THE: CITIZEN. THURSDAY, MARCH 10, IS9S. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE— AII advertisers intending to make changes in their ads. should notify us of their Intention to do so, not later than Mon day morning. Patterson Bro's. Wall Paper. Ira C. Black & Co. 's Wall Paper. Notice to Taxables. Rnflr « Great Fire Sale of Shoes. Miller's Great Fire Sale of Shoes. Pape's Mourning Goods. Marks' Mourning Goods. C. & T.'s Matting and Carpet. Martincourt & Co.'s Harness. Slipperyrock Normal. L. M. Cochran's Notice. U. S. Senator. Peoples Store's Locals. Kirkpatrick's bicycles. Administrators and Executors of estates can secure their receipt books at the CITI ZEN office, and persons making public sales th .-lr note books. LOCAL AND GENERAL, - Our paved streets need cleaning. —Age and a little brother tell on a girl. —Spring fever microbes will shortly be due. —We are now in the midst of the Lenten season. —The first of April is already staling some of us in the face. —Which would you rather do—make garden or go fishing? —Fires and Fire Sales this week. Always read the new ads. —W. B. McCandless received another C w load of Davis machines, Monday. —Don't forget the mass meeting in the Court House for tomorrow evening. —The fool interviewer was around last week, and misquoted everybody he talked to. —Lots of men have fool first names because of a novel their mother hap pened to he reading. —No, Maude, dear, don.t press a dish upon your guest at dinner. It would be sure to soil his clothes. —The Patterson Bros, have opened a complete wail paper store in the new Wick building on N. Main St. Read their new adv. —McCafferty, the Greenvill contract or, is taking out 250,000 ties for the "Bessie'. One of his mills is located in Clinton twp. —Thirty-three liqnor licenses were granted in Beaver County, out of fifty four applicotions. Nineteen were granted in Armstrong Co. —David E. Dale was elected a school director for the Fourth ward by the School Board last week, vice John B. Greer who moved into the Fifth ward. —We direct attention to the Adv. of Ira C."Black & Co. wall paper dealers. They are successrrs to Kinch. on S. Main St. and have another store in Grove City. —Twenty years ago there wasn't a young man in Butler who parted his hair in the middle. Now. there are dozens of 'em who do hardly anything else. —A minei. who has recently returned from the goldfields, characterizes the rush to Klondike as "the most colossal thing of its kind that has struck the earth for three centuries." —McVay's news depot on the Dia mond was entered again last Thursday night but the thieves secured only a few pennies this time. Mac is tired of being robbed and takes his cash home with him. —An exchange verv cautiously re marks: Next to Hon. there is possibly no other title so much abused as that of Prof. In both cases those most enti tled to use it are becoming ashamed of It. —The Boston Symphony Conceit Co. is a first class Orchestra, composed en tirely of ladies with a male leader. They make the best of music and had a large audience in Butler last Friday night, for the second time. —See and consult Dr. L. C. Buhl, the Osteopath Evans City Pa. Tuesday's. Thursday's and Saturday's he is making a special offer to all calling on him before April Ist.. It not satisfied in one months treatment he will not ask you to pay. —Co. E. was inspected Wednesday evening by inspecting officers. Maj John Penny ana Sergeant Moore. A large crowd was present. After in spection Co. E. and guests' partook of an excellent banquet at Hotel (Joss. —A yonng lady student in our high school was asked to explain the for mation of dew. Her answer was: '•The earth revolves on its axis every 24 hours and in consequence of the tre mendous pace at which it travels, it perspires freely.' —The tremendous fire made by the burning hay in the Kramer Bros.' livery is an argument against allowing large Quantities of hay or other highly in flammable material to be stored within the thickly built up portion of the town. Fortunately for that part of the town, there was no breeze that evening. —The State Live Stock Sanitary Board is at present considering the desirability of providing for examina tion of cattle sold by dealers in Penn sylvania stock. Such examination would be made at the expense of the dealers, but under the direction of the Sanitary Board and a certificate show ing the condition of the cattle exam ined wonld be granted by the board." —The new Town Council of Butler met last Mondav evening, and organiz ed by electing George Stamni, President; H. E. Coulter Sec y and Solictor; Harry Grieb Treasurer; and C. F. L. McQuis tion, Boro. Engineer, Mr. Coulter's two salaries will aggrigate $500; the Truas urer's percentage was fixed at 1 per cent; and the Engineers fee is $5.00 per day. President Stamm will announce his committees at the meeting of the 22nd. Every man. woman and eh"ild who has once tried that specific Dr. Built Cough Syrup, cannot say enough in its praise. BOARDKRH WANTED—Juryman, wit nesses and all others attending Courl will find nice comfortable rooms and good board at Mrs. B. J. Oattin's in the old Heineman building, Cor. Main and Cunningham St. Rates reasonable. —All the best prints, black and white silver-gray and indigo blue at 4 'AC good 36111. mnsliu 4 aiul \Y% at The I'eo pies Store. The best bicycle to buy is a Cleveland or Crescent. '9B Clevelands and $75 and Cres cent #35. . Bicycle rm>plies of all kinds; Viv< Cameras and the Celebrated Wasliburi mandolin*, for sale by Kirtpatrick th< jeweler next the Court House PARK THEATRE. MONDAY MAU 14TH. PCXSK OF NEW York "Built to Atnuse" is the catch line o this leaaon's version of the "Pulse o New York," which comes to the ParV Theatre, next Monday. The old play has always been a grea favorite, and this, it's seventh consecu tive year, promices to be as great a hi as was its first. To keep abreast witl the demands of tne times, the entin play has been liberally enainled, and tin second act, "The Bowery Dive," is e:i tirely devoted to high class vaudevill. features. In this act twelve specialtie arc presented , prominent Ijeing Win. A Lang, the singing and dancing comedian last year principal comedian of Han lon's "Superba"; Stella May hew mimic and story teller; the wonderfu Thompson Tots. Lillian 5 years, Rte y/i years; Madge Maitland, lady baritone singer; II V. Bond, lla Rube; Edgar Way and Bernyce Stan hope, comedy sketch artists; Gotliat quartet and others. LEGAL NEWS. The March term of Quarter Sessions Court convened. Monday morning. J. 1 Walter Bartley was appointed foreman' of the Grand jury. J. Orr, constable of Mercer twp , reported some index ' boards needing relettering and the j ; Court granted a rule on the road super visors returnable to March term. R B. Conn, constable of Clay, reported railroad crossing at Muddycreek in bad order and a rule to repair was made on supervisors and P. B. & L. E R. R. Co. Geo. Nixon, of Penn reported some ; roads out of repair and index boards ! down, and rule to repair granted. H. W. Stratton. of Clinton, reported that the P. B & L E. fill on the Kittanning road at Bull Creek trestle has slipped down and is obstructing public road and they had never finished the road built through the lands of Wiley and Bartley: a rule was granted on the P. B. &L.E. to repair. R W. Hacli ler, of Evans City, reported some board walks needed repairing. J J Camp bell, of Fairview twp., reported the road from Troutman to Haysville not in good order. W. P. Brown. >th ward Butler, reported the road at the North Cemetery needs repairing: A. O. Eber hart. Butler twp., reported the R. R. crossing at Reiber's bridge needs filling in and Reiber.s Mill road impassible and unsafe to travel M. K. Sarver. Buffalo twp., reported Sandy Lick and Denny Mill roads too narrow, and ] porch of W. H. Witte obstructed road, and rules were granted accordingly. Milton Bulford. Jefferson twp., report ed the P. B. & L E. had obstructed i wagon roads and rules to repair were granted. George Moone, of Worth twp. i reported one bastard child. GRAND JURY FINDINGS. The Grand Jury made its first pre- 1 sentment Wednesday morning, finding as follows : i True bills: Com. vs Fred Klingler. perjury, (2 counts:) James I'aulhemus, ; f&b; George Forrester, breach of pris on; Edward Jackson, burglary and lar- : ceny; G. M. Smith, aiding or abetting in larceny; AL. Wimer, breach of pris- i on;Thos. Jefferson, breach of prison; AL. Palmer, rape and f&b; WM. Orris. • breaking and entering a dwelling house and larceny; Lew Campbell, larceny: ! Alva E. Sloan, f&b: Andy Dillmore. f&b; Chas. Smith, burglary and lar- 1 ceny; Mal>el Cleveland, fornication; Patrick Brown, a&b and assault; Phil. Tack, a&b and assault; A. B. Camp bell, a&b; Jos. Hampton, adultery; . Leonard Bowser, enticing an infant for the purpose of sexual intercourse. i The bill against G A Needle, charg- , ed with criminal lil>el by Robert C. Scott, was ignored and the complainant J was ordered to pay the costs. The case of Com. vs John Baldauf, , larceny by bailee, was continued till next term. The surety of the peace and a&B cases against D. E. Cupps haye been . settled. 1 The a&b. cases against Samuel Mung, . Edwin Rigney. John Quinn and Jas. 1 Lemmon. in which Samuel Beatty was ] the complainant, have been settle".. The case of Com. vs Matt McCand 1 less, desertion, has been settled. The case of the Com. vs Frank Cun ningham, malicious mayhem and a&b. 1 J. R. Smith, of Evans City, being pros ] ecu tor, was settled by the defendant paying S3I*L and coats. NOTES. W. H. Brackney has petitioned for a ] divorce from his wife, Emma. , The will of Catharine A. Davis, late J of Cherry twp., has been probated. Joseph Hampton and Mabel Cleve land have been held for court on charges preferred by Ed. S (joss, the hotel man. Hampton is the Renfrew man who left his home and came to j Butler with Miss Cleveland. 1 F. E. McQuistion, F. M Fletcherand ■ D. P. Kelley, viewers appointed at the December court to act on petitions to vacate and annnl three roads in Alleg heny twp., one leading from Maple I Furnace to Parkers Landing, one from , Kensington Furnace to Armstrong Co. , ] and part of one leading from Em lenton to Lawrenceburg. reported in , favor of vacating the same and the \ Court so ordered. I Timothy Scanlon and wife of Butler ' adopted Susan, minor child of Nellie J Caldwell, now Nellie Craig The Court granted the petition of Clara B. Grnbbs, wife of W. J. Grnbbs of Butler, £T»R benefit ol seperate earn ings. J. C. Gibson and S. H. Fowler, over- , seers of Poor of Allegheny twp.. have appealed to the court from -in order ob tained by E. M. Fletcher and Geo. MC Mahan, overseers of Parker twp., re moving John Early a pauper from Parker twp., to Allegheny twp. Citizens of Winfield twp., have peti tioned the Court for a bridge over Little Buffalo creek. Jas. and F. M Pierce haye petitioned the Court TO remit recognizance forfeit ed by mistake." On Saturday the Court granted the petition of J. C. Gray of Saxonbnrg for • an order adopting Kittie and Oli ve mm | or children of Mrs. Mat tie Simpson, ; now Criswell. John 11. Jackson and Thos D Greer, , were appointed tellers to make the offi , cal count of the itoor farm vote. ' The Michael Bamhart farm (75 acres) was sold at O. C. Sale from the steps of 1 the Court House, Monday afternoon, 5 to A. Mitchell for S2OOO. Dan Malonev 9 cried the sale and his powerful voice • was heard fully two squares distant. r The official connt of the jtoor farm 3 vote found as follows: For poor farm - 4448; against 4821, giving a majority of - 122 in favor. ' S. C. Williams, of Venango twp., has lieen appointed guardian of Hartholda Campbell, minor child of J. C. Camp ' bell, deed. S F. Bowser was appointed guardian of Lida E. Coovert, minor child of R Miles Coovert, late of Adams twp. ; ; Sale of real estate of William Lardin, IR late of Clinton twp., has been confirm I- ed. 0 L. M. Allison, adm'r. of Mary J. 1 Shepard, has petitioned for a citation R on Snyder Brown. E Nathan Slater, B. L. Hockenberry j e and Samuel W McCollougli were ap pointed to view and report on the peti j tion of Winfield twp. for a new road. 0 H Nathan Slater, Sol. Dunbar and John U Watters were appointed to view and report on the petition of citizens of Jackson twp. for a new road 't Samuel M. Seaton. J. W. Miller, C. d E. and Jos. Criswell were appointed e commissioners to act on the petition of d citizens of Buffalo twp. for the division of that township into two election dis . tricts. W B. Fletcher was appointed andi tor of Parker twp vice R. G. <'amp bell, resigned. Oeorge 11. Graham was appointed overseer of poor for Fairview boro. vice S " R. O. Shira, removed. re E. H. Larderer, of Portersville, peti n tioned for the payment of S2O, legal re ic ward for apprehending the notorious Wlll. Wilson, a horse thief. The court ruled that he IS; paid if no objections were filed within twenty days. W The petition of the United Presbyter ian congregation of Bntler for an am mend men t to church charter was heard and granted Tuesday morning. It Josiah J. and Minnie Watkins of But ler adopted Hazel Pearl, minor child of it Kathrine Duncan. William 11. Endean has petitioned !J, for naturalization. re The following divorces have been' >e granted; Mary C. Smith from Oeorge :I- Smith; Julia Richardson from A N. LE Richardson; Ella M. Thompson from £» Taylor Thompson. N ' After hearing the divorce cases of Florence Conley vs A. L. Conley and V Sallie B. Carson vs Duncan C. Carson, U j judgment was held over, in the latter E L case (or 20 days. al j Frank Murphy, Esq., Geo Mhiever, iy and !)r .! E. Byeri were appointed a n- ' commission in lunacy 011 Jacob Shearer, m| of Buffalo twp. Tuesday the conitnis jsion adjudged bin* iiisaiie. ! W. A. Goehring & Co. for use J. G. ! Ralshouse vs Fishel, Ralston and L. E ' Ralston, motion to strike off exemplifi i ration was argued March 9, bnt 110 1 judgment has yet been given. G. Welsh vs L. M Wise, motion for a new trial was continued: also case of Emma Parks vs Samuel Parks, divorce. Neal Gormley has filed a summons in ejectment against J. M. McKee and Geo. Ramsey for SMJ acres in Marion twp. Frederick W Jackson has petitioned for naturalization. Attorneys Martin of Mercer and Col. Archibald Blakeley. of Pittsburg, were in town attending the Mercer Orr case- The case of Butler Co. Agl. Ass n. vs Mrs. M. A. Davis, petition to open judgment, was heard Wednesday morn ing. A caveat to the probate of any writ ing purporting to be the will of John Mcßride, dee d., of Middlesex twp.. has been filed. In the divorce case of Sarah Jordan vs F. P. Jordan, the defendant asked for a trial by jury and his petition was granted. The case of Winifred Hendrickson vs Moses Hendrickson. rule to show cause why allowance should not l»e reduced was heard Tuesday, but no judgement has yet been given. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Henry Clouse to Frank Smith 50 acres in Oakland for S2OOO. Samuel Crow to T W D Kennedy lot in Adams for $450. M N Greer to E E Campbell 32 acres in Buffalo for SSIO. Jacob Diehl to Adam Diehl lot in Ze lienople. Cath Reott to Clara M Reott 31 acres in Clearfield for SO»K>. Dan'l Burn- to E A McMichael 140 acres in Donegal for $3920. W H Riddle to D R McCollough 65 acres in Muddvcreek for *IOOO. S A Beam to Jacob Weigel lot in Har mony for $825. Christina Goehring to A E Yander vort 88 acres in Cranl>erry for S2OOO. J S Patteison to S G Lockwood lot in Zelienople for *250. A Wahl to R W Hachler lot in Evans City for FLOO. Maurice Norris to Elizabeth Norris 56 acres in Oakland for SIHOO. H W Ailing to W Kavanaugh lot in Jackson for fl. Zelienople Ex Co to H K Beatty lot in Jackson for S2OO. Eliza A Neely to John Kirchner 4* acres in Franklin for *IOSO. North Side Cemetery Ass n. to J OA Kennedy lot for $125. Union U P Church to W Hines ceme tery lot for $lO. Marriage Licenses. John E. Flack Bntler Edith W. Phillips John H Andi rson.Connoquenessing twp Hulda B Orr Forward twp Henry Marburgei Forward twp Euphemie Pfeifer. Lawrence Co Oeorge Lloyd Adams twp Dora M Nicklas Brownsdale At Franklin, John H. Hogue of Har risville and Ruth A. Stephenson of Slip peryrock. ACCIDENTS. The escape of the 9:80 train on the P. & W. for being wrecked last Thurs day morning was almost miraculous. George Shaffner's team was hauling atone on a sled that morning, and while the slfd loaded with three large stones one a yard square was on the track, the passenger engine struck it, and hurled the stone into the creek, but the train kept the track. The sled was cut in two and one of the large stones struck the end of a tie and broke it off; and yet that train, fortunately for the fifty passengers on it. kept the track. It was running pretty fast at the time. Horatio St. Clair, a son of John St. Clair, dee'd of Franklin twp., was kill ed at an oil well in Muddycreek twp., last Saturday. He and another man were rebuilding the derrick at the time and he was up in it about 40 feet, and the other man was hoisting lumber to him, when the line broke. This caused Hi. Cluii Lo lobe lii» Uulum-e, ami be fell. alighting upon a stone. He lived but a few hours after. Miss Mary Moore, daughter of Robt. Moore 'if Portersville met with a terri ble death last Saturday. She was bak ing at the time, and went to the stove with a lighted lamp in her hand. The door of the range opened with a spring, it struck the lamp and broke it. and Miss Mary was instantly covered with burning oil. She ran shrieking into the garden,her mother and sister Annie ran after her and caught her and tore the burning clothing from her, but she died from her injuries next night. Mrs Moore and Miss Annie were also badly burned. Oil. NOTES. The Standard is paying "o}c this morning, and the Producers 7Hjc. EVANS CITY The Forest has a new lig up on the Geo. Marburger. and has made location for another. ADAMS TWP. The Octo Oil Co, is drilling on the Blakely and has made lo cations for two more rigs. Dale & Ho vis will drill some wells between the Blakeley pool and Callery. FORWARD TWl*.—Barnhart & Co. have located on the Nolsheim. The Burr farm well will be completed this week. MA'UC— Vance & Frantz started an other well on the Brown heirs for Nich olls & McGill last week. MABKEM Local grocers are paying 12c, for eggs; 15c, to 18c, for butter; 70, for po tatoes; 85c, for turnips; 50c, for carrots, parsnips and beets; and 10c, for dressed chicken. Local dealers are paying 85c. for red wheat; 80c, for white; 40c, for rye; 88c, for corn; 28c, for oats; anil 60c, a cwt. for buckwheat. Y. M. C. A. The last number of the present Star course will be given next Tuesday, March 15. Board open at Reed's news stand, Saturday I 11 in. The attr... tion will be the Taeder String (jnartett. This attraction will in several ways at least l>e superior to the one advertised Seven persons will be 011 the program instead of five. The Bureau warrant satisfaction in every way. IS!»H Bicycle Opening—lSDS. Our annual Spring Opening will oc cur, Monday and Tuesday, March 14th and 15th. You and your friends are cordially invited to attend and inspect the linent line of Bicycles and Supplies ever shown in Butler, at prices that defy competition WHITE WAL-TKR & Co., 80s S. Main St. 1 „ Pianos, Organs etc. at Cost. J. It. Grieb in order to close out liis stock of pianos, organs, musical goods, watches, clocks, silverware, jewelry, etc. offers his entire stock at cost. I mean to quit these lines and will of fer some special bargains. This is a genuine close out sale and no fake. All store fixtures for sale, store-room for rent posession given Apr. Ist' Pianos at $175 anil up. Organs at $35 and up. These arc new g<Kxls none shop worn. I have always handled the very best quality of instruments and will fully guarantee any article sold as heretofore I positively mean lo quit the business and am offering goods at a sacrifice, The Holidays are approaching and now is your chance to invest. Don't forget my line of jewelry, watches, clocks, silverware etc. A com plete line for this sea 1011. Come and see for yourself. J. K. Gkiku. 1 18 S. MAIN ST. For Sale. House and lot on Lincoln ave near | Plate Works, at a sacrifice as owner in I tends moving away. Lot 40x125 three j roomed house, title gccfl Inquire at this ofH'je. PERSONAL* Mrs. Aliens McDonald of the Hrd ward is seriously ill. Raymond Cornelius Esq. spent Sun day with friends in Worth twp. M. A. Hendrickson. of Cranberry twp.. was in town, Tuesday. Will O'Brien leaves town, Sunday, for the gold fields in Washington. Robert Curry and wife of Jamison- j ville were visiting in Butler. Saturday- David Dixon of Brownsdale visited his brother Thomas in Butler this week. D. D. Quigley of Renfrew was in town Saturday, on his way home from Greece city. Miss Sarah W itte of Branch ton stop ped off in Butler on her way to Pitts bnrg Monday. Captain Hawley, the Solvation Army lassie.inlying sick at Mr Coopers house Her heart is bothering her. Hon. W. P. Braham of Harrisvillt and I. C. McClymonds of W. Liberia were in town. Monday. Miss Nora Shakely of Connoqueness ing is the guest of I'. Kamerer and other relatives in Butler Harry and Agnes Brandon chil ilren of W. W. Brandon of Connoqne nessing, twp, down with typhoid. Miss Eva Cunningham, of Sarver Station. %vas the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McGeary, West End, Butler, over Sabbath. QM. A. Hendrickson of Cranberry twp. was in town. Tuesday. He came to town 011 the train, and that was but his second ride on a railroad, though he is in his S~d year. Uncle Tom was in our office Satur dav. complaining a little of rheuma tism and corns. Sixty years ago he beat the fastest horse in Butler in a 240 rrxl foot race, by 00 feet. L. A. McDonald, W. J. Hilliard and J. M. McClymonds. three Centreville young men," attended the Symphony Orchestra concert in Butler, ami ex pressed themselves as well pleased with it. Jacob Keck, Esq., Theo. and Gertie Keck. Adam Troutman and wife. Henry Troutman ami wife, C. I). Aldinger and wife, Ferd Feigel. Anna Feigel, George Kelterer, Will Stein and Mrs. Lew Keck attended the funeral of the late Christian Troutman in Pittsburg last week. I iiiproveiiicnts Oeo. Shaffner broke ground for the new jail, Monday. Chas. Hawk of Springdale is building a dwelling honse on Second St., Insti tute Hill. Ed. W. Oesterling has broken ground for a fine new dwelling house at the corner of First and Locust streets. Walter Fleeger is building on the ad joining lot. Mrs. N. C. Core is putting up a new house on S. McKeau St.. opposite the schoolhouse. CHURCH NOTES Bishop Fowler will deliver a lecture on Abraham Lincoln in the M. E. Church, Thursdny evening, March IT. Admission 50 cents. Rev. J. Knox Montgomery of Cincin nati will lecture in the U. P. Chnreh, Tuesday evening. March 15. The sub ject will likely be "Help Somebody." Rev. Montgomery has an extensive and excellent reputation as a lecturer. No admission fee will be charged, but a collection will be lifted to defray the expenses. The Baptist congregration of Butler has extended a call to Rev. Trapp of Braddock. Rev. E. Cronenwett will preach in the English language in St. Marks Church next Sunday morning at Peters ville at 2:30 p. in. and in the Old White Church, Butler twp., in the evening. The Loyal Temperance Legion of the Institute Mill W. C. T. U. nave a very interesting entertainment on Tuesday evening, March 1. The program con Hinted of performances by the children, music and an address by Rev. <i. V . Davis. The meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs. R. (). Davis and several ladies gave talks to the children. The Legion now numbers M who have signed t he triple pledge against alcohol, tobacco and profanity. Fires. Tuesday afternoon a fire alarm was rung, the fire being in a house on West North St., owned by John J. Reiber and occupied by E. A. Eusterbrook. It was extinguished by using chemicals, with but slight damage. Shortly after H o'clock, Tuesday evening, the hay in the loft of the Kramer Bros, livery stable on East Wayne St was discovered to be burn ing," and in a few minutes the blaze was HO great that the whole south end of town was lighted. All the horses and rigs were promptly removed, and the fireman ariived and laid their lines, and squelched the flames. A large crowd- estimated at »MHK) assembled to see the fire. The building was o .vn ed by Mrs. Reihing and was badly wrecked, and the Kramer boys lost, two or three hundred dollars worth of hay and straw Last Notice. Of I/. M. Cochran assignee of D. A. Heck, Butler, Pa. Six weeks more will < the as ringnees salt-. After t'vat all merchandise remaining will be reassigned to 1). A. Heck and sold at regulai prices. Those desiring to ivail themselves of the advan tages of purchasing goods at appraisers price can do so within that time. All accounts outstanding will be left this week with Atty's. Williams & Mitchell for colection and must be settled l>efore I make my return to court. L. M. COCHRAN Assignee. GAS STOVES AND RANGES. Any of our readers needing gas stoves or gas ranges, gas fronts or any gas sav ing appliance will find it a financial sav ing to call at the store of W. H. O'Brien &. Son. on Hast Jefferson St. and get prices on the extensive line they have on exhibition. They are also agents for the celebrated Welsbach Light, of which more than 1200 were old iii Butler, last year. Deposit Your Savings by Mail. Write on a postal card to The Pitts burg Bank for Savings, No. 210 Fourth Ave. Pittsburg, for instructions how to deposit your savings by mail with that Bank. These instructions will explain that you can safely send money by mail. Do not keep your money where you get no interest, or less than 4 per cent,, which ' this bank always pays 011 time deposits. It is one of the oldest and safest Sav ings banks in Pittsburg. You can de posit one dollar at a time. Low Prices in Musical Goods Some special prices at f K. Gricb's , sale now going on. New Pianos s2<*> and up New Organs >SO and up Guitars #4 : nd up Mandolins #.V5° an< ' U P 1 Violins.. 91,50 and up • Autobarps •. $2 and up 1 There are also some second hand in struments pianos at #35 to $ 100, Or gans at #3O to 90. Harmonices and other musical instru ments at proportionately low rates. Strings of all kinds constantly in stock. No liS SOUTH .MAIN ST. New Music Liberal Offer. To introduce our new monthly pupli cation, American Popular Music, we make the following liberal offer: Send us the names of three or more perform ers on the piano or organ, and fifteen cents in money or postage, and we will mail you sixteen pages of the latest songs, two steps, etc., full sheet music arranged for piano or organ, and Ameri can Popular Music for three months. Address POPULAR MUSIC CO., Indianapolis, Ind. —Job work of all kind* done at the CJUUN OVVICK. The Butler C'o. General Hospital. J NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. The new Butler County General Hos pital building will be completed in about six weeks. Plasterers, carpen ters and painters are putting the finish ing touches on the interior of the build ing now. On the ground floor are two I hot-air furnaces, laundry room, drying ! room and cellars. On the first floor are the anaesthetic and operating ! rooms, parlor, dining room and men's ! ward. On the second floor are three private wards, the matron's room. I obstetrical ward and womana ward. On the third floor are six bed rooms, kitch en. servants dining room and a general ward. A dnm waiter runs from the celler up to the kitchen, which is in the northeast corner of the third floor. An elevator, designed principally for carry ing patients, is placed about the middle of the building. The shaft is built solidly of brick to the roof, so as to les sen the danger of fire spreading by this means. Fire extinguishers and hose will l>e placed on every floor, also toilet and bath rooms. Gas! water and elec trict fixtures are complete. The operating room is on the south side of the building, al>ont 23 feet in dimensions, and lighted by five win dows and a skylight. A wide veranda extends along the north and east sides of the building and the main entrance is at the middle of the north side. The driveway leads from the old plankroad to the west One of the most pleasing features of the hospital is the view of the surround ing Connoquenessing valley which one has from nearly every part of the build ing. When ft is completed and the grounds terraced-and gardened, it will indeed be a beautiful place in which to d : spense Christian Charity. It is an honor to our town and county and es pecially to the Hospital Association, who despite adversity and opposition, are bringing their plans to a happy, useful and creditable consummation. The association meets Monday after noon in the Y M. vJ. A. to make pre paration for the dedication. JLectitre! "Help Somebody", Hear it! The Rev. J. Knox Montgomery of Cincinatti, will deliver his popular lecture on "Helping Somebody, in the United Presbyterian church on next Tuesday evening March 15th. The lecture is given under the auspi ces of the Young Peoples Christian En deavor. Admission free. A collection will be taken to defray expenses. "Rev. J. Knox Montgomery gave his lecture, Help Somebody," here to a delighted audience. It was full of in strnction, accompanied with wit and humor, showing the speaker to be en dowed with strong, natural abilities to grasp and concentrate thought, also proving him scholarly, refined and a speaker of magnetic power, who capti vates and interests his audiences". HARVEY H. CROZIEB, Sec y Board of Education, Carmi. 111. .The State Normal School. At Slippery Rock, Pa., will oj>en for the spring term, Mar<3i 29th, 1898. Ex penses for the term of fourteen weeks will be fifty dollars, {sso). Tuition alone will be ten' dollars, ($lo). Send for a catalogue. ALBERT E. MALTBY, Principal. PUBLIC SALES March 15, 1 P. M. —At residence of S. R. McLaughlin, 1| miles south of Karns City—horses and cows, hay and straw, farming implements, etc. D. Maloney, auctioneer. —New Spring and Summer goods ar riving every day (prices much BELOW LAST YEARS PRICES,) at The Peo ples Store. Low Kates to Baltimore and Washing; ton. On Thursday, March 17, the Penn sylvania Railroad Company will run the second of its present series of low rate excursions to Baltimore and Wash ington. Special trains carrying through parlor cars and coaches will leave Pittsburg 8.00 A M. Tickets will also be good on train No. 4, leav ing Pittsburg at 8.10 P. M., carrying through sleepers to Washington. Round-trip tickets, good to return within ten days and good to stop off at Baltimore, will be sold at verv low rates. Apply to ticket agents, or Thos. E Watt, Passenger Agent, Western Dis trict, Pittsburg. —Music scholars wanted, at 128 W Wayne St. A VACANT AGENCY- A CHANCE TO HANDLE NURSERY STOCK. Give ns part or all of your time and we will guarantee proper returns. Steady, pl'-asant work with weekly pay. rip-top advantages. A valuable oppor tunity for practical pushing men. We will equip you at our expense so you can make large sales. There is money in this business. Write us now. G. A. COSTICH & CO., ROCHRSTICR, N. Y. 300 Acres. Ks'ablished 1X77. Do You Know/ That John R. Grieb is selling out to quit business. It is a fact and no fake. All goods at cost and many under cos«\ Watches, Jewelery, Clocks, Silver-ware. Spectacles. Pianos. Organs. Musical Goods, and the store fixtures are for sale, and the room for rent, with possession on April Ist. This is in time for BARGAINS, and I promise all my old as well as my new customers special bargains. Come and see me at 118 S. Main St. WALL PAPER. IX, yon ex|>ect to do any papering? We will send you free a large selection of samples from 3c* p.r roll up, all new colorings and novelties up to date. WE PAY FREIGHT. We want an agent in every town to sl-I1 011 commission from large sample book». No capital required. For sam ples or particulars, address S, WOLF 747-753 Ninth Ave N. Y. City BufLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insuraice Company Office cor. Main and Cunninghau Sts. WICK. Pr<«. MKO. K KTTKIHCII. Vlr* I'm. I L. H. UrJV > KI f, Srr'j *ml Trru. DTUECTOUH. Alfr.xl Wirk. n.'iKlorson Oliver. Or. W. Irvln. .laim-s sti'plnti»<iii.' .V. W. Hliutkutore, N. Ui ltwil, I . llowman. II I IvlhiKlur, Oci). K'l-I l-ITIT, < lifts. K.-llllUI). <Jco. lionno. John K'lviile. LOYAL MciUNKIN Agent. Mrs. Joseph Imler, of St Clairsville, Bedford Co. on Saturdry. while boiling some lard and turpentine together, was burned fatally. The fluid exploded, scattering the stuff all over the unfor tunate woman. She was burned from head to foot, the flesh dropping off in great patches. Her husband. who tried to save her, was also burned, bat not seriously. She died from her injn ries. Sheriff Martin was acquitted of the charge of murder at Wilkesßarre yesterday. The Carnegie Steel, has purchased the Carrie furnaces on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, at Ran kin station, from Messrs Fownes, and have taken possession of the plant. The consideration, while not named, is said to be close to $(>00,000, says the Pitts bnrg Post. By the acquisition of the Rankin furnaces the Carnegie Company conies into control of IT of the 30 blast ing furnaces in Allegheny county, and increases its production to 85 per cent of the total iron output of the Pitts burg district. LEGAL ADveRTISMENTS. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administiation on the estate of Harper Campbell, dee'd., late of Washington twp., Butler coi-nty, Pa. having been granted to the undersigned, all ;>ersous knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate pajment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to ELLA CAMPBELL. C. A. MORRIS. A dministrators. North Hope Pa. W. A. and F. Forquer, attorneys. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Moses Thompson Esq. dee'd,late of Centre twp Butler Co. Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for set tlement to WILLIAM ALLISON, Ex'r. Butler, Pa Painter & Murrin att'ys. farmers! IPSP st The time is here to get your harness ready. We are mak ing a full set of team harness from cood oak leather with good collars and breeching all ready to hitch to wagon for $23 00 CASH. You never saw the like—if your old ones need repairs bring them in we can do it quick for ycu. We have the very best workman and make and repair all kinds of har ness. You said you wanted a new buggy, this spring we have just what you are look ing for. We save you sio to $25 on a buggv or wagon and then you know just what you are getting, it will be just what we tell you it is No matter what you want about harness or wagon you will find it here cheaper than any where, We are the largest wholesale and retail dealers in our line in the state. Come and see. YOURS TRULV. S- B. Martincourt & CO. BUTLER, PA. S. B. Martincourt, J. M- Leighner. B. <y W. spring sewing being done in any number of households, for which nice goods are wanted. If you'll send here for samples medium to fine WASH GOODS, 8 to 35c yard. ami note what a feature we're making of prettiness, you'll be pleased —and choiceness for the money will show if we aren't sell ing at such less prices as mean advantage to your pocketbook. Included in this range are nice White Goods—and neat colored printings in great variety. New Madras in designs more effective than any yet shown— 32 inches wide 1 sc. Great collec tion —500 styles— FINE madras and novelties 20, 25, 30, 35c. —including Anderson's best — handsome goods for new shirt waists. Other lines pretty wash goods 5c to $1.25. O Quite sure that if you sent for samples new Novelty Silks, 65, 75, SSC, —and nice spring woolens 35. s°. 75 C —you'll get evidence of money's worth of special in terest. Try it—sec if you aren't agree ably surprised. Boggs & Buhl ALLEGHENY, PA. Practical Horse Shoer WILL ROBINSON, Formerly Horse Shoer at the Wick house has opene<l busi ness in a shop in the rear of the Arlington .Hotel, where he will do Horse-Shoeing in the most approved Mylc. TRACK AND ROAD HORSES A SPECIALTY. Hotel Willard. Reopened and rea ly for tlie accommoda tion of tlie traveling public. Everything First-class. MPS. MATTIE REIHING, Owner <- /1 . \ ■/" I,NL» r .'[ £(j "II (1 run lur flrnUniiir '•»*»*» i "ij Our Method of Doing Business We hope will merit your patronage. Ours is not the J only store in Butler, but we do try to make it such a place to buy your a rugs and medicine as to win your confidence and secure your patronage. Do not come to our store for cheap drugs. We don't keep them. Nothing but the best finds a place in our store and every article bearing our name is guar anteed to be just as repre sented or you can get your money back. We buy the best, sell the best, keep the best and lecommenci the best It is this meth od that has brought to our store a large and de sirable patronage. If you have never dealt at our store we would be pleased to have you call. We try to keep everything that is likely to be called for in our line, but if we should not have what you want we will frankly tell you so and will be pleased to get it fou you at the earlies possible moment. We give yoa what you want, No substi tutions permitted. Let us fill your prescriptions Respectfully, C. N. Boyd, DRUGGIST. Diamond Block, Butler, Pa. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST. Gold Fillings Painless Extraction of Teeth and Artificial Teeth without plates a specialty, Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air or Local naesthetics used. Othce over Millers grocery, east of Low ;y bouse. DR. W. P. McILROY, DENTIST Formerly known as the "Peerless Painless Extractor of Teeth." Located permanently at in East Jefferson St., Opposite Hotel Lowry, Butler. Will do dential operations of all kinds by the latest devices anil up-to-date methods. DR. J. E. FAULK, DENTIST, Painless extraction—No Gas—Crown and bridge work a specialty. Office—Room No. 1. new Bickel build iug. DR. N. M. HOOVER, 137 E. Wayne St., office hours. 10 to 12 a. m. 1 and to 3 p. m ] J. DONALDSON, " • DENTIST Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec ialty. Office oyer Miler's Shoe Store. DR. CHAS. R. B. HUNT, PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON, Eye, ear, nose and throat a specialty. 132 and 134 S. Main Street, Ralston building. WH. BROWN, • HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office 236 S. Main St., opp. P. O. Residence 315 N. McKean St. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 200 West Cunningham St. T BLACK, IJ. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. New 'froutman Building, Butler Pa. I; A. RUSSELL, M. D. j • Room 3, Bickel Block. Butler Pa Peoples Phone. No. 309. Night call 173J p F. L. McQUISTION, V» CIVII. ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Office near Court House. p M. ZIMMERMAN VII PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEON Office No. 45, S. Main 'street, over City Pharmacy. JOHN W. COULTER, fj ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Special attention given to collections and business matters. Reference: Butler J Savings Bank, or Butler County National Bank. T B. BREDIN, t) . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Main St. near Court House. AT. SCOTT, • ATTORNEY A'J LAW. Office at No. 8 South Diamond St. O 11. PIERSOL, U. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office at No. 104 East Diamond St. HII. GOUCHER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Mi cliell building. ALEX RUSSELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. * Office with Newton Black, Esq.JSouth Diamond Street. AT. BLACK, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room J.— Armory building. I M. PAINTER, TL • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office between Postoffice and Diamond NEWTON BLACK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on South Diamond Street. poULTER & BAKER, V ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Room 8., Armory buiklin 6 . WM. WALKER. CHAS. A. McELVAIN Walker & McElvain, '—OKNKHAI. DEAI.eitS IN REAL ESTATE. OIL PROPERTIES- RENTS ETC. K KTTKIIICII lit! 11. IH NO, OfP. PoHTOrriOE L C7WICKT DEAI.ERJIN Rough t Worked Lumber Of AU KINDS. Doors, Sash, Hlinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. LIME, H\IR AND PLASTER Office opposite P. & W.jDepot. BUTLER. PA, T D. L. CLEELAND, j> > Jeweler and Optician, \ \ 125 S. Main St., ) C Butler, P». > A Did You Ever Get a Real t Bargain in a Suit of Clothes? ; 1 * iiuu < A store during the month of March and we will give you A a genuine bargain as we have a > ►j lot of Men's. Boy's and Children's suits < that we are selling away down, some of ► them LESS THAN COST. We want to make < \A the month of March--usually a dull month — a ► Wa busy one and in order to do so have cut prices to { LI the quick. YOURS FOR CLOTHING, J Douthett & Graham, j [BLA^LEIWSALE| \ OF CLOTHING. ( All goods marked in black figures v I and at less than manufacturers f ? cost. All heavy weight goods \ ) have got to go to make room for C ? our new spring stock. So here ( ) they go at prices that defy com- f j petition. / C 125 Men's cheviot suits at $4 worth $8 C { 185 Men's cassimere suits at $5 50 worth sll f / 45 Men's kersey overcoats at $5 worth $lO V ✓ 38 Men's melton overcoats at $7 50 worth sls / 129 Men's satin lined overcoats at $lO worth $lB # Boy's and Children's suits at the same Low Prices. Underwear, i caps ana gloves at your own price. ) Be sure you 'attend this sale of S LOW PRICE CLOTHING > SCHAUL & NAST, j Leading Clothiers, 137 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. J I Wall Paper. I ■ We liav; just opened one of the most complete lines ever shown . f i in Butltr consisting of the latest designs and colorings selected J | > from the leading wall paper factories of the U. S. with a view of V J pleasing all both in quality and price we consider it a pleasure to ' J have you call and inspect our goods as we feel confident we can ': f please you, and the prices are as low as the lowest. IJ i Special Notice ij i We have remnants you can have at prices that will astonish yon; 5 also headquarters for Books, Stationary, etc. ( | | Ira C. Black, & Co. S M | * SUCDESSORS TO DANIEL KINCH. t MRS. J. E. ZIMMERMAN. GREAT ANNUAL OPENING OF SPRING DRESS GOODS » SILKS. Our assortment consisting of the latest colorings, weaves and designs bj far surpasses all our former exhibitions, and by reason of our excellent Eastern connec tions, we are able to offer the season's most desirable goods at prices much lower than those asked for similar goods elsewhere. We shall gladly furnish Samples for comparison upon application. Ladies' Suits, Skirt-Waists and Millinery Dep't has been thoroughly renovated and enlarged. We now have one of the largest, best lighted cloak rooms in Western Pennsylvania outside the large city stores. We have on display in our new room advance styles in Ladies' Silk waists which in clude fancy weaves, atripes and satins. Prices range from Is 50 to fy co; Lauies Suits in Coverts, Serges and Novelty cloths, from $5 00 to $25 00; Ladies' Separate Skirts in all the new weaves and colorings also, Black Satin and Mone Velvet Skirts —prices range from #1 00 to sls 00. > New Spring Millinery jfj out motto: « a l so 0|) display. Exper jn Above All In Quality, £ g Below All in Price, js icncGcl trimmers in our MiHincry department nil the year round. firs. J. E. Zimmerman. THE Butler County National Bank, Butler Penn, Capital paid in - - |i00,000.00 Surplus and Profits - f 114,647.87 Jos. llartman, President; J. V. Ritts, Vice President; C. A. IJailey. Cashier; John G. McMarlin. Ass't Cashier. > general bunking buslne trausacted. I ntcrest paid on time deposits. Mutiny loaned on approved security. We Invite you to open an account with this bank. . „ 1)1 HECTORS—Hon. Joseph llartman, Hon. W. 8. Waldron, I>r. N. M. Hoover. 11. Mc- Hweeney. K. K. Abrauis, C. I*. Collins. I. U. Smith, M-sllo I*. llu/.lott, M. I'" In eg m. W. W. 11. Larkln. John Humphry, Or. W. C. McCaiidless, lien MiuMMJth. mvl M. |WI», .1. V. HI It* Butler Savings Bank Butler, Pa. Capital - $60,000.00 Surplus and Profits - - $150,000 J OS. L PIIBVIH President J. IIKNRY TBOUTMAM Vice-President WM. CAMPBKM,, Jr Caihier LOUIS H.HTKIN Teller DIUKCTOHH—Joseph I- Purvis, J. Henry Tro'-.tman, W. I». Ilrandon. W. A. Htcln. J. H. Campbell. Th«' Butler Havings Hunk I» tln> Oldest Hanking Ilutler County (•eneral banking business transacted. Wo solicit accounts of «.ll producers, mer cbunlH. farmers and other*. All baslnes* entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. Interest paid on time deposits. 3ire'm MjH-cialitrtJ Tire*ft- winning Kducmtiom. torn CI*CULAMS ro r. DUFF .t SONS, Fifth Avenue, PITTSUVRO, I*4. For SALE. Farm for sale, near Butler, 120 acres, new bank barn, $6,000. Inquire at this ofhee. NOTICE TO TAXABLES. Appeal tor the different townships and t>oroughs will be held at the Commis sioners' office, Butler, Pa., on tlie follow ing dates: Allegheny, Venango and Parker town ships, March 28. Washington, Cherry and Marion town ship, March 30. Mercer and Slippery Rock township, Centreville and Harrisvillc April 1. Karview and Concord townships, Pe trolia, Karns City and Farview bor oughs April 4. Clay and Brady townships, Sunbury and I'ortersville boroughs, April 6. Worth, Muddycreek and Franklin townships, April 8. Butler and Centre townships, Prospect borough, April 11. Oakland and Donegal townships and Millcrstown borough, April 13. Lancaster and Conno(jueuessing town ships and Connoquenessing 'uorougli, April 15. Summit, Clearfield and Winfield town ships, April 18. Jefferson, Penn and Forward town ships and Saxonburg borough, April 20. Jackson township, Zeliinople; Har . mony and Kvans City lx>roughs, April 22. Cranl>crry and Adams townships, Mars and Valencia boroughs, April 25. Buffalo, Clinton and Middlesex town shim, April 27. First ward, Butler borough, April 29. Second wnrd, Butler borough, May 2. Third ward, liutler borough, May 4. Fourth ward, Butler borough, May 6. Fifth ward, Butler borough, May 9. Assessors are requested to be present on the day of appeal for their district. JOHN MITCHELL. HARMON SEATON. L>. 11. SUTTON. J. C. Kiskaddon, Clerk. Commissioners' Office, Butler, Pa., March 8, 1898. M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. 337 S. Main St., Butler.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers