy all charges. ROBiZRT LEWiN & CO,, Inijwjrtti;; and Wholesalers, -Itl Water SI. Oi>poille B. ( v Depot. T«tepboac,-ai74 I'ittshurg, Pi. *jfi PONT liiifik «»f '»f»t ,unl;i_' pure 1I«|1i«»» h »ir win** from a limine t hat <• ttVi « y«,11 som< thing for iiMth lii -c Afold vneh dvnien |1 /oa wnni straight K«hkls <»ir p" i y |h»h h« iri for Mm pant Z~> yiv to »lve you r;tl&r >i t. Uiuullllfernted Stood* at fail ud hoi | pi lev n (f« net - tti We Merition a Few Prices Write for 'oriii'l* t' yrtce list. lii Oal • ' \U fit '*) pj M llrl -• • 1 I in• i: iuo ino TlpjH rmo Kyi do 2 % riiotnp olfl | (JO i £0 » < Iblfiet I»M I Halt 75 S 0 it- Dlaitllefi »: ,• ao % <•<» A. ANDKIIiSSEN. ioo i edtrai St. Allegheny, l'a. THE CITIZEN*. Don't Leave tlie Farm. ' Come, boys. I have something to tell | yon. Come near. I would whisper it low, : Yon are thinking of leaving the home stead. Don't i*> in a hurry to go The city has many attractions, Bnt think of the vices and sins. When once in the votes of fashions. How soon the course downward l>e- : ! gins. | Yon talk of the mines of Australia, j They are wealthy in gold, no doubt, ; But ah' there is gold on the farm, boys, I If only you will shovel it out. The mercantile life is a hazard. The goods are first high and then ; low: i Better risk the old farm a little longer. Don't be in a hurrv to go. The great, busy West has inducements, j And so has the busiest mart, i But wealth is not made in a day, boys, Don't be in a hurry to start. ' The and brokers are wealthy. They rake in their thousands or so: Oh' think of the frauds and deceptions. Don't be in a hurry to go. The farm is the safest and surest. The orchards are loaded to-day; You're as free as the air of the moun tains, Are monarch of all you survey; Better stay on the farm a while longer. Though profits come in rather slow Remember you have nothing to lisk, boys. Don't be in a hurry to go. Wine for Weakly Persons. Weakly persons use Speer's Port yours —Grace Darling. Man is noble and generous often, but sometimes vain and cowardly. Carefully boiled eggs are good and palatable. Love is heaven and heaven is love, yonth sajs. All beware! says age. Trying is poverty and fleeting is love. Badly governed and fearfully troubl ed now is Ireland. Exercise take; excess beware: Rise early and breathe free air; Eat slowly; trouble drive away; Adieu, darling] Time flies fast: sails are set, boats are ready. Farewell! Matter and mind are mysteries. Nev er mind' What H matter? Matter is never mind. What is mind? Mind is never matter. Hontsty and truth are good and ad mirable 11,755 are in t!ie borough of Mantiat tan: 137,075 in the Bronx: 1,197,100 in Brooklyn; 12H.012 in and M,Wi7 in Richmond. London, by the census of 1 HJ#| . had 4.241 Cum inhabitance. so that New York is about n million less. In 1891 Paris had 2.147,957 inhabitants, while in 1895 Berlin had 1.'177,451. then comes Canton with 1,000,000, Vienna with 1,404.54* and Tokio with 1,214,- 114. Ilouhlrt (lie Plrnanre of a Drtvr. ft flnnearrlaicn double* the plMumreof ilrlT- Inc. IntemlliiK buyers of carriage* or liar niw run xnve dollar! by wiirllntf for tb* luru". free rattilngim of th<> Klkhart CarfU>C* •ud Uuru«M MJ«. Ua.. lUkLurt, UiJ. < >ne of the latest things in surgery is the practice of tnbalming an injured limb as a substitute for amputation. It is claimed by a celebrated surgeon that much more tissue is thereby saved A Warning The lark was np to meet the snn. And caroling hi« lay; The fanner's bov took down hi* tpin. And at liim blazed away The bnsy bee got np at five And bnzzc-d the meadows o'er The fanner's wife went ont for its hive. And robbed it of its --tore The ant rose np at break of day. His labors to l*'trin: The jrreedv swallow tlew that way. And took his antship in Oh. l>ees and birds and ant?-. I** wise. In proverbs take no stock; Like me from sleep refnse to rise Till half-past seven o clock. Climax lirainly «»f Grape. The superior vintage of lsTti brandy introduced by the Speer N J. \\ ine Co.. is highly spoken of by physicians. The following testimony from the Balti more Medical College is one among many. "I am prepared to liear testimony to the valne of your productions, and not from general" reputation merely. H. L. Byrd. President j A Young Itillcs. I don't let a man smoke when he walks or drives with me. If he knows no better than to do it. I promptly tell him what I think of it. I don't give my photograph to men. I used to occasionally, but I am much wiser now. I should hate by and by to know that my face might be hanging up in some Tom Dick or Harry s room. I don't let a man take hold of my arm when he walks with me. If he does I tell him I prefer him to give me his arm. I don't go out with a man friend just l>ecanse he asks me. I like it better if he asks another lady to go too,-his sister, for instance. I don't let any man "see me home" from church. If he hasn't gumption enough to take me there and sit' through the services with me, he may stay away altogether. I don't let a man give me presents unless it is something of a trifling cost, like fruit or flowers. And I always gage a man by his taste in this respect. I don't encourage any young man who is not perfectly polite and agree able to my mother. Whoever calls rijHjn me sees a great deal of her. I don't allow a caller to stay later than ten o'clock. If he does not go at that time, I politely tell him my cus tom. It has always mystery why so many people suffer from chapped hands j when Salvation Oil will cure them at j once Having been surprised by the police, a Montreal burgler jumped forty feet j room a window into a snowbank. - A snowball in a sham battle stnick a I Wilmington Del., b with such force in the side that one of his ribs was broken and he died a few days after. HOOD v l-MLLS cure Liver Ilia, Bil iousness, Incfigeatlon, Headache. Easy to take, oasy to operate. 25c- Forain is telling a story to Chase j after dinner and in the course of it. remarks: "Then I rang violently for my ser | vaut." "What." somebody inteirnps, "have, yon got a servant';" "No," says Forain, "but Ive got a . bell!"—Fitaro. tfer Mother—"l am surprised, my | daughter, that you suffer a man to kiss you." Herself Bnt, mother. I don't call it suffering." Wine skins, made of the hides of pigs, goats, calves or oxen, are still n«ed in the rural districts of Spain. First Poet "I am going to have my revenge upon the editor." Second Poet 'How?" First Poet (in a hoarse whisperj-'Tve sent him a poem, and I've poisoned the gum on the return envelope " Stray Stories. The death penalty as rarely enforced in Germany, Aus'.ria, Denmark or Sweden. In New York eleven ont of twelve murders escajH; without any punishment; and in the United States only one murderer in fifty suffers capital punishment. The Chinese dictionary, compiled by Pa-cut she, 11000 years before Christ, is the most ancient of any recorded in the literary history. Prospective Tenant—"Number t'ir teen? It might nod be lucky to live in a house vot vas 11 umbel t'irteen.'' Agent—"Yon don't believe in such nonsense as that?" Prospective tenant—"Well, vot re duction vill you make in der rerit if I take der chances?" * KIIIVUM AT ISM CURED IN A DAY. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in Ito days. Its action upon tlje system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Kedic, and J. P. Ililph Druggists Butler \pry6 I'M IC Butler County National Bank, 1 s titler Pen 11, Capital paid in - $100,000.00 Surplus and l'rotit . fi 14.647.57 Jos. Hartman, President; J. V. Kitts, Vice President; C. A. liailey. Cashier; John G. McMarlin, Ass't Cashier. / general banking tmslne transacted. Interest, paid on time deposit*. Money loaned on approved HOcurlty. We Invite yon to open an account with Mils b.ink. DJltm >ICS Hon Joseph llartman, Hon. W. Waldron, In V M. Hoover. If. Me S Wl-eney, 1 1, \l.r.'inis, <\ IV t'ollinn I. ii. -inltli. 1,e.11e I' 11 a/.let t. M I I...gin. W v. . II l.ai'kln. John Humphrey. I»r. \V. I'. Met anrl.es,. lien Ma.sejh. I.nvl M. Wise, I V Kltf butler Savings Bank i i 1111 er, PH. Capi al - - - sbo,ouo.Qi> Surplus and l'mfits JOS. I, I'IIUVIM President J. 11 I.N It Y I KOIITMAN Vie.;-Preii'lent W ... . A M PttCLL, Jr I'm. I:!( r MM'IS 11. STF.:N 'I el IT HlltKt'loilN J"»ep!i 1.. 1 urvlw. .1. Ilftiry I roM.uaii, W. I>. ISraDdon. W. A. Htclli. J H. 1 uuuiliejl. > The duller .-avingH Hank is the I M.lest l;.inking In til tut. loi. 1. Itut le r < ounly 'iet.eral Ininkl.tg littMliieMH transaei.d. W<- solicit aeeounts of .41 producers, mei . hauls, fai titers and ol hers. All b.islni M uiitruHied to us will receive prompt attention. Inti rest Pill.l on time deposits. Practical« Horse Shoer WILL ROBINSON. Formerly Horse Sliocr at the Wick lioure has opened busi- I ness in a shop in the rear of J the- Arlington Jllotel, where j he will do Horse-Shoeing in the most approved style. TRACK AND ROAD HORSES . A SPECIALTY. Advurtiao in tbo (JimEN, B A R BARGAINS A • | N * ! s Are Not All Gone We have a lot of Monarch shirts made ot Garners per cales former price $1.50 now going ar 75c 33 l-3per cent Off on ail winter underwear and lots of broken sizes going at onc-ha'.f price. We Still Have a few of those $5, $4, and $3 hats in the Dollar Sule. We Have About five dozen fine wool top shirts in Black and Brown shades, worth $2, and $2.50, we are offering them at $1 25. j Come in and tell us what you need and see if v/e can not supply you. COLBERT & DALE, 242 S MAIN ST. BUTLER. PA. Use It j Daily. Our brush should be used daily \in place of the ordinary hair brush, hair washes, or hair grow- | ), ers. If you do not find, after 1 ilx. months' trial, that I Dr. Scott's ELECTRIC Hair Brush : j v/iil do all we claim for it send it ! : ( back and your money : J v/ill be refunded. You i can buy the number | one size for BIPSPSB One W II Dollar. I; \ It Is Guaranteed to Cure;! j' Nervous Headache in five minutest || ! ( :tiiious Headache in five minutes I ; J Neuralgia in five minutes I , ( Dandruff and diseases of tlie scalp I ; I 1 i'revent*; falling hair and baldness 1 i /lakes the hair long and glossy I , ( l orsals at Dry Goods stores and Druggist* ( r srnt on approval,'*postpaid, on receipt j t f price and ten ci-nts for postage. > I (>,ir lu-.k, "THE rinrrorrs STORY." mtfrteon ) f full informali'tn concrminff Vr. Scott'* 1 / I'Mctrio ItrJta, #. r », an *I.2V tl •. 9". <"td KUctric Fi.*h HrunUm. $ t I i:i?ctric S-ifrtii lias*tr», 12 tZIn-trtc llaatera, *'t / % Llcctntj InmoU-9, 60 eta. EUuttd Truaaea. $3. f 1 > OKO. A SCOTT. 841 Bro»ilw«jr, N V. < Do Vou Know/ That John R. Gricb is selling out to quit business. It is a fact and no fake. All goods at cost and many tinder cost". Watches, Jewelery, Clocks, Silver-ware, Spectacles. Pianos, Organs, Musical Goods, ;-.nd the store fixtures are for sale, and the room for rent, with possession on April Ist. This is in time for BARGAINS. and I promise al! my old as well as my new customers special bargains. Come and see me at 118 S. Main St. L. S. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Estate Agent. 117 E.JEL PERSON ST.. BUTLER. - PA A IAM'S PHILADELPHIA it .-otriTAL nooMfi.-- hj f 1 - Oth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa fej 'fr Wi' I PRACTICA* LV'"' l «" !*■ HvV 7% CROWN BP.IOjt [J )■. t/Zi hA if III' 1 un; WHY NOT DO f, V.'ffc reaVOUPS7 '• CHOWN'.L, MillJ/f W""l BfiIDGE «"f* I i-r, * \ttli gats PEII TOOTH ■' f, vl V Sri-"' 1•• " o NL_jr*j»V immrsai ForaltniMoufandVrirvoi.n |HI fl 9 R I Thtr puritr ii " \llegk**iiv E\|»i»■«.< 3 15 r.* I ft Mlcglteby "Flyer" 'J «fc*. I'hit-ngo Ks|ir<-* ** 1- " Ailegtieiiv Mair 5 4<» " s <*> " Allegheny "Flyer" 7 M " Hlwuoti Acrouim'Mlatiott *« 40 T n regantinc i ■•i. •*, tune of train*, et*- apj-ly t.< A B CROITII. Afjent, it R RirVNoLPs. Sujj't. ! tie. r. Foxl-urjc, !';« < W IJAN>KTT. A G. V V AUe K l»ei y, T.i PENNSYLVANIA 4D . WFSTEN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION tvurniiE IN Ktri.«r N v. -9,18V7 SOUTH. WKEK DA ITS A M A M A >1 IV M. I* M NfUB.. I II 14 Arrive « -L H 11 •> .t m» ■ j' Itutler Jum tioi... 7 J.' • i - 02 ' 563 Itutlet Jiiit* tz m Leave| 7 - ■ iRM Airivi Tareutoiu j 742 '"7 1- .t 4- «'• if Springdale . • 7 •'.«» Mti 12 4"> .t " J ( laremout 9 - ' 1 ' I oti • - Sharpeburg I »»7 ♦ :t« 111 4 »• a- Allegheny ... .j8 '£ 4> 1-■ 125 ♦> !•! A. M.,A. M I' >1 IV M.,r. M SUNDAY TRAINS. —Butler f. r All-xhenv ifa.i MI pi LW |pal i i H iMKOMI AT 7 ami S:UU |>. ni. NORTH. WKEK DAYS A. V \ M. A M IV >1 P M AUt CltJ l.Mve 7 •«» 9 '"'11 2-'» -30 6 M Sliar|«l»uiy .. .... 7 11; '• 12 11 ■>"! . 45 (tArtimont » 1♦ 11 44 _ .... Spritigdale 'J 1 17 o". 7 ■ ;A. M.IA.M ;I» M.|P. 51 ;P M SUNDAY TRAINS.—!.»n\ > All. uheny < ity for But brn4tartnNdltti italicMMi it ■ BM 0 | M WKKK DAYH. FOR THK li.VfeT \W.EK lh\> P. M.J A. 31. j I*. M.T M 2 :i.'» « ssft'W BITLEI. ir .11" '.l 25] 727 nr Butler .lun«ti'»ii. .......Iv .. 12 2 1 <*)j 7 4«i Iv Untie* Jnmlem .a. h 2i» 1- " 4 061 7 4*.» ar Freeport . ..Iv H _*s 1- '* 4 751 " Allegheny .luncti. n . • > » . ■ 8 04] M Lfflaiharg 3 09jll 4 4 4«» i H 21" R.tultoti ( AJN'I'O) 7MM . .dt»l>urg " 7.11' * ill :» 22i 44 Itiaimvili.- - 7o" 1«» 1' .*» 601 .♦ :a»i 44 Blaiixville Interna l! n 5 I• 1 1* k 50jil M 1 1": Ilariixiuirg 11 4.• •$ 1' 4 :»\ »i £1 " rhilailelplua . .. H :i» 11 2< A. M.|IV >1 | lA.M. iVM On Sun.lay. train leaving lltitl« r 7 a. m « "titn*« t t.i H.iithbui .• UtOMMttdFUfaMAIi Through ti-.usi" f>r the ea&t l«*v»< Fittuhurg (1 «• i• »i j Station), ;IH follow N: | Atlantic Expre**, daily . >' * * , I'en ivy Ivan ia Limited 44 .. .. ..7.1'» , Ihi v Kxpre**, " . 7:IUi 44 Main Line KxpreM, ... . PIUIa!• IJ I I • i \I - Kaxtern Kxpre««, " .. 7 •>*» Fant Line, 1 M l" 44 Phllad .i jfiil, Baadaji ndf Nfw 1■ i (h'taili •! iulor mat ion, ii'Mi ■ Th"* !• \S. I \a T Wfterp Dirtiict, Corwi FUth IVWM wdoi th fle|ti Slfet, PittHhlil . I'a J B. IIUTriIISON, .1 K. W«»oD (iciicrnl 'ien'l A. • . t pSelling Out > 5 —OUR— ? | Entire Stock $ Wall Paper. ( S Choicest patterns are left. ? 7 vVe want to quit the busi- Q P ness. \ V Bargains at asto 1 rate 7 ? DOUGLASS' \ Main St. Butler. W heeler & Wilson Nev No,o i .trnily Sewing; f v 2acliine, nW V: ir •. .u: y notion -M Bail licarin^s :lAILIZ IT tasy Kiinnifi/r, Qui:t, RapiJ anj Durable. Sewing; Machines for Family .Hid Factory use, f"l Jill gnides ol f-Jiitli .'ind Leather. Speed and l>ura!)lily. Kntti ry anu Head Olfiec, Briducrort, Connecticut. U. S. A FOR SAI B BV BIEHL, DEALER IN ilarilwarc, St'ivcs, Machines, Nrcdlea for nil kinds of Jiewiiif; inacliincs, Boss Washing Machines, etc. N. MAIN ST. BUTLER PA. N. It.—Secon Court lliiiißv nuMei, I.nti Orndnatc Lu I'ort institnte parm,:rs wnni HAVING 51 l/l/li TO SELL WRITE TO W. F RUMBERGER, 1 I ir« A Trainni'in'fi Souw 111 Tl.riC, I'A j Bubri< rii»o lor tLu OtxizSM. I D. T. PAPE, | j THE LEADING MILLINtRY HOUSE OF BUTLER CO. U [We Keep eonstanly on hand (fo? immediate use) a fullS fline of mourning; go">ds. such as Chilfon-Silk, Nuns Veil-fl ling and Crape Bonnets and Hats Long and short Veils I jjMouruing Rushing.Mourning Gloves and Handkerchiefs! land everything pertaining to Ladies Mourning furnish-B ling Goods GIVE US A CALL a |!22 S. Main St. D. T- Pape. 122 S. Main St I JUST DOIJRLE Wln-i. 1 t u- 1- I mm) It i* - ,> am* t-times ? ore than double the cost of painting. GOING DOWN HILL Your lion si- may in.: li'ini; this, liut it m.iy !o lii-crc islng in \ :;lu<' for lack of i.aint. This is just the same as losing money. • C V If you wili hand is the diracn>ior.s we will tell you what the paint will cost, and ca supply you with the l» st material, either white lead and oil or Sherwtn Williams mix til pj .iit. Call and vr»*t a color card. RED ICR & G ROHM AN, 109 N. Main st. Butler. Pa. i EASTER OPENING! | Thursday. Friday and Saturday, s : March 31. April 1, and 2. j MARKS' I ' J 108 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA. ' I There Ss In I H. W. Johns' Liquid Paint H atNO ron Minn, SUGGESTIONS, CTC. |j, G&W • Campbell Butler. Pa. AGI V*. »?. B«rr«7 lUra.tJ Prt©« fU.OO Warms. Hood for lar*«. free Ko Fpm wit*oartaiaa,lamp*, na ks tool a* Mil* for ftt C&talofaa of all cur styles. kUie . ■prvn toU f«nder«, r*u la food as telle Tor f&O, ELKHART AM> JL*U. CO. W. 0. i'JUTI, bcc'J, fiiUUJd. UO. The Encouragement we Received From BUTLER and adjoining Counties from our last months offer, in duces us to again offer this decanter, filled .vith the best California wine Vith Every Order of $5.00 sgh And Over. \jjj7_ Your selection Ironi the follow ing, or send in a $5.00 order |i || for any of our liquors. I S" I Silver Age Rye *1.50 per quart, $6 j»er gallon. Duquesne Rye $i,2,S per quart, $5 j>er gallon g£ nhCin,e? **] J1 |>er quart, 6 We wiM continue to pay ex- ! |j* '^ charges are expensive, and you can save by remitting us the .y. rmount either by registered mail, certified chock or draft— .2!^ Send us your address and we will mail you out catalogue and price list free. fIAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors, 82 FEDERAL ST- ALLEGHENY, PA. THE {JEW York Weekly Tribune. THE GREAT FOR V National Family I * » Newspaper \ > and Villagers, AND YOUR FAVORITE HOME PAPER, THE "CITIZEN.'' Butler. Pa.. Both One Year For $1 50. Send all Orders to the "CiTIZEN." TIIK N. V. Tl!lIII'Mi ALMANAC, B£tfESf.Afr rncc for ('.<>< cum ninl mi'? political information. Cou'-ainaConstitution of the Unit ed State-. tin Constitution of tlie S'atc of New York, tin* Tariff Bill, with a comparison of old ami new rates; President Mckinley's Cabinet anil appointees, \mbassadoii., Consuls, ctc , the personnel of Congress, names of principal officers nf the different States, commanding officers of the Army and Navy, with their sal arics; Tables of Public Statistics, Klection Returns, Party Platforms and Com mitted, complete articles on the Currency, Gold and Silver, and amount of other valuable information The standard American almanac, authoritlve an 1 complete emu ponding in rank with Whittaker's Almanac in liurope. Price 25c- Postage Paid. Send ail Orders to 1"H ECHIZEN BUTLER f • Subscribe for the CITIZEN.