>0000000000<»0<Bi>000000000000< 1122 S. Main St D- T- Pape. 122 s " ,in st a THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE OF BUTLER CO. J | Grand Clearance Sale J | AC ALL HOLIDAY GOODS < > Ur AND WINTER MILLINERY. All Toys. Dolls. Work boxes. Toilet boxes. Bisque rases. Flpures. etc.. , . that were fresh holiday goods must go at less than first cost. OUR MISTAKE-YOUR GAIN. | J We bought too much millinery goods for this time of year mlUlnery must go regardless of cost. All the very latest styles In Bonnet* Hats. < > IVat iii-n Flower* Ribbons, etc.. will go less than H price. Si>a< e will pot | ncraiit us to quoie prices, hut one visit to our store will convince you tha < k It will pay you well to attend this sale. . I . I Mourning Bonnets, HatsT Veils. etc."| X ALWAYS ON HAND. ] J >OOOOOOOQOO^0O<li!>OOOOOOOOO^^ >OOOOOOOOOOOOO0<i!>OOO00O0O^O< Removal JI J; Sale! o * You know what that means. It is bargains for you! { ) quj increasing business requires more commodious 4 k quarters, and on the first of April we will move to t > ' the handsome room now occupied by J. R. Gneb, next door to our present location. We do not want | to carry over any winter clothing, and have there- 4 > fore reduced prices on all our I Reliable J | Clothing. |jt The qual'ty of the goods and the prices at which they are marked will clean them out quick. Of < > course that means zero profits to us, but that is no . l cause of complaint to you. We want the goods to go before moving day come* around. Come in and get I i your share of the bargains. They will not last long, < for everything goes at Reduced <■ Prices! < 1 X T. H. Burton,;; ; ; RELIABLE CLOTHIER, ! I ! ! 128 S Main St., Butler Pa.! I eOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO^ Grand Clearance Sale _ OF A money saving sale tor economical buyers—a sale which will be talked of in every family—a grand cut of prices on all goods, none will be spared. It will pay vou to come miles ro attend this sale—we need room and must reduce our stock and here are the low prices they will go at. 1 lot ladies' fine dongola pat. tip shoes, regular price Ji 50, reduced to ......$ .90 1 lot ladies' waterproof kangaroo ca'f but. shoes regular price $1 40 reduced to .</> 1 lot child's solar tip grain shoes, regular price 75c reduced to 5° r lot men's fine satin calf shoes Eng. Bals., regular price $1.50 reduced to 1.00 1 lot ladies' heel and spring heel rubbers, regular price 35c reduced to 15 1 lot children's rubbers, regular price 25c, reduced to 10 1 lot men's all solid working shoes donble sole and tap, regular price $M°, reduced to I -°° 1 lot ladies' fine dongola hand turn and hand welt shoes, regu'ar price >3.00, $3.50 »nd $4.00, your choice at- 2 00 i lot ladies' warm lined shoes, regular price tr.25, reduced to 75 I lot ladies' warm lined slippers, regular price 90c, reduced to 5° A line of holiday slippers which sold at 90c, sj.js and ti.35 will be closed out at 6 5 Our stock of felt boots and rubber goods to be closed out cheap. Sheffield sole leather by the side 20c per pound and best cut, cut in strips at 25c per pound. Cut soles at 10c per pair All kinds of findings and shoe-makers supplies at rock bottom prices. Men's best felt boots with fint grade woonsocket overs at sl-75 Soy's felts and best overs at 1.25 Youth's felts and best overs at 9° Men's woonsocket first quality rubber boots at 2.00 Boy's woonsocket boots at i- 2 5 Children's rubber boots at 75 Boy's storm king rubber boots at 1 -5° Youth's storm king rubber boots at i- 2 5 JOHN BICKEL. 128 S. MAIN St. BUTLER. PA. I j AMyuyyyyywywyyyywywyyyywyyyyyyyMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi . When You I Ldy Out Money ' be sure that you are getting the real ; ! ' No. 2 Road Buggy value of the price you pay. ! i Fredon T running ami || irV every penny they . | FOOT dealer sella them. cost you. [ THC FREDONIA MFG. CO., Youngctown, Ohio. K Improved U. S. Separator's w Vermont Dairymen's Convention. i *1 It leach everywhere it i:> used ; more sub- A stantially made ; more thorough itrpara- M ■ Fredericksburg, Pa., June I, 1897. 17] Pi M ' My daughter, 6 years old, can set the CT « No. 6 Improved U. S. Separator in perfect i VI order and run it. It runs much easier T_x V VERMONT FARM MACHINE CO., Beilvws Falls, Vt. V THE {JEW YORK WEEKLY Tribune. THE GREAT . . FOR National Family Farmers Newspaper * \ and Villagers, AND YOUR FAVORITE HOME PAPER, THE • CITIZEN." Butler, Paßoth One Year For $1 50. Send all Orders to the "CiTIZEN." THE N Y. TRIBUNE ALMANAC, Air. ence for Oovcruiental and political information. Contains Constitution ot tliet'nit eil States, the Constitution of the State of New York, the Dingley Tariff Bill, with a comyiirison of old and new rates; President McKinley's Cabinet ami appointees, Ambassadors. Consuls, etc ; the personnel of Congress, names of principal officers of the different States, commanding officers of the Army and Navy, with their .sal aries; Tables of Public Statistics, hlection Returns, Party Platforms and Com mittees, "Complete articles on the Currency, Gold and Silver, and amount or other valuable information The standard American almanac, autboritivc an 1 complete corresponding in rank with Wliittaker's Almanac in Kurope. Price 25c- Postage Paid. Send all Orders to TH E CITIZEN t BUTLER, PA. §The pathetic story of Romeo peated every day Li modern life, with the eacep fjecause of her woman's peculiar troubles causes aerious complications The irregularities, the burning dragging ache, the debilitating drains that mark the progress of feminine diseases, are passed lightly over or are borne in ignorance of their cause. Their continuance means death or insanity. Tiiis is all unnecessary. So-called female weak ness can lie cured. It can be cured quickly and permanently, and right in the privacy of the home without the humiliating local treatment so universally insisted upon by physicians. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion does this and more. It acts directly on the delicate organs concerned and makes them strong and healthy. It banishes the usual discomforts of the expectant period and makes baby's coming easy and almo-t painless. It tones and strengthens the nerves. At all medicine stores. W. R Malcolm. Esq of Knobel. Clay Co . Ark., writes My wife for perhaps four months pre vious to the birth of our cliila took the Favorite Prescription ' This strengthened her entire sys tem aau child-birth, to her was very easy, being attended with little pain. Our baby Ruth is thir teen months old and she has never been sick a day, not so much as had the colic; she is hearty an'd stout, and prettvas a picture—prettv because she is health*, and we very much blame Dr. Pierce s familf medicines for it. We keep Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery. the ' Favorite Prescription and ' Pleasant Pellets in our home and use them. We have been married almost three years and I have called a physician into my family but one time—at birth of our baby " Rosy cheeks. The rich, pure, red blood of health makes them. Keep the blood pure and you will have them Constipa tion causes impure blood. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure it promptly and per manently and never gripe. They are purely vegetable and perfectly harmle-s. No other pill ?cts so naturally and per fectly. Druggists sell them. f^HUMPHREYS r SPECIFICS 500 PAGE BOOS HAILED FREE. CONTENTS : Part I.—Diseases of Horses. Part ll.—Diseases of Cattle. Part lll.—Diseases of Sheep. Part IV.—Diseases of Hogs. Part V.—Diseases of Dogs. Part Vl.—Diseases of Poultry. Same book in better binding 80 cts. HI'IPIIBKTS'IKD. CO., C*r.nUliia M SU.,s«»l»ri NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. 28, in use over -40 years, the only successful remedy. (1 per viator 5 vials and large vial powder,for %5 Bold by Di ufstati, or i«nt postpaid on receipt of orlre ■CirilßLTb' BED. CO.. Cor. lUlU*ai A UkaKu.. '»* Tort THEINFLUENCE of the Mother shapes the course of unborn generations—goes sounding through all the ages and enters the confines of Eternity. With what care, there fore, should the Expectant Moth er be guarded, and how great the effort be to ward off danger and make her life joyous and happy. MOTHER'S FRIEND system that Childbirth is made and the time of recovery short ened—many say " stronger after than before confinement." It in sures safety to life of both moth er and child. All who have used "Mother's Friend " say they will nev er be without it again. No other remedy robs confinement of its pain "A customer whose wife used 'Jlotiier'.i Friend,' says that it »Ue h~ii to go through the ordeal again, and thero weto but four bottles to be obtained, and the cost was jIOOXKi per bottle, he would havctbeiii." GEO-I-aytom, Uaytoa.Ohio Sent by express, on receipt of price. tI.GO I'Klt BOTTLE. Hook to "EXPKCTANT MOTH ERS ' mailed free upon application, containing valuable information and voluntary teftllmonlaly. THE BRAOFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA,(.A* SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Drugget CATARRH for a generous r /_ ye ' IO CE N T BALWJN TRIAL_SIZE. Pg%^£sjo^| Ely's Cream Balm conUnM iy cocaine, mercury n«»r ai.y c'Jicr BEL / JEujyj iujurioufe dra^. It Ib qaicklj AliflOrbcU. Gives Keacf Li once. It Opens and c!c»; :T7~ ? the Naeal I'.t.-r.i:" COLO H** A Q Allays Inflammation. »*LU ' iifcjili# Ilcala and I'ro'f *.« t',.e Mcinbrare. l'''.-'.orcK the BeiiHes of 'Ja»le and J'nll Eize&tc.; Ti.al Bire 10c.; at l)ru;'» .li '.r I / ui.iil. t&V BUOTUKIi.S. SA Warraa SUect, New York. WE GUARANTEE TO GIVE You the purest and choices'. Whiskey or Wine, sold at the price you pny else where for adulterate'!. We tjottle direct from the Government stamped barrel, nlso have in stock large supply of quarts I ottled at Distillery under the govern ment supervision that bottled by us w guarantee to be as cure and as good mS¥?o fair dealings iHtaar TO EVERYONE- Guaranteed pure 6 year old Whiskey either Ouckenheimcr, Finch, Gitsin, Overboil, Large, Mt. Vernon. f i I>er full quart or 6 quarts for $5, Grandfathei's Choice Whiskey, K llar " anteed 3 years old, $2 j>er gallon. On C. O. 1). or mail orders of sio or over, we prepay all charges. ROBERT LEWIN & CO,, Importers and Wholesalers, 411 Water St. Opposite B. & 0. Depot. Telephone, 2179 I'ittsburg, Pa. * PONT * think of obtaining ptir«* lh|iio»*s or wln«* from a. house tliat you HOI nothing f« #r noih irig avolrl Htifli <lt*alc*i -» If you wsinl Htraiprht Our po'.lry ha> Ihm?h for tin* past £"> j years to slvp y«»u straight. unadulusrai<*d ; kihkls ai. fair arid honest prices Hence <>ur I success. We Mention a Few Prices Writ#* tar eiimpletc* price ll«*t. Qt. (oil. I AndrlessenV lleftt |1 sr, M 1 lirliWeport I'un? Ky»* .. 1 cm> :j ru» Tl|i)ircati«N! Kyi* tv) Z'> . U v«*sir old I <■" 'i ' Old Cabinet half Mall 7"/ *i :h) lt«>-Oistllled !!>•«• Vi i A. ANDKIESSEN. 188 I'ederal St. Allegheny, Pa. j 4.dvertit>o uihe CtTlzen. THE CITIZEN. Then the Clirls Fled. (Washington Times'* It is amusin? to people familiar with the Capitol to watch strangers examine it and nowhere are these strangers so amusing «s when they are ir the Stat uary Hall, where there are a dozen or more "echo" stones, each of which cre ates a d ; fferent scrt of echo owing to the peculiarities of the acoustics ere ated by the formation of the ceiling. Men and woman, old and young, fre quently aiTord the most amusing spec i tacles when the solemn guide exhibits the wonders of these "echo' stones. There are two pillars on either side of the room, which are called the tele phone colums, and a person speaking in a very low tone near one may be dis tinctly heard by one standing near the other pillar. Yesterday a member's secretary was leaning against the pillar on the south side of the hall when he heard a voice say: "Oh. dear, what shall I do? My skirt is falling off, and I havn't got a pin." The young fellow glanced around, saw no one near him, but saw two young women near the telephone pil lar opposite. Instantly grasping the situation, he gruffly said in a low voice: "Sew it on or use a hatpin.'' He heard a slight scream, saw two young women look about the hall in a startled fashion, and, observing that no one was near, the one in distress ex ed: ' Did you ever?" "No. I never." replied the Secretary as grnfny as before; "I use buttons " This was two much for the young women, and they precipitately fled. Persons afflicted with chilblains, so troublesome to many, will find a pleas ant and permanent cure in Salvation Oil. 25cts. Thunder can be heard nine miles away. Gloves made from frog skin are the latest novelty. Wine for Weakly Persons. Weekly persons use Speer's Port Grape "Wine and the Unfermented Grape Juice because it gives tone and strength to the system. It is superior to all other wines. Fighting' l'or His Own. A short time ago two highway rob bers from Liverpool attacked a a old Scotchman on the Glasgow and Car lisle road, with the intention of robbing him of all be had. The Scotchman, be ing a strong, powerful man. let out right and left, knocking the raffinß about unmercifully, but being two to one he was soon overpowered and his money taken. After they had got clear away, one thief said to the other: "I'm blowed if he hasn't nearly broke my jaw." "I reckon," said the other, "that he's broken one of my ribs at least; but nev er rnind. How much did yer get off him'/" After searching among some buttons, the reply came: "Two ha'peunies!"' "Good heavens*" cried the other, holding his ribs. "How he would 'a' fought for sixpence!" For the loss of appetite and general d< bility, Dr. Bull's Pills are without doubt the best remedy. Price only 10 & 25 cts. France gathers a window tax on more than 'J,OIK),(MX) houses. Most workers in Switzerland are employed 11 hours a day. Climax lirandy of Grape. The superior vintage of IH7O brandy introduced by rhe Speer N. J. Wine Co., is highly spoken of by physicians. The following testimony from the Balti more Medical College is one among many. "I am prepared to bear testimony to the value of your productions, and not from general reputation merely. H. L. Byrd, President. The whistle of a locomotive can be heard 3,800 yards, the noise of a train 2,800 yards the report of a musket and t!ie bark of a dog 1,800 yards, the roll of a drum 1,900 yards, the croak of a frog 900 yards, ? cricket chirp 800 yards, a dinner bell two 'miles, and a call to get up in the morning 3 feet 7 inches. Positive economy, merit and medicin al power are all combined in Hood's Sarsaparilla. L A Frenchman in his own country is not at liberty to marry without the con sent of his father or legal guardian un til he is 28 years old. HOOD'S PILL 3 cure Liver Ills, Bil iousness, Indigestion, Headache. Eacy to take, easy to operate. 25c Over : 1,000,000 pawn tickets for sums tinder", 10 shillings are issued weekly in London alone. Food undigested, is poison. Digested it is life and strength. Millions of us suffer from indigestion, but we often don't know it. We think it is someth ing else. Even doctors often mistake the symptoms. Pale thin people, who are overwork} ep, who need strength, who seem in want of proper food, should lake Shak er Digestive Cordial. It is astonishing what food will do, when properly di gested. It will make you strong, revive you, refresh you, sustain you, make you fat, restore your color, make muscle, brain fibre, courage, endurance, energy; in crease your power lo throw off (lis ase and keep you healthy and liappv, Indigestion does iust the opposite, but indigestion can be cured and lire vented with Shaker Digestive Cordial. Sold by druggists. Trial bottle 10 cts. Third-class railway fares in Indiana are- less than half a cent a mile. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DA V. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in Ito days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once t!>c causes and the disease immediately ilis ap; ears. Tile first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold (>y J. C. Redic, and J. F. IS-ilph Druggists Butler \prg6 Wii¥i» Fcrall BILIOUS ar.d Ncpvoua QPSIL I B FLF DISEASES. T hey jitir tl.c aJll I CLOOD an<l give IIHAITHY G II I N action to the entire 3yueu>. a m BfelM Cure OY3PEPSIA, HEADACHE, C OUST I PAT IOK and PIMPLES. tli A.C S AXLE" rllfi , .f» Gfit'ASF 15!' NT ' < TIIR WOULD. tU»earin -r,'i ' - lr.-unstlrjia«*vl.•rtuatly •otUhU'i)-- ail j, other i.r.uxl Not i uy !,<•.! iriiKTTiiK '.'KNI inii. Foil BALE lIV PEiLI'T'? 'J.C.'.': 'nl.' V '< TAFT'S PHILADELPHIA ft • --DENTAL ROOMS.- M i 39-sthAv»., Pittsburg . Pa. » <! We'ruPß ACTIC AJt Mils m CROWN »"•' BF.IOJE vrarkfl Vfi JA" 1 l'l"»l'«r(-WHV NOT DO V YOURS? CROWNS 511 If ml BRIDGE wi.rk retlun-.l lo P< I*l M\" 8%5 PER TOOTH Aleo ilm-IP w V l*'!—' Otiwtil liixly.ON LV %n "J Subscribe tor iho (Ji THEN. Financial Statement of ler CountvJ i'or 1897. .Statement of Tn\ lleceiveil ami 1 >«i<" for ISlWaml Previous. DISTRICT. COLLECTOR. f j 1= =■ 1 I =jj Butler ".... Milchael DnffordjMCiS ...-8. ......a ? » $ j' Muddy creek George McGee... ,1-vv 11 - j | II >2 Washington Harmon Seaton..l " 22 1 22 01 .. ! , Cherry I\V Newman . ...JIAOO, l.» (V» 15 i Brad v T A Hln<'s 1-V2 24 71 IM 71 I { Clearfield lIH Duffy 18031 27 42! 27 42 i Oakland !Christie Robb— " i i 41 1 4 U Slippery Rock J L Ctioper . • 4 «»2 402 ... ... j Washington.. II Seaton ' ** 1 39 35 7 ">4 40 31 41 ...... j Sunbury boro Samuel Hunt " l.» Sft* 15 ly so Clinton twp.. John llalstead... 2K .V> 21 *3 1 I*> 3 58 « Clay KB conn " 123 7*» 117 .** 620 Cherry And M.-Murray.. 2T4 Xt 23T> 65 12 441 ,-,47 .... , Clearfield H M lhitTv ... b7 4< 173 -0 9fU j Marion A J Gilchrist. 22 01 17 :»2 «2 357 j Venango \Vm Stalker .. 114 <*►"> 106 til 23> Washington Harmon Seaton.. " !WW 24 :«*> oi> 1"» lis 7.~» H7l ... • •! Win (it-Id.: \ Freeling 3V» 16 ........ ai » ; Butler boro.. .lohn V<»uni ins.. ** 46* '.*» iW Si 16 570 Harmony Fred Weigle .. " 609 tJ OH Saxon bur? chas Raabe .. " H2 59 23 3 12 • Sunbury I* P Brown " 113 57 541 10h IK —— Adams twp liobt .1 Con ley . 1596 »i» .5s 744) <5 3s 41 2«) • 244 Allegheny I J Mil ford " 2t»4 >1 240 41 12 41 75. — — Buffalo Sam Westerman. 6tf) si 609 01 32 575 • ■ Butler George Bauer— " 47 293 05 15 42 Brady Thos S Beatty ... " s-j 75 83 400 250 . .... Clinton John Halstead. ** 62 26 59 15 311 ........ —— Clay R B Conn 4 ' 220 77 189 45 996 2l 3B ........ Centre DC Miller " 12x 62 120 56 6 34 1 ?_* —— Clearfield H H Duffy " 21J7 73 185 54 977 42 42 ........ Cherry Sam L Nelson— 4 * 170 90 130 00 694 35 s : —— 187 I Concord Chas Campbell .. " .. Donegal John liitzert " 43 73 OS* 3 l* 4t» i Forward G.I Marburger... " 90 20 68 2s 359 is :ci .... Kalrvlew J J MeGarvey " 36 .. 2 52 -• 2 88 Franklin Chas Maekey— *' 542 0s ."11 "rfi 26 91 :i t»l — — .... Jefferson W J Cooper *' 245 22 219 61 11 56 14 05 Jackson John A Kiehert. 44 104 Hi #5 23 05 4 •;] ••• Marion lames Gilghrist.. " 424 10 330 54 17 2n oi» s<j OS Mereer Wra Johnston ** 2545 2s Zl\ - .... 1 71 Midddlesex S C Trimble 4 * lis s7 1(10 »4ii 7 :»» 47 57 ........ 3ti 0i» Muddy creek liobt B Kennedy. 26 79 20 5S 1 33 4 Oakland Peter Whitmire. 4 * 277 54 244) o«» 12 63 :in :ki ... .. 5 45 Parker GeoJ Kepler 52s 07 450 65 26 44 21 Kl 2y 65 Summit John W Baidauf. " ls> 59 170 91 900 s6s Slippery Rock. .J L Cooper " 44; 620 Venango 'Wm Stalker. " 71 01 41 *4 220 2»> i»7 —... Washington Harper Campbell " 45i 71 354 00 is 67 99 13 09 Win fie Id \ Freeline ** 64 60 *l6 91 27 69 Worth Wm H Pisor " 349 27 :C7 7- 17 26 4 23 Butler boro John Vounkins 4 * 3441 7** 3154 14 166 01 1441 7- 25 15 Centreville F L Fortjster " 42- 45 401 21 15 .".47 Evans « 'ity D W Zeigler " 11« :?7 99 93 555 13 s«» Fairview Wm Gibson ** 20 ->1 13 39 70 6 22< Harmony Fred Weigle ** 44 49 44 49 HarHsvflle Joseph Pew ** 59 78 53 94 2K5 2 99 Karns City Geo K Magi I " 19 29 13 50 71 5 08 Millerstown T H Evans " 419 26 3sl 20 0s 17 53 Mars J W Lee * 4 100 74 64. 466 7 42 .... Petrolia F M Fritz i * 4 "Wi 10 ;i :jO 52 sO P«»rtersville Alonzo Henshew. " 102 1»; 95 45 5 0.3 los Prospect c F Newman " 25 07 19 4s, 1 03 4 56' Saxonburg Chas Raaln* . .. " • 5s :J67 25 19 Xi Sunbury ,P P Brown ** i:C 70 84 34 442 4:< :ts| 162 1 «.tal . i... . .... »i.vtv> i>t'gi:tQ72 mi j i»» > giosw 57 8 :<■> mi *s. !.'■ ?i:iT -l Collectors' for ISD7. ASMM : «■ inM iiHr.tmt ttitwWH MIM :.m AMJM.. ~~t. AII.-1;1... 1,v (MUM Joiiv " • nt*.; ic; im7 7i j:t ai :j»m; Bo Pill.. lohu llarlii-m 'TITi 1351 :*> Mi .<r, 1...U lliillcr KII Piiir. .' " j WW* IM "13 T, "ill tl SSi N5 Hniih Frtink Mi l'unty ** xTH IKM* *£*, 44 lii 219 111 Clinton ' .1 R Uiildl" " " 1.-W7 01 U'.'7 0:- 7(i ih! :M ( lav Koliert I 'oun " i:B7 42 '.<112! HI »> Ml (Viltr.- 11l Smith " 12!i7 41 MB M'i «T Wtj 14« »> .... n-arlii lil E.l Kennedy .... " 902 3K 614 01) 43 «V| .Ki 311, I'li rry II I. Kuwrll " 1*» » HB4 041 S« «lj 410 61 <'i>iil!i«imwit-M«inL' ... John ltranilnii ** Cmnlierry KirM-hli-r " 1K57 fonoiri!.'.... . K..1-rt A.h.ni- .. " 1217 «) nn!l !M 36 .7, 270 29 DI.IIPICHI K W Wiiltinaii . ... " 1224 7:* 7ss 71 49 Mil £* 18 ( 1.1 Mi.rl.i.rzi-r " 210s 07' 1617 31 111112 -M> 41 lain«•»'u.■.„.,|.u-u •• m*■> i»i*» «•. Pmnklln Alonz.. M.■< '.indli-^..! " 1317 06 955 K7 «< 16 1 S .|,.ffor»on. > M Itnir | " 1702 35 1402 47 94 10j 2ft. » •lac-ton.. \ H Mi. kl»*y 1 " 201s »- 1673 00. 112 30, 262 7.; I»'t .( Mari:.n .IIWM-I'l. VHii.likc ** . lOiti 4-1 S7O 12 61 il 161 60 Mermr .1 .1 jiHJiirvi-j " IVK 3H 3.35 6<i 28 ft".l 29H H7. - 2l_Ki 79 S2 MiiiMvrroek limut -1..nr.-. " KwVl 76 5 22 00, ifc'l 4. lsll 2*.i Omklaii.l ['i.;i-r Wlilliiilri- " 1443 62 1-iO oo: S5 92 29 . 0 l'arker J.—jili \\ .l|\ . .. . " 1213 1013 00| ICI s7 135 II IVnn Gaorir.. K llav " 1917 ~9 1779 49' 109 9.'. as 43 Hliincrr l:.« k II Bovanl " 1676 26 1254 21 Mi) 7 336 <l> Suuimlt .1 \V Ifc.t.lauf ** 1604 91 904 .t. |KI 20 IKI7 -i! Vmaneo II B fililb-r 44 1066 -Jsi. 9. *l7 .2. 4lti 21* Wa.*l.inut.Austin Mi-ali- '* 1..W1 1.. 1216 .f2 i 9 .3 2*.14 60 Wil.fl.-1.l , .1 M < niikcliatikn ... - 1500 56 131s 24 90 lo ;i2 22, Wortl. WII I'i-.r ~.. " M6S 27 1097:12 .4 611 196 261 Butler Intro John S ,la.-k " 1425 l :{2 10K5 51 77:1 93. :£l2l K- Ontrevllle K Korecter... " 961 s-.- (HI IV4 43 1.1 j Evm»«ltv ' Georui-Rii.|«-I " 1141.30 K.SO 3s 61 92, l«l 20, Fairview * ' \ ' Cil —.l. . . . " 211 ft «>! IH4 .V), 13 69 »sA ! Han Kr.-IW. u! " m 411 400 001 :«l :« 136 Iff; Han i.ville J « I>u K h " 700 31- 578 02 46 12 74 2ft, Kisrn-< itv . Frank Bnl.l.itt " 105 46 W fts 6 56 11 22; Mill-It.. Cm, .1 J lioiialiup " 910 65 721 31 80 26 129 0s! Mar- . «i«. B stewari ... " 567 «1 4:1 00 360 521 33 Petrolia KM Fritz " 261 4- 199 94 15 00 41( 51 I'ortenivllle I IIKDVV •' 230 0.3 135 75 13 01 si 29 Pit -!-• t........... .'FN.--uuu. " 50.3 :»7 12:1 7s 30 29 51 :»j Saxonl.iirir I K M.-.i-l- r " (176 -I 1 ! Sll nl.tiry p P Hrowti *' 262 32 20. 4.. 14 0-1'........ 1 43 04 ! Valencia Win H .ITiiiaii - 129 6.3 101 ll'.l 6 99 20 97 Zeli.-i,o|,k- Wtn All--11 •• 1131 17 941 00 66 00 122 17 (onno.j'ieiifa.fng (' Kelil ** I 281 03 201 12j 18 82j | 43 08 T.tal !.... $72207 :« $34063 US $3775 30 s3l 23 $14314 s9 f | Levy And Assessment of Tax For ISD7. > I 2 I 5 S? Ds I a 75 so a 1 f* ■s| $ H s? DISTRICT. COLLECTOR. So H S * ; m r Allegheny James Jolly 1103 (i 7is 1038 ."iii'i 29 04. 4(S 05 Adams |Win Renison 2281 10 1026 15 493 01 162 <H) Butler F D Pearce 1K26 14 1479 70 21H 94 127 50 BufTiilo John Harbison 1814 4H 1572 70 142 7H 99 00 Brady Frank MeCnrdy 937 58 78-1 39 K9 4-1 63 75 Clinton James R Riddle 1700 51 1482 85 114 10 108 50 Clay !R II Conn 1442 17 1276 92 80 50 H4 75 Centre J D Smith 1321 41 1182 09 55 32 84 00 Clearfield E J Kennedy 1058 26 932 29 59 97 08 00 Cherry .H L Russell 143* 28 1242 97 93 31 102 00 Connooaenessintf .... John Brandon 1560 49 1192 10 281 14' 92 25 Cranberry Andrew Kirschler... 1940 28 1585 18 272 00 82 50 Concord Robt Adams 1289 75; 1165 60 51 40 72 75 Donegal F Walt man 1352 9*. 1088 10 136 63 128 25 Forward Geo Marburger 2235 57 1144 49 603 5K 127 50 Fairviov I J Campbell 1430 03j 1204 42 128 80 90 75 Franklin Alonzo McCandless. . 1380 00 1175 24 141 82 63 00 Jefferson S M Karr 1816 851 1374 41 327 94 114 50 Jackson AII Mick ley , 2157 00 1550 85 497 40 108 75 Lancaster Sam Hartley 1530 7-i, 11 •.I 34 272 91 106 50 Marion Joseph Vandyke 1172 93; 1025 52; 07 91 79 50 Mercer J J MeGarvey 710 5-s, 022 70 39 88j 54 00 .vlnddvcreek Grant Jones 1121 Oil 1004 08 00 08 56 25 Middlesex EO Thompson 3527 70 1839 01 1535 09 153 00 Oakland Peter Whitmire 1525 87 1172 50 273 12 HO 25 Penn Geo E Hay 2061 14 1355 18 562 71 143 25 Parker Joseph Walley 1298 73' 1138 58 75 40 84 75 Summit IW Baidauf 1733 91, 1231 21 373 70 129 00 Slipperyrock Hutchison Bovard... 1755 70 1519 04 156 02 79 50 Venango W B Stalker 1148.39 1020 39 40 00 82 00 Washington Anstin Meals 1803 92 1351 02 339 05 113 25 Worth W H Pisor 1444 77 1273 15 95 12 70 50 Winlield I M Cruikshank 1587 50 1123 70 370 80 87 00 Butler boro, Ist wd . John S Jack 2045 28 1973 58 595 20 70 50 •' 2d wd " " 3208 01 2708 47 407 89 32 25 " 3d wd " " 8250 74! 2377 01 851 23 28 50 •• 4th wd " " 1 2439 40 1597 82 808 61 33 00 " sth wd. " " I 8986 73 1719 71 1181 77 85 25 Centreville boro F Forrester 97.3 13 533 04 428 24 II 25 Con'gu'nes'ing boro.. Casp'*r Fehl 273 03 100 21 94 H2 12 (61 Evans Citj boro Ripper 1107 7.. HlO 47 331 03 26 25 Harmony lxiro Fred Weigle 1 023 74 497 77 90 72 35 25 Karns City boro Frank Babbett 119 71 104 (18 138 14 25 Millerstown lxiro 1.1 Donahue 943 05 409 43 441 22 33 00 Harrisville boro J S Pew 71!! H4 252 30 448 04 13 50 Prospect boro Cl* Newman 515 H7 287 41 217 90 10 50 Petrolia boro F M Fritz 274 98 147 00 114 4s 13 50 I'ortersvillc boro .... A Heoshaw 258 30 192 05 57 40 825 Valencia lxiro Wm Hoffman 134 90 73 00 55 99 5 25 Fairview boro A C (iib«on i 215 2 ! 151 11 49 85 14 2.> Mars lxiro Geo 1J Stewart 583 OH 318 50 249 43, 15 75 Saxonburg lxiro -I E Meeder <lO 14, 392 30 284 03 33 75 Sunbury boro P P Brown 207 02j 212 04 50 48 450 ZeUenople boro [Wm Altai 1149 92 ( 788 801 422 67; 18 75 Total I 1575932 41 $50918 04'515388 72'53025 05 Do;,' Ta i of 1896 and Previous. j 2 s i § 2 ? rJ ! 5 I cb IiISTKKT. COLLECTOKB. ~ " £ 1 E §•£ OMrMtMn -H II Duffy MM'l » H»s « 43W 1 «:$■ ■!*•••• * SllpW'ry II<M k. . .1 H ( ooju r l-tM! T"» ■ T."» < U-artttfhl . ... II II huffy I '.'} :«H»l 21, I 0» ..... I.ari<-;isltT. Kpli Krl* I s ' * WttsliliiifLoii If Sraton .. 1'■*?*•»! •» . !4 00 ........ < * jJutU'f lK>ro John YoutikhiN. !Wk»; 21 44 IW I liHrmoDjr Pnd Wdgli? ;;J I i I Saxonburg Cbirlen uiuibc 'IHBSJ H U4« tt .itfi Ad:irii.i twp H J <*on[< y ir» .V.» IBftl 4 IK' 27 Kl ! Allegheny. JJMI I ford - !Tt 40 I'J 211 « 00j liuiruln > \V<*sl«*rm:in ... " W 7.'i t'J .1 n; II 2.i 473 < <'liiiioii... John llal.stead. " . 4 < (Iltv BB < ..nr. M 17 M IS 94 I '*t < <'h'lirflHd II I! Dulfy 4 * i 17 40 |J» 2 111 47Z Hi .14 i ( herry SI. NVlsoii " '■& <" ; "»| & I AW| 4 .►! < I oiiii.iliiem hsliiK.. W J KI. k Iht - M 071 4.1 i»> 2 411 II HI . IK.III-K.-Ll .lolin lUtwrl ... M 40 1.1 .IH 1.. 2 111 IIH . I'orwar.l J Marliuri?or ■ ■ "i 11,1 ' Franklin < • Mack.-y " I« -41 * 2:*! 12 1.. J«.ffi-r«>ii ...... \V,.I (miimt .. " 17 44 H i.l 4(1 M 2-. .. . ■la.-liv.ii. John A Klein.rl " ll *tl 'Hi I 4 .Ml ] Marlon. .laiii. HOllifl.rM " M«• »«l 127 4 7.1 St tM M.-r.-«-r Win Johnston. . " ill.. I*. Si. 1 . . Ml(l(lU.hi'X.. S«' Trlml.l.- " ;t1 !!■.! 7<lt I -*.7' 1 ■ J Huddycreck.... It B Kennedy •• 21) on 12 w mi « r:. Oakland. Peter Whit mire.. " XI :*• »«• I -V. 22. . ( I'arker .. (ieoJ K-pler " 30 17 17 H» '.»• 7 .VI Slippery Kix k. 11, < .i.i.er " «4 «2 •'«» 312 2 I'. Venango WmStafker " 22 14 II 2" iw 0 »•« l > WashliiKton II CamplH-11.. " i KM -I «• 427 a> 2". 2 M I Worth . Ulll I'lv.i " 4ft 251 3.1 32 1 «I. 7»> . .. I Wlnßeld \ Vawelloff M I WW.. ?Hl9 i I 1 lint I• r iKmt lohn Vounkins. " 223 W IW W 0 24 t, M I I OtDtKTille pl/ Forrfttcr I 11 6®| 10 97] .V* I ... . 'j Evans i Ity i» M /.. IffU i j ' 2» n -■ • • I air\i«w Win Gibson *'! Wll 12 Hi"». 6M 1 . .. Harmony K Weigle Mi .. . •■••i ®WI. ••«] Harris villi! J H Pew M 12 m ?•? l*\ I Karns City O E McOIII 1 " WW 10 §s| 2». Ml 1 lvrfitown. (;»•«» II Kvans 20 rt 1»# 27 h» I 00; Mars I W Let? ! 12 M lo St .1 I Joj ' Porters villi* A llenshew **; 4 Ji-'i 2 l» I»o I Prosiieet C F Ntwcuan " i- - • *-l; 44 j I Petrolia I' M Frit/ " 22 t, 72 000 -:i*onlnirjr •< Varhv-i HaaiiO *• 28 21 1141 <1 l > oil Sunbury :P P llrown j " . 1 22; Ino .... ; j Toitlt I |IS7W te . J p.- tt $U W l iiscnted Lnntt Acconnt for 1807. Q SCHOOL. " " ROAD; "• POOR. ' z 1? 5 . 3 ! P K t k cs t ►ti ' i o" h Z. S. 2. £. £ » » E.c.22 a DISTRICT. | i : ?, : v \ : '' • J 1 Allegheny * 20 !V>* 34 sflf 29 70$ 51 20$ 13 89$ 53 79$ 16 26 * 60 94$ il 11 $ 6 50$ 5 72 * 8 34 $ 3 94 lJnffnlo 21 134 11 145 1 24 24) 7 i 7 Hntler 10 34 10 :i4 10 4» 10 49 5 28 5 28 ... . Brady 281 16 SI 231 16 81 231 19 74 1 16 19 74 1 10 11 52 231 11 52 231 Cherry 11 44 937 11 44 18 6<> 221 900 759 15 21 174 913 7H9 is 28 174 ("lav 305 SIS 255 10 73 615 305 615 305 818 102 318 102 Centre 17 47 726 17 44 22 02 208 28 42 25 28 28 42 25 28 463 17 32 21 95 Connoqiienessini; 15 929 10 939 75' 10 ! 85 Clearfield 29 50 3S 60 36 4 7 213 55 87 54 66 121 17 22 972 17 22, 972 Concord 2 70' 358 358 515 278 793 140 179 I£6 179 Cranherrv 94 ' 94 j 15i ■ j 15 Forward". 11 70 11 70 I Fairview 266 22 50 522 22 50 522 15 4:'. 145 16 88 843 259 8 43: 259 Jefferson 47 47 43 4?, 43 43 Marion 12 08 11 98 It 98 11 4>2 UO2 499 462 961 Middlesex 2 07 2 07 Mnddycreek 4 12 4 12 81 HI Parker 45 43 02 151 44 53 37 88 1 18 37 88 1 10 11 64 31 11 95 Penn 19 87 19 87 20 44 20 44 ! 573 573 Summit - 1 1"> 1 15 Donegal 516 17 48 940 17 48 940 42 11 22 710 454 5 78' 60 578 00 Oakland 18 09 300 18 09 21 09 ; 403 905 13 08 Washington 21 62 30 25 80 25 14 74 14 74 1 22 12 22 12 Worth 630 630 150 150 157 ! 157 Winfield 25 30 25 30 25 30 67 46 67 46 843 843 Venango 126 27 49 210 29 59 336 886 42 42 Bntler boro 180 *l4 92 660 ' 21 52 641 660 13 01; 19 00 100 19 00l 106 Mercer twp 239 579 418 10 15 684 199 8 83: 186 159 345 Slipperyrock ! ' : : 307 307 84 84 Fairview boro 825 ' 325 450 450 Harrisyille boro 3 15 ; 3 15 1 25 j 1 25 Petrolia boro ; 4 50 4 50 Prospect boro 95 180 1 89: j 369 128 45 173 45 j . 45 Snnbnry boro 2 | j 264 | Total $179 545282 85>222 3515274 49 $230 71 $230 56 $232 00 $329 80 $133 26 $l3B 10 $96 73 *136 25598 58 DegTu of 1H«.»7. > 1 > I S Ho !Ol to 5 5 1 *> s < g S i? ? 5 ? s : I, 3 3 1 =8 H -C 2: 5 - sr ! DISTRICTS. COLLECTORS = = 3 2 n : ° g- 3 1 g . S | 2 S $ $ ■I M r i MM Adams twp.. Wm Renison.. $ 162 oo * 42 00$ 8 51 $ $ 116 49 . . £ 15 00 Allegheny.... James J011y... 46 05 20 04! 129 24 72 : Brady F McCnrdv.... 63 75 31 00 222 30 53 : Buffalo T Harbison.... 99 90 63 78 429 80 98 j Bntler F D Pearce. ... 127 50 51 51 366 72 88 .. 14 00 j Clinton .lames Riddle.. 103 50 32 12 169 69 69 .. 220 00 i Clay R B Conn 84 75 45 24 328 36 23 .. 34 50 Centre .1 D Smith 84 00 48 77 3 50 31 73 .. 18 00 ! Clearfield E J Kennedy.. 66 00 32 89 220 30 86 ' Cherry H L Rnsself... 102 oo 35 25 186 . .... 64 89 j Connoq J Brandon 92 25 57 94 381 ". 30 50 .. 18 50 j Concord. ... Roliert Adams.! 72 75 47 50 250 22 75 .. 73 00 (.'ranberry. . A Kirschler.... 82 50 76 25 556 69 .. 92 00 Donegal F W Waltman. 128 25 59 82 893 64 50 .. 10 IK) Forward G Marburger.. 127 50 54 21 376 69 53 .. 42 00 Fairview J.T Campbell.. 96 75 40 00 257 54 18 Franklin .... A McCandless.. 63 00 38 47 2 90 21 63 .. 15 00 Jefferson .... S M Barr 114 15 79 75 4 80i 29 95 .. 13 00 Jackson AH Miekley.. 108 75 72 00 540 31 35 .. 64 00 Lancaster... S Bartley i 106 5o 95 oo 6 45; 505 .. 83 50 Marion Jos Vandyke..! 79 50 45 74 589 27 87 .. 78 00 Merger J J MeGarvey. | 54 00 15 67 132 37 01 .J Middlesex... E O Thompson 153 00 105 00 660 ' 40 41 ..' 191 T5 Mnddycreek..Frank Jones... 56 25 50 00 341 284 .. 45 00 Oakland P Whitmire... j 80 25 72 00 379 446 .. 48 50 Penn George E Hay. 143 25 114 21 879 20 25 22 50 Parker .T Walley I 84 75 45 25 253 36 97 .. 110 50 Summit J W Bauldauf. 129 00 50 00 418 74 82 ..: Slipperyrock. H Bovard | 79 50, 38 60 2 611 1 38 29 Venango .... H B Stalker...! 82 00| 21 00 160 59 40 ..1 750 Washington. Austin Meals.. 113 25 28 05 214 83 06 Worth W H Pisor 76 50 46 94 857 26 05 . J Winfield .TMCruikshank 87 00' 50 52 346 33 02 ..j 104 00 Butler boro.. John S Jack... 205 50 73 78 388 127 84 ..! Centreville.. F Forrester j 11 25 11 25..j Connoq boro. Casper Fehl.. .| 12 OOj 861 72 2 67:.. Evans City.. Geo Ripper 26 25 20 42 123 460 Fairview bor A C Gibson 14 25 12 50 66 1 09:.. Harmony.... Fred Weigle... 33 25 20 00 105 12 20. J Harrisville ..JS Pew 13 50 6 22 52 6 «6 ..! Karns City.. Frank Rabbitt. 14 25 1 50 08 12 67 . J Millerstown.. J J Donahue... 38 IM) 18 00 1 51 13 49.. 1 Mars Geo B Stewart 15 75 15 75 Portersville.. A Henshew.... 8 25 5 25 44 2 56.. Prospect CF Newman.. 10 50 9 24 48' 78 .. Petrolia F M Fritz 13 50 13 50 .. Sunbury PP 8r0wn.... 4 50 ; 1 4 50 Saxonburg... J E Meeder.... 33 75 21 17 167 . 10 91 ..j Valencia Wm Hoffman.. 5 25 j 5 25 Zelienople... Win Allen 18 75 825 69 9HI j.. j Totals I $3623 05 sl9ll 46 sl3l 99 S2O 25 *1559 85 1 .. $1302 25 Unseated Lund Tax Received by Treasurer for IH!>7. i O i f- 'S3 '0 : H f S* o 2. o * Os, 3. o s ? 5 2 S s? j | 8 r- ? * »J DISTRICTS. | : I : : ; : j I || Allegheny * 20 95$ 29 70$ 16 26$ 5 72 $ 72 63 $ 8 92 * 76 55 Buffalo. 21 11 24 7 68 03 66 Brady 281 231 116 231 809 24 ; 833 Centre 17 47 17 44 25 28 17 32 77 51 1 18 78 69 Cherry . . 11 44 11 44 789 789 38 66 43 39 09 Clay 305 255 805 102 967 40 10 07 Clearfield 29 50 38 60 55 87 , 972 133 69 285 136 54 Concord 270 358 278 179 10 85 11 10 96 Connonueneesing 15 10 1 10 85 &> Donegal 516 940 U22 60 26 88 77 27 15 Fairview 266 522 145 259 11 92 446 16 38 Marion 12 08 11 98 11 02 262 39 701 562 45 32 Mercer 239 418 199 159 10 15j 58 10 73 < Htkland. 18 09 18 09 1 905 45 23 21 45 44 Parker 4"> 151 lIN HI 4«> 18 •{ (»•{ Venango. 126 210 336 42 714 11 725 Washington 21 62 30 25 14 74 22 12 88 73 732 96 05 Winfield 25 30 25 80 67 46 843 126 49 126 49 Butler boro 180 660 6 601 106 16 06j 109 1. l^i Prospect lioro 95| 189 45 3 29| 07 3 .>6 Total *179 5-1'5222 :r, $232 00 $96 73 $750 62 -i<29 57 $760 19 WAKKEN AN t> IMXMONT HOSPITAL AC< 'OI'NT. n >< 3 c" DISTRICT. : s i"' •B ; t Adauis. | 33 501 33 iSO' Alli ifln iiy 14 25 ? 14 2.i llrady ail "" 2«i4 Vl .VI .VI Hutl.r. 22" (15 I!<T l«) 22 75 < lurry (ill «Ki 130 7.»| 474 k7 CWarfi.-ld .. tOH So M."> 7.-.I 22 75 Clinton H44 1.-»| 29 »! Kl4 80 ('oil UO<l'lll|/. !RMMI| 111 'Si. 7 7.i Doni ifiil 342 5" . * 242 50 I ranklln 2*S 5» IW 7T, 37 75 .lcir.-ri.on m:i :U 0101 3D 30 Falrvl.-w i:#iK in I*2 7.". I.anra*l«*r. 05 I« *>2 111 13 Mi-rci i -Vi2 mi I s - Vi «n 00 2".l .VI I Vim 404 .V) |XI .VI 2*i Ino Oakland. t|4 SO 5134. 12 wi I'arkcr 1029 1020 70 Forward. Ill"" «t » 22 75 Summit 274 iki 251 25 22 75 Washington.. »"1 "" 4"! "0 Worth 30 2*i 30 2*i Win Held 273 7". I"2 50 IIH 50 22 75 Muddy. rt ik 119 5" OH 75 . 22 75 Vcnunjro 73 M 73 50 llutl. r iHiro . Till 70 7N-Vl 70 2*i 0"* tt"» Warns City... 579 29 579 29 Mars lioro . .. IH2 2"» 1112 2i Falrrlew 1 Is 2". In 2". Millers town . I s 2 M Is 2 30 .Marlon 02 5" 02 50j Total !*«332 22«idl In *2;14 47 jl"ll <« EXPENDITURES OF I»UTI,ER COUNTY FOR THE YEAH IW. Assrssllig aivounl i ZOt M A Height m v Workhouse 4.fc» .*» Agricultural AMKx'latlon 100 00 Hrhltfe Views 140 <lO (fridge Inspection... 5# 45 Court A lull tor 72 00 County Institute 200 00 Insurance 75 Hook l>in«liiik 10 00 Western Penitentiary Hf* 7H ttlrt lis ami deaths.. 170 1< Holier house account 10IW 'i* i'ommlssloiiers' roundel. . J517 50 Commonwealth aeeount ... 471R» 13 ('oii.itableii rt'tiiriis... 72-1 00 County iM'lrcilvc'H ai'i'diin! 710 00 Court < 'rl<*r*s account 402 00 Court House account. iSKI7 >7 < .unity Auditors 3KI I'i County a< < ount 21IC W Cleric of <"ourts Joseph Crlnwell . ..$S£V| «!J 1 suae Meals >1 M) • KM IK Commissioner*' account | John Mlt.-lu ll fiooo 0 lli-rman Seaton 107* 00 l> II Sutton. 1070 00 3208 to Commissioners' Clerk. I district Attorney . 4d7 00 Dellverltif btlmii. : jj Postage am) expre»*ittfe Kleetlon account... CI HI 02 J Imiuest aeeount 212 14 I mlexlnir aeeount.. 2HO 00 Interest account 355 00 I mllKent panper**. 71*07 .lull account . 25» 41 lal PhynieUtt • •JJ Jury i ommlHslouer* 313 OH Jury Commissioners' clerk 05 00 Janitor 7JJ 0D J itul tors' asslstaut. .. Juror ac count k«7* **4 Lunacy account— 317® Livery hire 140 Notary Public. 4 00 I'rothonotary 1143 *7 I'ennsylvunla Reform School. 2l<* 42 Pennsylvania Iml Reformatory *7 75 MHilary roil ....... 'M Ul < I'riritinu — lleriild S3ks (« Eu(?le 313 47 . Times -•« <".! I'ITI/KN.. HI 35 KeeorcJ 13 .V) Mlllerstnwn Hernld (i" WiO !«i Itoad views 2*o HT, Registering 14111 Til Register and Itordit IW 10 • R<>:ui Damage 110 60 i Stenographer Miss Ada Flndley $ 8a .V» Miss Maud Kelly 13 AO I Kd. Kiddle.. ISO® to— 1005 00 • I Stationary arid Dockets I*l6l 01 » Sheriff 31114 1"» . Soldier's burial 170 00 1 UcKhUTiiiK school children . IfW) 00 Seal i) account 134 a 0 ' West I'en ii Hospital • JSWis 00 i | Wernersvllle Hospital . 2fW 71 W :irren Hospital 1 ■ tH) • Loan account 10000 00 Traveling expense 171 22 | Tipstaves— - E. K. Hoycs $230 00 J. C. Welsh 174 00 1 John Sehairner lift 00— 550 00 ■ . Transcrlbleg account L. E. Shlra $622 (X) Miss Sadie Bell 7100 Miss L. Seaton so 00-- 782 00 Kcfunding account 14.1 60 I'nseatcd land 740 04 i Bridge account new work Mordecal bridge, Forward t wp.... 100 00 < 'anion Bridge Co., super structure I'ayne bridge. Muddy creek twp #67."» 00 Masonry for I'ayne bruise .>7 20 Making till for approach 40 00 1302 20 Long Kun bridge, Win field twp.. superstructure S 216 00 1 Masonry, 370'/i cubic yards. . 1186 22 1102 22 I'atterson Kun bridge, super* structure 120 00 ( Masonry 351 54 — 471 54 Beaver Koad bridge, Jackson twp., superstructure 230 00 i Mas<»n ry . 166 66 I Making All.. 38 AO — 008 60 a North liear Creek, bridge superstructure 400 00 Uepairs to masonry 40 00— 440 (X) Koliler bridge, llutler twp., supers!ructure 1100 00 Balance on Masonry. 1-w) us K lingler Si Co., cement 110 30 ;«Md '> Brldce repairs SM 02 CYKUO H A 111' Ell. TKEASiritEIt, Oh. ( Tax received from collectors for 1806 and previous I 13072 01 . Tax rec» ived from collectors for 1w97 M0K"» 02 Tax received on unseated land 730 02 Kecelverl from Insane hospital ac count .... SMI If Amount received from County Com- \ missioners.. 1884.1 04 * Amount received from Jury fees a from Sheriff Dodds 170 72 Amount received from tines 07 00 K Clerk of Courts fines .SIOB 73 l Clerk of of Courts Jury fees.. 00 M .">7 • Ketail liquor license illil AO I Amount n ct'lvj'd from dog funds.. 579 4'♦ Amount in treasury, Jan. 4, 1807 . 10072 .TO Amount of State tax received . 11351 ss 511H012 00 THEASmEII'B CBKUITft. ■ Ity vouches redeemed i T2?4'-i n • Temporary loan paid 10000 00 Cash sent state treasurer ~ lAl.'iA 84 Treasurer's ner cent on state tax 1"»2 *.s Treasurer's .» per cent. for collect ing county tax on unseated land * It* ] Treasurer's :i% per cent, on ffin.ooo 17A0 no 1 Treasurer's 1 1 » |>er cent, on $38,742 07 581 II Amount in treasury, Jan. ;i, lsus 11070 72 $118142 on Cyrus Harper in Account with • Dog Tax for 1807. DR. To reserve of *3OO from 1800 200 00 To amount collected for HW 12ns 06 To amount collected for I*o7 1011 40 __ *W3U 42 CREDITS. By warrants for damage to sheep I.HSD 2.~> By overpaid tax refunded 2s oo Tn'asnrer's ."> per cent, on Slits Z'l «7 41 Reserve for lv.K 2<*> no Treasurer's ."> per cent, on fI.T(M 7l> k> 34 Balance turned to Co. Trea..urer lUIM 5S SEEO 42 , Total amount of warrants paid In cluding temporary loans 5&743 lfi ASSETS OF BUTLER COI KTY. ! Amount of casii in treasury $ llt'.ro 72 Amount due from collectors for ISm; and previous :iVi 119 Amount due from collectors for ISO 7. 11311 H# ' Amount due from townships on un i seated land 1014 06 Amount tines in hand of Sheriff Dodds 535 00 ; Commissioner's notes 2SKI 03 J31210 69 We. the nndersigned Anditors of But ler connty, state of Pennsylvania, do 1 certify thai in pursuance of law we met at the court house on the :>d day of Jan ! nary, 189H, and audited the several ac ! counts of Butler county. We do certify that the foregoing is a correct state ! ment of said accounts according to the i best of our knowledge and belief. In witness whereof, we haye hereto set our hands and seals this 18th day of February, 1898. W. S. MOORE. [SEAL] F. P. Mi BRIDE. [SEAL] O. R. THORNE. (SEAL] County Auditors We, the undersigned Commissioners of Butler county, do hereby certify that the foregoing statements contain a just and true exhibit of the receipts and ex penditures of Butler connly for the year 1897, as we truly believe. Witness our hands and seals this 12th day of February. 1898 JOHN "MITCHELL I SEAL] 11. (i. SEATON. [SEAL! D. H. SUTTON, [Seat.] a County Commissioners J. C. KkuvADDON, Clerk B " * A R BARGAINS A N S Are Not All Gone We have a lot of Monarch shirts made of Garners per cales former price $1.50 now going ar 75c 33 l-3per cent Off 011 ail winter underwear and lots of broken sizes going at one-half price. We Still Havo a few of those $5, $4, and $3 hats in the Dollar Sale. We Have About five dozen fine wool top shirts in Black and lirown shades, worth $2, and $2.50, we are ofieri ig them at $125 Come in and tc 11 us what you need ami see if we can not supply you. COLBERT a DALE, 242 S. MAIN St BUTI.HR, PA. C. SELIGM AN & SON. ""TAILORS" No. 416 W. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. A line .if latest I'orelK" sind Domestic Suitings always in stock. I'll, Style and Work manship guaranteed 10 (five satisfaction. PRICES REASONABLE. MES FitfiK 'JF Cii AtiGE R L. Kiricp.U'ic'i, Opiiciai and Next to Court House HuMo, Late Gradnate T/i Port institute ™R WOOL TO SELL WRITE 10 W. F. RUMBERGER, C.iro A. Trouunan's Sum. IUJTLEU. I*A GOOD FARM FOR SALE. The Ford f:.rin in Donegal twp., near Miller>town is for sale. I* contain? atxiut 150 acres, is well watered and in good condition For tecais inquire at his office L. 5. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Estate Agent. 117 R.JEFFERSON ST.. BUTLER, - PA M. C WAGNER, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER, 139 South Main street. Over Shnul & Nasi - * CloiUing Store Subßcribe lor the CAXIZBN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers