I Removal , [ Sale! I! You know what that means. It is bargains for yon! Our increasing business requires more commodious quarters, and on the first of April we will move to i > the handsome room now occupied by J. R. Grieb, next door to our present location. We do not want | to carry over any winter clothing, and have there- { > fore reduced prices on all our | Reliable ]!| Clothing. . ![[ The quality of the goods and the prices at which they are marked will clean them out quick Of { ► course that means zero profits to us, but that is no >, cause of complaint to you. We want the goods to go i befote moving day comes around. Come in anil get ( r your share of the bargains. They will not last long, for everything goes at Reduced Prices! H. Burton, • > RELIABLE CLOTHIER, II 128 S Main St., Butler Pa.![! »000000000000000000000000< MRS. J. E. ZIMMERMAN. a great mark-down SALE OF Cloak j and Suits for Women and Children BEGINS HEBE THIS WEEK Trv to think of the greatest bargain you ever knew of in Cloaks and Suits then Imagine getting one twice as great, a nd still yon would not be getting as grea a bargain as any of the following:— Ladies' $5.00 Beaver and Boucle Jackets $2 9 s Ladies' *S.oo Beaver and Boucle Jackets 4 00 Ladies' f 10.00 Kersey Silk-lined Jackets 5 00 Ladies' #12.50 Kersey Silk-lined Jackets b 2 5 Ladies' 9 15.00 Kersev Silk-lined Jackets 7 5° Ladies' Black Kersey Capes 1 59 Ladies' B'ack. Kersey $5.00 Capes 3 50 Ladies' Black SIO.OO Boucle Capes 0 5° Ladies' $5.00 Plush Capes 3 00 Ladies' $8.50 Plush Capes 5 00 Misses' $5.00 Winter Jackets 2 9° Misses fH.oo Winter Jackets 4 00 Children's Winter Jackets reduced one half Ladies' #IO.OO Serge and Novelty Suits * 6 75 Ladies' $15.00 Serge and Novelty Suits 10 00 One lot of $12.50 Serge Suits for ° 00 OUR MOTTO: Above all-in Quality, Below all in Price. Also great reductions in Blankets, lUannels, Plain and Novelty IJress Goods, Millinery, Silk Waists, Lace Curtains and Portiers, Separate Skirts, t nderwear and Hosiery. Standard fashion sheet mailed free on request. rirs. J. E. Zimmerman. Assignee Sale. Having been appointed assignee for the benefit of creditors of D. A, Heck, Butler Pa., I supposed it would take at least one year to close out this immense stuck, l>ut owing to the way the gorvds are going out it will not take more than three months more to close out the enti-e stock. We still have a quantity of children's suits, ages from 4 to 10 years— good heavy cassimers, former prices from $4 to #B, which we will sell at what you would have to pay for satinet or shody suits, #1.75 to #2 50 per suit satinets from 50c to #I.OO. Children's and Boys'overcoats from ages 4to 20, former price from *4 to sl2, now from #1 to #B. Young men's suits for ages 15 to 20 years many of them at less than half price also shirts, ties, collars, cuffs, gloves, mittens, a full line of underwear from the cheap est to the best makes—men's and boys' sweaters —cordivan jackets, men s, boys'and children's pants, children's astrachan reefers only *2.50, sell every where at #4.00; Beaver and chinchilli reefers from $1.50 to $2.00 watches, chains, rings, pins, umbrellas, trunks, valise's, hosiery, cotnbs, brushes and a variety of notions for Christmas presents. As X expect to close out this entire stock within the next 90 days I give notice to all pei sons knowing themselves indebted to said D. A. Heck to call and settle the same at once as after Febuarj I, 1898, the books will be left with my at torney for collection with cost and interest as the books must be settled as soon as the goods are closed out. If you wish to avail yourself of the many bargains offered, CALL SOON. L. M. Cochran, assignee. err- : • When You : Lay Out Money ! [ be sure that you are getting the real !; !; No. 2 Road Buggy. value of the price you pay. j, ; Fredoniaßuggies running and worth | ______ V every penny they J > | 1 Your dealer sella them. cost you. ]! !| TUB FRBDONIft MFG. CO., Younftetown, Ohio. > I WE] I Must | < Have ) $ CASH \ 1-5 off | ) -ON ALL' s Suits, s S WEDDING SUITS > ) A SPECIALTY. ( ) Call Early. <(ooper& Co] \ CORNER DIAMOND. 7 BUTLER, PA. We All Know that the slovenly dressed man never receives the respect and consideration the well dressed mail gets. One secret in dres sing well lies in the selection of the right tailor. our garments are cut and made in cur own workshop in this city. We are particular about the fit. fashion and all the minute details in their construction. Would be pleased to show you a product of our shop and also give you a pointer in econ omy. fall patterns now displayed ALAND, MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHES fRUIIER GRt'ASE BCST IN TUB WORLD. ItowearinjjqualltieiareunirurpamuMl, actually MtlaatiDK two boxoa of any other braull. He say* "O, it amounts to nothing I shall be all right to-morrow.'' But he isn't all right to morrow: nor the next day Pretty soon the trap.snaps to; and he has seme serious disease fastened on him. The only sensible course is to k"ep away from the trap, and not allow sickness to pet any hold on you. It is a frichtful mistake to trifle with indigestion and bilious troub les in the belief that they will cure them selves. On the contrary they drag the whole System down with them. When the appetite and digestion are ir regular it shews that the machinery of the body is out of order and is not doing its proper work: the blood-circulation is poorlv supplied and is being gradually debased by bilious poi«ons. The proper alterative for this condition is Pr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It acts directly upon the digestive functions and the liver; and enables the blood mak ing glands to supply an abundance of pure blood, rich with tile nutritious vital ele ments which build up healthy flesh and enduring strength In all impoverished and run down condi tions the Discovery" is far better than malt " extracts" or nauseating " emul sions." It creates genuine permanent strength. It does not make flabby fat but solid muscle. It is a perfect tonic for cor pulent people. A full account of its properties and mar velous effects in many so-called " hopeless " cases, verified by the patients' own sig natures, is given in one chapter of Doctor Pierce's thousand - page illustrated book "The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser." This splendid volume will be sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay mailing-cost only■ Address. Dr. R V. Pierce. 663 Main Street. UufTalo, X. Y. For a cloth-bound copy send 31 stamps. " Having suffered for several years with indi gestion. " writes Samuel Walker. Ksq. of Parkes- Cnrj*. Chester County. I"a " I cnncliid«- book in better binding SO ct«3. HCSPHRKT9'MKD. CO., Cor. William A John BU.,Nr« York NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No. 28, in use over-40 years, the only successful remedy. $1 per vial,or 5 vials and large vial powder.for $S Sold by Drugglata, or sent postpaid on receipt of t>rice. HUMPH RK IS' 31!. D. CO., Cor. ffllliani & lobnStft., New Yori. Baby Mine! scribable dread B Becoming a H mother should be P| a source of joy ' suffering and danger of the ordeal make its anticipation one of misery. MOTHER'S FRIEND is the remedy which relieves women of the great pain and suf fering incident to maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman's severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is re moved by its use. Those who use this remedy are 110 longer de spondent or gloomy; nervousness nausea and other distressing con ditions are avoided, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so com mon to the critical hour are "bbviated by the use of Mother's Friend. It is a blessing to woman. 51.00 PiSRBOTTLE atall Drugstores, or Bent by express on receipt of price. BOOKS Containing invaluable information of cdcc interest to all women, will be sent rnCt to any B I six months' trial, that | Dr. Scott's j 1 ELECTRIC j Hair Brush j will do all we claim for it send it ) ( back and your money ( !; will be refunded. You j ji can buy the number J ! one size for HfejK'M \ j One W Dollar. | j I It Is Guaranteed to Cure j ) Nervous Headache in five minutes! \ i Bilious Headache in five minutes I ) !> Neuralgia in five minutes ! i Dandruff and diseases of the scalp! > i Prevents falling hair and baldness! \ i| Hakes the hair long and glossy ! j II For sale at Dry Goods stores and Druggists [ ' or sent on approval, postpaid, on receipt j ' )f price and ten cents for postage. 1 Onr b.mk. •• TltK DOCTOH'S STORY." trut frtt oi> J • • • i 1 IClrrlric licit n. $3, s:>, and $lO. El metric Corset*. $* \ ,i £2, and $3. Electric Flesh Hrunhr*. $. t i Electric Safety Razors, &2 Electric I'la-ter.- c/ Electric liutoles, GO eta. Elastic TrttMm x, $3. ) ]> GEO. A. SCOTT, 842 Broadway, N. V. ( 1 hlnk of «>1 »f :t 111 ititr piin* <»r winr from a house that otTVrs vou soim-t liirm for noth ing avoid such is if you want straight goods. Our policy lias Ihm ii for tin* past 'St years to irlv«* you straight, unadulterated goods at ralr:nid honest prices Hence our surxvss. We Mention a Few Prices Write for eompk'te price list. Qt. Gal. Andriessen s Best. f>o .. . >"» .M» Bridgeport I'um Rye ....... 1 0«» 50 Tipperanoe Rye. »jo 2 Thompson >6 resr '»il»tlile00 sailors to draw them, he routed 34,000 men. with 40 pieces of heavy cannon, 50 elephants and a camp that extended upward of four miles in length, dive then mov ed against the last remaining strong hold of the French at Chandernagore. This was cai>tured despite the assist ance rendered the French by Suraj nd Dowlah. Clive resolved to end the power of the latter, and succeeded in doing so at Plassey. He had at that battle 1,100 Europeans and 2,100 native troops, with 10 field pieces. The nawab had 18,000 horses, 50,000 foot and 53 pieces of heavy ordinance .served by French artillerymen. Clive was com pletely victorious, being considerably aided by the defection of some of the lieutenants of the nawab, one of whom, Jaffer All, he placed upon the throne of the beaten monarch. Clive remain ed in India for many years after Plassey and greatly extended the territory and power of the British. Nevertheless, he was the subject of much criticism at home, which finally led to his commit ing suicide on November 25, 1774. Warren Hastings greatly advanced the work which Clive had accomplish ed, and was made the first govern or general of India. He also incurred censure and had to undergo the famous impeachment trial, which ended in his acquittal,but impoverishment. He,how ever. unlike Clive, lived for many years thereafter, and received much bounty flow tlio East indin company and hon or from his countrymen. It may be interesting to know that one of his suc cess was Lord Cornwallis, whose Amer ican career closed so ingloriously at Yorktown. He won a number of im portant victories for the English in India, and largely added to their terri tories. This was during the years 1780 to 1702. In 1805 he was again sent to India and died in the province of Benares. October sof that year, while hastening to the front to take command, of his troops. Several times the British arms met with serious reverses in India, but eventually they recovered all they had lost and increased their power. The great mutiny in 18."»7 was the severest crisis they were compelled to meet, and it resulted in the transfer of the power from the East India corapa ay to the queen on November 1. 1858. The Afghans on several occasions inflicted severe defeats upon the British Indian forces, but the latter invaribly succeed ed in inflicting adequate punishment in return. Since the French were expelled, however, by Clive, the British rulers of India have net had to con tend with European opponents. They came near having to (Jo so when Napo leon was in Egypt, with the avowed purpose of conquering India, but his defeat at Acre prevented the consum mation of his plan and compelled his return to France. If the Russians should attempt to invade India they would probably receive much assist ance from native tribes, and tae Brit i.sh would be called upon to wage a life and death struggle to maintain their supremacy. Aunt Itsurliael's Hitters. The undeniable fact that these bitters are composed in the main of Speer's Wine, with Peruvian Bark. Snake Root etc., analyzed and recommended to in valids and the Medical Profession, by the best Chemists in the United States cannot fail in inspiring confidence in the use of these Malarial Bitters. The general impression in Washing ton seems to be that there will be no currency legislation this session. The Republicans generally V>elieve that onr currency system might be improved upon, but they recognize the hopeless ness of getting a curency revisal bill through the Senate. They are there fore averse to wasting time on it, as it could have no other effect than to show their good intentions. Many diseases arise from impure blood. Dr. Bull's Pills, will insure good health to you. They are small and easily taken. A Montgomery county farmer, dur ing the year 1-8!)?, gave shelter to 1,148 tramps in his barn, an average of more than three daily during the entire year summer and winter. The lowest nurn ber in any one month was in Febuary, when only 40 were sheltered, and the highest number was in November. Evidently this farmer has a warm side for tramps, or else the fear that a refu sal would endanger his property. Scrofula is eradicated and all kindred diseases are cured bv Hood's Sarsapar illa. The ariel railroad over the Chilkoot pass is now complete, and a journey that formerly required one month, can now be completed in a day. Persons going to the Klondike by the overland route can now get there a month earl ier than before. Home-Mailo Baronifter. One of the most serviceable and nse ful articles about the larm is a good barmonter which will fortell nearly all the changes in the weather. There is no reason why we should be without such a useful instrument when we can procure a first-class one at a cost of about 30c. Many of the so-called bar ometers are of little use on account of the poor quality of chemicals used. If we buy the chemicals ourselves we will be more apt to get a better instrument. Buy the following from a good chemist: One ounce of camphor; 1 ounce of salt peter. 1 ounce of ammonia salts, and dissolve them in 15 drahms of alcohol# Shake the mixture well and pour in a long slender bottle, and cork up tightly. Be sure to have the bottle full, so there will be little or no air inside. Hang your barometer on the north side of the building, or some jilace not exposed to the sun, and the follow ing will be the weather indications. Absolute clearness of the liquid means fair weather. Thread like objects at the top of the bottle indicate high wind. If the liquid becomes roily it is a sign of rain. Little stars in the liquid mean a hard storm. If downy masses form in the bottom of the bottle it will be cold; the more these masses rise to the top the colder it will become. Farmers Advocate. NVw Jersey Cira|»t' .(nice Sent to Kurope, Mr. Speer of New Jersey has a repu tation extending over the world as be ing a reliable producer of Oporto Grape Juice and Port Wine. His Oporto Juice and Port Wine are ordered by families in Dresden, London and Pario for their superior medicinal virtues, and blood making quality, owing to the iron contained in the soil in which the vines grow. At a recent meeting the Medical As sociation of Eastern New York declared mphatically against the present met! ds of securing expert medical testimc Ny in courts of justice. It was propos ed that a board of expeits should be es tablished by law to be paid by the State and to be absolutely disinterested be tween all parties interested in litigation. This is a most sensible suggestion. Under the present system many expert medical witnesses seem to feel that they are bound to swear for the benefit of the side that calls and pays them, and the inevitable result is the direct clashing of professional opinions, the mystification of jurors and the obstruc tion rather than the promotion of jus tice. The evil has reached such a pitch that there is a general and increasing distrust of such testimony, which is not at all complimentary to the medical profession. It is not surprising to find the doctors themselves calling .for a change which is so evidently needed for the benefit of their own profession as well as for the advancement of the ad ministration of justice. Salvation Oil should always be kept in the kitchen. For the ready use of scalds and burns it has no equal. 25 cents. When a woman passes another wo man that she dosen't like on the street, her month gets on the same shape that it does when she is cutting the leaves in a magazine. iiOO ; 5 rSI.Li c j.e Liver i:;», Ui! lo'jsnoss, Wtclifjcst.cn, Headache. Fasv to taxc, easy to operato. 25c Some of the farmers livins? in the vi cinity of Foster's Mills are claiming that the big gas pump the Standard put in operation there to pump the gas from their wells there and force it to Bear Creek where it is consumed is draining their property of its gas. It is likely some law suits will grow out of the matter if a satisfactory adjustment is not made. Don't think because you are sick and nothing seems to give you relief that you can't be cured. There must be a cure for you some where If your doctor can't cure yon, perhaps he has mistaken the cause. Anybody is liable to make a mistake sometimes One in three of us suffer from indiges tion and one out of three dyspeptics dosen't know it. That is, he may know he is sick, but he blames it to some thing else. Indigestion is the cause of half of our dangerous diseases. Shaker Digestive Cordial, made from tonic medicinal roots and herbs, is the most natural cure for indigestion. It relieves the symptoms and cures the disease gently, naturally, efficiently, giving fresh life, strength and health to dyspeptics. At druggists. A trial bottle lOcts. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. "Mystic Cure" lor Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to .3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the ilisease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Kedic, and J. H. lHlph Druggists Butler \pr 96 Butler Savings Bank I:scitier, Capi .al - s£o,otjo.co Surplus and Profits - §150,000 .(OS. I, PURVIS President J. iIKN'RV I KOUT dAN Vice-Prtbideiit \VM. CAMPBELL, Jr Cm l.ar LOUIS I!. STJ-.'N 'leli. r lilßEi TOKS -Joseph L. ''urvls. J. Henry Trorfmao. \V. I>. !tran*!oo. W. A. St iu .J s. Cuiuubell. Tht' Duller Savings Hank is tlie Oldest Hanking Institution, n Butler County. General hanking business transacted. We solicit accounts of 4 ,il producers, mer chants. farmers and others. All b.isincss entrusted to us will receive prompt at tent ion. Interest naid on time deposits. BUTLtR COUNTY ♦lutual Fire Insuraice Company Office cor. Main and Cunninghau Sts. win, l'ri» MEO. KKTTEKKB, Vic* l're». L. 8. llr.ll!>hlN. Xor'y *>>' l Tr^#» DIRECTORS'. Alfred Wiek, Henderson Oliver. Dr. W. Irvin. James Stephenson. V. W. Hlsii'kmore. N. Wt'it/.el. I\ Itnwmiin. 11. J- Kllnplcr. liio. Ki lU-rcr, t'lias. Koliliun. Geo. Ken no. John Koenig. I.nvAL FLR^NT OIL MEAL < ur,soLl,^v'^i .W r.-, this sale you can buy footwear at your own price for the r.ext few weeks or «:ntil all Winter Good are closed out. GOOD THINGS FOR LITTLE MONEY Men's solid boots.. ..$1.40 lily's good solid bcols .... 1.20S Men's good solid shoes .. .98 1 Boy's school .shoes 9S Men's fine buff shoes 9S • Ladies' waterproof shoes. . . .9S Ladies' fine Shoes, button or lace 98 , Misses' fine shoes, button or « lace 9S RUBBERS ABOUT HALF PRICE Boy's low rubbers IOC Ladies' cloth overs 25c ' Ladies' fine rubbers, pointed..2sc Ladies' good heavy rubbers... 25c . Men's heavy tubbers 40c I Men's fine rubbers 50c Boy's rubber boots $1 50 Lr.dies', Misses' ar.d Chil dren's boots 98c LARGE STOCK OF FEIT BOOTS and OVERS. Don'i fail to atend this sale f in need of footwear C. E. IVIILLEB, 215 S. Main St.. Sutler, Pa. , OAt 0 A t CATARRH for a generous SjjßSggrefr'" 10 CENT BAIV^ TRIA^SIZE. Ely's Crea:R Bairn Mi contains no cocai:ie, y mercury any other It is qui:!, y A ! .r->rl>i-.1. Gives Kel *ct rv.r. . \ It opens an»l cle:;us€> ■* k m a the >sWl I'assap • S JiJ }J WHt A 3 Allays Inflammation. L-I*-# " Heals and Protects t!.c Membrane. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Full Size suc. ; Trial Size 10c.; at Dnv.-'tsts or' ym liL Y JiROTJJLii*, oi> Warren Street, New York. WE GUARANTEE TO GIVE You the purest and choicest Whiskey or Wine, sold at the price you pay else where for adulterated. We bottle direct from the Government stamped barrel, also have in stock large supply of quarts bottled at Distillery under the govern ment supervision—that bottled by us we guarantee to be as oure and as good. M§¥?O FAIR DEALINGS TO EVERY ONE- Guaranteed pure 6 year old Whiskey -either Guckenbeimer, Finch, Gibson, Overholt, Large, Mt. Vernon. (i per full quart or 6 quarts for $5, Graudfathei's Choice Whiskey, guar anteed 3 years old, $2 per gallon. On C. O. I), or mail orders of $lO or over, we prepay all charges. ROBERT LEWIN & CO,, Importers and Wholesalers, 411 Water St. Opposite B. & 0. Depot. Telephone, 2179 Pittsburg, Pa. Do V ou Know That John R. Grieb is selling out to quit business. it is a fact and no fake. All goods at cost and many under cost. Watches. Jewelery. Clocks. Silver-ware. Spectacles. Pianos. Organs. Musical Goods. and the store fixtures are for sale, and the room for rent, with possession on April Ist. This is in time for BARGAINS. and I promise all my old as well as my new customers special bargains. Come and see me at 118 5. Main St. mmim For alt BILIOUS and NERVOUS 04 H 3 9 fIV DISEASES. They purify th= 3 | ■■ CLOOD and give IIHALTHY m 11 . iclion to the entire system, je B Cure DYSPEPSIA, CONST! PAT! OK and PSMPLES- Give* a specialized Pre.td- winning Education, ' fOR CIRCULARS ARf»LY TO I\ DUFF & SONS, 244 Fifth Avenue, PITTSBURG. Pi. a TBTiT*i Taft s PHILADELPHIA^ »' --DENTAL ROOMS.-- I " ' 39 - sth Ave., Pittsburg, Ta. Ml i Wc'n PRACTICA*.LY BF.i DjE worth , '■'&& L M" 1 I'llfl'urg—WHY NOT DO V f*&YOURS? «•"»•! CROWNS VSltl/ W""' BRIDGE r«lu I . " Sls \i Bf $5 PER TOOTH AI«o 11,. « C !,.-»! ...tI QN LV.«a.J FOR SALE - worth of l Beaver Valley Traction 6 percent (told Bonds, at par Interest payable at any bank se<:ii annually. Referent-*— Union National Bank. New Brighton Pa. Address E. B. SIMPSON, New Brighton, Pa, RAILROAD TIME TABLES I*., iV 1.. K. Train* depart No 12. 8:40 A. M. No 14. "i:O7 I'. M. Butler time Trains arrive No. !t. OV> A M: No 11. 2:.V> P. M Butler time No. 12 runs through to Erie and con nects with W. N. V. &P. at Huston Junction for Franklin and Oil City, and with N Y. I, E. & W at Shenan tro f«ir all ]H>ints ea«t. No 14 runs through to Albion and connects with W. N. V A P. for i'ranklin and Oil City. A. B. CROOCH, Agent. 1 )ITTSHL'KG & WESTERN Railway. Schedule of Pas f rnger Trains in effect Nov. 21, 1597. BUTI.ER TIME. L>,|.,rt. Uriv* V \c. ■!!. . ... 1 - A. M IT V V ALLEGHENY "KL>. r" * | . " !♦ \1 " Ntw (Mtle Acconißudatioß loi rj :• H •• \k on Nail 8 M u 7(Srj AcconiiiKHlatiuii 10 0"» 4 * VI IF* M KX|IN«4 3 !."» P.M •"T ' 4 AIN-LU NY -Flyer" :IFT» • CHICAGU KXPMM .'I 4"» M 12 18 U ALL. Mail *. 4" M " "Fiver" 7 IU " Kllu.««l A.-. MHlaii..,, 14) •• 7 I.I;T ' CHIC.IK' lamited u 917 A.m Kane JIIKI lltailfonl MAIL U . • A M • ill* P.M * lin :J V . .Htm • .r., u . | SI NI'AV TFL VI N>. SI', A.M. i» M * All glieny At •-OMIUTKLATIMII. . . '• 4«» I-M .. ."»7 P.M N • (turtle A-INMITMID.'I •- 8 1 • I ■ 7 03 44 AI-COUIUKMLATIOII I | 7 « ci 44 Train arriving at '►."7 p.m. !••;*>••'* B. X i». depnt. a!|» 111 tad p.A w, Alleghtti at LAB L» LU. l*-»r LHPMI-LI ti K«»tn t. » all J •••int* in th«- wrst, north - WEST R»MVHT UD ißfermtioß NGIRDIBG roatca tuiif trail!', EH*. a|»l'l\ t » A B. ORorril. Agent. 11. B. liKYNoI.LX. SNJI't. Butler, Pa. F«»xt*urg. I':«- i\ M BASSKTT. A. LI. I*. A All. ■-!..•» v. Pa PENNSYLVANIA R i. WFSTEN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. S. IIEDL'LK IS KRFHT Nov. "id. 1>1»7. SOUTH. rWKEK DAYS A. M. A M. \ M. IV M P M. BL'TLKR.. Leave •; 11 1"> 'J it". xtxonbnrg \rrive t» 8 :U»ll .HS <»» "► Butler .Itiurtion.. * 4 7 27 A 12 IN "S» Buth-r JUII' ti.HI. . .LCMVI- 7 12 -- 2-"» 5 63 Nfltrou Alll >«• 738 • 01)12 0 ( 1 2 I'.I* .-LIT 11111 742 *"7U 88 'I- • 1 " .. 7 •"»•» 9 L :»2 Alleulienv S U 1 25] 425 4^l V. M. \ M. P. MP. M.J P. M SI NI»AY TRAINS.— Leave Butler for Allegheny <'itv ami f>riucii«il iutfmetliate ~tati«»ns at 7:35 a.m.. AND 5**.,, NORTH. WKKK DAYS > A M. A. M A. M P. M P. M Allegheny City leave 7 U»i 11 25; 2 :U» } 1<» >liarj-l.iug.. . 7 11 !♦ 12 11 :*7 2 45 ... < »areiiiout j liMl 44 G XI, >l»i ingdale 9 11 : L«I ». '.T Tareiitum 7 :il '■* 12 "7 2Jlj U 4«'» | Natrona 7 :i'.» !» 4:i 12 12, M »i 51 Butler Junction. ..arrive. 7 !»• '• 5o 12 22i •45 itutler Junetioii.. ,l««re 7 4»i .*»•» 12 25 4 «»7; 7 Saxoiihurg ' 8 15 lo 15[12 4i«! 4 •'H'■ i 7 24 151 TLKK arrive} > 4<> !•> 1 17' 5 IK~«I 7 A M. A. M l' M.|P. M >1 NI>AY TRAINS.— Leave Allegheny < ity for But ler aiiil |»t IIU ijcil iiitMiihtliHte stations at 7:20 a.m. ami ?>:!*) p. in. WI :KK DAYS. FUR THE EAST. WKFK IK VS. P.M. A.M.; P. M. P M. 2 <'» 25 lv BPTI.KB.. ar 1 17 5 25 7 27 ar Butler Jamtiou. lv 12 25 4 I*» 7 4I".|V Butler .1 unction ar H 12 OS 4 «»."» 7 4i»'ai Fre*'port lv 8 28 12 ini I'll' 7 M - Alleglioiiv Juurtiuit.. .." 8241 i"I I J1 ,S (►! •• U't-RHL.urg . " (i 1 •• Saltshurg 44 7 3<4 11 541 22 " lUairsville 44 7«» Ll> 40 5 *»<» «» " Blairsville Intersection..." 5 66510 1<» 860 11 :J5 •• ALTCH.NA 44 Lls 8 I •«' 10 •' Ilarrishnrg " 11 45 10 4 :inj ii •£.'> " Philaiielnliia 8 30!11 2l> A. M.,P. M : I A.M. P. M. On Suinlay, train leaving Butler 7 i"» a. in., connect* lor Hurrisbnrg, Alt* M ma ami Phila«lelphia. Through trains for the east leave Pittshurg (Union OtaHon), FCFT m - Atlantic Express, daily . .3:30 A.M Pennsylvania Limited 44 7:15 44 IHIV Main Line Express, IL S:«*» 4T Phila lelphia EXPRESS, ' ... 4-M> P.M Eastern Express, 44 7:<*■"» 44 Fast Line, * 8:10 44 rhilad'a Mail, Sundays only B:4U \.m For detaile«l information, adilreas Thos. E. Watt. Pass. Agt. Western histrict. Corner Fifth Avenue and Muith tield Street, Pittshurg, Pa. J B. HUTCHISON, J. R. WOOD, General Manage *«eu7 'H*r. Agent. Wheeler & Wilson New No, 9 I'amily Sewing Machine. Rotary Motion & Call Bearings JIAKE IT Easy Running, Quiet, Rapid and Durable. Sewing Machines for Family and factory use, for all grades of Cloth and Leather. Speed and Durablity. Factory and Head Office, Bridgeport, Connecticut, I!. S. A. FOR SAI 5 BY HENRY BIEHL, DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Sewing Machines, 'Needles for all kinds of sewing machines, Boss Washing Machines, etc. N. MAIN ST. BUTLER PA. X.J 15. —Second-hand Sewing Machines from $5.00 up. Sewing machines repaired. TIN WARE AND ROOFING A SPECIALTY. ynjii IS THE TIME TO HAVE HO ft Your ClotHiry^ CLEANED or DYED If jou want good and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is iust one place in town where you can get it, and that is at THE BUTLFR DYF WORKS "218 Center avenue. do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture ol your house. Give us a trial. Agent for the Jamestown Slidins: Blind t_'o—Ni w Yoik. R. FISHER & SON, THE I Bailer County National Bank, Butler Pen 11 , Capital paid in - . - f 100,000.00 Surplus and Protits - ? 1 1 4.^47• Jos. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts, I Vice President; C. A. Bailey. Cashier; i John G. McMarlin, Ass't Cashier. / general banking transacted. I iitefst. paid on tinu' deposits. I Money loaned on approved security. 1 \W Invite you TOOPT'II sin uocouut WLTN tills J hank. ... ■■ 1 i>| KT.CTOKS—Hon. .Itxcpli Hartman. lion. .W. >. Wahlrmi, in. N. >1 ! f,M,vt ,T: H , I sweenev. K K. Ahrams. < I'- t'o litis I. '• Smith. l..slie I' llu/lett. M. I W. 11. I.urkin. John llumpl'rjy. "r »• 1 • MeCandW-ss. lJeng Masseth. I.evl >■ Wise, .1. V. Hitts. ~M. C. WAGNER, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER. 139 South Main street. Over Shau'i 4 Nast's Clothing Store 1 0 > o<>oo< 1122 S. Main St D- T- Pape. 122 S. Main St. ¥ THE LEADING MILLINLRY HOUSE OP BUTLER CO. Grand Clearance Sale Ji[ AC ALL HOLIDAY GOODS X AND WINTER MILLINERY. X I | I V OUR MISTAKE YOUR GAIN J W'v Imuglil 100 ni'-'h mill. !•«•:> for »ii.» <• <•: y« . m; neiy ' # M k must i \ verj i \ J - . I I Mt | f | tasto i t'N. inn ouo to our store will cotivajictt you that t X j MournTiTg Bonnets. Hats. VeilsT~eto. j X ALWAYS ON HAND. O WIilLt: YOU ARE WAITING For your prescription «1 in't fail 'o look over our line of perfumes, we have le- j\ I if ceivetl some very fine ones lately, ar.t: /> will be pleased to have vou examine ,hem - Wj^3y4^ We also have a very la.»e assortm .n, ,r ~^ —— — % of tooth brushes made expressly for u» „ - j fli $ ' wl>i< h bear our stamp, these brushes we guarantee and request the return of \jjjf «:y thjt prove unsatisfactory """ - - JJU.LI. ~ Vou may need something for your ' '■happed hands anil face, and if so we """' ; -^Jfj recommend Ovdonittm Cream as a fine toilet preparation. """ HE DICK & G ROIIM AN N DRUGGISTS. II C I LES I'HONE. i 14. HIJTLER '<\\ $ 50 GtS reat Annua ' a ' e • \ (lift Muslin Underwear! '''l « * FEBRUARY 3rd, we shall pl.xe on sale 0 Mi I|l jl f: 11 11 over 100 dozen ;i< . f Muslin I nderwear, 5 d 1 ' 0 ■ ' divided into six lots of I.adie.s", Misses' and J 4 _ JS&a. f i~Y, Children's, price 10c, 15c, 25c. 500, 75c and sr, K i ever >* H 3 ™"- 1 " 1 is worth double tl:e price we * j ' j > ash Our last annual sale was ll:c largest I" 11- \ ■BrPlSn dtrwear sale in our history. We thought we 0 \ frfl iyvn had enough to supply all, bui in two days the m $ If I 'll A assortment was broken; man? were disappoint- 9 «* I I jj * cd. Tliis time the quantity is r. hut t<> net 4 £ 'jSßw j' ' 1 [ your share we would advise yc uto be here \ Iwrl [MAD|/Q-108S.MaihSt. I 1 1 1 li /iTTtWa IwlMniAO Butler Pa. $ The Encouragement we Received From BUTLER and adjo'ning Counties from our Li .t months offsr, in duces us to again offer this decanter, lilU'd ii'h the best California wine With Every Order of $5.00 111 And Over. If'til Your selection from the follow- >. ~-P ing, or send in a $3.00 order l|' ]| | for any of o ir liquors. 1^ —if Silver Age Rye $1.50 per quart, $6 per gallon ilL' -3 I Duquesne Rye $1,25 per quart, per gallon /aSfc__gi^ Bear Creek Rye ) , • Gitckenheimer Rye $[ p=r quart . 6 |}M\ Finch < l ts - for $5 °°- M i fe N Overholt f v >_ N v mMi We will continue to pay ex- (!') «;; '.. . 4 press charges on all orders of r'J *'*y, r • $5.00 and over. C. O. D. v '\ charges are expensive, and you can save by remitting us the cmount either by registered '''s&{■ mail, certified check or draft— Send us your address and we will mail ycu out catalogue and price list free. riAX KLEIN, Wholesale Liquors, 82 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY, PA. The NEW YORK W eekly THE GREAT FOR National Family Farmers 0 X" Newspaper \ . and Villagers, AND YOUR FAVORITE HOME PAPER, THE -CITIZEN." Butler. Pa.. Both One Year For $1 50. Send all Orders to the "CiTIZEN." THE X. Y.TRIBUNE ALMANAC, ence for Govcrniental and political information. Contains Constitution ol theT nit eil States, the Constitution of (lie State of New York, the IJinjjley Tariff Bill, with a comparison of old anil new rates; President McKinley's Cabinet and appointees. Ambassadors. Consuls, etc ; the personnel or Congress, names of principal officers of the different States, commanding ofheers of the Army and Navy, with their sal aries; Tables of Public Statistics, Election Returns, Party Platforms and_ Com mittees, complete articles on the Currency, Gold and Silver, and amount of other valuable information The standard American almanac, autboritive an ! complete, coruspotiding in rank with Whittaker's Almanac in Europe. Price 25c- Postage Paid. Send all Orders to TH E CITIZEN BUTLER, PA. $2,000 to $2,500 Will build and Eiiuip a BUTTER and CHEESE FACTORY Large enough for the product ol 600 to 1000 Cows With Latest and Most Improved Machinery Hundreds <>f the im-st successful Creameries cost less than above amounts. Plans and specific.itii.ns furnished with ut cost. Send I r full information before signing any contracts. Vermont Farm Machine Company, MUOWS fjraSkom Advertise in the CTIIZEN.