THE Entered at I'. O. at Butler as <1 class matte WILLIAM 0. NEGLF.Y - - Publisher THURSDAY, FKBRCARV 24. 'S9 8 - ANNOUNCEMENTS. Subject to Republican Primary— Tuesday, March 22nd—1 to . P M. FOR CONGRESS. .(One to nominate.) DR. J- »• BHOWALTER, of Millerstown l>oro FOR ASSEMBLY. (Two to nominate.) M n. McBRIDE, of Millerstown tx>ro. JOHN DINDINGER.of Zelienopl-\ JAMF> N. MOOKE. of Butler. A. M. CHR IST LEV, of Butler. NELSON H. THOMPSON, of Brady twp. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. (One to nominate.) JOHN W. COULTER, of Butler, LEVI M. WISE, of Butler. JACOB M. PAINTER, of Butler. FOR DELEGATE TO THE STATE CONVENTION. (Three to Elect.) NEWTON BLACK, of Butler. DR. ELDER CRAWFORD, of Cranberry twp. I JAMES C. McCLYMONDS, of Muddycreek. JOHN T. KELLY, of Butler. MATTHEW N. GREER, of Buffalo twp. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. (One to nominate.) FRANK E. McQL'ISTION, of Butler. NOTE—The Return Judß«-s will meet in Butler ou Wednesday, March 23d, at 1 P. M. Some More Questions. WEST SUNBURY PA. Now that the Poor House matter is settled will it not be well for the people to turn their attention to the question of honest and decent State government, lest they find themselves all in an alms house with Quay dispensing their rations. Since no opposition is announced against Mr. Showalter for the Jontrres sion;tl nomination he has again consent ed to talk for the benefit of Quay, and takes up the note favorable to Quay men for Governor. It is surprising how great men can talk when Quay mesmerizes them. They have no experience in self-gov ernment by the people—that inalienable right which John Adams and Thos. Jefferson alluded to in the Declaration of Independence. But old chaps like them could not fish and legislate and appoint Post Masters at Cross Roads at the same tame: and their sayings have passed into oblivion before the march of the modern practical politics of Quay and his school of statesmen. But we have a legislature to choose and if they are to represent us let us know where they stand. If they are to represent Quay why not dispense with the unnecessary expense of an election and let Quay appoint them. Ask them these questions. Ist, Are you in favor of the reelection of M. S. Quay to the U. S. Senate; 2nd, Are you in favor of reckless ap propriations and padded pay rolls? Brd, Are you in favor of the creation of expensive and fraudulent investigating committees, to travel over the State for the sole purpose of reforming Quays political opponents, and encourag ing more reckless and shameful acts among his supporters? 4th, Are you in favor of bleeding cor porations for large sums of cash and using it to control primary elections in the interest of one man or any set of men? sth, Are you in favor of the Legisla ture acting in the interest of the people or should they first consult Quay ? 6th, Are you in favor of the Legisla ture passing bills to pay the Lexow Committee, and large sums for extras in thp hnildinsr of the new State o*ni -7th, Should the Legislature pass ap portionment bills as commanded bv the Constitution or must they adjourn and waste time and consult Quay in Flor ida? Bth, Do you want real reform or do you favor Quay's kind of Sham reform? And last but not least—The candi dates for Delegates should also be made to uncover themselves for if they are not right they will be very useful to Quay in adopting a platform that means . nothing. N. Q. M. Prospect Schools. ED. CITIZEN:—PIease give us space for a short report of our schools for the fifth month, ending Feb. 15th. Room No. 1. Harry Shaffer, Thomas Critchlow, Willie Ralston, Robert Critchlow, Clurg Ralston, Raymond Weigle Willie Milleman, Roy Stamm, Clarence Milleman, Harry Badger, Harry Newman, Harry Hamilton, Lewis Stamm, Lewis Weigle, Harry Milleman. Clara Badger, Gail Mc- Cleary, Bessie McLure, Emma Hen shaw, Dora Stamm, May Roth, Helen McQowan, Mabel Dunn, and Marian Thompson missed no days; Bain For resier, John Roxberry, Stewart Wehr, Walter Lepley, Geo. Beighley, Belle Lepley, Lois Roth and Lois Wehr mis sed a few days on account of sickness. MRS. L. K. LEPLEY . Teacher. Room No. 2. Geo. Heyl, Clayton Critchlow, Frank Shaffer, Roscoe Critchlow, Howard Critchlow, Newt Johnson, Milton Langharst, Mabel Henshaw, Blanche Kelly, Willa Mc- Connell, Lydia Langharst, Sophia Langharst, Florence Stamm. Martha Barr, Blanche Newman and Blanche Forrester missed no days: Robert Gross man, Jas Richardson, Walter Shaffer, Russell Heyl, Mossie Roxberry, Newt Riddle, Lois Lepley Florence Harvey, Clare Forrester, Helen Dunn and Edna Hays, one day ; Mont Dunn, Geo. Shaf fer, Hugh Weigle, John Waddell, Perry Alexander, Hazel Richardson and Anna Shanor, two days: Ned Barr and Lulu Heyl, three days; Geo. Stoughton, Henry Lepley, Felicia Mor row and Mary Ralston, four days; Blair McLure and Bennie Lepley, six days; Willis Ruby, eight days Visitors: Frances Dodds, Hattie Bowers, Eva Roth, Clyde Shanor, F. P. Critchlow. Jauies McGowan, Mrs. Jas. Ralston. Ed. Waddell, C. P. Johnson, Oscar Shaffer and Supt. Cheeseman and son Roy. NOTES. We are all glad to see Jessie Thomp son back to school. The school board for next year: G. H. Warren, F. B. Forrester, Adam Webber, A. M. Shaffer, O. W. Stough ton and N. S. Grossman. Good offici als] Blanche's sore hand has gotten entire ly well. We haven't heard the scholars wish ing that school was done. Thanks scholars. Some of our boys and girls will try the examination for diplomas, March 26th. We extend our thanks to parents, directors and everybody else for their support, as we can see the effect ou the schools. . A sensible idea—to commence the * schools early in the fall. George Preston Stonghton's birth day is Feb. 22. but he says he is no twin of George Washington's. Coming, when we get out of debt, a school library and seven months of school at $ $ ¥ $ $ per month. We return our thanks to the visitors for their kind words of encouragement. The little girls of the primary room are much interested in their fine plants and flowers. Ross and Walter try to keep th«! place, but is is hard work. Boys, don't snowball passers by. G. P. wT Teacher i The Wreck of the Maine. Lieutenant Blanilin of the Mains give# the following account of the loss of the ship to a reporter: "1 was on watch and When the men had been piped below I looked down the main hatches and over the side of the ship. Everything was absolutely normal. I walked aft to the quarter deck behind the rear turret, as is allow ed after 8 o'clock in the evening, and sat down on the port side, where 1 re mained for a "few minutes Then, for some reason, I cannot explain to my self now. I moved to the starboard side and sat down there. I was feeling a bit glum, and in fact, was so quiet that Lieut. J. Hood came up and asked laughingly if I was asleep. I said, 'No I am on watch.' Scarcely had I spoken when there came a dull, sullen roar. Would to God that I could blot out the sound and the scenes that followed. Them came a sharp explosion—some say numerous detonations. I remember only one. It seemed to me that the sound came from the Port side forward. Then oop until I left, the last man it was possible to reach having been saved. It must have been three quarters of an hour or more however, from the amount of work done. "I remember the officers and men worked together lowering the boats, and that the gig took some time to low er, I did not notice the rain of debris described bv Lieutenant Blandin or others who were on deck at the time of the first explosion, but I did observe the explosion of the fixed amunition. and wonder that more men were not hurt thereby. "Without going beyond the limits of what was proper in the harbor of a friendly power, I always maintain pre cautions against attack, and the quar ter watch was ordered to have ammuni tion for the smaller guns ready to hand so that in the improbable event of an at tack on the ship it would have been found ready. It was this ammunition which exploded as the beat reached it." Fnirvicw Facts. The two week's revival in the M. E. Churh, conducted by Rev. Dunkle, wound up iast week, with an earnest effort to revive souls. The Presbyterians started their pro tracted meetings last Sunday evening, conducted by Rev. W. L. McClure.who ha* arranged with Rev. Hulings to as sist him in the work. We expect a pros perous time. All are invited. Clem Young, a worthy son uf Hugh Young, was home a few days last week, the tirwt time in over a year. Ilis home is in W. Va. Win. Varner was made to rejoice on Saturday }»• the addition of a pair of large twi» l*/v» tfl his family. POLITICAL A dispatch from New Brighton da ted last Saturday, said that "George Davidson has this evening been announ ced as candidate for congress on the Republican ticket in the Twenty fifth congressional district. He is a brother of the late James J Davidson, con gresamen-elect from this district whose death occured in Arizona on the eve of his being sworn into office. Representative Sturtevant. of the Erie Crawford district, has notified his con stituents that he will not be a candida te for renomination. A Sil prise Party at Ssivonlnirg. Esq. J. D. Wilson was taken very much by surprise last Wednesday even ing, when a number of his friends and neighbors assembled quietly at tin* residence of L. A. Helmbold, and from there proceeded to the home of Mr. Wilson and took posession of his house. Mrs. Wilson had retired for the night, and the squire was down town, quietly sitting in his office when one of the gentlemtn disturbed his serenity by informing him that he was urgently wanted at his home. To say he was sur prised would be putting it mild and as the Squire verv aptly put it in a few well chosen words of welcome, that he was almost speechless with surprise and pleasure, and it must be a very great surprise indeed which con id deprive him of speech, which was responded to by Mr. J. E. Muder. Jr. and Prof E E Graham. Mr. Muder said the party was for the purpose of shewing the high esteem and honor with which Mr. Wilson and family are held by their friends and neighbors. Mr. Graham also made some remarks very appropriate for the occasion. The guests amused themselves by pleasant conversations playing different games, and listening to the Graplia phone. at 11 o'clock an elegant supper was served by the ladies, consisting ol the best the market affords. They all departed for home at a late hour, well pleased with the pleasure of the even ing and the reception tendered them by Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. Those pres ent were Dr. Mid Mrs. W. W. Lasher. Mr. and Mrs. A. J.Knoer, Mr and Mrs, Jack Ebert, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gra ham and sou, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stueb gen and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Helmbold, son and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schroth and son. Mr and Mrs. Chas. Mulholland, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. John Krumpe, and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Muder Jr. ONK WHO WAS THERE- Sa\oiil»urg. Miss Leah Horn bus returned from a few weeks visit in Pittsburg and Tar enlanj. Services in English will be held 111 the German Evangelical Lutheran chnrch next Sunday evening. Saxonburg appears to have taken great interest in the "Maine' disaster. Saxonburg voted against the poor house by 47 votes the vote being 11 for and 58 against same. Mrs. Laura Mulholland has removed her milliner shop from her father s htorc to her residence across the street. Elmer "the bold" was in town a few days ago, selling plo .vs. Mr. Jos. McKee of East Brady was in town last week. The schoolars of our public schools are making great progress mule* tht instruction of their respective teachers. The "Hardly Able" oil Co. struck a small well on the J. G. Lensner farm near Jefferson Centre. Mr Rol>ert Brown and family have taken up their residence in the house on Pittsburg Aye. lately vacated by Dave Sterling. A fine gold pen and holder will be awarded as a prize to the scholar of room 2 making the highest average on last monthly examination of thp term "Messers. H. C. Lensner and EmU Neubert are the newly elected school directors. Chas. Rothweiler and family while out driving a few days ago were upset, they all escaped with no serious injur ies. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. and child are doing wpl). Room 1, of our schools g9VP a shqrt entertainment last Friday afternoon consisting of songs recitations etc. they all did very well doing themselves and their teacher credit. Jacob Neher one of Saxonbarg's old est residents died last week and was interred in the Saxonburg cemetery. Mr. Neher was buried with the hon ors of the knights of Pythias Lodge of which the diceased was a member. Hill School Franklin T\vj» Xo. 4. EDR- CITIZEN: —Please publish fol lowing items concerning this school: This school is situated on the Franklin road, three miles north of Prospect, QII a healthy and delightful prominence, which commands a grand view of Muddycreek and the valley through which this lazy stream winds its way. and from the reports, it will not be long until one may look down and see the locomotive pulling its burden across the fertile meadows. The school is easy of aooesij and the attendance has been very good. The fifth month ended Feb, 10, and the following pupils mis sed no days: Ella Cooper, Lillian Allen, Bessie Al len, Ford Allen, Hershel Allen. W. Carl Allen. Eddie Hilliard, Harry Hill iard and Willis Hilliaid. Visitors are always welcome. The directors and parents have our thanks for their hearty support, and we ask a continuance. Our new board will be L. 13. fclhnn non, Jas. Cratty, Thomas Dodds, J. W. Stephenson, Stewart Wilson and John Wigton. CLARA LEPLEY. Teachei. ltocky lCim. Be it known that Arthur McKibben and Charles Thompson have be -n on the sick list but are convalescent. The Rocky Run literary society has beed closed, also the poorhouse ques tion. Charles Morrison was relieved of some corn by parties not known, one night recently. Mr. Hay. the well known trapi>er has relieved the run of some of its i>ole pussies. T. A. Bartley was a spectator at the big fire in Pittsburg. Young fellows vhen they go to see their best girl, had better tie their hors es better and they wont have to ride horse-back home. W. W. Sefton is building a new house also Charles Morrison. Quite a lot of timber has been cut and hauled to the R. R. of this place. A well on the Thompson farm is nearing completion, hope it will be a gusher. Mr. Sam McCall haa his hand badly cut while unloading R. R. ties at this place one day recently. Dave Sefton has entered into a con tract with Uncle Sam to supply us with a dailv mail. C. A. Royal makes the food pure, wholesome tod delicious. mi *AkiHO POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKJNQ POwDCH CO.. NEW VOMI DEATH*? PROSSER At his home in Butler Feb. 18, 189H, Major Charles Prosser. in his 88th vear. Mr. Prosser came to Bntler from 1 Huntingdon connty. this State abont the year ltWi. He was a tailor by trade ( and at one time had a shot) where the i present jail now stands. From here he j removed to Centreville this connty j where he was postmaster for a number of years From there he removed back to Bntler some fifteen years ago. His wife was a Miss Brink er raised at Bonnie Brook this connty, and was a sister to the late Mrs. James McGlaughlin. the late Mrs. Jacob Zieg ler the late Mrs. William Riehey, the late Mrs. Adam Henry and the late Col. Jacob Brinker all long since de ceased. His son Abraham B. Prosser is living in the West and was unable to be present at the funeral. Oneof his daughters, single one. died here but a short time ago. The other is Mrs. Sam uel M Robison of Parkers Landing, well and favorably known to our peo ple. He was buried with military hon ors on Sunday last, having been a mem ber of the 103 Regiment JPh. \ 01. late war. CALDWELL—At his home in this j place. Feb. 21, IS'.IM. Mr. William ] Caldwell aged 77 years. Before coming to Bntler Mr. Cald well lived in Bntler twp. south of town for piany years. He was the fathir of John B Caldwell of Jefferson twp and leaves a widow living on Institute Hill. He was an industrious honest and peace able citizen, respected by all who knew him. His funeral took place on Wed nesday last his remains being followed to the grave by a large circle of friends and relatives Ten children survive him. John B. of Jefferson twp., Samual H. of New Castle, W. H. and Jos. P. of Pittsburg, Mrs. Mamie Croup; Miss Alice; Mrs. Belle Beatty and Mrs. An nie Biehl of Allegheny. Mrs. Laura Eckman of Butler and Mrs. Martha Noah of Pittsburg. McMILLIN —At her home in New Castle. Feb. 19, 1898, Mrs McMillin widow of Wm. McMillin, and moth er of Joseph P. McMillin of Middle sex twp. O'DONNELL-At his home in Clear field twp. Feb. 1898 James O'Don nell aged about 59 years. Mr. O'Donnell was a brother of Chas. O'Donnell who died four years ago. HARKLESS At his home in Butler Feb. 22, 1898, Win. Hartless saged 39 years. iIA()EE At hi-i home in Muddycreek twp., Feb. 8, 189K, George Magee. aged 82 years. The remains were interred in the U. P. cemetery at Portersville. OBITUARY NOTES Frances E. Willard, leader of the Wo man's Christian Temperance Union,died in New York City, Friday morning, Feb. 18, 1898. She was born ip New York in 1839, Besides hbr temperance work, she was a world wide traveler and successful author, one book, "Glimpses of Fifty Years" has a circulation of 100,000 copies. To the Republicans of liiitlci* County. In view of the fact that the Primary election is to be held on the 22d ot March, that at that time among other things, two candidates are to be put in nomination for Assembly being neigh bors of Nelson H. Thompson, Esq., and farmers, must respectfully appeal to the business Men of the county— espec ially the farmers to rally to the sup port of Mr. Thompson, as a candidate for Assembly at the approaching Pri maries. For many years he has been one of our most active, intelligent and success ful farmers. He is in every wav well qualified to assist in taking care of the interests of the farmer. We harbor no prejudices against other professions, we sustain and trnst them liberally, but at the sauie tiuip we feel in a cqunty having people the farming industry should have at least one representative in the Legisla tive departiiient of the State govern ment. As Mr. Thompson is the only rep resentative of this industry offered as a candidate, we appeal the more earnest ly for his nomination, which will be cuuivalunt to his election. Tseli« .ur. inompson to Marrisburg, as your representative, and we un qualifiedly assure yon your interests will be taken care qf with intelligence and integrity. T. S. Beatty, J. M. McNees, J. bj- Grossman,l. C. McNees, Nickolas Weit.- zel. E. C. Snyder. Conrad Snyder, M, D. Fair. Jona. Glutton, Wm. J. Sager, J. F. Wimer. F- L. Castor. William J- Martin, 13- C. Thompson, A. V. Gross man, D. L. Snyder, Z. H. Snyder, O. S. Bell, Thomas McCurdy, S. F. Grier. Joseph D. Mechling, W. J. Stoner, J. Milton Thompson, E. C. Webb, J. H. Boosel, Eli Patterson, Jefferson Allen, C. W. Wick. Ross J. Conn, W. L. Christlfy, James L. Wilson, I Earnest Wimer. John Fahen. W. S. Snyder, Marion McCurdy. Josiah Bell. William Shaffer, Carey Shaffer, W. C. MoCaslin. A. L- Snyder. Frederick Witzel, James MoOaslin. William H Stine 1 W. Moore, W. M. Moore. T. B. McClvmonds, L. S. Bell, J S. Bad ger, F. W. Wimer, J. P. McDeavitt, Geo. F. Dilliuian, W. A. Hines J. W. Boyd, W. E. Weigle, W. F. McDeavitt, L. J. McQnistion. J. B. Laughner. L. H. Lilly. J. W. McDeavitt, Henry Dil liman. Geo. Weitze', S. W. Moore, W. D. Hague, John H. McDeavitt, John Alben. Joseph Ban-on. Win. Dickson, R. B. Grossman, W. M. Staff, W. C. Stonjrhton, Seth Sftyder, G. S. Snyder, E. T. Snyder, A. C. Snyder, Samuel Moore, R. N. Dickey, Win. F. Jack. James M. Dunn, R. F. Glenn, (J. F. Mnrphy, J. G. McClvmonds, and Robt. Barron THE Court of Inquiry in the Maine affair is now in session in Havana A contract for raising the Maine has been awarded by the government. THE creditors of Win. M. Singerly and the defunct Chestnut Street Ntl. Bank will receive 20 per cent of their claims. WE republish (on our 4th page) the earnest and truthful address of the Bus iness Men's League, to the Republicans of the state, adopted at their late meet ing in Philadelphia. It should be read by every . Repnbli can in the state. Read it and judge for yourself whefher the words are those of honest men or otherwise. BETTER IN EVERY WAY Always Troubled With Nervous ness — Now Cured. MAHANOY CITY, PA. " I have been troubled with i.ei'vousuess and kidney difficulty. Have tai:en ilood'a Sarsapa rilla, and I am now feeling better in every way. lam stronger and have a good ap petite, and 1 sleep well at night. I have BO inuch confidence in Hood's Sarsapa rilla that I am glad to recommend it." Mas. ELIZA HAWKINS, 1110 E. Centre St. Hnnd's pilic ,lir '' Llve F " ,s: •'»*>' to I' wvvi a i .1 3 take, easy to operate. 2jw:. L.C. WICK, DHALER^IN Rough t Worked Lumber OF AJ,I. KINDS. Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. LIME, HVIR AND PLASTER Office opposite P. & W. Depot. BUTLER. PA, & < D. L. CLEELAND, > ) Jeweler and Optician, \ N 125 S. Main St., S ( Butler, Pa. p # V Financial Statement of sut= ler County for 1897. Statement ot* Tax Iteceived anil l>u«" tor IKlNiaml l*r«*\ inns. WSTUIOT. ('( »LI.F.('TOU. = - il \ % % Butler .... - Mllchael Ibilford I*s7 * ■> iCi r ? 4 ~ 111 s i Mudilycrvek. . . n ... .11 Lattm .. .. *' ' 30 :»■> 7 *>l oi :i| 41 Situ bury boro. santuel Hunt 1.1'.w 1"> 1- *0 Clinton tirp John IliUlcad. HB.I 3B .V> 21 I 1.1 I .Is j Clay U ICw# «-l 711 117» (ISO Cherry And McMurniy. 2.14 .*2 235 12 4i> 47 t learßeld II II I»ulfy " I>T 4« 17U 50 9(H 4 Marion A J liiljrhrlst... - " 22 01 1" *'2 02 3.17 Venango Wm Stalker . 114 6.1 10rt i*. .» fil 2 Washington Harmon Seaton " :ir>9 24 300 1.1 7* .is 7.*> 14 71 Win Held \ Kreclinic . :U1 I*l (B |H Kl 55 2# Butler lolin Younklns 4*V* !*. 440 10 *£l 16 .-,70 Harmony Kred Wetijle ... " ti I».I uO9 Saxonbunr ( has Itaabe .. " 62 3.1 31S 312.... • Sun bury I* I* Itrowu li;i 57 >4l lo> m Adams twp Koht .1 Con ley MM »is .Is 740 S3 :f. »• 41 "0 244 Allegheny I.lMilford. 294 *1 20" 41 12 (« 417.-, ItutTalo Sam Westerman. nto *1 009 01 «. 7.-, llutlcr Oconto Bauer.. " ;i.» 47 2513 OS i."> 42 Brady.... Tlios S Beatty . " *2 :ci 75 Kl 400 j'.y» Clinton lohn llalstead... " «2 20 Wl.i 3 11 ... ('lav lilt Conn " 22U 77 IHB 4.1 9 i*. 2| :a; .... C entre l» C Miller " r> 02 l» M « 17. Clearfield II II I>uffy 2:17 71 ls.l >4 . 42 42 Cherry Sam I. Nelson •• 170 si I*7 Concord Clias Campbell .., " 5 (V, SOS Donegal 1011 n Kit/.ert " - 1:1 7.10!' 3s> t> 411 Forward G.l Marburger. " !«) 20 tl* 2* 3 .">9 1* ;c; Full-view I ,| MoUarvey " 2 S2 2 ** l'rankliu Cha* Miiekey " .V 42 0* ."►! 1 26 91 3 Blj Jefferson W J Cooper 1 " 245 22 219 01 11 96 14 a*> Jackson lohn A r.ichert " 1(H n; 95 23 505 4 ill —.. Marion J.imiw Uilglirlst.. " 424 I" :CIO 54 |7 :t!' 20 Oil Vl OH Mercer Wm Johnston.... ** 250 2> Midddlesex S C Trimble " )1* *7 100 00 730 4? 57 31; no Muddycreek Itobt II Kennedy. " a; 7«.« 20 5* I:« 4ss .... Oakland Peter Wbitmire.. 377 54 340 00 12 (SI :(0 :)6 ■ 5 45 I'arker Geo J Kepler... » .%»> 07 450 ti"i ai 44 21 id 2g ti"> 1 Summit John W Baidauf. " IMS .Mi 170 91 (too s t js I Slippery Kock. . J I.Cooper " iliL' 4(> ICJO 40 :(t 75 7 2!l 302 Venango Wm Stalker " 7101 41*4 2a l SB 97 Washington Harper Campbell •• 453 71 354 00 |s ici «7 !I9 13 09 Win Held A Freeling " 04 00 3i; ill 27 isl Worth Win II Fisor 340 27 127 7s 17 ai 4 23 Kutler Ixiro John Younklns.. " 3441 7* 3154 II lmi "1 11.. 7s ... i;, Centreville 1" I, Forester " 42> 45 pi| Kl 21 15 547 Evans City I» W /.eigier " ll.t 37 99 SI 555 13 s9 .... Fairvlew Wm Gibson 3( 31 13 39 70 ai Harmony Fred Weigle I " 44 40 44 4'.i Harrisvflle losepli Few '* 59 7*. .So tM '2 *5 299 Karris City GeoEMtlgll.. 11l 20 13 50 71 5 0* MillerstOWl|.. TII KvhilS " 419 31 :s*l (i.5 at 0* 17 53 Mars ' J W 100 74 s* t'Kl 4 (1« 7 42 ... Fetrolla F M Fritz " 58 10 3 30 52 *0 I'ortersviile Vlonzo Henshew. ** 102 10 95 45 .1 lilt 1 i;s Prospect CF Newman 25 n7 111 4* 1 ti 4 s(l' Saxonburg ( has Kaabe 3SB 5* 387 25 pi ;ci Suubury 1' F Brown .. ... " i:t2 70 *1 34 4 42, 13 32, 1«! Total ' * 315055 at gw till i lilts WijP ■: n M gL~< |5 si 1: -1 Il«'«-t4»rs' Aocomit for I KJ)7. AJhiu7"~ Allegheiiv UiiiiiMtJolb "I lft">7 (B, 047 71 13 atj :WI «* I,.tin llurl.i-eii 1715 4s! i:tsl 51 *ti SC, 277 :C1 Butler Fli IV.-uv.- .... " | lii'.t* iil| *l3 X 59 11 *25 NI Brady " *73 Ki; Hl».» 25 44 07 219 91 Clinton MIC Ri.1.11.- ...' " 1597 01 1197 03 7(1 (W Kl 31 ( lav iKoU-rt ('.lllll ... " FSS7 421 911 211 lil 3* :i*4 NI (Viitn* .1 I) Smitli ... " 12:17 41. 1022 .*o| 07 (13 . . . t4(l 9* Cli-actirM KJK.-un.slv " 992 2ti| 014 01 j 45 fts 333 90 Cl.Try II I. Kuswll . i:{*> 2*! *(>4 (M; 50 (CI; 415 (it C-..nn..'.Ui.i{t.s*jiiir . John Braiiiiun !l 1471 24 ia>7 |:.j .* 90} I*. 21 I mnln'rry Kii-seMcr. " 1*57 7* !4:ii **j C..n.i.nt.. ll.Jwrt Ailam- ... " 1217 001 **9 91 M 77 270» U.uegal •KWWuKIIMII " 1224 73 7*S 71 49 *9l 3*o 13 K">rwiir.l I;.h, Mi.rl.iirji. r 210* 07 1017 51 110 12 3*o 41 Kairv i.*\. I J ('. 1... 1.1 11 J " 1333 *> 1017 35 03 Ml.. 25214 Franklin 1 " 1317 00 Hss *7! 07 lr. a« 03 1 s)l llnrr. • ■ " 1702 35 IMI2 47 94 10 315 7* Jarksoti Alt >ll, kl. v " 9m* 25 1071 Oil 112 50! 982 75 I-.iiiast.r.,, 2s.niu.-l lkirilev " 1424 35 ISO OOj 92 45 11 *4l Mini..ii Vuiulik.- " 1093 4.3 *7O 12 01 71 101 tig Merrer I J M.Carvev " (W2 .>• 335 Mi 38 05 21**. Mi.1.11.-sex . .K o|H.'.n ... " :CI7I 70 305.5 3*j 208 7ll| S2 53 Mii.Mvi r. ek. Cmnt Jones " 1004 70 *22 001 53 47 I*B 29 Oi.klaii.l I'eier Wliitmir.'. . . " 144.". 02 1330 00 *5 92 29 70 I'arker .I.wpli Wallv " 1213 9* 1015 00 (CI *7 135 11 I' (iyurfp-K llav. ... •• 1917 X 9 1779 49' 109 95 2* 45 ... . siipi«-rv ll.« k. II IV.Mini •• 107(190 1254 241 *5 97 330 «5 Simiinit .1 W llil.lauf •• hail ill 1104 35 03 ai 0117 3(1 Venango If BS(:t|kur.... .... " 1000 :fii 5(15 40 37 72'. 4(»3 Un Awtlll '• 1590 1.7 ISlll 32 79 75 394 00 Wlntl.-M J M I'rulksliunk- ... " tWO 50 131* 24 90 10 IB 22 Worth VH IW " 1:10*2: 1097 :e 74 (ill 190 ai Bntler bun. John S .la.-k " 142*1 X'i 101*5 51' 773 93 ;CBI ** (etitreville 1" F.n-ester " 901 **j *54 00 t 04 .5: 43 13; EvaimCitv (ieorge ltip|M.r " 1141 .Vl' S*o 3" 01 93 199 90 Fail-view . A C ( " 900 99 I*4 50 13 81 2*o Harm..lll Fnsl Weigh- " SSS 49 400 00! :»> 331 15*10 Ilarrisviile J s l'ngli " 700 .14 57* IB 4.* 12 74 at KarnnCUv Fnink Bahi.itt ** llki 40 *7 o*l 0 5(1 II 22, M iilenrtoivn I J Donahue " 910(15 721 311 00 9B 129 os' Man* ... . «e.. II Stewart " 567 IB 43 00 3HO 521 31 IVtn.Ha F M Frit/. "I ail 4* 199 94 15 00 40 54 I'orten.ville \ llenshew •' 310 05 155 75 13 01! *1 29, I'nw|ie.t CF Newman " , .50.5:17 42:1 7*: :*» 29 51 30 SAxniil.nrg J E Me«ler " 070 39 5«0 :M| 4.5 29 70 74 Sunl.nrv I' I'Brown " SB 52 205 45 14 03 1 \ 43 (M Valen.-ia Win HnlTlnan " 129(15 101 IKi! li 99 .... 30 97 Zeliehople Will Allen " 1131 17 941 001 li* (10 IS 17 oMafMM|ri#|,| ; Cai»|i..r Felil.. | - 261 03 201 12| 16 88j | 43 06| | 1 'JSM. I . #«SO7 :Mfs4oK> «8!*1775 30 s3l 35*14314 *9 # '« Levy And Assessment of Tax For IH»7. *9% I ? . i 3= 2 g. £ 3 i 3 (D ; sd Hip? DISTRICT. COLLECT4)R. So H S M T » ' II X . Allegheny James Jolly $ 1108 67 $ 1038 ■">oro J S Pew 713 8-1 252 30 448 04 13 50 Prospect boro C F Newman 515 87 287 41 217 96 10 50 Petrolia boro FM Fritz 274 98 147 00 114 48 13 50 Portersville Ixirp A Henshaw 258 30 192 65 57 40 825 Valepcia boro Wm Hoffman 134 90 ?3 66 .>5 !(9 5 25 Fairview boro A 0 Gibson 215 24' 151 14 49 85 14 25 Mars boro Geo B Stewart 583 68 318 ;>0: 249 43 15 7.) Saxonbnrg boro .1 E Meeder | 710 14 392 36 284 03, 33 75 Sunbnry boro P P Brown 267 02 212 04 50 48 tSO Zelienople boro :Wm Allen j 1149 92- 708 50 422 67j 18 75 Total I '575932 41 *56918 64*15388 72'*3625 05 I>og Tax IS*.M> and Previous. '•< i > i 13!3 ?l?l «.? I 2 ! 3 3 5 - - 5 DISTRICT. COLLKCTOUS. ~ - i 3 =g I E &S Cleartleld twp II 11 Duffy 1*94 » K5 S4 f 79 Kl J 4 43» 15* i. Slippt-rv Hir» 181 1M• —• • Washington 11 St'alon i .>4 Ilutli'r boro .Tolin Vounkjps |siy» 21 44 }9 S7 Jin 4> s Harmony Vr«'(l Woisple Sa\i»itl>uri( Charles Kauhc ti IK t» Mi -Vi Adamn twp K J Con Icy IHOB 125 .V.I 4 !«» tfci A lh'jrlit'iiv I.IMI I ford " 4fi Zi 40 12 211 «00 HntTstlo S \Wstorman " 88 .VI TTi 42 .'1 II 2j» 4<3 Clinton John llalstead " 4 Clav KB Conn ** 17 Cleartleld If 11 Duffy *>l7 40 no 211 4 72. 13 34 Cherry S L Nelson " 7.V 2.» 37 1 rt 04 4 .»4 W J Fleteher " "»4 (»7 4."> 00 240 11 si Donegal lohn Kitzert " 40 !''• 38 13 201 3HI Forward (ieo J Marburger " Franklin c Maekey I * iW ltl 44 ttT> 230 12 15 Jefferson WM Cooper n j 17 44 873 4 Jackson John A Elehert " , 31 51 25 iio l :c» 450 Marlon .fames (iilghrist .... " 54 m 2.100 127 17323 W M«*reer Wm Johnston. 0 15 5 00 25 Middlesex SC Trimble 31 33 20 7*ii 1 57 Miiddyereek Rlt Kennedy 20 no 12 59 675 Oakland I'eter Whitmire " ;13 3n 20 50 155 2 !i*> I'arker Geo J Kepler 2fi 17 17 mi its 750 Slippery Fl. Cooper 04 62 50 25 312 225 Venango Win Stalker " 22 14 13 20 mi !KI 15s Washington II Campbell ** 102 I*l si 00 427 30 25 2 sti Wosth Wf.l IMsor " 45 25 :t"» :C! 1«3 750 Win tie l»I 007 21 00 024 Centreville F L Forrester ** 11 55 in 07 58 Evans City D M Zeigler " 20 8s 14 H5 7s 525 Fairvlew Win lilbson *' 15 11 12 85 0s 15s Harmony F Weigle " 5 50 5 56 Harrisville .is I'ew " 12 52 son 47 315 Karus City t; E Medlll " 13 50 in 00 V» 225 Millerstown Ceo II Evans " 20 13 10 27 Ni 3 <» Prospect. C F Newman— . '* .. 43 ... . 43 Petrolia F M Frits •* 22.501 15 32 > 09 Saxonburg (Varies Kaabe.. . . " 29 21 13 41 71 15 no Sunhury pp BTOtTU " € 60j 428 22. IflM T..(111s '?1579 >liia»- !»l -- 71 ill* 13 37 I noi'Utctl I/ln/1 Account Tnr IftOi. — £ • r, n W •11 H 1 1 . ROAD. POOR. I I ■ i \ i | *g { % DISTRICT. J, _ t Z a. Z t 21 a. S H >||%Sl = | 2 $ i * ? Hp ■? h i : . | : J AHCKUCIIV Fao »•">♦ :W S9# 22 2 fix 2* 42 25 2S 28 42 25 2* 48317 32 21 »5| Connoqneneadmti 15 #29 10 ' 9 :RI, 75! 10 85 Clt-artieM 29 50 :ts «(• :« 47 2 13, 55 87 54 6 C> 131 17 22 972 17 22 972 Concord :.i... 270 ........ 8 58' BSW 515 278 .' 793 1 4«! 179 140 179 t'ranl>erry , 94 94 151 15 Forward 11 70 11 70 1. t 1 Fairview 2W> 22 50 522 22 50 522 15 43 1 45 1(1 88 848 259 H43 259 Jefferson 47 47 43 43 43 43 Marion 12 OS 1198 119s 11 02 11 02 499 462 961 Middlesex 1 1 207 207 Mnddycreek 4 12 4 12 81 81 Parker 45 43 02 151 44 53 37 Sf* 1 18 8? 88 1 10 11 *>4 31 11 95 Penn 19 87 19 87 1 20 44 20 44 ! 578 573 Summit ; i 115 115 Donegal 5 If. 17 4S «| 40 17 4» 'J 411 42 11 22 710 4 54. 578 60 578 60 Oakland 18 09 300 IS oil 21 09 403 905 18 08 Washington 21 62 30 25 30 25 14 74 14 741 22 12| 22 12 Worth 630 680 ; 1 .">0 150 157 157 Winfield 25 :»(• 25 30 25 30 #7 46 157 46 ' 843 843 Venango 126 27 49 210 ' 29 59 336 336 . ...... 42 42 Bntler lK>ro 1 f7. > > S3 M O !C a = 5 % s 0 S » ~. c - o its 5 t t *1 *3 5 5 ° ® g a £. 5 .zl M S- 2 o. * DISTRICTS. COLLECTORS ~ £ I § % * 2- ?• i * k. •• V t » C • • oro j 95 189 4.Y 329 07j 336 ' T0ta1..... . . fITD 51 *>•->•: 86189 Do'*W6 73 s73<» 62 *29 57 $730 19 » ! WAIIREX AM) DIXMOXT HOSPITAL Printing— ' AIVOt'NT. Herald JSSS 04 ) Eagle 313 47 , —— —J - Times 34 00 ~ 3 5 CITIZEN 141 35 • 5 Z. a it 13 .*iu ) «< •< z MlUerst4)wn llcruUl .sa VtiO W» ) distbk'T. ' ? 2 V i«»» r c lU'v'isltT and Recorder ltw 10 ") • ! ? Koad Ihimuirt' 110(H) i , Stt'iiogntulici i ; Mi«MAd»nndley. HM ' . . ...» .... Miss Maud Kelly 13 .10 » ♦>! i 1 a,, i s • Ti£ * * Ed. ltlddle I."KW V>— 1405 00 AlleirluMiy H ••••••;• }* trj Stationary and Duckets 1661 IH ' lirady 261 .»•» .«•» .•<• J. !'", r - .«! .V- vTT <■! account 134 50 t ll»t«>n M 4 I.> 20 814 00 w «• st I'enn Hospital SV> 90 • ''ii"<"l lag 00 00 Ota.. ...i Wi-rnersville Hiispltnl S» 71 I .'"'"f 1 , 1 , 1 w .-•« Warren Hospital 1300 SI 1 ranklin : Tinst iv. t . .. , Lancaster— rt."» 1«» .VJ 16 . 1.1 00 p sj. ' Mercer. . .W6M I*2 M (V 00 Ml » f,'174(5! ' I* 1 '"" , l ;'' ;2' '-V r? U ; VI J<"t" fr'lmltner .IM 00- M 0 00 ' ( ' ;lk , Ulu '- ,'L' •'! l!i vl Transcribleg account— I barker t0& 70 •••",: ,na ' •" .„ L. E. SUlra l» . I' orward H4 00 01 -.. , - Miss Sadie Bell 74 00 summit.. -.4 00 _.l _.. .. ~i .■> Miss 1.. Seaton «»- TtC 00 i Washington.. 401 00 ... | 4,11 00 Refunding account 145 «l ► .»-!'- I*2 " "«#•*> I'nseated land 740 04 i\i. A' , Ti; T.-' -- Bridge account new work Muildj. reek 110 < ..... —. " Mordocai bridge. Forward twp 100 00 \ cnang" . . . .*>.,. Canton Bridge Co.. super- Butler .. .(. 1.0 .* >' •« J" structure Payne bridge. Karus City— ;>7» -"0 Muddycreek twp *17.100 Mars boro— 1(K ... Masonry fiirVaVhe bridge .>7 2H fairview . 1> -•> is -• _ Making All for approach. 40 00 rap *1 Millerstown. Is- 1.1 |I - i x „ 1(r | lr tdge. TVii^tiuUl Marlon "• **• • l «0- «•» 00 Agricultural Association 100 00 Holder bridge. Butler ,w l»-- Kid": 'SSS M * County Institute. 300 oo Hr|djs« rtp4lrs 7H Tax received from collectors for IM»6 . Births and deaths 170 17 and previous ? 1:1072 66 llnilt r house account 1096 j* Tax received from collectors for I*l*7 .">4OKf» VJ • t'onimisslotiers* counsel Tax received on unseated land 730 62 | ('oniuionwealth account 47W 13 Ketvived from insane hospital ac- Constablesreturns ® J coial 2.">44 I'M i ounty IX'tective's account 710 00 mount received fnuu County i'om -1 < >ti rt Crier's account... 462 00 miss toil ere Ix6l."» 6t | k Court Iluust 1 account. 20:17 *7 Amount received from Jury fees < ounty Auditors 12 from SherllT Ikxlds |7«» 7J3 j I ounty uc<*ouut 21112 '.W mount received ftv>m tinvs. . •• U7 U0 1 Clerk of Courts «'lctW of Counts tines fios 73 Joseph Criswell *2 Clerk <»f of Courts Jury fees.. 6li s4 17H 57 Isaac Meals SSI HO — KM »C! . Retail liquor licens«» 313 50 Commissioners' account I Amount received from funds— 771# 49 .Toliti 'Htchell «|OOO .V Amount iu treasury. Jan. 4 I*l*7 16072 V) li«-rtiiJii seaton io7 s ' 00 A mount of state ta." received.. . 113.11 88 I) n satt HI 1070 01'- .10 ( >miiiissionere* Clerk 622 00 $115042 6y | iMMiict Attorney. 467 00 Deli wring ballots.. . W4# TREASCHEB 8 CREDITS. I'ostage ami expri*ssage. 'f l ity vouches redeemed $ 72743 13 Kiection account ... 6131 «»2 Trmjuirary lo#n pal<| itjnttt tfi 1 I niitnst account. 212 14 C;,«,h state treasurer....'.....'..: I.»1.V» Ml I mlexini; ai'coum . fwj w Treasurer's JHT cent on state tax 1"»2 SH | Interest account 3.V» 00 Treasurer's a per cent, for collecting pau|>ers «"4s 67 county tax on unseatinl land s I^. Jail account SW 44 Treasurer's 3'fc per ccut. Oil ®So.tloo .... 17"»0 00 ! - Jail I'hysiciau 7."» Treasurer's l'i per cent, on $35,74S 67 V7* 34 C'yrus Harper in Account witlj Lunacy account. 317 Kl Ik % #t»r ' i Liverv hire 146 r>R ; Notary I'ubllc. 400 To reserve of ®OO from 188 ft 300 00 I i'rothonoturv H< :l To amount collected for I*l*l S*l j . Pennsylvania Iteforni Scli.s.l "U* 42 To ariH.unt collected for 1«C lyll 40 I'ennsylvanln Ind. llefornialory IT 7i I iliiltary r011.... ill SM3O 4- I CREDITS. By warrants for damage to sheep IXSO 25 By overpaid tax refunded 2K 00 Treasurer's 5 per rent, on sl34* 85..... 67 41 Reserve for I*l* 200 00 j Treasurer's 5 per cent. on £1.704 76 H.S 'l4 Balance turned to Co. Treasurer 1619 ."»2 SiEJO 42 Total amount of warrants paid .~..sHs7£i 13 ASSETS OF BUTLER COUNTY. Amount of rush in treasury .. $ 11670 78 Amount due from collectors for I*N6 and previous .. .. 3iW 99 Amount due from collectors for 1H97. 14314 X 9 Amount due front townships on un seated land l3s 00 , Commissioner's notes 293 03 $31210 69 We, the under signed Auditors of But -1 ler county, state of Pennsylvania, do 1 certify that in pursuance of law we met 1 at the court house on the 3d day of Jan -1 uary, ls'.tH, and audited the several ac counts of Butler county. We do certify that the foregoing is a correct state ment of said accounts according to the best of our knowledge and belief. In witness whereof, we haye hereto set our hands and seals this 18th day of February, 1898. W. S. MOORE. [SEAL] F. P. McBRIDE, [SEAL] O. R. THORNE, (SEAL| County Auditors We, the undersigned Commissioners of Butler county, do herebv certify that . the foregoing statements contain a just and true exhibit of the receipts and ex penditures of Butler counly for the year 185)7, as we truly believe. Witness our hands and this 12th day of February. 1898. JOHN MITCHELL, [SEAL] n. G. SEATON, [SEAL] D. H. SUTTON, [SEAL] County Commissioners J. C. KISKADDON, Clerk B * A R BARGAINS • A I N S Are Not All Gone We have a lot of Monarch shirts made of Garners per cales former price $1.50 now going ar 75c 33 l-3per cent Off on all winter underwear ai:d lots of broken sizes going at one-half price, We Still Have a few of those $5, $4, and $3 hats in the Dollar Sale. We Have About five dozen fine wool top shirts in Hlack and Brown shades, worth $2, and $2.50, we are offering them at tut. Come in and tell us what you need and see if we can not supply you. COLBERT & DALE, 242 S. MAIN ST BUTLER. FA, C. SELIGMAN & SON, - TAILORS. No. 416 W. Jefferson St, Butler, Pa. A Hue of latest Foreign and Domestic Suitings al ways In stock. Ml. !Hyio and Work uuinsiiip guaranteed to give satisfaction. PRICES REASONABLE. EfES EXAliHbi) KHSK 'J* CHAKGE R L Hirkpitrlck, Optician and Jewelei Next to Court House Butler, Late Graduate L-i Port II arolot;ical institute RR WOOL TO SELL WRITE TO W. F. RUMBERGER, Care A. Troutman's Soiii. BUTLER. PA GOOD FARM FOR SALE. The Ford farm in Donegal twp., near Millerstowu is for sale. \? contain* about 150 acres, is well watered and In good condition For terms inquire at his office L. 5. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Estate Agent 117 E.JEFFERSON ST., BUTLER, - PA M. C. WAGNER. ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER, 139 South Main street. Over Shau] & Nast's Cl'thloj Store Subscribe lor the C'tiit*#