Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 17, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL.* xxxv
Grand Clearance Sale _
A money saving sale tor economical buyers—a sale which will be talked of in
every family—a grand cut of prices on all goods, none wiU be spared. It will pay
Tou to come miles 'O attend this s?.le —we need room and must reduce our sto-. k
and here are the low prices they will go at.
I lot ladies' fine dongola pat. tip shoes, regular price $1 50, reduced to .90
I lot ladies' waterproof kangaroo ca'f but. shoes regular price 40 reduced to .90
1 lot chi'd's solar tip grain shoes, regular price 75c reduced to 5°
1 lot men's fine satin calf shoes Eng. Bals., regular price $1.50 reduced to i.<«
1 lot ladies' heel and spring heel rubbers, regular price 35c reduced to -'5
I lot children's rubbers, regular price 25c, reduced to •_ lo
I lot men's all solid working shoes doable sole and tap, regular price ii.4o,
reduced to. I -°°
1 lot ladies' fine dongola hand turn and hand welt shoes, regu'ar price
$3.50 3nd #4 00, your choice at
I lo' ladies' warm lined shoes, regular price J 1.25, reduced to -75
1 lot ladies' warm lined slippers, regular price 90c, reduced to 5°
A line of holiday slippers which sold at 90c, and ?i-35 will bi closed
out at 6 5
Our stock of felt boots and rubLer goods to be closed out cheap. Sheffield sole
leather by the side 20c per pound and best cut, cut 111 strips at 25c per pound.
Cut soles at 10c per pair. All kinds of findings and shoe-makers supplies at rock
bottom prices.
Men's best felt boots with first grade woonsocket overs at •f'wS
>k>y'.s felts and best overs at '- 2 5
Vouth's felts and best overs at 9°
Men's woonsocket first quality rubber boots at.. 2 - Cl °
Boy's woonsocket boots at - '- 2 5
Children's rubber boots at 75
Boy's storm king rubber boots at '-5 0
Youth's storni king rubber boots at 1-2 5
HUM'S Gr^S k Sale
There will be lively shoe selling in this house for
some time to come. We have taken the balance
of several of our fine lines -sizes are somewhat
broken—and marked them down to
About 50c on the Dollar!
Misses' Shoes. mostly narrow widths A, B and C.
„ - . , r r. , 1 ; btnall, narrow feet will have a rare
One lot of fine Dongola, plain toe, tr „ at
•pring and heel, former price $1.25, #1.50 " d '
and $2 00, now 75c and sl.oo—sizes One lot of Ladies Lace Shoes, former
price 25 and $2.00; now 75c and SI.OO.
Children's, same slvle, 8 '/ 2 to 11, re- One tot of Ladies'soft Dongola shoes,
ducel to 50c and 75c.' Sizes 6 to 8, 35c '>"«<>" and turns, plain and tip, former
and 50c. price $4.00 and $4.50; now ji.so and
One Lot Women's ,??' , ~ ,
Heavy Leather Shoes-former price Women's Ruobors at ,Bc, 20c and 25c.
1.25; now 75c. Wool Boots and Stockings.
Men's and Boys' Shoes. Men's Wool Boots and Rubbers at
One lot of Calf hand-made Congress 11.35 and |2.00.
Shoes former price #3.00; new *1.50. Men's Rubber Shoes, good at 50c.
Size* 6to 8. have buckle and storm arctics at 75c
Boys' Shoes at 75c and |i.oo. Sizes 1 and #IOO. Rubber Boots, all kinds you
t to 5%. may ask for. Tell us what you want.
Ladies' Shoes. We have u
One let fine Dongola, lace and but- ,> V,nler Koods-warrr. Ilneil Shoes
ton, former price $2,00, $3.00 and f4.00; a Slippers at a grea reduction,
now f (.00, $1.50 and #2.00. These are j YOU WILL FIND US
Butler's Leading °pp° site Hotel Lowr >''
Shoe hoUSe, 102 N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
i. S. YOUNG,
Tailor, Hatter and Gents Furnishing Goods.
Summer heat makes the problem of looking dressy'and.keeping cool a hard one
But we've solved it; ard for once ecom my, comfort and fashion goj hand in Lai d
Our sunnier suits are finer in fabric, nobbier i:i pattern and more stylish in cut
hanjevei(before, they fit your cuives and yet they'rejnot sweat bath outfits. The
p.ices may surprise »ou.
\.B. YOUNG, Tailor.
101 S. MAIN St., - - - BUTLER, I'A
s j M rhQ y Fit Wel1 '
't 'will wear well.
ii I Al 1/ NEW YEAR IDEAS L'.iless yoi
1 II \\ / I rt clothes pre up-to-date they might as well be
4 A ( V I I several years behind the times. If you wan
| l I/Qi \\ w F $-—<* '* B t ideas in clothing you should get youi
\\ a Ii \ clothing of men who have the ideas. Yoi
'ji\\ >\|| II m \ L want them to look well and wear well. If
f they aie not satisfactory you jiiktly blame the
/ ' ,a i'°r. We make the clothes in correct itylt
1 \ and you are sure of them fitting for we guaran
v " tee them and make the clothes to suit you.
* ' 142 North Main Street Butler, Penn'a
fj /HOST GO. fj
i '^ s a rule lists of prices are mere dry !>oiies. Tliev are interesting > j
k only when compared with goods. These prices arc lower than the A
mercury. Our store is filled with goods from floor to ceiling, base- V
{ ment and all These must lie closed out, or where will we put the } J
. large stock of spring goods now being made for us. These prices A
" will rid them up. M
Men's fi 50 Satin Calf Shoes f 85
p Ladies' 125 Dongola Shoes 75
i " ' 65 Dongola Shoes I 00
" '25 Beaver Lace Shoes 75 '1
► 50 Beaver Slippers ... 30 £
i " '25 Everyday Shoes 85
► Men's 225 Kip Boots 1 5 0 M
I Boy"s 150 Kip Boots 100
am Men's Pelt Boots and Overs $1
fi »<'y' s 1 <xj kl
Youth's Felt Boots and Overs «c A
W Child's and Misses' Rubbers ~, %
Lailies' Rubliers 2(>
W Men's Kubbers "J
W Men's Buckel Arties -- m
M Jfcjy's Buckel Arties
N A. RUFF & SON, 5
, BrY'.EK Co I' NT Y.
Tlit* C-iimniotiWfulth «»f Peansylx tiila to
t h<* Sheriff <>f County Ur»«tirijr:
Wlu n as. HutU r Ijom. has fllfd a rlairn in
our < omnioii or said «*«>unty against
I i In* h«*irs :11 i ivv «.f Dr. Ciraiiam. <l.
and Hon. J antes Brvdin for tin- -»um of our
, hnndrrd sevt-nty and KH-100 dollars
• U INU for WORK iion«* anil niat**rial FU rn ISIHMI
in paving and ur!»inj ><»utli M«*Kran >t..
from .loffcrsoii >t. to «vntre Ave., situated
i in t In- Boroujrli «>f Itutlrr. Butler Co.. la..
th»uiicit'd as follow>, to-wft: (in tlit' ncTtli i»v
an aIU-v. on the east bv Cliff street, on the
south Uy lot or.l. 11. Miller et. al.. and on the
wot by South Mi Kean -tn et and fronting
upon said S..utl» M.-Kean stn *-t si.My and
I iiv.-tenth 5-HM ft and extending ha. 1. the
t >aiiie w i<it !i one hun<lr« «l and «*i«flit v (I*o> f»-et
more or i«t« -aid cliff street, and having
J er*«eted thereon a two story log dwelling
liion<r weather I* trded
And whereas, it is alleged that the said
~uin still remains due and unpaid to the said
Butler IM>TO. NOW W»* command you. that
you make known to the said Hon. James
Bredin and the heirs at law of l»r. James
(iraham. deceased, and to all Midi persons as
may or OCCUpy t B*ld claim and
erty ther«*on. that "they he and appear Iwforv
the" Judges of our said Court, at a < ourt of
Common Pleas. t<» IK* held at Butler, on the
Ist Monday of Mar<*h next, to show cause, if
anything they know or have to say. why the
>aid sum of should not In* levied of
i he said de-.-ril»ed property, to the use of the
said Butler boro. a<*-ording to the form and
effect ofthe.A -t of \ssembly in sudi ea-e
made and provi-'ied if to them it shall <ie«*ni
expedient. And have you then and there
this writ.
Witness, the Hon. John M. (ireer. President
Judge of rhe said < ourt at Butler, this 10th
day of January. A. I>. lM«s.
Prot honot irv.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to
the Sheriff of said County, tireeting:
Whereas. Butler l>oro. lias filed a claim in
our Court of Common Pleas, for said eounty
against Butler lot, heirs at law of
NOHM rt l oiiz. deceaa U,and heirs ;<i law aiKl
devisees of Samuel Cunningham, deceased,
owners, for tlie sum of five hundred thirteen
and dollars W.I.M In ing for work
done and material furnished in paving and
curbing North McKean street from Jeffer
son street to Fulton street, for the improve
ment unc development of a certain lease
hold, situate in the 2nd
ward. Butler. Butler Co, Pa., bounded as
follows, 10-wit: On t» e north by North
street, on the east by an alley, on the south
bv an alley, on the west by said North M«--
Ivean street and fronting on said North Mc-
Kean street 200 feet, more or less, and ex
tending back the same width I*o feet, more
or less, to an alley, said lot of ground being
known as the Butler Pirblic Burial CJround,
or Grave Yard lot of ground.
And whereas, it Is alleged that the said
sum still remains due and unpaid to the said
Butler lioro. Now we command you. that
you make known to the said defendant's,
diid to all such persons a.-, may hold or «><•
cupy the said leasehold and property there
on, that they be and appear In-fore the
Judges of our said Court, al a Court of Com
mon Pleas, to Ix- held at Butler, on the Ist
Monday of March next, to show cause, if
any thing t hey know or have to say. why t lie
said sum of should not In* levied of
the said real estate together with the prop
erty thereon to the use of the said Butler
lioro. according to the form and effect of the
Act of Assembly In such < ;•-e made and pro
vided if to them it shall deem expedient.
And have you then and there this writ.
Witness, the Hon. John M. (ireer. Presi
dent Judge of the said Court at Butler, this
clay 14th day of January. A. I>. I*'.*.
Register's Notices.
The Register hereby gives notice that the!
following accounts of executors, adminis
trators and guardians have been filed in
this office according to law, and will In* pre
sented to Court for con flruiat ion and allow
ance on Saturday, the l«th day of March lstfr.
of said day:
1. Final account of Flora M. lllies, ad
ministratrix of Benjamin Tollman, deceas
ed, late of CoinuHjuenessing twp.
2. Final account of Samuel K. McCall,
guardian of Sadie Webb, minor child of John
A. Final account of William Kelly, admin
istrator of Cornelius Kelly, deceased, late of
Oakland twp.
I. First partial account of M. C. Millemaii
and Philip Mllleman, executors of George
Millemaii. de< cased, late of Lancaster twp.
Final account of Joseph McElhaney.
admlnlst rator of John McKlhaney. d«H*eas«*d.
late of Slippery rock twp.
«». Filial account of J«-anie M. Sharpies*
and J. Barton Towns# ml. executors of Annie
C. Williams, deceased, late of Butler lioro.
7. Final account of Barbara Christ ley. ad
ministratrix of W. E. Christley, deceased,
late of ('entrevllle lioro.
H. Final .'account <»f Anna B. Hieger, ad
ministratrix of Henry deceased, late
of < 'leartiehl t wp.
1). I'lnul accoun» of Jacob Miller, adminis
trator of Anna Miller, deceased, late of Sum
rnlt twp.
10. Final accountof Louisa Cress, former
ly Louisa Bachman, executrix of Carl Bach
man, deceased, late of Jefferson twp.
11. Final account of Mary orrill. adminis
tratrix of James Orrill, deceased, late of Jef
ferson twp.
12. Final account of S. F. Thompson, guar
dian of Violet Bard, minor ch'ld of Austin T.
Bard, late of Slippery rock twp.
13, Final account of Henry c. lleineman.
guardian of Cora KHen Albert, minor child
of Uriah Albert, deceased, late of Centre
t Wp.
11. Final account of Henry ('. lleineman,
guardian of Maggie Albert, minor child of
T'rlah Albert, deceased, late of Centre twp.
la. Final account of Henry C. lleineman.
guardian of Maria Albert, minor child of
I riah A Ibert, deceased. late of < Vntre t wp.
H>. Final account of Hugh Brahaui, guar
dian of Homer Mhlberry. minor child or Or
son Mid berry, deceased, late of Marlon twp.
17. Final account of Nancy Kich:rdson.
administratrix of John Kidiardson, deceas
ed. late of ('onno<juciics->iug t wp., as Hied by
W. J. Grimes, executor of Nancy Richardson,
I*. First partial account of William Tay
lor. administrator of Kllzabeth Pugli, de
ceased. late of Parker two.
19. Final account of William B. Thomp
son. executor of Sarah J. Piper, deceased,
late of ( berry t wp.
20. First n:;j*tlal account of John Kauf
man and Win. 1, M»irbut>rer, executors of
George Marburger, deceased, (alp of Adums
21. First nartlai account of A. G. Fred
erick and Elizabeth Frederick, admlnlst ra
tor* of Adam M. Frederick, deceased. late of
Summit twp.
22. Final accouut of A. C. itohh ami J. 11.
Ktibb, administrators of Wm. J. ltobb, de
ceased, late of Oakland twp.
'£. l Final account of Levi lioyer. adminis
trator of Isaac \j. Jloyer, deceased, late of
Lancaster twp.
24. Final account of K. A. Hartley, admiu-
Istrator of Wm. A. Seaton, deceased, lati* of
Marlon twp.
£">. Final account of Agnes B. ('ratty, ad
ministratrix of Cat bail in? Carson, deceased,
late of But ler boro.
W. Final account of Christina M. Frulli.
administratrix «»f Frank Fruth. deceased,
late of Jefferson twp.
27. Final account of William Brownlleld.
(now deceased) guardian of James Brown
lleld, minor child of J s|tiies BrownHehl. de
ceased, late of I>onegal twp., as slated by
t he of William BrownHcid.
2h. First partial account of J. M. Mcßur
ney. e.x«?cutor of George A. Wcnzel. <h ceas
ed! late of Zelienople fniro.
2!«. First partial account of J. M. Mcßur
ney. trustee under the will «»f George A.
Weii/el. deceased, late of /elleiionle ln»ro.
20. Final acc«»unt of Nicholas Fisher, ad
ministrator of Ell/alieth FISIHT, deceasecl.
late of But |ej' lioro
-31. Final account of It. U. McCandl«*ss and
Mary E. Wick, administrators of John A.
Wick, deceased, late of Clay twp.
32. Final account of if. ('. Helnernan.
guardian of Kosella H. White, irrandchlld of
Silas Pearcc. deceased, late of Butler twp.
33. Final account of J. M. Galbreath, ex
ecutor of James Kerr. deceasc*d, late of Har
ris vl Ilniro.
34. First partial account of F.zra Stewart,
aibninlst rator \ . T. A. of Uftv|d Stewart, de-
Ceased, late of < lay t wp.
W I ADAMS Register.
Widows' Appraisements.
ii The following widow's appraisements of
personal properly and n ~1 estate set apart
ior the benelit of the widows of decedents
have been filed In the office of the Clerk
of Orphans Court of Butler Co.. viz:
Widow of Jesse E. Miller i'KKi 00
Geo. W. Irwin .
W. G. Williams •»:.
Slephen V. Hutchison iffNHJM
" John K. Gllghrlst i
peter Line bach. . .300 <NI
William Browiificld 31)0 on
J, It* Andacw"i 800 ,H|
Harper Canijil»ell (realty) on
Andrew J. llarper (realty) :iOO on
John Montgomery 3HO Oh
Christopher Rlnker, (realty). :JOO IHt
All persons interested in the above ap
nrasiein.'iits will take notice that they will
be presented for coiiflnuatlon to t he < Irphaiis
( ourt of Hut ler eounty, Pa., on Sal unlay, t lie
12th day of March. A. I» , Is'.ix, and if no ex
centlons be filed tliey will be confirmed ab- I
ISAAC MEALS, Clerk O, V, \
Practical Horse Shoer
Formerly Horse Shoer at the
Wick liouce has opened hvtsi
ness in a shop in the rear of
the Arlington Hotel, where
he will <lo Horse-Shoeing in
the most approved style.
Farm for sale, near Butler, 120 acres,
new bank barn, #6,000.
Inquire at this office.
- S v
Is mused by torpid liver, which prevents d:ges
j lion and permits food to ferment ami putrify in
j tne stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache,
I insomina, nervousness, and, ——
j A" not relieved, Iriiious fever _ I E A,
• or blood pol«ui:n:r. Hood's 9 11
I Pills stimulate tli<* stomach, ~
I rous" • liver, eur • : ead:irhe. dizziness, coi>
i jtipation. etSoM hv all druggists.
I Tlic ill IMu -j AiV- '- with iluod's Sarsaparill?.
Th!» I* Your Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamp*,
a generous enraple will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever I ure
(Ely's Cream Bal.u) sufficient to demon
strate the grc-.i merits of the remedy.
56 "Warren St , New York City.
Kev. John Reid, Jr.. of Great Falls, Mont.,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I
can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi
tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." —
Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cenU.
Road and Bridge Reports.
Notice l> hereby given that the following
road and bridges have iN'en confirmed nisi
by the Court and will In* presented on the
Saturday of March Court. I*S*<, lieiiijrthe
12 day of sain month, and if no exception*
ar * tiled theywill be confirmed absolutely.
It. I>. No. 8, Jane Session. IHO7. In re peti
tion of citizen* of Rutlcr twp.. Butler Co. I'a.
for re-view of a public road leading from
Ka*t .lelTerson >tre t extension to Butler
and Millerstown roa-l at Mill road at a point
near the Butler Chemical Work*: and that
the road as now laid out would lie a great
expense to the township in making said
road. Nov. I, 1*:»7. re-viewers wi re appointed
by the i'otirt and l»ec. t. report of re
viewets filed, stating that a public load is
necessary between the above mentioned
point*, and hive surveyed a road between
tin* said points: probable cost, two hundred
*eventy-tive dollars; damages in the sum of
sixty dollar* assessed to the estate of Hev.
Win" White, to U- paid by Butler county.
Now I lee, 11. ISV7. approved and fix width «»f
road at l\ feet. Notice to In- given according
to rules of Court. BY THE COITRT.
it. I>. No. 1. December Session, I*U7. In re
pet it ion of eiti/en* of Marion twp., Butler,
Co., I'a.. for a county bridge over the north
braneh «.f Slippervroek creek, at the point
where the public highway leading from New
Hope to Aiiaudale Station crossess said
said creek. Nov. lsiiT, viewer* were ap
pointed by the Court, and ')ec. I, 1897, re
port of viewers filed, *tating that the pro
posed bridge is necessary, and will require
more expense than it i* reasonable t he town
ship of .Marlon should bear, and locate the
same where the township bridge now stands.
Now Dec. 11. I*» 7, approved. Notice to be
given according to rule* of < "ourt and to be
laid before* the Urand Jury at next term.
If. I). No, 2. Pecepiber Session, 1*97. In rii
petition of cjtj/ens of Fairvii-w twp.. Butler
< 0.. i'a.. for a county bridge over a branch of
Bear Creek in said township where the nub
ile road leading from Fairvlew to Middle
town cro**e* said creek. Nov. '£i. 1597, view
er* were appointed by th > Court, and Dec. •!,
K»7. re|>ort of viewers filed, stating thai the
proposed bridge is necessary ana that the
erection of t lie same will require more ex
pense than it i* reasonable the township of
ralrview should l»ear. and locate the same
where the township bridge now stands. Now
Dec. 11. IHU7, approved. Notice to l>e given
according to rules of Court and to be laid lie
fore the Grand Jury at next term.
Certified from the record# this Btli day of
Clerk Q. S. Court.
j Selling Out 1
i —OUR— f
£ Entire Stock
I Wail Paper. <
S Choicest patterns arc left. ?
) vVc want to quit the busi-N
/ ness. \
C Bargains at asto | rate /
S. Main St. Butler.
C. & D.
Can surety Mil Ins every iles!re satisfied
in our Spring 1597 stock, wliicli con
tains all the shapes, colors anil qualities
most admired by connoisseurs. We have
no fancy prices, hut merely value for
Furnishing Goods in the same manner,
buying the best and selling as low is
nu.'iy charge for inferior Koods. We are
always g'ad to show visitors our goods
Call And See Us.
Rough # Worked Lumber
GV A 1,1, KINDS.
Doors, Sasli, Blinds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
Alwa/s in Stock.
Qffice opposite I*. & W. Depot.
/ Jeweler and Optician, \
\ 125 S. Main St., S
( Butler, Pa. S
CHAPTER I.—Billy Bones, an old sea
dog, much addicted to rum, lodges at Ad
miral Benbow Inn.
CHAPTER 11.—Stranger, railed "Black
Dog," meets Hones: an Interview ends In
light and disappearance of stranger.
Bones suffers apoplectic stroke.
CHAPTER 111 —Blind beggar comes to
Inn. presses a&methlng In Bones' hand
and leaves. "Ten o'clock!" Bones
cries "Six hours. We ll do them yet;" at
which moment he Is struck dead by apo
CHAPTER IV.—Near Bones' body Is
found a little round paper, blackened on
one side, on tie other the words: "iou
have till ten t»-night.' Gold ts found In
Bones' sea chest, and an oilskin packet.
Flight taken from inn.
CHAPTER V.—Blind man (Pew) with
companions attack the inn. Chagrined at
not finding "Pint s fist." the scoundrels
scatter. Blind Pew Is run down and kiued
by a horse.
CHAPTER Vl.—*oung Hawkins tanes
packet to Dr. Llvesey, who with Squire
Trelawnev opens it and finds minute di
rections for finding cf vast treasure.
CHAPTER Vll.—Trelawney fits up ex
pedition to seek treasure.
CHAPTER Vlll.—lim Hawkins meets
Black Dog at John Silver's Inn Black Dog
runs away, and Sliver avows ignorance of
his identity.
CHAPTER IX.—Ship's captain thinks
some things on board somewhat singular
and asks to have certalri precautions
taken among which are tne storing of
the powder and arms astern and giving
the doctor and his friends berths beside
the cabin.
CHAPTER X.—"Hlspanlola" begins her
voyage. Hawkins climbs into apple bar
re! and overhears plans of treachery on
foot among the crew.
CHAITER Xl.—Plot (laid by Silver,
ship's cook) provides for the strike for
possession of the treasure Immediately It
la gotten abpanJ- Cry of Land ho
CHAPTER Xll.— Hawkins tells of Sil
ver's treachery to Llvesey. Trelawney and
Capt. Smollett, who hold a council of war.
CHAPTER Xlll.—Mutiny begins to show
In restlessness of men, and captain de
cides to give the men an afternoon ashore.
Jim Hawkins slips off with them, but on
the Island gives them the slip.
OnAt-l&K AiV.-F.ora cover Jim sees
Silver kill one of the honest bands, and
also learns of the murder of another In
another part of the Island and runs from
thd scene.
CHAPTER XV.—Jim meets Ben Gunn, a
marooned sailor w'ho had lived on Island
three years. Report of a cannon is heard.
Both run for boat when they see in the
wood the union jack.
CHAITER XVI —Hunter ana the doc
tor go ashore in a Jolly-boat, discover a
block-house within a stockade and de
cide to provision it. Faithful party Is
Joined by Gray, a mutineer, and the ship
left with the five remaining mutineers on
CHAPTER XVll.—Jolly-boat Ktarts on
last trip to Mhore overloaded with pro
visions. Mutineers on ship man the gun.
Trelawney picks off one of the gunners.
Cannon ball passes over boat, which slnki
and leaves party to wade ashore. Bucca
neers heard near by In the wood.
CHAPTER XVlll—Fight with buc
caneers results in one killed on each aide.
Faithful party gain the itookade and
run up the British colors.
CHAPTER XlX.—Jim seeing the colors
knows he Is near friends and, leaving Ben
Gunn. climbs Into the stockade.
CHAPTER XX.—Silver, under flag of
truce, makes overtures for chart to get th«
treasure by, but falls.
CHAPTER XXl.—Buccaneers attack
stockade, are worsted, leaving five dead
hfblnd. Th«> faithful party loses two, and
Capt. Smollett wounded.
There was no ret u>rn*>f the mutineers
—not so much as another shot out of
the woods. They had "g»t t heir rations
for that day," as the captain put it, and
we had the place to ourselves and a
quiet time to overhaul the wounded and
get dinner. Squire and I cooked out
side in spite of the danger, and even
outside we could hardly tell what we
were at, for the horror of the loud
groans that reached us from the doc
tor's patients.
Out of the eigtot men who had fallen
in the action only three still breathed —
that one of the pirates who had 1 been
shot at the loop-hole; Hunter, and
Capt. Smollett; and of these the first
two were as good as dead; the mutineer,
indeed, died under the doctor's knife,
and Hunter, do what we could, never re
covered consciousness in this world.He
lingered all day, breathing loudly like
the old buccaneer at home in his ap
oplectic fit; but the bones of his chest
had been crushed by the blow, and his
skull fractured in falling, and some
time in the following night, without
sign or sound, he went to his Maker.
As for the captain, his wounds were
grievous, indeed, but not dangerous.
No organ was fatally injured. Ander
son's bail —for it was Job that shot him
first—had broken his shoulder-blade
anil touched the lung, not badly; the
second had only torn and displaced
fcouie muscles in the calf. He was sure
to Teeover, the doctor said, but, in the
meantime and for weeks to come, he
must not walk or move his arm, nor so
much as speak when he could help it.
My own accident cut across the
knuckles was a ileabite. Dr. Livesey
patched it up with plaster, and pulled
my ears for tne into the bargain.
After dinner the wquirc and the doc
tor sat by the captain's side awhile in
consultation; and whenithey had'talked
to their heart's content, it being then a
little past noon, the doctor took up his
hat and pistols, girt on a cutlass, put
the chart |i| his pocket, and with a
musket over his shoulder, crossed the
|)ali«ade on the north side, and set off
briskly through the trees.
Gray and I were sitting together at
the far end of the block-house, to be
out of uarsli«yt of our officers consult
ing; aixl Gray look his pipe out of liis
mouth and fairly forgot to put it back
again, so thunder-struck he wn« at this
"Why, in the name of Davy Jones,"
said he, "is Dr. Llvesey mad ?"
"Why, no," says I. "He's about the
last of this crew for that, I take it."
"Well, shipmate," raid Gray, "mad
he may not be; but if he's not, mark my
words, I am."
"I take it," replied I, "the doctor has
his idea; and If I flii» rig-ht, foe's g<oing
now to »e« Ben Gunn."
The mutineers were soon only eight
In number, for the man shot by Mr.
Trelawney on board the schooner died
that same evening of his wound. But
this w as, of course, not known till after
by the faithful party.
I was right, uo a later; but in
the meautiuuje, tbe bouse being stifling
bot, and tbe little patch of sand Inside
tbe palisade ablaze with midday sun.
I began to get another thought into my
head, which was not by any means so
right. What I began fo do was (o envy
the doctor, walking in the cool shadow
of the woods, with the birds abouthiro,
and the pleasant smell of the pines,
while 1 sat grilling, with my clothes
stuck to the hot resin, and so much
blood al>out me, and so many poor dead
bodies lying all around, that I took a
disgust o£ the place that was almost as
strong as fear.
All the time I was washing out the
■block-house, and then washing up the
things from dinner, this disgust and
envy kept growing stronger and
stronger, till at last, being near a bread
bag, and no one theu observing me, I
took the first step towsirdmy escapade,
and tilled'both pockets of my coat with
Iwas a fool, if you like. a::d certa !.\
1 was going to do a fco'is'a, overb' I
act; but I was deti i-:.. i.. • d to do h « ith
ail the precautious in my power. These
biscuits, shou'.d anything befall me.
would keep me. at least from starving,
till far on in the next day.
The next thing I laid hold of v-: - a
brace of pistols, and, a? I a ready bad a
powder-horn and builds. 1 f>'t my
self well supplied with arms.
As for the scheme Iliad it; nr,y head, it
was not a bad one ini itself. It was to
go dow.n the sandy spit that di\ idt s I lie
anchorage on theeast f.'oni the open sea.
find the white rock I had observed hist
evening, and ascertain whether it was
there or not that Ben Guun had hidden
his boat; a thing quite wort h doii.g. as
I still believe. But a« I was certain 1
should not be allowed to leave the i»i
closure. my only plan was to take
French leave, and slip out when no
body was watching; and that was so
bad a way of doing it as made the thing
itself wrong. But I was only a boy. and
I had made my mind up.
Well, as things at last fell out. I found
an admirable opportunity. The squire
and Gray were busy helping the captain
with his bandages; the coast was clear;
I .made a bolt for it over the stocVade
and into the thickest of the trees, and
before my absence was observed I was
out of cry of companions.
This was my second folly, far worse
than the first, as T left but two sound
men to guard the house; but. like the
first, it was a help toward saving all of
I took my way straight for the east
coast of the island, for I was determined
to go down the sea side of the spit to
avoid all chance of observation from
the anchorage. It was alreadj
the afternoon, although still waiin d
sunny. As I continued to thread the
tall woods I could hear from far before
me not only the continuous thunder
of the surf, but a certain tossing of
foliage and grinding of boughs which
showed me the sea breeze had set In
higher than usual. Soon cool draughts
of air began to reach me; and a few
steps further I came forth into the open
borders of the grove and saw the se;>
lying blue and sunny to the horizor
and the surf tumbling and tossing its
foam along the beach.
I have never seen the sea quiet round
Treasure island. The sun might blaze
overhead, the air be without a breath,
the surface smooth and blue, but stiil
these great rollers would be running
along all the external coast, thunder
ing and thundering by day and night;
and I scarce believe there is one spot in
the island where a man would be out of
earshot of their noise.
I walked along beside the surf with
great enjoyment, till, thinking I was
ROW got far enough to the south, 1
took the cover of some thick bushes
and crept warily up to the ridge of the
Behind me was the sea, in frout the
anchorage. The sea breeze, as though
it had the'sooner blown itself out by
its unusual violence, was already at an
end; it had been succeeded by light,
variable airs from the south and south
east, carrying great banks of fog; and
the anchorage, under lee of Skeleton
island, lay still and leaden as when
first we entered it. The "Ilispanibla"
in that unbroken mirror was exactly
portrayed from the truck to the water
line, the Jolly Roger hanging from her
Alongside lay one of the gigs, Silver
in the 6teru sheets —hiin I could always
recognize—while a couple of men were
leaning over the stern bulwarks, one of
them with a red cap—the very rogue
I had seen some hours before stride
kgs upon the palisade. Apparently
they were talking and laughing, though
at that distance —upward of a mile—l
could, of course, hear no word of what
was said. All at once there began the
most horrid, unearthly screaming,
which at first startled me badly, though
I had soon remembered the voice of
Capt. Flint, and even thought 1 could
make out the bird by her bright plum
age as she sat perched upon her mas
ter's wrist.
Soon after the jolly-boat shoved off
and pulled for shore, and the man with
the red cap and his comrade went below
by the cabin companion.
Just about the same time the suu
had gone down behind the Spy-glass,
and as the fog was collecting rapidly
it began to grow dark in earnest. I
saw I must lose no time if I were to find
the boat that evening.
The white rock, visible enough above
the brush, was still some eighth of a
mile further down the spit, and it took
me a goodlsh while to get up with it,
crawling often on all 'fours among the
scrub. Night had almost come when
I laid my hand on its rough sides.
Right below it there was an exceeding
ly small hollow of green turf, hidden
by banks and a thick underwood about
knee-deep, that grew there very plen
tifully; and in the center of the dell,
sure enough, a little tent of goatskins
like what the gypsies carry about with
them in England.
I dropped Into the hollow, lifted Ihe
side nf the tent, and there IVIS FTCR
Guan'a boat—homemade if ever any
thing was homemade; a rude, lop-sided
framework of tough wood, and
stretched upon that a covering of goat
skin, with the hair inside. The thing
was extremely small, even for me, and
I can hardly imagine that it could have
floated with a full-sized man. There
was one thwart set as low as possible, a
kind of stretcher in the bows, and a,
double paddle for propulsion.
I had not then seen a coracle, such
as the ancient Britons made, but! I
have seen once since, and I can give you
no fairer idea of Ben Gunn's boat than
by saying it was like the first and the
worst coracle ever made by man. But
the great advantage if thecoracle itccr
tainly possessed, for it was exceedingly
light and portable.
Well, now that I had found' tho boat,
you would have thought I hod had
enough of truantry for once; butiu the
meantime I another notion,
und become so obstinately fond of it
that I would have carried 1 it out, I be
lieve, in tbe teeth of ('apt. Smollett him
self. This was to slip out undercover
of the night, cut the "Ilispaniola"
adrift, and let her go ashore where she
fancied. I had quite made up my mind
that the mutineers, after their repulse
of the morning, had nothing nearer
their hearts than to up anchor and away
to sea; this, I thought, it would be u
fine thing to prevent, and now that I
had seen how they left their watchmen
unprovided with a boat, 1 thought it
might be done with little risk.
Down I sat to wait for darkness, and
made a hecrty meal of biscuit. It was
a nigbt out of ten thousand for my pur
pose. The fog had now buried all
heaven. As the last rays of daylight
dwindled and disappeared, absolute
blackness settled down on Treasure
island. And when, at last, I shouldered
the coracle, and groped my way stum
bling-ly out of the hollow >\ here I had
supped, there were but two points visi
ble on the whole anchorage.
One was the great fire on shore, by
which the defeated pirates lay carous
ing in the swamp. The other, a mere
blur of lig-ht tipor. the darkness, in
dicated the position of the anchored
ship. She had swunt' round to the ebb
—her bow was now toward me—the
only lights on board were in the cabin;
and what I saw was merely a reflection
on the fog of the strong rays that flowed
from the stern window.
The el>b had already run some time,
and T'had to wade through the long'belt
of swampy sand, where I sunk several
times above the ankle, liefore I came to
the edge of the retreating water, and,
wading a little way in, with some
strength and dexterity set my coracle,
keel downward, on the surface.
The coracle —as 1 had ample reason to
know before I was done with her —was
a very safe boat for a. person of my
height and weight, both buoyant and
clever in a seaway; but she was the
most cross-grained, lop-sided craft to
,manage. Do as you pleased, she always
made more leeway than anything else,
and turning round and round was the
maneuver she was best at. Even Ben
Gunn himself has admitted that she was
"queer to handle till you knew ber
Certainly I did not know her way.
She turned in every direction but one,
the one I was bound to go; the most
part of the time we were broadside on,
and I am very sure I never should have
made the ship at all but for the tide.
By good fortune, paddle as I pleased,
the tide was still sweeping me down;
and there lay the "llispaniola" right in
the fair way, hardly to be missed.
First she loomed before me like a
blot of something yet blacker than
darkness, then her spars and hull be
gan to take shape, and the next mo
ment, as it seemed (for the furjther I
went the brisker grew the current of
the ebb). I was alongside her hawser,
and had laid hold.
The hawser was as taut as a bow
string —so strong she pulled upon her
anchor. All round the hull, in the
blackness, the rippling* current bub
bled and chattered like a little moun
tain stream. One cut with my sea
gully and the "llispaniola" would go
humming down the tide.
So far so good; but it next occurred
to my recollection that a taut hawser,
suddenly cut, is a thing as dangerous
as a kicking horse. Ten to one, if 1
were so foolhardy as to cut the "llis
paniola" from her anchor, I and the
coracle would be knocked clean out of
the water.
This brought me to a full stop, and
if fortune had not again particularly
favored inc, I should have had to aban
don my design. But the light airs
which had begun blowing from the
southeast and south hud hauled round
after nightfall into the southwest. Just
while I was meditating, a puff came,
caught the "llispaniola" and forced hei
up into the current; and, to my great
joy, I felt the hawser slacken in m>
grasp, and the hand by which X held it
dip for a second under water.
With that I made my mind up, took
out my gully, opened it with my teeth,
and cut one strand after another, till
the vessel swung by two. Then I laj
quiet, waiting to sever these lastwheu
the strain should be once more lights
ened by a breath ®f wind.
All this time I had heard the sound
of loud voices from the cabin; but, tc
say truth, my mind had been so en
tirely taken tip with other thoughts
that I had scarcely given car. Now,
however, when I had nothing else to do,
I began to pay more heed.
One I recognized for the cockswain's,
Israel Hands, that had been Flint's
gMnner in former days. The other was
of course, my friend of the red night
cap. Both men were plainly the wors«
of drink, and they were still drink
ing; for, even while I v\as listening
one of them with a drunken cry
the stern window and threw out some
thing, which I divined to be an emptj
bottle. But they were not only tipsy;
it wus plain that they were furiously
angry. Oaths flew like hailstones, and
every now and then there came forth
sueh an explosion us I thought was sure
to end in blows. But each time the
quarrel passed off, and the voices grum
bled lower for awhile, until the next
crisis came, and, in turn, passed away
without result.
On shore, I could see the glow of the
great campfire burning warmly through
tlie shore-side trees. Some one was
singing, u dull old droning sailor's song,
with a droop and a quaver at the end of
every verse, and seemingly no end to i*
at all but the patience of the singer. I
had heard it on the voyage more than
once, and remembered these words:
"But one man of tlio crew olive,
What put to sea with seventy-live."
And I thought it was a ditty rather
too dolefully appropriate for a company
that had met such cruel losses in the
morning. But, indeed, from what 1
saw, all these buccaneers were as cal
lous us the sea they sailed on.
At last the breeze came; the schooner
sidled and drew nearer in the dark;
I felt the hawser slacken once more,
and with a good, tough effort cut the
last fibers through.
The breeze had but little action on
the coracle, and I was almost instantly
swept against the bows of the "Hit*
paniola." At the same time the schoon
er began to turn upon her heel, spin
ning slowly, end for end, ucross the
I wrought like a fiend, for I expected
every moment to be swamped; and
HacU wltb a baud ou the utiiir j, t&roat.
since I found I could not push the cor
acle directly off, I now shoved straight
astern. At length I was clear of my
dangerous neighbor; uud just as I gave
the last impulsion, my hands came
across the stern bulwarks. Instantly
I gra> ped it.
Why I should have done bo I can
hardly say. It was at first mere In-
Stinct; but once I had it in my hands
and found it fast, curiosity began to get
the upper hand, and I determined I
should have one look through the cabin
I pulled in hand over hand on the
rord. and, when I judged myself near
enough, rose at infinite risk to about
half my height, and thus commanded
the roof and a slice of the interior of the
By this time the schooner and her
little consort were gliding pretty swift
ly through the water; indeed, we had
already fetched up level with the camp
tire. The ship was talking, as sailors
say, loudly, treading the innumerable
ripples with an incessant weltering
splash; and until I got my eyeabovethe
window sill I could not comprehend
why the watchman had taken no alarm.
One glance, however, was sufficient;
end it was only one glance that I durst
take from that unsteady skift. It
showed ine Hands and his companion
locked together in deadly wrestle, each
with a hand upon the other's throat.
I dropped upon the thwart again,
none too soon, fori was near overboard.
I could see nothing for the moment, but
these two furious, encrimsoned faces,
swaying together under the smoky
lamp; and I shut my eyes to let them
grow once more familiar with the
The endless ballad had come to an
end at last, and the whole diminished
company about the campfire had broken
into the chorus I had heard so often:
"Fifteen men on the dead man's chest—
Yo-ho-lio, an J a bottle of rum!
Prlr,k and the devil had done for the rest—
Yo-lio-ho, and a bo-ttle of rum!"
1 was just thinking how busy drink
and the devil were at that very moment
in the cabin of the "Hispaniola," when
I was surprised by a sudden lurch of the
coracle. At the same moment she
yawed sharply and seemed to change
her course. The speed in the meantime
had strangely increased.
I opened my eyes at once. All round
me v\ ere little ripples, combing over
vv ith a sharp, bristling sound and slight
ly phosphorescent. The "Hispaniola"
herself, a few yards in whose wake I
was still being whirled along, seemed
to stagger in her course, and I saw her
spars toss a little against the blaek
nessof the night; nay, as I looked longer,
I made sure she also was wheeling to
the southward.
I glanced over my shoulder, and my
heart jumped against my ribs. There,
right behind me, was the glow of the
campfire. The current had turned at
right angles, sweeping round along
with it the tall schooner and the little
dancing coracle; ever quickening, ever
bubbling higher, ever muttering louder,
it went spinning through the narrows
for the open sea.
Suddenly the schooner in front of me
gave a violent yaw, turning, perhaps,
through 20 degrees; and almost at the
same moment one shout followed an
other from on board; I could hear feet
pounding ou the companion ladder; and
I knew that the two drunkards had at
last been interrupted in their quarrel
and awakened to a sense of their dis
I lay down flat in the bottom ol
that wretched skiff, and devoutly com
mended my spirit to its Maker. At the
end of the straits, I made sure we must
fall into some bar of raging breakers,
where all my troubles would be ended
speedily, nnd though I could, perhaps,
bear to die, I could not bear to look
upon my fate ns it approached.
So I must have lain for hours, con
tinually beaten to and fro upon the bil
lows, uuw uutl uguiii >\cttcd with flying
sprays, and never ceasing to expect
death at the next plunge. Gradually
weariness grew upon me; a numbness,
an occasional stupor, fell upon my mind
even In the midst of my terrors; until
sleep at last intervened, and in my sea
tossed coracle I lay and dreamed of
home and the old Admiral Benbow.
'Doii't getdiwtouragedf my \»oy," said
the publisher, patronizingly. "There
will always te a demand for good litera
"I was afraid the demand for it was
dying Out," replied the liigh-browed
you tl>.
"s'ot übit of It Not u bit of it. There
will never be a time when magazines
are so crowded with advertisements
that they won't have space for a few
stories and poems and things."—Wash
ington Star.
Modltntflons of a Flatterer.
I love to say nice thing's to Grace,
To praise her hair and eyes.
To rhapsodize
T'pon the contour of her face.
Because when I
Thus laud her to the sky
She's always free
With honeyed words for me.
1 call her beauty's queen, and then
Stie tells me I should be a king of men—
Oh, Grace, 'tis sweet to flatter thee,
Becauso It all retoounds on mo.
—Cleveland Leader.
So~lTe i v *■.
"Ah," mused the undertaker after the
funeral, "he oughter been satisfied with
it all. lie come round to my place some
months before he died, he did, and he
ordered everythdnk hlsself coffin,
plumes, hearse, every think. He told me
he admired' that hearse more'n any
think he ever seen. Yes, he was dead
gone on that hearse!" —Town Topics.
In Court.
When lovo was young
IIIs reckless tongue
Gavu voice to vows without restraint.
More cautious now ,
He breathes his vow
Btnco phonograph* support complaint.
—Chicago Journal.
The Only ICirrpllun.
"Jaysmitli is always blowing about
his wealth," said the major to the judge.
"Nousenec," replied the judge. "Not
ten minutes ugo I heard him telling a
man that he hadn't a dollar to call hia
"Yes, I saw the man he woe talking
to. He is the assessor in Jaysmith's
•ward." —Louisville Courier-Journal.
Arronutrd For.
"Did your wife have access to your
clothes the night the money disaj>-
peared?" asked the man who had gone
to the judge for a warrant against the
hired num.
"Burned ef she didn't. I guess I'll
jest drop the ease, jedge."—Detroit Free
I adoubtedly.
"He is a marked man," said the. fat
"Who are you talking nl>out?" in
quired the blond of the two-headed girl
"The tattooed man," said the fat
lady. And then she chuckled.—N. Y.
Mprurlnir I'p.
.Mr. Gotham —It is time for us to Mart
for Mrs. De Avenoo'e- —but, ahem!
Don't you think you ought tos-pruee up
a Mile?
Col. Kaintuek (of Louisville. —Oh!
ah! Yes, certainly. Just %\ait a mo
ment, until I take a fresh quid and re
verse my cuffs.—N. Y. Weekly.
A Much-Worn Instrument.
"Ijet's bury now tho hatchet," tho poli
tician cried.
And tho editors agreed with what he
"We've no longer any u»« for It; lt'a bat
tered, li«ad and side.
With nailing campaign 11« m upon the
IH ml "
No. 7
Suiuc Small Item* of Domestic
Hickory nuts are again in market,
and hickory nut cake "follows as the
night the day." Hub to a cream ly, cup
fu!s granulated sugar and one-half cup
ful butter. Add three-quarters of a cup
ful of sweet milk and 2y a cupful* ot
flour, through which has been sifted
two teaspoonfuls of baking powder.
Stir in one teuspoouful \anillft and one
cupful hickory nut meats. Lastly, fold
in lightly the whites of four eggs beaten
to a stiff froth. Bake In a long tin lined
with buttered paper on the bottom In a
medium hot oven. It will require about
r.n ln ur's baking, and should rise In the
pan to its full height before It begins
to brown.
A tapioca apple pudding recipe that
lays this flattering unction to its soul:
"All men are fond of it," hails from Phil
adelphia. Soak one-half cupful of
: tapioca over night. In the morning
cook until clear and tender in a pint of
water, not allowing it to become too
sti IT. When clear, sweeten to taste, add
slices of tart, tender apples, and put in
oven just long enough to brown. Send
to the table in the baking dish, and
serve with sugar and cream. This is
also delicious with fresh peaches, cut in
little pieces.
When preparing sandwiches for a
large company, it is sometimes neces
sary to make,them several hours In ad
vance of the serving. If a napkin is
wrung out of hot water and wrapped
around the sandwiches, which should
be placed in a cool room, they will keep
as fresh and moist as though just
Hot meats and soups will inevitably
spoil if set away covered closely. There
must always be an escape for the hot
air. Broths must be thoroughly cooled
before going into the ice chest, and then
only lightly covered.
A novel but cflieaeious method oJ
washing glasses in Turkey is to put
them in cold water and scrub them with
green leaves, tisually fig. This gives
them a superb polish, without the use of
In baking "Brown Betty,** try adding
a little molasses. As a rule, "Brown
Betty"—otherwise most admirable—is
apt to be too dry, a defect remedied by
this addition.
Never put meat away In the wrapping
paper in which it comes from the butch
er's. Take out, lay on a plate, and cover
with a clean cloth kept for that purpose.
—Washington Star.
Iloirn Dude UlaiTrd ail Irate Chtc«*o
"I was up in Chicagoafewdaysago,"
said a well-known Clevelander, "wnen
I witnessed what struck me as being
a very funny incident. A young man
was standing 111 front of one of the
big hotels pulling leisurely on a cigar.
He was a slender young man, well
dressed, and held his head up. Some
thing about his appearance attracted
my attention, and I was just trying to
recall his face when a big fellow with
his hat on the back of his head came
charging up the street and suddenly
stopped at sight of the young man.
" 'By George,' he said, 'I believe yon
are the fellow!'
"The young man never moved a mus
" 'Yes, by George,' fumed the big man,
'I believe you are the identical dude.'
" 'Are you speaking to me, my friend?
quoth the young fellow.
" 'Via,' snarled the big chap, 'l'm
speaking to you. You are the dude
who winked at my wife in the restau
rant. I know you.*
" 'That's where you have the advan
tage of me,' said the young fellow,
'but are you sure yorn have the right
"The red-faced citizen looked at him
with a savage frown.
"'I could tell in a minute If yon
talked fast,' he said. 'The fellow whoin«
suited tnv wife lisps.'
"'l)oth he,' drawled the young ma»
'I lit hp, too, when I take a notion.'
"The big man snorted with rage.
" 'Curse you,' he said. 'l've a great
mind to smash you right here on tht
"The young fellow threw away hl(
cigar and let his arm 6 fall at his sides
" 'See here, my friend,' he said, 'yon
are making a ridiculous exhibition oi
yourself. If you raise a finger to me I'll
pitch you across the street. As far at
winking at your wife goes, I want tc
tell you in the first place that I've toe
much tasto to wink ata woman who if
stupid enough to faucy you. In th<
second place, I don't know your wiff
from Lueretla Borgia, and I'm equallj
positive that I never saw you before
And now you may continue your inter
esting hunt.'
"And the young fellow turned onhii
heel and stalked along.
"Say, it was the neatest calling down
I ever saw, and it makes me chucklt
even now."—Cleveland Leader.
Little Thins*-
Little words are the sweetest to hear;
little charities fly the farthest and stay
longest on the wing; little flakes art
the stillest, little hearts are the fondesl
and little farms the best tilled. Little
books are the most read and littlesongi
the dearest lovedi And when naturi
would make anything especially rar«
and beautiful she makes it little—little
pearls, little diamonds, little dew. Tht
"Sermon on the Mount" is little, but the
last dedication discourse was an hour
Life is made up of littles; death is what
remains- of them all. Day is made u|
of little beams and night Is glorioui
with little stars. — Leisurellours.
GlM*lnur l-KU*.
It is possible to glaze the surface ol
fried eggs without the process knowr
in the kitchen as "turning.** This whip
ping the egg over is a delicate and diffi
cult operation, and, moreover, almost
Invariably cooks it too much for most
persons' taste. The glaze may be ai
well secured by covering the pandurinf
the whole process of cooking.—N X
"I think," said the caliph of Bagdad,
"thut I shall make a tour of my do
minions. In what way can I best in
sure a cordial greeting from my peo
"Travel incognito," said the grand
vilicr, making u profound salaam.—