D. T. RAPE, I THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE OF BUTLER CO. Xj Wc Keep constantly on hand (for immediate use) a fully line of mourning goods, such as Chiffon-Silk, Nuns Veil-g. ing and Crape Bonnets and Hats. Long and short Veils jft ; Mourning Rushing.Mourning Gloves and and everything pertaining to Ladies Mourning furnish-53 ing^Goods^GIVEJUSjIjCALL. 122 S. Main St. Q. J. PapG. 122 S< Main St | I MOURNING MILLINERY ] £ We invite your attention to our Spring J 5 stock of MOURNING MILLINERY. While |# £ giving you the latest styles we give you j * # the lowest prices. J Face Vails from 25c to SIOO. Priestleys' j 5 Widows Vails from $l5O to $6.00- J Lyons' Widows Vails (all silk) from $3 00 J to $9 00 4 I MARKS.' 108 S. MAIN STREET. \ ' J BUTLER, Pa. i I Removal 11 Sale! o Vou know what that means. It is bargains for you! Our increasing business requires more commodious j quarters, and on the first of April we will move to < > the handsome room now occupied by J. R. Gneb, i next door to our present location. We do not want | to carry over any winter clothing, and have there- { ) fore reduced prices on all our ( I Reliable j; Clothing. 11 The quality of the goods and the prices at which ' | they are marked will clean them out quick. Of i, > course that means zero profits to us, but that is no .I k cause of complaint to you. We want the goods to go | before moving day comes around. Come in and get i r your share of the bargains. They will not last long, I for everything goes at | | | Reduced < jt ! ! Prices!. < > i| T.H. Burton, i; I ; RELIABLE CLOTHIER, ! | 128 S Main St., Butler Pa. " GREA7S ALE JL ; _of_ H : H. Childs & Co.'s Stock H j [i >THIS bETTER EXPLAINS F$ | Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 24,1898. Messrs A. Kufp & Son, j Butler. Pa. VI Dear Sirs: The recent DESTRUCTION BY FIKE of the store of the Na- WA ► tional Wall Paper Co.. wlioso buildiiijr adjoins our own. was the closest call k V we have had in our business experience. A twenty-six inch bliek wall ft i alone saved our stock from total, destruction, and the flames at no time m A trained access to our ware-house. W JM ► Our loss, while heavy, is caused entirely by water, and we guarantee k B every pair of goods offered to be absolutely free from all fire damage, and ft in many instances the water damage is so slight as to be hardly noticeable W 1 even to the eye of an expert. VM ► In this sale It must be "First come, first served." Terms, net cash. i- Yours very truly, { H. CHILDS & CO. |p 2 i It is perhaps needless to say that we responded to this letter promptly B ] y and were FIKST ON THE GKOrNDS and had the KIKST CHOICE. These W / l goods will be put on sale at once and will be sold at a slight advance over r £ f the ridiculously low prices at which we purchased. Enterprising ones will KTs i get first choice of tl ese rare bargains. Don't wait neighbor to tell you alxrnt them Shoes the price of which was from a> cents to $3.00 wl'l Iw W A . sold during this sale at from 15 cents to $1.65. A word to the wise in surti cient. 5 A. RUFF&BSON- U IfflJ When You Out Money ! be sure that you are getting the rea' ; ■ I No. 2 RO.J Buggy. value of the price you pay. jj : Fredonia Buggies running aifd worth j ! ' ° every penny they ; Your dealer sells them. cost you. j \ ! THE FREDONIA MFG. CO., Youngstown, Ohio. » THE NEW YORK Weekly T RIBUNS THE GREAT e FOR National Family Farmers & * ** Newspaper \ v and Villagers. AND YOUR FAVORITE HOME PAPER, THE -CITIZEN." Butler, Pa., Both One Year For $1 50. Send all Orders to the "CiTIZEN." THE N. Y. TRIBUNE ALMANAC, enee for Goveruiental an<l political information. Contains Constitution ot thcT'nit ed States, the Constitution of the State of New York, the Dingley Tariff Bill. itli a comparison of old and new rates; President McKinley's Cabinet and appoints, Ambassadors. Consuls, etc.; the personnel of Congress, names of principal otii rs of tlie different States, commanding officers of the Army and Navy, with their - il aries; Tables of Public Statistics, Election Returns, Party Platforms and Com- j mittees, complete articles on the Currency, Gold and Silver, and auiomt of ether valuable information The standard American almanac, authoritive and coin; le | , cortvspondlng in rank with Whittaker's Almanac in Europe. Price 25c- Postage Paid. Send all Orders to TH E CITIZEN BUTLER, PA. I A man w '" defend his honor with lii~ list: WV V-Z What is mere dishonor _ \ able than unnecessary failure? Thousand; of men make failurc of lift* and die premature death;, leaving wives and children unprovided for. because of their reckless neglect of health No man cat; do good woik or be successful in business who suffers from biliousness, di gestive and nervous disorders such as sick headache, giddiness, dizziness, drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heat, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, fullness and swell in? aft<-: meals, wind ar.d pain in the stom ach, co'livt ness blotches on the skin, loss of sleep, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams and nervous and trembling sensations, i These are but the forerunners of some dread disease like deadly consunip-ion rr fatal nervous prostration. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the best med icine for hard working men and women. It cures ail cases of weak stomach, im paired digestion and disordered liver. Tt ajives keen to the appetite, makes the digestion pe-fect and the liver active It makes rich, red pun blood and builds firm, healthy flesh. It builds new, healthy, muscular tissue in every vital organ. It tones the worn-out nerves. It strengthens the muscular system, and invigorates and vitalizes the whole system. It induces sound and refreshing sleep, dissipates drowsiness and melancholy, and imparts menial power, elasticity and courage. It arouses the physical energies of the whole body. It cures 98 per cent, of all cases of consumption, brom rial, throat and kindred ailments All medicine dealt rs sell it Costiveness and biliousness. Doctor Pierce's Plea«ant Pellets cure them They strengthen and stimulate the overworked organs. They never gripe. One "Pellet" is a gentle laxative, two a mild cathartic. S HUMPHREYS' VETERINARYSPECIFICS 500 PAGE BOOK If AILED FREE. CONTENTS : Part I.—Diseases of Horses. Part ll.—Diseases of Cattle. Part lll.—Diseases of Sheep. Part IV.—Diseases of Hogs. Part V.—Diseases of Dogs. Part Vl.—Diseases of Poultry. Same book in better binding SO cts. ■Il XFIIIti:VS'9I£D. CO., lor. IHiiuua * John 51.., New V.rh NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. 28, in use over4o years, the only successful remedy. $1 per vial.or 5 vial, and large vial powder, for $5 Sold by Drnggfatfl, or sent postpaid on receipt of pric«. UUXriIRKYS* BID. CO., Cor. William k John Sis., New York THE DANGER to which the Expectant Mother is exposed and the foreboding and dread with which she looks for ward to the hour of woman's severest trial is appreciated by but few. All effort should be made to smooth these rugged places in life's pathway for her, ere she presses to her bosom her babe. MOTHER'S FRIEND allays Nervousness, and so assists Nature that the change goes for ward in an easy manner, without such violent protest in the way of Nausea, Headache, Etc. Gloomy forebodings yield to cheerful and hopeful anticipations—she passes through the ordeal quickly and without pain—is left strong and vigorous and enabled to joyously perform the high and holy duties now devolved upon her. Safety to life of both is assured by the use of " Mother's Friend," and the time of recovery shortened. "I know one lady, the mother of three children, who suffered greatly in the birth of each, who obtained a bottle of 'Mother's Friend' of me before her fourth confinement, and was relieved quickly and easily. All agree that their labor was shorter and less painful." John G. Polhill, Macon, Ga. 91.00 PERBOTTLE atall Drugstores, or sent by express 011 receipt of price. BOOKS Containing invaluable information of cdcc interest to all women, will b 2 sent to rlttC any address upon application, by Tut BR ADFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, GA. ■ £££ CATARRH for a generous ] IO CENT TRIAL SIZE. galcall)I Ely's Cream Balm contains no cocaine, rfil y jgjTj mercury nor any other eSHL **" It is quickly Ab3orbcd. Gives Relief at \ It opens and clean&eo k ~ k ~ the Nasal Passages. fl Ifj tl £ A Allays Inflammation. vULy Heals ai d Protects the Membrane. Restores the Senses of Taste and Mnell. F;sll Size 50c. ; Triai I Size 10c.; at Drniryiats t.r ly m :iL 84-Y BROTHEIis. 56 V. arrc-u Street. New York. WE GUARANTEE TO GIVE Vou the purest and choicest Whiskey or Wine, sold at the price you pay else where f>>r adulterated. We bottle diree-t from the Government stamped b.irrel, iilso have in stock large supply of quarts bottled at Distillery under tlie govern ment supervision—-that bottled by us we guarantee to be as mire and as good motto FAIR DEALINGS TO EVERY ONE- Guaranteed puie 6 year old Whiskey -either Gackenbeimer. Finch, Gibson, Ovcrbolt, Mt. Vernon, $i per full quart or 6 quarts for $5, Grandfathers Choice Whiskey, guar anteed 3 years old, per gallon. On C. O. D. or mail orders of $lO or over, we prepay all charges. ROBERT LEWIN & CO,, Importers and Wholesalers, 411 Water St. Opposite 8. & 0. Depot. Telephone, 217 q Pittsburg, I'a. * SMI * think of obtaining pure liquors or wino froiu ji, llOUso ilnit otlWs you soiii«»tliitig for Kikg • *;«1 sncl dealers If you want straight years to give you >lraight. unadultcraled g<K»ds at fair and honest prices-Ih'nce our suecess. We Mention a Few Prices Write for complete price list. Qt. Gal. Andricssen's Hrst "»0 >) t Bridgeport Puri» Rj f e .. ! 350 . Tippecanoe Kye..: «» 2 25 ' Thompson''s « v.\ir old. . 1 .. -I "»<) • Old <'ahinct i»alf Malt 75 . .2 50 Ue-Distilifd Kye 50 . .. 'Z W A. ANDKIESSEN. 188 Federal St. Allegheny, Ta. A.dvertice i.uhe Cxii^ji^. THE CiTIZEN. '•Yellow." "Double Murder!" '"Suicide'" Poison!" "Arson'" "Death His Bride!" "Dead Man's Message'" Poor white Slave!" "Earthquake!" "Landscape!' "Tidal Wave!" "('rushed to Death by Cable Car!" How to linn a Private Bar'" Prize Fight Makes a Strange Ro mance!" "Woman in Hypnotic Trance'" "Smallpox!" "Typhus!" "Spotted Death!" i "Man With Poison in His Breath!" ( • "Pretty Actress Breaks Her Leg!" Russell Sage on How to beg!" < i ' Frightful Delnge!" "Holocaust'" 1 "Railroad Smashnp, Ninety Lost! ' J Cut in Two by Whirling Saw'" | Woman Smashed Her Husbands Jaw!" i Three-eyed Baby!" "Armless Man!" ' Sttychnine Put in Milking Can!" "How I Murdered Ninety Men!" ! Raving Dog That Mangled Ten!" Woman Samson!" "Man Ate Glass! i Blown to Atoms!" "Killed by Gas!" j Thats the kind of stuff we know Makes the Yellow Paper go.—Life. U-e Dr. Bull's Pills the great remedy for dyspepsia and indigestion, but buy , onlv "the genuine, Dr. John W. Bull's Pill's. These fine days give a man the spring < ' fever, but the roads give a man nervous prostration Wine for Weakly Persons. Weakly persons use Speer's Port Grape Wine and the Unfermented Grape Juice because it gives tone and strength to the system. It is superior to all other wines. No Women Tramps. A few days ago a house-wife was pondering the tramp question and the thought suggested itself to her that it was strange that all the vagrants who go around begging for a "bite to eat" are men most of whom are well able to work, and never a woman tramp is seen. Not long after she had been thinking of the matter, a rap was heard at the back door and a daughter respon ded to the timid knock. She was asked the usual question and, turning to her mother said; "There is some one here who wants something to eat." "Is it a man or woman?" asked the parent. "A man" was the reply. "Well, since it's a poor man, you can give him something, bat if it was a woman she couldn't have it.'" The incredulous look on the tramp's countenance, which afterwards broke into a broad smile, showed that a new idea had been forced upon his brain. —Reynold sville Star. People who live in the country should keep Salvation Oil, the infallible anti dote for the -poisonous stings of bees and wasps. Chicago cannot claim to be much of a town when forty policemen can down 2,000 medical students. There are many bad people in the world, but we could hardly get along if there were no gossips. Hood's Sarsaparilla is without equal even in the severest cases of dyspepsia and indigestion. "What was the cause of the old book keeper's downfall?" "Lost his bal ance. " He "Only married a month, and she has left him because he swore so fright fully." She—Ah marriage is a lot tery. " He— "Yes: and she drew a blankety blank blank. HOOD'S PILLS euro Liver Ills, Bil iousness, Indigestion, Headache. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. The first rose of summer—shad roses. The fever is on, stnalF boys are play ing ball on the lots. Clothier's sign announces "Misfits made to measure." Climax lirancly of Grape. The superior vintage of 1876 brandy introduced by the Speer N. J. Wine Co.. is highly spoken of by physicians. The following testimony from the Balti more Medical College is one among man}'. "I am prepared to bear testimony to the value of your productions, and not from general reputation merely. H. L. Byrd, President. Happiness depends on the state of yous mind, and you should be able to control that. At Gonoatoa, in the South Seas, every man, woman or child on that island who does not go to church three times a week is liable to be arrested and fin ed. Food undigested, is poison. Digested it is life and strength. Millions of us suffer from indigestion, but we often don't know it. We think it is someth ing else. Even doctors often mistake the symptoms. Pale thin people, who are overwork ed, who need strength, who seem in want of proper food, should take Shak er Digestive Cordial. It is astonishing what food will do, when properly di gested. It will make you strong, revive you, refresh you, sustain you. make you fat, restore your color, make muscle, brain 1 fibre, courage, endurance, energy; in- 1 crease your power to throw off distase . and keep you healthy and happv, Indigestion does iust the opposite, but indigestion can be cured and pre vented with Shaker Digestive Cordial. Sold by druggists. Trial bottle 10 cts. The smallest race of people in the world inhabit the Andaman Islands, They have an .average weight of TO : I oun 's and are under 4 feet in height. 1 The origin of throwing rice at wed dings is to be found in a custom that existed in early Rome of hurling wheat after newly marri od couples Rheumatism Cured IN a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once tbe causes and the disease immediately dis npf ears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Redic, ar.d J. F. Ralph Druggists Butler \pr q6 WRIGHT'S For alt Bilious and Neavovs P® 111 Dise'.sf.s. Thcv purify the |U| I I Clood and give Healthy action to the entire synem. a ■ BiBlM Cure DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, OOMSTIPATIOM and PIMPLES. £ll & AXLE infill GBfc'ASE BEST Ifi TilK WORLD. Itswmnn'-q :'i!;ri..sarf»u!;!iurpo«se'i. actuaPy outlastl t.ux.'S'.r any other brand. Not iff. cte! l.y li.r.t t rtiKT Till' CliXllNK. FOR. SALE I V I'EALERT f.V.s'rßAl.T.v "siaw *--RENTAL ROOMS.-- f 1 2*' 33 - sth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. ' *< v - Vre PRACTICA' ijl "iiSsT M CROWN and BF.iOoe w»rk£j •£ jB «»<>' Pittsburg— WHY NOT DC fa IjiSfi f%|YOURS? Ci u1 d CROWNS L, 'lr l S7 W""' BRIDGE work reduced !>• f ' '■ «£ \ 5 S|ss PER TOOTH Al«> tli. L* «3 V W best set of Teeth mail,-. ON LY Subscribe lor ibe CITUSN Financial Statement of ler County for 189?. statement of Tax Received and I>ih- for IHJMt and Previous. I|| > | : J? I ll© I | - DISTRICT. COLLECTOR. j J" j 1; 3 f E' = : | ? : r : i : _J Hut lor Miichaol Dufford lv«T £ 03 * ■? $ 5 ;{s as * Muddyeroek (»eorj?o McGoe. 11 <2 j 11 S2 Washington . Harmon S«»aton..j ** ■ ' 22 m| .... i'borry J WNcwmin ... IH'O! 15 OT> 1 L"» ft"» Brady T A lllnes MM 24 71 24 71 Clearfield 11l II l»uff,v 1*93( I 27 42 27 42 Oakland it'bristle Kobb... *4 41 4 41 Slipppry Kock .. |.J L Toopor . 1 4 02 4 02 Washington 11l Spaton .. " Ift* 35 7 M 40 31 41 Sunbury fmro Samupl Hunt... j " 15 99: IS 10; *0 , Clinton twp 'John Halstoad. < lav KB < 'on 11 " 123 TV 117 50 620 Cherry And McMurrmy..{ "| 254 52 235 05 12 cloarfipld Hll Duffy. " I*7 4«. 17:150 9 M 4 M Marion A .1 (illghrlst... " 22 01 17 52 92 3 57 Vpnango WmStalkpr .... " 114 65 106 H6 561 23S ....... Washington Harmon Spaton. 369 24 00 15 7S 3h 75 14 71 ... Win field \ rrpolln-J . 3TW» 95 VH 16 O'i 35 29 Hut ler boro.. . John Vounkins " 46S 96 Harmony FredWeifit .... " ... ri 09 ••.... ♦'» '"V Sa.xonburg;. I'has K:iaW 35 50 23 312 Sunbnry !' !' Brown " 113 57 541 l(S lt» Adams twp Robt J Con ley . l*»i*» Ml'* "*s 7 4<> S3 ;{> W 41 20 244 Allptrheny J J Milford 204 Si S4O 41 i 2 6". 4175. .... Buffalo Sam WestPrman. 649 Si 60i> 01 ;C 05 S 75' liutipr Gporpf Baupr... '* 3i»s 47 293 05 15 42 ....... Brady .... Thos > Bpatty . S2 75 S3 4 250 Clinton.. John Halstoad.. " 62 SB 50 15 3 11!........ .... < lay R B Conn " 220 77 IH9 45 996 2i Cpntrp DC Miller " 12S 62 120 56 634 172 Clearfield H H Duffy " 237 7:1 185 54 977 42 42 ... cherry Sam 1, Nelson. ' 170 90 130 00 694 35 S3 ... IS7 Concord Chas Campl>oU " 5 05' ... 5 05 Donegal John Kitzert. 95 4:1 73 0*» 3Ki Is 49 lor ward GJ Marbursrer. 90 20 *> 350 is 33 Fairview J J Mcliarvey " 36 252 • • .. .... 2SB < Franklin ... Chas Ma«*koy. 542 0s 511 56 36 91 361 Jefferson .... .. W J Cooper.. 245 22 219 61 11 56 14 05 .Jackson lohn A Kiohert 104 95 23 5 <V> 4 «i Marion . Jamtv. <»il«rlirist.. 424 10 330 U 17 :fii 3o 09 5® 08 Mer«'er Win Johnston.. " 256 2s 2:11 00 12 15 14 m —.... 1 71 Midddlesex S C Trimble 44 Muddyereek Robt B Kennedy. " 26 79 20 .> 1 :tl 4 — Oakland IVter Whit mire ** 277 54 240 00 12 63 30 36 5 45 Parker GvoJ Kepler . " 52s 67 450 6T> 36 44 21 iti 99 65 Summit. John W Haldauf. " Slippery Koek. .J L Cooper ** t»H2 44» 63i» 4<» 31 75; 7 3 I*2 Venango .Win Stalker " 7101 4184 220 26 97 ... Washington Harper Campbell " 453 71 354 ot> is 63 67 99: 13 09 Win field \ Freeling ... 44 Mil 1....... 'i»i 91 S7 69 Worth ; Wm II lMsor .. ... ** :t49 27 327 Butler l>oro John Vounkins.. 4 * .1441 7> 3154 14 166 01 19» 7s 25 15 Centreville F I. Forester " 42s 45 s:t 21 15 . 5 47 Evans City D W Zeigler "i lt.» :17 99 9:1 555 13 S9 Fairview Wm Gibson 20 31 13 39 70 6 22 Harmony Fred Weigle | " 44 49 44 49 Harrisville loseph Pew " 59 7s 53 94 2 85 2 99 Karns City Geo F. Magil '* 19 2l» 13 50 71 5 0s Millers town T H Evans 4 * 419 26 3sl 30 0s 17 53 1 Mars |J W Lee " j 100 74 SS 66 4 66. 742 IVtrolia F M Fritz I *' 56 10 1 330 58 SO Portprsville Alonzo Henshow. 44 102 16 95 45 5 OCI 16S Prospect C F Newman " : 25 07 19 1 0:> 4 56 Saxonburg iChas Uaal>e i " 3«6 5S 367 25< 19 33 Sunbury P P Brown 44 132 70j S4 34 442 , 43 32j 1 »52 Total 1... L ... J?l.m» «4'»13072 llrt't H'.'" 37$ 'J.V 1W 13 $137 si Collectors' Account for ISD7. Adaua WHTmSE 1807,f 2119 llii KM' t W 13$ j$ «23 025...;. $:. All.-Kh.-liv laniwJoll* •• lOR 7 «2! 647 74 i :wi ft- Itufliil.. lolin llkrliin.il '• <713 4K 1331 3n Sfl 56 I 277 :tt Butler Kl> Peorce " IMHK 04 MS 37 39 41 i f«5 SO ltni.lv Kmnk Mc< 'urdr ** !<tl *ii>!i 2". 44 07 ! 219 S*l Cliliton IRRbl.il.. " 1397 011 1197 0:1 70 04 :«i I li.v 1 Hubert Conn " i:B7 421 911 24 01 I SO Centre ID Smith j " 1237 41 1022 SO 07 03 146 £ Cl.-arfU'Ui K.l K.'nne.ly flffi 20 614 (H : 333 JO <terry IPI. Riiwu ll " 1336 2S SO4 04 36 03 415 01 • Coiinoqiiem'sMiui; ... .1..1111 Bminloii " 1473 24 1207 l.i .S iiO Is" 21 j <'ntnl'.'rrv Kir*.-hler ** 1537 7s 14Jt» SS 100 41 I >l2l 49' Cooconl. R..l..*rt Adanu. " 1217 00 SS9 .Ml j 270 29 IKiuegul iKWWaltiiuui " 1224 73 7ss 71 49 S9 : 3SO 13 Korwanl <ieo M.irl.urser " 210s 07 1017 34 110 12 ! .ISO 41; Fairview ! J J tfcmrMl J " i:«t 2s, 1017 2". «3 S» « 14j Krnnkliii M.ma> . " 1317 00 MM3 S7 07 10 jM j Jeflem... |S M Barr " 1702 35 1402 47; 94 10 203 7s Jacks.in \II Mb-kley " 204 X B.} IK~I 00 112 M j 3M .o Stiiiiucl IlHrtl*<y 44 1434 £>j 1330 00J 92 4.> 11 Soj Marion Joseph Vmulike * 4 109-3 431 S7O 12 61 <1 i 101 M «»reer JJ MiiUlh'Si'.x KO Thompson 44 :C174 70 3065 3s 79 I tC ;>lj Mudrfvereek Gmut J.vis * 4 1064 76 822 00 Xi 47 1«29 Ihiklan i IN t. r Whitmire 41 1445 62 l£*> 00 S5 92 29 #0 Parker ph Wallv •• 1213 9s 1015 00 63 87 135 11 I'enn ............ C.-orire K Hay 44 1917 89 1779 49' 109 9') 38 45 . ..., SlipiHMA U.H k II Bovanl 44 1676 26> 1254 24; 85 97 3:16 OT> Summit J W llnMunf 4 * IWO4 91, 904 3.*; ■ 6:17 36 Venango 11 11 Stalker 44 10645 39 565 46 37 72 463 20 Washington \ nut in Meals 44 1590 67 1-16 .12 i 9 <.) 294 60 Winfield J M Crnikriiankn ... ; * 4 1500 56 131S 24 90 10 92 '2. Worth W H Tisor 44 I MOS 27 1094 32 .4 69 196 26 Butler boro John S Jack 44 1425 132 101K> 51 773 93 3321 SS Centreville F Forester ** 961 S>» 854 00 64 «5 i 43 13 Evans City George Ripper I 44 i 1141 50 880 38 61 92 199 20 Fairview IAC (iilwion ' 44 ; 200 99 184 50 13 69 280 Harmonv Fred Weigle 44 SSB 49 400 00 30 33 158 16 Harrisville |J S Pugli 44 700 34 578 02 48 12 ! 74 20 Karns (Ity Frank Bahbitt ' 44 10"> 44» 8< 6s 6 i 11 Millerstown iJ J Donahue j 44 t 910 6"» <-1 31| 60 26 129 Osl Mars I Geo B Stewart 1 44 567 93 4:1 001 360 521 IVtrolia FM Fritz j 44 261 48 199 94 15 00 46 54! Portersville A Henshew 44 2.»0 05 155 751 13 01 81 I®| Pruspect jC F Newman 44 505 37 423 ( S 30 51 30 Saxonburg J £ Meeder i 44 076 39 560 .$6 45 29 70 <4 Sunbnrv V P Brown ' * 4 262 52 20:"> 45 14 03 43 04 Valencia Wm Hoffman i •* 129 65 101 »» 6»9 20 97 Z**lienople Win Allen I 44 I 1131 17 941 00 68 00 122 17 CoumN(uenessing.... (Casper Fehl.j ** j 261 03 201 12 16 s2 j 43 06 Total I !.... 1172207 36 $54085 92553775 30 $ 31 25 $14314 89 $ $ Levy And Assessment of Tax For 1897. I | > 9 18 15? Mi a ; ? I H 6g. $ 1 » DISTRICT. COLLECTOR. So H , S ® M ; : i : : Alleeheny James Jolly I 1103 67 8 1028 56$ 29 06.<| 46 05 Adams Wm Renison 2281 16 1626 15, 493 01 162 00 Bntler F D Pearoe j 1826 14 1479 70; 218 94 127 50 Buffalo John Harbison I 1814 48 1572 70 : 142 78 99 00 Br&dy Frank McCnrdy ; 937 58; 784 39 89 44 63 75 Clinton James R Riddle 1700 51 1482 85 114 lti 103 50 Clav R B Conn 1442 17; 1276 92 80 50 84 75 Centre! J D Smith 1321 41 1182 09 55 32 84 00 Clearfield 'E J Kennedy 1058 26' 932 29 59 97 ; 66 00 Cherry H L Russell 14=18 28 1242 97 93 31 102 00 Connoquenessing .... John Brandon ! 1566 49 1192 10 281 14 92 25 Cranberry ! Andrew Kirschler...! 1940 28] 1585 18 272 60 82 50 Concord 'Robt Adams i 1289 75i 1165 60 51 40i 72 75 Donegal F Waltman 1352 98 1088 10 136 63 128 25 Forward . Geo Marburger 2235 57 1444 49 663 58' 127 50 Fairview J J Campbell 1430 03 1204 42, 128 861 96 75 Franklin Alonzo McCandless.. 1380 06] 1175 24 141 82 63 00 Jefferson S M Barr 1816 85 1374 41 327 94 114 50 Jackson A H Mickley 2157 00 1550 85; 497 40 108 75 Lancaster Sam Bartley 1530 75 1151 34 272 91 10b 50 Marion Joseph Vandyke 1172 93 1025 52 67 91 79 50 Mercer I J McGarvey 716 58 622 70 39 88 54 00 .vluddvcreeit Grant Jones I 1121 01 1004 68 60 08 56 25 Middlesex E O Thompson 3527 70, 1839 61 1535 091 153 00 Oakland Peter Whitmire 1525 87 1172 50 273 12 80 25 Penn Geo E Hay 2061 14 1855 18 562 71 143 25 Parker ? Joseph Walley 1298 73 1138 58 75 40 84 75 Summit J W Baldanf 1733 91: 1231 21 373 70 129 00 Slipperyrock Hutchison Bovard... 1755 76 1519 64; 156 62! 79 50 Venango W B Stalker i 1148 39 1026 39 40 00 82 00 Washington Austin Meals 1803 92 1351 62 ] 339 05 113 25 Worth. . W H Pisor | 1444 77 1273 15 95 12 76 .50 Winfield JM Craikshank j 1587 56 1123 76' 376 80 87 00 Butler boro. Ist wd . John S Jack i 2645 28 1973 58 595 201 76 50 •' °d wd " ... i 3208 61 2708 47 467 89 32 25 " 3d wd " " 3256 74 2377 01 851 28 28 50 " 4th wd " " I 2439 46 1597 82 808 64 ] 33 00 " sth wd. " " I 2936 73| 1719 71; 118177; 35 25 Centreville boro F Forrester 973 131 533 t>4 428 24; 11 25 Con'gu'nes'ing boro.. Caspar Fehl i 273 03 166 21 94 82 12 00 Evans City boro Gtorge Ripper i 1167 7.) 810 4. 331 03 26 25 j Harmon}-boro Fred Weigle 623 74 497 77 90 72 35 25 ( Karns City boro Frank Babbett 119 71 104 08j 138 14 25 i Millers town b0r0.... J J Donahue I 943 65 469 43 ; 441 22 33 00 Harrisville boro J S Pew 'l3 84 252 30 448 04, 13 50 Prospect boro ,C F Newman 515 8. 287 41 217 96; 10 50 ; Petrolia boro F M Fritz 274 98 147 00; 114 48 | 13 50 . Portersville boro A Henshaw I 258 30 192 6.>; 57 40 825 Valencia bor* Wm Hoffman j 134 90 73 6fi 55 99] 525 Fairview boro A C Gibson i 215 24 151 14' 49 85 14 25 Mars boro Geo B Stewart 583 68 318 50 249 43i 1.) 75 Saxonburg boro |J E Meeder 710 14 392 3lij 284 03; 83 7o Sunbnrv boro P P Brown 267 02 212 041 50 48 450 Zelienople boro jWm Allen 1149 92 708 50| 422 6<| 18 75 Total I $75932 41 $56918 64 $15388 72'53625 05 Doj; Tax of 18!H> and Previous. • I c i I ' s I | r.J |"3 ] e-e DISTRICT. COLLECTORS. ' : £ t E =1 S =-E i H "S K a i a ■, r ! : j c £. ? S | 2 j : —? T" ® rioarSeld twp II II Huffy 1S1« f M Mi* 7WKIJ4 Ui 1 58*.....'*.... * Sllpp»'ry Rock I S Cooper I S IU 7S ....... ■■■■•• •••;••;: Clearfield II H Huffy jMtoj 43 38 •«»'*> 31. 1 ft. .... Lancaster Eph F.rl> 18ft} t 81 1« ■ Washlniton II Seafon l- s ft>,' ti -nt 14 (n> . .4 ;iutier lH.ro lohu Vounkins 1"«5| 31 41 11187 IW, 48 ilarinony Frod Welirle jlH96j t _ 1 ->0 1 .>0 Saxonbure Charles Usiiiln* llMI5j 0!H 059 .i> .. Vdumatwp K J Con ley I*oo 135 50; TO 00 400 27 Allegheny J J Milford - Si 40 12 211 000 KutTalo S W'estorman " 88 58 42 JS) 11 4 i.J Clinton John Halstead 14 —.... •••;•••• * .VJ Clav It B Conn 17 5o! 12 94, OS dO4 | Clearfield II If Duffy - 60 17 40 00 211 4.213 31 Cherry > L Nelson L V-l -L' * Comuxiuenessinff W J Fletcher 54 07 4.» 00 240 11 bl Donegal John KJtzert " 40 10 1»| 2 01.......' 3 <>4 Forward Geo J Marburger— " 1 : 3 04 , Franklin c Mac key i " 50 !•'». 44 o> 230 IB l->j I Jefferson W J Cooper ' 17 14 «73 40 Hi), ( • i .Jackson John A Kichert " 31 51; 25 0»i 1a 5; 4 50J ( Marlon lames Gilghrlst " 54 00 25 On 127 47323 09 Mercer Wm Johnston " 0 15 5 0" 2.'» 1 | Middlesex S ( Trimble 31 'Si 29 7oi 1571 Muddyereek KB Kennedy (¥> 12 50 (it; 075 Oakland Peter Whitmire " 33 3n 20 50 155 225 Parker GeoJ Kepler .. " 20 17 17 60 7 50' Slippery Rock J L Cooper 04 02 50 35 312 2 25, Venango Win Stalker " 22 11 13 00 9 83i 1 .»S Washington. 11 Campl>ell " 102 si i 27 2»» 25 250 Worth... . .... Will Pisor 45-. 35*32 103 7 50, Winfield A rreeliftg 35 01 .. _ 2 25| 33 36 Butler boro John Vounkins.. 223 05 ls4 007 21 00 024 Centreville F L Forrester " 11 55; 10 07 5s Kvans City D M Zeigler 20 8S 14 s.} 7> 535 Fairview Wm Gibson '* 15 11 12 H5 0s 15s . .. Harmony F Weigle I " 556 J .... 5 56. ...j • llarrisvftle J l'ew | 12 52 hOO 4- 3 la; , • Karns City.... G E McGill 1 " 13 50 10 00 2 35j Millers!own. . Geo II Evans i - 20 13 10 27 *0 3 o<> Mars J W Lee » - 12 31 10 Si 51 150 Portersville A llenshew j 4 ifci 20s l.» 150j... Prospect.. (' F Newman... " 43 43 petrolia F M Fritz 22 "-' 15 72 £s OQO Saxonburg Cearles R&hlm 1 " 21* 21 13 41 <1 *ls 90 Sunbury ... PP Bjwvn 6 66j 4 3B| 8 IBM j Totalo ! I seifl3oe W ss'JKib H X \>e t Heated Acconnt fof 1807. RcH(X>l. Road Poor %"i g"V"g"j"jp"'l":g s>'"V ? f DISTRICT H * i H a ac 3" H s a : £! : * 5 : : Allegheny *2O $34 *297u ♦ ".1 2ns 13 3H* 53 79# 1« >•> *60»4 $ 9 11# 65655 72 * 834t 394 Buffalo 21 134 11 145 j 24 24 7 7 Bntler 10 34 10 34 ! 10 49 10 49 528 528 Brady 231 1(5 81 231 16 81 231 19 74 116 19 74 116 11 52 231 11 52 231 Cherry 11 44 937 11 44 18 60 221 9(* 789 15 21 174 913 789 15 28 174 Clay 305 818 255 10 73 615 3 IXS 615 305 318 102 318 102 Centre 17 47 726 17 44 22 02 2 fix 28 42 25 28 >8 42 25 28 463 17 32 21 95 Connoqnenessing 15 929 10 939 ' 75 10 1 85 Clearfield 29 50 38 60 36 4 7 213 55 87 54 66 121 17 22 972 17 22 972 Concord 270 358 358 515 278 793 146 179 146 179 Cranberry 94 94 15].. • j 15 Forward 11 70 11 70 I | Fairview 266 22 50 522 22 50 522 15 43 145 16 88 843 259 843 259 Jefferson. 47 47 43 4:1 43 j 43 Marion 12 08 11 98 11 98 11 02 11 02 • 4 99 462 ! 961 Middlesex 2 07 2 07 Mnddycreek 4 12 4 12 81 81 ' ! Parker 45 43 02 151 44 53 37 88 118 37 88 110 11 64 31 . 11 95 Peun 19 87 ... 19 87 20 44 20 44 5 73 5 73 Summit * 1 15 1 1 15 Donegal 516 17 4* 940 17 48 940 42 11 22 710 454 578 60 5 7Si «o Oakland 18 09 3 Oil 18 09 21 09 403 905 13 08 Washington 21 62 30 25 30 25 14 74 14 74 22 12 22 12 Worth ' 630 630 150 150 157 ! 157 Winfield 25 30 25 30 25 30 67 46 67 46 843 j 843 Venango 126 27 49 210 29 59 336 386 42 j 42 Bntler boro 180 14 92 660 . 21 52 641 660 13 01 19 00 106 19 00 106 Mercer twp 239 579 418 10 15 684 199 883 186 159 345 Slipperyrock 1 ' 3 07 3 07 84 H4 Fairview boro , 825 3 25; 450 ■ 450 Harrisville boro 315 315 j 125 125 Petrolia boro | : I 450 ! j 450 Prospect boro 95 180 1 89 1 369 128 45 : 1 73, 45 , 45 Sunbnrv boro 264 j 264 | ! I Total #179 54851*222 35 #274 49 #230 71 #230 56 #232 00 #339 30 #133 :W 10 596 2o #9B 58 Dog Tax of 185)7. > ' > I 58 I W I ©lO D =!I8S '3 S j « i I ' ? -5 5 J Z \ : i 3 | S | DISTRICTS COLLECTORS ~ £.13 § % \ ® g- * : 3 " o ; ® sr • 1 5T • 9 * - p i $ ® « • | 2. *0 ::?: ! S : : * * * * I I• i • Adams twp.. Wm Renison.. $ 162 00 $ 42 00# 3 51 # # 116 49 .. # 15 00 Allegheny... James J011y... 46 I>s 20 04 129 j 24 72 Brady F McCnrdy 68 75 31 00 222 | 30 53 Buffalo J Harbison 99 90 63 78 4 29' 80 93 Butler F D Pearce 127 50 51 51 366 j 72 88 .. 14 00 Clinton James Riddle.. 103 50 32 12 169 j 69 691.. 220 00 Clay R B Conn 84 75 45 24 328 36 23 .. 34 50 Centre J D Smith 84 00 48 77 350 i 31 73 .. 18 00 Clearfield E J Kennedy.. 66 00 32 89 220 ; 30 86 Cherry H L Russell.. .j 102 00 35 25 186 64 89 Connoq J Brandon ; 92 25 57 94 381 30 50 .. 18 50 Concord. ... Roliert Adams. 72 75| 47 50 250 22 75 .. 73 00 Cranberry. . A Kirschler 82 50! 76 25 556 ! 69 .. 92 00 Donegal F W Waltman. 128 25 59 82 393 64 50 .. 10 00 Forward G Marbnrger.. 127 50 54 21 376 69 53 .. 42 00 Fairview J J Campbell.. 96 75 40 00 257 1 54 181..> Franklin A McCandless.. 63 00 88 47 2 90 21 63 .. 15 00 Jefferson S M Barr 114 15 79 75 480 i 29 95 .. 13 00 Jackson AH Mickley.. 108 75 72 00 5 40' j 31 35 .. ! 64 00 Lancaster... S Bavtley ' 106 50 95 00 645 ! 5 05.. | 83 50 Marion Jos Vandyke.. 79 50 45 74 589 1 27 87 .. 78 00 Mercer J J McGarvey. 54 00 15 67 182 | 87 01 Middlesex... EO Thompson 153 00 105 00 660 40 41 .. 191 75 Muddyereek..Frank Jones... 56 25 50 00 3 41 2 84 .. 45 00 Oakland P Whitmire...; 80 25 72 00 379 446 ..i 48 50 Penn George E Hay. 143 25 114 21 87920 25 1 22 50 Parker .T Walley I 84 75 45 35 9 53' 36 97 .. 110 50 Snmniit J W Bauldanf. 129 00' 50 00 4 18 1 74 82 Slipperyrock. H Bovanl j 79 50 1 38 60 2 61l 38 29 Venango H B Stalker... 82 00 21 00 1 60 59 40 .. 7 50 Washington. Austin Meals.. 113 25 28 05 214 83 06; Worth W H Pisor ! 76 50 46 94 357 26 05 Winfield JMCrnikshank 87 00! 50 52 346 33 02 .. 104 00 Butler boro.. John S Jack.. .J 205 50 73 78 388 127 84 Centreville. • F Forrester 1 11 25{ 11 25 Connoq boro. Casper Fehl...' 12 00 8 61 ; 72 2 671 Evans City.. Geo Ripper 26 25 20 42 128 460 Fairview bor A C Gibson.... 14 25 12 50 66 1 09 Harmony 'Fred Weigle... 33 25 20 00 105 12 20 Harrisville .. J S Pew 13 50 6 22 52 6 76 Karns City.. Frank Rabbitt. 14 25 150 08 12 67 Millerstown.. J J Donahne... 33 (XI 18 00 1 51 13 49 Mars Geo B Stewart. 15 75 15 75 Portersville.. A Henshew 8 25 5 25 44 2 56 Prospect |C F Newman., 10 50 924 48 78 Petrolia F M Fritz 13 50 1 ; 13 50 Snnbnry PP Brown 4 50 i 4 50,.......... Saxonburg... J E Meeder 33 75 21 17 167 10 91 Valencia Wm Hoffman.. 5 25 j 5 25 Zelienople... Wm Allen 18 75 825 69 9 Totals I #3623 05 #l9ll 46 sl3l 99:#20 25 #1559 35 1 .. #1302 25 Unseated Laml Tax Received by Treasurer for 1 St>7. ~ TTTTF Sfl I lei! t | 8 * r 1 £ §.§ $£ DISTRICTS. : : : : : I gt ' j * j' I ' Allegheny * 20 95# 29 70# 16 26 # 5 72# 72 63 # 3 92j* 76 55 Buffalo 21 11 24 7 63 03 66 Brady 231 23P 1 16! 231 809 24 833 Centre 17 47 17 44 25 28 1< 32 tt 51 118 18 (»9 Cherry T 11 44. 11 44 7 89! 789 38 66 43 39 09 Clav I 305 2 55' 305 102 967 40' 10 07 Clearfield 29 50 88 60 55 87 972 133 69 285 136 54 Concord..!!'. 270 358 278 179 10 85 11 10 96 Connoqnenessing 15 10 1 10 35 35 Donegal .... 516 940 11 22 (50 26 38] 77 27 15 Fairview 266 522 145 259 11 92 446 16 38 Marion 12 08; 11 98 11 02 262 39 70 562 45 32 M ercer 239 418 199 159 10 15 58 10 73 Oakland 18 09 18 09 j 905 45 23 21 45 44 Parker 45 151 1 18j 31 345 18 363 Venango 1 26i 210 3 36| 42 714 11, 725 Washington 21 62 30 25 14 74 22 12 88 < 3 732 96 05 Winfield 25 30 25 30 67 46 843 126 491 126 49 Butler boro IHO 60 6 60( 1 ots 16 % 109 17 15 Prospect boro 95 189 451 j 3 29j 07 336 Total" 7! #179~54#222 35 #232 00 *96 73 #730 6218® 57 #760 19 WABREN AND liIXMONT HOSPITAL ACCOUNT. ♦ n 5" I |t DISTRICT. ® j §| J® Adams $ :« SO $ 33 SO Allegheny 14 3.'. 3 14 Krady ail 00 304 SO «0 50 Butler 230 US' 107 !W| 32 73 Cherry I Mil «2; 13M 75 474 *7 Clearfield IMS SO 145 75 S3 75 Clinton 844 15 3!! 251 Kl4 !»> ConiiOq'lnK I 1W 00| U1 25 . <•> I toncfcal 343 50* i 342 50 Franklin 238 50 la* 75' 37 75 Jefferson 103 Ml 04 :»:» Fairview 13M* »>" I*2 75 11*5 #3 Lancaster MS 10 52 10 13 00 Mercer .. 502 00 I>2 50 «* 00 351 50 I'enn 404 50 153 SO 351 Oakland 64 20 51 34 i 13 *M Parker 1030 711 1030 70 Forward 114 00 01 35 j 33 75 Summit 274 00 251 23 33 75 Washington... j 401 00 401 00 Worth 39 35 30 25 Win Held 373 75 I*3 50 0* 50 33 75 Muddyereek .. 119 50 9M 75 ........ 33 .5 Venango 73 SO 73 50. Butler boro ... 7M3 70 7* 50 7M 2>j MO* Si. Karns City.... 570 30 570 39 Mars boro . ... IM3 35 ■ IU3 2.1 Fairview ' I* —> 1* 3". Millerstown ... I*3 :# I I*2 39 Marlon | 03 50 M 3 So| | Total 50333 33.53.544 19 53744 47 f«H4 0M EXPENDITURES OF BUTLER COUNTY FOR THE YEAR 1*97. Assessing account ? 3329 00 Allegheny Workhouse 43M -rfi Agricultural Assoi iation li«> 00 Bridge views 140 00 Bridge Inspection S* 45 Court Auditor 72 00 County Institute 200 00 Insurance 22* 75 Book binding 10 00 Western Penitentiary UMS 7> Births and deaths 170 17 Boiler house account 103H 3» Commissioners'counsel St 7 so Commonwealth account 4739 13 Constables returns 724 00 County Detective's account . 710 00 Court Crier's account 483 00 Court House account 3037 *7 ( ounty Auditors. 3*3 12 County account 3193 99 Clerk of Courts- Joseph Crlswell $254 s3 Isaac Meals s*l HO~ <lO MS Commissioners' account John Mitchell ?10M0 0 Herman Seaton 107* I*' 1) II Sutton 1070 00 330* 50 t 'ommlssioners* Clerk * ,,, District Attorney 40." 00 Delivering ballots 93 49 Postage and expressage MO 97 Election account Mi:il i>3 ; In.iuest account 212 14 Indexing account . 2MM 00 Interest account 355 00 Indigent paupers 74* M 7 Jail account 238 44 Jail Physician .75 00 Jury Commissioners 313 0* Jury Commissioners' clerk M 5 00 Janitor 00 Janitors' assistant .39 07 Juror account. 34 Lunacy account 317*;! I.lvery bin' HM 00 Notary Public 4 00 Prothonotary lit; *7 Pennsylvania Reform Sch.K>l Pennsylvania Ind. Reformatory *7 75 Military roll »5l 31 L Printing Herald $385 04 Eagle 313 47 _ Times 24 00 CITIZEN 141 35 Record 13 SO Mlllerstown Herald *3 60— 980 98 Road views 289 »5 Registering 1419 <6 Register and Recorder 198 10 Road Damage 110 00 Stenographer— Miss Ada I- indley 5 85 55 - Miss Maud Kelly 13 60 Ed. Kiddle 1508 55 1805 tiO Stationary and Dockets 1881 04 0 Sheriff 3194 15 5 Soldier's burial 170 00 7 Registering school children 1050 00 "> Scalp account _ 134 50 il West l'enn Hospital 2558 90 5 Wernersville Hospital 259 71 Warren Hospital 1300 50 "> Loan account 18000 00 [t Traveling expense 171 22 Tipstaves— < E. R. Boves $220 00 . 1 J.C.Welsh 174 00 ) John Schaffner 156 00 — 5;»0 00 i Transcrlbieg account — L. E. Shira SH22 00 i Miss Sadie Bell 74 00 > Miss L. Beaton 88 00 — .82 00 l Refunding account 145 88 Unseated land 740 04 > Bridge account new work > Mordecal bridge. Forward twp 100 00 Canton Bridge Co., super i structure Payne bridge, i I Muddycreek twp $675 00 i Masonry for Payne bridge 587 38 Making fill for approach 40 00 — 1302 28 i Long Run bridge, Winfleld twp., superstructure $ 218 00 Masonry, 379's cubic yards... UsO 22 1402 22 Patterson Run bridge, super structure 120 00 Masonry 351 54 471 54 Beaver Koad bridge, Jackson twp., superstructure 250 00 Masonry 405 00 Making fill 38 50— 893 50 North Bear Creek, bridge superstructure 400 00 Repairs to masonry 40 00— 440 00 lionler bridge, Butler twp., superstructure 100 00 Balance on Masonry I**o 98 Klingler & Co., cement 110 50— 3001 2s Bridge repairs 2291 02 CYBCS HARPER, TREASURER. DR. ( Tax received from collectors for I*9o and previous $ 13072 88 - Tax received from collectors for 1597 540*5 02 Tax received on unseated land 730 82 Received from Insane hospital ac count 2544 19 Amount received from County Com missioners INH.I 01 Amount received from Jury fees I from Sheriff Dodds 170 72 . Amount received from tines 97 00 , Clerk of Courts fines slo* 73 Clerk of of Courts Jury fees.. 89 84- 178 57 ' Retail liquor license 313 50 I Amount received from dog funds— 779 49 Amount In treasury, Jan. 4. 1*97 18f>72 50 Amount of State tax received 11351 88 sllßOl2 IB' [ | TREASURER'S CREDITS. By vouches redeemed $ 72743 13 . Temporary loan paid IfIOOO 00 »'ash sent state treasurer 10135 84 Treasurer's per cent on state tax 152 ss Treasurer's '■ percent, for collecting county tax on unseated land s 9* Treasurer's 3'i per cent, on $">n.000.... 1750 t>o Treasurer's l'i per cent, on $3*.742 67 s*l 14 - Amount in treasury, Jan. 3, lso* 11870 72 $11*142 89 Cyrus Harper in Account with ' Dog Tax for 1897. Tii reserve of S2OO from l-l*> 20n 00 To amount collected for 1*96 120* 96 To amount collected for 1*97 1911 48 - 4JJ2U 42 CREDITS. Hy warrants for datuape to sheep..— 1330 23 By overpaid tax refunded 2s 00 Treasnrer's [XT cent, on Jl34S2f> 67 41 Uesorve for 18BK 200 00 , Treasurer's 5 per cent, on JI.7M 76 SS 24 ' Balance turned to Co. Treasurer 161!) ."i2 ?t a; 42 Total amount of warrants paid in cluding temporary loans $W743 l£ ASSETS or BUTLER COUNTY. Amount of cash in treasury $ 11670 72 Amount due from collectors for l*f<6 and previous 35s 99 Amount due from collectors for INV7. 14314 88 Amount due from townships on un seated land 1044 06 Amount tines in hand of SherilT Dodds f>3s 00 Commissioner's notes 293 03 {31216 69 We, the undersigned Auditors of Bnt ler county, state of Pennsylvania, do certify that in pnrsnance of law we met at the court house on the 3d day of Jan uary, 1898, and audited the several ac counts of Bntler county. We do certify that the foregoing is a correct state ment of said accounts according to the best of onr knowledge and belief. In witness whereof, we haye hereto set our hands and seals this 18th day of February, 1898. W. S. MOORE. [SEAL] F. P McBRIDE, [SKALJ O. R. THORNE, (SEAL,] Connty Auditors We, the undersigned Commissioners of Butler county, do hereby certify that ! the foregoing statements contain a just I and true exhibit of the receipts and ex penditures of Butler counly for the year 1897. as we truly believe. Witness our hands and seals this 12th da}- of Februarv, 1898. JOHN "MITCHELL. [SEAL] N. G. SEATON, [SEAL) D. H. SUTTON. [SEAL] County Commissioners J. C. KISKADDON, Clerk ~ B - R BARGAINS A N S Are Not All Gone We have a lot of Monarch shirts made of Garners per cales former price $1.50 now going ar 75c 33 l-3per cent Off on ail winter underwear and lots of broken sizes going at one-half price. We Still Have a few of those $5, $4, and $3 hats in the Dollar Sale. We Have About five dozen fine wool top shirts in Black and Rrown shades, worth $2, and $2.50, we are offering them at $125. Come in and tell lis what you need and see if we can not supply you. COLBERT & DALE, 242 S. MAIN ST BUTLER. PA. C. SELIGMAN & SON. TAILORS. No. 416 W. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. A line of latest Foreign and Domestic Suitings always in stock. l it. Style and W ork manshlp guaranteed to give satisfaction. PRICES REASONABLE. EYES EXflSifibi) mv, uP CL'AtfGE R L. Kiripitric'i, Optical and Jeielei Next to Court House But'et, Late Graduate La Port llarolojflcal ingtitnte WOOL TO SELL WRITE TO W. F. RUMBERGER, Care A. Troui man's Sons. BI'TLER. PA GOOD FARM FOR SALE. The Ford farm in Donegal tup., near Miller-town is for sale. It contains about 150 acres, is well watered ami in good condition For terms inquire at his office L. 5. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Estate Agent. <l7 E.JEFFERSON ST., BUTLER, - PA M. C. WAGNER, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER, 139 South Main street. Over Shaul & >nst's Cloihinj; Stare Subscribe lor the CHIZEN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers