> OQOQOOOOOOOCOO<|[i>OOOOOOOOOp< I Removal ! Sale! o You know what that means. It is bargains for you! I Our increasing business requires uiore commodious | quarters, and on the first of April we will move to { > the handsome room now occupied by J. R. Gneb y next door to our present location. We do not want to carry over any winter clothing, and have there- ( > fore reduced prices on all our 4 | Reliable J [ Clothing. \ ! The quality of the goods and the prices at which | thev are marked will clean them out quick Of < > course that means zero profits to us, but that is no , k cause of complaint to you We want the goods to go 1 before moving day comes around. Come m and get . your share of the bargains. They will not last long, < > for everything goes at . . I | Reduced < j I ! Prices! ]![ ; T. H. Burton,;; 1 ; RELIABLE CLOTHIER, j I ; I 128 S Main St., Butler Pa.! ! Assignee Sale. Having been appointed assignee for the benefit of creditors of D. A, lit-:!., ''ntler Pa., I supposed it would take at least one year to close out this ii'tunense stock, but owing to the way the goods are going out it will not ta-c more than three months more to close out the entire stock. We still hive a quantity of children's suits, ages from 4to 10 years—good heavy assimers, former prices from $4 to SX, which we will sell at what you would have to pay for satinet or shody suits, ft.75 to f 2 -5 n P er suit satinets from 50c to 11. 00. Children's and Boys' overcoats from ages 4 to 20, former price from $4 to in, now from $1 to SB. Young men s suits for ages 15 to 20 years many of them at less than half price also shirts, ties, collars, cuffs, gloves, mittens, a full line of underwear from the cheap est to the best makes—men's and boys' sweaters —cordivan jackets, men s, boys' and children's pants, children's astrachan reefers only 82.50, se'l everywhere at #4.00; Beaver and chinchilli reefers from ♦t.so to *2.00 watches, chains, rings, pins, umbrellas, trunks, valise's, hosiery, combs, brushes and a variety of notions for Christmas presents. As I expect to close out this entire stock within the next 90 days I give notice to all pei sons knowing themselves indebted to said D. A. Heck to call and settle the same at once as after Kebuar) i, 1898, the books will be left with my at torney for collection with cost and interest as the books must be settled as soon as the goods are closed out. If you wish to avail yourself of the many bargains offered, CALL SOON. L. M. Cochran, assignee. Grand Clearance Sale OF A money saving sale for economical buyers—a sale which will be talked of in OT-cn-r «-.♦ rrtK —,»» V— I* '"'* M VT ▼ou to come miles ro attend this sale—we need room and must reduce our stock and here are the low prices they will go at. i let ladies' fine dongola pat. tip shoes, regular price $ 1 50, reduced to $ .90 1 lot 1 ailies' waterproof kangaroo ca'f but. shoes regular price $1 40 reduced to .90 1 lot child's solar tip grain shoes, regular price 75c reduced to 5° I lot men's fine satin calf shoes Eng. Bals., regular price $1.50 reduced to 1.00 1 lot ladies' heel and spring heel rubbers, regular mice 35c reduced to 15 1 lot children's rubbers, regular price 25c, reduced to >° 1 lot men's all solid working shoes donble sole and te pid V, ) yV <7 ured the picture %/ 4 M would cuntam a y.rrSr*L \ 7T~IT. wo: '" 1 t,f To the healthy. \ robust woman. uiarriace means happiness, the \ supreme joy of fj|9.; motherhood and fflMnbg 1B lilK—v long, healthy life helpfulness - with the man of her choice To the woman who suffers from disease or weakness of the delicate and important or gans concerned in wifehood and mother hood wedlock means suffering and mater nity death l)r R V Pierce is an eminent and skillful specialist, for thirty years chief consultinjr physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo. N Y purine thaf time, with the assistance of a staff of ab'.t pq>s;cian- he ha- prescribed for thousands of women The institute of which he is the head is one of the «reat . f in the world. He is a regularly graduated j physician and has practiced right in one 1 place for thirty year The esteem in which j he is held bv his neiehbors is shown by the 1 fact that thev chose him for their represent ative in the National Congress. The regard in which he is held by those whom he has Heated is shown by the thousands of letters printed in Df Pierce's Common Sense Med ical Adviser, telling of the benefits derived from his treatment. Dr. Pierce is the discoverer of a wonder ful medicine for women, known as Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It cures all weakness and disease of the feminine or fanc It allays inflammation, heals ulcera tion »na spothes pain It tones the nerves Taken duriug the interesting period, it banishes the usual discomforts and makes baby's advent easy and almost painless Thousands of women have testified to its marvelous merits. An honest druggis! won't advise a substitute. , . The profit side of life is nealth The bal ance is written in the rich. red. pure blooc. 01 health Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure consll'pAtion ar-d make the blood rich and pure They never gripe. By druggists. HUMPHREYS' No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Infants* Diseaats* No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 Cures Headache. No. IO " Dyspepsia. No. 1 1 ' Delayed Periods No. 12 " Lctlchorrea No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. 15 Cures Rheumatism. No. 10 " Malaria. No. SO " Whooping Cough No. 27 " Kidney Diseases No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 77 " Colds end Grip. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price, 25c., or 5 for SI. DB. Ilt Mi'HUEvs' HOMEOPATHIC MAST-AI OP DISEASES MJLLLEO FI:EE. Hunphreya' Med. Co.. 11l William St. N. Y. MOTHER !SS; and about which such tender and holy recollections cluster as that of " MOTHER " —she who watched over our helpless infancy andguid ed our first tottering step. Yet the life of every Expectant Moth er is beset with danger and all ef fort should be made to avoid it. _ a . so assists nature Mother s _ B - the Expectant Ln Ann Mother is ena- PI I H 1111 bled to look for -111 w ■1 W ward without dread, suffering or gloomy fore bodings, to the hour when she experiences the joy of Motherhood. Its use insures safety to the lives ul bulh Mother and Child, nnH rhc is found stronger after than before confinement —in short, it "makes Childbirth natural and easy, as so many have said. Dont be persuaded to use anything but MOTHEFTS FRIEND " My wife suffered more in ten min utes with either of her other two chil dren than she did altogether with her last, having previously usei four bot tles of 'Mother's Friend.'_ It is a blessing to any one expecting to be come a MOTHER," says a customer. LIBN PERSON DALE, Carmi, Illinois. Of nrugcl.Mt* ft. SI.OO, or sent by express on receipt of price. Write for book containing testimonials and valuable information for ail Mothers, free. Ihe UraUHcitl Uegulator Co., Atlanta. <»a. oVuVais. CATARRH for a generous IOCENT BAIW* TRIAL SIZE. ■^^£ S Colfl| Ely's Cream Balm AYfEV£^l^ ennuv ns no eocaliia, Rf: / in'Trury n->r any otlifr x It is quickly Atisorbed. Gives Itciiet at once. It opens and ci«aii«t- T?, _ ' r7Vr, ",» COLD'n HEMD Heals and Protects tho raue. the Senses of Taste and h mcll. Kuti +u& %i>c.; Trial bi/.e 10c.; at l->nv_'«_'!Hts «,r i y mail. Y BROTIIEUM. 5C Warren street, New Ycrk. WE GUARANTEE TO GIVE You the purest and choicest Whiskey or Wine, sold at the price you pay else where for adulterated. We bottle direct from the Government stamped barrel, nlso have in stock large supply of quarts l»ottled at Distillery under the govern ment supervision th.it bottled by 11s we guaranty e to be :taliili)K pnri- liquors or win«* from a house tliat you .sorn«'thiiiK for noth ing avoid sui'h (U*ul«*rs If you want straiKht tfoods. Our iH»llry has Ikm'li for tin* past ytMirs to trlve you straight. unadult« r.ttC(l ppoodsat f.iir mod boit< •' prices Hence oni SU^HJSS. We Mention a Few Prices Write for complete price list. Qt. O^l. Atulrle»setr.H Hetit, "•<) >» ."•!» Hi i ir»*p<»rt run- Kye Tippecanoe Rye... M !i'» Thompson** 6 year old. 1 'iw (»M «'abinet half Malt . 2 I Ha -DfstttV .1 Rj< 90 i $$ A. ANDRIHSSEN. 188 Federal St. Allegheny, Pa. 4pvevtib id the (Jixi/ot.v TI I K CI 1 I/KN. \ N VI»I»KKSS. Tothv K»-putdlcaii V.Mers of Pennsylvania. \ A- business men and as Republicans earnestly desiring the success of enr party, assembled from all parts of the ; State, we ilwm it proper to make pnb lie expression of our views on certain matters of present political interest, and. as we believe, of the highest im- [ jiortance to the people of the Common wealth. In so tar as these views com mend themselves as wise and natriotic. i we earnestly call npon our fellow-citi | zens holding onr political faith to take such prompt, energetic and intelligent ! action as will make them effective. First- We call attention to the dis graceful condition of politics in our! State, brought about by the prodigal I expenditure of money to corrupt and j debauch the voter Its baleful influence \ has been made painfully prominent in recent years in the election and control j of delegates to onr party conventions, j ' in the nomination and election of mem j bers of the General Assembly and their t ' recent election of United States Sena | ' tor. The result has been that, instead of j the party conventions representing th»- : frte will of the party, the} - have sue j ' cessfnlly defeated it. and public ofii i cials, nominated and elected to faith j fully serve the Commonwealth, have, j ! immediately upon taking their oath of ; oftice. apparently interpreted that oath to mean fealty tc an individual leader and the dispenser of political patron age, and have become meekly submis sive to his orders The dispassionate observer of the i>o litical situation is forced to admit with j ' humiliation that the Republican party j ' of onr State is now dominated, control led and used for the political and tinan ' cial aggrandizement of one man and those whom he has chosen to partici pate in the spoils Second A large majority of the members of the General Assembly of < 1897 were nominated and elected by questionable methods, the chief end in view being the election of a United States Senator in accordance with the dominating influence in State politics, but the corrupt bargain carried with it the absolute control of legislation for ] all purposes. It was not an nnusnal , thing during the session of last year for the citizens of the Commonwealth to witness the humilating spectacle of ] their representatives wasting days and < weeks, and neglecting public business. | because of the delays of their chief, in giving them instructions as to what he wished them to do. i It is not difficult, therefore, to fix the the responsibility for the last Legisla ture. both as to what it did and what ' it failed to do It may be profitable to « make reference to the record made by ( the last General Assembly. In the organization of both branches of the Legislature they permitted no member or Senator to have a place upon , anv important committee who had the ' courage to differ from the majority in nis views as to the person who should t»e elected United States Senator So numerous were the places that had been promised for the support of their candidate that they padded the payroll with so-called officials without the an thoritv of any law. and appropriations for payment of sm-h officials only failed of becoming laws by the interposition of the Executive veto. In order to protect the State Treasurer for snTh payment, which they recogniz ed as illegal, a bond was given toindem nify that officer against personal loss from such illegal payment. The history of this transaction is recent and fresh in th* minds of the people. They sought to take from the public treasury thousands of dollars for pre tended expenses, for services upon pre tended investigating committees, of which the Lexow Committee is a noto rions example, and for junketing trins of the membei's, and failed only by reason of the interposition of the Executive. At a time of the most serious business depression and the resultant falling off of the public revenues they appropriat e I during the last two sessions more than $1,000,000 for purposes either un lawful or useless, which appropriations fortunately met executive disapproval. For the purpose of creating new of fices and to extend the power of patron age they passed what is known as "the mercantile tax bill," imposing burdens upon and crippling almost every busi ness interest in the Commonwealth, al ready overtaxed, and but for the Execu tive veto this bill would have become a law. For the ptirjiose of punishing the Mayor of Philadelphia, whom they could not control, they passed what is known as the Becker bill, which, had it been suffered to become a law. would have destroyed many of the most im portant features of the charter govern ing that city, and as is well known, was universally disapproved by the people to be affected. To afford great opportunity to make appropriations for useless and unlawful purposes a serious attempt was made to cut down the appropriations for our public schools to the extent 0f51,000,000 which failed of passing only because of public sentiment raised against it from every part of the State. They failed to obey the mandate of the Constitution requiring them to make legislative and Congsessional ap portionments. Under a pretense of reform a law was passed, with the intent of satisfying Dis people, requiring the depositories of public funds to pay interest, bnt they were careful to omit from the provisions of the bill the million or more of dollars at all times in the sinking fund. Numerous bills were introduced for the nieie purpose of extorting large sums of money from the corporate and other interests of the State as jthe price of preventing their passage. To satisfy public demand an investigation of the Treasury was ordered, but the commit tee appointed was so constituted that instead of investigation their plain ef fort was to conceal, and no questioning was permitted to be propounded by any member except such as had been pre pared in advance and where it wa« known th;it the answers would do no harm The foregoing reference to the work of the last Legislature is abundantly sufficient to indicate the character of the members and influence by which they were controlled. The redeeming feature of that Legis lature was the firm and uncompromis ing stand taken by that lxjdy of legisla tors known a» "the seventy-six. who did all that possibly could be done to protect the taxpayers of the State from the flood of proposed corrupt legislation and who therefore deserve the recogni tion and gratitude of all the people of the Commonwealth So insolent and shameless have those in power become that they have dared in some instanes to recommend for ap 1 tointment to Federal office liieinl ers of the last Legislature as a vindication of their wrong-doing, in disregard and de fiance of the moral sentiment of the people of th<.i State. Third In view of the foregoing state uieut of facts, we consider it of the tit most importance that the next Govern, or of the Stat.! »h:i 11 be a man of the highest character and integrity, rep resentative of the best type of Repnbfi carism, and one whom the people of the Commonwealth can depend ui>on to protect them, should occasion arise, against vicious legislation, and especi ally against the evident purpose of the machine to pass at the next session of the Legislature the expense bills of the investigating and junketing committees already referred to. which are justly disapproved by the present Executive. Fourth All the members of the Lower House of the General Assembly and one-half of the members of the Sen ate are to be elected this year. One of the most important duties imposed up on that lxidy will be the election of a United States Senator, and for the good name of tha Commonwealth, our last experience of this character, with the General Assembly of IHO7, should not be repeated. Especially is this true, since it is com monly understood that the present senior Senator from Pennsylvania de sires to lie his own successor; for we believe that he, moro than any other , man, is responsible for the present cor- j rucption of politics in our State. Furthermore, whenever it has suited his purpose, or it become necessary to defeat a member uf his own party with whem he was not in accord, he has had no hesitation in bargaining with the Democratic party and agreeing that the patronage of the office shall be divided with that party in consider* on of such support, A notable instance of this ! character was the coalition made in I*W> which resulted in the defeat of | the regular Republican candidate for Sheriff in Philadelphia county and very ' recently he sought t'> make tiie sam»- sort of bargain foi the oftice of Receiver of Taxes in which he failed without any fault of his Fifth Against the continuance of the system, we have undertaken to describe we enter our solemn protest, and call upon all citizens who believe thr.t the ballot should IK- free and nntrammeled: that the political affairs of the Com monwealth, should be managed in the interest of all her citizens: and that the surest guarantee of good government is the election of honest and independ ent men to public office, to attend the primary elections and see to it that such representatives are sent to our conven tions, and such members to our General Assembly as cannot be corrupted either by the use of money or by the promise ( i" appointment to political oftice. In making this appeal to the Republi can voters of Pennsylvania we have felt it to be our duty as citizens of a grea f Commonwealth, King neither office-holders nor office seekt-rs. to di rect the attention of the Republican party to the existence of a .-ystein most vicious in character and inimical not only to the interests of all our people t«. dav, but which if continued will ulti mately be dustructive of the Republi can party and of the Government itself. The remedy is with the people, tin op portunity is here, and if all lie publicans will exercise the power given to them by the use of the ballot success is cer tain. Resolved. That in futherance of this determination the President. \ ice Presi dent and Secretary this day chosen be and are hereby continued for the year. Resolved, That the President is au thorized to appoint an executive com mittee of nine members, who shall as sume control of and shall conduct the ensuing campaign. Sciatica and lumbago readily yield to Salvation < >il A few applications will produce the desired result. Try it "2"i ets. Judge Thornell of district court at Councils Bluffs, la., decided the state law taxing collateral inheritance to be unconstitutional. Every man. woman and child who has once tried that specific, Dr Bull's Cough Syrup, cannot say enough in its praise. An expert on boys says yon may give the ayerage boy a doughnut to divide with another boy and the other hoy will get the hole. Give him a dose of corrective njedicine to divide with an other boy, and the other boy will get the whole. Thin and impure blood is made rich and healthful by taking Hood's Sarsap arilla. The pen with which Lincoln signed thti proclamation freeing the slaver lias been presented to the New York Press Club. New Jersey Grape Juice Sent to Europe, Mr. Speer of New Jersey has a repu tation extending over the world as be ing a reliable producer of Oporto Grape Juice and Port Wine. His Oporto Juice and Port Wine are ordered by families in Dresden, London and Paris for their superior medicinal virtues, and blood making quality, owing to the iron contained in the soil in which the vines grow. Ex Gov. John P. St. John has been roundly scored for signing a whisky petition at Olathe, Kan. "La, me!" exclaimed the honest old maid from the country as she gazed at an undraped statue of a mythological nymph, I don't wonder so many di voi ces are obtained on statuary grounds.'' SB,OOO in gold was taken from a piece of land ten feet square in Yukon teiri tory recently. HOOD'S PILL 9 cure Liver Ills, Bil iousness, Indigestion, Headache. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c Dr. F. H. Booth will shortly estab lish a number of hospitals in Alaska. There are no indications of an early settlement of the New England cloth mill strike. Sick stomach means sick man (or woman.) Why not be well? Sick stoaiich co:uos from poor food poor nourishment; means poor health, poor comfort. Shaker Digestive Cord ial means health and a well stomach. If we could examine onr stomach we would understand why it is that so lit tie will put it out of order. But. unless we are doctors, we never see onr stomach We only feel it. We would feel it less if we took Shaker Di gestive Cordial. Shaker Digestive Cordial makes your stomach digest all the nourishing food you eat, relieves all your symptoms of indigestion, acts as a tonic and soon makes yon well and strong again. The more yon take, the less you will feel of your stomach At druggist?. A trial bottle 10 ets. An engineer on a Southern railway had an accident to his engine on his way north from New Orleans. He sent the following telegram to his mas ter mechanic: "Mr. Pew: I've busted a flew On 222, What shall I do'; A. J. Tew." Mr. Pew, the master mechanic, saw the sunny side of it and tried his own hand, with this result: "Mr. Tew: Plug the flue On *222. Bring :12 On through, as you Knew yon should do. C. H. Pew." Annie Shipski, aged 7 years, was kill el by a trolley car at Trenton, N. J. A member of the Kentucky Legisla ture has introduced a bill making it un lawful "to fire or discharge at random any deadly weapon, whether said wea- I>on be loaded or unloaded.' This is pretty good; but it is no more laugh able than some laws that have been placed on the Statute-Books of states lunch nearer home than Kentucky. Aunt RacliiteFs Ititters. The undeniable fact that these bitters are composed in the main of Speer's Wine, with Peruvian Bark. Snake Root etc.. analyzed and recommended to in valids and the Medical Profession, by the best ('bemists in the United States cannot fail, in inspiring confidence in the use of these Malarial Bitters. "< >f all horrible feelings." says the Philosopher, "nothing can compare with the dismay of the fair girl who, discovers an incipient boil on her nose within a week of her wedding day.' RHEUMATISM CURED IN* DAY. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its action upon the system i- remarkable and mysterious, it removes at once the causes and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Kedic, ar.d J. 1-. Bnlph Druggists Butler M'r <^6 WMSiffia* Fr.r alt TiiLl'ii"; and N Envoi." 3 d H USI | MB CLGOD rm.L give HEALTH* action to the enure sys'.em. ■ ■®® Curo DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, CONST IP ATI OK and PIMPLES. 8 Make Your Own # R h Dry Weather £ Such .1 tiling as having wet Wi WA feet never happens to the L WJ r 4 Ll [€ Box Calfs or Enamels WA I lere is a fine, stric'ly hand made, double sole, English WA 91 last. B..xCalf. M Enamel for only " WA ' /« These shoes not only will keep your feet dry and WA WA warm,, the also give you an up-to-date appearance —its yA WA economy to own a pair UA. RUFF H |& SON. HUSELTON'S IN BOOTS and SHOES. Tliere will he lively shoe selling in this house for some tinie to come. We have taken the balance of several of our tine lines —sixes are somewhat broken—and marked them down to About 50c on tile Dollar! .TT \ M isses' Shoes. mostly narrow width-; A, B and C. , . r cl r\ i i a small, narrow feet will have a rare .One lot of fine Dongola, plain toe, treat spring anil heel, former price $i.25,51.50 1 and *.'.00, now 75c an 1 J1 .00—sires One lot of Ladies' Lace Shoes, former ,i 1/ price 25 and #2.00; now 75c and SI.OO. Children's, same slvle, ton, re- t One lot of Ladies'soft Dongola shoes, duced to 50c and 75c. S: s 6 t > H, button anu turns, plain and tip, former and =;oc. price *4.00 and ¥4.50; now £1.50 and _. . ... , *2.00. One Lot Women s ... , D .. . 0 , ~ T .1 1 r \\ omen s Ruobers at ibe, 20c and 25c. Heavy Leather Shoes—former price * J 1.25; now 75c. Wool Boots and Stockings. Men 5 and Boys Shoes. Men's Wool Boots and Rubbers at One lot of Cult hand-made Congress *1.35 and $2. 00. Shoes, former price $3.00; new $1.50. Men's Kubber Shoes, good at 50c. Sizes 6 l<> S. We have buckle and storm arctics at 75c Hoys' Shoes at 75c and SI.OO. Sizes 1 and SI.OO. Rubber Hoots, all kinds you tos'i. mav ask for. Tell us what \ou want. Ladies' Shoes. We have it. One lot fine Dongola, lace and but- Winter goods-warm lined Shoes ton, former price *2, co, *3.00 and 54 00; an ; Silverware, 1847 Rodger Bros. Plateware and Sterling Silver^ \ Goods. \ Our Repair Department takes i:i all kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, etc 122 S. Main St. Old L'old and silver taken the same as cash. [i High Grade ' f A *A CLOTHING-K ecping always before us the kij fact that our success depends upon your satis faction, we work constantly lor the better — W\ 4 better in quality—better in workmanship— m better in fit. If thats the kind of clothing you're after V COME TO US—there's no question about J prices, they're the lowest in the county. § Douthett & Graham Penn'a. 1122 S. Main St D. T- Pape. 122 S. Main St. Y THE LEADING MILLINtRY HOUSE Or BUTLER CO. J|[ Grand Clearance Sale ;!; Ap ALL HOLIDAY GOODS , V7r AND WINTER MILLINERY. I Ml LWM CM. Toilet boxes. B I i OUR MISTAKE YOUR GAIN. V I L Ke« tn< :». flovi rv. 1:. ■ .■i. -. « ; v - I ■*. i>.n one .It »torv » ill cm vln<"e you that j i it *lll |»;»>* you will to ttteiul this sale. I j" Mourning Bonnets. Hats. Veils, etc. j < > ALWAYS ON HAND. < > WHILE YOU AHE WAITING For your proscription don't fail (clock . over our line of perfumes, we have re- / f ! t -y ceived some very fine ones lately, an<; ! /\ will be pleased to have you examine \Ye also have a vertr la.;*e assortm n. === — of tooth brushes made expressly for u> O Q wl". li l>ear our stamp. these brushes we guirantee and request the return of t. m -;y thit prove unsatisfactory " fMkjfticr I You may need something for your /A r ~ r rhapped hands anil face, and if so we ffff recommend Cvdonittm Cream as a fine . toilet preparation. ~~~ HEDICK& GROHMANN DRUGGISTS. I'EOPLES PHONE. 114 IJIJTLEK I'A The Encouragement we Received From BUTLER and adjo ning Counties from our last n.onths < ft'er, in duces us to again offer this decanter, fil!«\l \ itli the best California wine With Every Order of $5.00 IP And Over. V : 'f( Your selection from the follow- Cr " ing, or send in a $3.00 order for any of our liquors. —7/' j I Silver Age Rye $1,50 per quart, $6 per jjallon. Duquesne Rye f 1,25 per quart, *5 per gallon ~ i Bear Creek Rye ) Yjgl,>? Guckenheimer Rye . , ■§ i,.\ Gibson $1 per quart, 6 V :&V\ Finch Ils1 ls - for *5 00. /.& i M>A Overholt ' '* We will continue to pay ex- rj igfe ' 'trfi press charges on all orders of $5.00 and over. C. O. D. ' ' ' "ff charges are expensive, and you can save by remitting us the ' f *? cmount either by registered -y mail, certified check or draft— Send us your address and we will mail you oui catalogue and price list free. r\AX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors, 82 FEDERAL ST-. ALLEGHENY, PA. THE NEW YORK Weekly TRIBUNE. THE GREAT FOR V—•* National Family OF Wall Paper. , Choicest patterns are left. vVc want to quit the busi ness. Bargains at a 5 to i rate —AT— DOUGLASS' 241 S. Main St. Butler. Pa. Advertise in tbo Citizen, ; Practical Horse Shoer [WILL ROBINSON. Formerly II rsj Sliot-r at the Wic» 1 i'lurc lias opened Vusi ntss in a shop in th» rear of the Arlington Hotel, where he will do Horse-Shoeing in the most a]>provetl style. TRACK AND ROAD HORSES A SPECIALTY. BUTLER COUNTY dutual Fir£ Insuraice Company ! Office cor. Main ami Cunßingliaii Sts. It It'K Prr» WKO. KKTTEBKR. Vlrr PrM. L. S *rJt >KIV Xfr'f *ml Tr»*« I»TKE< TORS. I Alfred \\ irk. Henderson Oliver. i>r VV Irvln. Junior Stephenson. V. W Hi AC kmore. N. Weittel. V. 1 low man. M.J. KllnsW. (ieo. Kellert-r. ( lias. Uet.liun. 'ieo. Kcnno. John Koenic. LOYAL McJUWKIN Agent.