Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 24, 1898, Image 4

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    , If |
| > Removal J [
;;saiei ;;
You know what th.it means. It is bargains for you I
i Our increasing business re<iuires more commodious .
. . quarters, and on the first of April we will move to < k
the handsome room now occupied by J R. Grieb
I ► next door to our present location. We do not want |
. . to carry over any winter clothing, and have there- < >
fore reduced prices on all our |
' I Reliable ; |
;; Clothing. i I
i > -jjje qual'ty of the goods and the prices at which r |
j \ they are marked will clean them out quick. Of < >
f course that means zero profits to us, but that is no , k
* i M cause of complaint to you. We want the goods to go |
a \ before moving day comes around. Come in and gel 4 f
| your share of the bargains. They will not last .ong,
i | > for everything goes at
! | Reduced < »
!j> Prices! j |
i| T.H. Burton,:;
;; 128 S Main St., Butler Pa.! |
The new styles are coming in every da)'. There has been a
procession of new up-to-the-minute in style coming into
t lis s tore for more than a month, and it will be another
moith before all sorts are here, but there is a splendid
choosing already.
, Ladies' Tan or Black Vici \
# y/iiill Kid Lace Shoes. S
/ j Made with silk vest in l- tops, Hexll.l. S
\ < solos, round tow with kid tips. A My,-- /
I V*. ! ui. sliaDtlv shoe, just new. Here in \
/ AgM M i Jfvery stK and at 51.25, iI.SO 52.00. ?
' i Misses' and Children*' Black >
f? rM M i Inheautlful silk U.ps, la< f-.and S
V ! button, width and slie, at 50<. »1.0". V
I !Boy's and Youth's Tan and/
? j Black Shoes. /
S Ladies' Chrome Tanned Black!* 1 ' " ' '
S Glaze Kid Shoes. I Men's Fine Black Shoes, Tan^
CLa and bution. patent and kid tips, ; ?nd black. \
J coin toe. ut«c,«l.oo, $1.25 and *IJSO. ; aim uiuvn. J
X ■ ClinAP 'ln Titon, Willow. Russia Calf. Vici Kl-l 7
\ Infants Shoes. ! ln Coin, English and Hull-doff UK". Al V
J | widths. Golf cut, with and wUliout __sl I /
VAt 15 cents. IS cents, S» cents and SO! vesting tops, at f1.25. $1.50, $2.00, i ' S
! SI.OO and W.OO.
Men's Heavy Shoes In the greatest variety at 75c, SI.OO, $1.2) and SL3O.
Mutler's Leading Hhoe Uouse. Opposite Hotel Lowry
C. 6. /WfebEß'S.
During the recent large fire at l'ittsburg one of the largest whole
sale shoe houses in the city suffered considerable loss from watci •
not a dollar's worth of shoes being hurt by fire. I was one of tne
first buyers at that sale and we will put on sale
Men's Fine Shoes 89c, 98c, $1.24, $1 49
Boys' and Youth's Shoes 69c, 79c, 89c, 9SC
Children's Good Tan Shoes, sizes 9 to 4^ c
Children's Good Grain Shoes, sizes 8 to 4 ,M -
Infants' Fine Tan Shoes
Ladies' Cloth' Slippers 2 5 c
Ladies' Tan Button Shoes
Ladies Fine Kid Shoes
Ladies' Misses' and Children's Rubber Boots 9& c
Men's and Boy's Rubber Boots $' -39
Men's Good Boots, tap sole s'- 2 5
Boys' Good Boots, tap sole $ 1
Men's Good 2-Buckle Plow Shoes 98c
Sale Starts TO-MORROW.
Attend this great sale. If you don't need shoes now, you will
later. This sale will only last a few days, and a great sale it will be
—one long to be remembered by those who attend it. Come early
and avoid the rush.
C. E. JUbbER
| The Improved U. S7Separator 1
■j leads in the greatest dairy State of the West,
K R. M. Bussard's Creamery, I'oynette, Wis., scoring 98$ S
V points and taking ■
H at the State Convention at Manitowoc, t
V Remember the United States leads ■
■ in the greatest d ;| i r y State " I
E. E. Symes' Creamery, Ryega^e,
E at the State Convention at St. Albans, Jan. 4-7, 1808.
A Notwithstanding the Improved United States is the last B
separator on the market, it is taking' the lead in all sections k£
■ where used. i*
K Send for pamphlets containing hundreds of testimonials.
It VERMONT FARM MACHINE CO. Bellows Falls, Vermont W
Subscribe for the CITIZEN,
\"1 » taininj over
y J \\/ *L j a thousaiui i
pages and ;
-wF* > *i over three
lIpEJ \P'-' '
u - ,
man and
every mtht:i of young daughters h >i;ld f
read. It tells in plair, every c!ay ianguarje ]
that anyone can understand many vital
truth:? that every raaid. vrife -r. 1 mother
should tnov.'. It tells the un; M ufT. x ;:p c
and ?.?ony that women endure who 'Titer (
ur>on the itr-pjitart duties of wifehood anc:
motherhood without seeing tn it that they t
d~e strong and well in a womanly j
It telU about a wonderful ii:cd'c:ne for
I women. A medicine that tt« for w ifehood l
arid motherhood. A marvel vj • ?
t. at strength, vigor, vitality ana ela
j ticit- to the delicate and important ft in
nine orrinr, that bear the brunt of mat «- ,
nitv It contains the names, addresses
■ pi jl"'graphs ( f many hundreds of \v:,
who were weak, sickly, nervous, fr'tfu'.,
1 childless wives, but who are now healthv j
happy, afljiable wives a-ul mothers, through
t*ie of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescnp I
i tion. That book is Dr. Pierce's Common ,
£?nse Medical Adviser. It used to co-'
now it is free Send 21 one-cent 1
stamps, to cover mailing only for a paper- (
covered copy. Fine French cloth binding
io cents extra. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y. !
"During thr fall and winter of iS<i« I was en
! «a«»ad in ttadiif; t rublic School No. 31, in
Smith Co.. nrar Tyler. Texas. " writes Mr. J. F.
£necd of Omen, Teiav "During this time my
I V ite \va« badly afflicted with feiuale weakness
We tried three of the best phvjiciaus lu t.ie
I county without benefit to my wile's health but
at great expense. My wife grew worse an l we
I give up in despair. She cou'd not f*ct in and
j out of doors without help. She was not at>le u>
i stand on her feet long at i time n d c;inplain.a
I of drawing down pains iu the abdomen. ... ...
' ing but an untimely death seemed awaiting her.
! I wrote to Dr. Pierce for his advice. My jr.te
i tock Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and in
I si* months completly cured, at a cost of le-s
1 than one month s treatment by ihc r
I ! we employed before consulting Dr. Pierce."
O J T_
C Piles or Hemorrhoids
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
I I Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
Boils & Tumors.
' Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum & Tetters.
E Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
SCorns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and SI.OO.
Sold by druggist."", or sent post i»ldon receipt of price
UtSPHr.EVS'StB. CO., 11l a 1 IS Wlll'.l" SU, S«» V»rk.
Every expectant mother has
a trying ordeal to face. If she does not
(jiA get ready for it,
vM\ I'j there is no telling
I \^— -«■ what may happ r n.
(J Child-birth is full
of uncertainties if
Nature is not given proper assi'tance.
Mother's Friend
is tho best help you \v. c at litis time.
It is a lihimeat, and when regularly aji
plicd several months before Iwby comes,
it makes the lulvent eaay und nearly pain
less. It relievec and prevent, " morning
sickness."' relaxes the overstrained tnus
cles, relieves the distended feeling, short
ens laljor, makes recovery rapid and cer
tain without any dangerous after-effects.
Mother's friend is good for only one
purpose, viz.: to relieve motherhood of
danger and pain.
One dollar per bottle at all drag stores, or
tent by express 011 rsceipt of price.
Fubf. Books, containing valuable Informs
tlou for women, will be sent to any addreaa
upon application to
Atlanta, Oa.
Druggist CATARRH
for a generous
if ctSeajl
Ely's Cream Baim AYFEVE^-^i
contains no ojc&ine, BRT' / g
mercury i'''r any oli.. 1 rrr . i-fcyj
injurious Wf&SS.
It is quick'y Ahsorhed. * - j
(iivns Heiief at once.
It oik-1..1 and cie iiifc - JT*" ' — V
the Nasal I'usaat'cM. Pni j, i{u H>r} jB
Allays Intfamnintion. V« J « %J)
Heals and Protects tie *'en» !.r-Li.e. _ ] £•—t-ire -■ 1...»
Senses of Tai-te and .:•••: 1. i". II Siz<i 60C.; T: d
Blre 10c.; at Drui/y.uls i.r i.y mr.iL
JiJLV BROTUEIW. 48 Warren Street, New York.
1 You the purest and choicest Whiskey
or Wine, sold at the tirice you pay else
where for adulterated. We bottle direct
from the Government stamped barrel,
. also have in stock large supply of rjuarts
(Kittled at Distillery under the govern
ment surervision—that '»>tt!e<l by tin we
guarantee U> be as pure ai d as good
mntxtr 10 t\ ER\ 0N \\•
1 Guaranteed puie ft year olj Whiskey cithe r
Quckeahelmer, Finch, (iifcso:!,
Ovcrholt, Large, Mt. Vtrnon.
fi |kt full quart ur 6 quai l-, f r
Gratidfathi i sCl'.' ice Whisl.i-v, gu.ir
antced years old, p«.r gallon.
On C. (.). i>. or mail orders of ; or
i over, we pr. pay all chatges.
Importers and Wholesalers,
411 Water St. Opposite B. &0. Repel.
Telephone. 21-q I'ittOmrj;, I'a.
* Ml *
think of •»)>t;tiiilr£ pur» lii|U«»' >or wlm* f: m
a boil.* <• t Il.lt oflVrs you for notli
in.- void sii.l. .ilirs if yon v\ . 111 .Jiaiu'ht
IKmklv Our ; • y h. in for U.« ::
f yi itrs Jo xriv«* you straight, unadultrr:tlc»|
' k«kmls ut fair ;iim! hoitfst pri«aour
L We Mention a Few Prices
ft Write for eonniletn-prU'e list
I Qt. Hal
I -1 «
■ Itri !.-• |...rt I'ure lty«- 1 '«> 1 " Jl
■ I I/!
¥ Thompson's 11 year old.. 1 M .. . » H
Old 1 •11111111 1 half Malt 7."> ~
Ue-litKtllled Kye .W ..2 00
18b Federal St. Allegheny, l'a.
Our lacreii>ii«s Foreign Trade.
Thf •statisties of foreign trade. recent
ly joined by the Treasury, show a tmly ,
remarkable increase over the preceed-
year The exports reached the ,
great total of # an in
crease of some S9H.*.!OU imhi over those of
the year before. The imports were
valued at $742.630,*.">5, an increase of
some 5J61.000.000 over those of the year j
1*96. The excess of the exports over
the imports was £i>6.4DM.6W, an in
crease of $32,200,000 over the excess
of the previous year The figures of
the exports and imports of gold coin
and bullion show -t decrease, the exports
Iv insr $>54.174.1*2. a decrease of some
?••!.*ol>,ooo over the year l s 9r>. and the
imports being valued at $29,079,540, a
decrease of no less than $73,600,000 for' j
the year.
It is noteworthy that the figures for j
December are considerably higher than |
the average monthly figures for the
year, showing that the growth of the
foreign trade is steady and likely to
continne under existing conditions.
The value of the December exports was
$124,474,435, and the imports $51,514.-
733, an increase of the exports of $7,-
200,000 and a decrease of the imports of
*7,400 000, compared with the » figures
for December of ls'jt;. The excess of
the exports over the imports for the
month was $73,900,000, as against an
excess of 5".r- >."00 in a comparison
of December of last year with the sauie
month in 1995.
In this connection the figures of
British foreign trade for 1 5 97 will be of
interest. The total value of exports
was $1,150,000,(">0, a decrease of
■j 1 *),000 on the preceding year, and the
imports reached the enormous total of
$2,020,000,000 an increase of $40,500,-
O'X). The decrease*! exports are attri
buted to foreign tariff restrictions,
particularly tho.se of this country,; and
to an engineering dispute. —Scientific
Climax Brandy of Grape.
The superior vintage of 1*76 brandy
introduced by the Speer N. J. Wine
Co., is highly spoken of by physicians.
The following testimony from the Balti
more Medical College is one among
"I am prepared to bear testimony to
the value of your productions, and not
from general reputation merely.
H. L. Byrd, President.
A Funny Joke.
Mr. Smith was quite prominently
i lentified with the last legislatare. If
it deserves welFwith the people, he de
serves well. If it does not. neither does
he. As was il so was lie.- Brookville
This is a new criterion, according to
which the worst man who ever sat in a
good legislative body, deserves well,
and the best man who ever sat in a bad
legislative body, deserves ill. Accord
ing to that doctrine it was a mistake t >
s ive Noah from the destruction of a
wickel world, and the goo I n'a'i Lot
should have perished with the folki in
the destruction of the ancient city of
the plain. And if every man is re
sponsible for the sin of the whole
world, none of us will sos salvation.
But of course brother McMurry is
not serious. He is only ioking. How
ever. if he insists on placing the entire
burden of good and evil of a body of
254 men upon our shoulders, we will
endeavor to bear up under it.
We do not claim that the last legisla
ture was a model one, either in wisdom
or virtue, but we do claim that the re
sponsibility for the selection of a cor
rupt or incompetent member rests with
the people who elect him, and not with
the other member H. —Punxsutawney
In a little shop which the owners call
' The Klondike." at Hubbard about five
mile- north of Youngs town. ()., James
Bradiey and Charles Brunswick are
said to be making gold, or something so
nearly like it, that several jewelers
have pronounced it gold after a test
The experiments have been going on
for more than two years. Several
Youngatown men in Pittsburg,
spoke about them but did not wish to
be quoted as saying the yellow metal is
the genuine stnff. Bradley and Brims
wick, they say, use a cupola and a se
cret process, by which an unknown
chemical is made to unite Certain
ingredients of three metals in gold.
For cure of rheumatism, neuralgia,
cuttfc sprains, burns, stings, chilbands,
sciatica, and lumbago, use Salvation
The statement has been made that
the death of the late Col. Singerly.
of Philadelphia, was caused by the use
of cigars. As he was in the midst of
a fearful strain over financial failure,
it is probable that the worry has as
much to do with his collapse as the
smoking. It is true that a man's heart
is injuriously affected by the use of
tobacco when he is under nervous ten
sion. Much depends on the man who
is doing the smoking. Mark Twain
has always smoked a large numbei of
black ones a ' day, while Bret Harte
says that his "first line of a story or a
poem is always one cigar; sometimes
two." But, as the Boston Record re
marks, neither of these allows anything
to disturb his equable temper more
than a few minutes at a time. Anger,
fear and worry are the worst three
emotions, and practically the same.
To keep your blood pure and free
from disease, take Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Fine feathers make fine birds,
You may depend upon it:
And also, mark my words.
They make a lovely bonnet.
To win the prize our hc-irts may wish,
We'll have to work and wait:
We can't expect to catch the fish
Until we dig the bait.
Food undiiresUd, is poison. Digested
it is life and tr--!igth. Millions of ns
suffer from indigestion, but we often
don't know it. We think it is someth
ing else. Even doctors often mistake
the symptoms.
Pale thin people, who are overwork
ed, who need sliernflh, who seem in
want of proper i-.od -honld take Shak
er Digestive Cordial. It is astonishing
what food will do, when pr.-perly di
It will mako you strong, revive yon,
refresh you, sustain you, make you fat,
restore your color, make muscle, brain
fibre, courage, endurance, energy; in
. crease your power to throw off disease
and keep you healthy and liuppy.
Indigestion does iust the opposite,
but. indigestion can be cured and pre
vented with Shaker Digestive Cordial.
Sold by druggists. Trial Imttle 10
The Argus says a peculiar disease has
been going the rounds of Greenville
dogs. It seems to be an inflammation
of the stomach. The victims will lie
for hours Hat on their stomachs, al
ways selecting snow or wet ground.
| One canine kapt up this treatment for
1 11 hours. Tile afilicted dogs lose all in
i terest in the world, refuse to eat or
drink and will not recognize their best
friends One case has resulted fatally:
the others are recovering.
A Well I'liat I'rodnces BliteCla>.J
There is an artesian well in South
Dakota, that according to all accounts
is a most pronounced freak It is locat
ed on the Indian reservation near Low
er Brute and is the property of the
United States government When first
drilled it produced a large qnanity of
pure water, but later on showed a d:s
position to fill up with -and and for
several days would quit flowing entirely
when without apparent cause the pipe
suddenly would become clear and the
water would again spout to its former
height After continuing for a few
days, during which tine it almost con
stantly spouted large quantities of sand
the water once more would become
chocked and cease to flow This b -
come a sort of common occurrence and : .
little attention was paid to it, but late
; ly the well has taken on another freak
I and is now said to be flowing bine clay
Jin apparently endless ijuaiitities. The
j blue clay entirely fills the six-inch pipe
I during the temporary eruptions, and I
rises slowly above the top of the casing 1
exactly as sausages emerge from a saus- j
age machine, until the top is so high
in the air that it becomes overbalanced;
then five or six feet of the length topple
bver upon the ground. The continued
upward movement of the clay in a few
minutes causes more of the column to
topple over This has continued until 1
circular pieces of the blue clay aggre
gating several hundred feet in length
have been deposited on the ground in
the vicinity of the well, necessitating
the employment of men to remove the
huge deposits before the top of the cas
ing shouid become completely buried.
The discharges of blue clay are accom
panied bv very little water and the clay
probably from the great pressure requir
ed to force it through the well casing is
always hard and dry. Another peculi
arity is that these eruptions invariably
begin a short time prior to the advent
of windy or stormy weather, and con
tinue until thd weather again becomes
The government might utilize this
well as an adjunct to the Weather Bu
reau and at the same time convert the
clay into building brick, if the well in
the meantime does not take on another
freak and bogin flowing bricks on its
own account.
Wine for Weakly Persons.
Weakly persons use Speer's Port
Grape Wine and the Unfermented
Grape Juice because it gives tone and
strength to the system. It is superior
to all other wines.
Death Kate of Hit? Spanish Army
>n Cuba.
Inspector-Geneial Losada, of the
Spanish forces in Cuba, recently issued
his official report, says The Medical
News, in which are indicated losses al
most without precedent in modern
times His rejiorts sho.v that out of
the 200.0(H) soldiers sent by Spain to put
down the insurrection in the island
from the beginning of February. 1H95
to the beginning of December of the
year just terminated, not more than
53,000 (a little over one-fourth) are at
this moment fit for active service.
The 147,000 are either dead or sent
back to the motherland ill or wounded.
The causes of this unpre edented death
rate and sick list are (beside casualties
iu action) mainly three: (1) the inappro
priateness of the cloth furnished to the
European troops; (2) fatigue; and (3)
lack of food. The report, which does
not apparently err on the score of ret
inence, paints a lurid picture of Mili
tary service in the service in the chief
Spanish colony. Under successive
generals the three years' campaign, in
spite of numberless royalist ''victor
ies," leaves Cuba as precarious a Span
ish possession as ever; while a whole
generation must intervene before is
land and motherland alike can recover
from the loss of blood, property and
Opera singers aad public speakers
can keep their voices clear and strong
with the family remedy Dr Bulls
Cough Syrup.
Should Also be Kidnaped.
New York Journal.
That Pittsburg detective who captur
ed a base ball magnate should try his
hand on some of the talking pugilists.
HOOD'S PILLS euro Liver Ills, Bil
iousness, Indigestion, Headache.
Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c.
He had wheels in his head anil still he
made money, but he died practically
pennylees. We referr to George W.
Ferris, designer of the great Ferris
Wheel, whose remains are held at a
crematory in Pittsburg for unpaid fun
eral expenses contracted over a year
DOUIIION (he S>I<•:•*.»;»••• of a l>rivr,
A linocurriaffodouM# ;t!»r- plcasiireof driv
ing Intending lniyi»rs < f carriug* sor Imr
i»o*. can s'»v>• (It.liar* *»\ vidinjj f'»r tho
tar»;r,frr*o i"... t»; i ikiiart Carriage
and H irn i Jlf| Etkhailnd.
"Fanny Fou Fon was a Japanese girl, Q
A child of the great Tycoon,
She wore h< r hair curled and her cloths
were made
Half petticoat, half pantaloon,
Her face was the color of lemon peel
and the shape of a tablespoon."
i The compulsory education law is be
ing enforced to the letter in Allegheny.
The father of an 11-year old boy was
i sentenced by an alderman to thirty
days in jail for his failure to pay the
; cost of the suit. The father was charg
ed with not compelling the lad to at
tend school.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in i to \ days.
Its action upon the system is remarkable
and mysterious. It removes at once the
causes and tlit disease immediately dis
pp; t-.-irs. The first dose greatly benefits;
75 cents. Sold l>y J. C. Redic, ar.d J. K.
Bilph Druggists Butler \prq6
I r..r .f It IOC3 4,">a Nn. . B Eft
Dt: it':-. •. TliJy purifjr the &$g a h
. ' ;vc tt iHaAaH
iction to tVe entire ~yvlcr.i. 3 K5 -vSBT2
f; r i.fv t
Lb ."'ufii AXLE
H' ->t : s Tim n oKi.tr,
Itswcarii. • iv. xarf uimurparsci],actually
I ©utlii-it'- .• ■ ,|< ... ,',f anv < : !><*r i.rnij.l. Not
ftffi-rtal I. i ...i ;.■ (jp'i'Ttf K IIKNI'INK.
- - r -
■ . .:«*» [AM'S PHILADELPHIA ti)
.'i'jjfcM --DENTAL ROOMS.-- ft]
) ■'* if m - sth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. S||
V.-'I, PRACTICA- _Y'l"lii,:il,' [»
;■< ra CROWN tml BF. i O-j £ «ori ft
■ 3 flA" 1 I'tttslmrg— WHY (NOT OO V
< '• '?!' /%VoURS? CROWNS J.
'• \J b!"" 1 BRIDGE work rwliir,.,! i•, M
:*Vf Ell»S PER TOOTH aim, til.
■ *' .el Tlre.id- winning V.tlu </* n
; . /, Am v
■V- soys, 2-1-4 Filth A venue,
I *
Are NoL All Gono
We have a lot of Monarch
shirts maJe i)t Garners per
cales former price $1.50 now
going ar 75c
33 l-3per cent 011
on all winter underwear and
lots of broken sizes going at
one-half price.
We Still Have
a few of those $5, $4, and $3
hats in the Dollar Sale.
We Have About
five dozen fine wool top
shirts ir. Black and Brown
shades, worth $2, and $2.50.
we are offering them at $125.
Come in and tt 11 us what
you need and see if we can
not supply you.
Use It
! Daily.
' Our brush should be used daily !
|in place ot the ordinary hair,
j brush, hair v/ashes, or hair grow- \
( era. )i you do not find, after !
\ six months' trial, that
| Dr. Scott's |
| Hair Brush
< will do all we claim for it send it
< back and your money '
iwill be refunded. You
can buy the number rffis&lfc 1
one size for piffiSfoj ;
One Wi
Dollar. 11
ft Is Guaranteed to Cure ]
) Nervous Meaduche in five minutes! <
j Bilious Headache in five minutes I '
; Neuralgia in five minutes !
| Dandruff and diseases of the scalp I ]
) Pxevents falling hair and baldness I <
/ flakes the hair long and glossy I J
Tarsals ct Dry Qoods stores and Druggists j
| or sent on approval, postpaid, on receipt j
1 of price and ten cents for postage.
( , ■OM- •• TUT: porrnn-s STOKV," »» )
( rr-iHfMt. t/"II infonnritian concerning P»*. Scittt * 3
) Electrtv Ilflt*. £\. s'», ,H,U SI". Electric Cornet* $». ]
) J1.25. flJiO. fi. and s.l. Elect He Flcnk Ilruthen, #1 i
\ Klectrn- :: ifcly L'-izitrs, S'J. Electrir Planter*, '£> ctr. I
y Electric InnclcM. OCcts. SUutlc Trttsart, $3. i
I OF.O. A. SCOTT, Broadway, N. Y.
That John R. Grieb is selling out
to quit business.
It is a fact and no fake.
All yuods at cost and many
under cost-.
Musical Goods.
and the store fixtures are for sale,
and the room for rent, with
possession on April Ist.
This is in time for
and I promise al! my old as well
as my new customers special
Come and see me at
118 5. Main St.
Insurance and Real Estate
139 South Main street.
Over Shaui « Nasl's Clothing Store
No. 416 VV. Jefferson St.,
Butler, Pa.
A line of latest Korelgn
:iiul OiiincMle Suitings
alwuys In sUic'li.
I*'it. M vie ami Work
manship (fuarantued
to K've -.alKfai-tlon.
Mutual Fire Insurance Company
Office cor. Atain and Cunninghan Sts.
Wll K, I'rm.
«EO. KKTTKUKIt. Vice Pro*. I
1,. H. llrj|:aK IJI. Ser'j »rnl.Tr^»«
Alfr.il Wi' k. Henderson Oliver.
Hr. W. Irvln, .lames SU nlienson.
,V. W. Illai'kmore. M. Welt«o.
I' liowman. II- -I KlliiKler.
Oeo. Kt tu-rer, flias. Kelihun.
Oeo. Ker.no. '<dm Koenla.
LUYAL rncJu.\iKiW Af-ent.
6ubfccrib« lor tfct» CITIZEN
I*., liCNX lIH I- A. I . 1:.
Trn n* il.-p.ir* No 1J !':4O A. M Xo
14 "1 07 1' M Bntler tinn-
Trains arrive No. 9 9-55 A. M No.
11 , .V> P M Bntler time
No. U rut:s IhfOUk t.> Erie anil con
u(cU with W N Y 4k P. :it Hmtan
Junction for Fraukiin a'.ul Oil City,
and wit I '. X N I. E «.V W at Shenan >
50 for all jHiint.s oa-t No 14 runs |
throiißh t«> Albion ami connects with !
W N Y. iV I' for Franklin autl *»:!!
t ty A. B CROUCH. Agent.
pVrrsnuKG .v WESTEKN |
Railway. Schedule of Pas- '
f 'nger Trains in effect \ov. 21, 1
(heR) \ ■mm idati * 6c \ m 111 u
Atteffbeiij "Kl» -i IIS M • - ,
N U tVtftle Aca mmototl a I 56 VJI • IT |
Aktom >!• I > ■ 108 i m .
A11.T»»r•!.% i\; •-v M -"T *
v • . • : | -M;. .... • fli '•
ktgu Kxprw • ' I l H
Kl *%heny '1 , SOO •
i n . - . \ mm • Ml t■ l •
Chtel l unit.... I • S|
Kjum MI I HIIHIIJ \ SO am] b3D M I
« )in . \ ,i i ■
klkgtx R) Kzp • • ■ i
Uk A. . bum• ' • lon V
H V ' ,- • ■ \ I! I :,
Chicago Hxpvai. . . "» I I'.m *> O7 '
\! • • 111 •: I \ '.. • |*.
T» .i:i .u liwir. ."7 ;• i ' ■ * \ * 1 •|t.
PHtriwirg tt 3J3 |kJB ud i' a V* . \ :«i : IB
Hot dtfvvcli ticket* to ill | inti io tin wcit, n ra*
K. B
RB. KEYNofJiS. >ii|> t Bui) l*a
i- v Pa W. B.VSS I.
A C.. IV A.. Allegory, Pa
S4IILDILE IN Errri-r -N\ .. »:•, IM*7.
\. M A M A. M P M I\ M
11 TLKR. I• « • . • - " 111. - • • "
Aniv. .J - •11 ; «•.» "•
- f- - pui- ..{ 8 07! 930 1 11- 412 033
; I>l\ M!• r P M
I SI M>AY THAINS-—iltilln f-r Ml .l«« n>
1 < it\ iiinl |>riiti i{»tl liiT.-riiM iliair at 7 :15 :t. :n.,
• I •"U I» 111.
\ 9 | M | >1 >1 P M
• . 10
|~i_ 7 11 » 1-11 -7 J4 •
| • ...
Nutioiia . . 7 4- 1J 1J '■ -'.I ' •!
r.'.tl.'i .' liou ,lfu%«- 7 4«> • >'• '!■> I «»7 T
1 \ nl-:i: >1 'jl *» !"• 1- l' l ' 7JI
1 r.i u; 1; 1 iv. > ! ;i" > 117 •<>
1 A. Mix p. M p. 31. p. M
, lerand prii ipal intMm ; .stati nu» at 7:20 • m and
, • » p. Ul.
PM\M P M • M
i ;:
1 • >"• 7 _'7 .11 Butl'-r JuiHtim. lv 1-
\ I ■ 7 }• 1 v i". • .1 1: ir! 8 #>l2 08
\ 4 <wi, 7I 'm Kr»i'|*»rt .. .1> s 1- "*■
' 1 »ii» 7 " .luii.-tioii.. .s 24 12 01
I 1 -'l J* .4' * 1,. r. 1.1 UIK- ' 11 411
\ 14) h Jl • Pault.it 1 \p.l! >) " 7M 11 .:2
' • > > :.l • Sulf*i.iir " 7 :uui w
( ! 1 '• -j • 151,.i-\ill. "I [ n) ,u 4 "
1 'i .u> -• 11l urxvillc li:t»Txectu»ii I ' 1°
' -50 11 ■ - Uto 1 « il6 ® *
. -
< \ .. L'ii '• Philaulelphiii -w»II -
! A. M.|P 31.1 Ay\ P. M
1 On SuinUy, train l«-tvinc lliitK-r 7 :C> .1 in., c.»iiiHft»
' l-.r II irii-l ui A!t.»'ii,i a:.'. I*liil:i I 'lphi •
1 traiua lor th»* f;u-t I«MVC l*itt»l'Uig ni«>n
' Station), an follt.v-
Atlantic: EXPROHH, daily... . ' A M
! IVnunylvania Limited " 7:1
( Ih*y Kxprefv, " 7 "
>lain Liiiu Kxprns, ** ..». •• *"
| I'l.ilaMpl.ia ExprcTH, . .J-«' r*
Kastt rn Evpn-w, "... 7 «».»
) i
J i'hilad'a Mail, Sumlay- -i h * v
1 For detailed ii»f«.ruiati n, .>■ i• 11 • -- Tl»« —. K. Watt, Pa--
, Agt. Wtiutcrn Ihutri t,« ii.-. Filth Av.-mn- and Smith
) fi.-M Street, Pa.
QeaenU MMHC * '' x -
ISelling Out |
II Entire Stock ?
$ Wall Paper. {
\ Choicest patterns ire left. /
} iVe want to quit the busi- Q
y ness. \
v Bargains at ;i sto 1 rate 7
>' y Main St. Butler^Pa^^
v-/ hcc jc r Wil so n
New iNo. J r'amily
r h
.t ■
• .. y : v ; X Si«II Bearings
I'jsy Kl. . in ;;, Quiet, Rapid and
l Durable.
Sewing Machines
for ramily -i l actory use, for all
J4!';ides Ot C.lo«h :!P.tl I catlier.
Spv-JiJ ..nJ IJurablity.
Lvy uto.* Hc:id OlJicc,
B1 ■i 1! cp<)s' t, i 0 11 necli cut. U. S• A
Hardware, Stoves, Stums
Machines, Needles for all
kinds of sewing machines,
lloss Washing Mucliines,
N. B. —Second-hand Sewing
Machines ftoni $5.00 up.
Sewing machines repaired.
EVES EXAMiStJ f 'Ji' Cl.'A.ij E
R L. KirKpatrlcX, Optic al and Jenki
Next to Ccurt IN i s.- Ilufler, Late
j f Graduate I.a lVrt Ilarolonical 1 ni.titnte
. Care A. Troutniim** Honn. HI TLER. PA
j SubHeribo lor the CuiZKtf.
io. nr. pare, |
Wc Keep const.miy on nand (foi iaimcdiuie use) a
line of incoming goods, such as Chilian-Silk, Nana Veil-fij
ing and Crape Bonnets juid Hats Long and short Veils K
Mourning Ruahiny.Mour.ning Glovos and Hjaidkeirchit fs»
and everything: pertaining to Lndics Mourning furnish-1
| ing Goods GIVE US A CALL 1
122 S. Main St D. T- Pape. 122 S. Main Si I
i STfZmU'-
WUvn :i hon>e U i>a!niwi it is safe to intimate t wit a value has invo added to t. which
!-» nevt r U'.ns and «•« unit Imrs umrv than double tl c cost of painting.
Your house may not lie doing this, but it may I c doc re isinu in x alue fur luck of paint.
This is just the same as losing money.
If you will hand us tlio dimensions wn will tell you what tlio paint will cost, and cau
supply yon with the Inst material, either white load and oil or Sh.-rwln Williams mixed
paint, fall and tfet a color card.
109 N". Main St. Butler. Pa. ,
New Wall Paper Store.
Tor the very l>est value ami most cotaplcte selection if all the
Latest Wall Room
Designs Paper Moulding
to be fonndJn tiie city. Call before buying elsewhere
Painting'and Paper Hanging.
/atterson Bros. New Wick Building. 238 N. Main St.. Butle".
Krur QAINTING becomes cxptrjivc when you use rh- > l crhjps you
IML I have already learned this—other: have. Fo. wxe..,u.l results in
BEST every particular use
THERE H - W- Johns' ASKSfflfr Liquid Paints
IO Artistic shade- producing pleasing c'f'-cti
Coloi Card, Pamphlet," Exterior Decoration," etc., mailerf en request.
paint" i-G W* Campbeli, sutler, pa.
Ko. IT. Surrey narn<*«i Price, fJfI.OO w *f' n4 - Send for Urf«. free \* o . «06Sam»y. Pri -ltd cartaini. lamrß
- goovl at aclis fcr f-'j C*Uio,;ut of all our ilylci. thade. apron auifeoder*. % ui. As tells forf9o.
ELKHART CAllUlAttE mu. CO. W. B. FUATT. licc*y» CUa!iAitT» LMX>.
The Encouragement we Received
and adjoining Counties from our last months offer, in
duces us to again ofTcr this decanter, filled vith the
best Caliiornia wine
With Every Order of v? :
$5.00 m.;
And Over.
Your selection from the follow- "IT". if
ing, or send in a $3.00 order
for any of ovir liquors. If
■ |M;
Silver Age Rye $1,50 per quart, $6 per gallon
Duqnesne Rye $1,25 per quart, $5 per gallon Vgai*
Bear Creek Rye ; Jjjn*rf»T
Guckenheimer Rye (l c . rt 6 ILM MM
!£"• . ! qt. .
Overholt J
We will continue to pay ex
press charges on all orders of L/; *lf*"faff ~
$5.00 and over. C. OD. I|||lg^j|»
charges are expensive, and you TyjttliiL l
can save by remitting us the v
I'mount either by registered
mail, certified check or draft —
Send us your address and we will mail you cut
catalogue and price list free.
Wholesale Liquors,
A Pleasure Drive ||
( W|)lT*ftfcfr J is not a pleasure drive ur.less the buggy •
luxurious and easy running. •
No. 2 KoaJ Buttfy. ®
5 Fredonia Buggies \
• are the kind for your pleasure drives. They have the strength *
m to last. Your dealer sells them. Insist that ne sell them to you. •
J Made by THE FREDONIA MFG. CO.. Youngstown, Ohio |
** %.* £
National Family K ; # Farmers
& \
Newspaper " \ and Villagers,
THE "CITIZEN." Butler. Pa.. Both One Year For SI 50.
Send all Orders to the CiTIZEN."
enc-e for Govcrnieiital an-', jolitical inf irtnatiou. Contains Constitution ot the Utnt
eil States, the Constitution of the State of New York, the Dingley latut Bill, with
a comparison of oltl and new rates; President McKinley's Cabinet and appointees,
Atnbassadorß. Consuls, etc.; the personnel ot Congress, names of principal oUicers
of the different States, commanding ofHcers of the Army and Navy, with their sal
arif ; Tables of Public Statistics, ICI. ction Returns, Party Platforms and Com
n:< i- • com;>h ' ai.icie on the Currency. Go! 1 and Silver, and amount of other
vu I liable inlor.iiHtion The standard AtiK-ucan almanac, auihoritive an I complete
comspoiding in rank with Whittaker's Almanac in liurope. Price 25p-
Postage Paid. Send all Orders to H E^JI^jLER PA.