Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 13, 1898, Image 3

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NOTE -All advertiser* lntendln* to make
i-han*.-* in their ad». »hou 'J notify aj 01
their intention to do »•. not later than Jt«m
day moraifMr
Orphan * Court Sale estate of James
Shercff s Sale Jan. 2>i
Ruff"s repair work.
Zimmerman s sacrifice sale contin
Butler Produce Co s goods.
C. ic T"i Clearance sale.
Beaver Vallev Traction Co s bonds,
for sale
Administrators and Exei-utor- of estates
1-an wrure their rwrelpt boo«» at the L ITI
ZKN oflce. and na»ing public
th>lr note books.
—lt was night all 'lay in Pittsburg
—Did yon hear any b>ly say—
Oh* this morning*
—The Salvation Army converted 8
prisoners in the jail.
—That midnight parade of the Qaaker
City Band. S. A was an astonisher.
—At the elections for hank officers in
th". W«n, Tiievlay all the old officers
were re-elected
- The goid shaft in Parker twp. is
down 1W) feet, and tbe inen are working
in water up to their knees.
Some boy of little wit took a pole
piLMij into the Salvation Army hail last
Friday evening, and broke up the meet
—Praying to mnsic waa the oddest
feature of the Salvation Army s ser
vices in the Opera House. Theatrical
religion seems ridiculous at first but
they claim to lie doing a great w ,rk
- Rev Win R Stevenson of Port
land, Oregon, will give a Stereopticon
lecture, in the first Presbyterian
Church on Tuesday Feb. Subject,
"Yellow Stone Park given under the
anspi'-e* of our Missionary Club.
—Tbe open meeting of the G. A. R.
in the Court room last Friday evening
was largely attended. Addresses were
made by A. B C. McFarland of Bntler
and Thomas Sample of Pittsburg, and
the newly elected officers of the Post
were installed.
-J. G. Croft, well known barber, who
returned from New Caatla last Septem
ber, has opened a very neat shop in the
new Bowman hotel building on Centre
Ave. The furnitnre is oak, upholstered
in green plush which makes a pretty ap
pearance Mr Croft is a skillful
barber and clever gentleman.
Tue Cutler Co. Medical A «w. me tin
Bntler, Tuesday and banqnetted at the
Willard House that night. At the
meeting I>rs T. D. McConnel of Pr'is
pect, W. li. Hocken berry of Slippery
rock and Chae. McClelland of Glade
Mill* were admittel to membership
and a memorial to Dr Cowden was read
by L>r. H. D. Hockenberry of W Sun
- Some weeks ago two Irishmen
working on the Enclid cut 'inarreied
and one stuck his pick into the back of
the other The point of the pick pene
trated the Inng and air came hissing
ont of the wound every time the man
breith:sd. Dr. Hodman sewed np the
wound, the ra in was taken to Mercer
Hospital, and he is said to be back and
at work again.
- Co. E held its annual election of
c.v.l offi *.-rs after drill last Friday even
Ing with the following unanimous re
suit, showing the goodwill prevailing
in the company: Pres., E. H. Negley;
Vice Pres., Horato Vanderlin; Sec'y,
Elmer Kuhn. Treas., A. T Scott, Board
of Control, ("has Collins, John Martin
and Albert Waters Next week the
inernliers will leave their measures for
new uniforms with a local tailor There
1« room for just ten good, capable re
emits in the company and there is no
better organization to liecome connect
• 1 with in Butler. No young man who
is able to take care of himself will re
gret three years military training in the
Nation?) Guard.
According to a list recently pub
lished the highest iiensions paid in this
county are to Edward Hang, Frank Pe
ton and George Palmer, all of Millers
town, s7l each; John A Graham of
Connonjneri'-sfting |72; and Win K.
Brown of Hlipperyiock ♦■Vi. Kiiti month
la I a year,
The rate of $ 1 'KI j n-r month is granted
by the general law for the I<>SS of lioth
hands, the result of c.anses due to triili
tary or naval service ( ,f the United
The rate of jier month is granted
by the general law for the loss of both
feet, the loss of liotri eyes, and also for
total and permanent disability requir
ing the regular aid and attendance of
another jierson, the result of causes due
to the military arid naval service of the
United States.
The rate of $.Vi per month is granted
by the general law for total disability
for the performance of manual latior.rc
i|uiHng frequent and periodical (but
not regular; aid and attendance, as a
result of causes due to the military or
naval service of the United States.
Dr Bulls Cough Syrup takes the
lea/1 of all cough preparations on our
ahel ves
Carpenter A Palmeter, Jamestown
New York.
Tin; New .lull.
On Tne'day, the County Commis
aloners awarded the contract for the re
modclingi of the County jail to the Van
Dorn Iron Co. if Cleveland at
The Iron Co. will go ahead and get
the iron and steel work ready as per
plan* and the specifications of Mr.
Owsley, the architect, and the local
contracter*. will provide for
the stonework, but the
work of remodeling will not l>egiii tin
til after March Quarter Sessions when
it will Is- pushed to completion
The honae of Joseph Murrin of Ve
Tiango twp Was destroyed by fire last
Saturday night Nearly all the house
hold g'Srfls were lost
The barn on the John Weaver place
iiear Saxonburg burned, Tuesday.
Our grocers are paying |H to 20 for
butter, tl tor fresh for jsita
t/s's "io for parsnips, carrots anil beets
70 for onions, let a pound for cab
bagc. $1 Ki a bu. for ts-ans, lOcts. a
pound for dressed young chicken and
H tor old
f/»'-al dealers are paying Wicts a bu
for wheat. 40 for rve. for corn, l' t for
oats and «•"» a hnndred for buckwheat
The Butler Rubricating Oil Co. has
moved bark t i their old standnnti t \V.
Jefferson St. Sieelsnuth A Patterson's
new building, where all kinds of engine,
machinery and illuminating oils ol the
finest rjmflity are kept in sl<xk in the
basement, and will la- delivered to any
But of the city when ordered from C, K.
cI utire, agent.
The Plate Ola— Matter.
On Friday la»t the following entry
waa made in the Appearance Docket in
the Prothonotary s office
"The Safe Deposit and Trust Co f
Pittaburg. trustee vs the Standard Plate
<i!a-- Co.
••Sci. fi sur mortgage. recorded in
Mortgage Book '■>. pages 430 to i
writ issued, returnable to second Mon
day of February
• Jan. 8, 1888. C Walker, accepts ser
vice for defendant, etc
This means that our Plate Gits* Co ,
owes money that is due. and that its
creditors propose taking judgement
and selling the plant.
The coat of the plant as it stands to
day, was about one million dollars, and
there is said to be a first mortgage of
f520,000 upon it due in 1 '■* and a bal
ance of t247.<#>> of a second mortgage
now due.
F. J. Klingler of Butler now holds
and controls about one third of the
second mortgage bond- and it 's he
who is talcing action in th< matter for
the Safe Def<osit Co.
On Monday he filed a Bill .n Equity
against the company and asked that a
receiver oe appointed, and th*- court
fixed Sat unlay of next week, the rid. as
the time for hearing the case.
Whether or not Mr Klingler is acting
in the interest of the Pittsbnrg Plate
Glaso Co.. or Trust remain- to lie -een.
He published a card. Monday, denying
that he i-. and thi- wa.- answered by
by Mr Brvmer. the manager of the
Works here Tuesday, as follows
Mr Fred J. Klingler proclaims an
ownership of stock and bonds of the
Standard Plate <iia — Company for 11
years past. Now *n IH»S9 H J. Kling
ler & Co owned -'. me stock, which
they sold in that year Mr. Klingler
was then a member of that firm, and
we positively assert that from that time
until April, IW7. Mr F J Klingler
did not own one dollar s worth of stwk
nor a single bond of this company, nor
did it come to oar knowledge that he
claimed any bonds until October,
For some nnacconntable reason h<- has
commiserated this company and has
even gone so far as to write derogatory
letters, statements, etc. concerning its
credit Now we regr» t that we must
draw the sword, and beg herewith to
state that in l-IrJ the company was in
the hands of a recti ver for one year,
when he was discharge!, leaving a
second mortgage bonded indebtedr:'-*-
of and a floating debt of
r, 76 x
Sin ce that time the conn try has liwn
through the most tryi financial 'le
press ion. but nevertheless the plant taut
be-en kept running. excepting a hor*
ahnt-down in WX>, and -ince then has
reduced the second mortgage to *£2l.
600 and the floating debt ha- been en
tirely wijied out We paid hundreds of
thousands of dollars for wages mate
rial, interest, etc., and never defaulted
one day on our first or second mortgage
interest. Though this statement
cornea from ourselves, we further assert
that the plant is in every resjiect in bet
ter condition that at any time in the
period of its exi*tenreM»otwithstanding
Mr Klingler's assertion to the contrary
We challenge any contradiction to this
Not until Mr. Klingler got some of
the tecond mortgage leirids through
false assertions, written statement-:
which we have in onr possession, did
we experience trouble from any source.
The only amount dne is tyt.Mt for
which he did ask payment from one of
the officers on Monday, .January •!,
who said that provision would no doubt
be made when the Directors met in reg
nlar session on the third Thursday in
January, 1 *'.»* but to onr great surprise
and chagrin we were served with a no
tice from the sheriff on Saturday morn
ing, not only for the O.'iOO dollars dne
but. he entered'proceedings to dose the
works and have them sold We were
again more surprised Monday to learn
that he persisted in applying to the
Conrt for a Receiver, which application
was graciously declined until the com
|»any can have a hearing in dne time.
We particularly desire to state here
with that if »i»y one bus any claims for
material delivered or work done, they
may present the same and we will pay
it on presentation at thisofti-e in But
l«»r Only excepting the Bonded Indebt
A meeting of the director* of the
company wan held fn Pittsburg, Tues
day, and continued until t'slay.
There is some talk of a parade by the
the employees of the company for Hat
nrday af terrnion
\( ( II»I;NTM.
Kobt. Johnston, the young man
who was so terribly injured by an ex
ploriori near Mar- died att.be hospital
in Allegheny Wednesday afternoon of
laat week.
An unknown man ha/I a leg broken
by fl fall .from one of the Bessie trestles
a lews ago and was taken to the Mer
cer Hospital.
A little son of C. tion of
W Cnniiigbam St fell down stair-t
Tuesday and was badly hurt His new
rubber l>oots were responsible for the
William Kaufman of K. J'-ff.-r m St
had a thumb cut off in the Purvis plan
ning mill Tuesday
George W. Itockwell. an engineer on
the Pittsburg and WeUern railroad was
fatally injured last Friday at Millvale
He was standing by the side of the sand
house when shifting engine came along
and squeezed him against the building
His right hip was fractured arid he was
injured internally. He was taken to
the Allegheny General hospital where
lie died at midnight lt'»*kwdl wa >V)
years of age, and leaves a wife and fam
ily in Millivale
Pat Kagan and John Sherman had
their faces burned last Thursday even
ing by the explosion of gas in a Isiih-r
on the Burtner farm near Great Belt,
which they were repairing
Adam Kamerer was badly burned about
the face and hands last Friday morning
while trying to extinguish a fire in the
second story of his stable He was af
ter feed for his home and the lamp
either exploded or was upset The
flames reached the hay and the second
story of the stable was burned The
fire companies responded promptly and
■aved the lower story
Ira Murphy of Mercer St. ran a large
splinter in the palm of his right hand
last, week and is now carrying the in
j tired member ahont carefully wrapjatd
W S. Aiken 'i little son Boyal, aged
three years, fell into a tub of hot water
at the home 'if .f I', Campbell, Mr
Aiken's partner. Monday morning and
was so badly scald'd that he died that
evening at H oclock Campbell's bon -
is CIOM- by the store building on Centre
Ave. in which Mr Aiken's Jives Loyal
unnoticed, had followed Mrs. Campbell
Into her hou arid while playing about,
fell into the tub. which had been placed
on the fl'ior to do some washing
The funeral took place from the Aiken
home, 817 Centre ave
Jams T flammerly, an aged Invalid
who lived by himself in a little house
on the Orliiaon farm near Miller town,
met with a tragic death on Monday of
last week. Mr. 'Jrhison tiros- early
that. morning and looking
toward Haiuinerly's bouse saw
smoke coming through 'liff'-r
cut parts of the building lie rusfi'sl
over and tried to open the door, but.
there .was something against it By
exerting Ins strength he o|iened the door
and found thai Hamim-rlv had fallen
against it presumably in an effort to get
out before he was burned to death A
hot coal had fallen from the stove and
set. fire to the floor under the arm chair
in which Hammerly had la-en .itling
and the flames spread to th<* chair
which was badly chaired and tin- cush
ion and ls-d clothing which were on it,
were partly burned when Mr Orbinsoti
arrived and extinguished the flumes
When the lire started it. is thought, that
the sick man attempted to get out of
the house, but became exhausted and
sank down at the d'tor and would have
la*en cremated if Mr Orbison had not
arrived just in time to nav- him The
flames had not reached the man, and
Mr Orbison placed him on the bed
where he died in alsiut thirty minutes,
without regaining consciousness
Tkial LIST.
C> •mm- -a PK-as • onrt c- nvenei M n
day morning Judge J. D. Shaffer, of
the Allegheny county eUttlts. is assist
ing the local Court. The first case de
cided Loegler & Ladd vs C. F T. Pape
•k Br assumpsit by consent the jury
gave a verdict of $134. *<o for the plain
W. M and J. M. Webb. Mary J. and
Uriah Ralston in right of Mary J
Ralston and Ewd. Webb, heir- vs. Al
bert Miller, committee of Lowry Webb,
ejectment, wa- tried '•••tore Judge Shaf
fer. and on Tuesday, by direction of the j
Court, the jurv gave a verdict for;
Edward Webb. Mary J. Ralston and !
Cath. Morrow for three undivided i
eighteenths of the land dew ribed in the
writ, six cents damage, and cost-, and
as to J M and W. M. Webb, the jury
found for the defendant-
Paul Trontman vs Cath. Troutman.
divorce, was discontinued.
R. Hogg. Jr., vs W. Bailey and T
Hoffman trespass was continued
In the trespass case of M-iry .1
Stevenson vs the P. 15 & L E R. R.
Co. er al. a compulsory non suit was
given yesterday bv Judge Shaffer be
cause the plaintiff could not prove ne_'-
litren'-e on the part of the Railroad.
The plaintiff"s husband Samuel Steven
son, was killed on the railroad at Eu
clid 1 .st spring. and i;i tin- <■ •-•- com
pensation fur his death was asked.
The plaintiff pays the costs.
This morning the jury gave a veidict
of for the plaintiff in the Lotz vs
Ziesjler case
The Hamilton vs P. B <fc L. E. and
Sarver vs Harridan cases are on trial as
we go to press.
The two Stndebaker vs. N. C. Cas Co.
cases were settled
Erhard Lany was made plaintiff in
stead of Lewis Hazlett in the ejectmect
suit against Chas. Weidhos. Tuesday
the jury gave a verdict for the plaintiff
for the land described in writ.
In the J. H Flick et. al. vs. Forest
Oil Co. ejectment case, trial by jury
was waived and the Court will decide
the case.
The Penna. Co. got a verdict in th< ir
ejectment -nit against Barbara A. Mc
Curie for the land described, 6 cents
damage and costs.
F J. Klingler on Monday filed a bill
in equity against tne Standard Plate
Glass Co.. and the Court fixed Jan. 22,
at 10 A. M as the time for hearing.
George F. Whitmer, Esq., of Clarion,
has been admitted to practice at the
Butler bar
C. J. D. Strohfecker, I>r. A. V. Cun
nirighairi (t a! have bnoght a tres
- lit agair.-t Edwin Ramsey, stat
ing a claim of
An attchmr :i;t execution was served
Jan. 7. for the Bntler Savings Bank
against J. F. and A D McMnrray and
the Worth Mutual Fire Ins. Co. as
garnishee* for good- and j ersonal prop
The Phoenix Brewing Co. issued two
attachment execution's for g's>d-i and
property against Alice L Fan V.d, with
Ate: Flick as garnishee.
A petition was presented to the Conrt
for approval of th< steps taken by t n<:
< onnty Commissioner" to remodel the <
jail and the prayer waa granted.
Andrew Criley, convicted of illegal
li'jnor selling, was sentenced yesterday
months to jail, costs and fine.
The will of Jarnes M Thompson late
of Brady twp has been probated, no
letters. i
K. anse A Frehling is. Ned an exc-u
tion on a judgment to attach and levy
on g'«>ds debts etc due John Weber
and Phillip Burtner in the hands of the
Farmer s Mutual Fire Ins Co with a
aci, fa to show cause why the judg
merit ahonld not Is- levied.
The Court ordered the County to pay
the ;t- -nograph er > o-lin the I'
Golden vs Buth-r bo: o ci-e to Misl
- Findley,
The County Commissioners give no
tic- that Jan. '-1 and HI are tie- last,
days for filing certificates of noiriina
tion papers resjs-<-tively The former
must, be filed 18 days before the spring
election and the latter I•'< days. Blanks
can Is: obtained at the Commi lion'-rs
The will of Martin Kyt.li. late of But
ler has been probated and letters grant
ed to Eva and Frank Eyth.
John Burr has brought suit, in eject
ment against. Greer McCandless for •">
acres of land in <;<»nn'sjin-ne»sinjj twp
Wrn Balston attached and levied on
the goods of S F. Hal- ton in the hands
of Gulhach Bros bankers of ZtUdlOpll
A sci fa snr municipal claim was
filed by Butler boro against the heirs
at law of Dr Jas Graham, deed and
Hon Jas Bredin
The sentence of Dr Johnston and
Andy Criley has ls-cn j/ostponed until
January 11
Hiram ' hri/.ty was appointed guar
dian'if Maude G, Brown and A H
Snyder guardian of of Ira Brown, min
or children of Harvey Brown, late of
Marion twp.
The - ::|e of p<T onal property at the
Butler Home | U st Saturday iiggregat
ed but Messrs ' 'ardon and U<>ot
claimed the furniture and made afll
davit Frank ' lark's int.ere.it in the
furniture'if the Park Hotel was sold
to W A Clark for *lO At the Butler
House sale a man 'if alleged intemper
ate habits bid in and paid for a case of
beer but, h<- was iti'iuced to take his
money back
I.eonar'l Bowser, of Petrolia, has
been held for ' 'ourt on a jo i charge,
Monday morning the ( ourt <|uasher|
the appeal of Win Wood for Clinton
twp from the towrmhip auditor's re
isirt and put the cost • on the township
rhe appeal was heard last June The
reasons for (plashing were its informal
Ity and lack of certainty as to what
auditor s settlement was app< all d from
In the case of J iJavi'hoii vs W N
Davidson, guardian of Ida M David
son, a state*] ca for the opinion of the
Conrt, if. was decided that John David
son the father, should receive the an I
mini rents of the farm, which is slf.nat
ed in Adams twp as tenant by cur
tesy, and all profits arising from oil
rentals, fsuius money, or from the sale
of any part of the real estate Ida M
David on hi- daughter, i fo nwirive
the •• latter mon«-ys,*as remainderman,
at his death Judgment was ordered
to In- entered against tin- plaintiff and
in favor of the defendant for f ! !,! IW,
paid t'i the father out, of the oil rentals,
etc . as siion as the defendant gives
security to pav the plaintiff an
nually being flu- present profits of the
Our Poor Board had a great time
with I>r Matlierson The In Isnirded
at, the Cunningham House for some
months, and Mr Mcßlwee prewnted
his bill to the I''Kir Board of the town,
who refused to pay it Then Mr Mc
Klwee had him deelnred a pauper, and
the Poor Board t'Sik hold of the i n <
and had him assigned to Saxonburg,
his last legal residence- The Saxon
burg Board was not overjoyed with
their prize, but a son of the I >r who
lives in Allegheny let th'-rn out, by of
fering to keep his father if fie would
come to him
Then came the tug 'if war. the Dr
wouldn't, budge and be ha«* to be for
ced out of the l iinrilngham House, and
taken to the train lie fought the con
r,tables and got first blood from ''oil
stable Brown by scratching his hand
If our Poor ISoard had neglected the
case, and it had run on for a few
months longer, the Dr could have by
paying a jcill tax, secured a legal resi
deuce here and liecom*- a charge on us
for 11f« but Mc i Mill'i and M> KI
I vain, our Poor Hoard, had their eyes on
I the case and urg»s| Mr McFJwee to ac
I tion in the matter before it was too
I late
John H Spargo Mary Hoffman !i'i
acres in Jeffers<m twp for t'l'lO.
I Geo Walter to J A Walter lot in But j
ler for $lO.
KII Brown to Itobt. (iraut IUTCS in '
1 Allegheny twp for t\
rm ** "I 1 * •
J M Leijjnuer to J H McLure 3 acres
in Prospect for *{<«•
Wm Eicholtz to Jacob Fogel lot in
Zelienople for $27.1.
Jno lJ Williams to Margt L Rohner 50
acres in Forward twp for fl2-jO.
Geo Walter to Mary Chambe.-s lot in
Butler for *l<>.
John Eichert assignee to Lena Shonp
lot in Evan- City for
Jacob Gelbac'h to R H Brown 47
• acre- in Forward twp for Feb
I 17. l>:u.
Sarah J Crow to John B.trr lot in Mars
H D Ho»-kenberry to Geo A Rider 6"»
acres in Cherry twp for
Malachi to P B & L E R R •>
. acre- in C. ntre twp for
! A B Hutchison to same -i? acres in
Centre twp for
W 11 I»'-id- sheriff to John L.ilfour
I property in Adams twp for
John Brower to E P Burr 2<J acres in
Connoquenessing twp for $ 1.
John F Sutton to Penna Savings
Loan A.-su lot in Butler for StSM.SOL
A L Bla. k to same 14 acres in Butler for
-<22 ISO. •"><>.
Conrad K'jenig to Susie Ziegltr lot in
Zelienople for
H C Thompson t-, Robt Thompson.
126 acres in Middlesex for
Chas Duffy to Timothy Sullivan lot
in Butler for s4<j<i
Rosa S. Shamburg to Hannah Ham
mel lot in Butler.
JQ A Sullivan to Jacob Friend 1
."■re in Butler twp for ?1V).
North Side Cemetery Ass'n lot to
Hattie B Rahm.
Asaph ' ranmer to P B & L E R il
lot in Centre twp for f
C Duffy to same lot in Bntler for
Marriage I^ie«*nses.
J F Finney Beaver Falls
Cath B Wright Butler
John Yockey. . Vandergrift Pa
Emma Kaler Fairview
Martin L Hilliard Washington twp
Mary J Everett
Elmer O Cooper Winfield twp
Sarah L Hfpler
Charles F Ekas West Sunbnry
Margaret E Rus-ell Concord twp
At Buffalo C. I". Wilson and Annie
Cowan, of Bntler.
Tlie I siriner'n Institute.
The interest taken by the people of
the Southeastern corner of the County
in the Institute held at Sarversville,
Monday and Tuesday of this week, was
immense. Some of the attendants lived
eight miles from the hall; day and
night s<-sions were held both days, and
the hall was over crowded at every
•MriOß K-<(. ' ramer of Buffalo pn
sided, and besides the speakers in the
employ of the State, different subjects
were handled by Oliver Stonghton,
Esq. Easley, < F. Smith, M N. (ireer,
Jno. nr. Powell. W J Welsh, J 1).
Harbi-on. Helen Painter. Agnes Eas
ley, O H Bryan, Frank Halstead and
W. J. Hartley of this county. The
question Box was a great success.
The \tcnt of instrnruental rnnnic was
fnrnt-h< <] liy T 1I»- MIM-'-S and Mr.
(i irdm-r, and vocal iiinsic by the
Smith ami other*.
Th<- Institute at Fro-.j.ect ends this
evening, and that at Karris City takes
place Friday arid Saturday.
on. wruH.
()'t\ market remains nnchan(;ed.
DKI.AXII The Kisler well on the
Heck fill' dnp i feet with oil Tnes
day. This is the 4th sand territory.
The Star.dard is hot after all territory
OOFWVDBY IH<- Piodactt'l Hrnw MM
there fire sale-, and reported nales.
.M::r 'hall and l!nrke are said to have
taken W) for their KariiHey field in
t« n ■ f.iind Steel-uiith a 1)11 for hi"
I'AK (,'reek interest. Shidemantle nsked
fi'i'i (;0 for hi' It».nfrew iiroperty.
The Steeisiiiith sale, if HO bbls. would
aino'irit t-. trie Lntiher !sro*
sale i- s;iid to have nmonnted to? t'l.'XKi,
Tait &r, I'. Iter .n .-ire -.aid to have sold
'Hi thhls prodnctinm at <,'ooperstown
yirsterday to .iiue party, at SSW>
liurl.c A- Marshall claim to have ri-c' d
<4OO. several other properties are being
Kua«'"l and pric»M are ranging f r
to iJU'/i, a bll.
I'etroletim was one of the few com
moditi'H that did not share in the
general ;wlv;irice in |>n< < ■ daring IHi»?
It opened at km, highest 1)7: lowest Wi,
the closing price < )[>erations in the
field were very active all year The
year's production of Pennsylvania Oil
approximates iU.000.000 Imrrels, an
avera«e of alsint !i."«,o<Ki barrels a day,
compared with an average of alio.it Hi.
000 barrels in IHO'i The consumption
of oil also showed a steady increase, so
that the stocks on hand are not lar«e,
Civil Service examination.
A recent, ruling of the C S Civil
Service <,'ommiKSion, allows the local
hoard of examiners for the |<ostoflice in
this place to accept applications for the
grade# of clerks and carriers, at any
time. The rule, pievious to HIIM, has
been not to accept applications until a
time had been specified for holding an
examination. The public shotild also
Is-ar in mind, that, after the time has
been ■ et. for the close of receipt of ap
plications fori a certain examination,
none will IK- accepted for that examina
tion, bnt applicant informed that such
application in for the next examination
to be held
An examination for the grades men
tinned above will be held in this city
sometime between March 15th and
April 2'pth, I k!ih All applications filed
in complete form on or before March
l-.t, will be accepted for this exarnina
lion All neceHs.try information ami
blanks can IK- obtained from W It
lia tuian. Secret iry of the l>ocal i'oard
of Kxaminers, I' O, Mutler, I'a
l lic New l>irecl»»rj.
The new county direct-ory will l«-
complete in every detail It will con
tain IJO.OOO names with occupatioris
jxist office addrcs, the amount asMtssed
on ail property in the county against
each property holder's name thusshow
iriK the property and non property hold
crs, including a reliable map of the
county, which will show by town ships
the respective vote cast, at the last prcs
Ident.ial election by the various political
purlieu, is to be published April I, IKlei
Sir l.owman, representing The Trilmne
f'nlilishing ('ompany, of Meadville, I'a
a former resident of I'utler, ami a prac
tical printer and publisher of over
twenty live years exiwrience in the pub
lishing bnsiness and. who has published
a I mi 111 her of directories, arid Is
throughly '•oiiversant with all the de
sirable feaut.nres of directory work, is
now engaged HI workJiriHdent to Itspub
ii'-alioti He will call upon the business
men of the county for the piirjn.se of
securing the necei ary advance sul/srip
tion ito mcure its publication It will
be one that, will fill all the needs of the
bii im-M and political world, and be
made from the most authentic county
records available, im-hi'ling a house to
honk" canvas of I'utler. and every
town and township within the confines
of lint ler county
I'or further particular- a»ldress M A
l.owman J'• 50 \v North St. . fintler, Ila
Mr< Margaret Hid'- will have a pub
lie -sate of household goods, hay, etc ,
at her residence iri Korword twp , on
T ies'lay. tfii* IHtli
Feb ii, itolsut Ki'hl. Til acres in
Adani'i t wp
Feb 31, Michael I'aruhart, 7.'» acres
in Bfltler twp
Feb 2fl, Win I.nrdin, :.'H acres in
(,'linton twp
l eb :H. Is,ia<- Oalloway, 17 i acres In
('onnoijaenessing twp
I'or Miili*.
Iloime and lot on Lincoln ave , near
Mate Works, at a sacrifice »s owner In
te ids moving away Lot fix I !"i three
roomed house, title gr.irfl Imjuire at
j this office
lilaukcts and Kobe* nt wholesale
prices at Msrtincourt & Co's.,
Mrs John Aiken of Fannington is.
seriously ill.
Dr J W F Moore is now the jail
>!r>. Sarver of Allegheny is the gnest
of Mrs. Cyrus Harper.
W. M. has been granted a
?10 a month pension.
D X. Zeigler. of Evans City, attend
ed Conrt this week.
M. L. Starr of Petrolia was .1 business
visitor in But ler. Thursday.
Mrs. Sarah McKissiek of W. Snnbnry
has been granted a pension.
Lew Cochran has been laid off by La
(jrip'ie since Christinas.
Isaac Atwell of Auandale, was in
town, on business Wednesday.
Elmer McJnckin has returned to
SistTsville. after a visit to his folks
Jno. Powell, now has the P. <>. at
Harvers Station, he was in Butler on
business, yesterday.
Mrs Mib u Lowman returned on
Tuesday to Meadville, after a few days
visit with Uutler friends
J. X .larvis Es<i. of Pittsburg, was in
Butler Wednesday attending to busi
ness for the P B. A: L. E. K. K.
Mr. D. M Renfrew of Butler and
Miss Gertrude M Robinson of Erie
Pa. were united in marriage .Tan sth
by Rev. John S. McKee of Butler.
W. H. Voting of the Butler Pants Co.
on Jefferson St , has sold his stock and
room fixtures to his brother in Ellwood,
and will discontinue bis business here.
Maj< ir Gifford and his wife of the
Salvation Army were the quests of D.
E. Dale during their stay in Butler
Mrs Gifford is a daughter of Win.
Adaius, formerly of Slippery rock twp.
J. I». Marshall is having stone
hauled to his lot at corner
of Main and W. Pearl Sts. He intends
building a residence there next summer
a frame hor.se faced with a light-col
ored fire brick. John X. Patterson in
tends building a similar house on his
lot on X. Main St.
Beginning Monday night, the Elroy
Stock company will lx-gin an engage
ment in this city, vvitli matinee Satur
day afternoon, presenting a strong list
of melodramatic productions. The
company is stronger than ever and is
headed by thone well known artists, J.
Harvey < '.ok and Mi—> Lottie Chnrch,
The opening bill for Monday night will
be the great New York snccess entitled
Wife for Wife and it is safe to say
the ho;i«e will be packed to the doors.
Theatre goers will remember what fine
performances this excellent company
gave here last, season. Tuesday even
ing "The White Squadron," will lie
presented with all its science and me
chanical effects Wednesday evening
Land of the Midnight Hun " Thnrs
day evening "A Pair Rebel," Friday
evening Paradise Alley." Saturday
evening "The Midnight Alarm."
Special scenery is carried for the above
productions, and during the plays, new
and up to date specialties will be intro
duced by Miss Marion Chester, Fred C.
Palmer and Irving Walton Popular
prices, 10, 'JO, and "0 cents, will prevail.
Ladies' tickets have lieen issued for
Monday night Von can secure them
at the reserve seat sal' Seats on sale
Friday evening
A Loiter For Voti.
Unclaimed letters at the Postoflice at
Butler Pa week ending Jan. 10, 18118. j
Mi: i Minnie Uutler, Wilbcrt Hartley,
I, J Barrickman South St; Jas Duffy,
Mrs John Finiri, Mr Prank Faulk, W
II .Miller <t Co, Mr Geo MR
Charles M' Alvaney, Mis.- Nellie MC
Fadden, Mrs Kite Stewart. Mr Harry
11l calling for these letters please say
advertised JOHN W. P.HOWN, P. M.
Midwinter I.\cnrsioii lo Niagara.
W. I). McfJeary, b«s a'ranged for a
i;;ld-v.tntcr P.xcursion to Niti/ara I'all*
over tin ll< seiner & Nicklc i'late Kail
roa.l't to be run on the 2oth of Jan. if 25
or m ire pa . angers can be secured. The
rate will Is* f joo for the round trip; The
excursion will leave at jo A. M. Butler
time ample time for passengers
to conic from I'.vaiiK ' 'i'y, Callery or
Mars, the rate over the I* & W. K. K.
will be <jo< in connection witn thlsexcur
sioii from the alKive named |s»ints and
returning l'er-.oir. desiring to avail them
selves ol this splendid opportunity to
View the beautii •of this wonder of na
ture in mid-wintei should fend their
names lo W. fi. M< Geary, on or liefore
the 15th ot thM month so lie will know
to order the cxcuisiou t»> start and he
will answer any enquiries -egarding the
excursion. J The excursionists will go on
r.-gular trains arriving ;it Niagara oil the
eve of the 20th, returning leave Niagara
f<n the 22'1 »bout in o'clock, arriving at |
Uutler in the evening.
For further particular', call on or ad
dre .n. W It. McOcary,
liutler, Pa.
Tickets may be extended if desired up
on application.
Washington is a iirnl interesting
city. The Capitol, the ('ongresslonal
Library, the National Museum, and
the monument are among the great
creations of civilized man. and appeal
with peculiar force to every American
citizen Few journeys, in fact, are of
more benefit than a trip to this city,
the Nation's ''apitol, and the scene of
m.ich of vital importance To afford
an opportunity to visit it while Con
gross is in session, the Pennsylvania
Kailroud Company h 1 arranged for a
series of low rate ten day excursions to
the National Capital to leave Pitts
burg February 17, March 17. April 14,
and Ma y I'l Itoiind trip ticket will bo
sold at rate of $!» 'KI from Pittsburg,
good going on special train leaving
I' nioh Station at HOOA ' M Carrying
through parlor cars and coaches, mid
making same stops as train No 12. or
on train No 4. leaving Pittsburg at H.
10 P M carrying through sleeping
cars to Washington returning, tickets
will l>e good on any train except the
Pennsylvania Limited
Tickets on sale in Pittsburg, at IJ nlori
Ti'-kel office, illWt Fifth Avenue, and
I'nion Station For full information
apply to agents or Thomas IC Watt.
PIP enger Agent Western District,
Fifth Avenuv and Hmithfleld ,Htr«'<'t,
( aliloi'iiin.
American and especially trains «ton
tinental travel has been revolutionized
by the personally conductud Tours of
the Penn-ylvania Kailroud J'aliforniii
tlie land of promise, the dream of the
tourist has been mad< easily nnd coin
fortablv acci dble Through trains of
palatini appoiiitiiients run between the
Atlantic and Pacific, affording ample
opportunity to visit the most interest
ini< points en route, and insuring a de
grec of comfort and sot Hal attention
not otherwise attainiible The next
tour to California under the matchless
system will leave New York, I'hiladel
phla and Pittsburg Tue«dny. Jiinuary
'.27. visiting HI
Diego Uiverside I.os Angeles Pasadena,
Si'iita liarlsira. Monterey, San Francis
vii, Salt Lake ( 'ity, 'ilenwood Springs,
('olorado Springs and Manltau, Denver,
A'- Koinid trip rate, including trans
pi.|tii>n meals carnage iliiyet, hotel
accommodations, and Cullman accom
modations en route, and Pullman
lierth I.os Angeles to San Francisco,
and transportation in ' difomla, fiilO,
from all stations »a«t of Pittsburg;
with hotel accommodations. meals,
transfers, and carriage driles through
California for four weeks. #r;.'i ad
ilitional An experienced cimjierori
will accompany the party for the dene
fit of the lady tourists
For Itineraries and full Information,
apply to ticket, agents Tourist Agent,
I, MM', I'.roadway New York or address
: Geo W Boyd, Assistant General Pas
*se tiger Agent. 11 road Street Station,
\ Phlladelghla
: A f« w more watches will be
' awny I I I,l', to any |.ei .11 buying at olie
' time $lO worth or over. Miirtincouit h
' Co. i2h J',. Jefferson St.. Uutler i'a.
liar ltai!<|ilct.
I .
The second annual banquet of the
Butler Bar was held in the Hotel Wil
lard. Thursday evening. Jan. Bth and
until aisiut lam of the 7th. Ihe C 0111
mitteeof Arrangements were attorneys
I. Vanderlin. W (' Thompson. L M
Wise, Jss. Hutchison and F. X. Koh
ler. The leges luxes assembled at *p.
m. and for an hour chatted and listened
:to music by Prof E. O. Davis Then
followed a menu that was elals>r.ite.
palatable, well prepared and up-to-date.
At 1020 Judge Greer, acting as nia
' t>r of ceremonies, announced it was !
! time for toasts He gave some statis j
tics of the Bar. mentioning the names !
of one hundred men who read and pra<- j
ti'*ed in and removed from Butler dur
ing his time; also the names of twenty j
bachelors and seven grandfathers.
Hon. E. McJunkin responded to "On '
; the t 'onrts. " and gave an able and learn
ed discourse on the qualifications of a
judge. Col. J M Thompson spoke on
the "American Lawyer." and Lev Mc
on the Trial Lawyer.' S. F.
Bowser was eloquent on the subject of
"Forensic. Eloquence. C. Walker was
to have resj>onded to the toast, "Where
are we at ?" but he being absent, J. M.
Galbreath was called upon and respond
ed in a manner that was pleasing to
hear and covered all points of thg sub
ject. Harry Wilson, Esq . of Clarion,
the only out of town guest, told how
well pleased he was with his entertain
The attorneys all must have been suf
fering from sore throat, as the singing
of "Auld Lang Syne" was postponed un
til next year.
With its matchless climate, its or
ange groves, its rivers and lakes, its
lioatings and bathings, its fishing and
hunting, aud its primeval forests.
Florida presents unrivaled attractions
for the valetudinarian, the lover of
nature, the sportsman, and the ex
The first Jacksonville tour of the sea
son via the Pennsylvania Railroad, al
lowing two weeks in Florida, leaves
New York by special train Tuesday,
January 25. Excursion tickets, inclu
ding railway transportation, pullman
accomodations'one berth* and meals
en route in both directions while
traveling on the special train will be
sold at the following rates: Pittburg,
I.VJ. and at proportionate rates from
other jsiints
For tickets, itineraries, and full in
formation apply to ticket agents: tour
ist Agent, ll'J'l Broadway, Neyv York
or address Geo. W. Boyd, assistant
General Passenger agent, Broad Street
Station' Philadelphia.
—Music scholars wanted, at 128 W.
Wayne St.
Do yon wish to feel well and vigorous
and able to put vim into every action?
If so, take Dr. Bull's Pills. 10 and 25
For Sale.
A good organ, 111 splendid order, is
for sale cheap. Inquire at 121 N. Mc
Kean St. _____
—Job work ot all kind* dons at tli
Pianos, Organs etc. at Cost.
J. K. Giieb in order to close out his
stock of pianos, organs, musical goods,
, watches, clocks, silverware, jewelry,
etc. offers his entire stock at cost.
I mean to quit these lines and will of
fer sonic special bargains. This is a
genuine close out sale ami no fake.
All store fixtures for sale, store room
for rent posession given Apr. Ist'
Pianos at $175 and up.
Organs at #35 aud up.
These arc new goods none shop worn.
I have always handled the very best
quality of instruments and will fully
guarantee any article sold as heretofore
I positively mean to quit the business
ami am offering goods at a sacrifice,
The Holidays are approaching and now
is your chance to invest
Don't fcrget my line of jewelry,
watches, clocks, silverware etc. A com
plete line for this sea .on.
Come slid see for yourself.
J R. Grivh.
We rail save you money on anything
you may want in the Blanket, I'.obe,
S\eigb, Harness or Muggy line. Martin
court Co., 12K lv. JctfersonSt,, liutler,
Low Prices in Musical Goods.
Some sjiecial prices at f K (".rich's
sale now going on.
New Pianos (200 and up
New Organs #. r iO and up
Guitar* #1 and up
Mandolins f 1..V and up
Violins... *I,.V> ami up
Autoharpg and up
There are also some second hand in
struments pianos at f i.S to SIOO, Or
gatis at f2O to '/>.
Hartnonices and other musical instru
incuts at proportionately low rates.
Strings of all kinds constantly in stock.
. ■
Martincpurt & Co., 12H IC. |etfeisou
St., are selling Illankets and Robes
cheaper now than ever before. Call ami
' see our line before buying
Kubwcr Ibe tor the CITIZEN
Take Notice.
1 To the members of the Mutual Farmer*'
Fire Insurance Company of linnnahs
town and vicinity:
1 On account of a great many mem
tiers of this company not having Hindu
any improvements on their insured
; buildings, as the policies in the books
I ihow, since the revision of IHMI and
IHM2, the directors, therefore, at the
Inst meeting of Dec |H, 181(7, decided
tn have another revision commencing
on or *iliont Jan 10th, IHOH The man
agers of this company would kindly
ask the member* to assist the officers
entrusted with the revision in the way
of showing thuir existing policies so
1 the work .* done with dispatch and
ease By order of the President
A KttAUMK, Sec'y
Delano, Dec 20, |Ht»7
Any of our reader* needing gas stoves
or gas rangm, gas fronts or any gns «av
ing appliance will find it a financial sav
ing to call at the •tore 1,1 tyj. H.
O'Brien <fc Son f 11 l*',iint Jcffrrnon St.
Mini y* t j»rifr» oivtlir 1-xlrtinivr liflf lliry
linvr fill exhibition Tl»cy nrr
for the cHrl»rntc«! WHnhacb
flight, *»f which more than t/"> weo
in f'titler, Ittxt year
PTA'I I.MKST Ol lilt IIN A Ml. "|
tlii' Miiimil I iirriM 1 I I r«• litMl 1 HIM 1 <."»»
or MiiMfiitlintowii HII'I vicinity
ft9*:< MI'TH
< IMII |I. hunk on L»« • »L L"W FL 171 M
IC< « >1 from n* w liimi i mi* • liming l In
y# |»r |mr7 2*7 i*
!(«•» *| from MuM-miiiirnt lime '• I I VM'.l
lu r'il from imm nmiH'iit I V.V* If.
fl 010 Ir,
I'tilil for |I»««h( . i|llrlntf I y< 11f',''»* to
TU I II 11*'4, LTM|#C#-| lon,
If |
I'M I* I for n ill, Ml Inl ink', i •
tl'Miury iMmf UH« , et« Wl IJ'
< imII In tr< .mitrci . IHIMI !»• ill, * 1 • : s
Totml Min't ' iiill lec'il In- »• <#lK»• i»I -
'Jitlon of compiiny 'l*
Total Hint pul'l f«»r l«»«♦».! mcl • *
li* iiK ', Hiiic«MirKiinl/ • l|i Ml of 11 •
comiMiny ♦ • l ''<4 t\
Ami of liitiirun' « In f'M- • »MI I»•
M urn II • • •
I W Wl I I I I'M '.
A KIIAt'HR, Hm-'y
We, t lie timli r*ttfn«>fl. h« . • :inil|i< «l MM*
foreK"li>|f ■liitufiM lit of lln M I I I 1 of (
Ifnnn>iliil*• w II iiii'l vicinity »m«l foninl tliem
cor i 110 On iH'ht «.f OIM I nowli »!;•«
fA • (i|t 111 I \* MM If
A Itit I I 1(1 111 M NO,
< onunlttw for vUlon of io*oiilll4,
IIOIMIIO, l»«" - Jll, F#7
' • %/ r f•• * • • #
. 1 . i •. . ,J. ,
As to What
You May Expect.
Xothii.g but the best finds a place
in ciur store. We are sure you arc
willing to pay a fair price for pure
'.rugs. We guarantee f\ery article
bearing our nainc to be just as repre
sented or your money back. In
pr nip'nessor proficiency of service
we strive for the highest. Our
constantly increasing business is
the best evidence that our efforts
I are appreciated.
We thank our many customers for
their liberal patronage, A pltased
customer is our best advertisement.
Come to our store next time It
will be to your interest.
C. N. Boyd, PRUtiOI * T
l Diamond I'.lock, Butler, I*a.
Notice in Divorce
! r.mh-y |»y In the I'ourt of
; in r next fri' ini 1., i < oinmori IMea*of But
knintoy ler Co.. I'a. A. I>. No.
\ >». »2i Sept Term I*V7.
A. T. Conley Book IN page 27.).
Tw i in above rase having lieen
returned "V K. I." you the said A. 1. Con
ley. .ti H » vnamed respondent, are hereby
nqulrt-tl t<> ipiM.tr in tin* Court of Common
l'le;««» «.f liut i» r < I*:i., to held in liutler,
I'a . in and f«>i ! lit* afon»>aid county on Mou
thy tin 7th ty of lM*v Iwii.j-' the
day of n»-.\t term of said court. to answer the
-anl complaint and show cause why a <ll
- from the Umds of matrimony should
not (H- granted as prayed for, to said
I io-» iice Conley.
You art* also hereby notitied that testi
mony \*ill he taken ill the alcove case before
tii« -aid oourt on Tuesday the Mil day of
March IKW at which time and place you are
notified to attend.
and -Atty's.
Notice in Divorce.
Mis Sallie B. Carr9on In the Court of Com
mon I'lcas of Butler
vs. Co., Pa.. A. I*. No. 31.
Sept. Term L*l»7, IHH »U
Duican C. Carson 1H page 342.
Two sui'ixH-ii.i* in above case having been
returned "N. K. I "you the said Duncan C.
t arson, i :H»VC named res|>ondent. are here
by required to appear in the Court of Com
mon I'le . s of Butler County. I'a., to oe held
in Butier. I'a.. in and for the aforesaid coun
ty on Monday the 7th day of March Ist*, be
ing tlx lJrst day of next term of said court,
in answer tin **.tld complaint and show cause
why :i tlivtir t frout the i>onds of matrimony
should not 1<« granted as prayed for, to the
said Mrs. Sallie B. Carson.
You ot also hwreby untitled that testi
mony will IN taken in the atxtve ease l»efore
the said < ou rt on Tueailay the *tli day of
»lai ii l-.f at wblfli tline and place you are
not ified to at tend.
Wiu.i km B DODOS. Sheriff.
UAI.STON & <«ItKKIL, Atty's.
Notice in Divorce.
Adallne Duncan In the (lourl of Com
mon I'leas of But ler Co.,
, vs l*a , A. I>.. No. it, Sept.
Term I*o7. lioolc I* page
Nathan Duneun
1 Two subjHM-nas in al»ov4'case hav ing lieen
returned v EL I " von the Mid N>th>i>
Duuca.i, above named respondent, are lit re
by it ioiired to appear in the Court of Com
mon I 'leas of But lei County, Pa., to IH* held
j In Butler. Pa.. In and for the aforesaid coun
ty on Monday the 7th dav of Mardh I*l*, In—
ing Ihe first day of next term of said court,
to ansv.t r the said complaint and show cause
why a divorce from the Ininds of matri
mony -liould not lie granted as prayed for.
to t lie said Adallne Duncan.
You are also hereby notified that testi
mony wi I lie taken In the aliove case In-fore
the said Court on Tuesday the "111 day of
Mait-b IHIIH tit which time and place you are
notiii« <l to nt tend.
\VIM.IAM 11. lH»i»i»rt. Sli«*rlfT
.1. I». M A lisll A i,l„ Att'y.
Orphan's Court Sale.
II V virtue of an order MM I decree «ili«
i m |ili HI s ( i iii ri of Hut l(*r < oiinty. I'u.. in Jul v
at N«». fti, of Mitp'h T<»rm IMU*, of said Court,
t lx' undersigned admltilsi rat<»r of I In* estate
of laim Crlswell, lit!«• of AflMnt I wp„ coun
ty aml.Htutc aforesaid, dne'd., will offer for
sale at pulill'* vendue on tin* premise*. on
Thursday, February 3rd, 1898,
t I u'( loci P M of • I«I 'l. iv. all tliat eer -
tain tia -t of I a 11« I -»l t«i a t«*«l In Adams two ,
HtiMi r county. state of I'emisy Ivthltlli,
liouiided north by lauds of t 'oovert heirs and
Samuel I'ark, * isl liy land of Sumii«>l Park
and Mr - St« rn ti. Mint It l»y land of .lolin
I! in and Win I'urvH IIIM! we-»t hy lands of
I W. I\t IIIM dy's heir*. Newton l.crtliiK and
< oovert heirs, corit UIIIIUK ID urn s, ttior«* or
b with 'J fran m < IW«• 111 •• tc houses, one near
ly new, hauU harn and other outhuild-
Inn-. 2ori haid Land situated 'j tulle from
Mars uid '» mile from Itowney vllle on IV »V
\V. Ify.. eonvi nleiit toehurehe* and schools,
land In good conditio - ami well watered,
well adapted to elt In■ > to<*U raising or kch
eral farming purnosi s. supposed to lie oil
and tra« territory If de . • loped.
TI-.KMN o| - \ l.i; One-half of the juif
chase money to be pnld on eon flriniit lon of
>aln by the I 'our! and the ot her half In one
veur thereafter, with Interest, to lie secured
by l»oud M.IMI mortgage on the premises, with
u sua I waivers amfat tortieys com IN I *M|OI».
ItOilftlCT KIDM, Adto'r.
.Myoma, l*a.
Ml .It NKIN St t» A I. lilt LAI II Atty's.
Orphan's Court Sale.
Ity virtue of an order ami decree of thf*
Orphan's Court. In and for the County of
Itutler. I'cnn'a , I the undersigned IVler A.
Itariihart, administrator of the estate of
Ml< liaei Itariihart. dee'd.. and duly appolnt
eil trustee for t he pur|H»se of milking sale will
olfer foi ale at public vendue, on the prem-
Monday, February 21,1898.
it one o'clock IV M . of said day seventy live
iM'ieu afid sixty perches of land strict mens
IIM is pei iiiriry of lini. (' I'll low, lv*|., til
ed.! urn- atlfli, Ni7, situated In Itutler iwii.,
Itut ler < ounty, and state of I'ennsy Ivauia,
and Ijoumh d and deserlbed as follows: On
i in- north Ijounded hy ami udjoluliig lands of
Mi Anna M -t« wart and I'eter l.ut/, on
I In ♦ ast, hounded hy and adjoining lands of
Thornly .lohiiston, on the south IsMimled hy
and a<fjolrtlug lands of Hamuel Kohlusoti,
John l.awell and puhlle road, and on t lie
v\« I bounded hy Ifinds of .1 Croup and puh
-11«• load, liwi lllng house, ham ami out
building'* and orehard thin-on, and Is under
i;ood state of i ult I vat lon. and Is In nil re
* pee t . i valuable and desirable farm
TI.UMh ol \ I.l', otie third of the pur
eiiase mom v to tie paid on continuation of
sale and the halanee In two eutial annual
payments with Interest from suld eonllrma
tion and to be «run d hy lionds with usual
wa|v« it and <'omiiilsslous
Trustee, I'cachvlllc P.O.
I IK It \KIN att'y . Itutler. I'a.
Orphan's Court Sale.
Ityvlrtueof an order and deeree of the
orphan's Court «»f Itutler County. I'eun'tt . I
the undersigned administrator of the estate
of William Iwirdlii, lute of Clinton twp.
< ount y uid .late aforesaid, der'd , will ofTer
foi ~ih at puldle vendue on the premises,
Saturday, Feb. 20, 1898,
ii I o'.• lo« I. I' M of said day. 2* acres ami
I 111 per« In .of la lid •fI I• t me its II l< Us pe |
.urv« v and draft of i I. Met^u lst lon,
dated.lnn* ; I -a, *it tin ted In the township,
• ounty and tale afon said, and hounded on
the moth hy laml hof John Hal stead, on the
• list hy lands of O I' Harvey, on the south
i.y I Olds Of omul Hnydei and Mrs Mary C,
L, <rd|n Old on tie H< II hy a puhlle road.
I iam* dwelling house, fram* dahle, out
hulldliiur-i and fruit ti< * s thereon; a ko*ml
velnof'oal underlies tin land whl< h hits
heen oneiied and ««perated The |ir<u>« rly Is
In kimhl m pall and is In all n spo Is a deslra
hie hour
I 1.1.'M «»l M.I On. half »f the pur
> 111 .« mom y t-» he nald on eon fir-mat lon of
nil Old til* i liiilf 111 one year there
>ft< i '.villi I«it• m i from said «oiitlrmatl«»n
Mild f* • he • I III' d hy hofpls with U'iiial walv
eis and commissions,
I. H. I.A Kill N.
Ailuilnlst rator,
• HOllhtll tf I' 11
I Mi h att y
Itutler. I'a
Orphan's Court Sale.
Ity virtue «,f au o rd« > and di-i m< of tIM ,
Otphati touit.in and foi th* ('ounty of
Itut |e i I'eun'a , I tin umh rslKiied aduiluis
tratorofthe e*tat« of IsaiM* Mulloway. of
t 'oumM|uen« vllitf twp , roiiut y and state
afoM lid <h « d . Will '.rr. r for sale at puhlle
Monday, February 28, 1898,
II • |JH <»'( • . I' N •'f i i'l »I i,• .in loin
riled ll nd • v» nt y u< n .of land moi« or LESA.
.11 II I led hi tie townstilp eininty and stulr
llf"i> • •«*'. out hound* d and dem iHm d as f«d
lo.' On tin inn ili hy lands of I Hodds
and '< "lup« on tin •ast hy lauds of t|«|iou
aids in h on tin outh hy lands of Thomas
'oilh'W.iy .oid on the w» .t I»y lands of John
Ih' l ett oid untie! IfempTtUl. alnnit one i
hundred io-d t went y a« h . .hired feuied
and eII 111 % ated. latiauee wiMsllaurf; hrh'k
dwelling hou v oid f» one hauU tairn and
out hullo.n,' oid tfood orchard t heicon, well
wntered o.d und< i i ild with KINMI vein of
< 0.1 I and in I |e, idlo he oil iitnl territory
if prop* rly develop* d and is In all n spe« t« a
Val mi til" Old *h liable farm and home
IIIM ' O I I i IfM I lllrd of •he pur
iII I « iii"l" y lo hi paid on eoutii unit bin of
,'ih and tin balaie •• hi two egtml anntinl
pii y rue n< •» wit h lut eiest f loin said eon firm n
lion oid lo he «e< uied liy iMinds with usual
waivers ami • ommlssloits
TitoM \Ht» A I,M »W \ V
Ndudnl Oabu of the , 4 | .le ~f U, (u . Oallo
way. de« d
* t Hut let < t» I'H
I Ml l( ..KIN, lilt V
lluil- r. I'M
High Grade f
CLOTHING — Keeping always >eforc us the
fact that our success depends upon your satis
-1 faction, we work constantly for the better—
better in quality—better in workmanship —
better in fit.
If thats the kind of clothing you're after
COME TO US there's no question about ■
prices, they're the lowest in the county.
Douthett & Graham %
Butler Penn'a.
Heavy Suits and Overcoats
The choice of quality, comfort and economy uiges your
attention to these VALUES
Men's Suits at $5 worth $9.
" " 44 $7 " sl2.
44 " ".. .. ; SIO 44 sls.
Men's Beaver Overcoats at $5 " $lO.
" Kersey " 44 $7 " sl2.
" Frieze Ulsters " $8 " sl3.
" Chinchilla Ulsters at $6 " sll.
The prices will make these goods move fast.
leading clothiers.
In re estate of John Hetsel);es*»r,
ilec'd., late of Winfielil twp., Butler Co.,
Whereas, letters testamentary have
been issneil to the undersigned on the
above estate, therefore all persons in
debtcil to said estate will pltaae inake
immediate payment, ami all having
claims will present them properly prov
e<l for settlement to
Kxecutorof Joh J HeUelxesaer, dee'd.
W C. PINDLKY, att'y.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Mrs. Mary Case, «lec'«l, late of Jefferaon
twp., Hiitler Co., I'a., having been jjrant
e«l to the undent jrned, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate
will pitnse make immediate payment,
ami any having claims axiMnat aaiii es
tate will present them duly authenticated
for settlement to
Saxonbnrg, Pa.
l,ette»s testamentary on the estate of
J. C. McCollouKb, dee'd., late of Pair
view twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate will pleas; make immediate pay
meut, and anv having claims against
said estate will present them duly au
ttenticated for settlement to
Chicora, Pa.
KAI.STON & (»KKKK, atty's.
r.cttrrs testamentary on the estate of
John M. Shira, dee'd., late of Parker
twp., Hiitler Co., Pa., having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment,
and anv having claims agsinst said ea
tate will present them duly authenticat
ed for settlement to
P.. B. Sill HA,
Shira P. 0., Butler Co., Pa.
W (/'. I'INUUSV, Att'y,
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Henry Wagner, Sr., dee'd., late of But
ler, Butler County, Pa., having l»eeu
granted to the undersigned, al! persons
knowing themselves indebted to raid es
tate will please make immediate pay
ment, mid any having claims against
said estate will present them proj»erly
authenticated for settlement to
P.iecutrii. or
Att'y in Pact.
Butler, Pa.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
I'etei Wallace, dee'd., late of Muddy
rreeW Iwp., Hiitler county. Pa., havinv
been granted to the undersigned, all
jiersi.ii'. knowing themselves imlebted
to —III li>«ll win lilmi nink- hwrnll
ate payment, and anv having claims
against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement to
Butler. Pa.
Portersville Pa.
In re estate of llnvid B. Crowe, dee'd.,
late of Forward twp., Butler Coun
ty, I'enn'a.
Letters testamentary having been
grunted to the undersigned executors by
tile Register of Wills, on the estate of
af iresni'd decedent, therefore any and
all persons indebted to said estate are
hereby notified to jw»y the same, and
those having claims should present them
pro|»erly proved for payment to
Renfrew, Pa.
I'.*ecutors of David B, Crowe
W. C I'INIII.KV, Atty. N«»v. v. ,H 97-
letters testamentary on the estate of
James M llay, dee'd., late of Clinton
twp., Ilntler Co. Pa., liaviug been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate
will plciw make immediate payment,
and stljr tlKWiug claims ngainsl said es
tate will pits lit them duly authenticat
ed for settlement to
llrownadale P. (>., Butler Co. Pa.
J. I>. M< Jt'NKtN, Att'y.
FOR SALE worth of
Heaver \'alley Traetlon tt |>er rvnt Hold
I loud*, at par In Ureal pavalile at any
bank semi annually, llufwiicf
Union Niitlonal Hank, New llrlghtoii,
I'N Address K B. HIMPHON,
New Uilghtuu, i'n,
E. 'I. No. 117. 11*. till. March Term. HK
Williams .V Mitchell. Ally's.
By virtue of a writ of PI. I'a. Isxueil ou.
of the Court of < 'iiminiiii I'teas of llutler Co..
I'a., ami lo me directed, there wilt tie ex turn
ed to puhllc sale, al I tie Court House. In tin'
horouicli of Hiitler. I'a., 011 I'rlitay, the £*tlt
ilay of January. A. I> IM«. at I o'clock P. M..
tlif followliiK OCHI TIIMVI iiropiriy. to-wlt:
All III,' right, till)'. lutereM ami •'latin ami
demand of Prank S. Clark of. In ami to all
thut certain lot. pUnf nr parcel of lam!, xll
uated 111 llutler lioroSnd waril, llutler coun
ty, Pa.. bounded aw follows, to-wlt: Ou the
north liy an alley, on the oast liy tot of Ml**
Louie Mitchell, on llie south liy East IMa
iniind street, west liy lot of C N. Boyd, W. S.
1)11 on. Mrs. ('arson. Post Office lot, J. P..
Hyer*. Pagl" office lot ami lot of W. A. Por
(|uer. II|M>II which lot Is erected athro»story
brick hotel known as the Park Hotel, witter
well derrick, tank house, rnuluc. dynamo,
electric Unlit ami watcr-lilant. frame ham.
aud IM'IIIK the same lot or Krouml conveyed
liy Henry Klteiimlller to Jame* Sellers, and
liy 111111 sold to I'runk S Clark liy article of
agreement dated the :Mlli day of February
■ SKI ami liy oalil Clark sold to Joseph Shirley
under article of aureemcnt or contract dated
April ,kl. IKU7 Hel/ed ami take;-. 11l execution
as tlic property of Prank S Clark at the HUII
of William A Clark.
W11,1.1 A M II IKIltrW, Sheriff
Sheriff's office. Itutler. I'a.. Jan. It IWs
Have You Time
When you come to Hutler bring
a few dollars with you and attcnil
this sale you can buy footwear at
your own price for the next few
weeks or until all Winter Goods
arc dosed out.
Men's good solid boots.. .. $i .40
Jliy's good solid boots 1.20
Men's good solid shoes.. .98
Hoy's school shoes 98
Men's fine buff shoes 98
Ladies' waterproof shoes. .. .98
Ladies' fine shoes, button
or lace 98
Misses' fine shoes, button or
lacc 98
Hoy's low rubbers IOC
Ladies' cloth overs 25c
Ladies' fine rubbers, pointed.. 25c
Ladies' good heavy rubbers... 25c
Men's heavy rubbers 40c
Men's fine rubbers 5 0c
Hoy's rubber boots s'-5°
Ladies', Misses' antl Chil
dren's boots 98c
Don'l fail to attend
this sale if in need
of footwear.
aiS S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Rough i Worked Lumber
Doors, Sash, lilinds, Mouldings,
Shingles and l<ath
Always in Stock.
Office op|M*lle P. .V W.'Depot.
Insurance and Real Estate
Funeral Director.
337 S. Main St., Butler.